Graduate Program in Counselling a Graduate School (M.C.) cu ACTS offers a Master of Counselling (M.C.) of Theological l degree requiring a 68 sem. hr. course of study. t The M.C. degree is a professional, non- y Studies

degree aimed at individuals who desire a of seminary-based counsellor education program

ACTS Seminaries with a strong emphasis on spirituality and G The Associated Canadian Theological Schools theological integration. (ACTS) is an association of six seminaries rad (Canadian Baptist Seminary, Canadian Graduate Program in Theological Pentecostal Seminary, Canadian Theological Studies (M.T.S.) Seminary, Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, The Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) is a u Northwest Baptist Seminary, and Trinity Western two-year research program designed for those who a t

Seminary) working together— an arrangement wish to pursue Christian service but who do not e often called a cluster or a consortium. As a whole, find the professional degrees ( or the ACTS consortium constitutes the Graduate in Church Ministries) entirely S School of Theological Studies of Trinity Western appropriate. It may be an important step in tu entering a doctoral program, if an individual has an

University. Degrees in the consortium are offered dies conjointly, that is, by the and the appropriate undergraduate major (e.g., History, participating seminary together. In this way Religious Studies) and a desire to teach. It may also ACTS students receive the best of university assist those entering other vocational areas education and professional seminary training. congruent with their undergraduate training, e.g., TWU maintains membership in the Association teaching in a Christian school, missions, leadership of and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) development, etc. and in June 1997, ACTS became an accredited member in the Association of Theological Schools Track options: (ATS). Apologetics; Church History; General Bible: New Testament; Old Testament; and Theological Studies. Admissions Information All degree programs normally require an Graduate Program in Cross- or equivalent as a Cultural Ministries (M.A.) prerequisite for admission. Because the particular The purpose of the Master of Arts (M.A.) in Cross- nature of the bachelor’s degree may vary, applicants Cultural Ministries is to develop leaders who have should consult the specific description of each sensitivity to diverse worldviews, who can engage degree program. In addition, each candidate must in cross-cultural ministries effectively, and who can show evidence of personal faith in Jesus Christ as partner with national or ethnic leaders and agencies Lord and of submission to His will, as well as the as supportive facilitators, so that communities of positive recommendation of his or her church New Testament believers are strengthened. A congregation. All students must agree to the servant visionary leadership mindset is developed Responsibilities of Membership of the University for success in global Christian ministries and for and signify this by their signature on it. The the equipping of others. This two-year program seminaries which constitute the Associated seeks to prepare committed individuals, convinced Canadian Theological Schools admit students of of the uniqueness of Christ and the urgency of the any race, nationality, or ethnic origin to all the Great Commission, for the new paradigm of rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally ministry partnership with national church leaders made available to students within ACTS. so that churches based upon New Testament principles can be established and strengthened ACTS Degree Programs throughout the world. Track options: Graduate Program in Pastoral Mission Skills; Church Planting; Leadership; Ministries (M.Div.) Literacy; Religions and the Gospel; and Research T

The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) is a three-year (Thesis). rini program which prepares students to become godly t y leaders, people with a love and compassion for Graduate Program in Applied W others, based on a strong commitment to Jesus Linguistics and Exegesis (M.L.E.) es

Christ and the Word of God, and possessing the t The Master of Applied Linguistics and Exegesis ern essential leadership skills which equip them as

(M.L.E.) is a two-year program designed to provide U pastors to energetically strengthen, revitalize, and

a thorough knowledge of the techniques of applied niversi multiply communities of effective worshipping and linguistics and biblical exegesis. Exegetical skills are ministering believers in Canada and around the developed through the study of biblical languages

world. t and intensive interaction with the biblical text. y Track options: Graduates are prepared for effective cross-cultural Apologetics; Bible; Bible/Theology; Church communication and ministry with focus in Bible Planting; Church Ministries; Cross-cultural translation or literacy. This degree program is Ministries; History; Pastoral Ministry; and offered by ACTS in cooperation with the Canada Theology. Institute of Linguistics. 143 F a Graduate Program in Christian Track options: cu Studies (M.A.) Apologetics; Bible; Bible/Theology; Chaplaincy and The Master of Arts (M.A.) in Christian Studies is Pastoral Care; Church Ministries; Church Planting; l Cross-cultural Ministries; History; Korean t a two-year program designed to assist a person y who possesses an undergraduate degree or Worldview Studies; Pastoral Ministry; and Theology.

of equivalent to develop a coherent, biblical worldview, strengthen his or her spiritual Note: A track is comprised of at least 12 sem. hrs. of

disciplines, learn significant leadership skills, and course work in a specific area of study. G demonstrate a measure of expertise in theological

rad and ministry disciplines. Graduation requires the completion of a graduating essay. Application Procedures Students must register in one of the six seminaries.

u Track options: Students who belong to one of the participating

a Apologetics; Bible; Bible/Theology; Chaplaincy denominations normally enrol in their respective t and Pastoral Care; Church Ministries; Church seminary. Students from other denominations are e Planting; Cross-cultural Ministries; History; assigned to one of the seminaries unless the

S Korean Worldview Studies; Pastoral Ministry; and student specifically indicates a preference. Theology. tu Applicants should note carefully the specific admissions requirements of each program. dies Graduate Program in Theology Prospective students should apply using the (M.Th.) application and references forms available from the The Master of Theology (M.Th.) is a specialized, ACTS Admissions Office or ACTS web site, post-M.Div. program of 30 sem. hrs. The program submitting all educational and other documents as concentrates on producing graduates who are stated on the form. The application fee is payable competent in understanding, exegeting, applying, on submission of the application form. It is the and communicating the Word of God and who are policy of ACTS Seminaries to welcome students able to make a significant contribution to biblical from other denominations into its programs as scholarship. facilities permit. The Admissions Committee considers each Postgraduate Program in Pastoral application together with the other relevant Ministry (D.Min.) documents and informs the candidates of their status as soon as possible. At the direction of the The Doctor of Ministry degree is a professional committee, candidates may be asked to attend a development degree designed for people who have personal interview as part of the admissions earned a Master of Divinity or the equivalent and process. who are actively engaged in pastoral ministry or evangelism. It requires significant attention to theory, but outcomes in view are professional. It is More Information not an in-sequence degree. That is, it may not be Contact ACTS Admissions Office. pursued immediately following the Master of Divinity degree until the student has completed at Tel: 604.513.2019 (local) least three years of full-time ministry. It is an in- 1.888.468.6898 (toll free) service degree in that a student must be involved Email: [email protected] in regular ministry during the time of enrolment. Web site: www.acts.twu.ca The essence of the Doctor of Ministry degree program is not found in the courses and thesis project per se. It becomes a reality as one reflects on and implements program content in the ministerial context. This program also provides opportunity for students to explore leadership and spiritual formation in depth. It is cohort-based and is designed for completion in four years. in Christian

T Studies rini The one-year (30 sem. hrs.) Graduate Diploma in t y Christian Studies provides students who are W actively engaged in ministry and witness with a es quality master’s level theological and biblical t ern education combined with advanced integration in

U practice. This program is also designed for those niversi wishing refreshment and upgrading of academic and professional life experience. The Graduate Diploma offers flexibility to meet individual in- t y service needs, especially for those students desiring a non-thesis program. If students work closely with their advisors, a large part of this program could be applicable to a more advanced degree. An undergraduate degree or its equivalent is normally required for admission. 144