Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 13, Number 12, March 21

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Executive Intelligence Review, Volume 13, Number 12, March 21 EIR EIR An Emergency The War Plan to Fight GRAMM ..RUDMAN AIDS DISASTER EIR's Biological Holocaust Task Force has prepared President Reagan's signing of the Gramm-Rud­ the world's only science-intensive "Emergency War man amendment, which compels the federal Plan to Fight AIDS." The newest discoveries of opti­ government to reduce spending by about a cal biophysics and advanced laser technology can quarter-trillion dollars over the next five years, improve diagnosis and lead to research break- completes the national bankruptcy of the throughs-if governments move now. United States. But even without Gramm-Rud­ Th� War Plan begins with the President of the I man, living standards in 1986 will plunge 15- United States, in his capacity as civilian leader and I' 30% 1960s. commander-in-chief, declaring a War on AIDS and from the levels of the late invoking National Emergency powers to avert disas- Contents . ter. In parallel, heads of state of other nations of the Western alliance shall declare war on this Depression deflation, bankruptcy, and the scourge to mankind. Gramm-Rudman act A ISO-page Special Report for governments, sci­ The decline in the productive economy entists, public health officials, and all citizens con­ The geometry of technology cerned with a policy to fight AIDS, before a The absurdity of GNP analysis pandemic wipes out millions. The available solutions Contents The world financial system at a breaking poiI)t The emergency war plan to fight AIDS and other An orgy of speculation pandemics The farm debt crisis The non-issue of the budg�t deficit The real story of AIDS in Belle Glade, Florida Commodity prices and Third World debt AIDS in Africa: the unfolding of a biological holo­ Peru and the debtors' resistance caust A crash of the dollar I The biology of AIDS M�mey-Iaundering in 1985 Flow cytometer and other laser technology poten­ The world will starve without an emergency'pro­ tial for combatting AIDS duction mobilization The relevance of optical biophysics for fighting The world staples shortages AIDS: designing a Biological Strategic Defense Ini­ Attack on U.S. export potential tiative (BSDI) Downgrading of world food production Mobilizing for more and better food How Kissinger and Pugwash destroyed America's biodefense against AIDS and other deadly diseases The 99th Congress's farm shut-down The Soviet command and control of WHO's AIDS Ceramics and the ceramic heat engine for the Policy automobile of the future The car of the future Why the Reagan administration has tolerated the CDC cover-up of the AIDS pandemic Russians lead West in ceramics Ceramics take man beyond the Iron Age The necessary public health program to fight AIDS Full year subscription: $1,000 $250.00. Order from: EIR News Service, P.O. Box Single issue (fourth quarter 1985): $250 17390, Washington, D.C. 20041-0390. Order Order from: EIR News Service, P.O. Box 17390, #85020 Washington, D.C. 20041-0390 Founder and Contributing Editor: Lyndon H. laRouche. Jr. Editor-in-chief: Criton Zoakos Editor: Nora Hamerman Managing Editors: Vin Berg and Susan Welsh Production Director: Stephen Vann Contributing Editors: Uwe Parpart-Henke. From the Editor Nancy Spannaus. Webster Tarpley. Christopher White. Warren Hamerman. William Wertz. Gerald Rcse. Mel Klenetsky. Antony Papert. Allen Salisbury Science and Technology: Carol White Special Services: Richard Freeman Advertising Director: Joseph Cohen Director of Press Services: Christina Huth INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORS: Africa: Douglas DeGroot Agriculture: Marcia Merry Asia: Linda de Homs Counterintelligence: JefJrey Steinber)(. Paul Goldstein I f any of you have been gulled by the "contra" support policy that Economics: DaI'id Goldman has been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by the Reagan adminis­ European Economics: William Engdahl. Laurent Murawiec tration, please tum immediately to the Feature dealing with U.S. Europe: Vii'ian Freyre Zoakos Central America policy, which begins on page 26. It is not merely lbero-America: Robyn Quijano. Dennis Small Law: Edward Spannaus the case that the President is being lured into a trap, baited by the Medicine: John Grauerholz. M.D. appearance of effective military action against the Sandinista gov­ Middle East: Thiern Lalel'ee Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: . ernment of Nicaragua-a trap the liberals plan to spring in the near Rachel Douglas. Kon.ftantin Geor)(e United States: Kathleen Klenetsky. Stephen Pepper future by revealing, at the opportune moment, that the "contras" are INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS: a bunch of drug-trafficking terrorists. Bangkok: Pakdee and Sophie Tanapura Nor, is it only that this policy is being used to destroy any Bogota: Jal'ier Almario Bonn: George Gregori". Rainer Apel possibility for the Contadora group of Panama, Mexico, Venezuela, Chicago: Paul Greenber)( and Colombia, to act for a regional political solution to the mess in Copenhagen: Poul Rasmussen Houston: Harley Schlanger Central America-although that, too, is a major feature of the poli­ Lima: Sara Madueiio cy, as promoted by the State Department and InternationalMonetary Los Angeles: Theodore Andromida.\· Mexico City: Jose.tina Menendez Fund. Milan: Marco f'anini Most important of all, the "contra" policy is the first step in New Delhi: Susan Maitra Paris: Chri.ftine Bierre consolidating, after the Philippines, the new Reagan foreign policy Rio de Janeiro: Sill'ia Palacios doctrine of "democratization" in every alleged "dictatorship" among Rome: Leonardo Sen·adio. Stefania San·hi Stockholm: Clifford Gadqy our allies. "Democratization" was the doctrine of Jimmy Carter, the United Nations: Dougla.f DeGroot worst President the United States ever had. It gave us the Ayatollah Washington. D.C.: Nicholas F. Benton. Susan Kokinda. Stanlev Ezrol Khomeini in Iran. In the Philippines, it has given us an unstable Wiesbaden: Philip Golub. Mary Lalel-ee coalition that has yet to finda means of legitimizing itself; an upsurge ElRIExemlire /lIIel/iliel/('e Rel'iell' (/SSN 11273--(>3/.1/ i" of communist terrorism; and the peril of loss of the two vital U.S. publiJlred �n!ekly (50 i.ulU'SJ t'xn'I" for lhl' ,\en",d week �rJltly llI11l}int \t,t't'k (�rJlImlllry by Nt'u' Solidarity bases, Clark Field and Subic Bay. What it will produce in Panama, /memlllio//CI/ Pre"" Seni",' 1M2 K 51. N.W" 5I1il,· 31111. WCI.,hil//llllll. D.C. 2111106 (21121 955·5930 . is shown in shocking detail in the cover story . Distribllled by ClilIel"," Di,\'IrihworJ, Inc. The global disaster being brought about by this policy is shown European Headquarters: Executive Intelligen<..'e Re,,'lc\\ Nachrichtenagentur GmbH. Postrach BOX. in the Strategic Map in the centerfold. Dotzheimerstra"e 166. D-6200 Wiesbaden. Federal Republic­ of Germany Tel: 1(612 1) 8840. Executive Directors: Anno Hdlenhrokh. So: WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE U.S. GOVERNMENT? Michael Liebig We have just published a Special Report that answers that ques­ In Denmark: EIR. Haderslevgade 26. 1671 Copenhagen ((II I 31·09-08 tion: Moscow's Secret Weapon: Ariel Sharon and the Israeli Mafia. In Mexico: EIR. Francisco Dias Covarrubias 54 A·3 Wherever one goes in Washington these days, one hears that "Israel Colonia San Rafael. Mexico DF. Tel: 705·1295. Japan subscription sales: O.T.O. Research Corporation. is America's most reliable ally in the United States." And indeed, Takeuchi Bldg .• 1·34·12 Takatanobaba. Shinjuku·Ku. Tokyo 160. Tel: C031 20S-782\' wherever one goes in Washington, as this report documents, one is Copyright © 1986 New Solidarity International Press Service. All righls reserved. Reproduction in whole or in pan without likely to find an agent of Israeli intelligence in a high position in permission strictly prohibited. Second·c1ass postage paid at Washington D.C., and al an 'additional mailing offices. 3 government. Or: Are they really agents of Soviet intelligence? months-$ 125. 6 months-$225. I year-S396. Single issue-$\O Academic library rate: $2 45 per year Postmaster: Send all address changes 10 EIR. 1612 K SI. N.W .• Suite 300. Washington. D.C. 200:)6 (202) 955·5930 TIillContents Interviews Economics 6 The Hon. Publio Fiori 4 The Federal Reserve girds A Christian Democratic member of for a banking crash the Italian Parliament and The question is, not whether, but chairman of the Committee of when there will be a crash . Italian Parliamentarians Against Famine , talks about his proposal 8 Currency Rates for an alignment of European, U.S., and developing sector 9 AID chief proposes politicians to change the international economic order. 'priv.tization' to recolonize the Third 60 Governor Mark White World Texas's top official, a Democrat 14 Labor in Focus elected in 1982, discusses his campaign for an oil import fe e. A strike against corporate raiding. 15 Agriculture WashiQgton's "free trade" line. Departments 16 Business Briefs 11 American System Abraham Lincoln's 'space program': the national railroad system. Science & Technology 36 Strategic Map 18 The x-ray laser: a new era The global chokepoints-State in laser technology Department's gift to the Soviet Have ,*dvances in fact been made Navy. in this crucial technology? Yes. report Charles B. Stevens and a 52 Vatican number of Lawrence Livermore Liberation Theologists are gleeful. scientists. 53 Report from Bonn Another SOl delegation to Washington. 54 Dateline Mexico Faction fight over drug trafficking. 72 Editorial The post-Reagan era has begun Volume 13 Number 12. March 21. 1986 Feature International National 38 Olof Palme, and Moscow's 58 What is wrong with the new assassination policy
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