Frances Mazze Hurwitz, Ph.D. Nasa Glenn Research Center

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Frances Mazze Hurwitz, Ph.D. Nasa Glenn Research Center ACHIEVEMENT AWARD FRANCES MAZZE HURWITZ, PH.D. NASA GLENN RESEARCH CENTER For pioneering work in the development of materials suited for space exploration, for exceptional team leadership across disciplines, and for opening the way to a more equitable work environment. rances Mazze Hurwitz, Ph.D., is Branch in the Structures and Materi- mation retrieval at a pharmaceutical senior materials research engi- als Division at NASA Glenn, and as the company and at a university. In 1979, Fneer at NASA Glenn Research acting program manager, materials and she earned her Ph.D. in macromolecu- Center in Cleveland, where she leads structures, for the High-Speed Research lar science from Case Western Reserve the development of high-temperature Office at NASA Headquarters in Wash- University. thermal materials. Over the course of ington, D.C. When she joined NASA Lewis Re- her long career with NASA, Dr. Hurwitz Highly skilled at managing research search Center (now NASA Glenn) in 1979 has worked at the frontier of materials projects and collaborating with diverse as a research engineer, Dr. Hurwitz was problems associated with aerospace scientists, technologists, and defense one of only seven women at the facility technologies. Since 2007, she has contractors, Dr. Hurwitz has been as- with a doctoral degree in science. She spearheaded NASA’s development of signed to some of NASA’s most critical has been active in efforts to break down aerogels for use at temperatures above projects. She was on the committee that barriers to women in science, technology, 700 degrees Celsius, establishing tech- studied the composite material failure engineering, and mathematics careers niques for fabricating composites for that led to the 2003 Columbia shuttle di- and was instrumental in establishing a entry, descent and landing, and space saster and has been a member of several more equal and open work environment power systems. She is a recipient of the Columbia Accident Investigation and for women at NASA. NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal Space Shuttle Return to Flight teams. Following the Feb. 1, 2003, loss of the for outstanding scientific and leadership She has also represented NASA on a space shuttle Columbia, Dr. Hurwitz contributions. number of Department of Defense tech- testified before the Columbia Accident A prolific writer and frequent speaker, nical program advisory committees and Investigation Board. Her participation Dr. Hurwitz has shared her research has been technical advisor on materials was crucial to helping other investiga- on ceramic matrix composites, thermal for several NASA programs, including tors understand the effect of aging on protection systems, and lightweight the NASA Space Radiation Program. reinforced, carbon-carbon integrity and aerogel materials in many presentations, Dr. Hurwitz graduated from Harpur ultimately resulted in NASA’s replacing workshops, journal articles, and techni- College of the State University of New several defective wing leading edge pan- cal seminars. Fluent in the science of York at Binghamton in 1968 with a B.A. els and ensuring the safety of subsequent both polymeric and ceramic materials, in chemistry. After working briefly as a shuttle missions. Dr. Hurwitz has a remarkable ability chemist for a pharmaceutical company, Dr. Hurwitz is married, with two adult to move between disciplines. She has she earned a master’s in library science, children and four grandchildren. led the development of polymer-derived then worked as a reference librarian in ceramics, served as chief of the Polymers the nascent field of computerized infor- CONFERENCE 2014 • SWE 127 SUZANNE JENNICHES UPWARD MOBILITY AWARD ENDOWED BY NORTHROP GRUMMAN CORPORATION JANEEN JUDAH CHEVRON For an exceptional career spanning multiple disciplines, often in pioneering roles, and for leveraging her influence into unceasing advocacy for women in engineering. aneen Judah is the general man- After a brief period as a lawyer, then many women engineers as possible. ager for Chevron Corp.’s Southern management consultant, Judah joined In 2010, Judah was promoted to her JAfrica Business Unit, overseeing Texaco in 1998, and her career gained current position. Aware of her high more than 800 Houston-based employ- upward momentum. There, she negoti- visibility, she actively mentors both ees and billions of dollars in development ated multimillion-dollar rig construction early- and midcareer women engineers, projects. Additionally, she represents and rental contracts, managed personnel always saying “yes” when asked. Chevron for the Angola LNG project, and their careers, and gained interna- Beyond work, Judah has been an the largest single project ever built in tional experience. A promotion to staff active leader in the Society of Petro- sub-Saharan Africa at over $10 billion. advisor for the president of worldwide leum Engineers (SPE) since 1979 and Over a career that spans more than production operations followed. was named a Distinguished Member in 30 years, Judah has led technical groups After Texaco’s purchase by Chevron 2003. She received SPE’s Distinguished across most subdisciplines in the oil in 2001, Judah became technical man- Service Award in 2010. A frequent guest industry. Fueled by enthusiasm for deci- ager for the Latin America Business lecturer at Texas A&M University, she phering complex problems, often where Unit, supervising teams of engineers is a longtime member of the industry there is no expertise or path to follow, and geologists. In 2004, she moved to advisory board of the department of her rise through the industry is dotted Chevron’s Energy Technology Company, petroleum engineering and, in 2011, was with “firsts.” Her master’s thesis, “An where she led the organization’s sup- the first woman named to its Academy Evaluation of Risk Simulation Models port staff. With each transition, Judah of Distinguished Graduates. She is also for Reserve Estimates,” was an early found ways to elevate other women. In a member of the College of Engineer- method of decision analysis modeling 2007, Judah was named the first female ing advisory council, and has remained that is now routinely used for all eco- president of Chevron’s Environmental active in the Phi Mu fraternity for 30 nomic decisions in the oil industry. Management Company, supervising an years, reaching out to collegiate women Judah began her career with ARCO annual $800 million budget and over 4 whenever possible. in west Texas in 1983 as a principal million staff hours of work. She joined A native Houstonian and the daughter engineer, working on drilling, complet- Chevron’s 60-member management of an engineer, Judah holds B.S. and ing, and producing wells, eventually committee and, as a frequent speaker on M.S. degrees in petroleum engineering transferring to Houston as an econom- environmental stewardship and reme- from Texas A&M University, an MBA ics expert and reserves coordinator, diation, raised awareness among senior from the University of Texas of the Perm- all while earning an MBA and J.D. at management. She pioneered mentoring ian Basin, and a J.D. from the University night school. circles to provide career guidance to as of Houston Law Center. 128 SWE • CONFERENCE 2014 RODNEY D. CHIPP MEMORIAL AWARD NICHOLAS (NICK) C. BELL, PH.D. GENERAL MOTORS For career-long mentoring of women engineering students and interns, and for enthusiastic engagement in programs that encourage professional development of women in engineering and technology. ick Bell, Ph.D., has been chief ing more than 90 percent of services keynote speaker at the organization’s information officer, global performed by GM employees, Dr. Bell annual Signature Gala, where over Nproduct development at General has sought to hire talented women and $250,000 was raised for science, tech- Motors (GM) since December 2012. He to ensure that GM retains and promotes nology, engineering, and mathematics is responsible for all IT applications and them. (STEM)-related educational programs. also for contributions to the company’s Dr. Bell is GM’s executive leader for Dr. Bell promoted the inaugural 2013 global IT transformation. His previous the IT Women’s Employee Resource MCWT Executives in Technology Lead- IT leadership positions with GM include Group (WERG-IT). This group enables ership professional development forum, global chief information officer (CIO) for women to network and to benefit from which drew more than 500 people GM’s Manufacturing and Labor group; mentoring and educational, social, and featured panel discussions with and chief information officer for GM and community outreach forums. Dr. CIOs from General Motors, Ford, and North America. Dr. Bell also worked for Bell cultivates a range of programs for Chrysler. Volvo Car, where he was vice president WERG-IT, including new-employee Through GM’s intern program, Dr. and CIO, responsible for developing welcome events, CIO leadership forums, Bell works to include women in hiring Volvo’s global IT strategy and creating and panel discussions, all focused on for GM’s four new IT innovation cen- synergy with Ford. He began his ca- attracting, engaging, retaining, and ters across the country. In addition, he reer as a systems analyst at Ford in the developing women in IT. WERG-IT stewards a $250,000 Georgia Tech GM United Kingdom. recently launched a cross-functional Foundation grant, which funds STEM Since joining GM North America in steering committee to promote profes- advances in the automotive industry and 2005 as process information officer for sional development at GM and create is also intended to help organizations sales, service, and marketing systems, community awareness of careers in IT with a strong science and technology fo- Dr. Bell has involved himself both per- for young girls and women. cus support women in STEM disciplines. sonally and as a top executive in creating As a GM executive champion, Dr. Dr. Bell holds a Ph.D. in engineering an environment that encourages full Bell’s engagement with women in IT from the University of London, U.K.
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