1 >"••*•..' JW * , •"! ^-"WPP'i * »' •^^^^ • ii VII ' ' V '* V • *w*»»pn^'V *»-»" John Glenn Ypsilanti hoops clash, C2 Flomelbwn Putting you Ni t«** Thursday January 6, 2000 Serving the Westland Community for 38 years VOLUME 35 NUMBER 62 WESTLANO. MICHIGAN • 64 PAGES • http://observer «.cc« nts-n .corn SKFN*>- Ftvt CENTS ><—wTowCiwtMlimtiwNui^Mk, B*B, N THE PAPER Griffin's new council president Charles "Trav" Griffin, former mayor and council president said, "I will have that would be'built without a tax TODAY increase, using revenues already in longtime Westland City Council member, is some different ideas. 1 think Y]\ want the new council president. David Cox is the to make things happen a little quick place in a special taxing district, er." •••-•'• "I'd like to be able to find out about council's pro tern, second in command. One of Griffin's top priorities will be the land within the next three COMMUNITY LIFE urging movement o« Mayor Robert months," Griffin said, BY DARRELL CLEM the council's first meeting of 2000, said Thomas' proposal for a new recreation City officials and property owner* Education: Women can STAFF WRITER he will imprint his own style on the complex and a new City Hail have failed to reach a price agreement,
[email protected] two-year post without steering the city Griffin, also a former mayor, hinted and Griffin didn't rule out a council find help to stop domestic that he wants to know by spring move to condemn the vacant land and Charles Trav."'Griffin, starting his in drastic new directions.