Geological Survey of , Special Paper 36

Geological Survey of Finland Current Research 2001-2002

edited by Sini Autio

Geological Survey of Finland Espoo 2003 Autio, Sini (ed.) 2003. Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001-2002. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 97 pages, 34 figures and 14 tables. The publication contains 10 articles outlining the current research at the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK). The articles are divided into 3 categories. At the end of the publication there is a list of publications by GTK staff in 2001 and 2002. An article in industrial mineral potential in Finland presents the high rate of the occurrence of the deposits. A scetch map shows the most promising exploration areas. The origin of the Petäiskoski carbonate veins at Juuka, eastern Finland has been studied to be associated with Svecofennian orogeny. Combined isotopic data indicate a hydrothermal process for the veins. Comparision on mechanical sieve size analyses and digital size analyses of Kemi chromite shows good correlation so, that size analysis of the ore using image manipulation can be used to predict ore breakage and mineral liberations can be obtained at certain grinds. Estimation of ferric iron, crystal water and calculation of chemical formulae for altered ilmenite from electron microprobe analyses, based on stoichiometric criteria. Silvery greyish nug- gets from Ivalojoki placers, Finnish Lapland are interpreted as amalgamated gold nuggets resulting from historical gold recovery operations that utilized mercury. The store and long-term accumulation of iron, phosphorus and nitrogen in Finnish lake sediments are presented. The results of the Barents Ecogeochemistry project show, that local basic geology has a strong influ- ence in element distribution in stream waters and in certain mosses. The inverse relationship between acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and total hardness of ground water is reconfirmed. Heavy metal enrichment factors for different analytical methods are studied and the results are compared. A case study on an ice-marginal deposit by airborne electromagnetic measure- ments is presented.

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): Geological Survey of Finland, current research, programs, bibliography, Finland

Sini Autio Geological Survey of Finland P.O. Box 96 FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND

E-mail: [email protected]

ISBN 951-690-861-6 ISSN 0782-8535

Vammalan Kirjapaino Oy 2003 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001-2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 2003.


Preface ...... 4

Mineral exploration and economic geology

Industrial mineral potential in Finland, Olli Sarapää, Timo Ahtola, Jukka Reinikainen and Hannu Seppänen ...... 5

The Petäiskoski carbonate veins at Juuka, eastern Finland, Matti Tyni, Kauko Puustinen, Juha Karhu and Matti Vaasjoki ...... 13

Direct comparison on mechanical and digital size analyses of Kemi chromite, Finland Tegist Chernet and Jukka Marmo ...... 17

Estimation of ferric iron, crystal water and calculation of chemical formulae for altered ilmenite from electron microprobe analyses, based on stoichiometric criteria, Tegist Chernet and Lassi Pakkanen...... 23

Mercury-rich coating on some gold nuggets from Ivalojoki placers, northern Finland, Kari A. Kinnunen ...... 29

Environmental studies and geochemical applications

Iron, phosphorus and nitrogen in Finnish lake sediments: their store and long-term accumulation, Hannu Pajunen and Jari Mäkinen...... 35

Barents Ecogeochemistry - a large geochemical baseline study of heavy metals and other elements in surficial deposits, NW-Russia and Finland, R. Salminen, I. Bogatyrev, V. Chekushin, S. P. Glavatskikh, V. Gregorauskiene, L. Selenok, M. Tenhola and O. Tomilina ...... 45

Geochemistry of local ground water in relation to the incidence of chronic diseases, Anne Kousa and Maria Nikkarinen ...... 53

Heavy metal enrichment factors for different analytical methods, Timo Tarvainen and Philipp Schmidt-Thomé ...... 61

Geophysical applications

Survey of a buried ice-marginal deposit by airborne EM measurements – A case from Kyrönjoki valley plain in southern Ostrobothnia, Finland, P.Lintinen, I. Suppala, H. Vanhala and M. Eklund ...... 67


Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 ...... 77 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 MattiSini Autio Tyni, Kauko(ed.) Puustinen, Juha Karhu and Matti Vaasjoki


The Geological Survey of Finland - GTK - performs its prime task by producing information to create conditions for sustainable raw materials supply and land use. GTK secures the mineral raw materials of the country with special reference to the constructing industry by indicating occurrences of industrial minerals and natural stones, as well as sand and gravel resources. The present Special Paper, for example, outlines the industrial-mineral potential of Finland and presents new geophysical methods for locating hiddenRaimo sand-gravel Matikainen deposits. Increasing attention is paid to environmental studies with specialDirector reference General to geochemistry. GTK has been pioneer in regional geochemical studies and now plays a major role in genuine international cooperation in this field. An excellent example is given in the paper outlining results of the Barents Ecogeochemistry project, which is a large environmental baseline study of Northwest Europe extending from Finland to the Urals. Geochemistry of lake sediments in Finland and the Baltic Soil Survey project are presented. Geomedical applications of regional geochemical data explore new frontiers of geoscience by looking for the cause of chronic diseases in the geochemical features of the bedrock. This new Special Paper demonstrates that our research serves the society. Geoscience is changing by diversification and new applications, and GTK follows this trend being an active factor in service of society. Our publication record demonstrates that, besides massive data collection, GTK aims at innovative and high-level research.

Professor Raimo Matikainen Director General

4 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 5– 12 , 2003.


by Olli Sarapää, Timo Ahtola, Jukka Reinikainen and Hannu Seppänen

Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): industrial minerals, mineral exploration, potential deposits, titanium ores, ilmenite, marble deposits, resources, Kairineva, Kuovila, Hakala, Finland

Introduction pegmatites.

During the last five years the Geological Survey of Industrial mineral potential in Finland Finland (GTK) has investigated industrial minerals, targeting in particular carbonate rocks in SW-Finland Finland has a high potential for the occurrence of and ilmenite in western Finland. In 2001, the report of industrial mineral deposits. This is indicated by sixteen four industrial mineral deposits (Sarapää et al. 1999a, marble, ten industrial mineral and six industrial rock 2001): Hyypiämäki calcite, Iso-Sorro calcite-dolo- deposits that are currently in production. During last mite, Illo calcite deposit and the Peräneva ilmenite five years, GTK has located and studied twenty deposit were submitted to the Ministry of Trade and industrial mineral deposits in southern Finland by Industry (KTM). Already in 2000, KTM sold the claim mapping and drilling. Eleven of them, nine marble and rights of the Järvenkylä calcite deposit to Nordkalk two ilmenite deposits are economically interesting and Co. and in 2002 Omya Oy acquired the rights of the six of them have been sold to domestic and interna- Hyypiämäki and Nordkalk Co those of the Iso-Sorro tional industrial mineral enterprises (Table 1). deposit. The Norrlammala calcite marble deposit at The industrial mineral potential map of Finland Kemiö, owned by Omya Oy, is at present under shows the most promising exploration areas for indus- evaluation for quarrying as an open-pit mine. trial minerals (Fig. 2). They include paper pigment By the end of 2002, the three economically interest- minerals, rare elements and fertilizer minerals (apa- ing industrial mineral deposits of Kairineva ilmenite, tite, dolomite). High quality calcite marble deposits Kuovila calcite-wollastonite and Hakala calcite were are found to occur adjacent to metavolcanic rocks in reported to the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The Finland and they are generally intensively folded and Peräneva and Kairineva ilmenite deposits were sold to metamorphosed to high-grade (Reinikainen 2001). In the Kalvinit Oy. GTK’s drilling program in 2002 western Finland there are small ilmenite-apatite-gabbro covered the Mäntsälä (Kalkkisaari), Salmijärvi and and ilmenite-gabbro bodies, for example at Koivu- Nummi-Pusula deposits for calcite and wollastonite saarenneva, that contain a lot of magmatic ilmenite and the Iso-Kisko deposit for ilmenite (Fig. 1). A and ilmeno-magnetite is rare. (Kärkkäinen 1999). newly defined exploration project, “The studies of Therefore they seem to be good raw material for

Industrial minerals in south and west Finland” begins TiO2-pigment production (Kärkkäinen at al. 1997). in 2003. Apart from the paper pigments minerals, it The rare elements in granitic pegmatites are seen as covers the rare elements (Ta, Be, Nb, Li) in granitic several zones in Finland (Alviola et al. 1989, Alviola et

5 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Olli Sarapää, Timo Ahtola, Jukka Reinikainen and Hannu Seppänen

Fig. 1. Location of the studied marble deposits and marble mines in southwest Finland on a geological map. al. 2001, Mäkitie et al. 2001). The potential for kaolin at present owned by Kalvinit Oy. and talc deposits (Pekkala & Niemelä 1997, Niemelä The Kairineva deposit was located by systematic 2001) is the highest in mid-eastern (Sarapää 1996, ground geophysics (gravity high, magnetic high, and 1997, 1999, Sarapää et al. 1996) and northern Finland reverse electromagnetic anomaly) and by drilling. It is (Pekkala & Sarapää 1989, Lintinen 2000) and possible a magmatic titanium ore deposit in Svecofennian in mid-west Finland as well. The latter is based on the mafic intrusion. Layered mafic intrusions (1881 Ma) new interpretation of the low-altitude geophysics and with ilmenite ores and magmatic stratigraphy were ground gravimetric measurements. emplaced into granitoids at the contact zone of the Central Finland Granitoid Complex (Kärkkäinen 1999, Kairineva ilmenite deposit in mid-west Kärkkäinen & Sarapää 2002). The Kairineva deposit Finland is a vertical and folded sheet that is composed of strongly disseminated and massive oxide ore bodies GTK discovered and explored the Kairineva ilmenite within the gabbro. The length of deposit is 400 metres deposit during 2000-2001. The aim of the study was to and it is 50 metres wide. The total indicated resources are 5.4 Mt with the average grade of 20wt% ilmenite find raw material for the domestic TiO2-pigment industry. The Ministry of Trade and Industry released and 9% magnetite. The estimate extends down to 75 in 2002 an International Tender Notice to awaken metres from the surface. Based on the gravity studies companies’ interest for further exploration of the the ilmenite rich units continue at least to the depth of Kairineva deposit. The deposit is located at Halsua 170 m, and accordingly the inferred resources are 10 three kilometres southwest of the Peräneva deposit million tons. Based on a gravity estimate the inferred and five kilometres southwest of the Koivusaarenneva resources of the Kairineva deposit are 40 Mt. deposit (Fig. 3). Claim rights of those two deposits are Ilmenite and magnetite at Kairineva occur as indi-

6 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Industrial mineral potential in Finland

Fig. 2. Map of industrial mineral potential in Finland.

vidual grains (Fig. 4), but ilmeno-magnetite grains are Koivusaarenneva and Peräneva, which means that rare. Magnesium and chromium contents in ilmenite ilmenite concentrate of commercial quality can be are very low, as well as vanadium and niobium (Table produced by using traditional beneficiation methods. 2). Magnetite contains 0.86% vanadium, which is The Kälviä-Halsua area seems to have an excellent higher than that of the magnetite of the Otanmäki Ti- potential for gabbro-hosted ilmenite deposits of high Fe-V-ore. The mineralogy and structure of the quality ilmenite. The demand of ilmenite concentrate Kairineva ilmenite ore is similar to that of in Finland is growing because Kemira Pigments Co.

7 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Olli Sarapää, Timo Ahtola, Jukka Reinikainen and Hannu Seppänen

Table 1. Mineral resources of the studied marble deposits in southern Finland.

Deposit Resources/ Ore content ISO-Brightness Current stage Owner depth <20 µm

Norrlammala Under evaluation Omya Oy Calcite marble 7.1 Mt/75 m 78.2% calcite 91.5-92.1% for open-pit mine

Genböle GTK Calcite marble 5.3Mt/100m 87.1% calcite 90.0-91.7%

Illo Open for tender GTK Calcite marble 5.8Mt/80m 77.4% calcite 89.5-95% 9.4Mt/120m -"- 12.9Mt/160m -"-

Järvenkylä Calcite marble 1.9 Mt/75 m 80.3% calcite 91.2-94.7% Nordkalk Co. 3.2Mt/125m 82.4% calcite 7.7Mt/300m -“-

Kalkkimäki Open for tender GTK Calcite marble 2.0Mt/75m 81.6% calcite 91.1-92.9% in 2003 Calc-dolo marble 3.7Mt /75m 70.1% carbonate 88.2-90.4% Woll-calc marble 2.0Mt/75m 14.7% wollastonite 57.5% calcite

Iso-Sorro Nordkalk Co. Calcite marble 2 Mt/ 75 m 70% calcite 91.3-92.1% Dolomite marble 6 Mt/100 m 55% dolomite, 30% calcite

Hyypiämäki Calcite marble 17Mt/100 m 76% calcite 90.4-94.2 % Feasibility studies Omya Oy or 7.2 Mt 86.7 % calcite

Kuovila Open for tender GTK Calcite marble 39Mt/125 m 75% calcite 90.4-95.9% in 2003 or 20.2 Mt 81.8 % calcite Woll-calc marble 9 Mt/125 m 54% calcite, 15% wollastonite

Hakala Open for tender GTK Calcite marble 1.3 Mt/125 m 84% Calcite 94.5-94.8% in 2003

Fig. 3. The ilmenite deposits (black) of the Kälviä-Halsua area on the gravity and ground magnetic map.

8 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Industrial mineral potential in Finland

Fig. 4. Ilmenite from the Kairineva deposit, DH 503, 15.10 m, on polished slab (left) and microphotograph (right), in which oxide minerals are grey and silicate minerals black, scale bar 0.5 mm.

Table 2. Chemical composition of the Kairineva Kuovila calcite-wollastonite marble deposit ilmenite by microprobe analysis.

N Minimum Maximum Mean GTK explored the Kuovila calcite-wollastonite marble deposit in the years 1999-2002 for its suitability TiO 24 48.36 50.46 49.45 2 as a raw material for paper pigment. The deposit has FeOtot 24 46.11 48.39 47.14 MnO 24 .73 .88 .80 been quarried as a small scale open-pit mine in the MgO 24 .02 .20 .08 Cr 24 .00 .02 .01 early 1900’s. The Kuovila deposit is located in south- V 24 .14 .23 .18 western Finland within the 1.9 Ga Uusimaa Belt, which is composed of high-grade metamorphic felsic and mafic volcanic rocks, mica gneisses and granites. Exploration included geological mapping, magnetic and gravimetric ground surveys and the drilling of 52 has a plan to increase the capacity of the Pori TiO2- holes, altogether 5398 metres. The Kuovila deposit, plant from the present 130.000 TPA to 150.000 TPA. bordered by felsic and mafic volcanic rocks, which is

Fig. 5. The Kuovila calcite-wollastonite deposit in the Pohja district of southwestern Finland.

9 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Olli Sarapää, Timo Ahtola, Jukka Reinikainen and Hannu Seppänen composed of two lenses, which are 20-150 m wide GCC products (Table 1). Preliminary laboratory scale and about 1850 m long (Fig. 5). The deposit is covered benefication tests of the wollastonite-calcite marble by a 3-15m thick sandy till layer. The indicated produce a concentrate with about 74% wollastonite. resources of the Kuovila deposit estimated to the depth of 50 m to 125 m are 39 Mt calcite marble with Hakala calcite marble deposit 75% calcite and 9 Mt wollastonite-calcite marble with 54% calcite and 15% (10-60 %)wollastonite. The Hakala calcite marble deposit, a few hundred The Kuovila deposit comprises alternating, 10-45 m metres from the Järvenkylä deposit, is situated 35 km thick layers of calcite and calcite-wollastonite rock, southeast of the coastal city of Turku and twenty which are separated by 3-10 m thick felsic and mafic kilometers west of the city of Salo. The Hakala deposit volcanic rock layers. Within the deposit there are consists of four almost vertical calcite marble layers occasionally layers of diopside-garnet rock and gran- (Fig. 6). Total length of the deposit is about 500 ite. Calcite marble is typically coarse-grained, light metres. There is granite, granite pegmatite and skarn gray or white in colour with thin silicate interlayers. intercalations between the calcite marble layers. The Calcite content of the calcite marble ranges from 60 country rocks consist of granites, granite pegmatites to 95% and calcite in the marble is low in magnesium, and granodiorites. The indicated mineral resources iron and manganese. Thin silicate interbeds are com- estimate of the Hakala deposit to the depth of 125 m posed of quartz, feldspars, diopside and phlogopite. is 1.3 Mt with 84% CaCO3. The resource estimate is The wollastonite-calcite rock occurs in the border based on geological mapping and on 25 drill holes, zone of the deposit and also as individual layers. It is altogether 2780 metres. composed of alternating beds of calcite, quartz, The calcite marble of the Hakala deposit is coarse wollastonite, diopside and garnet. Laboratory scale grained and generally white or light gray in colour. benefication tests from the core samples were car- Mineralogically it is very pure and contains over 90% ried out at GTK and they produced concentrates calcite. Accessory minerals are diopside, quartz, containing over 99% calcite. After fine-grinding, the tremolite, wollastonite and sphene. No dolomite or ISO-brightness of minus 30 microns fraction of the graphite has been detected in the deposit. Calcite calcite concentrates is 90.4-95.9% and yellowness marble is chemically pure, 55% of the analysed sam-

0.3-1.8%, which correspond with the commercial ples contain over 90% CaCO3. Magnesium and iron

Fig. 6. A block diagram of the Hakala calcite marble deposit. The length of the deposit is about 500 metres.

10 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Industrial mineral potential in Finland

Lintinen, P. 2000. Kaoliinitutkimukset Sodankylän Suola- contents are low, generally MgO < 0.4%, Fe2O3 < 0.2%. Beneficiation tests of the calcite marbles give kaarkossa 1998-1999. Geological Survey of Finland, un- published report M19/3732/2000/1/82 9 p., 7 app. 94-95% ISO-brightness values. Because the deposit Mäkitie, H., Kärkkäinen, N., Lahti, S. I.. & Alviola, R. has potential for underground mining, more detailed 2001. Compositional variation of granitic pegmatites in drilling is recommended to verify the continuation of relation to regional metamorphism in the Seinäjoki region, the deposit in deeper levels. western Finland. In: Mäkitie, H. (ed.) Svecofennian granitic pegmatites (1.86-1.79 Ga) and quartz monzonite (1.87 Ga), and their metamorphic environment in the Seinäjoki region, Conclusion western Finland. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 30, 31-59. This paper presents briefly the essential results of Niemelä, M. 2001. Talc-magnesite deposits in Finland. In: Radvanec, M., Gondim, A. C. & Németh, Z. (eds.) IGCP most recent studies on marble (Reinikainen 1997, 443: magnesite and talc: geological and environmental corre- Reinikainen et al. 1999, Sarapää et al. 1999b, 2001) lations. Mineralia Slovaca 33 (6), 561-566. and ilmenite deposits (Kärkkäinen & Sarapää 2002, Pekkala, Y. 1998. Finland: paper pigments lead growth. Kärkkäinen 1999) in southwestern and western Fin- Industrial Minerals 374, 57-61. Pekkala, Y. 1999. Industrial minerals - consumption and land. They have potential to be further studied and perspectives in Finland. In: Shchiptsov, V. V., Skamnitskaya, developed by domestic and international industrial L. S. & Danilevskaya, L. A. (eds.) Industrial minerals: mineral companies operating in Finland (Pekkala 1998, deposits & new developments in Fennoscandia: proceed- 1999, 2001, Laurén 1999, 2001, 2002). A conclusive ings of the international conference, Petrozavodsk 1999. Petrozavodsk: Karelian Research Center. Institute of Geol- table of industrial mineral resources and their techni- ogy, 11-13. cal properties is also included. Apart from these, a Pekkala, Y. 2001. The potential of industrial minerals in map of industrial mineral potential is presented and it Fennoscandia. In: 3rd Fennoscandian Exploration and Min- gives an overview of industrial minerals sector in ing, Rovaniemi, December 3-4, 2001: final programme and event documentation. [S.l.]: European Union, European Finland (see also Pekkala & Reinikainen 1999, Pekkala Regional Development, 7 p. & Seppänen 2002). A comprehensive list of the Pekkala, Y. & Sarapää, O. 1989. Kaolin exploration in relevant papers of industrial minerals in Finland is also Finland. In: Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland. Current Research 1988. Geological Survey of Finland. Spe- added herein. cial Paper 10, 113-118. Pekkala, Y. & Niemelä, M. 1997. Vuolukivi - elämää tulikiven REFERENCES lämmössä. Summary: Soapstone - life in the heat of fire- stone. Vuoriteollisuus 55 (1), 27-32. Alviola, R. 1989. Rare element pegmatites in Finland. In: Pekkala, Y. & Reinikainen, J. P. 1999. Paperin mineraaliset Lahti, S. I. (ed.) Symposium Precambrian granitoids. raaka-aineet - käyttö ja kehitysnäkymät Suomessa. Sum- Petrogenesis, geochemistry and metallogeny, August 14- mary: Mineral raw materials in paper - consumption, and 17, 1989, Helsinki, Finland. Excursion C 1: Late orogenic perspectives in Finland. Vuoriteollisuus 57 (2), 52-56. and synorogenic Svecofennian granitoids and associated Pekkala, Y., & Seppänen, H. 2002. Perspectives on the pegmatites of southern Finland. Geological Survey of Fin- Finnish industrial mineral industry. In: Scott, P. W. & land. Guide 26, 11-15. Bristow, C. M. (eds.) Industrial Minerals and Extractive Alviola, R., Mänttäri, I., Mäkitie, H., & Vaasjoki, M. 2001. Industry Geology. 36th forum of the Geology of Industrial Svecofennian rare-element granitic pegmatites of the Minerals and 11th Extractive Industry Geology Congress, Ostrobothnia region, western Finland: their metamorphic Bath, England, 7th-12th May, 2000, Geological Society of environment and time of intrusion. In: Mäkitie, H. (ed.) London, 129-132. Svecofennian granitic pegmatites (1.86-1.79 Ga) and quartz Reinikainen, J. P., 1997. Carbonate rock units in the monzonite (1.87 Ga), and their metamorphic environment Svecofennian Uusimaa Belt, SW Finland. In: Autio, S. (ed.) in the Seinäjoki region, western Finland. Geological Survey Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 1995-1996. of Finland. Special Paper 30, 9-29. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 23, 37-41. Kärkkäinen, N. 1999. Titanium ore potential of small mafic Reinikainen, J. P. 2001. Petrogenesis of Paleoproterozoic intrusions based on two examples in western Finland. marbles in the Svecofennian Domain, Finland. Geological Houghton, MI: Michigan Technological University. 193 p. Survey of Finland, Report of Investigations154. 84 p., 1 Kärkkäinen, N., Sarapää, O., Huuskonen, M., Koistinen, app., 2 app. maps. E.& Lehtimäki, J. 1997. Ilmenite exploration in western Reinikainen, J. P., Ahtola, T. & Seppänen, H. 1999. Finland, and the mineral resources of the Kälviä deposit. In: Paleoproterozoic sedimentary carbonate rocks in the Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, Current Re- Uusimaa Belt, southwestern Finland, Svecofennian Do- search 1995-1996. Geological Survey of Finland. Special main. In: Shchiptsov, V. V., Skamnitskaya, L. S. & Paper 23, 15-24. Danilevskaya, L. A. (eds.) Industrial minerals: deposits & Kärkkäinen, N. & Sarapää, O. 2002. Kälviän-Halsuan new developments in Fennoscandia: proceedings of the ilmeniittiesiintymät. Vuoriteollisuus 60 (4), 33-38. international conference, Petrozavodsk 1999. Petrozavodsk: Laurén, L. 1999. Industrial minerals maintain growth despite Karelian Research Center. Institute of Geology, 45. some setbacks. Kemia 26 (6), 489-491. Sarapää, O. 1996. Proterozoic primary kaolin deposits at Laurén, L. 2001. Solid performance by industrial minerals. Virtasalmi, southeastern Finland. Espoo: Geological Survey Kemia 28 (6), 480-481. of Finland. 152 p., 6 app. Laurén, L. 2002. Nordkalk diversifies output from its lime- Sarapää, O. 1997. Genesis and properties of Virtasalmi stone deposits. Vuoriteollisuus 60 (4), 14-15. kaolin deposits, SE Finland. In: Papunen, H. (ed.) Mineral

11 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Olli Sarapää, Timo Ahtola, Jukka Reinikainen and Hannu Seppänen

deposits: research and exploration - where do they meet? from calcite and ilmenite exploration in Finland. In: Autio, Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial SGA Meeting, Turku/ S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research Finland/11-13 August 1997. Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema, 1997-1998. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 27, 747-749. 25-34. Sarapää, O. 1999. Genesis of Virtasalmi kaolin deposits, SE Sarapää, O., Lohva, J., Lehtimäki, J., Kärkkäinen, N. & Finland. In: Shchiptsov, V. V., Skamnitskaya, L. S. & Jokinen, T. 1999b. Geophysical exploration of pigment Danilevskaya, L. A. (eds.) Industrial minerals: deposits & mineral deposits (kaolin, calcite, ilmenite) in Finland. In: new developments in Fennoscandia: proceedings of the EAGE 61st conference and technical exhibition, Helsinki, international conference, Petrozavodsk 1999. Petrozavodsk: Finland, 7-11 June 1999: extended abstracts book. Vol. 2: Karelian Research Center. Institute of Geology, 73-74. Poster presentations. Houten: European Association of Sarapää, O., Kuivasaari, T., Niemelä, M., Pekkala, Y. & Geoscientists & Engineers, 4 p. Reinikainen, J. 1996. Kaolin deposits in the Virtasalmi Sarapää, O., Reinikainen, J. P., Seppänen, H., area, Southeastern Finland; Geology, technical properties Kärkkäinen, N. & Ahtola, T. 2001. Industrial minerals and possible uses. In: Sarapää, O. Proterozoic primary exploration in southwestern and western Finland. In: Autio, kaolin deposits at Virtasalmi, southeastern Finland. Espoo: S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research Geological Survey of Finland, p. 43-83. 1999-2000. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, Sarapää, O., Kärkkäinen, N., Reinikainen, J. P., Ahtola, 31-40. T., Appelqvist, H. & Seppänen, H. 1999a. New results

12 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 13– 16 , 2003.


by Matti Tyni1), Kauko Puustinen2), Juha Karhu3) and Matti Vaasjoki2)

1)Malmikaivos Oy, present address: Korvenkuja 7, FIN-62310 VOLTTI, FINLAND 2)Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND 3)Department of Geology, FIN-00014 University of Helsinki, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): carbonate rocks, veins, geochemistry, chemical composition, isotopes, Archean,Petäiskoski, Finland

Introduction the Juuka church, at a place where a forestry track crosses Petäisjoki (Fig. 1). An ash sample was col- Malmikaivos Oy observed, in the course of mineral lected from the campfire site of the bridging party, and exploration in 1988, that the first kimberlites it had it exhibited clearly anomalous contents of Ba. Also the found seemed to lay along a line extending towards heavy mineral fractions of soil samples from the NNE from Tuusniemi. A roughly corresponding line immediate surroundings displayed clearly elevated could be observed as a lineament on satellite photo- REE levels. Up to 50 cm large, red, galena-bearing graphs, which gave rise to interest in the northern carbonate boulders were found in the forest, and some extension of the kimberlite line. The area had already outcrops contained similar, but very narrow and sharp- earlier been of prospective interest, as Outokumpu Oy edged veins. As the find was not a kimberlite, the had in the 1950s several exploration claims along company soon abandoned the investigation. How- Petäisjoki northwards from Keskimmäinen Jokilampi ever, the region is still generally of prospective inter- up to the latitude of Petäiskoski. Among other things, est. Especially the boggy area north of the rapids could a barite-bearing target close to the Panjavaara farm, be investigated by till sampling. Some rock samples which lies c. 1.8 km SE of Petäiskoski had been collected from the vicinity of Petäiskoski and sus- investigated. Both lead isotopic measurements (Kouvo pected of being magmatic in origin have formed the 1958, Kouvo & Kulp 1961) and mineralogical studies material for this study. (Papunen 1967) were carried out on the target, but it has not been possible to find the exact location later Locality description on. In addition, the mineral catalogue for Finland (Laitakari 1967) lists (oral communication by Viluksela, Petäiskoski lies within an Archean granite-gneiss Vuorelainen & Huhma 1961) a bastnaesite- and area. In addition to the felsic gneisses, there occurs galena-bearing target on the western boundary of the also a narrow amphibolite belt, which appears on the Juuka parish. According to the map name, the location aeromagnetic map as a c. 1.5 km long, N-S striking could be 4 - 5 km NE of Panjavaara and Petäiskoski. anomaly. One target of Malmikaivos Oy lay close to the According to the regional geochemical mapping, a boundary of the parish c. 25 km WNW of Ba-La till anomaly stretches for c. 5 km NE from

13 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Matti Tyni, Kauko Puustinen, Juha Karhu and Matti Vaasjoki

Fig. 1. Location of the Petäiskoski area at Juuka in eastern Finland.

Panjavaara (Geological Survey of Finland 1990). Isotopic studies Around Petäiskoski, some sampling sites also exhibit elevated contents of Pb and Th. This is in accordance Because the composition of the Petäiskoski car- with the aerogeophysical ~-radiation map, which shows bonate vein resembles that of carbonatites, its oxygen a clear U anomaly at Petäiskoski, a weak extension of and carbon isotopic compositions were investigated. which continues for 1.5 km SE (Geological Survey of Also a bastnaesite sample from Panjavaara was Finland 1991). In contrast, no radiation anomaly exists analysed, and results for both samples are reported in at Panjavaara. Table 2. The carbon isotopic compositions of the samples are almost identical within experimental un- Petrography, mineralogy and chemical com- certainty, but are markedly more negative than the position average mantle value of –5 ‰. According to Deines (1989) 91 % of undisturbed carbonatites fall within the Macroscopically, the rock is coarse-grained and composition range from –2 ‰ to –8 ‰. Thus the partially breccia-like. The dominating colour is an carbon isotopic data does not support a carbonatitic intense brick red with paler patches and dark green origin of the Petäiskoski vein, although a mantle origin amphibole schlieren. The main minerals are calcite (0 cannot be completely ruled out. - 2 % Sr), bastnaesite (0 - 20 % Sr) and barite. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the Petäiskoski Strontianite, galena, alkali amphibole and quartz occur and Panjavaara samples differ greatly from each as accessory minerals. other. One possible reason could be differences in The chemical composition of one sample from the crystallization temperatures and reactions with exter- Petäiskoski occurrence is shown in Table 1, from nal fluids. According to this interpretation, the which the anomalously high levels of Sr, Ba and REE Petäiskoski calcite would represent a much later and are evident. more altered phase than the Panjavaara bastnaesite. The lead isotopic compositions of samples G20-

14 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 The Petäiskoski carbonate veins at Juuka, eastern Finland

Table 1. Chemical composition of the carbonate rock at Petäiskoski.

(%) (ppm) (ppm)

SiO2 4.71 Co 1 La 35 500 TiO2 0.02 Cu 40 Ce 47 900 Al2O3 0.08 Ga 8 Pr 4 340 Fe2O3 1.47 Nb 1 Nd 11 100 MnO 0.27 Ni 22 Sm 651 MgO 0.63 Pb 855 Eu 115 CaO 36.10 Sb 1 Gd 384 SrO 2.28 Sc 4 Tb 40 BaO 3.87 Sn 10 Dy 38

Na2O 0.28 Ta 0 Ho 4 K2O 0.07 T h 83 Er 8 P 2O 5 0.43 U 2 Tm 1 CO2 33.38 V 11 Yb 5 SO3 2.26 Zn 40 Lu 1 Cl 0.03 Zr 4 Y 123 REE-Ox 12.03

Total 97.91

Table 2. Carbon andoxygen isotopic analyses. Table 3. Lead isotopic data ongalenas

Locality Nro Mineral d13Cd180 Sample Locality 206Pb/204Pb 207Pb/204Pb 208Pb/204Pb (PDB) (SMOW) G20 Panjavaara 15.590 15.299 35.182 Petäiskoski C-490 Calcite -15.50 18.39 G500 Petäiskoski 15.596 15.290 35.171 Panjavaara C-235 Bastnaesite -16.38 9.98 Data normalized to the accepted values of SRM 981.

Fig. 2. Lead isotopic composition of the Petäiskoski and Panjavaara galenas in relation to other data from Finland.

15 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Matti Tyni, Kauko Puustinen, Juha Karhu and Matti Vaasjoki

Panjavaara and G500-Petäiskoski are presented in composition is also unique for the Karelian domain, Table 3, which demonstrates that the two samples are and thus the combined isotopic data are possibly almost identical within experimental error. Figure 2 indicative of a hydrothermal process closely associ- shows the results in relation to other galena data from ated with the Svecofennian orogeny. Finland. The striking feature is that the Petäiskoski and Panjavaara leads have isotopic compositions simi- lar to the Svecofennian orogenic leads rather than the REFERENCES Archean or Karelian signatures typical of their geo- logical environment (cf. Vaasjoki 1981). This is the Deines, P. 1989. Stable isotope variations in carbonatites. In: first time such a lead isotopic composition has been Bell, K. (ed.) Carbonatites: Genesis and evolution. London: Unwin Hyman, 301-359. recorded from the Karelian domain. At their face Geological Survey of Finland 1990. Map sheet 4312. value, the lead isotopic results seem to suggest a Geochemical maps 1 : 100 000, till. closer relationship to the Svecofennian orogeny than Geological Survey of Finland 1991. Map sheet 4312. would be assumed from the geographic location. Aerogeophysical maps 1 : 20 000. Kouvo, O. 1958. Radioactive age of some Finnish Precambrian minerals. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 182. 70 p. Conclusion Kouvo, O. & Kulp, J. L. 1961. Isotopic composition of Finnish galenas. Annales of the New York Academy of The mineralogy and geochemistry of the Petäiskoski Sciences 91, 476-491. Laitakari, A. 1967. Suomen mineraalien hakemisto - Index of carbonate veins are unique for their geological envi- Finnish minerals with bibliography. Geological Survey of ronment and are suggestive of a carbonatitic origin. Finland, Bulletin 230. 842 p. However, the carbon isotopic results seem to rule out Papunen, H. 1967. On the barytes of Finland. Comptes a pure mantle source, while the oxygen isotope data Rendus de la Société Géologique de Finlande 39, 45-69. Vaasjoki, M. 1981. The lead isotopic composition of some indicate a large difference in crystallization conditions Finnish galenas. Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin 316. for calcite and bastnaesite. The galena lead isotopic 25 p.

16 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 17– 21 , 2003.


by Tegist Chernet and Jukka Marmo

Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): chromite ores, crushing, chromite, grain size, size distribution, sieving, image analysis, Elijärvi, Finland

Introduction The direct comparison of sieve and image analyses is considered to be possible because of the simple General crystal shape and morphology of chromite. The crys- tal habits of chromite include octahedrons, often with Chromite ore samples from the Länsiviia open pit of dodecahedral faces modifying the edges of the octa- the Elijärvi Mine, Kemi, Finland, were taken for grain/ hedron to the point of rounding the crystal. Here, well- particle size determination of the chromite in the ore. formed crystals are common and chromite is usually The samples were selected from a relatively less found as massive or granular aggregates and dissemi- fractured area. Seven to ten cm long pieces of chromite nated. Minerals forming acicular, bladed, fibrous, ore samples were treated by electric shock crusher at platy, prismatic, tabular, pseudomorphic crystals may the Forschungs - Zentrum, Karlsruhe, GmbH, Ger- need correction factors (Higgins 2000), if comparing many. The objective of this approach is to get liberated sieve and image analysis is to be possible at all. chromite grains in order to analyse the size distribution of chromite in the ore using sieve and image analysis. Application of electric shock crusher Polished sections were also prepared directly from the ore samples for size analyses by image processing. Compared to all other crushing (e.g., gyratory, roll, The study comprises three steps: impact, etc.) and grinding (conventional tumbling mills) - sieve analyses of chromite from crushed ore, techniques, where the breakage forces are applied by - image analyses of chromite from crushed ore, and compression or impact, the electric shock crusher - image analyses of chromite in the unbroken ore. separates materials along loose ends such as grain The aim was to investigate the correlation between boundaries and fractures. The advantage of this method sieve and image analysis on the one hand, and the is to liberate chromite grains along the natural grain correlation of the image size analyses of unliberated boundaries and existing deep fractures without unnec- chromite in the rock and liberated chromite in the essary breakage of particles. After crushing, chromite crushed ore on the other hand. The ultimate goal, of grains/particles are expected to show a similar grain/ course, was to find a better control in predicting particle size as in the rock. mineral liberations at certain grinds. The principle of operation is well described by

17 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Tegist Chernet and Jukka Marmo

Bluhm et al. (2000) and Sjomkin, et al. (1995). The Table 2. Heavy liquid separation of each sieve fraction process is disintegration of solid material through less than 400 microns. pulsed electric discharges. The material immersed in Particle size Heavy Light Heavy Light water is subjected to high voltage pulses up to several (microns) (wt%) (wt%) (cum wt%) (cum wt%) hundreds of kilovolts. Water has excellent breakage >400, if any 400-315 15.65 18.82 84.35 81.18 strength when the pulse voltage rises quickly, and 315-250 20.84 15.74 63.51 65.43 these bring about the concentration of electric field in 250-180 30.11 19.16 33.40 46.27 the solids. The electrical energy in the material then 180-90 27.69 23.75 5.65 22.52 90-63 4.62 9.72 1.03 12.80 creates very high pressure, which leads to the frag- 63-45 0.86 6.02 0.17 6.78 mentation of the material along grain boundaries and <45 0.17 6.78 0.00 0.00 existing fractures. As a result, composite materials and minerals can be decomposed in to separate and a separate frequency plot is shown in Figure 1. components. Sieve fractions between 800-400 microns (21% of the sample) contain only about 1-3% free chromite par- Particle size analyses of chromite in the ticles and as a result were not treated by heavy liquid. crushed ore (Sieve analysis) In this fraction almost every grain of silicate/carbon- ate contains chromite crystals as inclusions. In terms Mechanical sieving and sieve size analyses of the cumulative distribution, about 85% of chromite particles are less than 400 microns (Fig 1). Due to fine The electric shock treatment gave unexpectedly particle adhesion, repeated heavy liquid separation good results. Most of the chromite grains were liber- was needed for fractions less than 63 microns. There- ated and show perfect crystal shape/structure. Grains fore, the results for <63 microns are approximate. with deep fracturing broke along the fractures, which In the fraction 400 to 250 microns, almost all still show the actual particle size of chromite in the ore. chromite grains have perfect crystal shape without As a result of mechanical wet sieving in to 11 being broken. Broken pieces and flakes of chromite narrow fractions, 99% of the crushed ore is less than particles started to appear in the fractions bellow 250 800 microns (Table 1). Observing all the fractions, microns, and increase gradually along with decreas- chromite appeared to be considerably liberated in the ing grain size, especially in the fraction 90-63microns. fractions less than 400 microns, above which fine- Most of these liberated particles, however, appear the grained chromite (<45 microns) is embedded in coarse- same as in the rock. grained silicates and carbonates.

Particle size analyses of chromite in the Table 1. Wet mechanical sieve fractions. concentrate and in the ore (Image analysis)

Sieve size Wt (%) Cum. (microns) wt% Image analysis and principle >800 0.88 99.12 800-500 11.02 88.10 Image analysis is a technique for characterizing, 500-400 8.73 79.37 400-315 13.15 66.21 classifying and comparing images by using numerical 315-250 15.11 51.10 values for properties of features in images (Lastra R., 250-180 20.97 30.14 180-90 21.05 9.08 et al. 1998). Performing image analysis includes im- 90-63 5.01 4.07 age acquisition, image processing (e.g., enhancement, 63-45 2.12 1.96 segmentation and binary image processing), image 45-32 0.56 1.39 <32 1.39 0.00 analysis (measurements, quantitative data), and evalu- ation or representation of the results. In this study, the acquired images are processed and individual meas- urements are done for each feature in the images Heavy liquid separation and sieve size analy- (object specific), which includes area, length, width ses of chromite concentrate and sphericity of each feature. Several images were taken from petrographic mi- Liberated chromite was separated from the rest of croscope as colour images using a colour video cam- the gangues, which consists of silicates and carbon- era and frame grabber. Using KS-400 version 3 image ates using heavy liquid. The result is shown in Table 2, analysis software, a segmentation routine is per-

18 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Direct comparison on mechanical and digital size analyses of Kemi chromite, Finland

100 10 0

80 80

60 60

40 40 Cum wt% Cum wt%

20 20

0 0 0 0100 100 200 200 300300 400400 500500 ParticleParticle sizesize (microns)

Fig. 1. Frequency and cumulative particle size distribution of heavy liquid separated chromite concentrate.

Fig 2. Image of chromite ore overlapped with honeycomb structure for grain boundary reconstruction. formed manually to segment images of chromite analysed from the given fractions. Measurement data grains/particles into separate binary images. It is is given in Table 3. performed by detecting and setting the lower and upper gray levels for chromite. When chromite occurs Table 3. Particle/grain size distribution of chromite in masses or clustered where grain boundaries and grains/particles according to image analyses (selected sieve fractions 160-250 microns). deep fractures are poorly delineated, a grain boundary reconstruction technique was used to produce dis- Particle size No. of grains No. of grains (microns) measured in % crete grains (Fig. 2). <45 11 0.11 45-63 137 1.4 Chromite concentrate 63-90 213 2.18 90-180 4679 47.94 180-250 4184 42.86 Polished sections were made from size fractions 250-315 471 4.83 160-250 microns of the chromite concentrates. This 315-400 57 0.58 fraction constitutes 36% of the heavy fractions (<400 >400 9 0.09 microns). The selection of this fraction is on the basis total 9761 of best liberation, and silicates here are rare. Particle sizes of discrete grains/particles of chromite were analysed from the reconstructed images. The area and maximum and minimum ferets of each particle were measured. About 10,000 separate features were

19 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Tegist Chernet and Jukka Marmo

Chromite in the unbroken ore lation. Although not enough work has yet been done on the Particle/grain size of chromite was also analysed liberated chromite particles/grains to fully compare directly from the ore (from the Länsiviia open pit). The image analyses results of the liberated chromite and analyses include all sizes in the ore. Very fine-grained chromite from unbroken ore, basic conclusions can be chromites (<50 microns), however, are scrapped for drawn from about 4500 features analysed. As shown the reason of comparison to that of the concentrate. in Table 2 and Figure 1, over 57 wt% of the heavy Most of these fines are embedded in the coarse- fraction (chromite concentrate, all < 400microns) is grained gangue minerals within the fraction 400-800 between 90-250 microns. Considering the image analy- microns, which is not included in the chromite concen- ses result (Table 5), 56wt% of chromite particles/ trate (<400 microns). About 4500 grains/particles are grains analysed in the ore are between 90-250 mi- measured and the results are tabulated in Tables 4 crons. Keeping in mind the fact that the present size of and 5. most chromite in the ore is similar to that of chromite in the crushed ore, image size analysis of chromite in

Table 4. Particle/grain size distribution of the chromite the ore yields similar size distribution as if it were done from the unbroken ore using image analyses (calculated by sieve. from ferets average). Furthermore, it was studied which of the feature analyses would match best with the sieve analysis. Particle size No. of No. of Weight Weight Both area diameter and feret average of chromite (microns) grains grains (%) (gm) (%) grains/particles in the ore are measured and plotted. <63 0 0.00 0.00000 0.00 Ferets, which imply maximum and minimum length of 63-90 33 0.74 0.00011 0.01 90-180 1238 27.86 0.01882 2.12 particles, are measured by the software and the 180-250 1159 26.08 0.05925 6.68 average is calculated using excel. As shown in Figure 250-315 771 17.35 0.08766 9.88 315-400 647 14.56 0.14570 16.42 3, the sieve analysis frequency distribution of chromite 400-500 325 7.31 0.15841 17.85 concentrate almost overlaps the plot of ferets average 500-800 239 5.38 0.28012 31.56 >800 32 0.72 0.13745 15.49 represented by number of grains percent rather than calculated as weight percent. On the other hand, area diameter calculated as weight percent almost overlaps Table 5. Particle/grain size distribution of the chromite to that of sieve analysis rather than area diameter from the unbroken ore using image analyses (calculated from area diameter). calculated as number percent (Fig. 4). As a result, the percent of the number of particles calculated from ferets average and the weight percent calculated from Particle size No. of No. of Weight Weight (microns) grains grains (%) (gm) (%) area diameter correlate more closely to that of sieve analysis represented by weight percent. <45 200 4.47 0.00003 0.09 45-63 459 10.26 0.00015 0.46 63-90 986 22.05 0.00093 2.86 Conclusions 90-180 2185 48.86 0.00996 30.67 180-250 453 10.13 0.00821 25.27 250-315 115 2.57 0.00493 15.19 Chromite grains were almost completely liberated in 315-400 54 1.21 0.00450 13.84 400-500 17 0.38 0.00294 9.05 grain sizes below 400 microns. In order to compare >500 3 0.07 0.00084 2.59 sieve size and image size of chromite particles, chromite in the concentrate should appear in size similarly as in the ore. Disintegrating chromite using high intensity Comparison electrical pulses turned out to be the only way to liberate chromite along existing boundaries. Simple According to image analyses results of the selected microscope observation indicated chromite in the origi- sieve fraction (160-250), about 90.8% of the grains/ nal rock (ore) and chromite as a product of electric particles fall between 90-250 microns (see Table 3). shock crusher to be correlated. The size analysis result About 10,000 features analysis is considerable for shows considerable correlation between mechanical making comparison. Although the quality of the im- sieve size analyses and digital size analyses. Moreo- ages, orientation and shape factors affect the similar- ver, image size analyses of chromite in the ore were ity, the result generally shows good correlation be- found to be correlated to that of the sieve analysis of tween mechanical sieve size analyses and digital size chromite concentrate. The ferets average represented analyses. Further data manipulations and estimating by number percent and the area diameter represented the sampling error might lead to an even better corre- as weight percent are more closely correlated to the

20 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Direct comparison on mechanical and digital size analyses of Kemi chromite, Finland

35,00 35,00 chromite conc., sieve analysis (wt%) 30,00 chromite conc., sieve analysis (wt%) 30,00 25,00 25,00 chromitechromite inin the the ore, ore, feret feret av. av. (wt% (wt%)) 20,0020,00

15,0015,00 chromite in the ore, ferets av. (no%)

wt%, no of grains % 10,0010,00 chromite in the ore, ferets av. (no%) wt%, no of grains %


0,000,00 0 200 200 400 400 600 600 800 800 1000 1000 1200 1200 particle size size (micron) (micron)

Fig 3. Comparison of image analysis results of chromite calculated from ferets average to that of chromite concentrate sieved.

60.00 60,00 50.00 50,00 chrom ite in the ore, area diam eter (no% ) chromite in the ore, area diameter (no%) 40.0040,00 % 30.0030,00 chromchromite ite conc., conc. ,sieve sieve analysis analysis (w(wt t%%) ) w eight w eight weight % 20.0020,00 chromitechrom itein thein the ore, ore,area area diameter diam eter (wt%) 10.0010,00

0.000,00 0 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 500 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 900 particlparticlee sisizeze (micron)

Fig 4. Comparison of image analysis results of chromite calculated from area diameter to that of chromite concentrate sieved sieve analysis. REFERENCES In addition, this study indicates that size analysis of Bluhm, H., Frey, W., Giese, H., Hoppé, P., Schultheiss, C. the ore using image manipulation can be used to & Strässner, R. 2000. Application of pulsed HV dis- predict ore breakage and mineral liberations can be charges to material fragmenation and recycling. IEEE Trans- obtained at certain grinds, as in the experience at the actions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation 7, 625-636. Higgins, M. D. 2000. Measurement of crystal size distribu- Kemi mine. tions. American Mineralogist 85, 1105-1116. Lastra R., Petruk W. & Wilson J. 1998. Image analysis techniques and applications to mineral processing. In Mod- ern Approaches to Ore and Environmental Mineralogy, Mineralogical Association of Canada 27, 327-366. Sjomkin, B., Ussov, A. & Kurets, V. 1995. The principles of electric impulse destruction of materials. Akademi Nauk Rossija (in Russian). No pagination.

21 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Matti Tyni, Kauko Puustinen, Juha Karhu and Matti Vaasjoki

22 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 23– 28 , 2003.


by Tegist Chernet and Lassi Pakkanen

Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): ilmenite, alteration, pseudorutile, electron probe data, ferric iron, stoichiometry, formula

Introduction the parent minerals, ilmenite and pseudorutile respec- tively, until the structure breaks down completely. Overview Chaudhuri and Newesely (1990), Mücke and Chaudhuri (1991) and Chernet (1999) also discussed In sand deposits, ilmenite exhibits various degrees the continuous transformation of ilmenite to leucoxene. of alteration due to oxidation and preferential leaching The alteration starts with a continuous removal of of iron. However, only three mineral phases: ilmenite, Fe+2, and the electrostatic charge is balanced by pseudorutile and rutile have been well identified with oxidizing the remaining iron and/or addition of H+. ideal composition of 47.35% FeO + 52.65% TiO2, Ferrous iron is totally oxidized at the formation of

39.98% Fe2O3 + 60.02% TiO2 and over 95% TiO2, pseudorutile. Further removal of ferric iron is com- respectively. The theoretical chemical formulae are pensated for by the addition of OH- into the mineral

FeTiO3 for ilmenite, Fe2Ti3O9 for pseudorutile and lattice. Along with the advance of the alteration, the

TiO2 for rutile. Due to alteration, the chemistry of water content increases until the breakdown of a these individual phases shows deviations from their pseudorutile structure, which appears at the compo- ideal compositions, which is also reflected in their sition of about 77-79% TiO2 and 9-12% Fe2O3 optical properties. The alteration product, which devi- (Chernet 1999). Leucoxene is the incomplete break- ates substantially from the ideal ilmenite composition down of pseudorutile, and consists principally of fine but not completely altered to pseudorutile, is identified grained, usually fibrous-like crystalline rutile. These as pseudoilmenite in Chaudhuri and Newesely (1990) referred conditions are taken into consideration to and as leached ilmenite in Chernet (1999). Continuous draw an assumption for correcting the analyses and transition from ilmenite to pseudorutile are also well recalculating ferric iron, lattice water content and the described recently (Kao & Yang 1999). Further chemical formula at a given composition of altered alteration of pseudorutile to leucoxene often shows an ilmenite. intermediate product identified as leached pseudorutile Reduction is one of the important steps in the TiO2 (Chernet 1999). Leached ilmenite and leached pigment production in the sulphate process if ferric pseudorutile are intermediate phases and they do not iron is present. Ilmenite raw material might be up- have their own characteristic peaks in the X-ray graded by reduction in order to remove accessory diffraction pattern. They show the same structure as minerals by magnetic separation (Balderson et al.

23 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Tegist Chernet and Lassi Pakkanen

2002). As a result, determination of ferric iron has not to a mineral. However, this may not always be only scientific but also economic significance. Al- sufficient. Chemical analyses show which elements though the samples studied are from Australian com- are present, and how much of each, but not how they mercial sand ilmenite concentrate, determination of are combined in the structure of the mineral. For ferric iron and chemical formulae is applicable for the altered ilmenite, this last uncertainty could be exempli- above-mentioned phases from any hard rock or black fied by the role of water and oxidation state of iron in sand deposits. the analysis. In the method described below, the following as- Objective sumptions are taken into consideration: 1) As alteration starts with a continuous removal As a result of continuous alteration, there is no of Fe+2, for the formation of leached ilmenite definite expression for the intermediate phases in (pseudoilmenite) the electrostatic charge is assumed terms of chemical composition, structure and formu- to be balanced only by oxidizing the remaining iron. lae except for ilmenite, pseudorutile and rutile. (oxidation) Carmichael (1967), Droop (1987) and Deer et al. 2) Total iron is oxidized at the formation of (1992) have shown how to determine ferric iron from pseudorutile. Removal of iron is a continuous process electron microprobe analyses, which cannot distin- and at the formation of pseudorutile phases, the guish between the two oxidation states. These formu- removal of ferric iron is assumed to be compensated lae are well applicable to some silicates and oxides by the addition of OH ions into the mineral lattice. This (e.g. ilmenite and rutile), which have a definite number is according to Grey and Watts (1994), Mücke and of anions and yield good analytical calculations. For Chaudhuri (1991) and Chernet (1999), who regarded the altered phases, however, erratic analysis totals pseudorutile phase as an oxyhydroxide mineral. (leach- and the presence of water in the crystal lattice further ing and hydrolization) complicate the calculation of chemical compositions 3) Upon the formation of leucoxene, OH is re- and the determination of chemical formulae. leased to a large extent due to the breakdown of the This paper presents a simple mathematical flow- pseudorutile structure into rutile and water.

sheet to estimate wt% of FeO, Fe2O3 and H2O from (dehydrolization) the given electron microprobe analysis data, using All methods are hypothetical and are not necessar- stoichiometric criteria. The flow-sheet further presents ily warranted and all may give only approximate the chemical formula representation of the phase at a results. given chemical composition. In order to determine this flow sheet, however, the basic ideas are referred to Analyses data and stoichiometric consideration from Droop (1987) and Deer et al. (1992). Electron microprobe analyses have been done to Microscopic descriptions of altered ilmenite confirm the complete range of alteration products of Microscopic descriptions of altered ilmenite ilmenite observed under the microscope, and to study The ore microscopy observations of ilmenite and its the chemical composition of each phase (Table 2). alterationThe ore microscopy products along observations with their of ilmenite characteristic and its Moreover, the data is used to calculate Fe2+ and Fe3+ alterationfeatures are products listed in along Table with 1. Figurestheir characteristic for typical content, and the respective chemical formulae of features are listed in Table 1. Figures for typical features of each phase can be referred to in Chernet stable and intermediate phases. The operating condi- features of each phase can be referred to in Chernet (1997, 1999). tions were: accelerating voltage 15-20 kV, probe (1997, 1999). current 20-40 nA, and beam diameter 1-10 µm. The ferric iron and the chemical formulae for Microprobe analyses and calculation of ilmenite and rutile can be determined using Droop’s formulae (1987) formulae, or after the estimation of the two irons, the Deer et al (1991) method can be used to represent the formulae.

Assumptions Trivalent iron, H2O and the chemical formulae for the intermediate products (leached ilmenite, pseudo- A characteristic chemical composition can be ex- rutile, leached pseudorutile) can be derived as follow: pressed by a formula that shows the elements present 1. Determination of molecular proportions

in the mineral and the proportion in which they are e.g., SiO2 (mol. prop.) = SiO2 (wt%)/ SiO2 (mol. wt) combined. Its chemical analysis provides the basic 2. Determination of mole % on the basis of Ti = 3

evidence for assigning the correct chemical formula e.g. Si (mole %) = 3 * (SiO2 / TiO2) (mol. prop.)

24 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Estimation of ferric iron, crystal water and calculation of chemical formulae for altered ilmenite... ilmenite ilmenite, ilmenite, ilmenite ect,with Mn ect than in ilmenite lections, microfractures lections, microfractures ong anisotropic effect, with Mn rich ellowish brown colour impression, internal ellowish colour impression, internal reflections less anisotropic effect and relatively less anisotropic effect fine rutile crystals and other leached products ellow, white microfractures, aggregates of fine rutile crystals ellow, white reflections,microfractures, aggregates of none eff strong colour, anisotropic none str colour, none against grey impression colour lections y brown, ong brightness yellow, orange, strong brightness, twinning, internal reflection ong brightness without reflections y brown, reflections red brown brown, tint) to light pinkish brown) colournone grey bright to distinct, none pinkish against brown grey impression to colour grayish brown pleochroism to light brown grey)none colour (as in the air medium) none anisotropism effect is less than ilmenite none against blue impression colour nonenone with brightness distinct brown, orange by covered internal internal ref brown, abundant: y none by covered internal brown, abundant: y poor light blue grey) without colour brown, red, blood red ellowish grey blue grey, bright pinkish tint brown with pinkish colour rich ilmenite, no pleochroism and relatively blue (Fe poor) light blue grey) without colour brown, red, blood red grey, dull grey grey, grey, dull grey brown, orange brown and other leached products oil light grey, faint strong (light grey to strong brightness yellow, orange, strong brightness, twinning, internal reflection oil pinkish brown strong (pinkish brown strong brightness without oil yellowish grey oil brown grey very slight (brown grey distinct brightness without oil grey none by masked internal brown, orange internal ref oil blue grey, bright none none, very weak, weak rare: red brown, against blue impression colour Table 1. Ore microscopy description of ilmenite and its alteration products. phaseIlmenite medium air colour with brown pleochroism to (brown slight light str anisotropism internal reflections characteristic features Primaryrutile air bluish grey, light to grey (light slight str when Fe Leachedilmenite air brown grey Secondaryrutile air y grey dull ref less eff anisotropic Pseudorutile air pseudorutile brownish grey colour brown Leached air grey

25 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Tegist Chernet and Lassi Pakkanen

Table 2. Microprobe analyses of ilmenite and its alteration products.


SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 FeO MgO MnO CaO ZnO NiO Nb2O3 Ta2O5 SnO Total 0.02 49.70 0.01 0.15 0.27 47.24 0.20 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.00 0.02 98.10 0.00 49.56 0.00 0.02 0.01 46.20 0.04 2.33 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.04 98.63 0.02 50.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 47.46 0.06 0.73 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.12 0.08 98.71

Leached ilmenite

SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 FeO MgO MnO CaO ZnO NiO Nb2O3 Ta2O 5 SnO Total 0.07 55.70 0.59 0.05 0.11 33.37 0.04 4.97 0.03 0.11 0.00 0.09 0.08 0.01 95.20 0.01 55.56 0.05 0.03 0.00 37.96 0.07 1.82 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 95.66 0.13 58.30 0.62 0.21 0.30 35.40 0.13 1.45 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.02 96.71


SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 FeO MgO MnO CaO ZnO NiO Nb2O3 Ta2O 5 SnO Total 0.12 66.04 0.52 0.06 0.08 24.21 0.08 1.33 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.09 0.00 0.02 92.67 0.19 64.62 0.52 0.13 0.00 25.62 0.12 1.58 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.00 92.98 0.15 62.16 1.04 0.08 0.15 28.28 0.04 1.21 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.45 0.04 0.03 93.71

Leached pseudorutile

SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 FeO MgO MnO CaO ZnO NiO Nb2O3 Ta2O 5 SnO Total 0.26 70.67 2.46 0.13 0.16 15.79 0.07 0.11 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.00 89.96 0.23 72.02 0.96 0.12 0.31 13.95 0.00 0.32 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.12 0.01 88.18 0.91 74.57 2.43 0.20 0.35 10.32 0.01 0.14 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.01 89.08

For leached ilmenite on the basis of Ti=3

Equations to determine Fe3+ for leached ilmenite

E.g., Si=0.005, Al=0.02, ….., Fe=2.00, Mg=0.004, Mn=0.3, Nb=0.0015 (mole %)

2+ 3+ +4 3+ 2+ 4+ 2- Fex + Fey +Si0.005 +Al0.02 +Mg0.00 +…+ Ti3 +O9 = 0

2x + 3y = 5.28 (1) x + y = 2.00 (2)

from equation (1) and (2) Fe2+=0.72, Fe3+=1.28 2+ 3 Fe Ti 0 leached ilmenite: (Fe 0.72Fe 1.28 Mn0.3 …)Ti309 = 2.33 3 9

For pseudorutile on the basis of Ti=3

Equations to determine (O2- +OH1- ) for pseudorutile

E.g., Si=0.01, Al=0.02, …., Fe=Fe3+=1.36, Mg=0.01, Mn=0.07, Nb=0.001(mole %)

4+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 4+ 4+ 2- 1- Si0.01 +Al0.03 +…+Fe1.28 +Mg0.01 +Mn0.07 +Nb0.001 +Ti3 +(Ox +OHy )9 = 0

2x + y = 16.34 (3) x + y = 9 (4)

from equation (3) and (4) O = 7.34, OH = 1.66 3+ Fe Ti O (OH) pseudorutile: (Fe 1.36Si0.01Al0.02….Mg0.07Mn0.05…)Ti3O7.34(OH)1.66 = 1.5 3 7.34 1.66

26 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Estimation of ferric iron, crystal water and calculation of chemical formulae for altered ilmenite...

For leached pseudorutile on the basis of Ti=3

Equations to determine (O2- +OH1- ) for pseudorutile

E.g., Si=0.01, Al=0.08,.., Fe3+=0.83, Mg=0.01, Mn=0.01, Ca=0.01, Nb=0.001 (mole %) 4+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 4+ 2- 1- Si0.01 +Al0.08 +…+Fe0.83 +Mg0.01 + Mn0.01 +…+Ti3 +(Ox +OHy )= 0

2x + y = 14.83 (3) x + y = 9 (4)

from equation (3) and (4) O = 5.83, OH = 3.15 3+ Fe Ti O (OH) leached pseudorutile: (Fe 0.83Si0.01Al0.08…Mg0.01Mn0.01…)Ti3O5.83(OH)3.15 = 0.94 3 5.83 3.15

Table 3. Corrected microprobe analyses of ilmenite and its alteration products.


SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 FeO Fe2O3 MgO MnO CaO ZnO NiO Nb2O3 Ta2O5 SnO Total 0.02 49.70 0.01 0.15 0.27 37.07 11.30 0.20 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.00 0.02 99.23 0.00 49.56 0.00 0.02 0.01 34.39 13.12 0.04 2.33 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.42 0.00 0.04 99.95 0.02 50.04 0.06 0.00 0.00 37.64 10.91 0.06 0.73 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.12 0.08 99.80

Leached ilmenite

SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 FeO Fe2O3 MgO MnO CaO ZnO NiO Nb2O3 Ta2O5 SnO Total 0.07 55.70 0.59 0.05 0.11 12.04 23.70 0.04 4.97 0.03 0.11 0.00 0.09 0.08 0.01 97.57 0.01 55.56 0.05 0.03 0.00 18.13 22.04 0.07 1.82 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 97.87 0.13 58.30 0.62 0.21 0.30 7.51 31.00 0.13 1.45 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.02 99.81


SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 Fe2O3 MgO MnO CaO ZnO NiO Nb2O3 Ta2O5 SnO H2O Total 0.12 66.04 0.52 0.06 0.08 26.91 0.08 1.33 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.09 0.00 0.02 4.13 99.49 0.19 64.62 0.52 0.13 0.00 28.47 0.12 1.58 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.09 0.00 0.00 3.10 98.93 0.15 62.16 1.04 0.08 0.15 31.43 0.04 1.21 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.45 0.04 0.03 1.39 98.24

Leached pseudorutile

SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Cr2O3 V2O3 Fe2O3 MgO MnO CaO ZnO NiO Nb2O3 Ta2O5 SnO H2O Total 0.26 70.67 2.46 0.13 0.16 17.55 0.07 0.11 0.08 0.05 0.03 0.07 0.08 0.00 8.37 100.08 0.23 72.02 0.96 0.12 0.31 15.50 0.00 0.32 0.04 0.00 0.03 0.08 0.12 0.01 9.83 99.56 0.91 74.57 2.43 0.20 0.35 11.46 0.01 0.14 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.01 11.13 101.36

Summary the formation of pseudrutile. Pseudorutile consists of

Fe2O3 and H2O, until the formation of rutile. The Microprobe analyses show a wide range of chemi- structure of pseudorutile breaks down upon the for- cal composition with erratic and low analysis totals for mation of rutile and dehydrolization resulted in the altered ilmenite. There is neither definite expression removal of water from the system. At this point, the of chemical composition nor ideal chemical formulae above formula could not be applicable. for altered ilmenite as in the parent minerals. At a given chemical composition of altered ilmenite, REFERENCES however, wt% estimation of FeO, Fe2O3 and H2O, correction of electron microprobe analyses data, and Balderson, G & Potivin, J.C. 2002. Beneficiation of an chemical formula can be determined. The basis of this ilmenite feedstock for the sulphate TiO2 pigment process estimation is the determination of molecular propor- by reduction roasting. 15th Industrial Minerals International tions of compounds and mole percent of the corre- Congress, 50-55. sponding elements on the bases of titanium rather than Carmichael I. S. E 1967. The Iron-Titanium oxides of salic Volcanic rocks and their associated ferromagnesian sili- oxygen. Ilmenite consists of both FeO and Fe2O3, until cates. Contribution to mineralogy and petrology 14, 36-64.

27 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Tegist Chernet and Lassi Pakkanen

Chaudhuri J.N.B.& Newesely, H. 1990. Transformation of Longmans, 678-681, 578-579. Droop, G.T.R. 1987. A general equation for estimating Fe3+ ilmenite FeTiO3 to leucoxene TiO2 under the influence of weathering reactions. Indian Journal of Technology 28, 13- concentrations is ferromagnesian silicates and oxides from 23. microprobe analyses, using stoichiometric criteria. Minera- Chernet, T. 1997. Mineralogical study on Australian sand logical Magazine 51 (3), No. 361, 431-435. ilmenite concentrate, Australia. Extended abstract, Mineral Grey, I.E. & Watts, J.A. 1994. Mineralogical nomenclature: deposit: Research and exploration - where do they meet? pseudorutile revalidated and neotype given. Mineralogical Proceedings of the 4th biennial SGA meeting, Turku, Fin- magazine 58, 597-600. land. Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 709-712. Kao, Li-Shun &Yang, Houng-Yi 1999. TEM study of the Chernet, T. 1999. Applied mineralogical studies on Austral- continuous transition from ilmenite to pseudorutile by ian sand ilmenite concentrate with special reference to their vacancy-ordering and Fe-oxidation. Geological Society of behaviour in sulphate route pigment extraction process. America, 31(7), 170. International Journal of Minerals Engineering 12 (5), 485- Mücke A.& Chaudhuri, J.N.B 1991. The continuous altera- 495. tion of ilmenite through pseudorutile to leucoxene. Ore Deer, W. A., Howie, R.A. & Zussman, J. 1992. An introduc- geology reviews 6, 25-44. tion to the rock forming minerals. 2nd edition, Harlow:

28 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 29– 33 , 2003.


by Kari A. Kinnunen

Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): gold ores, placers, gold, nuggets, mercury, panning, amalgamation, Ivalojoki, Finland

Introduction posed of gold with a thin gold-mercury coating. They are interpreted as amalgamated gold nuggets resulting Silvery greyish nuggets were sent to GTK from from historical gold recovery operations that utilized Ivalojoki as possible platinum nuggets. Laboratory mercury. The amalgam nuggets are described and the determinations showed that the nuggets are com- environmental implications of the find are discussed.

Fig. 1. Known localities of amalgamated gold nuggets in the Ivalojoki placer area: 1 Ruikanmutka, 2 Kolmosenkoski and 3 the junction of Sotajoki. Map of the claims 1880’s, according to G. Svedelius (Fig. 7 in Sarlin 1902). The length of the bar depicts the gold content of the gravel at individual claims.

29 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Kari A. Kinnunen

Gold prospectors were interviewed for similar finds. mosenkoski to Grönholmankoski (river length about 6 Amalgamated nuggets showed to be rare, because km) by the Jansson diving team, only the mentioned only three river bottom localities revealed mercury two places are noted. All observations are from the indications from Ivalojoki. Similarly, no positive mer- bottom sediments of the river, none is known from the cury anomalies were seen in the geochemical maps shore sediments. Thus the total number of known sites from the Ivalojoki area (Reimann et al. 1998). in the Ivalojoki river area is only three (Fig. 1). These localities with mercury contamination were Localities all exploited for the most part in 1870-1880 (Sarlin 1902). According to Sarlin (1902, p. 16), mercury was These nuggets were found in summer 2002 by Mr. occasionally used in the recovery of the finest gold. Kalle Kupi from the claim of Mr. Sastos Rapelli and Two of the old claims, Ruikanmutka and Kol- Jouni Lönngvist. The nuggets were gathered with mosenkoski, also yielded comparatively high gold suction dredging from the bottom of the Ivalojoki river amounts, typically over 10 kg Au per claim, compared bed in Ruikanmutka, Ivalojoki area (Fig. 1). The to the typical 1 kg Au per claim in the river area concession name of this claim is Legenda and code (Sigzelius 1987, p. 45). 7123/1 (map sheet 3813 09). The nuggets occurred at a depth of half a metre from the sediment and water Mercury-rich coating interface. According to Mr. Kupi, the nuggets from deeper sediment layers were devoid of the greyish Two flaky gold nuggets (length about 4 mm) show- coating. ing greyish coating from Ruikanmutka (Fig. 2) were Only two other localities of similar mercury con- analysed with SEM EDS by Bo Johanson at GTK, tamination are known from the Ivalojoki placer area Espoo. The average composition of the coating was (Per Olov Jansson, personal communication 2002). 60 wt. % Au and 40 % Hg. This is a mean of three One locality is near the southern shore of Kol- analyses from different points, which showed varia- mosenkoski about 2 km downstream from the histori- tion from 1 to 2 wt.% in both elements. This result cal gold station of Kultala. The other is near the corresponds to Au-amalgam. confluence of the Sotajoki river with the Ivalojoki The exposed gold area in these larger nuggets did river. In this place, metallic mercury was seen in at a not show any detectable Ag, Cu or Hg. Likewise, the depth of half a metre in the river bottom. It is notewor- Au-amalgam coatings did not show traces of Ag or thy that although hundreds of crevasses and depres- Cu. The contents of these elements are thus less than sions have been prospected in the area from Kol- 0.1 wt.%, which is the detection limit of the SEM-EDS

Fig. 2. Partly amalgamated gold nuggets from Ruikanmutka claim no. 20, according to G. Svedelius and matching the claim 7123/1 today (locality 1 in Fig. 1). The nuggets are of plate morphology with dimensions 4.0 x 2.9 x 0.3 mm (on left) and 4.3 x 2.2 x 0.4 mm (on right). Photo: Kari A. Kinnunen.

30 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Mercury-rich coating on some gold nuggets from Ivalojoki placers, northern Finland

Fig. 3. Totally amalgamated smaller gold nuggets from Ruikanmutka (locality 1 in Fig. 1). The length of the nuggets ranges from 0.6 to 2.4 mm. Photo: Kari A. Kinnunen.

instrumentation used. It should be noted that, although from the Ivalojoki area show typically various natural naturally occurring gold containing traces of mercury surface coatings and modifications. Limonitic coat- without significant Ag contents are known, so high ings and leached outer layers are the most common mercury contents (up to 40 wt. % Hg) are obtained types. They result from natural processes in soil and only experimentally (Basu et al. 1981). In Finland, sediments. very high Hg contents, up to 14 wt. %, are known only High purity gold coating is common on the more from electrum occurring as inclusions in arsenopyrite argentiferous nuggets in Ivalojoki placers (Saarnisto of the Rauhala Zn-Cu-Pb sulphide deposit in western & Tamminen 1987). It is understood to form, when Finland (see Kojonen et al. 1988), but this electrum silver and copper are leached away from the outer- contains high amounts of Ag (over 40 wt. %) in Au. most parts, and while gold is recrystallized as micro- Therefore, the chemical composition of the Au-amal- scopic crystallites on the surface (Groen et al. 1990). gam coating on some Ivalojoki gold nuggets shows its Limonite coatings are dark brown and usually pre- man-made origin. served only in cavities. They resemble laterite in Larger nuggets (length up to 4 mm) are only to some chemical composition (Saarnisto & Tamminen 1987): extent coated. The area of the mercury coating on 43-55 % SiO2, 34-39 % Al2O3, 5-20 % Fe2O3, 2-7 % 2 individual nuggets ranges up to 1.4 x 3.2 mm . The TiO2 with some Mn and K. Other representative smaller nuggets are completely coated (Fig. 3). These natural coatings are clayish layers and detrital mineral nuggets range in diameter from 0.6 to 2.4 mm. They grains (usually quartz, feldspars, garnet and are of flake and plate morphology. amphiboles) filling many cavities. The thickness of the coating varies from a very thin coating of only a few micrometers up to about 30 Discussion micrometers. The colour of the coating ranges from light grey N7 to medium light grey N6 (in Munsell). The use of mercury in old time gold mining relied on its low price compared to gold. One gram of gold cost Natural coatings as much as one kilogram of mercury. Because of its low price a lot of mercury was discarded. Amalgama- The gold nuggets without an amalgamated layer tion was performed in the pan itself in the final stages

31 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Kari A. Kinnunen

of panning (McCracken 1983, p. 38-51). Mercury noted from several larger nuggets studied at GTK. was poured into the copper pan in order to improve the The Hg content inside the larger gold nuggets from the recovery of the fine-grained gold (Boericke 1936). In Ivalojoki placer area stays around 0.1 wt. % (anal. Bo California in 1870’s, a mercury layer was also used in Johanson in Kinnunen et al. 1997). In Tankavaara sluice box cavities (Veiga & Meech 1995). This placer gold the Hg content is lower around 0.03 wt. % procedure was based on the fact that the specific (Kinnunen et al. 1998). However, in the Lemmenjoki gravity of mercury is between gold and other heavy placer gold higher Hg contents of up to around 0.8 wt. minerals. Gold, platinum and amalgamated gold sank % have been reported (Kinnunen et al. 1996). In while the other heavy minerals floated away. The southern Finland in Svecofennian domain the Hg method utilized both density separation and amalga- contents are notably higher: in electrum from the mation at the same time. In the pan and sluice Isovesi mineralization 1.3 wt.% Hg and in the Järvenpää methods, the frequent natural limonitic or clayish mineralization 1.2-2.9 wt.% Hg (Luukkonen 1994). coating of the nuggets made the amalgamation proc- However, the number of analysed grains is still limited. ess somewhat ineffective. It may be tentatively concluded that the natural mer- Eetu Savolainen described in 1959 historical gold cury content of native gold in the Ivalojoki area stays working methods to new gold washers in GTK (Per below the average mercury contents in Finnish bed- Olov Jansson, personal communication 2002). Ac- rock gold mineralizations in general. cording to Savolainen, boxes (1 x 1 m) with sheet of Mercury interaction with polluted river water has copper covered with a thin layer of mercury were been tested in laboratory experiments using simulated positioned after the normal sluice boxes in order to gold placers (Miller et al. 2002). It was found that trap the finest gold. Sarlin (1902, p. 16) states that mercury coatings can be formed without actual Hg mercury was sometimes used in the Ivalojoki river in contact on gold grains from polluted river water. sluice boxes in order to recover the more fine grained However, the Hg contents reach only 0.5 wt. % at a gold. Stigzelius (1987) wrote that mercury was used maximum on the surface of the gold nuggets. This in the processing of the bedrock gold at the Kerkelä observations shows that the mercury coated nuggets mine in the year 1902. described in this study from the Ivalojoki placer were However, there seems to be no clearly reported formed in direct contact with mercury. cases in the literature of amalgamation in placer mining in Lapland (cf. Eerola & Eerola 1995). This, together with the rarity of the finds of polluted gold REFERENCES grains, suggest that amalgamation was not in routine Basu, K., Bortnykov, N., Mookherjee, A., Mozgova, N. & use in Ivalojoki compared to, for example, North and Tsepin, A.I. 1981. Rare minerals from Rajpura-Dariba, South America (see Veiga & Meech 1995). The Rajasthan, India II: Intermetallic compound Ag 74.2 Au 16.4

Lemmenjoki and Tankavaara gold fields were oper- Hg 9.4. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Abhandlungen 141, ated much later and amalgamation was not popular 217-223. Boericke, W. F. 1936. Prospecting and operating small gold any more since its health risks were by then well- placers. Second edition. New York: Wiley. 145 p. known. Eerola, T. T., Eerola, E.C. & Evelyse, C. 1995. Kullankaivuun Further signs of old prospecting methods have been aiheuttamat ongelmat Lapissa ja Amazoniassa. Summary: detected from nuggets in Lapland. Vuorelainen and Problems occasioned by gold washing in Lapland and Amazonia. Geologi 47 (6), 84-88. Törnroos (1986) noticed that some spherical platinum Groen, J.C., Craig, J.R. & Rimstidt, J.D. 1990. Gold-rich rich nuggets resulted from the roasting in drying of the rim formation on electrum grains in placers. Canadian Min- final concentrate on a steel pan bottom over a flame. eralogist 28, 207-228. It is probable that some gold tellurides and other easily Kinnunen, K. A., Johanson, B., Terho, M. & Puranen, R. 1996. Lemmenjoen alueen Puskuojalta elokuussa 1995 combustible minerals may have similarly transformed löytyneen Iivari-kultahipun (125,95 g) morfologia ja to native gold. However, proof of their existence is pintarakenne, kemiallinen ja mineraloginen koostumus sekä lacking. petrofysikaaliset ominaisuudet. Geological Survey of Fin- Two other points should be discussed in this con- land, archive report, M19/3812/96/1, 18 p. Kinnunen, K. A., Johanson, B., Terho, M. & Puranen, R. nection. The first is the natural background level of 1997. Nondestructive analysis of morhphology, chemical mercury in native gold. The second is the interaction composition and physical properties of large gold nuggets of mercury with placer gold in polluted river water (cf. from Finnish Lapland. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Miller et al. 2002). Paper 23, 29-35. Kinnunen, K. A., Johanson, B, Puranen, R. & Kivekäs, L. The surface chemistry in larger Finnish nuggets is 1998. Tankavaaran Kultamuseon turistihuuhtomolta usually very pure gold and this rim has not been found löydetyn Mopoksi kutsutun kultahipun (38,0 g) mineralogia, to contain any SEM-EDS detectable mercury, as kemiallinen koostumus ja petrofysikaaliset ominaisuudet.

32 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Mercury-rich coating on some gold nuggets from Ivalojoki placers, northern Finland

Geological Survey of Finland, archive report, M16/3742/98/ T. & Volden, T. 1998. Environmental geochemical atlas of 1, 9 p. the central Barents region. Trondheim: Geological Survey of Kojonen, K., Johanson, B. & Törnroos, R. 1988. Ore Norway. 745 p. mineralogy of the Rauhala Zn-Cu-Pb sulphide deposit. Saarnisto, M. & Tamminen, E. 1987. Placer gold in Finnish Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 11, 19-42. Lapland. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 3, 181- Luukkonen, A. 1994. Main geological features, metallogeny 194. ?? and hydrothermal alteration phenomena of certain gold and Sarlin, E. 1902. Kultalöydöistä Suomen Lapissa. Suomen gold-tin-tungsten prospects in southern Finland. Geological teollisuushallituksen tiedonantoja 32. 1902. P. 1-30. Survey of Finland, Bulletin 377. 153 p. Stigzelius, H. 1987. Kultakuume. Lapin Kullan Historia. 2. McCracken, D. 1983. Advanced dredging techniques. Volume edition. Helsinki: Suomen Matkailuliitto. 257 p. 2 – Part 2. Los Angeles: Bridge Publications. 164 p. Veiga, M. M. & Meech, J. A. 1994. A brief history of Miller, J. W., Callahan, J. E. & Craig, J. R. 2002. Mercury amalgamation practices in the Americas. In: Brazilian Sym- interactions in simulated gold placer. Applied Geochemistry posium on Ore process and Hydrometallurgy, Rio de Ja- 17, 21-28. neiro, Sept. 3-6, 1995, 581-594. Also: Y. & Törnroos, R. 1986. Man-made Pt-PtAs2 V., Boyd, R., Caritat, P. de, Dutter, R., Finne, T. E., Vuorelainen,spherules after Y. &sperrylite Törnroos, from R. alluvial1986. Man-made deposits in Pt-PtAs2 Finnish Halleraker, J. H., Jæger, Ø., Kashulina, G., Lehto, O., spherulesLapland. Theafter Canadian sperrylite Mineralogist from alluvial 24 deposits (3), 523-528. in Finnish Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V. A., Räisänen, M. L., Strand, Lapland. The Canadian Mineralogist 24 (3), 523-528.

33 34 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 35– 44 , 2003.


by Hannu Pajunen and Jari Mäkinen

Geological Survey of Finland, P. O. Box 1237, FIN-70211 , FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): lakes, lake sediments, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen, depositon, concentration, Holocene, Finland

Introduction is carrying out a project that studies the role of lake sediments as a store and sink for carbon. The aim of Lakes are deposition basins for matter transported this study is to estimate the iron, phosphorus and from a drainage basin, precipitated within the lake or nitrogen stores and related accumulation rates and to produced by a lake ecosystem. Lake sediments may give background information on their concentrations. be considered as a permanent sink for many elements, This paper includes results from 81 lakes (Fig. 1). although there is chemical interaction between water and sediment near the sediment surface (e.g. Koyama Methods and data 1990, Thomson et al. 1995, Zhang et al. 1999). The oldest lakes in Finland were formed immediately after In those lakes with a approximate area of about 2 deglaciation and are 12 000 to 10 000 years old. Most km2 or more, acoustic sounding data were collected to of the lakes were isolated from the ancient Baltic Sea estimate the sediment quantity. In smaller lakes this between 10 000 and 6 000 BP as the result of shore- estimation was based on coring and on-site survey. line displacement (cf. Saarnisto 2000). Usually the larger lakes consist of several basins in Finnish lake sediments have been used as archives which sedimentation conditions may differ. Therefore for past environmental changes. There are several the number of cores collected for laboratory analyses paleolimnological studies in which individual lakes vary. Four cores were collected from Lake Inarijärvi, have been thoroughly investigated and models created three from Lakes Pielinen, Oulujärvi and Kallavesi, to describe lake development. The focus of interest two from Lakes Puulavesi, Höytiäinen and Kiantajärvi has been on the sedimentation of iron, carbon, nitrogen and one from every other lake. Altogether 93 cores and phosphorus. Several digestion methods have been were collected. used to study the binding of elements in different The cores were opened and their stratigraphy sediment phases (e.g. Itkonen & Salonen 1994, Itkonen described using the Troels-Smith method. The cores & Olander 1997, Kauppila & Salonen 1997 and Kauppila were divided into 2015 samples, usually 20 cm in et al. 2002). Because of scattered data it has been length. Due to the extent of stratigraphical horizons, difficult to give reliable estimates for the stores and there are exceptional sample lengths locally. Usually related accumulation rates at either a national scale, or the cores extend from the sediment surface to the in a still wider context. glacial sediments and cover the entire lake history. At present, the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) The level of lake onset was determined using both

35 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Hannu Pajunen and Jari Mäkinen

stratigraphical description and the results of loss on ignition and carbon content analyses. Samples origi- nating from the pre-isolation period were excluded. Each sample was analysed for its water content and loss on ignition, and its density calculated. Iron and phosphorus concentrations were analysed using in- ductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), which was carried out after microwave- assisted nitric acid digestion. The efficiency of the leachate is at least the same as in hot aqua regia. The leaching method used in ICP-AES analysis dissolves all salts, iron hydroxides and part of the mineral phases, of which the more significant are sulphides, clay minerals, trioctahedral micas and apatite. The most significant insoluble minerals are quartz, feld- spar, muscovite, pyroxenes, amphiboles and magnet- ite (Räisänen et al. 1992). For clay or silt fractions, the iron concentrations represent about 58 % of the total iron amount. If lake sediment contains abundant iron hydroxides or sul- phides, the analysed iron concentration covers even 70 % of the total amount of iron (Räisänen, pers. comm.). Where clay or silt sediment is in question, the analysed phosphorus is a total concentration. The estimate has been made by comparing the XRF- and ICP- analyses of till fines (n = 619) (Tarvainen 1995). In a geochemical mapping project covering 10 Euro- pean countries surrounding the Baltic Sea, it has been found that usually only 4 % of the total phosphorous was extractable by ammonium acetate from top agri- cultural soils and less than 2 % from subsoils (Reimann et al. 2000, Reimann & Tarvainen, pers. comm.). Thus, the proportion of phosphorus taking part in biological processes is small, only a few percent. Fig. 1. Studied lake basins; their size and location. Location codes: HH -high altitude headwater lake, HD -high altitude drainage lake, Nitrogen concentration was determined with a LECO LH -low altitude headwater lake and LD -low altitude drainage CHN-600 elemental analyser and the results indicate lake. total nitrogen. Pajunen et al. (2000) describe the methods used in more detail. The average stores and accumulation rates for the In each lake the sediment volume and the average total data and for the groups described below were density were used to calculate the store of total dry calculated from the corresponding lake values by matter. The store of each element was obtained from weighting them with the sediment volume. that of total dry matter by using its average concentra- Several dated levels are required to study long-term tion. To obtain comparable results, the stores were variations in the accumulation rates. Two cores from divided by the lake areas and the results given as Lakes Pielinen and Ontojärvi were dated by the kilograms per square metre (relative store). paleomagnetic method while the radiocarbon method The average long-term accumulation rate was cal- was applied to two cores, one from Lake Puulavesi culated by dividing the relative store by the age of the and the other from Lake Mäkijärvi. The usefulness of lake (cal. BP). Lake emergence occurred when the the former method depends on the presence of mag- basin was deglaciated or isolated. The timing of this netic mineral particles whereas the latter is better event was established from the post-glacial history of suited to small lakes. These methods are described the area. Evidence for this has been presented by e.g. by Äikää et al. (1992), Saarinen (1999) and Saarnisto (2000). In this paper long-term accumula- Pajunen et al. (2000). All ages are given in calendar tion rates are given as grams per square metre per years before present (1950). Variations in accumula- year. tion rates indicate variations at the survey site and in

36 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Iron, phosphorus and nitrogen in Finnish lake sediments... its near vicinity. Because the cores were collected low altitude headwater group. from the area of maximum deposition, these rates are A further aim was to compare lake size to the much higher than the relative rates calculated for the geochemical properties of the sediment. The study whole lake. included factor analysis of the material using the sur- Lake size is one of the most important factors face area and the average concentrations of iron, affecting sedimentation conditions. In this study, the phosphorus and nitrogen as variables. The factor analy- lakes were classified into the following five size sis was made using the SPSS software (version 9.0.1) classes: (1) >100 km2, (2) from 100 to 10 km2, (3) from and rotation was carried out with the varimax method. 10 to 1 km 2, (4) from 1 to 0.1 km2 and (5) <0.1 km2 (c.f. Before factor analysis, a logarithmic transformation Raatikainen & Kuusisto 1990). The lake sizes vary was made of the surface area variable of the lakes in from 1090 km2 to 0.03 km2, and average 78 km2. The order to obtain a normalised distribution of it. number of lakes by size class is 17, 14, 22, 20 and 8 respectively. Results The lakes studied were classified into two groups Stores according to their altitude relative to the level of highest post-glacial shoreline minus 30 m. Those lakes The store of iron soluble in nitric acid varies consid- located above this level were classified as high altitude erably from lake to lake (Table 1). The data includes lakes (H) and those below it as low altitude lakes (L). one lake, Lake Pyhäjärvi (Lapinjärvi), where the In this study, the number of high altitude lakes is 40 and relative store is exceptionally high, 97 kg m-2. All other that of low altitude lakes 41. The aim of this division lakes have stores smaller than 50 kg m-2 while the was to separate lakes of clay-dominated areas from smallest stores do not exceed 0.5 kg m-2. The average those of till-dominated areas. However, this division is iron store expressed as a weighted average is 20 kg approximate: small clay areas might occur within the m-2. Large relative stores occur in the southern and drainage basins of the high altitude lakes, especially in eastern parts of the country (Fig. 2). However, the sheltered locations, while, in the drainage basins of the areal distribution of the relative store is not very clear. low altitude lakes, clay areas may be absent. For the size classes >100 km2, 100 - 10 km2, 10 - 1 km2, The lakes were further divided according to their 1 - 0.1 km2 and <0.1 km2, the average iron stores are location within the drainage system. If the area of a 19 kg m-2, 30 kg m-2, 16 kg m-2, 12 kg m-2 and 6.7 kg lake exceeded the total lake area within its drainage m-2 respectively. The largest relative store occurs in basin, it was classified as a headwater lake (H) In this the second size class and, beginning with this, the case the lake itself was not included in the drainage results indicate decreasing store with decreasing size basin. Other lakes were classified as drainage lakes class. At a low altitude the location within a drainage (D). This division was made using statistics on Finnish system does not affect iron store. Of lakes at high drainage basins (Ekholm 1993) and large scale topo- altitude, drainage lakes have larger stores (26 kg m-2) graphic maps. In this data the number of headwater than headwater lakes (13 kg m-2). lakes is 46 and that of drainage lakes 35. The average phosphorus store is 0.45 kg m-2. Lake Using these two divisions the lakes studied were averages vary from 2.2 to 0.023 kg m-2 indicating a divided into the following groups: high altitude hundred-fold difference between the largest and small- headwater lakes (HH), high altitude drainage lakes est store (Table 1). For phosphorus, the largest rela- (HD), low altitude headwater lakes (LH) and low tive store also occurs in the sediment bed of Lake altitude drainage lakes (LD). The number of lakes in Pyhäjärvi (Lapinjärvi) while large stores, around 1.5 each group is 24, 16, 22 and 19 respectively. Most of kg m-2, have also been calculated for Lakes Ruuhilampi the high altitude headwater lakes are situated in the and Postilampi. Large relative stores may occur eastern and northern parts of the country (Fig. 1). throughout Finland (Fig. 3). For the size classes >100 They are usually small, half of them smaller than 1 km2, 100 - 10 km2, 10 - 1 km2, 1 - 0.1 km2 and <0.1 km2, km2. Nevertheless this group does include three large the average phosphorus stores are 0.43 kg m-2, 0.73 lakes: Inarijärvi, Yli-Kitka and Koitere. The high kg m-2, 0.52 kg m-2, 0.58 kg m-2 and 0.26 kg m-2 altitude drainage lakes occur in the same area and respectively. For iron, maximum stores and minimum comprise only two lakes, Kiantajärvi and Ontojärvi, stores occur in the same lake size classes: however the which each slightly exceed 100 km2 in area. The low trend for phosphorous is not as clear. Drainage lakes, altitude headwater and low altitude drainage lakes especially those at high altitude, have larger stores occur in the southern and central parts. Both groups than headwater lakes. include six lakes larger than 100; however lakes in the The average nitrogen store varies from lake to lake low altitude drainage group are larger than those of the but follows a narrower range than the store of iron or

37 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Hannu Pajunen and Jari Mäkinen -1 a -2 g m 0.120.14 0.87 0.56 rate % -2 nitrogen. -1 a -2 0.048 0.20 2.6 0.24 1.0 0.039 0.24 0.63 0.063 0.38 0.028 0.17 0.74 0.068 0.42 0.033 0.21 0.64 0.068 0.43 rateg m % kg m -2 phorus Nitrogen 0.90 0.092 0.14 4.7 0.48 0.75 0.410.620.67 0.0350.28 0.065 0.062 0.18 0.047 0.20 0.300.95 1.7 0.084 1.5 1.7 1.9 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.16 0.10 0.31 0.73 0.46 0.79 6.30.98 0.56 0.68 0.540.46 0.057 0.044 0.15 0.21 1.6 1.7 0.17 0.16 0.43 0.78 0.530.056 0.18 1.7 0.18 0.59 -1 a -2 0.70 4.1 0.25 0.027 0.16 0.86 0.091 0.53 0.60 4.6 0.10 0.0096 0.0731.3 0.12 0.89 rate % kg m g m -2 storekg m lation content store lation content store lation content code Relative Accumu- Average Relative Accumu- Average Relative Accumu- Average district 2 87.8 LD 2.30.22 4.6 0.088 0.0084 0.18 0.26 0.025 0.52 65.1 LH 19 2.0 4.7 0.29 0.031 0.074 2.2 0.23 0.55 44.3LD42.9 7.8 HD 33 0.80 3.2 6.4 0.20 21 0.46 0.020 0.16 0.044 0.57 0.29 1.5 0.059 0.47 0.15 0.97 20.419.9 LD18.2 LD LH 131.34.0 40 0.44 22 0.15 0.0430.131.5 3.7 2.2 0.46 14 7.8 0.71 0.54 0.066 0.054 0.25 0.19 2.1 2.1 0.20 0.21 0.73 0.74 15.512.9 LD5.88 LD4.07 494.01 HD LH 97 HH2.60 24 172.15 8.0 LH2.04 5.2 LD1.73LD HD 4.5 11 0.221.52 2.33.6 28 4.4 0.74 1.8 4.4 44 HH 6.32.2 0.021 1.1 0.45 13 2.30.63 3.5 0.55 0.058 0.39 2.5 0.0335.7 4.7 0.25 2.2 0.73 0.12 0.18 0.86 1.2 4.9 2.8 0.26 8.3 0.15 1.1 0.099 0.077 3.5 0.22 1.2 3.0 0.32 5.7 4.0 0.026 1.0 0.15 0.11 0.65 0.020 0.11 0.132.1 2.8 0.64 0.430.36 0.20 0.25 0.064 0.12 0.21 0.37 0.29 5.1 0.99 0.16 8.30.72 1.0 0.57 3.2 0.088 0.55 0.82 1.1 0.97 0.32 0.77 1090 HH 8.30.74 6.9 0.12 0.010 0.097 0.58 0.051 0.48 km ämäen 21.0 HH 14 1.2 5.2 0.53 emäki 37.8 LH 35 5.5 3.8 tjärvi 9.73HH 7.8 0.68 4.3 0.27 0.023 0.15 1.3 0.12 0.73 tijärvi nnonkoski 153LH 25 2.6 7.9 almi uopioinen appajärvi 142 LH 17 2.8 5.0 aala mlk Pusula 9.10. Nilakka Koitere11. Pyhäjärvi12. Kivijärvi13. Kiantajärvi14. Tervo Viinijärvi Eura16. Ka Suomussalmi Keurusselkä 17. Ontojärvi 15318. 164 Vuohijärvi Mänttä 16819. Lestijärvi Kuhmo 154 HD HH LD Valkeala 148 LH Les 23. 118 Muuratjärvi 2 7 2 824. 104 Pieksänjärvi 131.4 LH LH Muurame 1 2 HD Pieks 1 5 31.7 32 5.5 26 2.5 2.4 LH 1.9 0.390.041 6.7 1.5 0.17 1 2 1 3.4 2 2.4 3.3 1.3 9.30.39 1 1 0.30 15 0.38 0.047 0.034 0.081 0.22 2.3 1.2 0.37 0.11 0.63 0.71 20. Kukkia L 15. Lappajärvi L 21. Kostonjärvi22. Sääksjärvi Taivalkoski Kok 7. Suvasvesi8. Yli-Kitka Heinävesi Kuusamo 276 LD 240 HH 6.0 1 1 0.64 1.1 5.2 0.22 8.2 0.35 0.0230.19 0.60 0.033 0.25 0.064 1.2 0.52 4.5. Kallavesi6. Puulavesi Höytiäinen Leppävirta Hirvensalmi 517 325 291 LD LD LH 11 12 14 1.1 1.1 1.37.925. Karijärvi 0.30 7.1 5.3 J 0.31 3. Oulujärvi Vaala 865 LD 2 4 2.6 6.7 26. Pihlajavesi 27. Kolkonjärvi28. Keyritty Rantasalmi29. Keuruu Nerkoonjärvi 18.8 Iis Rautavaara HH 1.8 0.71 2.5 0.064 0.0061 0.089 0.630.060 0.87 30. 30. Ätäskö31. Pyhäjärvi32. Nurmijärvi 33. Kuonanjärvi 34. Kevätön Lapinjärvi 35. Rau Uuranjärvi Kerimäki 36. Hossanjärvi 37. Pintamojärvi 38. Multia Siilinjärvi Kätkänjärvi Pudasjärvi 13.0 Suomussalmi39. Ylä-Siikajärvi40. Sääjärvi 3.94 Lehtimäki 3.41 Nilsiä41. HH Vahermanjärvi Nummi- HD LH42. Havanganjärvi43. 14 Haukijärvi Janakkala Virrat 2.32 8.0 6.5 Maaninka LH 1.3 4 0 0.78 3.0 2.4 4.1 0.21 0.12 6.4 0.018 0.012 0.044 0.037 3.5 3.7 0.31 0.36 0.74 1.1 Table 1. Location of lakes and their Lake relative name stores, long-term accumulation rates and concentrations for iron, phosphorus and Outlet Area1.2. Inarijärvi Location Pielinen Iron Inari Eno 871 LD 232.1 Phos 5.8 0.50 0.046 0.131.1 0.099 0.27

38 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Iron, phosphorus and nitrogen in Finnish lake sediments... -1 a -2 g m rate % -2 -1 a -2 rateg m % kg m -2 phorus Nitrogen 0.46 0.0730.071 1.8 0.29 0.28 0.20 0.036 0.047 4.0 0.73 0.96 0.930.089 0.134.0 0.380.57 -1 a -2 0.11 1.30.068 0.0068 0.078 1.2 0.12 1.4 0.17 1.2 0.0230.0020 0.014 2.3 0.20 1.4 rate % kg m g m -2 storekg m lation content store lation content store lation content code Relative Accumu- Average Relative Accumu- Average Relative Accumu- Average district 2 0.040.03LH HH 31 0.37 4.2 3.3 0.033 1.5 0.48 0.16 0.042 0.20 0.0038 4.9 0.055 0.84 0.51 0.076 0.65 1.1 1.40 HD 10 0.86 6.30.41 0.0330.24 2.2 0.18 1.3 1.13HD1.03HH 9.30.98 32 0.850.54 HH0.47 LH 3.0 HH 15 4.6 11 29 5.5 0.66 0.20 1.4 0.49 3.1 0.060 0.019 3.5 0.332.6 0.070 4.3 4.1 0.72 0.24 0.38 0.85 1.7 0.069 1.3 0.035 0.092 0.16 0.17 0.30 0.12 0.60 4.0 2.0 4.3 0.39 0.18 0.47 0.94 1.6 0.61 1.24 HD 131.32.0 0.56 0.056 0.086 4.30.430.66 0.28 LH0.260.25 HH 5.50.21 LH HH 12 3.8 0.56 11 1.1 0.69 3.2 0.99 0.11 4.4 1.5 3.0 0.29 0.24 0.011 1.1 0.026 0.062 0.044 0.10 1.5 0.11 0.095 3.1 0.30 3.8 0.16 4.4 0.56 0.34 0.89 0.40 1.2 1.4 1.2 0.170.15 LD0.150.12 HD0.12 HD 15 LD0.08 HH 19 2.70.06 HH 200.06 3.2 HD0.04 1.6 2.1 HH 1.7 0.26 1.5 HH 1.8 0.28 2.0 1.7 17 0.20 4.9 1.2 1.2 0.13 1.6 2.4 0.18 1.5 0.11 1.8 0.34 0.54 1.4 1.6 0.12 1.30.11 0.15 0.011 0.14 0.035 0.054 0.029 8.4 0.136.5 0.050 0.011 0.014 0.41 0.14 0.0030 0.065 0.17 3.6 0.076 0.131.5 0.67 5.30.50 0.036 5.0 2.8 0.012 2.9 2.0 0.35 0.72 1.4 0.14 0.070 0.50 0.24 0.30 1.6 2.18 0.18 2.1 1.3 0.60 1.4 2.1 0.19 1.1 km iemen iemen almi nkoski ämäen majärvi majärvi imäki upovaara uunupyy 1.32 LD 18 3.3 4.3 uokolahti nontekiö 0.12 HD 4.0 0.37 2.2 0.060 0.0056 0.033 1.4 0.13 0.77 uonenjoki aala 0.33 LH 27 2.6 3.9 mlk mlk mlk kunta Mustalampi 81. PostilampiAverage Nilsiä 20 2.1 7.2 0.45 0.047 0.16 1.5 0.16 0.53 80. Teerilampi Kuhmo Table 1. (cont.) Lake name Outlet 44. Vuontisjärvi Area45. Kinnasjärvi Enontekiö Location 1.43HH Tu Iron 12 1.2 4.4 1.2 Phos 0.12 0.47 2.3 0.23 0.86 46. Tvärasjön Kr 47. Saarijärvi48. Pyhäluoma49. Tervajärvi Saarijärvi50. Pieks Kalliojärvi 51. Muntsurinjärvi Lieksa52. Kylmäjärvi 1.25 Luumäki 53. Sulkuejärvi Juuka 54. Iso-Lyly 55. Suomussalmi HD Puntasjärvi 1.05 1.1556. Kihniö Kypärijärvi57. Kuru Vehmasjärvi HH58. Joukkaisjärvi 1 LH 059. Vihti Ylimmäinen S 1.03 Inari 9.30.84 Sammallampi 8.7 0.57 J LH 0.430.0390.14 2.1 0.98 HD 0.35 3.0 4.8 0.76 3.4 HH 0.19 3.1 1.9 0.53 2.5 0.35 0.31 0.69 0.37 2.2 0.033 1.5 0.31 0.032 0.49 0.11 0.11 0.034 3.1 0.045 2.9 0.14 0.22 0.29 1.7 2.7 0.25 0.92 0.19 0.25 0.82 1.2 0.79 69. Ruuhilampi Virtas 70. Tutulampi71. Keskijärvi72. Piilampi73. Lampi Taivalkoski 13060274. Haukilampi Luhanka E 75. Iso Leppäjärvi76. R Tammalampi Kuru77. Ristiina Vittikkolampi Toh 78. Rovan Tuomaslampi 79. Alinen Toh 0.07 HH Töysä 0.49 0.04 LD 0.045 4.7 0.58 0.47 0.11 1.4 0.0098 0.530.052 0.131.5 0.16 0.14 4.4 1.8 0.431.3 60. Paukajärvi61. Vihteljärvi62. Rytijärvi Virrat 63. Mikkeli Kankaanpää Pieni-Montonen 64. Koijärvi65. Rovan 0.32 Kalijärv 0.27 0.3266. Mäkijärvi LD67. Ker Hanhijärvi HD Pedersören LH Kuopio 2 Jämsä 8 6.1 1.1 0.57 4.5 1.6 4.4 0.61 0.057 0.16 3.8 0.36 0.99 68. 68. Talvijärvi Kuusamo 0.17 HH 0.51 0.047 0.26 0.15 0.014 0.074 4.30.40 2.2

39 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Hannu Pajunen and Jari Mäkinen

Fig. 2. Relative iron store. Fig. 3. Relative phosphorus store. phosphorus (Table 1). The average nitrogen store is Long-term accumulation 1.5 kg m-2 and relative stores vary by lake from 8.3 to 0.26 kg m-2. The largest relative stores are in Lakes The stores described above have formed after Sääjärvi, Hanhijärvi, Sääksjärvi and the smallest in either deglaciation or isolation of the basin. The length Lakes Vuohijärvi, Kukkia and Inarijärvi. Small stores of this period varies and covers the last 12 200 years occur especially in the large lakes of eastern Finland in the oldest lake and the last 5 500 years in the (Fig. 4). For the size classes >100 km2, 100 - 10 km2, youngest. 10 - 1 km2, 1 - 0.1 km2 and <0.1 km2, the average stores The long-term accumulation rate for iron varies are 1.3 kg m-2, 3.3 kg m-2, 3.9 kg m-2, 3.6 kg m-2 and considerably from lake to lake resulting in an average 2.3 kg m-2 respectively. The largest relative store rate of 2.1 g m-2 a-1 (Table 1). For the size classes >100 occurs in the size class 10 - 1 km2 and therefore km2, 100 - 10 km2, 10 - 1 km2, 1 - 0.1 km2 and <0.1 km2, diminishes with both increasing and decreasing size the average accumulation rates are 1.9 g m-2 a-1, 3.7 g class. When considering lake location, the low altitude m-2 a-1, 1.8 g m-2 a-1, 1.3 g m-2 a-1 and 0.67 g m-2 a-1 headwater lakes have the largest average store (2.0 respectively. Accumulation rates indicate a decreas- kg m-2) and the high altitude headwater lakes the ing trend except in the largest size class. Headwater lowest (1.1 kg m-2). lakes at low altitude have considerably higher average rates (2.6 g m-2 a-1) than those at high altitude (1.1 g m-2 a-1). Accumulation rates for phosphorus are low com-

40 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Iron, phosphorus and nitrogen in Finnish lake sediments...

uniform data. When considering lake location, the most noticeable difference occurs within the group of headwater lakes. In these, the average rate for low altitude lakes is nearly three times higher than that of high altitude lakes.

Variations in accumulation rates

Data from four lakes studied in more detail indicate continuous accumulation (Fig. 5). Since lake onset, accumulation rates have varied but each lake appears to have its own history. The core from Lake Pielinen indicates the stable conditions of a large lake. Concen- trations of iron, phosphorus and nitrogen vary within a narrow range and the accumulation rate for total dry matter has been quite high but constant, between 110 and 160 g m-2 a-1. Accumulation of the elements studied has continued for 8 000 years at around their average level (Fig. 5). Small variations suggest fluc- tuations in the deposition rate (mm a-1); however, these variations most probably relate to dating inaccu- racies. In the core from Lake Ontojärvi, accumulation rates for the elements studied are lower than in the previous core and do not indicate any increasing or decreasing tendency. Higher rates in the lowest section indicate intensive deposition of mineral matter during the early phase of lake development. The core from Lake Puulavesi originates from Vuojaselkä basin, which is separated by a shallow strait from the main basins. Therefore the deposition conditions at this sampling site differ from those in a large basin. The profiles for Lake Puulavesi indicate Fig. 4. Relative nitrogen store. constant accumulation rates for iron and phosphorus but decreasing rates for nitrogen (Fig. 5). In the basal pared to those of iron (Table 1). The average long- section the accumulation rate for total dry matter has term rate for phosphorus is 0.047 g m-2 a-1. For the size been twice as high as in the section above. Intensive classes >100 km2, 100 - 10 km2, 10 - 1 km2, 1 - 0.1 km2 accumulation is seen only in the profile for iron. and <0.1 km2, the average accumulation rates are Lake Mäkijärvi is a small high altitude headwaterbody 0.043 g m-2 a-1, 0.086 g m-2 a-1, 0.051 g m-2 a-1, 0.057 g in hilly till landscape. The profiles indicate decreasing m-2 a-1 and 0.027 g m-2 a-1 respectively. Headwater accumulation rates for each element studied. During lakes at high altitude have low accumulation rates and the early phase of lake development, deposition of differ evidently from lakes in other locations. mineral matter washed down from the drainage basin The average long-term accumulation rate for nitro- has been intensive. After this stabilization phase, gen is 0.16 g m-2 a-1 (Table 1). For the size classes stable deposition conditions have prevailed. >100 km2, 100 - 10 km2, 10 - 1 km2, 1 - 0.1 km2 and <0.1 km2, the average accumulation rates are 0.14 g Factor analysis m-2 a-1, 0.40 g m-2 a-1, 0.38 g m-2 a-1, 0.36 g m-2 a-1 and 0.22 g m-2 a-1 respectively. The average rates in the The results of factor analysis are presented in Table largest and smallest lakes are lower than in those lakes 2. The first factor has positive loadings for lake of medium size. Both the maximum (0.98 g m-2 a-1) and surface area and iron but negative loading for nitrogen. minimum (0.025 g m-2 a-1) rates occur in the size class The second factor has positive loadings for phospho- 100 - 10 km2. Within the other size classes, the rus and iron. maximum range is about sevenfold indicating more

41 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Hannu Pajunen and Jari Mäkinen

Fig. 5. Long-term variations in iron, phosphorus and nitrogen accumulation rates established in cores from Lakes Pielinen, Ontojärvi, Puulavesi and Mäkijärvi.

Table 2. Factor loadings of the variables. Loadings under tonnes and that of nitrogen about 82 million tonnes. 0.4 are ignored. Due to the method used, the iron store is about 58 - 70 Factor 1 Factor 2 % of the total store whereas the stores of phosphorus and nitrogen indicate almost total stores. The store of Surface area 0.88 Fe_% 0.56 0.65 carbon calculated using the same method, but using a P % 0.94 smaller database (31 lakes), is about 780 million tonnes N %-0.90 -0.90 (Pajunen 2000). Thus, the store of phosphorus is about 2 % and that of nitrogen about 10 % of the carbon store. Discussion In Finnish lake water the average weight ratio between phosphorus and nitrogen is 1:25 measured Usually, large relative stores correspond to high from epilimnion (Särkkä 1996). The present data accumulation rates and small stores to low accumula- indicate that the corresponding ratio in the sediment tion rates. The difference between stores and rates is bed is much higher, about 1:5. This is partly due to most remarkable when comparing data from the expiration of nitrogen. In this study phosphorus is oldest and youngest lakes. For example, if we assume mainly minerogenic and may not correspond to that of equal accumulation rates, those lakes that were iso- Särkkä (1996). For these elements, the path from lated from the ancient Baltic Ice Lake have much epilimnion to stabilized sediment bed is long and larger relative stores than lakes isolated from the complicated but ultimately phosphorus appears to be Litorina Sea. enriched in the sediment bed. From the present data, it is possible to calculate the The amount of iron accumulated annually has been store and long-term accumulation rate of each ele- about 70 000 tonnes, that of phosphorus about 1800 ment in a national context. These calculations were tonnes and that of nitrogen about 8 800 tonnes. The made according to size classes using the average data amount of phosphorus corresponds to about 40 %, and obtained in this study and the total lake area given by the amount of nitrogen to about 10 %, of the total Raatikainen and Kuusisto (1990). According to the discharge of Finnish rivers into the Baltic Sea in 1991 size classes used in this study (>100 km2, 100 - 10 km2, (Environment Statistics 1994). 10 - 1 km2, 1 - 0.1 km2 and <0.1 km2), the Finnish lake In the data, the negative correlation between lake area is 14 128 km2, 7 227 km2, 5 703 km2, 3 934 km2 size and nitrogen concentration is noteworthy (Factor and 1 671 km2 respectively. 1, Table 2). Same kind of correlation exists between In Finnish lake sediments, the store of iron is about carbon concentration and lake size (Kortelainen 1993, 660 million tonnes, that of phosphorus about 17 million Kortelainen & Pajunen 2000). Thus small lakes are

42 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Iron, phosphorus and nitrogen in Finnish lake sediments... subject to the intensive deposition of humic sub- REFERENCES stances. Contrary to this, to the deposition of iron Äikää, O., Mäntynen, P. & Kankainen, T. 1992. High- appears to be more intensive in large lakes. The performance 14C gas-proportional counting system apply- second factor indicates that the sedimentation of iron ing pulse-shape discrimination. Radiocarbon 34, 414 - 419. and phosphorus is closely connected (cf. Håkanson & Ekholm, M. 1993. Suomen vesistöalueet. Abstract: Drainage Jansson 1983, Jensen et al. 1992). The highest iron basins in Finland. National Board of Waters and Environ- ment, Publications of the Water and Environment Admin- and phosphorus concentrations occur in high altitude istration - series A 126. 163 p. lakes. Thus the factor 2 has a certain regional signifi- Environment statistics 1994. Official Statistics of Finland, cance. Helsinki. 216 p. When environmental factors are considered, the Håkanson, L. & Jansson, M. 1983. Principles of lake sedimentology. Berlin: Springer. 316 p. effect of the concentration and mobility of elements is Itkonen, A. & Salonen, V-P. 1994. The response of sedimen- significant. Thus, in high altitude areas, lake sediments tation in three varved lacustrine sequences to air tempera- containing large iron, phosphorus and nitrogen con- ture, precipitation and human impact. Journal of centrations are, from an environmental viewpoint, Paleolimnology 11, 323-332. Itkonen, A. & Olander, H. 1997. The origin of the hyper- more sensitive to risk than clay-dominated lake trophic state of a shallow boreal shield lake. Boreal Environ- sediments in low altitude areas. ment Research 2, 183-198. Jensen, H.S., Kristensen, P., Jeppesen, E. & Skytthe, A. 1992. Iron: phosphorus ratio in surface sediment as an Conclusions indicator of phosphate release from aerobic sediments in shallow lakes. Hydrobiologia 253, 47-59. The average store of iron, phosphorus and nitrogen Kauppila, T. & Salonen, V-P. 1997. The effect of Holocene is 20 kg m-2, 0.45 kg m-2 and 1.5 kg m-2 respectively. treeline fluctuations on the sediment chemistry of Lake Kilpisjärvi, Finland. Journal of Paleolimnology 18, 145- Since lake emergence, which occurred from 12 200 163. to 5 500 years ago, the average long-term accumula- Kauppila, T., Moisio, T. & Salonen, V-P. 2002. Diatome- tion rate for iron, phosphorus and nitrogen has been 2.1 inferren increase in limnetic phosphorus concentration and g m-2 a-1, 0.047 g m-2 a-1 and 0.16 g m-2 a-1 respectively. the associated changes in sedimentary phosphorus fraction in Valkjärvi, a lake in Kärkölä, Finland. Boreal Environment The average concentrations of iron, phosphorus and Research 7, 27-40. nitrogen are 7.2 %, 0.16 % and 0.53 % respectively. Kortelainen, P. 1993. Content of total organic carbon in In Finnish lake sediments the store of iron is about 660 Finnish lakes and its relationship to catchment characteris- million tonnes, that of phosphorus about 17 million tics. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50, 1477-1483. tonnes and that of nitrogen about 82 million tonnes. The Kortelainen, P. & Pajunen, H. 2000. Carbon store in Finnish amount of iron accumulated annually is about 70 000 lake sediments: a preliminary estimate. Geological Survey tonnes, that of phosphorus about 1800 tonnes and that of Finland, Special Paper 29, 83-92. of nitrogen about 8 800 tonnes. Koyama, T. 1990. Gases in lakes, their production mechanism and degassing (CH4 and H2) the earth. In: Durrance, E. M., Nitrogen, together with humic substances, is depos- Galimov, E. M., Hinkee, M. E., Reimer, G. M. & Augusthitis, ited most intensively in small lakes whereas the depo- S. S. (eds.) Geochemistry of gaseous elements and com- sition of iron is more intensive in large lakes. The pounds. Athen: Theophrastus Publications, 271-335. largest iron and phosphorus concentrations occur in Pajunen, H. (ed.) 2000a. Carbon in Finnish lake sediments. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 29, 92 p. high altitude lakes. Pajunen, H. 2000b. Lake sediments: their carbon store and related accumulation rates. In: Pajunen, H. (ed.) Carbon in Finnish lake sediments. Geological Survey of Finland, Spe- Acknowledgements cial Paper 29, 39 - 69. Pajunen, H., Hämäläinen, L., Kankainen, T., Korpijaakko, M., Kortelainen, P., Lehto, O., Saarinen, T., Saarnisto, The cores were collected by several sampling M., Vuorenmaa, J. & Väänänen, T. 2000. Methods. In: teams led by Jorma Ikonen, Hannu Pelkonen and Pajunen, H. (ed.) Carbon in Finnish lake sediments. Geologi- Seppo Putkinen. Jorma Ikonen opened the cores and cal Survey of Finland, Special Paper 29, 7 - 17. Räisänen, M.L., Tenhola, M. & Mäkinen, J. 1992. Rela- prepared them for laboratory analyses. The physical tionship between mineralogy and the physico-chemical and chemical analyses were carried out in the properties of till in central Finland. Bulletin of the Geologi- Geolaboratory, GTK. Radio carbon dating and cal Society of Finland 64, 35-58. paleomagnetic dating were made by workgroups led Raatikainen, M. & Kuusisto, E. 1990. Suomen järvien lukumäärä ja pinta-ala. Abstract: The number and surface by Tuovi Kankainen and Timo Saarinen respectively. area of the lakes in Finland. Terra 102, 97 - 110. Useful comments were given by Tommi Kauppila, Reimann, C., Siewers, U., Tarvainen, T., Bityukova, L., Esa Kukkonen, Marja-Liisa Räisänen and Kimmo Eriksson, J., Gilucis, A., Gregorauskiene, V., Lukashev, Virtanen. We are very grateful to all of them for their V., Matinian, N.N. & Pasieczna, A. 2000. Baltic Soil Survey: Total concentrations of major and selected trace contribution to this paper. elements in arable soils from ten countries around the Baltic

43 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Hannu Pajunen and Jari Mäkinen

Sea. The Science of the Total Environment 257 (2-3), 155- Tarvainen, T. 1995. The geochemical correlation between 170. coarse and fine fractions of till in southern Finland. Journal Saarinen, T. 1999. Palaeomagnetic dating of Late Holocene of Geochemical Exploration 54, 187-198. sediments in Fennoscandia. Quaternary Science Reviews Thomson, J., Higgs, N. C., Wilson, T. R. S., Croudace, J. 18, 889 - 897. W., DcLange, G. L. & Van Santvoort, P. J. M. 1995. Saarnisto, M. 2000. Shoreline displacement and emergence of Redistribution and geochemical behaviour of redox-sensi- lake basins. In: Pajunen, H. (ed.) Carbon in Finnish lake tive elements around S1m the most recent eastern Mediter- sediments. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 29, ranean sapropel. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 59, 3487- 25 - 34 . 3501. Särkkä, J. 1996. Järvet ja ympäristö, limnologian perusteet. Zhang, M., Davison, W. & Ottey, C. 1999. Remobilization [Lakes and environment, limnological basics]. Tampere: of major ions in freshly deposited lacustrine sediment at Gaudeamus. 157 p. (In Finnish) overturn. Aquatic Sciences 61, 354-361.

44 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 45– 52 , 2003.


by R. Salminen1), I. Bogatyrev3), V. Chekushin3), S. P. Glavatskikh2), V. Gregorauskiene4) H. Niskavaara6), L. Selenok5), M. Tenhola7) and O. Tomilina3)

1)Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND 2)Arkhangelskgeolrazvedka, ARKHANGELSK, RUSSIA 3)S/C Mineral, St. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 4)Geological Survey of Lithuania, VILNIUS, LITHUANIA 5)JSC Mireko, Syktyvkar, KOMI REPUBLIC, RUSSIA 6)Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 77, FIN-96101 ROVANIEMI, FINLAND 7)Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 1237, FIN-70211 KUOPIO, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): geochemical surveys, stream water, soils, Bryophyta, chemical elements, heavy metals, baseline studies, human activity, Russian Federation, Finland, Barents region

General background of the project Monchegorsk, Arkhangelskgeolrazvedka from Arkhangelsk, S/C Mireko from Syktyvkar, Voeikov From 1999 to 2003 a multipurposemultipurpose regional geo- Main Geophysical Observatory from St.Petersburg, chemical mapping project, “Ecogeochemical Map- VNIIOkeangeologia from St.Petersburg and the ping of Eastern Barents Region – Barents Eco- Geological Survey of Norway. In addition to these geochemistry”, will will bebe carried out jointlyjointly byby scientistsscientists main partners, many universities and research insti- from Finland, Russia and Norway. During the project tutes are participating in the project. The main finan- several different sampling media such as surface ciers of the project are the Ministry of Environment of water, terrestrial moss, organic and minerogenicminerogenic soils Finland, Ministry of Trade and Industry of Finland, are collected. The project project area area encompasses encompasses Finland Finland Ministry of Natural Resources of Russian Federation, and the NW-part of Russia (????????(ɋɚɞɦɢɧɟɧet etal. al. 2001). 2001). It Geological Survey of Finland and the participating isIt an is extension an extension of the of Kola the Ecogeochemistry Kola Ecogeochemistry project organizations. (Reimannproject (Reimann et al. 1998) et al. carried 1998) carriedout 1992-1997, out 1992-1997, which An important aim of the project is to define the whichdocumented documented levels and levels sources and sources of up to of more up tothan more 50 anthropogenic impact in relation to the natural varia- thanchemical 50 chemical elements elements including including radionuclides radionuclides in the cen- in tions in regional geochemical baselines of heavy thetral parts central of partsthe Barents of the Region. Barents At Region. the same At thetime, same the metals and other elements over a very large area time,data produced the data produced will be an will important be an important contribution contribu- to the containing several of the largest industrial emitters in tionIUGS/IAGC to the IUGS/IAGC Global GeochemicalGlobal Geochemical Baselines Baselines Pro- Europe but also some of its most pristine areas. The Programmegramme (Darnely (Darnely et al.1995, 1995, Plant Plant et al.2000). 2000). study area covers 1,500,000 km2 from Kittilä in The project is conducted by the Geological Survey Finland to the Ural Mountains in NW-Russia and from of Finland. The other main partners are S/C Mineral the Barents Sea in the North to St.Petersburg, includ- from St.Petersburg, Central Kola Expedition from ing the whole territory of Finland.

45 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 R. Salminen, I. Bogatyrev, V. Chekushin et al.

Methods terrestrial moss in the project area. First results of the regional phase, including some anion, main element Stream sediment, stream water, terrestrial moss, and heavy metal concentrations of stream waters, humus and C-horizon soil samples were collected in element and some radionuclide concentrations of 2000-2001 from 1,085 sampling sites in Russia and organic soil layer and element concentrations of ter- 288 in Finland, giving an average density of one site restrial mosses are now ready. per 1 000 km2. Samples from vegetation such as tree As an example of the new regional geochemical and shrub layer and complete soil profiles were also maps, the distribution of arsenic in stream waters are collected from 30 special sampling sites in the whole shown in Figure 1. The map shows that the main project area. Monthly precipitation samples were geological features, such as some small zones of collected during the 12 months from May 2000 to June hydrothermal ore deposits in eastern and northern 2001 close to these special sites. An even larger Finland or larger Permian sedimentary sulphate-lime- variety of sampling materials (altogether more than stone rocks in central Russia from Kaninin peninsula 1000 samples) were collected during the pilot phase in to Kotlas and Vologda, are well reflected in the 1999 from the nine catchments (Salminen 2000). geochemistry of stream waters. Anthropogenic influ- The most modern analytical methods, such as ICP- ence, nevertheless, has changed the quality of stream MS and ICP-AES, are used to analyse the samples water in some place, such as the densely populated with very low detection limits, and the XRF method is and industrialized areas in southern Finland, the Len- used for minerogenic samples, too. The main part of ingrad oblast and the whole southern part of the the analytical work is done in the laboratory of the project area, in the vicinity of Arkhangelsk and Vorkuta Geological Survey of Finland. Part of the water and the immediate surroundings of the mining industry analysis was done in the Geological Survey of Nor- in the Kola area. way. Concentrations of more than 50 elements, The distribution of 134Cs-isotope concentrations in radionuclides, PAH’s and PCB’s will be determined. the organic soil layer (Fig. 2) still reflect well the Different extraction methods are used for humus and deposition from Chernobyl accident. The strongest minerogenic materials in order to study the speciation fall-out came to the southern Finland and Leningrad and bioavailability of elements. region, but part of it continued to central Karelia and Results from the pilot phase are documented as also reached the Arkhangelsk region. Although pluto- Technical reports of the Geological Survey of Finland nium isotopes were analysed only from 30 samples, and they are also available as CD-ROMs (Salminen the traces from Chernobyl were found from them in 2000). Based on the experiences from the pilot phase, Finland, too. The older nuclear power tests could be a very detailed field manual for the regional phase traced by the 137Cs isotope concentrations. sampling, both in English and in Russian, was com- Until now results from terrestrial moss (Hylocomium piled (Gregorauskiene et al. 2000). Nineteen digital sp. or Pleurozium sp.) are also available. The distri- base maps were also compiled covering the whole bution of elements, especially heavy metals in mosses, project area. They describe the background informa- describe the abundance of air borne elements. It is tion for the interpretation of the results including e.g. commonly believed that geochemical anomalies in maps of bedrock lithology, Quaternary sediments, soil mosses describe long distance transport. Our results, types, vegetation zones, morphology, human activi- however, show clearly that in the Barents region local ties, metallogenic zones, airborne geophysical data sources are more important. The sources can be and meteorological data (Bogatyrev et al. 2000). anthropogenic, as in the vicinity of the Montchegorsk smelters or the cities of Vorkuta and Arkhangelsk, Results where the highest Ni and also Cu concentrations exist (Fig. 3). But the origin may also be geogenic in the The geochemical processes prevailing in surficial areas where vegetation is weak as in the Ural moun- deposits including surface water, minerogenic and tains or generally in the tundra area (Fig. 3). Our organogenic soils, as well as, the vegetation zone, results also show that sulphur emissions from the were studied on the basis of data from the pilot phase Monchegorsk smelters have decreased because of (see e.g.e.g. (ReimannReimann etet alal 2001a2001a and 2001b). SeveralSeveral decreasing production (Fig. 4), and the S concentra- other publications are still in preparation based on this tions of mosses are no longer very anomalous. same data. The precipitation samples were collected monthly The main aim of the project is, however, to present from June 2000 to July 2001. The data of heavy metal the regional distribution of abundances of elements concentrations in precipitation is quite unique in Rus- and chemical compounds in the surficial deposits and sian territory. In Figure 5 are shown the results of

46 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Barents Ecogeochemistry - a large geochemical baseline study of heavy metals and other elements ... ere collected in 2000 (western part) and 2001 (Kola area and the eastern part of the project area.) Fig. 1. Arsenic concentrations in the stream water samples reflect mainly geochemistry of the major units of bedrock. Samples w

47 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 R. Salminen, I. Bogatyrev, V. Chekushin et al. Cs concentrations in the organic soil layer. 134 Fig. 2. The fall-out from the Chernobyl accident can still be detected by the distribution of

48 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Barents Ecogeochemistry - a large geochemical baseline study of heavy metals and other elements ... eogenic sources in mountain and tundra areas. Fig. 3. In addition to the local anthropogenic pollution nickel concentrations in the moss samples show the distribution from g

49 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 R. Salminen, I. Bogatyrev, V. Chekushin et al. d emissions from the Kola Fig. 4. Sulphur concentrations in the moss metal samples industry show mainly is anthropogenic seen pollution as in densely low populated concentrations. areas. The decrease

50 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Barents Ecogeochemistry - a large geochemical baseline study of heavy metals and other elements ...

Fig. 5. The results of factor analysis from the geochemical data of precipitation over a one year period classify different sources (Salminen, Vernigora et al. 2002). Factor 1 characterizes heavy metals from smelters in the Kola region; factor 2 is connected to human activities generally and especially to agriculture (Leningrad region and Finland); factor 3 is a consequence of sea spray; factor 4. describes emissions from Kandalaksha F, Al industries and factor 5 characterizes pollution from the dusty component of large metallurgical industrial enterprises (Vorkuta, Monchegorsk) factor analysis from the data covering the whole one REFERENCES year period. The factors classify the pollution sources Bogatyrev, I., Yegorov, A., Chekushin, V., Zhdanova, L., and show again that the main source of pollution in the Lavretsova, A., Tenhola. M., Korhonen, J. & Reimann, rain water is normally very local, such as sea spray at C. 2000. Digital basemaps for the computer database of the the seaside, metal industry (different types can be joint Russian-Finnish-Norwegian project of Ecogeochemical separated in some cases) in its vicinity, agriculture, and mapping in the eastern Barents region in 1999-2003. Pro- ceedings of International Conference GIS Sustainable Devel- normal dust. The content of pollutants in precipitation opment of Territories, Vol. 1. Apatity, Russia. displays quite a strong seasonal variation. Darnley, A.G., Björklund, A., Bölviken, B., Gustavsson, N., Koval, P.V., Plant, J.A., Steenfelt, A., Tauchid, M., Conclusions & Xie Xuejing 1995. A global geochemical database for environmental and resource management. Final report of IGCP Project 259. UNESCO Publishing, Earth Sciences 19. The results which until now are available show that 122p. local basic geology has a strong influence in element Gegorauskiene, V., Salminen, R., Reimann, C. & distribution in stream waters, and also in mosses in the Chekushin, V. 2000. Field Manual for Barents Eco- geochemistry project. Geological Survey of Finland, unpub- areas where the vegetation is not too dense. Anthro- lished report S/44/0000/2/2000, 54 p., 5 app. pogenic activities have a strong local influence in both Plant, J.A., Smith, D., Smith, B., & Williams, L. 2000. water and moss, and they show clearly the type of Global geochemical baselines: the sustainability of the earth’s pollution occuring. However, the results do not support life support systems and human health. [Electronic re- source] In: 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de the idea of long distance airborne transport of heavy Janeiro, - Brazil, August 6-17, 2000: Abstracts Volume. metals to the Arctic regions. Instead, local pollution Geological Survey of Brazil. Optical disc (CD-ROM). diate vicinity. Reimann, C, Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V., Bogatyrev, I.,

51 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 R. Salminen, I. Bogatyrev, V. Chekushin et al.

Boyd, R., de Caritat, P, Dutter, D., Finne, T.E., ɧɨɜɵɟ ɮɨɧɨɜɵɟ ɝɟɨɯɢɦɢɱɟɫɤɢɟ ɞɚɧɧɵɟ ɫ ɫɟɜɟɪɨ ɡɚɩɚɞɚ Halleraker, J.H., Jäger, O., Kashulina, G., Lehto, O., Ɋɨɫɫɢɢ. ɉɪɢɤɥɚɞɧɚɹ Ƚɟɨɯɢɦɢɹ. Ɇɢɧɢɫɬɟɪɫɬɜɨɩɪɢɪɨɞɵɯ Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V., Räisänen, M.L., Strand, & ɪɟɫɭɪɫɨɜ Ɋɨɫɫɢɣɫɤɨɣ Ɏɟɞɟɪɚɰɢɢ, Ɋɨɫɫɢɣɫɤɚɹ Ⱥɤɚɞɟɦɢɹ T., Volden, T. 1998. Environmental Geochemical Atlas of ɧɚɭɤ, ɂɧɫɬɢɬɭɬ ɦɢɧɟɪɨɥɨɝɢɢ, ɝɟɨɯɢɦɢɢɢɤɪɢɫɬɚɥɥɨɯɢɦɢɢ the Central Barents Region. NGU-GTK-CKE Special Pub- ɪɟɞɤɢɯ ɷɥɟɦɟɧɬɨɜ (ɂɆȽɗ), ɜɵɩ. 2, 169-177. lication, Grytting AS. 745 p. Salminen, R. 2000. Results of the catchment stage of BARENTS Reimann, C., Koller, F., Kashulina, G., Niskavaara, H. & Ecogeochemistry project– summary of technical reports. Englmaier, P. 2001a. Influence of extreme pollution on the Geological Survey of Finland, unpublished report S/41/ inorganic chemical composition of some plants. Environ- 0000/1/2000. 14 p. mental Pollution 115, 239 – 252. Salminen, R., Vernigora, N., Polischuok, A., Chestyakova Reimann, C., Koller, F., Frengestad, B., Kashuylina, G. M. & Tomilina, O. 2002. Heavy metal Concentrations of Niskavaara, H. & Englmaier, P. 2001b. Comparison of Precipitation and their Seasonal Variation at Thirty Monitor- the element composition in several plant species and their ing Stations in the Barents Region in NW Russia and Finland. substrate from 1 500 000 km2 area in Northern Europe. The The Second AMAP International Symposium on Environ- Science of the Total Environment 278, 87 – 112. mental Pollution of the Arctic. Extended abstracts. AMAP ɋɚɥɦɢɧɟɧ, Ɋ.Ƚɪɟɝɨɪɚɭɫɤɟɧɟ, ȼ. Ɍɟɧɯɨɥɚ, Ɇ. & ɑɟɤɭɲɢɧ, Report 2002:2, P – M18. (Available also as electronic version ȼ. 2001. ɉɪɨɟɤɬ «ɗɤɨɝɟɨɯɢɦɢɹ Ȼɚɪɟɧɰɟɜɨɝɨ ɪɟɝɢɨɧɚ»–

52 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 53– 59 , 2003.


by Anne Kousa and Maria Nikkarinen

Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 1237, FIN-70211 KUOPIO, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): medical geology, geochemistry, ground water, drinking water, hydrochemistry, trace elements, Bayesian analysis, Finland

Introduction elements and major elements in ground water. The most important single cardiovascular disease Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), the Kuopio is CHD, including acute myocardial infarction (AMI). unit and National Public Health Institute (KTL), De- Our recent study of the spatial distribution of the first partment of Epidemiology and Health Promotion (Hel- AMI event showed that despite the decreasing trend sinki) have carried out a study of the spatial variation in AMI incidence, the geographical difference in of some chronic disease incidence and geochemical incidence and high-risk areas remain (Karvonen et al. compounds in the ground water. Case data and popu- 2002). The spatial pattern of AMI incidence showed lation data processing and statistical analysis were an increasing risk from the south-west to the north- performed at KTL and the geochemical data process- east (Fig.1). The presence of high-risk areas for AMI ing was performed at GTK. The study group and the suggests that certain genetic or environmental risk steering group consist of researchers from many factors have accumulated in certain geographic loca- different scientific branches and include geographers, tions in Finland. There were indications that death statistical experts, geologists and medical and public from, or development of CHD was connected to the health professionals. quality of the water, particularly with low concentra- The rates of coronary heart disease (CHD) mortal- tions of constituents (Punsar et al. 1975). ity and morbidity and childhood type 1 diabetes (DM1) The incidence of type 1 diabetes in Finnish children are among the highest in the world in Finland (Uemura aged 14 years or under is the highest in the world and & Pisa 1988, Kuulasmaa et al. 2000, Karvonen et al. is constantly increasing at the rate of nearly 3 % per 1993). Also the occurrence of DM1 and CHD are year (Karvonen et al. 2000, Onkamo et al. 2000, known to have a large geographical variation in Fin- Tuomilehto et al. 1999). Geographical small area land (Karvonen et al. 1997, Kannisto 1947, Tuomilehto studies have shown a clear within-country variation in et al. 1992). The recent advances in GIS, the availabil- the risk of type 1 diabetes among children in Finland ity of geo-referenced data and the developments in (Karvonen et al. 1997, Rytkönen et al. 2001). Al- spatial methodology are valuable tools for the study of though the etiology of type 1 diabetes is not fully medical geology. Our study group examined the asso- understood, according to recent knowledge, both ge- ciation of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and netic and environmental factors operate together, childhood type 1 diabetes (DM1) incidence with trace leading to an uncontrolled attack by the immune

53 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Anne Kousa and Maria Nikkarinen

A. B.

Fig. 1 Risk of AMI among 35-74 year old men in Finland in 1993. A. Posterior mean age-standardized incidence. B. Posterior probability of the risk exceeding the overall country risk (Karvonen et al. 2002). system on the insulin-producing beta-cells (Tuomilehto- using small areas, defined according to map coordi- Wolf & Tuomilehto, 1991, Cudworth et al. 1979, nates, offer an opportunity to avoid these problems. Verge et al. 1994). There is accumulating evidence The aim of this paper is to present recent studies of that the metabolism of several trace elements is medical geology carried out at GTK in collaboration altered in diabetic patients and that such nutrients with the National Public Health Institute using data might have a role in the pathogenesis and progression aggregated into 10 x 10 km grid cells. of the disease (Tuvemo et al. 1983-85, Underwood 1971). In Sweden, a low-level of zinc in the drinking Study area: geological characteristics water was associated with an increased incidence of type 1 diabetes (Haglund et al. 1996). The bedrock of Finland is mainly composed of silica The mineral composition of soil has a clear impact rich and calcium poor crystalline granitic rocks on water quality (Lahermo et al. 1990). Elements in (Korsman et al. 1997). The bedrock is overlain by a the natural environment known to be associated with glacial overburden of about seven metres of average human health can be distinguished as major- and trace thickness (Koljonen & Tanskanen 1992). The compo- elements. The first group includes sodium, potassium, sition of trace elements in the glacial sediment cover is chlorine, calcium and magnesium. Concentrations of not homogenous. Certain trace element associations the major elements in humans are roughly between characterize different geological regions. Based on 0.03 and 0.2 % (ICRP 1974). All others are present in the co-occurrence of elements, the country can be smaller concentrations and are therefore called trace divided into geochemical provinces (Koljonen 1992). elements. All trace elements are toxic if ingested or In Finland, two types of aquifers are used as drinking inhaled in sufficiently high quantities for long enough water supplies: (1) Quaternary deposits such as sandy periods of time (Plant et al. 1996). Selenium, iron, till and glaciofluvial gravel and sand deposits and (2) fluoride and molybdenum are examples of elements fracture zones in bedrock (Tarvainen et al. 2001). In which show a relatively narrow concentration range Finland, the groundwater is slightly acidic and very soft between the essential and toxic levels. (1-4 ºdH) or soft (4-8 ºdH) (Tarvainen et al. 2001). Traditional regional analyses carried out within Regionally, the hardest groundwater is met in the administrative areas suffer from the loss of informa- southern Finland coastal belt, while the softest waters tion or large random variation of the estimates and are encountered in northeast Finland. Besides the misinterpretation of the results. Analyses carried out geological factors affecting trace element composition

54 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Geochemistry of local ground water in relation to the incidence of chronic diseases

(radon, fluoride, nickel, copper etc.), atmospheric and The data on men aged 35-74 years with the first anthropogenic factors also contribute to the chemical AMI attack (18946 cases) in the years 1983, 1988 and composition of the ground water (Lahermo et al. 1993 were obtained from the nation-wide Death Reg- 1990). Nitrate is one of the most sensitive indicators of ister and the Hospital Discharge Register. The data on human activities. population at risk, provided by coordinates of the place Marine factors, such as sea spray and relict sea salts of residence, were obtained from Statistics Finland. In in the overburden and in the fracture zone of bedrock, this analysis the data on AMI cases from these three increase the concentrations of dissolved components cross sectional years were pooled together. in the ground water. Thus well water concentrations, Data on the incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes for example, of chloride, sulphate, sodium and water (aged 0-14 years) nation-wide were obtained from the hardness are higher in the coastal area than inland Prospective Childhood Diabetes Registry for the pe- (Lahermo et al. 1990). riod 1987-1996 (3649 cases). Since 1987 all the newly diagnosed cases have been registered in the Prospec- Materials and methods tive Childhood Diabetes Registry with a high level of case verification. The population data were obtained Geochemical data from the National Population Registry, which is up- dated continuously by Statistics Finland. The geochemical data were obtained from the The geo-referenced data sets (point data structure), hydrogeochemical database of GTK. The data on both the population at risk and case data, were con- - - verted into grid structure and aggregated into 10 x 10 total water hardness (ºdH), Ca, Mg, Fe, F , NO3 (mg/ l) and Cu, Zn and Al (µg/l) were available. The total km grid cells to ensure the protection of privacy of the water hardness was calculated by the formula (0.14 individuals. x Ca (mg/l)) + (0.23 x Mg (mg/l). Element concentra- tions were determined with different methods, e.g. Statistical methods ICP-MS, ICP-AES, ionography and AAS. Where the analytical methods in different sampling periods were The Bayesian spatial conditional autoregressive not comparable with each other, only the latest ana- model (CAR) with covariates, which is currently in lyse was included in the study. The original data wide use in the field of disease mapping, was applied contained from 3621 up to 12401 samples taken here (Ranta & Penttinen 2000, Osnes & Aalen 1999, mainly from dug wells and wells drilled in the bedrock. Clayton et al. 1993, Besag et al. 1991). The geochemical point data were interpolated into Because Finland is sparsely and unevenly inhabited, a regular 10 x 10 km grid by using the ALKEMIA we propose one modification, which is pertinent to the Smooth interpolation method (Ahlsved et al. 1991). sparsely populated areas. In the case of the 10 km x 10 Data conversion, linking, modifying and outputs were km grid over Finland (excluding Lapland), some grid done using ArcView and ArcInfo GIS software cells are empty and have to be omitted from the (version 8.0) in a PC and Unix environment. WinBUGS analysis; thus 5% of cells would be omitted. However, statistical software (Spiegelhalter et al. 1996) was once we take environmental factors into account, also used together with GIS for data modifying proce- assuming that the disease risk is influenced by both dures. demographic factors (i.e. people who actually live Finland is sparsely inhabited and only a quarter of within the grid cell) and environmental factors in each the population lives in the thinly populated area that cell whether or not it is inhabited, the omission of covers 95 % of the total area of Finland and 50 % of unpopulated cells result in the loss of information. the population lives in the urban areas (Rusanen et al. 1995). Because of the very low population density, Results and discussion cases and geochemical samples in northern Finland in the province of Lapland have been excluded from the Bayesian modeling of AMI and DM1 inci- analysis. dence and geochemical covariates

Geo-referenced data Age group and the geochemical elements such as total water hardness, Ca, Mg, Fe, F-, Cu, Al, Zn and Every resident in Finland has a unique personal - NO3 concentration in the ground water were in- identity number. Using this number, 95% of men with cluded in the analyses as the covariates. In the entire AMI and all children with diabetes were located at the country, the overall age-adjusted incidence of AMI time of diagnosis according to the map co-ordinates. (cross-sections years 1983,1988,1993 pooled) among

55 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Anne Kousa and Maria Nikkarinen

men aged 35-74 years was 480/100 000/year. The Table 1. The estimated effects of the geochemical cov- ariates on the incidence of first AMI among 35-74 year old estimates of the effect of geochemical covariates in men in Finland. the ground water on the variation of the incidence of AMI are shown in Table 1. One unit (°dH) increment Element Posterior mean 95 % HDR in water hardness decreased the risk of AMI by 1 % Tot. water (Kousa et al., al., manuscript). submitted). TheThe levelslevels ofof other ele- hardness (ºdH)* -0.0097 (-0.0214, -0.0003) Zn (µg/l) -0.0007 (-0.0061, 0.0048) ments in the ground water included in this study did not Al (µg/l) -0.0003(-0.0007, 0.0002) have any additional effect on the spatial variation and Cu (µg/l) 0.0401 (-0.0653, 0.1477) F (mg/l) -0.0317 (-0.1453, 0.0899) in the incidence of AMI. Fe (mg/l) 0.1015 (-0.1298, 0.3176) NO (mg/l) 0.0006 (-0.0004, 0.0016) One unit (mg/l) increase in the concentration of 3 - * NO3 in the ground water resulted, on average, in 0.3% statistically significant increase in the risk of type 1 diabetes (Moltchanova et (Posterior mean column describes the effect of the geo- al., submitted). However, the increase was not statis- chemical element and the sign before value the direction tically significant at the 95% level. The composition of of the effect (e.g. one unit increment of Cu on average increases the AMI risk by 4 % (Cu = 0.0401). 95% HDR the ground water included in this study did not have column describes the statistical significance. If both of the any significant effect on the incidence variation of limit values have the same sign the result is statistically diabetes and spatial difference in incidence. significant). The geographical variation and changes in the the disagreement in this association in earlier studies incidence of AMI and type 1 diabetes in Finland may be related to the variation in methodological cannot be explained by individual lifestyle or genetic issues. factors alone; environmental exposures must also Fluoride (F-) concentrations of around one ppm contribute to the development of the disease. We (part per million) in household water may be beneficial carried out the most detailed ecological analysis to (Luoma et al. 1983). In our pilot study we reported investigate the putative association between the con- that low F concentration was a characteristic centration of trace elements and major elements in the geochemical feature in the high CHD mortality area ground water and the incidence of AMI and type 1 (Kousa & Nikkarinen 1997). In the present study one diabetes in Finland ever done in any population. mg/l increment in the F- concentration in the drinking The age distribution of the population did not have water was associated with a 3 % decrease in the risk an effect on the geographical variation in the incidence of AMI. The differences were not, however, statisti- of AMI. The results of our research support the early cally significant. Recent studies have provided evi- observations of the inverse relationship between the dence that high serum iron and copper (Salonen et al. AMI incidence and total water hardness. The other 1991 and 1992, McMaster et al. 1992) and low serum investigated elements in the ground water (well wa- zinc levels are associated with the CHD (Reunanen ter) included in this study did not have a significant et al. 1996). Iron and copper have been suspected to effect on the spatial difference in AMI incidence. induce atherosclerosis by promoting the oxidation of An inverse relationship between water hardness lipids (Salonen et al. 1992). In our study one µg/l and CHD mortality has been detected in several increment in copper and one mg/l increment in iron on studies (e.g. Crawford 1968 et al., Karppanen 1978 et average increased the risk of AMI by four and ten al., Nerbrand 1992 et al., Rylander 1991 et al., Piispanen percent, respectively, although these findings were 1993). Several studies have suggested that CHD not statistically significant. The non-significant results mortality can be related to the amount of magnesium in our study may be due to excessive smoothing in drinking water (mm. Rylander et al. 1991, Punsar & technique. Thus, our study provides further, though Karvonen 1979, Anderson et al. 1975, Luoma et al. relative weak evidence of the importance of the 1983, Kousa & Nikkarinen 1997). Rubenowitz et al. ground water fluoride, iron and copper concentrations (2000) reported that magnesium in drinking water was for the risk of AMI. associated with lower mortality from CHD but not The studies of the role of nitrate or zinc in the with the incidence of AMI. aetiology of type 1 diabetes are few but the results In some studies a clear association between cardio- have been widely discussed (Haglund et al. 1996, vascular disease and water hardness or magnesium Virtanen et al. 1994, Van Maanen et al. 1999, Casu et concentration in drinking water was not found (Huel al. 2000). However, thus far the results from earlier et al.1978, Smith et al. 1987, Maheswaran et al. 1999). studies have been contradictory, possibly because of No significant differences were observed in serum the complexity of the ecological analysis and the calcium and magnesium levels in the Finnish case- difficulty to apply results from ecological studies at control study, either (Reunanen et al. 1996). Much of the individual level (Moltchanova et al., manuscript).

56 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Geochemistry of local ground water in relation to the incidence of chronic diseases

Ecological studies describe the association be- REFERENCES tween a set of average variables defined in groups of individuals over geographically defined areas. It is Ahlsved, C., Lampio, E. & Tarvainen, T. 1991. ALKEMIA – a VAX minicomputer database and program package for important to recognize that these studies use aggre- geochemical exploration. Journal of Geochemical Explora- gate data and they describe only the relationship tion 41, 23-28. between an incidence of disease and the average Anderson, TW., Neri, LC., Schreiber, GB., Talbot, FD. & Zdrojewski, A. 1975. Ischemic heart disease, water hard- level of exposure to an environmental risk factor, but ness and myocardial magnesium. A letter. Canadian Medical not the causative role of the factor. CHD and type 1 Association Journal AUG 9;113 (3), 199-203. diabetes have a multifactorial etiology. Therefore the Anderson, R. 2000. Chromium in the prevention and control method of spatial analysis used in this study is appro- of diabetes. Diabetes & Metabolism Feb 26 (1), 22-7. Besag, J., York, J. & Mollié, A. 1991. Bayesian Image priate for testing the impact of several factors simul- Restoration, with two applications in spatial statistics. taneously. The validity of the method used in this study Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 43,1-59. has been demonstrated earlier (Ranta & Penttinen Casu, A., Carlini, M., Contu,A., Botazzo, GF. & Songini, 2000, Rytkönen et al. 2001, Karvonen et al. 2002). M. 2000. Type I diabetes in Sardinia is not linked to nitrate levels in drinking water. Diabetes Care 23,1043-44. Additional simulations have been run to check the Clayton, DG., Bernardinelli, L. & Montomoli, C. 1993. validity of the proposed alterations to it regarding the Spatial correlation in ecological analysis. International Jour- inclusion of the uninhabited cells in the analysis. nal of Epidemiology 22,1193-1202. Crawford, MD., Gardner, MJ. & Morris, JN. 1968. Mor- tality and hardness of local water supplies. Lancet 1, 827- Conclusions and future work 831. Cudworth, AG., Wolf, E., Gorsuch, AN. & Festenstien, H. The inverse relationship between the AMI inci- 1979. A new look at HLA genetics with particular reference dence and total hardness of ground water was to type-1 diabetes. Lancet 2, 389-91. Haglund, B., Ryckenberg, K., Selinus, O. & Dahlquist, G. reconfirmed by this study. Other geochemical con- 1996. Evidence of a relationship between childhood-onset stituents of ground water were not statistically signifi- type I diabetes and low groundwater concentration of zinc. cantly associated with the AMI or type 1 diabetes Diabetes Care 19, 873-5. incidence. Well water (ground water) reflects geo- Huel, G., Thomazeau, R., Derriennic, F. & Lazar, P. 1978. Water hardness and cardiovascular mortality. A study of logical content of soil and bedrock and its content of 947 Alsatian communities. Revue d’Epidemiolgie et de major elements and trace elements (Lahermo et al. Sante Publique 26 (5), 381-90 1990) but only a small proportion of the population use ICRP 1974. Publication 23. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 327-328 locally produced food supplies, cereals and vegeta- Kannisto,V. 1947. The Causes of death as demographical factors in Finland (in Finnish, English summary). bles. Individual studies on the role of intake of both Kansantaloudellisia tutkimuksia - Economic studies XV, food and water-borne nutrients should incorporate Helsinki. environmental exposure or control for it. Lack of Karppanen, H., Pennanen, R. & Passinen, L. 1978. Min- georeferenced data of food and water-borne nutri- erals, Coronary Heart Disease and Sudden Coronary Death. Advances in Cardiology 25, 9-24. ents might, however, complicate such individual study. Karvonen, M., Tuomilehto, J., Libman, I. & LaPorte R. Chromium is an essential nutrient involved in the 1993. A review of the recent epidemiological data in the metabolism of glucose, insulin and blood lipids worldwide incidence of Type I (insulin-dependent) diabe- (Anderson 2000). Suboptimal dietary intake of chro- tes mellitus. World Health Organization DIAMOND Project Group. Diabetologia 36, 883-392. mium is associated with increased risk factors asso- Karvonen, M., Rusanen, J., Sundberg, M., Virtala, E., ciated with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Colpaert, A., Naukkarinen, A. & Tuomilehto, J. 1997. Koskinen (1994) has concluded that the lack of Regional differences in the incidence of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus among children in Finland from 1987 to chromium alone might be relevant in the regional 1991. Annals of Medicine 29, 297-304 variation in incidence of ischaemic heart disease in Karvonen, M., Viik-Kajander, M., Moltchanova, E., Finland. The role of chromium in the AMI and type 1 Libman, I., LaPorte, R. & Tuomilehto J. 2000. Incidence diabetes incidence, will be the main focus in the future of childhood type 1 diabetes worldwide. World Health Organization Diabetes Mondiale data from 50 countries. studies of medical geology. In the next phase, data Diabetes Care 23, 1516-26. gathered for drinking water will be widened and water Karvonen, M., Moltchanova, E., Viik-Kajander, M., from public waterworks will be utilised. Moltchanov, V., Rytkönen, M., Kousa, A. & Tuomilehto, J. 2002. Regional inequality in the risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction in Finland: A case study of 35- to 74-year-old Acknowledgements men. Heart Drug 2, 51-60. Koljonen, T. (ed.) 1992. Bedrock and associated geophysical This work was partly funded by the Academy of and other features. The Geochemical Atlas of Finland, Part Finland; project No. 41266 and the Finnish Foundation 2: Till. Espoo: Geological Survey of Finland. 218 p., 11 app. maps. for Cardiovascular Research. Koljonen, T. & Tanskanen, H. 1992. Quaternary sediments.

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In: Koljonen T. (ed.) The Geochemical Atlas of Finland, Publication 113. 7-22. Part 2: Till. Espoo: Geological Survey of Finland. 218 p., 11 Punsar, S., Erämetsä, O., Karvonen, MJ., Ryhänen, A., app. maps. Hilska, P. & Vornamo, H. 1975. Coronary heart disease Korsman, K., Koistinen, T., Kohonen, J., Wennerström, and drinking water. Journal of Chronic Diseases 28,259- M., Ekdahl, E., Honkamo, M., Idman, H. & Pekkala, Y. 287. (eds.) 1997. Bedrock map of Finland 1:1 000 000. Espoo: Punsar, S. & Karvonen, MJ. 1979. Drinking water quality Geological Survey of Finland. and sudden death: observations from West and East Finland. Koskinen, S. 1994. Origins of regional differences in mortal- Cardiology. 64 (1),24-34. ity from ischaemic heart disease in Finland. NAWH, Re- Ranta, J. & Penttinen, A. 2000. Probabilistic small area risk search reports 41, 204 p. assessment using GIS-based data: a case study on Finnish Kousa, A. & Nikkarinen, M. 1997. Geochemical environ- childhood diabetes. Statistics in Medicine 19,2345-2359. ment in areas of low and high coronary heart disease Reunanen, A., Knekt, P., Marniemi, J., Maki, J., Maatela, mortality. In: Autio S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, J. & Aromaa, A. 1996. Serum calcium, magnesium, copper Current Research 1995-1996. Geological Survey of Finland, and zinc and risk of cardiovascular death. European Journal Special Paper 23, 137-148. of Clinical Nutrition Jul;50(7), 431-7. Kousa, A., Moltchanova, E., Viik-Kajander, M., Rytkönen, Rubenowitz, E., Molin, I., Axelsson, G. & Rylander, R. M., Tuomilehto J., Tarvainen, T. & Karvonen, M. 2000. Magnesium in drinking water in relation to morbidity Geochemistry of the ground water and the incidence of and mortality from acute myocardfial infarction. Epidemi- AcuteAcute Myocardial Myocardial Infarction Infarction (AMI) (AMI) in in Finland Finland (manu- (sub- ology 11 (4), 416-421. script).mitted). 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59 60 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 61– 65 , 2003.


by Timo Tarvainen and Philipp Schmidt-Thomé

Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): geochemical surveys, heavy metals, enrichment, chemical analysis, Fennoscandia, Baltic region, Germany, Poland, Belarus

Introduction 1 sample/2500 km2 on agricultural soils. Two samples were collected from each site: topsoil 0 - 25 cm and Heavy metal enrichment factors have been pro- subsoil 50 - 75 cm. The samples were 8 L in volume posed to form part of a set of indicators for diffuse soil and a composite of 5 - 13 subsamples was collected contamination. The enrichment factors are calcu- from an area measuring 100 m x 100 m. The samples lated by dividing the heavy metal concentration in for Poland and Sweden were splits of samples taken topsoil by the subsoil concentration. Various analyti- originally for different projects. The <2 mm fraction of cal techniques are used to measure heavy metal each sample (Polish samples: <1 mm) has been concentration from soils in different geochemical analysed using four methods: mapping programmes. The enrichment factor can be 1. X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) showing total con- dependent on the analytical method applied. centrations of the main elements and some trace The Baltic Soil Survey (BSS, Reimann et al. 2000) elements such as lead; has been used to test to what degree the enrichment 2. Total leach using strong concentrated mineral factor depends on the analytical method employed. acids (TOT) with ICP AES/ICP MS measurement, The Baltic Soil Survey covers ten of the Baltic Sea which gives almost total concentration of many trace countries (Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Northern Ger- elements which are missing from the XRF data; many, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, NW Rus- 3. Aqua Regia extraction (AR) with ICP AES sia and Sweden) with a sampling density of 1 sample/ measurement or graphite furnace atomic absorption 2500 km2. Topsoil and subsoil samples are analysed spectrometry revealing the semi-total concentration using four methods, and enrichment factors for Cd, of 27 elements; and Cu, Pb and Zn were calculated for different analytical 4. Ammonium acetate extraction indicating out the methods. This paper analyses different analytical “bioavailable” concentration of selected elements. methods and the comparability of their results. Enrichment factors for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn were Materials and methods calculated as follows:

The sampling density of the Baltic Soil Survey was

61 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Timo Tarvainen and Philipp Schmidt-Thomé

Factor M = ctMt / ctMs The enrichment factors for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn that are based on various analytical methods (Ammonium where acetate extraction, Aqua Regia extraction, Total leach and X-Ray Fluorescence analysis) are pre- Factor M = enrichment factor for heavy metal M; sented in Table 1. Samples with topsoil LOI% > 15% ctMt = concentration of heavy metal M in are omitted. topsoil; Reimann et al. (2000) reported that most elements ctMs = concentration of heavy metal M in either have almost the same concentration in top- and subsoil. subsoil samples or are slightly depleted in the top- The organic carbon content was measured as layer. At least five different processes can cause a LOI%. depletion of elements in the top-layer:

Results and discussion 1. Plant uptake and removal of elements via har- vesting, insufficient replenishment via fertilizers, sew- The topsoil heavy metal concentration can reflect age sludge and / or liming; either natural, geogenic background or anthropogenic 2. Leaching of elements from top to bottom during enrichment in topsoils. Figure 1a shows the distribu- the development of soil profiles; tion of lead (Pb) in topsoils. Anomalies in southern 3. Higher weathering rates of minerals in the top- Finland and central Sweden, e.g., are similar in subsoil layer; samples and most of them are possibly of geological 4. Selective wind erosion of the fine fraction of soil; origin. On the other hand, high Pb concentration in and German topsoils are not related to Pb anomalies in 5. Lessivation, the removal of clay particles and subsoils. Elevated Pb concentration in Germany ap- generally the fine soil fraction from topsoil to deeper parently result of heavier traffic and industrial activi- layers. ties. a) b)

Fig.1. a). Distribution of total Pb in topsoil in the Baltic Soil Survey area. b) Enrichment factor of Pb (=Pb topsoil/Pb subsoil). In northernmost Lapland Pb concentrations are often below the analytical detection limit and the enrichment factor is elevated even when the topsoil concentrations are small.

62 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Heavy metal enrichment factors for different analytical methods

Table 1. Heavy metal enrichment factors for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn. Countries: BLR = Belarus, EST = Estonia, FIN = Finland, GER = Germany, LAV = Latvia, LIT = Lithuania, NOR = Norway, POL =Poland, RUS = Russia, SWE = Sweden. Analytical methods: (AA) = Ammonium acetate extraction, (AR) = Aqua Regia extraction, (TOT) = Total leach, (XRF) = X-Ray Fluorescence analysis.

Country Count Median Minimum Maximum

BLR Cd factor (AR) 31 3.09 0.96 30.60 Cd Factor (AA) 31 2.00 0.534.67 Zn factor (TOT) 31 1.09 0.61 2.61 Zn factor (AR) 31 1.41 0.49 5.50 Zn factor (AA) 31 2.730.8359.06 Cu factor (TOT) 31 .93 0.42 2.67 Cu factor (AR) 31 .82 0.21 5.90 Cu factor (AA) 31 1.38 0.40 9.66 Pb factor (XRF) 31 1.230.40 2.14 Pb factor (TOT) 31 1.21 0.70 2.72 Pb factor (AR) 31 1.79 0.71 4.13 Pb factor (AA) 31 1.92 0.55 6.94 EST Cd factor (AR) 1 6 2.25 1.235.99 Cd Factor (AA) 1 6 2.00 0.81 2.00 Zn factor (TOT) 1 6 1.430.96 1.77 Zn factor (AR) 1 6 1.51 1.00 2.64 Zn factor (AA) 1 6 1.40 0.96 14.22 Cu factor (TOT) 1 6 1.22 0.75 4.10 Cu factor (AR) 1 6 1.11 0.11 14.60 Cu factor (AA) 1 6 2.88 1.00 12.01 Pb factor (XRF) 1 6 1.11 0.67 2.17 Pb factor (TOT) 1 6 1.18 0.90 1.45 Pb factor (AR) 1 6 1.50 0.71 2.36 Pb factor (AA) 1 6 1.36 0.38 6.23 FIN Cd factor (AR) 6 6 2.49 .41 15.17 Cd Factor (AA) 6 6 2.00 0.835.61 Zn factor (TOT) 6 6 1.06 0.532.71 Zn factor (AR) 6 6 1.21 0.17 5.02 Zn factor (AA) 6 6 2.030.57 23.87 Cu factor (TOT) 6 6 .77 0.39 4.68 Cu factor (AR) 6 6 .80 0.24 8.54 Cu factor (AA) 6 6 1.19 0.21 19.43 Pb factor (XRF) 6 6 1.130.22 4.00 Pb factor (TOT) 6 6 1.15 0.831.75 Pb factor (AR) 6 6 1.81 0.737.29 Pb factor (AA) 6 6 2.00 0.26 6.79 GER Cd factor (AR) 37 3.34 0.67 82.00 Cd Factor (AA) 37 2.00 0.736.58 Zn factor (TOT) 37 1.05 .24 3.56 Zn factor (AR) 37 1.62 0.6312.27 Zn factor (AA) 37 5.87 1.34 59.19 Cu factor (TOT) 37 .84 0.434.78 Cu factor (AR) 37 2.04 0.34 20.40 Cu factor (AA) 37 1.930.57 20.36 Pb factor (XRF) 37 2.00 0.6317.50 Pb factor (TOT) 37 1.70 0.94 4.57 Pb factor (AR) 37 2.78 0.87 17.97 Pb factor (AA) 37 2.07 0.33 15.44 LAV Cd factor (AR) 2 5 1.71 0.71 4.85 Cd Factor (AA) 2 5 2.00 0.57 2.00 Zn factor (TOT) 2 5 1.02 0.45 3.02 Zn factor (AR) 2 5 1.230.47 4.74 Zn factor (AA) 2 5 1.57 0.56 8.84 Cu factor (TOT) 2 5 .73 0.28 1.96 Cu factor (AR) 2 5 .58 0.15 3.25 Cu factor (AA) 2 5 .85 0.14 5.52 Pb factor (XRF) 2 5 1.430.43 6.00 Pb factor (TOT) 2 5 1.20 0.58 1.89 Pb factor (AR) 2 5 1.42 0.57 4.98 Pb factor (AA) 2 5 1.33 0.29 6.47 LIT Cd factor (AR) 2 6 2.18 1.16 7.03 Cd Factor (AA) 2 6 2.00 0.634.34 Zn factor (TOT) 2 6 1.08 0.60 3.33 Zn factor (AR) 2 6 1.20 0.60 3.48 Zn factor (AA) 2 6 1.48 0.67 7.88 Cu factor (TOT) 2 6 .80 0.33 2.01 Cu factor (AR) 2 6 .83 0.05 7.68 Cu factor (AA) 2 6 .82 0.234.74 Pb factor (XRF) 2 6 1.40 0.71 7.50 Pb factor (TOT) 2 6 1.40 0.90 2.03 Pb factor (AR) 2 6 1.76 0.86 4.84 Pb factor (AA) 2 6 1.45 0.236.55

63 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Timo Tarvainen and Philipp Schmidt-Thomé

Table 1. (cont.)

Country Count Median Minimum Maximum

NOR Cd factor (AR) 107 1.62 0.36 12.62 Cd Factor (AA) 107 2.00 0.21 3.91 Zn factor (TOT) 107 1.11 0.24 2.55 Zn factor (AR) 107 1.22 0.18 4.20 Zn factor (AA) 107 1.45 0.50 11.59 Cu factor (TOT) 107 1.07 0.24 5.28 Cu factor (AR) 107 1.09 0.07 11.10 Cu factor (AA) 107 1.40 0.21 12.05 Pb factor (XRF) 107 1.20 0.20 10.00 Pb factor (TOT) 107 1.130.14 1.77 Pb factor (AR) 107 1.54 0.76 4.72 Pb factor (AA) 107 2.00 0.17 12.00 POL Cd factor (AR) 129 2.60 0.42 39.20 Cd Factor (AA) 129 2.00 0.10 21.28 Zn factor (TOT) 129 1.25 0.58 6.18 Zn factor (AR) 129 1.48 0.37 6.48 Zn factor (AA) 129 3.92 0.37 23.80 Cu factor (TOT) 129 1.15 0.28 8.83 Cu factor (AR) 129 1.05 0.08 15.86 Cu factor (AA) 129 1.82 0.2317.50 Pb factor (XRF) 129 1.40 0.42 8.50 Pb factor (TOT) 129 1.36 0.57 4.43 Pb factor (AR) 129 1.58 0.49 9.00 Pb factor (AA) 129 2.02 0.25 17.52 RUS Cd factor (AR) 7 6 2.25 0.58 33.08 Cd Factor (AA) 7 6 2.00 2.00 5.34 Zn factor (TOT) 7 6 1.21 0.47 4.73 Zn factor (AR) 7 6 1.47 0.41 13.23 Zn factor (AA) 7 6 5.61 0.77 71.17 Cu factor (TOT) 7 6 .66 0.26 3.69 Cu factor (AR) 7 6 .61 0.08 9.36 Cu factor (AA) 7 6 .80 0.19 8.34 Pb factor (XRF) 7 6 1.17 0.57 6.00 Pb factor (TOT) 7 6 1.16 0.57 3.35 Pb factor (AR) 7 6 1.72 0.30 14.12 Pb factor (AA) 7 6 1.97 0.28 11.52 SWE Cd factor (AR) 133 2.230.70 24.48 Cd Factor (AA) 133 2.00 0.47 6.95 Zn factor (TOT) 133 1.10 0.07 2.68 Zn factor (AR) 133 1.21 0.34 4.84 Zn factor (AA) 133 4.86 0.0328.41 Cu factor (TOT) 133 .95 0.11 2.81 Cu factor (AR) 133 .98 0.04 18.24 Cu factor (AA) 133 1.31 0.29 23.78 Pb factor (XRF) 133 1.09 0.46 3.60 Pb factor (TOT) 133 1.10 0.632.71 Pb factor (AR) 133 1.19 0.27 5.39 Pb factor (AA) 133 1.55 0.31 10.48

Table 2. Pearson’s correlation coefficients between enrichment factors. ** = Correlation is sig- nificant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). * = Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).


Cd .089* Cu .313** .294** .226** Pb .414** .473** .275** .565** .348** .541** Zn .738** .387** .492**

Enrichment of elements in the topsoil can be due to pheric deposition. Correlation coefficients between element input via fertilizers, liming, fungicides, pesti- enrichment factors based on different analytical meth- cides as well as sewage sludge application or atmos- ods are summarized in Table 2. Samples with topsoil pheric deposition. Some elements are strongly bound LOI% > 15% are omitted. Correlations are significant in the topsoil when the organic content is high. Also for all the enrichment factors, except for Cd. Enrich- bioaccumulation in living organisms can enhance en- ment factor values tend to be higher for ammonium richment in topsoils. For example, Cd enrichment is acetate extractions compared to those based on often caused by application of Cd-bearing fertilizers stronger extractions. Anthropogenic enrichment is whereas Pb enrichment is usually related to atmos- more clearly seen in bioavailable concentrations with

64 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Heavy metal enrichment factors for different analytical methods the only exception of Cd, due to very low natural samples, thus all samples with LOI% > 15% were concentrations. The total (XRF, TOT) and semi-total eliminated. Very low heavy metal concentration may (Aqua Regia) analytical methods lead to enrichment lead to artificially high enrichment factors, even when factors that are at the same level and correlated to the topsoil concentrations are near the analytical each other. detection limit.

Conclusions REFERENCES

Comparable heavy metal enrichment factors can be Reimann, C., Siewers, U., Tarvainen, T., Bityukova, L., based either on total/semi-total concentration of heavy Eriksson, J., Gilucis, A., Gregorauskiene, V., Lukashev, metals in subsoil and topsoil samples or on bioavailable V., Matinian, N.N. & Pasieczna, A. 2000. Baltic Soil Survey: Total concentrations of major and selected trace concentrations such as ammonium acetate extrac- elements in arable soils from ten countries around the Baltic tions. Samples with very high organic carbon content Sea. The Science of the Total Environment 257 (2-3), 155- in topsoil are not comparable with typical mineral soil 170.

65 66 Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 2001–2002, Edited by Sini Autio. Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36, 67– 75 , 2003.


by P. Lintinen, I. Suppala, H. Vanhala and M. Eklund

Geological Survey of Finland, P.O. Box 96, FIN-02151 ESPOO, FINLAND E-mail: [email protected]

Key words (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): ice-marginal features, glaciofluvial features, buried features, geophysical methods, electromagnetic methods, airborne methods, field studies, resistivity, Kyrönjoki, Finland

Introduction measurements arises from the fact that the glaciofluvial and fine-grained sediments have a distinct resistivity In Finland glaciofluvial eskers and ice-marginal contrast – the resistivity of clays and silts is distinc- deposits are important sources of raw material for the tively lower than the resistivity of the sand and gravel aggregate industry. Also glaciofluvial aquifers are of eskers and ice-marginal deposits. vital for municipal water supply. Although glacifluvial Huotari (2002) has made a model calculation of the deposits are relatively uniformly distributed in Finland, feasibility of the GTK’s AEM system to mapping there are several populated regions lacking exploitable buried valleys. This test area was situated in northeast glaciofluvial deposits. In some of these areas glacio- Estonia. No buried valleys were found there, but the fluvial deposits are covered by thick clay or silt calculations strongly suggest that the AEM system is deposits. Accidental penetrations of those aquifers sensitive for detecting buried valley type deposits, i.e., have sometimes caused unpredicted artesian wells. resistive bodies situated in more conductive ground. In favourable locations buried glaciofluvial deposits There are, however, many open questions related to have been mapped by ground geophysical methods the usefulness and restrictions of AEM in detecting verified by drilling results. In many cases the high buried resitive deposits in conductive environment. costs have limited the conducted survey activities and For example, how thick clay layer masks the anomaly therefore the lateral extent of continuous or discon- caused by the buried deposit. The question as to what tinuous chain of glaciofluvial deposits has not been kind of information we can obtain from the buried properly mapped. In view of the unquestionable im- target by AEM measurements, is also of great impor- portance of the mapping of buried glaciogluvial depos- tance. Is it only the approximately location, or can we its, an effective mapping tool is needed. also interpret the depth, shape and the true electrical In this study we have tested the airborne electro- resistivity of the deposit. The last would give us a way magnetic (AEM) measurements in order to survey to classify the anomalies, for example to discriminate clay and silt covered glaciofluvial deposits in a test bedrock anomalies from anomalies caused by sedi- area where ice-marginal deposits have already been ment material. In order to get answers to these known to exist but their lateral extent has not been questions and to develop interpretation of AEM data, mapped. The idea of mapping buried deposits by AEM we started the present study. In addition to AEM data,

67 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 P. Lintinen, I. Suppala, H. Vanhala and M. Eklund

ground EM measurements and reference drillings and mica schists (Mäkitie & Lahti 1991, Mäkitie et al. sampling were done. Special emphasis has been put 1991). Till covering the bedrock outcrops is described on AEM and EM inversion techniques and modelling. by Kukkonen et al. (1983) as basal till and it is coarse grained, containing less than 5 % clay (∞ <0.002 m) Geology of the study area fraction. A few glaciofluvial deposits are also found in the area. A small but prominent esker, running from The study area is situated in the Kyrönjoki valley northwest to southeast, is situated northwest of the about 10 km west of the city of Seinäjoki, partly Kyrönjoki river (Fig.3). A smaller glaciofluvial deposit situated in the municipalities of Seinäjoki and Ilmajoki outcrops through fine-grained sediments close to the (Fig.1).The landscape is typical in southern Ostro- Kyrönjoki and Seinäjoki rivers (Fig. 3), called tenta- bothnian with low-lying river valleys filled with lacustrine tively Vuolle by Kurkinen et al. (1992). Also a sand and glacilacustrine sediments. Bedrock outcrops, partly deposit, about 0.15 x 1.1 km in size (called tentatively covered by till, delineate river valleys. The study area Aavala by Kurkinen et al. 1992) outcrops through is cultivated and it is situated at an altitude of 40 m a.s.l. fine-grained sediments in the central part of the river The altitude of the adjacent gently undulating hills is valley. This deposit is elongated from southwest to often at an altitude of 60-90 m a.s.l. The surface relief northeast, i.e., perpendicular to the regional ice flow of silt and clay deposits is relatively flat. The minor direction as recorded by esker and striae directions topographical differences have mainly been caused (Kukkonen 1990b). Based on the evidence of drilling by recent human activities related to ditching and data and seismic soundings, Kurkinen et al. (1992) prevention of spring flooding of the Kyrönjoki and have shown that the Aavala deposit is far more Seinäjoki rivers. extensive than was previously known. They postu- Bedrock in the study area is mostly composed of lated that the clay and silt covered glaciofluvial deposit

Fig. 1. Location map of the airborne survey area in the Kyröjoki valley in southern Ostrobothnia, Finland. The 8x12 km2 study area is situating in the municipalities of Seinäjoki and Ilmajoki. Note the northwest to southeast trend of eskers marked in green in the map. Modified after Kujansuu & Nimelä (1984).

68 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Survey of a buried ice-marginal deposit by airborne EM measurements – A case ... could be part of an extensive ice-marginal deposit Airborne and ground EM data deposited at the ice margin, which could be delineated by isolated deposits all interpreted to be deltas in In order to test the applicability of GTK’s dual- origin. Kurkinen et al. (1992) suggest that the hypo- frequency AEM-system in mapping buried ice-mar- thetical ice-margin could have been situated between ginal deposit, a survey flight was conducted in a study Pohjankangas and Hietakangas, south of Lappajärvi, area using a Twin Otter aircraft. Measurements were being about 80 km in length. carried out in an area of 8x12 km2 (Fig. 2) during one Previous drilling results show that the clay and silt day. The nominal line spacing was 100 m and the sediments are typically about 20 m in thickness nominal flight altitude 30 m. The median flight altitude (Kukkonen 1990a,b) and they were deposited during was 32.5 m. Because of power lines, the flight altitude the earlier, more extensive stages of the Baltic Sea. varied between 20 and 60 m. The airborne EM system According to Kukkonen et al. (1983), the lower part of uses dual frequency vertical coplanar coils. The two the fine-grained sediment cover was deposited during frequencies are 3.1 kHz and 14.4 kHz. The coil pairs the Ancylus Lake period and the upper part of was for the systems are mounted on the wingtips so that deposited during the Litorina Sea period. The highest the coil spacing is 21.36 meters. The measured quan- sec pri shoreline of Litorina Sea is at an altitude of 60 m a.s.l. tity is the ratio Hh /Hh , expressed in unit part per sec pri The uppermost sediment unit, usually less than 1 m in million (ppm), so that Hh and Hh are the horizontal thickness, is found only at close distance from the components of the secondary and primary magnetic Kyrönjoki river, where annual spring flooding has field. Measurements have in-phase and quadrature maintained wetland areas. Now these presently culti- components (in-phase and 90° out-of-phase with re- vated areas are peat or organic rich silt sediments. spect to the primary magnetic field). A detailed de-

Fig. 2. Colour-shaded airborne apparent resistivity map (LFA map) of the study area. Line spacing is 100 m, nominal flight altitude 30 m, and frequency 3.1 kHz (see Fig. 1). The high-resistivity anomaly marked by white dotted lines is related to the subject of this study, the partially buried ice-marginal deposit. The survey flight was made September 9, 2002.

69 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 P. Lintinen, I. Suppala, H. Vanhala and M. Eklund

Fig 3. Map of apparent resistivity (HFA map), middle part of the study area. Line spacing is 100 m, nominal flight altitude 30 m, and frequency 14.4 kHz (see Figs. 1 and 2). D-1 and D-2 are drilling sites, L-1 - L-4 ground EM lines (horizontal loop slingram), and L-31 and L-32 the flight lines discussed in Fig. 6. The areas marked by dotted lines are exposed gravel to fine sand sized sorted sediments delineated by Kukkonen (1990a,b).

scription of the measuring system is given by Poikonen 1 m intervals or in intervals related to the changes of et al. (1998). penetration rate indicating consistency differences of Ground EM measurements were carried out using the sediment. Flow-through-bit samples were studied the multi frequency horizontal loop slingram method, in the field and they reveal only scattered information with the APEX MaxMin I+8S system. Six frequen- on major sediment units. cies (880, 1760, 3520, 7040, 14080 and 28160 Hz) were used. The nominal coil separation of 40 m was Lithostratigraphy used in all ground EM survey profiles (Fig. 3). The results are expressed as normalized in-phase and Drilling localities are marked in Figure 3. Drilling at quadrature components in percentage (%) of the locality D-1 terminated at a depth of 20.1 m. Neither primary field. bedrock nor till was detected. The whole drilled sequence is comprised of soft clay or silt sediments, Drilling and sampling which are divided into three sedimentary units. The lowermost unit from a depth of 20.1 m to 17 m is The drillings we conducted by GM 100 drilling rig composed of laminated silt and clay. In each rhythmite applying a piston sampler with a sampling tube 2 m in coarser layers are from 2 to 10 cm in thickness and length and with a 45 mm inner diameter. The drilling finer layers are from 0.3 to1.0 cm in thickness. locations are shown in Figure 3. Standard procedures Dropstone structures with pebble size clasts were were applied for logging of drilled samples. Continu- observed in this unit. The lamina thickness gradually ous piston core samples of soft sediments, i.e., clay, decreases and dark sulphide rich laminated clay and silt or fine sand were opened in the laboratory. silt with 1-3 mm lamina thickness overlies the lowermost Sediments difficult to penetrate with the piston corer unit. At a depth of 12-11 m the laminated sediment unit were sampled by flow-through-bit and only studied in gradually changes to upper weakly laminated or

70 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Survey of a buried ice-marginal deposit by airborne EM measurements – A case ... massive sulphide clay and silt unit. 1978, Peltoniemi 1982) is the simplest 1D interpreta- Drilling at locality D-2 terminated at a depth of 25 tion method. Especially in areas of low-resitivity, m, when bedrock or a large boulder was hit. The visual interpretation of the apparent resistivity and whole drilled sequence is divided into three units, apparent depth maps is the first step to evaluate the which are described starting from the base. The AEM data. The apparent resistivity and apparent lowermost unit from a depth of 25 to 17.8 m is depth, da, (da = Da - sensor height) per frequency can composed of till rich in stones, comparable to the be easily estimated by lookup tables or by simple common sandy till in the Seinäjoki district. The till model-based inversion. Today these estimates are overlies stratified sand and silt sediment with each delivered together with the measuring quantities. lamina 1-5 cm in thickness. At a depth of about 11 m In this study 1D layered-earth interpretation of EM the nature of the sediment gradually turns to sulphide data has been done with model norm-based inversion rich weakly laminated or massive silt and clay. (see Figs. 5-7). The earth is composed of many layers of uniform resitivity. The 1D resistivity structure, i.e., Laboratory resistivity measurements the resistivity of each layer, is sought by the regular- ized inversion. The goal is to find for every measuring Laboratory resistivity measurements of core sam- point a minimum-structure model, which can fit the ples were performed in order to record the electrical measurement data sufficiently well. The 1D responses resistivity of the reference sequence. The laboratory and sensitivity matrices has been calculated by the system consists of HP 35665A Signal Analyser and a Airbeo –program (Chen & Raiche 1998). The minimi- Wenner-type electrode array with 1 cm long steel electr- zation of objective function (data misfit + ß x model odes and 1 cm electrode spacing. Measurements were norm) has been carried out with the damped Gauss- conducted at an interval of 10 cm in drilled cores. The Newton algorithm of Haber (1997). laboratory resistivity values in drill core D-1 decrease The smoothness of the inversion results depends on from about 8 Nm at a depth of 2 metres to 4-5 Nm at the information content and errors of the measured a depth of 8 metres. Between 8-18 metres, the data. The proper calibration and adjustment of zero laboratory resistivity values were mostly between 4 levels of the EM measurements are essential for the and 5 Nm (Fig. 4). inversion. The movement of AEM system during measurement causes many types of noise, e.g. a small low-pass filtering effect to the responses, and also the measured altitudes contain some errors. Accordingly, we have slightly smoothed the measured altitude values. The regional zero levels are slightly adjusted by constant factors. The resolution of the dual-fre- quency system is lower than the ground EM system and so the inverted results are slightly smoother. In ground measurements, errors in positioning and alignment of the loops are likely to be the largest sources of error in the horizontal loop measurements. The reference cable connects the transmitter and receiver loops and with the help of the cable the coil separation is attempted to be kept at the constant value (in this study 40 m). The error in coil separation is most evidently seen in the in-phase component caused by the incompletely compensated primary magnetic field (e.g. Frischnecht et al. 1991). In this study, in the clay Fig. 4. Resistivity as a function of depth, drilling site D-1. The drill core was measured in the laboratory using a Wenner-type area, a change of 10 cm in coil spacing causes array with a 1.0 cm electrode spacing. maximally a change of 1.1 % in the in-phase compo- nent reading and 0.4 % in the quadrature component Interpretation of airborne and ground EM reading. That is why we have also considered the coil data separation as an unknown parameter and estimated it carefully from the field data. The estimation of the coil Transforming the AEM data to the apparent resis- separation could be done almost independently on the tivity of a half-space, and to the apparent distance (Da) resistivity model if the EM system operates also in low of that half-space from the sensor system (Fraser induction number domain, i.e., at low enough frequen-

71 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 P. Lintinen, I. Suppala, H. Vanhala and M. Eklund

Fig 5. Resistivity sections from lines L-1 and L-2 (ground horizontal loop slingram data) obtained by smooth 1D inversion. The high- resistivity anomalies between 600-1200 m (Line-1) and around 1080 m (Line-2) arise from clay and silt covered, or partially covered, ice-marginal deposit. cies. In this low-resistive study area, the induction constant 40 m coil spacing. In this study the median for number (skin depth/coil separation) at the frequency estimated coil separation was 39.7 m. of 880 Hz (the lowest frequency) is about 1. The The assumption of the layered 1D earth means that estimated coil separation and estimated resistivity a large enough volume of the ground should have show some correlation. Nevertheless, at least in the laterally homogeneous resistivity structure. By “the case of effectively 1D resistivity structure the used illumination footprint” of the EM system we could model for the layered ground and for measuring describe the volume of the earth contributing to the system works better than the inversion assuming response (Liu & Becker 1990). We have studied that

Fig 6. A detail from line L-2 – Resistivity section (ground horizontal loop slingram data) obtained by smooth 1D inversion. D-1 and D-2 are the sampling sites.

72 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Survey of a buried ice-marginal deposit by airborne EM measurements – A case ...

Fig. 7. Resistivity sections from flight lines L-32 and L-31 (airborne EM data) obtained by smooth 1D inversion. The high-resistivity anomalies arise from the ice-marginal material partially covered clay and silt. subject briefly, calculating 3D sensitivity distributions tive sediments apparent resistivity values for 3125 Hz of these two coil systems (e.g. Spies & Habashy are higher than for 14368 Hz. The apparent distances 1995). 3D sensitivities visualize the region of the earth of the half-space model for 14368 Hz are generally contributing to the response of AEM system, in a greater than the flight altitudes, which indicate that the sense like a footprint of the system. For the AEM clay deposit seems to behave as a homogeneous half- system of Twin Otter, the most sensitive region is space at higher frequency. So, these apparent resistiv- below the coil system and elongated perpendicular to ity values should be near the true overall resistivity of the flight direction. Vertical coils, whose axes are sediments. oriented parallel to the flight line, mean good spatial Constraining with the minimum structure model, i.e., resolution along the flight line and adequate lateral minimal spatial derivatives with respect to conductiv- coverage perpendicular to the flight line. For the ity, has made the inverted resistivity sections too ground horizontal loop slingram system, the most smooth (in Figs. 5-7). It was expected that the resis- sensitive region is elongated along the profile. In this tivity would decrease smoothly from the surface to the case a very rough estimation of the length of the most deeper part of the deposit (e.g. Puranen et al. 1999a, sensitive region is 60-80 meters and the width is 40 m 1999b). That kind of resistivity variation fulfils the or less. For the AEM system the footprint is larger. used model norm assumption. If severe resistivity discontinuities appear, the inversion result will anyway Results be more or less smooth. If we could assume that thicker sections have uniform resistivity, we should In Figure 2 is shown the apparent resistivity map modify the used model norm assumptions, or simply do calculated from the 3125 Hz data and in Figure 3 the a 1D inversion with a couple of layers. In that case we apparent resistivity calculated from the 14368 Hz have to choose the optimum number of layers and data. The area covered by lacustrine or glacilacustrine estimate the layer resistivity and thickness (e.g. Chen sediments is clearly seen showing low resistivity & Raiche 1998). We have done also calculations using values. These very conductive sediments cover more this type of model-based inversion. At some measur- resistive overburden and bedrock. Over the conduc- ing points, using the Twin Otter AEM data, this method

73 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 P. Lintinen, I. Suppala, H. Vanhala and M. Eklund

works and therefore gives a 1D resistivity structure here used EM systems also increases. Thus with this that (at that point) is reliable. Nevertheless, along the EM data we can only interpret variations in resistivity measuring profiles in these few-layer inversion re- and thickness of the overlying low resistive sediments. sults, several clearly erroneous results are likely to appear. The approach of smooth inversion seems to Discussion be a less laborious way to do the approximate resistiv- ity imaging along the flight lines (Fig. 7). The draw- AEM survey results show an elongated, discontinu- back of the chosen model norm based method is that ous high-resistivity anomaly, which runs from SW to the results at some degree underestimate the thick- NE crossing the whole flight survey area 8 x 12 km2 ness of the sediments. Due to the electrical attenua- in size. The width of the anomaly varies from 100 m tion (and the geometrical attenuation) the capability of to more than 1000 m (Figs. 2 and 3). In the SW part the AEM system to resolve variation in resistivity of the flight area, the anomaly show distinct wedge decreases with increasing depth. In the case of sedi- shape. ment having a resistivity of 7 Nm, e.g. clay, the skin The AEM results verified by lithostratigraphy re- depths are 23.8 and 11.1 m for the low and high vealed by drilling sampling support the conclusions of frequency, correspondingly. Kurkinen et al. (1992) that the buried ice-marginal The result of horizontal loop slingram measure- deposit is far more extensive than the outcropping ments should give more accurate information from glaciofluvial deposits show in the study area. The horizontally layered resistivity structure. The slingram triangular deltaic shape of the resistivity anomaly profile L-2 is also measured with EM-31 and GEM- around the Aavala deposit and the transverse direc- 300 EM resistivity meters (Bäck 2002). These results tion related to the main esker and ice flow direction show that the resistivity in the uppermost part of the support the suggestion of Kurkinen et al. (1992) that sediments varies along that profile, indicating notable the clay and silt covered deposit is an ice-marginal resistivity variations also within the distance of the coil deposit in origin. Our evidence shows that the sug- separation. This contradictsis the 1D model assump- gested ice-marginal deposits laterally continues at tion and causes error to the inverted results. We have least 10 km and is composed of a narrow ridge calculated from the inverted slingram results the consisting of till and a wedge shaped deposit of sand apparent resistivity responses of EM-31 and GEM- and gravel closely connected to the esker further 300. The modelled and measured results have clear northwest. The suggested connection of the Aavala visual correlation in a larger scale. Figure 6 shows that and Vuolle deposits by Kurkinen et al. (1992) could not the estimated thickness of the low-resistive layered be verified in this study because the flight survey area deposit is too shallow. The fits are below the used did not extend to Vuolle. noise level except where the structure is effectively The survey flight was conducted with the nominal 3D. The inversions of AEM data from the nearest line spacing of 100 m. Normally, especially in regional flight lines give a slightly thicker formation. mapping flights, the line spacing has been 200 m. In many cases, the ground and airborne EM sys- Dense data help the visual interpretation. In the study tems “see” the buried ice-marginal deposits as 2D or area the apparent resistivity images give only qualita- 3D targets, and any kind of 1D interpretation does not tive estimates of the ground resistivity, but the spatial necessarily give reasonable results. Interpretation by pattern is more important. Estimation of the apparent 2D or 3D modelling or even inversion would be resistivity and depth for both frequencies is based on possible but nowadays still time-consuming. The 2D/ the model of the 1D homogeneous half-space. In this 3D interpretation will give information about the ge- case the buried deposit could be delineated well even ometry. Could we interpret the cause of the thickness with the low frequency in-phase component. Also the variation? Is it caused by a buried deposit or by a in-phase/quadrature response ratio could be used here variation in bedrock topography? We have briefly (Puranen et al.1999a, 1999b). modelled these cases using the program Arjuna_Air Nevertheless, we can obtain more quantitative (Chen & Raiche 1998). It calculates EM responses of results from this two-frequency AEM data. If the a coil system caused by a 2D structure. If the resistiv- calibration and levelling is done properly, we can ity of the covering sediments is less than 10 Nm and assume, for example, that calculated apparent resis- the thickness is several meters, the formation resistiv- tivity values are related to each other in a rigorous ity can be 3000 or 300 Nm without any significant way. These maps serve as a starting point to qualita- differences in measured responses. If the resistivity of tive interpretation. Here we presented results from a the covering sediments increases, the possibility to smooth, regularized 1D inversion. We expected that define the resistivity of the underlying body with the the resistivity values smoothly decrease from surface

74 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Survey of a buried ice-marginal deposit by airborne EM measurements – A case ... to deeper parts of the sedimentary bed, but the Conclusions inverted vertical resistivity sections can be even too smooth. The prior knowledge of the in-situ resistivity Our results demonstrate that AEM-measurements and resistivity structure (e.g. Fig. 4) has not been are applicable to mapping of glaciofluvial and ice- taken into account. We should constrain the inversion marginal deposits beneath a lacustrine or glacilacustrine results with that prior information too. sediment layer in the study area in Kyrönjoki river We were able to interpret variations in resistivity valley. Interpretations of AEM-results in the study and thickness of the low-resistivity sediments from the area are favoured by the relatively low resistivity of airborne data. The estimation of the resistivity struc- fine-grained Litorina sediments compared to underly- ture of the material that lays under the clay is a more ing till, glaciofluvial sand and gravel units with higher difficult task and it is essential to have ground-refer- resistivity values. Furthermore, AEM measurements ence data. Also the ground EM measurements help show great potential as a mapping tool for glaciofluvial the interpretation of AEM data. deposits or associated ice-marginal complexes cov- ered by fine-grained lacustrine and glacilacustrine sediments in Ostrobothnia and in other similar locali- ties.


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75 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

76 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002


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77 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

Backman, Birgitta; Väisänen, Ulpu 2001. Pohjaveden Norway project on eco-geochemical mapping in the Barents laadun seuranta. In: Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka-Niemi, K. region in 1999-2003. In: Metals in the environment : II (eds.) Kirjoituksia pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristögeologian International conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 23- päivät, Turku, 13.-14.3.2000. Turku: Turun yliopiston 26, 2001 : book of abstracts. Vilnius: Institute of Geology : geologian laitos, 123-128. Lithuanian Metalecology Society, 31-32. Backman, B.; Lahermo, P. 2002. Nitrates in groundwater Breilin, Olli; Hyvärinen, Jari; Pihlaja, Jouni 2002. in Finland. In: IAH Euromeeting 2002 : nitrate in ground- High natural heavy metal concentrations of sand and gravel waters in Europe, June 4-7, 2002, Wisla, Poland : abstracts. aggregates in Joensuu region in eastern Finland. In: 9th Warszawa: Polish Geological Institute, 4. Nordic Aggregate Research Conference, 12-14 September, Banham, P. H.; Gibbard, P. L.; Lunkka, J. P.; Parfitt, S. 2002, Reykjavik, Iceland. Reykjavik: Nordiska Sten- och A.; Preece, R. C.; Turner, C. 2001. A critical assessment of Grusindustriförbundet (NSG), 4 p. ‘a new glacial stratigraphy for eastern England’. Quaternary Bruno, J.; Arcos, D.; Cera, E.; Duro, L.; Jordana, S.; Rollin, Newsletter (93), 5-14. C.; Gimeno, M. J.; Pérez del Villar, L.; Peña, J.; Ahonen, L.; Barkov, Andrei Y.; Martin, Robert F.; Halkoaho, Tapio Luukkonen, A.; Kaija, J. 2002. Testing trace element

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78 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 uranium deposit. In: Maravic, H. von & Alexander, W. R. Elo, Seppo 2001. Risto Puranen 1945-2001. Geologi 53 (eds.) Eighth EC Natural Analogue Working Group Meeting : (3), 55-56. proceedings of an international workshop held in Strasbourg, Elo, Seppo; Vanhala, Heikki 2001. Geofysiikan uudet France from 23 to 25 March 1999. Luxembourg: Office for ympäristösovellukset. Abstract: Environmental geophysics Official Publications of the European Communities, 183-200. in the GTK. In: Idman, H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä Downes, H.; Peltonen, P.; Mänttäri, I.; Sharkov, E. V. kehitys - tutkimuksen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : GTK- 2002. Proterozoic zircon ages from lower crustal granulite SYKE -tutkimusseminaari 12.9.2001. Geologian tutki- xenoliths, Kola Peninsula, Russia : evidence for crustal muskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, 86-94. growth and reworking. Journal of the Geological Society 159 Gaál, Gabor 2001. Geological surveys and geoscience (5), 485-488. mapping in the beginning of 2000. In: Haldar, D. & Behera, U. Eerola, Toni; Kärkkäinen, Niilo 2001. Magmatic struct- K. (eds.) International seminar on the role of geological ures in the lower Proterozoic orogenic Mäntsälä mafic- surveys in the 21st century, March 5-6, 2001, Kolkata, India ultramafic intrusions, southern Finland. In: EUG XI. : abstracts and brief history of other geological surveys. European Union of Geosciences, April 8th - 12th, 2001, Kolkata: Geological Survey of India, 11. Strasbourg, France : abstract volume. Strasbourg: European Gaál, Gabor; Hänninen, Pekka; Lahti, Mari (ed.); Union of Geosciences, 810. Schmidt-Thomé, Philipp; Sulkanen, Kalevi; Vanhala, Eerola, Toni; Törnroos, Ragnar; Lallukka, Heli; Kärk- Heikki; Buckup, Klaus; Sideris, George; Zervos, Fragiskos; käinen, Niilo; Valli, Tuire; Elo, Seppo; Tiainen, Mark- Stoll, Rolf; Viehweg, Michael; Boom, Hugo de 2001. AERA : ku 2001. The Svecofennian layered mafic-ultramafic intrus- assessment of environmental risks by airborne geophysical ions in Mäntsälä, southern Finland. In: Autio, S. (ed.) techniques validated by geophysical field measurements : Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 1999-2000. final report. Luxembourg: European Commission. 204 p. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, 17-23. Gangopadhyay, Amitava; Walker, Richard J.; Hanski, Ehlers, Carl; Skiöld, Torbjörn; Vaasjoki, Matti 2002. Eero 2002. A chondritic initial Os-187/Os-188 for komatiites New age constraints on the Svecofennian collissional devel- from the Finnish Lapland. In: AGU 2002 Spring Meeting, opment in SW Finland. In: Jónsson, S. S. (ed.) The 25th 28-31 May 2002, Washington, D.C. Eos, Transactions, Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 6th - 9th, 2002, American Geophysical Union. Supplement 83 (19), S375- Reykjavík, Iceland : abstract volume. Reykjavík: Geoscience 376. Society of Iceland, 28. Gangopadhyay, Amitava; Walker, Richard J.; Hanski, Eilu, P.; Groves, D. I. 2001. Primary geochemical disper- Eero 2002. A comparative Os isotopic study of Al-undepl- sion haloes around Archaean orogenic gold deposits in the eted komatiites from the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and Ti- Yilgarn Craton. In: Cassidy, K. F., Dunphy, J. M. & Van enriched komatiites from the Finnish Lapland. In: AGU 2002 Kranendonk, M. J. (eds.) 4th International Archaean Fall Meeting, 6-10 December 2002, San Francisco, California. Symposium, 24-28 September 2001, Perth, Western Australia Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. Supplem- : extended abstracts. AGSO - Geoscience Australia, Record ent 83 (47), F1412-1413. 2001/37, 385-387. Gervilla, Fernando; Kojonen, Kari 2002. The platinum- Eilu, Pasi 2002. Iron oxide-Cu-Au deposits in Finland. In: group minerals in the upper section of the Keivitsansarvi Ni- Cook, N. J. (ed.) Metallogeny of Precambrian shields, Kyiv, Cu-PGE deposit, northern Finland. The Canadian Mineral- Ukraine, September 13-26, 2002 : the abstracts. Kyiv: ogist 40 (2), 377-394. Ukrainian State Geological Survey : Ukrainian National Gey, Valery; Saarnisto, Matti; Lunkka, Juha Pekka; Academy of Sciences, 51. Demidov, Igor 2001. Mikulino and Valdai palaeoenviron- Elliott, Brent A.; Peck, William H.; Rämö, O. Tapani; ments in the Vologda area, NW Russia. In: Thiede, J. ... [et Vaasjoki, Matti; Valley, John W. 2001. Reconstruction of al.] (eds.) The Late Quaternary stratigraphy and environ- terrane boundaries in the Finnish Svecofennian : oxygen ments of northern Eurasia and the adjacent Arctic seas - new isotopes from zircon. In: Boston 2001 : a geo-odyssey, contributions from QUEEN : selected papers from the annual November 1-10, 2001 : GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition QUEEN workshops held in Øystese, Norway, April 1999, abstracts. Geological Society of America. Abstracts with and in Lund, Sweden, April 2000. Global and Planetary Programs 33 (6), A264-A265. Change 31 (1-4), 347-366. Elming, S.-Å.; Pesonen, L. J.; Mertanen, S. 2001. Rodinia Gidhagen, L.; Kahelin, H.; Schmidt-Thomé, P.; Johans- and pre-Rodinia continental assemblies during the Protero- son, C. 2002. Anthropogenic and natural levels of arsenic in zoic - a palaeomagnetic reconstruction. In: Daly, J. S. & PM10 in central and northern Chile. Atmospheric Environ- Bogdanova, S. (eds.) EUROPROBE Precambrian time-slice ment 36 (23), 3803-3817. symposium : abstracts of a joint meeting of the EURO- Gillot, F.; Righi, D.; Räisänen, M. L. 2001. Layer-charge BRIDGE and SVEKALAPKO projects on “Archaean and evaluation of expandable clays from a chronosequence of Proterozoic plate tectonics : geological and geophysical podzols in Finland using an alkylammonium method. Clay records”, November 1-3, 2001, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Minerals 36 (4), 571-584. Russia. St. Petersburg: VSEGEI, 20. Gornostayev, Stanislav S.; Hanski, Eero J.; Laajoki, Elo, S.; Zhdanova, L.; Chepik, A.; Pesonen, L. J.; Philip- Kauko V. O.; Popovchenko, Sergiy E.; Kornienko, Peter K. pov, N.; Shelemotov, A. 2000. Comparative geophysical 2002. New data on mineralogy of the Kapitanovskoe chrom- description and modelling of Lappajärvi and Jänisjärvi ite deposit, Ukrainian Shield. In: Cook, N. J. (ed.) Metal- impact structures, Fennoscandian Shield. In: Plado, J. & logeny of Precambrian shields, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 13- Pesonen, L. J. (eds.) Meteorite impacts in Precambrian 26, 2002 : the abstracts. Kyiv: Ukrainian State Geological shields, May 24-28, 2000, Lappajärvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääks- Survey : Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, 58. järvi, Finland : programme and abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Grönlund, Tuulikki; Kauppila, Tommi 2002. Holocene Geological Survey of Finland : University of Helsinki, 35. history of Lake Soldatskoje (Kola Peninsula, Russia) inferred Elo, Seppo 2001. Gravimetriset tutkimukset Eurajoella ja from sedimentary diatom assemblages. Boreas 31 (3), 273- Olkiluodossa vuonna 2000. Abstract: Gravimetric investig- 284. ations in Eurajoki and Olkiluoto, 2000. Posiva. Työraportti Groves, David I. (ed.); Eilu, Pasi (ed.); Goldfarb, Richard 2001-05. 5 p. + 17 app. J. (ed.) 2001. 4th International Archaean Symposium, 24-28

79 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

September 2001, Perth, Western Australia : Workshop WS1 Balykin, P. A.; Tran, T. H.; Ngo, T. P. 2002. Permian- : Orogenic lode-gold deposits : nature, global distribution, Triassic komatiites and their Os isotopic characteristics in tectonic setting, genesis, wallrock alteration, and computer northwestern Vietnam. In: Abstracts of the 12th Annual V. based exploration. Perth: Geoconferences. 224 p. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, August Groves, D. I. (comp.); Eilu, P. (ed.) 2002. Metallogeny of 18-23, 2002. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (15A), Precambrian shields : orogenic gold workshop : nature, global A309. distribution, tectonic setting, genesis, wallrock alteration, and Hanski, Eero 2002. Vikajärvi. Suomen geologinen kartta computer-based exploration, Kiev, Ukraine, 17 September 1:100 000 : kallioperäkartta lehti 3614. 2002 [Electronic resource]. 224 p. Optical disc (CD-ROM). Hatakka, Tarja; Lahermo, Pertti; Tarvainen, Timo Gustafsson, Juhani (ed.); Innamaa, Matti; Vänskä, Matti; 2001. Pohjaveden laatu haja-asutusalueilla - valtakunnallisen Fagerlund, Pertti; Heino, Mikko; Haume, Esko; Jokinen, kaivovesikartoituksen tuloksia. Ympäristö ja Terveys 32 (4), Pekka; Kasari, Teuvo; Koski, Heikki; Kurkinen, Ilpo; 41-46. Lyytikäinen, Ari; Sipilä, Pekka 2001. Pohjavesien suojelun Hatakka, Tarja; Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, Kirsti 2001. ja kiviaineshuollon yhteensovittaminen - Pirkanmaan The quality of groundwater in black shale areas in Finland. loppuraportti. Abstract: The adjustment of groundwater In: Metals in the environment : II International conference, protection with aggregate service - final report from Pirkan- Vilnius, Lithuania, September 23-26, 2001 : book of abstracts. maa region. Alueelliset ympäristöjulkaisut 228. 126 p. Vilnius: Institute of Geology : Lithuanian Metalecology Gustavsson, N.; Bølviken, B.; Smith, D. B.; Severson, R. Society, 56-57. C. 2001. Geochemical landscapes of the conterminous United Heikkinen, Päivi M. 2002. Characterization of weather- States - new map presentations for 22 elements. U.S. ing and contamination potential of nickel sulfide mine Geological Survey Professional Paper 1648. 38 p. tailings, Hitura, western Finland. In: Science at the highest Gustavsson, Nils; Kahelin, Hanna; Kurttio, Päivi; level, Denver 2002 : GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, Salonen, Laina 2001. Alkuainepitoisuudet ja radioaktiivisuus October 27-30, 2002. Geological Society of America. suomalaisissa porakaivovesissä. Abstract (p. 49): Elemental Abstracts with Programs 34 (6), 415. concentrations and radioactivity in Finnish drilled well Heikkinen, P. M.; Korkka-Niemi, K.; Lahti, M.; Salonen, waters. Vesitalous 42 (1), 32-39. V.-P. 2002. Groundwater and surface water contamination in Haavisto-Hyvärinen, Maija; Grönholm, Sari; Kielos- the area of the Hitura nickel mine, western Finland. Environ- to, Sakari; Stén, Carl-Göran 2001. Nuuksion järviylänkö mental Geology 42 (4), 313-329. = Noux sjöplatå = Nuuksio Lake Upland : geologinen Hillebrand, Kari; Korpi, Juha; Virtanen, Kimmo 2002. retkeilykartta = geologisk friluftskarta = geological outdoor Suopeltojen turpeen nopea tuotantoteknologia. Abstract: map 1:25 000. Espoo: Geologian tutkimuskeskus. 1 map + Rapid peat production technology for agricultural peatlands. guidebook (48 p.) VTT Energian raportteja 31/2001. 22 p. + app. Halkoaho, Tapio; Luukkonen, Erkki 2000. GTK löysi Hölttä, Pentti; Huhma, Hannu; Mänttäri, Irmeli; uuden nikkelimineralisaation Suomussalmelta. Vuoriteol- Paavola, Jorma 2000. P-T-t development of Archaean lisuus 58 (1), 22-26. granulites in Varpaisjärvi, central Finland. II. Dating of high- Halmemies, Sakari; Nenonen, Keijo; Tuhkanen, Tuula grade metamorphism with the U-Pb and Sm-Nd methods. 2001. Development of chemical response methods for fire Lithos 50 (1-3), 121-136. and rescue services. In: Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Hölttä, Pentti; Paavola, Jorma 2000. P-T-t development Finland, Current Research 1999-2000. Geological Survey of of Archaean granulites in Varpaisjärvi, central Finland. I. Finland. Special Paper 31, 131-139. Effects of multiple metamorphism on the reaction history of Hänninen, Pekka 2000. Pintamaan dielektrisyys ja johta- mafic rocks. Lithos 50 (1-3), 97-120. vuus. Abstract: The dielectric coefficient and conductivity of Hölttä, Pentti 2001. Glaukofaaninmetsästystä Sallassa ja subsoil. In: Maatutkarengas ry:n 10-vuotisjuhlaseminaari vähän muuallakin. Geologi 53 (1), 9-11. 15.-16.02.2000, Kuopio. Kuopio: Maatutkarengas ry, 123- Hölttä, Pentti; Karhu, Juha 2001. Oxygen and carbon 134. isotope compositions of carbonates in the alteration zones of Hänninen, Pekka 2001. Dielektrisyys kertoo lumen vesi- orogenic gold deposits in central Finnish Lapland. In: Autio, arvon ja sulamisherkkyyden. Abstract (p. 49): Dielectric S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research properties reveal the water equivalent and melting suscept- 1999-2000. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, ibility of snow. Vesitalous 42 (1), 6-12. 25-29. Hanski, Eero 2001. History of stratigraphical research in Hölttä, P.; Mänttäri, I. 2001. Evolution of the western- northern Finland. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric age most part of the Archaean Karelian craton in the light of the determinations from Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the ion microprobe datings. In: Daly, J. S. & Bogdanova, S. timing of Precambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. (eds.) EUROPROBE Precambrian time-slice symposium : Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 33, 15-43. abstracts of a joint meeting of the EUROBRIDGE and Hanski, E.; Huhma, H.; Rastas, P.; Kamenetsky, V. S. SVEKALAPKO projects on “Archaean and Proterozoic 2001. The Palaeoproterozoic komatiite-picrite association of plate tectonics : geological and geophysical records”, Finnish Lapland. Journal of Petrology 42 (5), 855-876. November 1-3, 2001, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Hanski, Eero; Huhma, Hannu; Vaasjoki, Matti 2001. Petersburg: VSEGEI, 23. Geochronology of northern Finland : a summary and discus- Hubberten, H. W.; Siegert, C.; Alexanderson, H.; Andreev sion. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric age determinations A.; Astakhov, V. I.; Demidov, I.; Dowdeswell, J. A.; from Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing of Gataullin, V.; Henriksen, M.; Hjort, C.; Houmark-Nielsen, Precambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological M.; Jakobsson, M.; Kjær, K.; Larsen, E.; Lunkka, J. P.; Survey of Finland. Special Paper 33, 255-279. Lyså, A.; Mangerud, J.; Maslenikova, O.; Matioushkov, A.; Hanski, E.; Walker, R. J.; Huhma, H.; Suominen, I. 2001. Möller, P.; Paus, A.; Raab, A.; Saarnisto, M.; Schirrmeister, The Os and Nd isotopic systematics of c. 2.44 Ga Akanvaara L.; Siegert, M. J.; Svendsen, J. I.; Wischer, F. 2001. The and Koitelainen mafic layered intrusions in northern Finland. climate and periglacial environment in northern Eurasia Precambrian Research 109 (1-2), 73-102. during the last glaciation (LGM). In: Ice Sheets and Climate Hanski, E.; Walker, R. J.; Polyakov, G. V.; Glotov, A. I.; in the Eurasian Arctic at the Last Glacial Maximum -

80 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

Eurasian Ice Sheets : final report 1998-2000. Part B: Final Estonia. GFF 124 (2), 65-72. scientific report. Luxembourg: European Comunity, 211-248. Johansson, Carl Erik (ed.); Alapassi, Markus; Andersen, Huhma, Hannu; Mutanen, Tapani 2002. Oldest rocks Steen; Erikstad, Lars; Geirsson, Kristján; Jansson, Annika; of the Fennoscandian Shield in the Pudasjärvi granulite belt. Suominen, Veli 2001. Geodiversitet i nordisk naturvård. In: Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian tutkijapäivät 13.- Nord 2000:8. 149 p. 14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, osallistujat. Johansson, C. E.; Alapassi, M.; Andersen, S.; Erikstad, L.; Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu, 22-23. Geirsson, K.; Jansson, A.; Suominen, V. 2001. Geo- Huitti, Tuula; Hakanen, Martti; Lindberg, Antero 2001. diversity in Nordic nature conservation. In: Markots, A. & Cesiumin sorptio Olkiluodon kiillegneissiin ja granodioriittiin Stinkulis, G. (eds.) ProGEO Working Group Nr. 3 meeting in jatkuvassa Cs-altistuksessa : kokeiden käynnistäminen ja Latvia, Riga, May 24-27, 2001. Riga: University of Latvia, tulokset vuonna 2000 tehdyistä kokeista. Abstract: Sorption 20-21. of cesium on Olkiluoto mica gneiss and granodiorite during Johansson, Carl Erik; Geirsson, Kristján; Erikstad, Lars; continuous Cs-exposure : starting up the experiments and the Andersen , Steen; Alapassi, Markus; Suominen, Veli; results of the experiments conducted during the year 2000. Jansson, Annika 2002. Geodiversity in Nordic nature conserv- Posiva. Työraportti 2001-22. 53 p. ation. In: Jónsson, S. S. (ed.) The 25th Nordic Geological Hukka, Juho 2001. Granaattiryhmä. Vuoriteollisuus 59 Winter Meeting, January 6th - 9th, 2002, Reykjavík, Iceland (3), 52-53. : abstract volume. Reykjavík: Geoscience Society of Iceland, Hukka, Juho 2001. Hematiitti. Vuoriteollisuus 59 (2), 52. 93. Hukka, Juho 2001. Kyaniitti ja muut alumiinisilikaatit. Johansson, Peter 2001. Subglacial, subaerial and marginal Vuoriteollisuus 59 (4), 54-55. hydrography in the Pakasaivo area, western Finnish Lapland. Hukka, Juho 2001. Oliviini. Vuoriteollisuus 59 (1), 51. In: 6th International Drumlin Symposium, June 17-23, 2001, Hukka, Juho 2002. Kalsiitti. Vuoriteollisuus 60 (4), 54- Torun, Poland : abstracts of papers and posters. Torun: 55. Nicholas Copernicus University, 15-16. Hukka, Juho 2002. Korundi. Vuoriteollisuus 60 (3), 54- Johansson, Peter 2002. Geomorfologisia muodostumia. 55. In: Sihvo, J. (author) Ylä-Lapin luonnonhoitoalueen ja Urho Hukka, Juho 2002. Rikkikiisu eli pyriitti. Vuoriteollisuus Kekkosen kansallispuiston luontokartoitus : loppuraportti 60 (2), 63-64. osa 2: Ylä-Lapin luontotyypit. Metsähallituksen luonnon- Hukka, Juho 2002. Talkki. Vuoriteollisuus 60 (1), 44-45. suojelujulkaisuja. Sarja A 137, 77-81 + app. 23. Idman, Hannu (ed.); Rönkä, Esa (ed.) 2001. Kestävä Johansson, Peter 2002. Pakasaivo - luonnon kummajainen kehitys - tutkimuksen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : GTK- ja haltijoiden koti. Raito 20 (1), 12-15. SYKE -tutkimusseminaari 12.09.2001. Geologian tutki- Johansson, Peter; Nenonen, Jari 2002. Geological out- muskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153. 94 p. door recreation maps of the gold-digging districts in Lapland. Ikonen, Liisa; Ekman, Ilpo 2001. Biostratigraphy of the In: Jónsson, S. S. (ed.) The 25th Nordic Geological Winter Mikulino interglacial sediments in NW Russia : the Petro- Meeting, January 6th - 9th, 2002, Reykjavík, Iceland : zavodsk site and a literature review. Annales Academiae abstract volume. Reykjavík: Geoscience Society of Iceland, Scientiarum Fennicae. Geologica - Geographica 161. 88 p. 94. Iljina, M. J.; Karinen, T. T.; Räsänen, J. E. 2001. The Johansson, Peter; Nenonen, Jari; Hirvasniemi, Han- Koillismaa Layered Igneous Complex : general geology, nu; Valkama, Jorma; Bister, Tuomo; Tranberg, Janne; structural development and related sulphide and platinum- Manninen, Tuomo 2002. Lemmenjoki : geologinen retkeily- group element mineralization. In: Piestrzynski, A. ... [et al.] kartta = geological outdoor map 1:50 000. Rovaniemi: (eds.) Mineral deposits at the beginning of the 21st century : Geologian tutkimuskeskus. 1 map + guidebook (47 p.) proceedings of the joint Sixth Biennial SGA-SEG Meeting, Johansson, Peter; Perttunen, Vesa 2002. Geologia. In: Kraków, Poland, 26-29 August 2001. Lisse: A. A. Balkema, Kajala, L. (ed.) Tarvantovaaran erämaa-alueen ja Lätäsenon- 649-652. Hietajoen soidensuojelualueen luonto ja käyttö. Metsä- Iljina, M.; Hanski, E. 2002. Multimillion-ounce PGE hallituksen luonnonsuojelujulkaisuja. Sarja A 140, 18-29. deposits of the Portimo Layered Igneous Complex, Finland. Jokinen, Jarkko; Jakobsson, Kai 2002. Focused model- In: Boudreau, A. (ed.) 9th International Platinum Sympo- ling of bedrock fracture zones in Olkiluoto. Geologian tutki- sium, 21-25 July, 2002, Billings, Montana, USA : extended muskeskus. Ydinjätteiden sijoitustutkimukset. Tiedonanto abstracts. Billings, MT: Duke University, 193-196. YST-111. 24 p. + 11 app. Isosaari, Pirjo; Pajunen, Hannu; Vartiainen, Terttu 2002. Jokinen, J.; Kukkonen, I. T. 2000. Inverse Monte Carlo PCDD/F and PCB history in dated sediments of a rural lake. simulation of the lithospheric thermal regime in the Fenno- Chemosphere 47 (6), 575-583. scandian Shield using xenolith-derived mantle temperatures. Jarva, Jaana; Palmu, Jukka-Pekka; Vuokko, Jouko; Journal of Geodynamics 29 (1-2), 71-85. Raittinen, Hannu; Lampela, Harri 2001. A procedure to Juopperi, Heikki; Vaasjoki, Matti 2001. U-Pb mineral investigate the land use potential of bedrock areas, an age determinations from Archean rocks in eastern Lapland. example from the Hämeenlinna-Riihimäki region. In: Autio, S. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric age determinations from (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 1999- Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing of Pre- 2000. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, 77- cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological Survey 83. of Finland. Special Paper 33, 209-227. Järvinen, Leena 2001. Fluoridia esiintyy etenkin rapa- Juvonen, Riitta 2001. Katsaus atomiabsorptiotekniik- kivialueiden pohja- ja pintavesissä. TUTKI 11 (1), 4-5. kaan. Laborantti 38 (3), 6-8. Jõeleht, Argo; Kirsimäe, Kalle; Shogenova, Alla; Sliaupa, Juvonen, R.; Lakomaa, T.; Soikkeli, L. 2002. Determin- Saulius; Kukkonen, Ilmo T.; Rasteniene, Vita; Zabele, ation of gold and the platinum group elements in geological Angelina 2002. Thermal conductivity of Cambrian silici- samples by ICP-MS after nickel sulphide fire assay : dif- clastic rocks from the Baltic basin. Proceedings of the ficulties encountered with different types of geological Estonian Academy of Sciences. Geology 51 (1), 5-15. samples. Talanta 58 (3), 595-603. Jõeleht, Argo; Kukkonen, Ilmo T. 2002. Physical Kaakinen, Anu; Lunkka, Juha Pekka 2001. Fluvial palaeo- properties of Vendian to Devonian sedimentary rocks in environments of the late Miocene Bahe Formation, Lantian

81 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 area, Shaanxi, China. In: Wortmann, U. G. & Funk, H. (eds.) Wrangel Island in the Beringian region, Russia. In: EUG XI. IAS 2001 : International Association of Sedimen-tologists European Union of Geosciences, April 8th - 12th, 2001, 21st Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, 3-5 September 2001 : Strasbourg, France : abstract volume. Strasbourg: European abstracts & programme. Davos: International Association of Union of Geosciences, 213. Sedimentologists, 156. Kärkkäinen, N. 2001. Gabbro hosted ilmenite deposits in Kaakinen, Anu; Lunkka, Juha Pekka 2002. Lithostrati- Finland. In: Korneliussen, A. (ed.) Abstracts - GEODE field graphy of the late Miocene Bahe Formation, Lantian area, workshop 8-12th July 2001 on ilmenite deposits in the Shaanxi, China. In: Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian Rogaland anorthosite province, S. Norway. NGU Report tutkijapäivät 13.-14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, 2001.042, 66-70. osallistujat. Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkija- Kärkkäinen, Niilo; Sarapää, Olli 2002. Kälviän-Hal- koulu, 48. suan ilmeniittiesiintymät. Vuoriteollisuus 60 (4), 33-37. Kaipiainen-Seppänen, O.; Aho, K.; Nikkarinen, M. Kauppila, Tommi; Valpola, Samu 2001. Puujärven 2001. Regional differences in the incidence of rheumatoid sedimenttitutkimus. Puujärvi-tiedote 2001, 5-6. arthritis in Finland in 1995. Annals of the Rheumatic Kauppila, Tommi 2002. Kvantitatiivisten paleoekologis- Diseases 60 (2), 128-132. ten ravinnemallien käyttömahdollisuudet järvien tutki- Kaivola, Titta-Miia 2001. Asbestos fibres in soil samp- misessa. In: Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian tutkijapäivät les. Nordiska föreningen för lerforskning. Meddelande (13), 13.-14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, osallistujat. 23. Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu, 14-15. Kaivola, T.-M.; Lindqvist, K. 2001. Asbestos fibres in Kauppila, Tommi 2002. Lake eutrophication studies in soil samples. In: Mid-European clay conference ’01, southern Finland employing diatom-based total phosphorus September 9-14, 2001, Stará Lesná, Slovakia : book of inference models and sedimentary phosphorus fraction- abstracts. Bratislava: National Clay Groups of Croatia, ations. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Sarja A. II. Biologica- Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, 67. Geographica-Geologica 156. 104 p. Kallinen, Riitta-Liisa; Luukkanen, Ari; Virtanen, Kauppila, Tommi; Moisio, Teppo; Salonen, Veli-Pekka Kimmo; Lehto, Olli 2001. Sod peat as insulating material 2002. A diatom-based inference model for autumn epilimnetic preventing frost heaving in road structures. In: Ecological use total phosphorus concentration and its application to a of peat, Caithness, Scotland, 21-24 September 2001 : presently eutrophic boreal lake. Journal of Paleolimnology conference proceedings. Thurso: Environmental Research 27 ( 2), 261-273. Institute, 22-26. Kauppila, Tommi; Moisio, Teppo; Salonen, Veli-Pekka Kallinen, Riitta-Liisa; Luukkanen, Ari; Virtanen, 2002. Diatom-inferred increase in limnetic phosphorus Kimmo 2001. Mapping of peat types and choosing of the concentration and the associated changes in sedimentary sampling fields in peat production areas in Finland. In: phosphorus fractions in Valkjärvi, a lake in Kärkölä, Finland. Ecological use of peat, Caithness, Scotland, 21-24 September Boreal Environment Research 7 (1), 27-40. 2001 : conference proceedings. Thurso: Environmental Kauppila, Tommi; Tiljander, Mia; Uusitalo, Risto; Research Institute, 27-31. Alenius, Teija; Saarnisto, Matti 2002. Sediment evidence Kananoja, Tapio 2001. Kallioperän suojelu- ja opetus- of limnological and environmental changes at Lake Korttajärvi kohteita Keski-Suomessa. Abstract: Sites for geological between AD 520 and 1874 with special regard of the protection and education in central Finland. Suomen ympäris- Medieval climate anomaly. In: Science at the highest level, tö 511. 124 p. Denver 2002 : GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition, October Karhu, Juha 2000. Kasvihuoneilmiö ja ilmastonmuutos. 27-30, 2002. Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Summary: Greenhouse effect and climate change. Vuori- Programs 34 (6), 202. teollisuus 58 (1), 30-34. Kejonen, Aimo 2001. Kiikkuvia lohkareita eri puolilta Karhu, Juha 2001. Hapen ja vedyn isotooppivaihtelut Suomea. Geologi 53 (8), 138-142. meteorisissa vesissä : Suomen pintavedet ja matalat pohja- Kejonen, Aimo 2001. Maailman seitsemän geologista vedet. In: Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka-Niemi, K. (eds.) Kirjoi- ihmettä - miten olisi Suomessa? Geologi 53 (6), 98-100. tuksia pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristögeologian päivät, Turku, Kejonen, Aimo 2001. Salamaniskun vaikutus maaperään 13.-14.3.2000. Turku: Turun yliopiston geologian laitos, 35- Karttulan Riuttasjärvellä. Summary: The impact of the 41. lightning strike on the soil near Lake Riuttasjärvi, Karttula, Karhu, Juha A.; Mänttäri, Irmeli; Huhma, Hannu Finland. Geologi 53 (2), 23-27. 2001. Radiometric ages and isotope systematics of some Kejonen, Aimo 2001. Suomen suurin siirtolohkare ja Finnish carbonatites. In: Gehör, S., Wall, F. & Liferovich, R. isoista siirtolohkareista yleensä. Geologi 53 (1), 3-8. (eds.) Formation, exploration and exploitation of economic Kejonen, Aimo; Särkkä, Jukka; Juberthie, Christian 2001. deposits associated with mantle carbon : EuroCarb Finland Finland. In: Juberthie, C. & Decu, V. (eds.) Encyclopaedia Workshop, 14-20 September 2001 : programme and biospeologica. Tome 3. Moulis: Société internationale de abstracts. Res Terrae. Ser. A 19, 8. Biospéologie, 1427-1435. Karhu, Juha A.; Tschudi, Silvio; Saarnisto, Matti; Kejonen, Aimo 2002. Geologien elämänviisauksia. Kubik, Peter; Schlüchter, Christian 2001. Constraints for the Geologi 54 (6), 100-101. latest glacial advance on Wrangel Island, Arctic Ocean, from Kejonen, Aimo 2002. Kilotonnin lohkare ja tuhannen rock surface exposure dating. In: Thiede, J. ... [et al.] (eds.) taalan pannullinen - kulttuurieroista malmien arvioinnissa ja The Late Quaternary stratigraphy and environments of kullankaivun kannattavuudessa. Geologi 54 (4-5), 79-83. northern Eurasia and the adjacent Arctic seas - new contrib- Kejonen, Aimo 2002. Tuhannen luolan maa. Suomen utions from QUEEN : selected papers from the annual Luonto 61 (11), 24-28. QUEEN workshops held in Øystese, Norway, April 1999, Kejonen, Aimo; Huttunen, Timo 2002. Siilinjärven and in Lund, Sweden, April 2000. Global and Planetary maaperän kehitys. In: Kipsivuoren juurella : Siilinjärven Change 31 (1-4), 447-451. luonnon vaiheita. Savon Luonto 28, 28-31. Karhu, Juha A.; Tschudi, Silvio; Vartanyan, Sergey; Kejonen, Eetu; Kejonen, Aimo 2001. Kivimessujen pienet Kubik, Peter W.; Saarnisto, Matti 2001. Implications of ja suuret menestyjät - esimerkkeinä Lahti ja Outokumpu. rock surface exposure ages for the latest glacial advance on Geologi 53 (7), 124-125.

82 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

King, F.; Ahonen, L.; Taxén, C.; Vuorinen, U.; Werme, L. Layered Igneous Complex, northeastern Finland. In: Piestrz- 2001. Copper corrosion under expected conditions in a deep ynski, A. ... [et al.] (eds.) Mineral deposits at the beginning geologic repository. SKB Technical Report TR-01-23. 176 p. of the 21st century : proceedings of the joint Sixth Biennial King, Fraser; Ahonen, Lasse; Taxén, Claes; Vuorinen, SGA-SEG Meeting, Kraków, Poland, 26-29 August 2001. Ulla; Werme, Lars 2002. Copper corrosion under expected Lisse: A. A. Balkema, 653-656. conditions in a deep geologic repository. Tiivistelmä: Korhola, A.; Birks, H. J. B.; Olander, H.; Blom, T. 2001. Kuparin korroosio odotettavissa olevissa olosuhteissa syvällä Chironomids, temperature and numerical models : a reply to kallioperässä sijaitsevassa loppusijoitustilassa. Posiva- Seppälä. The Holocene 11 (5), 615-622. raportti 2002-01. 184 p. Korhola, Atte; Vasko, Kari; Toivonen, Hannu T. T.; Kinnunen, Kari A. 2001. Photographic interpretation of Olander, Heikki 2002. Holocene temperature changes in morphology and surface textures of diamond crystals from northern Fennoscandia reconstructed from chironomids using Kaavi kimberlite province in Finland. In: Autio, S. (ed.) Bayesian modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews 21 (16-17), Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 1999-2000. 1841-1860. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, 41-46. Korhonen, Juha V. 2001. Compilation of potential field Kinnunen, Kari A. 2002. Erään kultahipun tarina. anomaly maps of the Fennoscandian Shield and their cor- Vuoriteollisuus 60 (4), 55-56. relation with petrophysical characteristics of the bedrock. In: Kinnunen, Kari A. 2002. Kotimaisen timantin geologiaa. Analytical representation of potential field anomalies for Kello & Kulta (5), 10-14. Europe (AROPA Workshop), “Institute d’Europe”, Luxem- Kinnunen, Kari A. 2002. Lapin toiseksi suurimman bourg, 23-27 October 2001 : abstracts. Luxembourg: Europ- platinahipun (1,6 g) tutkimus näytettä tuhoamattomilla ean Center for Geodynamics and Seismology (ECGS), 34 . menetelmillä. Kultaklubin uutiset (3-4/2002), 11-20. Korhonen, Juha V.; Zhdanova, Ludmila; Chepik, Anatoli; Kinnunen, Kari A. 2002. Neljännesvuosisata kotimaisia Zuikova, Julia; Sazonov, Kiril; Säävuori, Heikki 2001. The arvokivilöytöjä. In: Herrala, R. (ed.) 25 vuotta jalokivi- magnetic anomaly maps of central Finland - Russian Karelia harrastusta Suomessa. Helsinki: Suomen jalokiviharrastajain and North Finland - Kola 1 : 1,000,000. In: Autio, S. (ed.) yhdistys, 36-58. Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 1999-2000. Kinnunen, Kari A. 2002. Spektroliittituotteet vuonna Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, 117-121. 2000. Kivi 20 (1), 8-15. Korhonen, Juha V. (comp.); Zhdanova, Ludmila (comp.); Kinnunen, Kari A. 2002. Suomalaisiin koruihin suoma- Chepik, Anatoly (comp. ); Säävuori, Heikki (comp.) 2001. laiset jalokivet : timantteja Kaavilta. Lapin Kullankaivaja Magnetic anomaly map of North Finland - Kola 1 : 1 000 000 (14), 24-26. : DGRF-65 anomaly of total field 500 m above terrain. Espoo Kislitsyn, Roman; Balagansky, Victor; Mänttäri, Irmeli; : St. Petersburg: Geological Survey of Finland : Ministry of Daly, J. Stephen; Timmerman, Martin J. 2001. Age of the natural resources of Russian Federation. Northwest depart- collision in the Lapland-Kola orogen core, North-Eastern ment of natural resources. Baltic Shield. In: EUG XI. European Union of Geosciences, Korhonen, Juha V. (comp.); Zhdanova, Ludmila (comp.); April 8th - 12th, 2001, Strasbourg, France : abstract volume. Chepik, Anatoly (comp.); Zuikova, Julia (comp.); Sazonov, Strasbourg: European Union of Geosciences, 357. Kiril (comp.); Säävuori, Heikki (comp.) 2001. Magnetic Kivekäs, L. 2000. Porosity and density in altered target anomaly map of central Finland - Karelia 1 : 1 000 000 : rocks of meteorite impacts. In: Plado, J. & Pesonen, L. J. DGRF-65 anomaly of total field 500 m above terrain. Espoo (eds.) Meteorite impacts in Precambrian shields, May 24-28, : St. Petersburg: Geological Survey of Finland : Ministry of 2000, Lappajärvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : natural resources of Russian Federation. Northwest depart- programme and abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological ment of natural resources. Survey of Finland : University of Helsinki, 36. Korhonen, J. V.; Aaro, S.; Skilbrei, J. R.; Zhdanova, L. Kobzova, V.; Ladanivskyy, B.; Korepanov, V.; Korja, T. 2001. Digital magnetic and gravity anomaly maps of the 2002. Physical modelling of magnetotelluric field in central Fennoscandian Shield 1:1,000,000. In: Vietnam 2001 : IAGA- Finland [Electronic resource]. In: 27th General Assembly of IASPEI joint scientific assembly, 19-31 August 2001, Hanoi, the European Geophysical Society, Nice, France, 21-26 Vietnam : abstracts. Hanoi: IAGA : IASPEI, 269. April, 2002. Geophysical Research Abstracts 4, 1 p. Optical Korhonen, J. V.; Schwarz, G. 2001. Numerical modelling disc (CD-ROM). of geomagnetic field variation for the Swedish tie line project Kohonen, Jarmo; Vaarma, Markus 2001. Suomen 1998. In: Vietnam 2001 : IAGA-IASPEI joint scientific impaktirakenteiden sedimenttikivet - meteoriitti-impaktia assembly, 19-31 August 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam : abstracts. nuorempia vai vanhempia. Summary: Sedimentary rocks in Hanoi: IAGA : IASPEI, 255. Finnish impact structures : pre-impact or post-impact? Korhonen, J. V.; Säävuori, H.; Saltikoff, B. 2001. Geologi 53 (7), 111-118. Petrophysical characteristics of central Fennoscandian Kohonen, Jarmo 2002. Fennoskandian kilven keskiosan mineralized geological formations. In: Vietnam 2001 : IAGA- geologinen kehitys mesoproterotsooiselta ajalta tertiääri- IASPEI joint scientific assembly, 19-31 August 2001, Hanoi, kaudelle - jatkuvaa eroosiota vai kerrostumista ja eroosiota? Vietnam : abstracts. Hanoi: IAGA : IASPEI, 264. In: Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian tutkijapäivät 13.- Korhonen, J. V.; Koistinen, T. 2002. Upper lithospheric 14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, osallistujat. sources of magnetic and gravity anomalies of the Fenno- Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu, 24-25. scandian Shield [Electronic resource]. In: 27th General Koistinen, T. (comp.); Stephens, M. B. (comp.); Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Nice, Bogatchev, V. (comp.); Nordgulen, Ø. (comp.); Wenner- France, 21-26 April, 2002. Geophysical Research Abstracts ström, M. (comp.); Korhonen, J. (comp.) 2001. Geological 4, 1 p. Optical disc (CD-ROM). map of the Fennoscandian Shield, scale 1:2 000 000. Espoo : Korhonen, Riitta 2001. Turvehoidot valloittavat Suomea. Trondheim : Uppsala : Moscow: Geological Survey of YKL-posti (2), 20-21. Finland : Geological Survey of Norway : Geological Survey of Korhonen, Riitta; Toivonen, Tapio 2002. Horticultural Sweden : Ministry of Natural Resourc-es of Russia. and environmental peat research in Finland : case area of Kojonen, K.; Iljina, M. 2001. Platinum-group minerals in western Finland. In: Schmilewski, G. & Rochefort, L. (eds.) the Early Proterozoic Kuusijärvi Marginal Series, Koillismaa Peat in horticulture : quality and environmental challenges :

83 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 proceedings of the International Peat Symposium, Pärnu, hapen ja vedyn isotooppikoostumusvaihtelut - avain Estonia, 3-6 September 2002. Jyväskylä: International Peat sadannan isotooppikoostumukseen? Abstract: Natural Society, 326-331. variations of D/H and O-18/O-16 in groundwater - a proxy Korja, Annakaisa; Nironen, Mikko; Lahtinen, Raimo; for the isotopic composition of precipitation in Finland?. In: Heikkinen, Pekka 2001. Palaeoproterozoic orogenic evolution Idman, H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen of the Fennoscandian Shield. In: Daly, J. S. & Bogdanova, S. haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari (eds.) EUROPROBE Precambrian time-slice symposium : 12.9.2001. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, abstracts of a joint meeting of the EUROBRIDGE and 63-66. SVEKALAPKO projects on “Archaean and Proterozoic Kortelainen, Nina M.; Karhu, Juha A. 2001. Natural plate tectonics : geological and geophysical records”, variations of D and O-18 in groundwater as a proxy for the November 1-3, 2001, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Russia. St. isotopic composition of precipitation in Finland. In: 4th Petersburg: VSEGEI, 25. International Symposium on Applied Isotope Geochemistry, Korja, Toivo 2001. BEAR electromagnetic data : indic- June 25-29, 2001, Pacific Grove, California, USA : program ations for lithosphere-asthenosphere conductivity in and abstracts. [S.l.]: International Association of Geo- Fennoscandia. In: Daly, J. S. & Bogdanova, S. (eds.) EURO- chemistry and Cosmochemistry, 46-48. PROBE Precambrian time-slice symposium : abstracts of a Kortelainen, Nina; Karhu, Juha 2001. Stabiilien joint meeting of the EUROBRIDGE and SVEKALAPKO isotooppien hyödyntäminen tekopohjaveden muodos- projects on “Archaean and Proterozoic plate tectonics : tamisessa ja rantaimeytymisessä : Tuusulan ja Forssan geological and geophysical records”, November 1-3, 2001, pohjavesialueet. In: Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka-Niemi, K. VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Petersburg: VSEGEI, 25- (eds.) Kirjoituksia pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristögeologian 26. päivät, Turku, 13.-14.3.2000. Turku: Turun yliopiston Korja, T. 2001. Electrical conductivity of lithosphere in geologian laitos, 95-106. Fennoscandia according to BEAR array data [Electronic Kortelainen, Nina 2002. Virttaankankaan isotooppi- resource]. In: 26th General Assembly of the European tutkimukset. In: Kääriä, J. (ed.) Turun seudun tekopohja- Geophysical Society, Nice, France, 25-30 March, 2001. vesihanketta koskeva tutkimusseminaari. Turun Seudun Vesi Geophysical Research Abstracts 3, 1484. Optical disc (CD- Oy:n julkaisu 1/2002, 42-44. ROM). Kortelainen, Nina 2002. Virttaankankaan pohjavesi- Korja, T.; Engels, M.; Zhamaletdinov, A. A.; Kovtun, A. muodostuman isotooppigeokemialliset erityispiirteet. In: A.; Palshin, N. A.; Smirnov, M. Yu.; Tokarev, A. D.; Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian tutkijapäivät 13.- Asming, V. E.; Vanyan, L. L.; Vardaniants, I. L. 2001. 14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, osallistujat. Crustal conductivity in the Fennoscandian Shield. In: Daly, Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu, 12-13. J. S. & Bogdanova, S. (eds.) EUROPROBE Precambrian Kotilainen, Aarno Tapio 2001. Late Pliocene and Pleisto- time-slice symposium : abstracts of a joint meeting of the cene sedimentation in the North Pacific Ocean. Cambridge: EUROBRIDGE and SVEKALAPKO projects on “Archaean University of Cambridge. 275 p. and Proterozoic plate tectonics : geological and geophysical Kotilainen, Aarno; Kankainen, Tuovi; Ojala, Antti; records”, November 1-3, 2001, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Winterhalter, Boris 2001. Paleomagnetic dating of a Late Russia. St. Petersburg: VSEGEI, 27-29. Holocene sediment core from the North Central Basin, the Korpijaakko, Martti 2001. Evijärven kunnan alueella Baltic Sea. In: Paleoenvironment of the Baltic Sea. Baltica 14, tutkitut suot ja niiden turvevarat. Osa 2. Abstract: The mires 67-73. and peat reserves of the municipality of Evijärvi, western Kotilainen, Aarno 2002. “Suuren jääkausiajan” alku ja Finland. Part 2. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutkimus- ajoitus - tuloksia pohjoiselta Tyyneltä valtamereltä. In: raportti 329. 35 p. + 4 app. Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian tutkijapäivät 13.- Korpijaakko, Martti 2001. Kortesjärven kunnan alueella 14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, osallistujat. tutkitut suot ja niiden turvevarat. Abstract: The mires and Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu, 19. peat reserves in the municipality of Kortesjärvi, western Kotilainen, A.; Hutri, K.-L. 2002. Evidence of palaeo- Finland. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutkimusraportti tectonics in Holocene sediments of the Gulf of Bothnia. In: 330. 49 p. + 4 app. Emelyanov, E. M. (ed.) The Seventh Marine Geological Korpijaakko, Martti; Silén, Pertti 2002. Halsualla Conference “Baltic-7”, April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, tutkitut suot ja niiden turvevarat. Abstract: The mires and Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Kaliningrad: Atlantic peat reserves in the municipality of Halsua, western Finland. Branch of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS, 63. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutkimusraportti 335. 51 p. Kotilainen, Aarno T.; Rantataro, Jyrki; Hutri, Kaisa- + 4 app. Leena 2002. Kaikuluotaus sedimenttien häiriörakenteiden Korsman, Kalevi 2000. Geologisten organisaatioiden tutkimusmenetelmänä. Geologi 54 (9-10), 143-145. tavoitteet - menneisyys, nykyisyys ja tulevaisuus. Geologi 52 Kotilainen, Aarno T.; Hämäläinen, Jyrki M. S.; (1), 9-11. Winterhalter, Boris 2002. Reconstructing a continuous Korsman, Kalevi; Huhta, Pekka; Korhonen, Riitta; Holocene composite sedimentary record for the eastern Vuorela, Irmeli; Gustavsson, Nils 2001. GeoPori-hanke : Gotland Deep, Baltic Sea. Boreal Environment Research 7 esiselvitysvaihe GeoSatakunta-hanketta varten. Porin (1), 1-12. kaupungin tutkimuksia 123/2001. 40 p. + 6 app. Kotilainen, Mia M.; Kotilainen, Aarno T. 2002. Early Korsman, Kalevi; Korja, Toivo; Pajunen, Matti; Holocene subarctic Fennoscandian aeolian activity and North Virransalo, Petri 2001. GGT/SVEKA transect. In: Daly, J. Atlantic climate variability : possible land-sea correlation. In: S. & Bogdanova, S. (eds.) EUROPROBE Precambrian time- Jónsson, S, S. (ed.) The 25th Nordic Geological Winter slice symposium : abstracts of a joint meeting of the Meeting, January 6th - 9th, 2002, Reykjavík, Iceland : EUROBRIDGE and SVEKALAPKO projects on “Archaean abstract volume. Reykjavík: Geoscience Society of Iceland, and Proterozoic plate tectonics : geological and geophysical 115. records”, November 1-3, 2001, VSEGEI, St. Petersburg, Kotilainen, Mia M.; Kotilainen, Aarno T. 2002. “8.2 ka Russia. St. Petersburg: VSEGEI, 29-31. cooling event” and subarctic aeolian activity : possible land- Kortelainen, Nina 2001. Suomen pohjavesien luonnolliset sea correlation. In: Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian

84 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 tutkijapäivät 13.-14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, Kukkonen, Ilmo; Suppala, Ilkka; Koskinen, Teemu osallistujat. Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkija- 2001. Measurement of rock thermal properties in situ : koulu, 51. numerical models of borehole measurements and develop- Kousa, A.; Moltchanova, E.; Viik-Kajander, M.; Nikka- ment of calibration techniques. Tiivistelmä: Lämmön- rinen, M.; Karvonen, M. 2002 . Regional differences in johtavuuden ja termisen diffusiviteetin in situ -mittaus : geochemical environment and in incidence of acute myo- numeeriset mallit ja kalibrointimenetelmien kehitystyö. cardial infarction (AMI) in Finland. In: Society for Environ- Posiva. Working report 2001-23. 47 p. mental Geochemistry and Health 20th European Conference Kukkonen, I. T.; Suppala, I.; Sulkanen, K.; Lindberg, : heavy metal contamination and the quality of life, Debrec- A.; Hautojärvi, A.; Raiko, H.; Johansson, E. 2001. Investig- en, Hungary, 4-6 September 2002 : book of abstracts. ations on thermal properties of rocks at test sites for final Debrecen: Debrecen University, 46-47. disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Finland. In: Särkkä, P. & Kousa, Jukka 2002. Koivujärven ja Saarelan yleistä Eloranta, P. (eds.) Rock mechanics : a challenge for society : geologiaa. In: Kokkonen, J. (ed.) Korpien kuisketta, laineiden proceedings of the ISRM regional symposium EUROCK loisketta - Saarelan ja Koivujärven kylähistoriikki. Saarela: 2001, Espoo, Finland, 4-7 June 2001. Lisse: A. A. Balkema, Saarelan seudun kyläyhdistys, 14-15. 757-762. Kozlovskaya, E.; Hjelt, S.-E.; Yliniemi, J.; Korhonen, J.; Kukkonen, I. 2002. National geothermal resource assess- Elo, S. 2002. Problem-dependent 3-D inversion of P-wave ments : Finland. In: Hurter, S. & Haenel, R. (eds.) Atlas of arrivals from local events recorded during the SVEKA- geothermal resources in Europe. Luxembourg: Office for LAPKO deep seismic experiment in Finland [Electronic Publications of the European Commission, 29-30 + plate 18 resource]. In: 27th General Assembly of the European .Kukkonen,Kukkonen, I. I. T. T.; ;Jõeleht, Jõeleht, A. A. 2002. 2002. Vertical Vertical variationvariation inin heat Geophysical Society, Nice, France, 21-26 April, 2002. flow densitydensity : :palaeoclimate palaeoclimate after after all? all? [Electronic [Electronic resource]. resource]. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts 4, 1 p. Optical disc (CD- In:27th 27th General General Assembly Assembly of the ofEuropean the European Geophysical Geophysical Society, ROM) . Society,Nice, France, Nice, 21-26 France, April, 21-26 2002. April, Geophysical 2002. Geophysical Research Kuivamäki, Aimo 2001. Olkiluodon alueellisen ruhje- ResearchAbstracts 4,Abstracts 1 p. Optical 4, 1 discp. Optical (CD-ROM). disc (CD-ROM). tulkinnan tarkistus. Abstract: Review of the lineament Kukkonen, Minna; Pajunen, Hannu; Kortelainen, interpretations of the Olkiluoto area. Posiva. Työraportti Pirkko; Niinioja, Riitta 2001. Suomalaisten suurjärvien 2001-28. 20 p. + 17 app. maps. jaottelu pintasedimentin piilevien avulla. Abstract: Monit- Kuivasaari, T.; Pesonen, L. J.; Elo, S.; Plado, J.; oring of large Finnish lakes with diatoms. In: Grönlund, E. ... Lehtinen, M. 2000. Paasselkä - the ninth meteorite impact [et al.] (eds.) Suurjärviseminaari 2001 : ympäristö ja yhteis- structure in Finland. In: Plado, J. & Pesonen, L. J. (eds.) kunta. Joensuun yliopisto. Karjalan tutkimuslaitoksen Meteorite impacts in Precambrian shields, May 24-28, 2000, julkaisuja 133, 352-353. Lappajärvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : programme Kumpulainen, Sirpa; Carlson, Liisa 2001. Mineralogy and abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological Survey of Finland and geochemistry of iron precipitates formed from mine : University of Helsinki, 79. effluents in Finland. Nordiska föreningen för lerforskning. Kuivasaari, Tapio 2002. Erikoisia kiviä Polvijärveltä : Meddelande (13), 24-27. kunta ja GTK yhteistyössä. Suomalainen Kivi (4), 38-39. Kumpulainen, Sirpa; Carlson, Liisa 2001. Mineralogy Kujala, H.; Lehtinen, M.; Pihlaja, P.; Vaarma, M. and geochemistry of ochreous precipitates formed from mine 2000. Excursion to Lappajärvi, Karikkoselkä and Saarijärvi effluents in Finland. In: Securing the future : international impact structures - a review. In: Plado, J. & Pesonen, L. J. conference on mining and the environment, June 25 - July 1, (eds.) Meteorite impacts in Precambrian shields, May 24-28, 2001, Skellefteå, Sweden : proceedings appendix. Stockholm: 2000, Lappajärvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : pro- The Swedish Mining Association, 6 p. gramme and abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological Survey of Kunzendorf, Helmar; Voss, Maren; Brenner, Wolfram; Finland : University of Helsinki, 65-66. Andrén, Thomas; Vallius, Henry 2001. Molybdenum in Kukkonen, I. T. (ed.); Cermák, V. (ed.); Kennett, B. (ed.) sediments of the central Baltic Sea as an indicator for algal 2001. Thermal studies of the Earth’s structure and geo- blooms. In: Paleoenvironment of the Baltic Sea. Baltica 14, dynamics IUGG 99 assembly at Birmingham, UK. Physics 123-130. of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 126 (3-4), 119-310. Kunzendorf, H.; Vallius, H. 2002. Rare earth elements Kukkonen, I. T.; Kinnunen, K.; Peltonen, P. 2001. (REE) in deep basin sediments of the Baltic Sea. In: Mantle xenoliths, lithosphere thickness and upper mantle in Emelyanov, E. M. (ed.) The Seventh Marine Geological the central part of the Fennoscandian Shield. In: Vietnam Conference “Baltic-7”, April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, 2001 : IAGA-IASPEI joint scientific assembly, 19-31 August Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Kaliningrad: Atlantic 2001, Hanoi, Vietnam : abstracts. Hanoi: IAGA : IASPEI, Branch of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS, 68. 411. Kuusisto, E. 2001. Influence of sampling depth on metal Kukkonen, I. T.; Lahtinen, R. 2001. Variation of contents in Finnish arable soils. In: Lehtonen, T., Salminen, radiogenic heat production rate in 2.8-1.8 Ga old rocks in the J.-P. & Pihlaja, K. (eds.) Fifth Finnish Conference of central Fennoscandian Shield. In: Kukkonen, I. T., Cermák, Environmental Sciences, Turku, May 18-19, 2001 : proceed- V. & Kennett, B. (eds.) Thermal studies of the Earth’s ings. Turku: Finnish Society for Environmental Sciences, structure and geodynamics IUGG 99 assembly at Birming- 115-117. ham, UK. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 126 Lahdenperä, Anne-Maj; Tamminen, Pekka; Tarvainen, (3-4), 279-294. Timo 2001. Relationships between geochemistry of basal till Kukkonen, I. T.; Safanda, J. 2001. Numerical modelling and chemistry of surface soil at forested sites in Finland. of permafrost in bedrock in northern Fennoscandia during Applied Geochemistry 16 (1), 123-136. the Holocene. In: Beltrami, H. & Harris, R. N. (eds.) Lahermo, Pertti; Backman, Birgitta 2000. The occurr- Inference of climate change from geothermal data : selected ence and geochemistry of fluorides with special reference to papers from the symposium “Heat, stress and climate - the natural waters in Finland. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. legacy of Arthur H. Lachenbruch”, held at the AGU Fall Tutkimusraportti 149. 40 p. Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 6-10, 1998. Global Lahermo, Pertti; Backman, Birgitta 2001. Fluoridin and Planetary Change 29 (3-4), 259-273. esiintyminen ja geokemia Suomen pohja- ja pintavesissä. In:

85 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka-Niemi, K. (eds.) Kirjoituksia lenges for high resolution airborne surveys in populated pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristögeologian päivät, Turku, 13.- areas. In: EAGE 63rd Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, 14.3.2000. Turku: Turun yliopiston geologian laitos, 147- The Netherlands, 11-15 June 2001 : extended abstracts. Vol. 154. 1. Houten: EAGE Business Office, 4 p. Lahermo, Pertti; Tarvainen, Timo; Hatakka, Tarja; Lehtinen, Markku J. 2001. Industrial minerals of Finland Backman, Birgitta; Juntunen, Risto; Kortelainen, Nina; - current status. In: Nordisk mineralsymposium : verdi- Lakomaa, Tuula; Nikkarinen, Maria; Vesterbacka, Pia; skapning fra mineral til ferdig produkt, Trondheim 23. og 24. Väisänen, Ulpu; Suomela, Pekka 2002. Tuhat kaivoa - april 2001. Trondheim: NGU : NTNU : SINTEF, 41-44. Suomen kaivovesien fysikaalis-kemiallinen laatu vuonna Lehtinen, Markku J. 2001. Lemin Huttulan seudun 1999. Summary: One thousand wells - the physical-chemical geologiasta. In: Huttulan seudun historiaa. Huttula: Huttulan quality of Finnish well waters in 1999. Geologian tutki- seudun kyläyhdistyksen historiapiiri, 10-15 + 3 pl. muskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 155. 92 p. Lehtinen, Markku J. 2001. On the chlorites of soap- Lahti, Ilkka; Korja, Toivo; Engels, Martin 2001. Litho- stone deposits in Finland. Nordiska föreningen för lerforsk- spheric conductivity structure in Fennoscandia - latest ning. Meddelande (13), 19-20. findings from the BEAR magnetotelluric array data. In: EUG Lehtinen, Markku J. 2002. Savitaipaleen Välijoen XI. European Union of Geosciences, April 8th - 12th, 2001, seudun kallioperä. In: Jurvanen, P. (ed.) Välijoen seudun Strasbourg, France : abstract volume. Strasbourg: European historiaa. Välijoki: Välijoen Nuorisoseura, 14-17 + 4 pl. Union of Geosciences, 355. Lehtonen, M. L.; Marmo, J. S. 2002. Exploring for Lahti, M.; Jones, D. G.; Multala, J.; Rainey, M. P. 2001. kimberlites in glaciated terrains using chromite in Quaternary Environmental applications of airborne radiometric surveys. till - a regional case study from northern Finland. Journal of In: EAGE 63rd Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The Geochemical Exploration 76 (3), 155-174. Netherlands, 11-15 June 2001 : extended abstracts. Vol. 1. Lehtonen, Matti I.; Virransalo, Petri 2002. Jurva. Houten: EAGE Business Office, 4 p. Suomen geologinen kartta 1:100 000 : kallioperäkartta lehti Lahti, Seppo I. 2002. Kivet harrastuksena. In: Parkkinen, 1244. S. (ed.) Luonnonharrastajan Suomi : saaristosta Salpaus- Leino, Jukka 2000. Maatutkan käyttö Geologian tutkimus- selille. Espoo: Weilin+Göös, 212-215. keskuksen turvetutkimuksissa. Abstract: The use of ground Lahti, Seppo I. 2002. Mineraalien värien syntymekanis- penetrating radar in peatland investigations by Geological meista. Osa 1. Kivi 20 (3), 10-17. Survey of Finland. In: Maatutkarengas ry:n 10-vuotisjuhla- Lahti, Seppo I. 2002. Mineraalien värien syntymekanis- seminaari 15.-16.02.2000, Kuopio. Kuopio: Maatutkarengas meista. Osa 2. Kivi 20 (4), 14-21. ry, 63-70. Lahtinen, Raimo; Huhma, Hannu; Kousa, Jukka Leino, Jukka 2002. Mikkelin kunnassa tutkitut suot, 2002. Contrasting source components of the Paleoproterozoic niiden turvevarat ja käyttökelpoisuus. Abstract: The mires, Svecofennian metasediments : detrital zircon U-Pb, Sm-Nd peat reserves and their potential use in Mikkeli. Geologian and geochemical data. Precambrian Research 116 (1-2), 81- tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutkimusraportti 336, 106 p. + 5 app. 109. Leino, Jukka 2002. The use of ground water penetrating Landén, Laura S.; Rämö, O. Tapani; Karinen, Tuomo radar in peatlands investigations by the Geological Survey of 2002. Early Paleoproterozoic rifting of northeastern Baltica- Finland. In: Schmilewski, G. & Rochefort, L. (eds.) Peat in Laurentia. In: The Geological Society of America 36th horticulture : quality and environmental challenges : proceed- Annual Meeting, South-Central Section, April 11-12, 2002, ings of the International Peat Symposium, Pärnu, Estonia, 3- Alpine, Texas. Geological Society of America. Abstracts 6 September 2002. Jyväskylä: International Peat Society, with Programs 34 (3), A-7. 340-341. Lanne, E.; Lehtimäki, J.; Vanhala, H.; Väisänen, U. Leveinen, Jussi 2001. Conceptual and analytical modeling 2002. Geophysical characteristics of Precambrian fracture of fracture zone aquifers in hard rock - implications of zones - a case study from Rovaniemi, northern Finland pumping tests in the Pohjukansalo well field, east-central [Electronic resource]. In: Senos Matias, M. & Grangeia, C. Finland. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Ydinjätteiden sijoitus- (eds.) 8th Meeting EEGS-ES, Environmental and Engineering tutkimukset. Tiedonanto YST-105. 73 p. Geophysics, 8-12 September 2002, Aveiro, Portugal : Leveinen, Jussi 2002. Puhdas vesi öljyäkin arvokkaam- proceedings. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro, 431-434. paa. Tietoyhteys 6 (2), 18-19. Optical disc (CD-ROM). Liikanen, Anu; Tanskanen, Heikki; Murtoniemi, Timo; Lassas, Matti; Liukkonen, Jukka; Somersalo, Erkki Martikainen, Pertti J. 2002. A laboratory microcosm for 2001. Complex Riemannian metric and absorbing boundary simultaneous gas and nutrient flux measurements in sedim- conditions. Journal des Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées ents. Boreal Environment Research 7 (2), 151-160. 80 (7), 739-768. Lindberg, Antero 2001. Biotiitin pysyvyys Olkiluodon Laurén, Ari; Koivusalo, Harri; Kokkonen, Teemu; Pentti- loppusijoitusolosuhteissa - kirjallisuusselvitys. Abstract: nen, Sari; Finér, Leena; Mannerkoski, Hannu 2002. Uusia The stability of biotite in the conditions of final disposal at työvälineitä kehitteillä ympäristökuormituksen hallintaan - Olkiluoto - a literature study. Posiva. Työraportti 2001-12. FEMMA. In: Metsätalouden ympäristökuormitus ja sen 22 p. vähentäminen - tutkimustietoa ja työkaluja, 23.-24.9.2002 Lindberg, Antero; Hellmuth, Karl-Heinz 2001. On the Kolin luontokeskus ja Kuohattijärvi. Joensuu: Joensuun nature of groundwater flow paths : observations at fractures yliopisto, 18. and fracture coatings at road-cuts. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Lauri, Laura S.; Mänttäri, Irmeli 2002. The Kynsijärvi Ydinjätteiden sijoitustutkimukset. Tiedonanto YST-104, quartz alkali feldspar syenite, Koillismaa, eastern Finland - 11 p. + 1 app. silicic magmatism associated with 2.44 Ga continental rifting. Lindberg, Antero 2002. Biotiitin muuttuminen kallion In: Rämö, O. T., Van Schmus, W. R. & Bettencourt, J. S. pinnan läheisyydessä. Abstract: The alteration of biotite in (eds.) Granite systems and Proterozoic lithospheric process- the vicinity of bedrock surface. Posiva. Työraportti 2002-05. es. Precambrian Research 119 (1-4), 121-140. 18 p. Lee, M. K.; Peart, R. J.; Cuss, R. J.; Jones, D. G.; Lindqvist, Kristian; Lallukka, Heli 2002. Virttaan- Beamish, D.; Vironmäki, J. 2001. Applications and chal- kankaan maaperän karbonaatista . In: Kääriä, J. (ed.) Turun

86 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 seudun tekopohjavesihanketta koskeva tutkimusseminaari. Lunkka, Juha Pekka; Saarnisto, Matti; Demidov, Igor Turun Seudun Vesi Oy:n julkaisu 1/2002, 41. 2001. The last glaciation on the Kola Peninsula, Russia. In: Lintinen, Petri; Nenonen, Jari; Väisänen, Ulpu 2001. EUG XI. European Union of Geosciences, April 8th - 12th, Kontaminaatioindeksi romumetallin kierrätyspihojen 2001, Strasbourg, France : abstract volume. Strasbourg: pohjaveden likaantumistason arvioinnissa. In: Salonen, V.-P. European Union of Geosciences, 219. & Korkka-Niemi, K. (eds.) Kirjoituksia pohjavedestä : 3. Lunkka, Juha Pekka; Saarnisto, Matti; Gey, Valeri; Ympäristögeologian päivät, Turku, 13.-14.3.2000. Turku: Demidov, Igor; Kiselova, Vera 2001. Extent and age of the Turun yliopiston geologian laitos, 291-297. Last Glacial Maximum in the southeastern sector of the Lintinen, Petri; Savolainen, Heimo 2001. Uudet Scandinavian Ice Sheet. In: Thiede, J. ... [et al.] (eds.) The tavoitearvoehdotukset maaperän Cu-, Cr-, Ni- ja Zn-pitoi- Late Quaternary stratigraphy and environments of northern suudelle Suomessa - anomaliataustasuhteen merkityksestä Eurasia and the adjacent Arctic seas - new contributions from saastuneen maaperän puhdistustarpeen määrittelyssä. QUEEN : selected papers from the annual QUEEN work- Abstract: Suggested new target values for Cu, Cr, Ni and Zn shops held in Øystese, Norway, April 1999, and in Lund, concentrations in contaminated soils - considerations Sweden, April 2000. Global and Planetary Change 31 (1-4), regarding anomaly background ratio in cleaning of contamin- 407-425. ated soils in Finland. In: Idman, H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Luodes, Hannu; Selonen, Olavi 2001. Dimension stone Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : evaluation with special reference to geo-radar investigations. GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari 12.9.2001. Geologian In: Sandrone, R. (ed.) International workshop “Dimension tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, 40-46. stones of the European mountains”, Luserna San Giovanni - Liukkonen, Jukka 2001. Data reduction and domain Torre Pellice (TO), 10-12 giugno 2001 : proceedings. Torino: truncation in electromagnetic obstacle scattering. Helsinki Associazione Georisorse e Ambiente, 287-291. University of Technology Institute of Mathematics Research Luodes, Hannu 2002. Suomalainen kivi kestää. Suoma- Reports A441. 88 p. lainen Kivi (4), 44-46. Liukkonen, Jukka 2001. Generalized electromagnetic Luukkanen, Ari 2001. Kiuruvedellä tutkitut suot ja scattering in a complex geometry. Journal of Mathematical niiden turvevarat. Osa 3. Abstract: The mires and peat Analysis and Applications 254 (2), 498-514. reserves of Kiuruvesi. Part 3. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Lohva, Jaana; Jokinen, Tarmo; Vanhala, Heikki; Turvetutkimusraportti 333. 51 p. + 3 app. Lahti, Mari; Soininen, Heikki 2001. EM and electrical Luukkanen, Ari (ed.) 2002. Suoseura ry:n opintoretki studies of environmental impacts caused by a landfill. In: Venäjän Karjalaan 17.-20.9.2002. Kuopio: Geologian tutki- EAGE 63rd Conference and Exhibition, Amsterdam, The muskeskus. 245 p. Netherlands, 11-15 June 2001 : extended abstracts. Vol. 1. Luukkonen, Erkki J. 2001. Lentiiran kartta-alueen Houten: EAGE Business Office, 4 p. kallioperä. Summary: Pre-Quaternary rocks of the Lentiira Lohva, Jaana; Sarapää, Olli 2002. Geophysical investig- map-sheet area. Suomen geologinen kartta 1:100 000 : ations of the Hyypiämäki calcite marble deposit, south- kallioperäkarttojen selitykset lehti 4414 + 4432. 51 p. + app. western Finland [Electronic resource]. In: EAGE 64th Mahaney, W. C.; Milner, M. W.; Stewart, A.; Drago, A.; Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, 27-30 May 2002 Hirvas, H.; Huhta, P.; Hancock, R. G. V.; Schultz, H.-P. : extended abstracts. Houten: EAGE Business Office, 4 p. 2001. Last interglacial age of layer IV in Susiluola Cave Optical disc (CD-ROM). (Finland) confirmed from comparative horizon morphology, Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K. 2002. Extensive C- and S-rich clay mineralogy and clay skins on sands. In: Third Intern- black shale formations : abundant life around black smokers 2 ational Conference on Cryopedology : dynamics and chal- Ga ago. In: Abstracts of the 12th Annual V. M. Goldschmidt lenges of cryosols, Copenhagen, August 20-24, 2001 : abstracts. Conference, Davos, Switzerland, August 18-23, 2002. Copenhagen: Institute of Geography / Geocenter, 1 p. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (15A), A461. Maiseman geologista historiaa, kallioperä, maaperä. 2001. Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K.; Vanne, J.; Lerssi, J.; In: Porvoonjokilaakson maisemaselvitys ja maisemanhoidon Hyvönen, E.; Arkimaa, H.; Airo, M.-L.; Nurmi, P.; yleissuunnitelma. Itä-Uudenmaan liitto. Julkaisu 69, 8-15. Ekdahl, E. 2002. The first nation-wide black shale map in the (Contribution by Maija Haavisto-Hyvärinen) world : applications for exploration and regional planning in Mäkelä, Markku 2001. Uusiutumattomien luonnon- Finland. In: 11th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium and varojen käyttö ja kestävä kehitys. Abstract: The use of non- Geocongress 2002 incorporating open sessions and the renewable natural resources and sustainable development. In: special theme Sedimentary, magmatic and ore-forming Idman, H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen responses to compressional and tensional tectonics : a focus haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari on Africa, 22-26 July 2002 Windhoek, Namibia : conference 12.9.2001. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, programme. Windhoek: IAGOD : Geological Society of South 10-13. Africa, 33. Mäkilä, Markku 2001. Turvekerrosten hiilen pitkä- Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K.; Vanne, J.; Lerssi, J.; aikaiskertymänopeus. Abstract: The long-term carbon Hyvönen, E.; Arkimaa, H.; Airo, M.-L. 2002. The first accumulation rate of peat layers. In: Idman, H. & Rönkä, E. nation-wide black shale map in the world : applications for (eds.) Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen haasteet ja mahdol- exploration and regional planning in Finland [Electronic lisuudet : GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari 12.09.2001. resource]. In: Senos Matias, M. & Grangeia, C. (eds.) 8th Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, 26-27. Meeting EEGS-ES, Environmental and Engineering Geo- Mäkilä, M. 2001. Climate in relation to carbon accumul- physics, 8-12 September 2002, Aveiro, Portugal : proceed- ation on Kilpisuo, a raised bog in southern Finland. In: ings. Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro, 485-488. Optical disc Vasiliev, S. V., Titlyanova, A. A. & Velichko, A. A. (eds.) (CD-ROM). West Siberian peatlands and carbon cycle : past and present : Lukkarinen, Heikki 2000. Siilinjärvi. Suomen geologinen proceedings of the international field symposium, Noyabrsk, kartta 1:100 000 : kallioperäkartta lehti 3331. August 18-22, 2001. Novosibirsk: Institute of Soil Science Lukkarinen, Heikki 2002. Siilinjärven kallioperä. In: and Agrochemistry, 38-40. Kipsivuoren juurella : Siilinjärven luonnon vaiheita. Savon Mäkilä, Markku; Saarnisto, Matti; Kankainen, Tuovi Luonto 28, 24-27. 2001. Aapa mires as a carbon sink and source during the

87 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

Holocene. Journal of Ecology 89 (4), 589-599. (GTK:n) toiminnan päätavoitteet. In: Pietilä, R. (ed.) Mäkilä, Markku 2002. Silmäkenevan turvegeologinen Laivaseminaari 29.-30.1.2001 : kaivosteollisuus ja malmin- tutkimus. In: Matiskainen, H. (author) Riihimäen esihistoria. etsintä muuttuvassa ympäristössä : abstraktit. Vuorimies- Riihimäki: Riihimäen kaupunginmuseo, 148-152. yhdistys. Sarja B 77, 2 p. Mäkinen, Kalevi 2002. Sand and gravel resources - Matikainen, Raimo 2001. Kaivostoiminnan näkymät extraction and land use restrictions in Finland. In: Raw Pohjois-Suomessa : kullan kimalluksesta monipuoliseen materials planning in Europe. Change of conditions! New raaka-aineiden hyödyntämiseen. Maansiirto 42 (6), 26-30. perspectives? : Third European Conference on Mineral Matikainen, Raimo 2001. The role of the Geological Planning : conference transcript and field trip guide, 8-10 Survey of Finland in mineral exploration. In: 3rd Fenno- October 2002, Krefeld, Germany. Krefeld: Geological Survey scandian Exploration and Mining, Rovaniemi, December 3-4, of North Rhine-Westphalia, 69-72. 2001 : final programme and event documentation. [S.l.]: Mäkitie, Hannu 2001. Eastern margin of the Vaasa European Union, European Regional Development, 4 p. Migmatite Complex, Kauhava, western Finland : preliminary Mattsson, Annina 2001. Geofysiikan menetelmistä petrography and geochemistry of the diatexites. Bulletin of pohjavesialueen rakenteen tutkimuksessa. In: Salonen, V.-P. the Geological Society of Finland 73 (1-2), 35-46. & Korkka-Niemi, K. (eds.) Kirjoituksia pohjavedestä : 3. Mäkitie, Hannu (ed.) 2001. Svecofennian granitic Ympäristögeologian päivät, Turku, 13.-14.3.2000. Turku: pegmatites (1.86-1.79 Ga) and quartz monzonite (1.87 Ga), Turun yliopiston geologian laitos, 47-53. and their metamorphic environment in the Seinäjoki region, Mattsson, Annina; Vanhala, Heikki 2001. Mapping western Finland. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper stratigraphy of a glaciofluvial formation. In: Hill, I. (ed.) 7th 30. 93 p. + 5 app. Meeting Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Mäkitie, H.; Kärkkäinen, N.; Lahti, S. I.; Alviola, R. Birmingham, England, September 2nd-6th 2001 : proceedings. 2001. Compositional variation of granitic pegmatites in Lausanne: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical relation to regional metamorphism in the Seinäjoki region, Society, European Section, 194-195. western Finland. In: Mäkitie, H. (ed.) Svecofennian granitic Mertanen, Satu 2001. Palaeomagnetic evidences for the pegmatites (1.86-1.79 Ga) and quartz monzonite (1.87 Ga), evolution of the Earth during early Palaeoproterozoic. In: and their metamorphic environment in the Seinäjoki region, EUG XI. European Union of Geosciences, April 8th - 12th, western Finland. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 2001, Strasbourg, France : abstract volume. Strasbourg: 30, 31-59. European Union of Geosciences, 190. Mäkitie, Hannu; Lahti, Seppo I. 2001. The fayalite- Mertanen, S.; Pajunen, M.; Elminen, T. 2001. Apply- augite quartz monzonite (1.87 Ga) of Luopa, western ing palaeomagnetic method for dating young geological Finland, and its contact aureole. In: Mäkitie, H. (ed.) Sveco- events. In: Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, fennian granitic pegmatites (1.86-1.79 Ga) and quartz monzon- Current Research 1999-2000. Geological Survey of Finland. ite (1.87 Ga), and their metamorphic environment in the Seinä- Special Paper 31, 123-129. joki region, western Finland. Geological Survey of Finland. Mertanen, S. 2002. Palaeomagnetism and plagioclase Special Paper 30, 61-98. clouding of Palaeoproterozoic mafic dykes intruding Archaean Manninen, Tuomo; Huhma, Hannu 2001. A new U-Pb blocks of the Fennoscandian Shield [Electronic resource]. In: zircon constraint from the Salla schist belt, northern Finland. 27th General Assembly of the European Geophysical In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric age determinations from Society, Nice, France, 21-26 April, 2002. Geophysical Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing of Pre- Research Abstracts 4, 1 p. Optical disc (CD-ROM). cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological Survey Methods for environmental indicator creation - geology of Finland. Special Paper 33, 201-208. example. 2001. In: Hansen, H. S. (ed.) PSSD : planning Manninen, Tuomo; Pihlaja, Pekka; Huhma, Hannu system for sustainable development : the methodical report. 2001. U-Pb geochronology of the Peurasuvanto area, northern NERI technical report 351, 57-63. (Authors J. Jarva & J.-P. Finland. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric age determin- Palmu) ations from Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing Moltchanova, Elena; Rytkönen, Mika; Kousa, Anne; of Precambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological Taskinen, Olli; Tuomilehto, Jaakko; Karvonen, Marjatta Survey of Finland. Special Paper 33, 189-200. 2002. Geographical variation of non-communicable diseases Mannio, Jaakko; Salminen, Reijo; Leppänen, Sirkka; and environmental risk factors : application of Bayesian Väisänen, Ulpu; Räinä, Pekka; Poikolainen, Jarmo; Kubin, modeling and GIS. In: GeoHealth 2002 conference, Wellington, Eero; Piispanen, Juha; Verta, Matti 2002. Raskasmetallit. In: New Zealand, December 3-5, 2002 : proceedings. Wellington: Mähönen, O. (ed.) AMAP II - Lapin ympäristön tila ja Victoria University, 25-33. ihmisen terveys. Suomen ympäristö 581, 29-49. Mroueh, Ulla-Maija; Mäkelä, Esa; Wahlström, Margareta; Mänttäri, Irmeli; Koivisto, Marjatta 2001. Ion micro- Kauppila, Jussi; Sorvari, Jaana; Puolanne, Juhani; Juvan- probe uranium-lead dating of zircons from the Lappajärvi koski, Markku; Tammirinne, Markku; Heikkinen, Päivi; impact crater, western Finland. Meteoritics & Planetary Salminen, Reijo 2001. Finnish guidance for the use of Science 36 (8), 1087-1095. secondary products in earth and road construction. In: Mänttäri, Irmeli; Hölttä, Pentti 2002. U-Pb dating of Salminen, R. (ed.) International conference on practical zircons and monazites from Archean granulites in Varpais- applications in environmental geotechnology ecogeo 2000. järvi, central Finland : evidence for multiple metamorphism Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 32, 15-21. and Neoarchean terrane accretion. Precambrian Research 118 Mutanen, T. 2000. The big Pechenga Bang. In: Plado, J. (1-2), 101-131. & Pesonen, L. J. (eds.) Meteorite impacts in Precambrian Marttila, Erkki 2001. Kärsämäen kartta-alueen kallio- shields, May 24-28, 2000, Lappajärvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääks- perä. Summary: Pre-Quaternary rocks of the Kärsämäki järvi, Finland : programme and abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: map-sheet area. Suomen geologinen kartta 1:100 000 : Geological Survey of Finland : University of Helsinki, 43-44. kallioperäkarttojen selitykset lehti 3322. 42 p. + app. Mutanen, T. 2000. New possible impact sites in northern Matikainen, Raimo 2000. Geologinen tutkimus ja Finland. In: Plado, J. & Pesonen, L. J. (eds.) Meteorite asiakaspalvelu. Vuoriteollisuus 58 (1), 5. impacts in Precambrian shields, May 24-28, 2000, Lappa- Matikainen, Raimo 2001. Geologian tutkimuskeskuksen järvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : programme and

88 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological Survey of Finland : Nikkarinen, Maria; Kousa, Anne 2002. Impact of University of Helsinki, 81. natural geochemistry on trace element concentrations of Mutanen, Tapani; Huhma, Hannu 2001. U-Pb geo- edible mushrooms. In: Society for Environmental Geo- chronology of the Koitelainen, Akanvaara and Keivitsa layer- chemistry and Health 20th European Conference : heavy ed intrusions and related rocks. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) metal contamination and the quality of life, Debrecen, Radiometric age determinations from Finnish Lapland and Hungary, 4-6 September 2002 : book of abstracts. Debrecen: their bearing on the timing of Precambrian volcano-sediment- Debrecen University, 60. ary sequences. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper Nironen, Mikko; Lahtinen, Raimo; Koistinen, Tapio 33, 229-246. 2002. Suomen geologiset aluenimet - yhtenäisempään Muurinen, Tapio; Aro, Ilkka 2001. Sallassa tutkitut nimikäytäntöön! Summary: Subdivision of Finnish bedrock - suot, niiden turvevarat ja käyttökelpoisuus. Osa 1. Abstract: an attempt to harmonize terminology. Geologi 54 (1), 8-14. The mires and peat reserves and their potential use in Salla. Niskavaara, Heikki; Kontas, Esko; Chekushin, Viktor; Part 1. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutkimusraportti Reimann, Clemens 2002. Regional distribution of Au, Pd and 331. 47 p. + 2 app. Pt from Cu/Ni -smelters in Kola Peninsula revealed by Négrel, Philippe; Casanova, Joël; Blomqvist, Runar 2001. humus, moss and soil samples. In: The Second AMAP Connecting deep brines from the Fennoscandian Shield with International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the the Baltic Sea through strontium isotopes. In: EUG XI. Arctic, Rovaniemi, Finland, October 1-4, 2002 : extended European Union of Geosciences, April 8th - 12th, 2001, abstracts. AMAP Report 2002:2, 3 p. Strasbourg, France : abstract volume. Strasbourg: European Nurmi, Pekka A. 2001. Explore the potential of Finland : Union of Geosciences, 210. PGE, gold and diamonds. In: PDAC 2001, March 11-14 Négrel, Philippe; Casanova, Joël; Blomqvist, Runar 2001. Toronto, Canada : technical program & core shack abstracts. Nd isotopes and water mixing phenomena in groundwaters Toronto: Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada from Palmottu (Finland). Water Research 35 (6), 1617-1623. (PDAC), 8-9 . Nenonen, Jari 2001. Maa-aineksen oton ja kallioperän Nykänen, Vesa; Ojala, Juhani 2002. Integration of the vaikutus pohjaveden happamoitumiseen ja metallipitoi- geoscientific data by GIS for mineral exploration purposes at suuksiin Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla : Jolosharjun tapaus. In: the Geological Survey of Finland. In: Jónsson, S, S. (ed.) The Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka-Niemi, K. (eds.) Kirjoituksia 25th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, January 6th - 9th, pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristögeologian päivät, Turku, 13.- 2002, Reykjavík, Iceland : abstract volume. Reykjavík: 14.3.2000. Turku: Turun yliopiston geologian laitos, 221- Geoscience Society of Iceland, 144. 226. O’Connell, M.; Molloy, K.; Holmes, J. A.; Jones, R.; Nenonen, Jari 2001. Subglacial landforms and their Leuenberger, M.; Eicher, U.; Schettler, G.; Saarinen, T.; stratigraphy in the Kiiminki area, northern Finland. In: 6th McDermott, F.; Plicht, J. van der; Chambers, F. M.; Hunt, J. International Drumlin Symposium, June 17-23, 2001, Torun, B.; Daniell, J. R. G.; Geel, B. van; Haas, J. N.; Dalton, C. Poland : abstracts of papers and posters. Torun: Nicholas 2001. Evidence from the TIMECHS project for climatic Copernicus University, 21-22. instability during the early Holocene at the Atlantic fringe of Nenonen, Jari; Johansson, Peter; Kontas, Esko; Korkia- Europe. In: High-resolution lake sediment records in climate koski, Esko; Kvist, Mikko; Rossi, Seppo 2001. Kova and environment variability studies : 6th Workshop of the moreeni-iskos - tieteellinen ja taloudellinen ongelma. In: European Lake Drilling Programme ELDP, May 11-16, 2001, Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka-Niemi, K. (eds.) Kirjoituksia Potsdam, Germany. Terra nostra. Schriften der Alfred- pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristögeologian päivät, Turku, 13.- Wegener-Stiftung 2001/3, 159-161. 14.3.2000. Turku: Turun yliopiston geologian laitos, 179- Oila, E.; Pinnioja, S.; Siitari-Kauppi, M.; Aaltonen, V.; 186. Lindberg, A. 2001. Fading of luminescence in feldspars - an Nenonen, Keijo; Huhta, Pekka 2001. Malmiviitteiden autoradiographic method. In: Cidu, R. (ed.) Water-rock merkitys virtuaaliajan malminetsijälle. In: Pietilä, R. (ed.) interaction : proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium Laivaseminaari 29.-30.1.2001 : kaivosteollisuus ja malmin- on Water-Rock Interaction WRI-10, Villasimius, Italy, 10-15 etsintä muuttuvassa ympäristössä : abstraktit. Vuorimies- July 2001. Vol. 1. Lisse: A. A. Balkema, 321-324. yhdistys. Sarja B 77, 1 p. Ojakangas, Richard W.; Marmo, Jukka S.; Heiskanen, Nenonen, Keijo; Penttinen, Sari 2002. Kangasvaaran ja Kim I. 2001. Basin evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Karelian Korsukorven koealueiden geologinen tausta ja moreeni- Supergroup of the Fennoscandian (Baltic) Shield. In: Eriks- maaperän stratotyypit. In: Metsätalouden ympäristö- son, P. G. ... [et al.] (eds.) The influence of magmatism, kuormitus ja sen vähentäminen - tutkimustietoa ja työkaluja, tectonics, sea level change and palaeo-climate on Precambrian 23.-24.9.2002 Kolin luontokeskus ja Kuohattijärvi. Joensuu: basin evolution : change over time. Sedimentary Geology Joensuun yliopisto, 24-25. 141-142, 255-285. Niemelä, Mauri 2001. Talc-magnesite deposits in Finland. Ojala, Antti 2001. Varved lake sediments in southern and In: Radvanec, M., Gondim, A. C. & Németh, Z. (eds.) IGCP central Finland : long varve chronologies as a basis for 443 : magnesite and talc : geological and environmental cor- Holocene palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Espoo: relations. Mineralia Slovaca 33 (6), 561-566. Geological Survey of Finland. 105 p. Nikander, Jarmo 2002. Malminetsinnän teoriaa ja Ojala, Antti E. K.; Francus, Pierre 2002. Comparing X- käytäntöä. In: Kokkonen, J. (ed.) Korpien kuisketta, laineiden ray densitometry and BSE-image analysis of thin section in loisketta - Saarelan ja Koivujärven kylähistoriikki. Saarela: varved sediments. Boreas 31 (1), 57-64. Saarelan seudun kyläyhdistys, 16-20. Ojala, Antti E. K.; Saarinen, Timo 2002. Digitaalinen Nikkarinen, Maria; Aatos, Soile; Teräsvuori, Eeva kuva-analyysi sedimentologisena tutkimusmenetelmänä - 2001. Asbestin esiintyminen ja sen vaikutus ympäristöön esimerkkejä lustosedimenteistä. Geologi 54 (2), 35-39. Tuusniemellä, Outokummussa, Kaavilla ja Heinävedellä. Ojala, Antti E. K.; Saarinen, Timo 2002. Palaeosecular Summary: Occurrences of asbestos minerals and their envi- variation of the Earth’s magnetic field during the last 10 000 ronmental impact in the area of municipalities of Tuusnie- years based on the annually laminated sediment of Lake mi, Outokumpu, Kaavi and Heinävesi, eastern Finland. Nautajärvi, central Finland. The Holocene 12 (4), 391-400. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 152. 41 p. + 2 app. Ojala, Juhani 2001. Palaeo-stress modelling in explor-

89 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 ation. In: Pietilä, R. (ed.) Laivaseminaari 29.-30.1.2001 : Pankka, Heikki 2001. Ilkka Härkönen 1949-2000. Geolo- kaivosteollisuus ja malminetsintä muuttuvassa ympäristössä gi 53 (2), 28. : abstraktit. Vuorimiesyhdistys. Sarja B 77, 4 p. Papunen, H.; Halkoaho, T.; Liimatainen, J.; Luukkonen, Ojala, Juhani 2002. Orogenic gold deposits : a model for E. 2001. Metallogeny of the Archaean Tipasjärvi-Kuhmo- fluid focussing. In: Cook, N. J. (ed.) Metallogeny of Suomussalmi greenstone belt, Finland. In: Cassidy, K. F., Precambrian shields, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 13-26, 2002 Dunphy, J. M. & Van Kranendonk, M. J. (eds.) 4th Intern- : the abstracts. Kyiv: Ukrainian State Geological Survey : ational Archaean Symposium, 24-28 September 2001, Perth, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, 18-19. Western Australia : extended abstracts. AGSO - Geoscience Ojala, V. Juhani 2001. Geomechanical modelling in Australia, Record 2001/37, 456-458. mineral exploration : examples from Australia. In: Weihed, P. Parkkinen, Jyrki 2001. Malmiesiintymä ja sen arvo. ... [et al.] (eds.) 3rd GEODE-Fennoscandian Shield work- Vuoriteollisuus 59 (2), 54. shop on Palaeoproterozoic and Archean greenstone belts and Parkkinen, Jyrki 2001. Prospektien arvioinnin ja luokit- VMS districts in the Fennoscandian Shield, 10-16 September, telun ongelmia. In: Pietilä, R. (ed.) Laivaseminaari 29.- 2001, Russian Karelia : abstract volume & field trip guide- 30.1.2001 : kaivosteollisuus ja malminetsintä muuttuvassa book. St. Petersburg: SC “Mineral” : Karelian Research ympäristössä : abstraktit. Vuorimiesyhdistys. Sarja B 77, Centre, 65-66. 1 p. Oksanen, M.; Meriläinen, J. J.; Räisänen, J.; Saarinen, T.; Patison, Nicole L.; Hölttä, Pentti; Väisänen, Markku Virtanen, A. 2002. Sediment varve counting with PIXE. 2001. Structural and fluid-chemical controls on gold miner- Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 253 (2), alisation in the Central Lapland Greenstone Belt, northern 331-333. Finland : preliminary research results. In: Weihed, P. ... [et Olander, Heikki 2002. Subfossil Chironomidae (Insecta: al.] (eds.) 3rd GEODE-Fennoscandian Shield workshop on Diptera) as indicators of limnological and climatological Palaeoproterozoic and Archean greenstone belts and VMS conditions in Finland with particular focus on subarctic districts in the Fennoscandian Shield, 10-16 September, lakes. Espoo: Geologian tutkimuskeskus. 109 p. 2001, Russian Karelia : abstract volume & field trip guide- Paananen, Markku 2001. Rako- ja rikkonaisuusvyöhyk- book. St. Petersburg: SC “Mineral” : Karelian Research keiden ominaisuuksien ja esiintymisen tulkinta loppu- Centre, 67-69. sijoitusympäristössä. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Ydin- Paulamäki, Seppo; Paananen, Markku 2001. Eteläisen jätteiden sijoitustutkimukset. Tiedonanto YST-103. 28 p. + Satakunnan kallioperän rakenne ja kehityshistoria. Abstract: 12 app. Structure and geological evolution of the bedrock at southern Paavola, Jorma 2001. Vieremä. Suomen geologinen kartta Satakunta, SW Finland. Posiva. Työraportti 2001-09. 104 p. 1:100 000 : kallioperäkartta lehti 3342. + 7 app. Paavola, Jorma; Leinonen, Seppo 2001. Iisalmen Paulamäki, Seppo; Paananen, Markku; Elo, Seppo Pohjoisvuoren - Kurnunvuoren alueen kvartsi-epidoottikivi. 2002. Structure and geological evolution of the bedrock of Kivi 19 (2), 26-28. southern Satakunta, SW Finland. Tiivistelmä: Eteläisen Pajunen, Hannu 2001. Ylikiimingissä tutkitut suot ja Satakunnan kallioperän rakenne ja kehityshistoria. Posiva- niiden turvevarat. Osa 7. Abstract: The mires and peat raportti 2002-04. 119 p. + 6 app. reserves of Ylikiiminki, central Finland. Part 7. Geologian Pekkala, Yrjö 2001. The potential of industrial minerals tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutkimusraportti 328. 29 p. + 3 app. in Fennoscandia. In: 3rd Fennoscandian Exploration and Pajunen, Hannu 2002. Malin turve - onko sitä? Abstract: Mining, Rovaniemi, December 3-4, 2001 : final programme Peat in Mali - does it exist? Geologi 54 (6), 95-98. and event documentation. [S.l.]: European Union, European Pajunen, M.; Airo, M.-L.; Wennerström, M.; Niemelä, Regional Development, 7 p. R.; Wasenius, P. 2001. Preliminary report : the “Shear zone Peltonen, Petri; Mänttäri, Irmeli 2001. An ion micro- research and rock engineering” project, Pori area, south- probe U-Th-Pb study of zircon xenocrysts from the Lahto- western Finland. In: Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of joki kimberlite pipe, eastern Finland. Bulletin of the Finland, Current Research 1999-2000. Geological Survey of Geological Society of Finland 73 (1-2), 47-58. Finland. Special Paper 31, 7-16. Peltonen, P.; Juvonen, R.; Maier, W. D.; Pienaar, C. Pajunen, M.; Elminen, T.; Airo, M.-L.; Wennerström, 2002. Platinum-group elements in garnet peridotite nodules M. 2001. Structural evolution of bedrock as a key to rock from the Karelian (Fennoscandia) and Kaapvaal (southern mechanical properties. In: Särkkä, P. & Eloranta, P. (eds.) Africa) cratons. In: Highly siderophile elements in terrestrial Rock mechanics : a challenge for society : proceedings of the and meteoritic samples : implications for planetary differ- ISRM regional symposium EUROCK 2001, Espoo, Finland, entiation and igneous processes : workshop, CRPG-CNRS, 4-7 June 2001. Lisse: A. A. Balkema, 143-148. ENSG, Nancy, France, 26-28 août 2002, 48b. Pajunen, M.; Elminen, T.; Mertanen, S.; Airo, M.-L.; Peltonen, P.; Kinnunen, K. A.; Huhma, H. 2002. Wennerström, M. 2002. The polyphase Porkkala-Mäntsälä Petrology of two diamondiferous eclogite xenoliths from the shear zone in southern Finland. In: Transport and flow Lahtojoki kimberlite pipe, eastern Finland. Lithos 63 (3-4), processes in shear zones, 2-3 September, 2002, London : 151-164. programme and abstracts. London: Geological Society, 66. Peltonen, P.; O’Brien, H.; Kukkonen, I. T. 2002. Pajunen, Matti (comp.); Ikävalko, Ossi (comp.) 2002. Chemical composition and thermal state of the continental Kallioperän kehityksen merkitys rakennettavuudelle pää- mantle in central Fennoscandia. In: Abstracts of the 12th kaupunkiseudulla : Suomen Geologisen Seuran syyseks- Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, kursio 26.09.2002 : ekskursio-opas. Helsinki: Suomen August 18-23, 2002. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 Geologinen Seura. 11 p. (15A), A588. Pajunpää, K.; Lahti, I.; Olafsdottir, B.; Korja, T. 2002. Pennanen, M.; Kortman, C. 2002. Semantic Web - Crustal conductivity anomalies in central Sweden and towards more intelligent geoscience web applications. In: southwestern Finland. Geophysical Journal International 150 Bayer, U., Burger, H. & Skala, W. (eds.) 8th Annual (3), 695-705. Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Palmu, J.-P. 2001. Asikkala jääkausitie = Asikkala ice age Geology, 15-20 September 2002, Berlin, Germany. Vol. 2. route. Vääksy: Päijännetalo. 10 p. Terra nostra. Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 04/2002,

90 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

205-210. L. J. (eds.) Meteorite impacts in Precambrian shields, May Penttinen, Sari 2000. Electrical and hydraulic classific- 24-28, 2000, Lappajärvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : ation of forest till soils in central Lapland, Finland. Geologi- programme and abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological cal Survey of Finland. Bulletin 398. 88 p. Survey of Finland : University of Helsinki, 50. Penttinen, Sari; Finér, Leena; Hänninen, Pekka; Pitkänen, P.; Kaija, J.; Blomqvist, R.; Smellie, J. A. T.; Kauppi, Susanne; Kellomäki, Seppo; Kujala, Kauko; Laurén, Frape, S. K.; Laaksoharju, M.; Negrel, P.; Casanova, J.; Ari; Mannerkoski, Hannu; Nenonen, Keijo; Seppälä, Mikko Karhu, J. 2002. Hydrogeochemical interpretation of ground- 2001. Työkalu metsätalouden ympäristövaikutusten arvioin- water at Palmottu. In: Maravic, H. von & Alexander, W. R. tiin. Abstract: Advanced tools for forestry environmental (eds.) Eighth EC Natural Analogue Working Group Meeting : management. In: Idman, H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä proceedings of an international workshop held in Strasbourg, kehitys - tutkimuksen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : GTK- France from 23 to 25 March 1999. Luxembourg: Office for SYKE -tutkimusseminaari 12.9.2001. Geologian tutki- Official Publications of the European Communities, 155-167. muskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, 77-79. Plado, Jüri (ed.); Pesonen, Lauri J. (ed.) 2000. Meteorite Penttinen, S.; Finér, L.; Hänninen, P.; Mannerkoski, H.; impacts in Precambrian shields, May 24-28, 2000, Lappa- Kauppi, S.; Koivusalo, H.; Kokkonen, T.; Kujala, K.; järvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : programme and Laurén, A.; Nenonen, K. 2002. Maaperän kosteuden ja abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological Survey of Finland : sähkönjohtavuuden mittaukset Kangasvaaran, Kangaslammen University of Helsinki, Geophysics Department : University ja Korsukorven valuma-alueella. In: Metsätalouden ympä- of Helsinki, Geological Museum. 116 p. ristökuormitus ja sen vähentäminen - tutkimustietoa ja Plado, J.; Pesonen, L. J.; Puura, V. 2000. Processes työkaluja, 23.-24.9.2002 Kolin luontokeskus ja Kuohattijärvi. responsible for gravity and magnetic anomalies of meteorite Joensuu: Joensuun yliopisto, 27-28. impact structures : an overview. In: Plado, J. & Pesonen, L. Penttinen, Sari; Finér, Leena; Hänninen, Pekka; J. (eds.) Meteorite impacts in Precambrian shields, May 24- Kauppi, Susanne; Kellomäki, Seppo; Kujala, Kauko; Laurén, 28, 2000, Lappajärvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : Ari; Mannerkoski, Hannu; Nenonen, Keijo 2002. Advanced programme and abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological tools for forestry environmental management - FEMMA. In: Survey of Finland : University of Helsinki, 31. Jónsson, S, S. (ed.) The 25th Nordic Geological Winter Plant, Jane; Reeder, Shaun; Salminen, Reijo; Tarvainen, Meeting, January 6th - 9th, 2002, Reykjavík, Iceland : Timo 2001. The application of geochemical baselines to abstract volume. Reykjavík: Geoscience Society of Iceland, environmental and epidemiological studies. In: Metals in the 154. environment : II International conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, Penttinen, Sari; Hänninen, Pekka; Sutinen, Raimo September 23-26, 2001 : book of abstracts. Vilnius: Institute 2002. Electrical conductivity measurements for cultivated of Geology : Lithuanian Metalecology Society, 114-115. soils. In: Implementation of precision farming in practical Puura, V.; Kärki, A.; Konsa, M.; Flodén, T.; Pihlaja, P.; agriculture, 10-12 June 2002, Skara, Sweden : NJF seminar Suuroja, K. 2001. Estolites - magnetic metalliferous particles no. 336. [S.l.]: Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists from suevites from craters of Estonia, Fennoscandia, and (NJF), 2 p. Africa. In: 64th Annual Meeting Meteoritical Society, Perttunen, Vesa; Vaasjoki, Matti 2001. U-Pb geo- Vatican City, 10-14 September 2001 : abstracts. Meteoritics chronology of the Peräpohja Schist Belt, northwestern & Planetary Science supplement 36 (9), A169-A170. Finland. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric age determin- Puura, Väino; Koeberl, Christian; Kärki, Aulis; Juvonen, ations from Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing Riitta; Konsa, Mare; Plado, Jyri; Suuroja, Kalle; Kirs, Juho; of Precambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological Huber, Heinz 2002. Geochemistry of K-enriched impactites Survey of Finland. Special Paper 33, 45-84. based on drillings into the Kärdla crater, Estonia. In: Science Perttunen, Vesa 2002. Törmäsjärvi. Suomen geologinen at the highest level, Denver 2002 : GSA Annual Meeting and kartta 1:100 000 : kallioperäkartta lehti 2631. Exposition, October 27-30, 2002. Geological Society of Pesonen, L. J.; Abels, A.; Lehtinen, M.; Plado, J. 2000. America. Abstracts with Programs 34 ( 6), 341. Meteorite impact structures in Fennoscandia - a new look at Puustinen, Kauko 2001. Lake ores and iron industry in the database. In: Plado, J. & Pesonen, L. J. (eds.) Meteorite Finland during the period 1811-1916. In: Autio, S. (ed.) impacts in Precambrian shields, May 24-28, 2000, Lappa- Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 1999-2000. järvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : programme and Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, 47-55. abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological Survey of Finland : Rainio, Heikki 2002. Savitaipaleen Välijoen maaperän University of Helsinki, 20. geologiaa. In: Jurvanen, P. (ed.) Välijoen seudun historiaa. Pesonen, L. J.; Mader, D.; Gurov, E. P.; Koeberl, C.; Välijoki: Välijoen Nuorisoseura, 17-19 + 4 pl. Kinnunen, K. A. 2000. Paleomagnetism and Ar-39/Ar-40 Räisänen, Marja Liisa; Löyttyjärvi, Kristina 2001. age determinations of impactites from the Ilyinets Impact Illuviation of Al, Fe and Si in frost affected Podzols, northern Structure, Ukraine. In: Plado, J. & Pesonen, L. J. (eds.) Finland. In: Third International Conference on Cryopedology Meteorite impacts in Precambrian shields, May 24-28, 2000, : dynamics and challenges of cryosols, Copenhagen, August Lappajärvi-Karikkoselkä-Sääksjärvi, Finland : programme 20-24, 2001 : abstracts. Copenhagen: Institute of Geo- and abstracts. Espoo : Helsinki: Geological Survey of Finland graphy / Geocenter, 1 p. : University of Helsinki, 39-40. Räisänen, Marja Liisa; Lestinen, Pekka; Kuivasaari, Pesonen, L. J.; Mertanen, S.; Elming, S.-Å. 2001. Recon- Tapio 2001. Metallien ja rikin pidättyminen luonnon structions of continents during the Proterozoic - a way kosteikossa - alustavia tuloksia vanhasta Otravaaran pyriitti- towards Rodinia. In: Sircombe, K. N. & Li, Z. X. (eds.) From kaivoksesta Itä-Suomessa. Abstract: The retention of metals basins to mountains : Rodinia at the turn of the century : and sulphur in a natural wetland - preliminary results from Chris Powell memorial symposium, Perth, Australia, 30 the old Otravaara pyrite mine, eastern Finland. In: Idman, H. September - 2 October 2001 : abstracts. Geological Society & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen haasteet ja of Australia. Abstracts 65, 82-84. mahdollisuudet : GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari 12.09.2001. Pihlaja, P. J.; Kujala, H. 2000. Some geochemical Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, 28-29. features of impact melts, suevites and target rocks at Räisänen, Marja Liisa; Lestinen, Pekka; Kuivasaari, Sääksjärvi impact structure, Finland. In: Plado, J. & Pesonen, Tapio 2001. The retention of metals and sulphur in a natural

91 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 wetland - preliminary results from the old Otravaara pyrite Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing of Pre- mine, eastern Finland. In: Securing the future : international cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological Survey conference on mining and the environment, June 25 - July 1, of Finland. Special Paper 33, 143-152. 2001, Skellefteå, Sweden : proceedings. Vol. 2. Stockholm: Rasilainen, K. 2001. Host rock geochemistry at the The Swedish Mining Association, 662-670. Paleoproterozoic Pyhäsalmi VHMS deposit, central Finland. Räisänen, Marja Liisa; Tauriainen, Suvi 2001. The In: St. John’s 2001. Geological Association of Canada & geochemical behaviour of Fe, Al and S in strongly acidified Mineralogical Association of Canada joint annual meeting, St. podzols, Otravaara pyrite mine, eastern Finland. In: Securing John’s, Newfoundland, May 27-30 : abstracts volume. the future : international conference on mining and the GAC-MAC program with abstracts 26, 123. environment, June 25 - July 1, 2001, Skellefteå, Sweden : Rasilainen, Kari; Hölttä, Pirkko; Siitari-Kauppi, Marja; proceedings. Vol. 2. Stockholm: The Swedish Mining As- Suksi, Juhani; Lehikoinen, Jarmo; Valkiainen, Matti; sociation, 671-682. Timonen, Jussi; Lindberg, Antero; Marcos, Nuria 2001. Rämö, O. T.; Vaasjoki, M.; Alviola, R.; Johanson, B. S. Retardation mechanism studies for performance assessments. 2000. Radiogenic isotope constraints on the origin of the 1.64 VTT Tiedotteita 2096. 84 p. + 1 app. Ga Ahvenisto rapakivi granite - massif-type anorthosite Rasilainen, Kari (ed.) 2002. Nuclear waste management in complex, southeastern Finland [Electronic resource]. In: 31st Finland : final report of public sector’s research programme International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, JYT2001 (1997-2001). Tiivistelmä: Ydinjätehuolto Suomes- August 6-17, 2000 : abstracts volume. Rio de Janeiro: sa : julkishallinnon ydinjätetutkimusohjelman JYT2001 Geological Survey of Brazil. Optical disc (CD-ROM). (1997-2001) loppuraportti. Ministry of Trade and Industry. Rämö, O. Tapani; Luukkonen, Erkki J. 2001. 2.4 Ga A- Studies and reports 15/2002. 260 p. (GTK contributions by type granites of the Kainuu region, eastern Finland : charac- A. Kuivamäki, P. Vuorela, L. Ahonen, R. Blomqvist, J. terization and tectonic significance. In: EUG XI. European Kaija & T. Ruskeeniemi). Union of Geosciences, April 8th - 12th, 2001, Strasbourg, Rask, Markku 2001. Carrarajulkisivut tulleet vaihtoikään. France : abstract volume. Strasbourg: European Union of Suomalainen Kivi (3), 30-33. Geosciences, 771. Rastas, P.; Huhma, H.; Hanski, E.; Lehtonen, M. I.; Rämö, O. Tapani; Mänttäri, Irmeli; Vaasjoki, Matti; Härkönen, I.; Kortelainen, V.; Mänttäri, I.; Paakkola, J. Upton, B. G. J.; Sviridenko, Linata 2001. Age and signific- 2001. U-Pb isotopic studies on the Kittilä greenstone area, ance of Mesoproterozoic CFB magmatism, Lake Ladoga central Lapland, Finland. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric region, NW Russia. In: Boston 2001 : a geo-odyssey, age determinations from Finnish Lapland and their bearing November 1-10, 2001 : GSA Annual Meeting and Exposition on the timing of Precambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. abstracts. Geological Society of America. Abstracts with Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 33, 95-141. Programs 33 (6), A-139. Read, David; Blomqvist, Runar; Ruskeeniemi, Timo; Rämö, Tapani; Nironen, Mikko 2001. The Oripää granite, Rasilainen, Kari; Ayora, Carlos 2001. Uranium migration in SW Finland : characterization and significance in terms of glaciated terrain : implications of the Palmottu study, Svecofennian crustal evolution. Bulletin of the Geological southern Finland. In: Confidence in models of radionuclide Society of Finland 73 (1-2), 103-109. transport for site-specific assessments : workshop proceed- Rämö, O. T.; Vaasjoki, M.; Mänttäri, I.; Elliott, B. A.; ings, Carlsbad, New Mexico, United States, 14-17 June 1999. Nironen, M. 2001. Petrogenesis of the post-kinematic Paris: OECD, 201-214. magmatism of the Central Finland Granitoid Complex I : Read, D.; Rasilainen, K.; Ayora, C.; Ruskeeniemi, T. radiogenic isotope constraints and implications for crustal 2002. The migration and fixation of uranium at the Palmottu evolution. Journal of Petrology 42 (11), 1971-1993. natural analogue site. In: Maravic, H. von & Alexander, W. R. Rämö, O. Tapani; Nironen, Mikko; Vaasjoki, Matti; (eds.) Eighth EC Natural Analogue Working Group Meeting : Kurhila, Matti 2002. 1.83 Ga late-orogenic granites of proceedings of an international workshop held in Strasbourg, southern Finland : a link between orogenic and anorogenic France from 23 to 25 March 1999. Luxembourg: Office for magmatism in the Fennoscandian Shield. In: Science at the Official Publications of the European Communities, 219-231. highest level, Denver 2002 : GSA Annual Meeting and Reimann, Clemens; Kashulina, Galina; Caritat, Patrice de; Exposition, October 27-30, 2002. Geological Society of Niskavaara, Heikki 2001. Multi-element, multi-medium America. Abstracts with Programs 34 (6), 243. regional geochemistry in the European Arctic : element Rantataro, Jyrki 2001. Akustis-seismiset tutkimukset concentration, variation and correlation. Applied Geo- Olkiluodon läheisellä merialueella vuonna 2000. Abstract: chemistry 16 (7-8), 759-780. Acoustic-seismic research in the sea area near Olkiluoto in Reimann, C.; Koller, F.; Kashulina, G.; Niskavaara, H.; the year 2000. Posiva. Työraportti 2001-11. 6 p. + 51 app. Englmaier, P. 2001. Influence of extreme pollution on the Rantataro, Jyrki 2002. Sedimenttikivialueen rajaus ja inorganic chemical composition of some plants. Environ- Olkiluodon merialueen akustis-seismisten luotausten mental Pollution 115 (2), 239-252. täydentävä tulkinta. Abstract: The estimation of sedimentary Reimann, Clemens; Koller, Friedrich; Frengstad, Bjørn; rock covered area as well as supplementary interpretation of Kashulina, Galina; Niskavaara, Heikki; Englmaier, Peter acoustic-seismic research in Olkiluoto area. Posiva. Työ- 2001. Comparison of the element composition in several raportti 2002-38. 11 p. + 14 app. plant species and their substrate from a 1 500 000-km² area Räsänen, Jorma; Huhma, Hannu 2001. U-Pb datings in in northern Europe. The Science of the Total Environment the Sodankylä schist area, central Finnish Lapland. In: 278 (1-3), 87-112. Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric age determinations from Reimann, C.; Niskavaara, H.; Kashulina, G.; Filzmoser, Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing of Pre- P.; Boyd, R.; Volden, T.; Tomilina, O.; Bogatyrev, I. 2001. cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological Survey Critical remarks on the use of terrestrial moss (Hylocomium of Finland. Special Paper 33, 153-188. splendens and Pleurozium schreberi) for monitoring of Räsänen, Jorma; Vaasjoki, Matti 2001. The U-Pb age of airborne pollution. Environmental Pollution 113 (1), 41-57. a felsic gneiss in the Kuusamo schist area : reappraisal of Reinikainen, Jukka 2001. Petrogenesis of Paleoprotero- local lithostratigraphy and possible regional correlations. In: zoic marbles in the Svecofennian Domain, Finland. Geologian Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric age determinations from tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 154. 84 p. + 1 app., 2

92 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 app. maps. tutkimuksen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : GTK-SYKE - Righi, D.; Gillot, F.; Elsass, F.; Räisänen, M. L. 2001. tutkimusseminaari 12.9.2001. Geologian tutki-muskeskus. Alteration of Podzol smectites from Finland over the last Tutkimusraportti 153, 20-22. 10,000 years. In: Mid-European clay conference ’01, Saarnisto, Matti 2001. Perustutkimus ja geologian September 9-14, 2001, Stará Lesná, Slovakia : book of koulutus. Geologi 53 (9-10), 151-154. abstracts. Bratislava: National Clay Groups of Croatia, Saarnisto, Matti 2001. Will there be skiing on Salpaus- Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, 95. selkä in the future? In: Palmgren, U. (ed.) The 2nd FIS Ski Roman, Seija; Peuraniemi, Vesa; Lahermo, Pertti 2001. Historical Conference, Helsinki, Lahti 16.-18.2.2001. Lahti: Pohjaveden hydrogeokemialliset ominaispiirteet Pohjois- Lahti City Museum, 38-44. Pohjanmaan liuskejaksolla. In: Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka- Saarnisto, Matti; Saarinen, Timo 2001. Deglaciation Niemi, K. (eds.) Kirjoituksia pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristö- chronology of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet from the Lake geologian päivät, Turku, 13.-14.3.2000. Turku: Turun Onega basin to the Salpausselkä end moraines. In: Thiede, J. yliopiston geologian laitos, 155-161. ... [et al.] (eds.) The Late Quaternary stratigraphy and Ruotoistenmäki, Tapio; Mänttäri, Irmeli; Paavola, environments of northern Eurasia and the adjacent Arctic Jorma 2001. Characteristics of Proterozoic late-/ post- seas - new contributions from QUEEN : selected papers from collisional intrusives in Archaean crust in Iisalmi-Lapinlahti the annual QUEEN workshops held in Øystese, Norway, area, central Finland. In: Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of April 1999, and in Lund, Sweden, April 2000. Global and Finland, Current Research 1999-2000. Geological Survey of Planetary Change 31 (1-4), 387-405. Finland. Special Paper 31, 105-115. Saarnisto, Matti; Ojala, Antti; Alenius, Teija; Fors- Ruskeeniemi, T.; Lindberg, A.; Pérez del Villar, L.; ström, Pirjo-Leena; Kauppila, Tommi; Lunkka, Juha Blomqvist, R.; Suksi, J.; Blyth, A.; Cera, E. 2002. Uranium Pekka; Mäkilä, Markku; Pajunen, Hannu; Saarinen, mineralogy with implications for mobilisation of uranium at Timo; Sallasmaa, Olli; Tiljander, Mia 2002. Modelling Palmottu. In: Maravic, H. von & Alexander, W. R. (eds.) past global change - forecasting the future. In: Käyhkö, J. & Eighth EC Natural Analogue Working Group Meeting : Talve, L. (eds.) Understanding the global system : the proceedings of an international workshop held in Strasbourg, Finnish perspective. Helsinki: Finnish Global Change France from 23 to 25 March 1999. Luxembourg: Office for Research Programme FIGARE, 13-26. Official Publications of the European Communities, 143-154. Sallasmaa, Olli; Forsström, Pirjo-Leena; Greve, Ralf Ruskeeniemi, Timo; Paananen, Markku; Ahonen, 2002. Skandinavian mannerjäätikön simulointi kolmi- Lasse; Kaija, Juha; Kuivamäki, Aimo; Frape, Shaun; ulotteisella polytermisellä SICOPOLIS-jäätikkömallilla. In: Moren, Lena; Degnan, Paul 2002. Permafrost at Lupin : Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian tutkijapäivät 13.-14.3. report of phase 1. Tiivistelmä: Lupinin ikirouta : raportti 1 2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, osallistujat. Helsinki: tutkimusvaiheesta. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Ydinjätteiden Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu, 52. sijoitustutkimukset. Tiedonanto YST-112. 59 p. + 3 app. Salmela, Saara; Sutinen, Raimo; Sepponen, Pentti 2001. Saarinen, T. 2001. Sedimentological studies and varve Understorey vegetation as an indicator of water content in analysis, An Loch Mór, Inis Oírr, W. Ireland. In: TIMECHS till soils in Finnish Lapland. Scandinavian Journal of Forest : Timing and mechanisms of Holocene climate change in NW Research 16 (4), 331-341. Europe. Vol. 2: Final reports of contractors and associates. Salminen, R.; Heikkinen, P.; Nikkarinen, M.; Park- Brussel: European Union, 19 p. kinen, J.; Sipilä, P.; Suomela, P.; Wennerström, M. Saarinen, Timo; Petterson, Gunilla 2001. Image analysis 2000. Ympäristövaikutusten arviointimenettelyn opas kaivos- techniques. In: Last, W. M. & Smol, J. P. (eds.) Tracking hankkeisiin. Abstract: Guide to environmental impact assess- environmental change using lake sediments. Volume 2: ment in connection with mining projects. Kauppa- ja teolli- Physical and geochemical methods. Dordrecht: Kluwer suusministeriön tutkimuksia ja raportteja 20/1999. 80 p. Academic Publishers, 23-39. Salminen, Reijo 2001. Factors affecting the properties of Saarinen, Timo; Tiljander, Mia; Saarnisto, Matti geochemical information. In: Metals in the environment : II 2001. Medieval climate anomaly in eastern Finland recorded International conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 23- by annually laminated lake sediments. In: Yasuda, Y. ... [et 26, 2001 : book of abstracts. Vilnius: Institute of Geology : al.] (eds.) Environmental changes and rise and fall of Lithuanian Metalecology Society, 130-132. civilizations, 5-9 November 2001, Kyoto and Mikata, Japan. Salminen, Reijo (ed.) 2001. International conference on Monsoon 3, 86-89. practical applications in environmental geotechnology ecogeo Saarinen, T. J.; Tiljander, M.; Ojala, A. E. K.; Saar- 2000. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 32. 225 p. nisto, M. 2001. Rapid environmental changes recorded by Salminen, Reijo; Chekushin, Viktor; Tenhola, Markku four annually laminated lakes in Finland during the last 2,000 2001. Barents ecogeochemistry - laaja geokemiallinen baseline years. In: High-resolution lake sediment records in climate ohjelma Luoteis-Venäjällä ja Suomessa. Abstract: Barents and environment variability studies : 6th Workshop of the ecogeochemistry - a large geochemical baseline programme in European Lake Drilling Programme ELDP, May 11-16, 2001, NW-Russia and Finland. In: Idman, H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Potsdam, Germany. Terra nostra. Schriften der Alfred- Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : Wegener-Stiftung 2001/3, 178-180. GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari 12.9.2001. Geologian Saarinen, T.; Ojala, M.; Tiljander, M.; Saarnisto, M. tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, 56-58. 2002. Wintertime variability in central and eastern Finland Salminen, Reijo; Chekushin, Viktor; Tenhola, Markku recorded by annually laminated lake sediments during the last 2001. Barents ecogeochemistry - a large geochemical base- 2000 years. In: Tuhkanen, S. & Oja, M. (eds.) CLIC : climate lines programme in NW-Russia and Finland. In: Metals in the change and variability in northern Europe : climate change environment : II International conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, symposium, Turku/Åbo, June 6-8th, 2001 : realised program- September 23-26, 2001 : book of abstracts. Vilnius: Institute me and abstracts. Turun yliopiston maantieteen laitoksen of Geology : Lithuanian Metalecology Society, 132-133. julkaisuja 165, 73. Salminen, R.; Gregorauskiene, V.; Tenhola, M.; Chekushin, Saarnisto, Matti 2001. Globaalimuutos ja paleoilmasto- V. 2001. Proekt “Ekogeohimiâ rajona Barenceva morâ” - tutkimus. Abstract: Global change and palaeoclimate novye fonovye geohimiceskie dannye severo-zapada Rossii. research. In: Idman, H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä kehitys - In: Burenkov, E. K. (ed.) Prikladnaâ geohimiâ. Vypusk 2:

93 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

Ekologiceskaâ geoximiâ. Moskva: IMGRE, 169-177. Torjunta-aineiden ja ravinteiden kulkeutuminen kasvihuoneista Salminen, Reijo 2002. Geochemical atlas of Europe - do maaperään ja pohjaveteen : EU-projekti SMT CT96-2048. the new maps reveal risky areas. In: FOREGS 2002 work- Abstract: Leaching of pesticides and nutrients from green- shop programme and summaries : FOREGS annual meeting, 4- houses to the soil and the ground water. Suomen ympäristö 5 September 2002, Espoo, Finland. Espoo: Geological Survey 516. 79 p. of Finland GTK, 20-22. Shtangeeva, Irina; Vuorinen, Antti; Rietz, Bernd; Carlson, Salminen, R. 2002. Distribution of heavy metals in Liisa 2001. Bioremediation of soil. The effect of calcium minerogenic and organogenic surficial deposits and surface nitrate and bacteria on the accumulation of heavy metals in waters in Arctic and subarctic regions of Northeast Europe. plants. Nordiska föreningen för lerforskning. Meddelande In: The Second AMAP International Symposium on Environ- (13), 21-22. mental Pollution of the Arctic, Rovaniemi, Finland, October Shtangeeva, Irina; Vuorinen, Antti; Rietz, Bernd; Carlson, 1-4, 2002 : extended abstracts. AMAP Report 2002:2, 3 p. Liisa 2001. Combination of ICP-AES and instrumental Salminen, Reijo; Bogatyrev, Igor; Chekushin, Viktor; neutron activation analysis as effective methods for studying Glavatskikh, Sergey P.; Tomilina, Olga; Tenhola, Markku distribution of elements in soil and plants. In: Carignan, J., 2002. Barents Ecogeochemistry - a large geochemical baseline Télouk, P. & Valladon, M. (eds.) Geoanalysis 2000. Geo- study of heavy metals and other elements in surficial standards Newsletter 25 (2-3), 299-306. deposits, NW-Russia and Finland. In: The Second AMAP Shtangeeva, I. V.; Vuorinen, A.; Rietz, B.; Christiansen, International Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the G.; Carlson, L. 2001. Decontamination of polluted urban Arctic, Rovaniemi, Finland, October 1-4, 2002 : extended soils by plants. Our possibilities to enhance the uptake of abstracts. AMAP Report 2002:2, 3 p. heavy metals. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Salminen, R.; Glavatskikh, S. P.; Tomilina, O.; Chemistry 249 (2), 369-374. Bogatyrev, I.; Gregorauskiene, V. 2002. Barents ecogeo- Silvennoinen, Ahti 2001. Pohjois-Suomen malminetsintä chemistry - a large geochemical baseline study of heavy ja malmiesiintymät. Lapin tutkimusseura. Vuosikirja XLI metals and other elements in surficial deposits, NW-Russia 2000, 6-14. and Finland. In: Ûdahin, F. N. (ed.) Ekologiâ severnyh Silvennoinen, Ahti 2002. Jalometalleissako Pohjois- territorij Rossii : problemy, prognoz situacii, puti razvitiâ, Suomen kaivannaisteollisuuden tulevaisuus? In: - reseniâ : materialy mezdunarodnoj konferncii. Tom 1. niemi, H. ... [et al.] (authors) Lapin teollisuuden näkymät Arhangel’sk: Institut ekologiceskih problem Severa UrO uuden vuosituhannen alussa. Kemi: Lapin Insinööri- ja RAN, 258-261. Arkkitehtiyhdistys , 39-44. Salminen, Reijo; Vernigora, Nikita; Polischuok, Alla; Smellie, J. A. T.; Blomqvist, R.; Frape, S. K.; Pitkänen, P.; Chestyakova, Marina; Tomilina, Olga 2002. Heavy metal Ruskeeniemi, T.; Suksi, J.; Casanova, J.; Gimeno, M. J.; concentration of precipitation and their seasonal variation at Kaija, J. 2002. Palaeohydrogeological implications for long- thirty monitoring stations in the Barents region in NW term hydrochemical stability at Palmottu. In: Maravic, H. Russia and Finland. In: The Second AMAP International von & Alexander, W. R. (eds.) Eighth EC Natural Analogue Symposium on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic, Working Group Meeting : proceedings of an international Rovaniemi, Finland, October 1-4, 2002 : extended abstracts. workshop held in Strasbourg, France from 23 to 25 March AMAP Report 2002:2, 2 p. 1999. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the Salonen, Veli-Pekka; Eronen, Matti; Saarnisto, Matti European Communities, 201-207. 2002. Käytännön maaperägeologia. Turku: Kirja-Aurora. Soininen, Heikki 2001. SlimBORIS, sähkömagneettinen 237 p. kolmikomponenttinen kairareikämittausjärjestelmä. In: Saltikoff, Boris 2001. Max Kulonpalo 1911-2001. Geolo- Pietilä, R. (ed.) Laivaseminaari 29.-30.1.2001 : kaivos- gi 53 (9-10), 160-161. teollisuus ja malminetsintä muuttuvassa ympäristössä : Saltikoff, Boris 2001. Vielä kerran malmisanastosta. Vuo- abstraktit. Vuorimiesyhdistys. Sarja B 77, 4 p. riteollisuus 59 (3), 54. Soininen, Heikki; Sugeng, Fred; Raiche, Art 2002. Saltikoff, Boris (comp.) 2002. FOREGS 2002, Espoo, Modelling of EM dipole-dipole drill-hole data with Loki edge Finland : excursion guide, 6-7 September, 2002 : south- finite-element program [Electronic resource]. In: EAGE 64th western Finland - geology and history. Geologian tutki- Conference and Exhibition, Florence, Italy, 27-30 May 2002 muskeskus. Opas 50. 32 p. + 1 app. map. : extended abstracts. Houten: EAGE Business Office, 4 p. Sarapää, Olli; Reinikainen, Jukka; Seppänen, Han- Optical disc (CD-ROM). nu; Kärkkäinen, Niilo; Ahtola, Timo 2001. Industrial Stafford, Sherry L.; Capo, Rosemary C.; Stewart, Brian minerals exploration in southwestern and western Finland. W.; Marmo, Jukka; Ohmoto, Hiroshi 2002. Paleoenviron- In: Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, Current mental investigation of the Proterozoic Hokkalampi paleosol, Research 1999-2000. Geological Survey of Finland. Special eastern Finland. In: Abstracts of the 12th Annual V. M. Paper 31, 31-40. Goldschmidt Conference, Davos, Switzerland, August 18-23, Schmidt-Thomé, Philipp 2002. Methodological approach 2002. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 66 (15A), A735. for the development of terrestrial environment indicators - a Stén, Carl-Göran 2001. Espoon Mustalammen geologi- Pan-European reporting approach performed by the Topic nen historia. Suo ja Turve (2), 18. Centre for Terrestrial Environment of the European Environ- Stén, Carl-Göran; Moisanen, Markku 2002. Hämeen- ment Agency. In: FOREGS 2002 workshop programme and linnan suot. Summary: The peatlands in Hämeenlinna, summaries : FOREGS annual meeting, 4-5 September 2002, southern Finland. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutki- Espoo, Finland. Espoo: Geological Survey of Finland GTK, musraportti 337. 34 p. + 2 app. 10-11. Stén, Carl-Göran; Moisanen, Markku 2002. Rengon Schulz, Hans-Peter; Eriksson, Brita; Hirvas, Heikki; suot ja niiden turvevarat. Summary: The peatlands of Renko, Huhta, Pekka; Jungner, Högne; Purhonen, Paula; Ukkonen, southern Finland. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutki- Pirkko; Rankama, Tuija 2002. Excavations at Susiluola cave. musraportti 338. 53 p. + 2 app. Tiivistelmä: Susiluola. Suomen Museo 2002 109, 5-45. Suksi, J.; Rasilainen, K.; Casanova, J.; Ruskeeniemi, T.; Servomaa, Kristina; Tuomainen, Anneli; Ahokas, Anne; Blomqvist, R.; Smellie, J. A. T. 2001. U-series disequilibria Sojakka, Pekka; Breilin, Olli; Kangas, Juhani 2001. in a groundwater flow route as an indicator of uranium

94 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 migration processes. In: Kim, J.-I. & Geckeis, H. (eds.) haasteet ja mahdollisuudet : GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari Migration ’99. Seventh International Conference on the 12.9.2001. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, Chemistry and Migration Behaviour of Actinides and Fission 47-49. Products in the Geosphere, Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California, Tarvainen, Timo; Lahermo, Pertti; Hatakka, Tarja; USA, Sep. 26 - Oct. 01, 1999. Journal of Contaminant Huikuri, Pia; Ilmasti, Maija; Juntunen, Risto; Karhu, Hydrology 47 (2-4), 187-196. Juha; Kortelainen, Nina; Nikkarinen, Maria; Väisänen, Suksi, U. J.; Juntunen, P.; Pitkänen, P.; Rasilainen, K.; Ulpu 2001. Chemical composition of well water in Finland - Ruskeeniemi, T.; Casanova, J. 2001. Application of main results of the “one thousand wells” project. In: Autio, uranium-series disequilibrium data to interpretation of S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research oxygen intrusion in rocks. In: Cidu, R. (ed.) Water-rock 1999-2000. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, interaction : proceedings of the Tenth International Sympo- 57-76. sium on Water-Rock Interaction WRI-10, Villasimius, Italy, Tarvainen, Timo; Lahermo, Pertti; Nikkarinen, 10-15 July 2001. Vol. 2. Lisse: A. A. Balkema, 1395-1398. Maria; Paukola, Tarja; Valpola, Samu; Väisänen, Ulpu Sundblad, K.; Alm, E.; Vaasjoki, M. 2002. Tindered and 2001. Tuhat kaivoa - valtakunnallinen pohjavesitutkimus. In: Metsola : new examples of Phanerozoic fluorite-calcite- Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka-Niemi, K. (eds.) Kirjoituksia galena vein systems in the Baltic Sea region. In: Korkka- pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristögeologian päivät, Turku, 13.- Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian tutkijapäivät 13.-14.3.2002 Helsinki 14.3.2000. Turku: Turun yliopiston geologian laitos, 141- : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, osallistujat. Helsinki: Geologian 146. valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu, 6-7. Tarvainen, Timo; Savolainen, Heimo 2001. Arseenin Sundblad, K.; Vaasjoki, M. 2002. Fennoscandian ore lead rapautumisnopeus Suomen metsämailla. Summary: The systematics. In: Cook, N. J. (ed.) Metallogeny of Pre- weathering rate of arsenic in Finnish till soils. Geologi 53 (6), cambrian shields, Kyiv, Ukraine, September 13-26, 2002 : 87-90. the abstracts. Kyiv: Ukrainian State Geological Survey : Tarvainen, Timo 2002. Policy relevance of geochemical Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, 92-93. mapping - needs of geochemical data in the European level. Suominen, Meeri 2001. Sulphur speciation - method In: FOREGS 2002 workshop programme and summaries : validation and testing. In: Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of FOREGS annual meeting, 4-5 September 2002, Espoo, Finland, Current Research 1999-2000. Geological Survey of Finland. Espoo: Geological Survey of Finland GTK, 22-23. Finland. Special Paper 31, 85-95. Tarvainen, T.; Kallio, E. 2002. Baselines of certain Suominen, Veli (ed.); Kankainen, Tuovi (ed.) 2001. bioavailable and total heavy metal concentrations in Finland. Geologimatrikkeli 2000 Geologmatrikel. Helsinki: Geo- In: Fuge, R. (ed.) Environmental geochemistry : selected logiliitto r.y.. 104 p. papers from the 5th International Symposium, Cape Town, Sutinen, Heikki 2000. Maatutkaluotaukset pohjavesi- ja South Africa, 24-29 April 2000. Applied Geochemistry 17 ympäristötutkimuksissa : esimerkki Sulkavan Kukkapään (8), 975-980. pohjavesialueelta. In: Maatutkarengas ry:n 10-vuotisjuhla- Tauriainen, Suvi; Räisänen, Marja Liisa 2001. Precipit- seminaari 15.-16.02.2000, Kuopio. Kuopio: Maatutkarengas ation of aluminium and iron in Finnish podzols. In: Third Intern- ry, 89-96 . ational Conference on Cryopedology : dynamics and chal- Sutinen, Heikki 2001. Pudasjärvellä tutkitut suot ja lenges of cryosols, Copenhagen, August 20-24, 2001 : abstracts. niiden turvevarat. Osa XVII . Abstract: The mires and peat Copenhagen: Institute of Geography/Geocenter, 1 p. reserves in the municipality of Pudasjärvi. Part XVII. Tikkanen, Jaakko 2001. Kalliopohjavesitutkimuksia Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutkimusraportti 332. 31 p. Kaakkois-Suomessa, porakaivojen paikkojen määrittäminen + 3 app. Valkealan Utissa. In: Salonen, V.-P. & Korkka-Niemi, K. Sutinen, Marja-Liisa; Teirilä, Ari; Pänttäjä, Markku; (eds.) Kirjoituksia pohjavedestä : 3. Ympäristögeologian Sutinen, Raimo 2001. Puulajikoostumus ja moreeni- päivät, Turku, 13.-14.3.2000. Turku: Turun yliopiston kasvupaikkojen sähköiset ominaisuudet Keski- ja Pohjois- geologian laitos, 65-75. Lapissa. In: Varmola, M. & Tapaninen, S. (eds.) Pohjoisten Tiljander, Mia; Ojala, Antti; Saarinen, Timo; Saar- metsien hoito - 30 vuotta tutkimuspäiviä Rovaniemellä. nisto, Matti 2002. Suhteellisen röntgentiheyden perusteella Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja 803, 55-70. näkyvät ympäristömuutokset neljässä suomalaisessa lusto- Svendsen, J. I.; Alexanderson, H.; Astakhov, V. I.; järvessä viimeisen 2000 vuoden aikana. In: Korkka-Niemi, K. Demidov, I.; Dowdeswell, J. A.; Gataullin, V.; Henriksen, (ed.) Geologian tutkijapäivät 13.-14.3.2002 Helsinki : M.; Hjort, C.; Houmark-Nielsen, M.; Hubberten, H. W.; ohjelma, tiivistelmät, osallistujat. Helsinki: Geologian Jakobsson, M.; Kjær, K.; Larsen, E.; Lunkka, J. P.; Lyså, A.; valtakunnallinen tutkijakoulu, 40. Mangerud, J.; Maslenikova, O.; Matioushkov, A.; Möller, Tiljander, Mia; Ojala, Antti; Saarinen, Timo; Snow- P.; Raab, A.; Saarnisto, M.; Siegert, C.; Siegert, M. J.; ball, Ian 2002. Documentation of the physical properties of Wischer, F. 2001. The Late Quaternary glacial history of annually laminated (varved) sediments at a sub-annual to northern Eurasia. In: Ice Sheets and Climate in the Eurasian decadal resolution for environmental interpretation. In: Arctic at the Last Glacial Maximum - Eurasian Ice Sheets : Brauer, A. & Negendank, J. F. W. (eds.) The value of final report 1998-2000. Part B: Final scientific report. annually laminated lake sediments in palaeoenvironment Luxembourg: European Comunity, 139-210. reconstruction : dedicated to Björn E. Berglund. Quaternary Svetov, S. A.; Svetova, A. I.; Huhma, H. 2001. Geo- International 88, 5-12. chemistry of the komatiite-tholeiite rock association in the Toivonen, Hannu T. T.; Mannila, Heikki; Korhola, Atte; Vedlozero-Segozero Archean greenstone belt, central Karelia. Olander, Heikki 2001. Applying Bayesian statistics to Geochemistry International 39 (Suppl. 1), S24-S38. organism-based environmental reconstruction. Ecological Taipale, Kalle 2002. Tulivuorten varjossa : vulkanismi Applications 11 (2), 618-630. Italiassa. Roma. Villa Lanten Ystävien vuosikirja I, 9-19. Toivonen, Tapio 2001. Porvoossa tutkitut suot ja niiden Tarvainen, Timo; Kuusisto, Erna 2001. Raskasmetallien turvevarat. Abstract: The mires and peat reserves of Porvoo. rikastumiskertoimet Suomen peltomaassa. Abstract: Heavy Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutkimusraportti 334. 29 p. metal enrichment factors in Finnish arable soils. In: Idman, + 4 app. H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen Toivonen, Tapio 2002. Alajärvellä tutkitut suot ja niiden

95 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002 turvevarat. Osa 1. Abstract: The mires and peat reserves of Ridnitsohkka intrusion in Finnish Lapland : a further Alajärvi. Part 1. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Turvetutki- constraint on Caledonide evolution. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) musraportti 339. 39 p. + 4 app. Radiometric age determinations from Finnish Lapland and Tomilina, Olga; Bogatyrev, Igor; Chekushin, Viktor; their bearing on the timing of Precambrian volcano-sediment- Salminen, Reijo 2001. Joint Finnish-Russian-Norwegian ary sequences. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper project “Barents Ecogeochemistry” 1999-2003 : first results 33, 247-253. of stream water sampling in Finland and north-western Väisänen, Markku; Mänttäri, Irmeli 2002. U-Pb ages and Russia. In: Metals in the environment : II International tectonic setting of volcanic formations in the Orijärvi area, conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, September 23-26, 2001 : book southwestern Finland. In: Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geologian of abstracts. Vilnius: Institute of Geology : Lithuanian tutkijapäivät 13.-14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivistelmät, Metalecology Society, 150-151. osallistujat. Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen tutkija- Tontti, Mikko 2001. Vielä malmeista ja malmiesiin- koulu, 9-10. tymistä. Geologi 53 (4-5), 74-75. Väisänen, Markku; Mänttäri, Irmeli; Hölttä, Pentti Tontti, Mikko 2002. Fennoskandian malminetsintä- ja 2002. Svecofennian magmatic and metamorphic evolution in kaivannaisteollisuus : konferenssi Rovaniemellä. Vuori- southwestern Finland as revealed by U-Pb zircon SIMS teollisuus 60 (1), 16-17. geochronology. Precambrian Research 116 (1-2), 111-127. Törmä, Markus; Rainio, Heikki; Ruohomäki, Timo Väisänen, Ulpu; Kukkonen, Marjatta; Laitinen, Pirkko; 2002. Classification of vegetation and soil using AISA-spectro- Rainio, Heikki; Ulmos, Marina 2001. Ympäristöongelmia meter : some results from Lammi test area. The Photogram- Nicaraguassa. Ympäristö ja Terveys 32 (10), 67-74 . metric Journal of Finland 18 (1), 73-84. Valli, Tuire; Vanhala, Heikki; Huotari, Taija 2002. Tschudi, Silvio; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Schlüchter, Christian; Airborne magnetic and radiometric study around oil shale Kubik, Peter W.; Rainio, Heikki 2001. New Al-26 dates for mine area in Kohtla-Järve, Estonia [ Electronic resource]. In: the Younger Dryas Salpausselkä I formation in Finland. In: Senos Matias, M. & Grangeia, C. (eds.) 8th Meeting EEGS- EUG XI. European Union of Geosciences, April 8th - 12th, ES, Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 8-12 2001, Strasbourg, France : abstract volume. Strasbourg: September 2002, Aveiro, Portugal : proceedings. Aveiro: European Union of Geosciences, 216. Universidade de Aveiro, 509-512. Optical disc (CD-ROM). Tschudi, Silvio; Ivy-Ochs, Susan; Schlüchter, Christian; Vallius, Henry; Kunzendorf, Helmar 2001. Sediment Kubik, Peter W.; Rainio, Heikki 2001. New absolute dating surface geochemistry of three Baltic Sea deep basins. Ambio of the Younger Dryas Salpausselkä I formation with cosmog- 30 (3), 135-141. enic Al-26. Geologi 53 (8), 131-135. Vallius, Henry; Leivuori, Mirja 2001. The chemistry of Tsuru, Asuka; Walker, Richard J.; Kontinen, Asko; Pelto- the surface sediments in the North Central Basin, the Baltic nen, Petri; Hanski, Eero 2000. Re-Os isotopic systematics of Sea. In: Paleoenvironment of the Baltic Sea . Baltica 14, 108- the 1.95 Ga Jormua ophiolite complex, northeastern Finland. 114. Chemical Geology 164 (1-2), 123-141. Vallius, Henry; Kankainen, Tuovi; Suominen, Veli Uski, M.; Hyvönen, T.; Korja, A.; Airo, M.-L. 2002. 2002. Uuden geologimatrikkelin tilastoja. Summary: Statistics Focal mechanisms of three Finnish earthquakes and their from Geologimatrikkeli 2000, the new register of geologists. connection to surface faults [Electronic resource ]. In: 27th Geologi 54 (1), 14-16. General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society, Vallius, H. 2002. Patchiness of sedimentation in the Nice, France, 21-26 April, 2002. Geophysical Research Gotland Basin, based on the geochemistry of surface sediments. Abstracts 4, 1 p. Optical disc (CD-ROM) . In: Emelyanov, E. M. (ed.) The Seventh Marine Geological Väänänen, Jukka; Lehtonen, Matti I. 2001. U-Pb isot- Conference “Baltic-7”, April 21-27, 2002, Kaliningrad, opic age determinations from the Kolari-Muonio area, Russia : abstracts, excursion guide. Kaliningrad: Atlantic western Finnish Lapland. In: Vaasjoki, M. (ed.) Radiometric Branch of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS, 133. age determinations from Finnish Lapland and their bearing Valpola, Samu E.; Kauppila, Tommi 2002. Kaljasjärven on the timing of Precambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. paleolimnologinen tutkimus valmistumassa. Kalahaavi (1), Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 33, 85-93. 15-16. Väänänen, Jukka; Leppinen, Johnny 2001. Sieppijärvi. Valpola, Samu; Kauppila, Tommi 2002. Karjalohjan Puu- Suomen geologinen kartta 1:100 000 : kallioperäkartta lehti järven sedimenttitutkimus. In: Korkka-Niemi, K. (ed.) Geolo- 2624. gian tutkijapäivät 13.-14.3.2002 Helsinki : ohjelma, tiivis- Väänänen, Jukka 2002. Pasmajärvi. Suomen geologinen telmät, osallistujat. Helsinki: Geologian valtakunnallinen kartta 1:100 000 : kallioperäkartta lehti 2642. tutkijakoulu, 37-38. Vaasjoki, Matti 2001. Three decades of U-Pb mineral Valve, Matti; Kahelin, Hanna; Rantanen, Pirjo; Heino- analyses at the Geological Survey of Finland. In: Vaasjoki, nen, Soile 2002. Arseenin poisto pohjavedestä - ARPO- M. (ed.) Radiometric age determinations from Finnish projektin tuloksia. Ympäristö ja Terveys 33 (6-7), 31-38. Lapland and their bearing on the timing of Precambrian Vanhala, Heikki 2001. Maaperä ja pohjavesi. In: Hieta- volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological Survey of niemi, L. & Lehto, A. (eds.) Ympäristömittausten automati- Finland. Special Paper 33, 9-13. sointi- ja kehittämistarpeet Suomessa. Teknologiakatsaus Vaasjoki, Matti (ed.) 2001. Radiometric age determin- 117/2001, 45-55. ations from Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing Vanhala, Heikki; Lahti, Mari 2001. Test of resistivity of Precambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological and IP methods for mapping mine tailings - results from Survey of Finland. Special Paper 33. 279 p. Hammaslahti, a closed Cu mine in eastern Finland. In: Hill, I. Vaasjoki, Matti; Kärki, Aulis; Laajoki, Kauko 2001. (ed.) 7th Meeting Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Timing of Palaeoproterozoic crustal shearing in the central Birmingham, England, September 2nd-6th 2001 : proceedings. Fennoscandian Shield according to U-Pb data from associated Lausanne: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical granitoids, Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Society, European Section, 230-231. Finland 73 (1-2), 87-101. Vanhala, Heikki; Lintinen, Petri; Lehtimäki, Jukka Vaasjoki, Matti; Sipilä, Pekka 2001. U-Pb isotopic 2001. Mapping frozen ground using electrical measurements determinations on baddeleyite and zircon from the Halti- - a case from Peera, a palsa in Finnish Lapland. In: Hill, I.

96 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002

(ed.) 7th Meeting Environmental and Engineering Geo- Ari; Nenonen, Keijo; Lehto, Olli 2001. Physical and physics, Birmingham, England, September 2nd-6th 2001 : chemical characterisation of aquiclude peats used in landfill. proceedings. Lausanne: Environmental and Engineering In: Ecological use of peat, Caithness, Scotland, 21-24 Geophysical Society, European Section, 70-71. September 2001 : conference proceedings. Thurso: Environ- Vanhala, Heikki; All, Tarmo; Kattai, Vello; Lintinen, mental Research Institute, 32-41. Petri; Valli, Tuire 2002. Test of airborne geophysics for Virtanen, Kimmo; Kujala, Kauko; Ilmavirta, Ilkka; mapping oil shale mining area at Kohtla-Järve, NE Estonia. Nenonen, Keijo; Huttunen, Eero; Rinne, Jukka 2001. Tur- In: Seepõld, M. (ed.) Symposium on oil shale, 18-21 November peen käyttö kaatopaikan tiivistekerroksena. Abstract: Use 2002, Tallinn, Estonia : abstracts. Tallinn: Tallinn Technical of peat as the aquiclude layer in landfills. In: Idman, H. & University, 31. Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen haasteet ja Vanhala, Heikki; All, Tarmo; Huotari, Taija; Kattai, mahdollisuudet : GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari 12.9. Vello; Lintinen, Petri 2002 . Test of airborne geophysics 2001. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, for mapping oil shale mining area in Kohtla-Järve, NE 75-76. Estonia [Electronic resource]. In: EAGE 64th Conference and Virtanen, Kimmo 2002. Peat as the water sealing barrier Exhibition, Florence, Italy, 27-30 May 2002 : extended in landfills. In: Schmilewski, G. & Rochefort, L. (eds.) Peat in abstracts. Houten: EAGE Business Office, 4 p. Optical disc horticulture : quality and environmental challenges : proceed- (CD-ROM). ings of the International Peat Symposium, Pärnu, Estonia, 3- Vanhala, Heikki; Lintinen, Petri 2002. Test of geo- 6 September 2002. Jyväskylä: International Peat Society, physics for monitoring frozen ground - a case from the 366. southern limit of discontinuous permafrost in Finnish Voutilainen, Lahja 2001. Erikoiskirjaston tiedonhal- Lapland. In: The Second AMAP International Symposium linnan kehityskaari - Geologian tutkimuskeskus. In: Julkisen on Environmental Pollution of the Arctic, Rovaniemi, hallinnon kirjastot ja tietopalvelut : yhteistyötä, verkos- Finland, October 1-4, 2002 : extended abstracts. AMAP toitumista, synergiaa. Signum 34 (3), 56-60. Report 2002:2, 3 p. Voutilainen, Lahja (comp.) 2001. Papers published by Vanhanen, Erkki 2001. Geology, mineralogy and geo- Geological Survey of Finland staff in 1999-2000. In: Autio, S. chemistry of the Fe-Co-Au-(U) deposits in the Paleo- (ed.) Geological Survey of Finland, Current Research 1999- proterozoic Kuusamo Schist Belt, northeastern Finland. 2000. Geological Survey of Finland. Special Paper 31, 141- Geological Survey of Finland. Bulletin 399. 229 p. + 13 app., 167. 1 app. map. Vuorela, Irmeli; Lempiäinen, Terttu; Saarnisto, Matti Vanyan, L. L.; Kuznetsov, V. A.; Lyubetskaya, T. V.; 2001. Land use pollen record from the Island of Valamo, Palshin, N. A.; Korja, T.; Lahti, I. 2002. Electrical conduct- Russian Karelia. Annales Botanici Fennici 38 ( 2), 139-165. ivity of the crust beneath central Lapland. Izvestiya, Physics Vuorela, Irmeli; Saarnisto, Matti; Lempiäinen, Terttu; of the Solid Earth 38 (10), 798-815. Taavitsainen, Jussi-Pekka 2001. Stone Age to recent land-use Varentsov, Iv. M.; Engels, M.; Korja, T.; Smirnov, M. Yu. history at Pegrema, northern Lake Onega, Russian Karelia. 2002. A generalized geoelectric model of Fennoscandia : a Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 10 (3), 121-138. challenging database for long-period 3D modeling studies Watanabe, Naoki; Marmo, Jukka S.; Watanabe, Yumiko; within the Baltic Electromagnetic Array Research (BEAR) Ohmoto, Hiroshi 2002. Geochemistry of a 2.3 Ga Sub- project . Izvestiya, Physics of the Solid Earth 38 (10), 855- Jaturian paleolaterite in the Hallavaara area, eastern Finland. 896. In: Science at the highest level, Denver 2002 : GSA Annual Vartiainen, Heikki; Silvennoinen, Ahti 2002. Heikki Paar- Meeting and Exposition, October 27-30, 2002. Geological ma 5.4.1920 - 16.10.2001. Vuoriteollisuus 60 (1), 47. Society of America. Abstracts with Programs 34 (6), 271. Vartiainen, Risto 2001. Ioliittia Suomesta. Kivi 19 (4), Werner, S. C.; Plado, J.; Pesonen, L. J.; Janle, P.; Elo, S. 16-21. 2001. A subsurface model of Suvasvesi N impact structure, Vartiainen, Risto 2002. Keski-Lapissa etsitään rakennus- SE Finland, derived from potential field data [Electronic kiviä. Suomalainen Kivi ( 4), 46-47. resource]. In: 26th General Assembly of the European Verta, Matti; Salo, Simo; Malve, Olli; Lehto, Olli; Geophysical Society, Nice, France, 25-30 March, 2001. Hämäläinen, Lea; Nenonen, Keijo; Putkinen, Seppo; Geophysical Research Abstracts 3, 1261. Optical disc (CD- Rantataro, Jyrki 2001. Kontaminoituneen sedimentin näyt- ROM). teenotto- ja tutkimusmenetelmä jokiolosuhteisiin - esimerk- Winterhalter, Boris 2001. The BASYS coring site in the kinä Kymijoen sedimenttitutkimus. Abstract: A sampling and North Central Baltic Sea Basin - a geological description. In: research method for contaminated river sediments - an Paleoenvironment of the Baltic Sea. Baltica 14, 9-17. example from the Kymijoki river sediment study. In: Idman, Winterhalter, Boris 2001. The BASYS Project and the H. & Rönkä, E. (eds.) Kestävä kehitys - tutkimuksen haas- paleoenvironment of the Baltic Sea. In: Paleoenvironment of teet ja mahdollisuudet : GTK-SYKE -tutkimusseminaari the Baltic Sea. Baltica 14, 5-8. 12.9.2001. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Tutkimusraportti 153, Winterhalter, Boris 2001. On sediment patchiness at the 80-83. BASYS coring site, Gotland Deep, the Baltic Sea. In: Virkkunen, Marjatta; Partanen, Seppo J.; Rask, Markku Paleoenvironment of the Baltic Sea. Baltica 14, 18-23. 2001. Suomen kivet : koru-, jalo- ja rakennuskivet, kivet Winterhalter, Boris 2002. Ilmasto ja geologinen tietämys. harrastuksena, kivet arkeen ja juhlaan. Helsinki: Edita. 175 p. Geologi 54 (6), 102-103. Virtanen, Kimmo 2001. Heimo Porkka (1952-2001). Suo Wold, Richard J.; Valli, Tuire 2002. A review of under- 52 (3-4), 140-141. water UXO systems in Europe [Electronic resource]. In: The Virtanen, Kimmo 2001. Syötteen suohistoria. In: Lehtonen, UXO/Countermine forum : DoD’s preeminent conference on H. (ed.) Luontoa ja historiaa Syötteen alueelta - Syöte Life- technology, programs & partnerships, September 3-6, 2002, projektin perusselvitykset. Oulu: Metsähallitus, Pohjan- Orlando : transformation in a dynamic environment. Alexand- maan-Kainuun luontopalvelut, 29-46. ria, VA: U.S. Department of Defense, 9 p. Optical disc (CD- Virtanen, Kimmo; Kallinen, Riitta-Liisa; Luukkanen, ROM).

97 Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 36 Papers published by Geological Survey of Finland staff in 2001-2002