Northern Jutland

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Northern Jutland File 18-nthn-jutland-loc-den6 Book Denmark 6 Initial Mapping 11/11/11 Date Road Scale All key roads labelled? Hierarchy Date Title Hydro Chapter 18 North Jutland Editor Cxns Spot colours removed? Hierarchy Nthpt Masking in Illustrator done? Symbols Author Carolyn Bain MC Cxns Date Book Inset/enlargement correct? Off map Notes dest'ns Border Country Locator A1 Key Author Cxns Date Basefile Final Ed Cxns Date KEY FORMAT SETTINGS New References Number of Rows (Lines) Editor Check Date MC Check Date Column Widths and Margins MC/CC Signoff Date ©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd Northern Jutland Why Go? Aalborg .........................260 Northern Jutland, split from the rest of Jutland by the Frederikshavn ............... 267 Limfjord, will enthral you with its magnificent light and Sæby.............................268 intimidate and beautiful barren landscapes of shifting Læsø .............................269 sands. The region is promoted as ‘Lysets Land’, or the Land Skagen ...........................271 of Light, and if you witness the soft blue nuances by the water as day turns into night, you’ll understand how the Råbjerg Mile ................. 275 name came about (and begin to comprehend the region’s Hirtshals ....................... 276 appeal to artists). Hjørring ........................ 277 But it’s not just painters who flock here. Windsurfers and Løkken .......................... 277 beach-goers make a beeline for the north the minute the Rubjerg Knude ............. 279 weather turns kind. Families head off to the zoos, aquariums Hanstholm .................... 279 and funparks, and seafood-lovers rejoice in the fresh-off-the- Klitmøller ...................... 279 boat catch. Thy National Park ........280 The area’s most coveted tourist destination is Skagen, at Denmark’s northern tip. It’s both a civilised place of chichi restaurants and art museums, and a wild place where na- Best places to Eat ture calls the shots – which sums up the entire region, really. »»k litmøller røgeri (p280) »»m ortens kro, aalborg (p264) When to Go »»Jensens fiskerestaurant, Summer is prime time to visit the north. The beaches, theme Sæby (p270) parks, festivals and activities are in full swing in July and August, when accommodation prices hit their peak. »»Skagens museum Cafe That said, Aalborg has year-round attractions, and there’s (p274) some appeal to the notion of rugging up and braving the »»r uths hotel, gammel cooler weather someplace such as Skagen, where you can Skagen (p274) admire the turbulent tides and shifting sands without the summer crowds and high-season prices. Winter is better for Best places to the Danish art of hygge (cosiness), after all. stay »»v illa vendel, løkken (p278) »»v illa rosa, aalborg (p264) »»a ahøj, Sæby (p270) »»Badepension marienlund, Skagen (p273) 260 To Kristiansand, To Larvik Stavanger & (Norway) Grenen To Faroe Bergen (Norway) Gammel Skagen Skagen Islands & To Oslo Iceland Råbjerg Mile Tilsandede (Norway) Hirtshals Kirke 0 40 km Ålbæk To Gothenburg 0 20 miles Tornby Strand Tornby (Sweden) n Lønstrup e Sindal Frederikshavn t Rubjerg Knude Hjørring S K A G E R R A K g u 585 Østerby b Løkken Læsø Havn r Sæby e Fårup E39 Øster m m Sommerland Vrå a Blokhus Vesterø Byrum J Brønderslev Havn Tranum Aabybro Hanstholm Strand Hjallerup Asaa Fjerritslev Klitmøller 11 541 Nørresundby Aalborg 26 29 Vandet Sø 11 Nibe n Hals K A T T E G A T Stenbjerg 567 507 or Limfjord 187 E45 Thisted 29 533 T Støvring hern Ju Thy National To Randers (60km); Agger Park Aarhus (100km) T Northern Jutland Highlights land 1 Stand in the meeting 3 Discover the new, 6 Loll about on lovely place of two seas at improved appeal of Aalborg Løkken beach (p278) or Denmark’s northernmost (p260) Tornby Strand (p276) point, grenen (p271) 4 Let the wind take you 7 Play amid Mother 2 Find inspiration in places at Klitmøller (p280) Nature’s sandcastles at the treasured artworks of 5 Step back in time on Rubjerg Knude (p279) and Skagens Museum (p271) low-key Læsø (p269) Råbjerg Mile (p275) 700-sq-metre design and architecture space, Aalborg the Utzon Center, with its distinctive silver pop 103,600 roofscape, sits pretty on the waterfront. It Things are on the way up for Aalborg, Den- bills itself as ‘a dynamic and experimental mark’s fourth-largest city. It sits at the nar- centre of culture and knowledge’ and is the rowest point of the Limfjord (the long body last building designed by celebrated Danish of water that slices Jutland in two), and recent architect, Jørn Utzon (1918–2008). Utzon fa- developments have seen the waterfront be- mously designed the Sydney Opera House; come the focal point of the town. A concerted he grew up in Aalborg and died shortly after effort has been made to rejuvenate the central the eponymous centre was finished. It hosts industrial areas and turn neglected spaces a changing program of exhibitions on archi- into something far more appealing, and au- tecture, design and art; there’s also a high- thorities are wooing tourists with free city quality restaurant here. Note that a ticket to bikes and a free summertime city-circle bus. allows free same-day entrance to Kunsten Traditionally Aalborg has flown under the art museum. traveller’s radar, but that could easily change. Waterfront» landmark There are enough low-key diversions here to The Aalborg waterfront promenade, be- occupy a few days for most visitors, from ar- tween Limfjordsbroen and the Utzon Cent- chitecture fans to families, party animals to er, is a good example of urban regeneration, history boffins. taking what was a scruffy dockside area 1 Sights»&»Activities and opening it up to locals. Here you’ll find restaurants, a park, playground, basketball utzon»Center» ARCHITECTURE courts and moored boats (including an old (; Slotspladsen 4; adult/child ice-breaker) serving as restaurants and bars. h 60kr/free; 10am-5pm Tue-Sun) An impressive One of the nicest features is the brand-new .
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