(Organization) Title RFCPP Contribution Agreement Amount

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(Organization) Title RFCPP Contribution Agreement Amount Round 1 (up to 2 year projects): 2013-14 and 2014-2015 RFCPP Proponent Contribution Province Title (Organization) Agreement Amount British Columbia Squamish River Tiampo Coho Restoration Project (repalced by Moody's Slough Restoration Watershed Society Project) $23,664 British Columbia Nuu-Chah-Nulth/WCVI Alberni Valley Recreational Fish Restoration Aquatic Management Society $41,000 British Columbia Pacific Salmon Cherry Creek Streambank and Habitat Restoration Project Foundation $21,500 British Columbia Pacific Salmon Oliver Creek Fish Passage and Habitat Restoration around Youbou Road Foundation $11,500 British Columbia Cowichan Lake Beaver Lake Dam Maintenance Salmonid Enhancement Society $20,120 British Columbia Cowichan Land Trust Cowichan Region Creeks, Restoring and Enhancing Critical Fish Habitat $20,889 British Columbia Ducks Unlimited Cheam Lake Water Control Rebuild DUC Canada $144,000 British Columbia SeaChange Marine SeaChange Salish Sea nearshore Marine Recreational Fisheries Project - 14 Conservation Society sites $80,852 British Columbia Pacific Salmon Chilliwack River Watershed Spawning Salmon Channels - Habitat Restoration Foundation $103,000 British Columbia Central Westcoast Forest Conference Creek Watershed Restoration Society $37,933 British Columbia Trout Unlimited Canada Thames Creek Fish Passage Rehabilitation Project $15,082 British Columbia Little River Little River Habitat Restoration Project Enhancement Society $105,600 British Columbia Pacific Salmon Historic Tidal Flood Plain Reconnection- Lower Stave River Salmon Habitat Foundation Restoration $55,500 British Columbia Pacific Salmon Evans Creek Re-Watering Project - Cheakamus River Intake and Notch Foundation Channel $118,804 British Columbia Pacific Salmon Elbow Creek Fish-Stream Crossing Deactivations Foundation $71,500 Round 1 (up to 2 year projects): 2013-14 and 2014-2015 RFCPP Proponent Contribution Province Title (Organization) Agreement Amount British Columbia British Columbia Swift Creek Watershed Restoration Project Conservation Foundation $87,644 British Columbia Ducks Unlimited Fletcher Lake Water Control & Fishway Rebuild Canada $147,411 British Columbia Trout Unlimited Canada Fish Access Improvements at Nash Creek $15,250 British Columbia Nuu-Chah-Nulth/WCVI Kitsuksis Fishway and McLean Mill Dam Project Aquatic Management Society $249,804 British Columbia Campbell River Salmon Campbell River Mainstream Chinook Gravel Placement - Site 7 2013 Foundation $20,500 British Columbia BC Conservation MacKay Creek Estuary Restoration and Fish Passage Project Foundation $90,000 British Columbia BC Conservation Mosquito Creek Estuary Restoration Foundation $110,000 British Columbia Quamichan Watershed Quamichan Lake Recreational Fishery Project - Floating Island & Bubble Stewardship Society Aerators rehabilitation $7,500 British Columbia BC Conservation Seymour River Estuary Restoration Foundation $95,000 British Columbia BC Wildlife Federation - Cowichan River - Sandy pool boat launch redevelopment and fisheries Region 1, Vancouver restoration (as replaced by COWICHAN RIVER FISHERIES Island RESTORATION) $62,000 British Columbia Okanagan Region Shuttleworth Creek Diversion Removal and Well Implementation Wildlife Heritage Fund Society $63,624 British Columbia Baker Creek Baker Creek Clean Up Enhancement Society $8,200 British Columbia Cowichan Lake and Cowichan Shoreline Stewardship Project River Stewardship Society $8,250 BC 28 28 projects $1,836,127 Round 1 (up to 2 year projects): 2013-14 and 2014-2015 RFCPP Proponent Contribution Province Title (Organization) Agreement Amount Alberta Trout Unlimited Canada Design of Remedial Measures, focussing on the retrofitting of an existing culvert crossing of Prarie Creek $140,530 Alberta Trout Unlimited Canada Mallard Point Side Channel Fish Habitat Enhancement Project - Bow River $66,100 Alberta 2 2 projects $206,630 Manitoba Swan Valley Sport Beaver Lake Walleye Spawning Shoal Creation Fishing Enhancement Inc. $25,400 Manitoba Ducks Unlimited Restoring the Tradition at Delta Marsh - Steambank Stabilization Canada $137,600 Manitoba 2 2 projects $163,000 Ontario Friends of Mill Creek Implementing Mill Creek Stewardship and Rehabilitation Opportunities Plan for a healthy coldwater trout fishery $31,184 Ontario Ontario Federation of Community Stream Steward Program Coldwater Fish Habitat Improvement Anglers and Hunters - Project Community Stream Steward Program $30,100 Ontario Rideau Valley The Jock River Fish Habitat Embayment Creation Project Conservation Foundation $25,250 Ontario The Living City Tommy Thompson Park Cell 2 FIsh Habitat and Wetland Creation Project Foundation Phase 1 $205,600 Ontario Hepworth Anglers Club Enhancing Trout and Salmon habitat in Spring Creek $33,380 Ontario Lakehead Conservation Mission Island Marsh Conservation Area Shoreline Erosion Control Foundation $10,000 Ontario Mississippi Valley Restoring Habitat, Flow and Navigation on the Carp River Conservation Foundation $5,000 Ontario Essex Region Western Lake Erie Riparian Habitat Improvement Program Conservation Foundation $200,000 Round 1 (up to 2 year projects): 2013-14 and 2014-2015 RFCPP Proponent Contribution Province Title (Organization) Agreement Amount Ontario Credit Valley Ratray Marsh Restoration - Phase 1 Conservation Foundation $55,324 Ontario Manitoulin Streams - Enhancing Recreational Fisheries Opportunities Through Habitat & Riparian Improvement Restoration on Mindemoya River Association $35,000 Ontario Lake Simcoe Scanlon Creek Restoration Project Conservation Foundation $110,000 Ontario Hamilton Conservation Christie Lake Recreational Fisheries Improvement Project Foundation $260,980 Ontario Canadian Wildlife Love Your Lake Sport Fish Habitat Enhancement Program Federation $129,600 Ontario Valleys 2000 Bowmanville Creek Fish Bypass Channel Project (Bowmanville Inc.) $100,848 Ontario Halton Peel Woodlands Caledon Creek Brook Trout Restoration & Wildlife Sterwardship $5,000 Ontario Sydenham Sportsmen's Sydenham River Side Channel Spwaning Bed Upgrade Association $2,350 Ontario 16 16 projects $1,239,616 Round 1 (up to 2 year projects): 2013-14 and 2014-2015 RFCPP Proponent Contribution Province Title (Organization) Agreement Amount Québec Société de gestion des Aménagements pour préserver la biodiversité d'origine du lac Dépôt ressources du Bas St- Laurent $13,818 Québec ZEC Tawachiche Aménagement d'habitats de fraie pour l'omble de fontaine dans la ZEC Tawachiche $43,546 Québec Réseau d'observation des Réhabilitation d'habitats du poisson perturbés par la pêche sportive au mammifères marins maquereau $14,567 Québec Sacerf Macousine inc. Restauration biodiversité d'origine lac Copeau partie frayère et obstacle à la migration du poisson $13,000 Québec Association pour la Aménagement pour l’habitat de l’omble de fontaine dans le ruisseau du km 66 protection de l'env. du lac St-Charles et des Marais du Nord $10,810 Québec Association sportive Amélioration de l'habitat de l'omble de fontaine Mars-Moulin (ZEC) $50,000 Québec Association sportive Optimisation des habitats de reproduction pour l'omble de fontaine au Petit lac Batiscan-Neilson Inc. Batiscan $36,500 Québec Organisme de bassins Aménagement d'abris-frayère dans la rivière du Chêne versants de la zone du Chêne (OBV du Chêne) $14,110 Québec Secteur Tourilli enr. Amélioration de l'omble de fontaine et de l'omble chevalier sur le secteur Tourilli $16,500 Québec Réserve faunique Réserve faunique de Portneuf: aménagement de frayères à ombles de fontaine Portneuf $37,842 Québec Comité Zip Du Lac Création d'habitats aqua. par restauration de cd agricole et atténuation de Saint-Pierre pratiques nuisibles $102,827 Québec Société d'aménagement Mise en valeur du potentiel halieutique sur la rivière Batiscan et de mise en valeur du bassin de la Batiscan $60,935 Round 1 (up to 2 year projects): 2013-14 and 2014-2015 RFCPP Proponent Contribution Province Title (Organization) Agreement Amount Québec Les Pourvoyeurs de la Projet d’aménag. chute Tanguay et mise en valeur du potentiel salmonicole de rivière Corneille inc. la rivière Corneille $180,235 Québec Canards Illimités Améliorer l’habitat de la truite mouchetée au marécage des Scots Canada $17,500 Québec Canards Illimités Amélioration de l'habitat de la perchaude dans la baie Lavallière (marais Saint- Canada Louis) $230,000 Québec Société des Projet de réaménagement de la fosse no 12 de la rivière Jupiter établissements de plein- air du Québec $17,000 Québec Réserve faunique Rouge- Amélior. et restaur. de l'habitat de l'omble de fontaine dans 8 lacs Rés. Matawin -SÉPAQ faunique Rouge Matawin $22,041 Québec Pourvoirie Fer-à-Cheval Amélioration de l'habitat de reproduction du doré jaune au lac Nasigon $23,980 Québec 18 18 projects $905,211 Round 1 (up to 2 year projects): 2013-14 and 2014-2015 RFCPP Proponent Contribution Province Title (Organization) Agreement Amount New Brunswick Conseil pour la gestion Réduction de la charge de sédiments provenant des champs de patates - Rivière du bassin versant de la Restigouche rivière Restigouche $15,500 New Brunswick Miramichi Salmon Improving access to critical spawning habitat for wild Atlantic Salmon within Association Inc. the Miramichi River Watershed $50,930 New Brunswick Canaan River Fish & Restoration of Brook Trout Habitat in MacDonald Brook Game Association $30,200 New Brunswick Sentinelles Petitcodiac Humphreys Brook Restoration Project - Phase 2 Riverkeeper $39,000 New Brunswick Groupe du Bassins Protection, preservation et restauration de I'habitat des
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