(UN/LOCODE) for Bulgaria

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(UN/LOCODE) for Bulgaria United Nations Code for Trade and Transport Locations (UN/LOCODE) for Bulgaria N.B. To check the official, current database of UN/LOCODEs see: https://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/service/location.html UN/LOCODE Location Name State Functionality Status Coordinatesi BG 4IG Ignatievo 03 Port; Road terminal; Recognised location 4315N 02746E BG AIO Aitos 02 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4243N 02715E BG AKH Akhtopol Port; Recognised location 4206N 02757E BG AND Asenovgrad Road terminal; Recognised location BG API Apriltsi Road terminal; Recognised location 4219N 02417E BG ARD Ardino 21 Road terminal; Recognised location 4135N 02508E BG ASA Aksakovo 03 Road terminal; Recognised location 4315N 02749E BG ATL Altimir 06 Road terminal; Recognised location 4332N 02349E BG AYT Aytos 02 Road terminal; Recognised location 4242N 02715E BG BAK Bankya 23 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Request under consideration 4242N 02308E BG BAL Balchik Port; Recognised location 4325N 02810E BG BAN Bankya 14 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Request under consideration 4251N 02240E BG BAO Bansko 23 Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4150N 02330E BG BAT Batak 13 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4157N 02413E BG BBA Bata 02 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4244N 02730E BG BBK Belogradchik 05 Road terminal; Recognised location 4337N 02241E BG BCP Chomakovtsi 15 Road terminal; Recognised location 4319N 02404E BG BDB Bulgarevo 08 Road terminal; Recognised location 4324N 02825E BG BDK Belogradchik 05 Road terminal; Recognised location 4337N 02241E BG BEL Belitsa Road terminal; Recognised location 4157N 02333E BG BEV Beloslav 03 Road terminal; Recognised location 4311N 02742E UN/LOCODE Location Name State Functionality Status Coordinatesi BG BKR Karabunar 13 Road terminal; Recognised location 4216N 02410E BG BLE Belene 15 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4339N 02507E BG BLN Blagoevgrad Road terminal; Recognised location 4201N 02306E BG BLO Lyuliakovo 02 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4283N 02701E BG BOJ Burgas Port; Approved by Customs Authority BG BOZ Bozhurishte 22 Road terminal; Recognised location 4245N 02312E BG BPK Belovo 13 Road terminal; Recognised location 4213N 02401E BG BRE Bregovo Road terminal; QQ BG BRF Botevgrad Road terminal; Recognised location BG BRK Berkovitza Rail terminal; Road terminal; Request under consideration BG BRV Borovo Road terminal; Recognised location 4330N 02548E BG BRZ Breznik 02 Road terminal; Request under consideration BG BSL Byala Slatina Port; Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4328N 02357E BG BTE Banite 21 Road terminal; Recognised location 4137N 02501E BG BTV Brestovets Road terminal; Recognised location 4321N 02436E BG BUR Zavet 02 Road terminal; Recognised location 4250N 02704E BG BUZ Buzovgrad 24 Road terminal; Recognised location 4234N 02522E BG BVO Banevo 02 Road terminal; Recognised location 4238N 02724E BG BYA Byala 18 Road terminal; Recognised location 4327N 02544E BG BYL Byala 03 Road terminal; Recognised location BG CHE Chepintsi Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4246N 02326E BG CHR Chakalarevo Road terminal; Recognised location 4117N 02517E BG CHU Churukovo 21 Road terminal; Recognised location 4151N 02426E BG CHV Cherven Bryag 15 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4327N 24083E BG CPA Chepelare Road terminal; Recognised location BG CPW Chirpan Road terminal; Recognised location BG DA3 Garmen 01 Road terminal; Recognised location 4136N 02349E BG DBD Damyanitsa 01 Road terminal; Recognised location 4131N 02316E 2 UN/LOCODE Location Name State Functionality Status Coordinatesi BG DBR Dobroslavtsi 23 Road terminal; Recognised location 4249N 02317E BG DBS Debelec Road terminal; Recognised location BG DCB Shabla 08 Road terminal; Recognised location 4332N 02832E BG DEL Debelt 02 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4224N 02716E BG DEV Devin 21 Road terminal; Recognised location 4144N 02424E BG DKC Dolna Oryakhovitsa Road terminal; Recognised location 4310N 02544E BG DKO Durankulak Road terminal; Approved by Customs Authority 4342N 02831E BG DLC Delchevo Road terminal; Recognised location 4133N 02342E BG DLV Dulovo Road terminal; Recognised location BG DMN Dragoman Road terminal; Recognised location BG DNJ Devnya Road terminal; Recognised location BG DNV Dryanovo Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4259N 02529E BG DOB Dolna Banya Road terminal; Recognised location 4218N 02346E BG DOC Dolni Chiflik 03 Road terminal; Recognised location 4259N 02743E BG DOD Dobrich Road terminal; Recognised location BG DSP Dospat Road terminal; Request under consideration BG DTG Dimitrovgrad Road terminal; Recognised location BG DUP Dupnica Rail terminal; Road terminal; Approved by national 4216N 02307E government agency BG EHO Elkhovo 28 Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4210N 02634E BG ELE Elena 04 Road terminal; Recognised location 4256N 02553E BG EPE Elin Pelin 23 Road terminal; Recognised location 4240N 02336E BG ETS Etropole Road terminal; Recognised location BG FOT Fotinovo 13 Road terminal; Recognised location 4153N 02421E BG GAB Tumbalovo 07 Road terminal; Recognised location 4252N 02506E BG GAL Galabovo 24 Road terminal; Recognised location 4208N 02551E BG GAV Gabrovo Road terminal; Recognised location BG GB4 Gorublyane 23 Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4238N 02324E 3 UN/LOCODE Location Name State Functionality Status Coordinatesi BG GDU Gotse Delchev Road terminal; Recognised location 4135N 02344E BG GJE Gyueshevo Rail terminal; Road terminal; Border crossing Recognised location 4214N 02229E BG GOD Godech 22 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location BG GOL Golyamo Chochoveni Road terminal; Recognised location 4240N 02609E BG GOV Gorna Oryahovica 04 Road terminal; Approved by national government agency BG GOZ Gorna Oryakhovitsa Airport; Code adopted by IATA or ECLAC 4308N 02542E BG GTB General-Toshevo 08 Road terminal; Recognised location 4342N 02802E BG GUR Gurkovo 24 Port; Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4239N 02547E BG HKM Krichim 16 Road terminal; Recognised location 4203N 02428E BG HKV Haskovo Airport; Code adopted by IATA or ECLAC BG HMI Kharmanli Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4156N 02554E BG HRM Harmanli 26 Road terminal; Recognised location 4156N 02554E BG IAB Iablanitsa Road terminal; Recognised location 4303N 02411E BG IHT Ikhtiman 23 Road terminal; Recognised location 4226N 02349E BG IOV Iovkovo Road terminal; QQ BG IPR Isperikh Road terminal; Recognised location BG ISK Iskar 03 Road terminal; Recognised location 4323N 02729E BG ISP Isperih 17 Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4371N 02683E BG IVL Ivailovgrad Road terminal; Recognised location BG JAK Rakitovo 13 Road terminal; Recognised location 4159N 02405E BG JAM Jambol Airport; Code adopted by IATA or ECLAC BG K2N Korten 20 Road terminal; Recognised location 4240N 02619E BG KAL Kalotina Road terminal; QQ BG KAN Kapitan-Andreevo Road terminal; Recognised location 4143N 02619E BG KAP Kapitanovtsi 05 Road terminal; Recognised location 4402N 02252E BG KAR Kardam Rail terminal; QQ BG KAT Katunitza 16 Road terminal; Approved by national 4 UN/LOCODE Location Name State Functionality Status Coordinatesi government agency BG KAV Kalipetrovo 19 Road terminal; Recognised location 4405N 02714E BG KAZ Kazichene 23 Road terminal; Recognised location 4240N 02328E BG KBD Dolni Dabnik 15 Road terminal; Recognised location 4324N 02426E BG KBR Kostinbrod 22 Road terminal; Recognised location 4249N 02313E BG KBT Karnobat Road terminal; Recognised location 4639N 02659E BG KDG Kurdzhali Road terminal; Airport; Code adopted by IATA or ECLAC 4138N 02522E BG KHK Khan Krum Road terminal; Request under consideration BG KHO Khaskovo Road terminal; Recognised location 4156N 02533E BG KJG Kjustendil Road terminal; Recognised location BG KNE Knezha Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4330N 02405E BG KOL Kulata Rail terminal; Road terminal; Approved by Customs Authority BG KOS Kostenets 23 Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4218N 02351E BG KOT Kotel 20 Road terminal; Recognised location 4253N 02627E BG KOZ Kozloduj 23 Road terminal; Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Request under consideration 4347N 02344E BG KPH Kaspichan Road terminal; Recognised location BG KRH Krushari Road terminal; Approved by national 4349N 02745E government agency BG KRL Klisura 22 Road terminal; Recognised location 4219N 02322E BG KRM Kardzali 26 Road terminal; Recognised location 4138N 02522E BG KRU Krumovgrad 09 Road terminal; Recognised location 4128N 02539E BG KUB Kubrat 17 Road terminal; Multimodal function, ICD etc.; Recognised location 4348N 02630E BG KUK Kuklen 16 Port; Road terminal; Recognised location 4202N 02447E BG KUL Kula 05 Road terminal; Recognised location 4353N 02231E BG KVN Kavarna Road terminal; Recognised location 4326N 02820E BG KVO Karlovo Road terminal; Recognised location BG KYS Kyustendil Rail terminal; Road terminal; Recognised location 4217N 02241E BG KZK Kazanlak 24 Road terminal; Approved by national 5 UN/LOCODE Location Name State Functionality Status Coordinatesi government agency BG KZN Kazanluk Road terminal; Request under consideration BG LCH Uglen 11 Road terminal; Recognised location 4312N 02419E BG LED Ledenik 04 Road terminal; Recognised location 4305N 02533E BG LES Leskovets 06 Road terminal; Recognised location 4342N 02401E BG LIA Liaskovec 04 Multimodal function, ICD etc.;
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