Planning Horizons
3 F R To properly plan for the future of Coolidge facilities will be evaluated in Chapter Four Municipal Airport, it is necessary to trans- to determine the most cost-effective and late forecast aviation demand into the efficient means for implementation. specific types and quantities of facilities that can adequately serve this identified demand. This chapter uses the results of the PLANNING HORIZONS forecasts conducted in Chapter Two, as well as established planning criteria, to The cost-effective, efficient, and orderly determine the airside (i.e., runways, development of an airport should rely more taxiways, navigational aids, marking and upon actual demand at an airport than on a lighting) and landside (i.e., terminal build- time-based forecast figure. In order to ing, hangars, aircraft parking apron, and develop a Master Plan that is demand-based automobile parking) facility requirements. rather than time-based, a series of planning horizon milestones have been established The objective of this effort is to identify, in for Coolidge Municipal Airport that take general terms, the adequacy of the existing into consideration the reasonable range of airport facilities, outline what new facilities aviation demand projections prepared in the may be needed, and when these may be previous chapter. needed to accommodate forecast demands. Having established these facility require- ments, alternatives for providing these 3-1 It is important to consider that the ac- airport to develop facilities according tual activity at the airport may be to need generated by actual demand higher or lower than projected activity levels. The demand-based schedule levels. By planning according to activ- provides flexibility in development, as ity milestones, the resulting plan can development schedules can be slowed accommodate unexpected shifts, or or expedited according to actual de- changes, in the area’s aviation de- mand at any given time during the mand.
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