The Oxford Democrat
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If wlah to Um niki a on but at air I yon pnrify blood, TUE IMP IN THE ATTIC. the or ofteaer to call Then wu latch the "Mother isn't home, either, ; " toll-gat· signal, up 'I only gat·, free use of Wheat Bitten." It la m oat of em the some of tlx other on the Mme into the bouse ah· brought keeping economical phyalclaa. ■ Y BUZABKTH Util iUJU. people going gate." one a another a The looked at her in rar· wire. Two of the connections the knew and from gentlemen A chicken train baa bean started ea ÎbcdMorîtîlfiMfratJ place padlock, dally s little do IS There's queer Imp eye may tee, to se- the hare a were the third their with which ahe fattened it Penney lrgnla Railroad. Thej t'oscorcbed anwet rmln, in Leicester, own, chain, priee. by sunshine, by paaaeng er Cochin the rear and a locomotive The servant of that no could "Yen !" he exclaimed. What made PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY drudge an<1 Memory the fourth wu in the Barrington Bank, curely ordinary strength to pallet. Ια th* storehouse of the brain. fellow· here ?" ■T the fifth in the and the sixth in force it open. "They ean't get through theee atop tannery, Guard and protect your health, mak* Amid the dark η cm be tolls and delve· to "and there broke their air." II. WATKIN8, the central office at In her that," «he said hmelf ; "They wagon, dm of that true and efficient tonic me41* QRO. Like a slave who digs for precious ore ; Barrington. of around it." "How did to do that ?" elne, Brown'· Iron Bitter·. Ultor ud 1'roprttor. He sorts tbe packages on tbe shelves bewilderment Jennie could not at first isn't any way getting thej happen And tbe fragment· wbteh strew tbe fioor. locked and ran into the air." The receive· no determine how many times it did ring ; Then »he went in the houi·, "The hone gate, crippled beggar armp*· ι>·ρ Year. thy from Mr. J. of thle town, who alwaje He out order from cbaoe there, the rolled a bureau "Wu the shut ?" brings but st last the decided it was six—for bolted door, up gate to ao lame · 'ledoetioa of 6fT> tt repllee appeal—"A axcu«e, airs If ! «trie»!* la *1 ranee, <il*n dreams and fancies their proper space, pal 1 Within ·!* meth·. * a lame exenae !" * : 'τ m»·!«·. If ρ»· office. That did fattened all the window·, "Ye· sir." will bo Selects and labels and stows with eare the Barrington central against it, deduotioa of t reaty flee mti till the eml of lt< Kach fact In Its down the and waited in m )e. If not iu'd fitting place. not mean tbe and Jennie pre- pulled ahadee, "You don't usually shut the gate Ify-OlamoDd Dyea are ao perfect aad ao dollar» will h» rhtmd. toll-gate, jrnr two the dark for the sound of wheel*. beautlfal that It la a pleasure to use them. |τ· eewta. In the numberless niche* and alcoves deep to turn over for another nap, when ?" Mlaf I· Cep»·· GEMÏnmMEOÏ pared nighU Equally good for dark or light colora. 10 lie labors and waltato know slMpleas a her. It wss It waa not before came, but CURES sudden thought aroused long they "No, iir, but I did centa. of Atlvertialnc· Wben one of his treasures he has to keep. to-night." Hate· to Jennie minute aeemed an hour, XOTtCU. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Is wanted down below. after and tbe central every He looked at her for a further The aharp porcbaaer aad the highwayman LSUAL Backache. Hwàcl». Toothach·. certainly midnight, expia, 00 Lumtaf·. like Wbea oo« woek. #1 12 while leaf outaide aounded proceed upon prlaclplea. they «re »»<·*» of «pace Vo· «> Thrall. Mflllan BmUw, Sometimes need ftotn at tie store office did not later tbsn every ruatling and who never liked to for -eat». you your keep open nation, Jennie, to a Each HbiNUfit w*k.» n«ra*. >nl». rml Mil··. wleh get good bargain they «Imply wot. additioaal. <\· IU irlMBK Ml»IL1 rilU «I» 1(111. A word or stanza, a name or date; was shut like a mane treai. When at per —*·— ο clock. The too, up, atealthy was to the owner down. Ni>uc··—Λ c«m* » wtiift bank, tell of her own beat Special Mi r »w rifty You over It more and exploit·, obliged llitKiwMl· II ponder more, rtoiiri sotku on lut «he heard them far the snd so was the ; the whole coming, up on. la 1.0P Tiir.» mm.»·» 4.* And seek It early and late; tannery go Dr. a Great Nerve Keatorer the of Noiic· o· KmI E*late, ■» ι» it il I m Mta>N.U.(.li and Order» line she was the road, her heart stood «till. Nearer marvel of the age for all Nerve Diteaaee. oa Will·. J® And hard worked Memory wben you fume probably only person me about it from Order· ..... J .Su to 931 Arch V«U©rv see "They telephoned All fta a free, bend ti*ri!mn·' >-5β A· Intrrnal Rfirnnr oftlcer SâTfd. And blame her for lack of care, What if it nearer came. Would not topped a-»d Eaeeutor·'Souoea, roundly who could hear the bell. they they Pa. 4 tein drai.»!"»· Leicester, ·ίτ," she said, briefly. Street, Pblla., Sotk···. « l.eo I>eclares, "I have searched In every room— she wondered. The horn Coomb Mioaer·' P*Ovn>EJ«C*, August 21, 1M2. should be ! Indeed, the gate» ?" with Loe*l Admtl>WM»d It almply Is not there.** something important "Did tell you shut the gate *1 Terr»· made KJitar Boston Btrald — they The turtle Is ao alow that ha muat take .-oett»u«~d hit eon«tOerable c/ at time of still on ; and there was a or i.jrmKraf'iu it would that instantly estes- — hardly ring night kept him when be oat for η a!»o, for Uiom ocoupvta* liaaa Sir, Waring in» trnn of tfrricf tn the Yet hours thereafter, yon know not bow, "No, air ; the the telephone atopped hla bouae with goea •ext.* of lime. a crash aa tb· luted In church or at uncalled, unless it were sudden exclamation outside, walk. Otherwlae be not be able te I 'f *l %Ct. Internal Revenue iWpartnietit of midnight, unsought, important. Quickly before aa far aa that ; theee men might la the Democrat they got bed time. ive-ra.·:· for ·>1τ·πι*ιβ( SLatee. at the time m> ofhce «a· in this city, 1 Tbe smsll Imp suddenly make· bis bow. come into colli- reach hume by well rtUMittml out of bed, she ran to the in- though something had it the follow log wan to think for a·»» be made afflicted with a severe attack of Kidney dia- And whisper* to your thought; jumping cut the wire, and I had my- : Bai.sax or Wild Ciioaar afercte. raiH*. aii·! at timea suffered 1 re- receiver to her ear and •ion with the the sound of Wurraa'e ( o W *l>nice *t.. Sew York; Intensely. strument, the gate, splinter- should do." ..e^ P. R.iwrIi A "Here 1· what were put aelf what I cures Bronchltla, St York; J. H ceived the medical advice of some of our beat you looking for, " Goughs, Cold·, Whoop- ht A C I Ί Fnltoa .New ! and the noise of a luj M. the is not too late called the transmitter, Hello wood, plunging h« asked. f«rt κ..>·. New York; ». Peuenflll | ii» vc.iiu fur a long time, without being bene- I hope ftndlng through ing "And of that ?" ing Cough, Croup, Iofluenza, Couaumptloa Β·>·. il K*an·. you thought New Y->rk; T. C wa> that rubbish about the not tenture to mote disease* of the and a Co. iT Park Rw. ated by their prescription*. bving discouraged It under war; hello !" horse. Jennie did ; and all Throat, Lung· » M Co., 10 IMM ««t., " ahe h «IM.. PeUewetllΜ the falure of the d«*tor* to me. and be- I wait "Yea, air," aaid, modeetly. AO centa and a bottle. >4 W»*h'B<t. a St by help I'm soriy made you sat Cheat. 91 ·»ι >e Mm. iior«ce Do·».). to so distinct •he dared not to the window, but Κ ». ing to one Htint'i Remedy by a friend who A roice came back her, go are a MiM Ν V. \*c(A 94·. arçed "Well," he aaid, "you thought· IL>«u«. Nil*·. The in the attic Is wondrous queer; ladiea have elx A (Tkl'-JUSO. tt!.; S- B. had tested ita mm ta, although reluctant to try a Imp the room with Two Bratttoboro spent I'l C. A. C«A Co. that it seemed almost in tbe ssme room, in the middle of ahaking me a Hw*. 1 a a* induced to tb· He a»ks no and he takes no pay, ful little You've aared a In worated I IlcatlBl jt.. K«»»u»o. patent medicine, Anally try praise girl. great yeara In embroidering picture two bottle* of and Rut labors on " and for what ■mcum·· Remedy. aid procured it. thanklessly year year. ■sjing, Hello ! is thst the central of- fear, listening might hap- deal of and I'll never entitled "The Kxpoanre of Ηam an." It to money, to-night, lAe colored slip ttlach.-! couimeuced iak:ng it faithfully according th· Tireless by night and day.