General Information
GENERAL INFORMATION General Information Arizona State University has emerged as a leading The regents select and appoint the president of the univer- national and international research and teaching institution. sity, who is the liaison between the Arizona Board of Located in the Phoenix metropolitan area, this rapidly grow- Regents and the institution. The president is aided in the ing, multicampus public research university offers programs administrative work of the institution by the provosts, vice from the baccalaureate through the doctorate for approxi- presidents, deans, directors, department chairs, faculty, and mately 58,156 full-time and part-time students through ASU other officers. Refer to “Tempe Campus Administrative Per- at the Tempe campus; the West campus in northwest Phoe- sonnel,” page 680. nix; a major educational center in downtown Phoenix; the The academic units develop and implement the teaching, East campus, located at the Williams Campus (formerly research, and service programs of the university, aided by Williams Air Force Base) in southeast Mesa; and other the university libraries, museums, and other services. instructional, research, and public service sites throughout The faculty and students of the university play an impor- Maricopa County. See the “Fall 2004 Enrollment” table tant role in educational policy, with an Academic Senate, below. joint university committees and boards, and the Associated Students serving the needs of a large institution. Fall 2004 Enrollment ACADEMIC ACCREDITATION AND AFFILIATION Type Students See “Accreditation and Affiliation,” page 712. Total 58,156 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND AFFIRMATIVE East campus 3,983 ACTION Tempe campus 49,171 It is the policy of ASU to provide equal opportunity West campus 7,348 through affirmative action in employment and educational National Merit Scholars (incoming freshmen) 162 programs and activities.
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