If wlah to Um niki a on but at air I yon pnrify blood, TUE IMP IN THE ATTIC. the or ofteaer to call Then wu latch the "Mother isn't home, either, ; " toll-gat· signal, up 'I only gat·, free use of Wheat Bitten." It la m oat of em the some of tlx other on the Mme into the bouse ah· brought keeping economical phyalclaa. ■ Y BUZABKTH Util iUJU. people going gate." one a another a The looked at her in rar· wire. Two of the connections the knew and from gentlemen A chicken train baa bean started ea ÎbcdMorîtîlfiMfratJ place padlock, dally s little do IS There's queer Imp eye may tee, to se- the hare a were the third their with which ahe fattened it Penney lrgnla Railroad. Thej t'oscorcbed anwet rmln, in Leicester, own, chain, priee. by sunshine, by paaaeng er Cochin the rear and a locomotive The servant of that no could "Yen !" he exclaimed. What made PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY drudge an<1 Memory the fourth wu in the Barrington Bank, curely ordinary strength to pallet. Ια th* storehouse of the brain. fellow· here ?" ■T the fifth in the and the sixth in force it open. "They ean't get through theee atop tannery, Guard and protect your health, mak* Amid the dark η cm be tolls and delve· to "and there broke their air." II. WATKIN8, the central office at In her that," «he said hmelf ; "They wagon, dm of that true and efficient tonic me41* QRO. Like a slave who digs for precious ore ; Barrington. of around it." "How did to do that ?" elne, Brown'· Iron Bitter·. Ultor ud 1'roprttor. He sorts tbe packages on tbe shelves bewilderment Jennie could not at first isn't any way getting thej happen And tbe fragment· wbteh strew tbe fioor. locked and ran into the air." The receive· no determine how many times it did ring ; Then »he went in the houi·, "The hone gate, crippled beggar armp*· ι>·ρ Year. thy from Mr. J. of thle town, who alwaje He out order from cbaoe there, the rolled a bureau "Wu the shut ?" brings but st last the decided it was six—for bolted door, up gate to ao lame · 'ledoetioa of 6fT> tt repllee appeal—"A axcu«e, airs If ! «trie»!* la *1 ranee, Thrall. Mflllan BmUw, Sometimes need ftotn at tie store office did not later tbsn every ruatling and who never liked to for -eat». you your keep open nation, Jennie, to a Each HbiNUfit w*k.» n«ra*. >nl». rml Mil··. wleh get good bargain they «Imply wot. additioaal. <\· IU irlMBK Ml»IL1 rilU «I» 1(111. A word or stanza, a name or date; was shut like a mane treai. When at per —*·— ο clock. The too, up, atealthy was to the owner down. Ni>uc··—Λ c«m* » wtiift bank, tell of her own beat Special Mi r »w rifty You over It more and exploit·, obliged llitKiwMl· II ponder more, rtoiiri sotku on lut «he heard them far the snd so was the ; the whole coming, up on. la 1.0P Tiir.» mm.»·» 4. vM.ELr.ac* And seek It early and late; tannery go Dr. Ku.vn a Great Nerve Keatorer the of Noiic· o· KmI E*late, ■» ι» it il I m Mta>N.U.(.li and Order» line she was the road, her heart stood «till. Nearer marvel of the age for all Nerve Diteaaee. oa Will·. J® And hard worked Memory wben you fume probably only person me about it from Order· ..... J .Su to 931 Arch V«U©rv see "They telephoned All fta a free, bend ti*ri!mn·' >-5β A· Intrrnal Rfirnnr oftlcer SâTfd. And blame her for lack of care, What if it nearer came. Would not topped a-»d Eaeeutor·'Souoea, roundly who could hear the bell. they they Pa. 4 tein drai.»!"»· Leicester, ·ίτ," she said, briefly. Street, Pblla., Sotk···. « l.eo I>eclares, "I have searched In every room— she wondered. The horn Coomb Mioaer·' P*Ovn>EJ«C*, August 21, 1M2. should be ! Indeed, the gate» ?" with Loe*l Admtl>WM»d It almply Is not there.** something important "Did tell you shut the gate *1 Terr»· made KJitar Boston Btrald — they The turtle Is ao alow that ha muat take .-oett»u«~d hit eon«tOerable c/ at time of still on ; and there was a or i.jrmKraf'iu it would that instantly estes- — hardly ring night kept him when be oat for η a!»o, for Uiom ocoupvta* liaaa Sir, Waring in» trnn of tfrricf tn the Yet hours thereafter, yon know not bow, "No, air ; the the telephone atopped hla bouae with goea •ext.* of lime. a crash aa tb· luted In church or at uncalled, unless it were sudden exclamation outside, walk. Otherwlae be not be able te I 'f *l %Ct. Internal Revenue iWpartnietit of midnight, unsought, important. Quickly before aa far aa that ; theee men might la the Democrat they got bed time. ive-ra.·:· for ·>1τ·πι*ιβ( SLatee. at the time m> ofhce «a· in this city, 1 Tbe smsll Imp suddenly make· bis bow. come into colli- reach hume by well rtUMittml out of bed, she ran to the in- though something had it the follow log wan to think for a·»» be made afflicted with a severe attack of Kidney dia- And whisper* to your thought; jumping cut the wire, and I had my- : Bai.sax or Wild Ciioaar afercte. raiH*. aii·! at timea suffered 1 re- receiver to her ear and •ion with the the sound of Wurraa'e ( o W *l>nice *t.. Sew York; Intensely. strument, the gate, splinter- should do." ..e^ P. R.iwrIi A "Here 1· what were put aelf what I cures Bronchltla, St York; J. H ceived the medical advice of some of our beat you looking for, " Goughs, Cold·, Whoop- ht A C I Ί Fnltoa .New ! and the noise of a luj M. the is not too late called the transmitter, Hello wood, plunging h« asked. f«rt κ..>·. New York; ». Peuenflll | ii» vc.iiu fur a long time, without being bene- I hope ftndlng through ing "And of that ?" ing Cough, Croup, Iofluenza, Couaumptloa Β·>·. il K*an·. you thought New Y->rk; T. C wa> that rubbish about the not tenture to mote disease* of the and a Co. iT Park Rw. ated by their prescription*. bving discouraged It under war; hello !" horse. Jennie did ; and all Throat, Lung· » M Co., 10 IMM ««t., " ahe h «IM.. PeUewetllΜ the falure of the d«*tor* to me. and be- I wait "Yea, air," aaid, modeetly. AO centa and a bottle. >4 W»*h'Be Mm. iior«ce Do·».). to so distinct •he dared not to the window, but Κ PB.taueii.li ». ing to one Htint'i Remedy by a friend who A roice came back her, go are a MiM Ν V. \*c(A 94·. arçed "Well," he aaid, "you thought· IL>«u«. Nil*·. The in the attic Is wondrous queer; ladiea have elx A (Tkl'-JUSO. tt!.; S- B. had tested ita mm ta, although reluctant to try a Imp the room with Two Bratttoboro spent I'l C. A. C«A Co. that it seemed almost in tbe ssme room, in the middle of ahaking me a Hw*. 1 a a* induced to tb· He a»ks no and he takes no pay, ful little You've aared a In worated I IlcatlBl jt.. K«»»u»o. patent medicine, Anally try praise girl. great yeara In embroidering picture two bottle* of and Rut labors on " and for what ■mcum·· Remedy. aid procured it. thanklessly year year. ■sjing, Hello ! is thst the central of- fear, listening might hap- deal of and I'll never entitled "The Kxpoanre of Ηam an." It to money, to-night, lAe colored slip ttlach.-! couimeuced iak:ng it faithfully according th· Tireless by night and day. on was a crewel to do. f»a bveraaiiaiet tone was and next. sounded thing lue, a»· inu*« wHh fice ?" The sharp, pen Presently steps it." to their caper», the amoaat diiMttafc quick forget tAe a4\ aaeed In the mist and murk, a moment ie avail ihemce.**» Of paroiee;.. ivfwrw 1 Uad taken it throe th· excruci- Patiently. must the outside, and in Amxoyascï Avoiono. ill irwMt day* and Jennie felt sure that something planks u· br aatl. or basd to the »g»ni Tbe mold and muil of tbe crowded never director· of caa *ec'l a: ng j>* tis iu m ν back had ilisappeared, and be- p*»t, And he did. The halra are honorable but their pr»> Beau· tb· |l f.re i had u»ed two bottle* l «ai entirely cured. The Itnp of the attic wort. have rap at mature la annoying. Parkar** Or U> that 'lato. happened. the bank a vote of thanka, appearance be takra u> over-c*ert:on or a violent his end at " passed taoor* te tent car· «feouid Whenever, from cold, And gains last " Jennie remained the anaorance Wnra ! No, she called ; it*· the toll- perfectly quiet Hair Balaam prevents by the moor τ ι» aot ere, lit.·. a sir," Jennie Bart· • laminr Uie ai p. and if the iu ta> ktdaaya return, tew d-ees of their next to Miaa the color. he al for him. and h· M the valuable Uuly axd ILatktll, at "Father's the "and I'm or or run tM Attorney and Counselor Law, to at Haa suDg tby ρ raise before. away," said, dead, away, want commenced t*k.ng it, and began improve ••Asleep, more than aent her a of mon· But I couldn't It Everything m that, puree help f· Ai EicroKi·, one*. ami was speedily restored to health, and here alone." other with me, and I thought I hadn't a DON'T growled. waa winter wrong he attr.bute* the aat.ng of hi* life, under th· FEEL TOO BIG. ey, with which ahe able that caoaed thla She heard roice exclaim friend in the world ; dyapepela of a merciful l*rovidenc«, to Huat'I the something we ?" bleating ••Shall try the window of for montha I couldn't eat aad BY to out her plan and anything F Remedy. C. r. ADAMS. of ' carry long-cheriahed uaed in an tone, and the sdtand trembled all over, but the »nh net auffered in mlaery till I Sulphur at friend of mine in to whoa impatient Jennie te achool. It waa a J Attorneys Law, Another New York, going disagreeable three bottle· cared mm.—D.L·***, Ma a von In der brook two or as Bitter·, BtiiUL I r«-c -tumended Hunt'* Remedy, was suffering A frog vas singing day. three other people talking held firm. a to but Jennie 22 Bowdoiu St., Boston. PoarsR. addkk>» Ε Hubi. from K: and was vas beddher, mine friends, don'd feel go through, Ixktu *everelv lney disease. entirely (Id you there was some doubt as to what experience though come on exclaimed hie com- success ahe cured of it after using this wonderful medicine too big!; ••Oh, !" will date whatever famuua for the larae a. iii Tv.nl.So. alwaya la a short t'nd be shvelled mit und he "shust could be done. Pennsylvania ^ only pride, say, "Don't let'a waste time haa in the world from that at the who reach the age of fc for the ρ»»ι benefit· panion. night number of people Feeling deeply gntrful look, ua to atate ai friend· and from th· Can I do «he ;^«e and over, bat truth compete and Cuuni'.SIor Law, etj>enei>eed by ui) myself Don'd I sing dose pesutlful songs like a book t" anything?" inquired, can the shafts with the halter.' Attorney splice ^ Barrington toll-gate. them their conatltutioue uae of Hunt's Remedy. 1 feel It to be my duty, as that moat of get Rini\>ai>. Ma. (Id vas beddher, mine friends, you don'd feel almost that she could not. off and Jennie well a* a great privilege, to furnish you this vol- hoping moved again, in Ireland. loo big') They R ΓΚ \>h. un tar) and unsolicited statement of fact* forth· Another conversation followed, which breathed more freely. If the shafts WiTNutans. information of large number of readers, A fl.th came a-shvtinintnr dot 8TONES IN THE ROAD. Livixg J^HN your along vay the were no at LuW. are from Jennie overheard ; would be a work of some The hondreda of hearty, aad healthy· Attorney and Coun*'lor many of whom undoubtedly suffering (Id vas beddher, miae friends, you don'd feel speakers were broken, it the worat Γη and children that have this scourge, and 1 believe that Among impedementa looking men, women DIXriELD MAINE widely-spreading too big I). doubt nearer the telephone. minute· to mend them, and the pursuing it ι* th· best medicine now known, and that it been reecued from beda of pain, alckneaa, ami hu-io· ·· a lit*. dake oudl off der ret." he aay; " obeervee The Gentle- C. Urattaf Pro^au* Sperh ••I'll you von want to let them travelling, Country will fur* ail cases of diseaaca that can b· do get in time. Mr. Al- death Parkar'l Ginger Kidney I'nd der levdle vas ahtowed avay. Why yet arrive aid well-nigh by W. FIFE. froggie party might in of the are world ^EXH cured. one of the man, many parte country, nic are the beat erldencaa in the (Id vaa beddher, mlite friends, you don'd feel into Barrington at all ?" asked whom Jennie knew to be the To 1 shall be pleased to confer with any on· vho len, presi- *a raeritand worth. You will too " the atone·, loote and fixed, up- of 1 sterling ma Τ deaire an interview the at*teffi«Lta big') not them at the projecting and. Counsellor at Late, regarding voices. Why stop ofthe Leicester Bank, had the fastest And rich In almoat every commodity. Attorney Trulv two or three inches. herein contained. your*. A hawk flew down, and der flsb dook In *" ward from the track Frtui-»m, Mb. to be " " Kit-HMuNl) HFNSHAW. toll-gate horse in the and ·· aald the father, I lika to hare vas beddher, mine friends, you don'd country, ought are a aource of to the Ye·, 1er Sew Ham padre. (Id " Theee annoyance ΓμμμμΟομτ Mi Mcwcr Street. " bare a beau, oa the acor· of feel too big !) To be sure !" said another. If able to make up at least ten minute· in my daughter of discomfort to the horses, and It ahe didn't, aome of the oiber Und der hawk be d nk dot der shmaudest vin driver, economy. c the gate, like as not they'll ten mile·. For a while there waa quiet the would occupy the Veo be shtuck his claws In dot fish's shkln. they get past to the bameea and The member· of family of wagon. » 11. throw work- injury bu rn (Id vas beddher, m Us trieads, you don'd feel turn down the Kiverton road, and outaide. The men were evidently parlor and gaa." HEART TROUBLES: editor aaya : ATTORNEY AT LA if. too big') Allen off the track. They can't turn off at the abaft· and the «tamping ·· La tun·' Tonic." vas oudt mit his aroundt ing only A hunter gun We had occasioa to drive over F«mu.b Kkmei»y ia At 1'surate Office, IN THREE HAYE THEM^C to we are sura of life. recently The Grkat prepared 9CONE vas beddher, mine friend·, you don'd fe«l before get the gate ; of the horse's feet gave any aigns (Id they the Worn t n't M'dlcal hutituti of Buffa- » think the orL'ver are at Pault. a ten milea one of the by MAINE And qfldneys too ; road long, through PARIS. big t) of them as far as that." Jennie to nervoua, and to lie- S Y., and is their faroiite prescription der began get lo, or oftho I'nd be sav, ven der hawk vas brought .to the weak- MYPÏRTHOPHV, enlirgemtnt " finest in country. for ladie· who are suffering from any Tell tbe and then the ten more for the ap- farming regiona Ventricle·. >· <·'-*—·t·?**» wh·»· groundt, girl—" speaker intently pursuer»' common to the aex. It W. Davis. atonea in a half neaa or complaint· j. or Inflammation Oftho the PKRIC ΑΚΟΙΤιβ, I'nd der fish uad der leedle frog vas fonndt, must have turned and Jennie this time could not be By counting single at g I 00 bottle. '··*-' * —·*·<*- away caught they i· sold by druggist· per heart cat·. *■· j·'* don'd feel proach. By we "Id vas beddher, tnlue friends, you mile and the reat, found can obtain adrlce man. Send atamp in th· heart case. a of to sit estimating Ladiea WAT·· confusion rounds. far off. unable any long- cvui». DEXTIST. (.Wftei too big!" only Finally, for names of tboae who have been SVRGE0.V Drowayt Γ·Λ b,-Mwr " there were at least 500 fixed aad loose (wj ·· she heard another Hello !" she and down - - SOTTKMIMO of the Heart, Presently er, crept upstairs, sitting Maiae· * —' — at' leaat I· the soul of wit. The hotel- So. Par's PALPITATION. 1·'·"·* " stones three inchea high, and Brevity Bask.. THE BAKK1N0T0N TOLL-GATK. Hello !" she on the floor the window of the Orrtcs Ovis Sivmei ANCIM A PCCT0!?IS, or Neuraljia of tho responded. by open keeper, who wrote to a delinquent ex- *.'iV ti «I amaller ones, in the track of every All work warrant. Sat vfactto· (uaraDt«e4. Heart. i» bWN1 .7«·ί Kr to look out. The whit, 10,000 Send me amount or bill," re- the "The Leicester Bank has been rob- attic, ventured border,—'· 1ΓΑ stitnTii Fa*T Reart tr-«Mesln β«χι-»- constant care waa "The ameunt la "K\T10 WOOUBIKT A. *.. Jennie Hartley's father and mother " vehicle, and ceived for a reply: an· to c-taiunpOoa fa fatality— visible as it passing plr l.ifertue only bed," the voice went on, hurriedly, by horse was quite distinctly J J is a *r»etflr. Prie· ♦10.50." Pr. Crs'tV llrert Kr(«lst«e had been suddenly called away for the required to avoid atriking them. A bottle, ill bottle* f'-r fv by riprwaa iaod two men with a and a white •tood the but the men, bending Phi/sician $ Surgeon. $L per wagon by gate, dam· The PaRMTciTY or Pamb. for ewdaeot tree! ur «a three diaeaas* to Parnassui Centre, where Mrs. moderate eetimate the entire OFFICE office •temp physicians* night were more than placed «ι ».j toward Bar- over the name of the immortal Washing- /» Λ ·. efiHi..», horse. They have driven wagon, hardly As the Day a&4 N.ght II·»* ιΛΛ v. which tbeae atonea occasioned to 0. ,·μμ' by,«r ■fw'. Bartlett's sitter had been taken very ill, to age ton baa been moat sacredly perpetuated aa * a· in America. Coword. H. 8. and two consta- an outline. seemed Part. T. Κ Iveaixa, Acnt with Mr. Allen Presently they and ao alao haa Se. t» and Jennie was left to the rington, harness and horses, and by the that of a hero atateaman, t> Dr*. I. Τ Daua. aa uff or huinor. baby, perfectly did. everybody's cured., anl I will cure theia w was out of the world. Leicester Apparently they *l>le t» net how to make the she aad faithful road- to bear teatimony sur Ut dollar* or aofhiag. No and proper nes·." If 1 take this opportunity capillars charge, the she heard one of competent Ex- urr 1 tu il all ul th.· above turn all at once, hundreds of miles "Open gate," to the of your "Hop BUUrt." FEAM Ε TILTCH. «. pat .fj Indeed, she often the seemed, masters were to the roads efficacy are ma>K. 1 chalu age au» prraon in the city change. kept gate employed keep to And them nauseous and bitter, a case that 1 Ma- say. pecting of Portland, to produce he was at and away. [them as more than once been of bad we were and ro»u are «lead. for her father when home, in order, haa aad composed whiskey. Surgeon, out co»·, Unleae .b- entirely to it and Physician one ease In ten noi Hie went vainly at their nstkt taste,— ftorway. Halif. *ii cli I» btM tbe ca?e la nor»' thin would be to Hut what was it she must or man companion in The Examiner, thia and agreeably surprised hate bald for Aoy through apt Mrs. Croaewell and a ana let ihey may been yeara people passing to it "It's suggested like a cup of tea. A awar "< « aaaaC Cm r.uu.buggc'1, the lasted tried open. padlocked," W-· >!ï e m ! Reaiieece, CoOtfr use buting *p»iliar··" woader how so and a do ? bad Dot connection pull would aoon be rid have llkewiee tried, lo 2 in »«Ί a Ure>>*iDg .tn 1 i« w„rta bright pretty girl Why other annoyancea got Mrs. Conner, frlenda, Bra."· il..tel. Uffl c Hoar·, li ». p. aa it ha* no e.al lor hair a minute. medicine T*o or three her he exclaimed, after and them the beat to V at. iMUk·ol air that purpo.-c. in so a a minute when instruc- aa aa farmers pronounce μ. Never· could grow up lonesome place. only longer, of. But long intelligent for t»otl:e« will in*ke all of ih- above care· other uttered an oath. "Pick it !" have ever taken building up incredulous been ? The they B. HOLDEV M. D tbele#·. «· ttuok itkepiical aii, as bad made a little calculation If so with a Physician T. HILL Prop'r, off to school ; but so long she Jennie master at $1,200 or $1,500, long all I bave a yearly contract •Ol'TH ruu·. MUM. ( entraînai Block. Portland. Maine. boarding gone. been minutes before enough." doctor to look after the health of myself of the cui»r » -pe«-Aitjr. I* inland Me., Oft. Μη, laeS. was at home it mattered little to her that they had gone thirty quick will the roads remain in a rough, stony Wî>i-r»»e· ?S but I need him not now. Oflre Huideo'a I»ruf 'tore Priée. U5 ru. (4rafc<»U). Bjr aull, It wai a minute before the and family, on one one in that would burglar'· loss eta., 1 h re· bottlaa |«. was three miles off the any started pursuit, condition, a sonic· of vexation and S. OfLLlLAXD, prepaid. Barringtoa that nu«T Tnthaoalali wa ■kill could the lock, and by Advoratt, Plttabnrg, Pa. J05K? 1 lLAKk, I raia lia· City ten miles on the oth- them fast half way to pick use them. People'» Ulv· « few. hand, and Leicester carry by driving, to all who JJES. time the wagon was ΟΕΝΤΙβΤϋ. CAIlU-AttlS CI Hit' MB and that there was a house the If ten minutes had gone pursuing dangerous- Μ. Π. er, scarcely toll-gate. Villa··, Mb. <»f dand-uS aor, U.C. NKAL, near. S'»«w»t Η. P. i. bell had MflHL It cur»d B'f of l>a .liuflr. UOl'LD. between. She even liked the solitude, by before the telephone rung, ly PROHIBITION SLEEPERS. ϊ I » 0· ttOld. *ll»er ο 1 CfT ier and Con«re-a atiwta. T»FU1 icarried Αμ»ΙΊ· cary, ilyrtl.· an the !" shouted the first vv KINS· she look for them within half gate Valr«BisMl Rubber. It· »alts pr it· popularity, Ol'PPV, and was almost sorry when the telephone might *4Open seen the new of C A CLARK. "Hftv· you style DIPHTHERIA! G.P.JONI» M V S Λ ALl'KN. ltru \U"»K II. connection by way iKj conductor. which tt clings to the patient, 1^| Κ Kit. J N. l.AM'KS at other and the bar had experience ve ru era ol seemed to be out of to her mind. them the toll- The great known to «11 who hare any to Female IqtaIkI- I know f ι.· c.nng iwr of m« atom Before, they "Stop pushed, he "what Devoted EiclaetTelj Barber. gate. "No, think not," b .1-ae-a. daiolmff Ac., K. O. 8· »MEKS back. But before it had replied, with this terrible disease. Vinijrotl· »· of customers of tb< and the one of the voices had said. swung II ha» urt«l a number my the world, people coming through gate," Very slowly letter shows how the re. Barber. tie like ?" The following W. Γ «HAÏTI'» Κ. M. t»., S*p«riBt«B »b· ve ilia«-a-*, JuIIn P. W'EL 11, to do wide to let them they of , with it far the were like visitors from another would have told her enough through, storiug and Invigorating properties Slriaa ant ι»ι racer *nrt**>a. WAI1 laitmU 1 am highly liiraaeO Capillarts. gate likely they opened "Well differ from *uy I hnve yet use for the ladle· toilet they overeooie it, aad wtli pletae ir*4 fnr Cin-ulaf anything I ever I of the the had on. But the other had dashed ia upon the rr« VljiS M. L now, the that if kept wagon il J1 rarnealake ρfa-urv lu •uimemlp'a It, sphere; frequent ringing telephone seen and I don't think v'ill be very bow by ritalU- HELEN D HIUGINS aad manv other· they tlOOQIIVVW Sw Ε CiBrE-ITEH, KtMJKKS reminded her that civilization how could a little arrest two armed scene. and enrich- I bave ua.-β yjur hair dresaing. think It haa al call-bell girl lagiag pBAXK tne merit- v< u ctaim f»r it ou joar elrcalari where Jennie heard popular." the blood U was not so far after all. On thia and men ? "Stand you are," ing JOHN C. PKOCTEIf E- ot Bitter». at once of the ''Ah !" he said. "Ave the toll· yowrseif." "The ftrst bottle my trap·, promptly Hop »klr in house did not disturb her in All she thought gate you doe* not dl» dona to order. or aallow alone the deal of her food teas >*4 water pi^iag If you bave rough, pimply, He wi peal good; from not an·) achcs, and feel mlaei to ? Just ask try man, "the Lord bee eaid her bow, nor does she sutler bad Lrealh, pains and in a moment ahe waa fast "How !" she said herself gate keeper's daughter youi tress she did tef«i« Bitters will give you fal the least, stupid safi sins Mm* /ewiimv whirl, able genera ly. Hop eue the when t%i sweetest breath, bcalU of that before ?' to out hem won't ?** for ywog time 8absai*akii.i.a." skin. rich blood, and "Why didn't I think father step you taklag HooD's and couifort. asleep. of tbe s ton ο Jennie «ailed. "Father isn't at hom Norway Cp Manaiactorj, In .abort they cure all Diseases in the she waa sud- It was fastened back against the front f ery." Price {1 ahottleor • Nenrea, Kidney· 8ometime night Bold Jy all druggists. NOMWAT, MAIXM ach. Bowels, Blood, Liver, "I know said the C. L IJOOI» I>l«ease. ♦»> will be paid for a cas of the the house, but in a moment she had un sir," she said. tknt," elergmai •U bottle· for W. Prepared by WOIIIILB DIALS AS 111 Bright'* awakened by the ringing Mas*. will not cure or help. denly the Lowell, they wife, sistei it it around until i mother, then, or "but ia said abont yoni * CO.. Apothecaries, That poor, bedridden, invalid bell. She listened hooked and swung "Oh, well, your an] nothing [ tbe confusedly FiK HiVUA mi DOMESTIC mother, or daughter, can be made pictur telephone Tboth-Poiedsr, 'Wy tj CWs, Qfar coal waa across the road one who the Hawkea." Mood» Msauiacturera ai ike oaletrsted braada, of health, by a few bottles ot Hop Bltteis, if it three times which stretched completely keep· gate." suffer!* to hear rang f but a trifl·. WtH you tot :b«iu «Ml "Oxfont Bear, log New a bale of 1200 3«> Inch, which la now Advertisement!. J. Κ. Chue, Artist, Oxford, Fine Por- OXFORD COUNTY LOCALS. dreu to the number. of twenty-live, gath- yards trade mfl once more in old home around the fbraale at 7 1-2 ceala. Mr. Bolater'a trait· a specialty. UW Ε O —nr.jr «Ma, Ιο Ko ». μ/Γ" Jan. sat at the la *nd by year. eh*; Oool P., WcklT. (Mrrfa James S. Counselor At Andovm, 19.—Another snow atom aged mother. Fourgeneratlona Ttry l«*ge. incrMfeeyear WANT o.t lo be Lii"«■ Wright, Law, Huady W»rfc, *ive« ,· Jtmocral. a of H «0 ni«lowed bf the caato- t*ble and 1 ChrltUnaa ohear, HI· Ben Were packing large quantity Work called 'or aed driver* t tree Paris. Me. itttBUoe Wedoaaday tag partttk bf "'· Special five· the cjlobe Kiiuisc Co., ooi. or s>um an ι aod tbe Are and for λ family at Gorham Ν. II., rufu JANUARY *3, 18M. Probate nary blow ThermHy. bright roarlag craattlntf, suppliée tmÊm, Mw PARIS, MAINS. practice antoolMettaf· ___ School seem to b· thé .thing and In the Wld·, last time called. J. W. Penney of Mec hi· le falls, shows Lyceam· aparkllng ehlouneiing if* STRONG >· wKiunr, bow. There was ai Ho. 3 school Ν · ion·. the picture ot eeB visiting their Andover frlenda. their children born, thirteen in all, of East Scmxkr, Jan. 20 —Mr. W. II. and up Ibc Editorof the Oxford Democrat: the fowidation, by building OXFORD COUNTY, To The demand fur help or (workers) on- whom twelve grew to be men and women, Kastman gave oneol his choice and unique the drive* out all disease. The citizens of Bethel, llanorer at Uail at Eiat Sumner, system, FOR THE YEAR 1883 Newry. tiuues greater than the supply. married and had homes of their own ; bu t entertainments the and Andover are the on His selections seriously agitating A very enjoyable affair, we are told, was eight were left to sit by the mother now last Thursday evening. of a railroad from Be'-hel to some of Rheumatism. sui»re*i 1U0ICHL court question the sociable which met with Miss Ella in the cheerful There were were good, aud his character impersona- A Cured lire-light. Lady 1M0. and third near Richardson as an Baltimore, Md., 7, Trnui. —Second Tu».»day oi March point at or Lake, on ofthls week, Pro- of the of those tions were comical In the extreme and May Mitchell, Thnrsdsy thoughts merry-making* Uj health was «inch «haltered by FINE PORTRAITS A SPEIALTY, Ται-aday of ScpleinNer actual may determine. elicited Eastman Is a Rhrumatnm whea I conarecrd survey ceed* of the eveuing old days—»>ountlful Thanksgiving feasts, hearty applause. aad I taking Brtrwn'i Iron Bitten, That a road will b« built is a matter iu his line aitd one cannot fall to 10 as- only The projectors of the proposed sinking and merry Christmas dance*, where the genius « eared y had »tr-ngtfc enough AND IHSOtVMCi. Λ — *4-··— VM«a«KflU duties. COURT Of PROBATE A road can be built over a re- He of time. school are in a «juandary. Scholars and gleam from the same· old Are-place, piled richly enjoy his entertainment*. gives J. K. CHASE, Artist, 01 MU-h from the G. Trruia of Probate Thirl Tu»-»Uy markablr east grade starting funds are but no one cau be found with over the quite a variety, and his character de- ready, high logs, — f June plsycd fitfully — — month at farta, and flmt Tureday a nctrnuiy T. K. about half mile cast from Bethel viations are and cannot fail in to teach. faces. Then there were sad days, excellent 1 caanot say too Much praia· MAINE. awl iHvembor. at bright OXFORD, rryehor* station, and run on the southeast side of I a/it. Un. Uni Ε. Baaaiiaaa. follow iuit Mr. E. S. Poor, who Is logging In Stony when the house was darkened and to please. We hope to hear him again Term* of luaoleeeey—WeAn«»lay people 17I FraalsaasC for at Parla. the river to Newry Corner Siven lit Pnmiami 8-ip-?r;er Won, thin! Tucaday of curb month. Androscoggin Brook Valley, cot a spruce to-day large spoke in whispers, when sickness came soon. S locum. B*thel. at the mouth of Bear river, a distance of Cured. A KK> E, JctniE, to square # inches 60 feet from the and death and the father was carried away At the regular meeting of Union Orange Disease /· -sr s ·*· »· *·' RICHARD enough Kidney Va., itti. r M i cross the and C'hnitiantbwrg, Paria. tlve miles, river, go Jan. the officers were ra tlituM. HERRK Κ € DAVM, Κκακτη. great stump. to return no more, aud an empty chair sat No. 90, 13, following Suffrrinf fr- ktdaey act M relief, I k to Hanover Mills live miles : fro· which I could ou direct line The Smith Steam Mill have added a and the widow was installed; Master, C. II. Duuham Over- which Co., by the chlmnry-nook, tried Brown'· true Bitten, CO*»lSSK>*ERS there is au excellent water A child ei COURT Of COUNTY further where new dry house to their establishment. alone with the children. Then one aft· r seer, J. II. ltobiuson; Lecturer, Chaa. cured roe completely. from «cartel fever, to a on Ellis river leav- mine, recovering Tu. of tlrat Tu.-a.iay power, then point 0 lover ; John A. trtm 10 T«Ttu%—>«**>ail »di*y May. auother went from her to other work and Steward, Thompson; had no appetite and did not 1»*·· Jan. 18 : .Voir*.—The and i*»t Tut-ada) of Rumford Point within dis- Bsruu., Acadrmy be 10 eai al alL I gave him Lro· ■ of Sk-pt»'mt»rr. ing striking other another bride was brought Steward, Aldcn Keen; Chaplain, S. M. able Winter Term which has been one of the plarrs; Bitten with the happteal reaulta. •ember. Ellis river to Andover Vil- NKt?J tance, then up home, other babes were born and the Stetson; Treasurer, Ε A. Tucker; Secre- J. Kna Munauia. most successful for years, closes In three OR Ιββζ.. Cmaiehax. t*-u miles farther, making the rare »« 11. Γ *11 __ W \LDO rCTTKNlilLL, lage nearly house was tilled with sweet tary, J. T. Stetson; Gate Keeper, W. 0. ·!ΐΊ oar.t·, 1 a examination. There again hopes Imw r» f la»t Y ·4Γ willK»!' "M. :·»· ; Jt j.». Rumfonl Onti*. than wwks with public distance from Bethel to Andover leas B. Po- Heart Disease. afwa.t 171 iwrfv». !!!.»»*r»l. I» | .rv· aud interests. So the years rolled away, Crockett; Ceres, Cella Dunham; Pa. I HAM.\I<>Nl> l'art* have been about In attendance. Visa St., Harmburg, dwrrti tioue and iaJnali> .iir. OKHKI miles. this distance It is fifty pupils Ml. lin) nhatlM of \.v»uM<· ·■ % twenty During like a ta.'e that Is told, and ouly by au oc- mona. Cynthia E. Glover; Flora, Mahala Dec. », ^ rum Y BRAl>LEl. Errebux* The term, for which the prospects different phytioaaa IlanU, Krolt Trre*.i-tf lot»! uw. that a will be en- spring After trying to : not known single ledge are these scenes and J. L. A. Lorana lor lalljr "Iar*«'t Oardrisrr» casional re union Thompson; StewarJ, rcmedtea palpitation « ·· are l>eg i us Feb. 27th. The full aad many D. M f t-onv ... countered or a cut be made, a* the fiattering, οf the heart without receiving uy county attorney deep memories revived. Mrs Simeon Charles Keen. Browa'i corps of teacher» are eugiged for the year, beaeii, 1 waa adviaedtotry road will ran all the way between two bot- «. WRIGHT. IVt* nearly is the «laughter of Wm. Wiley, who was Iron Hittcrv. I hava uaed iAVU and more will be added if found the Oxford l>emocr*t and the uecessary. >'or tlea aad never found anything that the Intervales uplands. Leaving the earliest of thu north of cut* OF COURTS seems to be the pioneer part PORTLAND LKTTKR. rave me to much reliai it will extend on the best de- Being photographed Μη. Haaa. Andover, the town and settled In 170ù the Janxia ALBERT S. AC8Y1N, Pari* fashionable recreation now. even the Joseph PoKTI.AXD, J*D. IT, 'N.1, termined course to some at Richard- Ju-«t point a well known Uudtnark in troubles to which teachers are not free from the Colby place, < Mi ! for a glimpse of some of the crackl- For the REGISTER Of OCEOS at a distauce of ten or eleven wholly peculiar son Lake, Brown's Iron fartm. mania. Fryeburg. wood fires that burn among ladies are subject, JOHN *· STANLEY. or about miles ing to-uight miles from Andover, thirty At the close of the fall term of «chord, it. Mr. W. E. has to the the Oxford Ilills ! BittIRS is invaluable. Try *«!»" Oltrif. It mar touch at Pond ι Phillips presented Bethel to the Lake. Miss s sur- a taught by Chandler, delightful enow rnr.-bur* valuable book ot refer- It is too cold for much here, f" 'T jKYMOt R C. HOBB*. in the River, so-cailed. a mile below the Academy Library Iabn.M nOTMnM WHUKLMANUAL was to the scholars which de- tfca min laUf λ«><Μ la tk»u ence on Greek an 1 Κ muti prise given though mall and come ac- Genuine( Middle l>aœ. where there is an immense Antiquities. by telegraph Be sure and the COUNTY TREASURER. serves notice. Mr. John Bacbelder, load- get Mr. Wallace a former stu lent counts of blockades iu New York and Tari». snd also eiteuded to the Kligore, Me UBMHC MARBLE. water power, like a veritable Santa ôf ed with packages and travel land EVERYTHING Lake and in In the Academy, but now of BowJoln Col- Washington interrupted by eastern >hore of I'mbagog I at the door and a*ked the SHERIFF, ha* been in towu this win- Claus, appeared au*lla· ! t-acher might of the of the weath- there. ter. We understand that he has proved Iu spite inclemency with railroads already existing else s in the room. Consent being instructor. study the tide of bosloess and f1»ws ; > DEPUTIES. It will himself a first class er, pleasure GARDEN1·*· mmiM mri HW at the of Maine. m| By looking map and school work laid aside, he first /.ΙΜ/·«Μ( « I11 / ■»" I H.IU··! Parker s classes lu elocu- given on with uudiminished force. There were l'jrmti/ ALYAN Β GOPWIV Misa special 1 " % tménm .1 be seen that »ncli a road to the Lake* will Uév» mikmf talked to the telling them that al- .·,·,·- k- »-ι '·»<· I M WOKMRLL. Brtbrl j which meet an 1 pupils, Ave fashionable Ι,ι; CTRC3 Immense the extent tion. Thursdays Fridays Weddings yesterday. fbr Prwlt." M tap an territory, of! he had no children, still be had a Pert·* Hruwnlleld number about members. « though Entertainments of t>AJIl EL WARREN. has never traversed, thirty , «very grade *Vom Col- which one who 1 Blasts uj a deep Interent in education; the intelll- Peter Henderson & Co.. JOdUAH W WHITTEV Boehtrld. Jan. 19 —The Oyster a. supper leudar s consolidated minstrels to a small It has been Pastry grand Wintry Se Çonlandt St., New Yorï has but conception. was the and 35 37 a nt were more than :*00 present thit property going The latter, Iolanthe," t>«n nf <>«·«··! in il·» County of ELBR!tH,E of more than a million acres. Over partook 1 people. tn tbe surface Mirrounded all the conveniences and ap- COUCHS for the vear I*»!. of the and the ladles at Mid- by drew three aud fashionable audi- Oifud VLBERT Γ BASerrT. LovrU. an Immense supper, good large ||·Ι of U*»« η r»*; rt'tli this territory there Is quantity to work for "Πι* following pliances for study, themselves, COLDS in th» town <>f Oiforl Ο Dirt-td M<*xiro. die lutervaie had enough left to feed 1·» ences. It is a charming operetta and bids of m»»» rreiJeet owner· vA*. AR r. TRASK. (P. la of hemlock, Ό of lumber cons ting spruce, lay the foundations for future useful- CONSUMPTION (·>τ th* rf«r ImI, tn Mil· moidi Cr i K,«cj» more. The under the lug fiir to rank next to Pinafore in thr ; ·. ut r JONATHAN BLARE. Norway aud hardwood of Oysters prepared popular Hrnvn, Collector of ο·ι·Ι Town.on cedar, hackmatack, useful man is p.ne, ness and happiness ; for tbe BRONCHITIS I. I«d h*« been r· turn IMH W Oxtoni direction of Mr. C. C. were deli- h*or. It deals with Peers and is Alif JOHN CHADROi'RNR. kinds. Much of this lumber Is Bryant Perla, on th* Hr«t ol J.il* IMi. various the man the world over. Kach day RHEUMATISM rem ti tag unpaid that the happy cert ideal* or that dale, aaTIN P. VTEARNx Peru. woo* 1 cannot cious, and the Pastry showed witty, replete with taking airs, and hand- \,γ bi> now of no value as the hard I* toTfbv mal if ikr M ! was bringing to them the capital of knowl- NEURALGIA u |(M d, and η»ΙΙ·'4 |l«r| >lonrlutui farmer's wives and are not a somely costumed. Saturday night, n*»xt, an J ·*·ι «r*». are not paid itU JAME> L l'ARRKR. K.ut U^ated down the lakes an I rivers. The daughters, U >»· and laUT··*» be and healthfnlness upon which ·« r: of lb»· «aid Town, within JAMF·» M I»AV. »* Ο rood) d from professional Ltngtry's play, TLN p sTEARNS. JAILU, ran» afternoon aud about gold, spoke Iu the Mr. without further ootie* Of «ilj at 1'iibl A t:oc. a- Wednesday evening Stoekbridge Course, Kagan ■« "· an soil for grass, wheat, pot COUCHS ··» ·! ··#< ·« 11 ·« excellent of the ueagre for a »' Uw *t »f Daren A six Inches of suow fell, and the youth, opportunities Is st ;re lroa talks. Mooiar In rtbrutry. * ι· I··! *toe« ties an 1 oats. J. 0. Rich, esq who is Thursday giving »p COLDS th·· I'oarlh oomraon school in those k la ih) aficro'Ml. LEGISLATIVE APPORTIONMENT. a is education days Abba o'clo. with the the wind blew Kale and traveling very The Gould Wo olson Historical CONSUMPTION thoroughly acquainted country with the old eehool Vain "« T*i Oxford the j much snow drifts. w. compared present—the Course of twelve lectures The population of Couuty by land to one- I Impeded by began Jan'y 2d, BRONCHITIS t«l a<»»f -4 estimates the arable equal care of Fe«r<· Mi»« EMen. laid «I α to house, where ventilation took it- ·" rensu* of 1*m) was .iï.«>2ô. If we art' At the aunual meetlug of Mt. Abram aud continued on every w II«are. τβ'ιι» I a' ♦ I. third of the whole. Others set it higher. Tuesday RHEUMATISM *·* the few books, tbe of wlll^be B··'rjrmwn, Ja nw«. iir >|i rtr»»i>i*tr«I tu have bat .«even the popu- No. Jl I. O. O. F. at Bethel the fol- self, poverty explau- floiaked. A rich intellectual Representative»·, Its water facilities are remarkable. A Lodge evening Entll NEURALCIA tor.ι ιι·ι ι h In* iiop·i.l ; atlou and Instruction, aud above all the m·· *a!tualr-l In <>»' 1 lation of each district should be 4,«0. low lUgotîlcers were ioataiied by 11. A. Full- treat is by those attending this J R<*arcw. M J iaaJ line of steamers runs across the enjoyed aa I y j rocuriiii; PrriY Ot'o <1 uopal'l hull «π·| tis;>« to even this kind of a and ... I B. Per. Hiram voted school, Geo. Luther CNd · Job. of MO a of tary; J. Chapman. Sec.; by Stephensou, π κ and travelers can make route Gettysburg," lUvii'5 Pain Kit * il- l «I ♦ > a I easily urged upon the boye and girls again the ιιηρ·| Audover «ty.1 Treasurer. The lodge is will be given at Hall, next Thnra- Dwir al. Kl T., an I aitu.t I in »,f >r ι· travel of more than one hundred miles by Young. carrying jr.. City " 00 of the most of their GOOD KEEPS urtl at II. an I il I X. 8. ont the noble of the order aud t importance making 18th. EVERY DRUGGIST IT. I unp prlnclplea > ο 111 u# railroad and steamboat. Thursday. tv-an. a '■·■><' Μ μΓ·μ« t / ·ι jitet'H»rr'» «oe itwi Iri II held the sud ■ Rum for J lu06 more cat cially. Association, yesterday, ways for··. *·Ιί»! al t '. «n-l uni»«i l that spruce timber 1 aggeration, mon-sensed nature that scholars like and lot xtiial^d ή ·» Roxbury KS means committee that a concert Κ I DN ΕΥ-WORT K.»rrI Cilei. hou·· au· known a· lh«! liwi fan7 Mexico 403 Vmbagog Bryant's l'os ι», Jan. J*.—The ladies of to and ravie by a ought hear, especially will be at Hall on the value 1 at #iti. an 1 u <ρ%ι·1 the rest of Maine. At any rate the quan- given City evening THE PERMANENT CURE OF plaee. l»i it: lid *13 the Methodist will hold a levee, at man who haa carved out hit own fortu no, FOR »:l islet la "i society of date of the Urcrn, Jo««i>ii f., properly is February L'7th, the poet's I Fern i· luuueuse, and the second growth town * f >rd, oai>il huhwa* tity the hall, eveulug, Jan. 30. earned bis own h. it a ίι Tuesday money, aud. gained on CONSTIPATION. 1 hir'ea W. n'ua'.r·! btrcain* from all direc- birth. The committee music cousis's «jray, |»r.»p«rty Tery The la ao la thia βο«Β· M rop*rtr Erastus Bryaut of Greenwood, fell In the methods he recom- the oaUbraUd ford. va!uehn a'tu tit 1 !n UxIjc !. Stonehaui 478 raftitg LU barn and received several foad must have Tlun lllbbard pr .μ.-rt» recently, mended, thier weight. 4th· mm.mm, thlethti remedywmtdywui will orewmt It. at an ranch of thts lumber Haxell, Anion W. Coombs, II. L. valued φϋ, un»al 1 Masou 5*4 As it now «tamis, Hough· i.tuat·· 1 ιη·»«· cats aboat his fac·' and neck. there were recollections of caps. Jordan, Timofnv i>rop»rtt sundry t ·η, Thomas L. Talbot, I). W. Snow, Mrs. PILE8. »ei y apt to be I Albanv m two and three yeare to reach the ,25V 'o <|. ralue·! at ♦·'·. ·ιι·Ι uupai requires· Wood piles in the village are numerous. Mate*, scarfs and handkerchiefs which had iplloated withooâatlpetloa. Kidney-Wort. MolKinald. ·Ιο»· «ituat* ! la ai 1 good spool missing spelling" being (iossini Club, the Weber Club and the Phil- lord an ) » ilu·· I at $10 >. I Ui llanoTer 203 alone estimated at one-fourth ία i> * t » r 1 being usually C. in tho strvet" so the remark* were Pbr'pa. Oro U. pr >perir must uow be built on an en- Fryeui'ru, Fryeburg In .l at an t 1 J Grant A railroad ate·! OK'ord. Ttlf |T5, nip» Fryeburg cademy tonishment exhibited when the »f J Association iu connection with packages hereafter. Also a concert the Putnam. I» i»il, pro per Ιγ attuated ta Oil different basts from what it was for- perance given by ^ tirely being opened revealed luscious rai«in.H and ta urdatflO anlonpil l the W. C. U.. held a meeting at th·? new childr<-u of the public schools under charge John J. >rt» anuatel la Oïl"* ty j.ars ago So aie roads are chiefly for Perry, prop tempting candies, and all were invited to * l'iaai·, ho me an I loi λ Β I' church last Sabbath afternoou. The meet- of Mr. T. K. Hazell is to take ·- l An lou towns and cities. arranged homfs a: *od u.-»,· > J travel between | FARMS! and value·! *Λ*). large Then there was fun and property, partake. feasting Same, law of^ce in Hartford ing was opened by prayer, followed by re- on Saturday preceding the first of The be«t in the *' rid, arc ea*ily obtained to «nuated Ononi vi!U<>J This was almost the only idea at that place and '<·" Sumner for and a few words of thanks Dakota. Minnesota *nd v <>-ihrro lowa. Oet valued at #ιβο. marks the Mr. C. II. Walker. big little, | ki time. Others of communication by president, May. rea«ly to move In the Kir»t come, beat Same, property aitnated In Oif >rd, Woodstock thought from the teacher, and the farewells were Spring. aa tbe tu i un Mrs. of the W. T. Mr. Baxter then the of neved. C'Mintt tnipf. «f !·■>!·, rate» l>odKo land, valued al I *i. between towns. It Kicker, president C. reported receipt d>-iu-riptl<>ii j I < M Greenwood great manufacturing memories remained ol ann Si., >i1on. Ma·· unpaid was started of railroads into the So troabl* to annwer I mr Oxford, Me.. J ui. 'J. I v\( pushing terms Miss Chandler had In this <)«-<·; were made Dr. taught the new for UEO. Ε. IIAWKES, Tr'â«ure- mines or over immense ation. Short speeches by Mr. Tash presented designs forests or among district. Tiny Tim. οι the ι jwo of ogford Fart* children's and the aud thus the hitherto Mason, F. Shlrly and others, followed the Longfellow card, BockâeU prairies, develop H>miH>C>T>RRH RtMEDY Abstract ol Writ. with Misses Κ vans. Kicker last certificate of association mem- MU ton resources, to be followed readings, by Paris.—The Assembly connected Longfellow J J. of Honolulu undeveloped by Formerly prepare·! by Pearly, ELUS THOMAS »·. ALBEKT P. ΛβΠ ΤΓ and Barrows. with the School was held last The children's card has a Hawaiian l«l«n-1·. towns all the line. This Dancing bership. finely Action of Ik bt on Jiidgaeni γμ ·»β^·Ι »<·'"' springing up along n< and underneath •Γ Β Ε RELIEF FOB CATARRII. •kid Albet P. Ab jolt, on the dr*t Tueaia» forenoon, the bobbin head of the poet, t« Is where such a road as is here contem- Tuesday stave, Wednesday evening. engiaved a d. ls?7. for Uio «mu of iweni· Hao>lre··« of aull. which Oxford near with music 1 se<· again, as one In vision tee·, fai'e l to elve relief. IH-tolvt* at toon at κ·«4 of Maine. and Fellows, the dej>ot, caught Are. day evening, week, Jan. 29. b«ea *atiatl*d for tl( t *«nu dollar I'*· Hebron of a large corner of the State The blossoms and I lie bees. Pull al/e box, by mall, 39e. For trade price liât J • ■f writ. it. a. i> lv!. and return* > * ·' A from the lu some Towle's full Orchestra. Anil hear the cbiMren'a voice· «bout and add re· « Angu*: I'ersoos who have not considered this spark engine, lodged by the tuoer term. lent. Λ J Urn iu call." C. Α. PAHMOM· * CO.. P«rtla>4, Ke. sept n.#lo in the loft and when discovered Mr. Editor: may think of it, and as it is shavings Lieneral Amenta for United S aie*. subject lightly The certificate Is rather an elaborate affair. 8ΓΑΤΕ OF MAINE. the workmen had made such A took at Fryeburg the case never believe In It until by headway, very pleasant wedding place OXFORD, Judicial Court, vrpt. usually The center of the a *»:—Supreme Sweden that could be done but reraore some on heading gives portrait I>rtn, A. I). IW. see an running near their own nothing the residence of J. H. Rawson Wednes- they engine of and on the a view ELlAbTUoMAS fi. ALBERT Ι». Λ Β Hi Π Lovtll was a Longfellow, right of I· we know where so of the machinery, etc. It two story Jan 17. James L. Chase was And now it appeann* to the Court that Uii Denmark door ; but hardly large day evening I h»ro »ρ«λΗΙ*ο r-medy <■·' the *ber<· Ακιν b» II» the as it before ih« wont »η·1 of aaid Defeedaat l« not m InbâbiUnt «I tbn State 40 50 feet, with an of fif- united in to Anna poet's birth-place, appeared RM liiunwnd* »<«■*>*·«>( klml !"··< Π ram an extent of couutry can be reached by so building, by engine marriage Paaline, •UiiJlUB hAv· b» 'η <-ur*d. 1 ■>·< t~l. m »ir..r,(î I· rat f l l'AUl-KTUK tTlsr thl· illume, built over. L'uder this Is ti.v» Κιητ... ·η<1 |·. Ο k. There were printed ca>Min< gauge, these roads can be bnilt $3500, by C. " Advei tbia Order of Court tî»re« Porter vastly I can mm the shadowy line* of its trees Newapaper tidof Itureau.10Spruce &C..N.T. tbcre.ni. to b: pubhahol covered an Insurance of of the weeka *uece«eivtfir in the Oxljrd L> ui >crai. * cheaper than formerly. Railroad contrac- partially by $2700. many and elegant gifts, expressive Ami catch in sudden gleams Kl.tlB Slow * %LI-, la Pari» In aai I the lia: tors cannot now make such exorbitant Tbe sheen of the far surrounding seas. paper printed County, The firm will at once, rebuild on the same love and esteem of their relatives and to H·* W aterlord And Islands that were the ilesperldes J|OLT publication be tbl tv day* at te»»t i*-f»r* prutlts as formerly, aud the whole business nasi term of aaid Comt, m be h »l ι··α at Pin·, β pot. They have some two thousand friends. « Of all my boyish dream·." of a road must now be baaed on snch prin- Attorneys at Law, aforeaaid, on the wwH Tueaday ol Mar.-b ont cords of birch aud other to On the lea of the is a view 1,1 to the end mat tbe -a'd tien aad as those of other oak, lumber be portrait Deleadaot may any undertaking. are to learn " ciple* South Paris.—We glad there appear M Mid Court a«d ab >w cau««. statements Oaks with the lines oelow: Of course the foregoing and cut oat. Deering's Maine. he bave «h» «bond Ai»vku ii-kmhn no- that Oliver P. Norway, bay Judam-ix not b- reader- Sxw ra.—Io«olveucy Cnmmlngs, formerly engi- "And woods are fresh and Omet ne ed tigure* here given are only approximations E. C. Ftrrlngton, esq., has received an Deering's fair, Hathawat Block. thereon, kDicxvuii "i le-ued a»* or Hiwly tices in estate* of A* Gordou of truth, are as neer on the Grand Trunk, a wild And wltb Jot that U almost pain. Alteal» J ΑΜΕ* 3. George to the exact and oaly given Injured by C. E. Holt. A WKIOUT.Clert. 1 in the Portland Custom heart goes back to wander there, S. Kimball. A true I Is known to warrant set- appointment My ab tract of wri;an4 oopyoi 0;d r ui oou Bcckded ; Am·*· Λ. Bird, Pari»; Joseph such, yet enough engine eight years ago near Yarmouth, has And tbe dreams of ibe that llouse. The will soon leave among days thereon. before th·· the of suc h family for were H. Jones, : L. Jordan. ting publie importance gained bis case the road. The U. Alte.t- A· RERTH. AUSTIN, Cltrk Norway Ephriam against I find lost a road. IVtitioua will be sent to the Legis- Portland and board there for the present, uiy youth again." P. R. lUaTmoa 4 bow. Au'y· for Ρ iff Greenwood. S. Court has attlrmed the BUY DIAMOND lature now assembled for a charter, aud Supreme judg- On motion of Mr. H. W. Rlchardaon, tbe DYE8I lie has also been appointed taxidermist by AND ALL.OTHKB CeMMbUeaer·' Notice. Probate Notice.··— States ol John U. auoranees have been tendered of ment of the court below wfefch awarded already Gov. Le. designs were accepted, and Mr. Baxter in its construction. Shrewd Koble, DITE TBE aauntv of Ο ford. business men see a clear fhtare for such a Col. John Devine, Α., formerly to claim A. P. Andrews, Paris; Nicholas D. Merrill; case settles a point of law over which AT L'oaaiaaionee» recaiva and ex«uil t P*. ; Barbor Β Bethel able for done lllowed to «aid creditor» la wbteta to Farwell, ; .Georjle a new six column ! injuries their employees, the for tbe chil- NORWAY. MR. pr«eeni Telephone paper printed a few years ago when he was retired on day appointed recelvlug »«>▼« their cl «liai, and that hey will be la aeaa>»a 3. Farwell. Gilead; Israel B. the or an? it the law olBci of A. in Bethel on tie Bridley. at Canton in this J. W. Bk-knell accoant through Company's negligence dren's contributions. Tbe time after re- HELP WANTED. R. Fry· County. of ill health. laat Satur lbs Pryebarg; Frank C. and Laura M. l)aun, one's carelessness except the injured. la)» of February and April, aad is publisher. ι Dr. Mason gave a lecture on, the Alps cess in the afternoon will be filled with a good, itronf, reliable woman toi laat Saturday b fore the tblrd Tu*ad ty of .lune. Mass. Franklin The Paris commences new care for children. Good to at one ο el *ck la Um for tbe Sioughton. ; Cfrus Dorr, Grange the exercises. WANTED wage· the IIKt, afternoon. Plir Η Ε. Hamhoki» of Paris has been and at waterford, Thurs- appropriate right pore of reeelvmg and examlnier aaid claim·. ΚI la M. as*,·, alpine glaciers, In a party. Pinntatiou; Dunn. Stougiiton, year very prosperous condition. It UEO. Π. WATKIN8. ALVAN Β GODWIN. and commissioned Trial Justice, day evening. This was one of a coarse As soon as tbe Longfellow Statae can- Muss.. John S. Lunt, Dixfleld; Mirauda appointed has a of the and Paria, Me.. Dec. 30. IBM GIDEON A. IlAbNNoS j large membership active vassers are with their Mr. Hammond was Crier of the J., of lectures arranged by Miss Douglass of through work, tbe Dated at Bethel the 17th day ol Jaaoary, i»«l. Barrows, Parts; Rath G. McLellan. JS. energetic farmers of the town, and the Court for fifteen until that office 1 Waterford, principal of a Home School 8oldiers' and Sailors' Monumental Associ- Susan Leonard, years, number Increases UiMMlMtr»' Notice. Brownfleld; Bucktkld; weekly. The officers to theirs In the field. An ALMOST AS BAD." was abolished, so he is familiar with for yoaog ladles. ation propose put THE uaderaigaed bee· by the A. ; legal bartag appointed Phebe Maxwell Sweden Lyman W. j for the ensuing year are O. G. Mas- What tka Ρ·τρ1·«·4 Phyatolau 4· h of for of Oxford, afternoon, some of the vil- Curtis, enthusiastic was held at Reception Roa Judge Probata tba Coaaiv methods of taking evidence 4c., and will j Wednesday meeting Ouu of Jommlaaloaera to and exaalae tne eiaim· Forbes, Lowell, Mass. ; Mary A. Brown, ter; L. S. Swan, J. F. Eaiuf«a*y, receire ladies met at Mrs. F. A. to Overseer; King, The last M creditor· axalaat tba aatata of Hrraoa Cum make an excellent Justice. lage Wiley's Hall, Monday evening. regular "I'll tell the hoaa»l Mexico; Edwla Ε. Gray, Paris; John Mc- Lecturer; W. K. Green, Secretary; S. R. yo· trath," aaewered lh« dea | ■laga, lattor Aibaay in aaid county, daceatru, arrange fqr a supper the proceeds to aid meeting was held In City Building, May 3, tor. "Bright'· DUeaae bothera the medical laaolreni. aire nonce taat »l< « Richard Hiram: Hon. W. W. Thomas is to his lee- «pra-antad hereby Donald. Hiram; K. Black, give Parsons, Treasurer; Joseph Wheeler, aoatba from tba data of aaid are j in supplying the village with hose. Com- 1875. The Treasurer. Mr. H. W. Hersey, almoat aa bad!) a> caacer doe·. Having paaaed appoinimeat Josish B. Stow ; Isaiah tare entitled "A Ramble in at i R. C. | 11 lowed to aaid creditor a la which m preaentaad Abbott, Buz^ell, Norway," Chaplain; Holmes, Steward; C. S. tbe sum of now a certain both to mittees Were chosen and are now canvass- reported 8220.19, deposited alage, point iMl|kt etoral'y >ro»« Ihelr c'alea. and that they will be la aea- Stow ; Sarah Moalton, Porter. Bethel, Monday, Jan. 39, '83, at 7:30 p. m. Asst. L. in the Portland Savings Bank. Tbe same It aar be unprofeaalocal te let ont the bet lio at the law οβ* of k. A Frye In Batbel oa the a to be Edwards, Steward; Whitman, Meret, I ing village for sapper given at voted to be laat eatardaya of rabruarv aad and tbc Gate Mrs. W. O. evening the Portland Cadets give whenever a patient come· to ae with Bright'· April, Son Resident Tax Sale, town of Ox- The Congrxoatioxalxst of Boston, the next Keeper; King, Pomona; | MlStturdav before tha third T«ead«y of Jnaa, Oxford Hoase, Thursday, Jan- half the net proceeds of their Ball or trouble Mrs. Hosea Spring Diaeaae, tar kidney tetiar !!*· it. I liM. at oae o'c och la Ifee aftaraoon. tor tba per* ford. sends us the most calendar of the 25. Bonney, Flora; Mrs. H. L. to oo elegant lary Ixo. to tbls Association. H. S. Melcher, W. Ε, tell bin put BENIN'S «•aof raoeiring and exaaimag a«M rlatma. Globe offer PLASTY Β without doU?." Kuittlng Co., Boston, good leasoo. It Is resplendent with ; Wheeler, Ceree; Miss Abble Swan, lady Tbomes and S. Β. Graves were appointed ALVA.N B. UODM-I.N. bright^col- The do t->T »poke by the card. The Capoin· UIOEON A. HASTINQ*. to for work at home North Frikburg.—Christmas was asst. Steward. as a committee of conference with the •or· to the wages girl· >rs aud gold, while New England coast j day right apot. If you can be belpod, the committee to pos- Capcine will do 1». L >ok oat f »r Crania. la >h· Abstract of Writ, Thomas ts. Abbott, he occasion of a pleasant rs-nnlon at Mr. So. Paris.—In addition to the 40 inch Longfellow prevent any icesery is exhibited in fine engravings. of between the two As- nojoiCAPCINK eat In the middle of the pJaatet? ' at Chll- which X. sibility clashing If ·ο you are all rlabt. Price 18 e-*t·. Ktabarr I). R. & Son, for is a iimeon Charles's, No. Fryebarg. sheeting D. Bolster advertises was Hastings Attorn*·}-·» rhe Congrtqationalist leading paper sociations. The meeting adjourned A Johniou, ChemlM·, New York, ΠI I to sell ghee Λ the denomination whose name it bears. ! < Irea, grandchildren and great-graodchll- for 8c per yard, be has just put In to Satnrd«y, at 7 :30. h. s. a. award. I We twin· a wreath of Joy ο α» tribute now, he understood that he tool 11 the It wm a and full of sweetest, tenderest honored tod ton· wu Step- I FRANK Β. CLARK public trust, them greatly advantage. days yean diatinguiahed And totrt tor Aitist'a skill And Poet-lay*· wu ι came to ut like Heaven- hen ., who in hi· crown tooch of In !$ïforî) ihmecrat it with all the duties and reeponsibilitie J trying occasion,m the time for action drew memories which Henry Chase, esq TIm le® glory ihjr pralae. WUOLBdAL· AMD RHTAIL s one the moat brilliant of a belonging to it, tod he *u oever k nowi ι nigh. The ptrty leader» were not en- ly messengers on time swift wings, day of young In conclusion I can only add bop· j waa a volume to them. *u so de ae to whet means visions of dew, men and whose mind rich that with all its natural attrac- PARIS, MAINE. JANUARY 23, 18W. shirk He wholly tirety in karmony, bearing bright departed Fryeburg near- in debate and Bookseller & Stationer voted to the public service, so faithful ii should be adopted. Some won in favor days ; and not alone are we, though of natural ability. Strong tions and beautiful surroundings, its ι were wont to dwell within in he ran the performance of every duty, thut ht of an armed resistance, other· thought ly til who eloqoent speech, poeeeeaed pleasant drives and walks, its gems of SIS Kmt, Newspaperjtaition·. C«a(r«M ]. «ho takes a fitted him for a pcr»o· paper rejnilarl: to for hie continuance the warranto would prove effective, these sacred halls ha*· passed sway. gifla, which eminently lakee and mountains, and far r or the olBre—aheiber directed to ht· name ο neglected provide quo stretching aaotkerV or whc-.brr he hu «ubacnbed or aot- a remnant leader. He waa in life and in office even by legitimate means, and and it was then that the Ex-Governors There still remains scattered early public may act more in harmony, its peo- PORTLAND, MAINE. l»r«MHi.4ibl« for the paya—I. valley, i. It a errioii orters hu hearts at one time President of the Maine Sen· paper diseontlnned he scorned to resort \p those were called in Council at Augusta to of us living descendants, whose ple be moved by a higher and broader • acii pay ait arrearages, or lac publisher ma; always io removed to California in 1849, and pontiaue m-diI n until pajrmeai it made, aac ι means too often adopted by public met consider the situation which was regard· ■till twine around this dear ancestrsl ate, charity for each other to a more peaceful col.«cl the whoi# amuutt, « belhcr lb· paper u that new waa elected to talun ΙΥλ ιγ the Office or not. to secure a re-election. V9 hen chided bj ed as one of great gravity. Mr. Morrill home. in country places dwelling together in both church and THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT ». Thelourt· have decided thaireftisiagtotaki Cir- own was over- of truat elected Judge of the state. in mind the beautiful aewap.iper* and worKKiicai* Irom the poM office hi» friends for not looking after his oppoeed the quo warranto, and It will not be considered out of place being Keeping or Jt removing and leaving the· uucali«<1 tor, ii cuit Court of Esmaralda He rat -'*<*9 evidence of tiSnri. interests closer and better, his reply wu ruled, bnt the Court sustained bis posi- at this time to speak of a few of the many county. words : " " that town about 1868 or 1870. that the proper way to do this was to tion. He utterly repudiated armed re- of the House of who were died in "Peace be within thy walla." Christmas Osgood nn Cards be the above friend of If thou wert lying, coM and still l whit·, SUPPLEMENT. the duties which the sistance in which he was sustained on life's "Green turf thee, faithfully discharge ably born, and hire started journey tn death's embraces, Ο mine enemy ! Ik 13»' sutc none knew thee but to and th· succession should He believ- ; I tblnt that if I came and looked ou the* For ibe Democrat. position imposed by the other Ex-Governors. from under its memorial roof. Lieuten- my early daya none named thee but to 1 abouUl forgive; that something In the eight Orders Mail will receive take care of itself. ed in drift, rather than the ant James aUo consisted love thee, by HON. LOT M. MORRILL. letting things Osgood*· family Of thy «till face wouM conquer me, by right \ tnarked trait in bis character is a B. , son of of measures which would cer- of fourteen the oldest of which, praise." Henry Osgood, esq Of death's sail and I sbouM see prompt attention. You have already briefly noticed the adoption children, impotence jlic man was, when upon a and blood-shed. Jamea, waa alao a learned and Mow pitiful a thing It la to be uf Hon. Isoi Morrill which pu entering tainly end in arnachy Mehitable—"the of them all"— Major death Myrick grandest At feu>l with aught that'a mortal. Ho to ulgUt SPECIAL PRICES GIVÎN TO DHIE«S. new to make himselt man, « as for a time a position, thorougly He that the Governor in vie· was 1780. Her first brilliant young wli tc of occurred in tbi·· city on the 10th of Jan- thought born August 30th, My soul, uufurllnc her flng pea>e familiar with all its and this was under that dread hour when we may In <~*τ «'ma* duties, situation be induced to sub- of the late Judge Harvard, forestalling »τ\1··Γΐη* C*rr»v*il ttjle· have followed a resort to the des- Chase, a most in many Kind, affable, as a child in pri- might esq., prominent lawyer man, who we understand, has selected gentle and This was of We will plan< purposes. gre.it means advised some. I those whose shrewdness will with melancholy delight. Men, Small Men vate life, yet true as steel and firm as a perate by days, many West Newton, Mass., for his future sum- <1 (or B t* «ha »xp*ct c*ll compromise, patching gare them the and made it their North Ν. H., was also where many of the name resided in the right Conway, possessed My dtar Sister : a with of Ameri- up peace slavery retained. to but I do claim that when ! one of the most distinguished to called Hal- duty resist, uf the same Christian virtues snd through I've often had I the time, early times, Augusta, then service in the Senate and thought, Store He lik«d the can artists. From that date we all Elliotts' Clothing the of this shall be life was an ornament to the circle in pass I'd write a note to you in rhyme. bwell. where his name appears on the had history plague spot should have been kept there. He to the date. Maine, f and written as it never has #hich she moved. Susan, the wife of others up preaent And tell yoo bow, myself alarming, Norway, Ux-listof 1795. He moved »u was illy fairly M<1 OjumH» N*w Π "ίΙ. subsequently become familiar with all duties, ia now under a I came to tarn band to farming. prkw· after due credit to all j was none the The "Oxford Houae" my M was born been, having given Y. B. esq., to Belgrade where Lot Msy most men ia that Henry Osgood, first as know. one of the industrious to Messrs. Ac Oee. Well, In the place, you it will be found and a as well as a I five years lcaae Ingalls IS and en- other·, acknowledge Wss lover of deeds one 13, 12. He fitted for was to none good I a bouse year ago, college and second in influ- is a of bought body, eJ that Lot. M. Morrill was "the noblest believer in Christian for all. Mr. A. B. Oee gentleman many ! tered at Waterville and was th»-?e for a charity With only land upon the lot HURRAH ence. had with HIP Hi* opinion great weight and we do not hesitate at Cham- our fa- 1 years experience a jrsrr arrived to Roman of them all." Qovernor Abigail, honored mother, dear, Sufficient for garden spot, time, but did not remain graduate. and his ad»ice was asked his colleagues, to understands for the ease berlain held the Fort, while Oovornor miliar name, returns to us now like sweet say, fully catering Intending to enjoy my He some time in teaching in New he STQWELL'S CLOTHING ROOMS spent upon all questions. Though We that 'Mid flowers and trees. important Morrill what to be a ''from the comforts of hia guests. predict fragrant shady in Κ ·· ad fiel J where negotiated proved bénédictions from Heaven, and York and his health was a Maine. subsequently labored hard, fairly no will be to this end, and Thus In philosophic view, South Paris, of peace where laid her" rvmong the pains spared the of law in treaty ipot they care the summer -Ί x-k of he also commenced study while he remained in the through. The 1 ***** *»<> Br·» good " summer visitors to this Dismissing Hitherto I have of Mr. Morrill savannas of the South. 1 that charming of Fuller. Hr was sub- spoken green Sunny But soon the oft-felt fever rose, the office Judge and had he continued there in- un- Senate, will find a "Welcome Home" — as a character, but in private L)'er all the world once, there waa onlj I village From of bead to tip of toes Fine Made Clothing admitted to the bar. and opened the I have lit- only public top Ready »*que:.tly stead of entering Cabinet, der the sunny roof of the famous old In line life his character shone with luster. ape to me. mother, around whose The fierce desire to own an offv-ç in The other equal my and Ulsters, Readfield. only tle doubt, that his valuable life might its shadows mine. Overcoats The of his life was such as to brow I here entwine affection's "Oxford House." May All lands, of course, adjoining ΗΛΤΗ, CAP8. in town at that time, was purity spirit practitioner have been to us for several years the old ancestral Of feet I had one thousand score, spared esteem even of never be less and while now the and wreath in memory. The) I Hon. O. Howe who is be took himself the j compel respect everlasting thoasand wanted more &c Tntoihy When upon ! wave in And twenty Gents' Furnishings, longer. He was not mourn to elms their branches high air, 18 IS, Mr. Mor- his enemies. truly that loved an exile must for *»h Postmaster General. In of the ; political To the fever;—this I bought. Kr»r kboti i» Ox'onl C«uet*. 1Ι«··4|[*ι« position of Secretary Treaiury.our the Saco and fair, may quell *·+ * 'i'i *t his walks and bright ao>l »»1! and a co- democratic in all ways ; tee for his native bourne 1 along it will show how I was caught. rill cam* to Augusta formed atfairs were in a mixed condi- him—parting And h. financial smile the th'if iter was of and within, pleas- was o'er, Prie*» y Comp'Wl* J. W. he had a smile and a pleasant word for 9*er the dark sea." She the wife peace plenty The lot with weeds covered with Hon. Bradbury the was we f r* m tfw partnership tion. parly developing, ant halls of this old "Inn." even lirwrr'+T h«re a> fa·!*· (hr»r greenback no matter what his station in λΝ who I With thorns and briars more, r» II if "Mi one, Ueneral James heelock MI ΙΟ 'V Nxt α I' h "-«Β Γ'· »»·· which continued for He every Ripley, many jears. and the duties of the office were uncom- to state that of trees of smaller size— • ai>T kj«vl. caui jot We had almost And vil <-i .thin« of f.nx life. He had an inexhaustible fund of :ame to at the of eleven forgotten clumps Prioe ut J '»· wa» not a sound but an able Fryeburg age boiïi a» lu Qi'1 only lawyer onerous and Mr. M >r- on the bank the All so offensive to my eyes. T Traly, monly perplexing. disease the noble elm by humor and anecdote, and before years with his youngest sister, Elizabeth, just adveate. and aoun achieved the reputa- to which I have That I at once took tools in hand, rill*· leading trait already "Oxford House," waa planted in 1794, Ε. Α. S. & Co., one the laid its hand him, he could —the first wife of Hon. Judah D*na, I this land. tion and that of being of master of heavily upon Determined to clear up justly, referred, of himself any ! then 14 of WVIÏ.T»W». making Mehitable Osgood, years MA^NIC in the be very entertaining. He remembered from Hanover. Ν. H., his native place ; by In work like this, the world all kujws, m >st eloquent jury lawyers situation in which he found himself James ii J il ··· *" r« M placed, her sister and rrM •hel H ■'·»»& e, i the face he had once seen, and was ever we here that from under age, Mary, Major One has no need of Sunday clothes <· ·' t h *· P.· ·« and will say _ i, »; C u ne\ Î h 1 J-ja ·, State. was here exhibited in a marked are t. .'·>·. ..a degree. Ita dimensions 28 feet on a *nh. * 4 f" th·· β -4 th cordial in his In his friend- that old "/Mnu" roof, Osgood So, putting rusty suit, " »'♦· V Π.·»*!. lit? waa men α i'c ιιιυυβι HI greetings. grandly glorious ·«· β.1 Τ μ·«ί, His on the finances made in He- , <■ and over A ten cent hat as recruit, or**t* F : β·η ot »t«·: e c »at* f «">* report a 7 feet height top Γ C. was he was sincere and true. As has sent out Hon. Judah Dana. round, through of ΜU'r h- tn* and his first into life ships po- for<1 »»·■« j entry political 1376, wa* one of the best ever ; Fryebury stands a I went to work with might and main. ·· ·' "f Γ elrrl k * f I I cemb^r, one hundred feet, and to-day for β»· « 'ath· ;*-« litical leader, he lacked some of the ele- I*. S. Senator ; Hon. John W. Dana, his ·β<1 meatm* Η^·λ0 »'l I in 18j4. when ht was elccted to repri- Heedless of suu, or wind, or rain, inn Ί»βρ·*ιί.ιΓ.* li*l· male by the head of this department. and raonu. tn be ;nr ■*«»<* 'tl«t »»>'■ «»<« li»!u II au I he could not be most beautiful green living C» art ments of for son. Governor of the State three I soon victims of blows. » « <»t \V r sent in the Maine popularity only And the my rtrti to t' m 4 K-«drri< W unh Augusta legislature. But the involved intense of that fam- f >e.. ο J position appli- ment, to the memories large »o i*e Γ n \ f U»" η an »t*·· \Ui I a and he would not assist in terms and United States Minister to Bo- In net-work, high arose, was when the old were demagogue, mingled tfte .'Id '** of *'it irbc* A D Ι<Ίι·Ί li n hart I This parties cation and he labored day and nigat to who beneath ita 1 of children, now now one to * fO* i*,ai. vu !.. ι.·» a machine. When sub- under President played A of stnff, high, higher, b- b j the new and running political livia, South America, ily pile *··'"■ ·'·■·* i-re-ma* I b'eakin* and Foi-om : «-*< up, vigorous render himself familiar with his duties a bonfire. «ni wide branches. That made grand τ hve«l «ι kk" aat.1 hu-b ·β·Ι r..h bl···»! to ostracism in this James W. spread lighted, \»t* wan to th· political State, Pierce; and General Ripley. I »·'ΐ» mit» «Af ♦,«(.· ι·»γ«, ι» into jected his team «uh I)'·· a· m» Republican party coming and bring the department proper of was Next came the ploughman with κ « lb»· Λ*, -b It «h,· but he did not com- a of Con- One of the incidents days *ear« .·♦ t\e tit»* «i h h P. had a'- he felt it keenly, who was first elected Member early ·« · front. His brother Anson was that his health To break the turf; I did not dream bi· Vh«<«1 he»»" If '-h*·'· I condition. It here Thomas A. Oe- ear l« <1 was a true and to fill a related to us the late U'l if «il· I th-a· Frrdifich. I connection with the He man, goes gress by the Legislature in 1827 by take three to do the k o· r auu pillar strength, death. It overwork in this of tupo^rt, *a Depart- mor- were to the White All rocks and stones wherever found, ο*" e,r ·*η<1 "»« 1 was a man and in that was elected to first pert her«r .f f-oro '*1*·4 h-)j> for Governor. The following year. Mr. great intellectually year)—he agsin Mayor) journeying « >· -><1 >" b» b"n wuh ment that did it. He did not desire the asked of her tr eui·. and thi- J to meet some friends at the And then, to cart them off, pay. »· »r ♦» h«· ·*> I I belar-t and if modern and in 1828 and 1830-in 1831 Mountains oui .a* kaow «M ίΛ·-*·Γ was to the State Senate alily, thought expres- Morrill elected it was in a measure forced Congress When had value where they lay. —that her Mft h·»»»·*··! ai··" «!!»·♦* ·»Η flvm.-f position; upon "Old Crawford House." Arriving at they ·' *'e ·*"* sion be correct, that is great- was President Jackaon Col- I ba« lre»ie-l l»»r ·>**' Ί from Kennebec on the Demo- Sen- goodness appointed by Thus he contrived to make me τιϊ * tb »ul county, him ; be to remain in the jj· ■ go4 itrv· k b»-r ·η? preferred men our noon, asked I ness, he was one of the lector for the Port of snd Pas- the Oxford House by they .-a.i-e a.» «Α· be, rw-WâUK irt·»·· was made President of greatest seven dollars for each cratic ticket, and no of a re-election to Eastport Foil day, k w. Κα·-·»η» ι« u-- ate. but he had dinner re-kleBC«uf th·' a*i«l Fredrri hope our 1835— if she could · State or has which he held until Madam Osgood get Iu stones near half the ι» η**ΙΙ««·. %ι.Ί HQ «t :■#··*· t'kij» wis the famous country produced. May samsquoddy, raising time, kn mm J···' the Senate. This and so »*»l ·ί »"Λ 'h ·-·!!» γ**1 that body, reluctantly resigned an and if she could b» r«aa<*e<»M·· 1Hie*u~·. and future men strive to was Van but re- for them in half hour, All for his gain, and not for mine. I t" *·»■· ^ ·' when present public by Buren. eriea W Fol··»*· «b»i»'t<«e» "Welle" year Judge Woodbury that his be to an- re-sppoioted »be h%» f'OH h'i· bul i-ucr, a place might given ? she answered "111 in all this there was no ΙΝΐί. r»o« »w*r, impeached performance other. a ■* B. out of the win- Ile met took him In. »*< ip'i»* liwmn i«i · *·Η W. Lariiax. died in the western of the to," and upon looking stranger'n lihel!»'·: ml in reference to the enforce- was one of the parlor present try Wber.f-rr.tb»· «-.Μ l"*v« of his duty Mr. Morrill early pro- Nor was this all the he m« be 41* >rr*4 it m rh> 1883. 44 her ruffled part played »n Uul «he Augusta, Jan'y, 1830. Of | dow saw her with cap hi tne and the law Oxford House," June 2nd, they ο·'··ι« ·>Ι m»»ri"n >β* b- »e^'B b-r I h«r »ji»n«'. »" *<·<·«'«'t υ! H- was Mr. Morrill pen speaks Insane, some it, first and U>« >*|>1 e.nor <'blbl, 1 i self repealed. strength to the temperance partr. When | thought last, ·* (ou* the fowls around ·.« o4«r v.»tr, bel«c oilj- Jr*r* ··!«», te»y FRYEBURG MEMORIES. onorei nimt, And e'en bere tbe and with corn calling Because, said I would "lose caste," lo au ·· to these and leav- were the Maine Liw proud they b- fr me.t'r·! *a ! rairuo.ed her. 1 in opposed proceedings, opposing pettifoggers a chicken and then ita at the centre of dult bvufiil, Will e»W prnT. Over the front door of the "Oxford band that write· bis fame ; No monarch her, caught wrung Here creation, c. JOLWU. the chair, made an able speech on the of iu fLokknck ing ground unconstitutionality, than minutée being seen in each relation. this those who enter on bU and throne Can such a neck, and in lesa thirty By In the course of his re- he took the view and his House" in Tillage, high kingly STATE ok'M AISE. against repeal. opposite opin- beat of dinners" and Bat, to proceed : Employed to bring this famous old-time inn see, nailed and treasured own." It bas "had one of the very OlFokH. β*.—J >DU»·) 9tb, l?83 mtrk«. he threatened to abandon the formed, has since then been may proud jewel ■· ion, early Cart-loads unnumbered, in the Tnru titr'· ·»·1τ »J'V*"λγ*·1 th« »t»o»e n»m d In thoee as well as at 8priog, α.» le »4f> »·> IM tr itn ab>ve the bottom of the old·fashioned been tbe of life from daya FI T«nce U Γ·»»*··π« »»'' if it its suicidal course, sustained our it, pride my early boy- departed. Of rich loam, this christian man, her ·. »ηΊ ·ι-> lu Ai party pursued frequently by highest legal were good, of ihe fo'e* ·ίηβ Utwl t»y ·ι<η^ wo- ··»! *. word. In of Lieutenant James Os- hood to bear all classes of men—and the time, Fryeburg people intent oo conceived me the ptraeai rwtkl-ftcj υΙ tie and he faithfully kept his tribunal. He was to chattel hanging sign present gain, pun to'ber. an t < annoi b) a»c«r opposed and had Fuiéont :· aakro«Q sect and il of musical tastes, Of cost as well μ 1 was for Governor on date 1762, whose father, men, too—of every decidedly saving travel, by iMMWli «liltuceuce. 1857. he nominated and when the Democratic party good bearing politic m·. slavery, among with Helur* it that of as "an ex- a number of fine musicians, By bringing dirt fllled pin-gravel. Jurtlceor the Peace. ticket and the to be sue· Lieut. Samuel Osgood,built year. opinion, speak my father, quite i. F the Republican swept declared slavery national and down the the General I. W. 1st violin, The price agreed on, road. This was the bouse erected in man of the and as them, Ripley OF MAIM. State more than 12,000 majority. tained the Constitution, instead of first public emplary people"; STATE by by John L. Eastman 2d vio- Wan tlve-and-elghty cents a load, a* Ju^ieial Conr*. Ιο I which com· last tbe of bis children,— and flute, Cvvktiusn. —Supreme was re-elected twice a creature of local he the then among living Capt. to lu h. Α. Ι) ·νν· He by large majori- sectional, law, "Pequaket Country" And ere his trick began shine. \ aeaiH». fomn»é, J*nu -ry Jamea clarionet, and on id ih» of from the silent shadows of tbe lin, Osgood, I'j the :ore(vl·# and in 1861 when Senator Hamlin remain no in the His Brownfield, Fryeburg and part famiiy Major Ills count had reached to forty-nine. tb· «1 Kie4en-t «. ties, could longer party. prised Lib-liaot *»** evlic· U» " Jamea baasoon. Thia N' > ■' Λΐ in New and was which is hallowed the Col. Walker, course now had leave to Ful»oe to «ΡΙ"··* befnro'he to accept the office of Vice views this were set forth in Cwnway, Hampshire, tomb, ground," Of he quit. JiiKia co«rt u> (>i h α«*β at part», with· resigned upon subject prente we are told Eaatman, a I τ ui on the m^-ub4 was to as chant the welcom· to by Philip A he did not like bit. sa an4 lor Uk cou η 0*?·>γ1 President, Mr. Morrill elected fill his first to the as such by the senior Osgood until whispering spirits quartette thing *> »h au message legislature kept TeeMay of Mar. h, Α. L» Ivi". 1>J P> ng still in hie native vill age hale Meantime I found, by rake and hoe. ill ihia or«ler t.ier»·· his was our ears—There is no death ; life »»sq., living kU**i(«l cop* of m4 libel, the vacancy. The I. nited States Senate Governor of Maine, of which the the fol- death. He born in Pennacook, beyond «ο «n« l>«in waa What until then I did not know, or. ti>re» w.ek» awhile tbe mortal to d< ck aod hearty in hia 78th year, very ·* ιβ Pari», in our a which Mr. Morrill wae a : now Concord, New in 1734, holds wreath, oeraf a ne«r«p»p printeil was for is Hampshire, That he was ; u t> t« plaee lowing quotation "to drive dull cheating, day by day C ο 0*f«rd. tne la*t puiliciti crown and did much 1 *'Λ once and was one of the seven settlers fore'er the immortal of everlasting λ τ to «a» ·*ί·" I Γί*-· Ι*» and he at took " popular, U^t't J a at μηι>Γ peculiarly adapted, Wliile the of Maine will cultivate a original And after this he staid away. rf Marer. lb Λ he aiA'· l*ero aa 1 'M· '■ J J' »Ai I people and distin- •plrit of klndne** and forbearance towards of this and also and and rest. was the ca.e away." No doubt to I a* a* cm", f An* be i«»e, rank in that town, peace Sally Osgood ashamed bring hla bill, «art ap|e high dignified every section of the common country, an.I will proprietor "ai l a*>t b« afternoon m tbe same vf τ the P«my«r of hheMant ^Κ*Ι4 ever cherl-U sentiments of ilevotlon to tbe Un- owner one seven one ustera who lived and We have sat this a vBfciS He served out Mr. Ham- of of the lots on Main of the nine Which to ne bitter WM Wlirr guished body. will not fail to only proved pill. ion, tbey utter their solemn and Webster a earnest against tbe of the now a better or worse half. She room which Daniel occupied Four dollars waa all Ju<1u'i«l C Al'l lin'» terra and was then re-elected for proteat assumptions 8treet, where the "Oxford House" died without sixty-five constitutional of to «Uvea ιλ guaranty property was of He would and this I call A true of a*id Libel atd Ογ of Court the was was one who took a interest in ev- when he Preceptor Fryeburg deduct» ccpy | full term which in 1869. He ami the indefeasible right* of slavery in stands. Lieut. Samuel Osgood suc- deep expired territories ; and will remonstrate against the a without measure. 1 we in and had Sharp practice, nearly AL«KKT AUSTIN. <;l*rk. anbvrrstou of the of the 'national ceeded bis Lieutenant James on in the world and Academy 1802, pleasant th*r*°A.fe^ was a candidate for re-election, but Mr, powers gov- by son, erything going farmer for S. F- *»Vy f-e Ll'*«»»u« ernment to of uation, vet· Ou one turned his pleasure. porp«s«»a slavery perp«· " with the that him and will t<> tbe f ill extent of tbelr con- as who was are indebted to "Aunt Sally" for chat present occupant, Hamlin entered the field against resist, O'good, host," inn-keeper good But, let ua call this chapter one, Hvlire «f F«rrr|(»»urf. stitutional powers, all attempts to force the Uncle the na- comfort in our eran of the Wler-ea- M ]ih B ti > «be OtfoKl teams are i»l tetn was a had an undoubted cord Coaches" and six hone Potatoes, peas, and beets "for Mr*atr« M U«»1m Wvo( IH» Pa*' ei>o*^re4 orable there was a break among His shone out in children, and but child when views, believing «he greens," F Βπ·«τ·. an i Κ t biL· Β "«η Ift'e struggle patriotism brightly to ne Da*Kl " as of the Tomatoes, aquaahea,'watermelon, ι· bis father moved his to to Qod she the things past. of ·*ΙΊ He he I. ■>··« 4tr»aM Mr. Morrill's adherents, and Mr. Ham- the trouble· growing out of the "Count family Pequa- right worship just among pleasant the It η m*: o' D. Γ Β ο* C ·., is Cucumbers, canteloapea, to tell on, trade uiwler was the wife of Dea- Smith is now in his 85th year and r>i r^a) eatat>- «κο»·»α In K*tnei. lamented death of re- ket." From 1815, at the time of his Betsey Mr. a re-fa'» tae· a> a in his Madame Os- C. yet hearty, living Befhe H 11 ι·*ιηπ)»ιΐ' ne »t et»ke Senator Fessenden created vacancy tired from active in politi- death, widow, Abigail Henry And pumpklo, turnip, and Indeed, ·Ι l«»l rt·*! i t«il e*»i participation that the a nlb'»at»*ly*·«*·» was merchant in this for home. We do not wonder Lincoln ο· Governor Cham- in the hostess in those successful village and ChafiiOHO *li the It··· a^i'l Ct» »ρ· the autumn of 1869, and cal affairs. The party organizations good, popular Asparagus atrawb'ry planta .ti*l.f aaid Oauœin; iheett; -u this roof from whose It muit be to Use of of the still old at one of ίλ« best a woman of noble thought and action, "The Village" under Thus, quite plain you of aai.l l»»i eeoi o'e l and i* roo t»» «art of the Sttte, and had retired him to livingof ripe age, lue majority Republicans really private to do on mWI nr^l I·» " one can look so I've had foil work enough Ilf»» out term. caterers for the in the Saco Val- and was to a remarkable windows upon many te· eon. »»'l h. rww Mr. Morrill to fill the life. His to the collector· public posessed degree a» κ «un tb· b it l»tae· appointed appointment bold me every k'·1*·» b ok»i views of river To buay day, the coo. Ui»n οι Nii'I etorie-ir him for The old above of, of a generous heart, full of charity and charming meadow, valley, -a· Il Ol coooi- The of 1871, elected of Portland interfered with the ley." sign, spoken oae D0# tMrriiifr bv re'»«i (Ί itw br Legislature •hip plans And keep tbe evil away. -wf*i> umi k»*rt was wife and we also uoaa Ibenol 1, l'a.il F Bro*a. was made of rock and was some deeds. Hannah the of and mountains, may apply not Λ a full term, but in 1876, he hi· of the leaders and dis. maple good And In this labor, if wealth, n«r Ot IM I*ai4 •ooertoefah# <4 1> F BfOWn resigned party gave great lines to this that a ..wetwnre of aaid o.ortiaeceaio«r .lib iw**. accept Hayes IAV.DF. BiOWX, »iir*i»inn to the writer his a in those we write on "Prospect health. of the tendered him and urged the "machine" and gave given by grandmother very popular physician days, Highland·" join- pa tier of the Lop»riaer»bip of U. F. Treasury garded party an on the hill near More still, we've bad the joy amazing, Br *n A Co. when a small After it was another fine of womanhood, old home by. him, by Pre#idett Grant. The in- him the office. Then came the political Osgood, boy. specimen, ing upon shining spot, of all by nature blest, Of eating food of our own raising. N*(kf ·ί F#rffio<»urf. the was taken down, or when Madame Os- and her life was blest to herself and fam- Bright of President and revolution in this State, in the end rest ; work of W of Be'hil la the auguration Hayes resulting Do tall at brightest («ma peaceful And then, besides this tilling, WHIKB4S J-ha Memli. was fd aal Si t# of Μ«ιιμ·. b» hie Mr. the House in 1837 or 1838, Ana the young· hill· and mountain* ben In grandeur rise Caoat* of <>*f of his Cabinet relieved election of tbe Greenback and Democrat- good gave up ily by doing good. Thy The clearing, planting, homing, drilling, .he n j,ji i*v appointment ■or-M·· W d«i*i yi Itauary. and Joshua B. To kiss the nhanglng glories of tbe akiea; was the and him under the eaves of est the wife of a A H <3e/ati#ee» \Λ ο S- le ten, Dee^ Iw.FmT*3' where the was a former well known citisen Here Veto re's fairest handiwork bad to · ·<» ΓI» U # Ub of Boston, the old bam, bottom Osgood esq., I flght potato-bug», 5L»7 iW ^ MLwion, then the Collectorship defeat, it is not proper here- only wf ; oa fn- n<»rtri Republican la all her gtowiog ligMe sbtelag green •ftuAi-d ti -a i Β S-l. him in when Mr. Asa 0. of Portland, and for mar« b»· ***1*®··®' Ί·1·.! hold up to the time en, finding rae >H Ί la Oxfurd at men tbe world is still, a*» a f Jaauari. A U #»i the There are very many of historic We can only this time tien a few »npr—ly blest, besy Or ruatlc tabla, Jast to mstcb it. — Bt-ok 191 fut i:î.ai»«l »»rr· Such is a brief of to their point· and .-ur»^rW epitome public polls, sought perpetuate power Fair Nature reigns o'er noaalala, vale or screen, *·· -VA»<»««*<· U·»· beea brok this of the descendants of this Footstools, a flower-stand, ·* and a interest centered around dear old grand family ««Oti-Mi ther eoi. services of Hon. Ι/Λ M. Morrill, fraud and violence. were in hlB. TWîî.- by Tbey Aa good as jo* bave ever seen. Democrat ^ recall to mind the of O· for another time the ^ servant, the State of the State Government, tbe home, which vividly goods leaving Trospeet bare oa thy Ihii Is It ~faithful !%4gbt Highlands" is not nor as * !»l*n aad be 'ieirfV& public possession This sit, grander .Aich w· interpret κ. jA when be a tad arebivee which and cherished of others. Amonf brow, ΟΙΛ·- accepted* State Timuj fin bright "days lang syne"— hietoty Fryebuif'e with lt» u»nAit- oi iMirtK) Cou.t, C ρ·***4 ^ ^ M. l>aTis, R-el*·· And «eiry W. Dub of account with Geo. H. Watkins, County Than what see in our veranda, in you Cold for you? ρ lu* It e®eet 4SfiSS2TSeet 1 ( XHJNTY OF OXFORD enough appointed •J·**·*'·tola». uaMIj (a length almost one hundred feet, pendlfire of IMaem·eoçordleg | for the Dec. 31,1882. SOCIBTY ItKM.te. Liuo«*IHlr. For mrlng Fomnle Complaint· thrw l'lll· have loaabU* 14» « Su. fern, or »« fbr ogrpftor WOO lu which the festive sun lower Yoi'B PknMM· »»*«· thorn In t'iolr ι>ι-»«·ιΙ«ν. Mold everywhere, nt bfmall glows, IMPKOVK OOMPtHHW Clerk"· Bill·, 010 70 It skua for circular. ι. *. jo&nsox λ Co.. bostox, mass. I Î f»beiltf Bill·. That latest of art the use of IVarl a White Glycerine. >>§hl itr yr 'f ;, ooo at sign «stbetk-. j By Ittty H s Count? Cab 1 Cooft BIB. 1 removes» all discolorations, etc. up- 500 00 And further cultured taste spots, lis> ί L*i d Daw«m. prophetic. It soft and beau· «Γ· η croup, asthma, bronchitis. is 2 i 10 00 on the skin, and rvniK*r* g ΐτϊί Ρ η ΐ ΐ wUllwUn- Çoro· «*· Β»Λ·. : JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LI!*IMK*T Morton. 400 44 More ud this point i need not say BftlEfelH Β S 1 I 11 I H It··* ttrriWe diwoa··. and »Ui RL C«m'· Ko*d BIU·. tlihl. Druggists sell It. IP1 U Bfj fl tpfl M HUr I ■■ ιαιμ*ηι«Κ rrllnre |w»ftjT*ly «g "«<5 County 0.700 00 care nine <·>ρ* out of trn. Inktfniatlon thai will ur) hoe*«JJ0d. m « Cart Τmnanry, ■ ■ All other thfne* this *ign obey. —■· *EU-. s —— ■ I •17 170 < It is estimated that in 10.000 «.s think me boastful ! England «ίΛι».ι»ΐ:>-«·ί. tiTimea Now, you may quit»·. The tl<* l>e- ! wii II I IILIIin^.&.AÏr.rτλ.*···**" D···. ïî« 5S ι»- v uiirii and «iris chew gum. MeerfW 100 In ian^ua^e 5ucJi «.■» j0 BenJ Τ Wewton. Behead.lot 1QH, 1 ^ tween that country and America are grow- JOHNSON'S ANODYNE LINIMENT ÎÎÎLfRr'ïSSB 1 , (l0 «Tronic Η·*ι»'η<-·«. liarkiae fVeili, WI»om>»n* iMaak, Ae 'rtw Abbott, loi» «end», Jlf ..l-.nur '*a.^-en Luom. Bltullo* at the loiiis». «* ^ t w Hut, be assured, 'Us piatn to view. stronger gum. --· ΓΙ) M ·(*·!].. kiiliu-* TrotiMra. ItiaraM· of fM Samuel lot *0 ing year by ν tf.r-iiir prtriila-n ·1·τι I.eereed, of OXFORD COUNTY, Dec. 31,1882 r> vwl tor to I. ». Jomsmox wl>< paiaphkt w ]H0 Statement Standing wholly most nsefal Inventions of the l»|, lot« 31 and 3J, One of'he ug jog,u" I should not close this scroll L FJoBea. luwN·» lot, »«» w* bi»ty ace is Jamos Pyl«*-s's Peariine Washing SMDi lier hob, pe.ture A BIU ΤΙ KO Without droll— from its extensive uavc ucyc ι IV to 1 » U relating something I and juilgtng ^ BUOCKCKO. : Compound. I1H0 70 it i< safe to Infer t.iat housekeop-rs. Walker'· « «late, Jobm 00 1>η· U« Llbrvy Though out of ice. it makw no odds— sale, r* .liwl HIN5 LAI Timothy •Mb It Τγ·»·ιιγτ, 14,7.4 4SI at pi JW w ,Λ •α Bill*. 1 1 »**···. se> allia· m, *4M Cr1en.nl the facU H:ib»t«pIt lut· »'■ > ·'>■··; -HI <- !· "HI inakf fc-η» il> Ilk* itll«rMaa'« Γ··ο·ΙΜΜι taadW· I tM'pl»- ton'» Co·:· «tu·, y 00 on· ιh·· In·' rods geei-rallv. appreciate onB'y SU 86 CXKUblM Β 'lu, A■ man wf;S li;ht ut. i,. c>r »ml mail 1. 8. Jcunon i. i'n IV· lux. M*m. I> R ιΛ la η U;l... ι j b) for3tottcc-itatupa. 1 Hazier*,oruekuown,lot· >u« fioe !)UU Mais·· Coro^t-ra Bill·· ! dozen 4W4-W-ÎV looo S „>a a» I started on land, ...T \ -l'vfc with my box tive ΛΛ, so Jerj Bill·. my l· r» eeh A Iboieft·, W>ta «0-41- fa.ua 1001· remarkable thing about ^ ^ go Lan* hem»*»·. lu ν i\ u mieu w he on qoiils. The only aroto ba-d, all CoaaalMtoo·»' Onlnra, th s short ν ntence is that it contains Cm»». hm«*r* * Tfcerfteo. the And While It- ! Hit!. ts^ »«d hoe, the lett.-rs of tbe Vt. r. ra«inder of cald town»b«p. alpha ®0 m w tlJ^OOT His ton cue wonki «h >lv TERM esa*pt publia k>te. W s·000 4 o5!y gn, In Great THE SPRING B*:aaoe In f«T0r of County. >ea· eonr*e- An I » It h.-re»>» or lewd. TVt U» U* Katoi ig-r ·!.< awWle, Avar's Snrsnpwllla. being highly ΤΙι<· puhlir ntv ajraln InDanger.1 grrnf ι1ι«'·κ··Γ of he-1 '? ilzhlr !.. Κ Jo«ee..loh· Sewu ■ ewl £««·*Wllltam ■ more „»,·»> •a.usu trmted. r<«, .res a ^miller do«>e, and ia Utx tk-« ivctl a t.· m «>1 tin· iniliati >n of! OK I w» hy llaiiliOX 1>. H Haute*. MO * r irh A T6ιβ.β·. Leu hani;e tb« wîijwt, beguile anv oth«>r "t I'."' Alv ·!'- ttl:·· j- Th< HW jolis PlKK dost for dose, than j «oc- li. r «l'b Her· end * * eflf'-ctive, »rot« n* "Il ιν<· 1*·*η «Ι·χ·« t*e«l eov· VI WïalitJ-eb···' s run'·· s<*ii*e«. nri ths<« waft Tt is th.· be- .f thaïe* of Cr<·►. * My I Won·: midline. cheapest ml time· l>v tlio imitation |>tit up ill the *atue | ïïte «-«y •m. attirer In »H tn »e*er>t? ion r dollar» at"i GEO. H. Treasurer. Γο se 1 «ou.'»! <«ι,' WATKINS, County I gjality rt rêva, be rap.od.-d on Bl««k I. which Imitation h··» tlw.iy* pnred m arly ! XIJ TiKaacBBK'· omet He ij .it s >ne's. ahou.d be cenehk-n .h Ί Γ< ·ΐιk P. Tboma· I Aa'om l« appMBted{ a.;..! a.ighbot w.Tiairi» .»ly wile ι* >ut>Ji·*·» to catarrh ami P»rt«. M* IV-· SI H·». ,|roi »o »«ι»·β·Ι Ίι»μιιμ; and the haiaaee ? aim has ΐπ«·«Ι nunn nuis ιι···«ΙΙ> tin *. ! A *r the et i -mad·· -,** >■ are »ΐ! dMT out of paralym*, trt «».».» ro..r J»f ! Th»· "«s dnia| th· hut η a con»tant rociti iw nouo Inn κι*>·η aîidux,. Jou.ti·Κ '-· m \ty (t el» I*· e«» 1ι· Γ ~ > tnui'il Γ· ΙΙ··( a» "I., f ATWihiI»'» 111!·, e»| J*·** *®, fi : η hi- ro i-. HEBRON \n „t,-f |. 'ti. »nd II· ery W Ρ»·· Road Bills. 6 t Commissioners' In g :i:.i to j at ■. d. ar* onrsilf, and ean Τ kit*. Mle Luis :il«o fount! nlun *' bnowitlak' rpt la· > allpadaa·· an! all·· ν we'v·· rha«ed s.» I» aernt U» .°Lf^tft· County Τ, dey· η:ι m fu»|>l«· »pi«lole«l e*P««d ta » ir hintit tit I livuprilln· in. bounty oroxroBD. irartl. |4 AS th; k jvas within ti pods, with the CoiiMipation • .H,r. »η·ι are to K'r· M 1 sympathize dogs. •U -»·> iif our t· ;ut|>«" nltil. For til·· latter emit- ib»y ie«|inr*«l T« HRKR1 G. WALKER. Dr. H»r T. 5 do, · do. I<>44 law dint». IM, on:: r Suw.■» ! u- thnt ours. ts May 11, 1 d*V Norway. petliton Mit T. Tt'· r»» is a»i adult person ■a mo mult. J«HIN PIKE." 1·' lt*r "'C for caehman. * T. S -«·. · d·, «M : :r ! r-show hardly J Txwoahip κ. lutte M .t su. ua«-ra U inr π » n^·"· « '*'·■ »o OMIM. « » · M lull is aometioi» s troubled with kiJney d f- fc»M Fiji: "ri. Mc. irfia.rlnairpurιηι thr Bia- k B"«ok r»ad. 10 nit'· travel on above, Aug Τ, t "ο. do. 4 ON in »»id •b mu ai«o the "Carry of84.ee» il». · 4·. · M its. is th<· m >st and dan· I, iir t.'*n»bip. J id· 1, I day at Pryeburf. loplT. S S ultv. which prolific tni. ··! > .'· j»lv· « •«••l." whlcti It»·· I·11 ail 1 townatiip. the ·»βι of do. * 4 t« ·» Tin· \twoo·! Mcitlclu·- Bff -, O-l Τ, S de. -r ι» "· 'h· of ti'l disease. Th^re in uo >t > » Th > >ug., >n toue.iv i a ►♦rain Κι·,! ι, «ml tirir Ih Ιλπ,μ· R«««l PMftitiil Tr*il« ACADEMY Ttirve H uu uel Dviler·ΑΓ la a»»r««.d fuLowa; SO milt·» travel o· «he*·. Sow T. i do, β do. « M | sort of ue'.t. β It »»Ί. I tv tr.'iiY·' if Hop lî tt« «I" Twain, «ο mile· travel β· ab>ve, * τ»**ι. mm ST \TF. 1ΓΠ«ν>|. at Cut ·β. B. Child·, ». im. risjonaiiy. RKf*M:\f #, 1 day pet. luted, Parta, U»<- __ m hoH.i of lu'htnir.· njan. ! i ·« above. 10JJ«J *0 «tory the ntv connect ui ν» th tin* M at»· (Worm s IM mile· t a«el W. Λ. rtOTHrXGUAH, Mr. H >w. IPs n^w novel will be called I'tirtitK { 1883 s > * »» JAN'Y it Haf-bolder'· Craat, pet. il·· toùi *> It r->ιi : Illluf'i TUESDAY, 3011, i l«, 5 da)· j>u>to This a loueur title A l> l*nt. Λ Womau's Reason. *1 iv tutrix Il> .-«i tli'-rts nn H O. A. Ue»iln«·, >9°· OXFOKI». ia:-Df« 2t. uu M-srk, j ζ I mile» travel u> above. Iv W·. A. I*i.e tj·.· ΓιλΙ.-," said -jut* tec· >- He could the sain·· joct'O", hi lUllou» affii lion· lie Heuore me. ρ«-ι*οη· ·ριι«γ·Ι IWI· II iry. express )vittkularlt t'Bton umrr PoMer Corrpany. cl ». Ρoor, 2 u> (·>τ Λ 1*. IIII.I.MA.N. J 13 lb* It, 1 ray at Aadiver pet InihiB, on·* of the C notr <>υι ηιι»Ι·»·#Γ· > vrord—" Bitto'p." An coBi'.oue following of Ι«· wi»toB, uam lot »od not, I lea In j Jul* 1, · tia*a at Caaton, i-et. of John P. ■•••I loony uf Oilnfd, aod ia*d« oatb tu Lh· ittrtrnclUa, tOO 1100 hot "oiMI-c·. $3.ew$100e0 Har«M>r, trulb of lb· above aenouui· b m nadMta ·»4 Γ.! on the ls>i of .slj lol" Ttii-H POTKNT ΚΚΜΚΙ») mtkl. haniihr·* or b/ your Cf.n r> Κ » I A Co. of Β·ο*ογ. r*. iravrl on above. IV tu F->n Six 81 i;K In iu u|irnUI w>, |>urifl<*· t in· blood, ΓΜ- I V mil··· nkKrtbfJ. malo.ler of »*M U.wn»bip, of A. ·. S Τ ;« d· π·\ on·· fl*y. to his »»irpr!««\ \Y, <■· rd von I>r Κ wfmi»'» great tned- tor«< the *»*etni «·ι». r«trn. rrjntiiui ail ] Aug »,ΐΊ»»··« Albany, pet. J.lMKi WRIGHT. wi:! *X0>|4 tMblto I·-. ι*ν·« 10.0UO ΛΙΙβ * <· l m w ilt< a·>·1 It» an. link m tiMit». ··;; ■ 1 skit η colored from drntun' hiucUuM, and § M ^ ι. ··. a !· I ob«cur the t,j \τ .rk, ΙΌ ρaye*, plates Ami Kraok P. Thom·» of ·*< r la .Hfd mile· travel oa above « *1^·Γ Ui the » !M>lo ·>) aUrai. And app SO ·;. >«it vnluMe advl-MT vi r pub- • 10 *b" of Two Γ·*· W. 1. Th.tt h·· cor,M **>«·. a storm aro^e Tin tint (up rip^odlinr· 14, 1 ·!·> at Pail·, Ο». DXfOili, u -Dm. », lui.·. 1 S· A. an « » two CAUl ION'. W. t ··» «η >11 sh*d. to a:iv addr··»* on ivc«dpt of W. MAYO, B., llui ·Ι'β«Ι Τ»»nt>.fl»rdollar» or ·1μ>*γ ·_ Cm bm,a. Hutol iMfl «ι·» I 1 <-t—«J tb« «bore W.'.h ûire, a» V.. foi* uw-nt "β B'ar.k HtkxI roatf." aforraild: a ad 2 tie»· at Bethel, D. Ham- ie<'ft«ot<· 01 WHll«m \ Kiotv ta. ·> fury though t » Address A. ρ <>i 10, pet. >afH b«rt >lm» Κ Pr-.*J«-· ο» Γ ρ οβ ιο »uprrintrn I lb· a»·», orrtit* ibat we al o» tr>rri-o ■ tbe h ml tuf (*· of l'jwtr Hhh·» had combined Mass liabi· to Itnmcltate Ptlerl^il. »»· J®' P. Ordway i Co., Boston, I proiwcutloii .„»».· t tort $t"t <*).) < η κ» I. O. Γο ν> nt their r .*< on alT m.nkmi. ont Of·· dollar· the' tarry road." **"*'· tl, S da»· «t B«thel, pet. ol | J IMK» ». WtlUIIT. au I axd 'h«y ate r*'j"'red to ilra bood a· tb· law Kimball. ·»·. I l il wf Omit!·. The reapers and tuower* thre>hiug- <« riie liw'hti,iu:· il i>i. and thurder-ro!! j wl·. Ϊ3 milea traeel on abiw. · AI.fRRD *. RlIlilAIX. s <.f this g< away with « "> > mo hini ennntry " J ai Bethel oa C, t. Baaa, C Alto'a S ν i earth t » >hak Γη m Y t ]· >>. LuiiiKU, β 4 harm.; -C Servloa. <· r purp<·*·* of tfptlrlof »o Oot- 17, da>· per. ; iii(7 p· M. · *u hnnd-ed lives and Lathe, A.B., M) mil·· travel on above. tror Jmct · WajottT «rA »hr*·· p*r y^sr. Agnes much ol tb* road l»arfin* fro* An- A »py —Ati«*t C OS rouaty No· of David The rain ia torrents Ml;— to live hundred -MAM FACTIUFKS OK— *" ion. ta the auin Mev. 2J, * tl ay· at way, pet. j drenching m-»W ! > η four hundred Pi ft*|lllH, d· t·· I1! *· l.e* »a'd Suiplu·. · 00 of Tt»irt*-n*r |w»liat· I» a»»re.«l a· l.d ow« : P1un<|, Bat. how aim.dn.; now to î· !î ca tame. crlppiis. t'bon lie rnllrc Irart. •jpiowl to ronUI· M mile· travel «*Α'ι at on ol Wm II. π »t w' ♦' overhead y Vat n r.. rinluaitr >>f I Ha a*«l oWi»e«l lier 13, 1 day Ia»v«iI pet. terrp.-t uame of the gal'mt 1·· Lioj, t i>m· poKII# M * The Nellie L. Whitman, h» Κ S C'nc. on «4 I • GIFTS ne HOLIDAY ! .id. th. Mark \ tn.vel ab^ve, Κ d ri t iud«:r : th·· i!I-f«Ud .1 tnnet* will pn«s ||riirf W l».i»n or Aad'»«er Vo-ib Mtrpio· i* mi.e» BLANK I at Swedoe, pet. W.H. Wal- irtto hS'^rv a- that r»f η h«'P». Th·· pltî- »[)p..itt«"t aient, aud l« rtHUirod to «Ινα boad aa U. day -aid, B00KS,| «» USEFUL. 1er. EUUIUT si. jws of M»v ria ih« II· dir·et· 110 in the street— fi m. j ;^·ΐι:ι Ι'Κ Λ LKliS IN Hattie T. B. M mile· travel «B aboee, * W.i« siiininj brightly Mayo, L. T.>wo·^lo No. ». Β 1. for ol TU# ebok*e ιόο«, -· k: l> h· art d'.«- pnrpo·* ; ila;· ·Ι NO. 1, It. 1, pal. of Uen- certainly lie rr.an· In »a towq tu, Τί. r«. had done tjieir work rr|>»irluff rotipty g mbard. li<" complote, < victim*—nnWs thev us»· UPON ry L -e nil? It'll lt« ahip the idki of t»· Handrrda··! Tbrre Dol^ra x«... 1*< mile· travel on above. MM ν· th »ror: ;·«· irt It lathe NEW and SECOND HAND <·«ηι» a· : thorough that I ir Gravis» U Regulator. G. M. ATWOOD, atTolacl) Ûve I· a»»e»«cd rollow· Woman in all Lands. kuown .»:>«ciile for the malady. Total. ·'·< weight only of Coinin«rrlal Γ·1ι·«1|>*1 Dt^rtmtal. Hated. Pari·, Dec. Ml. I«W KM pin·, 30u eofratk·»·. aw.l a reliable. «toot lis nt its force o'er his »or pst ti. WALKBB >p« ρ One t! at lea«t, can b? said for the ? HB.MtY wlel.af »:n BOOKS ! No use I did not bit" a ; now aff-cted ?>v fnsNtonavd«· la· LAW gr 'tiny 5 COl'RT BILL. - never di· TtJ-v are too stiia!l for hand-warm· Kriiool RiKtk«. I 5 I WATEBBUBY WATCH My ro! man called a^iln. P. Jaa. T S J»v· attendance tod ου ml ee don't hide HATTIE BAILEY, ί flies et>. but tbvn. v >u ku^w. th«*y S X > c travel. |10 M Now, I must close. Tim·· ipace U all I'aprrs of Muitr. ; roa as »o. out-'s finger T»mlur lluch lloyt, ho«a»*teod, W> ·«» Mar. τ·, β do. 80 do. II» and the face jewels. My crops are fathered, ranrjr 4«aods •'J» V.y Τ, i do. no do, 10W H«·li W«l*er. U-nber M. *"« * loua Τ S do. W do. Ι®*) « H Natnre >how> that Wînt· r !r»'ir. A CAKI>. etc. Gilts Miitionrrjr Wib»1u* l.lno· U.h ine»uad. Ι*Λ '.-VJ * J» (W do ·*· Sp'emlii far Tom Lady and Genii A··# T., I do, oa s s the errors HoM ircfupt of prie·, by With whit- n· I 1 >cki, will »n appear. Γ· all who ar«· ifl- rinc from llrerv M L mibard, bcmrPlefcl &· ρ« Γ.. J do. ·' do, 1°1,0 irt Si \v»drnnv «ill U » Term «lib nn in liberations of uervoo· weiik- 0»Μ.ΚΙ.Μ OlT Pbiiili liuctB i Th* tx-fio Η;τ!η< and ΙΊιβι lu. ιχ·. T.. I do, 60 do. »*> t.> faP. and youth, ai lr. The lest*» bt^ .»n »<|ill|toc»l ten'btr. d will th«n Riiho l-ea*IU homeateâd. '{·» ^**» ,w V.v. i to do, · N> i-sT'V |i»ss *»f etc.. I T.. do, ρ··»ν. decay, manh.tod. r. *»»·! I triltil'* lur i)i iuk r«o«I «tor* m il· f art- Be.l.B MtU. board- ·> Id·» 11* t !l· .τ tu* ι; b» f .'.J» the pSçt— PORTLAND, MAINE. omi ao). liée. T.. β do, de, W. H. & « !l v, î a rceir t:n» will cure you. vr.r.r. ou» iiriailin· ot*. A largr *»r ftjr of »ubJo«-u toc buu>· aad bit, ,ιΛ »·*® ® 40 Thompson Co., Γ..ΐ 1 > ^ • ill l>r li-UKI.l >C n«lW r*rb 1.1 au The !j>: it may V>,—ρ ic* <>v Γ!ΐ\Η>.κ· This gnvit reme ly was dis- I'pwrui l'en ut MpU ComoaiTi oorth •101 to B04T0*. Mill. tl ti ho·· lb··»·' in -t tuiLd t·· hi· ii>«d A BB'tnf mMd!· ··!*'·»"". 6'«0 ·,'00 SI» I"··? ■·»- : :n America. Daiod, Pail·, I*e.»Xh lu t! Ν i:'· \ bv>o% amissiouary 5».>u*h c t ν taa of t ·■·«' Cj u· nil· my-.»eri •••to (be îi-v» v-'Tlir» N.^om Β rnrtt botne»t-*d. loi ΙΙΚΝΒΥ WALKER. ν ». » U. ι; ; I:· »·.· i ·ι\■■!··:> th·' Η··ν. ·■ f or it· 11 tu 11 >t iMek r». TImtc w \ rv a Γ ••it '·. iw4 I». vid W Hinrt»»ant. h"i«»e-leail. »wj" 3 ·»0 ® T. HI LI. II lNSriKLD'9 X. Y. W. I If Β I f tiur rlniiT IQ wlilfb lit· |" ΙΒΊ Κι*·; τ I: man. Station 1>. City. »tl|)lc· M W OXFORD at -Dee 2< 1«I. lioicirto m* t >'1· "I ·ιιγγ*·· lui t··**·' u„* win b» autoMrd Α5,Τ:;.;οΓ°°· W,,U5n>l.«» l.ioo 3 00 Β lore me. nvr-on«dy appeared Henry O. ν κ in bp S· * cur»· « li be allow o «κι |) t»\K.rd. Mi· < I no«« KM s ?. r'-t· hors·· ear eomnini.-s do Will W Maaon. lot Ib w».Ur« W»ik*r. ooe of »V C ·υηιν C'Homl»·! oera ft»r (bit ·« nr ol tb-lr «indie» lot. 1 dit'a'on »rd poad J.IO' Ι.ίΛΙ ·0 i«d Ο amy of 0«t»id. and made oath ti the r> >i :arce a'..Ηίιοι»··.·.ι conductor for All * b·» < i>nu on· au· oirnng ritlwr of Iht Iwo CA-PILL-A-RIS. 0.U. r 11 iU«on. l»od en Plae truth of it* above ae.oent· bin rvn tared and 2>- r ir ..i.iK ·. ►i.u .1 1.1 jur · o( Ibe by •kUvK-kii ii tfogii rar·.·». They simply yui c.iyjr I»,mt. 1,00> I W·) •abaertbed. lUKitit I A9C. i>r. u>r. euirie· οι »tu for tit ΛStUltfLl τ ι !ι· ·.) !n f »r rt'rtirg with ty. S W» :fc r ard t baprav. helr». "Aw l.iOO S »« JAMtS f WBI<;HT. ADD'icatioa Hair atlicafc fln'.tHy Λ ο:αΐ|·βπ·οη ol lb* a. tual πμιικι of tbj» Joho Oî^n. himeatr».!. Clerk ul Coarti. ItfTiulcaMi mnklof many wwlerfk·) eerr·. rri· dire Ollti L JUMCliC/S. th» fi.r sex. •rtio· I »η·Ι ιΑο·ι· ol »iiy otbrr icjool of i.jn*l jj lu > 11 t\ Kpbrtim Κ«·λγ, h •mertead. io .i*J M it] in aa-Mlu-r e >lnroo i«r-iaruneif ( pro»'thai U· <* *γ··<1>! :· ιητt!·«I iu t: or i!jv ».Γ Gra Ε S C e A Cumpaoy ea»lere m 10 iwl ba* a eomi>»un4 <>f rrwtrkab'e ua«r t. Tba ! W eagiui Τ» ΝΚΗ ή κ Κ··Γ ίΙΐ' ΟΛί» or mv informai in, ailUrr·· tb* OXfORl». -Dee. ; *i> r! on th. >rtiaff lo ar. of th· r ·."!!» r ν* ?» •r_>. ..· λ ini«"r tk'le f-i-in ,* con·1! t ru» Λ *roi'h, aoutb part ol that «.' here a the Kim of two htiadred jutra ·βΊ brai I. th«· bvr, th.· tea tv Γλ.:> /. I.. l'ACKAKl>, Stcreurj. Allow k*pp ρ tou to Furtiat ï. V'i.-driuf. niakr tbr h «lr Th"u mistaken f.»r Iv'.nees Ihiiiff llrbMT, I»rc. II Ivi. •jaty-flve <|jliar· and dr»«a mouth Ik.· u. 11 ··«..!' iu tha: N»»« il l.ltiiebal·, h >meatead, M aa» sa» JAMV.» ·>. WBIt.HT nreli and *iar .a |>it<-». |< i· aa«ui ti. y a Ihcv arise fr karn nr»cr »-«B Of ut«*4 anib ni » ου» to t ptorus, An I it le hereby ordered, Tliat all of tbo a^ro Clfh ·Ί C..urt». lr. ·■■■} r'a Tonic *«i ι. I r.-a <1>·ιιΐ ow». :·· 9 .14)11* Μ ΙΙ·>νκΓ f. * .MMiLii Κ I'ubh. ,r· >·» ττ orpins. P* seer ««a ra. »πκ>βηΐ|ηβ Twen- Al.l'UEO KIMUlLL. is !'»_■ :τ, Κ·«·|< J. H. H. MutKIM.I. R « · ay K^er r' a·' ·ιι 1 iho r«ad or···· n* A tree e>py—Atfe·!: J»*ra 9 W nu.nr. clerk I.-OB. *KU*H. K.ilUXB. Η H. a .liver η id ii Ineye, purify the blood, It Λ1.ΑΤ HT IKKKHT.J. l.t>l/u Β d a ui i«* t C.. ·. *· raid ilvor lo Ne» llMnp»hlre Ιιο· «Bd II· or» M. muer. ■·. ν » com- /ÊU proaching a· 1 ren v-c of health and I. i.l'» I I· »l t oirl.d «Bnit lo ,hr ·,η" COUNTY U» nXltiKI» v· ; W.I I" Bridgton *:*pe»d Κ υ! Academy! f >rt-—. I -it. kj,.l he bal Ό· ·' «·ί Mid a# »e*-inert. *hKb i* l-rt To W A I.I) Ο PETTKKIt I I.L, Dr u tt hie; &t II ":>! ;·· HAPPY BABY nor «I W. K. high spc»·.! NORTH BRID6T0N, ME. */oi » * »«»d conw. b- ··*< ecde l (.uatimaa. tl stood at III pv-t. rtr«TMd 't;in·, ι· 'rten*, ι τ «r* nf the sailors aboird ··!<»·'. nle»t) hr: kt<. fcud wheu he ht*n A r an ar>; We wi re shir* Americau*. • I I la Otod uft ol lo Ul· Sdava at of 9e· > ptoD app exp^id aaœo, June 1, Krjebuf. pet. (toi; ai! ht c« jmi t »av» ti»« : ν of aw ·.' *; K::: .n are rv'ialrtd to |i»e bond e· ibe la· I rtman, t·* s.»·. V Spring BABTLETTS TU CENT FAIILY PILL! p rani·. V·· w.v l' r-> ·> u. »t· s 3 d·· a' L *ekt'· Ml:l· of C. oaly it wss too late ai ! m-arlv so * d as thi*. Ly tii· Ci. 'l.trt t·.. Γ .te· !b« 6, ,pct. | during F'leliurf Aea.lemy (».*%·>1, for 'be pnrpof· R »ao l. 4 «0 It roa rjuiaut κ·ι rh m .-f ioar «irargwl »pe<1 *" I tuai» *!· I ν : i« la«t «·\ irr.e.th». the 2'o«r 1. cro«h»il i,f irp»lriB« ib»· o»>ly ci>»in«) road ib^ieia SO milea travel on above. I tk) lOc. la Btaapa au I will seal )uia b»< poalafe 1 ho a U.·· ON * lie r. ε o-l "ΙΙαρρ, Πη1>>" only £*H)iliig li.e »um ol Tatnij lire dollar· ia a»«e»»ed.a» .1 da·· .·ί Β βι« t-oUI·*)·!». For rt*ar'y month «■ « 1'· il no 9, at Canton per. Child·, I*amor ! Ihr -toin.irli. $ιτ»·|> 1·| tJti Ή'ί NnUln o|>!tt€· 0Γ JANUARY 30th, 1883, foibwit Ο) mile· travel <·η >b 4 *0 td ij'ùirioM-, »·κΙ »l «f » ·>»' ■!> in» a-. τίγ , » t'M ^ » il r>o l« ι.- 0 t y luuUicr· Γ··ί· Vrvn »lii'e Mlnwiog Id, i day· It-rhr.der'atiranf. pet. .t. -'..it s f, ;»crf«κΓΠ··»·*. Haetin*a, IS BARTLETT,n w i "\-l Γγ.·πι t'i tc· ilw ΙιβΊΐΙι < Ί 00DY, M., 22. 1 day at iover. pet. A. Poor, i u0 Principal, ir του .«·: with all t'-c char· Ι» m· thrr M»l I. If \··ίγ due· .\;ΐν» κ. y π KiM.ios, want a* t.r^I\ wrll mai. ac η H* *ned the Several Cam, Jru.%;i>t July 1, 5 da)· at Cant »n, pet. of J. P. κ·· t ·* r.. 1 It, 1m turn il »ti re b« bu «t e» Γ0 ti *ηΐ! Trunk tl>U tù ί.Η· Wis UK-D 'JT *·'·.·; ricf of t' iiipliiints. :avc been μ f jet» Teaohtr of l»ri*k uni Mathemstks * Î ο "S t)w»ae» »la, 10 11 il·-*, and J > ti"t '»*» anteiti. Ο S Κ > h 00 mile* t'avel àfre ί«ι; 4 Hood s i.!î*iji;ir»ili 0:1 t-r ciw Ml*·» IlM.hN M A Good railroad it, ty r-d l.v \Vi»UK\ <. XKIHf'AL ΜΛΙΊ.Μ. l*fnr· *· C 'iinrir R. 7 A • I at caatoa, <>t R. Î *> Smoke, so v* lui 3, day pet Child·, OK >' Μ ι·γ· ··% : ! 1 y tl dicii re nderful Teacher of M >le.r. I>«r.jc )»,<<·» *u 1 Latin. CALL η .Ι ι·Ί Π:·;ιγ '".·> |>«.MTt T»\ ΙΙιιη.Ιο. Ν Vhnj»j ti; K tali of 4 Κ 7. 175 7V) S CM Aaf. U.iday· at Albany, pet. of Α. ê. < t tlio ν .tentent o£ tbcui affords λ τ f.»* flf> -« ti thod'i" d-dlars J-, !;je «:mp!est l>r·.» tu. i n.CE, » LL\U A. W. STAItlUltD, Au^umu* stilr», «(»t half of Beaa, 4 00 L«. t r -jf i t * raw curative » ·> »i 4K.I N.E "I ft, Κ. 7. i'W K» 3 2" 40 mile· travel en above, 3 3u M. >\ h ird the ersum-ut- tn a m<·: »n j cumhim PiiDcipalofComn-rni· I t oeat no 1 Tca-her 1 M Κ l li»ml «f, C Κ K. 1 at W. K. Q·. H. Porter. So. nt« s ! t»'·· η e u.-e 1 't. u-rj the 01 I J'liisldil !>■-«<*iuc i 'il, 14, day l'ail·, ^t. Cuah- Paris, fur a u. m trial, lui «ii i fore he rendered, 7 ft VU' tilth or ht 4 nod tu· VMr the ■ t m··. Poet Offlaa. ». nfJenee o( the p· T»ie. a >!·. ai l t'.e ν -u » »* again ar- GRAND TRMKR.R. MHS LOUIS λ M Κ HIIVSOV. (f s κ p»ri of ι h \ ;»o âo) i«» Id, 2 day· at Bethel, pet. D. Ham f' *' Teacher of ai.«I Kucu;ion. onnor Ιο β-· Λ Κ 7, Ml I,ISO t UU BI D·. 4 <3 B« kappa a W μα« ; fore J .'Ζ' r»! ··.! F x «ho Eogtirh iplmlkfkM Mlnltr Il il in ι·ι«, CroH* A 90 oa above. 2 to w W îcvvish U th meanest Win 1 of sttiff. Arrsitpun·»*». lirorer, mile· travel a 'rial in au op ntoo :h , REV. Ν. LINCOLN. Chaplain Κ an.I 7 A » Κ I. 5» loi granted On to ! alter Oct-»t«ei J until turibcr aoiice, |nt· 7-*-') 5. 2 Ου 23, 2 da>· at Bethel, pet. I. ti. Kla- v tue ν.,-,.γΐ it on a fence. and tt cornes off as R ■; 3 0 &c. was sen· rally tu dei>U'od profe*-' train will ran at. follow·: MIS) LI/.ZIK Ε. ΒΑ Κ RE Γ Γ, A »re. man.Koe 4-5-3 H 7, IOJ tu beli, 4 CO Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes, r a> ou a hu- Κ A Μοβ Κ 1*0 S»rt Alao a full sior t'*: xm » ij.i) a kno'j medicine-made TeacucrO; I' l'iabM», l-.'-t, 9, 2 ·« 30 mile· travel oa above. 2 40 Ntckfrf «ttdu..: Nothu'gdiunted iOI > ο wi *τ. Εηκιι-Ιι. W r : '··: ·. ·. >ur coit ar. ! ,n C h· pauui, Ν W 1 οι 5 R 7, 13 175 7υ >t. 17, 1 at Bethe·, C C Beaa, 2 Ort : the γι»ιγ>· i .';>r «Ju in; ,'· l 'ict»· -w _·· to y it will Y> ι·Γ»!>ί trains f"r a,will leave Portias'! d«y pet up Ml *3 v. li BRAY. Anroa ιιικΜ *uJ oilier·, lt>l ·■, 12 mile· travel on above, M »ti k r >vr tn in a brothVr. at 7 in.. :15 p. ta 4: 51> m. CONFECTIONERY. te»t;:ii "y ar sgMr •·>·ν| th rue, al! g- AitlfUBt 1a l-angtisges M»d Matheruatlrs, Κ β, 1™ 100 t» Mo ν. 22, 3 dava at Xorway. p· t. I). Flood, d un I··-- «..nth Pur·-. v>rway, Mon'real. Clûea^o, '.i II· alto baa al> tba the rpor »:ion t;:iilT »- of u· ι.ι·"ΐι(ι l.iKulmo». I"l Κί 10) 1U0 40 uO milea travel on above, 4 au iugthat jr-1 *n<| r h■ Went. will (♦**· e Portland a: 7.4 J a m., MISS. A. M. < HADBOl'llNK, R .loh W Ι-Ί» A 3 Κ ύ 200 .VI I \ Β Foi'ND I : —Pound what? Why. the KMti, »> Dtc. 13, 3 dai· at Lovell, pet. W. H. Wal- CANNED GOOD?, ll^eUCt 10 -et Jilli oui llK OoHiill.14 <·1_ίθι S'»uiù far a' ϊ'·:1ι>, N<»rwa*. lu:<*> λ. u> and Teavi'er oi UruttiuK au.l FaioUnjr, 1 ( "· Orionil'i Cru··, lot Κ 7, 3 .V) £>ι ter. U R In the world for all kind-» tjorh τη at liïto ι· ni *β·Ι Irrin Portland at I :'M) lUO.i io« la Um mark·!, taeiMding lb· cal'joreia frail without u »u.UfcUl·' eu^iaeer anà coc lac- )y D K. Pferv^tcll.S W R* * M an TO ml e· travel oa 100 > P.-iil- :t I > Nor* ■«>' MRS. J. F MOODY, Jrtfl «bive. ai I ha ! allowed ·»; ulu,*'. :onsaud b· i;i jrrhage·*. Ithas v>lon Collin w of ι U V> JO 20 2 da- a at W. H. tor, tL't tl··.· inar^jjenir-nt | M t«l lrsiii< for S/ tuh Pari· an I Teacher of I η «truui oral Μ π nie. \ «, 1A, bwedwn, pvt. of ·■ Norway U<*r- ·» \ r » r·· γ· ν ■ t-i fall to lastinta- Same. I «V Ho'lrr. K "f I R ?.*» 73 3m β 00 Confectionery, Fruitt λΥι ••nj'n.-e'·. t'> ïet or- give ! J W lier, Xufe, ( I U «S, Ai 50 *) NO m lee travel oa d 40 «t m »· ν η· ·ί«ι st I and is a pf γ- 7 in. J above, || all kind a alwaya oa baad la der- a* each where th· stojo I, p-Ttnaneot rvli-f, ρ m., tMitiaailhVR. Tracturut Υο·»Ι Mu.«ie S A W corner larfe (loaaUttaa at Ilrnnett. Ν of 4 R? 3 75 »i 90, 5 >la\· at No. 5, K. t, of U. b· aeaaja ι· ν icurv lor ». Luin- ttoisu (AIT. pet. proper for «aob. t«> J'ali int· il.-t -.·. ai t l>. tli*r tint >. U'iuumati«ui. Neuraisii ! The r jinl'irt-'t facilities which tt it school offers Fred »h*W l«»' 4 '*> 25 10 yts | fain* lor PurtUad will R8, M Lombard, 10 00 ·. : a nu -r diseases Kx(trr»» I«>*veLewip « R Ν A 3 > to avl u'i of other to for thi kr |) l a iojr to ttacb. l> r college, or lor R M II'· t of Iom 4 R 3 HO 100 40 12U milea travel oa · au I bare Jurt add»*] a had ii tx^'.riu..e tÎT hiui to run t«>n Λ 73V a. a., 11:1 υ λ. m.. an>i 1 û>7 au J 4 -ii above, whr îth.» hnmiu tl »sh Is hoir to. If von bn*ia< m «re uut'ioaittl by any arbuul la the Ai £0*101 V\ Mill··, wild tan3a Suu l&o U> a wi'tl" λΕ I th it the>·· faoitn p.IB. m.A ermine. •ou atry. Aii|;a»iu· w Kdltsnl'l lum 10J 500 3 ιΟ ÉIA? FISH •r· in bad health or from of K*r .South Pa·l«, Norway, I.ewi«ton, Portland wire th^ art* ofth" an1 Dot >aff-iriug any Abi.er Brnneit, loi l U 4 13 2\M tu Dated 18». MARKET, corporation. | «p'I will For fii'tber address ilia port ΡArit, Dae. SO«h, ο tf«· « » »v ϋ and a Boston leave at S:îji. m., Sootb particular* Priarlpsl. ay baala«ae. aad aball bave m»-r· ίτ th· Dejlisji-nre of η Γ· l'u- tl complaints, try Ο U l-i.wf II. part lot I R 4 30 1(« 40 WALDO PETTENOILL. eoaalaaity m How*ervaut, Pana at loi.' a. ni., aiu' at 10:40 n, m., North Biidgton. Me., l>cC 21. let'i band a fall κ ?!·· .,f Norway A Λ «irovor. part lut 1 It 4 10 ΙΛ fi | lia· tl th« risk of wuicii 1 iw. CttatmiD*.*» ae- p.tNo's E\ri:*rr, yon may rely warning Po t and st iî:*3 by K (j W ilrjr part 1 R 8. Λ .V) 2u oc it that w»h a jMixod lit st lor l'o/iian l un! Lewicton will COUBr BILL. RESH suu.cd nheu h" accept·.«i employaient on1 >ou experience upwrJy M a too It. iDctt. meadow, 4 M St) FISH, OYSTERS, CLAMS, Etc.. leave Uorfcam at S :Γ> a. m South Parla β-.15 '•d. 3 atteadaoce and 50 allee the railroad. The fonud a r> f. Be ?ure, however, and get /\»η<Γ* And M. R. (.handler oi «aid T., day* art will vlalt BtU. j iry ver-, Ntnrw β.ν ι.u<.,arci«la« to PwllMMlat Frymr* Acadeaj 00 Part· Tnetday· aad rrfdaya. F-frirt—tak«» do imitation. û'aut I· appointed agent to ibe ex. travel, 110 diet for C^tuains fertrt »h->u«and *^ven 9:11 a η ar.l io .vtcruoon tnixe.l Irtin leave* tupeiltuend far. T.. β BO 14 on Tt.e Subscriber will be at Norway and open a of Ibe nam· and l« to do, do, »■ .Si. Pa penditure rnjulitvl |lre * So hundredldoUu^ Λ luKiou for a uew trial' ItflHw·far Pattlm)MU;Uia tu, bond ai la# (ay T., do, éo. lu ou *11 a man, iu th· direct*. Ovi-r grave of Springfle'd 'Λ' (>. m.,arriving at Portland «t5:lu p. m. un· T., S do, 30 do. 10<4 wa> n »-W be/or· Ju Lowed,aod afu-r ar-1 Plantation 'jv ♦ 1 »W M et hod xt ground*. who died from Iratna will run ny PorWaii I time. Rilcj for purpose ol repair lag l»r. Τ, t do, 60 do, a«>o d by bi:u. The rase wa·» losKI'H «î-orral M*na(t<"r. New and ON Ibe r>>a·! In raid > IhimIoq ronn«n up T., 3 do, fiO do, 10 00 yuoueut^ ^rerru!· li> >i" a i> the to kick horse. l'ollowln^ quaint Carriap Jobbing Shop >uD*λ* the raltroa·! to Wa«hitii;- " do, do, ·*< t > ut in cul ! marble: Bhme not The Second tVeek in Korij enht dollar· and cent· la ior. of !iw a»' I th^r* r|> «ph June, ieT»ol>3r· M T. 3 do, ΡΦ do, 101 ton on ,u»-«flon« sr^ued •«•••d ■· loiiowa: tli·· who > ut in»* to dost. For tha >ee. T., «do, M do, 1C0· John IUikI. « »<<., for the railroad, and Where all kind* of JoSbtag « HI be done at re·· hy God of nature said he uiuaU" ___ A A. Siroui for A tie-' ionab!e prices. Alio will kn|i ub luBJ e<»^ Cummings. * Total, *07 00 cisi· t: ha- » »« -eeu rendered t!;e court ο ο Dated, Pari·, Doc. SO. IMS. af-, Jù* ·» ξ llrmlcg the jt; !jrn«Tt of the court below A Crave Επκοη. =N0TICE= £■ Ζ WALDO PKTTKMOILL. ! -OF- : η ol life in favor of fleet»,'». It th^rvfor·· ap- No rror the conduct physical A NEW LOT OK SI 5 1 - ►XKOBD, M :-Dm. ». U«i. tue rn; or of more wtioii roimi I il a i Btiore w*. wr-οβι |« re Important pears that uotwitu^Uudicg rule tuat*a fyi greater, Κ > S appeared Waldo Pott i« thari t > that iu the III. on· of tW Coa.itIMloarra far aaid Thât the Ριπμτι «ho kiw »ervaut cannot recover his :n-e. -vpp<>«t· j>alns β.Μ» » C>uaiy pinbutd Brin*· a,;xiu»t employ- SaDiVernô'TAJHaHoeoa», ·■* aart mart· utih < ■ lor '■ι the aud Black Walnut NEW CARRIAGES! louatyof OmfoM. to ike tret h of «dp· r«rtlUi.r k»·» U*t iWy ··· er for in eau- t ν ftull"^ k and l«»u.s. itticteriax »f heart, & 1-iaelB. Bradlo)'· eaUie, ·«.<£4,'VO WOO irjory !>y the Ebony b· ab »re aceounle by k.at rendered aad anb- ;0 Hill A vera Ma«oB, 1X> ** *» of a *· 'low «.»rr \*ît. η t he may «.1 m-owr any 'iKurtwiiK·»? of the uriuary .system Bribed. | κ W Woodbury ·**> * 10 r* . Mart-hall Saaderaon belt·, lots ïissolved also i *forr th Sjprtrne Tourt. The· Γ Kemetly BOOK AND CLOCK SHELVES, STATE 1 Maria* flret rxualaed aad audited the atom Ground Bone, l*«a*»l«tl"< « eeuvou ol Weld· «a case has been at —t.i<* great and liver int-diciu··. 0F_MAINE. Prutfill, brrcby canUj p»r«!«teutw after lu»* .Mid· iue is t> vtT tikeu Urn- MUSIC STANDS, Hrirvol Harrey Philbrook *« 400 1«« ad Ik· mm ·■ «•ep nearly eii{hty«ars.Cutn· I C.urt oi Cjooty CY>atmiMloeers. December laat fvrty-oae dollar· aad Mre*ty.eli r«at>, raqnlrvd hy tka reel»·. Ala·, ài*." wou hi» suif w?iu iuu-r««t and fit. Ir m rv mm abôat kidneys, hlvi· Bnreham ** J AMUR. mio^· ydV *ι.·η, a. i> I'lU; he'd at F.r.· oo 'be uw *<| ΤΛ WBH. HT, Robert Kate· 4 of lot 9 R 11 100 50 M Care t osi.». Messrs J. aud L·. M Kind . ltM. of Oarte. | appear- Towel 4c. lMxeatbrr, bring M Ρ fliitt» R » M» M 13 Pockets, Racks, 2»;th .lay of raid month. Builxnk) ALPBID 8. KIMBALL, ed for the railroa i 1 nj Vtttfi S Ç. ltcioadj. ▲II et.ouM t«< tl.em at Au-| IK* County « oonuiiMtonera f>r of Uoaaty AHwvn. 1'. Frank aud Stn»et A theOoanty « ·<· tree drew·», M Floiines. txfor I, in the month ol A. U. I mi a· "r;"™1""m copy—Atteet: JammI Waiorr, Clerk. A-cordiu^ to »n it job September, A^utno K'd.lJ, Knglbliacientlat. — BONE MEAL app^arer. for th·- piaiotiiT Cuiiiminxi. jrOTi.'etl l y law, m-de se liai inap»etion ol the how to »<>ak Lntber L utlehale, Boaeitead, W> 5U> 115 oûstt op ox ροκ d, vvaot to kuow di^^t oysters, ountv roi'i· duly locaudsnl com for travel. NOYES' DRUG Mlliman Lui Ithaïe, homeatead 1M. To W. A. Dr. one in and wtter. another In iff in ih· »raie^ and trsets FB0TBI5GHAM, — '.randy por- STORE, nntn»nn» tnweshlpe »nd K "I 1 Κ β 1 at \l the iaat eiectiou seventeen thou- XOIS WA HE. if land hemnaJier uitniicaed. in ««id 1 lay 11, day Norway, pat. W Β Caefc r, « Cftttto. kmà all ter. hraii hard-'im thein into lealh· T, couoly, lor Ei'braltn *1' Chaw toi· required m * ·. Ti.e ly llariew, 0>bun» ibr· «» ïW ■M, aau 1 vc* wi re throwu away on account he or|K «e or ascertaining the condition of said «4 ft] HQ ftra,ilUt r them. But UHn S W of lot S 4 m lire ν ir, the port Ui».->olvea then, •oatla and estima'if the amount* need, to Lllllebale, t trarrl, of c*r t->s eotlni;. The o»fi ;*! tnhui.-itUia 1 g d put β g •ne » eo »n W W 9d 1, dey» m Fryrbury, ρ*, «00 >ou know, there's nothing like leather. I AGENTS WANTED he fame in repair, to be sate and eon- w eelanfoa, the Mtowiif a* tue resndt of the Samuel Rame·, 8 | of lot > M eiiiee trarel. «40 g:*es to caava·· and •soient for public travel; and It jar oo ' (or Ptrfire Krtraei Chrouio·. aiρ log R 6 A fc. à ol loi 3 R »· a date ai Loeke*a vote for Cem^rci-srii-o. K> ed, 1 ; I);n^· aid Hint said rosdt wtre not In ë, W * ·, Mlila. pat. Κ Κ Τ r· nergetic men aa·! women c»n make money at intpectlon gc»d Toaepli Llulehtle. Bia-1, MHiiken. ΡKit rial's no mediciue η so thlri liiniMW. our ! ran epatr. and not safe ami convwiieni lor 4 on 11 3TE3T 7-,4;·4; Boutelle. universally Mm! tjr M « ley, agcnti. pnrpoaoof K A V.rrtU, bomwlead. 140 ÎS4M 100S 40 ail*·· trarel, lilûFACÏOEEBS PBIQ3.. Γ*.',-j as a mblic travel. snrt that a tax >h'n lor οι CbapmAn, | ol lot 1 t. al Κ · oo ] fcax. the rei<>ir s« α roads herein, ft Caatoa, pet. ChOda, name, Mr. Pills ire to meet this R 100 100 70 mût-· iraral. to ?ii·» '•jr.," Dfngley wîild f prepared exr>re->ly FOSS Ss hey do bereft re on tbi* 27th da; of a D. » 01 CO., Dee., R A Chapman, helra,lot 1 R 15 100 10, β day· el Batcbelder'e hate le·I. a diatincti >n now the necessity, being compose I of vege- ..... mAbtt M1, a«fjudne and order tb«i tie cunt* Great, Mi en>>yni t>y purely NUiDUAir, following I» R Ua-ι οβ» Iota β A 9 R 5 <00 *» 50J? G A Η art or >» as*<-ss«d, and the same are assented lac·, 1# eo of the old h'iCal District.— tabic iugreditnta, of which Podophyllln hereby lot 4 R 4 MP aile· t St*ek m Hmnd mi mil Heprea»;iitative ipon ti>e t'ollowinK lane· in the Uaknar>uparilla, nwn«bips a >tl tract» of land hereinafter men- **·1Z1·» Aertneer, Pat. β Pool·, S00 concent rated enter Dr. M HBliDown. Ν W nail of S R7 lo0?°î »0!1S S i at an voter It looks as c>ther ^nic«-«i largely luto ACALASTERS loned, lor iho pu'p-»se of rep.i-iog the roaos «· ily 1, dAye Cairo·, pet. J p Swaeey, 1« uo To uuiophlsticted j Tvoih«''t>e i« ib·-(1r· u'« luen·! iml Moth, r'a ; : allee the whole ol «sting them me ear A u.kowB.Iou·.·-»-1-7-· R* 1JW a« 1* traraL 000 Lbeir composition; strength e· oitort. I; d«*ad.u- int nerve in I jri>·.« Γ-rma· through .luring D· InO, JU the c board had υ [Jûknown, lot 8 R 4 M « af it though .uvassiog entirely a f ■ ι1J wit: 8,ldiy. Albe.y.pet. ASBaaa. «00 eh i> extracts on an entirely netv prin- tient teliei. For d· alerv in »».« dlci'»· OUallee \N And vr And D R. HmMoc». M, of Bethel ia trovvl, «00 overlooked the Intent of election law*. As e. ar.· mild iu their f West Surplus, lor the arpolelcd -'I They operatiou, aud | purpose of icrnt to 14. I day a> Pa» I W Β >. « retailing that paît «I the r<»-d tup· riii'tnd lh' exueadiutre oi ibe ta ta a pec Ciokaaa, at do cot serve i ire a vaiuable \J loeuiy lead- uid I- % ·>β) · «( BHb- l. interpreted present, they truiy ap«rieui.and aLti-biiioUh sd from Andov^r Corner In rrnmred to )ητ b.md aa th« law «llree». 1», pet. D Haaaoae, 4 00 ('pin, which lies in Ml ail»· r κ rat. 4 hp flASON1 η ne. ^timauu ttie to heal- PRESCRIPTIONS A SrECiALTY. the koui JAMÛ» ». BROS edit liver aid Aiuî.i: 41 to the of voter* aud make 11 They fundus, of FiRy-or* Doi.sr* WRlUUT.Cierk. f· r ·» protect rights and And l« 1· Ordered. Tbmt aaid M, I d»yo at Β thai.pet. IG Kintal «00 ν, Ly actio·, ckaos« the atomach and bowels Wl USE ONLY Keuty coula; the same is a»seaatd aa IoUjws: hereby u«e»iaat their wishes known, a? they were Intended. j j >epubli«bea Jr of Lewiatoo was · Pure and Fresh ° ) « m lie. travel. Mr. Dlpsity, '] teadache, or biM»nis- · waldo I'BrriUMitu*. > aiaaioM»· dyspep^Ii indigestion, Drugs, j Wy.A >r. ts, 1 dare at Itorwaj, »»· other a 1 κ»-, co!ds, Our Store * in of a vote«l for. Xj person be&rn 4 fevers, drowsiness, aching, alwaj charge £ § ε ttf.uïU Flood, similar '.ami» wa* 9 candidate; aud to u^ j >aius, slight ch!'^, with Γ. ishes of heat, ! c « *< Dee ,»«TU»ae.jiJ IS mile· tr- 1 REGISTERED APOTHECARY. 5 99.1R82. I oerUfy the fonrr»'·! to b· · it seema at snnl that «evente· η ι ind female irre^larities. For a biliooi and ™ io. U, 3d»·* trimply ^ ΛI 0-351 thou.-Λ.. ! voters ahouiu Oe dbiranchised < ostlve habi^. no medicine is so prompt and £ Ç, Auerts JAMBS 8 WEIGHT, Clerk. j I w of S. L. CROCKETT, Il Dt;nn, ICO $H0 |0 W beca'.se of the omission of a useless "jr." « ffectoal. Mailed oa receipt price [in 1 imoi Wslkcr*» ! by eala'.e, Stod· of a initiai let- 2ό or live l'or dard or the jbstitution wrong « | oatage stau.ps J, etc., boxe» lot·. ÎOO 200 1 CO J ; Registered Apothecary, j i' For » Th*· was wbr i il. Ad·!rest» Dr. 4 I'hiladel- heeler liaobter, loo 100 the Mines. "SSSBt"' ter. intfEt plsin: apply Swayue Son, 80 J liBenloitiau to exaalae ο» υ will do I'. L >0 NORWAY, MAIN Κ. .odroMoigin Water Power L>okoi ' hia. Pa. Ask for 1 λ», at aad 75 cat ■ technical teste tn making the counti' j your Druggist them. Ha THawaï'e >tv BLOCtt balance of »,« two Αβ- I fl» ■ —. .11..ι Ι ΙΓ you all ilebt. _ uieetlD wu ad led < Jour A jokaeoo, Chealete, N< Ai

FOR NEWS ΟΧ Ft) Ht), a·:—At a Court of Probate held al CAUSE APPREHENSION. OF THE WEEK. ■late of Maine. a Paria, within and for the County of Oxford, on "A Nimble is Better than Slow Shilling." OxroBr. as:—Court of Inaolvtacjr. M Wei the tnlrd Taeadav of Jan.. A. D. IMS. Sixpence Rev. Father Wilds' : Three hundred I>. PbeUo WHY MTSTERIOCe PHYSICAL T»Ot M.ES Saturday persons per neaday of Jannary. A. KfS. 1IVNJAM1N W. NEVEUS Uiiaidiaa of son* perished tn λ circus In Um matter of Joatph I). Jo-f·, Inaolvn > A Maxwell, a pnaon of aaao^nd min i, of Bwe· EXPFRIENCE. 1>K£AD burning buildlnj > AjtOl *K srU'lAL Λ l'Kol'lLs. at BTdltsch*(r. Poland. lWrt«r>ll ia hmti; ordered, That ootid· b< den, ta «aid Conntv, having presented h la account Hire· to all petoon· Iniercttod in tfce settle» en I of gnxrdlanabip of aald w»roukU»*. Ordtiad I hat amid Unardian lire nolle· to all mliiloaâry la Jiew York, and brother of th· was named loaolvoat b' Iniereated. bv a of thla or· damaged $.) >.Ouq Are. %nd foui • e or Urn above debtor, vtreon* çanaing copy Mmmm-Hii- bj 1 l»t« MU I neat Jurigw Wild·, of the a of ibl» order to fee published twi «1er to be tttree »PfU auoeeaalvelj In lives lost. There was an 918,000 Are ai causing copy publlahed follow» Kt* more than dread ■Mki luctriilnlf tn thi Oaf ird Democrat the O'lPtd Oemoerat. at Pari·, that thejr ■etta top?»— Court, writ·· M thing* give pain this State. printed llanipdeo, Be w< paper in fart· in said County. ths mar appear at a court of Prolate to he held at "TO R. M/A St. Stw York· Mnt, 1«K>. or Most are able print··! |β, apprehension. people Monday At this date is was known that the» nav appear «t nCVuitof 1'isolyency tn b« Paria, in aaid county, on Ihe third Tu·«day of Mum. J. C. Aver à Co., Gentlemen : « ean on tfce ■'<· In the fori and iru with » most uncom- to face apparent danger heroically, but person* In the Milwau ! ·μ-Ι at the l'r>tn and object II nut be allowed. which Itched so lutolerahty »t nigh», 1 my limbe, » Tu· iv Mr. the Secre- Mttauiv. Κ. Λ. KKVK Judge Κ A. FUTE, Judge. and barned so that I could s< air· Iv finir some indefinite very I>.»rscy resigned tlx; intensely, calamity naturally ef Insoîvetiey (Vnrt. Oxford Co. A true :-H. C. DAVUi lltdltMr. over them. 1 «u also a »nfTerer "*» taryship of Kepubrican National Commit- copy—atteat any clothing strikes terror to even the bravest. For Atro'««pr. Al!M: tl ·:. Davis, Ue«i»trr. fr-'in a severe catarrh ami catarrh·! cough ; my tee The hieionc Twiddle Hall HI· κ OXF mi», *a: — Ai a Conn oi Probate bold at k, was poor. and my system · good deal run reason and tornadoes are of on •|. I Ml tenible : their and ,»f OXFORD. es ti. Α. Π ISM. Kii.UA, obaerrauon of many other citaer, uml considered coming Fryt· Maine, Ktnsoin of N<>rth Carolina, January ON ih"· of Saiah If. M rton of Buck- by ia tn give ο>·ιι«·«>. Thst on the î-1 pviitlou from use In former year*, I taking are so of II irris of Teunes- f|Mih Held, in »aM couniv, ln< that O-car li personal hepn sudden, unannounced Sauls'>ury Delaware, of J mu try, A. t>. IH»S. a VVarrml in pra· Her-ey it for the •bove-nam« d disord.-rs My appétit» going JL day on the seeanu Garland of Arkansas «ere ••f HunkOeid bn Aiipoinlcd S'tmmnuetor the lirai Alter a unknown. For this same reason an re-elected Insolvency wa< iaauod out of theCoart of Insol· improved alnxwt froiu dose. and the •■•t iic ol SiiMoaih Leonard, late of Burkdold in were and l uit» J Stiir" Senators. Prince Τι-ney for *t»id county ot Oxford, xitatnst estate abort time the fever ami Itching allay· ·Ι, Napol- aald c iuntv. rtccet.cd : disease, some in the ■f Α tiirdon of Hii-'kH-ld la *al I (ounty all ·Ι||ηι of Irritation of the «kind κ.<ρι ir>-d. My unknown poison eon was arrested iu Tari» for a rev- li^orit That the «aid notice issuing t tJ be nn lu»olv»nl Ltei.lor.on petition c| Ordered, petitl->nor give eatarrh and eoufli were also CVM 1 > t!>« md« that is un- adiudK·' u> blood, «orne manifesto. on the all person* Interrated a copy of thJa ENGINE. was by educing and health malady gradually olutionary • aid l»*bt r, which irtilion bled LOOK AT THIS SPLENDID mean*, my general greatly Improved, ♦nlrrio b«· lied three we«-ke anree· la the a the life, is dreaded Gor Callotn was elected to Hit ooih da* of J4n.. a. U IS-3,lo which la»i natn- publia «Irely until It I* now excellent. I feel hundred per dermining specially Wfdnesday Oui -rd Democrat at that liny thc«e I·» tli·· e < date ititrroi on rtairn· ι· to l>e r imputed ; Th.tt prlntrd Perla, may Built in a Man- cent *tronger, and 1 attribute rmult» the I S Senate tl»e Illinois Leylsla- at a Probate to at Parie Portable, Superior all And. indeed, hy mit debt* ami tin· and appear Court be held Self-Contained, U»e of III·· Slll-tlMi!l I h I by thinking people. the payment of oei'very In tore. At the of the National to «alii detn- aald Cvenly on the third ΓθΓ«Ί*ν of Feb. next with all eonttdenee a* the beat Mood nicdicii><< are reason» for such niwtiug trinsitrof any propetty Itelonrin ner. and warranted. Just the Engine for tnere good dread, at It o'clock in the forenoon and ah >w cauar if any ·!. I took it In small done* thr>-« Committee It was decided to tjr, to biai or lor bu u»e,aad the delltwry au>f fully ever rlevm· Republican they bare, the aame ah uld not be In less tln.n t«o for modern science has discovered that I transfer ·»( any ptoicity l>y hitn ι· fotlihiden by why granted. and other work where power time· · day, and teed, all, let ttie prt-xeut system of representation R. A. Fit Stave Mills light their law; That a luwm; of th« creditor* of YE. Judge. I place these fact· at your service, hoping some virulent disorders show the least ! remain unaltered. A trae Il C. do ••Hi drbtor, lo prove their debt* and Chooae copy—atteat D*x'l«, Kegiater. is publication may good. Thorn Senator F. Hoir was hi· t-»lale. will l>« iM'id required. Your· Z. P. Wilim».'* :n their beginnings, while they lay G«orge one or m>re ol OXFORD,a·-At a Cour; »> Probate, held at to GO lior.so power. Also respectfully, sign* · to be holdeti at the Fro. I am now fitted for engines up I rt el^tnl the Miw<. •t court ol Innulvency Part» w ithin and lor the of Oxford up building The abovo instance is but one of ihc many con- worst We hy Legislature. o- County size or have the symptoms. Utle eoart r«*iui to Pitrt·, in aaid uniy of Ox on the third I««.l· link motion, toilers of any poanible : Cold and tkree snow- Tuesday of Jan.. A. D. Yacht or Host with reversible to our which the Friday: weather on of A. i>. engines stantly coming uotice, prove per of who have dull and fori, the t«>nty flr*t d»y KVbrtiary, JOSEPH Mel.El.I.AN. named Executor in a at short notice know many persons storm'· were from lo. Iowa in tt.e oon best manufacturers in the feet of AVER'S Barsaparim.a ■ reported Colore It*3, at 9 o'clock lore· •-enaln lastrurarut purporting to bo the laat wl I style furnished from tho conntry adaptability nains in various of the hand Ihe ΊΜ<· flrst aboyo will- of Steam ο or Im- uncertain portions and Miaucrota: trains on many rallroeds Ulrcn under :>y and te-lament of Itutbt. McLellan, laleol Brown- and at lowest Steam and all other kinds the cure of all disease* art* I g from impure :en. J. V, W H11 Γ h VDfpCtV Sturtff, in »»■·! de -oaa-d. possible prices. Pij»e who are tired oue were a ntuloned. There was no ch inée lleld couuiy, having preecnted poverished blood, and a weakened vitality. Kdy unnaturally day ; λ» He»»eog*r of lite M»urt of Insolvency for the aame for Probate: Boiler &c. in the in j Fittings, Pumps, &c., well the next who have Senatorial contests Minnesota. ►al·' C'eut "I ng a cop ν of tbla order recently put enormous at times and a of an 10 bo lhr«e woela aucc« In the in or short and any Ayer's Sarsâparilla apatite MAKHIKD. luhlitbcd a^lvely furnish shafting of the very best quality long lengths eleaneea, enrichea, and «trcngth^ns the blood, of food soon tberenUer. Such CtiXMMITIitJi CfRKD. Oxford I»· mi»crat, a newspaper pr.n:"^at Par- of loathing at short notice, at a as low us can bo respon- stimulates the action «< the stomach and bowel-, la. that il···» mi) appear at a Probate Court to be size, price bought anywlidre are in a condi- An physician, retired from active State for enable· th· to rr·.*t nnd ov. really dangerous old% Jtn 10. Msndetille llolinsn, held at Part»,in eat·! county,on the third Tueailay sible No occasion now for ont of tho "Dirigo and thereby system persons hav had iu his hands In Dilfleld. by parties. going practice, lug placed by Ml·· oi Feb. next, at niue o'clock lu the lorim-on. come attacks of all lh* n*et, tion, even may not realue ♦"·(.. Mr Maurice Mctutlre of DiXflrld. and when can obtain it everyway the Serofttlout Kru/t· thorgh they an India the formula of a auil a ow cause, li anv they h»v··, why the aal 1 Gearing, «ic., you K«st missionary Nan··* C. M irtm »f Keru Shafting, Pulleys, Hungers. lumt 0/ the SI in, Itktumatum, I'aturrh, f.Viteni/ it The statement of a most V. Mr. Instrument should n.it be proved, approved an I and answered. following vegetable reii»e«lv for the anei uisrk. corrupted blood system. and all Throat aud R A FKYE. usual for is of lis. Catarrh, Asthma In Pan* Jan. 17, by U.C. E» e·. I) Π., Mr. Judge. PRF.PA RED BY opportunities investigation : Davia. Luna ΛΐΓ-ctions. also a and radi- I,. Cliise snd Ml·» \τιη\ο Ρ Uvw« n,both A true copy—Atteat II. C Kegtater. J. W. Mechanics Falls. to and a nature that positive Jantes PENNEY, striking important ot Pari», ■!%>, Mr Κ itr.k Itnuoft. ol UucktlelJ Dr. J. C. & Mass. cal ure u»r G ueral MUttT and all Ner- OXFORD, aa:—ât a Court ol Probate held at Januarv, 1883. Ayer Co., Lowell, it will be read with interest all : and Mr·. Nellie K. Hip ey ol Pari·. Oxford by vous complaints, after having thoroughly Parle. wllhln and for the C-ounty of Sold by all Druggists; price 91, six bottles for ?" on the third Tue»dxv of .(«no try, A. I). HWt, tested its wonderful curative lu powers WILLIAM A. KAKBOA'S, U iir lUn or Mlrar UUKiTlfc* or Cincinnati In* ASSOCIATED thousands of case-, feel# it duty to make W41TEI». da H«rrow* an lu»an<- per· m, ol Paria la axil it known to h';> Mlows. The with oouit'i having pre»eoia1 hie acaount of guard· I AYER'S recipe, ood. gênera I house m j'k fjirl. tloiil wane· auti> v.r i>iKk. paid Ordered. That ttie aald t»u»rdiau glre notice CATHARTIC Jo«rpb rliaare f.>r » η arrlnl wouuu, nbt»c huaban I THIS! and all advice and in- READ Λ and use, to all Inteieati d a of this FAIL TO 11 M L> necessary causing copy DON'T Jr suilUi. | person· by Julius Lta.W'-, (•cul l work In the util». H Miller. treatment at order tob* tniee weeks la M t force structions for successful your t.) published auecesslvrly PILLS Hunert. Κ··% I ban W WwiJli AfPlv the Oxford I)· mocrat prlutcd at Paria, th^t they Mr* i.roriff own will be sent return mail Cl — home, you by MRS. IlOKACE at » 1>*ιιΐ«·1 Wolf. apiH-ar at a Probate Court to be held Parla Beet Medicine Jr Luutv-lieiuirr with Pari» Hi·I Me. mi> Purgative J Β V* iiaua free of charge, by addressiug stamp in a,»t«0 not M. 1VE. Phînney, all Illlloua Uixorders. l»'»4 Brook- tin hi- bren «lull b\ tbe lion. Juif auy tbey have why the aatne ahould not be allowed J C- KaYMosi· Wasblugton-sl appointed Mold Always reliable. » ■■v,U of Oxlor.l Mid a*«time«l RICHARD A HIVE. Judge. DIRECT FKOM everywhere. ornct So 271 wEighth *τ*κιγγ, Ν V η/·ΊΝ lAi* ut l'rohatr |«>r ihe HAS IlOUGHT lyn. Κ piper. «*f A tree If. C. Davm. Itcgiater. <· A>OU«'!>. m I» s»rialsrksi ksr tbe tru«t r»i K\rca*«r iVrMtiii· ol ropy—atteat j ι ι.» line : I>ei 8 VUΛ II kiol I Γ » Ν. lit·· (H l'· Il r. i.sciKAil, OXFORD M >Al a urt of Pro'jjte held at JCllllli:itW« In »»:·! oufiti tlic urJ boud a· the Ιι« SHEEP AVTK4Y. b) (inet; Pari·. within and for the Couittv ol oa ! Jl'isrt. £<1ilort: d:rert» th.-relor· ail who an Oxford, Came into the enclosure of the subscriber at he r»'.ju«-»t· p»r»on» tb·· lilrd l u-ailay of Jan.. A I». ItWI Another Stock of career ιιι<1«·(·ι·-νΙ to theeatatr ol «aid drera»» 1 to make im large West Pails, about Nov. >tfth. one ewe sheet», I have, during my profcssional RLVIKA P. LUST, .VlnuiiMnt Is <>n the mnllili payment and thoae who harr >nt drioanJi j marked 8. D. on the left side, end a cross oo lite a relate ol Jobu β. I. unt. late ol llixû· Id in «ail of vears' treated large t ieitV'L tu «ahiblt th. lam· :.> r>!RY AND FANCY GOODS, right side. The owner is requested to many practice, roiiPly, '!ccea»ee, hivlncp·»» nted her account pfova 1 HUMAS ΜΟΙΊ.ΙυΝ. ! pro|>erty, psy chargr· sad take lier nway number of various disorders, if whicn •I a tnilm-trallon of ll.e estate of aald dcceaaid in Dress J «r·. |t! |·Λί DAYS somo L. r. KVEBETT. for all .wancc : And will offer for the next SIXTY Special bargains none have given me more trou- W« -ι P.:ni. Dec. :i, j-vj. perhaps, Τ il Κ Sub»« ti m*r '■■· r« ι> * vripu''!^ nuikf I'll Οκοκκκυ, tuattUe «aid AduilnUtr «tri\ give notice Goods, including a full line of as d a c· oi ble than the disease known •h·· li.t· ii'-vu dulx ·|Ί···ιι t<-0 by the lion Iti.lrf» il to all taou· Interest· I-) causing ν y thla «yrteriou* to tlinv vnki *uce···· in I'rvUnt·· I* *ι ! Count) ol Oxford. and a--i:mf order lie mbliihinl hely ac ute ; and while it seem at nephritis may Ctic tru-t ol Ad.i |-d»< -et' κ ol tbe calait' of IbeOxford l>emο -r.-it prinUd Pan· tliat tbry AND COLORED CASHMERE, DIAGONALS. CORDARETS AND FLANNELS. Diaries and Almanacs re ineref >rr r(X|Ue»t» all pci j AT lo have Mhv the aame »h uld n d be allowed. bv thi· trouble, il. t»t«-«c U A iniui·· : ute pa>oirui, «u t th «lu bave any dr KhVE Judge. ELECTRIC BLUES, ANB PLUMS, «aine A true DAVIS I WINES, BRONZE, when the case is of hereditary origin. 1· Ι u.tii i· llieteou to exhibit the lo copy—A tlcat:—Π C. Kegiairr. h M u Λ 0 1 l //1lI to I shall also offer somo Bargains in Crockett's Store. the first of the wn.· with velvets match. Special Drag is doubtless, stage Jan. 16. TilK subscriber notice tba: l'aria, witiilu an ! l«>r the Ccuulv of Οχ uicl hereby give· public but terrible disease, a. : η t»e ha* been duly the Hon..Judge οι known, Bright'· 1 lit. «ubafribif btrr publie Mt 1er that M ibtthirdTMtdftf .'an. A l>. 18B, appointed by jjr^lrra Probate (or the County of Oxford and ussumtd the of hr ha» br» η the Hob Judjre ol ON (tu· ci Sa* ab I Orr. widow 01 Cfni Blankets, the kid nets contain lane* quantities duly appointed by petition Shawls, Cloaking:», trust of Administrator of the e-tate of l'robat* lor the Couatv of Oxlord aud aaaumedlhe D-ur.lateof rrankilu Plantation In aald count ν, ι%," HKN'J AM IN M KOI.KK. late of Kamf τ I. aloumen :'and while children and young #ι trUKÎof xdn. a.-tral >n the e-tate of ilrrtitril, prayu>ir f >r aa a 1 >i«ancj oui ol Uid in said County deceased by giving bond »« the Uw JO-I V M lt. Λ11IWII Γ. I it·· of SWW, uai e»la> ol her lai·· hu»t>tud Table Linens, are liable to its attack*, per* Under Flannels, Shirtings, lireeta he therefore all who are people especially bond a· the law Ihut the aald rive notice requests person· in taid i.«>uut> de««i»ctl by κΙνίη*; Ordered, petuioter Indebted to the estate of said deceased to make un it W with all cWs and us dln-eta be therefore ail |.er»onaln.|rb;r u.»k'· ImmeduU ol ttna orderto lie uublWhedt bree week· ucce»»iTr- Crashes, until late in life. Lhereon to exhibit the same to continues au I th©-.· w lut i>«re demanda ibert mm» Oxford liemocrat at Parla, that ually pay mont, any ly printed WALDO PETTKM.ILl.. came un.er the muk lo lUri at a l'robatc Court to be held at One obstinate case which un lo exhibit may a|<|>rar and Wear. Dec. 10. llsti. I. Y MAN ABIIOTT Parla lu «ald County on the "μγΙ Tuesday of Keb Woolens Men Boys was a fireman e«f mv observation, that of lloaton, J»d 11. Kv: aeii.at nine o'clock In the lorenoon and «bow cauae for Mme be and White Flannels and State of ■faine. this who to me for treatment. fan» they bare why the abould not Also a largo stock of Check Cambrics Cloakings city applied | TIIK -u'wc Ibtr hrrrkf (lr«i pal)>ie Dotlrr that (ruled, the Mon. ο o\ roKD, §· The case was h· baa brin dulv appointed by Judge ltlCII ARD Α. ΓΚΥΕ. Judge. for Infants Wear. diagnosed parenchymatous >xf >rU aud a»«uiu. ·ι tna c. < ouct of Decern 11 τ i'ruba.·- -r Dip Count of A true atteat: —II. C. Davis. It< ij .e« » I |Ni~>a· ho oo the third Tuenday of J*n A. Prices largo stock ba'd others, provide·! plected. ol the on lu'l. u-.l > lb. f· jU" f >ud J. ·»«».νΙ to m.Uf <>s tli- ρ·Ιιΐι·η »f Wi'Ur·! I> Puna. l.uardian also a lot of Remnants of Prints, rhaptcr eighteen, Rivl«<·" η var?e«. r-iatc levîrilc I lu bi« |«·Ί(ι ·α no ilie lo the Pre· Remember incor|oou fil Jap. I»: IM. w h i'r*o rt.«···. \|.ir» ··'·' to in • not w t iwn τ lie N»u goods »r law to rsise ι.» Iktl The ru'»· M g;*··» pu tare' u» off. r ol our hundred .in I Hit dollara since planution r»qiiir*d by money, * lb* ΙίΊτ "( 1 >w le»:. anot I ntf rlit llotl over thousand of these state 1 re- ι-η«|>« it'on th niult thai lu '.a b· en di.l) > I by Judu* Orilerrd. That the «aid Petliut.er girr notice a and as I have sold Twenty yards goods mtke an i repair li'gbwavs, notic· hemic given for into his former of misery. } < piece, w·'rfHt r t*»* ! *». IT th·· uot\ I Oxl.ird and ha an a bearing on »ald a- section j·.»*·■;»*»·'«? a.I I'lolialr : all perton» Intere-ied c*u*liig abatraut of I can recommend them with confidence. petition provided liy known to ··. IM I'uwuikCo. iut..r ratala ol bjr to •cnbed the usual therapeutics ■Wrf .'it'·* KmUL aa«i:iued the tr»i»t 1Λ- olthn I. petit on mii'i thin onnr Ih'riiin to be pub- eoming Norway, jr of*aid same tt.at JlP li»>. JOHN McltON iLUi Ι·Μ three week· «uceoi-lrelt In the Oxfonf did. complisnc· chap the with the >■■ b»>n.| I· th< profession in «ai I ( ο ut ν easMt by itnl· £ Oeiooriat printed at Paria,lhat they may appear a. To the Ladies. 1er, p«-rlorui the duties η-quired to lay out a roe I result e-t» uli tu the covered mv had obtained. He got law .tlrtr .·. he Iheieloie prr»oa» a I'robate Court to t>e held :it Paria in raid commencing at Westerly end of the colleague» < to iuak· •lebte·! io the ratal· f «jkI d«T>a»rii ν on the third Tue».|ay of P· b. at V an lino of Κ and Insertions bridge over the M i/sllouav river, in said I own- worse Coutil next, I have elegant Hamburg Igings, for a while and then again > an I who liaxe de opened ». better na. tu· d at. f a ment thoae any • :tod ah<»w cau-e II just •hip No. rang· 1 the».·.· Maife, eigtv oc· -1 : 'clock In the lorenoon aoy lin-y are all new and will be sold lUvrvi toa xbibll the aam-to to match. Remember those piterns cheap. We»t. rods «ni !» in so bad that he had to oit t->r mut.Ua bave » h) tbe aatoe »houi « f mr 4 rod* w 1'ETk.U H A. t ItVK. Judf. call and our link· |>oli, I. Mouth; thirty ; Please get Very respectfully, s ,eme time. He sutirrvd intense pain Jar. Irt. Ικ» I. A trueiopr~atfe»t tl C. Iuvta Korfl-trr, prices. en and one half f Ιΐ|) Ei.t Irom the ο· h Mat W. W. ne :t c.jrmroi Lb IP· hMNi thence >oiith. to — so so that 1 had u tier thai a* much 1 confess rr I ll Κ ab»ciliM'r brr*-t>i fire· pubi.e υίΓΟΚΙ). *t λ Coori ol rrobot· hald tl M. M. PHINNEY, Norway. an I une half degiœs West live the forty-four U|i hr h » Ikvd inttd llou. .>udo ν of duly a| |> by l'an*, County (5) r-sls nod «IX (β) links I the county roal lead to h morphia. < « » * and a» podermic inj-ctions of i'lotwlr lor th. >>uaif of ! >r.l, tbe tbirJ Tuesday ol JaO., Α. I». l*Vi log Irom>oid tuwuahiuto Krroll, New II .trΓp■.|ιιr'· l ca'.ale ol who knew how disgusted turned the tin·! '·ί Κ xerutor of Ute ON in.· pet ti ό of ï»»rah J Hr»dlejr, »ole »or 1883. ar.d over land of * W. Llnncll jeaa.-t by fvluf of |>ι·"1 H. U'a lley, la'e of Fryrburit lu «nul day of December A. D. I*»^i. being a I ο A. FXJLL LINE OF twenty-fijtu'h to the man, advised me to try UwdilYc*. h>* the «fort» i».jue»teaU person» ouMy. de Mied pr.iy α«* I >r lloMM to a«l| «α I I HAVE at their llret tcriilar «e«Kion a.ier ih< locution desert ae-l to luateim d.'bted t'· tlir -late 0' il.l line iMovtt) rnul" e«i ei ate ·ιβ «bribed in h'-r ρ ι. 11 io atoresai I, do he»eby as-ess on ihe land iu who hare di from -feich he drug**) laed.ate tiayiur.it, aid Ib.tar an) on B;e lo the Pr «bale OlSre. to Α Ιο··π Κ Mela- •nid towrsaip, the mm of dfty.-ne dollar· mwdy (tb. to k»J d«i«J bent...· A· m iiid· iherxou t ext. ι- U ill anise tire, at *u adnnt» utjld|l naid nrv.t V ΙΛ 3ΙΙΜΑΝ. > ex JDllN»OS •loliara, I >r tie pxt meoi ui debt*! lujacia·, Toilet and Goods, amount neceniiar/lor m ikm/, o^cninic au 1 pay- < Medicines, a s'ra*. »ιι Patent a man catch»s at Jan 16.1*3. of ·*> admlni*;ralion alter, said road, and lor the drowning pmaea Fancy * ing expense· mg pur Ordered, That tbe aald Petitioner jlrr nutb'e to pose ol rairln^ a lax to make, open aud ex this not THE Sub-Ci ib«r herrf.y fiera i'ublio X"llc tba· pay prescribed remedy, *etting my ™ *11 au ab»;r»ci ol aiteiidlng «aid roa l li sai l We b»-*u luird the II ·η. Judfr <.t per*<>u* Intervatrd, by rau*lii( pen.e· township. was PiMM™ KNOWN he lia» duly a|«.· by with to be -si what giv- BEST THINS li-i hi* order (hereon pub- AND CIGARS, do thetriore divide I t>>wii«hi|> into a* mai.y patient, however, know f >r tbe C.-ULty ol <)xf »r.l. and ruined petition TOBACCO Probata lished three week» aucceativelv in tbe Oxlord divisions a· aru as nvarlv ol ad ··tut»t-at r ol the ealale f equitable confirming not a the irut a In »ald ι· to η ing him ; and. * iVni'j<-rat, nrw»pap«-r ρ rioted al Parla, a • convt η nt know dlvt>l jas and «eparate although \ Υ Λ. into late «t Mène». in Μ Κ tnav at a Probate Court, all of the Goods ki«pt J*4ltVc.r.xn1 WASmTG^BLEACmTG b tid a· Mir County, thit they appear And Staple usually ownirsliip, an I do a-is muni lor uses, A sum OR HOT OR COLO he iher rire all peraon» in- Tuesday public IN HARD SOFT, law .'Ιγιοι» injur·.!· lu the aud «how to ν must conks* that after fireman > neat, at nine o'clock lore-uooo, proportionate the ueti.ereof, duly regarding my and «1 \P ΑΜΛΖ- d< bt*d >o iIk* e«tal< Ι raid 0e«·. aaed t ta.ikc lui LABOR. TIME au··· If bare the name abould oot STORE. the hcnriitu lively H te-uit to s.ud dni-.οη» bv I.UKS » de any they why CLASS DR.TIG taken one bottle he much better, Mlitliu'lun. mr at·'p.tyiti>'Ut. and tho»e ah hare any grew Y tl' 1 υη.*«·Γ»:»1 be FIRST the retablMiui'Îiil ot «aid road, and not regarding 1ΝΓ.Ι Oiatid* to eahioil Ihe »au>C to granted. 0 l»e without it. lliirion UICllAKP A. •ad a· «essaient -aid lowoshipan unreason- mad* him continue its use f-r a ί*η'1 No fain rich or p.«or aboiiM l.kMlS il. KEKD. imK.Judtfe. upon H. to owner.· we Grocer·. HtW All Ε of imitation· troe eopr—Attr»t C. Dart·. UeKlater. ably burdensome the tbereol. ·» most re- Sold !>r all Jan. 16. WsJ. two months, with the gratifying 1'ΚΛΐίΙ.ΙΝΚ la ttf I »e«s the >un nece> -&ty, as alore.ai i, f >r making. ■ir -ru-l to miil.'ail. UXfUKP. sa:—Ai a Conn ol Probate held at ™ rilk .ubeenber h-r. br firea ρ «ΟΙι.· notic thai J PERFECTLY PURE. Opts log au ι M| Of etoen'cs llHadill sail sults : it worked wonders ΚΑΚΕ labor -«Ting ct'iaponml. and within and lor tbe οι Oxtoid, on PRESCRIPTIONS PREPARED ONLY Pari», County ni w really br ha» brtn duly a(>|N>iDk;d i.y the Hon. Ju.lfi PHYSICIANS road up )D the laud nid township, to t b<>*r· the alv>T* *vmbol, and name of th·· tbird Tueeuay ol .laa.. A. l>. l^wvl. owes his cure and rtec«- i.n *v, o| Probate lor the C..uol> of Oxford and a»i.unud present p» NEW YORK. ON tlie ol JU1.1A A. SWAN, t.uarditn » JAMES PYLE. the traat ot A'iMlnolialor ol the eaUte ol petition to the ot ^dltù^ti- of Farw. minor b- ir ol Aribur solely remarkable power W. !at« o» L'twell. State of Uoorfw β. iι, | to a. 1 to and 7 to p. m. LYMAN KolIUt^. οι in aaul do- iroin 10, m., 2, 8, t e V»ltrr of I'urri-lnkurr. b >bd aa Ihe Faraetl, laie OlMil, County, Store Sunday's ure. at er's Safe and Liver C Ma» bu etla, d-o-«»id,by flrlnf open • Kidney A'>>-rt W ..f Kranklie re»*» i. praviiig for lie^oao lo aell aud eourer =· WHFKKA*. Hoi>kln* law dlrec a he Iberelore rr^u^ala all prraon* lb > « ·»'* in tbe hoinektead larm of H 9 ΙΒ·§ « · * he used < >ι >» and · of one third Inttrert t remedv which 1 and Ρ1 a b La ·α iu tr aty f r.t. eS'ale ol aald dee.-aar.) lo make lm £ s « prescribed. deb'ed to ihe of alore.aid 9 Ζ hr hi· orvxl*njfe <1 *■! ·1 .ι··<1 \wnlvr 'J*. thu»e de oilman Par «ri I, Late liiload, ο Ο S" of the man a *,ve Ma.nr mediate pat men:, and «ho haro any t « Since the recovery id ttie Uvf.r.i οι lecoasid, lo I»al>el la well al ·η a lraotageoua s |ni ai> of one hundred doliara. SOUTH PARIS, Dn>.|.. \ o' ι .·. Ρλ:' UTiMfrti t» me, the HM. Ε KENNKY. If. luu ΙΑ mentioned. 1 have given cowiderab.e notice Hu*h Hovt liom«*«tead $!<») #υ » ·> * ceit ill or Or it red. that tbe aaid petitioner (tire under ;,:m d. >u ort< >(Er. pt»cr par· Mai» Jan 1 l»·; Ζ. Κ. Dtirltee homectea 1 ï.V» hoii 1 20 to the of acute .n W ··:—At a · omt of I'robato he.d at οι bia Willi tbia onlcr llirrcon, or and I find that its Stair. «· *ΌΓ«·»·|Ι. 0XKoKl>. pennon Wlu»low W. Ltnnell homeit»ad luu 1·.''*) 1 χι kidney difficulty, tii'irlvrrl cnr hi:n.|r< moerai at Paria that tbey manifestation» are moat remarkat.e. fourUen 114 m ·«!■< W-H»l«loek. Ml·» loi 1*«Ι0({ on tb« Third Tuetday Jan., prinK-d for U>« year 1881. Fûni lut "» on a Court lo be held al Paria or tuk •Dit IM Ml urn·· mm·*» <··>βν.·τ«·.ι to »»ld II >| kine by XV ILL a KO I). IH'N.V AdtnmlatraUT thr may appear at Probate on mil estate of non ib* ι next 1 he loll «wloir II n theibirtl Tacadayol Kvb. appears special Rob. rt L To« ns*n t. the ΜΒβ le •alate sioughtoo, aaiiiCounty,ou resident owner* ta be town of Porter lor the lii-rlin .MîIIh boariliutr hat d h'· aeconni ot adtnia at V o'clock lu the forenoon and abow rau-e ti any CotciMtoy toms of its own, or as a seque Itaee. τι/. Not. ·. tu l*v) decea»rd, I·.* prerrrt< 18*1 in bill* committed to Ell-ha Stanley. hou-e nod lot lOo 1 ■*»> J 70 possibly of »a> mort- of the e.lalc of >a d deceaari for allow ba«e the lame abould not be aianied COMPANY, year S·»·, littrrl in·, th.* eoniti>a~ latrnlion ίbey «by £TNA INSURANCE Collector of ta>d town.on the Uth day of |)rr..a.D Berlin Mill* North to some other disease. It be a se- brok U. A. t'BYK, JudK· Company may Urt-n Μμ,ΙΜ rrm-inlfi* I m>; tm· been returned by him to me u remain or middle dtvt>i<»o ««"ΛΟ r**»> 12 " E'gvlitvlr^ ... CONN., 1*81. pert n a fjre.' Kuura cl the * >rut'rr. 1 nui lUC >S>ii nuiuiu.·,. m *..c HARTFORD, to and other en, fur m bit-ίι r«'«-on t c'a! ι, on Hie ώιΐι day of iviober, Iri-·.', Nahum W. Bennett Ιιυ;η· »'ea 1 Im») I .'υ scarlatina, a Inif unpaid quel diphtheria, ai.·! th » notice f· th·»! to all lou res.ed by causing r.-py of tbi· at SI·* of DKinbir, ltM. date an·) now remain un· «aœe rit* pu>p"f persona OxroKU, et:—At Κ Court»! Prot»ale held l'an· Ob tta· d«x by hi* rertidrute ol th*l Davul M. Slnrtetrant hotne*teadtUo Suuo 30 illnesses, and even arise from KOiCOk s. 1 Κ AC Y. order to be published three week· su· cetMvely io Main·. that if the said txes,in- pregnancy. »it h il util lor tbe County or Oxford, on the to lh· HUK of ; notice i« hereby glv eu .V>re- Uat'iu lot ta wceWrn di- «ν. l>eiuocrai at Pari·, that mad· paid stiow By hi* att'T. «' Ρ Vu. the Oxford printed they A. D. 1883. terest an·! chargea are not Into the Treaaury vision :0>» 10 Ό 1 Jo The first lo h· third Tue»d»> 01' Jto. |>ald symptoms frequently Dec 1 Kb Wri la» appe«r at a Probate Court be Id at Pari» montha from tbe Ou tbe pciiion ot SAKAI1 FAKWELL, of all Paid $4,000,000.00. of raid town, within eighteen Win. W Maton wee tern

  • nd lot itoo Ismi i ti high, at 9 o'clock m the forenoon and ilio* ran*? If an) be to b* Administrator oo AS FOLLOWS: ol the real estate t»*»d a» will suiBcieni Oliver II. Uaaon Und oa in the lumbar *tne tbe itiae should not I» allowed «cil uf iUtbel, appxnted ASSETS piae intense region, ISAAC BAGNALL, tb»y hate wiiy late ot Oil the amount due therefor incluiliu£ Interest and N«0 1 Vi pains Jud-e. llM ι·ΐιι« of liaibor B. Farweli, ll-lhel, $358,Wrt p iy p'Im 1«00 micturi- Κ Λ. KKVK. Reel Estate unincumbered, lurther notice lx· «old at pub small of the back." troublesome iu sail County, d.40 7u0 'ii charges. will without S. Waïk'T k Cnapai.ui heir» ·*» ItKIO 1 îo Woolen J A true e ·>ρν—atteit U C. Da via. Register. Ci*h on html st>d In Bank, Law Offlre In said Manufacturer Oidend, ttiat raid P. t'cr give n.~>tic« to All per- 332.970 21 lie auction at Y W. Kedlon's Job· Olcea h om <*st ead 70 soi) il in the color t-f C»*h in Agen··' hand», loth of ▲. tions aad frequent changes Maamf»<-tur?a<. A**i«BKEii,4AT(Nrrrs,CoTTt>ii held al •ou- interfiled therein a copy of thie 4 υ u3J ίο I'orter. on S4turli|r toe day June, D., Kean borne wool kuxmlu, rit'HJBimM weeks Γη the Oxford United at 1 o'clock, P. M Κ. β. Coe Λ C j. eastern dtrii· the urine which at times diminishes per- «oil Pari*. within and for the Countv of Oxford, order three suocc«eiveIv and Town Stock» and 1843, CUSTOM CL.>TU DKKtelNO Ud Ki. on the thir l Tuesday ol Jan. Λ D lv3 Democrat printed county they a,033 Ci7 « If the urine is sup- * Prooaie Court to be b<-ld at Parte bond', < E. S. (Joe Λ Co. nut lot 1.4 200 3o ceptibly. entuely CAIUHNU. ON the petition >·( CHAKI.KS VV.GKAY and may api>ear at Truat Co'a Slock, 1 4dc should not lie ·'< S And no p«*r»on be il/ astcrieved by any a«aev sequence of the suppression of uriue, L. C. YOUNG, H- ui-u-r. Accrued Interest, δ 5 < < ceased A true copy—attest:—!!. C· DAV1*. ment aforesaid.and taking no appeal tn the prem- the M Bean, Levi U., Mine the severeness of it is by Ordered, That the said Petit oncra give colic Aaaeta, |9,U64.610 ise*. we do hereby onler itiat aaid road shall be governed O.VH»itl>, β·:— Al a Com οι Prooate neit at Total Mountain 4 A 5 D 191 #482 #11 11 to all interested cau«intr a copy ol Uiit lot, made and opened within one year from the time of retention. nervous peraon· by I'ari*. within and tor the County of Oxford, Julia, estate, proportion MERCHANT TAILOR, order t» bvvulilitLnl ihiw «ni· uiocroirdy Id LIABILITIES: Berry, when all prrceedtaK* «hall he rlo-e«l and Meury ot Jan. A· 1>. lMi. ^The at that the ihird Tuesday dwelling hou-e and bccomes with subse- the Oxfor.i lvmocrat print··! Pan», they 1<> 530 M. I.otnbard ol «aid tow.iahip 1* hereby appoint- system prostrated On he of SILAS K. KING, a creditor I.oaae· and not due, ΙΉ.(>77 lot at Porter Village, 4 300 Maine, at η Probate Court to be held at Pari* petition adjusted "·' ed Airert. in accordance wit nectioail Chap, β, Woodford's, :uay appear < in that Jesse M 1·>,*»4 and circula- ol ttb. next of «ifotd, sai lVun.. deceased leaving r^al 'Slate In etc. St,2f9 at Kexar Falia 17 (i I 100 1W tion, cause a d.oiwii property tally, and to rrn 1er amount thereof, on déniant, a Court of Probate held a) That the said give notice IJoaae even in M.lhrl 1(111 OXPOKD, as:—At Ordered, petitioner Cousins, Wm., and if the uwneia of land* aaaeced aa aforesaid. in kidney diseases-}es, Alllif Htllifi ll.>ui». ('rldijr of Oxford a ot this i85 many pari·, within and for the Countv to ah person· interested bv causing copy Total Income for 1882, $1,743,20 l"ta at Kezar Falls • ball fall to make and (aid road to the ac- an 1 Fab ttlb A. lOlb. In 1 300 4 00 open is no kaiur.U) on of Jan A. D. iwl. to be three weeA»aucce»mvely the S G disease itself—there per- the lb rd Tueaday irder published Village, ceptance of the County Commi aionera for Mid Bright's llntfl, a ad ol Vicbolis I». at Paris, that may for 1«2. #i,061 773 til At BmI'i \«rwijr, Wsittlajr VM C. K»Wfc. Uainiiaa Mer- >xlord Democrat printed they Total Expenditures DtHClEXT HtUBWAT. county, alter artual examination one or more the bac*, and these to be Parts by in Τ···4·Χ »>h. ISihaii.1 lib, an m-are bavin* (.resented h.a ae at a Probate Court held at ceptible pain rill, peraou «ppt.-ar 00 Southerly half ot the board,«itInn raid one year, then the afore- in vari- couut of of tail word for aJIo»· on the third Tuesday ol Feb. next Ri»ka written daring the year, |2*'i 32<»,2.Ό Dir. Otia P., troubles often assert themselves takr Oritur* guardiaaship msaiUCount) 00 farm. 40 100 80 said Axent ana 11 proceed immediately ttiereatter To fur Spring. at V o'clock lntbeforenoonand «hew cause!I any 279.M3.1M2 of Samuel McDonald ■»nc·· : Rtika outstanding, to make and open aaid oad, and it n further order trou e » a* !ar*e a line W.*>1 notlc tame >diould not be the Ira, Joka Scrib ous instance, in I »m I e'osr of Orl>EU»d. that the said Gtivd'an give they have. wh) the granted. Risk· written in Malae during Gllpatrick, tbut aaid a>aeet>ment be forthwith, svmptoms—for prepared 400 00 ner fkrm, 50 500 3 90 ed, publi-heu (w< »t t ·»ί Β ·*Ιjn, no.ijprl-iar to lute retted causiug a copy of tbw It. A. HlVK. Judge. 6,180 some ilood MiMMkl all peisous by year, aa the law require·, three wwk* ancreaaively, the poi«on. impaired η »··Ι'ίΜ in KorrUa iud Ik-im-hHc .$ In tht C. Maine in Wentworth, Epbraim, bog quiarrhœa, all t'>« !*'«·< order to be published week* successively A t uo c-'py—attest:—II. DAVIS, KcgUter Premiuma received In 48 laat nnblicalioo to be within three month· from t >woe at ihi· 71 791 02 lot ao οι «» 180 nausea. 1«* of disor- I ■'<] ;-**-d f» ν ι- th«-e Oxford Democrat at Pari·, that they ma) ltW2, lied, the uale ol the in tbe Ken evesight, appetite, good* printed as:—At a Court ot rrooatc neld at 44 919 w> James. Mr·, aa-e»finent, aforesaid, «·» ,ι«β I «-an iot Irm bua«a to be held at Pan» •JXKOUD. in in Libby, dwelling ly^ewoi appear at a Probate Court Lom«· paid Maine 1883, 225 CO nebec Journal, the .State paper, at Aw,tu· loss of consciousaes* I qo * hnv.· ·»ρ|1> Pari-, witiiin and lor (be County of Oxford, house A lot at Porter Village, | printed dered digestion, home a ter tti- dr·:··! Mairti in said coauty on he ihird Tuesday ol l'eu next, In the Slate of Maine. <»n Oxford LHiuo- Hie <·( Jau- a. i»., I"83. ta, « ο- ·ΐοι < th» Imr and «lit-w cause il on lutrd lues-lay Treat, of Porter. voice othe r ti· at V o'c:»i in tue forenoot. an) DANIEL HK<»OKS, crat, a primed at in aaid e >un and many complaints >ι· ib', i.ui-i le οι O.N of MKUCY T. IIOLM\N, of newspaper Paria, husky Ko- r.· u Mn·' ami >ny loa'-i j have the »ann «houid not be allowed. thep.titi.ii Porter, January 11, 1WS. where the Ian Is they why C that Hoi· FREELAND HOWE, ty. atore»aid lie numerous to mention. Indeed thous- Po'timd with low no·', enable· m* to d A. Uisde.d. in eiid >unty praying Kiijih too up UlCliAKO KUYK.Jadge f>n Dated ibis twenty h of December. A. we·». I » h til b* ol Dix be Administrator -eight day ttr-t·· la«» work *t ni'dum ρ· A true ait··»! II.C. DAVia.UpKiat man, held, appf.tnud NOIKWAY, MAINE, are from the tire» *· copy U..· ot Dix la STATEMENT OF TUE D. lfe«i. ands of pet suffering ■ in·*· t τ ν old Irien Is ·ιι<1 ».·.|.ι«ιηι»·ιβ lie e Ull ol Jo<4|>li laritoa, Held, pie pie·*·-11 I1ENKY O.WALKER. > Com η ;* 11. ,· πι a luuit of Probate held a· deceased : County s disease and al lûc 1>ι.Μ ab *λ mjn .msl Ί J Α»ιαηι OXFORD, M:—At uu.y. of to-day. — WALDO PETTKNUILL. ( muMoner- stages Bright" le wi h m«* will recete·· m> within and f >r the Count) of Oxloid οι __»red, That the said Pelilioter give for Oxford thaf any oHrr» t j. It»,tbat May. about Safe my a of thi· aaaie should not be rant· d. Pan 48, to hands of selling ageala, #V00U100. Kidney At l'an», in lh«· Coun'y of Oxioid ami *t»t« to all person.» tuiereated bv faming copy »hy the y Regiatry of deeda. book 177, conveyed K. A- FKYK of Bethel, now de- II J. lIBBY, Treat. brethren could b* of *· ci iy ol JaDUi! ., A I> 1*«<. order to be three weeks -uce»-ively in .Judge. Rcb*rt A. < hapmaa. then & Plaled professional only brougt.t published «United in CI'iibsklasi>, es., Portland. Ja»'y 10. Uhj. Jewelry, Silrer Goods, Iir.|ei-iz· b· r»"hy jriT·* notiew ol hi' Oxford Ociui-crat, at Pari* that ,lie A traeoopy—attest : U. C. Davit.Reglstrr ceased, certain parcel* ol real estate, ffatcbes, overcome UK (he pric'.ed H. J. Treasurer of eo far as to their «ί Of tlio tt>l \'.e ol Court to be belli at Pan· to wit; all lb* real estate name ι and Personally apear»-d Libby, préjudice apu- uM.ull Ai-Uot)»' tuay appear at a Probate ol held at aaid Albanv, & Guitar Τ OXFORD, MAt a Court Probate C- b' the Bobicson Maouisetuilng Company aad made Clocks, Violin Strings, would m I· .* »d η·»· lî-eenvrocd. :nthelouut»oi «aid ou the third Tue* I η of Kcbruirj cofivtyed to sail •«eo'ge Lswrenoe Doily Cutlery, medicines they E^hi·* in County, within and for the of Opioid ^utemeiu him signed is true against proprietary wi«o bat tan declared the aud thow caus, Peris, County bv her di ed of May 17»h. 18?*, and oath the above by I'alord lu»· l»eutdrbb.r uexl at !> o'clock la ioieuooo, A. D. 18*1. Ann ileah, U on the third I'uc-.tav ol Jan., estate acd convoyed to to the best of his knowledge and belief. NOR WAT, MAINE. find themselves reconipen- \a tn«ol*ent ui> >n hi" petition. t.y the Court Ol hare, wby the same «hould not aiso all the nained undoubtedly, ifanythry ADA M> ANDltKWS. Admlnistiaior on the e»- from Mate C. Beore me, lor d t'unnîv of Oif .nl, d ► «id (itorg.· C. Lawrence In deef InaolTeoey, 3d U'edne* I 01 KOHL», ing preseu'ed coaiiitoa ol aaid mortgage OXFOKP. lor the ol Oxford οι wartlf.tr a ilowaaoe: the con- A. D Paria within and County ■ow therefore by re son of the breach of Most day of Jauuiry. A. D. l&B. thiU the said Ad niaiatratiix give no sincerely. Air.·4 Α. Β rd, Insoiveoi the ihlrtl Tueaday ol Jan. Ordered, dition thnreof, I.Cullen O. Chapman, Admlnl·· Manufacturing Co., HORACE COLE'S In lb* matter of causing a Harper O. ANDERSON, M. D ON me of »t'S.\S Ε. DOUGLASS lioe to all persons interested, by copy tratir of the good· and eatatate of the aaid Rob- WELCI1VILLE, MB. Dec. 31.1882. Debtor. petition let* of u ol this order to be hree weeks mcces of aaid nt,.e Ni ι« -ri low or Juha 11. Doutas··, Upton, published ert A. claim Β foreclosure 00 Iti* h-reby e-d rrd, Th*t «ΐτ»·ο In tbe Oxford at Paris, Chapman, Capital Stock al Ipai 1 In, #49.000 of tb< «aid Countv. arcea··"!, paying lor an allowance »i vel> Detnocrar, printed JEWELRY Superintendent. iiitertet· d i" h» »t*ri!eo rt a mortgage. : Invest··! In Real Estate and M vchlnery, 50 000 00 STORE. all |κγχ-·β' ·>Γ ih Ρ r-O'ial Ε la'e f her la'· baabaa 1 : iu sail County, tout they may appear at Pro· Adm'nMrator n O. P->u a*«, Λι··ι>ίΰ·'β ol thi I out COLLES C. CHAPMAN, unknown. Mroiiu; ol War' net noue· bue Court to be bel 1 at Paris, In told County, on Valuation by assesso-e NORWAY. <·? c Ordered, That the «aid Petitl give of the «u 1 e»tate ol' Robert A. r caliec abovr-oam -d fu*ol»ent Γ> ·*, by -lMio* eb. at bine o'clock in good* Debt* doe. other than lor advato* oa gojds in Y. Tl'SLL of Wf»t SuiiiiK to all »υη» interested, eautiag a copy of tbii the third Tu> edsy of F next, Mjl C. <>f th.·· cr i<_r to he pub i>ktd t»o »'tlu i per by Chapman. haada of about #'>..'0000. «opy order to be tmbUahed thiec week· »ucce»bively ii the forenoon, and snow cause. it any they haye, 1881. Selling Agent', SOHOOL week, and hie *ul> ι«0»κ·.ΐΗτ. β the Oif.rd Pceo-rat a do·» I January, 3d. II. J L1BKY. Treat. BOOKS, At this office, lut paid Oxford Democrat, luted at Purl·, that the] why the same should not be allowed. la f «r · m lui C >uaty, th«t -b«-y tike pi 10.1*U. paper printed to held at Parla K.A. FKYK, JuiUe. ; Cumberland, ss.—PortUad. Jaa'y the 1&>3. Mr. Toel t·» l)J INK may appear at a Probate Court be and others a for year ■Ay appeir a; λ Court of 1-u ·!ν<ι>βί »i H. later. —Farmers desiring genteel, Personally appeared U J. I.ibbv, Treai. of the •cription «aid ou tbe third Tuesday of b A true opy- attest C. DAVIS, Keg 1 at ovei attbe Probtt» Coa t K>.m ·>η iImj 31 W«*B next, I the above state meat hi· Is trua to the day eause, if have, Uie same »h siMi· ΓHQs I ». Y. K. Jastice of the Peace· pUi*Kd lieolvebcy C- Dxna, Baglaaar, fffP>as 105 4 197 fnlton street, W. UOÛLD, NORWAY, MAINE. ÀWiNcgpi-AlM: UCWvi j, Κ^ΐΛο. Atraeeorr—a. * é. THE CANADIA WEATHER "Solid comfort" can be realised by thoee Κ GOOD ODD Ot'R PUZZLE CORNER. PROPHET AN8WERED. FELLOW. I — * •offering from all form· of Scrofula, if they Î bimaelf I Mr, Catltr. ·# 91 Lf··· ftt., Iiw h*>,, ! Prepared by W. H. lUTIU, Kut Suuicr.l will take Hood'· and becon& weather calling Uf* Sarnperilla # The prophet, luf ■· w I -CHARADE. who Prof. of Ottawa, Canada, ul k*w H· Obtained Ik· Meaat A man le known by the company he Wiggiiu My flret at night. U Β·(·Ιη hi· HaaKh. keepe away from. wrote to Preaident Arthur pre- With lustre bright. recently il U a H of Mr. Cotter, of L;»u St.. fatufal <>w Shed· radiance «II around. Great a atorm on the 11th want to freeze when its dicting great Γ·Ιlow, ud for forty yrart â BfmVr of;U„ Mr next. I truw, If you don't excessive ration haa been to by *o I (tb· oldett or*of A cold, or enfler from perspi March, 1883, replied plac Isoég· ,u' ti»h will show LIQUID It when it is warm—ose Brown'· Iron Bit- kind la Ike Atale of Co··.) He · mm ηκ| That in the sea I· found. Chief of the United States Gen. Hazen, 1· Now Him Your reporter The Greatest Blood M whole'· a bird ters. rwpeetad i.*tl j : OiC Oen. Haxen bu boa· on ou »tr«et one Of which yon're heard : Signal Service. sayi kia*«t pleaeaat Lf %i Medicine ia< Row to the males—Get papa to life "Tou tee." ThlaQnatGaraaa 1* the Eut these bird· abound. expedite to iernooa, tUiof «·Τ t», uy, οt Tellow Dock. Mud are. FOR BLOOD, BRAIN AND "It ia predict ask what the intentions absolutely impoeaible t> make mytelf feal · Utile ta, Da&delkm, Ethyl. * *]'■ trying Jtroiper NERVES. a in ad- with the FM All a atorm for more than few I It»' the llngrnng roeulu of * etc., oombtxtod b- MviLW6 SKiiu never so val- tri 8ΤΓΡΚΒΙΟΒ KUTHIT1V M nil daya poaed. pretume which Medical Science produced tr»ct of àelphur. nta it II-CROSS-WORD ENIGMA Roildt tooiai Diseases curs, RICH IK fhobfhat·· ajtd mot cannot be too Lode· dlaner which I iiUa M · white tfo|do», Irtaa, Blood Punier able a for the treatment of diseases vance. The information Graate«t J remedy A CHEAP. ALOOHOIJO DROT^J Blfhlr been ·· of Tnm.iTCHseict. pimk.es I as at Ut· Beach. I hare May arfr mà, I knows. Do not ever take In each, not In one; a general alterative medicine, et—imenrted by Chamlet» tad l»hr«letaa*aa no one can requiring distributed that koow. a aoCcror fur yaart In moon, not In sun ; Whest Bitters. See advertisement. A POtlTIVI TOMIO. ALWAYS widely la Now Hav«a t,om __ AND BE LIABLE, a blll->u PHUR BITTERS, the Γ'.γ boj ; long they pack. * timet eitremelf. pi^ •e 31 L- m π "I"' IT"· 1"'**" e*t and beat nedicuM erer In ftin, not In ; τ atorms in that aeaaon. It ■raelf uader my phytieiaa't rare often tntt eaeeilent modlrtne I IiTraTapi >«U,UM MALARIA, BTU'EWIA, IJtWMI*. knowledge may KkMKPy li the ha?« Female anil all disease· a action of tha Iivar and of ih J,, wuh * relk>w tion·, Complaints, Produoee haallhy in eror had kaiwl«'tf« o'r>r any r-itrt itickyj torUiyin* the ayatem a«alnct the to tbe weather for many daya «uMuwa Τ 1· τη Ill -COMBINED FRACTIONS. in a bad state of the blood. Kidneya, leave* t o originating mlaematio Ir.fiuenoea, and will be found In- predict above mentioned. It esba τοβ· .*· SulpfaLixl substance. t, mom as If Firt-w»nr* w»i« era*.lug ahocl WHEAT ΗΤΤΤΚηΛ CO., prrptrtM uîtÏÏ7 ni„l It I· a to a tbe occurrence of a mi terological Mr Caller μ a πιια wh te w >r I « in b· ]», «34. Cap's Jack. tl.· rwtum; t h» jci Tat# |»rta ar^ rft»n afl«r:«i. λ( t dangerous thing neglect Offlee 19 Γ ark. Piaoe. New Tork City. ipate e>1 11 1 III* teni·· >ar I· but « r »·-(ιι uf -a, I Ι·*·ΪΜ*» Friend.! .ruant, •cunonikal and j>*m r· cor». Swaths'* or cold or any of the throat a po I cough difllculty for more than few daya, wont· of ib<>a«iad* ·· N« w Kaclml w,., q ,f. ore*;3 Ol»Tl»t*T ι» t.. an* artirl* In tlir mi-let. a phenomenon <»·ρΜ an-i tot-l LETTERS. *ii|>»rl<'r or I/>se not a moment In getting relief 'roie ihe aole uae of I) VI—ENIGMA or CONSECUTIVE ο* wad'ο et*. Ια S-cL ) lungs. reeelee.| Kn.oe-lr ^r>.eyooag,t·aoon mad· well ίο'J Ι·τ Ftsnpa one will take I IX IS #wu>(V* by I IV of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. a week at moat. If any KwomrK KKMKnr. ηηΜιμ Ε at Composed oft* letters. ItMlltt A4** «Di 8n«n:iSos.rii!i bottl£ toq| can on It to cure It is also read it mar ητ« You rely you. to the weather A CLKAM β« ΚΚΓ Γ\ the here, ytm Mr 1, 2, 3 is a the trouble verify predic- ■■k bu caved performance. a sure preventive of diphtheria. hnwlr»k| 4. C is skill. J. U. P. BURNHAM, IX^i't w a t until U>-raofTûW, U My 3, 5, tiona which in tbeae are ao frequent- " daya ti: lane My 4, 3, 6 is to assume a character. that ballet arc Dot PlîfiBÎ Ha'cli at sra'e Fair Somebody says girls '* 2. a Bottle I !» weather ( luat cl.»»« d. For Try To-Day My 6, 7, 8, is a slight color. as are We not. made tbe actual experi- PRICE, OSE DOLLAR so bad they painted." hope ly by Mr 9,10, 11 is a common article. PHOTOGRAPHER, half of Ο. K. X P. Ordwar ,fc Co., Chemr>ta They painted frightfully. enced, he will find that about THE PLOW, 13 was a ..Maw tor My 11, 12, high priest. Win» fl'·' prem ninl»oih> Τ a 1 PI « 8», .fcoie JTopnetora C·] When '> and Canadas. 17 is OOTTAGE STREET, them are fulfilled and half fail. Wfat flr-t (r ou:n η ttejl ie m >* My 12, 13. 14, 13, 16, lively. We advise every farmer or stock raiser Alto agi 10 is a is often My 13, preposition. to invent In Sheridan's Cavalry Condition a is fulfilled it Send !*o Sc. to Α. Ρ Jkto MAINE. given prediction Swivel ataaip· Ordway My 1$, 19, 20 is the beginning of a pre- Powders and feed them out to their herds NORWAY, Pettingill's Plow, Lawrence. Ma»»., asd receive an ele^ai-t κΙ zt made a matter of marked comment, Wmt il··* 1 rnal im ια ρ.ι» Ί·βί, < lude. this winter. it, it will Fancy arvU frmm. Depend upon pay taking ihe Ortt premium d ra a cla·· S- 'j ay 24 a similar My 21, 22, 23, is transported. hig interest. Don't buy the large packs as and Views, All Sizes. while the unfullfillment of pre- tbe Hociety. a Piiotograplis My whole is line from Longfellow. some of them are worthless. Ik* Plow (that ttanlt tht PliKAflK CAI.Ii. at another time is over in farmer·! Baf CatarrH ilRECTICBS. Κ. Ε. B. diction passed teat In tha Field. a man bores for water be means When ailence. The therefore, pre- Remember if too l«ir a Plow ntal* η ur " impression, v.—word square. well," but he don't know—whether he'll ««ate. you will ea*lly Bid jour tepa r· «mi vails that reliance can be Mtd (or Circular to 1. To lash. get any water or not. placed upon wanu-'i i. An animal. tbe forecastings of weather prophets, but v. c. τιιιιιιιιι. 3. A metal. THE WONDER OF HEALING! Ayer's Pills cure constipation, Improve BEST ftoulli Purl», Mr. Tbe Kmlrkrl la tb« will be removed any 4. Con tined. Baku». Pq^Ot*I>V| oolj rp*» the appetite, promote digestion, restore a thia impresaion by October il. INK. VttwU X U· r:for th!» diaraa*, C> action, and func- to the aub- lic*d, ν dur" ( nlarrk 4 urr."»;-·· *.'.» healthy regulate every one who will give attention VI -aBSKXT vowels. <1 to nwvt irti m CMêtm, o<>iitai»a ail Ihr tion. They are pleasant to take, gentle in j-rpar· A of baaed flettrthm. ruratne [>rotwrttr· of tho Kmfrorlt onr their operation, yet thorough, searching, ject. aeriea aimple guesses, "in a « Wsmnrakprrrbs. I>m*I 1?n*(r im alual>l« lor u·» id catarr- t r «·> Minnie Mi m. and lu disease. whatever must be re- or t»th» rjΒ» hal affectiima, l« «impie «lut Iu»l|«-n«iTP. powerful subduing upon no reasoning I hr-. ·» m *4 and as .·«. ο '»!rh kr h aa to guesses H;| [Answer· neat week j Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Watches are now so vulgarly common garded equivalent » rr* ml r-v* r-« t-on haa ,-iirrd ao many <**-« of Um«p Uutr·-·»· that the to be considered is All » only way tony no value whatever. Τ « o4 Iwlfiril >ir 1 Wcex. lag oompUluf aa tlx» IilrarL having predic- Answers to Pvzzlics of Last to ask other people what time it is. tions of the weather to be in a HAV-FEVÇR ,'.τν;·~„·ί 1.—Copperfield. Hemorrhages. Lnr.t·. Htmarh, expected A S ··>- in· < rr* I! τ Γ«< r, kc. rr frma is controlled 2.—Nerer too late to mend. ι Kom, at.y cauafi, rpaoUilj •.•"Men condem in others what they month or more in advance, whether I m il in the arxJ qcal< ior «οΜ» head. 3.—Przziea. atopprU. themselves." Those who prac- ■ practice or ^"it λ· <»···. r»o based the of the «>ι 11 nf η4*"* 4 Owl. Wren. 4. Sore ticethe use of never condemn upon poaition {Janets «· .» —1, 2. 3, Crow. & Throat*^^ Kidney-Wort i« k^.r r m.'.ir r^r·. ~ sg i\J Diphtheria Hobin. Hawk. It la a turr cur». Dr lav la uoa. use but commend it to all af- Brown law "ι'>·γτι..ι· nef r ;t>«r· »*·. 3, Snowbird. 6, Eagle. 7, pvtapCv. tUugrr its by others, of the moon, or upon any auppnsed « 8, Hen. !·. Far Blind. Rlr^di«« «r I»ch- fected with Sheeting vrt -ri.\ cr»rr> Kt ®f Nightingale, piles, dyspepsia, constipation or ; « ·. * U ia the k&cvti of of natural Varrti, t » I 'twi r* *"* *«r !■ Γ Ttatr*. δ.— BRANT lag, pratcat ntix-jj. and all other diseases resulting from a periodicity phenomena tirr a tr««» ev »r Ο Wound· tnrlnc r· II.^î» r»*-· -urv:H. nrt·· K»r rirrra.OIH H«rr« ρm disordered state of liver or bow- which to- 1 κ α ζ υ κ kidneys, whatever n»i tu pp'^r.! rrifi > «r ?. J lb>M ι· lu ·1 r« suarkati>. upon any hypothesis thKv. Aj*r*. AZOTE It*tciiuBt)uu els. rl 1!3 i'dldil .·<. Caution -P0\D S Κ T TRACT *n« imi- are a* unreliable " has ita advocates, NOTES * day ta'-d. T'* omini *.i« Ike writ* iOM/8 It Is evident that home manufac- TRESS EXTRACT" Κ"· O* ;7Ϋut, anii f,r pu-tur* pretty as of the time when the end ΠΛ> ( π. β ! M CO Τ tures are in when so predictions Owcro.N. fmV-nuit an Burroumiii»-t è·/ irrapf+r. .Vaai dancer many people υ ---.αϊ»·' iwuf ii» to Med come. othsr Adrift;; prefer Jamaica plain Old ford. | of tbe world will VAK BUREN'd Horrors or τη* LiQi't^mos. *«.ui.W JARS. MXTRACT. Takr prrpantitm. the The "inquisition" ofol'ien time inflicted U M HfTtf *<ûl l'U t>«'i iT by MAbW. Krotu Krv H I* Torsey. I» I» I.I. I». I're»nl« !it Ί here is a difficulty in refuting as of Muine Η ««It· \ uη au.l Keuialt REMNANTS, horrible torments on Its victims, each seuuuary rr AiTiru». who to fore- *γεγίαι.ττκ* »*? Tt.il College, Kent"* ll111, Me assertiona of those pretend stretching them in all kinds of unreasonable LADIES' TONIG. ΕΧΤΓΑ0Γ 50c., $1.00, J1.75. />r. F. M'. Kinnman—Dear Sir: For Ave and breaking their hooes. But POND'S tell the weather since thfir ohapes 1.00 Catirrh Cafc^ 75 the students under care have predictions these torments were no* much worse than TeiietCreï'* years my Tho Greit Female to occurrences which Remedy, Owt/ncc 50 Ptutcr 23 used Adanuou't Botanic Com g h Hi!mm, relate of th· those which arc experienced by p«opU who j frequently The Favorit· Prescription 25 I.Valtf Glau50c.)···'.CO and have, 1 think, found It second to no I now suffer from muscular rheumatism. Mr. L'pSaWc a:e almost sure to prove in part as fore- 50 25 other for throat and trouble·. L was a T>ict Soa- 3Cai.« Natal Syrnçe— remedy lung 8 cts. O. Morgan, of Syracuse, martyr per Yard, of snow Women's Kedical OmUteot 50 — 25 told. Thus the early Institute, tr> muscular rheumatism, but /Vrry Itorts * M«dn ami rrnl ! 1 21 aiwl "X of our Srw oats" than that he should himself in to friend who with rheu- Lai>i*«. j·»*.--» \ *, put t'icntuun «4 the Womb, ProUpau* or F*Jarij J your is tortured ». * bot lie. to if one claims r*iu; à« «k*rh >t>li a condition to feel his to ex- AT ia a safe one make, rile* matism. rye any great very U>« W .mh. Irr-."i u-.Ur·, FT.»«iin/, l*r" Urm Sr»I'mii!iir vith BnrromTorovs tent. re- idle. Κ Jurv C «iptolnU. tUrranii*M, fia/u. β the to test it tfie weather l'an aha ru» » M_* r l'KJ-K us *i : uunoi tu right by an*l IrrvKuiar M';(WtruatiL>n and Am· norrh.aa It is said that ki; cures freckle· but sing Fur l»hor »« a T.-aie lor m kiru wuy, < EXTRACT Dew I have sold my interest ΟΊΕ OF THE CLDCST AND sn't this a revers» J of cause and ffect? Is POND'S CO., ported any • hen nurnn«( cliiidran or thr»owh chwt· of lit. NCST RELIABLE " 14 West 14th St.. New York. one « h a No W« REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR t not more likelv that freckles are apt *.o in my bitters to one Wood," nor to western States or Territories or th prr|iar.tMNi EQUAL IS TU adjacent If h*»« tr el other muroi·* wllb^ut iur THE CURE OF iiscourage kissing? "Moses F. Atwood." The bears y«u original British the (r·! ite η >t br d tc "ira^rJ. but gi>e "LlM·' territory. Similarly predic- »» t*> — N. D. Τ vu" tn<.L It wtr jrre y«»-* mv L. Atwood also BOLSTER'S, «ι.iffir fi\U Skinny Men. signature.—" F.". is cer- ai d Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, " tion of a storm in March quite yrmantnt r*t·»/. ••Wells' trade-mark, L. F." If you art tr»ub.M «.lh any wr*kn«m ·τ enta HeaJih Kenewer" restores hraltL; j " Sore The true L. F." Atwood's Bitters oimtnon V> oar ·** a«tr oik· ar>J "Ltd·' Toilk,* Dyspepsia, | the new life and to |.r<». r>|it>txual ify giving vigor «h h «ΠΙ Influenza, Asthma, I»ebility. 91. the ten years the num- gutrantrc potltlitly ynu. During past ■ the cystcm. *i"»00 mil hi civtn tor an> rtae ! Krmalt South Paris. thia i>r «li.ch "I. it μ Γυ>ι" wjl Whooping Cough, We hope we shxli not be accused of ex- ' WHITE ber of storms which prevailed in WaJutrst loab ity "Aren't beautiful?" asked a at n-.t cure Thit It a t Tome" Every the GLYCERINE only beautiful," was the reply,"but picture from ten in 1881 and 1882 to * BXiVnrm Tfll COMPLEXION, varying S«|d by ritlCf, «I 00 1H>n't I»ik in τιιγ sk. risk." Dra^tlata. Hot »»n t- " have Tli Womtn't k»l<>tl Inthlnit it an on ALL KINDS OK Skl\ in 1876. Some of these AND Rough Rats" clears out rats. mice, ITWS DISEASES, eighteen Imiu of pr"aiin«nt Lii\j f'ky>.·«<«·, »h·· &»>· THROAT, LUNGS CHEST, 11 κ Has No Objection. emm- π thalr oaches, bed-bugs. flies, ants», uioirs. chlp- KMoy(s mettes, moth- STOP been severe, and it happens n:Ιιτβ TlangtaMrt gopher*, u■ r. »« .a. SPECIAL can "bum ce c ibur health and a·: ! *.I Inijmrltl»«. tllhrr »;l;uor ttc Voorheee, United States Senator from this $5000 GOLD, NOTICE. that the month of March paswes in any adv mcirmn; " of Counterfeit· ami Imi'ation·. 4>«ea»e4 ·>ηιρ<·>ηι« and CONSUMPTION. l\r CMAW3 MARCS, P3.GH CI CMAfO SKM:iU remarks : I have by tnnl,/r»r, by ten-lloij No. sir." Mid the passenger to the State, My opinion sir, Trie huh refutation trnine·! by aDaMSUN » occurrence of one or ·1·*Γ of U-teat· Seul two l*raaeacl " Do t·· tt v. tl «rill Urrrr t« BEWAKE without the |Λ·>η A WEU-KNOWN PHYSICIAN T-jr < year WRITES· hip's doctor. 1 am not seasick, but I'm lndMprMtble. no objection to giving. I suffered from boTA.MC COL OH BAl.bAU for he are of for our to ·<·βι n. Vi Iraat IVilto' •ttuipt |>aoi^blet h doe siot a Vllhoctlt. of the used some St. winda dry up cou£v., acj Ira** 0* ecu leucedly disgusted with the motion of the rheumatism back, more storms accompanied by high W«M·'· Medical laatltale, Buffalo. Ν T. t NOT BE stomach, bilious conditions.' Well·' ΛΛΗΙΤΓ. randid aud courteous carries Cot-uiM, Cold·, Blkrdino or tue Lmut LOOK HBRU! DCiUUO by armlet bear. leavy PE*m.T expression aome and some will be iliv l'ills" AHTIIM4 AM) COHeUMlTIO* 111* (IVun rl*e lu severity, persons In; vnilir luan. Be suit Apple anti-blhous. cathartic. you get weight. The grouille. υ and £3c. Xrn llmrrl.< ι. •purioa* coapoua·!·, found who will notice the storms which Window Frames at Wholesale Prices. N /Κτ*\<·*- DR. W1STARS BALSAM OF WILD CHEEKY, u:» Common pin· l.lr 4 70» le a man a toll for an auc- Adamson's Botanic Balsam Π«'|| fin· OUr I ID « ~ Why ringing come the nearest to 11th and Pq||»y l'yl·. (ι h t?« u^nit .re cf I. PL" 1 1S oo tSe Cough March »wfr". HE 1L\I> SPOILED A STAMP. tion like a church sociable? One mikes a ouljr l>7 FttiNK W. KINSMAN* A "P»at· ··»«* P*n· Fane· IMcheit, 91 » SO Celt· and Al.OO m Upnvwl lU.ttle. noise to and the other makes an CO., Sole Proprietor*. To protect yournelve* claim that Mr. waa III.UI per IOOO. get money *·ιη:nf the Wiggins' prediction regarni by SET» W. FOWLE & Be». The marriage ceremony had been per- IruB l'ope ill il.» bottle and »ee Iballbe For 8η1· by SONS. oyster get money. Mat* i-i.1 that it was a late or a t'r-■*,'!>·ι dcaîm < verified, only day s. p. >rmed, the guests had departed, and the Maine Steamship Co. MAXIH A so*. or it was not ao severe Η ΓΑ ast of * was On Thirty Days' Trial. day early, quite BOUT Β IS. Northwestern Mutual Life 1rs. vestige sumptuous repast Line to New York Co., lrml«W«eklr Tiik Voltaic Bklt Co., Marshall,Mich·, as or moved in a MILWAUKKE. WIS. vea now stowed under the anticipated, slightly being away will send Dr. Dye's celebrated Electro- $5000 nam-i of F. \X. KI5HHA*. DrugaUt. Au different or in aome way differed in coat a of the Voltalc Belts and Electric on η η path, iwtl J*n 1, 1*C Of ilue of guardian night. Appliances gu»U, Mr.. i« Mew the ils»» oi (lie bottle. KIDNEY-WORT ^orj'lu· orrr ( |^»r eent rrwfi *e 0Ί trial for thirty day» to men (young or old) A reward oi' #Vfc> ^oll m offer·*! f >r λ better ar detail from that described, but that it [*he bride was jlH of the t*n Ma.ure·! enilnwniecu pv ! o·.·· r 3 *»· o»«j »> taking inventory who are afflicted with nervous debility, t c'c. We also off r a reward of thoueiod TkCM Mllritt ir* bMtn Uikl k iiovrraan! 4 dollar· to the |>r 'prietor of any remedy showing was near to entitle the author IS A 8URE CURE lickle castors, and the had lost vitality and kiudred troubles, guaran- sufficiently par out boad. Tne- pay 4 to if per «at «ο» groom just more te*:tmoniale of centime cure» of Atthma. for all diaoaaee of the Kidney· and pcuad inten;-t on ihe m >*»y il ν*«(*·!. teed and restoration of and Luuic |ii»cu»e in the «tine length of time. to rank as a •ft the house for the ! tteaiTier· Eleanor· and Franconia speedy complété high prophet." — T. T. M KKKY. Scale vKeni. ostensibly purpose health and Address as above. Willi etllfurther notice leave Franklin Whan manly vigor. LIVER «.off Bl > summer month· thete nte&merf The difference between a tree and a dog I· all aid !>·«larr "Speaking condition, «On-usf i'j regular «Larliarge. or *y cherge import. fort·|« by l)ra||l>t< »ill touch at Vineyard Haven on jheir pa»· Is that the bark of the latter is more than a· ΙΟ ctuta. J.I cattle »·»ld, harsh tone' .emrable route tor traveller· belwtes. New York thoro%jb Odd Strekt Sckxe." Organs, md Maine. Good· destined beyond Portland "An a train, that chill did." SOU) BY DRUGGISTS. Price ·<. 'father, do you know what you have >r New York forwarded to destination at once. He was seen in front of the office rub· Krum Dec. let. to IIay l»t, no pajweccera will Blinds crowded around to hear the STOOLS, one r himself the Doors, Windows, They par- i>e tail η bv thi» line. blug agaiist telegraph post KIDNEY-WORT " is HKNRY FOX.UeneralAxent.Portland- like a flea-blttea dog. What wrong?" ticulars. "What is son ? me worst." it Tell the J.P. AMES, Ag'tPler37 K.R.,New York. we ventured to ask. "Gotem, 'gent," he MOULDINGS, lost ruction Ticket· and state room· can be obtained at 74 "You see, turned me out of the Books, "This me a check for | said laconically; have 'em every spring, they n>ght you gave EsehacKe Street email lumps lorin about the rectum ; sore Stair Rail, Balusters, Newels town and run me off the turnpike, so I 10,000. to the itch like blazes; a tele- PIANO touch; they ASH AND PISE COVERS, to SI1EATI1IXG, took to the railroad, and shook it up so AYER'S I did. and I to have made CUT OUT! graph pole's like an oasis iu the desert Al R*du· »d frire» during th· Holtdajra. ought THiS me." Here then was poor humanity suffer- that the through express had to wait un- t I .tm tô WINDOW and DOOR $10,000. Oh. ray boj, very, 'ί'.ϊί5 S15 S40 „ρΛν ing from a complaint which a few applica- FRAMES, Prices til I over it." Pectoral. Lower titan ever IVehavestoresinl5 lead, η g Cities, tions of Ointment for Itching got of- ery sorry." Swayne's Β RACKETβ, PICKETS, AC. CherrySo other complaints are so Inaidioua in their at- which our ^rriito obtain the*r ran l.m Jrr"L quickly. Piles would have thorou eradicated. smart of a chill assent· tack aa 4 ^ irtorir* and Oltirc· in at ghly "Right that," those the throat and bom ferred before. "Yes, to hove made it $10- Ρ Principal —OF— affe«tlng hir^ you ought I rtr. l'a. Send for our Νcη ( and ao uiulonur a trifled with by the of «ufferr ra. The krtmt to audita Adtlre* ed gentleman from Louisiana. "Had majority he "it is too " )00, but," added, grimly, No ; & minor Is not ordinary cough or cold, per La μ· from a Ko. Odd Fellows Curious eligible 'em but I resulting 3, Block, S. p. MAXIM & SON. myself ; only delayed the train trifling or unconscious la often but the ate now. Hut this is not all." M. N, LOVELL BOSTON. ^3«ss! to public office in the United States. To exposure, beglnumg of » fetal slrkness. At tea'· Cherry occupy any elective office he must first at- a little while." SO. ME. "Oh heavens ! 1 cannot stand furtLer SOUTH MAINE Pectoral haa wall It* PARIS, tain his majority. PARIS, proven efficacy ta a forty The from Arkansas with threat and H FREE gentleman eyed year»' fight lung and organ· lib two fail «·ι· n«4«, fro·· ;ensure" the miserable old man. ^«âèSTGrFEDhi Χ·η :o.. m'eut. dieeaaee, gasped ahould ba taken in all ft to f» «topa Ι·γ §M t<. II». ro I f rsca$ PRICKS LOW. to cases without j·^ l··' RestofTJ. A Row or Pkaru him, but declined ask any ques- delay. 1 «ill whoa a better "rKan tor le«a money "It me measure to thus κ ]>K. ÎILIHE SGRLAT pains beyond y is of Λ Terrible Cough Cured. tban any Huun advertising to sell you direct. Β TiiSf ûïrve Glistening through coral lips certainly N.B. Every deaeription Houae Finiab for tions. Be Restorer "Id 1887 I took a orture but, father conduct has Γτιι3 Be tx A Nrtv;· lJi-.:«*ts, f'r»7y»fcre a but a row of discolored alahed at »bort notice aérera cold, which affected cy you, you.* pleasing object; I hail a dire Me a Call. >" J ;nlrnt u i:U ΛίΓΙ 'r"XUm». 49-Planinir. Match Band and long». terrible cough, and tt, at is log, Sawing gen- "Tell us !" shouted the chorou·. pajeed night a« and teeth in any mouth all after a n>· >een characterized by a reckiess extrava- fAinatrif fk'-n clrec"*!. Λ» fit» after bespecked ml Jobbing attended to. Bigbt without lee p. The doctor* gar· Feurtj'-jr-•td-y'f f. Vrrv'^-a I Wtrtrl botuameto a drawback ; add to this that said the from αρ. I tried Avia'a CH(Ur Pectoral, which ·;·■ 'ntexr>r. Μΐβ, K-nd grlevlous "Well," gentleman relieved ;ance that must not unnoticed. itjwi »nU.t!»»y naon·, my lungs, induced aleep, and afforded mi pass y. and ev.>r«·» Μι<· t> I)'- such a set of teeth is usually accompanied the reel ULISK,?'! Louisiana.'with a at the necessary for the reeovery of my strength. ■««·(, 1"" Jl 'xlm UirvaruU. breath and one can im- glance gentle- the continued use Ire aware blank check by impure scarcely By of the Pectoral a permi- you that the you rent W. more Soz- man from ran cure waa effected. 1 am now Ci J. WHEELER. agine anything objectionable. DIAMOND to yeara old, DYES, Arkansas, "they up hale and illed out was one with the stamp print- And Medicated Cotton odont, the great purifier of the breath and hearty, and am satisfied your I'HtK* Y AND ALL OTHER where I was Pectoral saved me. Horace ALROY NOYES, whltener of the teeth ebvlates this state of shaking and found they Kairrrotuer. Traveling Agent. d on it ? Wou'.d it not bave answered Ioitast Belief for Tootltach·. KockiogUam, VL, July 1Δ, let*. t Λ few of the mouth rescuing its dental The 6««t and beat wotk m / application· completely, couldn't icranre the County he as to have / Medicated Cotton, wet In get past." Croup. A Mother's Tribut*. r 'te Μο·«τ. purpose imply well, sir, M occupants from destruction, and counter- — fhCC&ti Obtuudt-r, In an DYE "What did "While In the last winter iiule placed the enamel of STUFFS,AT they do ?'* country my a two rev- acting influence upon the three waa -aeted cancelled cent internai achlnjc tooth, will deaden the nerve and rive hoy. years old, taken 111 with eronp; it MONUMENTS', relief. OKunder, Medicated Cot- acid secretions in the mouth. "AU hands turned out and tun- seemed as if he would die from strangulation. permanent they One nne stamp on the check ? I can over- ton and Instrument, all complete, for H eta. of the family suggested the use of ATEk's and Dealers In Patent Cheeky a buttle of i'or nale bv all Drantets to Crockett's neled it," the Pectoral, which was al- AG, AC. *»k in out the Every body goes Saratoga to drink Drug Store, right through replied In the CURBIN6, ana the Manufacturer, kept houae. This waa tried in TABLETS, your forgetfulness filling jdcCicir.*··'. by IVOR 1*1 E. ways small ah kinda of CfmUery Wert «K>nt t » or'n Mat two year· over pore hundred of in of th· trying success, snide check. aa rarrUurtoua tbat It met Are you made miserable by Indigestion, gallon· It cured by the uae of Atxr*e Creret Pectora wedding ; tbffcullai have been need in THIS YICIKITT, in u KM9 ! 1 everrwher· reeetrinr the Dizziness, Loss of giving bvbby details.—Drake $ Jorrfr Walde.·».'· lw;t'»r* Constipation, Appetite, IM«TAMCK the verv beatol aatUfaction Magazine. r : end oaly prj- at both lavmatlonal Byhalia, Mlaa., April 5. Ml asked this conundrum of Vellow Skin? Shiloh'e Vttaliser is a pos- It ia well known that the beat lead and nix- —Somebody Cl'-rr/ Γ\::·λ. oil, "I cannot and ■ ed in the n»nal will in a abort time aay In of Ayer'· Drug Bookstore, ? ; »τ ar:l*-Imtlfle ehemkwl re- itive cure. way lose ita the assertion of the New York eaongh praise he editor of a in Bos- or Despite Crrrrt aa do but religious ► TCfc*·· have la wroral pointa, ard gloax and rnb cff chalk. Robber Paint la Pectoral, bettering 1 that weekly ln.pmTwi Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy:—a positive guar· for ita aaa I should Maine. pcliTiJlJk In tk* iroHd. ant<*ett Will Color the Butrenrllk. It prejudice againat mix- Month. ed but we recommend be a man has named a canal Palestine, Texan, April S, 18*?. ! : ever paint* confidently thla, tress, boat after AUE.1T* ! WASTE» AHE2IT* match resemble the ?" Mot Rancid. Κ le the " Mo case of an ng Deity Will Turn Hackmetack," a and lieving It to be the moat beautiful durable and affection of the throat or lung· lasting fragrant economical in the market. her. Genius and talent are And answer was and Price 25c. and paint exista which cannot ba relieved the use ie "gave it up." this Strongest, Bright—t perfume. 50c. Remember tbU Robber Paint ia appreciated greatly by WIFE eompoeed of of Ater'· JOSIAH ALLEN'S Cheapest Color Inde, Shiloh's Care will reliera White Zinc, Linaeed OU aad in the most Cherry Pectoral, and It will ctftre»· furnished : when he Immediately pare Lead, India unexpected places. >romptly "Yes, Rubber, witb the beat that c«r· when the dlssass la Ret the w'.;i·-· prepared In oit. k ·ο compound Croup, Whoopl ng Congh and Bronchitis. coloring ptgmeata «a already beyond : ?,-Λτν.1. be obtained, in. A earefai examination eontrol ai narks the fall." ed tîtxî It li lmpc-si:Li!e for It to become rancid. I For and Liver gronnd asedictae. sparrer's Dyspepsia Complaint, you of bo ι Id lag· on which It baa beea need will con- „£tBOOK I Γ ft all Imitation*, and of all thousand dollars ••KIM HICHABUV ■«*." *)»d»T e*»ilj "S?.WARZ have a on vince the mo«t of iu mérita. Twenty rRETARID BY _.::vr til col·"-» fje they arv lubl· to becomr printed guarantee every bottle akeptical appropriated We want »a in e*ery tow·, Seed tor in mines are We refer to the aoid. Ajt«*et —The operators mythical Cran iJaad «poilthe bu'.ter. of Shiloh'a Vitaliz er. It never falls to core. lollowiag partie· who have aa for Hell Gate ! This seems like Dr. 4 t and to W H.THOIP· u< via : lighting J. C. Co., Μ·μ. eiieuiar·. snu·, tjceooy If y- J «ar.U cet the "improved" write A Nasal free ed oar paint Ayer Lowell, Κ Street Boetea. Mae·. to let in ; but it rural Injector with each bottle IM * Γ·., Havley Iways willing everybody to 1 -■-» n.x.rcand bow to get withoet J. C. Marble, O. A. Maxim. J. Daniel· Paria a waste cf The of Soldby all Drnggiatt. ! of Shiloh's Catarrh Price 50 cte. Hill. Cnahman. North Parte. money. majority at Oo. (M) Remedy. N.J. 8.9. Brlgga.R. mm τα Ο A DVD may be round file a here is difference between letting |eire-JC. H * TL N. Hall, D. N. F. C. aad L. 8. Bill- travelers THIS ΓλΓΙΛ !>. fc.well * Co'» N>«r»p*pee quite WtLU, RM »EpS0S CO.. fcHM". For sala by J. H. Rawson, Paris Tree, Merrill, hare no in Hill, Inn, 8o. Paria. A. .M Trull, Rorway difficulty finding ou in and win. i iad A. M. Soaftta Fart». nwd S-ir.U.r.'l» TiVvoTK;· letting you Gtrry, M ter otiwnhrr vrtew liai. their way tbitber without a light.