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TATTERSHALL, &c. ,Thomas Bes.t. T~e parish (il!cludi~g TUMBY t~wD-1 Kirkby, adjoining t'? that parish on t~eta!t, but is a .hip,) contaIned, 10 1831, 596 Inhabitants. separate ronstablewlck. 'rhe population of the town- TUMBY is a towns~ip and hamlet, in the parish of ShIP, in 1831, was 322. ' posr OPPZOB. TATIERSHALL, Brown & Dunham, Post lftlastera.-Letters a:rrive every evening at (l\fonday excepted) at half-past six, and ar~ de~Patched every mornin~ ('ruesday excepted) at half-past eight. ,osr O,'ZC., CONINGSBY, Eleanor Al'tindalel Post Mistrea8.-Letters arnve every evening at six, and are despatched every morning at nine.' ." GBNTRY & CLBRGY. CBIN~ GLASS & EARTHBR- SURGEOlfS. Best Rev. Thos. Kirkby upon Bane. .ARE DEALBRS. Blades Charles, 1"attershall B';1rcham John, esq. CODlngsby Ely WlIbam, Ta!tershall Lambden Abraham Coningsby Glbson Mrs. -, rrat~r8hall Hunt John, Conlngsby. Lambden William Henry,Coningsbr Hall Rev John ConlogAby CHYMISTS &: DRUGGISTS. ' Haymes J~hn Co~jngsby Blackburn James, Coningsby C 1 R bSURCVE~OBbS. Rev O Billyard Re;. Saml: 'rattershaIl Lee John, Tattersball R e ~~l·t, °T~~g8 Yh 11 Jodd Rev. George, Coningsby C01!-N &: ~OAL MERCRARTS. eeve I Jam, a ters a. Smith Mr William Coningsby Bablngton fhomas (and general TAILORS. ACADBlVIIB8 ;. SCBOOLS~ merchant) Coningsby BarnettJames(& draper)Tattershall Cuthbert Frances, Coningsby • Holder John (coal) Coningsby Broo~s Charles, 'rat~ershall NATIONAL SCHOOL, 'ratters ball- Varley John, Tattershall !'Iarnson Jame~, CO~llngsby William Reeve, master I'IBE, arc. OFFICE: AGBNTS. ,raylor George, C<?olngsby Rylatt George, Coningsby COUNTY, Brown & Dun!lam, ''Cat- rwells John, Conlngsby , Salmon Jane (boarding and day) ter8hall [rattershall TAVERNS & PUBLIC SOUSES. rrattershaU NORWICH UNION, James Bamett, BJack Horse, Jo~~ Short, Tattershall Wright Mjs~ _ Conin sb GROCERS & DRAPERS. BI~ck Swan, Wllham Fo~, Tumby . , g y (See aut) Shonkeepers ~c J Bridge Inn, Robert Hotchm, Ferrybndge , ATTORNEY. r.'· Bull, Jane Fowler, Tattersball Dankes LangleyLangton,'rattershall Artlndale Eleanor, CO~lngsby Castle, Edward Dove, Coningsby BAKBRS • I'LOUR DEALERS Blackbur~ James, Conlngsby Crown, Joseph Short, TattershaU BI kb B· . C . b • Brown and Dunbam (& chandlers) Jolly Sailor,Elizabeth Copping, FulsbJ C BC • urj enJaCln! o:lngs Y rrattersball & Coningsby [shall Leeds Gate, Mrs. Challins, Dog dyke opplng ,ames, onlng~ Y Clarke Galner (& drug.list) 'fatter. Sloop,·Robert Laister, :pog dyke CDthb~r~ rhomas, Conlng~by Day John (& ironmngr:rrattershall Swan, John Swan, Comngsby Elr. Wdhal!l, .Tattersball Eley Samuel, 'fattershall :Retailers 0:£ BeeZ'. Wlllcox Wllllam, Tattersball J.4·ox Bridget (& druggist)Coningsby Cooling John, C,oningsby BLACKSMITHS. M t" R" h d C ni gsb Creasey M.Conlngsby As"wortb Mrs. -, rrattershall ar In le ar DR~S:ER~ Duckering William, Hawthorn hill Barker William Dogdike HAIR ~ • Harrison John, Coningsby Bellamy Robert' Kirkby upon Bane Bedford Rohe!·t, rattershall Holder John, Coni~gsby Dick, inson Georg' e Coningsby East J osbua, ratters hall Jackson John, Con.lngsby , • INNS J effrey Thomas, Kirkby upon Bane Emerson Georg_e, Conlogsby A 1 J h Rl d· T tte b 11 Lamewell Samue] Coningsby Flinton Wm. Woodside, Coningsby lI~e, osep loa ~s, a .rs"~ Lill Robert, Tatte;sh~ll , Harrison John, Coningsby WhIte JJull, Jas. Harllss, Conlng:sby Moore Thomas C~rungeby Stevenson Charles, Coningsby ~ J,?IlfERS. Parker Mary, Comngsby BOOT &: SHOS MAKERS. F?x Joseph, ratt.ershall TIMBER as RAFT MERCSNTS. Atkin James, rrattershaU GIll Robert. Conln~sb~ Lane Samuel, Coningsby Brook~ Robert(& currie~:i& tanner) ~~~f~~hn~o~~~tin~b~lngsbJ Pallise~ and Kin~ (and bricks, tiles Conlngs~y' I Sharp Samuel, Conill~sby and bme) ConlDgsby . Brooks Wllham, Tattershall 'femple Daniel Coningsby WHEELWRIGHTS. El~y Sam~el, "rattersh.all Wells Cook, T~ttel"shall Bell Thoma&, Coningsby [Bane ~VISOU Ehzabetb'rConlngsby Wells John, Tatter&hall l\larshall William, Kirkby upon Forma~ ~amuel, rattersh~n MALTSTERS. Marwood Thos. Kirby upon Bane l;Ian Wtlham, Ha.wthorn hJ11 Babington rrhomas, Coningsby Ranyell Thomas {and carpenter) Hand John, Conlngsby Varley John, Tattt-rghall rratter:;hall ~ningsby Kew Richard, Tattershall MILLERS. Sharp Samuel (& carpenter) Co- Lake Christ~l!her, Coniogsby Copping Daniel, Fulsby mill, Co- WINB,. SPIRIT MERCHANT. Mat"shall Wllllam, 'rattershall ningsby l\'Jason~ Mrs. -, Kirkby upon Bane Cuthbert Thomas, Coningsby Blades Ch~rles (brandy)Tattershall Reeve rhomas, Tattershall Atarsh Richard, Tattershall MIscellaneous. Suttaby John, Hawthol'O hill Wiulow Joshua, Kirkby upon Bane Asbton Robert, farmer, Kirkby . Swallow John, Coningsby MILLIRERS & DRESS MAKRS Bower Samuel, brick maker, Tumby rre.the.r William., COllingsby. Bedford Catherine, Coningsby Bucbanan A. D. watch and clock maker, 11 Coningsby' W, IIk lnson D ~Vl,d H awth om· h ~ , fowler Mary Ann, rrattehshall Christian Matthew, cooper, Tattershall .B,~W~BS. , .' 'Patchett 1\1ary, Coningsby Gunu Samuel, millwright, Tattershall Rboades Josepb, An.gel lno, Tat- PLUMBERS & GLAZIERS. Hildred Thomas, chair tumer,TattershaH tersbaU' 8eeby Jones, Tattershall King Wm. Rose, auctioneer, Coningsby Varley John, Tattershall Franci~ Edward, Coningsby Lee John, veterinary surgeon, Tattershall BRICKLAYERS. SADDLERS AND HARNESS M~~~l~:b~olomew, brazier & tinman, Hall George, TattershaU MAKEl\S. Searson Josepb, farmer, &c. Tattershall J::iugbes Dionysius, 'rattershall Church Thomas, Coningsby Shuttleworth John,boatbuilder,Dog dyk.e JobnsonCook (& builder) Coningsby Hyde Joseph, Coniogsby Soulby Anthony Gibbon, chief constable BUTCHERS. SHOPKEEPERS & DEALBS IR of the south hundren of Gartree Balderston Elizabeth, Coningsby GaOCERIES & SUNDBIES. Travis Thos. farmer, Kirk.by upon Bane Balderston Mrs. -, Tattershall Cabarn John, Coningsby CABBZBBS. Creasey M. Coningsby Cuthbert Charlotte, Coningsby. To 'BOSTON, John Cooling, from Co- Cu,hbert Thomas, Coningsby Hall Levi(& l·opedealer) Conillgsby ningsby .. every Wednesday morning, Lansdall John, Coningsby Jackson l\tlrs. Kit'kby upon Bane To HORNCASTLE, John Cooling, from LansdaU"rbomas, Coningsby STRAW BAT MAKERS. Tattershall,Coningsby, everyapd William Saturday Sharpe, morning. from Meanwell "rhom as , "rattershall Francis Mary Aun, Coningsby To SLEAFOR~, John Cooling, froDJ Pogson Jesse, Coningsby Marshalli"l. A. 'l'attfrsball Coningsby, every Monday morning. ~;'" ' WAINFLEET Is a market-town, comprising the parishes of All ried ott by a wide drain to Boston Scalp, which has Saints and St. Mary, in the marsh division of the so reduced them, as to preclude the entrance of any wapentake of Candleshoe, parts of Lindsey ; 131 miles but· small craft. In the time of the Romans tbe whole N. by E. from London, 40 E. S. E. from Lincoln, and province is said to have been supplied. fl'om this place 9 8. E.from ;Spilsby; situate on a small creek, in a .witb salt made from the sea water; and a road across marshy district. In consequence of the eJ.1«;:1~o8~reof, the fens, still called the Saitel"l' road, is supposed. to •.~e 9&' feDB, the water. of the haven have: ...entar. have been the ROlDan road, between BaMOfJall,um 144 ",', .. ' , · .. .