Godisnji Izvestaj 2009E.Pdf
K O M E R C I J A L N A B A N K A A D B U D VA AANNNNUUAALL RREEPPOORRTT 22000099 Budva, April 2010 Komercijalna banka ad Budva Annual Report for 2009 Budva, 30 April 2010 ANNUAL REPORT FOR 2009 In accordance with the Law on Banks, the Statute, the Bank’s business policies, as well as International Accounting Standards, we hereby adopt the Annual Report on Operations for 2009, together with the Audit Report on the Financial Statements for 2009, with the expressed external auditor’s opinion and consideration of the key operating indicators for 2009. The Bank’s operations during 2009 can be characterized as very difficult and complex, operating under financial crisis conditions. The effects of the global economic crisis which is gripping the entire world economy were felt in Montenegro in the last quarter of 2008. Increased credit growth during 2007 and the first half of 2008, coupled with unparalleled growth in stock exchange operations, multiplied the effects of the financial crisis in the country. There is a marked reduction in foreign direct investments and an increase in the price of funding sources. This led to a slowdown in economic activity, low liquidity of entities and delays in settling liabilities. The psychological effects of the financial crisis resulted in increased withdrawal of deposits, particularly retail deposits. This impacted the Bank’s liquidity and operation of the banking system as a whole, impacting our Bank’s operations. The effects of the world economic crisis spilled over into 2009 to the real sector, so that the recession, whose effects are felt in the economies of many countries, is also being reflected in the macroeconomic business conditions in Montenegro.
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