Hampshire. South.Ampto~
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DIRECTORY.] HAMPSHIRE. SOUTH.AMPTO~. 557 Swalm Col. Albert W. 38 Archer's rd Tolhurst Alfred Ignatius, 13 Furze- Wallar Bertram Hannen, Holland hd'. Swayne Lieut.-Col. William Henry, down road, Highfield Welbeck avenue, Portswood Ha.slemere, Ha.velock road Topping Mrs. 34 Atherley road Wallau Frederick Peter, Iona, West Swayne John Marsh, Gle.n vale,Have Torode William Hy. 36 The Avenue ridge road, Portswood lock road Torr Lewi~ W.Edenholme, Cobbett rd Wa.ller Ernest Cecil~ .Alwyne, Brook Sydenbam Charles, 33 Howard road, Touchard Mr.s. 91 Livingstone road, vale road, Portswood Freeman tie Portswood Wailer George Albert, 30 Howard rd. Sykes Rev. Willia.m Slater M.A. Toussaint Madame, 5 Cranbury ter Freeman tie (chaplain to Royal Hospital), 70 Trend Miss, The Lodge, Banisters rd Waller James, 17 Cumberland place· Westwood road Trepte Rev. George HerbPrt M.A. Walls George, 102 Hill lane Tait Alexander Cormick, 34 Gordon (curate of St. Mary's), 51 Denzil aY Walls John,g Landguard rd.Freemntle avenue, Portswood Trcston Maurice, SI Shirley road, Waiter Rev. James (Wesleyan), 20 Tanner Maj.-Gen. Edward C.B. Wood- Freemantle Lawn road, Portswood side, Maybush, Old Shirley Treva.skis Rev. James D.D. (vicar), W alton Mrs. 4 H.avelock terrace Tanner Arth. Lluyd,231 Portswood rd St. Luke's vicarage,13 The Avenue Walton Wm.53 Gordon av. Portswood Taroni Madame, 7 T'he Avenue Trevithick Richard Francis, 73 West Ward Howard Percy M.B. I Bruns- Tarrant .. bfhur, 5 Howard road, wood road wick place Freemantle Trigge Capt. William Henry Bennett, Ward Mrs. Neville, Westfi.eld, Clifton Taylor Ben Elwel, Woodside, Four 8 Westwood road road, Millbrook Posts hill Trigle Mrs. 62 .Alma road Ward Nelson, Blighmont, Waterhouse Taylor Edmund, 16 Lawn rd. Portswd Trim Alfred, 32 Gordon av.Portswood lane, Millbrook Taylor Geo. Winsor, 35 The Polygon Trim F .. 12 Brighton road Ward Wm. 5 Darwin road,Freemantle Taylor Jas. 59 Shirley rd. FreemantlP Trimm James Richard, IS I Hill lane Ware Mrs. 2')7 Shirlev rd.Freemantle Taylor Mrs. 86 Gordun av.Portswood Trippe Charles Pollard, 82 Hill lane· Wareham .Alfred, 46 Bellevue road Taylor Richard Hy. 27 Winn road Trippe Frederick, 31 Archer's road Wareham Mrs. 2':j Brighton road TeagQ.e Arthur Rodney, 103 Chil- Trippe Miss, Woodleigh, Winchester Warner George Hy. 53 The Avenue worth road, Shirley road, Shirley Warner Surry, 85 Westridge road, Tebbs Basil Nelson M.D. St. Trist & .Allnutt Misses, New college, Portswood Oronans, The Avenue Brookvale road, Portswood Warr Oharles, 2_<; Commprcial road Tebhutt Mrs.Bagenholt,Northlands rd Trotman Mrs. 6 Lo.ndguard road Warr·Frank Hewitt, 99 Hill lane Tebbutt Sidney M LM.E. w.'i Hill la Tubh Capt. Frederick, rg Greville Warr Mrs. 6 King's Park rd.Bellevue Ternan 'Mrs. Hazelhyrst, Hulse road road, Freemantle Waterman William, Noreham lodge, Terrey Alfred A. St. John's,The Aven Tubb Herbert, 26 Cranbury avenue Winchest~r road, Shirley Terrey Mrs. 59 Millbrook road, Tubb Miss, 41 The Avenue Waters Arthur Fitzroy, 159 Romsey Free mantle Tubb Woalter Geo. 14 Idng's Park rd road, Shirley Thomas David Charles John, Arling- Tubbs Robert Joseph, 33 Bridge road Watkin Ernest M.A. 138 Hill lane ton, Burgess street, Highfield Turnbull Robert, 4 Ordnance road Watkins Rev. James Kyrke M . .A. Thomas Frank,67 Belmont rd.Portswd Turner l<'rederick Beresford, 18 Cum- (vicar of St. Ag-nes', Hamptsn Thomas George, 108 Cedar road berland place park), St. .Agnes' parsonage, 6 Thomas Geo. Roseville, Brunswick pi Turner Miss, 36 Denzil aven. Newtown Ga~coyne terrace, Portswood road''• Thomas James, 31 The Polygon Turner Mrs. 4 Alma road Watling- Mrs. IIO .Alma road Thomas John Lewis J.P., M.D. I3 Turner Thomas Johnstone, r8g Priory Watson George, 25 Archer's road Oumberland place & HarPfield, rnad, St. Deny's W atson J oseph Frederick, 55 Arthur Bitterne Turner Thomas H. 20 East Park ter road, Freemantle Thomas Mrs. 98 Hill lane Twynam Misses, 23 The Polygon Watson Mrs. 13 Winn road Thomas William Henry,Avenue house, Tyler Samuel, 24 Ordnance road Watt Mrs.Whithedwood cot.Shirley av Bond roau, Bitterne park Underwood Edward J ames, 7 Spring Watts .Alfred James, 13 Howard rd. Thompson Chas. Nathaniel, Landour, road, Portswood Freeman tie Welbeck. avenue, Portswood Urie Robert Wallace, 37 Hill lar.e Watt,;, Charll's James, Westbu1'y, Thompson Mis-s, 69 Stafford road, Van Santen Alexander, II7 Alma road Banisters road Freemantie Vane William Henry, 127 Payne's rd. Watts Enos, 4 Highcliff av. Cedar rd Thompson William, 3 Avenue road Frerunantle Watty William Henry, 8 Thornbury Thompson Waiter Drummond, 19 Vaughan Rev. Wycliffe M.A. (vicar Bvenue, FrPemantle Thornbury avenue, Freemantle of St. Matthew's), 4 Rockstone pl Wauchope Harry, 28 Cranbury aven Thomsett Harry Mayes, 6 Shirley Vaug·han William Westland, 18 Wauchope Miss, Banister gate, avenue, Shirley Thornbury avenue, Freemantle Banisters road 'Dhomsett Mrs. Glencairn, St. James' Vavasour Mrs. 26 Archer's road Wangh Waiter Benson, 9 Westridge Park road, Shirley Veitch Charles Inglis, 119 Graham rd road, Portswood Thomson Andrew George, 152 Ports Vessey Wm.4o Howard rd.Freemantlr Way Miss, 125 Portswood road wood road Viant Charles Ernest, Beechwood, Way Miss, IS Belmont rd. Portswood Thomson Mrs. Chadwick, 72 Bel Cobbett road, Bitterne park Webb Col. Wm. E., M.D. Ashrid.ge, mOD~ road, Portswood Viav.t Mrs. 58 Belmont rd. Portswood Nort!hlands road Thombadt.'> A.. H. Sunnyhurst, Shirley Vincent Samuel, 8 Lawn rd.Portswd Webb Frederick John, 50 Hill lane avenue, Shirley Vincent Mrs. 4 .Archer's road Webb Gerald Porter, 29 Winn road Thornback Charles, 2s East Park ter Vincent William, 4 Cavendish grove, Webl> George Thomas, 67 .A.lma road Thornback Mrs. Sunnyhurst, Shirley The Avenue . Webb Hy. 153 Payne's rd. Freemantle avenue. Shirley Vincent William Richard, SI Gordon Webster Col. .Arthur George C.B. Thorne Hy. 78 Shirley rd Freemantle avenue, Portswood Ravenswell, Hulse road Thornton Mrs. Astor ho. Banisters rd Viney Percy Harold, Bemerton, Weekes Charles P. 34 Landguard rd. Thornton William, York villa, Win- Shaftesbury avenue, Portswood Freeman tie chester road, Shirley Vint Arthur, Bonniecot, Re6ent's Weekes William Tucker, 221 Ports- Thurtle Samuel George,57 Avenue rd Park road, Millbrook wood road Tickle Frederick Ralph. I 48 Ports Yokes Charles, Io4 Cedar road Weir Arth. 41 Howard rd Freemantle wood road Wainwright Mrs. 9 St. Deny's road Welch R. W. F. 61 Oxford street Tigar Mrs. 33 Landguard road, Free WakefOTd Georgl', 14 Bellvne road Welch Saml. Smith, 44 The Polygon mantle Walden Alfred John, 44 Whitwortt Weldon Mn. 4 Brighton road Tilley Benjamin, II Thornbury aven. road, Bitterne park Wellman E. Thompson, 139 Payne's Freeman tie Wales John F., M.D. 4 St. Deny's rd road, Freemantle Tilling George John, 2 Cranbnry ter Wall>er Arthur Stratton, llurban h8 Wells Rev. Edward Glossop M ..A. Timm George Wm. 29 The Polygon Cobbett road (curate of St. J\Iary's), 20 Tinker Robert, 5 Hi!!hfield lam~ Walker Mrs.17 Howard rd.FreemantlP South front Tippe!' Arthur, I Spring rd. Portswd Walker Percy, 15 Cranbury avenue Wells Charles Arth. 19 Cranbury av Tizard Capt. Alfred E. (late R. N.), Walker Robert, 64 Howard road Wells Joseph W. ror .Atherley road, Westbrook, Northlands road Freemsntle FrPemantle Tizard Richard Charles,Binstead gate. Wall Thomas J. Brookwood, North West Edwd. Jsph. 50 High st.Shirley Handel road lands road West Fredk. Hillyer, 139 Hill lane Todd Miss,354 Shirley rd.FrPPmantle Wall William, Murus, Cobbett road Westby Rev.John Thorp RA. (curate Toogood Edward Kemp, n6 Payne's Bitterne park of .All Saint~'), 20 London road Toad, Freemantle Wallace Mrs. 'i.'l Portswood road Westlake Edward Thompson, ~26 Toole !1'thur Lansdale, x6s Hill lane Wallace Thomas Forrester, 11 Robert· Portswood road ' road, Freemantle •Vei!tlake Edward, 38 Hill lane .