Andrew Haas

Curriculum Vitae ______

Associate Professor Higher School of Economics National Research University School of Philosophy Staraya Basmannaya Ulitsa, 21/4 105066, Moscow, Russia [email protected] ______

Research Interests

Contemporary European Philosophy

History of Philosophy


Ph.D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, Philosophy, NY, USA, 1996 Thesis topic: “Identity and Difference in Hegel and Heidegger” (Supervisors: David Allison, Edward Casey, Mary Rawlinson) President’s Award, New York State University Research Foundation, 1996 DAAD Fellowship, Universität Bonn, Germany, 1993-1995 (Supervisors: Peter Baumanns, Josef Simon) Bourse de Recherche, Université de Paris I, IV, EHESS, France, 1991-1993 (Supervisors: Françoise Dastur, Jacques Derrida) Humanities Institute Fellowship, SUNY, USA, 1990-1991 Full-Tuition Scholarship and Stipend, SUNY, USA, 1988-1996

M.A., Boston College, Philosophy, MA, USA, 1988

B.A., Trinity College, Philosophy, CT, USA, 1984 Thesis topic: “Nietzsche and Aesthetics” (Supervisor: Drew Hyland)

Additional Studies

New York University, Classics, NY, USA, 1996-1997

London School of Economics, Philosophy-Politics-Economics, London, UK, 1982-1983 Andrew Haas ______

Teaching and Research Positions

Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Higher School of Economics, National Research University, Moscow, Russia, 2013-present

Researcher in Philosophy (Sponsored Academic Visitor), Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2012-2013

Gastprofessor (W-2), Fachbereich für Philosophie und Ästhetik, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2010-2011

Associate Professor (Visiting), Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland, 2010-2011

Research Fellow, project on “Post-Kantian Philosophy and the Greeks,” Stiftung zur Förderung der Philosophie, Germany, 2009-2010

Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Ireland, 2008- 2009

Professor (Visiting), Department of Philosophy, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY, USA, 2005-2008 Text Seminar Director, Collegium Phaenomenologicum, Italy, 2006

Research Fellow, Australia Centre Berlin, Germany, 2003-2004

Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2000-2003 Honours Co-ordinator for Fourth-Year Philosophy, 2003 Europe Fellowship Award, 2002 Postgraduate Coordinator for Philosophy, 2002 Member of the Hiring Committee for Professor of Philosophy, 2002 Germany Research Grant Award, 2001 Participant, Certified Training course on M.A. and Ph.D. supervision, 2001 Co-organizer, “Philosophy and Terror” Conference, 2001 Representative, Library Committee, 2001-2003 France Research Grant Award, 2000 Book Indexing Grant, 2000 Co-Organizer, Australian Society for Continental Philosophy meetings, 2000 Advisor to the School of Theatre, Film and Dance, 2000 Interviewed on ABC Radio National, 2000 Interviewed on East Side Radio, 2000

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Teaching and Research Positions (continued)

Assistant Professor (Visiting), Department of Philosophy, Trinity College, CT, USA, 1997-1999 Project Director, “Deconstruction of Friendship” project, Center for Collaborative Teaching and Research, 1999 Associate Coordinator, International Association for Philosophy and Literature meetings, 1999



Unity and Aspect, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2018

The Irony of Heidegger, London: Continuum International, 2007

Hegel and the Problem of Multiplicity, Evanston: Northwestern University, 2000


“Hegel and the Origin of Consciousness,” Giornale critico della filosofia italiana, forthcoming 2019

“On the Unity of the World,” Natur und Kosmos: Entwürfe der frühen Phänomenologie, Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, forthcoming 2019

“Notes on Heidegger and Time,” Kritikos, forthcoming 2019

“The Ambiguity of a Kiss,” Sensibilität der Gegenwart (Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, Issue 17), Hamburg: Meiner Verlag, 2018

“Xenos,” Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Interpretation, Volume 23, Issue 6, 2018

“On Threat,” Crisis and Critique, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2017

“On Being in Hegel and Heidegger,” The Hegel Bulletin, Volume 38, Issue 1, 2017

“Notes on Time and Aspect,” International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 22, Issue 2, 2015

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Publications (continued)

“The Ambiguity of Being,” Heidegger in the Twenty-First Century, Dordrecht: Springer Publishing, 2015

“What is a Problem?,” Horizon: Studies in Phenomenology, Volume 4 Issue 2, 2015

“On Aristotle’s Concept of Improvisation,” Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2015

“On the Implications of γνῶθι σαυτόν,” Filozofia: Journal for Philosophy, Volume 70, Issue 3, 2015

“Truth Beauty,” Cordite, Volume 47, 2014

“Notes on Benjamin and Intimacy,” Italian Journal of the , Volume 8, Issue 2, 2014

“The Other Origin of the Work of Art,” Between Histories, New York: Hampton Press, 2014

“Not a notion what I meant: l’autre métaphysique,” Les Temps Modernes, Volume 669-670, Juillet-Octobre 2012

“The Birth of Language Out of the Spirit of Improvisation,” International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 30, Issue 3, 2012

“Gewalt and Metalēpsis in Heidegger and the Greeks,” Bulletin d’analyse Phénoménologique, Volume 4, Issue 2, 2008

“Metaphysik und Gewalt: Unendlichkeit bei Descartes und Levinas,” Unmenge: Wie teilt sich Handlungsmacht?, Paderborn: Fink Verlag, 2008

“Being and Implication: On Hegel and the Greeks,” Cosmos and History, Volume 3, Issue 3, 2007; reprinted The Spirit of the Age: Hegel and the Fate of Thinking, Melbourne: re:press, 2008

“Verteidigung der Ironie: Heidegger und die Rektoratsrede,” Dialektik: Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie, Volume 2, 2005

“The Theatre of Phenomenology,” Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Interpretation, Volume 8, Issue 3, 2003

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Publications (continued)

“The Bacchanalian Revel: Hegel and Deconstruction,” Man and World (Continental Philosophy Review), Volume 30, 1997


“Notes on Metaphor” by Emmanuel Levinas, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 30, Issue 3, 2012

“Europe and German Philosophy” by Martin Heidegger, New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Volume 6, 2006

“The Epistemological Shift from Descartes to Nietzsche” by Tilman Borsche, Nietzsche, Theories of Knowledge, and Critical Theory, Kluwer, 1998

Working Papers:

“Phos, our Other Greek Name,” under review at Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie

“One One: On the Implications of Being in Plato’s Parmenides,” under review at Arethusa

Invited Talks

“Heidegger and the Philosophy of Time,” American Philosophical Association, Central Division, 2018

“On the Origin of Heidegger’s Anti-Semitism,” University College Dublin, 2018

“Speaking, Being, Thinking,” Higher School of Economics, 2018

“What is First Philosophy?” Invited Keynote Address, National University of Ireland at Galway, 2018

“Kant and the Problem of Lying,” Higher School of Economics, 2016

“On the Unity of the World,” Phenomenology Conference, Prague, 2016

“Discourse and Implication,” Discourse Conference, Belgrade, 2015

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Invited Talks (continued)

“Notes on Being in Hegel and Heidegger,” Russian State University, 2015

“What is a Problem?,” Plenary Address, and Phenomenology Conference, St. Petersburg, 2015

“Four Theses on Photography,” Philosophy and Photography Conference, Moscow, 2014

“Hegel’s Philosophy of Freedom,” University College Dublin, 2014

“Notes on Time and Aspect,” University College Dublin, 2014

“On the Implications of γνῶθι σαυτόν,” Philosophy and Art Conference, Prague, 2014

“Four Theses on Being,” Higher School of Economics, 2013

“On Hegel and the Animals,” University College Dublin, 2010

“On the Logik of Hegel’s Phenomenologie,” University College Dublin, 2010

“Heidegger and the Aporia of Being,” Invited Keynote Address, 21st Century Heidegger Conference, Dublin, 2010

“The Metaphor of the Other: Levinas and the Greeks,” Duquesne University, 2010

“The Origin of Art in Kant’s Third Critique,” National University of Ireland at Maynooth, 2009

“On Derrida’s Ontology of the Trace,” Derrida Conference, Paris, 2009

“Unity and Aspect in Aristotle and Heidegger,” University College Dublin, 2008

“Heidegger’s Origin of the Work of Art,” North American Heidegger Circle, 2008

“Being as Implication: Heidegger, Hegel and the Greeks,” DePaul University, 2007

“Aristotle and the Origin of Poetics,” Siena College, 2006

and Violence in Descartes and Levinas,” Universität Bonn and Universität Köln, 2005

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Invited Talks (continued)

“Heidegger und die Ironie der Faschismus,” Universität Bochum, 2002

“Irony, Heidegger and the Problem of Politics,” University of New South Wales, 2002

“Verteidigung der Ironie: Heidegger und die Rektoratsrede,” Universität Bonn, 2002

“Theatre of Phenomenology in Husserl and Derrida,” University of Tasmania, 2001

“The Irony of Heidegger’s Being and Time,” University of Sydney, 2001

“Thinking Without Being,” Monash University, 2001

“Kant and the Problem of Unity,” University of Sydney, 2000

“Revisiting Paestum: Heidegger and the Greek Temple,” Australian Society for Continental Philosophy, Sydney, 2000

“Kant and the Problem with Metaphysics,” Macquarie University, 2000

“Hegel and the Question of Art,” New York University, 1999

“The Subject of Painting,” Society for European Philosophy, Lancaster, 1998

“The Truth of the Law,” Trinity College, 1998

“The Possibility of History: Hegel, Nietzsche and the End,” Trent University, 1998

“Van Gogh and Derrida: The Truth of Art and the Art of Truth,” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, 1997

“Khóra—Plato and the Meaning of Place,” American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, 1997

“Heidegger and the Word of Baudelaire,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Hartford, 1997

“Nietzsche’s Palimpsest,” Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1997

“Hegel and the Death of the Other,” Southern Connecticut State University, 1997

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Invited Talks (continued)

“The Question of History in Hegel and Nietzsche,” New York University, 1997

“From Hegel’s Logic of Identity and Difference to the Question of Multiplicity,” University of Toronto, 1995

“Hegel and Deconstruction,” University of Amsterdam, 1995

Online Talks

“What is First Philosophy?,” Serious Science, 2018

“On the History of Time,” Serious Science, 2018

“On the History of Being,” Serious Science, 2018

“What is a Problem?,” YouTube, 2015

“Prolegomena to any Possible Future,” YouTube, 2013

“Being and Unity,” YouTube, 2013

“Time and Aspect,” YouTube, 2013

“History and Survival,” YouTube, 2013

“Implication and Suspension,” YouTube, 2013

“Phos and Illumination,” YouTube, 2013

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Teaching Experience

Heidegger and Contemporary Philosophy, graduate seminar on Heidegger and contemporary philosophers, HSE (Magolego), 2018-present

Philosophical Anthropology: Contemporary European Philosophy, graduate seminar on Aristotle, Descartes, Kant, Heidegger, Levinas, HSE, 2013-present

Introduction to Philosophy, co-taught undergraduate course on Plato, Descartes, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, HSE (MIEM), 2016

Philosophy of Right, undergraduate course on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and related texts, HSE, 2013-2018

Dekonstruktion des Kunstwerks, graduate seminar on Kant, Heidegger, Derrida, Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, 2010

Einführung in das Denken Heideggers, graduate seminar on Heidegger’s Being and Time and “Time and Being,” Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung, 2010

Contemporary Continental Philosophy, undergraduate course on Plato, Rousseau, Benjamin, Derrida, UCD, 2009

Readings in Modern Philosophy, undergraduate course on Kant and Hegel, UCD, 2009

Philosophies of Human Existence, undergraduate course on Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre, de Beauvoir, Camus, UCD, 2008

Deconstruction of Art, graduate seminar on Kant, Heidegger, Derrida, Stony Brook, 2007

Aesthetics, graduate seminar on Aristotle’s Poetics, Rhetoric and Metaphysics, Stony Brook, 2006

Aesthetic Systems, graduate seminar on Kant and Hegel, SUNY Stony Brook, 2006

Deconstruction, advanced undergraduate course on Derrida and de Man, UNSW, 2003

Plato and Platonism, undergraduate course on Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, UNSW, 2003

Greek Philosophy, undergraduate lecture course on Plato’s Republic, UNSW, 2002

Heidegger and the Tradition, undergraduate course on Aristotle, Kant, Heidegger, UNSW, 2002

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Teaching Experience (continued)

Ancient Philosophy, undergraduate course on the Pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, UNSW, 2001

Encountering Western Philosophy, co-taught undergraduate course on the history of philosophy from Descartes to Nietzsche, UNSW, 2001

Husserl, introductory undergraduate course on Husserlian phenomenology, UNSW, 2001

Heidegger, advanced undergraduate course on Being and Time, UNSW, 2001

18th Century Philosophy, undergraduate course on Berkeley, Hume, Kant, UNSW, 2000

Contemporary European Philosophy, undergraduate course on Benjamin and Derrida, UNSW, 2000

History of the Concept of Freedom, co-taught undergraduate pre-honors course on Augustine, Kant, Nietzsche, UNSW, 2000

Kant and Kantian Themes, undergraduate course on Kant and 20th Century Kantians, UNSW, 2000

Modern Philosophy, undergraduate course on Hume, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Trinity College, 1999

Phenomenology, undergraduate course on Husserl and Derrida, Trinity College, 1999

Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, undergraduate course on Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Trinity College, 1998

20th Century Continental Philosophy, undergraduate course on Nietzsche, Heidegger, Deleuze, Trinity College, 1998

Existentialism, undergraduate course on Kierkegaard, Sartre, Camus, Trinity College, 1998

Philosophy and Literature, undergraduate course on Aristotle, Sophocles, Kleist, Kafka, Hegel, Heidegger, de Sade, Derrida, Trinity College, 1998

Hegel, undergraduate course on Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, Trinity College, 1997

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Teaching Experience (continued)

Metaphysics, undergraduate course on Aristotle, Kant, Heidegger, Trinity College, 1997

Philosophy of Law, undergraduate course on Aristotle, Rousseau, Kant, Rawls, Trinity College, 1997

Moral Reasoning, undergraduate course on Aristotle, Schelling, Nietzsche, Stony Brook, 1991, repeated 1995

Philosophy and Psychoanalysis, undergraduate course on Freud, Lacan, Poe, Derrida, Stony Brook, 1992

Political and Social Philosophy, undergraduate course on Aristotle, Rousseau, Paine, Foucault, Stony Brook, 1990

Supervision and Marking Experience

Supervisor, A. Bokhenek, B.A., “Deleuze and the Philosophy of Language,” HSE, 2016-2017

Co-supervisor, T. Fedoseeva, M.A., “Inter-Subjectivity in Philosophy and Economics,” HSE, 2015-2016

Co-supervisor, S. Cadwell, Ph.D., “Arthur Danto’s Semantic Art Theory,” UCD, 2010-2012

Supervisor, S. Flanagan, B.A., “Kant, Religion and Morality,” UCD, 2008-09

Supervisor, K. Lally, B.A., “Sartre and the Concept of Freedom,” UCD, 2008-2009

Marker, P. Reynor, M.A., “On the Influence of an Epistemological Framework in Fundamental Morality,” UCD, 2008

Marker, J. Flynn, M.A., “On the Death of Experience,” UCD, 2008

Marker, W. O’Connor, M.A., “A Culture of Homogeneity,” UCD, 2008

Co-supervisor, W. Nadachowski, Ph.D., “Time in Heidegger’s Thinking,” UNSW, 2002-2003

Co-supervisor, S. Sorial, Ph.D., “Community and Difference in Heidegger and Levinas,” UNSW, 2002-2003

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Supervision and Marking Experience (continued)

Co-supervisor, S. Rice, Ph.D., “Nietzsche’s Ethics of Perspectival ,” UNSW, 2000-2003

Supervisor, M. Russell, Ph.D., “Heidegger and the Concept of Ground,” UNSW, 2001-2003

Supervisor, M. Nielson, Ph.D., “Aporetic Logic in Aristotle and Derrida,” UNSW, 2001-2002

Supervisor, S. Cocoran, Ph.D., “Virtuality in Deleuze and Badiou,” UNSW, 2000- 2002

Co-supervisor and Marker, L. Dolezal, B.A., “Levinas, Derrida and the Question of Responsibility,” UNSW, 2002

Marker, F. Riggs, Ph.D., “The Community of Film: Husserl, Phenomenology and Poststructuralism,” Sydney University, 2002

Marker, S. Bowden, B.A., “Deleuze and le Verbe: Language, Sense, Being and Time,” UNSW, 2002

Marker, A. Montin, B.A., “Apel and Derrida on the Transcendental,” UNSW, 2002

Joint-supervisor, W. Martin, Ph.D., “Interweavings of Kinaesthesisi,” UNSW, 2001- 2003

Supervisor and Marker, S. Chau, B.A., “Nietzsche’s Philosophy of History: Art, Comedy, Redemption,” UNSW, 2001

Marker, M. Riddoch, Ph.D., “Phenomenological Interpretation of Practice and Perception in Heidegger’s Being and Time,” Griffith University, 2001

Co-supervisor and Marker, M. Jakobsen, B.A., “Levinas and the Ethical Relation,” UNSW, 2000

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Editorial Experience

Advisory Board Member, Horizon: Studies in Phenomenology, 2015-present

Reviewer, Continental Philosophy Review, 2015-present

Reviewer, International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2008-present

Advisory Board Member, Contretemps, 2000-2003

Web Presence

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Prof. Brian O’Connor University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland [email protected]

Prof. Dermot Moran Boston College Chestnut Hill, MA 02467, USA [email protected]

Prof. Michael Naas DePaul University Chicago, IL 60614, USA [email protected]

Prof. Brian Seitz Babson College Babson Park, MA 02457, USA [email protected]