. exec. AD-Adm * Exec. AD-tov Exec, AO-IES Asst. Dir/. Adm. Sews. .. | Crim.tov. JA DLO<9^0 2^1^331Z . Went inspection 4 H JJR/Ho. la JQc^W Intel! Lafaoffiter/ g0S0fk Lcq& C&>% R 0823OOZ OCT 89 C Rsc. FM FBI DALLAS (196A-172P CP) TecTt.^uM- TraftttSsj TO DIRECTOR FBI ROUTINE Tefcpft^ Direct Sfrfy — FBI LOS ANGELES (1968-1842) (VfCC-3) ROUTINE BT \ unclape'ttoUN CL A 8 E TTO ^ \ /{%* . O ^ Dallas. ET FBwj ITSP. OO: TED L. GUNDERSON , aKa; aka; am re Dallas teletype to bureau, September 29, 1982. ON OCTOBER 3, 1982, VICTIM TEXAS,_ / FORFO: ADVISED DURING I I HE WASS SEEKING FINANCING a WAS REFERRED TO OF Pass pTg/R£fitegp»L (SD, corporation, Dallas, who advised| |that he had many contacts WITH INFLUENCE IN LOS ANGELES AND HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA, THaT HE WOULD PRESENT THE PROJECT TO. ANOTHER ALLEGED SojjWllI'RCE O0 fJ / rW A n WAS THROUGH AN INTERNATIONAL TRUST KNOWN AS "UNICEPv IoCaTTd JJLl HOLLAND, T«aT LOAN OF APPR OXIMATELY AMSTERDAM, AND A | WOULD BE STRUCT iRED TO BE SELF-LlPUlFYING . A DVISEd| California sources Bailed to materialize and during r\ j Page TWO DE DL wz* UNCLES E F T 0 (DL 196a- 179.1 > REQUESTED THat HAVE HIS LOCAL BANK FURNISH A LETTER | | STaT ING that upon RECEIPT OF A LETTER OF CREDIT FRO’* SI, THE 3aNK WOULD AGREE TO LEND| T«E SOURCE OF THE LETTER OF CREDIT WAS TO 8e|8E| |aND IT WAS TO COSTT THE LETTER WAS OBTAINED BY AND OW | | the letter plus which represented he gave I 1 ! | FOR SI OBTAINING THE LETTER OF CREDIT. aDVISED | | I WAS THEN INCORPORATED WIT! TO RECEIVE ONE-HaLF OF THE CORPORATE STOCK IE THE FUNDING WAS SUCCESSFUL. I STATED THAT SI CONTINUALLY STaLLFD HIM REGARDING THE LOaN | I 1 I 1 AND THAT NEaR THE END OF TED GUNDERSON \ HE WAS NOT CERTAIN OF G UNDER SPITS A SSOCIATION WITH SI AT THaT TIME, HOWEVER, ON TOLD ]THAT GUNDERSON HaD UNSUCCESSFULLY CONTACTED | banks at Dallas trying to put his, package together. ADVISED THEN SAID THAT I | WAS TO BE THE "MORTGAGE COMPANY" FOR A-LL OF THE SI PROJECTS. ADVISED HE TELEPHONED LONG DISTANCE AND CONFIRMED HAD BEEN APPROVED aND THAT THEY WERE SIMPLY WAITING ON SOME PAPERWORK. |STATED IN THE MEaNTIME, HE was PAGE THREE DE DL 00?J3 UNCLaS E F T 0 (DL 19SA-17P.D earnest monies paving THE OWNERS OF THE additional ABOl.lT MONTHLY TO DELaY THE PURCHASE CONTRACT advised and THaT SI and DEKLa INTERNATIONAL (DI), INC., MERGED GUNDERSON BECAME PRESIDENT OF DI. ON INFORMED I advised that finally FORTHCOMING, HIM THAT THE DEaL WAS OFF, T^aT NO FUNDS MOULD BE THAT THE LETTER OF CREDIT WOULD NOT BE FUNDED, AND THAT THE OF DIRECT EXPENSES WHICH HE INCURRED RELaTED TO THE PROJECT wOwLD MONEY HaS NOT J3EEN^BEENv| BE REFUNDED.REFUNDED.! UviSEDADVISED TH A T TO D ATE, THE >k SINCeP REFUNDED AND THAT HE H AS BEEN UNABLE TO CONTACT | I T MONEY., HE HaS HE SAID T uA T IN HIS EFFORTS TO CO LLEC THE CONTACTED DI EMPLOYEES AND THaT 0^' gunderson called him to inform him that the company I Was HAVING FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES, THAT THE MONEY HaD NEVER BEEN BROUGHT INTO THE UNITED STATES AS BL/\IR HaD STaTED, 3tjT IN THE EVENT THE MONEY WAS OBTAINED, 1 COULD POSSIBLY GET HIS MONEY BaCK. ADDED THaT HE H fl S ALSO BEEN IN CONTACT WITH Jr-y ^ ** 0 ,* Page FIVE DE DL 00? « UN CL AS E FT 0 (DL 19 6ft- 17? HE€ STATEDstated THATthat| [acknowledgedACKNOWLEDGED THATthat HIS COWRaNYOOMRa! WAS POSSIBLY INVOLVED IN THE DEaL BUT HE WOULD NEED TO PULL THE FILE TO | VERIFY THE TRANSACTION. ADVISED HE PERSONALLY NEVER IDENTIFIED | | H IMSELF TO AND THftT IN HIS OPINION, WAS MOST LIKELY A FRONT WAN FOR SI AND CONDUCTED HIMSELF VERY UNPROFESS 10 NaLLY. INVESTIGATION Has DETERMINED THAT BOTH SI and DI are INCORPORATED IN TEXAS AND COPIES OF THE CORPORATE PaPERS aRE BEING forwarded to the Dallas division. GUNDERSON CURRENTLY RESIDING WITH WHO IS Dallas continuing efforts to identify victims and si may BE A COOPERATIVE SUBJECT. WILL BE LOCATED AND INTERVIEWED FOLLOWING DISCUSSION OF CaSE WITH UNITED STaTES ATTORNEY’S OFFICE. aLSO VERIFICATION OF LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE calls being obtained. #0020 im 1 PURPOSE : To advise of the status of the captioned matter in which former Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Ted L. Gunderson is a subject of an advance fee/financial fraud/fraud by wire investi- gation in the Dallas and Los Angeles Divisions. RECOMMENDATION : None. For information only. ‘APPROVED: Adm.Serva. iratory legal Coun. Grim. Inv, Off. of Cong. Director,& & Public Affs._ Exec. AD-Admt^^^nt. Rec. itfgnt. Serve. 'Hf A Exec. AD-inv. Inspection. Tech. Training _ U{^xec.AD-UES Intetl. DETAILS: On 9/8/82, the Dallas Division instituted a Fr Wire (FBW) investigation concerning allegedly xrauauient-^remersfraudulent- b7D of loan commitment being issued by Dakl a International of Dallas. Texas. Information from several sources | indicates that the letters of loan commitment are drawn on a bank in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. These allegedly fraudulent financial instruments were being purchased with substantial advance fees and were utilized to finance speculative business ventures through American banks. J?.%jlQ7 v) One of these commitment letters was signed by Ted Gunderson as President of Dekla International. Mr. Gunderson, a former SAC, is believed to have subsequently resigned as President of Dekla International. EAV^j^ (7) 1 - Mr. Revel 1 1 bo • .. - b7C 1 1 1 CONTINUED - OVER 3' FBI/DOJ to Mr. Revell I Memorandum TED L. GUNDERSON On 9/27/82, Mr. Gunderson voluntarily appeared at the Dallas Office to explain his ass ociation with the inrli viduals. He advised that he was I Gunderson demanded that I before he produced the name of one of his sources of information, that the entire text of the interview be maintained in the SAC's safe rather than being in the general files for fear of his own life. He then demanded that the information also be kept secure in Washington, otherwise he was not going to proceed with the information. SAC Thomas C. Kelly then met with Gunderson and after listening to Gunderson's demands, informed Gunderson that he could not give him assurance that the information would be maintained in a safe away from the general files until such time as the file was destroyed (as demanded by Gunderson) . The interview was, therefore, terminated by Mr. Gunderson. Qn IQ/3/82, an interview of I . | an established be and also b7c I an original complainant, indicates that Mr. Gunderson actively participated b7D in an alleged scheme to defraud him in this matter. Investigation by the Los Angele s Division indicates th at r Mr. Gunderson has associated himself with I [a well known criminal figure in the Los Angeles areal 1 as well as the subject major investigations Local anc federal authorities. On Dallas Supervisor 10/18/82, ! advised that the results of the preliminary investigation in this matter will be presented to the U. S. Attorney's Office, Dallas, Texas. - 2 - , FD-36 (Rev. 5-22-78) M - -> • • *- • F8I TRANSMIT VIA; PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: 1 1 Teletype [ [ Immediate TOP SECRET 1 1 Facsimile I 1 Priority O SECRET J [S a-i.r-tel — Routine CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS E F T 0 UNCLAS > iw„ 9/21/82 DIRECTOR\/FBI FROM: 196A-1721 ) (P) SUBJECT; D INTEROFFICE Tt an- Cm)* dJaLDEKLA- ILTXERNATJQMAIw 9400 \cENTR:4^EX£^^ FL5W, 1TSP ^ 00: DALLAS / The tiae^has been marked changed interoffice to add and to subjects Ted Gunderson, I | reflect their current business name and address to be Dekla International, 9400 Central Expressway, Suite 314, Dallas, -WTexas/ Re Los Angeles airtel to Dallas, 9/9/82. -C_ i_Z_ For information of the Bureau on 9/8/82, Investigator, Comptroller of Currency . Washington, D. C. tele- phonically contacted SA [ Dallas FBI Office, Dallas, Texas , and advised that he had recently received a telephone Call fT-mrnl Bank, concerning a possib le "Advance Fee" scheme being | | I I ested that the Dallas FBI perpetrated in | requ Office initiate contact with I Hfor further details.^ ^ - *•!?& - 2 Bureau (c? 3^5 2 - Los Angeles (196B-1842) (WCC-3) 2 - Dallas RTR/vl (6) Approved: Transmitted (Number) DL 196A-1721 Sank revealed that a Dallas, Texas, had made a loan request for advised that when came into the bank to negotiate [oan he brought from Dekla International for This letter was signed by ex fficial SAC Ted Gunderson as President of Dekla the loan re- she believes 1 tional. advised that 1 [ tional for the loan. |Bank of | Dallas , also contacted the Dallas FBI Office to advise that another customer of the bank, ~| had been to the bank | with another letter of commitment from Dekla International for a advised that the money was to bg | | transferred from a bank in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to I in nal la g f and that the proceeds were to be used to I expressed concern that Both and | | | | due to the amounts of the loan commitments from Dekla that a possible "Advance Fee" swindle existed. On 9/8/82. ~lwas telephonically contacted by the FBI Office and stated that he had recently been Dallas | | introduced to an individual namedl~ . I advised land that that he was seeking financing for a | told him for the that he could arrange | neqotionsl. advised that through subsequent | loan. | | introduced him to assoc iates ! I and ~| advised that these individuals had formed Ted Gunderson.
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