Message from the Ceo of Cybersecurity Malaysia
ii e-Security | Vol: 50 - (1/2021) © CyberSecurity Malaysia 2021 - All Rights Reserved WELCOME MESSAGE FROM THE CEO OF CYBERSECURITY MALAYSIA Dear Readers, In 2020, there was a global shift in the way businesses operate due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conversations became digital, social distancing became the norm, and paper was phased out in favor of technology. Yes, this year, we are still fighting the pandemic. Most industries had to adjust in some way in order to survive this pandemic. Years of digital advancement transpired in months, putting cybersecurity at the forefront. Many businesses still had no plans or were reluctant to return to an entirely 100% on-site workforce, since many states in Malaysia remain in lockdown or partial lockdown. This situation has forced organisations to immediately implement work-from-home policies and mechanisms for their staff. However, the rush to set up remote work programs had left security gaps that cybercriminals are aggressively exploiting. Companies will continue to face threats in 2021, facilitated by widespread teleworking. As the world shifted to a remote work model in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, a stream of new threats, technologies, and business models emerged in the cybersecurity arena. In Malaysia, during the period from January to June 2021, Cyber999 received a total of 5,737 cyber incident reports. People need to be vigilant in the ways they perform daily tasks. With more people working, schooling and shopping from home than before, it is no surprise the types of incidents experienced have changed. For example, ransomware and cyber harassment have become quite common as compared to previous years.
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