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Unnecessary rough· ness, 111egal dtJftn· Safel.)·. sh·e use or the hand•. cltppinc. runntn~ Into or roughtnK the kl<ker. <Penalty, 15 yards. ) Philip Morris superiority is recognized by eminent medical JoU!'rftr(lflCe With (Of'K'ard PUS, pus touohlng Ineligible player. or ..S-rreentng·• pae.s receh·er. (If penalty on offense. when tnt.errertonce oceura beyond Une or $Crlm,nage. 15 yanll and loss or down; on or b•htnd line of scrtmma«b. losa of down only. Inter~ f6Tence by detente~ ball to otrense ou '\.. or roul •• \ down.) Unsportsmanlike conduct. (Penalty lll•gal formation or pOdtlon or -15 y&rds.) J!~or na.~trnnt unsports· one or rnor& pla>·ers. CPt>no.ltY- manlike condur.t-15 )·ard pen;lty 5 yard& from wbere ball was put and diiQuallflcallon. In i>l&)'.) authorities. For smoking pleasure without penalties- CALL FOR PHiliP AMERICA*S E.! NE U CIGARETTE Tulane University NEW ORLEANS, LA. vs. Rice Institute HOUSTON, TEXAS RICE FIELD • OCTOBER 11, 1941 Published by OFFICIAL The Rice Institute Athletic Association FOOTBALL PROGRAM BILL WALLACE Editor and Mana!ler PRICE 25c NEXT HOME GAME-CENTENARY vs. RICE-NOVEMBER 1, 8:15p.m. 3 BILL WALLACE ~~~....:4itl;t'> !f,.e~lrman &t~clt. 4 A GRATEFUL ! PRIVILEGE *Houston and many manufacturing concerns of this section have grown to immense proportions during past quarter century. l} During this enterpns1ng span of twenty-five years it has been our pri vi lege, for which we are grateful, to Rice Institute and render complete advertising service to the fighting Owls many progressive, leading manufac deserve our un- turers and to grow with them and ,~... ~-~ qualified backing! Houston. • ROGERS-GANO AD V ERTISING AGENCY, INC. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING HOUST ON, TEXAS Dale C. Rogers, President T. Page Rogers, Vice-President 5 The official football timing watch. for RICE INSTITUTE The Rice-Tulane series promises to be one of the most colorful football spectacles of the South. It's not a new one, in the strict sense of the word, as the Owls and Greenics first tangled on a gridiron back in 1916, but it pits one of the best teams of the South against one of the leadin g t eams of the Southwest. The Owls and Grccnies have met twice in this decade, with " Red" Dawson's team emerging as Longines Watches, appointed official timepiece the winner both times. 'In 1938, it was Tulane 26, for this football game, were also used for official Rice 17. Last year, in 1940, it was Tulac.~ 15, Rice timing for the 1941 A.A.U. and I.C.4A Track Championships, the National A.A.U. Men's and 6, in a wide open offensive haute. Women's Swimming Championships, and many The Owls won the first two games they played other important sports events. Longines Watches against Tulane, taking the first one in 1916, 23 to were selected as exclusive official timepiece for 13, and the second, in 1917, 16 to 0. Then came a the. 1940 Olympics. Among many associations scoreless tie in 1920, and in 1921. it was 7 to 6, which have chosen Longines Watches as official Tulane. timepiece are National Aeronautic Association, This year, Tulane brings one of the strongest American Automobile Association, and U. S. teams of the South to Houston. Polo Association. They opened their series with a 21-7 victory over Other honors bestowed upon Longines Watches the strong Boston College crew, victor over Tulane for accuracy and elegance include 10 world's fair grand prizes and 28 gold medal awards. last season, and winner over Tennessee in the Su~ar Throughout the world, no other name on a watch Bowl ew Year's da). ,. means so much as Longines, The World's Most They followed that up with a convi nci~g 32~0 :~ Honored Watch. win over Auburn, coached by Jack Meagher, for mer Rice men tor. Tulane, no tably a running a ttack team in the last few years, has taken to the air in its first two games this season. T hey are running, and passing, off a "~ "formati on , revived b y Clark Shaughnessy at Stanford last year. Against Boston College, they compkted pass after pass. Against Auburn, the) stuck to the ground most of the time, but cashed in on passes when t he defense tightened too much. Last year·s game between the Greenies and Owls was a colorful affair over in · cw Orleans. The Owls marched down the field for the first t ouchdown. Bob Br u mle~ going over. in the first quarter. In the econd period, ho" C\ cr, Tulane came back fighting, coring a touchdo" n and field goal, and chalked up a nother touch in the third quarter. Tulane had 10 first downs to 7 for Rice, but the total yard age gain was almost even, with the The akUI, oxporionce, ond workmonah!p necouary for the construction of f ... nqinea W l.l.tchoa for proci.tion timinq, aviation and navigation are reflected Greenies running 192 yards and passing for 14, in the qreator accuracy of evory Lonqines Watch a t any price. Longines jewelers show Lon~in e 1 pertonal watchea of diatinction from $40 upward; Continued on page 8 also Wlttnouer Watcho1 from $24 .75, products of Lonqinoa·Wittnauor W atch Co., Inc., 580 Fiith Avenue, New York, N. Y. 7 TODAY'S G i\TE Continued from pa.se 7 The Lamar Hotel a total of 206, and the Owls running 115 and pass ing 82 for a total of 197. is modernizing with Brumley had a great day for the Owls. picking up 83 yards in 20 trips with the ball. PARKER-BUILT The Tulane-Rice rivalry is a natural, geograph ically. The two cities are within striking distance, "Spring-Air" both have entertainment galore to offer visitors, AMERICA's FINEST MATTIIESS and each year finds a growing number of fans fol lowing the teams to the games. \S OVERTISEO 1'\ This is the second game to be played under a LIFE, TURDAY EVE 11 G POST five-year, home and home contract between Rice and GOOD HOUSEKEEP! G and Tulane. BUY SPRING-A IR Thumbnail Sketches of FR0:\1 YOUR FAVORITE FUR ITURE STORE Tulane University PARKER Intercollegiate football was inaugurated at Tu BEDDING COMPANY lane in 1893, with T. L. Bayne serving as the first coach. Bayne, who starred at Yale as a quarter hack in the middle '80's, returned to Tulane as a 310 North Main Preston 4161 law student and organized the first team. From that beginning, Tulane football has grown to assume national importance. NOTES Since 1915 Tulane football teams have played only under the leadership of five head coaches, Clark Shaughnessy, a University of Minnesota alumnus and now bead coach at Stanford Univer sity, headed the Green Wave football staff from 1915 through 1926, with the exception of one in tervening year when he resigned to enter business. Myron Fuller served as head coach that year, 1921. Bernie Bierman, also a Minnesota alumnus and former assistant to Shaughnessy at Tulane, suc ceeded to the head coaching position in 1927 and ----#8¢. continued in that capacity through 1931, when be returned to his alma mater as head coach. Ted Cox, a Bierman assistant at Tulane, and like has been added! Shaughnessy and Bierman, a Minnesota graduate, IN A LEITER for your sweater, and see what succeeded Bernie. Tie served as head coach through W something new can do! And remember: Some 1935, when Lowell P. " Red" Dawson, a Tulane thing new bas been added to a cigarette, too- to make it even more pleasant! alumnus, became head of t he football staff. The highest score ever made by Tulane was that * Lotokio Same familiar pock (Pronounced "La-ta• against Southwestern Louisiana I nstitute of La kee'-a") ,a flavorful tobacco from the Eastern Mcditer· fayette, La., in 1912, 95 to 0. ranean. Carefully blended Tulane's longest winning streak was in 1930-31, with other famous tobac· cos.. Latakia creaces an en· 18 successive triumphs starting the third Saturday tirely new-even liner Old Gold llavor. Continued on page 15 NEXT HOME GAME-CENTENARY vs. RICE-NOVEMBER 1, 8:15p.m. 8 DO SE 3 S? I THE WARNER SYSTEM 2 THE ROCKNE SYSTEM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000° 000®000 Uses both the single and double wing·back Operates from a single wing-back parallelo· system of attack, but its distinguishing char gram. Its distinguishing characteristic is a acteristic is the unbalanced line. The double balanced line. It stresses power ahead of the wing-back formation allows for great decep ball, unlike the Warner System which often tion behind the line--often sacrificing power allows a man to go through without interfer· ahead of the ball to attain this deception. The ence. The Rockne System strives to score on Warner System stresses sustained advance. a perfect play from any place on the field. 3 THE Postal TeJc gravb svsTEM -- I'CiiiiiiriioS\ - ~ _ o r .., ) · ~ , . ' -~::.~ ) The Postal Telegraph System starts right at your own telephone* or at the nearest Postal Telegraph office. Ics distinguishing characteristics ace faster, more personalized service that saves you money. Its players-who always wear blue uniforms-depend on their amazing speed afoot and on cycles. People find it wise to employ the Postal Telegraph System whet~ sending BIRTHDAY GREETINGS-WIRES OF CONGRATULATION-MONEY ORDERS -RESERVATIONS-SINGING TELEGRAMS-TRAVEL MESSAGES. •Cht~rgeJII/>/> tilr 011 your t el ephone bill. 1'ostal Telegraph 11FIRST WHEN SECONDS COUNT!" 9 10 GRID STARS NEED PLENTY OF STAMINA! As Part of Training to H elp Keep in Condition, Many Coaches Have Their Teams DRINK KNOX GELATINE Athletes in many schools and colleges TRY DRINKING KNOX YOURSELF are now drinking Knox Gelatine as a Why don't you try drinking Knox? It's easy.