Practical Approaches to Dysphagia Caused by Esophageal Motor Disorders Amindra S. Arora, MB BChir and Jeffrey L. Conklin, MD Address nonspecific esophageal motor disorders (NSMD), diffuse Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, esophageal spasm (DES), nutcracker esophagus (NE), 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA. hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter (hypertensive E-mail:
[email protected] LES), and achalasia [1••,3,4••,5•,6]. Out of all of these Current Gastroenterology Reports 2001, 3:191–199 conditions, only achalasia can be recognized by endoscopy Current Science Inc. ISSN 1522-8037 Copyright © 2001 by Current Science Inc. or radiology. In addition, only achalasia has been shown to have an underlying distinct pathologic basis. Recent data suggest that disorders of esophageal motor Dysphagia is a common symptom with which patients function (including LES incompetence) affect nearly present. This review focuses primarily on the esophageal 20% of people aged 60 years or over [7••]. However, the motor disorders that result in dysphagia. Following a brief most clearly defined motility disorder to date is achalasia. description of the normal swallowing mechanisms and the Several studies reinforce the fact that achalasia is a rare messengers involved, more specific motor abnormalities condition [8•,9]. However, no population-based studies are discussed. The importance of achalasia, as the only exist concerning the prevalence of most esophageal motor pathophysiologically defined esophageal motor disorder, disorders, and most estimates are derived from people with is discussed in some detail, including recent developments symptoms of chest pain and dysphagia. A recent review of in pathogenesis and treatment options. Other esophageal the epidemiologic studies of achalasia suggests that the spastic disorders are described, with relevant manometric worldwide incidence of this condition is between 0.03 and tracings included.