Chinaxiv:202104.00080V1 Districts
ChinaXiv合作期刊 贵州省野生苦苣苔科物种多样性与地理分布 黄梅,李美君,黄红,张金权,白新祥* (贵州大学 林学院,贵阳 550025) 摘 要:本研究在建立贵州省野生苦苣苔科植物名录和地理分布数据库的基础上,对其物种多样性 及地理分布格局进行研究。通过文献资料结合实地调查,从物种组成、特有性、水平分布、垂直分 布和相似性等方面进行分析,最后采用筛除算法确定贵州苦苣苔科植物分布的热点地区。结果表明: 贵州省苦苣苔科植物共计2 族8 亚族28 属153 种(含种下等级),分布在75 个县级行政区,有128/45 个中国/贵州特有种,垂直分布以900~1 300 m 海拔段最为丰富。通过计算省级相似性系数,发现贵 州与广西的相似程度最高,最后筛选得到10 个热点县,共代表了75%的苦苣苔科植物。贵州省为典 型的喀斯特高原山地,苦苣苔科植物种类丰富,尤其是广义马铃苣苔属、广义报春苣苔属、广义石 山苣苔属和蛛毛苣苔属等,有着较高的物种多样性和区域特有性。本研究可以为贵州省苦苣苔科植 物资源保护和持续利用提供理论参考。 关键词:苦苣苔科,贵州省,相似性系数,热点地区,垂直分布,水平分布 中图分类号:Q944 文献标识码:A Species diversity and geographic distribution of wild Gesneriaceae in Guizhou HUANG Mei, LI Meijun, HUANG Hong, ZHANG Jinquan, BAI Xinxiang* (College of Forestry, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China) Abstract: In this study, the species diversity and geographical distribution pattern of wild Gesneriaceae in Guizhou Province were studied based on the establishment of a list and geographical distribution database of wild Gesneriaceae in Guizhou Province. Through the literature and a field investigation, the species composition, endemism, horizontal distribution, vertical distribution and similarity were analysed. Finally, the hotspots of Gesneriaceae in Guizhou were determined by a complementary algorithm. The results were as follows: There are 153 species (including subspecies) of Gesneriaceae in Guizhou Province, belonging to 2 tribes, 8 subtribes, and 28 genera. These plants are distributed among 75 county-level administrative chinaXiv:202104.00080v1 districts. There are 128 species endemic to China and 45 endemic to Guizhou, and the vertical distribution is the most abundant at altitudes of 900-1 300 m. The calculation of the provincial similarity coefficient showed that Guizhou and Guangxi had the highest similarity. Finally, 10 hot spots were selected, representing 75% of the Gesneriaceae plants. Guizhou Province is a typical karst plateau mountainous area that is rich in species of Gesneriaceae, especially Oreocharis, Primulina, Petrocodon and Paraboea, which have high species diversity and regional specificity.
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