Reproductive Cycle of Branchiura Sowerbyi (Oligochaeta: Naididae: Tubificinae) Cultivated Under Laboratory Conditions
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ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 427–431, August, 2011 doi: 10.1590/S1984-46702011000400003 Reproductive cycle of Branchiura sowerbyi (Oligochaeta: Naididae: Tubificinae) cultivated under laboratory conditions Haroldo Lobo1, 2 & Roberto da Gama Alves1 1 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Biológicas – Comportamento e Biologia Animal, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. 36036-900 Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil. 2 Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT. The biology of Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard, 1892 has been the focus of many studies in temperate regions, where the species is exotic, according to literature data. Due to its high productivity and easy cultivation, B. sowerbyi is of great interest as a food source for fish farming. The present study reports information on the reproductive biology and growth of B. sowerbyi under laboratory conditions at 25 ± 1°C. Weekly observations during 52 weeks indicated that the time between cocoon laying and young hatching was 14 to 16 days, the specific daily growth rate was 0.91 ± 0.04% (mean ± SD) and the time to reach sexual maturity was 40.83 ± 6.88 days. As reported by other authors, the hatching rate observed was low (33.08%), but the survival rate of young was high, approximately 96%. Laboratory observations showed that B. sowerbyi has two annual reproductive cycles, the first (between the 5th and 24th week) being more pronounced than the second (between the 31st and 51st week) concerning the number of cocoons. KEY WORDS. Cocoons; fish food; growth rate; oligochaete; tubificid. Branchiura sowerbyi Beddard, 1892 is commonly found DORFELD et al. 2006). According to RABURU et al. (2002), in a study in organically enriched freshwater environments in tropical in Lake Naivasha (Kenya), this tubificid presented high annual and temperate regions. In the latter, B. sowerbyi is used as a productivity (7.43 g of dry matter per m2) compared to the thermal pollution indicator (ASTON 1968). The biology of the oligochaete Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Claparede, 1862 (0.65 g of species has been the focus of many studies. ASTON & MILNER dry matter per m2). These studies show the importance of the (1982) and ASTON et al. (1982) studied the ideal conditions to species within the benthic community of tropical aquatic en- breed it in activated sewage, and found better growth and re- vironments. productive rate in a mixture of activated sewage and fine sand Due to its larger size (20 to 185 mm long) and high pro- (66% of activated sewage) at 25°C. CASELLATO (1984) studied the ductivity compared to other tubificid species (YAN & WANG 1999, species’ life cycle in a water-lily tank at the Botanical Garden RABURU et al. 2002), B. sowerbyi raises great commercial interest of Padua and reported that B. sowerbyi presents the highest re- as live fish food. Many studies show that aquatic oligochaete production activity in the spring. CASELLATO et al. (1987) de- represent a significant part in the diet of some fish species (RIERA scribed the species’ histological characteristics during et al. 1991, GOPHEN et al. 1998, RAHMAN et al. 2006). LIETZ (1987) gametogenesis. BONACINA et al. (1994) studied the population advocated the potential of these animals as live fish food, since ecology of B. sowerbyi in mass cultivation and suggested a math- they are easily cultivated in large scales and are resistant to ematical model to estimate its demographic parameters in natu- variations in temperature and dissolved oxygen levels. ral environments. DUCROT et al. (2007) conducted a long study Another interest is the use of B. sowerbyi in ecotoxicological showing important aspects of the species’ biology, aiming to studies (KEILTY et al. 1988, MARCHESE & BRINKHURST 1996, DUCROT et use it in ecotoxicological tests (for other studies on this spe- al. 2007), since specimens are easy to handle (MARCHESE & cies, see NAQVI 1973, ASTON 1984, DREWES & ZORAN 1989, CASELLATO BRINKHURST 1996) and are present in aquatic environments where et al. 1992, MARCHESE & BRINKHURST 1996). Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1774), commonly used in ecotoxicology, Most of the above studies were carried out in temperate is either relatively rare or is not present (DUCROT et al. 2007). regions, where B. sowerbyi is exotic, according to ASTON (1968). According to CASELLATO et al. (1992), in order to use a species in In Brazil, studies in lentic environments and reservoirs show ecotoxicological studies with the aim to evaluate the level of that B. sowerbyi is one of the most abundant species among the sediment contamination of rivers and lakes by pollutants, it is benthic organisms (ALVES & STRIXINO 2000, PAMPLIN et al. 2005, first necessary to understand its biological attributes. © 2011 Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia | | All rights reserved. 428 H. Lobo & R. da G. Alves The present study reports on characteristics of the repro- tion, number of cocoons per adult per day and number of eggs ductive biology and growth of B. sowerbyi under laboratory per cocoon were recorded. Data are presented as mean ± stan- conditions, and provides other information that could be in- dard deviation. The average rate of daily growth (Gw%) was corporated in ecotoxicological studies on the species. The in- calculated according to REYNOLDSON (1987): –1 formation provided here complements a previous study Gw% = (LnW2 – LnW1) x 100t ; where: W1 = initial weight (mg); (NASCIMENTO & ALVES 2008) on the egg-laying and egg hatching W2 = final weight (mg); and t = time in days. rates of B. sowerbyi individuals maintained in clay substrate. MATERIAL AND METHODS Table I. Composition of the fish food Alcon Basic® used as organic matter source for the maintenance of B. sowerbyi in laboratory. Specimens of B. sowerbyi used in the experiment were Figures provided by the manufacturer (value per kilogram of the product). obtained from a culture kept at the Benthonic Invertebrate Laboratory at the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Juiz de Food composition Quantity Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil) under ambient temperature and Vitamin A 30,000 UI photoperiod. The organisms are originally from Diogo Lake Vitamin D3 5,000 UI (Luis Antônio, São Paulo, Brazil). The collection method was Vitamin E 83.3 mg described in NASCIMENTO & ALVES (2008). The experiment was conducted in 250-mL beakers con- Vitamin K3 8.3 mg taining 100 mL of sand, 100 mL of water (dechlorinated and Vitamin B1 6.7 mg ® aerated) and 0.1 g of fish food (AlconBASIC , Tab. I) as a source Vitamin B2 25.0 mg of organic matter. The sand used in the experiment, collected Vitamin B6 6.7 mg from the Peixe River (21°54’37”S and 43°33’24”W), located in southwestern Minas Gerais state (Brazil), had been previously Vitamin B12 33.3 mg analyzed under a stereoscopic microscope (40x magnification) Niacin 116.7 mg to remove invertebrates. The granulometric sand fraction used Calcium Pantothenate 50.0 mg was 0.25 to 1.00 mm. Six beakers were used for cocoon pro- Biotin 0.3 mg duction. Each beaker contained five mature specimens (six weeks of age) and was kept in incubators at 25 ± 0.1°C, in the Folic Acid 2.5 mg dark. Every other day for 20 days the substrate of each beaker Hill 520.0 mg was washed in a 0.25-mm sifter and analyzed under a stereo- Iron 83.3 mg scopic microscope to collect and count the cocoons. The trans- Cupper 8.3 mg parence of the cocoon allowed us to easily count the number of eggs inside. Zinc 83.3 mg Using a 3-mL Pasteur pipette, the cocoons were collected Manganese 66.7 mg and put in 100-mL beakers containing 25 mL of substrate and Selenium 0.2 mg 25 mL of dechlorinated and aerated water. The recipients con- Iodine 1.7 mg taining the cocoons were kept in incubators at 25 ± 0.1°C, in Methionine 833.3 mg the dark, and analyzed under a stereoscopic microscope every two days for observation and counting of eclosions. Stabilized Vitamin C 250.0 mg Thirty young individuals (two days old), which presented normal movement and no body deformations, were selected for observation of growth and sexual maturation that was de- RESULTS termined by the laying of the first cocoon. Six 250-mL beakers, each containing five individuals, were analyzed weekly during A rate of eclosion of 33.08% was determined from 67 364 days to record the weight of individuals and number of cocoons, containing 1.99 ± 0.21 eggs·cocoon–1 (mean ± SD). eggs and cocoons. To do this, the substrate was washed in 0.250- There were no deaths among the adults during the 21-days mm sifters and analyzed under a stereoscopic microscope. To period of cocoon collection. The time between cocoon laying avoid stress on the organisms, they were removed with a Stanley and hatching varied from 10 to 20 days (Fig. 1). Most of the knife and transferred to a Petri dish containing dechlorinated hatchings (90.91%) occurred between 12 and 18 days after the water. After the collection of cocoons, our subjects were trans- cocoon had been laid. Positive growth was observed until the ferred to a new substrate with 0.1 g of fish food. organisms completed 14 weeks (Fig. 2), after which their weights For each beaker, the time between cocoon laying and stabilized. After the 36th week the weights of the subjects var- hatching, average rate of daily growth, time of sexual matura- ied greatly among one another. ZOOLOGIA 28 (4): 427–431, August, 2011 Reproductive cycle of Branchiura sowerbyi cultivated under laboratory conditions 429 70 55 50 60 45 50 40 35 40 30 30 25 Frequency (%) 20 20 Average weight (mg) 15 10 10 5 0 0 ٜ ٜ ٜ 2 6 0 4 ٜ ٜ 8 ٜ ٜ ٜ ٜ ٜ 68 46 24 34 20 22 24 10 28 14 16 40 42 46 30 26 18 32 44 50 36 48 12 38 810 52 10 12 12 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22 Times (days) 12Time (week) Figures 1-2.