CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E2218 HON
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E2218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 28, 2005 COMMEMORATING THE ANAHEIM TRIBUTE TO ROSA PARKS before my fellow Americans as a United ANGELS, AMERICAN LEAGUE States Congressman. While we have made WESTERN DIVISION CHAMPIONS SPEECH OF great strides in the past 50 years, yet there is HON. AL GREEN still progress to be made. I want to thank all of those that are continuing the fight for justice HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and equality as they honor the legacy of Rosa Parks. OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, October 26, 2005 f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, civil CONGRATULATING DICK EFLIN ON Friday, October 28, 2005 disobedience is the foundation of our democ- racy. Rosa Parks showed us that it was our BEING INDUCTED INTO THE COL- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. duty, not just our right, to demand equal treat- ORADO SKI AND SNOWBOARD Speaker, I rise today not only as a Represent- ment and equal opportunity. HALL OF FAME ative, but also as a longtime fan, to congratu- When this Montgomery resident decided to late the American League Western Division remain seated and actively resist, she cata- HON. MARK UDALL Champions, the Anaheim Angels. pulted the civil rights movement into a new OF COLORADO The Angels’ victory was far from predicted kind of decisive action. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. Parks, working as a seamstress, initially and it all came down to game 5, where in a Friday, October 28, 2005 5 to 3 victory, the Anaheim Angels beat the became involved with the civil rights move- New York Yankees to become the American ment through her work as a secretary for the Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I rise League Western Division Champions. Montgomery branch of the National Associa- today to congratulate Mr. Dick Eflin on his in- tion for the Advancement of Colored Persons duction into the Colorado Ski & Snowboard The Angels labored in the beginning, losing (NAACP). Her involvement heightened when Hall of Fame for 2005. Mr. Eflin’s accomplish- their star pitcher Bartolo Colon in the top of she declined to give up her seat on a bus for ments have greatly impacted the lives of Colo- the second inning, but the Angels were not a white man. In Ms. Parks’ autobiography, My radans in Crested Butte for many years, and out. They rallied behind their relief pitching Story, she says that she was ‘‘tired of giving he deserves recognition for the many contribu- staff to win game 5, and the Division Cham- in’’ that day she decided not to give up her tions he has made to this community. pionship. seat. After serving in Germany with the U.S. Air This victory is a testament to the teamwork I am thankful that Ms. Parks was tired. She Force, Eflin visited Crested Butte, Colorado and abilities of the Anaheim players and I was tired of being treated as a second class with the dream of creating a ski area that would like to congratulate them. citizen; tired of seeing her friends, family and could rival the Alps both in beauty and skiing I must also congratulate and thank Angels’ fellow brothers and sisters being put upon by terrain. In 1960, he moved his family to manager Mike Scioscia, coaches Bud Black, dogs and hoses; and most importantly, tired of Crested Butte and formed Crested Butte, Ltd. Orlando Mercado, Mickey Hatcher, Alfredo being silenced in her own country. After applying for Forest Service permits and Griffin, Ron Roenicke, Joe Maddon and Steve It was due to her desire for social justice buying land, Eflin’s dream of opening his own Soliz and the entire Angels’ staff. and her longing for equality that she chose to ski area became reality when Crested Butte A very special thanks goes to the Orange make a statement by refusing to rise. Her ac- Mountain opened on Thanksgiving Day 1961. County fans who came out to cheer the Ana- tions, along with those of many, awakened Although the ski area started with a T-bar and heim Angels to victory. They were instru- this Nation. It is because of their unwavering a rope-tow, the next year it grew considerably mental in bringing the Western Division Cham- commitment to fighting against injustice and to with the installation of a 7,800-foot long gon- pionship to Anaheim. realize the dream and vision of this nation’s dola and a terminal building. Due to Mr. Eflin’s forefathers—that this country was forced to unwavering determination and vision, Crested Mr. Speaker, the Anaheim Angels had a look at itself in the mirror and change what it Butte was on the map as an up-and-coming great season and I join the residents of Ana- saw. ski area. heim looking forward to the next. Mr. Speaker, I am particularly aware of the In addition to his work with Crested Butte, contribution Ms. Parks’ made by this act of Mr. Eflin worked tirelessly in the local commu- f civil disobedience. Rosa Park’s actions were nity where he served as President of the Mt. the spark. The spark that allowed the civil Crested Butte Water & Sanitation District, as TRIBUTE TO ROSA PARKS rights movement to progress and move for- well as participating in the Town Council. He ward under the leadership of a relatively un- started the first regional museum and also ran SPEECH OF known minister of the Dexter Avenue Baptist the Princess Movie Theater and the Eflin Church, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Steak House. HON. MAJOR R. OWENS Up until that point, litigation was the primary Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join OF NEW YORK method the civil rights movement employed, with me in expressing our gratitude to Mr. Eflin but Rosa Parks marked the beginning of a for contributing to his community in far-reach- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES new strategy, one of civil disobedience. Bus ing ways. We recognize his accomplishments Wednesday, October 26, 2005 boycotts, sit-ins, and freedom rides were just in making Crested Butte a great ski resort and some of the tactics. While the Montgomery a wonderful place to live. I’m proud to offer Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, along with all the Bus Boycott was not the first boycott, it was warm congratulations to Mr. Elfin on his well constituents of the 11th Congressional District the first to last as long as it did, over one year, deserved honor in entering the Colorado Ski I mourn the death of Rosa Parks on October resulting in a monumental court ruling and set- Museum’s Hall of Fame and wish him contin- 24, 2005. From that band of anonymous great ting the civil rights movement on a new ued success in his future endeavors. angels who always come forward to rescue course. f America in times of great stress and decline Ms. Parks’ landmark Supreme Court case Rosa Parks marched forth. She sat down in resulted in the ruling that segregated bus serv- IN HONOR OF KENNETH W. ALLEN order to stand up for the basic rights of mil- ice was unconstitutional, unconstitutional not II lions of oppressed African Americans. Out- just because segregation on transportation af- wardly she appeared to be a plain ordinary cit- fected interstate commerce, but segregation HON. SAM FARR izen but inside the small lady was a magnifi- was unconstitutional in itself. OF CALIFORNIA cent giant with great courage and tenacity. After the boycott, non-violence became the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She was a spark plug who set the soul of central tenet of the movement as civil rights Martin Luther King on fire. A blazing powerful leaders organized at the Southern Christian Friday, October 28, 2005 movement was born from this union in Mont- Leadership Conference with the goal of pro- Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today as a gomery, Alabama. Rosa Parks became the viding local leaders with the necessary tools to former Boy Scout to honor Kenneth W. Allen mother of the Civil Rights Movement which mount successful campaigns for justice. II, as he retires from 31 years as a profes- changed America to make our Nation more It is because of the many sacrifices of peo- sional with the Boy Scouts of America. like God and the constitution meant for it to ple like Ms. Parks, the personal risks they Ken served the Scouting effort in six Scout be. took, that I, as an African American, can stand councils throughout California, including San VerDate Aug 31 2005 03:31 Oct 29, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28OC8.036 E28OCPT1.