Epigraphical Index
EPIGRAPHICALINDEX NAMES OF MEN AND WOMEN ['Ay]ao[-- -], prytanis ca. 180 A.D., 181 (85 30) ['Apwt Tt'OV 'AptO[- - -], prytanis ca. 180 A.D., 181 'A [y] aOoKX[ijs] llEptLy&[ovs] MAL[utoso], on a (859) tombstone of the first century B.C., 173 (71) 'Apturo'&-/o-, toxotes in an ephebe decree of CAyvo/G[Eo Aim] OTt'VOw3'Atk8v[atof], on a dedi- 243/2, 159 (53 11) cation of the second century B.C., 162 (60 i) 'Aptoro'Xas, archon 161/0, 166 (64 26); ['A.], 165 (64i) 'AO?7v[- - -] ('Avayvppatog) in a catalogue of Erechtheis ca. 180 A.D., 180 (84 B 10) 'AptUTo4,axo [s] (Illav8tov`8o), ca 255 B.C., father of AEwo&a4a, 186 (92 12) 'AO[r] vatos 'A[0potouov] (YTiEtptiEv), prytanis A.D. 150-190, 176 (7813) ['Apt] Uro/A'Srg 'PaAvovatl [os], in a decree of AZ(X) t [- -] ('Avayvpacutos), in a catalogue 161/0, 166 (64 34-35) 'ApKE'48rjpiIos] of Erechtheis ca. 180 A.D., 180 (84 B 5) ('EkEovutog), ca. 152 A.D., father of 182 (86 3) AhtXpa[{os], in a poletai record of ca. 250 B.C., 4JXo'rEt/l[os], [4Xa. 'Ap7raXtav0i]s archon A.D., 157 (51 49) EetpEvs, ca. 170 179 (81 2) 'AK[---], in a decree of 161/0, 166 (64 34) 'AppLa[~~]vo [At] KtV 'Appta [vo's] (fapy'riT-os)), 'AX av[opos], archon in 173/2, 191 (95 1) prytanisca. 180 A.D., 178 (79 B 10) 'AXKKErr7[At] OViUiV K [,0tnEv1], ephebos of 'AprTEI[---], prytanis ca. 180 A.D., 181 (85 22) Erechtheis ca.
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