Plane Lost with 85 Aboard TAHOE VALLEY, Calif
TODAY Omij **&, cfcfjpta (f RED 23,775 mtmw afawt M. Net M mUd WedoMdty. See waatfatr, p*gt DIAL 741-0010 Iiiiul diUT, Monday Uirouib Frtaay. Bacend Cluui Poiut" VOL. 86, NO. 174 hid « JW Bank u>l U AddlUonil llnllnf Olltcu. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Plane Lost With 85 Aboard TAHOE VALLEY, Calif. |AP) to get under way today, weather three investigators, headed by Eighteen of the 81 passengers those unable to board and drove In contrast, residents of the — A Paradise Airlines Constella- permitting. George R. Barber, to the scene, jwere employees of twa discount instead to Tahoe. area said it was snowing hard jon, carrying 81 passengers and It- was Hie first mishap in the Tho 81 passengers were flying hoiiKfis, the Monte Mart in Expressing how completely the and winds were high and gusty— a crew of four, vanished yester- two-year old Paradise Airlines toward a gay Sunday at Nevada's Salinas and the Monte Mar in plane vanished, and with no clues, not unusual at this season in the day as it prepared to land in a operation. gambling casinos, theaters, bars nearby Monterey. They were on Paradise Airlines president Her- High Sierra. Winding snowstorm at this gam- The four-engine, propeller-driv- and restaurants — Only two miles an informally organized one-day man Jones, 32, said: And investigator Ivan Stracener bling resort on the California-Ne- en Connie may have plunged in- from the airport at the south end pleasure trip. Manager Lit Ng of "There have been no reports, of the Civil Aeronautics Board vada border.
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