Framework for Springs Stewardship Program and Proposed Action Development: Spring Mountains National Recreation Area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest
United States Department of Agriculture Framework for Springs Stewardship Program and Proposed Action Development: Spring Mountains National Recreation Area Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Forest Rocky Mountain General Technical Report Service Research Station RMRS-GTR-330 December 2014 Coles-Ritchie, Marc; Solem, Stephen J.; Springer, Abraham E.; Pendleton, Burton. 2014. Framework for Springs Stewardship Program and proposed action development: Spring Mountains National Recreation Area, Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-330. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 63 p. Keywords: Spring stewardship, spring restoration, groundwater dependent ecosystems, watershed management, spring rehabilitation, spring maintenance AUTHORS Marc Coles-Ritchie, Ph.D., is a Vegetation Ecologist with Management and Engineering Technology International, Inc. (METI, Inc.), Salt Lake City, Utah. Stephen J. Solem is a senior advisor for natural resource planning and inventory with Management and Engineering Technology International, Inc. (METI, Inc.), Missoula, Montana. Abraham E. Springer, Ph.D., is a Hydrogeologist and Professor at Northern Arizona University and consultant to Management and Engineering Technology International, Inc. (METI, Inc.), Flagstaff, Arizona. Burton Pendleton, Ph.D., is a Research Ecologist Emeritus with the Rocky Mountain Research Station in Albuquerque, New Mexico. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This effort was accomplished by using funding provided by the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act conservation initiative (Round 10). Work was performed using In-Service Agreements between the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest and the Rocky Mountain Research Station and under the terms and conditions of Management and Engineering Technologies International, Inc. Contract Number: AG- 3187-C-0028, Order Number: AG-3187-D-10-0126.
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