Preventing Waste in Packed

School garbage cans and our landfills are overflowing with individual serving packages: chip , applesauce and pudding cups, plastic utensils, juice pouches, bar wrappers, etc. Many of these items can be replaced with reusable or recyclable materials.

Single-use items fill up garbage cans

Whether your child takes to school or you take lunch to work, we can make an impact by how we pack. Most items in a packed lunch have a lower trash alternative. For example a juice pouch or small yogurt container would end up in the garbage, however a refillable container can be reused, and a durable, reusable container can be filled from a larger yogurt container. Another example is applesauce. A jar of applesauce costs $.15 per serving, an individual cup is $.38 and a pouch costs $.69 per serving. Using a washable container from home generates no waste, while the cup and pouch need to go to the landfill. The empty jar of applesauce can be recycled. Having a ready-to-go pack with cloth napkin and washable utensils makes replacing those Sample packaging for reducing waste: can use cloth single-use items easier. napkins to wrap !

So as you prepare lunches for you or your family, weigh the cost of it all: economic, environmental and time. We're all strapped for time, but find easy methods and containers that work for you. Work towards waste- packing, one container at a time. Make one switch and see how it goes. Small changes make a big impact over the of 180 days of school or a year of working your job Why not try it and see? For more about school waste audits, waste reduction help, and waste-free lunches check out

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Reuse plastic bags over and over Disposable plastic bags

Reusable lunch containers and bags Prepackaged, single serve items

Cloth napkins napkins

Stainless-steel forks and spoons, or wash and reuse plastic ones Disposable forks and spoons

Reusable drink containers Juice pouches

Drink containers and milk cartons for recycling