Cfflllhiilshiritesim ■ \ They-Go on to Eak for a List of Are Active Issues "In Tlmuo^W^Ui*-- - Wlwp P ^ Tiocacbnrfr^-Tlte

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Cfflllhiilshiritesim ■ \ They-Go on to Eak for a List of Are Active Issues ? -'t • f ■■ yj. THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1962 A r tn g t Daily Net Preaa Run Tha Wwthar i9$anrlif(0ti?r lEv^nUts IfpraUi F«rtlMWMkEiiiM Fereenfl ef V. 0. Weatter ' mi Mwea H FwHf taalgfet, 13,5 eaom Him lee. Low M-M. ^^ISjwiit Town Hooper'Kassler ekmdtr SeteHtoa. eeeeeeaBe ^ ... ......I.... \ Member e< tte Aafiit -S’*.- Burma et CBradsttm 1 GhApman Court, Ordor of Am- Excited About These M m eh 0 $ter-~^A City of Village Charm araiifh, ^ j l meet at the Masonic At a pandiellght service. Miss TOmple TOitiorrow at T:^5 p.ra. Isabel jane kassler of Bolton be­ There will be a 8t. Patrick s party AfiverlMof en 18) after "the mecUng. Rfefreshments came the bride of Thomas Dye YOL.1.XXXI,NO.140 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1962 « PRICE FIVE wlU be served by Mrs. Harry Hooper HI of Merchantville, N.J., Shurfine Values 'M Llndgren. and committee. last Saturday evening at the Bol­ ton Congregatibnal Church. We know you . will be eXcited about our apecial Plnehiirit Men In the Manchester area, In­ ’ITie bride is the daughter of SHURFINE-SPRING SHOWER OF VALUES. Our grocery terested In forming a baiber shop Mr.s. Rena Kassler,,Williams Rd„ manager, John O’Neill. i« lo eXcited about the values that he Binging group, are asked to call Bolton, ad Ihe late Leon Kassler. haa taken over -the entire check-out aisle for special displays Robert Krlnjak, owner and man­ The bridegrom Is the son of Mr. OPEN THURSDAY and ; to make It easy for you to buy. Please buy in advertised quan- ager at the State Service Station, and Mrs.' Edward Hooper H of quallty of every Shurfine item . check the prices . no Monday through Saturday, from 7 Merchantville. FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. titles to get these speriaMow p rices.'. .W> gtiarantee the a.m. to 5 p.m., or at his home, The Rev. Tlieodore Chandler Jr., Xtfiwnteks v V . just low prices . high quality. #0 Oak St. A director (or such a pastor of the Bolton Congrega­ • The singing group is available, and tional church, performed the dou­ plitns; will be announced later for ble ring cer^ on y . Bouquets of an organizational meeting. yellow daffodils, yellow roses and white, snapdragons were at -^the COLLECTOR’S Thomas Cooke, Supreme chancel. Clifton Goodale was or­ Grand Master fe .Loyal Orange ganist. The bride was given in mar­ SHURFINE CORN Liodges of America,'wlU make a CREAM STYLE or visitation Satiirday at. S p.m. at riage by her uncle, Maurice Batt­ COOKBOOK ' a meeting of Roj’al Black Pre- ler. of Wilbraham, Mass. She 5VHOLE KERNEL Nikita Threatens U.S. with Missile ceptory ini Orange Hall. All wore a floor-length gown of white 303 Orangemen and members at la­ ■yclvet, designed in Grecian style April isshe of Woman’s dles’ It^ o s will welcome the na­ with cap sleevas and cowl neck­ CANS tional officer. Refreshmnets will line, aftd,terminating in a train. SHURFINE CUT Day, on sale here aL, On Rival Arms Plans be aeri’ed. Her headdress was a floor-length 5tofeiVctllsrEiTatic Heart’ mantilla of ehtboridered lace with "Mix or match "'em" 10c, contains 49 dif­ TeUs RaUy .sequins. She also wore pale green The French Oub of Manches­ GREEN BEANS ■shoes, opera-length while gloves, ferent Tuna Recipes, Cancels Space ter will elect new. officers at a and carried vellow roses ort a while mealing tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Roundup Bible. showing how you can Ministers for Talk Am ericans Orange Hall. Members of the Miss Carol Elaine Beane of Mef-^ 46 OZ, CANS SHURFINE French Club of West Haven w-ill Try by Slayton chant\llle was maid of honor. She combine Tuna, a fish be guests. After the bu.siness wore a hunter green velvet street- meetmg, there will be card play- FBI Arrests 2 WASHINGTON (AP)— A Defenseless length dress with full skirt, cap PINEAPPLE JUICE 4 c..n .0 0 for all seasons and fine By Rusk, Gromyko and refreshments. sleeves and cowl neckline, with heart condition detected more matching headbow. Miss Peggy for Lenten'dishes tVith Jail Escapees than two years ago will keep CAMBRIDGE, Maa*. (A P) John M. Jacobs, fire cointrol Kasper of N*n-lngton was brides­ technician third class, US. Navy, astronaut Donald K. Slayton By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER etlon leaders waste no tlihe in get- — Smithsonian Astnmihyaieal maid. She- wore a forest green rice, pasta, vegetables In Willimantic Observatory aeientiats report­ son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ja- velvet .street-length dres,s, styled from becoming the next GENEVA (AP)—The 17-1 together for infomal talks. oohs, 125 Brookfield SI.. 1s seiz­ SHURFINE who supported Menon s ed today a coded radio ngnal Uie same as the maid of honor's and .sauces. For your WILLIMANTIC (AP) - American to venture into nation disarmament confer­ ing aboard the ballistic missile dress, with matching headbow. 27c KLEPNEX suggestion, met with the Indian has been picked up which ap­ subnvarJne, USS. Patrick Henry, CLIN(; PEACHES 3 cans 89c ence called on Secretary of Both attendants carried crescent escapes from an Illinois J a.i.<iignmeni of following delegation head Immediately after parently is that of a new So­ operating out jof Holy Loch. Scot­ Terri Photos l i ’s OR SLICED, LARGE 2H CANS tuna dishe.s, new or State Dean Rusk and Soviet the cemference session. bouquets of yellow daffodils. 4 for 99c jail have been tracked down along ths trail blazed by John H viet satellite. land. John Rodd Hooper of Merchant­ MRS, THOMAS DYE HOOPER III h'oreign Minister Andrei A. Conference prospi>cts suffered a old, come to Pine­ here and are behind bars once ' Glenn Jr. win go instead to M. They said the fact that a ville served as his brother's best more. ' Scoll. Carpenter, another member Gromyko today to start blow Thursday night when the So­ Roger Winter, son of Mr. and man. Ushers were Ruseell Johns­ SHURFINE coded signal was beins trana- ' Beta Sigma Phi sorority. She is Mr. Hooper is a graduate of In­ Police and agent* of the Federal msn Mercury space viet Union rejects President Ken­ Mrs. Raymond Winter, 46 Havr- ton of Long Island. N. Y., and Pe- hurst for Unde Ben’s prompt informal negotiations thome 8t., a sophomore at Whea­ a member of the Order of East­ diana Technical College, and is team. nedy's terms for a test ben. Re­ mitted, rather than a voka d,er Lozis of Newington. Honorary FRUIT COCKTAIL 3 cans $1.00 Bureau of Inveatigation yesterday on their rival di.sarniament ton College, Wheaton. 111., recent­ ern Star, and sings in the choir plant manager of the systems di­ new long grain and arrested ^ b b y Lester Hays, 22, The .awltoh in plans was an­ sumption of U.S. nuclear weapon signal, indicated that the ve­ usher was R.M.3 Leon Mitchell LARGE 2 >4 CANS plans. leists ItTUie atmosphere neXt month ly won first place in discussion and teaches Sunday School at the vision of Clifton Precision Prod­ and his brother, Jimmy Eugene nounced Thuiaday night by the Na- Kassler. U.S. Navy, brother of the The move, pro)>osed by India, appeared inevltahle as a result. h icle had n o raidfi a b o a rd . competition In the annual Delta Bolton .. Congregational Church. ucts Co., Clifton Heights, Pa. wild rice, curried rice Hayes, 19. on warrants charging Uonal Aeronautic* and Space Ad bride, and stationed in Africa.- DOVALEHES ministration. Earlier in the dav came, in the third session of the Sigma Rho forensic conference at 303 CANS SHURFINE unlawful flight to avoid prosecu­ BOCHUM, Germany (AP) the University of Wisconsin. Mad­ .Mrs. Kassler wore a beige silk or Spanish rice mix tion for burglary and larceny in nn Air Force medical board had conference after Brazilian Foreign (Contlnued en Page Five) ison. Wis. Winter's topic was print sheath with green ac­ 4 large 89c minol*. [reviewed Slayton s condition- an | Minister E^ranclsco Sen Thlago —The Bochum Obauratory ‘Otvll. Righte for All American cessories and gYeen orchid cor­ APPLESAL'CE 8 cans $1.00 and save here on the The FBI said the brothers e s -i’ ^iratic heard rale"-an d advl.<ie(l 1 Dantes urged the nucleai' power* announced today it has pfekM OlUeens." sage. The bridegrbom’s mother caped from jell In Marlon. Hi., on p.gainst hi* attempting the physl ; to carry out negotiations to the 22nd AEG Test up aignala from what seemed wore a blue embroidered silk finest White Tuna. April 13, 1961, but the younger cnlly trying space mla.'ilon. ! eXtreme limit of compromise. He sheath dress with jacket, blue ac- ' P.A.C. one was caught the neXt day and On learning he had been; .said tlie smaller naUons can play to be a Soviet space ship. cessories and a yellow orchid c o r -! returned. He broke out again last tcratched the Air Force major, i an Important role in seeking com- WASHINGTON (AP) — An­ The altitude of the new J8, said " I ’m very disappointed | promise by negotiation, other low yield imdeiground nu­ sage. j SHURFINE September, the FBI said. satellite was estimated to'he See Hie NEW A reception for 200 guests was ! , At our everyday low prices buy Nabisco Elegy for a Parting Season Both were living here -at the to say the least.” With much formal speechmak- clear shot ■with the blast aquiv- aromid 173 miles.
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