Collections Set Record Sewer
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"A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures .To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each. Week VOL. XVI—NO. 43 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1954 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Salvation Army-as Always-Does Its Part Yearns Tax Local Girls Briefed on .Nursing Career Sewer Collections Set Record $480,971 More Paid to Noon Yesterday Than Refusal to Give Right. For 12 Months in '53 To Open Street Means Added $80,000 Boost WOODBRIDGE—Tax Collector Michael J. Trainer. informed The WOODBRIDGE — The cost of Independent-Leader today that the Iselin-Colonia trunk sewer tax collections in 1954 have been will go up approximately $80,000 the,.highest in'the history of the because "this town committee has Township. ' been put on trial for past sins," Up to yesterday noon,, total cash Mayor Hugh B. Quigley said to- collected for the year was $5,078,- day. 430.75 as compared with $4,597,- The trunk sewer costs had been 359.26 for the full year last year, set at $1,200,000, but on the prem- or an increase of $480,971.49, with ise that Railway Common Council still a whole month of collections would permit passage of the line to go; through its part of Colonia Boule- Total current collections up to vard. This proposition was finally yesterday amounted to $3,448,- turned down at a conference Fri- 517.28 or 94.72 per cent of the day night by a vote of 6-4. As a total levy. For the full year of result, the Town Committee will 1953, current collections amounted meet tonight with Louis P. Booz, to $2,931,581.91, or 95.32 per cent onsulting engineer, and begin of the levy. The difference is due plans to run the sewer under the to the larger levy this year. Pennsylvania j Railroad at St. In order to .equal-the 1953 cur- eorge Avenue, a more costly rent collection of 95.32 per cent route. the Tax Department will have to The attitude of the Rahway collect $22,000 in December and Councilmen was known before Mr. Trainer is sure the office will they met with the Woodbridge collect more than that sum in the Committee Friday, because at a next 30 days. recent council meeting Council- men opposed any concessions to Woodbridge because of "the Town- Yule Mailing. Slow, ship's failure to cooperate with Clarence Skinner, treasurer of the Local Service Unit of the Salvation Army, is shown presenting Left to right, Miss Teresa Lany, student nurse, Miss Veronica Senesy,, Miss Joan Clark, Miss Lillian Rahway in other projects in the a check for $50 to Mjss Ruth Wolk, of the editorial staff of The Independent-Leader, for The Inde- Castner, Miss Veneira SignorelH, Miss Ann Marie Drabin, Miss Ella Baker, Miss Monica Keilly, past." pendent-Leader Christmas Fund. looking on is Superintendent of Schools Victor C. Nicklas, who Jam McElroy Fear '.'•,.• Miss Joyce Ondar. The Colonia-Iselin line is 80 is chairman of the Local Service Unit of the Salvation Army. per cent completed and has been WOODBRIDGE — In purpose, awaiting Rahway's permission to if not appearance, Postaiast'er Leon pass through and reach the Rah- !. McElroy recalls the officers on South River Girl way Valley Sewerage Authority ,400 More will Assure ' those dramatic. World War II re- Disposal Plant, of which Wood- ruiting posters that reminded bridge is one of the nine munici- passersby, "Uncle Sam Needs At HqspiiaVs Open House pal members. Councilman Fred Merry Christmas to Needy You!" PERTH AMBOY—Facilities for instruction, recreation and living Ritter said residents of the boule- WOODBBIDGE — The Independent-Leader Christmas Fund now were open to inspection, of about 100 area high school students yes- EDISON — Announcement has vard were opposed to tearing up The battle in this case is against terday when Perth Amboy General Hospital School of Nursing held been made of the marriage of Miss the street with all the inconveni- stands at $1,124.26, with at least $1,400 more needed to take care of ime. Christmas cards and gift the most needy cases. its annual open house. ' , • Hedwig A. Wojciechowicz, South ences entailed. Councilman Ferdi- packages are arriving at Postof- Included in the group from Woodbridge. High School were Veronica nand Schleckser objected to using The Welfare Department, whose investigators and office staff have fice headquarters far too slowly. River, daughter of the late Mr. and the Rahway street until proper seen checking each case thoroughly, reports the relief rolls are heavier As a result, immediate coopera- Senesy, Joan Clark, Lillian Castner, Veneira Signorelii, Ann Marie Drabin, Ella Baker, Monica Reilly' Mrs. Frank Wojciechowicz, to guarantees were furnished by By CHARLES E. GREGORY than last'year. Although, the relief recipients receive the hare neces- ipn from the public must be en- ttarles P. Cicio, son of Mi-, andWoodbridge after 16 years of fail- sities, there is not a sufficient al- listed. and Joyce Ondar. Plea for Needy Family Mrs. Edward Cicio, 42 . Coolidge ure to repair the trunk sewer. lotment to provide for Christmas "The big danger is that com- According to Miss Ruth A. Mer- Vets Complain Even with my myopia, it is dinners or gifts for the children. cer, director of nursing at the hos- Gets Speedy Response Avenue. Unless", the fund reaches over the Murder VictimV mercial shipments and. incoming pital, the guests arrived at the The ceremony, was performed in At this point in the meetirtsr, clear fcliat I have lost in my $2,500' mark this year, Santa Claus j Christmas--mail may slow-up the Nurses Auditorium at 8:30 A. M. St. Mary's' Church, South River, several veterans who who have outgoing b p era tion. Poorly- WOODBRIDGE — Last week purchased homes in the Dukes Es- efforts to convince the Town will toe missing from many a home They were welcomed by A. W. Eck- we ran a front page story in by Rev .Henry Bogdan. Committee of the necessity in the Township this Christmas. Services Private wrapped packages have also com- ert, hospital director, Miss Mercer Mrs. Anthony Simms, sister of the tates area off Lake avenue wanted plicated our work a great deal," which we requested help in ob- immediate action because they are for revaluation of all local A donation of $50 was received and other members of the nursing taining beds, bedding and fur- bride, was matron of honor and WOODBRIDGE — Private fu- the Postmaster said today. staff. Miss Mary Wall, Rochester, N. Y., unable to occupy newly-purchased real estate and for its re- from the Local Service Unit of the niture for a very needy family. homes because of lack of sewers. Salvation Army this week-. The neral services at an undisclosed Cancellation machines now reg- ^Guided tours of the hospital was bridesmaid. Anthony Simms, assessment. time will be held for Mrs. Lester A. ister many pieces of mail per day. The paper was out on the South River, served as best man They were told the problem is with money, alloted by the Salvation were conducted by the student street but one-half hour when Woodbridge and the promoters * , * *. * Army for local work, was given to Caudle, 24, the former Joan Eliza- At the peak of the Christmas nurses. Included in the tour were and Jerry Snediker, Perth Amboy, beth McCreery, formerly of 118 season, they will average many we began receiving calls offer- ushered. who sold them the houses, and not This is a tough one for me the Independent-Leader Christmas the nursery, pediatrics, x-ray de- ing wonderful donations. As a with Rahway. Fund by Clarence Skinner, treas- Church Street. more daily clicks. To avoid un- partment, pharmacy, laboratory, After a wedding trip to Florida, to lose, because I believe "so necessary delay's, and( speed-up de- result we obtained i four beds Mr. and Mrs. Cicio will make their At Friday's conference with the urer and Victor C. NiGklas, chair- Mrs. Caudle's body was found by livery: by Christmas Eve, Postmas- central supply room, emergency and bedding, a kitchen set and thoroughly that I am right— man of the local service Unit, be- North Arlington police near the room, blood bank, diet kitchen, home in Joliet, 111., where they are Woodbridge officials, Rahway was ter MeElroy advises every one to: living room furniture for that (Continued on Page 6) even though, I acknowledge, sause it "was "felt that The Inde- Holy Cross Cemetery in that .com- store room, operating room, class particular family and there was both affiliated with the adminis- my judgment considered pendent-Leader is doing such an munity early Tuesday. According "Mail your Christmas presents rooms and library. trative branch of the Ordnance for distant states immediately, and enough furnishing left over for Ammunition Command, U. S. none of the political implica- ixcellent job in helping the needy to Medical Examiner Dr. Raphael A . half-hour rest period was another needy case which was at Christmas, that the money Gilady, the former' Woodbridge all others before December 10. Army. J Clubwomen to Hold- tions contained in the pro- Christmas cards for out-of-town scheduled for 11 A. M., and lunch- brought to the Welfare Depart- would be Used to best advantage woman had been strangled, and eon was served at noon. ment's attention the next day. Christmas Meeting - posal. These, I concede, for that way." there was a deep gash over her delivery should be posted before someone in politics, to be left eye.