EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS AND THE LAW * Sean P. Sullivan† Federal Trade Commission Charles A. Holt‡ University of Virginia June 8, 2014 is chapter surveys the past and future role of experimental economics in legal research and practice. Following a brief explanation of the theory and methodology of experimental economics, the chapter discusses topics in each of three broad application areas: (1) the use of experiments for studying legal institutions such as settlement bargaining and adjudica- tive functions, (2) the use of experiments to explore legal doctrines, and (3) the use of experiments in litigation and trial strategy. e general theme of this material is a broad and versatile relationship between law and experimental economics. * Pre-print version of Sean P. Sullivan & Charles A. Holt, Experimental Economics and the Law, in 1 OXFORD HANDBOOK OF LAW AND ECONOMICS 78 (Francesco Parisi ed., Oxford University Press 2017). † Federal Trade Commission. is chapter reflects the prsonal views of the author and does not necessarily represent the views of the United States Government or Federal Trade Commission, which have neither approved nor disapproved its con- tent. Contact Sean Sullivan at
[email protected]. ‡ A. Willis Robertson Professor of Political Economy, Department of Economics, University of Virginia. Contact Charles Holt at
[email protected]. Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 2 THE METHODOLOGY OF EXPERIMENTAL ECONOMICS .............