Hardangerfjord MortenPhoto: Knudsen in a nutshell Winter Tour Everything you need for a winter adventure

NEW 2019! The Hardangerfjord in a nutshell

Winter season: 14th January - 30th April Duration: 2 days (possible to extend) See and experience the magnificent Norwegian coastli- More route alternatives available Express boat, -Rosendal, ca 2 hours ne and explore the winter scenery in the inner reaches Bus, Rosendal-, ca 1 hour of the beautiful Hardangerfjord! On this tour you will Bus, Odda-Lofthus, ca 35 minutes also get to experience how Norwegians have fun during Bus, Lofthus-Eidjord, ca 1 hour winter and enjoy a traditional homemade Norwegian Nature Sightseeing in , ca 1 hour meal in a cozy lavvu. Bus, Eidfjord-, ca 1 hours Train, Voss-Bergen, ca 1 hour Train, Voss-Oslo, 5,5 hours Winter tour highlights Train, Bergen-Oslo, 6,5 hours • Winter cruise though the beautiful western coast Train, Oslo-Bergen, ca 6,5 hours to the Hardangerfjord

Bergen Voss Finse • Bus ride along farmland by the fjord with views of Eidfjord Geilo snow-capped mountains and small villages. Lofthus Nature Sightseeing • Winter and snow activities like snowshoes, snow-sledding e.g Trolltunga Odda • Bonfire and Lavvu storytelling with homemade local food Rosendal • Visit to the Norwegian Nature Centre • The scenic Bergen Railway through a winter wonderland Oslo 2019 Prices One-way trip from Bergen to Oslo NOK 2 820 Round trip from Oslo via Bergen NOK 3 430 Round trip from Bergen- Bergen NOK 2 200

Overnight stays possible in Bergen, Odda, Lofthus, Eidfjord, Voss, Oslo etc.

Booking and information: fjordtours.com/agents • E-mail: [email protected]