Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Fuller, Craig: Files Folder Title: Assassination Attempt on Pres. 03/31/1981 [2 of 2] Box: OA 8978 To see more digitized collections visit: To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: Contact a reference archivist at:
[email protected] Citation Guidelines: t Nation Business as Usual-Almost A powerful troika takes charge, while Haig overdoes it-once more The first reactions European allies. Altogether, the week's better at the higher levels in such mo were shock, horror, official activity appeared to justify the ments. Heightened tension acts as a mag sickness at the thought phrase that Reagan's aides were using nifier; every word, and sentence, becomes that the nation had to while the President was still in the recov- an act of international significance and go through it all once ery room: "Business as usual." is rocketed around the globe where it is ex more. Then almost instantly came anxiety Well, almost. The day-to-day opera amined and weighed." -not' only for the wounded President but tions of the Government will continue Even long-run policy formulation will f', for the country itself. As citizens all over about the way they would if the Presi not suffer badly during the next month the U.S. and indeed around the world dent were in the White House-as in fact or so while Reagan is convalescing.