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2-25-1966 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Fair to Partly ;- '';^ Nfr- . Starsr : ¦;> : ¦ : ; ; Cloudy Tonight See All the Cars in Saturday The Classified Section Morse Says Fund Will Expand War Fears Conflict itf w WH Expand B Into Thailand de^C^ ) WASHINGTON (AP SAIGON, South Viet Nam outside the ¦camp¦ ¦ perimetier construct an all-weather road — The (AP) — Gen. William C. West- were hit hard.' '- . '. * ' '. through territory long dominat- sharpest congressional critic of ¦ _ ¦:¦ ¦ A three-batallion veteran ed by the Viet Cong. American policy in Viet Nam, y/.w«Av» •».-.- .mw w«-- if^_y_—_____w——w . ¦ .g. xt x o*wtt «iw__—w^/.v.v.'.v.v;-. •.-;:%*¦;¦:¦:••:¦:•:¦:¦/• :¦_ ¦:¦¦¦- •M.?.-.-^/.W?.';-?lwm-39>Wf1Wi>^^ moreland, ebminander of U.S. Communist force of about 800 Col: Eklgar ¦; N. Glotzbach of Sen., Wayne Morse; asserted to- STREET^ OF BLACK MAMET STALLS IN SAIGON . . . stuffs, liquor, towels, blankets. Many of these come fr om post forces in Viet Nam, paid high , day that through black men drove from east and west Paxico 3Can., commander of the the $4.8-billion bill to Black market stalls line the sidewalk in front of bars on a exchanges market buyers and then to the tribute today to 2,500 American against, .the' Big Red One's First brigade, told Westmoreland he provide more funds to fight the side street in downtown Saigon. The stalls with canvas awn- makeshift stalls which appear just after sunup and fade infantrymen while on a personal Brigade, with some of the* Viet had two* listening posts in the war would expand the conflict ings draped over poles are crammed with U.S'-made food- at night. (AP Photofax) tour of the battle-scarred jungle Cong sweeping across a mine- scrub jungle near a big rubber into Thailand. field in an infantry charge. The plantation which gave the sleep- "A vote for this bill is not a north . of Saigon vWhere they brigade's job in the area was to ing compound a 10-minute alert. hurled back a fierce predawn vote, to support the men al- ready there," the Oregon Demo- Viet Cong assault Thursday^ crat said in a speech released Military Astride the hood of a jeep, the in advance of Senate delivery. Goprdpt^ general told his men: "Ydii "It Ls a vote to double tha gave the enemy a sound defeat men already there, to expaind and I am proud of you; Your the war into Thailand and to Takes Over performance was in the highest provide American financing for spirit and professional conduct pf U.S. fighting men. I salute a military force In Asia." U-S^ you." ' And, lie said, Congress wag SAIGONV South Viet Nam program has run into millions of cized moves have been : made, The disco-very of 46 more (AP) — Huge sums of money, U.S. dollars over : the years. but any concerted program In X5hana'" told when it approved the South- "- . XXX bodies outside the camp's east Asia Treaty Organization loose controls, and the ancient Probably no one knows for cer- would involve high government barbed-wire defenses raised the Asian acceptance of corruption tain just how many. officials whose "support Ky;niust Pact that no such force would toll of enemy dead to at least be required. : " • in government have hampered retain to stay in office, reliable 135. Many more were believed U.S. efforts to stabilize the Viet- Premier Nguyen Cao Ky re- sources say. Morse launched his lengthy to have been dragged away by attack on -U.S. military actions namese economy and to get 100 peatedly has pledged to clean U.S. aid officials in the past the Viet Cong. Fifteen Commu- cents worth of good out of each up corruption which the govern- have conceded that some U.S. and policy in "Viet Nam as ths nists were taken prisoner. Senate moved toward the cli- aid dolar. ment has acknowledged as aid even has reached the Viet While officers of the U.S. 1st "Leakage" ln the U.S. aid widespread. Some highly publi- Gong indirectly, and said steps max of its debate on the meas- Infantry Division's First Bri- ure to authorize additional funds were taken to reduce this prob- gade briefed Westmoreland on lem.; one cf the heaviest attacks of for military operations. REDS HAVE OWN DEBATE the war experienced by Ameri- He was laying groundwork for A huge black market In U.S. can troops, action elsewhere in a move to tie onto the bill a pro- curfency and commodities flour- the past; 24 hours , tapered off. vision rescinding the 1964 reso- ishes in Viet Nam. The biggest U.S., South Vietnamese and oth- A REPUBLICAN SUGGESTION . , . Republican Senate lution that gave President John- ih both categories are in Saigon. er Allied troops reported only Leader Everett Dirksen Thursday urged Vice President Hu- son a blank check to carry on American GIs help feed both. sporadic contact with the ene- bert Humphrey to report to the people on his tour of South- what Morse calls an illegal war. Post exchange Hems ranging UiaMw^iJl my. east Asia and the Pacific Area. Dirksen, after Humphrey Sen. Richard B _ Russell, D- from cigarettes and cameras to briefed congressional leaders on the nine-country tour, said high-fidelity sets and television A third day of heavy rains Ga., chairman of the Armed curbiJd air raids against North "Let' s tell the people we are in there to win, and shall win." Services Committee, was ready sets find their way to thi blkck ) : HoldMtirioi market. Cigarettes are rationed Viet Nam; The thick overcast - . .. ' -I -« ' - ' -r<> - . . - .- ¦¦(:. »«¦>¦ . . .,- - : : ' "¦ : - ' ,. ' ' . ' the 3rd District Republican con- without an -announced candidate mmmmaTmaaaawmmf mMmwmmaawwmaii " - *- . 7':-! ^^,.: . , . M Tho Pentagon said tho call 3901, - , BUT NOT THE MAILMAN venti on April 30 to endorse him to «ppose Sen. Walter P. Mon- Tho department said also that THE ICE MAN COMETH It was hoped warming weather would release tho ice jam for doctors Is necessary be- for re-election. Ho added that he dale, D-Mlnn., who is expected 30,725 Americans hove boon ... An empty mall box and a deserted home mark the path which has backed water up forcing evacuation of many cause of the military buildup will file ln July for a fourth to "bid for a full slx-ycnr term wounded. of invading Mississippi River ice south of Davenport, Iowa, families, (AP Photofax) In Southeast Asia. term. In Congress. in November. " . 7- ..MARY:'VV6RTR :* ' By Saunfrrranil Emit •• ¦ ~ ¦ '• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - • • • • ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - . • mi in ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ _s^______s*__w^—¦ _ ___ ^ . . .- -" - ' —^ ' " • ' ' ' _ : - ' : xy. i — - — - * ' * ' ¦¦¦ ' ' ' ' ' y ' ' ¦ ' J» Al«x Kohky APARTMENT 3-0 X 7-l- X'' ¦ ' ' ^'x-:- X' ^X - Xx -y - x 'I -yy : ¦ y : ' : y ' . ' - y ' x : xy. . Y. .

Cl ; :; ' Trempealeau GOP REX MORGAM, MP- -. :¦:- -: - > :.^?TPf ^? - - .^' AVealth to Welfare ^ To Caucus Tuesday TraiTEHAIfL, Wia. (Special) y.The Trempealeau County Re- SNmmrtgs publican: party caucus will; be ^ at the courthouse in Whlteliall Tuesday it 8 p.m;, said John C. Quinn, Galesville, chairman f>windle to the state convention. Officers NASHUA, N.H; (AP)r-Charles ^Then World War ir broke out says "I don't have the money will be elected and delegates - Kranefuss, 72, rocked in his and the investment in roadside for a sweepstake ticket." chosen. chair in a nursing home and cabins proved to be mistake No. ' ' : ' told how he went from wealth to ix y- lx x xx :l:: XXy .. welfare. People just weren't traveling ¦ Kranefuss went on wettare the highways in those years of ' '' ¦ - . . NANCY By Ernie Bushrnillrr after spending the last penny gasoline rationing and iii 1944 ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " ' - ¦ - • ¦• • ¦ - - - - - " ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ' from the $150,000 he and his - - ' • " . . . , i - - i ' . II ' ¦ '. . ' ' II . .. '. . ' - . . ¦ ¦ VJI' . Kranefuss filled for bankruptcy. brother won on the Irish Sweep- All this in less than 10 years stakes in 1935. \ from the day Dan Buiger He said : "I was working in a crossed the finish line to make a gas station and living in Quincy, rich man of a grease monkey in Mas^. , when my brother, Frank, Quincy, Mass. and; I split a $2.50 ticket on the Irish Sweeptsake. : "The money loss didn't throw • "When an American horse me too much," Kranefuss said. named Dan Bulger was "I always was a bachelor: and matched to;our ticket, a stran- responsible for no one. . -I . just ger came to us and offered $10,- went out and got a job." : 000 in cash for half our ticket." He first worked in a sawmill in Fryeburg, Maine. . then a. ship- ''Boy/' Kranefass said, "in yard in . South Portland, Maine, the depression of 1935, $10,000 and finally a dishwasher in ¦ ¦ . ¦BWht * .! «PI ll II I H I I >»MIWP WW— ><—i.) i ;. . i II i wiummatmmmmm. mm^am^a^^am^^a^mamam^^^^^m^^m^mm was a barrel of money- We were : Nashua restaurants. :, ; ' ' l ,l " sure of that, We couldn't be sure When his health broke down ; ;VMARk- TRAIL.' ' X -^ ;i: -: ' - " V' '' ' : " ''^'^VV}:/" v1* ^';"P v we were going to get anything - ¦ - :/- " ¦ V. : ¦ ¦ ¦ - *i . - 'V- - -- ¦ - . ¦ ¦ - ' ' : ? ' ' ¦ . ¦ • ' ' " v^- = :- : • ¦ - - ¦ • '' ¦ ¦ ¦ . - ¦ ¦ - ' ^ In i960 - ¦ he went on the - ¦ , ; , . , ¦. . i . . . welfare . : _ . on. our ticket. What if the horse roll XX -ran out?" - ';' -; - And in . a state where the . Their horse won. Mistake No. sweepstake is legal, Kranefuss 1 was the sale of half their sweeps ticket. The Kranefuss brothers com- mitted their second blunder [Mbbll] That's all the average U.S. pjescription costj today—yet cot when the stranger came to col- in history. Because "- 'they- . ' lept his $75,000 and they gavj it njodern dwgs sire the most effective . to him in neat round figures. ; perform faster and mote effectively, they ue priceless health The Kranefusses thug were Mobilheat values for yoa and your family. ¦ When you get a prescrip. stuck with the taxes on the full tion from your Doctor, bring, it to us for prompt and precise $150,000. The tax bite in those prices; days was easier so Kranefuss FUEL OIL filing—at . uniformly fair wound up with about 133,000. V Burns Cleaner He left Quincy and beaded for end Hotter North Conway, Altura, will be instructors along His aspirations were supported displayed at the second annual where he wrote a check for $16,000 to become l ^£j with scouters from Rochester. by resolutions at three Wino- science (air at Lewiston High JOSWICK'S FUEL Von£

s S\ ' Benson' ^H I Mfffei» /^Sk '' ==~Ez new home ^ i\ : PRE SEASON SPECIAL H I ^BJSII 1SirHHr J-SU \ == GILT EDCE I - "Homogeniied" Fan PI«He ALL OUTSIDE Km*

LATEX PAINT w mwfm ¦ wTJ_ ¦ I « I Regular $6.49 HOUSE" • " PAINT mmmmwM Enjoy Winona's finest\^ ¦¦ IJjj^^^ This 9 ¦% /¦/' Gal,onr „ mm. \r____¦ ______/ HSSm week J ni _r% w« optical service in ^ >^ ' ^ w*r the friendly atmosphere of —M „. NOW ZJ7o OH JL Benson's all-new home Spray Paint RJL 99' |ll J~ . 4" NYIOIM ... new decor, new furnishings, new service facilities. PORCH tun PAINT PAINT BRUSH »1» New heart-off-town location at 63 W. Third St. (between m m Main and Center). New phona number, too-8-2842 ' $ _4L33*" ^ PAINT ROLLER Now ______T TcC 0a,lonon ^Q Gallon m m mm - . . ## *¥. • do rwl nwntln* lyn, ** AND PAN . . ... Special # # ¦¦ » ¦¦¦¦ «• \ i*m~immm^^mmaammaaamammmmm^^mmmmmmmmmm*mmmaimmmammlmmaam.'" ¦¦ ¦ "• "" ¦ "•" • "'' ¦ ¦ ••"• ¦¦ " ¦ • ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦• ¦¦¦¦ WPIWWMWB *^^

IT'S SMART TO RELY ON 0 QUALITY EY EWEAR KEN S HARDWARE DEPENDA B ILITY " ...FOR WORE THAN HALF A CENTUM Westgate Shopping Center Action Urged On Route for Downtown Plan Bulb loo Big, Approval of Uie ; downtown Agency. The HHPA is now re- viewing the plan which was neighborhood renewal plan ¦ Fife Started Highway 43 adopted by the Housing and Re- forwarded , last month by the housing authority. A chronic problem , where and development Authority was vot- how ed Thursday night by the City As a motion was made by Highway 43 should traverse Commissioner Jerry Papehh__s the city, was tackled anew Planning Commission. In Dormitory The: commission's approval for approval; /Martin A, Beat- Thursday night by the City ty, an observer at the meetings Misuse o* a lighting fixture was subject to modifications led to a fire Thursday night Planning Commission. which may be suggested by the asked if he could . "point out some defects" and warn in a farmhouse used as a St. As a starter the ' commission Housing and Home Finance Mary's College dormitory, ac- against endorsement of / the voted to nudge the -state High- ,;: cording to the city fire marshal plan . . and the electrical inspector. way Department into early re- Chairman James Schain re- lease of findings in its survey The students living in the plied that commissioners had house had put 100-watt bulbs in of origins and destinations tak- Above Normal bad a month for study of the a fixture rated for 40- to 60-watt en last summer. plan and report and ruled that light bulbs, according to Fire voting should proceed. The Keiper Thursday COMMISSIONER Jerry Marshal Cleo . Pafr resolution was adopted by sev- nighty shortly after 9 o'clock, enfuss,- head of a committee Readings Seen en favoring votes. Commis- the.; insulation ori the fixture's sioner Adolph Bremer named last year * said it is , attend- wiring had deteriorated to the marking time until results of ing his first meeting, said he point -where a fire could start the department survey are would abstain from voting for — and one did. known. Next Five Days this reason. FORTUNATELY, Helper said, Conferences with Charles Bur- Generally pleasant weather is Voting,were Commissioners rill, Rochester, district depart- Papenfuss, the fire stalled at an hoi_r predicted for Winona arid vicin- Schain, Donald W. when the students living in the ment engineer, have indicated ity over the weekend with tern? Gray, James Foster, Howard that Highway 43 will be rein- former farmhouse (across: U.S. peratures averaging 5 to 10 de- Keller, Leo Murphy Jr. and campus) forced and improved by 1970. 14 from the rhain grees above normal for this Norman Indall. were still awake. - __K__HBivniBHiwniiiww (H«KM;v(»ivsm'U*s««Mi^MHMw«wOTMHBHM«aBaaMaMHM«MiMnM Papenfuss said. It will then be time of the year. underneath•¦ the. truck. The ah all-weather 9-ton road linking The globe-type fixture is in NO ONE HURT .. . Although this car was demolished zone; and its hood went part way . From a low of 3 above Thurs- a first-floor c«iling, according to when it ran into; the side of a semi at Clark's Lane arid truck's tandem wheels then caught the. car and spun It the city with Interstate 90 at day morning, the thermometer Wilson. Keiper, and the boys living on US. 61-14 Thursday night, the driver and ijis passenger in around so that its rear struck the truck, then the ear "re- rose to a comfortable"39 Thurs- He Says You Can the second floor smelled smoke the front -seat were not hurt; more than 100 feet into the highway's divider ditch. Re-routing of Highway 43 day afternoon and dropped no The car was driven into the bounded" through Winona may be rec- from the burning wires; side of Uie loaded semi, which was moving in a 40 m.p.h. (Daily News photo) ; Ijwer than 22 overnight. It was ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' - • ' • The; fire department was call- • . 1. — _; : — . X- - . ommended as a result of the 34 at noon today. survey, Papenfuss said. - The Find Time for ed at 9:14 p.m., and it responded foremost possibility is that Huff FAIR TO partly cloudy to- with three hose companies, a Street will be suggested as a night and Saturday is the pre- tank truck said a ladder truck: The fire was caught in its early Damage $825 through-city route, he said. How- diction for the area with little Donating Blood ¦:¦ ever, the .department will con- change in temperature. A low stage, Keiper said, and was Anyone can find the brief quickly contained. The firemen Golfege, City Effort sult with the city first and will of 5 to 15 is forecast for tonight time that it requires ; to par- returned to their stations after hot "shove a route downy our and a high oi 25-32 Saturday. ticipate as a blood donor, said Crashes; , 48 minutes. In throats," Papenfuss added; Sunday, said the weatherman Earl H. Eggers, 273 E. 2nd St., >C;ity.. Electrical Inspector Also thought likely is that a will be mild with no important in urging Winonans to visit the George Jessen noted that the railroad overpass will be includ- precipitation . Red Cross bloodmobile while it globe-type lighting fixture has C)h Plahning Proposed ed in department recommenda- The extended forecast , pre- is Here next a tendency to get hot in any No One Hurt ¦ ¦- hand it is criticized for lack tions. Since the department's re- dictions .through Wednesday, case When tie fixtures are mis- Information on expansion he stated. . port probably will be given to saw average temperatures mov- week. . . Damage in three collisions on plans by "Winona State College of off-street parking space. In used by putting in bulbs with COMMISSIONER . Ad o 1 p'h- the City Council, said Papenfuss , ing 5 to 10 degrees above nor- Eggers .has Winona streets Thursday total- will be, sought; by the City any event, land acquisition for been a blood a higher wattage than the fix- Bremer questioned whether the the commission should plan to mal daytime highs Of 28-33 and ture is rated to handle, the fire ed more than $825, according to Planning Commission, members the college is the province of be present when it is presented. night time lows of 7 to 13. Light donor, for more nature of the parking problem the legislature he said. danger is great, Jessen said. police; but no one was injured; decided Thursday night. , rain or snow averaging less than/20 years Jitrnes ; Schain; commission is any different at the college COMMISSIONER James Fos- than one-tenth of an inch is a and since 1944 HE NOTCD that lie is ctu> A 1957-model, two-door sedan chairman, said he will appioint than, for example, at Winona COMMISSIONER Howard ter said Huff Street is closely weekend possibility, the report has given about rently replacing some of the was demolished when its youth- Senior High School; Street park- Keller said the commission has hemmed in and would be very a committee to meet with con- said;- ' 48 pints during globe fixtures in City Hall, even ful driver barreled into th? side sulting architects on overall ing of staff and student cars no more than a general idea costly to remodel into a modern though these have never had of what future college plans A year ago today the Winona Red Cross col- of a moving semi on US. 61-14 campus expansion plans. near the high school has the 4-Iane thoroughfare. high was 22 and the low —9. All- lections, in ad- bulbs with a wattages too great sarde kind of impact on resi- are. Conferences on specifics Papenfuss said the present time high for Feb .25 was 58 in dition to dona- for their rating. The wiring in at Clark's Lane Thursday at ACTION CAME after Infor- dential areas as does the cbn-i should jrove interesting and Sarnia Street route is not com- 3876 and the low for the day tions made at ; these City Hall fixtures had be- 11:04 p.m. mal discussion by commission- cehtration of college personnel's helpful, he said. , ; Eggers - : patible with an overpass be- —19 in 1874, 1928 aiid 1950. various times ^ gun to deteriorate from the heat Fortunately, no one was in- ers brought agreement that cars, he pointed out. Indeed, the Bremer said that while indi- cause the approach grade would , he said. Mean for the past 24 hours was at a hospital generated jured in the mishap. closer coordination, between col- growing number of parkers at vidual projects each have se- have to start nearly a block 22. Normal for this time of the Homeowners who may not lege and city planning would be each institution has resulted m know what "wattage their light- parate architects, a single con- south of Sarnia. This is neces- year is 23. HE'LL BE giving blood again THOMAS F. Ross, 17, 271 W, mutually helpful. overlapping of the two situa- sulting architect supervises ov- sary because the grade cannot ing f ixtures are rated lor will ' next week. The bloodmobile Mark St., was driving north on Parking, one of the most-dis- tions since only a few blocks erall planning. He has met with have more than a 3 percent ONLY below reading In will be at St. ¦ Mary's College find that the rating is labeled : Minnesota .. today was —2 at on the fixture itself (not on the Clark's Lane when he collided cussed problems, was first on separate them. the City Council, Bremer not- rise, he said. Monday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.rn. the list. Commissioner Jerry may occur ¦ " Bemidji. International Falls had glass globe) in the case of fix- with the westbound semi driven Some reduction ed- . ' . ' - . . Foster argued that Main and at the Red Cross Chapter Papenfuss noted that new pri- when the new senior high school Street already is wide enough. a low of 3 above and Brainerd tures approved by the Under- by Forest A. Harkness, La Papenfuss sadd the parking House, West 5th and Huff vate construction must also is occupied, said Commissioner Cost of a grade and culverts to and Hibbing 7. It was 10 at Du- writers Laboratory, according to Crosse, for Gateway Transpor- situation will be highly impor- streets, Tuesday through Thurs- Jessen. have ample parking for build- Norman Indall. The number of extend the street directly across luth and 11 at St. Cloud. 6 and tant should the college build a The Rochester lew was 15 aft- day from noon to p.m. Pebple who knowingly or un- tation Co; Impact occurred at ing occupants. This regulation staff cars will be the sarnie but Lake Winona would be less than a.m. to 3 p.m. new fieldhouse. Such a facility er a Thursday night of 35. La Friday from 9 knowingly use light bulbs of too- the truck's saddle tanks, and does not seem to apply with the there will be fewer student cars. ciriild attract 3,000 people or that of developing Huff Street, for the week here he maintained; Crosse posted figures of 21 and The quota high - wattage are asking for Ross' car was spun around by same force to the college, he Much has been done recent* more at a time he said, creat- is 750 pints. Mrs. Carl Breit . - " " , City Council President Harold 38 for the same times. Gener- trouble, Jessen said. the moving truck. said. . ly by WSC to create off-street ing unprecedented demands for low, chapter blood program There has been : little or no Brerher said Briesath, sitting in, commented ally clear weather prevailed in per said piarking space, . parking. chairman, urges prospective FIRE MAHSHAL Hel The Ross car had damage consultation of , the commission Some of the discussion is con- that the Main Street route would Minnesota but snow was falling that damage to the St. Mary's over its entire surface and was Schain asked Bremer to bring traffic within three blocks at Miriot; N.D., wliere the morn- donors to make appointments by college authorities, Papen- tradictory, he observed, since College farmhouse was compa- regarded as a total loss. There ; make preliminary inquiries of the downtown core, a factor ing low was 14. for giving blood. ratively minor, although fire- fuss said. "If that much con- one longtime complaint has Eggers feels that if this area was about $500 damage to the struction went on anywhere abotit such a conference) be- he contended would be a corn- Clear skies covered most of men had to pull down part of a left side and underside of the been that college land use is WISCONSIN: X early tod ay al- were so unfortunate as to have ¦ else, we'd be vitally concerned, excessive while on the other tween architects and a commit- mercial advantage. plaster ceiling in one room to truck; ' ¦¦. " tee representing the planning though there was very light a major disaster the importance get at the burning wiring. ¦ IT IS generally agreed, ob- ; A two-car collision on the commission. snow at Hhinelander and in the of having ah adequate supply The college has told the Wino- Service Drive at. King street served Commissioner Adolph Hurley-Ironwood area. of blood available would be re- na fire department that the WMWISSIONERS b r 1 e"t 1 y Bremer, that a permanent route Thursday at 6:30 p,m. caused The Weather Bureau said alized by everyone. farmhouse will no longer be used $250 damage, according to po- examined qualifications of five should be designated. The de- there was a possibility of some as a dormitory once the old Youth Hifs House HE ALSO urged young peo- lice. new applicants for the posi- partment's survey was made to light snow developing hear Lake gymnasium is remodeled for tion of city planning coordina- help determine such -a route and litichigan today. ple to become participants in dormitory use, Keiper said. HAROLD J. Peterson, 710 W. this will be the basis for its program which now tor. More are expected, Schain Temperatures were near or the donor Broadway, was driving east on said, since advertisements were recommendations, he continued; somewhat above seasonal nor- is being supported in large, part the Service Drive when he at- In Police Chase placed in professional publica- The community then can re- mals over Wisconsin Thursday. by older persons. tempted to make a left turn A 19-year-old Winona youth Hflbert streets and failed to stop spond as it deems best. tions only this month. The highest temperature report- Eggers feels, too, that rural north onto King Street across was attempting to raise money for the squad car with its red With At this point, the commission ed was 38 degrees in the Beloit $20,000 budgeted for the people, who are cognizant of the Planners OK the path of John W. Saecker, for a purpose, the commission has probably should push for action area and La Crosse. incident of farm accidents 23, 623 Winona St., who was $75 fine imposed on him light and siren on. on the report , he said. Talk has Th lowest temperature re- today in municipal court after As Horman attempted to been delegated by the City should be strong supporters of westbound on the drive. Council to find and hire a co- gone on for many years but the ported in the overnight period the blood collection program. Damage was $150 to the left his car went out of control dur- make a right turn north onto reason nothing was done is that ¦ ordinator. was 8 above in the Superior . X. Analysis of front of the Saeaker car and ing a chase on city streets early Fairfax Street, according to po- the project has hot been continu- area. Commissioner Norman Indall WEST ALBANY TOWN $100 to the left fron of the Pe- today. lice, he lost control of his ve- ously pushed, said Bremer. terson vehicle. suggested that a definite list of Therefore the push should now THE NATION'S high reading WABASHA, Minn. — The elec- Larry A. Horm an , Winona Rt. hicle which swerved over the duties be drafted. The appointee tion of a new supervisor in West Police have tentatively Iden- lawn of the house at 153 Fair- be applied in order to get things Thursday was 8u at Miami Neighborhoods tified Clarence Kleiber , Plain- 2, was chased at speeds up to will be a professional man, he moving, he stated. Beach, Fla. The low early to- Albany Township is slated for fax St. (on the northwest cor- said, who should be hired with : Fick Lake A consulting firm's offer to view, Minn., as the owner pf a 80 m.p.h, on West 5th Street ) Papenfuss agreed that this day was 5 below at Glasgow, March 8. Elmer , car which struck a Lamoille ner of the intersection and in- long range objectives in view might be a valuable contribu- Mont, City , filed to succeed L. H. conduct neighborhood analyses before he lost control while try- to the concrete front steps of ahd who should not be subject) ¦ ¦ ' . . • for ,700 was accepted Thurs- women's vehicle Thursday at tion by the commission. Where- . Schumann, who resigned in Oc- $1 3:10 p.m. at 3rd and Center ing to make a right-angle turn the home next door. to petty frictions. The apparent as the highway department may LEGION' AT BLAIR tober. Donald Sommers is the day night by the City Planning Damage to the right and left salary range for qualified ap- Commission, streets. onto Farifax Street and smash- have been unconvinced of the BLAIR, Wis. (Special) — The sole candidate for clerk to suc- Mrs. LeRoy Greenwood, La- ed into the front steps of the sides of the car owned by Her- plicants is from $7,000 to $14,- need before, it apparently now American Legion meeting plan- ceed himself. Polls will be The proposal was made by man's mother was about $200, 00(1, depending on experience Nason, Law, moille, told police that she was home at 149 Fairfax St, recognizes the necessity of do- ned for Tuesday night has been open at the Theilman hall from Wehrman & stopped behind another car fac- and damage to a shrub and tree and age, Indall said. Knight, Minneapolis, drafters of The youth pleaded guilty to- ing something, he said. rescheduled for March 24. 1 to 5 p.m. ing west on 3rd Street watting day in municipal court to a owned by Raymond J. Schmitt The coordinator will function Papenfuss, Bremer and How- the general downto-wn renewal and to the steps of the Mrs. plan recently completed for the for a red light at the Center charge of reckless driving, and administratively both for the ard Keller were appointed by Street intersection. The car reg- he had not paid his fine by late Nellie Wandelt home was esti- commission and the council, In- Chairman James Schain to take Housing and Redevelopment Au- mated at $100. thority. istered to Kleiber drove into a morning. The alternative is a dall indicated. up the question with highway parking space alongside Mrs. 25-day jail term , according to engineers and report at a Inter NEIGHBORHOOD a n a I- Greenwood's vehicle, she said, Judge John D. McGill's sen- meeting. Firsf Bingo yses progress is a condition for and, in maneuvering into the tence. federa l government recertifica- space, struck her car on the Police said that they chased tion of the city's workable pro- right rear door. the youth from Huff to Fairfax gra for .community Area Farm Youth m improve- WHEN THE light changed, streets on West Sth Street today ment. Certification currently she pulled around the corner at about 3:20 a.m. Honman they In Ceremonies Ending has lapsed and is being with- . Game and went back to tell the driver said, ran a stop sign at 5th and series of numbers on bugs found in thc held by the Housing and Home of tho other car that there was For Short Course The first in a weekly Finance Agency pending a show newspaper bingo games ends to- advertisements a card is eligible about $75 damage to hers. The for a prize. of progress in this field by the Wilson Township MADISON , Wis. - Roger Nel- of the man refused to confront her day with the appearance city. Certification Ls necessary and simply walked away, Mrs. Feature History of Winona Rotary Club son , Blair, is one of three stu- final "bingo bugs" bearing num- COMPLETED cards may be so the city can qualify for fed- Only one Wilson Township dents receiving a fourth-year Daily Greenwood told police. bers that could add up to a $50 brought or sent to the eral assistance in urban renew- Registry of the vehicle was officer has filed for re-election, certificate at graduation cere- News and must be received al. He is supervisor Hugo Horn- Book Laughing V/hitefish monies for nearly 200 farm prize in this week's contest. traced through its license num- here no later than 3 p.m. Mon- In a letter to the commission, ber , according to police. berg. Clerk Henry F. Meyer short course students at the Un- Since Sunday the bugs have day to qualify for a prize. William Chapman, of the con- Review by Robert Travor advertisements and constable Valentine Schloe- iversity of Wisconsin March 5. been featured in If there are two or more win- sulting firm , outlined the sub- gcl hnve sponsored by participating mer- not filed for re-elec- Receiving two-year certifi- ners the prize money will be di- stance of proposed analyses. tion, Polls will "be open March cates are : Barry Auer, Coch- chants in this newspaper. Num- tivities under Ihe city housing vided equally. The study would delineate log- code, said Murphy. B at the Wilson Town Hall from Teens George Hoeppner rane; Russell O. Butman , Et- bers on the bugs are checked off A new game, with hew cards ical neighborhoods of the city . ' , on free bingo cards available at Tho .$1,700 fee for the study lfl a.m. to 5 p.m. The town trick; Victor L. Foss, Blair and and numbers , will begin with It will contain information in meeting begins at I p.m . Front Mory Schultx , Hixton. Prank sponsoring firms and when all would ho paid from commis- ¦ John C. Jarstad advertisements in the Sunday map nnd narrative form show- said, ' .1. Schuh , Trempealeau , will re- numbers of a card have been sion funds , Schain News. ing arens of building deteriora- Commis-.ioncr Adolph Bremer LAKR CITY SPORTSMAN ceive n third-year certificate. matched with corresponding tion nnd general descri Record Tschaikowsky's Players may use as many ptions. asked whether completion of LAKE Cm', Minn. ( Special) cards as they wish and the cards A program for further neighbor- the analyses and rccertificntion , — Guests of Ihe Lake City Review Overture ISU may he obtained free from any hood review with or without both must precede downtown re- Sportsmen's Club at its meet- sponsoring merchant . federal assistance, is included . newal. Scha|n said if legitimate ing Tuesday at B p.m. nt the This series of games will con- Further review will be made progress on analyses is by tbe p shown clubrooms will be members of TV Pullout Spies on "I Spy" tinue for 17 weeks with at least lanning commission and recertification would be grant- the Zumbro Viklley nnd Theil- WANTEDNMHMMW MMHWM_M.WMH_MMMMMM aHN ^ $50 in cash prizes to be award- the state Department of Busi- ed , probably before the analyses man sportsmen'* groups. Sport- ed each week . ness Deve lopment to outline a arc finished. ing films will bo shown. You'll notice that Ihe cards continuing program . Data would Oleg Cassinl Sees signs of life in man's wear Science Laboratory for next week's game, which be- be shown In forms suitable for gins Sunday, will be of a dif- public ufio nnd for seeking fed- Technician ferent color from those in this era l ns:. (stance in carrying out 0 week's gnme. the long-rango program, if this NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS EgS "* $80.00 QUALIFICATIONS: is desired . CONTEST IF THERE isn 't a winner In Personal Property taxes boeome delinquent March 1 year collage chemistry or . • this work's game tho .$5f) offered COMMISSIONER Un Murphy 1st, when 8% penalty must bn added according lo equivalent. ovpr .Ir, snid neighborh , Ibis work will be carried In ood analyse. low. No tax will be collected without penalty on week' would furnish a city planning • Must be abl» to mix solutions, order and next s piny to moke a or after this date. Whon the amount of such tax receive chemicals and apparatus. single winning entry in next coordinator with a good per- week 's game worth $100. spective. Tho commission cur- exceed* $10.00. one-half may be paUd prior (o March 1st and lha remaining one-half prior to Jul — PHONE OR WRITI — The bingo numbers for «. ach rently Is Inking applications for y 1 1st. y-— Division of Sciance 4 Mattiamalici Week 's gnme are determined by such a powt al City Council di- 27 Feb. Chairman, chance and -arc drawn from a rection, TERESA M. CURBOW \ Winona State College, Restaur Hall revolving bingo rng*> in the of- Such studios also would Hid County Treasurer fice of tills newspaper. inspection and enforcement ac- so the calorle-coi-scious can i TIicyMI Do It Every Time By Jiinmie Hailo ! Osseo Hospital Gets tipple, too? ... Elfaabeth Hart- 3rd Anonymous Gift man who wag nominated for an QL dJapptntd. &XAL Might Oscar ;for "A Patch of Blue'' OSSEO, Vfia. (Special) — wai at the Miami Beach Fon- Osseo Hospital and Nursing tainebleau when she got the Home has received its third OOMPLETt m ^^ neWa ; one thing noticed about $500 donation in as many "^ DINNERS yC years from, anonymous don-, ¦ ¦ " ¦' the Ohio gal is she's a natural " '¦ ' ¦ *» low ¦ • • - . ' ^^'-" ' ¦ according to Nordahl ^_l redhead ' .. :. . George Peppard or, j^S^^^Suri?^?^^ : and Liz Ashley will be married Westegard, president. The r April 17 at thi Bel-Air Hotel; board believes the gift is 7.1 from the same donor. 1 tother6h TV they'll live in Beverly Hills. ^^ ^ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ J_r ^_. __F'^^^. B' -;.:; , By EARLVWTLSOV TODAY'S WORST PUN: Shel- NEW YORK -r l'v» always been successful at finding out by Friedman claims he saw about surprise parties — with me as the victim ¦— until Mike * Kellogg Cubs Douglas joined In the plot; classified ad: "Salman wishes GOLFVIEW Once, years ago, Jackie Gleason waddled into Toots Shor's, to meet . Batwoman, Object: Receive Awards RESTAURANT » RUSHFORD tore open a letter addressed to him, glanced at it , and turned Batrimony." It over to me,; saying, "What'a this broad Bosemary Williamson REMEMBERED - QUOTE: After Banquet writlrig to me about?" VTbe most difficult thing in "That's not Rosemary Williamson," I said. ''That's Rose- the world is to know how to do KELLOGG, Minn. (Special) ~ maiy Wilson This Is an invi- a thing and to watch somebody Cub Scouts entertained the 90 tation to you to a surprise party else doing it wrong, without people attending the blue and BINGO ing for our son Slugger as he for - me!" ' .; comment. White. gold banquet at St. Agnes . ; gave then* "Amore, Scusa Mia.'' "—• t. H. The other morning I couldn't EARL'S PEARLS: Not since Church hall Sunday following a understand, why my B.W. Rose- I'd never suspected it for a the days when Indians collected banquet.' mary bad to get up so early to second. I was especially horri- scalps have so many people Tliey presented Kellogg's own BUG go to the dentist. My Gorgeous fied at my Sl-year^ld mother- been running around with hair Beatles — Daniel Schmitz, Mother-iniaw, who was in on in-law practically perjuring her- that : isn't theirs. — L. S. Mc- Keith Timm , Rodney Cdates and the gag, explained to me that self. My son!s reception singing Candless. Kenneth Baker. William and in Italian was so good he's Michael Deming staged a Joe SPECIAL the dentist, Dr. Suzie Freed- Dean Majtin, asked what his I WWWWW man, wanted most of the day thinking of changing his name favorite drink Was, shrugged: the bartender act, Andrew ¦ ¦ directed a Sing off. • to "Wilsoni" - being Italian "The next one.'^ ;...;:..... ^ That's Sehouweiler I took an 11 a.m. triain to didn't hurt Sinatra, Como. or earl, brother. along with Mitch interlude, and CtU Presents presented 9^ Philadelphia. While I was on Jimmy Rosselli! Voice of tlie Outdoors a magician- act was the Mike Douglas program with Jackie Gleason'll clear $80,- by Scott Timni. Dale Baker, Marty Alien, Steve Rossi and 0G0-to-$90,000-a-wk on his new Kevin Graner, Robin Dunn, Wil- Jayne Mansfield, ; somebody CBS TV deal; Toots Shor says Dial Telephone Book to Libraries lard Drysclale, Jeffrey Graner, CIGARETTES asked- ' me:' ''It's a disgrace to money" . . Copies of "The History of La- Keith Arens and Douglas Drys- War- ''Isn't it true if a columnist Burl Ives is back at Duke TJni- boi- in Minnesota," by George dale gave riecitations. Mrs. ' versity for 2 months ; to take ioff W. Lawson, have been present- ren Timm and Mrs: Eugene ', plugs somebody, he can make Switch March 16 ¦ #*V95: ' ' 50 pounds . This is his third year, ed to . libraries at College of Deming were in charge of the Carto™i n .;; "¦ ¦ him a star?" -: . • , _^_^_. "Oh, that's an exaggeration," he expects to continue indefi- Saint Teresa, St. Mary's Col- entertainment. I said, with what I hoped was nitely; besides reducing; it gives For Galesville lege, Winona State College, Cot- Lloyd Baker was master of becoming modesty. ; him time to think things out.., ter and Winona High Schools ceremonies and introduced lead- Bennett Cerf almost leaped ta- GALESVILLE, Wis; (Special) and .the Winona public librajry, ers and giiests. Greetings were "Anyway." Mike . Douglas — The Galesville exchange of said, "we'd . like you to hear bles at Sardi's to congratulate it was announced at a meeting extended fxpro the Boy Scout Jacqueline Susann on best-seller General - Telephone Co. . of Wis- of the Central Labor Union Wed- troiip by Gerald Collier.. The our star and give hirn a plug consin will be converted to dial sometime — Earl Wilson Jr." of "Valley of the Dolls" .: . nesday evening.; Rev, Robert Dunn gave the in- Reader Barbara Norton , Wash- March 16, according to Robert The author was, secretary of vocation and benediction. Den THE B. W. of coarse Was In ington, D.C., asks hOw come Anger, Black River Falls, dis- the state labor federation from chiefs advanced the colors and the audience leading the cheer- bars don't have diet . drinks. trict commercial manager. 1914 to 1954. led in the pledge of allegiance. At the same time, Galesville Baker, institutional represen- customers will begin toll-free A film of the 1966 state fair ;¦ House of I_abor exhibit was tative, and Wayne Schmitz, service to Holmen. Cubmaster presented registra- LANG'S shown by state AFI>CIO presi- An Informational program ln tion cards ^and awards to Keith 179 EAST THIRD using the dial system will be dent Robert A. Olson and John C. Peterson, state labor direc- Arens, Rodney Coates, Scott conducted for the public Wed- Timm, Danile Schmitz, Jeffrey nesday at 8 p.m at Gale-Ettrick tor of farm and public rela- NITES: 7:15-9:35 • $1.50-51.25-50* tions.; ; '; Graner, Kenneth Baker, WQ- (1.25-$1.00-50. High School. Its operation will . SATURDAY MATINEE: 1:15 t Herbert Schladinske was pro- liam Deming, Willard Drysdale, PASSES NOT HONORED THIS SHOW be explained through films, Keith Timm , Micliael Deming, slides, displays, demonstrations gram chairman. Sing Aldng , Andrew Sehouweiler, Robin and talks. A question and an- , Mi* and Mrs Antone Guenthr Dunn, Kevin Graner and Doug- i swer period will be conducted er were special guests. Lunch ___K^s___i____i_^_____9^______^______f^9___i__r^_____R__if^______F _ las Drysdale. Deri mothers are TONW^ wfcwXEmmmWmmmWiMri. i mwl^XmrmWmm- *J by personnel of the company. was served by Robert Nelson, Mrs. Clareiice' and Every Friday Night __K_i____ ^______SI______P^/^__i < H____3i«K___Pi9_____. Mrs. Lillian Sula and Mrs. Col- Coates and Mrs. Lunch will be served and free Richard Miller. Donald Sehou- With BABE HALLINO gifts distributed to all who at- lette Sobeck. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Brown acted as hosts. weiler is chaiman anrd Peter at tht Plana tend. Drysdale and Richard Miller, mW^^aa^aaamf'' • ^n/^^_^______B^VIHI M______H Frozen Northern to river fishermen. One Officers of the Central Labor 7 members of the pack commit- _^fl^^______uL^i ('/^- f^^_B__^_E_I_^^S_™i__E______K» This giant of a northern was "zero weather" fisherman Union installed Wednesday night LEGION CLUB VT^B^^____HP ' If Waa^ammmSm ^^Vm^mwM ENDS SATURDAY were: James M. Foster, presi- tee. ^ frozen stiff almost as soon as who worked the water di- Mrs. Lloyd Baker and Mrs. f to .!. it was pulled from the water dent; Mrs. Lillian Sula , vice Mamben rectly below the Winona president; Nark Cysewski, fi- Donald Sehouweiler were chair- AND a week ago by Floyd Ball, men of banquet arrangements. ;ioni iRwa Plainview, while fishing fn the dam nearly every day got nancial secretary; Robert H. ARE IN BUSINESS I ' _ \ A - Weaver bottoms. It tipped the limits of fair size walleyes Lindner Sr., recording secre- K^^^m^__^__^__^__^__^__^__^__^__^__^__* ^^^^^^^^^^I^^^I^^^^R^_!^__^^^H______I TOGETHER! j tary; Herbert Schladinske, ser- ' 1 ¦¦¦¦¦ scales, frozen, at 22 pounds. for the past six weeks. In ITCvT'i'nt ' . ••^¦•^¦¦¦¦ ^¦W |W^ m "738 other words, the fish were geant at arms, and Leonard Ball, a champion fisher- Konter. trustee. man, got the limit, three big there if the fishermen were K^Fj-; v _f_ \_Y " '\ " ' v ^i^t^^^B^^K^^^i l^^l^^pHll^^^^H northerns, with a total hardy enough to fish them. MIDWAY TAVERN weight of 52 pounds. The Nephew of Blair VIC & MARION # other two are on the bar in Spring Lake, at Buffalo City, • _ ^_^_^_WK^s ^^^m_Wmm____w___^ \ ^B^HHT'^oPvHPvi^ ^^^^^^HHfei front of him. The picture and the Onalaska area drew Entertainment By was taken by Bob Mauer, Resident Shot ^______^^______BL^8K 3^___^_^____^___B i Long spells of below - zero A,£T HiRISCH COMPANY«. i . ACMEMV weather, and an unseasonal The other is the Trempealeau VOGUE ^ IWROLALPtRSON : B. AWARD rise in the river, put a crimp - I WINNER County Sportsmen's annual W QL Sksu&L... \ j in the winter fishing for many Jamboree on Third Lake, Trem- HAIES NAM fishermen along the river. It V ; UtMWON j PICTURE pealeau , which is also in boun- 1 NEVER BEFOR E ¦¦ ^' was just too cold to be out dary waters. Minnesota fisher- ^ ft'R STARTING MONDAY £ JK | MaeWE.; there on the open ice , even for men con fish here with their ftWCF ffl ' fl _M JL^^ TONY the hardiest cif fishermen. Wa- the^ WACS ready to BILLY WILDER'S : RICHARDSON'S state license, The other contest ter conditions below the dams is the Blair Lions dubs event SURRENDER! 1 "Steve Palmer mwM-^afm] made fishing th rough the ice, or on Lake Henry, which is Wis- ^__H B: : even with boots , unattractive. consin inland waters, where Minnesota fishermen will re- I»i»ili^i |mi[rKl Fishermen with good shel- 1 and The Stags" mZ quire a non-resident Wisconsin 0 1 TECHNICOLOR- i ter such as a fishing shack *¦ DRUMS • GUITAR ? FENDER BASB fl "" EASTMANCOLOR license J*D PANAVBIOM'i « WtlU MTISTS enjoyed some very good sun- . , imn H tnm Playing Rock TI' Roll and "ir, "sr:;~ • fish and crappie fishing. gfl ' Httjg_3l I gfl Your Favorite Commercia l Music! Double Fo«tur» Most sloughs and backwa- MtM'SXM TWO OF THE ters were good until the MH PLAYING THRU SAT. - "A HH A a Mist" Hw M MOST TALKED A&OUT rising river dirtied tho Ashland Youth ADULT COME DIES I water. Warmer days ahead mM Try Ono of Our Dollclouo Hot Ple«»« Not, still can produce some ^MgfM Starting Time, good punflsh sport . A ¦* ! DELICATESSEN SANDWICHES ¦£ ¦¦ of Fenturoi few good walleyes were Dead in Fire ann ¦ _.»»>¦ Sorv«d Dally Starting at II a.m. ^K«___ "IRMA LA DOUCB" caught from some of ¦as*?;™ _ ^^ ¦ i ASHLAND, Wla. (AP) — A rDANcRTl ______7:05 and 11:30 the wintering holes known • youth died Thursday when ) Sunday, Feb. 27 "TOM JONES" fl aiiK.s swept a suite in the ( WINONA DAILY NEWS ) TN lint «ppear»nc« ol cliff / At . 9:30 Knight Hotel in downtown Ash- ( Oullormion wllh hit Eltctronlc I \ Philharmonic SUreo FRIDAY, f-EURUAf.V 3_ , M« land- Orand Ac- \ F ADMISS ION $1.00 1 Authorities Raid the viotim, I (ord Ion with trua sltrcophonlc / VOLUME 110, NO. 13 f tound — playing »1J p.m. V N' COCKTAIL LOUNGE K NOT FOR CHILDREN tentatively identified as Newton \ Try our l»nl«n Spaclil — fith ) / Sundwichm wllh *m 107 West Third St. M§M PliblUhod dull/ «»cept Saturday and Hoi- C, Burns, UI , formerly of Od«- tha Trlonmlnaa || tt <^__. _____V__ Idnyi hv Rtiuihllca . nnd Hwnld Puhllilv K^^ 9M Inu Company, 601 Franklin it., Winon^ nuh , Wis., apparently hnd wan- ^_^_ Winn derejlon, Olm»led, Winona, hod hecn charged with illegal en- sa cs PURE AGGRESSION GOODIES ^ , CORNER jcu Boi Wnhn .ha llullolo Jackson . Papln and try nnd disturbing the peace, 2^ , "iN^^^!r Trarnpanlrmu counlloi «nd ^rmisd foi e«s Third and Walnut I DANCES 50c \ pcri.onnnl In Ihe contlncnlnl Unlled Sl«t»_, The occupants of the suite , U OUK Attiwxrt TRV % nr ni/trata s wild APO or FPO iddre^ra- /U. L THE FISH ~~~ Saturday, Feb. I ynui ir .,00 1 monlht .... U.Jo John MnrsUind , lfl . and ltoRcr EAGLES < 26 A nuintht ... M.. 0 I monin ...... M.^i llalmlnink , 20, both of Green yOV CAN EAT THE RHYTHM PLAYBOYS Bay, Wis ,, suffered burns in r All olhnr ttibicrlpllonn . CLUB 51.25 i montti ll ,»o 1 rnonirn ,.. U,tt fighting the bliuc. Attendants nt I Sunday, Feb, 27 | A ntoniti . *.09 I y»nr $14.00 EVERY FRIDAY m condition ^m0aamwmmmmmmmm_mm9m_m9a9mmtmkm_f ^amm^'*\ n hixspltnl listed their 5 p.m, to 10 p.m. MINMESOTA HILLBIJ.LYS T , Mihsrrlpllnn oirt«m nnd nth«r Mu»l« by tha ninll ilr-nn In W«. . ¦ try this solution before they trap their men, you'd be doing Buffalo Co. GOP a great service in the field of domestic tranquility. Thank you. To Hold Caucus U.S. SOLDIERS IN KOREA »iiil3[23CE)@C2iMc. DEAR SOLDIERS: Fine. But how is a girl who is Amerlca'i Largtsl Tax Sorvlc* with Ovar 1,000 Offlcot Wednesday Night Today I'm going to write "husband-hunting" supposed to know if her man snores or ) about motivatingP incentives. not BEFORE she marries him? 116 WALNUT MONDO'VI, Wis. (Special — STREET ^ ^ W ^ y Juicy, The occasion that prompted me Weekdayt 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.—Sat. and Sun. 9 a.m. te S p.m. .. . fairty, Rt*" The Buffalo County Republican to give some thought on this Troubled? Write to ABBY, Box 69700, Los Angeles, Calif. ; Delicious caucus will bo hel^ 'Wednesday subject was that of a For a personal reply, Phona 8-3097 * PRICES START AT meeting enclose a stamped, self-addressed ¦}fcr Jonathan at 8 p.m. at Don's Supper Clubi of top personnel of one of the envelope. ¦¦¦¦¦¦ NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY IHHHHH^ '¦ • " :¦:¦ - ¦ : ' Mondovi, said Robert Johnson, • . ' ^r Haralson . ' . . m m ' ' :_m _ - _t9± : : leading household and farm ' ¦ ^ m Mondovi- former assemblyman goods manufacturers XX. xy if: Prairie Spy ... . ,, *rl t MM Ml in the na- ¦ and ridw jparty chairman. tion. Greening. V .' ' ' : B _lf^W_F • ^ •^i_ . James Olson, Medford , Re- It had been my privilege to •^Ir Fireside ¦ Per Buthil • ' ¦; ' publican candidate for attor- serve as the after-dinner speak- ney general, and Robert er at this event, so I had a Bring Your Own Containers Knowles, state senator, will first-hand opportunity to see E tt tabes c longest Replenish your winter supply NOW and save dollars nl. . . speak. Knowles will discusis re- how the men at the very top, i * cent legislation. challenge their key personnel to Iflliit OT do even a greater job for the ORCHARD Republican candidates for firm and themselves. T warranty* MORNING STAR county office are expected and HBB^ — OPEN DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY — The gathering was made up probably will announce their , , 61 of regional district and field in the business Take exit fo Dakota off New Highway plans. Delegates and alternates managers for the firm, and l^|ft i and look for orchard signs. to the state convention will be everyone of these managers had : elected. at least 15 to 20 men under hint. make u h^ppy- As one member of the com- ' y° MMVVWVIMIAAMWMIMVWtfiMVVWVVMfVVWVMMM VVIM pany said, "These fellows are ^B^F- *° looking for new ideas to im- prove their activities with the Bb ; we'll be seeing yon soon. ¦£ firm." Those that were not of MlM^ s^ | FEEDING RACKS j this mind wouldn't even have been invited to this meeting. CATTLE > HOGS POULTRY Needless to say, the place was I • * >Em, ! bouncing with enthusiasm. RIGHT AFTER dinner and just prior to my talk, they gave customary awards and ¦ ¦ X out the l VBMI ^aoaiaii^, 9 I ' BE _M _ \\ ' W ' ¦ &¦______¦_ ? v ^^^^T^a_i______k ^*_**J. ^>fc. • ___ ' so on. Then came the incentive designed to motivate greater in the upcoming KHB i V : ______L < achievement ^ i ' _f_B_«£^[ - ^ I W 9______-flr___i ' ' ' ^PlP:'U jlijp^^B______r^______r IBI ^K _3PM. T *» 'iM ^"* ' I year. It seems some of these icey men had sat down and fig- ured out just how much volume in sales they should be able to do in their territory in the year ahead. Based on these figures, tho company figured how much bonus money each would earn if he were to reach the quota he had sot for himself. Billfolds were given thp men ¦¦] ; ' \ • 4 ft. high L^^^ ,^^ r- : >^~* J and unsigned checks were given j : ; . All 2-tach lumber j _ — them to be honored a year later THE$£ J Q. j , they made their »: : Creosoted _^ . ' "*! '* wl,h SkW when, and if • „ mm iii mi * i { quotas. I suppose some of these ^ would-be bonus checks were framed and hung in prominent spots for daily reminders. Others would likely be kept in those new billfolds as reminders that if they do the job, they will get their regular commis- sions, plus the bonus as well. | | fS**t**aS***i***ii ** *>^* *^^* ***%r^S**Sv*SSs'a*^^ ' These bonuses ranged from $1,- 200 to $8,000. I GOT TO thinking. Here Is something to live by, If one ¦ HANDY SELF-FEEDING RACK! ! would just sit down and project > ' J the yenr ahead in his own life, he would discover that such pre- planning would give him direc- AUTHORIZED DEALER S?^CHRYSLER W _ ^Mffiy ^y * **'!, ii ^ jji seasons of a herd of cattle where green i the WJ_W M01DRB CORPORATION " liulflMi ^jffi tion, aim, and purpose. At ^^ CIMA same time, advantages will pre- sent themselves with such force that at least for the time, It No other car in Chrysler's class offers a warranty as long as ours. 5 years or 50,000 miles of vital would seem well worth any ¦ protection on the engine and drive train parts. Look it * *ff~M_ _._. AA finnvflff Kin effort and energy needed to over carefully, now achieve the desired end. The WOVe UP 10 CHRYSLER bonus one would receive for •CHRYSLER'S 3YEAR/50.000MILE ENGINE AND DRIVE TRAIN WARRANTY WITH .THIS COVERAGE: Chrysler Corporation warrant*, for such careful planning, nnd the 5 yein or 50,000 mllei. whichever comai that , against dalacti In matarlali and workmanship and will raplact or rapalr at a Chrysler Motor* Corporation Authorized Dealer* * place of butlna**, without charge for required part* and labor, tha angina block, head and internal part*. carrying out of the plan mny Intake manifold, water pump, tr^nimlulort case and Internal part* (excluding manual clutch), torque converter, drlva shaft , universal fall far short of $8,000 in extra joint*, rear axis ami dinarentlal, and rear vvhatl bearing* of Itm 1966 automobile*, provided tha owner has the engine oil changed every 3 month* or 4,000 mllet, whichever como* tint , the oil filter replaced every second oil Chang* and the carburetor air filter cleaned every 6 cash, but the extra pluses In months and roplncud every 2 year*; and every 6 months furnishes to * a dealer evidence) of performance of th* required lervlce, and accomplishments coul d in their request* the dealer to certify (1) receipt of luch evidence and (2) tha car 'i then currant mileage. own way, bo every hit as re- warding. Each of us cuts a swath In tho fiold of life, It's hard to believe that a hit and miss ef- ROltlNGSTONE LUMBER YARD | fort could ever compensate, as Nystrom Motors, Inc. - 164 W. 2nd St, - Winona i ftolllngslona, Minn. FRITZ HOFFMAN, Mgr. Phone 6B9>2125 ] does a planned and purposeful attempt. Economic Growth TODAY IN WORLD AFFA I RS 'IF THEY PLAYED TOGETHER ALL YEAR AS WE DO, WORLfr tODAY THEY WOUL DNT NEED SPRING TRAINING!' Rate Encouraging Sen,fi^ii0c^ A GLOWING STORY of th* economic House Brewing growth that is taking plact in Wisconsin ^ appeared a few days ago in the Milwaukee Plan Puzzling^ ^^ Journal. That paper noted among other ^^^ ^ things that "manufacturing employment By DAVID LAWB.ENCE FfgWlorJofes^ passed the half million mark for the first WASmNGTON^^Mayb^ Sen. Robert : F. By WILLIAM F. ARBOGAST time In Wisconsin history last year." Kennedy of New York sincerely believed that House Is brewing up some his proposal for a negotiated peace in Viet WASHINGTON (AP) — The trouble for the adminlstratta'a foreign poUcy. . . . It'i good tp tet this progress taking Nam would be easily understood, but it hasn't oyer a matter that has been of place next door. Minmesotana need not be turned out that way. Even. Gen. Maxwell D. Tie developing tempest is continuing Irritation to Republicans and Democrats alike. ashamed of the record we are making, Taylor, who said later that Mr. Kennedy's with North Viet Nam by ¦ : . statement had been misinterpreted, temporar- Tie Issue is continued trade however. Of late years indiistrial growth foreign nations friendly to tlie United States. While the ad- here has been even better than in "Wiscon- ily created a bit of puzzlement himself as he has slowed down in recent s proposal into the aft- mtelirfriitlon elalms this trade ¦ln. y tried to fit the senator' months and has taken ; mfnistration's pattern for peace in Viet Nam, some steps to curb it, many ; We should, of course, recognize that our but subsequently gave up the attempt. To Your Good Health members of Congress want friends across the border have always had Sen. Kennedy started out by advocating an outright ban. , peace by negotiation as preferable to ''mili- far more Industry than we. And with the SEVERAi bills have been advantage of closer proximity to most of tary victory? or "withdrawal;" He suggested that, the National Liberation Front — which is, BIMered Introduced : to close U.S. the major consuming market of the na- of courte, Communist in its origin and sym- ports to ships which carry tion, it is quite Ukely that Wisconsin will pathies — should be given participation in the cargoes to North Viet Nam. remain more highly industrialized, XX . .X South Viet Nam government, Everyone can Fingers Cargoes loaded in Amerigjui decide for : himself what Mr.. Kennedy's words ports generally are riot of But at the same time that manufactur- really mean by reading the significant para- military vialue and are un- ing jobs in the Badger State passed the graphs In his statement, which are quoted ver- loaded in ports of friendly half million mark last August the numbers batim as follows: Explained nations. However, propon- on Industrial payrolls in Minnesota nudged ents of the legislation claim, "Whatever the exact status of the Nation- By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D ' the 270,000 mark. This represented a gain al Liberation Front — Puppet or partly in- the ships uivplved .visit - , ¦ American ports after hav- of approximately 30 percent over the num- dependent . - any negotiated settlement mtfst Dear Dr. Molner: Tiny ing unloaded other cargoes ber employed as determined in the U.S. accept the fact that there are discontented blisters appear on my in North Viet Nana.. . "; elements in South Viet Nam, Communist and Census of Manufacturing taken in 1858. fingers, and itch unbear- Rep. Charles E. Cham- Wisconsin's increase to the half million non-Communist, who desire to change the ex- ably; When ; they are isting political and economic system of the berlain, R-Mich., who has point amounted to a 12 percent gain over gone the skin becomes waged a long campaign 1958; country, There are three things you can do hard with painful cracks. with such groups: Kill or repress them, turn against the practice, claims the country over to them, or admit them to a My doctor prescribed that 401 /ships flying flags of But both states have be en hard put to various pills and salves, non-Communist nations ar- keep pace with the nation in generating in- share of power and responsibility. The first two are now possible only through force of but nothing seems to rived in North Viet Nam in dustrial growth; We have as yet no exact work; I consult a 1964. In 1965, Chamberlain arms,/ - . Should information on the standing of the States X), skin specialist? If SP, ¦ said, the number dropped to in 1965, but we have no reason to assume "THE LAST — to admit them toa share of how do I find one?— . i-i9. that the picture naticnwitle has changed to power and responsibility — is at the heart MES. P. O. CHAMBERLAIN got his any marked degree since the 1953 census. of the hope for a negotiated settlement. It is •• •:' . Yes, I'd consult a skin spe- figures from the. Defease not the easy way, or the sure way; hor can the Department and they deal IN 1958, for every 10^00 people employ- manner or the degree of participation now cialist, and tlie closest source of advice on finding only with unclassified tofor- ed by manufactiiying coticeiro across the be described with any precision. It may come ¦: mation. ;•; country, 279 were employed in Wisconsin, about through a single conference or many one is to ask your doctor to . meetings or by a slow uhdramatic process of refer you. Tins, is the; nor- '-The true figure is more and 138 in Minnesota. About 50 years earlier , than double what we are when the 1909 census 292 gradual accommodation. mal way for medical care count was taken, to operate, and that' what being told," he said, "and,: •fit will require enormous skill and politi- THE WASHINGTON¦ 'MERRY-GO-RQUND s ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ taaaaw^mam 1 ¦ n—¦—— of the 10,000 then on manufacturing pay- " ' I ' ' ' "¦' f ¦ •" ¦ *"^ . .'¦" ' " ¦ ™^ M*«^MOT«p ^MmN»^iB . cal wisdom to find the point at which partici- specialists are for — to step it amounts to more arrivals rolls worked in Wisconsin, and 141 in Min- pation ; does not bring domination in when the usual remedies by free world ships than by nesota. Qhviously neither state has quite or internal Communist ships." ' conquest. It will take statesmanship willing to held its.own. - . exploit the -very real differences of ambition These skin conditions on Most of the ships, he said, are chartered to Communist The complete picture cannot be pre- and intention and interest between Hanoi add (JJV. bebrite ori VietMdm the hands, while not peri- Peiping and the Soviet Union. It may mean a lous , are very common and nations and carry Commu- sented without recognizing that an impor- are an abominable nuisance, nist goods which the Do- tant of the • nation's industrial compromise government fully acceptable to . feature neither side." as you know. Likewise there fense Department, clairnsi growth during the past half century has are not vital to North Viet Mr. Kennedy underlined that la'st sentence, are many varieties, and they ' . '¦ ¦ been the development that has taken place and then added: tfi^MiW^^^MM haye to be seen to be recog- . Nam's war effort. But,: he in the South and Far West where, except 4 By DREW PEARSON been pounding them with ganized blood bank. emphasized, Vthey . release -It certainly means that we must take the accusation that they are Despite the findings of nized. Even then, it often Communist ships to carry in a few localities, induitry was once al- considerable risks in the expectation that so- WASHIN some- other plan which they be- position with the Chinese, were among the most im- peace." . .. . . Henry Cabbt lieve will work. good showinsr. Ten Years Ag6 . _ . 1956 Lodge, now ambassador in thing you touch — soap; . * The British request was portant , factors discussed. detergent, metal, (could be . They are. going to offer The 67th annual dinner meeting of the Wi- made because Prime Minis- Chairman Paul Rand Dix- Saigonv formerly Eisenhow- : amendments to tlie annual er's ambassador to the U.N., anything from a metal coun- nona County Old Settlers Association was held ter Wilson . -: was going to on of the Federal Trade ter in the kitchen to a pair foreign aid and Defense De- at Red Men's Wigwam. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ger- Moscow and hoped that he Commission, .trained by made speech after speech partment appropriation bills before the TV cameras, ver- of scissors), or any number State Weak jit Luring licher, the oldest married couple at the meet- could do some good with the Sen. Estes Kef auver as a of other ordinary house- to cut off U.S. financial as- ing, were presented a corsage and a "wedding" Russians prior to any for- roptin'-tootln' trustbuster, is bally punching the Rus^ sistance to any nation that ¦ ¦ ' ' - now following sians. It sounded great do- hold materials. ' cale-.. . . : ensic slugging match in the milk-and- Meantime keeping the skin allows its ships to continue Tourist Business XX. . New president of the Winona Union Club is Security Council. He hoped water policies that would mestically, boosted him as the trade. make Kef auver turn over in a candidate for vice presi- soft with hand lotion will do James A. Lester 'succeeding William C. Muel- to persuade the Russians to much to prevent hardening (Austin. Daily H.r a Id) ler. " join reviving the his grave.* dent on the Nixon ticket. THEY almost succeeded Britain in But it didn't help the cold and cracking of the skin. with that move last year former British-Russian part- FOR FIVE years the The less you apply to the WE HAVE LONG b»*n convinced — Twenty-Five Years Ago ... 1941 nership for peace in Indo- war thaw which Eisenhow- when the House approved along with many others —• that Minnesota Trade Commission has been er eventually worked out skiri in the way of salves or an outright ban against : aid Two Winona students at Wabash College, China. has been far too niggardly in its spending dawdling over unfair mono- with Khrushchev . . - Here medications, until you see a to those nations. The Sen- Crawfordsvllle, Ind , are among those who had Wilson had previously re- p Ol y charges brought , ate refused tp go along with to attract industry and vacatloheers. quested President Johnson is an illustration of how specialist the better. Der- perfect scholastic averages for the fall semes- against the community rough the debate is getting matologists frequently he- a strict ban and voted to Minnesota has tremendous potentials ter. They are Gale Christopherson and Ed- to hold off bombing North blood bank in Kansas City. between the Russians and nioan the fact that many allow the President to de- and opportunities on ward Krache. Viet Nam until his trip to An FTC investigator made the patients cide whether continued aid both counts. But we Moscow, but the President Chinese. The Commu- try so many reme- spend considerably less than many stat«s Mr, and Mfs. W, F. Queisser left for Flor- a thorough probe. Exten- nist paper Hung Chi recent- dies first, and sometimes was in the best interests of ida where they will spend about a month. did not do so; so it wias sive hearing were held. It t he United States. The which have far less to o ffer.' When you decided that the United ly charged: "The new lead- merely add to the irritation, was conclusively shown that ers of the Soviet Commu- that it is difficult to tell House backed down by a travel to other places, it is astounding to States could at least honor vote of 174 a mar- discover how Fifty Years Ago . . . 1916 certain Kansas City patho- nist party . . . want,to sow what the original and basic to 164, little is known about Minne- the request for debate post- logists, working inside cer- gin slim enough to be over- sota. Most people identify Minnesota only Articles of Incorporation have been filed ponement In the U.N. dissension in Chinese-Viet- skin trouble was. for the Winona Automobile Club, tain hospitals, boycotted the namese relations and help come in a congressional BB a state where temperatures hit record blood of one blood bank in Dear Dr. Molner: Can election year like 1966. lows. The Misses Helen Smock and Dorothy Coe SECOND inside reason the United States in its have gone to Minneapolis to attend the Chris- was considered even more order to favor a doctor-or- peace plot TB germs survive very long In the absence of water will destroy th* Today, it is no longer adequate to have tian Endeavor meeting. important — namely, tho germs. The Central school team won the champion- strategy of not playing in- moisture or at tempera- a better mouse-trap for people to beat a tures below body heat? path to your door. You ship in the city schools basketball league. to Chinese hands by putting ' Dear Dr. Molner: I have to let them the Russians on the spot JfuL SihlL Must they be breathed was told recently that know you have it. In this we have been Seventy-Five Years Ago ' ' - . . 1891 during their bitter debate. In to be contagious? Can strong tea will Wll In- woefully lacking. To many Americans, we . they be transmitted by The papers were signed making Paul Kemp On March 29, one of the testinal worms and get are unknown hinterland. most important Communist handling an object? — rid of (hem without a partner of A. C. Dixon in the insurance busi- D. B. VISITORS to Mlnntiot* art invariably ness. conferences in tho last 48 harming the body. Is years will be held in Mos- this true?-MRS; F. G. impressed with what we have lo offer — J. Sllrneman arrived home from a two cow. It will see a final show- Pertinent questions. TB nor is that just a Chamber of Commerce months trip to the Pacific Coaat. down between the Russians germg ultimately die in an It won 't harm the body; blurb. With the possible exception only of and the Chinese, with pos- environment that does not unfortunately it won't get Florida, we probably have the biggest re- One Hundred Years Ago . . . 1866 sibly a diplomatic break re- suit them. rid of intestinal worms, peat vacation business of any state ln the A new national bank is soon to be opened sulting. The germs usually enter either. There are differ- Union. We happened in this city. The preliminary steps have been Russian politicians the body by being breath- ent types of worms and to be at a Minnesota have ed, resort last summer, frequented by families taken , and permission granted by the Treasury been traveling around the but also frequently are each requires a particular passed on via the mouth medication. from Kansas City and Omaha, We were Department. Communist world cam- amazed to paigning for the votes of and Intestinal tract. Thus if find most of the families splash that will stand out in national at you handle an object that NOTE TO MRS . A.D.: had been coming Communist countries It is true that fibroid tu- to Minnesota every yenr tention, Chinese, has been touched recently for 10, 15 and 20 or more years. against the The mors sometimes shrink af- A vaca- sliitatlon Is not unlike an by a patient with tubercu- tion in Minnesota had become a family WE NEED a •late-wide drive to con- losis, it may carry the ter a woman reaches me- vince our legislators American election during nopause; your doctor's ad- tradition. This, we understand, is not un- that failure to pub- which, at times , Khrushchev germs, and by touching typical — for Minnesota licize our state adequately is false econo- vice to wait and watch la one of the few deliberately tried not lo your face, nose or mouth, makes sense. states which has retained Its natural my, and that we should grasp the tremen- rock tho International boat yo\( risk putting the germs beauty and wildlife. dous opportunities at our door step. in favor of the American whore they can flourish. a right wing. Likewise . It Safety lies in knowing this, Interstate highways , by sharply reduc- He was In all point* tempted like as we was decided ln the John- and In washing your hands. ing driving-time, are bri nging us much •r«, yet without «ln.—Heli rewa VAS, son administration not lo ^ Incidentally, clothing or "closer" to the great popalatlon centers of do anything which would linen used by someone with cAR the Midwest. There is now a potential mar- rock the boat in fnvor of TB will be made safe by f ket of 50 million people awaiting us. WINONA DAILY the Chinese. laundering, or by airing In ^ NEWS sunlight. Dishes used by TROUBLES? THE TASK OF attracting »ourl»t* and An Jn .Jcpc .icle . it Newspaper — Established 185$ THE U.N. Security dMiale such a patient preferably % Everything Solved J_m attracting new industries, arc not unrelat- would have put the Rus- should be kept % Ina . JIffyl S W. F. WHITE G. R. C».oaw/_Y C, E. LINDEN separate . ed. Florida once was n state where the sians on the spot by forc- from dishes used by others, Ptiblis.i <.r Exec. Director Business Mgr. ing them to vetq pence "With three children to raise, that's the way I tourist trade was virtually its only busi- and Editor & Adv. Director although thorough washing talks. The Chinese hove should dross. " in] hot soapy < Jrs. Aulo Service} ness. Gradually, as people came and saw , or detergent .C W. J. Coi.t A DOLPH B BKMUR A. J. K IKKBU sen V 118 Franklin Industry followed. Today, the heavy move- THE WIZARD OF ID . By Parkar ment of industry to Florida Managing Mi/or Cily Edit or Circulation Mgr, and Hart , has caused it ^^ ~ ™ ~ ™ ~ T^ ? r ™ ~! ¦¦¦¦¦^ .¦_¦¦¦». ¦ to exceed the tourist trade as that state's L. S, BnoNK F. II. K IACGK l. V. ALSTON *"~*—'— ¦' " —»——-- > _ !¦'¦* , prime source of income, Compos/up Siip_. Press Svpt. Engraving Supt , WILLIAM fl. ENGLI SH One of the questions asked Governor GOHDON HOLT* Kolvaag while In Austin was why Minne- Comptroller Sund ay Editor xTTDx CUEII sota has always spent so v«ry little in com- MEMBER OF TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS psrison with many states in publicizing our attractions , He replied that he felt the FURNACE Tlie \"' legislature has not appreciated the value Associated Press Ls en- JOIBK of advertising. „• titled exclusively to tho use for OIL I republication of all the local Minnesota shoul d not only start spend- £ news printed In (his newspaper 1 Burmeister Co. ing in the amount it has neglected to spend as well ns "I \ P. news dis- J52 Watt iSecond Strati for many years in publicizing the slate , § patches. PHONB 2344 but it should start spending to make a I'Vldi' bi liary 25, Mfifl ^VHMH J Cotter Parents Mythniasters Will Discuss Jazz Concert "Teenagers Slated Suridaf CD Classes Expected "Teen-agers Search for Identi- The Winona State College ty" will be the topic at the Cot- Rhythmasters, directedby Fred Heyer, will present a concert Tb ter Home School meeting Mon- At^ , day at 8 p.m. in the school's Sunday at 8 p.m. in Somsen Enrollment in the current se- gram, now in its second week activity room. : Auditorium. ries . of civil defense survival today counts an enrollment of Speakers will be ' Sister Ro- There will be no admission preparedness cla_se» now In more than 360 and this will be mans, head of the psychology charge, and the public is invit- progress at seven schools swelled with the opening of department at the College of ed. . X y l . city ia expected ' College Saint Teresa; Lee EL Roberts, The Concert originally waa throughout the classes at St Mary s counselor at Winona Public scheduled for Feb. 6 but was to exceed 40O, survival training Monday, together with addition- Schools, and Miller Friesen, pro- postponed because of the death director Lewis H. Schoening re- al registrations expected at oth- gram director of the Hiawatha of Dr. E. L. Ragar, a member ported today. er training sessions. Valley Mental . -'¦ Schoening said that the pro- Health Center. of the faculty. . . EVENING ciasMs ran for Dr. M. L. DeBolt Will be mod- The program will consist of: 2Vt hours while an. hourly day- erator, A " "Down by the Old Mill Stream, time schedule has been arrang- A question-answer session will ''Spelunker's Folly,"- Jump for follow. Coffee will be served. Joe," "Jazz Theme and .' Varia- ed for seniors at Winona Sen- TOE ENGAGI_MENT of tions," "Spoonful of Sugar,' - Ml Volume ior High School and Cotter High School Schoening said that non- Miss Barbara Ruth Wahl, "Three for You>' "Willow Weep . St. Agnes Counci I for 1 Me," "Mr. Tubbs," (drum students also may attend the formerly of Winona, is an- daytime sessions at the tw» nounced bjr her parents, Mr. feature), "A Taste of Honey," Organizing Glub " "Yes- Increases at high schools. R; Wahl, who "Strollin'," "Estrellita, For Hobbyists and Mra. Glen terday" and "Hoedown." Certification In survival pre-* now live in Rochelle, Bl. Heyer has arranged several paredness requires that a per- KELLOGG, Minn. {Special) - Miss Wahl will be married of these numbers himself. Two son attend at least four of the A hobby club was organized and March 12 in Rochelle to'Bo-... have been arranged by Orrin Lewiston Co-op regularly scheduled five classes. reports heard at the Feb. 17 bert L. Terlep, Cleveland, Hager, Silver Lake, senior at I___WISTON, Mlnru (Special) The complete program provides meeting of St. Agnes Parish Ohio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Winona State. - ' James Olson Was elected to a total of 12 hours of instruc- Council. The — " '¦ ¦:' group met in the Rudolph Terlep, Elkart, Ind. Members of the band are: MRS. COSTELLO.. . The a three-year term cm. the Lew^ tion. . .• : church hall, with Mrs. Richard HUU Schoening said today that the a *UM_ w^WH__ __^H|__a__H_H_____H_HBm«gflnHS _ il^______^^ Miss WaU, a graduate of Trumpets: Leonard Purrington, former Miss Merry Edith iston Cooperative Creamery Hartert presiding. Alnaa,.': Wis.; Michael Tentis, current series afford those who (BtBlon Sludlo) Winona Senior High School, Cady, now Mrs. Lawrence board , of directors "Wednesday, Volunteer organizing commit- Lanesboro; Gary Urness, Wino- previously had enrolled in the Mr. and Mrs* Jerome Poeschel attended Winona State Col- Costello, was married Feb. He - replaced Frank THiller, who tee for the Hobby Club includes na; Terry "Vatland, Mabel, and program! but for one: reason or the Mmes. Paul Sehouweiler lege and is * currently em- 5 at Lewiston (Minn.) had served nine years. , Douglas Wood. 192,569 pounds of another won unable to com- Jerome Poeschel Joseph Flies and Agnes Stam- ployed as a stewardess with Church of the Brethren. She A total of 21, milk was processed in 1965, an plete the course to satisfy re- schror, who will be assisted by United Air Lines, Newark, Ttomtxmei are; Orrin. Hager; and Mr. Costello are at quirements for certification. : Nuptials Held Mrs. Joseph Walierieh and Mrs. Carol Jeche, Spring , Valley; increase: of 121,500 pounds over N.J; Her fiance is employed home in Des Moines . follow- 1964, Biltter production was up In Durand Church Claire Hall. The dub is to be by the Ansul Co. , Qeveland. Jay Johnson, Bastings, and ing a wedding trip to Mi- BE EXPLAINED that fine CD Nicholas Mydra, North St. Paul. 63,000 pounds In 1965 from the organization has records on at- open to people of any religion ami, Fla. The bride is the DURAND, Wis. — At home Saxophones are: Fred Heyer; 1964. total. Butter produced to- tendance of the&e former en- or age.: daughter of Mrsi Harold at Durand. Rt. 1, are Mr, and Duane Lee, Melrose , Wis.; Ver- taled 1,008,456 pounds, a .new rollees, some of whom need Mrs. . Hartert reported oh the Trempealeau County Cady, Lewiston. A complete - 'yX '.; ' Mrs. Jerome Poeschel, follow- Wabasha Deanery meeting on non Suchla, Arcadia, Wis.; Ted record. . only one session to complete re- ing their Feb. 19 marriage at "Family Life," held in Kellogg Arts-Crafts Show Thiele, Austin and Michael story of the wedding appear- Returns from dairy products quirements. He urged those who St. Mary- s , the Feb. 6, Wilder, Spring Valley; ed in the Wednesday Daily totaled , $784,952, the annual re- had started the course and then ^ - Rev. Stephen Anderl received It was voted to purchase Open to Non-Pros Rhythm will be provided by: ¦New .s., . : port showed. Returns fiom ice dropiped out to enroll for requir- their vows, - John Durfey, Winona, bass; Da- cream; cheese, feed, fruit juice, shades for windows in the new WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) ed class sessions being held Tlie the former Miss parish hall. Named to serve on vid Heyer, Winona, drums, and patrons supplies and equities now. ' ' : Sherrie Krings, daughter of Mr. —Trempealeau Country painters Jan Schreiber; Winona, piano. added another $3,850. a committee for the project ' Catholic Laws It also was announced that and Mrs. Eldon Krings. Her were , the Mmes. Arthur Hager, and craftsmen may enter the . Musicians for this perform- The cosH>rice squeeze left makeup classes will be arrang- husband is the son of Mr. and Anthony Sharpe and ;LeroyHill and Valley Town and Coun- ance are provided by a grant Discssed at only a small balance after ex- ed to help persons enrolled m Mrs. William Poeschel. from the Music Performance penses and payments to patrons this series to obtain certifica- Speedling. try Arts and Crafts Exhibition Trust Fund through the cooper- St. Pau^s ; * Given in marriage by her fa- Mrs. Harry Balow, Catholic at the> Wilton Elementary School had been deducted. tion. ther, to bride wore a floor- ation of the International Musi- ' : Relief chairman, reported on March 24-25, according to Carol ' :¦ ' ¦¦ MINNESOTA Cmr, Minn. -, Patrons received $744,450 for Enrollment may . be : made hy length gown of nylon organza cians Union, Local 453. 21, foreign relief, stressing the need L. Anderson, Trempealeau The Rev. George Moudry, pas- 290,426 pounds of cream and attending a class at the time with a scoop neckline, long tap- articles. milk. for Pope's Storehouse County home economics agent. tor of St: ' Paul's- ' :'. Catholic and place most convenient. ered sleeves, fitted bodice and were requested to Non-professional painters and Coop assets are 5123,256 and In encouraging former en- bouffant . skirt The skirt had Members Brownsvilie VFW : . continue sewing infants' lay- craftsmen not receiving more Church, spbke on changes be- liabilities are $61,175. rbllees who were unable to com- tiers at the back which fell into . MISS SHARYN GRACE ettes, girls' first Communion than half of their total income Aux i I i a ry Meets ing made In ths church laws Bert Aldrich, Chkago, repre- plete the course previously, a chapel-length train. Her illu- for both from the field of art teaching, senting the fl. C. Christian Co., Schoening; said that there are sion veil cascaded from an or- CHRIST-SON'S engagement dresses and clothing BROWNSVILLE, Mini. when St. Paul's Council of Cath- fine art work or commercial il- - An- Chicago, where much of the co- 173 who, in the past six years, ganza petal cloche/ accented to the Rev. Ted Hilpert, boys and girls. . nouncements and reports were olic Women met Tuesday even- Minneapolis, son of Mr. and it was announced; that there lustration are qualified. op's milk is sold, was guest have attended clashes bat have with aeed pearls. She carried a Originally created pieces are made at the Monday evening ing in the parish hall. Mrs. Arthur J. Hilpert; Ber- Will be rio meeting in March. speaker. He told the patrons not completed requirements for cascade bouquet of red roses. played during appropriate. Pictures may be in meeting of the Auxiliary to the He said that it Is important that the 1966 outlook for dairy tha, Minn;, is announced by Cards were ^ leroy D. Holzwarth Veterans of certification. During this period MRS. GERALD Poeschel, ma- ¦ hour, featuring a Mardi water color, oil pastel, tempe- that everyone know why these producers is better than it has 833 have been certified. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' . „ social * Foreign Wars Post 6801. Mrs. tron ef honor, and Mrs: Dennis Gras party, including attire, ra, pencil and graphics; Crafts changes are being made. Peo- been for several years. Current C. Bauer and Miss Judi Krause, Charles Christlson, Plain- prizes. " that can be shown are baskets Robert Mitchell presided. production is down about 20 per- NEXT WEEK'S schedule i noisemakers and It was announced that the dis- ple should know how to adapt bridesmaids, wore ruby red View, Minn. The wedding is Hostesses serving lunch were and mats, boobs, ceramics, cent and the available supply is Monday — Winona Secretari- trict meeting will be held themselves to given situations floor-length dresses fashioned planned for July. Miss the - Mmes. H a r t e r t, Clara leather, jewelry and metal. \ about equal to the demand, he al School, third class, 1:45 p.m. with Velvet bodices and crepe Christison is an occupation- , Walierieh, William This exhibit is under the . joint March : 13 at Faribault, Mima, In regard to the new law of fast said. X/ .;- -X.y Xxy. (Use Wabasha Street entrance.) Sehouweiler ques- sheath skirts. Pastel pink long al therapist at Glenwood . Graner and George Lamey Jr. sponsorship of the Monroe Coun- and that the chairman's arid abstinence, he said. Holdover directors are: Theo- Tuesday — St. Mar^s ^Cnl* ty Agriculture Extension office, tionaires must be returned to lege Room 101 sleeves and scoop necklines Hills Hospital, Minneapolis. Mrs. William Emmons re- dore Thesing, William Ne^jlner, , , St. MfifyVHalV the University of Wisconsin Col- the president before March 31. starting clasS, 7:3(> p.m. Col- complimented the e m pi re Her fiance is assistant pas- ' " • Lowell Barkheim and Lester waists highlighted by delicate W. A; Dimmitts lege of Agriculture and the Wis- . . lira. . Donald Whltesltt, Red ported on the Januiary WCCW Luehmann_ lege of Saint Teresa, Room 101 tor of Holy Triune Lutheran consin Rural Artists Associa- Cross first aid instructor, an- floral bandings of lace. Roses ' meeting and Mrs. Marvin Roger Bacon Center, second Church, Minneapolis. He al- Will Reside tion. ., ' • . nounced that she will teach the O'Grady on decent and inde- centered in petals of velvet held FARM BUREAU MEETING class, 7:30 p.m. Winona State so is doing counseling -psy- . . For further information arid Standard Red cross course, be- cent literature. The women College Boom 331; Somsen Hall their blush veils and each car- In Minneapolis ST. CHARLES, ; Minn. — , , rose. chology graduate work at ^ entry blanks, contact the Trem- ginning March 8. Those inter- were reminded to start work- second class 7:30 p.m. Winona ried a single red ' Patricia Three Winona County Farm Bu- , Tainmy Poeschel -was flower . the. University of Minnesota. OSSEO, Wis. - Miss pealeau County Extension of- ested were asked to notify her ing on articles for the Pope's Senior High School, Room 156, Ann Thompson, Minneapolis, fice. ¦ reau leaders studied farm group ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ before that date. - ¦ Storehouse. girl and Eddie Jo Krings, broth' - ¦ second class, 7 p.m. daughter of Mrs. Marjorie : ¦ . . • policy development, policy exe . er of the bride, ring bearer. Donations were made to Cub Mrs. August Jilk announced cution and membership activi- Wednesday — Cotter High Gerald Poeschel, brother of Corn we I l-Unnasch Thompson, Osseo Rt. 2, and Wil- Pack 226 and to the National that the annual Mulligan stew Minne- Roslyn Rbhrers ties at a onenday district lead- School, audio-visual room, sec- the groom, was best man and liam Anthony Dimmitt, Home Library and it was voted supper will be held in the parish ond class, 7:30 p.m. Washing- Wedding Held at apolis, son of Mr. and Mrs. ership conference Tuesday at Dennis C. Bauer and Mario Bau- Note 25th Year to purchase new flag stands. hall March 17- starting at I Owatonna. They were: Clarence ton-Kosciusko School, audio-vis- er, groomsmen. Ushers were George Ommitt, Hurnbird, Announcement was made of p,m.;", ' Nodine Church 19 at Mundt, St. Charles* president; ual room, second class, 7:30 Tom Krings and Duane Poesch- Wis,, were married Feb. LEWISTON, Minn. (Special) the annual awards banquet to A third in a series of card p;m. " - ' Holy Guardian Angels TT-MT. and Mrs. Roslyn Rohrer Donald R. Wilson, Utica, vice ¦*i.. : NODINE, Minn. — Miss Shar- the be held March 26. The Mmes. parties will be held March 19 president Daytime Classes — Cotter Church, Brackett, Wis. The Rev. celebrated their silver wedding , and Ellsworth Simon, A reception for 200 guests was on Unnasch, daughter of Mr. Ronald levendoski, Aaron Holz- at 7:3D p.m. in the parish hall. Utica, chairman of the state leg- High School, audio-visual room, held at the Lima Church hall, and Mrs. George Unnasch, La John Rossiter officiated. anniversary at their home Sun- warth and Robert Blair will be Schafskopf, 500 and other games day by serving islative committee. New health Tuesday ahd Thursday, one- after which the newlyweds left Crescent, Minn.i Rt. 2, became Miss Jacqueline Thompson, a buffet dinner in charge. will be played. Cash prizes will was maid of to relatives and friends. insurance contracts for persons hour classes 8:40 a.m. to 3 p.m. for a short wedding trip. the bride of Lawrence Corn- the bride's sister, Hostesses were the Mmes. Joe be awarded and lunch served. Winona Senior High School au- Mrs, James Ulesich, Mrs. Reuben Snhr poured and over 65 and eligible for Medi- , well, son of Mr. and Mrs. La- honor and Tooraey, Whitesitt, John Blair Mrs. Leo Jilk presided. Lunch care were explained. State ditorium, Wednesday and Fri- Wis., Miss Alice Hoff, Sirs. Merlin Haeuser served the Vern Cornwell, La Crescent, Rt. Kenosha, and Henry Cordes. was served to 21 members. Farm Bureau membership was day, one-hour classes 3 to It cake ¦ ¦ ¦ - ' ¦ ' she had baked and ¦ Darell dec- . Whitehall Club 2, Feb. 19 . Minneapolis, and Mrs: . La Crosse, brides- orated. Relatives attended from announced at 26,790. a.m. and 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Tp Present Parade The wedding was in St. John's Stellingwerf, maids. - Cochrane, Alma, Eau Claire, Blair Woman Alma Auxiliary Evangelical Lutheran Church, and Fountain City, Wis., and Of American Music Richard Dimmitt, Humblrd* Nodine, with the Rev, William and Gary Thomp- Lewiston and Utica. Notes 85th Year Initiates Seven WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) Godfrey officiating. was best man - . ' ¦ -fry^ Osseo; Dan Laffe, Alma yii —• In observance of American son, BLAIR, Wis. (Special) — Mrs. ALMA, Wis. (Special) — Sev- /% Miss Loris Schwarz was or- Center, Wis., and John Marek, Amanda Johnson, wbo shares Music Month and the 12th an- ganist and Miss Diane Timmsen en members were initiated when Mrs. Roger Schroed- Minneapolis, groomsmen. Ush- her home here with her son-in- the American Legion Auxiliary niversary of the parade of er and Miss Eleanor Steififeldt Schmidt, Alma American music, the Whitehall ers were Larry Honored at Shower law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. met in the clubrooms. « sang. Center, and James Ulesich, Ke- Lloyd (Doris) Johnson, observed Music Study Club Will present a KELLOGG, Minn (Special)- Donations were made for re- The bride wore a gown of nosha. . her 85th birthday Wednesday. habilitation parade of American music at silk organza and lace Miss Diane Timmsen was hon- stamps and to Ra- , styled Richard Kolden. Osseo, was Mrs. Johnson gets about in a dio Free Europe. An the Trempealeau County Hospi- with a long-sleeved bodice with ored Sunday afternoon at a mis- article on ring bearer and Barbora Mayer, wheelchair since fracturing a Americanism was read by Mrs. tal Monday at 7 p.m. a sabrina neckline trimmed with rirl cellaneous bridal shower at- To pay homage to American Alma Center, flower . hip two years ago. She can walk Ray Salisbury. It was announc- IS* mm sequins and pearls. The bouf- tended by 125 relatives and a little with the use of a crutch. (wuAd he y ou) composers, the music of John fant floor-length skirt was ap- THE BRIBE, given in mar- friends. The party was held ed that patterns are available H| George M. Coh- The former Amanda Strum for making booties Phillips Sousa, pliqued with lace as was- the riage by her brother , LeRoy in the Methodist Church hall, for use at an, Sigmund Romberg, Stephen . WAS born on a farm near here veterans hospitals and B Then once teat a got named Sue, Watteau train. Thompson, wore a satin em- where games were played and on Feb. 23, 1881. Following her also l>£n Foster, Meredith Wilson, Allan broidered lace gown, which fea- prizes awarded. wheel chair bags. Anyone inter- «_f 7/ \\ V/fco alvoayt knew what to do. Jay Lerner, Frederick Loewe, She carried a crescent bou- marriage to Thaddeus Johnson, quet of roses and white hya- tured an empire waist bodice Assisting with opening gifts they lived In North Dakota 12 ested can contact Mrs. Salis- j ? H Started her sterling,the very fretdag Richard Rodgers and Oscar of lace with scalloped lace at were Mrs bury. ^V Shm noticed that Bob wot looking her UMty. Haramerstein 11 will be pre- cinth flowerlets. . Victor Klein and Miss years arid several years at Miss Darlene Cornwell was the neckline. A satin A-line skirt Sharon Timmsen, sisters of the Winger, Minn., before coming to Lunch was served to 30 mem- sented by club members. had a detachable bouffant chap- bride-elect. bers by the Mmes. Leonard Pur- Coffee will be served. maid of honor and Miss Bar- ' the Blair area. By the tim *he propoted, we're glad el train. A lace crown trimmed Lunch was rington, Ryland Michaels and £v*^ bara Jansen, bridesmaid. They served by the Mrs. Johnson has one son, 90 kav, Her 70WLE collectionturn wore long gowns of nile-green with pearls held her silk illu- hostesses: the Mmes. William Paul, Blair. Her other children Bernard Vowinkle. Hostess L-* ¦uxll on Ut way. ^. SMITH OPEN HOUSE and cherry-pink organza over sion veil. She carried a bouquet Christenson, Williams Zickrick , are Mrs, Elmer (Evelyn) Ever- prize was won by Mrs. James /JM I LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) white feather- Brevick. Her folkt and jrknde taffeta in an empire . Their of red roses with Herman Gander Jr., and Victor son, Blair; Mrs. Gilbert (Alma) (ttoe the rtst* />rr/« >-Mr. and Mrs. Axel Smith will ed carnations. Austinson, Greshara matching flowered hats were Klein and the Misses Sharon , Ore., and Sue then wai mm the gpttiat bert., •j ^J.vM_ ^ observe their golden wedding worn with shaped veils. They Her attendants wore ruby-red Timmsen, Carol Ratz and Char- Mrs. John (Phyllis) Buchanan, SKATING PARTY anniversary at an open house carried crescent bouquets oi velvet, floor-length dresses with lene Standacher. Fernley, Nev. She has 25 grand- LEWISTON, Minn. (Special) Sunday at First Lutheran scoop necklines and elbow- Miss Timmsen's marriage to children and 40 great-grandchil- —St. John's Luther League will Church. Hours will be from 2 green and pink-tinted and white pompons. length sleeves. Satin banding Donald Wcirather, Kellogg, will dren. sponsor a skating party Sunday to 5 p.m. I .o cards have been edged the empire waistlines and from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. The pub- issued. Karen Cornwell, who was be March 12 at the Methodist flower girl, satin bows accented the backs Church. lic la welcome to attend. wore a floor-length ¦ gown of lace and tulle, styled of the stieath gowns. Flower Railway Women's ~ and petal headpieces ln ruby- PUBLIC CARD PARTY with a bouffant skirt and ruf- Club Entertained BLAIR, Wis. (Special) — Res- fles. She wore a crown with a red held their circular veils. Eagles Auxiliary A reception was held at Vl's Chicago and North Western idents of the Lakes Coulee area short veil. Plans Two Dinners have scheduled another public Arthur Cornwell was best Supper Club here. Railway Women's Club and The newlyweds will be at their husbands were entertain- card party Saturday evening at man and David Jansen was Two public dinners were plan- the Lakes Coulee schoolhouse. groomsman. Scott Krage was home at 2929 Bryant Ave, S., ned when the Eagles Auxiliary ed at a potluck supper Thurs- Minneapolis. day evening at the home of Mrs, Prizes will be awarded and ring bearer. Ushers were Loren met Monday evening. lunch served. Moldenhauer and Steven Bobo. The bride ls a graduate of A chicken dinner will be Irwin teonhnrt. TOWLE STE R Ll NG ^Stf L^Sl | A luncheon reception was giv- Osseo High School and the Wi- served at the hall March 5. Cards were played following MUNSON RECEPTION of course en in the church basement. nona Secretarial School. She is Serving will begin at 5 p.m. the supper with prizes in schaf- SPRING GROVE , Minn. (Spe- ^®^^^V The newlyweds are living with employed as a medical secre- Mrs. LeRoy Anderson ls in skopf won by Mrs. Andrew Sny- cial) — A reception honoring the groom's parent , for tho tary In Minneapolis. Her hus- charge of arrangements. Tick- der, Mrs. Fred Enfetman and Mr. and Mrs. John Munson )nee Alma Cen- 'Sua h«d resl*l«ed her ptt ttrn ^jjM^fflBk 'IsJlSk time being. band, a graduate of ets may be purchased at the William Roth, and In 500 by Norma Myrah) will be held at prefersne ^ ter High School and the Voca- . with w, to otlt«r* knew ^D?l83s_k ^^V_ Tho bride attended Luther Eagles Club. March 26 is the Mrs. A, J. Kamrowski and Mrs, the Trinity Lutheran Church •ixactly wh»C the needed.,. ' [ANDw \ High School Wis, tional and Technical Institute, Helen White. parlors, Sunday from 2 to 4:30 T__?JT_V ^|M- ' »t\iseiW^ll\ , Onalaska, date of the turkey dinner. Tic- aJh^__l ¦ Tho groom attended Winona Eau Claire , works In the re- kets may be obtained from tyrs. p.m. Senior High School and is em- search department at the Uni- Bernard Smith. SCHOLARSHIP DRIVE ployed . at Gateway Products, versity of Minnesota. High score ln schafskopf went GAU5SVILLE, Wis. (Special) serving graduate. Present hold- La Crosse. ALMA PmilANS to Mrs. John Kozlowski and in -Galesvillo High School PTA er of tho scholarship is Mary ALMA, Wis. (Special)—Prizes 500 , Mrs. Peter Giemza, Auxil- will solicit parents for a dona- Mahoney , Ettrick, who is at- Strvlng Piece*, from |6.00 __2__IK W ^^_ N Win With TOPS were won by Miss Gloria Miller, iary gifts went to the Mmes . tion of $2 each for a $200 schol- tending the state university at ^^ ^ Miss Gladys Stohr and Mrs. Arthur Bnrd, Kozlowski and arship fund to bo given a de- Eau Claire. Plans Dutch Treat Wllma Wenger at the Feb. 16 Walter Blum. Mrs. Edson Haz- I ^^W»»^|S}f _!-T\ CI»»«C» "" K meeting ef tho Pythian Sisters, elton presided, Members of the Win With Hostesses were Mrs. Anna Duer- TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sen- Q) kop nnd Miss Clara Accola. SUNNVS1DE CLUB DR. C. R. KOLLOFSKI 9 »m, through p.m. lager ^j ewelty ^© SAT. AND SUN. sibly) Club and their husbnnda Next meeting will bo Wednesday BLAIR, Wis. (Special) - Don- * ^ will have a Dutch treat party o l» :l AT 1:15 AND 3:15 with Mrs. Alden Wlberg and ald Anderson will show slides DR. MAX L DEBOLT S*1""1** 12' ° at the Oaks. Minnesota City, Miss Gladys Stohr. of his recent trip to Florida. Saturday at B:15 p.m. Mrs. Vir- Capo Kennedy and the Grand • Optometrltte gil Smith Is In charge of ar- ed with Group 1 losing the most Ole' Opry at a meeting Sunday GJ lore rangements. weight. Group 2 will buy break- evening of the Sunnysido Com- Tnm i> AND W AIN ST«. P IIOVK (WM) - 3631 .. . A contest, which divided tho fast for the winning group at munity Club at the Sunnyslde Third & Cantor HMa club into two groups, has (tid- the Happy Chef on March 9. school. yiMjh^ ^/y ^^i - WJ ha° ^-"'fa Smets tr ^ SALVATION ABM* FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Lutheran Services 012 W. Srt St.) . (Wast Broadway and Johnson) : Lt. Patricia JToner The Rev. Harold Rekstad . • • '/:' FAITH LUTHERAN »:43 a.m.—Sunday seties!. .»;» a.rn.^-Youth class.. . (The Lutheran Church , : 10:45 a.m.--WorsMp, 10:30 a.m.—Worship, Church achool i:43 p.m.—Straet servlca. . classes tor children J years of age In America) 7:15 p.m.r-Evarwellstle service. through 10th grade, nursery for tots. W. Howard and Uncofri Sfrerf$) TueMdaji, 4 p.mi-Handlcraft meet- at Preludes by organist, Ailss June Sor- . The Rev, Orville M. Andersen Thurley Homes .* lien, "Glory Be to God," Bach, and 7:30 p.m.-Ladles Home League. ; "Andante Religiose," Helling. Anthem ' . -.JO a.m.—Worship. Sermon, "Faith 7:«3 p.m.-Couluellni) »ervlee regis- by senior choir, directed by Harold Ed- - . Tested." Prelude, Introduction to tration for string band; strom. Offertory, "Jesu, Priceless Treas- "A/Vount of Olive*"; offertory, "Arietta' . Thursday, ¦ 7130 p.m.—String bind prac- ure," Cruger. Sermon, "A Door Was • ¦ • • • ¦' postlude, "Tha Glory ot God In Nature," tice. • : .. Opened.'' Postlude, "Postlude In SI : .all by Beethoven: Mrs. Robert Trameln, I p.m.—Midweek prayer, Flat," Wlltberger. CoHae hour Irs Fel- organist. Nursery provided. . : . - .. ¦ . - .. lowship room. - Music committee will •; 10:3d. a.m.—Sunday church school tor meetv ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ CHURCH OF CHRIST - ¦ alt . agw, nursery through /adults. Sunday through Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. (I6«0 Kraemer Drive) ¦ • '• " 7:30 p.rn.—United Lenten service at —Uiilted Lenten strvlces; Central Melh- Central Methodist Church. Robert Qoatfta pdlsf: Church. Monday, 7^30 p.rn.—Martha circle villi V/ednesdey, 1:J0 p.m.—Women's Fallow- ^ 10 a.m.—Blbla school classes for all ship meeting. , . attend the united Lenten service as a - ¦' ahd will have a business nveetlng, ages. . Thursday; -3:45 p.m.—Junior choir, ?iroup —Worship. ol lowing ' lhal service, at the Marvel IT a.m. ' ' '¦ ¦ -6 p.m.—Worship. Sermon, "Lessons . 1 p.rn.—Senior choir. . Tensefh home. " from 1hs Prophets." tt . •: . Thursday; 6:30 p.m.—Senlor choir. Tuesday, p.m.—Ladles Bible study ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * ' .' ¦ ' • Saturday, 79. a.m.—Junior arid senior group. ' ' . .. . ¦ CENTRAL METHOblST eonflrmandi. Wednisday, : 7 p.m.-Prayar rria«tlnB (West Broadway and Main). X "X- I ¦ . ' ¦ X- and Bible atudy. x. Saturday, 9:30 a,m^-"WalK With ttie Dr. E. Clayton Burgess Master, - " ¦*¦¦ The Rev. William Hiebert, GOODVIEW TRINITY ¦ . . LUTHERAN CHURCH _ Assistant Pastor (Wisconsin Synod) MCKINLEY METHODisr ' ;¦¦' ¦ . -f :30 a.m.—Church "achool.for ail ages ,; (82 t p.m.—Senior choir, le:2)-}», 10:30 a.m. —Worship. Sermon, "Debo- 14:7-15. Special music by senior ctioln .m, on Saturdays, for fellowship and laisons, low In parish hell. 6:311 p.m. —¦ Joint meellnn wllh La vigils of fees) days and Thursdays Wodnetday, . p.m.- Senior conflrma. »:15 and 10: .3 n.m.--Sermon . and nair. " Text: Malt . 5. Anthem, "Crea. director, Mrs. R, M. Docken; organ- be- 7:30 p.m.—Worship . Sermon 4 p.m,-Glrl Scouts meet In parish Crosse lollowshlp al Lo Crosse YWCA, lore first Frldsyi, , "It 'Is tion clnss. worship snrrie as above. Organists, Miss lion, " Haydn; orcanlit, Miss Jonalle lit, Mri. James Martens. Nursery serv- Dangerous to Be a hall , IIO West Ave. So. Flnt Friday Massis—a a.m, and 3:15 Christian," 6:30 p.m .—Junior choir. Mary M«scnbrlng

Wllllama Hot*I & Annex Boland Manufacturing Co. Rainbow Jewelers Altura State Bank Fidelity Savings & Loan Att'n. Ho1*| Winona Ray Meyar and Staff Stin Boland and employes Mr. and Mri Frank Raines Membsr P .O.I.C. Prod O. . chilling and JtaH ladle Merits and Slatl

Brom Machine* & Foundry Co, Reinhnrd Winona Solas linahan's Restaurant W, T. Grant Dept. Store Goltr Pharmacy Able Agency Mrs. Maurlno Slroin and Stall Paul ktam and Employs* J. O. anil Kurt Relnher* Bill Linahan and Stall N, t. Dolls and Stall Bryan Able and Staff Burm»l»tar Oil Company Goodall Manufacturing Corp. Bob Selovor Realtors Polachek Electric Dale's Hiway Shell Service) Station Bunke s APCO Service . red Burmelilor Will Polachek Family Management ard Personnel ' Bob Selover end Stall Dale Olardrum and Bme>leyis ¦el Bunke and Employes Whit»ak«r Mo fine « Mfg. P. Earl Schwab Company Ruppert 's Grocery R. D. Whittaker aia employes H. Choate S, Company Winona Auto Sales Vi/atklm Products P. Marl Schwab Management and Panonnai , Inc. O. W. dray and tmpleyas Doctg* » Rambler — Management, anil Personnel Northern Statsi Pow«r Company Gordon Flanary a. Bmployn Winona Delivery & Transfer Co. Blesanx Concrete Service I. J. Pettersen and employes Peerless Chain Company Year-Round cencrala, land and Fa-wcett Funeral Horn*, Inc, A. W. "Ali" fefrtfcury Oravat Supplier Wlrtona, Mlnmsola Bauer Bleclrlc, Inc. Warner & Swats/ Company Ruaiell Bauer and Stall Cone's Ace Hardware Kareten Construction Ca, Badger Division Employes Dunn Blacktop Co. Morgan Jewelry Store George Kereten All Em ploy is Ivan II, Oavni and Stall Sttve Morgan and Slatl Winona Ready-Mixed Concrete Ruth's Restaurant Siebrecht Floral Company llenrv Scharrrer tut fimplcyei Winona Electric Construction Rulh Denning and Hall Lakeside Cities Service Station lake Center Switch Co, Chas. Slabrechl and Impleyes Lee P, Kemp and Bmployts Robert Koopman and Fred . iIHa HI way & Downtown Country Center Beauly Salon Springdale Dairy Company Madison Slice Kitchens Culligan Soft Water Service Richard Barnis en the late Dr. E. Herbert Town- Paullnt Solberp; nonorlolnal: oratory, Walk-ins will be welcome.; Honors Scout Services tween religion and science. The "God Has Overcome" will be send, La Crosse physician and Vlkkl Bay and Paul Hogden, with John Larion, alttrnata . pros* rtadlmMtobMl RUSHFORD, Minn. (Specif ALTURA tour will start in Sydney, Aus- the title of the Monday sermon. surgeon. He was educated in Engnmgan and Evelyn Wagner, with Car- — The God and Country award Jahovah Lurharan worUilp, » a.m. tralia Tuesday and will extend Rev. Allan W. Townsend Its text will be "God has shown La Crossie public schools and ol SiVerson, alltrrntt. Hebron Moravian worship and : Com- throiigh Original oratory—Lynn e ridden and of the Boy Scouts of. America munion, 9:15 a.m.. Sunday school and most : of ¦ the world dtjr- was graduated from La Crosse ROM Jacobson,' with Day* Kasta, alter- Tavern Entered ¦dull study class, 10:30' a.m. ,Wadrtas- ing the year. - . • '. Central High in 1952, : having nate; declamation—Lanl Schilling and was presented to Larry Peder- day—Released 11m* ' religious classes, :f Mary Waaon, with Sacla Baft, alttrnata, a.m.; . Joint Lenten service at Bethany, 8 In April will come the pub- LENTEN SE RMONETTE won achievements in athletics and play reading—Nancy Hitler, Mlchelll sen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chial- ' p.m. Saturday—Confirmation : Instruction music; Mulhenwi , ' Larry Petenon and Mary Pedersen, Rushford, al lication of "A- Century of Chris- and "" mer class, 8:4J a.m. Stellll-t. Al Trempealeau services at United Presbyter- BBTHAMr .;. . . . ¦ .; tian Science . Healing'' which is He : attended La Crosse State . Four-mlnuta sp_aklnB, Lola Haniton and Lyell Montgomery, with Joan (Special) Moravian worship and Communion, expected to be of wide inter- Cant- WHITEHALt, Wis. ian Church here Sunday. University and St. Olaf College, lon, alternate) extemporaneoua ipeaklng, f. li a.m.i Sunday icttool and adult — Trempealeau County Sheriff est The book; will provide Theodora Twesme; poetry reading, Gwan Larry, a first class Scout, was study, class, 10:15 a.m. Wednesday- . a Northfelid, receiving the bach- chrotdcle , tenf^ one/ |?€pert^ Gorman and Nancy Guthrie, with Mar- Eugene Bijold is investigating presented by Clayton Rbelpfs. Joint Lenten swvlce, 8 p.m. Saturday of the development of elor of arts degree from St. Olaf garet Otsoh, alternate —Conlirmatlon : Instruction class, 8.-4J . a theft of between $100 and a ruling elder of the congre- ' ' " ¦¦ -¦ ' spirtual healrig, ba_sd on church in 1957. He taught high school .a.m. •' . . • V (Edt.or's Note: The Rev. Armin U.; Deye , St. Martin 's $125 from Olson's Bar at Tremp- CEDAR VALLEY records. It will include an ex- English at Park Rapids, Minn., gation and roundtable commis- LiitherctTi Church, Missouri Synod , contributes sorne XJ itting ealeau village, which occurred sioner for the Root River Dis- Lutfier«n Sunday school, 10:15 a.m. . planation of the differences be- thoughs for the Lenten season'.X v - v before entering McCormick The- worship, sermon, "As God Sees IV 11 ^ Arcadia Churches Monday night or early Tuesday trict. a.m, Wednesday—Lentani »«rvlct at Ct- tween spiritual healing and cur- ological Seminary, Chicago. He d«r Valley, I p.m. rent methods of psychotherapy was graduated from McCormick morning. The Rev. John W. Pereboom ¦¦- Lent comes to a Christian community- with much bitterness X ELBVA - . . - . Set Lenten Rites presented the award to Larry, and psychosomatic medicine. ' ", - - in 1961. . Entry Wasi gained by prying Lutheran family . worship, 1:30 -a.rri. i and sweetness.' . open the back -door. Nickles, who iii turn gave replicas jn church school, 9:40 a.m.; family worship TODAY, The* bitterness of Lent is the call to repeiit. "Repent" is He was then awarded 'a $1,500 ARGADIAy "Wis. (Special) — service, 10:50 a.m.; youth league to- THE church has a dimes and quarters were taken - '. Lenten services will be held the form of pins to his parents, bogganing party¦ with groups 1 and 2 healing ministry carried ' on by a strong word. V7e. - don't want to change our way of life. We've fellowship for advanced study In charge, 2 p;m. Tiiesdey—Senior two Wednesdays during Lent at from the pinball machine and In the last two years Larry more than 7, pub- developed into what we are and most of use are pretty well in creative writing from the di- choir, rehearsa l, 7 , p.m.; . dim festival 000 full-time Trinity Evangelical IJnIte d juke box and pennies from the has met tlie requirements oi Lentejn : service, 8 p.rrii lic Christian Science practition- satisfied with ourselves. "I've made up rny mind; please don't vision of radio and television of ' Brethren Church, announced cash register. Also missing were the by participating in . ,. .¦TtRICIQ; disturb me with the facts," has miore truth than humor. the United Presbyterian Church. the award . . ers in over 40 countries. Cases eight cartons of cigarettes, four the usual forms of worship and St. Bridget's Catholic Sunday Mass, .: But the facts call for a change. I have sinned today, I had He studied at Northwestern Un- Rev. Ruwal Freese, pastor. 7:30 end 10:15 a.m.; weekday Mass ex- brought to them cover the whole Dr. Surender Singh, a native cases of beer and 24 6-packs of Christian education; ushering; cept Saturday, 7 p.m. Saturday AAass, a chance to speak a kind word, but I got more iversity for a year as a special range of humanity's, problems of India, will preach a special beer; assisting the pastor in the con- 1:30 j>.m. and conditions, moral and phy- satisfaction from "telling someone off." I had a student. In 1963 he received ia ; Hardies Creek Lutheran Sunday school, $2,000 fellowship from the Mu- service Wednesday, Dr. Singh Is Andrew Olson, bar operator, duct of public worship; creating 10 a.m.; worship; 11 a.m. sical, and they, are just as apt right for a gripe. I forgot that I live in a house* - Luthsran worship. ¦ and a professor Trt Grosse State , a parish map locating the Living Hope to be dealing with alienation, in- of glass and enjoyed letting off steam and sic Corporation of America for a* appeared before ; Judge A: L 10:30 a.m.. confirmation at 10:30 a.m.; graduate study in dramatic writ- University and a supply pastor Twesme here Tuesday and members of the congregation, Sunday school, » a.m. Tuesday—Circles justice, poverty* ; or criminal crashing the glass of someone else's feelings. ; for Stoddard Metho^st Church. and an extensive : reading pro- meet, 8 p.m. habits Instead of discussing nay differences with the ing for the performing arts. He pleaded not guilty to two charg- South Beaver Creek Lutheran worship, as they are with sick- re-entered Northwestern ¦ where At anather Lenten service here es of selling fermented inalt gram under guidance of the 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, .10:30 . a.m.) ness. Health as looked; upon in one who offended me, as God's Word' tells me Wednesday—ALCVV meets, 1:30 p.m. lie is a candidate for the mas- Marcli 23 the pireacher will te beverages pastor. its deepest sense as spiritual to do/ I tried to get as many people on my to Minnesota resi- FOUNTAIN CITY ¦ ¦ ter degree, in the school of the Rev. Keith G. Davison, pas- dents under age 21. He was s Lutheran worship, I ' .' "%¦ - side as I could by gossiping. Oh, I wouldn't call Larry is the first member of St. Michael' wholeness. speech. ' ' ;; ' tor of St."- Luke's Methodist represented by the congregation to receive the a.m.) Sunday school and Bible classes, There also is an extensive it gossip. That's a nasty word. But, laying all Attorney John 9:15 a.m.; worship* 10:1 J a.m.; banquet Church; La Crosse. His subject C. Qulnn, Galesville. The case award. sponsored by the Youth League, 7:13 network , of public reading rooms the cards on the table that's what it really was. REV. TOWNSEND It! made - '¦ ¦ ' will te "Let Him Deny Him- was placed on the spring term p.m. . maintained by branch churches ; You see, repent is a stinging word. It tells two : motion pictures, "The ' FRINCH CREEK me to look at myself the way I appear to God, self.'^ ,: of county court. Lulheran Sunday school, 9:30 a.m.; a board of lectureship that de- Rev. Deye Church United," a documen- Lenten services at Independ- worship, 10:44 a.m. Tuisday—Circle livers more than 4,500 lectures not the way I like to think I am. It makes me tary for the Northside Cooper- Olson's tavern is in the base- Bible study leaders, 1:30 p.m. remove all the shame of my moral cosmetics and own up to ence and Whitehall churches ment below the VFW club- LOONEY VALLEY a year around the world; an ¦ ative Ministry of Chicago, and ; \_ Cathedral Plans my slns. - . -- . - ¦ ;- "- " ,.. - ¦•' - ' - . ' . ' . are: March 9, Tiitehall Metho- Luttiaran wbrahlp) aermen. ''A* Ood international daily newspaper "Davs to Remember," a dra- dist Church, the Rev, Bruce Sees It," 9:30 a.m,; Sunday achool, that is generally ranked among However, there also is a isweetness about Lent. It is an matic documentary for United 10:33 a.m. Wednesday—Lenten aervlca Invitation to be changed into becoming morei godlike. It is Wiliett, pastor of the Melrose at Cedar Valley, I p.m.; choir rehearsal, the top newspapers in the Charities of Greater Chicago. Methodist Church March 16, the Marriage Course 9 p.m. . world; a radio series a welcome to accept Jesus, the Son of God, as my Savior and He also has worked as a pro- '' ¦- • ' that is Methodist Church, US. Pays Out A. marriVg e preparation MINNEISKA v . Lord. He exchanges our sins for His righteousness, our ugli- fessional jazz musician and a Independence St. Mary's Sunday W\oss»«, 8 and 10 broadcast over some 950 radio : Rev. Calvin Carey, pastor of the course for all engaged Catho- weekday ness for His beauty, our hell for His heaven. He invites us to , a.m.; Mass, 7:30 a.m.; holy stations in several countries; an free-lance writer. Methodist churches in Alma $973 Millions lics in the Winona area will be day. Masses, 6:30 a.m. and 8 p.m.; flrsl armed services ministry that in? come to Him and assures us that He will not cast us out. held during Lent at the Cathe- Friday Mass, I p.m. Confessions— Sat- This is the bitterness and sweetness of Lent. He has served as supply min- Center and Merrillan and the urday at I p.m. and ona-half hour be- eludes 447 lay workers as well ister to two Chicago congrega- Presbyterian church, Hixton, On Food Gifts dral of the Sacred Heart. fore Mass on Sundays. as commissioned Chaplains, MIWNESOTA CITY: and tions, Endeavor Presbyterian and March 30, Whitehall Metho- Classes, which begin Sunday, student organizations in more WASHINGTON (AP) - The will be held each Sunday from St. Paul's Catholic Messas, I and 10 Church and Marquette Park dist Church, the Rev. L Kedth United States paid out $973 a.m.; dally Mass, 7:45 a.m.; first Frl' than 400 colleges and uriiversi- 'God Is Dead' Presbyterian Church. In May has 2 to 4 p.rn. through March 27. day Mais, S: X p.m.; Holy Days, 3:30 Hanley, pastor of Black River million In ocean transportation and 7:30 p.m. Saturday—confessions, 7-g ties. - Father of Central 1965, he became assistant min- ¦ Speakers for each subject have ¦ falls Methodist Church. p.m. ¦ '.; Approach Topic ister of the Drexel Park Presby- charges on surpus foods shipped been arranged. Lutheran Sunday school, 8:45 a.m.) Rev. Freese led ttie Ash Wed- PROBABLY EVEN more Im- terian Church. He was ordain- overseas under the food : for Schedule is: Sunday, "Eco- worship. Manpower Sunday, 9:45 aim, portant; , nesday service at Independence. peace program that began 10 Monday—Lutheran Plonaera, 7 p.m. Tues- however is the fact For Dr. Burgess ed to the Christian : ministry by Wesdnesday he nomics of Marriage and Legal day—choir, 4:30 p.m, Thursday, Lenten that the individual Christian Pastor Wins On the following years ago. Pointers," Roger P. Brosnahan, servlca, sermon, "In Geithssmane,'-' Choir the Presbytery of Madison, will preach in various a*ea will sing "Olory Ba to Jesus." . Saturday Scientist normally feels a deep Because of the widespread Wis., en May 23, 1965. v attorney; March 6 , "Psychologi- —Confirmation Inifructlon ai church, lo Methodist churches. All services A report of the costs through '¦ necessity to bring the practice publicit a.m. ' y about the . "God Is Rev. Townsend is currently begin at 8 p.m. . 1965 was given in an Agriculture cal Aspects," Dr. and Mrs. Neil Freedom Medal will ¦ ' - ' of his religion increasingly into :¦- " :¦ .- MONEY CREEK Dead" controversy, writing a short biography of . ¦- . Department Summary. Under Krupp, Rochester ; March 13, every aspect of his life. It must The Rev. Theodore Huggen- and the con- "Medical Aspects," Dr. Daniel AAsthodlst Sunday school, 10 a.m.; Martin Luther for Fortress FOUNTAIN CITY COURSE public law No, 480 authorizing worship, iirmoti . '»« Is tha Son of transform his own motives and fusion this has created in the Ood" Text: Mark 1.M2, 11:10 a.m. vik, 76, Northfield, Minn., fath- Press in Philadelphia. FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis. (Spe- surpluses to Degallier, and ''Related . Moral . , minds ef many earnest Chris- the distribution of Issues," the Rev. George A. MYf at Money Creek, 7:30 p.m. Wed- acts the way he conducts his er of the Rev. G, H. Huggen- cial) — St. John's United needy areas, half the products nesday—WSCS at the church, 8 p.rn, business or profession, his fam- tians RIDGEWAY , as well as nominal be- LAKE CITY SERVICES Church of Christ Is sponsoring Moudry, of St. Paul's Catholic ily vik, pastor of Central Lutheran must be shipped In U.S. flag- Church, Minnesota City ; March A7_effiodlsf. worship, . sermon, /'Who fs and community responsibil- lievers in God, Dr. E, Clayton a series of weekly dialogues on ships. tha Son of God . " Text: Mark 1 :9-12, 9 ities — the* whole broad spec- Church, is the recipient of a LAKE CITY, Minn . (Special) 20, "Sacramental Aspects," the a.nrs .l MYF af Money Cr«k, 7:30 p.m. Burgess, senior minister at Cen- — 'The Suffering S a v ior the Christian faith and life, be- Most recipient countries have Rev. Robert Brom, Cathedral pf SILO trum of human life. Freedoms Foundation of Valley ginning Tuesday at 8 p.m. In : Lutheran Sunday school - and adult Bi- This is the commitment that tral Methodist Church, will dis- Speaks" will be the theme of agreed to repay this country in the Sacred Heart, and "Prac ble hour, ?i45 a.m.; worship, 10:11 Forge award fo the eighth time. ; Dialogues will - the Lenten services at St. Fellowship Hall. full or in part for the food, in- tical Applications," Dr. and a.m, . -• •; the church will he reaffirming cuss this current "new theolo- the basic Issues, con- SOUTH RIDOB A retired pastor, the elder John's Lutheran Church. Ger- deal with cluding the transportation costs. Mrs. John Luebbe, and March this year in the centennial of gy" problem in his Sunday of Christian Evangelical United Brethren Sunday Huggenvik this week received morning sermon: man services will be conducted cerns and questions Most of the transportation 27, "Love in Marriage," Dr, school, a class for every age group, io the d i s c o v e r y of Christian "What Do You faith and life. The course is a.rrw worship, young people from Wes- Science. a $100 award and the George Mean: God Is Dead!?" by the Rev. T. H. Albrecht costs — $788 million — was used Conrad Baars, Rochester. The ley Foundation, Winona State Collage who are in- , each "Wednesday at 3:48 p.m. designed for thos* to haul wheat overseas. course will close with the In charge; Ler. Hollands will give the Washington Honor Medal for his Interested persons ara wel- " ' Lenten vesper services will be terested In learning more about ¦¦;¦ . massage, ll a.m.; boys and girls fel- come to attend the 10:45 soleminzation of engagements, lowsh ip, ll a.m. essay, "Is the Original Ameri- ser- the Christian faith end the vice held each Wednesday at 8 p.m. LEWISTON PATIENT Next scries of classes will bo STOCKTON can Way of Life Outmoded?" , said Dr. Burgess. A vesper service will be held United Church of Christ. The ln September. Qraca Lutheran worship, 9 a.m.; Sun- Concordia Choir - ' .¦ day school, 10 a.m. Maundy Thursday April 7, at 8 first session will deal with the LEWISTON, Minn. (Special) • . A/Mthodlst worship, 9:15 a.m.; Sunday IN HIS writings. Rev. Theo- school, 10:13 a.m. p.m. Two services will be con-* question "Does Jestus Christ con- — Arnold Ellinghuysen under- HARDIES CREEK RITES TAMARACK dore Huggenvik dwells primar- ducted on Good Friday — a Ger- cern history and life today?" went major surgery at Com- ) Sunday school, 9:45 e.m.i Lutheran To Sing March 6 Pastor at Osseo munity Memorial Hospital, Wi- ETTRICK, Wis. (Special - worship, \\ a.m, ily with the fundamental princi- man service at 9 a.m. and ves- A study guide will be available. The Rev. Martinius Silseth, Lu- TREMPEALEAU ples of the Constitution. An im- pers at 8 p.m. The public is Invited. nona. theran World Services, will be Federated worship, 9:15 a.m.) Sun- migrant from Norway, he real- the speaker Sunday at 9:30 a.m. day school for all ages, 10:15 a.m, ' Mount Calvary Lutheran worsh ip, »;30 At St. Martin s izes the importance of our de- Fo Use Filmstrips at Hardies Creek Lutheran e.m,; Sunday achool, 10:35 a.m. The Concordia Academy WEAVER mocratic way of life and the OSSEO, Wis, (Special)-Len- Church. Methodist worship and Sunday school, Club, of Concordia College, St. ten services will be held at the 10:45 a,m, Paul, under the direction of opportunities for anyone who WILSON Osseo Evangelical Lutheran To Save ! has the initiative to succeed Time Prof. Robert S. Schultz, will , Trinity Lutheran worship, 10 t.m.i said his son. Church each Thursday evening, Sunday school, 11 a.m. Rarticipate in three services said the Rev. Max Wllholm. GLASSES GET A Immaculate Conception Catholic Sun- larch 6 at St. Martin's Luther- The elder Huggenvik immi- ALL day and Holy Day Mala, 9:30 a.m.; grated to the United States at Services will be held in the j||^fe t flrsl Friday Mass, 8:30 p.m, Confes- an Church. Services will be at church auditorium at 6:30 sions, 9 a.m . Sunday and 7;30 p.m. first 8, 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. the age of 17. Penniless, he and MID-WINTER Fridays, started working on the docks of 8 p.m. The unifying theme, "In MMIIIMIMMI WITOKA The GLee Club consists of 40 Our Stead, /Methodist Sunday achool, t;JO New York City but had cojme " will be Introduced a.m,. selected, male voices, trained ^" I WQ.shlp, sermon, "Who Is Ihe son of over a period of seven months to this country with an inquisi- at each service by a color _KJ ¥nly John's Lutheran Church n\ot the "Who's Who" many years. be provided at all services. NICI»5AHy meeting will be held at tho Sunday with the officers of f 12.98 you hay* your cholc* of Ih* kind of bifocal you Weaver Methodist Church Sun- youth groups from area Lu- nted-KryplokAP^OINTMINT, Ull* . or FlaMop, at th* on* low, low prl<*. day at 3 p,m. ® tgj theran churches, Wisconsin Sy- ^ ^ ^^^^ — r HO (&___<__& >vvwvwwvvii_inm/-vvvwunod , at St. John's Lutheran | Winona Area Ministerium jl Sam's "Direct Church, Frontenac. The rqlly will be held April 17 in Good- Invites You! Service hua. J Ijp li l p Alexat 'J, H uff and Bellavlow"' ;h Car en TAVLOK FAMILY NIGHT ______1______flr ) H222^ES^^B M_H______^^ Phona 9B34 ; ,: P TAYLOR , Wis. (Special - Services ' ®S'^i; :f ' i United Lenten ^^->* " |i « OUTHICT' URITH Hwirn p.m. dally ¦' '¦¦ James Speltz, Black River Palls, Ul tlAHIES UNION HUE IV ,,*„- ... -, -. - f *.m.*Ss30 ' - ¦lj PiaF !_ id RiPREJKNTAflVB ornca WWIEM IMM , III m-cio MORGAN BLDG., inci. w.d. and s_t, ¦ of will show slides in color and Officii Station > d9m^f.;X} ti roC»ll IU» write Central Methodist Church MWIII II utw Op«n » (£ZJt) ¦>» "> sound of the Canadian Rockies 1 > » . QUITE Prld*y Niahta 'III . Hakm Wfm ,.Xt^i ">' ,n'° 7:30 P.M. 1 -Jf^ -™ ibeut Lulheran Dr«- nt the family night Sunday at | _B _c-' '___¦ tb«rhee4'i miry fflH | m>1 w,,t Thtrd 3tr«*1 Phon© 8-3711 We Civo b > I) at Taylor Lutheran Church, flB mKk fl ""T^ _^_B ""'" - W&mmW r w«rr»nty »v«ll»bl», U ilnolt ThB '*rmi or conlinti «l Ihli ad^r- GOWD BOND STAMPS A group of high Sun., Feb. 27 through Wed., March 2 ^nSTJ5KF ^F ^BEm ^BLmW I Yv*ir" B school forensic I ^flflr „;.,„ " b,h,„.oc 1.. tiwmwi not .ppiicti. m in. ii.t. students will present a ^MMM |M|^MBHHMMMHM ' °" ° ' ' *' Ql WllComln. U-HAUL RENTAL SBRVICI play I . Allan Tawnund, Preaching M «r« tola only on ol Lutheran Brotherhood reading ond the high school R*v flJoH _ M_ITfflfl ___ I*iiI!H!ll ^^ ^ 4 Jus & L 65% Up pr 11 to 17 protein 1.72M.-2.0W4. : , Am Mtr 9% Jostens — ? hard Montana winter Winona Funerals Two-State Deaths No 1 ¦ ¦ At Community Auto Repair Bill AT&T 59% Kehcott 136% 1.60%-1.89%. * . . X 'X .X. . >4n Answer winter Memorial Hospital Miss Alma Christopherson AmTb 87% Lorfllard 60 Minn. - SP- No 1 hard Mrs. Sylvester Orlikowskl A six-man jury heard all the ' X ¦ '¦^ Funerai services for Mrs.. Syl- RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special) JT., Winona County, Minn-, Anconda 91% Minn MM 67% Loss Sessions 1.60%-1.88%. XX. XX 'X-X Visiting houm Medical and avrglMl . evidence this morning In a $312 Minn P&L 25% amber durum, patients: 5 to 4 and 7 to 8:30 p.m. (Na 858 E. 5th —Funeral services for Miss Al- are you? • ArchDn 39% No 1 hard vester Orlikowskl, who civil suit for collection of an NEW YORK (AP)-The stock discounts, am- children under IJ.) St., were held this morning at ma Christopherson, 64, ; La A man signing himself J.T. Armco Sfl 65V. Mn Chm 80% choice "1.80-1,85.; Maternity patients: 3 H 1:30 and 1 te Armour 45% Mont Dak 36% market early this afternoon was 4-7. i:30 p-iru CAdults only.) , a hospital wrote a let- auto repair bill. ber 2-3; durum / St. Stanislaus Church, the Rt. Crosse who died at of Winona County rebounding smartly from eight 1.18V4. Rev. Msgr. N, F. GrulkdWski there Feb. 17, were conducted magazine re- Judge John D. McGill recess- AvcoCorp 26% Mont Wd 32% Corn No 2 yellow . ter to a livestock Daify 80% straight losing sessions. Trading 63%-65%; No THURSDAY officiating. Monday at a Lia; Crosse funeral Sheriff George ' - Beth Stl 12 Nt " ' ' Oats No 2 white cently which has ed the case to today -at 1:30 Boeing 41% Ii Am Av 55% was, - . .: - No 2 heavy ADMISSIONS Burial was in St. Mary's Cem- chapel. The Rev, Walter O. Lar- L. F«ort and a Utica farmer on S white 61%-«3%; Jeff Allan Gunderson, 806 WV p.m. for final arguments by Boise Cas 55%.NN Gas 53 With nothing in the n^ws 66?-69%; No 3 heavy etery. son officiated. Burial was in a manhunt of sorts. general white Broadway. the attorneys and a decision by Brunswk 10% NOr Pac 61% background to spark a white 63%-65%. Pallbearers were Roger and Woodlawn Cemetery, La Cjrosse. The sheriH said today that advance the rally was regard- Merlin . Bollinger, Cochrane, the jury. Capillar 46% No St Pw 33 , Barley, cars 131; year ago Raymond Orlikowskl, Roman She was born No\r. 20, 1901, Harold Mundt, who farms half ed as a technical one. ,24 - 1.44; Wis, .. . V:- - ChMSPP 60% Nw Air 163% 131; good to choice 1 Zolondek, Sylvesteir Knopick, at Rushford and died after , a a mile north of Utica, report- DONALD A. and ; Jack N. A number of groups which - 1.40; Miss June Kelson, Rushford, Chrysler 56 Penney 62 low to intermediate¦ ¦ ¦1.22 Kenneth¦ Duffy and John Bxh long illness. Survivors are: ed Last fall : that a 3-yeax-old Banc — have been battered by selling ¦: ¦ Minn. sinskL ¦ ' - . Walz, doing business as Western C&NW 130% Nw feed 1.14-1.22. . - . Wilton Bellman, 312 B. Mark Three brothers, Joseph, Wino- heifer had strayed from his Cities Svc 47% Pepsi 81% rallied briskly. 1.15y4-1.20%. ¦ ' ¦ ' Motor Sales, 225 W. 3rd St., Rye No 2 •• (Red), ' .St. - ¦:' - . ¦' na; Melvin Rushford, farni... - v - . - Coiri Ed 50% Pips Dge 76V* Flax No 1 3.08, and Ole, La CrOssfc Her par- The heifer was not recov- are suing F. p. Hansen, Roll- Phillips 55% Aerospace stocks were partic- yellow 2.74V*. Phillip Ponieroy, 268 Man- ComSat 38 tech- Soybeans No 1 kato Ave. ents, one brother ahd one sis- ered. In fact, the cow was prob- ingstone, for payment of a $312 Con Cbal 65% Pillsby ; 40% ularly strong, not only on of DISCHARGES Fine Pakt for ter have died. ably forgotten about, until repair bill due sinc». last Sep- Cent Can 73% Polaroid 138 nical grounds but because Mrs. Ray Meyer, 129 w*. 3rd Mundt ran across the letter Cont Oil 64% RCA 52% President Johnson's renewed WINONA MARKETS ; Hermanson Infant tember. Hansen has answered regarding st. .- * :• front:-"JW Cntl Data 31% Red Owl 21% display of firmness LANESBORO, Minn. (Special) that his car was not actually re- the hostilities in Viet Nam, de- Swift A Company James ¦Pawlowskl¦¦ , 163 Chat- Drunken Driving ¦ Deere 59% Rep Stl 44% w»s» mghwsy e\ ; In bis letter, the "mysterious" ¦ _^_. ¦ ¦ ' ' —Fuiieral services for the Her- -" ¦: debate. S s.iii. W im field St. : - fanner said that a heifer paired. . Douglas 98% Rexall 42% spite mounting Buying - hours ar» Irom Not guilty pleas to two traffic manson infant daughter were had p.m. Monday ttirounh. Friday. - Daniel Merchlewlti, Utica, Fraiiklin P. Will, 47? Manka- Dow Cm 73% Rey Tb 43% Airliness, steels, motors, elec- r an B ' ¦; charges, a change of plea to held at Johnson Funeral Home strayed onto his farm last fall; oils, Thtr«: will b» m calf marlt«f» Ft* Minn. . testi- du Pont 221 Sears Roe 58% ttonicis, chemicals, rails, days ' - . - '_ - Thursday, the Rev. Leoa Holtan and he inquired of the livestock to Ave., a Walz foreman, -•» « i* 0 Mrs. Arnold Eigler, Winona guilty on a drunken driving East Kod 119% Shell Oil 60% and even the utilities, which Thesai quotations apply. . " '•' officiating. Burial was in Lanes- journal's editors how he would fied that Hansen's car was re- day. Rt. z. charge and a guilty plea to a Ford Mtr 53% Sinblatr 60 have been touching new lows on " HOOS -. - . • : boro Cemetery. go about finding the owner. and markat: Butehtrt » ftm^ ^; speeding charge resulted from paired; &pt, 16,; 1^ that This hoo ¦ Leo Olsen, 259 Sioux St. Gen Elec 111 Socony 88% average came back as traders 50 cents hlgliew. ' ¦ ' ¦ j- four arraignments today in mu- Mundt believes the heifer on lower; sows k Miss Agnes Deering, Lewis- The child was born Tuesday the fair and reasonable value Gen Food 76% Sp Rand 20% were attracted by the first rally Top butchsrs, I90-M0 lbs. ¦¦¦¦ ** ¦* J.T.'s farm might be his ' nicipal court. at St. Francis Hospital, La , and Oradlrvo 3M» •¦¦'"•?¦¦ •:¦¦• *£ % & ton, Minn. . of the repairs made is $512.33. GOTMUIS 57% St Brands 74% in'-two weeks.. / M.0O-W.J9 James R. Brandes, 24, 958 E. Crosse, to Mr- and Mrs. Gay- it should have a calf with it Top sows ...7.:.7. Miss Bonnie:¦¦ Johns, Peterson, the repair bills were introduc- Gen Mtr 99% St Oil Cal 75% CATTLE ' . . ' lord Hermanson, Lanesboro. She by now, Mundt adds. The bow Jones Industrial av- Tha cattla market Is staady. Minn.- -. , . : King St., pleaded guilty today Gehtel 44% St Oil Ind 44% • MMJlA died eight hours later. So will the real J.T. please ed, in evidence. erage at noon Was up 4.23 at Prims ..,/..- •:- . "•^•S Mrs. William Sullivan and to a charge of drunken driving Gillett 35% St 6a NJ 76% Cholca ...... i. - 1S.00-M.M at . East Sanborn Street and Survivors are; Her parents; stand up? Eonald A. Walz, Pleasant : 954.89, trimming its best rise of Good ...... M.0M4.M baby, 553 W. Lake St. Goodrich 56% Swift 57% _J.50 Mrs. Hattie Johns, 59 E. San- Mankato Avenue Monday at 1:25 one brother; one sister, and the Goodyear 46 Texaco 78% 5.68 a half-hour earlier. StaSard .;;.-...... J0.0O- Valley Road, testified that Utility cows .,...... ;.... 15-5J-" 2_ bora St. a.m. His $100 fine was satisfied grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen had hot paid the bill. Gould 29% Texas Ins 205V4 Some of the blue chips were Cutters ::...... " ;.....• - •• WM-ISM Lance Huwald, 809 E. 2nd St. from $150 posted ball. Herman Hermanson and Mr. About 2V4 months after the re- GtNo Ry 70% Union Oil 56% trimming , their be_;t prices as Bravo Foods Brandes had pleaded not guil- and Mrs. Harold Ihns, Har- pairs were made, Walz. said, Greyhnd 20% Vn Pac 44% the session wore on. . Buying hoOt-s : 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- TODAY'S BIRTHDAY ¦ Sports Emphasis ' day ttirouBh Friday. ty to the charge at his Monday mony. he called Hansen to ask why GulfOil 52% U S Steel 50% Some of the early ; strength These quotations apply as to noon to- day on a yield (dressed) basis. arraignment and posted $150 the bill had not been paid; and Homestk 48 Wesg El 63% was attributed to precautionary cutters $35.00, Brian Lee Sveen, 353 E. King Tom Kamboll Cahners and St 2. ¦ bail pending a March 5 trial. Hansen then complained that Honeywell 77% Wlwth 29 short covering prior to the UIVB bases canner and cutter pur- WHALAN; Minn. (Special) - Suggested for chases made . according to South St. SATURDAY'S BIRTHDAYS the desired repairs had not ac- weekend with its uncertainties Paul prices from 8 a.m, to 12:30 p.m. RICHARD F. Braden, 19, Min- Tom Kamboll, about 70 , died Friday. Richard Gordon Gullickson, neapolis, pleaded not guilty to tually been made. regarding the news- Monday through Thursday at 1 p.m. at his home Hansen was the only witness The Associated Press average Winona Hgg Market Lanesboro, Minn., 2. a charge of speeding 42 m.p.h. of here following a long Illness, Winter Carnival s side of the These quo-tallons apply as , in a 30 zone on Gilmore Avenue for the defendant' Independence of 60 Stocks at' noon was ahead • I0:3O a.m. today. He wasi born to Georgia Pro- The possibilities of a "reborn Grade A jumbo ...... 58 ; from Orrin Street to Sunset case, Iff© testified that the 1.5 at , 357.6 with Industrials up Municipal Court vince, Russia, and was mar- Winona Winter Carnival as a repairs had been satisfactory 2.9, rails up ,6 and utilities up Grade A larfle ;.;...... -33 Driyie today at; 1:25 a.m. He ¦ ' ¦ : ' Grade A medium ...... ;.....• -JB ried to Marie Bostrack, Whalan. tremendous vehicle for publici- for only 50 miles of driving, ¦ , : : ' ¦ '' .VGrade B ..v...... :....,....:.... .59. posted $25 bail pending his trial, Man Guilty of -3- - V ':. - . ,. - - He was a highway construction ty'' were cited by Dr. C. W. then he had had trouble witti fa heavy Grade C- ...... :x;:...... -;.•:. •»? Forfeiture: Paul tt Schulz, which was scheduled ior March Prices advanced Froedtert Malt Corporation worker, helping build Highway Gruler in his award-winning the vajfee lifters and the hood fading oh the American Stock 20, 616 Dacota St., $10 on a 8 at 11 a.m. Judge John D. Mc- speech at the Wednesday eve- Hours : 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) cloied Satur- 16 through this area. isMxy : . - .;¦, Exchange. days. Submit -sample before loading- charge of driving with, an ob- Gill ordered a driving with no rang: meeting of Hiawatha Toast- Road Littering (Ntw crop barley) scured windshield at Eaist driver's license in possession His wife survives, v masters Club at Hotel Winona. HOWEVER, on crossrexaml- Corporate bonds were mostiy No. 1 barley *t.W- . Broadway and Walnut Street ALMA, Wis. (Specials-Paul unchanged to lower. U.S. Treas- No. 2 barley ...... 1.08 charge against Braden dismiss- Funeral services will be Mon- He pointed out that Minnesota hation, Hansen: admitted that No. 3 barley ...... -»8 Thursday at 8:38 p.n_i day at 2 p.m. at Whalan Lu- -Wins pitching star Jim "Mud- Bachman, Independence Rt. 1, ury bonds resumed their de- No. 4 barley ...... *! the valve 'lifters and the hood depositing ' ¦: Guy R. Pierce, Eyota, Minn., theran Church, the Rev. Jacob cat" Grant who was featured hatch had not been the items was found guilty Of cline. . Bay State Milling Cordpatay debris along a public highway Elevator A Grain Prices pleaded not guilty to a charge Enderson officiating. Burial will at a Winter Carnival stage show grain will ba repaired by Walz. Court 0n» hundred bushels of of disobeying a traffic signal at be to the church cemetery. this winter mentioned Winbna Hansen said that he himself Jan. 22 in Buffalo County LIVESTOCK the minimum losdi accepted at tha «le- several times on a subsequent before Judge Gary B. Schlos- valors. EXTENDED FORECAST the junctionof U.S. 61 and 14 in Friends may call at Johnson had repaired some of the things SOUTH ST. PAUL No. I northern aprlng wheat .... 1.4^4 national television show steih. : No _ ;northern spring wheat .... 1.62 MINNESOTA — The tempera- Winona. The charge was Funeral Home; Lanesboro, Sun- appear- he complained of after the car : SOUTH ST. PAUL, Minn. W-(USDA) . ance:*^ He was fined $20. Bachman —Cattla 3,000; calve. 1,000; dull, flew No. 3 northern spring wheat .... l.M tures Saturday through Wednes- brought by the Minnesota High- day from 2 to 5 p.m. and Sun- had been at Walz', and he bas- trads on all classes of slaughter cattla; No. 4 northern spring wheat .... 1.54 "What we need- " Dr. guilty Feb. 7 No. 1 hard winter wheat ...... 1,54 day will average 5-10 degrees way Patrol Wednesday at 10:05 day evening and at the church Gruler ed his complaint about the had pleaded not amall supply on slaughter steers and : : asserted, "is a return to the Monday. heifers weak; cows weak with Thursday's No. 2 hard winter wheat .. 1.52 p.m.v. -V '' , .:;' .-; Monday after 1 p.m. valve lifters on an alleged loss and was tried No. 3 hard winter wheat ...... 1.48 above normaL Normal highs 23- original purpose of close end fully $1.00 lower for past the Winter Albin Harry Borkowski, Coch- two days, extremes $1.50 off; bulls No. « hard winter whea t ...... IM 28 north, 28-33 south. Normal Judge McGill set Pierce's trial of compression and gas mile- No 1 rye ;..... 1.18 Patrick Thesing Carnival — to develop and pro- found guilty of driv- mostly 50 . cents lower; vealers and . ....:...... v.... lows zero to 7 north, 7-1S south. for March 9 at 11 a.m. He. order- age which he said he found dur- rane, was No. 2 rye X.-,..X...... 1.1a LALNESBORO, Minn. (Special) mote winter sports. To do this of license slaughter calves weak to $1.00 lower; A little warmer over the week- ed Pierce to post $20 bond, ing a self-made check. ing after revocation about half of run consisted of feeders we must change the negative consigned to . weekly auction; choice min) 43^-45; medium (40 end. A little colder early next which the Eyota man did. — Patrick Thesing died Thurs- He had never had time, Han- and was sentenced to 30 days lbs day at 7 p.m; at Johnson Bos- attitude Of Winonans to this arrested Feb. 8- slaughter steers 28.00-28.25; good 24.50- average) 39^-40%; smalls (38 week. Light rain or snow aver- event." :- ' - , sen testified; to call up Walz in jail. He was 27.50; mixed high good and choice heIN DONALD W. Bosnian, 1». 561 ltal, Lanesboro, about one-half / . The court said other violations ers 26.00-26.50; good 23.50-25.50; utility lbs average) 36-37. aging less than one tenth inch : ¦ ' and complain about the repair and commercial cows 17.OO-18.50; utility Garfield St., began serving ah Sour after birth. . 'X ' ¦' . Other speakers at the meeting driving and strik- mostly southwestern Minnesota were Karl Grabner and job or explain why he had not were careless and commercial bulls 21.00-23.50; high CHICAGO. (AF) - Chicago eight-day jail term today after Evan choice and prima ' vealers 3400; choice about Sunday. : Survivors are : Bis parents, Henry. Tabletopics paid their bill; ing a parked car in Waukesha Mercantile Exchange — Butter he was unable to pay a $25 fine were handled traffic 31.00-3J.0O; good 26.00-30.00; choice James and Colette Thesing; his by Richard F Coleman Attorney Robert P. Langford County in 1959 and four slaughter calves 22.0O-24.0O; good 18.00- firm; wholesale buying prices OTHER TEMPERATURES levied by . whose 21.00; not enough feeder sales to estab- Judge McGill on Bus- twin, Patricia; three other sis- topic was "Seven represents Walz', and Attorney violations at Lewiston and High Low Pr. man's guilty plea to a speeding Keys to Hap- lish quotations. : . % highier ; 93.score AA 65%; 92 ters, Monica, Donna and There- piness." John P. King, St. Charles, rep- Goodview, Minn., in 1965. His Hogs 5,000; tradihg slow; barrows and A 65%; 90 B 64%; 89 C 63%; Albany. snow ...... 34 28 .44 charge.' ' *' ' ' gilts 25-50 cents lower; othtr classes - sa; two brothers, Thomas and James Mullen was toastmaster resents Hansen. • license wias revoked Aug. 3. cars 90 B 65%; 89 C 64. Albuquerque, snow . 49 82 T Husman admitted speeding 35 Timothy, not fully established; U.$. l 200-215 lb and his grandparents, and general evaluator was My- Jurors are: Mrs. Merlyn P. Forfeitures: barrows and gilts 27.50-27.75; mixed 1-2 Atlanta, cloudy ..... 38 33 .08 m.p.h. In a SO zone at Gilmore Eggs firm; wholesale buying Mr. and Mrs. Anton Thesing, ron Siegel. Eaiinghuysen, 658 Grand St.; Harold Ness, Kasson, fishing 190-240 lbs 27.25; mixed 1-3 190-240 lbs prices unchanged to 1 higher; Bismarck, snow .... 33 8 : T Avenue and Cummings Street Lewiston, and Mr. and Mrs. Jo- 27.00-27.25. Toastmasters currently are Frank Chapiewski, 216 Frank- with more than two lines, Town Sheep 700; reduced supply today mod- Boise, rain ,.^..... 49 35 Thursday at 2:20 p.m. 70 per cent or better grade A -T seph Kaczotowski, Winona. seeking applications for mem- lin St.; LaVerne J. Senty, 348 of Milton, Feb. 13, $25. •rately active; all classes steady) choice whites 41; mixed 41; mediums Boston; snow ...... 41 32 ,75 and prime 90-105 lb wooled slaughter \ Graveside services will be bership. Emhurst St.; Mary A. Olson, Lawrence E. Ede, Mondovi, lambs 27.50-S8.OOi 105-110 lbs 27.00-27.50; 39; standards 38; dirties, unquot- Chicago, cloudy .... 37 SO XT Saturday at 10:30 a.m. at St. 900% E. Wabasha St.; G. W. driving on the wrong side of utility and good wooled slaughter ewes ed; checks 34. Cincinnati, cloudy -,..' 38 30 .. 8.00-9.00) choice and fancy 65-90 lb feed- Patrick's Cemetery, the Rev. Hartner Jr., 128 W. Sarnia St., the highway, Mondovi, Feb. &, er lambs 27.50-28.50; good and choice Cleveland, snow .... 29 24 .01 50-tt lbs 25.00-27.00. (> (USDA) Trucker Reported Donald Zenk officiating. and Mrs. Gerald G. Kiekbuscb, $33. '; . -^- CHICAG (APV— — Detroit, cloudy ..... 33 28 ;. 1702 CHICAGO Potatoes arrivals 70; on track Rochester Man W- Broadway. Minor Fimreite, Independ- CHICAGO- (_». - — (USDA)— Hogs f,O0O; Denver, cloudy .... 55 28 ..i ence Rt. 2, driving without a butchers steady to 25 cents higher; 1-2 171; total "U.S. shipments 589; Des Moines, clear .. 44 24 . '.-. IW-220 lb butchers 28.0O-28.35; mixed 1-3 Old — supplies moderate; de- In Good Condition ion to Hold license, Town of Montana, Feb. 190-230 lbs 27.50-28.00; 2-3 200-220 lb Fort Worth, clear .. 51 29 .. Leg 27 mand moderate; market about 7, ;$S8. . : . " . . .00-27.50) mixed 1-3 350-400 lb sows Fairbanks, clear .. -7 -23 .. Robert Nissalke, 38, Winona Pleads Guilty 24.75-25.251 2-3 500-600 lbs 23.00-24.OO. steady; carlot track sales: Ida- David G. Stiehl, Alma Rt. 1, Cattle 6,000; calves none; slaughter trucker injured near Janesville; Open House on Caledonian Tops ho russets 4.50; Minnesota Helena, cloudy ,.... 40 22 ,. failing to yield right of way ifeers weak fo 50 cents lowerrloed lots North Wis., early Tuesday morning, prime 1,150-1450 lb slaughter steers Honolulu, cloudy ... 70 67 :..- estimated $1,000 Dakota Red River Valley round apparently ia in good condition. To Tax Charge resulting in 31.00-31.50; high choice and prime 1.125- reds 2.75-2.95; new — supplies Indianapolis, cloudy 39 27 .. Sunday Afternoon LaVerne Earney 1,375 lbs 29.75-31.00; choice WO-MOO l&s A friend who has visited Houston damages to 27.50-30.00; hlgti choice Jacksonville, cloudy 63 45 him ST. PAUL (AP) - Charles W. County and prime 950- moderate; demand moderate ; said that he has a broken pel- A general public open house car, Alma, Jan. 30, $28. 1,050 lb slaughter heifers 28.00-28.25; part market unestablished; carlot Kansas City, clear-... 45 34 ... Hudson, 46, former recreation Duane Hanson and James load 1,175 lbs 29.00; choice 625-1,075 lbs Los Angeles vis, broken rib and possibly to view the remodeled lounge 2d.50-28.00. track sales : Florida round reds , clear . 65 49 .. supervisor for International Bus- , Iowa; Tim Sheep few some internal Injuries. How- of the American Legion Memo- Hog Competition Lawstein, Decorah 100; sales good and choice in 50 lb sacJes 2.75. Louisville, clear .... 38 32 .06 B5-105 lb wooled iness Machines at Rochester, H. Bradley Bloss and ¦ ¦ ¦ slaughter lambs 27,00- ever, he was "in good rial Club — as well as other por- Kinder, 28.00. ¦ . Memphis, clear ..... 36 27 .. spirits," pleaded guilty today in Munici- CALEDONIA, Minn. — Dean Carol according to the friend. The pel- tions of the building — will be Tom Honfea , St. Paul; MpIs.-St.P., clear ... 38 18 .. pal Court to five counts of fail- Myhre, Caledonia, won grand vic fracture apparently will not held Sunday from 1 to 4 p.m. Bacon, Minneapolis; Kathleen WHAP OF m+^as. Miami, cloudy ...... 80 63 .. ing to file state income tax re- championship honors at the 12th Brownsville, and Lester PRODUCE ALL VOUR .fcrrK^ sSL require setting, it was reported. Various Legion organizations Heiiler, NEW YORK (AP) _r^ . Milwaukee, cloudy . 31 27 turns. annual Houston County market Peoples and David Johnson, no - (USDA) PRR80NAL V ' Nissalke was en route from will have displays erected and hog show here Wednesday, — Butter offerings irregularly IN8URANCI ^ New Orleans, clear . 48 32 .13 ' coffee and cookies will be serv- Judge James M. Lynch sen- address, possession of malt 4tr*& Minneapolis to Chicago with a His trio of Hampshire butch- distributed. Demand fair to good IN ONE & I New York, rain .... 37 32 1.13 ed. . ' tenced Hudson to serve 10 days beverages outside a licensed ¦ y^^ v Okla. City, clear .. ' '¦ 50 52 load of bagged powdered milk ers were in competition with 41 today. ' - . - . . '. . NBAT 4^ I ¦ . . New entrance to the building in the Ramsey County Work- premises, Town of Buffalo, Feb, PACKAGE - . ; ;. Omaha, cloudy „.... 49 28 ... in a Kujak Bros. Transfer trac- other pen entries. There were Wholesale prices on bulk car- tor and trailer Is on the southwest corner of house on each of the five 14, $25 each. Phoenix, cloudy .... 67 41 - . - .' of Winona. charges 13 pens entered in the lightwight tons (fresh). Four miles the building, said Ronald Ham- , then suspended seven division and 29 pens Pittsburgh, snow ... 42 32 .05 short of Janesville days of each of the sentences. entered in Creamery, 93 score (AA) 66^4- Federated on 1-90 at 6 a.m. the truck went mond, commander of Leon J. the heavyweight division; ac 66'/4 cents; S2 score (A) Ptlnd, Me., snow ... 34 27 .16 Wetzel Post 9. The judge stayed the 15 - day 65^i^6. INSURANCE Rapid City, dear ... 42 15 ... out of control to the right , cording to show officials. University Urged Wholesale egg offerings ade- £} eos-iNaee hurdled off The post, its auxiliary, the 40 workhouse sentence until March Myhre received a true-type St. Louis, clear ..... 43 30 a bridge and oyer 5. quate. Demand fair to good. a county trunk road below & 8 and the club will have dis- swine trophy from Ronald Wie- (Wholesale Salt Lk. City, cloudy 49 34 .. and plays of their respective activi- Hudson had been charged with s el 1 i n g prices into the opposite embankment. denbach,,president of the Cale- based on exchange and other San Fran., clear ... 55 49 .12 ties . failure to file tax returns for donia Commercial Club. For Green Bay Seattle, rain . - ..- 56 45 .20 The cab was ripped from the volume sales.) "We're proud of our facilities five years from 1959 to 1963 , Second through fifth place MADISON Wis. W-A special Washington, cloudy . 36 33 .77 tractor and the front end of the , New York spot quotations fol- trailer exploded and our program." said Com- when his income was listed as winners in the heavyweight divi- committee recommended today low : Winnipeg, clear .... 24 -10 from the sud- mander Hammond, "and we'd $10,680 for 1959; $11,360 for 1960; den shift of the heavy cargo. sion (211-250 pounds) were : that the new northeastern cam- Standards 41^-43 ; checks 36- (T—Trace) like the public — veterans and $12 000 for 1961; ,012 for 1962, Styrk Myhre, , Nissalke was thrown out and , $13 Mrs Styrk Myhre, pus of the University of Wis- 37. AIRPORT WEATHER nonveterans and their families and $11 ,840 for 1963. Kenneth Bratland and Elmer Anderson pinned by the wreckage. He — to take a look. consin bo located on the east Whites: extra fancy heavy [ \Jw\ (North Central Observations) " Trehus. Lightweight division (47 lbs min) told a friend that he suddenly 190-210 pounds) shore of Green Bay, on the east- weight 4547; fan- Winona, Minn. _it «WI rtw ma* nesday at the high school vo-flg Suffocation wns duo to bron- American Uglon Auxiliary for the betterment \ M VI- and $5 costs, ^5 •it "Tp*v**»<««tfff P I mt Hay avn IM mmm0 room. Tho session will be con- Tlie large marketing co-op ^ " Tho sheriff chial spasms and obstructions S of the community and the nation. tpl/aM TtintaiMlM ,'' IwliM M MMM M began Investiga- wns drawn up to increase dairy ^H Ku.kM.tW. ducted by tho Trompealepu of unknown origin, according to — te Tuesday after ho received County extension service. autopsy result. Bonks, 19, wns farmers bargaining power and F. A. KRAUSE GO. a complaint from Ervin Melnke, increase milk prices. 427 Center St., found dead in the Hollywood "Bratty Atrtt," ttatt of who keeps a ho told the sheriff hnd been Theater, .Lake City, whero he Meetings are sponsored hy thc Wlnoni* Hlgliw«y I. H horse on the Schultz Phow 1133 property. dumped there within tho pre- was employed. Fillmore and Wabasha County i.mmmmmaaam ^maaamaurmmaaamammaam He found the rubbish, which vious 10 days. ¦ NFOs. Ttiff W^p DAYTONA BEACH, Fla.- all competitors including the day's SOO-miler and Sun- may not go down as an offi- and was clocked at ITS.*. "They went out earlier engine used lot qualifying "We'll just change the — (Special • ¦hemi-bead" ' ' In to the Winona feared Chrys- day's Sfltj-xhile grand nation- cial record, x l x: But Johnaon could not verify this- week and turned 171.5, for a stock 4W-ciiblc-lnch en- E^ar ratio the rear end," Dally News) — Ernie Tuff ler-powered machines. This al latesmoclel stock C(|r "They qualified four or the report. If this later but we had a \rtbfation " gine that will be used for ; he explained. ; got all the hones pulling in makes the third consecutive y. the same direction and Cale year that Tuff, a Rushford, race were forced to qualify five cars at a time," getting spfeed had been made offi- said Johnson. "We got that the actual race, Tuff has., Yarborough's chief compe- Yarborough C r a c k e d the Minn., auto mechanic, has Thursday. all 110 for both races on the cial, it would have broken cleaned up and then Ernie indicated the need for the titor Saturday appears to be whip Thursday as Tuffs had his car sitting at the Yarborough's speed of track," said Johnson by the track record set less decided that the new cam switch because of the possi- another Yarborough hy tho than bility thai bigger engine 1961 Ford fastback captured pole for the biggest of all 173. .5 breaks the old modi- phone from Daytona Beach a week ago by Richard shaft was no good. It need- name ot LeRoy, Thai two the position for Satur- modified races. fied record held hy, the Thursday night. "They just Petty of Randlemah, N.C ed to many r.p;m.'i to be would not stand up for the pole U are related; although day's 300-mile National race Time trials for tbe race Tuff.built car which the late took a car's fastest lap for in a 1966 Plyitwuth. K« effective. So he put the old full 3«o miles; : ; not for modified and sportsman- were originally scheduled Fireball Roherts drove ia Ms qualifying time, and turned 175.165 ra p.h. cam back in and : that's Although ' the engine is they both hail from Char- type cars. for today, but rata Tuesday 1964. The speed for that car usually the record must be Tuff and his helpers had when it really started to some 73 cubic inches small- lotte, N.C. LeRoy will be With Yarhoroiigh behind and Wednesday of this week was just o-ver 170 m.p.h. for two laps.'- ^ Various problems with the turn on." er than the qualifying mill, driving one of the "hemi" the wheel, Tuff's car was forced track officials to But. according to> Tuff's It was rumored tftat Yar- car before it was finally Tuff : and Ws assistant Johnson indicated that there Chrysler* In the race, which clocked at 173.45 miles per change their plans. There- chief bacfeer . Sy Johnson of borough took the car on to turned loose on the track, mechanics are . now, inter: would hie no appreciable gets underway at 11:45 a.m. hour for one lap, topping fore , cars ftr both Satur- Winona, Thursday's speed the track later in the day according to Johnson. changing the 500-cublc-inch drop off in sp>eed attained. Winona time.

¦¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ , , i t»J—w

¦ HAWKS MEE T W/NGfRS¦ ' . m^mam^^^^a^mmmm ^mmma^mmm^^mmmmmmmmememamamtmitmawammmem. ^^e Scrabeck Hero As District 3 State Wins Again ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : By GARY EVANS; shares , top billing Ln the State; now l()-2. . ' '•; '"• - . ment was light-haired Daa Daily News Sports Editor ; Northern Intercollegiate Con- It was a wrestling classic Scrabeck , the 177-piHind Har- Focal Point Jfow what do you do for an ference with Winons, vrill be (decided, aa classics- should mony, Minn., junior. And ¦ finalized " encore?: .; _ ' on hand for a 7:30 p.m. even}. be, by the final event of the when ho had a stun- by ning 84 decision over Paul After defeating seventh- aind But for Thursday nifiht. at evening) won the Warriors 15'12, their 19th straight tri- Thomas, the fans breathed second-ranked NGAA college, least, 2,300 fans first baked . easier. - - - in the tropical umph without setback this division teams on consecu- climates of ' ' ' - ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦' • tivei evenings, the Winona Memorial Hall and then bsisk- . . • sisasdn. ;" • • •. Next up was unbeaten Here Today State Warriors now face their in the glow of victory as Wi- Ani It was not cached eas- heavyweight John Zwolinski, ¦ ily or without some harrying and "Malto" did not disap- . . -• : . By 'GABY-EVANS ;.;-.. biggest test of the current nona became only the second season Monday : night at Me- team to notch a victory over moments. ; point his loyal public, scor- Daily News Sports Editor morial Hall. Moorhead, who second-ranked South Dakota ; But the hero for thp mo- ing an early takedown over The Big Nine Conference basketball game scheduled Mick Hurlburt that set the for the Winona High School auditorium tonight at 8 will be stage for a routine (though used as a District Three measuring stick, he wouldn't admit it) 5-1 de- Winona entertains a Red Wing team that has scrapped cision. - . part of a starting unit it used in a previous meeting and But though Scrabeck for now has reeled off a string of impressive showings, the second time this season While the game rings down the league season for both (he did it earlier against teams and serves as a steppingstone Into the. coming tour- Marquette) bailed the States- naments, Winona still has unfinished conference business to attendUto. . ' - - men out of hot water and Zwolinski, in characteristic John Kenney's Hawks rank 9-0 in toe conference, have a first-place tie sewed up — but need a win tonight to assure finish, put the artistic touch themselves of the outright title. Lurking in the background cn the end of things, coach- is Austin. This Packers stand 8-1 ana will finish against ¦ Bob Gunner pointed to team Rochester at Austin. balance. - * Tonight's game will not only measure Red Wing's Improve- . -. '¦¦: '^That's the thing that won ment, but will do imuch te* clarify the district picture, of it for us," hst assessed. "All which the Wingers this year are a member. the bovs wrestled extremely It won't be possible for the two teams to meet again until well. There wasn't that much the championship game at Rochester's Mayo Auditorium difference In any of the March 11. But many signs point to that very thing happening, matches. Everything could "I think tonight's game is going to show us how much easily have been reversed. 1 Red Wing has come along," said Kenney. "As far as We're think you saw a lot of good concerned - ; we ve been pretty , ' steady all year." wrestling." ;. While Wiflbna squeezed piast the Wingers by a scant 43-41 margin at Red Wing earlier, Kenney points out that the 31 ANATOMY 0F WRESTLING WIN . . . These were some of the scenes ponenti Stan Lambert, on the way to a 4-2 decision at 137, King's win Thurs- He wasn't apoofihg. percent showing Winona registered in field goal shooting was from the action : as Winona State College's wrestling team scored its 19th day was the first for Winona. At right, Leo Simon rides herd on Darrel Smith : It began with- the 123- its worst of the year. straight dual-meet victory Thursday night. The^ Warriors: handed South Dakota at 145. Simon had little trouble posting a M decision, his 17th victory against (Contlnned•-. on Page 13) we Haven i iiau UIIUUICI one mai, even came ciose to State University C iti-2) a 15-12 li^s. At left, Perry King manhandles his op- . one bss and one tie. (Daily News Sports Photos ) SCRABECK that one," he stated- "But then before the season began we felt that would be one game we couldn't win." -.-: , That is tribute enough to the . fact that Red Wing Is iy mighty tough on its home court. : v^^v^ But Pete Petrich turns right around and points out that ^ Red Wing usually plays tough at -Winona also. "That first Red Wing game was one we had to have •— like the Rochester game," shot Kenney. "There was a lot of tension connected with playing." But some of that, no doubt, has been erased with the Rader Likes Idea # clinching of a title tie. The game will present more than one Interesting talent "I'd rather play St. Felix than Loretto." the Rockets Over the Yellowjackets probably is the fact that the Hockets" half court press speed by Sunday, but we can't afford anyone matchup, but the one of note will come between Winona's An odd statement, Considering Wabasha have something to do with it, too, especially probably won't be effective on the broad St. going half speed. We all did that Wednesday." Paul Plachecki and Red Wing's Mark Aldridge. St. Felix stopped Caledonia Loretto 69-51 in the since Loretto Is a two-time winner over Roll' Mary's expanse. Loretz now has made the decision to sac- . Plachecki, who stands 6-6^, will be outsized by at least first round of the Region Six Catholic basket- ingstone. ''But at the same time, It should help rifice rebounding for more offense, hoping a half inch. Depending upon whom you are talking to, ball tournament at St. Mary's Fieldhouse "I suppose the kids will be a little more our offense," he shrugged. "Maybe we won't the insertion of 8-8 sophomore Jim McDon- Aldridge either goes 6-7 or M. Wednesday? Not really, . confident because we beat them twice," use the press much." ough, an outside shooting whii in the first "That's the challenge," said Kenney. "The kids know that Jack Rader, coach of the Rollingstone mused Rader, "but it will be a tough game. Don't ask Rader for a starting lineup. game, will offset Arens' loss. if they do a good defensive job on Aldridge, we can win. But Holy Trinity Rockets, made it Thursday on St. Felix is playing much better now than He has seven: They are: Steve Kalmes, 5-9 ••Actually he was the most calm kid we we have vto bold him down." the eve of his team's entrance into festivities. when we played them." junior guard who is having bis best practice had out there Wednesday," said Loretz of the Plachecki will hot be asked to carry the entire load. Larry He had his reasons. Two questions pop into mind: Will the week of the season, 6-1 center Dave Mueller sophomore who will be making his first start. Larson may also find himself matched against the big fellow, Holy Trinity tonight bumps into St. Felix fact that Rollingstone is making, its first start . who hag been sick and probably will not work McDonough bit 13 in the first game. who Kenney rates as one of the league's most improved in an 8:45 p,m. contest at St, Mary's. The to No. 2 for St. Felix be a factor? Does Rader fulltime, 5-7 Chuck Rian, S-7 Dave Arnoldy, But McDonough and the St, Felix team players. 7:15 kickoff is for a berth in Sunday's 1:30 consider beating a team for the third time a 5-11 Dennis Felton, -5-10 Ron Runoff ahd 5-10 will have to work hard to overcome the loss Along with Larson and Plachecki will be the other three consolation game. It will feature Winona Cot- tough assignment? Bill Klinger. of Arens1 rebounding average of 15 per game. boys who have helped the Hawks to a 13-3 season record. ter and Loretto. "We want to run a little and press half "While Trinity — with the exception of "We're going to have to try and get a few Gary Addington and Don Hazelton will" be the gnards and But back to Rader. court ," he said. "We hope that will get us ; Mueller — is healthy, St. Felix has lost, re- easy ones to help out, " said Loretz, who Will John Walski the left forward. "Loretto la fast enough to handle our over the jitters quick. And beating a team bounding leader John Arens for the tourna- rely on a fastbreak offense. Rick Landers and 6-7 George Wilson, who opened for fastbreak," he offered. "They probably could a third time didn't make much difference to ment with a badly sprained ankle suffered He will start Terry Stroot, Bill Hanson, Red Wing the last time around,' now have been replaced by slow down our offense. Our speed should be Lourdes (which <5JLd it to Cotter in the opening during action Thursday. Jeff Yeoger, John Bill and McDonough. Dale Hauschlldt and Jeff Severson. The other two starters more effective against St. Felix." round) ,

r Bavasi Certainly WCHA to Finish __.:' ___ . mwttw eiimimto..einmwi,raiuww W«OT »JW,;«Ml etii«»iinit< »«iTJ Good Humored/ Foes Roseau, Johnson to Battle' j Both Sides Pout ST. PAUL (AP - Old foes I Johnson scored on a 25-foot ular scored his final tally 13 of the third period. White Bear Most Torrid Race Lake had taken a 1-0 first-period By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS LOS ANGELES (AP) - When Roseau and St. Paul Johnson screen shot by Glen Gorska mid- seconds from the fnnlsh after game of the Second period and Coleraine pulled its goalie. lead on Paul Valento's goal. The The Western Collegiate Hockey clash Ih a semi-final way in the Association winds up its most ' Sandy Koufax and Don Dyrs- State High School Hockey Tour- tallied again in the third frame, Packers' third score was a blaz- ______¦'. _K______E^_l ______l Falls ran Into surprisingly torrid race in history tonight and dale said, "Hey, Buz, we want a nament 8:30 tonight , with de- The Teddies, meanwhile, man- ing 50-foot shot by Jim Carter at tough competition from Ken- Saturday with only tlie last two million dollars and three-year fending champ International aged only two shots while John- with only 56 seconds left. places settled for certain. _ contracts," Loa Angeles Dodger Falls meeting South St. Paul in son was skating off a double nedy, but led the , Bloomington The schedule called for White m m^_W^^f^^-^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^mmm9m ^m^m^k\ (Buzzie) school 2-1 after two periods. Tim Michigan Tech (L3-4-1) and ^m\\\\W^^^ m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W ^m\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mm\ Vice President E.J. the other semi-final contest at 7. penalty for 1:22 In the third Bcar . Lake to meet Kennedy and Minnesota (13-7-0) battle for tho HH^______Bavasi was so good-humored, so Johnison shut out Minneapolis frame. Sheehy scored twice for Falls, for Roosevel t to play Coleraine H VBBIBII>IH with John Mathews shooting regular - season championship friendly, one would think they Roosevelt 2-0, Roseau beat Col- Roseau's Bryan Grand: and in tlie consolation semi-finals at Houghton, Mich., while North y to borrow his home the final tally at 3:34 of FL ^\^^^M^^^^my ^j^w5^^^^^^^K^8^^^KlitSlSl^K^^Km^m^m^m\ had asked merel eraine - Greenway 4-2, South St. Coleralne's Kent Nyberg txaded this afternoon. Dakota (12-8-0) entertains Den- I *^~ * * * S_H_tt_S______Rc^^^^<^ j JflPKQM______E^__^______' \jm ^m^m^m^m^m^mwWm^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^m^mw^^^^^^^^m i i______i date. the final period. The Drones are _¦ r. <<> s^^'ZSmzF XL mmmWm9im car for a double Paul downed White Bear Lake goals in the first period! and ver ( 9-6-3 ) at Grand Forks, N.D., ixAr^ 'X 'im^^j0^t^^lmm mmmmt But he said no, again within 58 seconds of tho now 26-0 for the season. 3-1 and Falls topped Blooniing- with both of those clubs atili |_Tn^)«_il^^H»P ^ Xj£^mmmM mmLmM For heart's balm, though, he ton Kennedy by the same score third before Grand broke the 2-2 South St. Paul broke a 1-1 tie shooting for second place. ap R?ti.4s_ta______Pp " ^i____B______a______(_____S______fl_i^^mm T'more ASCO Eliminates HC - '-^< offered the star pitchers in opening - day games Thurs- tie and scored two more goals when senior wing Chuck Mortel Michigan - mm^mm^mm^mmwmmTBMBt ^mmwntiitmmvmWiimmxXu and 8th. X '¦ '\_ ^_\ _ ball title Wednesday by trim- ______¦WWf - Wm m^^Smr^-m^mm^mmB!MA-WlX ming Satan Chasers 16-9, 18-0, WSKSf ^^^K ^^sSSsSKSt ^^^Ks ^^^KSs'V ^m Aowtls.msnt ______'S_^P -'/y ^k 10-16. mmW ^^FaKmm^mmm^m^SSr Setter Uppers remained the W^kwL' - x ^H^ - _ ^_ws^_\^___m_ ^_^__J__ ^_wW^'^t4^s sv ¦ MECHANICS ______H__ k ^~wA. tit _ r--^>*>>^^^a^______ffy^o^ji lWtBB__ l______^ " s on r, 'r^' Now who' only team with a shot at the ______L_^*l'-' * '»«^^a______lUQr_&ll______i______your side? front runners by topping Net WANTED Hangers 14-16 15-3, 13-fl while »»~lf he's , , Your Insumnw mm cur neither Trl-Bankers or Watkins Zlnjlor, inc. Is , again sxturvjlrnj Hi Mln- •n lndep«nd«nt «l«nt. Ai such, nscpollt .hop Iscllltlsi, A_d_lllon«l «xper- Surpasscs whiskey you r«pr«»«nt i«v»r«l f»na played. NfFW smDrtthn^ssl ""7 "w ha' » free to loncwl mtC-isnlcs art needed btcdu >• ol p.nw smootnness i . | lnwr Brlillant dealing with th»m. Next Wednesday marks the our rtpli amrtb. your Intarosta lo final round of league action. H» »rv»» yoai (Int wlwn you n»««l II you h»v» h«d tfis iqu Ivalent of thrtt NEW mildness! ?""*«< help. We're Independent ajentt. Hank Maly, YMCA director, in* yf_ . ni »xp»rlMC» In Victor, truck or aulu- gXESfiT** forms league competitors that motlwi r»Dslr, ara a hloh sdiool jr •dints ¦ they still will be able to play ar*! h«v _ a dsalra to git ahead, wt art Iiv NEWenjoyment! "* volleyball at the rcguar league lira, ltd In yw, ^Sf SS ( YOUH/f l*P«*«M cm V taemrtf/AaisNT/ time, but no organized league Zlaglar hu a llbtral Irlnga boned 1 pro- NEWsmartncss! n"' •°"" ': •*'"* 1 uram. on-tht-lob trtlnlna, n.od«.n stiop X -aa play will be held following Wed- ^JS„ ^ ^ ^ nesday, l. clillloj and Ideal working conditions, KEEPING 'EM OUT Jsmes Nelson, son knocks away « third period shot during For an ippolntmtnt Mil tr m\tt Wr. B, •NEWpopularity! * *£ * *A MARKS IN DANGER E. tt, (via ¦ §$ CLARK ft CLARK, Inc. Roseau High School goalie, shows an awk- game with Greenwsy-Coleralne. Middle shot, SAN FRANCISCO CAP) — A Sunny Brook £My77 P. M. N«a puck Nelson grabs for loose rmoLSR, INC, «ft, H. W. Clark ward but effective way of keeping the puck he just stopped half-dozen world records will ho since 1891. Brlllloatl j » C. tt. Brown, Jr. out of the net during the Minnesota State and Inst shot shows Nelson, face-down on in danger tonight at the Golden ?01 West . .Ih Stritt Phone 2H) . Ml nn«npollSi Minn. Ss« . 117 Ctnter St. High School Hockey Tournament In the St. stomach and feet in air, grabbing the puck to Gat© Invitational track meet at .I_ IN WHISKJEVJ , Araai Codt ei8-41_l UOPAX'S. AiHiLLlANXcHQlCE Paul Auditorium Thursday. Left to right, Nel- stop pley. Roseau won, 4-2. (AP Photofax) tho Cow Palace. Caltrplll«r Dtalir Is. Mlnrmota ^ i TAKEYOUR PWmEAST COACHES WARRIORS FOR FUNALTIME TONIGHT Feeling Wabasha or [Campbell:Tm Lake City '5' ¦; By BOB JUNGRANS 7:)« p;m.^-Dovar- __yola ve. Lewliton. Karger, coach of the Wabasha »:00 p.m. - -rElgln v«. Lika «lty. ¦ ¦ "But at least if we do Dally Newg Sports Writer Thursday: . . _ .: Indians. 7:J» p.m^-P|alnvlew-SI. Chirlai win- meet them this year, we have ^mlyi Wabasha and Lake City, two ner .vi. Wabaitia. makei it a ball game." hopes to play- classed and outmanned,. but and made others battle for »:M p.mj-Dover-Byola-Levilitan win- By BOB JUNGHANS dwarfed by most'i^^ of his of the most powerful teams to ner vi. Elgin-Lake. City -winner. Wabasha hasn't been in the ers in the huddle during a the boys have been able to their basketball lives. come out of the east half of Friday, March 4: Karger Dally^^^ News Sports Writer *:D0 p.m.—Champlonthlp gamt. „ subdistrict finals since , rise to the occasion over the . ''We've had better sea- timeout or before a game . District Three in many years, been at the helm, but this years. ' , "• ' ' sons," siaid Campbell, "but ' ' has Just as a man's entire life has brought an exciting brand - , . ,*> LAST GAME:.: ¦ '¦. . Tliii is ; appear headed for a showdown No one appears to have a year the Indians' chances look flashes through; his mind iri of basketball to Winona State we've played as good a ball . "I feel a little misty about Winonia State College bas- in the finals of the east sub- chance' against the two power- extremely good with a 16-1 sea- those last few seconds be- and his teams have played in this last stretch of the sea- this . being my liast game. I've ketball coach Bob Camp- ; district tournament which be- houses, but if the tournament son record . fore eternity, the last five some of the national small had a real fine bunch to work son as any of iriy other teams way bell who will boss the War- gins Monday at Lake City. doesn't offer much in the year's over Bob Campbell's college powerhouses to a with and am certainly going have at any one stretch. Gary The Indians of Wabasha, beat of excitement until the finals, KARGER could start a line- coaching life will be parad- standstill at times over the Petersen (team captain and riors for the final tiihe -with his shortest man at ¦ to miss the group that will be en only once this year, receiv- it will offer fans a chance to up ing through his head tonight. .years/ .' ' remaining for next year. the only senior on the squad) against Bemidji tonight; ed a bye in the first round of see some of the;biggest men in 6-2, but to do that he would says the same thing," Campbell has resigned his For: tonight, at 8:15 p.m. in "Just the; .fact that the There'll be a good nucleus play, while Lake City, whicl the east sub-district in recent have to bench 6-1 guard Pete ' ; ;: ' ' ' : ' post here to accept a posi- Memorial: Hall, Campbell will boys have usually been able :;back.^ ; . . v ' ¦V-; .; -: ; : Petersen, who will be play- boasts an 11-3 season record years in Lake City's 6-6, ' 215- Ekstrand. And he's not about direct the Winona State bas- to come up to their capabili- This year's team has been ing his last game as a War- tion on the staff of Cali- with nine Victories in its last pound Mu Diepenbrock and Wa- to do that because Ekstrand ia ketball team for the last time. ties and sometimes played typical of the Campbell-pilot- rior tonight, has a career fornia Lutheran College. 10 games, faces Elgin Tuesday basha's 6* Jack Kane. averaging 21 points-per-game. Campbell's five-year record over the capabilities when ed teams of the past half- nearly identical to Camp- Gametime tonight is 8:15 night in the opposite bracket. •V And he's not even , the team'i hell's, performing as a mem- WABASHA scorer. at the helm of the Warriors We come up against real tough decade. The Warriors hold p.m; following a 6:30 pre- 't meet leading ber of the State team for four THB PAIRINOS: "For a change we don Dennis Iverson, a 6-2 forward, isn't impressive, but it doesn't clubs is gratifying to ¦me ," only, a 7-14 record, but they liminary between Lanesboro Monday : Lake City in the first round. , no one of Campbell's five years. 7:30 jj.m.—Plalnvlew vs. St. Charles. is hitting 25 points per game. A tell the story of his career. said Gamphell. "In many cas- have beaten teams and Lewiston. (Daily News Tuesday':. . That's a relief ," said Chuck The man in the grey suit, es we've been extremely out- gave them a chance against Campbell mentioned the Sports Photo) . ; third starter is 6r8 Jack Kane names Of Ken Stellpflug , Lyle and the fourth, 6-3 Rich Schuth. Papenfuss, Dick Papenfuss Both are hitting 12 points-per- and Dave Meisner as well as game. - ' -X -XX Petersen as he thought of The fifth spot has been bounc- some of the outstanding play- ed* around between 6-4 Chuck ers he has coached. Smith, 5-7 Gary Johnson and . "They were all great in 6-6 freshman Jim Malone. These Pin^^ three and 5-10 Bill Dunn are their own respect," he said. "It's hard to say any one of all expected to see action in them is all-around tops.'.' : the. tournament. : But the time for reminisc- * §haf : LAKE CITY ing was over and. the. imme-r s& "We might as well start play- diate object was at hand — It records and comparative half of District Three. Darold Baumgard sums Up his ing them," said Lake City coach Bemidji. scores mean anything, Pine Is- THE PAIRtNGS team this season. Mike Klonap, Bill Holmes of the upcoming "They'll be tough," Camp- land and Stewartville are the MONDAV (af Kajjon-Man.orvllte): 6-2, Lance Nickel, .5-10, and : tournament games. "This, is the bell said of tonight's 8:15 p.m. favorites in the West Sub-Dis- 7:19 p.m.—Dodge Center vi. Byren_ Steve Mount, 6-0, are the first time we' trict of the District Three bas- » p.m.—Pine Island vs. Mazeppa . ve had everybody foe. "We'll have¦¦ to: be ready THURSDAY (at Kassbn-Mantorvllle): three front liners with Nickel healthy all at same ; tinrie ¦ "¦ ' ketball tournament. 7:30 p;m.—Dodge Center - Byron win- ¦un- the .for- .bear."'. ". .' and Mount alternating in an this year." ner vs. Steirartvllle, . "- . usual revolving double post Bemidji was one of the And both coaches agree, but » p.m.—Pine liland - Maieppa " will- of- When he has . had his cagers they also point to Dodge Center . .ner vi. Kasion-Manlorvllle. • fense, . - 'v. teams that the Warriors were FRIDAY, March 4 (at Rochester): all in one piece, and Kasson-Mantorville as pos- Holmes h^s given little chance of beat- 7:JO p.m.-rCtiamplonjtilp game. Nickel and Mount are, both been alternating six _t; start- ing, but the Statesmen pulled sible titlists; So that's what the averaging about 12 points-per- potpourri of favorites Neither Kasson-Mantorville or ting positions with a seventh the upset by a 79-77 count in looks like ganie while Klomp and guard used frequently. as the tournament opener ap- Dodge Center have outstanding Bob Fisher are hitting about 10. Bemidji. A. victory;: - tonight season records, but loth ', have proaches Monday at Kasson- Filling out the fifth starting spot STU DIEPENBROCK. at «-« would give Winona an 8-14 shown potential at one time . er season record and a 5-5 con- Mantorville High School. is Brad Larson. ; * : : and 215, is the big man for Pine Island sports the best another. K-M won seven Of its the; Tigers. ference , mark, equalling the first eight games this year,:but _ But another plus for the Stew- Jim Abraham, 6-2, best NIC figure in Campbell's record of any of the tourney ies is a good bench that enables Curt Herman, 6-1, Jim Stengel, participants with a 13-4 sea- has lost seven of its lastVeiglit reign at the helm. for an 8-8 mark going into to- Baumgard to play seven or 6-0, Steve Haase, 5-9, and Bri- son mark, including the last eight players a game with- an Deschneau, 5-8, have rota- Petersen. Tim Anderson, seVen in a row. But the Pan- night's final game with Cannon Mike Jeresek , Meisner and FallSi Dodge Center hit a slump out slowing down his team's ted at the ether four spots. All thers must face Dodge Center progress. Don Beach and Tim are seniors except Rich . Starzecki will be in the iri their season finale tonight in in the middle of th& year but Haase. Tom Malone are the top reserves; Walters, a 6-1 junior is the lineup for the Warriors. what will be a bellweather has come back to win four of , sev- its last five for an 8-8 record . "We do a pretty good job . on enth man. At. STATE MEET . ^.Thefse arev the Spencer Tom Sanders, Bill Braun and Sam The contest will be preced- for the tournament. Stewartville ^ ed by a preliminary game STEWARIVILLE the boards," commented Baum- Laka City has been the sub- Winona.High School swimmers who will com- Gaustad. Back row same; order: Bob Ryd- . is one step behind the Island- district > between Lanesboro and Lew- ers with a 12-5 mark also "We're physically strong, but gard, "And we get a iot of easy champion the past two pete in th» state swimming meet at th« man, Dennis Sievers, Larry Anderson, Steve but iston high schools at 6:30 must finish against a strong foe we're not really very fall.!' (Continued on Page 13) (Continued on Page 13) University of Minnesota this wedsend. From Kowalsky and Tim Heise. (Daily News Sports ¦ ¦ ' " ;; p.m- - - • ' - . . ¦; ' . ' . tonight , Lake City of the east That's how Stewartville coach PINE ISLAND WABASHA left in the front row- are: Fritz Saecker, Gary ' * Phpto)v ;¦,.:; : TLING-STATC SWIMS AT NIC MMMMMM WRES , ¦ HAWKS IH MS/ON OM «M ^—» ¦-¦— ¦¦—«— ^» *^— ¦¦¦—--—•—- ¦*—-—•* ¦¦— ¦*¦¦—- ¦-¦¦-¦-— ¦"¦"^-—- ¦¦-?"-" 7- . _ ___-P-M-_--_-_--_--BHMWi ¦¦mmmtm^SMMMMaMMM ™^*^«— 7-'-? TIRES ¦ Sports Teams Eye Tournaments COST ¦r1. Cal*- KALMES R UNES 72.1 Box 6tS 108-116 W. 2nd SI. "Since 1917" Phone 2847 Phon* Donli, Pint Iil»nil, Whitehall-. Tremp**- ©^mimm * 403 West Th ird Street BANT.OR A I.OSRH l«»u- , Ruililord, Onale»li«> , Sliwarlvllla, Open 7iO0 a.m. tp 6:00 p.m. — Saturdays til 3:00 "•")"*¦"M>«Mr.M.a Winonn, Minn . to Trem- Onto, Wykoll' , ' p.m. pealeau Tuesday nifiht . dropped •Flnl»b«d ichailula. PINE ISLAND ¦ ¦. MENACE X Arcadia's Dorn (Cootlna H from Page 12) Buege's 642 :, DENNIS THE layups off the double poet." Wabasha, Lake City • : -. . PINE ISLAND: iy - (Continued from Page 12) ler and KWteby are all hitting The season has been a Lone Area Star double figures. . pleasant surprise for first-year ties joswick years and Holmes says, "If we ' ' ' " ' play ball we should :¦ ELGIN ,' • .. ¦ • • • coach John Cannon of Pine Is- take it V . . land. Picked to finish some again. But Wabasha will pro- It's either been a case of ex- extremely bad where near the bottom In the In WIAA Meet bably be the finest team we've tremely g&bd or Wasioja Conference this year, For 3rd Place faced Ln four years." for the young Elgin basketball MADISON .{ft— A record 105 ¦¦ the islanders have come on Tho Winona Bowling Associa- schools — four more than last ' ' '' team. . strong in the last half of the v ST. CHARLES . . xX '. "It seems we either shoot tion city tournament, being year — will compete in the 1868 season to finish as. the runners- staged at Winona Athletic Club, "We could have done worse about 50 percent or about . 20 : ¦ state high school wrestling tour- in the draw," scald St. Charles UP- x. : X'.l marked its slowest night in sin- nament percent," said coach Vern Lor- ' at the Univerisjt)' of coach Don Behrens. "They' "We've just gotten better," gles and doubles divisions ve IIMMHi a^Pww ^ entson, "never anywhere in - .be- Wisconsin fieldfcoiise Friday beat lis :¦' twice this year, btit ¦ ¦' "¦ said Gannon in explanation of Thursday. Only one change in and Saturday. Richardson tween.' ". : we've played tkeni on a par at tittrington the turnabout. "There are a lot each division was made. A total of 279 htgh schools par- ;¦;. THE WArCITMENr will have of intangibles with this team, Glen Biiege moved into third- ticipated in regional times." . " and sec- Behrens was speaking of the to have on their shooting shoes They really like to hustle, place tie in singles with a 1842 tional meets leading to selec- in the first game of the tourna- Making up the "hustling" Pan- notched behind a 580 scratch tion of contenders. Saints' opening game against The state Plainview. St. Charles has won ment when they draw the task ther starting five have been and 62 pins of handicap. He field was determined at eight of trying to stop Lake City, Don Millering, 6-2; Wayne Car- shot games 199, 212 and 169 to sectionals last weekend in which only one game in 15 starts this season and Behrens admits that And to make it more difficult, ney, 6-1, and Dave Arneson, &-1 dra-w even with Hilary Joswick. 223 (School's were represented; Micka the picture - isn't top bright for Elgin doesn't have a starter in the front line with: Tom The 192 wrestlers who finished over six feet. -., :. - and Ed Shanks, both 5-7, at ; - ' ' first or second the tournament, ' - TOP; TEN. ; in 12 weight "We'll have to keepi the ball guards. Carney is the team s - ; - classes — ranging from 94 A pair of sophomores have leading scorer with nearly a 20- Donbles - . led the Saint attack in the lat- away from'wm *:»" ¦; - .- ' -*!_?* ing and Arneson are hitting well in preliminaries schedul- that We . have a jgood ni ght, Paul Plait Jr. - Hilary Jeiwlck 1,117 ed Friday afternoon. Finals 6-9 Da ve Morrill and 5-10 Jim into double figures, John Clanan • Max. Kulai ... !,_!« are Iverson Ekstrand we can shoot with anyone." set Saturday ewening. Gettler will be in the starting '"We got a bye the first night, Richard La[k - Clam Roiak ... I,lit lineup, along ?tfth Bob Ecktes, Carl Wajar - Cacll KlaHar 1,110 Madison; West is defending gymnasium, Lewiston has play; The Elgin starting lineup con- but we run into Kasson-Man- Willard Andarun - Norb Thruna 1,11* champion and has qualified at 6-1 the only other ; eager on sists of 5-11 Bob Tittrington ,, the torville the second night on their Bart .Ionian - W. J. Chrlttanun 1,1. 4 the St. Charles squad that ed only 13 games this year, win: Bob Wolfa - Mtl SchlaiMlman . 1,«J ; viiwm three competitors. . Berlin arid But the only letterraan on the squad at home floor.,-' said Gannon. I *ttuVe o^i^ mM&m stretches the tape over 72 inch- ning four of them. 5-11 .¦' ' Singlet mx even WICW WHATASWBSHW Wittenberg; tied for second last Cardinals first: round foe, Dov- the beginning of the year, scouted them, and, my £osh, m^I/M i es. All three are averaging be- 5-7 Steve up, Cy Cyan ...... ;..,. . . . tn year. Berlin; has qualified two er-Eyota; has won only two ol Arvin Holtegaard, they're: big. But we'll show " .- John Clanan ...... ,. M and Wittenberg cine.X X. tween 10 and 13 points. Richardson, 5-10 Dave Nihart Hilary joiwletc ...... ««1 GE CENTrER Olan Buaga UI The other two starters are and either 5-10 Bob Rahman or ¦¦¦ ¦ The lone area wrestler enter- A team tbat'e known for com- Ed Oulak ..;...... a» ed from this area is Arcadia, cousins Keith and Dick Wilson. "WE'VE BEEN ceming along 5-9 Keith Phipps. , Titterington Henry Paakltwlei «JJ ing into its own just in time for Frank Pomaroy ...... ii...... OS "Only one hive we been able and we hope to improve more iii scoring -with * : • ' • ¦«_ VJis., Impound, star Duane leads the team the tournament, this year's . - - B III Bel); ;..,...... : ¦ ._ ...... - Dorn. Dorn was second in the to put four good quarters to- in the tournament, " said Pur a 17:2 average^ while Richard- Bill Vosel .... \.;... . - .:...... ; «J Dodge Center crew is no excep- • L«on Edel¦ :. .. . :. ;.....;¦ U Weston .sectional one year ago. gether ," said Behrens, "And Her. "Our chances in the first son is hitting at a i4-per-game ¦¦ * that's the one we won. " tion; - - one look pretty bright." clip and Holtegaard at 12. The Dodgers ran Into a bad AH-Eventt ¦' Ron Draaa' ...... '...,.... 1,1*7 : ' . . " ' LEWISTON . Dean Wilde, 5-11, Bon Kess- PLAINVIEW streak in the middle of the sea- Morti Thruna .;-. -.;..,.. 1,l« SCRABECK Another coach who feel's he' ler : 6-0, Ron Kirkoby, 5-11, Ron son when they lost seven of Jack Richer- Jr. 1. B7- s , ""You bet your boots I go John Clertan ....;.... 1,110 . (Continued from Page 11) had the luck of the draw is Lew- Getzlaff , 5-9 and: either Dick eight games. But in recent Ed Dulek ...... ;.....,.. 1,11* along with I the theory that : it's Joe Harden ...... 1,794 iston's Dick PTirrier Stark , 6-1 or Dave Tesch, 5- weeks Dodge Center has come ¦ pound match and didn't stop. . , tough to beat a team the third Bill Bell 1,191 ' Hampered by the back with four victories in its Glen Buega .,;.. :-. -,".;.,i- . ' 1,7*0 . South lack of; con- 1-1, make up the starting line- said Plainview coach Dakota State first ference af illation and a small Wilde; time, " last five contests its , lone i_.ew. ls Klagge! .....;;...... 1,787 wore the suit 6>f success, get- up for the Cards. Kess- Bob Bagley; "The second time Hillary Joswick ,,..;...... :... 1,181 «^f loss coming by four points •• ^•^^*' »fc_»»«<»B_»S_*^ ,S^ll^ ting 10-0 and 5-3 decisions we played St. Charles it was to Wasioja Conference champi- over Darrell Andrist and Rog IN FACT, DOUBLE TROUBLE pretty close." on Hayfield. The Dodgers cur- In the doubles event, Bert Jehlicka . at 123 and 130. The Jensen and W. j. Christenson THE TWO arch rivals will go rently ho|d an 8-8 season record boys to do it were Jerry Smith going into tonight's last regular took over ninth place with 1,204. and Don Miller. at it in the first game of the Jensen shot 187-124-14fr-457 and tournament Monday and Bagley season game. But that same suit fit Wi- Christenson 160-189-190—539. The will have a pair of 6-2 juniors Roger Kraemer, a 5-11 senior group carried 209 pins of handi- nona better as Perry King forward, and Fred Kreager, a ¦ Trouble for to Carry the load. Dean ; Har- cap. :¦' . ¦! I; bounced to a 4-2 win over rington and Matt Oderrnahn 6rS junior center, have led the Stan Lambert _at 137 and Leo i)odgers iri scoring throughout The I singles leader with 677 ' are the big men on the team¦ is Cy Cyert. Tops in doubles Simon pushed down Darrel : with Harrington leading' ; the the season. Kraemer is aver- Smith 6-0 af 145. aging nearly 20 points-per-game. are William Lolcen and Den- scoring department with 164 ¦ .a.M,stale- /W/ c|id0/t 5x ' ' Pete Doty;, another senior at nis Nelson with 1,288. A total That inside It points; in 15 games. . - ;- of 236 duos still must shoot. and a Winona lead was ' 6-0 is also averaging in double mate, CHICAGO . CAP-) - First-place champion Dave ; Schellhase of The other starters are 6-0 sen- In doubles, Merlin Storsveen not long ih Icomkfg,. figures, as is 5-10 junior guard Michigan and Wblyerine All- Purdue, who set a Big Ten rec- ior John Mulligan, '5 .-1Q sopho- hit 208 and Pick Miranda 541. Merle Sovereign trieated Americk Cazzie Russell could ord with 57 points as Purdue lost Bill Bonser. The fifth starter for more Scott Richardson and 5-11 coach Jim Peterson's crew is In singles, Larry Koskivich those assembled to his best run into double trouble in their to Michigan, 128-94, in a wild ' junior Larry Schultz. Dave MacBaird, a:5-11 senior, who is shot 232. John Erickson hit (in the estimation of Gun- Big Ten basketball. . ,visit to Pur- game at Ann Arbor, Mich., last Walch, A 1 5-7 senior, is the top 543 and Don Beck and Ben Gor- ) ' ' ¦' " also capable of having a hot ner showing of the season, due Saturday . ¦Saturday. , - . . - . reserve. ' night.: yl:l der 542s. parlaying a third-round rever- A stumble on the court Of the Official league statistics re- The Dodgers first-round foe, The only "change in all-events ^isttfarif on sal and near fall into a 6-9 lowly Boilermakers, in a three- leased Thursday credited Rus- "WE'LL JUiST take them one came , when Buege T©ur: mm qpaoo/ fonigm attain ImP Byron , has posed some prob- took over ' ' 'X ' x X- y w' $irt* ' ;. ¦¦- " ¦ decision that p^t the Warriors way cellar tie at 3-7 , could sink sell with a 10 - game Big Ten at a time," said Bagley, evi- eighth place with 1,790. He y Xx i, . l N *dt . . ' ' out front 9-6. also meant top-spot tie with 31,9 points, dently remembering the . 1963 lems this year. The two teams It Michigan to a average of only a have swapped five-point deci- had 491 in the team event, 533 that South Dakota State un- Michigan State , which who team which; went into the tour- . runnerup shade ahead of Schellhase, sions, with Byron winning the in doubles and 580 in singles. beaten Terry Linander is no is host to another basement club, has 31.6. nament with a record not much Ron Dreas is tops in ttiat de- Jerry Duresk* snapped 593 war first one when Dodge Center Fish Shop and George Pozanc longer unbeaten. . Indiana,;;- . -; better than this year's 4-11 mark was in the midst of its slump. partment with 1,847 and Ed Du- . But then things reversed as Schellhase won the scoring and went all the way to the rei- lek. has 1,744 . scratch. 219:214-157—590 errorless for Pcv Miss Moravec ' icked Warrior unbeatens Jim Tan- Michigan at 8-2 holds one- crown last year with a 14-game gional finals before losing. KASSON-MANTORVILLE Tonight at 6:30 the following zanc s. Dick Jaazewsfci p niehill and Ray Wicks were game lead over Michigan State, average of 27. 9. Russell finished Kasson-Mantorville is another teams wifl bowl : up the 7-9-10. ¦ Pin Drops — Sport&man'g got knocked from that department 7-3:\ ,. . ;: .- second with 26,2. DOVER-EYOTA team that has suffered a slump Lyle Jacobson - Mm Stout, 483 from Bemice McElraury in rt 160 and 167; Big Ten scoring leader Russell For the overall season , Schell- If Dover-Eyota could have this season, but the Ko-Mets Don Ellingson - Sam Morken, in 595-^Her The -villain could be overtaken by defending hase paces the nation with a 32.5 have yet to show the signs of Jim Garry - Bob hitting 934. Dort Walsh picked at 160 was Den- gotten all its man power togeth- Jandt, Ray up 186 for Pappy's and Raa« nis Campbell; who outscored average, while Russell is fourth er at one time, the Eagles pro- breaking out. Thrune - Dick Speltz, Al Mayn- with 80.0. / ard ' -;¦ dall's 2,539. Tanniehill 4-3. and the cul- bably would boast better than Tom O'Brien, a husky 6-2 cen- Jim Jumbeck, Steve Be- [earn Cops 7th Keglerette — Jan LublnsH prit at 167 was Mike Kain : Third in current league scor- their current 2-13 record. ter, tops the scorers with a 17- lisle - Robert Nelson Sr , Joseph ing is Don Freeman of Illinois Marge Moravec has a talent knocked down 184—482 for Jer- Both have been beaten but "I thought we were going to point mark. Dan Buegler, a 5-10 Kryser - Gerald Christopherson, , ry's Auto Sales. Sam's Direct Lang's Tops with 26.6, followed by Minne- Roy Nelson - Robert Nelson for tipping top ten totals and once this year . . be pretty respectable this year, junior guard, has come on ^ Jr., her Winona Insurance team in Service tipped 854 and Sammy's But; of coitTse, everything sota's Archie Clark , fourth with but those things happen,''. -. said strong late in the season and is John Schreiber - Rich Schrei- ' ¦ ¦ ¦ , ber, . the Hal-Rod Powder Puff Pizza 2,484. Bev Wos converted ended well , Scrabeck . receiv- 25.5. coach Dwayne Proeschel. I averaging in double figures , as . League likes it that Way. the 2-7. * ing a shoulder ride and "Mal- is 6-1 junior forward Rich Pal- During the 9 p.m. shift these Oasis 6-1, Michigan I R the top Big ten THE EAGLES lost 6-3 senior Miss Moravec Thursday night RED MEN'S CSUB: Ladief ty" being mobbed on the mat mer. The other two starters are are the teams: — ' Schmidt's socked 858-2,500 offensive club with a 94.6 aver- center Ron Zitrow for three Milford Thompson - Carrol sandwiched a 226 game between as the celebration began. 6-0 senior forward Greg Holtz ¦ behind 473 from Bernice Kratz. age , followed by Illinois with games during the middle of the and Tom Brekke, a 5-10 junior Colbenson, Clifford Hoel ' - Al- lines of 201 and 168 for a 595 But the sobering thought 85.2 and Minnesota with 83.9. series that formed a four-way Shirley Bronk raked 206 for still is Moorhead, another un- season and then tost both start- guard. Butch Gladden, 5-10, is fred Cordes, Pastor Owen - Lelcht Press. Playoff Even Michigan State leads on de- ing guards, Curt Burgdorf and Charles Boehmke tie for tenth place with Helen ¦ beaten . the top reserve. , Byrle "Yvonne xm: - : . The indoor Softball league fense with an average yield of Phil Neresonj for the last Tschumper - Gordie Nyseth Nelon, Carpenter and EXPLORER BOWLING "In comparative g cores, , Irene Pozanc. championship playoff is even. 72.9 points, trailed by Iowa with month. Burgdorf will be back BYRON Bruce Reed - Doc Johnson, John ROCHESTER Minn. they have been beating teams Considering 6-2 junior Merlin ¦ , - St. ' It is even though Lang's, the 76.1 and Illinois and Northwest- just in time for the tournament Van Hoof • - Chris Christensen, And that series powered her Charles Explorer Post 54 won worse than we have, " said Cordes was the only lettermen '¦' Winona Insurance team 2,730 Gunner. "But it should hottest thing going in the city em, each with 79.9. opener against Lewiston, but Clarence Chuchna Jr. - William third in the Gamehaven Council be one back for this season and there Schultz that ranks in seventh place. The good wrestling meet." softball circle , scored a 6 - 1 Nereson was forced to have his , Ernie Eskelson - Joe Explorer Scout bowling tourna- arm amputated because of a wasn't a senior on the team, Trimmer, Vern Thill - Clarence group built the total around a The Dragons are the Mo. 2- victory Thursday night in the Byron has done quite well for ment here Sunday. Owatonna first playoff meeting between malignant tumor! Breining. 926 game. Pilling out the ag- ranked NAIA unit. itself to date, winning six of its gregate score were Helen Nel- was first with 2,433; Rochester WINONA 15, SOS .J the two teams. Cow Girls Play "Having Curt back should be had 2,304, St. Charles 2,207 and 123—Jerry Smith (SOS) doc. Darrell 15 games. son with 534, Eleanore Stahl Andrlef (W| lO-O ; 110 — Don Milter Lang's defeated regular sea- a psychological lift for the Cordes has been the top scor- with 508, Evelyn Frie with 490 Lake City 2, 176. (SDS) dec. Rog Jehlicka (W) 4-3; 137 son champion Oasis, which gets kids , " said Proeschel . —Perry King (W3 dec. Stan lambart er for the Bears with a 17-point '5' and Jo Biltgen with 468. The (FInf Pub. frWsy, Feb. II, !?«) SDS) i-l, l«-L«o Simon (W) dec, the break of only having to win Arcadia Sunday The rest of the starting line- mark, but two other 6-2 junior Gilmanton team used 135 handicap pins. Statu of Mlnneiotn ) ll. Darrel Smith (SD-S) 4-0; 152 - Marie once for the playoff title. Lang's ARCADIA , Wis. (Special) - up will be made up of Ken Zit- frontliners have also hit well. Elsewhere in the league, Ir- County of Winon* ) In Probata Court Sovereign (VV) dec, Terry Linander ' No. 16,004 (SDS) .-0; 16^-Dennls Campbell (SDS) must win two. A basketball game between the zow, 6-2 junior, Roger . Nickel- They, are Mike O'Brien and Al lene Trimmer shot 580, Mary In Ha libit of dec. Jim Tanniehill (W) 4-3; 147— sen , 5-8 sophomore, Darrell Hovey who give Byron good size Notches Second Douglas 511 and Joan Young Adtlald* Broilg, ilio known H Mike Kain dec . Ray Wicks (W) 5-1; Pete Jerowski tossed a two- Texas Cow Girls, and a group MUlna Broilg, D»c«dint. 177 — Dan Scra beck (W) dec. Paul hitter at Oasis and Tom Kosi- of local all-stars "will be played Richardson. 5-9. or Russ Ham- across the front line. GILMANTON , Wis, - Gilman- icked up the 3-7-10 and Emmy Order for Htarlng on Final Account Tdomas (SDS) S--I i Hwt,—John Zwo- mel 6-0 Ron Zitzow leads the Brothers Dave and Norb Yen- ton High School' Semmelman the 6-7-10. ¦nd Petition for Durrlbutlon. llntkl (W) dec. Mick Hurlburt (SDS) dowski was the hitting star with Sunday at the Arcadia High . s basketball Th* ropriiontatlv* ol liter abov* nimtd ••1. two three-run home runs. Los- School gym. The game is spon- team with a 17-point average. nle have been the starting Panthers Thursday night rack- HAL-BOD LANES: Eaglei — •stale hiving fi led Mi final, account and WARRIOR RECORDS! Zwolinski, guards. petition for iBttlement and allowtnca 1. 0/ WJcke, 17-1-t; Jlmon, 17-M; Tan- er Tom May, who struck out sored by the Arcadia FFA chap- ed up their second victory in Bitter Gas and Oil pumped 9%. thereof and for distribution fo tha per- nlihlll, 16-1-2; King, 15-3-1; Jehlicka, four and walked four , gave up ter . >,- ' 18 starts by defeating Eau —2,841. Wayne Hamernik ripped sons thtrsunto entltladi 10-St; Sovereign,- 10-1/ Scrabeck, f- MAZEPPA ¦ The Cow Girls, now In their Claire Immanuel Lutheran 58- 224 for Grain Belt and George IT IS ORDERED, That th* htarlng 7; Tolnton, S-S; Andrlit 1-10, six hits. Jerowski fanned 12 Mazeppa faces Pine Island in Ihoreof b* had on Mirch 23, .»«_, ar ll and walked six , 16th season, have drawn as high 37. Kratz 5S6 for Winona Insurance. o'clock A.M., before this Court In tha JOHNSON JOINS Basketball the second game of the tourna- The Panthers led 12-3 , 24-19 WESTGATE: Bay State — probata court room In ttea court housa John King had two hits for as 13,800 fans in Madison Square In Winona, Minnesota, and that nodlca TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Third ment Monday and tho two and 48-29. Block Busters tapped 2,834 be- the winners , Ed Jerowski and Garden , New York City, and teams haven't met before this hereol b» given by publication of thli baseman Deron Johnson , who have played on National Bas- Scores For Gilmanton, Dan Weiss hit hind 595 from Ken Johnson. BUI order In tht Winona Dolly News and by led the Nation al League In runs Bob Wentherly one each. Jim season. But Mazeppa hasn't had 11 and Hon Hovey and Al Wind- Blanchard lanced 221 for Bosses mailed notice at - provldad by law, Stout and Lee Huwald got the ketball Association cards with much luck with anyone It has Dated February U, 19M, batted in last year, has joined several professional teams. High School* sand ?0 each. For Immamiel and Big Yields 978. CD. LIBERA, pitcher Jim Maloney in a de- Oasis hits. Edgerton 74 , Monona Grove 71. met. Probata Judpa. They have also appeared more Bamboo B9, Wlicormln D«ll_ il. Lutheran , S. Grams got 17. Classic — Clark & Clark In- (Probate Court Stall mand for mor« money from the Lang's played a sparkling The Indians stand 0-14 for Hunt, Strelfl, CeVlnny L Young, than 150 times with the Harlem La Crosie Ctntral TI, Eau Claire Worth Gilmanton won the prelimi- surance rolled to 1,028—2,883 be- Cincinnati Reds. game afield . ». the season and the loss of the nary 43-28. hind 245 from Bob Kosidowski. Attornayi for Patltlon.r, Globetrotters. They have won Beaver Dam II , Horlcon SI. lone returning lettermen , 5-9 Stewartville, Mlnnnote. Richland Center «4, Sauk Prairl* 47. more than 70 percent of their Gilmanton 57, Bau Clalra Immanutl IT. senior guard Jim Rollie , for sev- games played against male op- Highland it, ShulUburo SO, en games during the season position over the last 11 yenrs. Monroi 7J, port Alklmon tl. didn 't help any. SioomLff llchu Colleges Rollie is back now , however, ,, EAST— nnd he arid 5-11 ujnior Clayton Exclusively on KWNO * NYU !», Manhattan 11. Luther Opens Dayton 71, Houston it. Copplo have carried the major- Maia . tl. Holy Crcrn 71 ity of the scoring burden, Duquoina »3, Momphli Slata 71, Tournament" Colgala 7», Rochaitar 7J, , Oeorge Muenkel , a 6-2 junior , J-mttl $xwn&A. &OUTH- and Dan Perrine, an eighth Louiivlllt 71, Draka 70. firnder who stands 6-2, also THIS MARKS THE FINAL appearance of the season for Bid Tonight Miami it, Station 77. MIDWEST— have seen considerable action. the Swami. The old boy , as you probably remember, refuaes By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Loyola (III,) iu, North Caatra l (III.) L ». BASKETBALL " to pick any tournament results . Wisconsin Lutheran , first Bradlty 103, North Tanai tt, SPORT SCORES He did score on nine of 12 Tuesday might, but his per- team to finish its schedule un- St. Louli. 74, Tula* tt , the SOUTHWE5T- NBA "Follow Bouncing Ball* H centage rlidn 't move off the .767 mark on 501) of 664, beaten in Wisconsin high school Pan American u, Corpui Chrlatl ll, THURSDAY'S RBJULT -^M T^ For this weekend: basketball this season , also FftR WBST— Boilon 1)4, St, Louli 101. Cralghton *J, Danuar 77. TODAY'S GAME* At 12-3-Oh Radio For WINONA over Red Wing r»«-G0. "We just don't think the hopes to be the first to win a TOURNAMBNTI Nrw York at Philadelphia. Hawks will blow an outright championship, '' state championship, Soulharn Conlaranca— Boiton al St. Louli. W^L ( ) Richmond 74, E. Carolina 74, Cincinnati at San Pranclicc. Bemidif over WINONA STATE 72-61. "The Beavers won't Wisconsin Lulheran 18-fl , Davldton 7*, Cltadal il. SATURDAY'S OAMES Complete Basketball ' ranked No, 6 in the state , opens Wait Virginia 15, VMI M. Baltimore vs. Philadelphia af Niw ^ItsL forget that riorthland upset . " William & Mary 71, Furman 71, York , ST. MARY'S over Macnlester «2-fi0, "Six tonight against Lake Forest , Soulhwait Athlatlc Conlaranca— Boiton al Naw York. III. , Academy, In its own In- Grambling tl, Pratrla Vtew tt. Loi AriBtlet at Dalrell. Coverage All Season straight in a breeze. " Jockaon Stata 109, Ark , AMftN wt. Cincinnati af San francl. co. vitational Lutheran tourney in Soulharn U. 11, *T««. Jls^^/ Faribault over Owatonna 65-02 , Miinkulo louli. . It. Wrestling Milwaukee, Alcorn 104, Wllay 14, Winona 15, South Dakota Stata 11. over Albert Lea 50-157 , Austin over Rochester Onalask a Luther (17-1 ) , rated \M 9\ Wlscontiln College* Friday, February 23, 9a\*W ^1 00-5(1 , Rushfurd over Canton 71-62 . La Cres- No. B among tho state 's small- III. Taachan Soulh 11, Dominican ll, J cent over Peterson 05-64 , Mallei over Spring Allllon n, Trinity (III,) tt. er schools , is the only other Wl»,-Mllwvauk«« tl. Illlnola Tach M. Winona Hlflh vs. R«d Wing, (Jiovc 71-liO. Houston over Caledonia 74-<17, member of the oight-tenm field M OTORCYCLE I f Vl T\ Zumbrota over Plainview 57-50 , Knsson- WISCONSIN CATHOLICS Winona, 7:45 p.m. with « record approaching REPAIRS / fl Jf \\ Miintorvillo ovor Cannon Falls 05-62, Kenyon that, of Wisconsin Lutheran, On- Regional* • over St. Chiu'lcs 83-63 , Lake City over Stcwm-t- alaska starts tonight against Af CHIPPEWA . AULS- Bau Clalra Ragls 70, Chlppiwi Palla • PARTS ville 7;i-(IO, Randolph over Mazeppa 65-59, Rncine Lutheran, Milwaukee Lu- McOonell 57. lheran (14-4) meets Beaver At MENASHA- SERVICE Friday, March 4,. |a__w___ n_w--inw_____a__ Goodhue ov er Faribault Deaf 61 -60, Byron Fond «tu Lac Sprlnsa 74. »t, Nailani • _M| over Dover-ICyota fifl-fi l , Dodge Center over Pine Island 6.. -fil , Dam Wayland, It. Oratory il. Winona High vt. St. Paul Mechanic Art*, MM ______^ WanflminRo over Clnrcmont 60-56 , Hayfield over West Concord 1 ,000-YARD RECORD? Crotliers defend., his poeltlon ata ROBB BROS. MMM 61-50 , Osseo- over Cochrane-Fountain City 73-61 , Alma over TORONTO (AP) - A word tho world's premier middlc-dis- Diinmri n:\-M , Rancor over Brookwootl 67-60 , Mondovi o . nr 1, 000-ynrd run is a distinct pos- tnnca man against the chal- Motorcycle Shop Im Ww N w AiTudiii fiH-(»2 , Mound over Albert Lea 61-58, Preston over St. sibility — though not entirely lenge of Kenya 's Wilson Klpru- $73 B. 4lh St. Phon« mt Charles 70-5-2. probable — tonight when Bill gut. amaamaamaammammamaeammmaammmaawammaamaaamamaaammmmmmmmmaaawam ^^mamm^mmaaaataaiaaammaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMm Sale 99 Female—-Jobs of Interest—26 Business Opportunities 37 Firm ImpUmantt 48 Good Things to Eat 65 Apart.tients, Purniili«d 91 Houses for bedrooms; bullt-irss, floor, pri- BY BUILDER. New. 3 WAITRESS - WANTED-_-IO p:m. Week- USED CHAIN SAW CLEARANCE EXTRA . SPECIAL—Laiy A Russets K.98 TWO ROOMS and bath, 2nd garage, lei. ,; (first Pub. Friday, fata. Vr lHtt;. ¦ Immediately. ceramic Ilia bato, attached days. Sea Hirs. Nelsestuen, 8 e.m. to 2 Homilite-Clinton - Pioneer - a hundred. Good selection of apples: WI- vate entrance. Available ' ' ¦ ¦¦ • ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ' 9745 or , 8-2592. ¦; . -y ;- - ,. - '. - p.m. Von Rohr Rexall Drugs David Bradley NONA POTATO MARKET,: IIB Market. Tel. 9287. , - ' . :;¦; .. - ' . " ; State «af Minnesota Y it. • • . . County of Winona ) In Probatt Court Want FQ:R/ SALE - «o «.:up. E NEAR DAILY NEWS. 3 bedroomi, at- ; ! private en- eds THREErROOM furnished apt., AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE HILLS BROS. COFFEE-2-lb. can, S1.49. ,. Md. 15,950 tached garage, ' oil heat. All l»at . anil . -In " • Male*—Jobs of lnter«t— ;lnd ft Johnson . . . Tel. 54S5 WILSON STORE. Tel. Wltoka !M .47. trance, all litllltlts' . B»!d- Ttl. "«Ofc .- , .. . Rt Eiltl * «l 27 : On bid by owner clean and ready for you to move Jetin Henry Barnholti, Decedent. right Into. Price hai been lowered dras- PROMPT SERVICE, on all make* Ordt>r tor Hearing on Find Account : Merchandiso 70 Placet for Rent 92 as owner wants , place sold at Start Here DRIVER-SALESMAN wanted for dairy of bulk lahks. Musical Businei* tically . ami Petition lor Distribution. route. Write E-84 Daily News. Property on Hwy, 61 in Kel- once. ABTS AGENCY, IMC, TW Wal- Tht representative ot the above named ' Ed's Refrigeration 8. Dairy Supplies BUIIdlng will BI-|NO ADS UNCALLED FOR— ' - . ¦ ' - OFFICES IN THE Morgan nut St. Tel. 8;4365. 'flled Its: final account and logg, Minn.,, formerly occu- 555 E. 4th Tel. S53J We Servic* and Stock rental. estate havlng SINGLE OR MARRIED man wanted to be arranged to suit, modest petition for settlement and allowance ' pied by gas station recently See Steva Morgan at; Morgan' Jt.w- LEAVINiS TOWN-2-ltory family E-7V75, 74. 71, 79, 12. .; . work on modern ' dairy farm In .'Gales- Needles for all ¦ * OWNER thereof arid. for Hit personi ' ' . - ' ' " ' • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; - - ' ' - 'In Goodview. Stucco extorter, ville area, must be dependable and . fur- destroyed by fire; also 2 tlry. . - .. , .. . - - . . .:. ' ,, - . ham* - thereunto entitled; nish reference*. Inquire E-87 Daily PIGDEX IRON RECORD PLAYERS well-planned yard wllh barbecue, jpa- . IT 15 ORDERED, That the hearing Cil-d of Thank* * small cabins on same prop- Inside, News'. ¦ With Free¦¦ Syringe Houiee for Rent ®^ clous lot*.?0'x»0. Oarage. . l»rg* thereof be had on March 24, 1766, at erty. ' .- ' . - , ¦;; ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Hardt's Music Store kitchen with snack bar, 4 bedrooms, liv- A,AA., before thli Court In DEILKE - . . 1O0CC .. ' . . $9.95 - 10:30 o'clock . MEN WANTE D to tell Wonder-Wore from ing room, bath and recreation room. room In tht court We yvlsh to thank' friends, relatives end TWO-BECROOM bungalow, t blocks the probate court . , Stairless Steel, car necessary, we train, Bak- Downstairs carpeted, newly decorated Minnesota and. that ' : TED MAIER DRUGS Madison School, IriQUire a) 3)2 So, house In Winona, , neighbors for their . ects of love end ages . 17 to 30 only, Write Box 474, Highest bid to be received throughout. Tel. 8-3814 for appointment, notice hereof be given by publication of sympathy during our recent bereave Animal Health Center . .. er after S' p.rn. . " : Rochester; Minn. by March 1 1966 $100 (Certi- Downtown & Miracle thli order In tint Winona Dally News ment, the loss- , of our. beloved brother. , . Mall . FIRST GOME - PLENTY of .room In basement for COZY FIVE ROOMS ' wltti sun porch, E, and bv mailed notice at provided by We also extend gra teful thanks for thl fied check to accompany bid. room, laundry ' ,' -and hobby TRAFFIC CLERK WANTED - Apply completely redecorated, 3 ' miles from riscreation : law.' beautiful floral tributes sent to our - Attached large single' car . Whitehall Packing Co.. Inc:, Whitehall, Hay, Grain, Feed SO downtown. »140. Tel. 9343 after 7. shop. sir* Oateni February 23, 1966. loved one during .his Illness and al ' :¦•' ¦:. . ' ¦ " FIRST SERV ED kitchen, Will - con- ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . wii. . . . . /. Baraga. Family sized . E. 'D. LIBERA,. . de»th. * . Bids opened March 2 place-In trade. ABTS AGEN- ¦ ' , 1966. BALED STRAW-for sale. Tel. fountain FIVE ROOM house, gas heat, and bath. sider your 7 Probalo JudsM. The Family -of Ctrl Deilki SERVICE STA.TION attendant - " ieml;re- 159 Walnut St. TH. M3&5. ; . City «7-«05. Available tor Immediate -possession. CY, INC., (Probate Court Seal) tlred ptable, good Opportunity . man acce 1—Used Fender Jaguar May be seen at 1604 W: Sth, Winona. fleorg* . M. Robertson Jr.; TIMM .— . . for the right party. Home. Oil 'Co., 2nd Certified checks on rejected ¦¦ house near Jeffer- BALED HAY—for tale delivered. Dove ;¦' Tel. La Crescent 895-2571. • SMALL ONE-bedroom Attorney, for Petitioner. My sincere appreciation to , all who ao 4 . '/Vashington. : Mllstead, KellogB, Minn. TeL : 747-3346. Guitar LIKE NEW -: son School, with or without (extra lot. . •kindly remembered me with cards, mes- bids returned by mail posted V modern house on Tei. 4902 after:! p.m. 7 ¦: sages and flowers during my stay in March 3, 1966. TWO-BEDROOM, j-story }5, SALESMAN WANTED—From where you HAY FOR SALE-wlll deliver. Tel. Ham- Main hear shopping center In Cochrane. (PI. it Pub. Friday, Ft*. . 194*1 the hospital. .-A particular thank you to have, ever.wonder ¦; ,:-$235. ' Old, W«tt are, with what you mond, Minn , 2875. :v Oil furnace, fireplace, basement, auto- THREE BEDROOMS, 2 y*er* ) ss. . Dr." Hughes/ TO alt the girls In' :' mv)\- what you ', are worth to another insur- throughout, built-in State of Minnesota . matic washer, closets and TV antenna, end, carpeted rang* ) In Probate Court , cal": at Winona Community Memorial ance company '. ' .Ypu may: be ' ' satisfied Owner reserves right ¦ space, divided County of Winona . ¦ to re- GOOD QUALITY ear corn, 1,70b bu. Clar- 1—HARMONY furnished or unfurnished. Tel. Cochrane arid oven, lots of cabinet No. 16.236 Hospital tor their many ads of kind- with .your present, position-but you ' owe ence Mueller, Rt- 1, Utica, bath,, full basement, ject all bids. ' " -.' . . . . Minn,, (2'/i 248-2302, ' sink, disposal, tlie (n Re ' Estate of . . ness that did rtiiioh of make my slay , 11 -fp yourself to look-into the position miles , S. of Fremont). Electric Guitar gas forced air heah . l-car flarage¦ wllti Adelbert O'Brien, Decedent. most pleasant, ' we ' have to oiler in your area..Private drive through to covered patio-carport. Order for Hearing on Petition lor Pro- Gerald L. Timm and confidential ^interviews will be held Mail or deliver bi,ds to: EAR CORN — 3500 bu. Charles Ruen, ' - Wanted to Rent 96 ..Shown by : appointment only, Tel. 8-3903. . bate, of Will, Limiting Tlmi to File in vour town. - . Please" direct replie; to Lanesboro, Minn. Tel. 467-2257. : :\. /$49.50\ Claims and for Hearing Thereon Box 3S42, Upper Nicollet Station , Min- Atty. Alex B. Cameron FAMILY OF.4 wants 2-bedrbom home In D. NEW" HOME reekir to move (nt» vary Helen Hoppe* having filed a petition Lost and Found 4 . neepolis, 55403, Minn. STRAW FOR SALE—250 bale»; soma 1—VOX Triple; Pickup or around Winona. Tel. 3313, ask for soon. Near Westfleld Golf Course, .- .a 1206 Caledonia v ' • ' for the probate of the Will of said de- . ear corn. . Tel. Fountain City ' 417-4011. ' Don or leave message.. . ,_ . .- nice bedrooms. Large kitchen and It ft. Cedent and (or the appointment of Helen SINGLE MAN -wanted for general work on - Guitar .- . living room. Let us show, you thli new STRAY ED-Hereford cow, from our farm, ' La Cfosse Wis. Hoppe as executrix, which Will Is on . about M weefc - ago. Don Musel.. . Rt. .1 poultry farm. See Mr. Chick, chick 4 BALED STRAW-10OO : bales. Robert 01- SIX-ROOM house, by April 1st, near listing. ABTS AGENCY, INC; 159 Wal- and ooen to insofct'on,- Broiler Plant, Wabasha, M|nn. • . . " ton, Lewiston, .Minn. Tel. 5777. school, l children, through, school age file iri this Co'Tt ' Houston, Minn. Tel. Witoka 2378. ., ' : nut St. Tel. 8-4-M5. . . IT IS ORDERED, That the. hearing Owner: John Killalea : yx yl l'ly :. .; $m Reasonable. West location preferred, - ' ' thereof be had on March ?3rd, 1965, al COFFEE SHOP Porter. . wanter, 8 to 11 CORN-80O bu., 23% moisture. Harold M. Tel, 8-3375 . alter 5. ' . SARNIA E. 206—by owner, J :bedroom - ' 10:30 o'clock AM... before - this courl Personals 7 evenings. Apply Manager, Hote l Winona. Anderson, Lewiston; Minn. Tel. Ructi- 1—EPIPHONE / : ranch house, 2 fireplaces, Vh bafhj. In th« probate court roorn ln the court ¦ . . ford 864-7601. Immediate possession. Tel. «1» far COUNTRY TRAINED printer-operator, by ., ' Amplifier With Reverb. Bui. Property for: Sale d7 ¦ ¦ house In Winona, - Minnesota, and that Money to Loan . 40 appointment. . - ., .: ' .. ,. . long established publishing house. One BALED HAY end straw,- square bales, ¦ " ' ¦ oblectlons to the allowance of said Will, MEMO to ikywatdiers : If you want the : . : . . '\- - .". ——~—¦: : : ; : r. , of.;. A .I'nens6ta 's . flnest '.cities. Top wages, conditioned, no rain, easy loading; also leased as laun- If any, be filed before told time of wealher report ANY TIME of day: or . ' DOWNTOWN BUILDING E. CLOSE TO school end shopplno _ ' pOrrharient employment, new equipment, 125 ion corn silage, reasonable. Located yx yyf y y investment ««nt*r hearing; that .the time wllhln w/hlch night, . dial . ttie",' TED . '. (AA IER . weather 1 : $&W:. dromat and warehouse . as Lovely «-rdom house. New siding. Glass- offset end letterpress, excellent working i; mllei E- of . Fouhfain Cit-y. Russell and a service business location. BOB creditors of said decedent rinay file -their word number 3333. ed-in porch,. Full lot. S10.000, -ABTS - . . conditions.- Th|s! is. a rare opportunity. LOAISJS Fried, Arcadia; tei. 3453. Alter 4 or 3349. be limited to. four months -from ., ' ^S . SELOVER REALTOR, Tel. ; ' Clalrris PLAIN NOTE -AUtO - FORMITURE Walnut. St. T.»l. Write giving complete 1 resume,: age, ex- ¦Sets.: AGENCY,. INC., -IW- . . the date hereof, and that the - . claims DON'T FORGET the State Legion Bowl- 170.E. .3rd St, . . . : Tel. '.2.1i ; : ¦ " ¦: perience, references, . etc, -Al l replies , 8-4365. - , . so filed be heard on June J. lh; 1.964; al ing Tournament at Austin. Mar. 5 and 4. . . Hrs. ? aim. to 5 p.m., Sst. 1 a.m. to noon. , confidential. Flynn Publication, ' Int, Ro- . HAY FOR: SALE-i .00 square bales. Con- Farms, Land for Sale 98 10:30 o'clock . A.M., before this Court Ray Meyer. Innkeeper, WILLIAMS room houses ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ chester, :Minn, -'. tas'l Albert Roll or Ivan Larson, Dako- BY OWNER. 2, 3 or 4 bed In the .probate . court room . In the courl ,, HOTEL. . -• . . - ¦;,; ¦ For ap- , ta, Minn. ' - FARMS : for sale. Immediate poisessioii. house In Winona, Minnesota,, and that FARMS - FARMS " Quick Money V Y,,; We buy, we sell, we trade. -. polntment Tel. iOS9l notle* hereof be given by publication of ONE of the finer things of life , . " ,_Blue Making Less Than ; " : . $6 000 . " . on any article 61 valuo . . . ' CORN .FOR. SALE—100 bu. Wyron Con- MIDWEST REALTY CO. this order In the Winona Dally News . Lustre cerpert and upholstery cleaner. TOP- rated company E. 3 iBEDROOMS and bath. Avallabl* . Is seeking aggressive . ." NEUMANN'S BARGAIN STORE .' • way,' Utica, Minn.- . Osseo,. Wis. . and by mailed notice as provided by . Rent electric shampooer , SI. .. R; D. . yoong. man with, management potential, ¦ soon, new home only about 3 years old. Cosie Co. -121 E. 5nd St. . Tel, _133 . -: Tei. Office 597-365? . . WO starting ^guaranteed. '. Tel, 8-4M60 be- ' ' , $700 down, balance $103 . per month. This Dated February J3rd, 1966. ArticlM for S' . : . . Res. 695-3157 . 1 ' tween 7 and 9 p.m. alr 57 2—-Used FOLK .Guitars , property would rent for Over 1150 per VB. D." LIBERA, FOR YOUR Trl-Chem liquid embroidery .about ' -flits nevir " Dogs, Pets, Supplies 42 ' ¦ ' SMALL FARM—120 acres; SO tillable. . 4- month. Let us lell you : Probale Judge. Instructions and supplies call 9578*. CROP-SIDE baby crib, $10; high dialr , " ' ¦ listing. ABTS AGENCY, INC, 159 Wai- . - " ¦; bedroom modern house, barn and oth- ¦ (Probate Court teal) . ' . '$1.50; 2 7:00x14- used tires, both $7; ; $ 1:9,95^ ea: - nut St. Tel. 8-4365. . Darby, . DELICIOUS SEAFOODS from Mother Na- AKC RED Dachshund puppies, beauties, ers. -16' miles : Winona or La Crosse, lawyer 8. - WANTED!! ; check protector , $4 ;; electric adding ma- 1 ture s underwater farms , for your : miniature breeding. Baab, ' Larnoilie, blacktop. TeL Houston 894-3247. , . - ' Attorneys for Petitioner. ' Len- chine, $20; office t-ypewriter, S30; office BY OWNER-5 bedrooms, ne»r Madison . ten <_7n/nj pleasure. Minn.7Jel. :. Witoka St/U; . . > . 1—Used Tlat-Top . Stop In anytlmn Carpenter Foreman . ,. typewriter, $45. Tel. TO36 after 5 p.m, School, available .fmmedfa. e.y. Tel. Open , 24. hours every day, except:. Mon. 124 AC RES'? 65: tillable, corn base 2. 5910 or write J, Deilk*, 417 Olmstead (first Piib. Frldiy, Feb. 11, 1«4> • RUTH'S RESTAURANT, . 124 E. 3rd St. MALE FOXHOUNO-Contact Wayna Hen- ' : " : acres. ,3 or 4-bedroom home, New barn, ; . y TOPlPAY x y OREEN RECLINING chair, Slrato-loung- : $9.95v for appointment. derson, Dresbach, Minn^ Ttl. Dakota ¦ .; .;. 32x56, 4 years oil- Vh .. miles , N. of Mate- of Minnesota . ) ss. . er. Tel. 7510. . .. " HEY" MISTERS .. 6-13-3181. Lanesboro. $8000 down. Kuale . Real Es- County of Winona ) In Probatt Court , your , slip Is Shovvlng l TO ERECT pre-cuf Capp-Homes ori " con- MANKATO A.E.-^3-bedroom house,.mod- . ¦ ¦ " ¦ tate, Spring Valley, Minn. Tel. 346-2011 - - • No. U,W . We'll alter ttiat suit so it fits the way tract, basis. . Must be!, well-versed in iay- SQUARE ALUMINUM tub Mavato wash- 1—NEW ELECTRIC -;- New - 'garage. ' ¦It - AT STUD—Boston terrier, Chlnesa Pug, or Arnold Nflson Ui-Ulf. ern, except -heat.. W750 In Ra . Estate of. was mearrf rol W. Betslnger, T.allor. out . work on all types of homes'. At er, excellent condition. ' Must be seen to . -term' ¦ . Red Dachshund and Bluetid cbonhoiund. Guitar and Amplifier. s.. '. -'¦ frank i. Duffy, Decedent. times, . some travel , necessary. . Capp- . . . appreciate.. $75.; 3< to cut a loaf of trash -Homes has excellent repi/latlon for over ,. A great buy at only automatically conrtdlled - heat, hot .wa- ; , homemade bread .. . . then you would and Pekingese puppies. Puppy Paradise ly all: level, 32x90 barp, sllo, barn clean-, . bats of Will, Limiting Time to Flit 20 years, and Is well-received ' In this WE BOUGHT THIS Lazy Bo/ snowplow ter heater, built-in cabinets, newly dec- , ¦ appreciate the cutting action of a Ron- Kennels,- Don: Lakey, Trempealeau, Wis. ers and new milk' house, new double Clilms and -for Hearing Thereon area. Write Jim Raygor with resume of too small (or .our use.- Like new! Tel. orated, garage. 55150. Part-terms. . . son Electric Knife. It culs, not chews, corn crib " and :other buildings. 2 good Hilda E. Duffy having filed a petition backgOund, Capp-Homes, 1143' Duponl Mr, Scanlan at 8-207? V $67-50y EAST 5th — 2-bedroom house, ' ¦ 'JSMOB, meats, cheese bread, you name if-: COONHOUND PUPS^-J months old, halt x-yfi wells. 3-bedroom all modern house, for the probate of the Will Of: said dh , Get N.. AAinneopolis, Minh. SJ411. ' Terms, one and you will Wonder - ;Rfd|lck, half .Plott. full hounds, good School bus to door. Will finance .with -. cedent and for the appointment of Hilda how you ever . TWO MEN'S! suits, size . 38, 1 blue and . got along tree dogs ,; bollv sire and dam .straight reasonable, down payment. Spring, pos- FOUNTAIN CITY - 3-famliV house on E Duffy as Executrix, which Will Is without It. RAINBOW . l; brown, Si0 each, fine condition. 507 coon dogs, 73. coon ' taken this: season, session. Wllmer Smith, . Dakota, Minn., large lot , .150' frontage. North Shor* on file in this Court and open ho In- .JEWELRY, 114 W. 4th...... ; Winona St. Hal Leonard Music ' ¦ ¦ ..wili-also-sei r the dam. Ed Brand, Rt. 1, (Ridgewayi, Tel, Houston 894-3978. Drive. Extra lot. $4,750 and terms: . ' spection; . -' ,' . . . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦: - ' , DOWNTOWN PARKING space for rent Rushford, Winn., (Hart); 64 E. 2nd Tel 8-2921 LARGE TRAILER house. .$1550. C. IT - IS ORDERED, That tht hearing . MIRACLE WALL CLEANER — (Ine: for . . by the rrio«ifh, located between IIO-ACRE FARM—40 open. Ideal pasture SHANK, 553 E. 3rd. ' . thereof be had on March 9, 19M, st 3rd cleaning paint and wall-paper "It it end '4th- its. , on, Walnu». Tel. , 5830.. • . , #^ .Plaintiff, , „„ delivery.' ,See us for all. your office sup: Kick- the Rent is nylon carpeted. Ceramic istrative position through from -500-lb. plus butterfat herd aver- leaves ," . Sell. Thomas weight clock and bath with built-in vanity. Kitchen has -vs. with oil change and plies, desks, files or office chairs. Lund . - intense training and age.. Russell Persons, St. Charles, old iron, clock , both restored. H. M. . stove and , oven, dishwasher, disposal. Roy and Verne ¦ are at Typewriter Co, Te l. 5222. . . Lydls Nletzke, Oe* /Winn. . Tel. ' 932-4865, Hovland, !00 S. Benton St.i Sparta, Wis. Habit Gas ., hot water, heat. - S-car. garage. In the unknown heirs et filter installation ' Oecti; also all least a high school gradu- Tel. 269-3010 . Jl, 000 down- payment ' buys a threa . area , of new homes. ' any ot the above named persons HAMPSHIRE-BERKSHIRE cross boar EASY ADDING, subtracting, multiplying bedroom home with new tiled bath, ate; you may qualify for is: yours, who may be deceased, and : all other We Feature pig,, about 250 lbs. Norbert Foegen, IF YOUR CAR stood outside all this with the PRIMA-20 adding ma- :new root and:siding, corner Ibl with Yes, You Go n persons unknown claiming any ' ' ' ; ¦ ¦¦¦ '¦' this program. Those select- Rt. 1. Fountain City; Wis. Tel .. Arcadia cold winter you can readily appreciate chine by OLlVETTI-UNDERWOOb. garage. Total : price 18,800. Balance ' ' : ' , ' ' • x have all these , features (or - . under right, title, estate, . Interest, or Hen . .^. \ CHAll^PiL.lN and'. - .;- - - - 44-F-13. - " the value of a garage. &et an esti- WINONA TYPEWRITER SERVICE like rent. ed will be assured excellent ; . 161 E. Ird ¦ $19,080, . A new one-floor home with In ttie real estate, mate , from your contractor - and then . . -Tel. 8-3300 . Defendants TEXACO - HAVOLINE salary opportunity and out- . carpeted living room, 16x22, good siz- - Redeem Your Magazine see the Installment Loan Department Often Sought ed kitchen with eating, area, 3 bed- : STAT E OF MINNESOTA TO THE :¦ ' THE MOTOR OILS. standing employee benefits. at. THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL Wanted to Buy 81 rooms, bath with built-in. vanity, , rec- . . : ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: Coupons Here!! BANK of Winona for any financial as- are hereby Must be willing to relocate. Seldom Found reation room and 2nd bath, gas heat. You, and each of you, sistance you may need. See Us For Best Prices answer the Offer «xpire« Pfizer 's .. Five bedrooms, two baths, larga ¦umhioned and required to • •: Scrap Iron, Metal, Wool. Raw Furl RESIDENCE PHONES: , in the above kllchen with dining area, living room complaint of the plaintiff Sat., February 26, 1966 BOND FINANCE CORP. BURN MOBIL FUEL OIL and enloy the M & W IRON & AAETAL CO. E. J. Hartert .... which has FORMULA 5 plus dining area, two car garage,, 3973 entitled action, t copy of comfort of automatic personal caro. 101 W. 2nd. St. Mary Lauer . , 45_3 ' Clark of S2>._ ' Tel, 3004 all overlooking beautiful Lake Winona. been filed In the otllce of the East 3rd .- . Keep-full service — complete burner Bill Zlebell 4854 - the City of Winona, Coun- "CHARGE If" FOR MASTITIS , . this Court at Pay for S, get 1 tree : care. Budget plan anil guaranteed, price. WM. MILLER SCRAP IRON 8, METAL ty ol Winona, State of . .Minnesota , and Brand New ' with coupon. - Order today from JOSWICK'S FUEL A CO. pays highest prices for scrap Iron, fa tilt your answer with tha ial& Clark OIL CO., fOl E. 8th. Tel. 3389. metals, and raw fur. ' home, three bedrooms, carpeted liv- twenty (30) days ing room, attractive bath, full basa- pf this Court within TED MAIER DRUGS 222 W. 2nd Ttl. 2067 lervlce of this summons upon TEMPO ¦ ment, attached garage, gas heat , after tho Animal Health Center ALL OVER, closely-spaced pattern WALL- Closed Saturdays exclusive Of the day of such serv- sodded yard, . May. be purchased on you, MIRACLE MALL Downtown (_ '. Miracle Mall PAPER such: as chintzes are excellent fall to io servo your AA/ARDSl' «¦ n mm 9 . a u m m ¦« « _ • o. I . contract, 11500 down payment, bal- ice, and If you *> * for camouflaging patches or Irregular HIGHEST PRICES PAID 601 Main St Tel. 2849 said complaint within Ihe ance like rent. ans>*er to the wall surfaces, make dry wall construc- for scrap Iron,, metals, rags, hides, , the plaintiff, In this ac- time aforesaid Poultry, Eggs; Supplies 44 tion loinf! less noticeable. For other raw furs and wool I , tion will apply to the Court for the Business Service* 14 helpfu l hints on home decoration stop Room for a Horse Lots for Sale 100 relief demanded In said complaint. at the Sam Weisman & Son In this all redecorated 4-bedroom And you are hereby notified that the SERVICEMAN BOY STONE H-56 chicks, 20 week pullets TWO LOTS-each 100x200 tt., on east INCOME TAX RETURNS prepared by INCORPORATED brick home, new kitchen, new bath, •b|ect of iald action, among other year around, ond L-5. broad breasted PAINT DEPOT Lake Blvd. Tel. 6857, qualified accountant, reliable service at males for capons or roasters; by Arbor 450 W, 3rd Tel. 5847 new carpeting, plus acreage for lhat thlnai, li to determine Ihe title and . 167 Center St. reasonable rates. 20! W, Broadway end Acoi. Also ducklings and horse, pony or big garden. Available adverse claim s to the lands hereinafter WANTED flosllngs avail- at a fraction ol city cost. Weshlngton. Tel. I-3M5. able, Contact Winona Chick Wanted—Real Estatt described,, and to partition such lands Halchery, TROPIC AIRE HUMIDIFIER Rooms Without Meals 86 102 56 E. .nd St.. Winona, Minn. ' In accordance therewith , and that juch Reg. $69.95, Special $39.95 ' action affects the following described QUANTITY buyers of ceramic or plastic to expand our service ROOM FOR GENTLEMAM-Tel. We Know Where WILL PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE* wall MARK SCHNEIDER SALE$, «5B9. you can find that centrally located lands situated In the County of Winona, tile, tlcor tile, Inlaid linoleum, res- ORDER CHICKS NOWI Early Oro;er dis- FOR YOUR CITY PROPERTY idential or commercial carpet, padding, operations 3930 6th St„ Gdvw. duplex you have been looking tor, Stata of Minnesota: count, Ghostley Pearls • White Rocks. EAST LOCATION—large fronl bedroom, pasta, see BEN at SHUMSKI'S, 58 W. Each apartment has three bedrooms, "HANK" JEZEWSKI The Northeast Quarter of the Rowekamp's Poultry Farm and Hatch- "-"" private bath, kitchen privileges If de- Southeast Quarter and the South, Jrd, for wholesele quotations, ery, Levyiston, Minn. T«l. 5761. DAiL^NEWS sired. Tel. 8-1996. unusually large living rooms, Indi- (Winona's Only Real Estate Buyer) east Quarter of the Southeast Quar- Experience or training vidual furnaces, three car garage. Tel. 6388 end 7093 P.O. Box 34J . ter; all In Section Five, Town- Plumbing, Roofing 21 PLACE YOUR ORDER for DelCalb Chicks MAIL required, now. Also California White, Apartments, Flats 90 ship One . Hundred Five North ot Skyline Now Abui lding Boats, Motors, Etc. 108 Range Sev/en West . Strain Cross, White Leghorn and White SUBSCRIPTIONS Split foyer with four bedrooms, two Rock. SPELTZ HATCHERY, CENTRALLY LOCATED—Deluxe 2-bed- The West Half of the Southwest SCTRIC ROTO ROOTER branch ol- baths, panelled family room, attach- BOAT HOUSE-14' _ Refrigeration . Electronics . lice at corner o( Second 8, room apl. Picture ' window, 4 closets, x 0', wired for elec- Quarter of Section Four; the South ' For clogged sewers, ana drains - center In May Be Paid At ed garage . Buy now and pick your tricity, located at Winona. Open 8 .to 5 Mon. thru Sal., beautiful huill-ins, refrigerator, stove, Minnesota City Boat Half of the Northeast Quarter, the Tel . '50? or ii3t I year guarantee TV - Small Engine Repair room colors ond tile. Be In for Harbor. Tel. 9055. , South ten acres of the Northwest Irom now on. TED MAIER DRUGS heal. 103 E. Sth, spring. Quarter of the Northeast Quarter CALL SYL KUKOWSKI AFTER HOURS CALL: of the Northwest Quarler of Sec- i? Compensation according SIXTH E. 116—Spacious lower 7-room Laura Fisk 2118 Motorcycles, Bicyclet 107 tion Five; and the Northeast Quar- Discount i. Wholesale Wanted—Livestock 46 apl. Fireplace, modern kitchen wllh dis- Leo Koll 4581 ter of tha Southeast Quarter ol PLUMBING MATERIALS to amount of experi- posal, garage, heat nnd soft water fur- W. L . (Wlb) Hel_ er 8-3181 Motorcycle Safety Helmels' HORSES WANTED - We can pay BE SURE nished. No small children please. Tel. Mrs. Frank "Pat" Merles 277? ROBB BROS Section SI xi all being In Township Discount Plumbing Barn ence or training, mora . MOTORCYCLE! Ihan anyone else. We pick up. 9060. One Hundred Five North ol Range 3rd k High Forest (rear) Tel. . 3(4 Walter 573 E. 4th Seven West. Marg. Black River Falls, Wis. Tel. with 7-F-U. ALL MODERN 2-bedroom apt,, carpeted, ¦ CLINTON j ; HALL REMODEL IMG VOUR BATH? Befora you •fr Good benefit program disposal, heat, water, air condlllonlno Auction Sales choose anything see the bathroom ap- . ~ BOB LEWISTON SALES BARN furnished. Inquire WINONA FIRE fc 1 Clinton J. Hall pointments by Satin Glide. Cabinet A real good auction market WESTINGHOUSE POWER, 54 E, Jnd. Tel. 5065 between FEB. 26-Sat. 12:30 p.m. 6 miles E. of Attorney for Plaintiff sinks , hanging for your storage cabinets, medi- CONTACT MR, livestock, Dairy cattle on 9-5:30. Gilmanton on Counly Trupk "Z" , then Rushford, Minnesota cine coblnHs, YOULL hand nil week, relaxation units In lovely hogs bouqht everyday. Appliances 1 mile N. on "BB" . Chcsper Telgen, State of Minnesota ) ss, pestels end off while. Trucks available. Snle Tllu'rs. 1 p.m. Tel. . 447. NOW AVAILABLE 1 and 2-bedroom apt*. SefoVet owner; Werlein A . Mclntyre, auction- County of Winona ) W eers! Heated, carpeled, Northern Inv. Co ,, DISTRICT COURT and kllchen applian- clerk. Fran k O'Laughlin See Tlie ces lurnlshed. Sunnyslde Manor, Tel. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ii REALTOR PLUMBING t, HEATINQ 8-4703. EB. _6-Sat. 12:30 p.m, 10 miles N. of Notice el Lis Pendene 207 E. 3rd ,T»I. 17M Beautiful WARDS» n . • III U I R t *.** .al! 120 CENTER - m.2349 Mondovi, Wh, Stanley Droberg, owner; Milton Oech THREE-ROOM apl. partly lurnlshed , 1 Jim Heike, auctioneer; Northern Inv. Pl. lnllfl COMPLETE PLUMBINO \ WANTED Line lights and heal lurnlshed. Tel, 8-3373 Co., clerk, •vs. . Hydronlc Heating Service alter 4. Roy Oech end Verne N Lydlo Nletzke, SANITARY Kelp—Mala or Femal* Crossbred Steers TV Automatic Washers Oech; alio all the unknown heirs of 28 f t FIRST FLOOR bedroom apt,, electrlclly any ol the above named persons PL U MBINO 1, HEA1INO Dryers lurnlshed. Immediate possession. Con- who may ba deceased, and all olher • Ut E. Jrd St. Tel. 2737 MEN OR WOMEN- lull or part time & Heifers •fc Electric Ranges tact William Brennan, Pickwick , Minn. persons unknown claiming any right, lob . car nscessary. Tel. Wlnana -4 . B9 ir Refrigerators title, estate, Interest, or lien In the Female—Jobs of I nterest—26 SEVENTH W, 1018-modern Upper apl., 4 real estate. Holstein Steers large rooms, nmple cupboards and clos- Defendants. on display at ATTENTION LADIES —- Marshall Field ets, ? entrances, garbage dispone!. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Available April IM. family owned organlintlon if conducting . the above entitled action has been com- YOUNG Holstein Heifers a nationwide expansion program. We COVERING menced and the comolalnf herein Is NEAR MADISON SCHOOL-4-room are Interested in employing i lexllei In . open, bred A springing). WINONA ELECTRIC and now on file In the olflce of the clerk balh upper apl,, B l lll this aree lo do outside product demon- largo rooms and clos- ot the District Court above named ; thnt CONSTRUCTION CO et"., carpotfd living room, itove. refrlg- strations each Mon., Tues., Wed , and COMPANY Also need h few springing 1 the namei nf the parties to said action erntnr lurnlshed. 590, Thurs., Irom 9 in to J 30, tor II weeks 119 W , Heal Included . Tel. are st above stated; that Ihe real prop- 3rd Tel, 5(102 Fountain City B687-6R0I. sterling Man., Mar. 3rd Will pav i'00, Guernsey heifers. SPECIALS erty alfecled, Involved and brou*e will arrenge an Inservlaw wish you. DUANE JOHNSON " " Tha Northeast Quarler of the A.D, PLYWOOD STRIPS--", ", 7" and 9" ' from your home, Galesville WALNUT 327- -3-bedroom R OR . Pnrr. Salo Southeast Quarter nnd the South- HOUSEKt-RPER •-- younger woman lo , Wis. widths, «' lengths. Tel. La Crescent B95- lower apl., fire- east Quarter nl Ihe Southeast Quar- place In llvlnp room, 2 baths, avnllnbls J do light worl« , 1 adult, in Winona, live .una. < fi2« i 1 2x22 1" $2M,nn %mm ter; all In Section Five, Towpihlp Te). 21fi Apr il 1st. Tel, 76B_. in or out. uVrile E-81 Dally New*. Write E-n:. Daily News # fi'2«l 12X I .V6" ., One Hundred Five North ol Range SAHARA WATERPROOF masonry coal $ iio .OO $ 5J)R8 Seven West, CENTRALLY LOCATED - .1 NBED EIVE" MORE la00 15X12 T' $201 .(10 S12!) R« Weil Hall ot the Southwest rooms, kitchenette and The Sera Covenlry Jewelry, no Investment , Farm Implement* 48 ture, any color, »_,?s gal. Do II now! private hnlh. Quarter of Section Four; Ihe Soulh Clean, nnally decorated. # 920!i 12xifi'fl" $ t, mm oood earn ings. Call Mre. Scrinelder Investment Rerjiiiioci, Kendell - O'Drlen Lumber Co ,, l|j Reasonably jt i)S40 Half of the Norihenst Quarler. Ihs 7111. SMALL ENOINH Franklin. priced. Adults. 434 Kansas. i2xi(i'«" ,ti,-i:.,oi> ^mi Bii South ten acres of Ihe Northwest ' SFRVICE «. REPAIR fr 9858 12x12 10" $j;|[, .|||| f 0fl.8B Quarter ot the Northeast Quarter THRER EUIL-TIME waitresses want- l ast -• Economical Coal, Wood, Othar Fuel 63 of the Northwest Quarler of Set- » _, little or no experience nucetsary, Situations Wantod—Malo ROnii BROS , STORF VERY NICE lion , Five;, and 30 - Ihe Northeast we will train you. Apply In perion, 576 E. 4th Tel. . 007 . VINV ASBESTOS TILE 9" Quarter ol the Southeast Quarter YOU Bf-T WE carry a wide variety ot cent rally located .. -room x9" - Hlohway Country Kllchen Wll.u no WORK sanllno basomnnli and hlah grade coals, Commnndcr, 3 sizes, of Section Six, all being Ih T own- Inside palnlino, attporItnceti jipt, with porch , storage Uefi, 11'/_ !(' Na . Sale Price Bl:- , vvorK. Tei, furnace. Move and rano«l Palroloum ' Ka, ship One Hundred Five Norm of WEEKEND BAR wnllre-ss 450A , ' wanted , must MAES INFLATIONS CoKei Pocahontas; tlerwlnd ' Briquets) room nnd Riinige. Immedi- Reg, /_ ( ¦. Rnnge Seven West. be Jl. Wr "1e E-BO Dally News. fl' _ < Ea. Sale Prico I. ', ,• lCa. Notice It further given that the ob|«ct Ralis 50-5(1 nrlriutlsi Stolt Palrnleuit . ate possession , Inquire hflqualai Wlnler Kino Ego. 5 vanrtles of ssld action Is: To determine the rights WAITRESS WANTED-must bo 71, will Busineu Opportunities 37 for Delifival nnd Surgo ol ell persons having or claiming of stoker coals . JOSWICK'S FUEL J. Merchants National Hank an train. Sieve 's Cocktail Lounge. WELCOME MATS Interest In the above destined mat GAMfll t-: MILKERS -OIL CO., 901 E, Slh, "Where you nil Trust Dept, property and to more at lower COM, " divide end partition said FEMALE -age 71-35- w*io would like a STORR OPPORIUNITV RCR. $1.5fl Ea, Now ,fl{) K,i. r» rnel properly among the leveral Inler- •elllng ana olflce loh In a SAAABI.E STORE, rr .|i>n , Wmn, ? 6, line lorni ' F. A. KRAUSE CO, tsts as determined store. We *wlll train no evperlrnre ner Minn, counly se»l nf Flllmorn count v, Fum., Rugs, Linolaum Dated : January Jl, 1966. 64 Apartment*, Furnished 91 ONE GROUP OF TILE ¦ eisary Raqiiiremenls 'nr Inh Cinfvl ed- I drill rstntili -. Kl s1or», (i.crilrnl Ux REDUCED 50% , CLINTON J. HALL liJr'i. ooivl l«ll^», rienn inventory. |J ». Ihvys . 14 nnd fil E, Winonn iirnllnn. ability to mrpt the nuhiir end FIVE PC. FI6DPO0M GROUP, double Al l. . ORNISHED, excnpl htit clothing willing In lenrn . rhli ran he a career tTKKlelert and nsw Irnnl . yenri (ion dressnr wilh 11 It inn mirror. 4-drawer Clinton I. Hall, I1B.0M In 110 I'lvinlnmnt , anrt rtistif".. near Mate College and In.a, VINYL SURFACED RUG Inh lor in».right persnn. Write to E-17 "on reni'i"^ . r.tmi, and had , vvnlnul plastic finish [e|, Plaintiff' s Attorney, tiif nuer rflon fSurnhln nlliniiie ndulls 5376 or 3757, Daily New*, Jnin with Xelephono Your Pnnlaiidor n.allre^« and hoxsprinn. Rushlord, Minnesota. »tor«s uslno nrowen. ImiMeStrrt ninr- Want Ads "'I' flxl 2 Easy To Care Vinyl Print only 117 dOAii . and M wrokly at DELUXE 3-room rtinnrtnlng anrt snleit promotional pro npf , privnla balh, stilt. RIIRKF S FURNI TURE MART, jro «. Orams, If yot/ nre >nlorrs|ein,ly To' complete contitlenilal inlnr. htillt- 100 % VIRGIN NYLON PILE »rt,_() j lull ilia hnadnoard, UVSi Innl Ins, hot walrr heat. to The Winona Dally News matlnn plwaN* conlnrt: Tal .-3. J5 to The Winona Daily Ne ,vs »l»n|, .1. full sire wnlnul bed. r.oti.plftn. i fi r.ur^eil Room Size RUK B'(V' xl I 'll" 140, vi nl 4 kiuh.n rhairs, 110, 1-pc EMPLOYE., ft IRI. rinmtila-SkPflmii 7mi» Supt. " v/nuld lik e |n share Dial 3321 for crttnme dinelte tulfr, i .ft hei apl with anolhar qirl l_ Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker. P17 Ls. ftwoocl Ave . AlMri Ua., Winn, an Ad Taker Private . lh Sale Price $22.88 Ea. UOnrYSKOWSKI FIIRtilTUBE. and entiance Dial 3321 for an Ad Taker. T»l. 3732133. , Reasnnahle rent, 171 W, JoJ Mankalo Av«. Open evenlnoa. 4lh SI. ; ¦ Auctfon SilM ^ Auction Sales Auction Sale* Uwd Ciri 109 U«ed Car* 109 Used Cen : . . - ' ' ?' " ¦ :' 109 ~ CARL PANN, JR. AL VIM KOHNER CHEVfiOter-WST 4-dw, ;V-B. standard CHEVROLET, I960,Sedan. . i-cyllrdir. re*l INTERNA7IO_AL-1 MO Trtvialtll, powat thin, good _t AUCTIONBER, Bonded ind tlctniad AUCTIONB-R, .Cily and statt nctniM trinimliifon, floor¦¦ condition.¦¦ ¦ : ?iood conditiom tt*6 obrfgt pickup; hot- _Yeerlng_ ovtrdrlvt, non-slip tflffererrtlal, Uiod Cert 109 Mobil. Monti. TralUra 11 RgsMnrd, Minn. Ttl. IH7I1I and bonded, isi Libtrty SI. (Corntr y ttt. tW. --; , ." ' . - .; "-" ' ' " , It gu rang_i Maytas wrlngtr washing 9-paSsenser, body perfect, no rust. Would R MINIDER . e. 5th and Liberty). Tal/ 4M0.. mtehlnt. Stanlty Wltaortk; Bluff Sid- mlka txcallant camptr or s«n«r«l all- VILLAOER , ito-jev \iit- mtmu a kti :; | ¦ MERCURY—lWi excellent - body, must • Inq, WU, around use. Will comldar tradt. Tel. roomi, Ilk* nam*. tKW, «*• ' : ' ' '• ' ' «BB. tppreclaled Til, ¦¦¦ ' OTIS >' V. ' '' - -' .- 'Minneaota' - ' - HS-MOn. IV i.m. 4 mllei N.6. of ba seen to be , M344. - .9-4143. I . ¦ c-»isnt condition.Sm«ll down ptvmMtt. U5SLIE Mondavi on Hwy. St, then 3Vi miles S. financing, COULM MO«lt_B F43, t-owntr, Ixcel- OLOSM08IUE-1S5? 4-door, good condi- . A $ $. $ . ' . - BMk Land & Auction Sales on Couiity Trvnk B. Raymond Kruger, OUPSMOBILE—U6J tion, reil cltan. 761 E. Ith. " HOMI IAH3, Hwy. 1-M1 ¦•« WlnMa. auctioneer; Gateway Til, »I31. ¦ - ' .Everttt J. Kohnw ' owtr; Jlm Htrkt,¦ Itnt condition. T«i, - en.. . .; . . . . ". -. -/' , - - - . . . - . in Walnut; Ttl. frWD; after hours 7114 Credit Inc., eltrk. ' . . - .- ' • ' . CORVAIR WONiA-l-JSJ *door, reason '61 MONZA ;$750 STRETCHER THIS dark blue Corvair Monts hti radio, TRA.ILIR HOUSI-1W lttW. «C»llin« ^AUcrrpN ; FEB.,2»-Won. U:39 p.m. . 4 mllet I. of for Jelling, Itavlng for itrvlce. Ttl. . bucket seat), condition, wintwljid, carpttki living «B »~Sit.r 12:>0 p.m. *V6 mllei B. of Wlfoka, 1J mllei J, ot Winona- Fine Selection . k-U9\. 419 B. Sth. x 4-toecd trammlislon. May . Oil* bt seen at 1331 W. Wlnerait or Tel. x room, wis .tr tnd dry»r. eomMnttlen In- 4 miles Sol Witoka, . Holmin or 4V2 miles W. of Mindoro, . ". Leslie, owner; Alvin Kohrter, ' - .auction* ', y.$Al^y :;x 13 ' ' " 94127 : cluded/ 3 bodroonwi unMrnlthod. Wis., ; en County: Trunk D. Oscar C. Ol- eir . Minn. Land & Auction Serv., clerk. X' yx'- .l: X-0f.:Xx Itrfli miles S. of , Winona or 3 son, owner; Alvin Kohntr, •*•. K»rhi Tralltr Ct., Drttott, Mlon, T»l. auctlorwtr; MM ¦ 1862 FORD Fairlane • ' ¦• " : ¦¦¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ;¦ ; • ' miles E. of ' ' ' ' t04J« . - - ' - ' .- .; .. Hart Northern Inv. Co., clerk. . ..; ¦: ./ ; off ¦EB. • NOW IS THE TIME Hwy. 2»-Mon. 12:59 p.m. 4 mllti N.W. !»« . 4 door Sedan * 43 or 9 mil«s W. ol Money of Fowr Wlndi Cift, then IVi mllei B. . 190 . . . : - .To Buy'a'/- ' - "" Mr. tnd Mrs Mllvln Htlekt, twwti ' . . ' 6-cylinder engine automatic RHMT OR SAUE-Trtllm ind c-tm^r*. Creek off H-wy. 76. «B. a*-Jtt. 12;30 p,m. A» : tht former ¦ . .' 1963 -. CAR OR PICKUP , LBAHY'l. ¦utfito Cily. Wlu T*4, ; Hillside Rest Horn* In Ruihlord, located Orafe l> Turbins.n, auctionttri . . . . Irat - in. transmission, radio and heat- trHk-HTt. National Bank of LtRoy, Minn, clerk. ' • For the each, w Ut-Uil at 417 Sttvens Ave. Mrs. Cltherln* Wal- . " • . . i»o . . Ptices Go Up- . . er. Blue with matching In- ther,. ewnert Carl Fann, Jr.; - auctioneer; CHEVROLET* MAR. V~Tuei. IU30 a.m. 1 mlie; B. ol PONTIACS in the Spring terior. LOTS OF DOLLAR PLACI YOUR tritr rmt iar wWmiU- Monday, Ruahford Statt Bank, eltrk. IMM tr. Feb. 28 St. Charles, Minn, on U.S. 14. John . - .' OLOSMOBItB* .• •: JBHOP ITOW at try ol. i Paltilindtr mob It I , Lalcham, ovwtn Alvin Kohner. age- . ' ¦ DODOES . ' ' Budget-Minded SAVING JULES IN THIS tr«v«l trtlltr. Htvt I. dtllvtrtdT rW . : ¦. ¦ : Trtn»r Starting at 12:30 p.m. FEB. w—Sat.: 12:30 p.m. Industrial & tloneeri Thorp Sales Corp., eltrk. . . PbRDS ' : FINE CAR. ., irom tht f»ct«y. *•*) Van'a Office Equipment Auction, east village PLYM0UTHS 7naAi}k, Ulw, BlicK Rlytr PtlH, Wit. Lunch on limits of Pepin, Wis. .on Hwy. 25, ¦MAR. 2-^Wed. 12:30 p.m. 6U, miles N. Test Drlvt . - •' .. .- ' xx grounds Pepin Development Corp., owners; . .-. : of Whitehall, on 53. Edwin & Edward ' . Th». ' Ctr - , ' ^USED CARS Motorist ly x^'^S.^.y. HWY. «l Mobil* Horn* Stlti, *ut a. Leon Sehbeder, auctioneer; Halt Real- Nelson, owners; .Alvin Kohner, auc- IJ wWat en ¦ ¦ Of Your .. (We Buy-Sell-Trade) Shangri-La Mettl. Wt ravt 43 Cattle, ty Inc., clerk. tioneer; .'Northern Inv. Co., clerk. . .:. . . ' • ' - . ¦ - Ch'olCe ' .- i hand, also fitw 1566 niodtl l . - wldiH. daily equipment, 1965 BUICK Special De Luxe ¦ .' ¦ feed, tractors and . NOWII . J10 W. 2nd Tel. R-3211 4 door sedan, power ; T*I. ^3««. -; machin . FEB- 24—Sat. 1 p.m. : 4 /miles S.W. ot Trucks, Tract's Trailers 108 steer- ery, misc. and household Chatfield on r»l|lmort County Road . Nystrdm Moto rs ing, radio, heater, white La Crosse Mobil* Homes ' ' :¦¦: goods. No. 5, Harry VVtnft Bstetti Otthlt 4 CHEVROLET—1946 pickup, : gpod ^ Chrysler - Plymouth sidewalls , tinted glass in X- RAMBLEI* ¦ PODGg. . . . . ; New & Used Spmrkt, euctlontrai Root Rlvtr Statt ¦ fitfining Order. Tel. B-2U4. : Tel. J-3J88 - • . - ' • -Open Frl. - Might* , ¦ink of Chatfield, dark: Xy XI :y7iyXxX X windshield; regular gas V-S Alvin Kohner Auctioneer TRUCK BODIES—trailers, - built, repair- . engine, automatic. Driven : ROLtOHO/ME ^ ' ed and painted. Hoist sain and serv- ' FEB. 1%; miles S. of City tdmit| ?Jinn. Land & Auction Serv., 2t-Mcn. 12.38 p.m. I.I. IH W. et ices. Berg ' s.3950.W.. 4th. Tel. 4933. . - . . - : . only 15.900 miles. Dark blue ®\SAL|S;S: ¦'¦¦ ¦ HWoii, Wis. ,on~Hwy. «, than JVi milts With matching interior 3rd; and Maiikato Tel. 8-3649 on Hwy. 14. .. Everett J. kohner, Clerk " . N.W. on blacktop road! Ive tt K. BtrOi .xy i\mi)-y Hoiiia Norskog oyvneri Walter Zeek. auctioneer; North- - ; :' ' ' ' Open Mon., Ved. & Fri. nights Lyle Norskog f ern inv. Co., el«rk. . NEW¦ INTERNATIONAL ¦ ; : ?^-;? '$25^^ . - > . ; :; Tel. La Crosse 4-W5J ' ¦: '¦ '¦: For Spring ? ; • : 1106; yyy X liiy xmyxy: 1963 CHEVROLET Bel Air Pickup, 3 speed transmis- of Winter is still ahead, why 2 door hardtop, automatic sion, big 6-cylirider engine, "JBuy/zli-Nbyyl;;^ not count on this "OK'^ trahsniission, 6-cylinder En- HOORAY, THE WEATHER IS fresh air heater and defrost- Used Car to carry you gine,; radio, heater, white- While I»rices Are Lowest ; sidewall tires, light blue BS^S^^^^MSBf er, oil filter, windshield '' - . ¦through,;. ; GOING TO GET WARMER! washer, 815x15 4-ply tires. . color. A NICE CAB ' SAVE $550. New price $2450. 1965 CHEVROLET; Impala 195ft CHEVROLET Bel Air : So pla tv to get that better car now vvhi \e: x :.vT SALE PRICE Sport Coupe 4 door, 6-cylirider with auto- ^; - $1899. \M!--$^^-tc prices ore still loW.; Plenty of fine cars and . . I ¦ v 1965 CHEVROLET Bel; Air matic transmission. Local 1959 OLDSMOBILE 98 4 door | | Located 1 mile east of St. Charles, Minn, on I V:S, 14. J : ' ; :; one-owner car This car is : ; .^/VV} NORA-: ' - ' . Station Wagon . hardtop, power steering, colors to choose from. ' . ' ' . - 1 ' Starting at. 11:30 A.M. -. . Lunch by Methodist Ladies Aid. .- -| ^ ^\- V" ECONOMY-PLUS , and in ex^ : power brakes, radio, heater, TRUCK SERVICE 1965 CORVAIR Sport Coupe celleht condition light blue with matching in- '- '- , (No Snaall Items - Cattle will be sold at 1:3a RM.) 1 1965 Cadillac Coupe DeVille , full: power and air condl. . I 75 Laird y Tel. 4738 1964 BUICK LeSabre -Moor terior. A STEAL AT TEST DRIVE It TODAY ¦ ¦yx xx' tioning, ; : ' : ' - , ' . 1 : 51 REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN 6ATTLE | . ' *fiardtop X-: X ¦ ;.. . . ' : yy I — This is John Latcham-s \S interest in thc Cyril Persons -1 ix ll l xx V5Qi:. y; . 1965 Chevrolet. Impala 4-dpor , automatic transmission, Herd. Thus is one d the 260 ABS associated Herds in the 1 1964 CHEVROLET Impala;X power steering, power brakes. I 1955 International Station Wa' bn. 1960 RAMBLER Station Wai- I U.S.',. DHIA Records available the day of sale; Over | g 19. 4 Pontiac Catalina . ; . 4-door hardtop, automatic trans- : 50 Cow Herd Average was '64-408 lbs. and in '65-402 lbs. X 2.' ton, 4 speed transmission, ^on , standard shift 6-cylin- steering, power brakes. , I f !S8iX CHEVROLET Impala / ^fe ^^ der engine overdrive, radio, mission, power I Entire Herd Vaccinated. I .With 2 speed axle, long 4-door hardtop . .1964Tiat'liOO-D 4-door, '4-speed transmission. , \iia rl riirir itni rT ?yco. heater, VERY CLEAN only. I 14 REGISTERED COWS — 2 springers, 9 fresh in I wheel base, 8.25x20 10 ply ^ 4ndoor' , sutomatic transmission, I Dec. and Jan. and milking good, 3 fresh in Sept. and I 1964 CORVAIR 4-door Sedan ' ' : ' 1964 Chevrolet Impala ; : tires. Looks and runs good. )x - , l.J^' B\^Ax. ¦; - liyi x 'l$m iyy \x power steering, radio, heater, :|. milking.' • "• ' . ' . - -: . - - * U 1963 BUICK t-eSabre 4-door "^4^ " .i: . See this one today for only 121 Huff ' Tel. 2396 ' ' ' 1964 Poritiac Catalina 4-door, automatic transmission, pow- I 12 GRADE COWS —• 4 fresh in^^ Dec. and milking, 8. | 1963 PONTIAC Star Chief; ',;'"• . . fresh in Oct. and Nov and milking. ; | , / - ' er steering, power brakes. 1 . - :;; ;' : ;-_ ' .$595' . .— \:- ' . ,; ;. ¦: 4-door¦ ' . ¦' HEIFERS — IV * years old, open, 4 heifers 8 months | : : . . OPEN EVERY 1964 Cadillac 60 Specisl 4-door, -full;pow?r. eld 7 Holstein steers from 480 to 700 lbs. 10 calves, 5 |j 1903 OLDSMOBILE 88 4-door 1964 Pontiac Catalina 6 passenger wagori, automatic traits. . heifers and 5 bulls, some are purebred. : V/EEK NITE §i^i^5BlilCK:- OLDSMOBILE ' . I 1963 CHEVROLET B'el . Air . -:• . • . - ' . mlsssion, power steering, power brakes. , Dam 3 | 'r^^^;;^v ' ' ¦ 1 HOLSTEIN BULL - Born 11-17^4 had ;^ BUICK - OLDSMOBILE _ 4-door'^ . ":. 'TIL 9:00 I- . Open Friday Night 1963 Pontiac Bonneville 4-door hardtojif full power and records over 500 lbs. BF and Sire is ABS No. 1810. % , Open Friday Night 1962 BUICK Skylark Sport 'air conditioning. x . I;y i . - 680 POULTRY - 60 heavy hens* just starting to lay. | ¦' ' This is a parent hatching flock, present contract with |s Coupe . i 1963 Poritiac Tempest Coupe, standard shift. . -; 13 Washington, Didn't Have A Gar, But He Would 1963 Chevrolet, 4-door wagon , automatic transmission, rs> Spring-Valley Hatchery. 50. per doz. 80 heavy roosters. | . 1962 BUICK Electra 4-door ' : DAIRY EQUIPMENT - 3, Seamless; Surge milker | • Have Crossed The Delaware For Deals Like these ' dio. heater. - . ' hardtop ; buckets, stainless, steel transfer system with 50 ft- of hose Jf Good ^ ¦' ,. "¦ ¦ ' ¦':y ' 19G2 Pontiac Catalina 4-door, automatic transmission, pow- ' 1962 CHEVY II Nova Station xx xJ . XXy ,;.:AT ; - . and: electric dryer. | .; ¦ : Wagon, er steering, power brakes, 4 TRACTORS AND MACHINERY - '53 Super "M" 1 - . :;* Usedy? 1962 Cadillac 6 ' window Sedan, full power and air ieondl» ; tractor, butane fuel, power steering, full MW power pac | . 1962 FAIRLANE 500 4-door tioning. . * : '41 Model "M" tractor with MW power pac and Helsler | ; Tracks MORKEN ' ' 1962 BUICK Invicta COB* 1962 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door , automatic traiismlssion. r«. p. 2 speed transmission and Heisler live PTO; '42 Model "H" 1 yerttble 1 triactor with MW power pac; '61 AC Model D-15 tractor 1 'ei .Ford Econovan ... $1095 .: dio, heater. I with only 1,350 actual hours ; 14x38 chains; 2 sets of wheel I '61 Volkswagen Van * .. '., $695 1961 BUICK Electra 4-door SERVICE INC. . 1952: Pontiac Star Chief;;;4-do6r . automatic transmission, •' . - . power steering, power brakes. I weights; IHC 4-14 plow; IHC Model 450 4-row cultivator ; I ¦¦ ¦ 1961 CHEVROLET Parkwood . Rushford, Minn. Tel, 864-7187 . .. - with fiber glass boxes; '45 IHC I '54 International ;¦ 1961 Ford Galaxie Convertibl e, automatic transmission, ; I '61 IHC 4-row corn planter 3/4-tonpickup ...... Station Wagon -., "FORD DEALER" ; i 12-ft grain drill ; '61 New Idea 7-ft. mower; Cunningham . $595 ' power steering, power hrakes. /¦ § Fairlane BOO . We Buy Sell or Trade . - ' ¦; I hay conditioners ; '57 J.D. Model 851 4*bar Side deuvery § '51 Ford LWB Stake ... $595 ¦ 1961 FORD ¦ v / 1951 Pontiac Catalina wagon, automatic transmission, pow- new 18-jnch blades ; . -. . . ', 4*door .;. - "¦¦'; I rake ; IHC 12-ft. mobile disc with | . '56 . Dodge '/i-ton pickup $295.. er steering. power brakes. .- i J.D: 40-ft. elevator with 3 h.p. electric motor ; 24-ft. bale i 1961 BUICK LeSabre 4i-door , 1964; Galaxie 500 XL; . '58 International l!)5l Ford Galaxie 4-door , automatic tTansmisslon, power I elevator with % h.p. motor; 14-ft. aluminum grain | hardtop 2ndoor hardtop, 352 . V-8 , Cruiseomatir transmission , steering, power brakes. ; John Deere 4-section flexible drag, Farm^ ¦:& . ' tandem ...... $2695 . ' I elevator 1961 CHEVR.OLET Bel Air , 30,000 actual miles,. New Ford .trade-in. color is Bur-: . - hand.mahure loader with snow scoop; '61 New Idea 145 bii, I gundy with white top and white interior See this one. 1961 Pontiac Catalina 4-door, automatic transmission, pow- fl See the Man In The. - : 4-door . -:' . . er steering, power brakes. ' i manure spreader PTO; IHC 12-ft. self-jpropelled combine; § : : Reduced to | | '61 IHC 2MH corn picker with grease bank; IHC No. 15 ; Orange Parka 1960 CORVAIR 4-door 1960 Pontiac Catalina 4.door hardtop, automatic transrals- | " ¦ 2MH picker; Fugelberg self unloading. We Our x yp^^yy ^yyy • ' . -. - . " . sion,. .radio, ' :heater,-; If corn sheller for ]>j _^ Advertise Price* : i960:CHEVRpLET Station y iy ^ . i duty rubber tired wagons with beds; ..^ ' ' , automatic transmission, power wagon; 2 J.D. heavy | • ¦ Wagon . . - .' "' 1960¦ Oldsmobile 88 4-door '6i IHC No: 15 chopper; '49 Fox blowers with 60 ft. of | ; 1964 Galaxie 500 4-door Sedan. V-S , automatic transmis-: . ,. ' : steering, i>ower brakes." . ;V pipe; AC bale loader. p sion, power steering, power brakes, radio, 19,00-0 actual . I960 Pontiac Star Chief 4-door i automatic transmission, Xi TRUCKS — '50 Dodge 2-ton truck with hoist and g miles and like new. Owner's name on request. Beautifu l - power; steering, power brakes. comb, cattle and grain rack; '51 IHC %-ton pjek-up with | A; H. ROH RER green with matching interior. 41 Years in Winona Cochrane, Wis. : 1960 Cadillac Sedan DeVille, full power. 4-speed transmission. 1 ' :: welder; hume reel for a 12 . .. .' Lincoln-Mercury-Falcon , ""¦ ' ' Il y yxllxxy Only m i960 Pontiac Catalina 4-door, automatic transmission, ra. MISC. ITEMS -- Forney | | Tel 248-2551 <- - l ¦ ;¦ '¦ ' ft. combine; 3 hyd. rams with hoses; hog "creep" feeder; | : Comet-Fairlane ¦:. dio , heater. , - \- . . ;. hog waterer; 12x16 tarp ; 2 30O-bu. portable corn cribs; p 1964 Galaxie 500 ' 2-door I960 Ford 6: passenger wagon , standard transmission, ra- - Open Mon., Fri. Eve. ' ' ¦ . ;. 750x20 truck chains; set of 4-14 plow lathes. |1 • and Saturday, afternoons hardtop, V-8, automatic transmission , radio. New LTD dio ,; heater. . 1 THORP SALES. CORP. EASY TERMS | KRONG! BIFF! trade-in, blue with matching blue, vinyl interior , 22, 000 I960 Ford 6 passenger wagon , automatic tranamission, ra- JOHN LATCHAM, OWNER 1 miles. Like new . dio/ heater.' Alvin Kohner, Auctioneer, Lie. No. 45 I im Pontiac Bonneville Coupe, automatic transmission, A; repr Thorp Sales Com., Clerk Trucks POWI CRUNCH! Onl y $2 1 79 ' B. Smith and Sons, . $jj ' power steering, power brakes. Thorp Sales Corp., Clerk, Rochester, Minn. | ¦ ¦ , ra. ¦ I960 Rambler 4-door wagon, standard transmission We are fightin g to 1964 Custom 500 4-door , V-8 , i ' automatic transmission , radio , dio , heater, , ^ keep wintertime prices Eadded dash and visors. Color is blue with matching __ __ 1960 Oldsmobile 98 4-door hardtop, automatic transmis- E_S__^__SSSga_mssSa^;l.__ S_^^^ 5^_^S^_^__SB_ _ _8_SaB3H(ra^: iterior , 29,000 miles. Priced at Pickups in effect by delaying sion ,, power steering, power brakes. the spring rise. Plan on Only $177! I960 Pontiac Catalina 4-door, automatic transmission, ra- 1965 GMC 1-ton , with 8x10 ft. buying your car NOW box dio , heater. and SAVE at JERRY'S 19f) . Fairlane ,WO 4-door 1!)..9 Ford FL 500 4-door, automatic , transmission, radio, . |lgj ¦ SoRTHERN INVESTMENT C^ 19153 GMC 5000 Series, 5 , . . heater. I J ft 91 speed and 2-speed V-8 automatic transmission , radio. New Fnrd trade-in . I '66 PONTIAC Owner's name on request. Color is blue . and whitej 1950 Chevrolet fi passenger wagon , automatic transmission, ¦ 1963 Chevrolet 60 Series like new. radio, heater. ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .. - .- . , 4* Bonneville 2-door hardtop, \i ¦ ' Xi of on | speed and 2-speed V-8 , automatic , power steer- 1»5!. Pontiac Catalina 4-door hardtop, automatic transmis- ; I fi^ miles North Whitehall 53—OR—12 miles South Only $1769 sion, radio , heater. Watch J ing, power brakes, loaded | | of Osseo, then 2V2 miles West on all weather road. | , 1963 GMC B 4000, 4-speed with accessories, 4,000 ac- 1059 Ford Galaxie 4-door, automatic transmission , power L for arrows. | and 2-speed tual miles, 1 owner , red '. . 1963 Galaxie 500 4-door steering, radio, heater. I - I 1955 Chevrolet 2-ton, 4-speed with red interior. 1950 Ford 4-door wagon , automatic transmission, radio, and 2-speed V-8, automatic transmission , power steering, radio , heater, j Wednesday Marclh 2 j black with black interior. Real Sharp. r '65 PONTIAC 2+2 39S0 Pontiac Star Chief , automatic transmission, power I Sale starts at 12:30 P.M. I 1954 International 1-ton, 4- speed transmission. 2-door hardtop, 421 engine, Only $1675 brakes, radio, heater. | | Lunch will be served I . 3 carburetors. 4-speed, R ,- 1959 Ford Custom 4-door , standard shift , radio, heater , 000 actual miles, 1 owner (20 COWS ) - 10 1954 GMC '/4-ton, 4-speed , 1962 Galaxie 500 2-door hardtop, V-fl , 1959 Oldsmobile 88 2-door hardtop, automatic transmis- 1 66 HEAD OF QUALITY CATTLE transmission red with black vinyl top. automatic transmis- close springers; 5 Holstein cows, springers; sion , blue with blue interior. Real clean and sion, radio, hoater. 1 Holstein cows, (¦| i 2 Guernsey cows, fresh with calf at side; 10 Holstein cows, 1051 Jeep 4-wheel Drive, 1950 Pontine Catalina 4-door , automatic transmission, ra- I fresh with calf at side; 2 Holstein cows, fresh Oct.; 5 | with 6x8 box 19S4 Ford Custom 4-door Only $1289 dio, heater, .1 Holstein heifers, bred ; 4 Holstein heifers; 6 to 8 mos. | Sedan, 8 with stick . 196,1 Chevrolet Impnla 2-door • hnrdlop, fi cylinder , auto- ]95fi Buick LeSabre 4-door , automatic transmission , power I old ; 2 Guernsey heifers, 6 mos. old; 7 Holstein heifers, | 1949 Chevrolet %-ton pickup 1964 Plymouth Belvedere 4- matic transmission, radio , white with rod interior , real steering, power brakes. old ; 1 Guernsey I 10 mos. old ; 1 Guernsey heifer, 8 mos. | 1948 S tude baker door Sedan, 6, with stick. clean , Reduced to 1950 Pontiac Catalina 4-door , automatic transmission, Holstein steers 8 to 10 mos. old ; 1 1^-ton ra- I steer, 8 mos. old; 4 , | 4-speed, with box 1964 Chevrolet Bel Air 4- dio, heater . Holstein bull , 8 mos. old. Only $1575 I | door, fi , with stlclc. 1959 rvicrcury Monterey 4-d oor , automatic transmission, I A young homo raised herd of good milky cattle. Most 1948 Inter national '/.-ton ¦ | 1964 Chevrolet 4-door Sedan, radio , heater. i of cattle vaccinated. ' $ pickup, 4-speed transmis- 6 , automatic, 1965 Fairlane 500 Moor I DAIRY EQUIPMENT - Surge SP11 milker pump & | sion 1959 Ford 4-d oor Wagon , standard shift, radio, heater , 4 Surg? seamless buckets; double stain- S 1963 Chevrolet Bel Air 4- hardtop, V-S , automatic transmission. Now Ford trade- | | motor, 2 yrs. old; in. Color is Burgundy with palomino Interior. See. 19511 Pontine Star Chief 4-door, automatic transmission, l less steel wash tank; Surge hangars ; pail & strainer, | 1946 Ford >/_ -ton , 4-speed door , 327 engine with stick. this power steering, power brakes. transmission ono, . TRACTOR MACHINERY — 1948 J .D, "A" tractor J 1962 Pontiac 2-door hardtop, 1 951) Chevrolet Impala 2-door hardtop, automatic trans- \ with live hyd., good rubber ; 1954 Case SC tractor with i . 8 with stick. $2189 mission , radio , heater. engle hitch, live power , foot clutch, & live hyd.; 1050 Case \ | 2—1963 Ford 4-doors , one 1958 Plymouth 4-door , standard shift , radio , heater. 1 VAC tractor with eagle hitch & cultivator , just overhauled ; | GUNDERSON 8 with stick , one 6 with , § tractor cultivator with spring shovels; 1062 Galaxie 800 4-door hardtop, V-fl automatic transmis- 1 958 Chevrolet fl passenger Wagon, standard transmission , J.D. quick tatch | stick. sion, power steering, power brakes, Real Sharp, black i Case 7 ft. Tandem tractor disc ; N.H. PTO manure spread* | radio , licnlcr. ' MOTORS lflfil Pontine .2-door hardtop, with red interior . New tires. New LTD trade-in. Owner 's i er; J.D. No, 9 power mower; J.D. 350 bar side rake ; N.H. * Trealon & Fountain, Winn. It , automatic, power steer- 1958 Oldsmobile 811 4-door , automatic: transmission, radio, j name on request. heater. . No. 6B hay baler with PTO, No. 50 bale thrower ; A.C. No. | Fountain Car Lot Open ing, power brakes, no combine with scour kleen, pick up att,, & straw spread- I | 1962 Corvair Monza 2-door Only $1375 1 958 Ford Fairlane 4-door, automatic transmission , ra- i' er , very good shape; Case No, 12 chopper with corn & | Mon., Wed., Frl. til 9 p.m. dio, heater, head; 2 Pick the Best chopper boxes; Gehl No. 85 hardtop, 4-speed, red with 1 I hay \ black interior. lflfi, . Chevy II .TOO 1 958 I'miti .. .: Chief 4-door , automatic transmission , radio, !| blower with pipe; Gehl No. 72 flail chopper, 1 yr, ; Case | Uied Car* 109 heater. 18 ft, green chop box ; Cunningham 85(1 crim- 1061 Pontiac Bonneville 2- 4-door, 0 cylinder, stick , radio. New Mustang trade-in , \ corn picker; f 1950 Pontiac Super Chief 2-door hardtop, . per; Kelly Ryan 36 ft. grain elevator ; 'Little Giant 72 ft. | door hardtop, big engine 1 owner, only 21 ,000 miles. automatic trans- i bale conveyor with bale deflector'; Heat houser for J.D,; I 1 964 PONTIAC with 4-speed. mission , power steering, radio, heater. i Paulson hyd, loader; set of tractor chains; 11x23 & 11x38. f 1959 Chevrolet Impala 2- Onl y $1249 1 958 Cadillac Coupe, automatic , transmission, power steer- Bonneville 4 door Hardtop. ing, power brakes. :i FEED - 2,000 bales mixed hay ; 18 ft, silage In 12 ft . | Solid Black finish with black door hardtop , 8, automa- - silo; 100 boles straw. 1 vinyl interior. This ear Is tic. 1902 Bel Air 4-door, V-fl , automatic transmission , power 19f>8 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-door , automati c transmission, pow- ?; OTHER MACHINERY — J.D. 1064 7 ton rubber tired | equipped with the follow- 1960 Chevrolet Bel Air 4- steering, Locally owned , very clean. er steering, power brakes . ;. wagon ; Winpower 0'/c ton rubber tired wagon ; Electric | ing tine Pontiac accessories, door Sedan, 8, automatic. 19. .0 Ford 4-door Wagon , automatic transmission, power i wheel 7 ton wagon & rack; auto steer steel wheel wagon ; Now only $1273 ™| 2 to choose from. steering, power brakes, | | 2 wheel trailer; hay feeding rack ; seeder; corn binder ; ir Radio 196 1 Chevrolet Bel Air 4- 1957 Chevrolet 4-door hnrdlop, V-fl , stick , color Is tur- electric fencers; platform scale; 2 ensilage carts ; steel ¦iff Automatic transmission I9r.fl Ford Fairlane 500 4-dor.r , automatic transmission , ra- ^i: 2 door Sedan, 6, automatic. quoise, Real clean , d|o , heater, : tank ; 5 bales of twine; 48 neck chains; 'McCulloch 381 it Power steering l chain saw'. ir power brakes 1959 Ford Vt-lort truck, 292 Only $595 Several 1957 A Older Models Tn Choose From, VERY FEW SMALL ITEMS j it Soft Ray glass engine, 3-speed, with over- drive. .. ' 1957 Ford 'THon. Real good condition. All \hcc\ Units Ro-Condltioned k Gunrnnleed Shetland mare 3 yrs. old ! ir Tilt steering wheel | | 1958 Ford M-ton , 292 engine , Terms: Under $10.00 cash; over that amount cash it Cruise control $795 Financing Available i! •fr Low fuel warning 3-spced. < or VA down and balance in monthly payments. 3% added air conditioning Many '57s to Tils. <' to balance for 6 months, Your credit is always good with it Factory it Whitewall tires I the Northern Investment Co. Drive n little way and SAVE. | EDWIN AND EDWARD OLSON, OWNERS JERRY'S Remember tho money you SAVR is your own. Gunderson Motors Preston ic Fountain , i Alvin Kohner, Auctioneer Open Mon. nnd Wed , Nites until 0 P.M. Winn, 1 Northern Investment Co., Lester Senty , VENABLES AUTO SALES Fountain Car Lot Opon Clerk t 73 W. 2nd Tol. 8-2711 165 E. 2nd Tel. 9760 Sco or Tel. LOWELL LADSTEN Rep. by Lyman Duller, Strum, Wisconsin U Mon., Wed., Fri. Til 9 P,M, I Open Friday Evenings Open from 7 a.m. to 0 p.m. Home phone 804-U _ Ml3 l__m;_fiCTf_;_mai-g.^^ ¦ ¦ : :' ' y ^iim l r:. .¦x iy^^iy ^y y ¦ w^^ ' ' ¦' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ ¦' ' ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ¦ • • ¦ ¦ • - ¦ : ' ¦ • . . - - ' " , ¦ ' '______' ' ¦ • ¦ ' ' ' ' - ' ' - ¦ '• ¦ . - . - » Vji __ _ _ _ - - - .- ___; . . ^ . . - ' -v . - - .

¦ . y DICK TRACY ¦ ¦ By Chester Gowld ' a ' _¦¦__¦ i. ¦¦ ¦ »¦¦ ¦¦¦ ' ¦ i nn ¦ i m , ' mmmmmmwmaamm *m**~***'''~*—'**mmmmmammirkm a,*^ - ""*"^^" - *"^* M ^* ^ __I ^^__aa*ma-aamawm^m~mm~mm ^m*m*~^—»*^—mamM_ —¦—! — ' ' '

' ' ' ' "¦; ' 9 : iy BEETLE BAILEY ;: ;// . ; X; 7'X . -x ': y ^X ^^ ' ^ : '} Y ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ " '¦ " : ' ' ' ' • • " • ' • "" • y " : • - ' ' " ¦ ¦ . X- ' ' " x — -" " ' . , : i "' . " •:— v . ".' X.X' x 'X-: . i ; . -¦ . - . ... X" \ ;. .-, - - -, : . - .- «\ ¦¦; ' ' ': ¦:/ ;; : .;V . -BLONDIE :_ V' .; :; . .. .9V Chic Young

TIGER By Bud Blaka ' ;. .


' ; ' :y ': ' ' ' :/ : ' ' '" ' ¦ " " LI *L/APNiEft.;\.; ;:^^^:;-:.:^ ^:.\ -f r-N '>; - " , \ ^. ; V \\- By AI ;. Capp \:', STEVE CANYOM ; :By Milton Caiiriiff

¦ ¦ ¦ ¦;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ••¦ ¦ '. ' • ' .- ' - . ' " " ' •* ' •' - . "' ' ¦ ' ':. ": ¦ X " :' ¦ ' ' . ¦ ' ¦;.

:.^pH WINNERS In Marigold's Home Service February Prize Drawing Mrs. Ray Laufenburger • Lewiston, Minn. ' . ¦ ' I HERE AHE OUR MONTHLY Mrs. James J. Carrol _ ] • Von320 Elmal ^___" '•» —^SJLf ff J Thomas Stlllflue s$p \fk • Ettrick, Wis. . j/EHl \ James Yahnke • 768 E Sth St.

EACH WILL RECEIVE %¦ GALLON VANILLA CHERRIES ICE CREAM Every day a hungry army of people enjoy 1,300,000 freshly- Ask Your ® Route Salesman About ground, 100% pure-beef hamburgers at McDonald's. Nowhere else can you feed your family so well for so little. Entering Your Name

' DAIRY FOODS OPEN YEAR 'ROUND, ON HIGHWAY 61 JUST 2 BLOCKS WEST OF JUNCTION 14 — **aaaaaaaaaa*namaammmmmmmmmmmammamaamm—mmmmm ^mm~^m^mammmm, ^mmmi