HIV Care + Support
The coordination and delivery of HIV/AIDS care and support services is primarily accomplished through grant agreements with seven Regional Grantees (including the Philadelphia Department of Public Health), which provide a statewide service delivery network for persons with HIV or AIDS and their families, who have no other means to pay for services. The Care Section is responsible for the following: Provision of Ryan White Part B Core Medical and Support services for eligible HIV + individuals – The Department receives an annual grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) for the oversight of Core Services and Support services. Funding designated for Core services provided to individuals include outpatient health services, oral health care, health insurance assistance, home health care, home and community based health services, hospice services, medical case management, and substance abuse and mental health services. Support services provided are emergency financial assistance, food bank and home delivered meals, housing, legal, linguistic, medical transportation, outreach, psychosocial support, respite care and treatment adherence counseling. CD4+ T-Cell and Viral Load Testing - Knowledge of the CD4+ T-cell count and viral load is critical to determining an HIV-positive individual's response to therapy and disease progression. Therefore, free and confidential CD4+ T-cell and viral load tests are offered to HIV-positive individuals who participate in the SPBP or who are eligible for Ryan White Part B funding, or have no other means to pay for the tests. Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program - The Department receives an annual grant from Housing and Urban Development to administer the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program.
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