February 2013 1



The frescoed Sistine chapel contains priceless works of arts including Michaelangelo’s. Inset, the chimney where the white smoke comes out once the new Pope is chosen.

Filipino Making Waves Who will be the next Pope?

By A.F. Soriano Obama praises Filipina As stipulated in his an- sons for his decision. of Pope Benedict XVI rule, nurse in State of the Union nounced resignation, Pope the secret process of select- It now paves the way for the Benedict XVI will end his ing a new Pope gets under- election of a new Pope un- address reign as leader of 1.2 billion way. der the Vatican’s so-called , - US nurse at New York Universi- Catholics worldwide on Apostolic Constitution (or However, Pope Benedict’s President Barack Obama ty’s Langone Medical Cen- February 28, 2013. the Universi Dominici Gre- resignation is considered praised a Filipina nurse, ter, as an example to all The Pontiff, who assumed gis)under which defines the unusual because while the who is considered one of Americans. the papacy in 2005 after the “very formal, detailed pro- Apostolic Constitution has a the heroes of the Hurricane death of Pope John Paul II cess of electing a new way of dealing with a vacan- Sandy disaster, in his State "We were sent here to look stunned the world by what Pope”. cy in the Vatican, it never- was termed as an “unusual theless failed to define how Thus, after March 15,2013 “move by citing health rea- or15-20 days after the end (Continued on page 5) Hello Kitty! Hello Pinky!

It’s now a catfight between name calling and become whom the lady senator has Pinky and Brenda. downright personal. been feuding. Santiago, the firebrand known for her acidic tongue, has threatened to expose Lacson’s many sins including his “sexuality “. “Sasagutin ko si Pinky (Ping) Lacson at hindi lang First lady Michelle Obama is applauded by Menchu Sanchez (second from right) along with Dr. Jill Biden prior to U.S. President Barack yan,kakalkalin ko isa-isa ang Obama's State of the Union Speech on Capitol Hill in Washington, Feb- mga kasalanan niya” (I will ruary 12, 2013. Photo by Jonathan Ernst, Reuters respond to his allegations The soap opera now show- There has been rumors cir- and many sins ), said Santia- out for our fellow Ameri- ing at the senate of the Phil- culating about Ping Lacson’s of the Union address before go as she also described cans in the same way they ippines between senators being a “Bading “ (gay). The the joint session of Congress Lacson as one of the attack look out for one another Panfilo “Ping “Lacson and senator is now on his last in Washington D.C.. dogs of senate president every single day, usually Miriam Santiago has esca- Juan Ponce Enrile, with without fanfare all across lated into an animated (Continued on page 5) In his speech, Obama men- tioned Menchu Sanchez, a (Continued on page 8)

February 2013 2

February 2013 3 MANILA FEEDBACK DOJ takes over cops’ complaint vs Fire hits Manila Film Center Manila vice mayor MANILA – Fire hit the back of the Manila Film Center in Pa- say City on Tuesday. ‘Volatile’ case too hot to handle for Manila prosecutors Authorities said the fire started at the administration office By Christine O. Avendaño, Tetch Torres-Tupas in the building’s second floor at around 7 p.m. The fire immediately spread and reached 5th alarm at 7:22 Too hot to handle. Manila, last Saturday. They to “Jong” Isip Jr., Ma. Asun- p.m. were ordered released for cion “Re” Fugoso, John The illegal gambling case further investigation several Marvin “Yul Servo” Nieto filed against Manila Vice hours after their arrest after and former Councilor Manu- Mayor Francisco “Isko the city prosecutor said al “Letlet” Zarcal—the per- Moreno” Domagoso will be sons who were arrested turned over to a state prose- along with him on Saturday. cutor from the Department of Justice (DOJ) after the The group charged Blumen- Manila City Prosecutor’s tritt police precinct com- Office decided to inhibit it- mander Chief Insp. Ed Mora- self due to “the volatility of ta and 30 John Does with the controversies involved.” grave misconduct and grave abuse of authority and said “Upon recommendation of they would file another City Prosecutor Edward Justice Secretary Leila de Lima. complaint against the same Togonon and concurred in INQUIRER FILE PHOTO set of policemen in the Of- by Prosecutor General Claro fice of the Ombudsman later Arellano, I have directed the there was not enough evi- Photo by Ricky Pineda in the day. transfer of the Isko Moreno dence against them. Fire out was declared past 9 p.m. cases and other related cas- The incident, however, led In a phone interview, Chua es, if any, from the Manila to a word war between Do- said the second complaint Around P200,000 in properties were lost in the fire. No cas- City Prosecutor’s office to magoso and Mayor Alfredo would be for robbery, un- ualties were reported. the main office to be han- lawful arrest, arbitrary de- Lim after the former ac- The building was built in 1981 and met controversy after dled henceforth by a state tention, perjury under oath, cused his former political one of its floors allegedly collapsed during construction, prosecutor,” Justice Secre- ally of political harassment. incrimination of innocent tary Leila de Lima said in a Lim, in return, denied Do- persons and grave coercion. text message to reporters magoso’s allegation and Moreno is the running mate Metro Manila crime rate Tuesday. claimed he was resorting to of former president Joseph “We want our local prosecu- dramatics to court publicity. Estrada, who is running for down 60%, police say tors to be shielded from ex- Domagoso, meanwhile, mayor of Manila under the treme pressures and parti- went to the National Police United Nationalist Alliance "Last week, nagkaroon ng san influences,” she added. Commission office in Makati (UNA). The two are running insidente sa Megamall, Para- against Lim and councilor n aque, May mga insidente na Domagoso was arrested City on Tuesday to file ad- Lou Veloso of the Liberal tumaas dito sa Metro Manila. along with four Manila ministrative and criminal Party.—With Cathy Yamsuan, Inacknowledge namin ang councilors and a former complaints against the po- Jaymee T. Gamil and Erika Saul- mga insidente na ito, but councilor over a bingo game licemen who arrested them. er, PDI; and Tetch Torres, IN- then gusto namin i-assure they sponsored on Tam- He was accompanied by QUIRER.net namin ang publik na walang bunting Street in Sta. Cruz, Councilors Joel Chua, Ernes- crime wave," Cerbo said. "Walang upsurge ng mga PH, Canada hold first JCBC meeting criminal incidents sa bansa lalo na sa National Capital MANILA - In a move seen to In a joint statement, the two nical cooperation, regional Region." strengthen ties on im- nations said they discussed and bilateral issues. He did not mention specific portant fronts, representa- three key pillars of mutual figures on what police call as tives from the Philippines interest: trade and econom- “The outcome of these dis- non-index crimes such as MANILA, Philippines - The and Canada recently held ic cooperation; political re- cussions will serve as a illegal possession of firearms rate of index crimes in Metro the first meeting of the Joint lations, governance and hu- blueprint for constructive as well other criminal of- Manila fell 60% last month Commission for Bilateral man rights; and, security engagement over the next fenses such as kidnapping, compared to January 2012, Cooperation (JCBC) . cooperation, labor and tech- two years leading to the estafa, illegal possession of police claimed on Wednes- next JCBC meeting in Cana- firearms, smuggling, and use day. da in 2015,” the two nations of illegal drugs. said in a statement released Philippine National Police "Illegal possession, naka- by the Department of For spokesperson Supt. Gener- pagtala tayo ng marami ni- eign Affairs. oso Cerbo said serious yan," he said. "Last year crimes such as murder, hom- 6,600 more or less ang mga The JCBC was established icide, armed robbery, rape, nahuli natin. Pero di namin during the June 2012 visit of and car theft reported to ito nire-reflect. Di kasi ito Foreign Affairs Secretary Metro Manila police only ang tunay na salamin," he Albert del Rosario to Otta- reached 1,218 last month, said. wa. compared to 3,021 in the A month later, Minister John same month last year. "Pagka kami ang nagdeter- Baird visited Manila. Prime mine ng peace and order "Bumaba ito ng 59.68%," he Minister Stephen Harper condition, normally tinutu- said. followed suit in November tukan namin ang index 2012. He allayed fears of a crime crime. Pero di namin sinasa- wave in the metropolis fol- bi di mahalaga ang non- “These visits emphasized lowing recent armed rob- index crime. Hinagamit rin the strengthening relations bery incidents that made the namin itong basis," he add- between Canada and the headlines. ed. Philippines and the first JCBC meeting marks a new APPLICATION FOR SPONSORS, BOOTH Secretary Albert F. del Rosario and Foreign Minister John Baird exchange cop- stage in cooperation be- VENDORS, TRADE EXHIBITORS AND ies of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Establishment of the tween the Philippines and PERFORMERS ARE AVAILABLE NOW @ Philippines-Canada Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation (JCBC) at a Canada,” the statement www.filipinosmakingwaves.com signing ceremony held at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International read. ABS-CBNnews.com Trade in Ottawa, Canada on June 21, 2012.

February 2013 4 EDITORIAL The Circus is On ! COUNTERPOINT

A.F. Soriano Crimes and Prejudices Only recently, travel advisories, magazines and Look at the headlines these days. A Toronto tourism periodicals were all praise for the Star sports page says “South Africa plagued Philippines as a top tourist destination. with violence “: rate of gun slayings five times greater that in the United States.” Several places in our islands, including of course Boracay, were recommended or de- It further described “For all its beauty—the so- It’s fiesta time in the Philippines once again. The official peri- clared top spots to spend the holidays or to called Rainbow nation remains one of the most simply cavort or sun in their pristine white violent and deadly places on earth”. od for campaigning for the May 13 general elections has be- sandy beaches. gun and candidates and other wannabes are now in the hus- The best wines, safaris, and breathtaking scen- tling to woo the voters with their bag of tricks and gimmicks. Hardly had the ink dried in these written hos- eries are one of the prides of estrwhile Apart- sanahs, a wire news report had doused cold heid-South Africa and yet despite all the nega- Yes the circus that is the election-Philippine style is on. water on these accolades mainly as a result of tives said about the place, it remains a big It could only mean many things: guns, goons and gold. It’s a successive high profile crimes that hit the very tourism center in that part of the continent. heart of the nation’s capital. sure fire, age-old formula employed by traditional politicians And the USA, where drive by shootings are to ensure their winning, never mind ignoring the popular “More guns than fun “ headlined the Associat- stuff like Hollywood movies, random shoot- will and the democratic process. ed Press report alluding to a recent spate of ings, school and theatre massacres involving crimes and violence. high powered guns and the vendetta rampage The Ampatuan clan of Maguindanao is the best model of this by a discredited and ousted Los Angeles Police type of dirty politics. They are said to have rigged the previ- It said “violent crimes cast shadow amid Phil- dept.(LAPD) officer. Isn’t this more guns than ous elections in Mindanao under then President Gloria Ar- ippine push to boost its image,” referring to fun? But still people from across the world royo and they are the suspects in the now infamous Magu- the broad daylight raid and robbery in one of craved for living the American dream. Manila’s biggest mall where an average million indanao massacre of 54 persons including journalists cover- people congregate daily. This and other gun- Crime is a problem of society but prejudice is a ing the elections. related crimes have pictured a helpless nation- crime against society and humanity. But these are changing times so they say under the “Matuwid al police and a band of criminals operating with impunity putting thousands of innocent ***** na daan” aegis of President P-noy. lives at risk. BIRTH OF THE COOL: There’s a new hot sing- But this will be a challenging time, too. Will the automated ing ticket in town. This is what it seems, but nothing is farther to election proceeding hold? Will machine or computers do the truth. They are a duo, a duet, mates. They are Jun away with massive cheating and other anomalies synony- and John. mous with past manual elections? Some two weeks ago, two of my sons were in Manila. They rented a car, drove around the Jun is not a boy. She is Junever Mahilum West, Experience in the last 2010 polls showed that automation Metropolis and went “gimmicking” in many of yes the Congen by the Eglinton consulate office was not perfect. Since it was operated by people, supervised the city’s watering holes or nightclubs. They and John is of course John West, the husband. by expert personnel, there has been understandably fears spent late nights. And boy, they can really dish out their tunes. that they can be manipulated or rigged or the experts bribed, but to this day, all these remains unfounded and baseless. Next they went to Puerto Galera, attending a At the height of Feb.7 super winter snowstorm, fabulous beach wedding of two Toronto Cana- they heated the Ballroom of Prestige Night On the upside, elections means a boost to the local economy dians who opted to tie the knot in this Mindoro club with their take of two Credence Clearwa- as more money will be circulating albeit legally or under the Oriental town rather than somewhere in the ter Revival Band (CCR) hits, namely “Proud Carribean or Mexico. Mary “of which Junever did the version of Tina table. Turner and for the finale, “Have You Ever Seen But to ensure perhaps, a credible and clean voting process, it Uneventful? No. Dangerous? Yes, one of my the Rain” with John. must start from the grassroots… the voters themselves. son suffered a cut above his eye, not from a mugger or a holdupper but from an accidental Occasion was the surprise party for Rolly Man- Their choice of elbow while playing a friendly with basketball gante, who turned 60 years during that wintry Senators, governors, mayors and other leaders must start crazed Mindorenos, who took pride hosting day. (including their mayor) visitors from North from them. America. So you see, playing basketball can be Rolly is a well-loved personality in the commu- This mean we should think twice on the qualities, qualifica- hazardous to your health! nity having served the consulate since 2000 tions from the time of Congen Susan O.Castrence , And by the way, suffer from infec- then Andy Mosquera, Minerva Falcon, Pete and abilities of our chosen candidates not on the basis that tious smiles, severe case of hospitality and an Chan and now Congen West. he or she is a celebrity or movie star, a good athlete and a endless sense of goodwill. His children, Raymond, Jessica and Yoyo, member of a political dynasty. ****** known as the Kuya’s Fault band, serenaded In short, the choice of our future leaders would entirely de- their dad along with mom Nieves Mangante. No problem with that Associated press story pend on our ability to spot who can best represent what is on the Philippines. I would write the same Waves congratulates Rolly on his special day !. best for our province or town, for our family and for our thing. Crimes and violence, wherever they oc- country. cur is good copy and story and the Philippines is no exception. So it is in any part of the globe. It’s a simple choice.

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February 2013 5 Robinsons Land cited as best managed

By Gil C. Cabacungan Philippine Daily Inquirer

After playing second fiddle and butter of the JG Summit Robinsons Land’s senior to bigger and older real es- group, which is more management “is open to all tate firms for the past two known for its industrial questions and requests decades, Robinsons Land roots. This award validates from investors and analysts Corp. is moving up in the our efforts to excel in our regarding the company’s corporate scene. field and in our group,” said performance and external Go in a phone interview. relations are properly man- The property arm of billion- aged.” aire John Gokongwei Euromoney’s annual com- emerged as the top choice pany ranking is based on “We pride ourselves in be- of money managers from last year’s survey of 130 ing transparent to our major investment houses in leading equity analysts at stockholders as much as a Euromoney magazine poll the largest investment possible because we are of the best-managed compa- banks and research houses proud of what we do,” Go nies in Asia. in the Asia Pacific region. said. Robinsons Land president A total of 207 companies With its portfolio of 32 cent gain in its share price companies in Asia that Eu- Frederick Go, a nephew of were nominated, with ana- malls, eight office buildings, from Jan. 2 to Dec. 28, 2012. romoney has published and Gokongwei, said he and his lysts grading them accord- nine hotels, 59 residential is seen as the benchmark Robinsons Land profit rose survey of the opinions of team were “thrilled” that ing to management accessi- condominiums and 32 10 percent to P3.36 billion their efforts to mold the bility, accounting transpar- housing subdivisions, equity analysts in the re- on the back of a P10.56- gion. company into the country’s ency and corporate govern- Robinsons Land has estab- billion revenue that also premier real estate firm did ance procedures, among lished a track record of be- grew 10 percent in the first Clive Horwood, editor of not escape stock analysts’ other yardsticks. ing a trusted brand with its nine months, ending June Euromoney magazine, said: attention. successful project launches Robinsons Land was cited 2012. Half of its revenue “Asia’s best-managed com- and on-time completion, came from shopping malls panies are taking advantage “We’ve been playing behind by Euromoney for its lead- according to Go. the shadows of more estab- ing role in promoting trans- (P5.17 billion) and nearly a of their country’s world- lished players in the real parent communication to Market investors made third came from residential beating growth rates to fo- estate industry since we investors with its “clear Robinsons Land the highest projects (P3.31 billion). cus on integration and ex- began in the 1990s with our strategy and good visibil- gainer among stocks in the pansion while peers from This is the 14th annual other parts of the world are first project. Property devel- ity.” Philippine Stock Exchange ranking of the best- opment is also not the bread index, with an 83.63 per- distracted by the tough Analysts also noted that managed and -governed global environment.

(Continued from page 1) WHO WILL BE When he retires, Pope Bene- where the college of cardi- are to meet to prepare for Analyzing his words, many THE NEXT POPE? dict XVI will go to Castel- nal, called the conclave will the conclave and “how they are of the opinion the pope gandolfo, the Papal summer conduct the secret balloting will proceed to the Sistine was hinting for a successor the vacancy happens. retreat and live in a clois- to choose among themselves Chapel.” who might be younger, per- tered monastery. who will succeed Pope Ben- haps one in his 60's. This is because no Pope in It also says that once the modern times had done so conclave starts the cardinals If such is the case, candi- in the last 600 years which will be cut off from the out- dates such as Filipino Cardi- explains why no such docu- side world until they select a nal Luis Tagle, who became ment dealing with resigna- new pope. a red hat only last year but tions was ever decreed. As of press time, church had closely worked with The last pontiff to abdicate watchers speculates that the Pope Benedict, and Argen- was Pope Gregory XII in new pope might come from tina's Leonardo Sandri have 1415 but it was not actually either Latin America or in a good chance of being elect- considered as a resignation Africa but the possibility of ed. because he was allegedly another Italian pope looms As tradition dictates, during “forced to agree to quit” at in the person of Angelo Sou- balloting, when no one has the request of the Council of sa, the archbishop of Milan been selected, the chapel’s Constance. while a Canadian, Marc Car- chimney will emit a black Cardinal Andre Vinght- dinal Oullet is considered as smoke and when the new Trois, archbishop of Paris, one of the frontrunners. pope shall have been cho- France said “the pope has The focal point of the March edict XVI. However, outgoing Pontiff sen, a white smoke will sig- just broken a taboo by papal election will of course There will be at least 120 Benedict XVI had hinted the nal the good news along breaking with several centu- be the Sistine Chapel, a fa- cardinals eligible to vote and "challenges facing the church with the statement ries of practice,” but the mous small chapel located they must be at least below require a pope with strength “HABEMUS PAPAM”. move “was a liberating act of inside the Apostolic Palace 80 years younger. The apos- of body and mind ". the future “. of the Vatican (the official tolic constitution defines residence of the Pope) and where the eligible cardinals

(Continued from page 1) HELLO KIT- In the 1990s senator Santia- somebody who’s got an im- TY! HELLO PINKY! go was referred to as pact or one with a great “Brenda” by some of her presence or personality ). term as senator and may critics and detractors. The On the other hand, Lacson probably join President Noy nickname is a phonetic take declared “I am sorry to dis- Aquino’s cabinet soon. off from the phrase “brain appoint the lady senator. If damaged”, meaning crazy. Lacson has come to the res- she’s insinuating some luna- cue of Enrile saying it was Nowadays, the senator from tic idea about my sexuality, Santiago who has question- Iloilo is quite popular for let me emphasize this. I am able spendings as a senator. her pick-up lines such as not gay and I do not intend this one she uttered last val- to be one”. He quipped while Santiago entine day: On being single, has been elected to the ICC How this telenovela (TV she says: “mabuti pa ang or the prestigious Interna- soap) will develop is being kalendaryo may date, ako JULY 13, 2013 tional Criminal Court, she keenly watched by political wala.” should instead, might as observers and the nation as YONGE-DUNDAS SQUARE well go to the ICU or Inten- Or a question like “airport well. But one thing is sure: FREE ADMISSION sive care Unit of a hospital. ka ba ?” …bakit ?....kasi may “walang kurutan at wa- TALENT, TRADE, TOURISM dating ka (referring to lang sabunutan”.

February 2013 6 BUSINESS Secrets of Filipino tycoons How Jollibee beat McDonald's in the Philippines revealed by Cathy Rose A. Garcia, ABS-CBNnews.com by Cathy Rose A. Garcia, ABS-CBNnews.com MANILA, Philippines - With ied how Jollibee compared offered McSpaghetti and MANILA, Philippines - Henry is probably the most well- over 2,000 branches around to the American fastfood other similar products the country, there is bound chain. aimed at the Filipino mar- Sy, Lucio Tan, George Ty, read tycoon in the Philip- John Gokongwei, Andrew pines... He studies non-stop to be a Jollibee anywhere ket. you go in the Philippines. "We found that they ex- Tan and Manuel Villar are even though he was a high celled over us in all aspects Forbes Asia said Jollibee some of the richest people in school dropout because he Jollibee's continued success – except product taste... It now controls 18% of the the Philippines. was poor," Flores said. in the Philippines and the suited Americans but not market in Metro Manila, What is the secret to these Frugality company's aggressive ex- really Filipinos. Our (food) handily beating McDonald's tycoons' success? Wilson Lee pansion overseas is making tends to be sweeter, more which is said to only have Flores, a veteran journalist Another common trait of ty- international headlines. Jol- spices, more salty. We were 10% share of the market. coons is their sense of frugal- libee's Filipino-Chinese lucky as it was not easy for who has interviewed the Jollibee now operates the country's top tycoons, re- ity. founder Tony Tan Caktiong them to change their prod- is now on the cover of uct because of their global country's largest food ser- cently shared some anec- "Frugality is already incul- Forbes Asia's February is- image," Tan told Forbes vice, with a total of 2,040 dotes that sheds some light cated in the Chinese culture. sue. Asia. stores as of end-September. on how they became the One of the tycoons I know, The firm's stores include wealthiest men in the coun- she said throughout her life Tan talked to Forbes Asia Jollibee worked hard to Jollibee, Chowking, Green- try. she has never bought any about how he started his compete with McDonald's, wich, Red Ribbon, Mang designer clothes and she's business with an ice cream from advertising to stores Inasal and Burger King. In an interview on ANC's On The Money last Wednesday, one of the wealthiest in the parlor and how his restau- to service. country," Flores said. rant with a bumble bee For its foreign operations, Wilson said many of these And their hard work paid the company has 541 stores tycoons went through diffi- mascot managed to beat Andrew Tan, who owns Meg- American fastfood giant off. "We were surprised cus- as of end-September. Aside cult times when they were tomers ranked us higher in from the Jollibee foodchain, young. aworld and the Philippine McDonald's in the Philip- franchise for McDonald's, pines. courtesy and service style. stores abroad include "I noticed one thing that ty- used to walk to school be- Maybe they felt we were Yonghe King, Hong Zhuang coons, including tycoons in cause he wanted to save his After opening the ice cream warmer? And then they Yuan, San Pin Wang, Red the Philippines, have in com- jeepney fare. His net worth is parlors in 1978, Tan said he liked our marketing, promo- Ribbon, Chowking, and mon is that many of them now estimated at $2.3 bil- decided to shift from ice tion and advertising better. Chow Fun. cream to hamburgers when And then customers kept have gone through some lion. But what is the secret to hardships, whether personal, he saw customers wanted just coming back," he said. sandwiches. Jollibee's phenomenal suc- financial or family," he said. "He used to walk to school to One advantage Jollibee had cess? "(Metrobank owner) George save on jeepney fare... But However, the entry of was offering hamburgers Ty told me, 'everyone who when you meet him, akala McDonald's in the Philip- and other fastfood with a We keep things simple and wants success should be able mo he's the son of a wealthy pines in 1981 was a cause of distinct Filipino flavor. For fill a simple need: very tasty to pay the price whether in person, he's very refined, concern for the fledgling instance, Jolly Spaghetti has food at a reasonable price. terms of hard work or disci- and well-off type," he said. fastfood chain. a sweet meat sauce with To this day I repeat to my pline'." people what my father told Even Lucio Tan, the second hotdog slices. Tan recalled how they went me – you have to make sure Tycoons such as Lucio Tan, richest man in the country to the US to study McDon- your food tastes really Villar and Gokongwei share a with a net worth of $4.5 bil- Eventually McDonald's took ald's operations, and stud- good," Tan said. similar rags-to-riches story. lion, didn't fly business class the cue from Jollibee and or first class on planes. "Lucio Tan and Manny Villar Pinoy couple expands skin care business in US are from the school of hard "Before Luico Tan became CERRITOS, California - It since opened two branches with former knocks. They are self-made PAL owner, he never flew was a grand celebration at in Southern California and Dancer Heidi Reigo, and Lea men... Lucio Tan did not fin- business or first class. He the Cerritos Shopping Cen- will open a third later this Salonga joined the grand ish college so he went to always rides economy class... ter as Filipinos packed the month where many Philip- opening ceremony for her night school every night but I heard one time his execu- mall to get a glimpse of Fili- pine celebrity clients have new medical spa clinic in he compensated by working tives were in business class pino celebrities. been spotted getting their the Westfield Cerritos Mall very hard and always read- and he was in economy," Flo- facials and skin care treat- in Cerritos California. ing a lot. He reads a lot of res said. But for Olivia Quido and her ment.

Chinese history and philoso- husband Jason Co, it’s an “I’m here to support Olivia phy... Manny Villar is a self- When Gokongwei was a young businessman, he still American dream coming “We’re just here to do our Quido and O skin care. I’ve made man who came from a true. job. This is what our passion been a client of hers for a poor family but he went to kept on renting a home, in- stead of buying one. few years now,” said the To- one of the best schools in the ny award-winning Salonga country UP," Flores noted. "He told me a lot of business- as she made her way down

Villar, a senator and one of men in the Philippines, the the red carpet. the biggest property devel- first thing they do when they Quido’s husband, Jason Co, opers in the country, was become wealthy is they build who was in the printing born to a poor family in Ma- a big house. His thinking is, business, has also complet- nila and helped his mother inuuna muna niya factories ed his esthetician training sell fish in the market. Last and businesses and he didn't and will be looking forward year, Forbes estimated Vil- make the house a priority... to getting more involved in lar's net worth at $720 mil- He would prioritize building the family business. lion. factories since they were cash cows," Flores said. They have also begun for- Gokongwei, who owns mulating their own skin Robinsons malls and Cebu While the tycoons are frugal, care products, and are hop- Pacific, was born to a it is never to the point of de- ing to open more shops in wealthy family but after his priving themselves of life's American malls, and gain pleasures. father's death, he had to The couple moved to the US is as husband and wife so Hollywood clients as well. drop out of school to sell rice "They lead simple lives," Flo- 10 years ago, as computer nakaka-bless na appreciate and scrap metal. The net res said. programmers. Instead of ng mga tao what we love to “God willing we want to worth of the JG Summit continuing her old work, do,” Quido said. open in American malls so founder was pegged at $3.2 Discipline Quido rebooted her career there’s diversity (in our cli- billion. to become an esthetician. KC Concepcion, Adobo Na- entele),” explained Quido. Many of the top tycoons are tion Chef Ron Bilaro, award By Steve Angeles, ABS-CBN also very good with time "(Gokongwei) is not just From doing facials in a small winning actors Leandro North America News Bureau management and are very hardworking but one thing I room at a local salon, she’s Munoz and Liza Dino along admire about him is that he (Continued on page 19)

February 2013 7 PEOPLE. PLACES. EVENTS. Less TV; spend more quiet time Pinoys hold photoshoot in with God—Tagle Canada to raise funds for PH kids By Philip C. Tubeza By Cecile Docto, ABS-CBN Canada Philippine Daily Inquirer VANCOUVER - A group of Pi- But it was not an easy task for noy photographers in British them to introduce this en- MANILA, Philippines — As said at the Singles for who is always in your heart Columbia have banded to- deavor to the Filipino commu- the Christian world ob- Christ (SFC) international and mind,” Tagle said, add- gether to help children in re- nity. serves the Lenten season, conference in Pasay City on ing that the faithful should mote and indigenous areas in Manila Archbishop Luis Saturday. fill their minds and hearts “Honestly, the other nationali- the Philippines. Antonio Cardinal Tagle with “memories of God” ty is much quicker in respond- urged believers to and the blessings The Vancouver-based BC ing, right. They give the pen- resist temptations they had received. Squared Lenses has been cils without questions. Filipi- and find some qui- holding photo shoots to raise nos, you really have to explain et time with God. But the cardinal funds for the Black Pencil Pro- to them,” said Corvera. ject in the Philippines. also reminded The group also puts up photo Speaking at an in- those present that “The aim of the BC Squared booths in community events ternational confer- the path God would Lenses is to make the Black and parties to take pictures in ence of single Cath- provide could be Pencil Project Vancouver exchange for pencil donations. olics, Tagle urged challenging in or- work. I'm in close contact To date, around 90,000 pen- his audience to der to purify the with the three persons that strive to deepen believer. cils have been sent to the Phil- started this in the Philip- ippines and they aim to con- their spiritual life, pines,” said John Corvera, describing the dev- “God chooses the tinue this with the help of founder of BC Squared Lenses. il as wily enough to way of humility, of kababayans. Dubbed "I shoot for pencils present temptation being alone, of “Please donate pencils like I and I model for pencils", the as the most thirst, of being said one dollar worth of pen- Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio group collects pencils in lieu “logical” and “sensible” abandoned by friends, of cils would make a very very Cardinal Tagle. AP FILE PHOTO of money as fee from aspiring thing to do, according to a crucifixion,” Tagle said, big difference,” added models who are building their report on the Catholic Bish- adding that the devil would Corvera. ops Conference of the Phil- “The Devil knows how to usually offer the easy way portfolios. “It's a small cause but it's ippines (CBCP) website. present a justifiable and out. “Black Pencil Project sends slowly getting out there not even reasonable plan,” he pencils to the Philippines and just to the Filipino communi- “The Gospel (that day was) added. The CBCP report said 8,200 in turn they send it to the re- ty, but to everybody else as about the temptations of To keep out of the Devil’s SFC members attended the mote villages in the Philip- well,” said John Gutierrez, an- Jesus. And these tempta- reach, the cardinal urged conference from the Philip- pines,” said Art Viray, a mem- other member of the group. tions are not unique to Je- the Catholic youth present pines and other countries ber of the group. sus. If we look at the way to keep God close to their like the United Arab Emir- The group hopes to change BC Squared Lenses is the first we are tempted in daily life, hearts. ates, Brunei, Indonesia, the world and most of all the group to bring the project to the story of Jesus is repeat- Canada, and Australia. lives of Filipino kids, one pen- Canada. ed over and over,” Tagle “It is hard to hurt someone cil at a time.

Until December 31, 2012

February 2013 8 FILIPINOS MAKING WAVES for submissions, email at: [email protected]

This page is dedicated to Filipinos whose good deeds and positively motivating achievements make us proud. While bad, gruesome news is what many believe sells, we chose to deviate and set our focus more on inspiring news. We admit that our compass is limited. That’s why we urge readers to submit photos and articles deserving to be featured on our Filipinos Making Waves page. Though we appreciate all submissions, articles and photos will be subject to editorial selection and revision filters. BRUNO MARS: A Filipino Making Waves Fil-Canadian rapper By Mon Torralba aims for Hollywood With the music industry’s Damian Marley. best of the best musicians Starting off with his hit sin- With his guitar and provid- stardom as the audience at Staples in gle “Locked Out of Heaven,” ing backup vocals to Sting, Los Angeles, California & from his “Unorthodox Juke- Bruno proclaimed “None of millions of viewers’ eyes box” album, Bruno Mars this would be possible with- and ears riveted to their ignited what was to be one out Bob Marley." The reg- TVs, desktops and social of the highlights of the 2013 gae icon’s influence on both devices, Filipinos around Grammy Awards night. their music was evident as the world felt proud as our Sting, with his bass guitar, yet another smooth transi- very own Bruno Mars led a joined him and the band to tion to Bob Marley’s “Could You be Loved” brought the energy to peak with Rihan- na, Ziggy and Damian taking turns on the spotlight. Defi- nitely, a power jam!

My fedora hats off to Bruno Mars! How I wish we can hand him and other Filipino international achievers the Filipinos Making Waves award at our July 13, 2013 festival at Yonge-Dundas Bruno Mars performing with Sting, Rihanna, Ziggy and Damian Marley. square. genre-spanning collection sing the 2nd verse of Bruno’s But to our Filipino readers, of artists to a high-energy song. There was this how could someone not musical production that “Sting” on this song that love Bruno Mars? A kinetic, paid tribute to Bob Marley, segueing to the Police 70’s high-energy performer. A a legendary reggae icon. At classic hit “Walking on the gifted musician whose time the 55th annual Grammy Moon” came impeccably has come to show to the Awards, Bruno was joined smooth. Bruno was humble wide global audience, not Toronto’s own and Youth Waves icon, D-Pryde, has performed at the by former Police frontman to attribute his influence to Gangnam style but rather, a festival since 2010 when he was just starting to make a name in the Sting, Rihanna, Ziggy and the Police and Bob Marley. Filipino making waves! hip-hop scene. He expressed his gratitude to the founders saying…“I will never forget Making Waves festival because it was where I was given a chance to shine when no one took notice of me”. Indeed, D- Donaire to receive BWAA Pryde did not disappoint. His hard work, kindness of heart, and MANILA, Philippines – amazing God-given talents brought him to where he is now. Fighter of the Year award Nonito “The Filipino Flash” Donaire will receive his HOLLYWOOD, California - side of the black culture. 2012 Fighter of the Year Filipino-Canadian talent D- But on the label side, a lot of award from the Boxing Pryde gladly took the mic to people are really scared and Writers Association of perform a short rap on-the- cautious as to putting an America (BWAA) in April spot because he says his Asian artist out, they don't 11. Filipina mom will be happy know how to market them. to see him on TFC. But I made so much of my Two days later, Donaire will own market, that it's not fight for the first time in The rapper/singer/song- impossible,” he said. 2013 as he faces off against writer has been making a fellow champion Guillermo At 19, D-Pryde has gone name in Canada where he through a lot. Growing up, Rigondeaux in a title unifi- grew up. cation fight in New York he endured bullying. But City. Fans say his talent is a mix instead of backing down, he -- Mornings @ ANC of Justin Bieber and used those experiences as Eminem. an inspiration to create, (Continued from page 1) OBAMA during the State of the Un- hoping that others facing Even as her own home was PRAISES FILIPINA NURSE... ion address. D-Pryde's YouTube channel similar difficulties will be When President Obama flooding, Sanchez thought has over 57 million views, a able to relate to his music. the country. We should fol- mentioned Sanchez, the only of protecting the ba- testament to his growing “My dad walked out on me low their example," he said. First Lady was seen nudging bies in her care, the White fanbase. when I was little so I relate Sanchez and smiling at her. House said. Because of this, he's been to those kids, too,” he said. "We should follow the ex- Sanchez was invited by Sanchez was born, raised, getting some attention from Though he says it was tough ample of a New York City Obama for her role in saving and educated in the Philip- the Hollywood music indus- when his father left them to nurse named Menchu 20 at-risk infants during the Sanchez. When Hurricane pines and she immigrated try. live in the Philippines, it is Hurricane Sandy disaster to the United States in the his mother, Rosalie Teves, Sandy plunged her hospital that devastated large parts D-Pryde says it's not easy 1980s. who supported his music into darkness, she wasn't of New York and New Jersey for an Asian rapper to enter thinking about how her own dream. last year. She has worked as a nurse the business, but he works home was faring. Her mind in New York for more than hard to prove his worth. “My main focus is to make was on the 20 precious She devised a plan to 25 years, and has been at life better for myself and newborns in her care and transport 20 at-risk infants On his own, the rapper was NYU since 2010. make my mom proud,” he the rescue plan she devised at the Langone Medical Cen- able to build his following said. that kept them all safe," the ter to intensive care units Sanchez currently lives in through social media.

US president said. around the city. She orga- New Jersey with her hus- D-Pryde recently signed a nized the nurses and doc- “I used to feel discriminat- deal with music publisher Sanchez was seated be- band and two children, both tors to carefully carry the ed. In the first stages of my BMG Chrysalis US and went tween First Lady Michelle of whom are in college. babies down eight flights of career, a lot of people were to Los Angeles to record a Obama and Jill Biden, wife stairs with only cell phones hating on it, but now hip- six-song EP.—by Yong Chavez, of Vice President Joe Biden, - With report from Rodney Jale- to light the way. hop has gotten very accept- ABS-CBN North America News co, ABS-CBN News ing towards everybody out- Bureau

February 2013 9


Intense planning is now under way Ron Ligaya, Creative Director

Hello again everyone! Last time I was writing, I with your social media links (Youtube, Face- believe I was explaining to you all that our pro- book, Twitter) duction team was in the process of formulating the content of this year’s Youth Waves Concert Festival. We made some huge strides last year and vow that this year’s event will be the biggest one yet. Though we can’t give away any details on any performers yet, we have taken into great con- sideration the requests of our fans.

Sponsorship at 2012 Youth Waves concert.

Toronto’s very own D-Pryde at 2012 Youth Waves concert

 Enthusiastic Volunteers interested in gain- ing valuable event experience in promo- tions and/or stage & equipment manage- A huge line up awaits the Youth Waves concert. ment. PLEASE DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES TO Email us your resume. Mitchel Grey Band performed at last year’s Youth Waves. [email protected]  Businesses looking for sponsorship oppor- We would like to call on the community and ask if tunities with our ever-growing youth de- Thank you again for your interest in reading this there are any: mographic. Our shows are lively and grow larger every year since we began in 2007. article. Stay tuned every month on any updates  Local Performers (singers or dancers) for Youth Waves! looking to showcase their skills. Email us with your expressed interest and we will send you a detailed sponsorship package Follow us on Twitter at @YouthWavesFest Email us your performance history, live per- with a variety of options to get your business formance videos (in front of audience) along or visit www.youthwavesfestival.com seen and heard. Rosemil Robles Banaga: Success Becomes Her By Paul Clarence Bingil

Last year, 2012, was a jubilee can store vast data. And, like a from Ginatilan, Cebu while my Athena Miara, who is in Kinder- of becoming a lawyer some year of sorts for the members of cell phone plan, her mind could father, Rodrigo Robles, also garten. day. It feels strange looking Batch 1982 of the Libungan process and transmit unlimited deceased, hailed from Maasin, 3. What things do you easily back now at that time because I Central--now Lope T. Quial, Sr.-- texting. Iloilo province. I have three relate to? felt certain of becoming a law- Elementary School. It was the Tata and I were classmates in siblings. The eldest is Mary One of the ways I define my- yer one day. Even when I was 30th year anniversary of the Grade Six and at the time all Jean R. Garmino, a public self is by identifying myself already working for years as a graduates of that year. All Grade Six sections were named school teacher in Montay, with certain hobbies and fa- CPA I never stopped thinking roads led to Libungan, North after Philippine presidents. Libungan. I am the 2nd child, vourite things. At an early age, about pursuing Law. I guess we Cotabato last December 28, We belonged to Quezon section. followed by the only son, Ricky, I developed the hobby of can only say we are unsuccess- 2012 as the group celebrated Interestingly enough, President a police officer with a masteral sketching. I used to draw dress- ful when we stop dreaming. I the milestone. The gathering Quezon also placed fourth in the degree. He is following in my es and gowns and also my dared to dream because I really was opportune for the erstwhile bar exams of 1903. footsteps now and is on his dream car. One hobby that I longed to become a lawyer. pre-teeners to take stock of their It is an honor to have done an way to becoming a lawyer him- particularly developed strongly Your longing is your calling, is collective achievements. online interview with the Attor- self. Our youngest is Welma, in was reading - reading com- it not? ney. Let's see how she handles now Vertido, a MassCom grad- ics, that is (LOL). I really feel I have the calling to (10) non-legal questions. uate and a LET (Licensure Ex- I frequented a popular comics be of service to those in need amination for Teachers) stall just to read my favorite through the legal profession. I 1. Many like to know little passer who is currently work- komiks. I remember one habit- feel God is preparing me for details about you, like the ing at the DepED Regional Of- ue at the comics stall was Noel some big task I just don’t know origin of your first name, Ro- fice-ARMM. We offer our hum- Gretare, who is now also a law- as yet. semil. Care to elaborate? ble achievements to our dear yer and a proud Libunganon. 5. Where do you see yourself I don’t really know why I was parents who would have been Maybe it’s not too facetious to ten years from now? Would named Rosemil. I would as- proudest and happiest on say that comics stalls are a you be interested to enter sume rose was my mother’s earth. good breeding ground for fu- politics? favorite flower. I come from a Speaking of family, I will not be ture lawyers (LOL). When I Not at all interested in politics. small town in North Cotabato where I am now without the reached high school, I started If at all, ten years from now I'd To be sure, there are many called Libungan where I was love and unconditional support to read MOD and Women’s like to see myself as a champi- achievers in the group—in their born, reared, and spent my of my husband, Macario Bana- magazines. I love flowers and on of the poor and the op- own right, one might add. How- childhood and teenage years. I ga - an engineer and a son of a my favorite is Carnation. Yel- pressed. Somehow I feel it in ever, there is one whose accom- was born on August 2 under prominent local lawyer whose low is my favorite color. When my veins to defend victims of plishments tower above those of the sign of Leo. This probably family is from Sinawingan, it comes to songs, I like praise injustice. the rest of us. Batch ’82 is proud explains my drive to succeed Libungan and Midsayap, North and worship ones like those by 6. Give four words to best to count among its cohort Atty. and confidence in doing things. Cotabato. If I surmounted the Don Moen. Filipinos are great describe yourself. Rosemil Robles Banaga, Fourth Under the Chinese zodiac I am many challenges that came my music lovers. I particularly like Strong. Humble. Achiever. Placer in the 2011 Philippine a Rooster whose traits include way it is because I had my pil- two love songs: "Love Moves in Private. Bar Exams (results released Feb. being organized, decisive, crit- lar of strength to lean on. I Mysterious Ways" by Nina 29, 2012). ical, self-assured, and pos- don’t like to sound mushy but I and "More than You'll Ever As I gather my thoughts during Educated wholly in Mindanao, sessing the endurance to face love my husband so much and I Know". I just love the message the interview, I have only one the top-notch lawyer is a gem life’s challenges. I associate owe him a lot. they carry. word about Rosemil: whose natural shine cannot re- myself with those characteris- We are blessed with three 4. You are now a CPA- SHARP-- Strong, Humble, main hid. On the downside, her tics. wonderful kids: April Joyce, 23 Lawyer. Why the combina- Achiever, Rational and Private. new-found fame seems to in- 2. You have genes from both years old, a registered nurse tion? trude into her once guarded your parents. What were who is now a 4th year Medical Macoy--my husband—greatly What an incredible journey it private persona. Tata, as she is they like? student at Davao Medical Col- admired his CPA sister. He en- had been for Rosemil Robles fondly called by many, is compa- I come from a Cebuano-Ilonggo leges Foundation. Our only son couraged and empowered me Banaga: from komiks reader to rable to vintage wine: she gets background. My parents were is 21-year old Aaron Royce, a to become one....and more.... as being a champion of the mass- better with age. Pardon the ad- entrepreneurs in Libungan. MassCom student at the Uni- if to realize his own dream for es...... perhaps? ditional cliché but--like a com- My mother, the late Adelina versity of Mindanao in Davao me. But even when I was still in (Editor’s Note: This is a con- puter-- Tata’s memory space Singco Cardines Robles, was city. Our youngest is 6 year-old Grade Four I already dreamed tributed PR article)

February 2013 10 THE COMMUNITY Happy 60th Birthday, Rolly Mangante

A surprise birthday bash was given in honour of Rolly Magante’s 60th birthday by the A birthday toast offered by close friends . May you have more birthdays to come! Philippine Consulate General and his family. Photo by Miguel Caducio Photo by Miguel Caducio

Fellowship of the GTA San Beda HS Class 67 Seminar at NASIT At Crossing Grounds concert

Standing from L to R: Cris Canlas, Johnny Torres, Phillip Pua, The eager students of Nasit and their mentors. Photo by The Waves’ Teresa Torralba caught between two Hermie Reyes, Danny Abella. Seated L to R: Poch Simon and Leo Waves real estate movers , Magdalena Arcos (L) and Ru- Penala. dolf Winffoter or Robinsons Land Corporation Valentines Dinner-Dance at St. Anne’s Parish Church Hall

Proud mother, Vicky Sandir, with her 16-year Guests were entertained by McMaster Universi- Cousins joined in the fun at their parish church hall to celebrate Valentine's Day old daughter and pageant candidate, Vanessa ty student, Megan Montifar, only child of Myrna with friends. (L-R) Stacey Schroeder (guest), Stephanie Foster, Carmina Milaya, Montifar from Batangas, with Mon Torralba on Megan Montifar, Richard Foster, beauty pageant candidates Vanessa Sandir and guitar Alannah Sagici. All photos by Waves.


 Rolly Magante—Feb 7

 Amy Bascon—Feb 17

 Chito Sarabia—Feb 23

 Tess Cusipag’s little rascal Tristan—2 years

February 2013 11 TOURISM

Philippine Cultural and Natural Sites on the World Heritage List

There are eight (8) sites in the Philip- Baroque Churches of the Philip- tives set out in the Management Plan. pines that were considered by the The property’s tourism program aims to World Heritage Committee as having pines (1993) – Cultural Property enhance visitor’s experience with na- outstanding universal value. There are four churches, the first of World Heritage is the designation for which was built by the Spanish in the places on Earth that are of outstanding late 16th century. These are located in universal value to humanity and as District of Intramuros, City of Manila, such, have been inscribed on the World Santa Maria, Province of Ilocos Sur, San Heritage List to be protected for future Agustin, Paoay, Province of Ilocos and generations to appreciate and enjoy. Miag-ao, Province of Iloilo. Their unique architectural style is a reinterpretation ment (UNESCO News Release October Places as diverse and unique as the Pyr- of European Baroque by Chinese and 25, 2012). The Historic Town of Vigan amids of Egypt, the Great Barrier Reef in Philippine craftsmen. (Philippines), inscribed on the World Australia, Gala pagos Islands in Ecuador, Heritage List in 1999, has been recog- ture while protecting the natural values. the Taj Mahal in India, the Grand Can- nized as a model of best practices in Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River yon in the USA, or the Acropolis in World Heritage site management, at the National Park encompasses one of the Greece are examples of the 911 natural occasion of the 40th anniversary of the world’s most impressive cave systems, and cultural places inscribed on the World Heritage Convention. featuring spectacular limestone karst World Heritage List to date. landscapes, pristine natural beauty, and Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cor- intact old-growth forests and distinctive Once a country signs the Convention, wildlife. and has sites inscribed on the World dilleras (1995) – Cultural Property Heritage List, the resulting prestige of- Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park ten helps raise awareness among citi- The Ifugao Rice Terraces are the price- zens and governments for heritage Church of the Immaculate Conception less contribution of Philippine ancestors (1993) - Natural Property preservation. Greater awareness leads of San Agustín (Manila) to humanity. to a general rise in the level of the pro- Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park lies in a tection and conservation given to herit- The Ifugao Rice Terraces epitomize the unique position in the centre of the Sulu age properties. A country may also re- absolute blending of the physical, socio- Sea, and includes the Tubbataha and ceive financial assistance and expert cultural, economic, religious, and politi- Jessie Beazley Reefs. It protects an area advice from the World Heritage Com- cal environment. Indeed, it is a living of almost 100,000 hectares of high qual- mittee to support activities for the cultural landscape of unparalleled beau- ity marine habitats containing three preservation of its sites. ty. Built 2000 years ago and passed on atolls and a large area of deep sea. The from generation to generation, the Ifu- property is home to a great diversity of The Convention Concerning the Protec- gao Rice Terraces represent an endur- marine life. Whales, dolphins, sharks, tion of the World Cultural and Natural ing illustration of an ancient civilization turtles and Napoleon wrasse are Heritage is an international agreement that surpassed various challenges and amongst the key species found here. Church of Nuestra Señora de la Asun- that was adopted by the General Confer- setbacks posed by modernization. ence of UNESCO in 1972. It is based on cion, Santa Maria, (Ilocos) The reef ecosystems support over 350 the premise that certain places on Earth They are the only monuments in the species of coral and almost 500 species are of outstanding universal value and Philippines that show no evidence of of fish. The reserve also protects one of should therefore form part of the com- having been influenced by colonial cul- the few remaining colonies of breeding mon heritage of mankind. The countries tures. seabirds in the region.

that ratify the Convention (States Par- ties) have become part of an interna- Rock Islands Southern Lagoon and Tub- tional community, united in a common bataha World Heritage sites win Future mission to identify and safeguard our Policy Award for marine resource man- world's most outstanding natural and agement (UNESCO News Release Oct 1, cultural heritage. While fully respecting 201). Two Marine World Heritage sites the national sovereignty, and without Church of Santo Tomas de Villanueva, won the Future Policy Award, which cele- prejudice to property rights provided Miag-ao (Iloilo) brates policies that create better living by national legislation, the States Par- conditions for current and future genera- ties recognize that the protection of the tions. Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park (Philippines) won a Future Policy Award World Heritage is the duty of the inter- Owing to the difficult terrain, the Cordil- 2012 in recognition of their marine poli- national community as a whole. lera tribes are among the few peoples of cies. the Philippines who have successfully States Parties are countries which have resisted foreign domination and pre- adhered to the World Heritage Conven- served their authentic tribal culture. tion. They thereby agree to identify and nominate properties on their national Church of San Agustin (Paoay ) The history of the terraces is inter- territory to be considered for inscrip- twined with that of its people, their cul- tion on the World Heritage List. When a ture, and their traditional practices. State Party nominates a property, it The Historic Town of Vigan (1999) The knowledge and practices, support- gives details of how a property is pro- – Cultural Property ed by rituals, involved in maintaining tected and provides a management plan the terraces are transferred orally from for its upkeep. States Parties are also Established in the 16th century, Vigan is generation to generation, without writ- expected to protect the World Heritage the best-preserved example of a ten records. values of the properties inscribed and planned Spanish colonial town in Asia. are encouraged to report periodically Puerto-Princesa Subterranean Riv- on their condition. Its architecture reflects the coming to- er National Park (1999) - Natural The Philippines won the Silver Award gether of cultural elements from else- 2012, thanks to another World Heritage The site is the property of the country where in the Philippines, from China Property on whose territory it is located, but it is site, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park, for and from Europe, resulting in a culture considered in the interest of the inter- its Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park Act. and townscape that have no parallel This park features a spectacular lime- national community to protect the site anywhere in East and South-East Asia. stone karst landscape with an under- for future generations. Its protection The Act is recognized as an outstanding ground river. One of the river's distin- and preservation becomes a concern of example of coral reef conservation and The Justification for Inscription are: (a) guishing features is that it emerges di- the international World Heritage com- a model for action at other coral reefs Vigan represents a unique fusion of rectly into the sea, and its lower portion munity as a whole. around the world. Asian building design and construction is subject to tidal influences. The area

with European colonial architecture and also represents a significant habitat for The World Heritage List includes 962 Source: UNESCO planning; and (b) Vigan is an exception- biodiversity conservation. The site con- properties forming part of the cultural Photos: Augustinian Churches and Histo- ally intact and well preserved example tains a full 'mountain-to-sea' ecosystem and natural heritage, which the World ry ~ Legacy and contribution to the Fili- of a European trading town in East and and has some of the most important Heritage considers as having excep- pino culture; Vigan by bestphilippine- South-East Asia. forests in Asia. tional universal value. These include attractions.com; Tourism, identified as a potential threat, 745 cultural, 188 natural, and 29 Vigan, Philippines recognized for best adversely impacting the natural values mixed properties in 157 State Par- practice in World Heritage site manage of the property, is being addressed ties. In the Philippines, the Properties through tourism management objec- inscribed on the World Heritage List are:

February 2013 12

February 2013 13


Advertisements in Waves go a long way


Let the WAVES carry your message.

 Wide paper distribution, wide readership.  World Wide Web exposure. Waves carry your advertisements over the internet: www.filipinosmakingwaves.com.  More marketing opportunities. Be a trade vendor, a food vendor, a banner sponsor at the 7th Filipinos Making Waves Festival at Yonge-Dundas square!  Waves can create effective ads for you. Let us know how we can help you with your print ad, radio or tv ad, posters or even advertising jingles.

Contact us: [email protected] [email protected] 647 718 1360


February 2013 14 THE COMMUNITY

February 2013 15

February 2013 16

Late night hearty comfort food

Gamjatang getting “hot” with Filipinos By Mon Torralba Filipinos love food. Like Koreans, “batchoy”. Never remembered how Filipinos enjoy late, after-party we got home, we never got tired of meals. They still fill Chinese eateries them. Each eating episode was a but now, I see them frequent their treat, an enjoyable, hearty meal. newly discovered, open late and Served steaming hot is a common 24/7 Korean restaurants. Checking denominator as well as, the gener- out what they have ordered at Owl ous servings more than enough to of Minerva (several locations in To- really fill you up. ronto), I see these boiling stone pots overflowing with meat, vegetables Gamjatang is a not too spicy Korean and potatoes on most of the tables. pork back bone red-colored stew with potato, radish leaves, garlic, Gamjatang or Korean pork bone bean paste, green onion, hot peppers soup, like the Vietnamese Pho, is fast and sprinkled with wild sesame becoming a favorite soup dish seeds. The meat, boiled for several among Filipinos. And I think I know hours, is so tender it literally falls off why. the bone. Very rich in flavor, gamja- Trying gamjatang for the first time tang is for the adventurer. One must brought me back to my youthful gas- restaurant that feature the popular Our didn’t-know-how-we-got-there be ready to pick off the meat from tro-adventures in the Philippines. boiling hot “lugaw” soup with pork visits to Santo Tomas, Batangas just the bones! Scrape the meat using a Those nostalgic late night escapades bones. The barely-made-it trips to to satisfy our cravings for its famous spoon or chop stick. It is so tempting with friends to Harlem at Libertad be served the steaming hot chicken “bulalo” and when in Iloilo, our in- to pick the vertebrae bones, break Street in Pasay City, a very popular “mami” and hot siopao at Mamonluk. dulgence for the mouthwatering them up, suck the meat and savour the flavor! You may forget that you are in a public restaurant so if you

can’t avoid slurping, make sure my mother-in-law is not in the area as you’ll never hear the end of it. LOL!

If I were to describe the dish to Fili- pinos who have yet to try it, then I would say it is a fusion of our si- nigang and nilaga, two of my all- time favorite Filipino broth. And of course, the meal is ‘close to home’ as it is served with steamed rice in stainless steel bowl. But what makes a gamjatang meal more en- joyable are the side dishes (banchan) that come with it - kimchi (preserved spicy napa cabbage),

pickled radish, bean sprout, sweet peanuts, seaweed and my personal favorite oi jee (crisp cucumber pick- les) among others.

Indulging in steaming hot gamja- tang is great, specially in cold winter weather. With the proteins, calcium and Vitamin B1 (from the pork bones), it is believed to avert snor- ing as well as deter aging. And for the drink-like-fish party animal, it may be just that cure for a pesky hangover!

There are a lot more Korean dishes to choose from the menu – varia- tions of beef bulgogi, kalbi (beef ribs) and tasty stir-fried glass noo- dles (also a personal favorite), and a lot more.

Owl of Minerva at the 2nd floor of Dragon City (corner building at Dundas St and Spadina) is offer- ing 10% discount on all their food items. Make sure you cut and present the coupon (page 2 of Waves). And be sure to get your raffle ticket on orders of $20 or more. Enjoy!

February 2013 17

Dr. Benilda I. Sunga Dr. Lilian Chan Dr. Daniel Lee Dr. Zahra Hosseini

February 2013 18

We all go through life differently. We take different paths, choose different friends and follow different dreams. It’s what makes us special. It’s also why we think funerals should be unique. They are a defining moment in our journey. A time to celebrate a life. And whether we walked our years in wingtips or sandals is not important. What matters is that you now know a funeral home that recognizes the difference. Call to find out how a personalized service can reflect an individual and honor a life.

February 2013 19 Lifestyle

Sitting can shorten your life

— butt of course! By Ching Alano Of course, I’m doing this sitting You will probably jump up from Especially if the fitness regimen is moving. This will allow the thigh down. Fact is, I lead a pretty seden- your seat if you read the following focused around equipment that and butt muscles to work together; tary (really pretty but very seden- research findings: puts you back in a seated position the squeeze alone is otherwise less tary) life. The last time I ran was like a recumbent bike or rowing effective. when I was running late for an in- • A 2010 study published in Medi- machine.” terview with a politician. And then I cine & Science in Sports & Exercise • Create some tension in your core ran into somebody I knew back in indicates that those who were sed- So, even if you hit the gym four to by slightly tightening your ab- high school on my way to another entary for more than 23 hours a five times a week or ride the bike to dominals — just up to 20 percent of appointment. The next day, I found week had a 64-percent greater risk work, you may still have to put up your max. myself running a fever as I climbed of dying of heart disease than those with the effects of too much sitting into bed and dove under the sheet. who were sedentary less than 11 if a great part of your day is spent • Correct your shoulder position by So much for “running” as my favor- hours a week. on the couch or behind a desk. It’s externally rotating (think of un- ite exercise! what researchers call “active couch screwing) your shoulders and arms • A study of more than 17,000 Cana- potato effect.” (rolling your shoulders back), All ye couch potatoes out there, sit dians found that the risk of death which brings your shoulder blades up and take notice of this report: from all causes was 1.54 times high- Fortunately for us haplessly incura- closer together, your chest up and “From smart phones to computers er among people who spent most of ble couch potatoes, the all- forward, and your thumbs pointing to iPads (iPods and iPhones, and all their day sitting, compared to those important cure is really very sim- away from your body. those techie gizmos), our beloved who sat infrequently. ple: Just get up and do a few simple electronic devices are crippling our exercises — but you must do this as • While keeping your shoulders ex- posture and contributing to weight • An Australian study notes that sit- often as possible if you spend a lot ternally rotated, turn your hands gain, back pain, and joint problems ting time is a predictor of weight of your life sitting. back to neutral, so that your thumbs like carpal tunnel syndrome.” gain among women, even after con- are now facing forward. trolling calories consumed and lei- Mobility expert/physical therapist surely physical activity like exercise. Kelly Starrett gives some excellent Still sitting there? These immortal Though I wouldn’t wish it on my tips on how to maintain good pos- words by 19th-century American worst enemy (which I really don’t • People who use a computer for at ture while working for extended businessman/inventor Charles have), experts say back pain is prob- least 11 hours per week or watch periods in a chair. Franklin Kettering may move you: ably the least of your worries if you TV for more than 21 hours per week “Keep on going and chances are, spend a great deal of your time are more likely to be obese than • Stand up with your feet pointing you will stumble on something, per- without any physical activity. Stud- those who use a computer or watch straight forward or slightly inward. haps when you are least expecting ies show that sitting may actually TV for more than five hours per Realign your pelvis by simply it. I have never heard of anyone shorten your life (the longer you sit, week. (Now you know why you’re squeezing your butt tightly — this stumbling on something sitting the shorter you live?). The more packing on the pounds faster than will be more effective if you inter- down.” your body is in inertia or state of you can say adipose fat.) nally rotate your feet 10-15 degrees rest, the less it wants to move. (big toes slightly towards each oth- So, don’t just sit there, do some-

• Studies show that “your risk of er), roll feet to the outside of the thing! As can be gleaned from at least 18 metabolic syndrome rises in a dose- arch, and then try to pull the back of studies, “people who sat for the dependent manner depending on the legs together without the heels Reprinted from PhilStar. longest periods of time were twice your screen time (the amount of as likely to have diabetes or heart time you spend watching TV or us- disease, compared to those who sat ing a computer). ” That means that the least.” As bad as smoking and the more time you spend before the obesity, this modern-day scourge boob tube or a desk top, the more at that is sitting is “an important risk risk you are. factor for chronic disease.” American lawyer/civil rights advo- Happily, according to a study pub- cate Florynce Rae Kennedy was lished in the British Medical Journal, probably right when she said, “The “reducing the average time you biggest sin is sitting on your ass.” spend sitting to less than three hours per day can increase your life According to a report published in expectancy by two years, which is a IMMIGRATION PRACTICE the New York Times: “After just an significant decrease from the 4.5 to hour of sitting, the production of 5 hours per day the average Ameri-  Family Sponsorship enzymes that burn fat in your body can now spends on a chair or sofa.” (Spouse, Common-law, Conjugal - Same Sex) declines by as much as 90 percent.  Temporary Visa Extended sitting slows your body’s But before you make a dash for the (Work Permit, Live-in Caregiver, Study Permit, metabolism of glucose and decreas- Visitor and Extensions) gym, note that research has also  Super Visa (Parents and Grandparents) es your HDL, which is the type of suggested that “a regular fitness  Skilled Workers lipid you want more of, instead of regimen might be insufficient to  Humanitarian & Compassionate less. This explains why those who counteract the effects of excessively  Investors sit habitually for extended periods sedentary habits during the remain-  Entrepreneurs of time have higher risk for type 2 ing hours of the day, due to the ad-  Self Employed diabetes and cardiovascular prob- verse metabolic impact of sitting.  Provincial Nominee Program lems.”  Quebec Immigration  Arranged Employment (Continued from page 6) SECRETS OF FILIPINO TY- swims. He also takes a 20 to 30 mi-  Refugee, Appeals COONS REVEALED nute nap, which I think recharges  US Visitor and Investor Visa Application Arlene Martirez  US Waiver Application him. He works Monday to Saturday," disciplined. Some tycoons like Flores said. Licensed Paralegal Member, Law Society of Upper Canada OTHER AREAS OF PRACTICE Gokongwei and Ty don't attend any Filinvest's Andrew and Mercedes Go- www.isuc.on.ca evening parties or social events, and Member—ADR Institute of Ontario  FSCO - (Motor Vehicle Accidents & Statutory tianun, whose net worth is around Accident Benefits Schedule are very athletic. (We speak Tagalog, Bicol, Ukrainian, $825 million, are also very low-key  Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Russian, Mandarin and Korean) Ty, the founder Metrobank whose net and private.  Criminal (Summary Conviction) worth is $1.7 billion, is very disci- 301-797 Wilson Ave.  Small Claims Court plined about swimming every day. "Andrew and Mercedes Gotianun are Toronto, ON M3K 1E4  Landloard and Tenant Board Tel: 416 398-8882 / 416 892-2916 "He swims every day for half an hour. very low key but they are extremely  Provincial Offences - Hightway Traffic Act hard-working. I heard they hold Fax: 866 385-3535  Legal Name Change, Record Suspension He's been swimming since he was in E-mails: [email protected]  Commnisioner of Oath/Affidavits his 20s and now he's 80," Flores said. meetings at 6 a.m. with their execu- [email protected] tives. They lead disciplined lives," Website: ww.canneximmigration.com  Private Mediation "Gokongwei does the treadmill and Flores said.  Process Server

February 2013 20 Lifestyle Philippine Airlines ranked among Asia-Pacific’s most stylish cabin crew

Chinese airline top flying fashion poll MANILA, Philippines – As New York, London, Milan and Paris prepare to kick off 2013 Fashion Week this February, travellers across Asia-Pacific have spo- ken out in their own style survey, with Philippine Airlines coming in the top 10 ranking.

Leading global travel search site Skyscanner over 1200 jet-setters from across Asia-Pacific (Australia, New Zealnd, China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Ko- rea and Singapore) to vote for the cabin crew they thought was most stylish, and topping the list of 20 airlines in the study was Shanghai-based China East- ern who scored 4.15 out of 5 in the poll, wooing flyers with its smart navy blue uniforms teamed with white shirts and red scarves.

Closely following China Eastern was Korea’s Asiana Airlines who came second with 4.14. Virgin Australia, who ordered its staff to undertake lessons in eti- quette, posture and language last summer, also have one of the most stylish cabin crew according to travellers scoring 4.03 out of 5 and taking third place in the poll. Air China and China Southern Airlines also completed the Chinese-dominated top five, scoring 4.00 and 3.98 respectively.

Janet Ranola, Skyscanner Philippines Manager and resident fashionista said: “Judging by the results of our survey, travellers clearly have a keen eye on fash- ion even at 35,000 feet and it’s great to see an airline from the Philippines scoring so highly. International Fashion Week clearly has some competition this month!

Top 10 Most Stylish Cabin Crew in Asia Pacific Ranking Top 10 Base Score out of 5 1 China Eastern Airlines China 4.15 2 Asiana Airlines Korea 4.14 3 Virgin Australia Australia 4.03 4 Air China China 4.00 5 China Southern Airlines China 3.98 6 Air Asia Malaysia 3.83 7 Singapore Airlines Singapore 3.78 8 Korean Air Korea 3.78 9 Philippine Airlines Philippines 3.76 10 Jeju Air Korea 3.63

Philippine Airline officials with the stylish cabin crew of PAL’s historic inaugural flight from Toronto Pearson International airport to Manila (Nov 30, 2012). Photo by Waves.

February 2013 21 ENTERTAINMENT Crossing Grounds Concert - Feb 16, 2013 Major Sponsor: Rudolph Winffoter of Robinsons Land Corporation (RLC)

Sponsors: Mobilicity, Magdalena Arcos, Pinta

Producers : TRI MEDIA Ramon Estaris and 5 VIP tickets for Side A concert Grace Almeda given by Major sponsor Ru- dolph Winffoter of RLC.

The producers and cast of the very successful and well-attended Crossing Grounds Concert.

Crossover Band is a Reggae/Rock/OPM band formed by Justin (vocals and Breeding Grounds is a Filipino hard rock, grunge and OPM band formed around 2009 in Toronto, guitar), Earth (lead guitar) and Kensi (drums), and was later joined by Kevin Canada. Formed originally by guitarist Jonel Garcia and bassist Jake Duran, the band is later joined (bass) and Tiny (guitar). by vocalist Alvin Bascon, Leo Loberiano and drummer/percussionist Mark James Palma (inset) .

1 Side A Concert VIP ticket was donated The main players (L-R): Host Martin Fries of Pinoy Radio, & drawn by sponsor Chad Crisostomo Grace Almeda of TriMedia, sponsor Magdalena Arcos and of Romeo Chadley Crisostomo Realty Mon Estaris of TriMedia & exec.producer of Side A concert.

Breeding Grounds and Crossover Bands




SIDE A’s music will surely captivate Although they have achieved com- sitions from the band, It was in continue to dominate the club scene you with their original songs that mercial success with the release of 1998 that Side A decided to record and constantly perform in various will bring back a lot of memories. their self-titled album in 1989 (Dipa OPM hits from different notable Filipino communities abroad: USA, Known for their romantic ballads Huli & Eva Marie), WHITE Album composers of the land which in- Canada, Australia, U.K., U.A.E., Japan and up-beat live performances, the (Hold on, 1991) and BLUE Album cludes among others, works of na- and Southeast Asia. group never stops on reinventing (Tuloy pa rin ako, 1992) Albums, tional artist Lucio San Pedro (Ugoy themselves and have worked so their critical success came largely as ng duyan) and George Canseco Side A has endured the test of time. hard to give their very best in both a result of the release of (Kailangan kita) as their tribute to They are now gearing up to release recordings and live concerts. “Forevermore”. The single was writ- the masters of Original Pilipino Mu- a compilation of their hits thought ten by the band’s bassist then, Joey sic. Some industry insiders say that the years under Warner Music. This th Multi-awarded and certified plati- Benin and won them numerous Side A is instrumental in shaping the is to commemorate their 25 year num recording artists, SIDE A is con- awards and accolades including course of live entertainment and in the business. Plus, they are pre- sidered as the most durable band in Song of the year in the prestigious band scene in the country today, paring to do a string of concerts at the country today and continues to 8th annual (1995) . since their commercial success in major venues here in the Philip- be an ever-innovative musical force the early ninety’s. Until now, they pines and other foreign destina- in the industry. After doing mostly original compo- tions.

BAND Joey Generoso Ned Esguerra MEMBERS (Lead Vocals & Acoustic Gui- (Bass guitars/Vocals) tars) Ernie Severino Prior to joining SIDE A in (Drums/Vocals) Their followers fondly call July 2007, Ned was musical him Joey G., known for his He started as a drummer in director, bassist and chief Naldy Gonzalez unique and powerful voice. college with the Philippine songwriter for the band, His style of singing has be- Youth Orchestra and eventu- Freeverse. Having been giv- (Keyboards/Vocals) Leevon Cailao As the band’s musical direc- come the group’s trademark. ally to the Philippine Philhar- en a great opportunity to be tor and arranger, he has He is recognized and monic Orchestra. A graduate (Lead Guitars/Vocals) a part of the band that he acknowledged as the voice of U.P. College of Music, he has always looked up to and worked on their albums Coming from a family of mu- with a mission of coming up of Side A. He studied at the got involved with different idolized, Ned's mission is to U.S.T. Conservatory of music jazz bands in the University sicians, he is also an asset to maintain the level of excel- with a distinct sound that is the band. He started with Side A’s own. The only re- and started singing at a very and has done sessions with lence that Side A has always young age. His first profes- some of the country’s best Side A last September 2004 been known for so that the maining founder of Side A and has proven his worth by that was formed way back in sional stint was as a solo/ singers before he joined Side band may still continue to folk singer before he joined A in 1991. He is also noted showing his acquire talent in entertain and touch the November of 1985, he came guitar playing and singing. from a family of artists and different bands, until he fi- for composing the song hearts of its loyal patrons nally found himself joining (When I see you tonight) in His fresh musical approach for many more years to was influenced by his moth- has added a new twist in the er as his first piano teacher. Side A in 1989. His soulful the Titanium Album that come. It is his ultimate rendition of Hold on, Forev- earned the band good re- overall sound of the band dream to have his original His ability to compose and and gave their followers interpret his own songs has ermore and Tell me among views from deejays of top compositions recorded, re- others has put the band at radio stations in Manila. He something to watch out for leased and performed by showed his versatility as a during live performances. performer. the top of the chart in differ- is also part of Zildjian’s se- Side A. ent radio stations. lect endorsers worldwide.

February 2013 23 ENTERTAINMENT Vilma plays extra in 1st indie starrer Fil-Am graphic designer in final 3 of FUNFARE By Ricky Lo (The Philippine Star) 'The Bachelor'

Maybe curious about stars of her Kapag nagkakamali sila, kung min- stature going indie, Batangas Gov. san nasisigawan pa sila.” was finally lured into doing one, but only when she was In the movie, Vilma plays a bit play- offered a script that touched her er in soaps, cast as one of the sa- heart. Ekstra is “it,” produced by kadas in one of them. lawyer Joji Alonso and directed by Jeffrey Jeturian (who’s behind the Ekstra is therefore Vilma’s tribute to extras without whom a film will not be complete.

“Vilma is every director’s dream actress,” said Jeffrey. “She’s very easy to work with. She’s very coop- erative, she listens to and follows instructions, and she respects her co-workers. It has been my long- time dream to work with her. To Catherine Giudici, a contestant on The Bachelor/Photo courtesy of Bachelor website borrow her favorite word, it’s ‘heaven’ to be working with Vilma.” MANILA, Philippines - A Filipina- someone is so special," she said. American from Seattle is one of final Jeffrey recalled that during the sto- three contestants on the current sea- A Seattle native, Giudici blogs for The ry conference, Vilma reminded the son of reality TV show "The Bache- Seattleite, where she mostly writes so-called “small” actors in the mov- lor" in the US. reviews of vegan restaurants. She ie, “Kayo na ang bahala sa akin ha. graduated from Washington State Okey lang na masapawan ninyo Catherine Giudici, a former graphic University with a BA in Advertising. ako, kasi ganoon naman talaga ang designer for Amazon, is vying for the She is the daughter of Carey and Cyn- mga esktra, di ba? Palaging affections of Dallas businessman thia Giudici. Cynthia is a current trus- nasasapawan.” Sean Lowe on 17th season of "The tee of the Filipino American National Bachelor." The 26-year-old is up Historical Society. hit Kapamilya soap Be Careful With against two other women Lindsay My Heart). On the set, the usually unmade-up Vilma easily blends with the rest of Yenter and AshLee Frazier. TV viewers in the US will find out if the real extras. Giudici, seen as a frontrunner, will “The truth,” Jeffrey told Funfare, “is On "The Bachelor" website, Giudici get the final rose from Lowe when that Joji and I submitted several said she considers herself a romantic. "The Bachelor" finale airs next scripts to Vilma for consideration. “Before we started shooting,” said "Love is the best and expressing it to month. ABS-CBNnews.com We knew that other people have Vilma, “we got together, parang nag also sent her scripts. We were hon- -workshop kami. Joji and Jeffrey did ored that Vilma chose one that she that para on the set walang mai- sa akin, so that we would liked so much.” all be comfortable with one another at walang maiilang sa akin — you Of course, Vilma has never experi- know, lahat kami extra, walang enced how it is to be an extra be- star.” cause she played the titular role in her first movie as a child actress, Ging (by Premiere Productions), The only “stars” in the movie are followed by Trudis Liit (by Sam- those who are appearing in cameo paguita Pictures). roles as themselves, including , Cherie Gil, , Pi- lar Pilapil, Marian Rivera and Rich- But she knows the life of an extra ard “Sir Chief” Yap. (bit player). A lieutenant-colonel in real life, Vil- “I feel for them,” said Vilma who has ma shoots only on weekends, pre- only seven shooting days more to occupied as she is with her main wrap up. “They earn very little com- duty as Governor of Batangas. By pared to the talent fee of the stars. end of next month, she will start to ‘Yung mga bida get star treatment campaign for re-election. samantalang karamihan sa mga ex- tra karaniwan nasa tabi-tabi lang. Sometimes, nauubusan sila ng Joji plans to enter Ekstra in this pagkain sa set, and they have to year’s Cinemalaya (in July), Direc- commute to the set and back home. tors’ Showcase Category.



WAVES [email protected]

February 2013 24 ENTERTAINMENT Sharon wants to return to ABS-CBN?

MANILA, Philippines – An na siya. Sharon. Asked where he thinks It was rumored that Cu- executive of TV5 shrugged Parang ayaw ko naman the news is coming from, neta’s show did not do off talks that veteran ac- maniwala na siya 'yung Kaya I think it’s unfair na Intalan was quoted by the well in terms of ratings. tress Sharon Cuneta has website as saying: “You expressed her desire to know, she’s been very vo- “Hindi, hindi naman return to her former cal about, you know, very [tungkol sa ratings]. Actu- home network ABS-CBN. personable siyang tao, e. ally, nakailang seasons rin There are people that kami, ‘di ba… three? Three In an interview with en- she’s still close to there. seasons kami. Kasi sum- tertainment website Phil- And she’s still in touch mer kami nagsimula eh. ippine Entertainment Por- with them. Pero hindi ko So, yeah, not bad,” he said. tal, the No. 3 network's alam kung saan nangga- first vice president for galing yung tsismis na Cuneta left ABS-CBN in creative and entertain- she’s asking them to go November 2011 to move ment production Perci back.” to the No. 3 network for a Intalan said it would be reported P1-billion con- unfair for the actress if Meanwhile, the TV5 exec- tract for five years. they let the issue persist. utive also explained why Cuneta’s talk show “Nakarating sa amin 'yung nagpaparamadam. Any hayaan naming kumalat “Sharon, Kasamo Mo Ka- ABS-CBNnews.com [balita]. To be fair, hindi network, you know, 'yung tsismis na siya yung patid” suddenly went off naman sa ano, 'no, pero si would want to work with nagpaparamdam,” he said. air last month.

David Pomeranz wants to collaborate with Filipino artists

MANILA, Philippines – Having visited the country several times, tional music and big melodies. I international singer-songwriter think there’s true warmth in their David Pomeranz only has good reception to my music,” said. words for Filipino musical tal- Pomeranz said his fans could ex- ents, who he describes as pect him to sing his heartwarm- “intergalactic class.” ing love songs on his upcoming During a press conference for his concert in the country. He said upcoming concert, Pomeranz his fans should also anticipate said he’s been wanting to do col- new songs from his new album laborations with singers Zsa Zsa “You’re The Inspiration.” Padilla, , Gary Va- “I have a new album out that fea- lenciano, , Lea tures songs I am inspired by. I’ll Salonga, and Verni Varga for an be singing a few songs from that album. at the concert. I also have a few “People say they’re world-class. I fun things I want to try out. It’s disagree. I think they’re interga- going to be a lot of fun,” he said. lactic class. They’re that good. It’s Asked if he will sing a Filipino just that they started out in such song in the upcoming show, Pom- a provincial time on earth. Now, eranz said: “Maybe, I could in- though, with the Internet and jet clude a Filipino song in the con- travel being so popular, these cert. I only know one song, and I kinds of artists will get out and think it would be very awkward be incredibly known,” he said. to do ‘Pasko Na Sinta Ko’ in The American singer said he par- March. We’ll see what we can do, ticularly likes Padilla’s singing though. I think I might just sur- prowess. prise you.” “Zsa Zsa has a voice unlike any- Pomeranz’ concert is set to hap- thing I’ve ever heard. I can actu- pen on March 9 at 8:30 p.m. at ally listen to her sing 24 hours a The Filinvest Tent in Alabang, day if I had to,” he said. Muntinlupa City. Singer Sheryn Regis will be his special guest Pomeranz believes he and the performer. Filipinos share love for the same kind of music. ABS-CBNnews.com “I’ve noticed we’re all into emo-

February 2013 25

Sticking Together

MUSIC STAND February is LOVE month. For true love to be discovered, it has to stand the test of time. It must endure. Not just for a reason, a season, but What is Love? So many defini- for a lifetime. Mon Torralba tions, yet many choose to refer to it as an “undefined” feeling. After reading so much about love from various viewpoints, I came to a conclusion that each one of us has a unique per- It is starts off with an unex- spective of love. So here goes my own DNA. Please Be Careful plained sensation that develops to affection. I remember my late brother Andy would give a metaphorical advice to a Sticking together, for me, is the most important component With My Heart friend struck with this so-called puppy love: “So, okay, you of love. Love of God. Love for your parents and siblings. Music & Lyrics: Jose Mari Chan are in this new found love. Make sure to put a muzzle on Love for a special someone. Love for your children. (duet with ) that puppy. If you don’t train the mouth, that cute little

Intro: C/F-F D11-Dm7 Bbsus2-Bb C/Bb-C creature may bite you later!” Ouch! If I had to choose an object to define true love it will be su- mang yapos (a pair of glutinous rice compound , previously Verse 1 Pagdating ng Panahon soaked in lye water, placed and wrapped in banana leaves, tied tightly together in hard embrace and steamed for sev- FM7 F D11 Dm7 Aiza Seguerra eral hours). The longer the pair is put on steaming hot If you love me like you tell me BbM7 Bb Gm7-C7 temperature, the softer and stickier they become. Intro: E - Am/E – E - Am/E Please be careful with my heart

Gm9 Gm C7sus C7 When put in heat, some couples can’t stand the steaming Verse 1 You can take it, just don't break it pressure. Next, they can’t stand each other. Then they

F11 F7 separate. E C#m7 Or my world will fall apart Alam kong hindi mo pansin There is a saying: fill that special someone’s stomach first A B E B/D# Chorus 1 to get to the heart. So, let me first indulge in my delicious Narito lang ako suman. For now, celebrate love month with your special F7sus BbM7 C/Bb C#m7 F#sus-F# suman (ngek!), I mean someone. You are my first romance Naghihintay na mahalin

Am7 Dm7 A D C Bsus-B

And I'm willing to take a chance Umaasa kahit di man ngayon Gm7 F#m F#/A# Bsus Am/B-B That till life is through Mapapansin mo rin, mapapansin mo rin My First Love C7sus C7 FM9 F11 I'll still be loving you Music: Ramon Torralba Verse 2 F BbM7 C/Bb Lyrics: Pamela Phillips-Oland

I will be true to you (as recorded by Charlie Green) E C#m7 Am7 Dm7 To the tune of Hotdog Band original, “Pers Lab” Just a promise from you will do Alam kong di mo makita A B E B/D# Gm7 Intro: GM7 Am7 D11 GM7 From the very start Narito lang ako

C11 C7 F C7sus-F-F11 C#m7 F#sus-F# Verse 1 Please be careful with my heart Hinihintay lagi kita A D C Bsus-B Verse 2 Umaasa kahit di man ngayon GM7 G#dim Am7 Lost in time, I’m suspended BbM9 Bb F#m F#/A# Am/B B7b9 Hahanapin mo rin, hahanapin din D7 GM7 I love you and you know I do Wrapped up in this feeling G11 Gm7 Cm7-F11 Chorus Bm Em7 There'll be no one else for me Why is she unlike all the rest F Cm Am7 D11 D - D#dim Promise I'll be always true E B/D# F11 F Bb Pagdating ng panahon What is she doing to my heart For the world and all to see G#sus7 G#/C C#m Em Bm7 Bbm A7sus A7 Dm Baka ikaw rin at ako Something’s happened deep in my body Love has heard some lies softly spoken A B G#m7 Am7 D11 G C C7 FM9-F Baka tibok ng puso ko'y That’s changed me for all time And I have had my heart badly broken C#m F#m F#/A# B G7 C11 C F11-F Maging tibok ng puso mo This girl I see I've been burned and I've been hurt before E B/D# C B7 Em A7 Sana nga’y mangyari yun Has she mesmerized every part of me? Verse 3 G#sus G#/C C#m Am7 D11 I don’t know what it means BbM9 Bb Kahit di palang ngayon A B G#m7 C#m Daug So I know just how you feel It’s gotta be G11 Gm7 Cm-F11 Sana ay mahalin mo rin F#m Am/ B E Trust my love is real for you Refrain F Cm Pagdating ng panahon

I'll be gentle with your heart F11 F Dm7b5-Gsus7 Interlude: E - Am/E – E - Am/E GM7 I'll caress it like the morning dew First love G Cm Ebm6 Verse 3 CM7 I'll be right beside you forever That’s between us Dm7 Gm7 E C#m7 D11 I won't let our world fall apart Alam kong hindi mo alam First love Cm7 A B E-B/D# GM7 From the very start Narito lang ako Does it mean us? F7sus F7 Bb F#7sus C#m7 F#sus-F# G#dim Am7 I'll be careful with your heart Naghihintay kahit kailan The way that I stare

A D C Bsus-B D11 G Chorus 2 When she’s close anywhere Nangangarap kahit di man ngayon F#m F#/A# Bsus B7 CM7 BM7 C#/B First love is calling our names You are my first romance Mamahalin mo rin, mamahalin mo rin Am7 FM7 D11 Bbm7 Ebm7 These first tender flames we share And I'm willing to take a chance (Repeat Chorus) G#m That till life is through Coda Verse 2 C#7sus C# F#M9-F#-F#11-F# I'll still be loving you AM7 Am GM7 G#dim Am7 BM7 C#/B Di pa siguro bukas And I love the sensation I will be true to you G#m7 C#m D11 GM7 Bbm7 Ebm Di pa rin ngayon Each time her eyes hold me Just a promise from you will do F#m F#/A# Bm Em7 G#m Malay mo balang araw I never want to let it end From the very start Am7 D Bm7 B13sus B7-C9sus Dumating din yun If it’s love, I’m glad it’s mine From the very start C B7 Em7 A7 G#m (Repeat Chorus 1/2 step higher (F), It could be her smile, It could be magic From the very start Am7 D7 GM7 C#11 F# - B - C# - except last word) Nothing feels like first love Please be careful with my heart B/D - C#/F - F# F Bbm/F - F- Bbm/F - F CM7 Cm6 GM7 ... panahon She’s my first love

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