Why Mutual Funds \Underperform" Vincent Glode¤ Carnegie Mellon University August 28, 2008 Abstract I derive a rational model that reproduces the negative risk-adjusted perfor- mance of actively managed U.S. equity mutual funds, the funds' systematically better performance in bad states of the economy than in good states, and the relatively high fees that poorly performing funds charge. The model focuses on the optimal active management policies of a skilled fund manager facing ratio- nal investors. Since funds perform well in bad states, mutual fund investing can be rationalized despite the measurement of negative unconditional performance. Using data on U.S. funds, I document novel empirical evidence consistent with the model's predictions. JEL classi¯cation: G23; G12; G11. Keywords: Mutual Fund, Performance, Pricing Kernel, Business Cycle. ¤Doctoral Candidate, Carnegie Mellon University,
[email protected]. I am particularly indebted to my advisor Rick Green and my dissertation committee members Burton Holli¯eld, Shimon Kogan, and Pierre Liang for their guidance and support. I also thank Marcin Kacperczyk and Amit Seru for assistance with the data as well as Fernando Anjos, Jonathan Berk, Jeremy Bertomeu, Michael Brennan, David Chapman, Susan Christo®ersen, Gene Fama, Jean-Fran»coisGuimond, Jennifer Huang, Richard Lowery, Spencer Mar- tin, Francisco Palomino, Bryan Routledge, Laura Starks, Jason Wei, Stan Zin, and seminar participants at Carnegie Mellon University, Universit¶eLaval, the Bank of Canada/University of Toronto Workshop on Port- folio Management, the 2007 Financial Management Association (FMA) meeting, and the 2008 Econometric Society meeting for helpful comments. I gratefully acknowledge ¯nancial support from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, the William Larimer Mellon fund, the Center for Financial Markets, and the American Association of Individual Investors through the \Best Paper in Investments" award received at the 2007 FMA meeting.