Celtic Lands Voyage with Faculty Host Penn Professor Rebecca Bushnell
presents CCelticeltic LLandsands SCOTLAND ◆ IRELAND ◆ WALES ◆ FRANCE ◆ ENGLAND Cruising aboard the Five-Star M.S. LE BOORÉALRÉAL 7700TTHH ANNNIVERSARYNIVERSARY DD-D-DAAYY REEMEMBEREDMEMBERED FFeaturingeaturing GGuestuest SSpeakerspeakers DWWIGHTIGHT DAAVIDVID EIISENHOWERSENHOWER IIII SSeniorenior RResearchesearch FFellow,ellow, UUniversityniversity ooff PPennsylvaniaennsylvania aandnd CEELIALIA SAANDYSNDYS SSirir WWinstoninston CChurchill’shurchill’s GGranddaughterranddaughter aandnd BBiographeriographer aandnd wwithith PPennenn FFacultyaculty HHostost PProfessorrofessor RRebeccaebecca BBushnellushnell May 28 to June 7, 2014 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ Dear Penn Alumni and Friends, We extend a special invitation to you to join us for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the historic D-Day landings during this Celtic Lands voyage with faculty host Penn Professor Rebecca Bushnell. By exclusive arrangement, walk the hallowed beaches of Normandy, France, with Dwight David Eisenhower II, grandson of General and President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Penn Senior Fellow and Professor. You will also meet Celia Sandys, granddaughter of Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, both of whom will join us for a portion of the cruise to lecture and share their personal insights about two of the most infl uential fi gures of the 20th century and on the D-Day landings. Our comprehensive Celtic Lands itinerary focuses on the Celtic people. Their immeasurable contributions to the culture of Europe’s civilizations are surrounded in mystery, legend and folklore, and rooted in the wealth of art, science and mythology spanning from Ireland’s Age of Heroes through King Arthur and his knights. With your fellow Penn alumni, experience the ancient legacy of the Celts and their enduring infl uence while cruising aboard the exclusively chartered, Five-Star, small ship M.S.
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