Sprin€ lssue 2OOl Southeast Breeze March/April /llaV Leadership Training Day View from the Chair bv Dexter Robinson Saturday, April T,2001 Welcome to the first Soufheasl Breeze of lhe new millennium, which officially began in 2001. lt's been a busy winter season with many activities. About 30 peo- SE[//A[/C will conduct an all-day free leader- ple came out to the Winter Festival in early January, where we had snow for the first ship training workshop on April 7 at Borderland time in many years. Those who came enjoyed presentations oy Walt Wells. Ei'ika State Park for members who wish to lead. or co Bloom, and Charlie Farreli on winter hiking. EMS s Fred Abrams presented an in- lead, activities for the chapter. There are no troduction to snowshoerng. and later. John Pereira gave a photo workshop while prerequisites except the desire to learnl some enjoyed a hike and the opportunity io tr,v out snowshoes, Ourwinter program Register with Bob Vogel, 238-7732 (6-9 pm) was a sLccess as vre offe'eo no'e hi(es arc overr^ights this year thar eve. befo'e or e-mail:
[email protected] and rnc uded a more advanced winter series for the first time. In the iast reported prohibi- The workshop will help current and prospec- issue. on the Executive Board s endorsementof a tion of personal watercraft (PWC) in tive leaders garn rhe knowledge ti'ey need to the Cape Cod National Seashore, For simjlar reasons, Board voted its plan, organize and lead safe and enjoyable the at November meeting t0 oppose the re-introduction of off-roaC vehicles (ORVs) into Myles Standish State Forest.