VOLUNTEERING INFRASTRUCTURE © 2012 Published by CEV - European Volunteer Centre ISBN: 978-9-4916-3000-2
VOLUNTEERING INFRASTRUCTURE © 2012 Published by CEV - European Volunteer Centre ISBN: 978-9-4916-3000-2 The European Volunteer Centre (Centre Européen du Volontariat, CEV) is the European network of nearly one hundred national and regional volunteer centres and volunteer support organisations across Europe that work together to support and promote voluntary activity. The mission of CEV is to create an enabling political, social and economic environment in Europe for the full potential of volunteering to be realised. www.cev.be “Volunteering Infrastructure in Europe” by European Volunteer Centre is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial - ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. ISBN 9789491630002 Content contributors: Adrian Murtagh, Alžbeta Brozmanová Gregorová, Alžbeta Mračková, Amandine Tiberghien, Ana Mullanji, András F. Tóth, Anitta Raitanen, Anne Marie Donovan, Antonita Fonari, Bojana Ćulum, Bryan Collis, Christine Irvine, Claudia Taylor-East, Cristina Rigman, Dace Maulina, Diego Beamonte, Else-Marije Boss, Elza Maria Pires Chambel, Eva Hambach, Fiona Liddell, Geraldine Prizeman, Gordana Fočić, Hanka Kušková, Igor Milosevic, Ilze Grintale, Irena Topalli, Jatta Vikström, Jean Bastide, Jiří Tošner, John Lee, Jugoslav Jevdjic, Kamila Czerwińska, Ksenija Fonović, Martin Lesky, Martin Oberbauer, Mette Hjære, Michal Brož, Milijana Niskanovic, Mirko Schwärzel, Nick Ockenden, Olivia Patsalidou, Panagiotis Zannis, Pavol Frič, Petre Mrkev, Philippa Arrigo, Primož Jamšek, Renzo Razzano, Rogério Roque Amaro, Sabrina Iacobucci, Saskia Daru, Sergiu Ostaf, Stefania Macchioni, Susana Szabo, Tereza Pospíšilová, Thomas Röbke, Vicente Ballesteros Alarcón, Viola Krebs, Wojciech Rustecki, Yvonne McKenna, Zlatko Talevski Volunteer proofreaders: Amber Reast, Anne Marie Corbett, Claudia Hocke, Elisa Vitale, Emily Pearson, Eszter Farkas, Hannah Doyle, Joanna Chodan, Rionach Enright, Sarah Watts and Tom Fuller.
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