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Archetypes and Romanticism in Establishing National Identity As Reflected in Tolkien‘S the Silmarillion

Archetypes and Romanticism in Establishing National Identity As Reflected in Tolkien‘S the Silmarillion


Emil Eka Putra, [email protected], Universitas Putera Batam

ABSTRACT of the surrounding objects in mind-the ability to This research demonstrates the relationship of imagine. which is a psychological fantasy , archetypes, romanticism and phenomenon is then produced fantasy stories. nationalism in one of fantasy fiction, namely This can be seen from the and Tolkien‘s The Silmarillion. Since fantasy fiction, with that live in the community of various cultures in the of escapism, is less appreciated this the world. The stories of the Greek gods, article is written in attempt to give more appreciation to fantasy fiction. Analysis to show the relationship of Egyptian, Arthur , Story of Sangkuriang fantasy fiction, , romanticism and and Dayang Sumbi, and Malin Kundang all are nationalism is carried out by applying archetypal fantasy stories, stories from the perspectives of approach and Frye‘s concept of mythos. This analysis reality would not be possible. Myths, mysticism, is aimed at determining the position of the story in , fairy tales and old romance is then Frye‘s mythos taxonomy and its values. The values, regarded as the root of modern fantasy then, are compared with values found in English (D'Ammassa, 2006; Jackson, 2001; Kelleghan, nationalistic discourse. The result of this analysis 2002; Stableford, 2005) which has become a indicates that the story of The Silmarillion can be genre of fiction in contemporary literature. classified as tragic mythos. However, in the Although deeply rooted in the history of human Silmarillion is elaborated differently from the characteristics of the mythos suggested by Frye. life, fantasy are often subordinated and Tragedy of The Silmarillion is collective in its nature. underestimated. Steoretype of escapism entitled The uniqueness of tragedy in The Silmarillion, then, to fantasy that is often seen from negative is read as representation of fellowship spirit value in standpoint is one of the causes (Sturch, 2001). English nationalistic discourse. The Silmarillion also By building a superior alternative secondary shows wisdom and historical continuity values world fantasy stories regarded as an escape from parallel with values found English nationalistic reality which is not ideal. The real world which discourse. From these values The Silmarillion shows is far from ideal urges a means to escape from all that pastoral life with its collectivity, wisdom and the problems encountered in the real world and it tranquility as an ideal life for English people. can be found in fantasy stories (Rabkin, 1979). Further, the revealed values also shows that in establishing England national identity, Tolkien, like However, the opinion which considers the his national identity builders predecessor, refers to fantasy just as an sscapism is not entirely true, as old wisdoms. He refers to values that are perceived suggested by Jackson (2001: 20) when she as part of values in previous past gloriuos era. By states: doing so it can be concluded that in establishing the “fantasy re-combines and inverts the real, but I national identity Tolkien uses the same method with does not escape it . . . the fantastic cannot exist his predecessor; refering back to the previous golden independently of that ”real‘ world which it seems era–a kind of romanticism. to find so frustratingly finite. What is done by are simply concocting Keywords: fantasy, archetypes, romanticism, and reversing the so-called reality not escape nationalism, Tolkien from it. Thus fantasy can not simply be

considered separated from reality. As with other I. INTRODUCTION texts fantasy is also influenced by the social Fantasy is as old as human life because context. As a text, fantasy is born in and human beings are born with the ability of influenced by social context. As with other texts, imagination. In this context fantasy according in its birth process there are many texts interact Stableford (2005) is a product of the mental and influence, be it social, economic, historical, faculties by which man can reproduce the picture

39 and political. Fantasy then does not build a Tolkien is considered to record more Tolkien‘s world that is different from the real world. What views. Based on Tolkien's intentions which have is done is fantasy concoct and remodel the real been expressed earlier the writer argues that world elements to become something new. As there are values that reflect the spirit of expressed by Jackson (2001: 8): nationalism in this work. Through this article Fantasy is not to do with inventing another non- then the author reveals these values. To uncover human world: it not transcendental. It has to do it the writer uses archetypes as its entrance. with inverting elements of this world, re- combining its constitutive features in new Limitation and Formulation of the Problem relations to produce something strange, With the argument that Tolkien wants to unfamilliar, and apparently ”new‘, absolutely build an England idealized image or England ”other‘ and different. national identity through the Silmarillion as a Further, fantasy through its unreal nature manifestation of nationalism spirit, this research is trying to express something that is missing is focused on answering the following questions: from the reality. It expresses things that are 1. Into what archetypes (mythos) can forgotten, lost, silenced or suppressed. An the Silmarillion be categorized? awareness of the things that are missing 2. What values or ideology are reflected in The indicates that there are things that are supposed Silmarillion? to be there. Fantasy then is likely to be a means 3. Based on the value or ideology expressed, of restoring the lost. Fantasy value is believed to what ideal picture arisen and can be read as a be manifestations-an ideology. Thus the works form of manifestation of the spirit of of modern fantasy writers like CS story Lewis nationalism? Is the expressed value reflecting and J.R.R. Tolkien can be interpreted to imply romanticism? the author's ideology. Tolkien letter which he sent to the editor Objective of the Research of a publishing implies a fantasy relationship By answering the formulated problems with this ideology. Tolkien concern on England this study is expected to be able to: poverty in story of her own trigger him to create 1. Place the of The Silmarillion in the what he describes as "a body of more or less classification of narrative archetypes (mythos) connected legend" (Carpenter 1981: 167), a specific. mythology which contains legends related that 2. Describe the value or ideology that appears in his country, the one that he dedicates to England. The Silmarillion based on its type of narrative Here it can be seen that the Tolkien‘s effort in archetypes. writing the story is based on the spirit of 3. Describe the ideal picture of England that is nationalism against England. His creative emerging as a manifestation of nationalism process in creating story is driven by his love for spirit. England. In addition to having links with ideology, Research Methodology fantasy also has been associated with archetypes This study uses the archetypal approach. as fantasy often contains archetypes, both the This approach is used to analyze the plot in the and the storyline archetypes. This then story. The plot in this story is divided into two urges the writer to describe the relationship major groups: the major plots and minor plots. between fantasy stories, archetypes and The plot is considered a major plot if it relates nationalism. As the object of this study the directly to the history of The Silmaril while writer chooses one of the works of JRR Tolkien; minor plot is the plot that is not directly related The Silmarillion. The author chose this work to the story of the history of The Silmaril. The because this work is the lifelong work of storyline in this would be seen from Tolkien. The collected correspondence of archetypal elements point of view. The Tolkien collected by Carpenter (1981) reveals possibilities of narrative archetypes that the concept of work published posthumously modifications are also be seen as a manifestation in 1977 or four years after his death in 1973 has of values or ideologies that appear in the story. been in existence since the year of 1914/1915. The data used in this study are taken from the The length of time dedicated to the work by analysis of the document, which in the case of

40 this study is a novel. Then, the data in the form and too confident. Hybris will then bring the of quotations are analyzed and results are downfall of the because it will blind the described. conscience of the hero so that he performs an The first step taken is to identify the contrary to public , something that is spread of the generic plot elements- the temporal called by . Further Frye progression events "first this happens, then that, explains that hybris is also adopted in the form then that..." [Abrams, 1999: 224]), , of act of sin. Hybris, according to Frye is "a character, and then place them in each mythos. precipitating agent of " (2000: 210), Due to the time background of the novel is very things that bring catastrophe. long, there are many minor stories that have its values opposed of the own plots in the novel. Plots are then placed in tragic hero is caused by so-called a moment of each myhtos to be used to determine the dizziness. Hero, with his hybris faces problems. dominant in the novel. The next step is to These problems are then very hard for him and identify the elements in the story and sort them then bring in tremendous confusion called the out based on the Frye mythos. For further moment of dizziness. Frye goes on explaining analysis, the results of the first and second step, that in this confusion the hero then find a new the values or ideologies that emerge are understanding of the legal form or "vision of discussed to uncover any thing that could be law" (2000: 208) to solve his problems. Vision seen as a form of manifestation of the spirit of of law is then direct tragic hero to take an action nationalism in Tolkien's novel. contrary to the moral. One of the examples of this action is revenge. II. LITERATURE OF THE RESEARCH Acts contrary to moral done by tragic Archetypes and Mythos hero invite the isolation. Frye (2000) explains To discuss archetypes, the reference that isolation is the center of the tragedy. This used is the theory of archetypes Northop Frye isolation can occur many times, both before and (2000), in particular the concept of tragedy after that moment of dizziness. Last isolation mythos. The decision of selecting Frye's concept experienced by tragic hero is death and it is often of myth as reference is based on the reason that the end of the tragedy. However, before the the concept is talking about the plot which is tragic hero meets his death he experiences the also the focus of analysis in this study. time of disclosure, or in terms of Frye it is called The context of high mimetic tragedy is "discovery or anagnorisis" (2000: 212). At this its association with the fall of a leader. High time the tragic hero realizes that he has moved a mimetic is one of the five fictional models far greater engine than the engine he is capable described by Frye (2000). In the model of high of handling. mimetic the position of the leader is between the In further explanation of this tragedy community he leads and the gods. Frye (2000) mythos Frye reveals that in contrast to the calls these leaders are at the top of the wheel of comedy that tells the story in a social context, fortune. They have advantages both physically the tragedy concentrated in one individual: and mentally so that their quality on the one "tragedy is more concentrated on a single hand is far above the people they lead and on the individual" (2000: 207). Besides, he also reveals other hand is under the gods. The position of the that each concept of his mythos consists of six leader who later became the tragic hero is phases. Three phases of the sixth phases of each intermediaries and victim of the power of a god. mythos is parallel to the mythos before and after. By analogy Frye (2000) describes the tragic hero For example, the first three phases of the as tall trees which are more likely to be a means comedy mythos are parallel with the first three- of lightning to get to the earth than the grass phase of and the final three-phase of beneath. However, not only as a means, the tree comedy mythos are parallel with romance will be burned and collapsed when the lightning mythos. The phases of the tragedy mythos move spread in the body, in other words, the tree is from heroic to ironic. The first of three phases also a victim. associated with the first three-phase and three- To be a tragic hero, according to Frye phase mythos of romance associated with the (2000) the hero must have hybris-like properties, final phase of the last three mythos of irony. The the pride of the self that is too high, arrogant, tragedy of the first phase of the hero's birth, the

41 second phase is a tragedy of youth, the tragic namely, nation because, according to Anderson hero, the third phase deals with the of the (2006) through which the author can bring to the hero journey, the fourth phase is the phase of the readers' mind how interesting this imagined fall of the hero because of his hybris, the fifth world is. phase is the phase of the ironic element increasing and decrease of the heroic element England and Nationalism and the last, the sixth phase is a state of When the European nations were extraordinary horror. Tragedy, according to Frye competing to show their nationalism spirit, (2000) also deals with incest, family breakdown England seems not so disturbed by this and community opposition. movement which became a mass force at the end In accordance with the characters of the nineteen century. England began to define involved in the tragedy Frye (2000) describes the values of Englishness that distinguishes it several types of characters, including the from other nations in the late nineteenth century character of the chorus and the characters and early twentieth century (Dodd, 1968), a forecasters (soothsayer). Chorus character is a period which is called by Kumar (2003: 176) as character that openly oppose the actions done the "moment of Englishness. " The reason for contrary to the moral tragic hero. This character this late is England position. That time was at the is a representation of society and moral values in England's peak of glory as a rich kingdom. She society. Forecaster (soothsayer) is a character became the center of the world economy and had who announces the fall of the tragic hero. This a wide territory. This position led the England to character becomes what Frye calls "an feel that it was very inappropriate to define the architectus or projection of the author's will, in differences with the nations that are part of her this case for a tragic conclusion" (2000: 216). kingdom, although English is in fact superior compared to other nations.This would invite a Novel and Nationalism negative impact on the unity of the nations National identity is closely related to which had been strived for centuries . England cultural heritage. At least that is what has been advantages made England feel confident enough seen by Byron when he wrote his comment in not to follow other European nations which the introduction of Prophecy of Dante in 1819. began to define themselves. This is true in the context of Europe in the late England began to feel the need to 18th century to the early 19th century. At that define Britishness her after England lost the period, as revealed by Bassnett (1993), European battle Boer. This defeat has undermined the nations which are sought to obtain independence confidence of the British Empire. In addition to are vying to dig their literary repertoire to be losing wars Boer, secularism wave that struck taken as a reference in establishing the national Europe that occurred at the end of the century identity of their nation. A nationalism 19th (Colley, 1992) also affect the growing movement, a movement which, according to awareness for define the identity of the English Hobsbawm (1992) become a mass force in the nation. Protestantism as identity British Empire late 19th century. The spirit of nationalism began to fade. Religious identity became no evolved to keep the literary heritage. Each nation longer effective in supporting the British royal tried to maintain the legacy so that it is not triumph. This is reinforced by emergence of claimed by other European nations which are economic powers that rival the strength of the also equally explore the cultural heritage, England economy such as the US and Germany especially in the field of literature. The romance which incidentally are the Protestant countries. of the golden age of the past was resurrected in The growing movement of ethnic and cultural order to develop a sense of togetherness. This is nationalism which according to Hobsbawm certainly understandable as nationalism (1992) makes nationalism became mass strength originated from the "idea of homogeneous, at the end of the nineteenth century also raised empty time "(Anderson, 2006: 24). In addition to awareness English nation to define her identity. exhume literary tradition, nationalism is also These three issues described above lead England built through and newspapers. Novels and at the end of the 19th century to what is called newspapers provide the technical means to by Kumar (2003) as the moment of Englishness. 'represent' a form of imagined communities, At this time the British nation through her

42 scholars formulate values that are considered Another research is the study conducted by representing the values and the things that Anne C. Petty (2004) entitled Identifying distinguish English from other nations. Kumar England's Lönnrot. In this study, Petty argues (2003) mentions that the matters raised were that Tolkien and his son deserve to be called as related to the destiny, history and the lives of its England's Lönnrot because the role of mediators people. that have been undertaken by the father and son is parallel to the role of Lönnrot in collecting PREVIOUS RESEARCH Finnish folklore. They are considered as a Great appreciation has been adressed to mediator who has collected ancient knowledge Tolkien's work. It is proven by many studies and reshape it so that it can be consumed by the conducted on his works. However in this part of descent. Research then focuses on seeing the discussion the writer focuses only on the influence of Lönnrot on Tolkien as a mediator. previous research research that addresses aspects This influence is seen in terms of the intention, of Tolkien's work association with nationalism. language and content. In terms of intention, both Tolkien‘s statement in one letter as quoted in the Tolkien and Lönnrot equally do his job as a beginning of this article related to his desire to mediator not for fame but for preserving the create a body of more or less connected legend literary heritage of each country or in other for his country England become the starting words to provide continuity with the past history point for several researchers who conduct through which will serve as a mirror of the research on Tolkien‘s work. The first study is a national spirit which is expressed in folk . study conducted by Verlyn Flieger (2004). In the In terms of language Petty reveals that Tolkien study which entitled Do the Atlantis Story and and Lönnrot equally utilizing language as a Abandon Eriol- Flieger problematize means of developing a national identity. If Tolkien's disputed goal to make a body of more Lönnrot elevates the status of a language that has or less connected a legend for England. The existed in Finland folklore become the official main question posed in in this study is how language and national symbols Tolkien attempts Tolkien creates a mythology that belongs to to create a language to be used as a national England. As the entrance to this, Flieger symbol. Similarity in terms of language is also refers to one of Tolkien's notes stating Do the proven from the choice of words used in the Atlantis story and abandon Eriol-Saga, with creation of works. Related to this literary work, Loudham, Jeremy, Guildford, and Ramer taking based on the letter that was sent byTolkien it is part. This entry is taken as evidence by Flieger revealed that he loves Finnish. So that this to show that Tolkien mythology in its language gives effect to the language he creates development has undergone a structural both in terms of sound and visuals. reconception. Through the work search of In terms of the content Tolkien is Tolkien's The Lost Road, Eriol-Saga, The Notion influenced by the Lönnrot‘s , mainly the Club Papers Flieger later argues that the record tale of and epic of the Sampo. If shows that Tolkien consideration of conceptual Lönnrot in creating Kalevala utilizing the change will connect the (Atlantis remnants of Finnish folklore extant Tolkien does story) with another story (Eriol-Saga) so that it a kind of textualization of story elements that can be displayed as a mythology, and will exist in the Kalevala. This is consistent with the further expand the "Englishness" of the research conducted by Dimitri Fimi (2006) under mythology beyond the historical period and the title Mad "Elves and" Elusive Beauty ": prehistoric period to the nature of psycho-history Some Celtic Strands of Tolkien's Mythology. In and para-psychology. By doing so, the historical this study Fimi also questions Tolkien's work and geographical connection with English aspects of nationalism and reveals the influence mythology will be equipped with the of the Kalevala in Tolkien's work. Fimi then psychological and psychic connection. It can be went on to reveal that one part of the story The concluded then that the Tolkien strategy in Silmarillion in parallel with one of the legends of making England's mythology is applied through Ireland Tuatha Dé Danann. Last, the study three examined stories and not only realized by highlights the nationalism aspect of Tolkien associating it to history but also by presenting it work is Tom Shippey‘s (2007) Grimm, as a memory that has been passed down. Grundtvig, Tolkien: Nationalisms and the


Invention of Mythologies. In this study Shippey this happens, then that, then that..." [Abrams, tries to give an explanation of the reason for the 1999: 224]), conflict, character, and place them high assessments conducted on Tolkien's work. on each of the mythos. Because the background To explain it, Shippey compares Tolkien‘s span of time in the novel is very long, then in the nationalism with Jacob Grimm and Nikolai novel there are many minor stories that have its Frederik Grundtvig Severus‘ nationalism. own plots. This plots then be placed on each Comparisons were made by Shippey by myhtos for later use for deciding dominant considering the three nineteenth century mythos in the novel. The next step is to identify mythographers objectives. After performing the elements in the story and sort them out based comparisons Shippey finally concludes that the on Frye‘s mythos. Furthermore, from the results Tolkien‘s popularity on one hand and Tolkien's of the analysis in the first step and second, the unpopularity on the other hand are caused by his values or ideologies that emerge will be traditionality that does not lead his mythology discussed further to reveal any thing that could be and ideology to become outdated so that it well seen as a manifestation Tolkien's spirit of understood by millions of readers. From several nationalism in this novel. previous studies that I consider relevant and have been discussed I then conclude that IV. RESEARCH FINDING Tolkien‘s nationalism issue discussed in these AND CONCLUSION studies ranged on how Tolkien embody nationalism and emerging issues around 4.1. The Silmarillion as a Fantasy Tolkien's desire to create a body of interrelated In her discussion of fantasy Jackson legend for England. These studies have not been (2001) reveals that the fantasy can not be talking about the values nationalism itself. This detached from reality. The same thing also space then will be filled through this study. expressed by Tolkien in his essay entitled On Discussion on the data relating to fantasy, Fairy-Stories. In this essay Tolkien (1964) states literature, and archetypes, have shown that that the fantasy is not contrary to reality but fantasy novel containing elements of archetypes depend on the reality itself: —creative Fantasy is can serve as a means of ideological founded upon the hard recognition that things manifestations. are so in the world as it appears under the sun; on recognition of fact“. Good fantasy according III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY to Tolkien is fantasy that can show consistency This study uses the archetypes approach, in of reality in it. In addition to showing the things the sense that the elements concerned in the that are not common good fantasy will show that analysis of this novel is the element of archetypes everything in it goes in accordance with the rules contained in the plot. The plot in this story is of the real world or reality: divided into two groups i.e. major plots and Good fantasy therefore, allows the reader to minor plots. Major plot is a plot related directly enter into a fully believable and internally the story of the history of The Silmaril while consistent secondary world, without demanding minor plot is a plot that is not directly related to a willing suspension of disbelief. This is because, the story of the history of The Silmaril. The despite the unfamiliarity, everything works theory used to discuss the elements of archetypes according to the —laws of that world... you in the story is the Northop Frye‘s theory of believe it, while you are, as it were, inside. mythos. Possible modifications to the Frye‘s (Tolkien, 1964) narrative archetypes (myhtos) is seen as a The linkage of fantasy with reality is also manifestation of values or ideologies that appear reflected in the concept of sub-creation Tokien in the story. expressed when talking about the world of The data used in this study were drawn from the alternative secondary commonly found in fantasy study of documents, which in this study is a stories. In the discussion on the Tolkien's sub- novel. Furthermore, the data document creation concept, Heims (2004) says that Tolkien quotations will be analyzed and results will be perceived acts of human creativity as a sub- described. Thus, in conducting this study the first creation. This activity is the creation within step done is to identify the spread of the generic Creation. God is the Creator and man is a sub- plot elements-progression temporal events ("first creator. Because humans are created with the image of God then Tolkien argued that the


"creation" of man is also part of the Creations of elements of religious fantasy and pagan fantasy God. It contains the image of God, contains truth in Tolkien's work. and things that can not be separated from the As a fantasy The Silmarillion can be reality. He then argues that the myth is not classified to marvelous, a kind of fantasy that entirely a lie, he saw myth also contains the truth. blends religious fantasy and pagan fantasy. Tolkien's opinions on the man creation as sub- Jackson (2001) describes some of the creation are manifested in his works. Even characteristics possessed by a marvelous fantasy: Tolkien emphasize that although his works are It has minimal functional narrative as the narrator fantasy but it contains the values of reality. He in the story is omniscient thus it is minimizing says that in making the imaginary world of the participation of the reader. Marvellous also fantasy artists remain rooted in reality values. In gives the impression that the storybeing told is an a letter collected by Carpenter (1981) Tolkien event that occurred far away in the past. states that Middle Earth is a real objective world The narrator in the Silmarillion is described as but the stories are set in the fictional historic the omniscient narrator. Narrator who conveys to period. Within the story there are a lot of things the reader what is felt by the characters as in the that can be encountered in real life like the sun, following quote: the moon, and even as it acknowledged in his Now Feanor's heart was still bitter at his letter Tolkien geographical description of Middle humiliation before Mandos, and for a moment he Earth and Arda similar to the geographical paused and looked at Melkor in silence, description of region in the world we live in wondering if indeed he might trust him so far at today (Carpenter, 1981). least as to aid his escape (Tolkien, 1977: 41). Jackson (2001), further also expresses From this quotation it appears that the narrator the opinion that Bessiere which states that a reveals to the reader directly what is perceived by fantasy story through its unrealistic nature the characters and do not give space to the reader informs the limits of the public's knowledge in to interpret what is perceived by the characters which the work created. Fantasy defines the through the symptoms displayed the characters. possible and the impossible. Further Jackson From this it appears that the reader are not argues that the effort of defining things beyond actively involved in the reading, because the man comprehension gave birth to religious information has been presented by the narrator. fantasy stories which tell about angels, demons, The Silmarillion also gives far away impression- Heaven, Hell, and the promised land. This effort this story happened in the far past-since it talks also gives birth to pagan fantasy stories which about the creation of man. In addition to the tell about elves, dwarf, elf and . In the theme of man creation the far away impression story of The Silmarillion, it can be seen that can be seen in the early part of the story. The Tolkien's fantasy blends the form of religious and Silmarillion is opened with "There was Eru, the pagan fantasy. Description of the Valar and One, who in Arda is called Ilúvatar" (Tolkien, Ainur in the story implies an angel figure in the 1977: 3). This impersonal story begining is religious texts. The same case also true for repeating the pattern of the opening of the Morgoth, a figure that was originally described as traditional fairy tales. one of the angels, then fell into a devil figure. This is parallel to the story of Satan's downfall. 4.2. Archetypes in the Silmarillion Heaven and Hell respectively reflected in Valinor Based on the Frye‘s (2000) mythos description which is home to some of the angels taxonomy, the Silmarillion‘s plot is the fourth who fell earth to become the Valar and Angband phase tragedy mythos. In this phase hero‘s hybris which was the residence Morgoth devil. invites tragedy on the hero. However, the Characters of the angel and the devil in the Silmarillion‘s tragedy is a little bit different from Silmarillion met with the elves and dwarves Frye typical tragedy: "tragedy is more character usually found in pagan fantasies. concentrated on a single individual" (2000: 207). Description of the angels who originally lived The tragedy in The Silmarillion is collective, in together with Illuvatar (God in Tolkien's fictional the sense that the tragedy happened is not only world) and descend to earth and become the god felt by the tragic hero but by communities in that regulate and maintain the running of the which the hero live. natural law strengthen the incorporation of


The tragedy that became a major theme blessed land which is their homeland. Frye in The Silmarillion is caused by the fall of Feanor (2000) says that isolation is the center of the which then also brings with him the nation's tragedy. Tragedy in The Silmarillion ends with Elves, especially the Noldor to his downfall. The nemesis-a phase that returns everything back on tragedy is preceded by isolation, confusion and its track-which is conducted by the Valar as a inner battle in the form of grief experienced by force that is sent by Illuvatar (god in the fictional Feanor. Confusion and inner fight then make the world of Tolkien). Noldor-Feanor and his people-stand against the fate and the gods-the Valar. Feanor and his 4.3. The Silmarillion, Romanticism and people, the Noldor, then convicted and Nationalism condemned for their hybris. Curse of the Valar is After discussing archetypes in The also applicable to all parties, particularly both Silmarillion, in this section the writer describes Elves and Humans who join Feanor alliance and the values that arise both from the archetypes Noldor in general. Thus the main tragic hero in (mythos) that has been discussed in the previous The Silmarillion is Feanor because he was the section and from the values depicted in the story origin of the tragedy experienced by the nation of in general. These values are connected to the Elves and Humans. English values discourse that exists in the In the discussion of the tragedy, Frye development of England nationalist movement. (2000) reveals that the tragic hero was at the top As has been revealed in the explanation of of wheel of fortune as he has a quality that is far previous section, the Silmarillion mythos belongs above his people. Feanor meet most of the to the tragedy mythos. Tragedy, primarily from characteristics of tragic hero who has been the perspective of the fourth phase tragedy described by Frye. He is a descendant of the king, contains wisdom value as seen from Frye‘s having the physical and mental advantages as explanation on the fourth stage of this tragedy: described in the story: —In this phase we cross the boundary line from Finwë was King of the Noldor. The sons of innocence to experience" (2000: 221). In the Fëanor were Finwë, and Fingolfin, and fourth phase the movements from innocent Finarfin;. . . Fëanor was the mightiest in skill of condition to fully experienced occured-a full of word and of hand, more learned than his wisdom conditions. Wisdom is closely related to brothers; his spirit burned as a flame. (Tolkien, the experience, no experience there can be no 1977: 31) wisdom. This is apparent when referring to the In the quotation above, it is described that Feanor definition of wisdom according to the Dictionary is a prince of one of the Elves nation, Noldor. He Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary: "the is described as someone who has expertise in knowledge that a society or culture has gained speech and creating something. He is described over a long period of time." In the second as more intelligent than his siblings and has a definition of wisdom (wisdom) is shown the burning passion inside him. His expertise in relation between knowledge and wisdom, that delivering creative speech makes him become the wisdom is present because of the experience that inventor of the alphabet used by the nation of has been gained. Elves. In another part of this story it is also Through many experienced by described that his skills in speech move a lot of Elves and Men portrayed in The Silmarillion people to follow his desire to rebel the gods. there is value of wisdom emmerge in this story. In addition to being at the top wheel of fortune Wisdom is implied from the moment of Frye (2000) reveals that the tragic hero has hybris discovery or anagnorisis of the tragedy mythos. which cause moral defect and eventually take the In the story of Feanor it can be seen that the tragic hero to his downfall. Hybris owned Feanor awareness of the tragic hero of the action he is in the form of self-confidence and pride, the perform: "[Fëanor] knew with the foreknowledge two things that take Feanor to stand against the of death that no power of the Noldor would ever gods and bring the Noldor to its rebellion. Feanor overthrow them" (Tolkien, 1977: 64). Feanor in a and the Noldor then suffer a downfall for state of dying realizes that he and the Noldor who committing many crimes such as murder and followed him would not be able to defeat treason. The fall then bring in isolation. Feanor Morgoth without the aid of the Valar, the strength and the Noldor are barred from returning to the of the earth's guardian deity. From the tragic hero

46 point of view because of the experience he has, 2003). The industrial era life is seen as a negative Feanor finally gets a clearer understanding life and has an impact on the pastoral life which because he is not covered by his hybris. Without is considered the hallmark of England life with his hybris, on the verge of his death, Feanor can all its value. This negative view industrial era life see clearly and get wiser in seeing about the is also reflected in the story of The Silmarillion. limitations of the Elves, things that he had never Industry is depicted attached to the description of realized when he is controlled by his hybris. In the enemy in this story–Morgoth. Description of the story of Turin it is also described at the end of Morgoth‘s Angband stronghold reflects the the story that the Turin finally realizes that his picture of industrial life: obsession for revenge has taken himself away In the pits of Angband he the caused vast smokes from his mother and sister he loves. Therefore, he and vapors to be made, and they Came reeking ignores both of them and transfers the forth from the tops of the Iron Mountains, and responsibility to protect them to others. From the afar off they could be seen in Mithrim, staining story of Feanor and Turin wisdom value that can the bright airs in the first mornings of the world. be seen is revenge will only bring destruction, not A wind Came out of the east, and bore them over only self destruction but also the destruction of Hithlum, darkening the new Sun; and they fell, society. This wisdom if it is associated to the and coiled about the fields and hollows, and lay discourse of Englishness values that have already upon the waters of Mithrim, drear and existed, it looks relevant to discourse of English poisonous. (Tolkien, 1977: 65). people as agent of change. Angband which means Iron Prison, Hell In addition to the values that reflect the of Iron is located in the Iron Mountains. It is wisdom of the England nation's destiny as an described produces black smoke covering the sun agent of change for humanity and sustainability and also poisons the land and water around it. By of England history, in the mythos of tragedy that embedding the element of iron and pollution on has been revealed, there is also the value of the description of the Morgoth castle the image togetherness. The nature of the collective tragedy of industrialization is presented negative. Bleak described in The Silmarillion reflects the value of industrial life can also be seen in the following togetherness which is also considered as typical excerpt: of English, as expressed by Kumar (2003). In The Thunderous towers of Thangorodrim that The Silmarillion it is told that the tragedies are were made of the ash and slag of his not only concentrated on the tragic hero but also subterranean furnaces, and the vast refuse of his has an impact to the people who are led by the tunnellings. They were black and desolate and tragic hero: Feanor takes the Noldor into tragedy; exceedingly Lofty; and smoke issued from their Turin brings his family into tragedy as well as tops, dark and foul upon the northern sky. Before Beren. the gates of Angband filth and Desolation The nature of togetherness that is spreads southward for many Miles over the wide considered as English national value is one form plain of Ard-galen (Tolkien, 1977: 70) of romanticism that swept Europe in establishes Description of Thangorodrim tower nationalism. In the context of England, it is which is black and grim as black smoke come out directed to romanticizing rural life in stark of it resemble the description of smokestacks contrast to the life of the industrial era began in attached to coal energized industrial building in England. Nostalgia for rural life is realized real life. Activities of weapons mass production through one of the values that live in rural life involving a lot of kidnapped Elves and Men who that is togetherness. 19th century Englismen see are employed as slaves in Angband add a that the values of Englishness that characterizes negative picture of the industry in this story: them and then are adopted as the value of "they took captive and led to Angband, and made nationalism can be built through pastoral life and them thralls, forcing them to use Reviews their skills all aspects of its life. They think that the ideal life and Reviews their knowledge in the service of of English society is pastoral life. Morgoth "(Tolkien, 1977: 94). Romanticism that hit Europe in the If the description of the Morgoth castle search for national values in the context of and the life in it is very close to the negative English nationalism is manifested in the form of description of the industry, the three-nations of rejection to the life of the industrial era (Kumar, Elves and Humans are depicted as living

47 harmoniusly with nature, the life which is which are represented respectively by the synonymous with the pastoral life. In the appearance of an angel and a devil character; description of the goods production in the lives of Elves and dwarves as well as the presence of Humans and Elves in Middle Earth it is founded places which are parallel with the heaven and the more descriptions that are close to the hell. By taking the form of marvelous craftmanship, life in which all things are created Silmarillion also gives the far away impression to by the hands of the craftsmen not mass-produced the reader through the opening phrase of the by industrial production. It can be seen from the story, the traces of orality in the story and depiction of weapon production carried by background of the time used. However for much Thingol to face the Orc troops which begin to of the place the impression is not felt interfere with his territory: evethough the place mentioned as the setting is . . . these at first the Naugrim smithied for him; Middle Earth, the descriptions are very similar to for they were greatly skilled in such work, the the real world setting. though none among them surpassed the As a fantasy The Silmarillion also craftsmen of Nogrod, of whom Telchar the contains archetypes, which are visible through smith was greatest in renown (Tolkien, 1977: 55 the character and plot. The main characters in the with bold emphases from the writer) story, all told come from the ruling family and The words smith and craftsmen used in have the physical and mental advantages. In the description of the Elves‘ process of warfare terms of plot, The Silmarillion is categorized into production gives a different impression to the use the tragedy plot (mythos) archetype. But unlike of the word thrall and labor used in the tragedy myhtos in general, in the tragedy in The production process in the Morgoth‘s Angband. Silmarillion is not only concentrated on one Smith and craftsmen give the impression of the individual but extends to the community level. production process is the production of craftsmen The Silmarillion also contains values that are who are usually live in rural areas, while labor parallel with the existing values in the discourse and thrall give a negative association of of English nationalism. The values contained in industrial life. This again confirms the emphasis The Silmarillion are the value of wisdom, the on positive values of rural life and the emphasis value of historical continuity and the value of of negative values of industrial life. togetherness which is identical to the value of pastoral life. These values further showed that the Conclusion ideal life of Britain reflected in the story is From what has been presented it is pastoral life with its value of wisdom, unity and shown that the Silmarillion as belonging to the continuity of history and togethernes. category of fantasy fantasy marvelous. The Silmarillion as a marvelous fantasy combining these two types of fantasy is fantasy and fantasy pagan religious are represented respectively by the appearance of an angel and a devil character; Elves and dwarves as well as the presence of parallel places with heaven and hell. By taking the form of marvelous Silmarillion also gives the impression to the reader away through the opening phrase the story, traces of orality in the story and background of the time he uses. But for much of the background where the impression is not felt as though the place mentioned background is Middle Earth, setting descriptions place is very familiar with the real world. From what has been presented so far it is shown that the Silmarillion belongs to the category of marvelous fantasy. As a marvelous fantasy The Silmarillion combines the two types of fantasy: pagan fantasy and religious fantasy


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