W.G. Runciman, J. Maynard Smith, and R.I.M. Dunbar (editors) Oxford University Press Proceedings of the British Academy, 88, 119-143

Friendship and the Banker's Paradox: Other pathways to the Evolution of Adaptations for Altruism

JOHN TOOBY & LEDA COSMIDES Center for , University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA

Keywords: reciprocity; altruism; co-operation; social exchange; ; evolutionary psychology.

Summary. The classical definition of altruism in requires that an organism incur a fitness cost in the course of providing others with a fitness benefit. New insights are gained, however, by exploring the implications of an adaptationist version of the 'problem of altruism', as the existence of machinery designed to deliver benefits to others. Alternative pathways for the evolution of altruism are discussed, which avoid barriers thought to limit the emergence of reciprocation across species. We define the Banker's Paradox, and show how its solution can select for cognitive machinery designed to deliver benefits to others, even in the absence of traditional reciprocation. These models allow one to understand aspects of the design and social dynamics of human friendship that are otherwise mysterious.


THEANALYSIS OF THE EVOLUTION OF ALTRUISM has been a central focus of modern evolutionary biology for almost four decades, ever since Williams, Hamilton, and Maynard Smith caused researchers to appreciate its significance (Williams & Williams 1957; Hamilton 1963, 1964; and Maynard

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Smith 1964). The related concepts of conflict and co-operation have since developed into standard tools of evolutionary thought, and their use has transformed our understanding of everything from inter-organism interac- tions and (Hamilton 1964) to inter-gene and within organism interactions and structures. For example, when applied to the genome these concepts lead straightforwardly to the derivation of the set of principles of intragenomic conflict that govern much about how genetic systems and intra-individual structures evolve (e.g., Cosmides & Tooby 1981). Indeed, pursuing the logic of conflict and co-operation has even led to a transformation in how biologists think of fitness itself-not just in the addition of kin effects to individual reproduction (Hamilton 1964), but also in the reconsideration of what entities it is proper to assign fitness to. It is clear now that sexually reproducing individuals cannot properly be assigned fitnesses, nor can they be correctly characterized as maximizers, because the genome contains multiple sets of genes whose fitnesses cannot all be maximized by the same set of outcomes (Cosmides & Tooby 1981; Dawkins 1982; Haig 1993). For this reason, fitnesseb can only coherently be assigned to genes or sets of co-replicated genes rather than to individual organisms or groups. By this and other routes, the careful analysis of co-operation and conflict has led inexorably to the recognition that genic selection is the fundamental level driving the evolutionary process, with individual selection analyses as often inexact and frequently problematic oversimplifications. In this new world of biological analysis, folk concepts like 'self-interest' and 'individual' have no exact counterparts, and their uncritical use can lead away from the proper understanding of biological phenomena. There are two evolutionary pathways to altruism that have been proposed so far, , and reciprocal altruism. We think there are other pathways in addition to these two, and after revisiting the logic of reciprocal altruism we would like to explore several of them. Williams (1966) introduced the core of the reciprocal altruism argument, which was greatly expanded upon by Trivers (1971)' and fitted into the Prisoner's Dilemma formalism by Axelrod & Hamilton (1981; Boyd 1988). The argument is that altruistic acts can be favoured if they cause the target of the altruism to subsequently reciprocate the act. A population of reciprocating designs is stable against invasion by nonreciprocators if part of the design is the detection of nonreciprocation and the subsequent exclusion of nonrecipro- cators. This argument is, in fact, a transplantation into biology of the fundamental economic insight that self-interested agents can increase their own welfare through contingently benefiting others through acts of exchange, i.e., by exploiting the potential for realizing gains in trade, to use terminology from economics. The reciprocal altruism argument involves THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 121 the exploration of only one branch of the more inclusive set of logically possible exchange relationships-the branch in which there is a delay between the time at which the agent takes the altruistic action and her discovery of whether the act is contingently compensated. The natural category of exchange relationships and their timing and contingency is larger than this one line of analysis, and for this reason, we tend to term the more inclusive set of relationships social exchange. Classically, the analysis of the problem of altruism follows logically from its standard definition: An altruistic act is one that lowers the direct individual reproduction of the organism committing the act while simultaneously raising the direct individual reproduction of another organism (Williams & Williams 1957; Hamilton 1964; Maynard Smith 1964). Viewed in this way, an essential part of the definition of altruism is that the individual committing the altruistic act be incurring a diminution in its direct reproduction-that is, a cost. Altruism is not considered to have taken place unless such a cost is suffered, and the existence of this cost must be demonstrated before there is considered to be a phenomenon to be explained. With cost to direct fitness defining and limiting the class of instances of altruism, the explanatory task becomes one of finding a corresponding and greater consequent benefit to fitness, as when there is a sufficiently offsetting benefit to kin (Williams & Williams 1957; Hamilton 1963, 1964; Maynard Smith 1964). Although the definition of altruism is sometimes widened to include acts that are costly in terms of inclusive fitness, the definition remains cost-centered. As useful as this framework has been, we think that a modification in the classical definition of altruism may open the way to additional insights about biologically interesting social phenomena, particularly in humans. Before discussing this modification, however, it is necessary to review briefly the logic of adaptationism, because the two issues are tied together. To begin with, we think that some measure of confusion has been generated in evolutionary biology by failing to clearly distinguish the first level of evolutionary functional analysis, selectionist analysis, from the second level of functional analysis, adaptationist analysis (Williams 1966; Symons 1990, 1992; Thornhill 1991). The first is the widespread and often productive practice of analysing behaviour or morphology in terms of its current or even implicitly prospective fitness consequences. If used carefully, this can be a key heuristic tool, and its widespread adoption has contributed to the avalanche of functional insights achieved in the last forty years. However, just as individual selection analyses need to be reformulated into genic selection analyses to sidestep errors and accurately explain the full landscape of biological phenomena, so also selectionist models need to be reformulated into adaptationist analyses to capture more precisely the John Tooby & Leda Cosmides relationship between selection and phenotypic design (Tooby & Cosmides 1990a, 1992). Within an adaptationist framework, an organism can be described as a self-reproducing machine. The presence in these organic machines of organization that causes reproduction inevitably brings into existence natural selection, a system of negative and positive feedback, that decreases the frequency of inheritable features that impede or preclude their own reproduction, and that increases the frequency of features that promote their own reproduction (directly, or in other organisms). Over the long run, down chains of descent, this feedback cycle pushes a species' design stepwise 'uphill' towards arrangements of elements that are increasingly improbably well-organized to cause their own reproduction into subsequent generations, within the envelope of ancestral conditions the species evolved in. Because the reproductive fates of the inherited traits that coexist in the same organism are to some significant extent linked together, traits will be selected to enhance each other's functionality (with some important exceptions, see Cosmides & Tooby 198 1; Tooby & Cosmides 1990b for the relevant genetic analysis and qualifications). Consequently, accumulat- ing design features will often tend to sequentially fit themselves together into increasingly functionally elaborated machines for trait propagation, composed of constituent mechanisms-adaptations-that solve problems that are either necessary for trait reproduction or increase its likelihood within environments sufficiently similar to ancestral conditions (Dawkins 1986; Symons 1992; Thornhill 1991; Tooby & Cosmides 1990a, 1992; Williams 1966, 1985). From an adaptationist as opposed to a selectionist perspective, the central object of investigation is identifying and mapping the functional organization of the organism's machinery, and discovering exactly how this ordered arrangement produced propagation within the environment within which the machinery evolved. For the purpose of this engineering analysis, one can define the environment of evolutionary adaptedness (EEA) for an adaptation with precision. The EEA is the set of selection pressures (i.e., properties of the ancestral world) that endured long enough to push each allele underlying the adaptation from its initial appearance to effective fixation (or to frequency-dependent equilibrium), and to maintain them at that relative frequency while other necessary alleles at related loci were similarly brought to near fixation. Because moving mutations from low initial frequencies to fixation takes substantial time, and sequential fixations must usually have been necessary to construct complex adaptations, complex functional design in organisms owes its detailed organization to the structure of long-enduring regularities of each species' past. Each functional design feature present in a modern organism is there in response THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 123 to the repeating elements of past environments, and these regularities must be correctly characterized if the design features are to be understood. Adaptations are thus recognizable by 'evidence of special design' (Williams 1966)-that is, by whether there is a highly non-random co- ordination between recurring properties of the phenotype and the recurring structure of the ancestral environment, so that when they interacted together they meshed to reliably promote fitness (genetic propagation). The demonstration that features of an organism constitute an adaptation is always, at core, a probability argument concerning how non-randomly functional this co-ordination is. The standards for recognizing special design include such factors as economy, efficiency, complexity, precision, special- ization, and reliability (Williams 1966), which are valid in that they index how unlikely a configuration is to have emerged randomly, that is, in the absence of selection. As Pinker and Bloom eloquently put it with respect to the eye, '[tlhe eye has a transparent refracting outer cover, a variable-focus lens, a diaphragm whose diameter changes with illumination level, muscles that move it in precise conjunction and convergence with those of the other eye, and elaborate neural circuits that respond to patterns defining edges, colors, motion, and stereoscopic disparity. It is impossible to make sense of the structure of the eye without noting that it appears as if it was designed for the purpose of seeing.. . Structures that can do what the eye does are extremely low-probability arrangements of matter. By an unimaginably large margin, most objects defined by the space of biologically possible arrangements of matter cannot bring an image into focus, modulate the amount of incoming light, respond to the presence of edges and depth boundaries, and so on' (Pinker & Bloom, 1990). So, what would an adaptationist view of the problem of altruism be, as opposed to a selectionist view? An adaptationist definition of altruism would focus on whether there was a highly nonrandom phenotypic complexity that is organized in such a way that it reliably causes an organism to deliver benefits to others, rather than on whether the delivery was costly. The existence of such a design is the adaptationist problem of altruism-an evolutionary 'problem' requiring explanation whether that delivery is costly, cost-free, or even secondarily beneficial to the deliverer. Indeed, the greater the cost component, the more this will militate against the emergence or elaboration of machinery designed to deliver benefits, and the less widespread such adaptations for altruism are expected to be. The less costly or more secondarily beneficial the machinery is, the more widespread such adaptations should be, and the more functionally elaborated and improbably functionally organized they will be. Moreover, once altruistic adaptations are in place, selection will act to minimize or neutralize their cost, or even make them secondarily beneficial, to the extent possible. 124 John Tooby & Leda Cosmides

One reason why cost has been emphasized is, we suspect, because researchers have been attempting to distinguish altruistic acts that are incidental by-products of adaptations designed for other functions from altruistic acts produced by adaptations designed to deliver them. The presence of a cost component does not, however, distinguish these cases. The world is full of costly altruistic acts--every time a gazelle walks toward a hidden lion, altruism (classically defined) is taking place. The important distinction is whether the analysis of cross-generationally recurrent phenotypic structures can support the claim that there is machinery that is well-designed to deliver benefits to other organisms under ancestral conditions. Finding that this machinery produces collateral benefits for the organism not connected with the delivery of altruistic acts to others is irrelevant if these are side-effects of its design: if they do not explain the features of organization that are well-designed for delivering benefits to others, then the adaptationist 'problem of altruism' is still present. To mutate a phrase from George Williams (1966), the issue is not altruism per se, but design for altruism, that is, design for benefit delivery. Of course, part of the adaptationist task involves explaining how the designed delivery of benefits to other organisms is ultimately tributary to the fitness of the genes underlying the altruistic adaptation, and in this task it is necessary to show that the fitness benefits are greater than the costs. However, this explanatory burden exists for the explanation of all adaptations, and not just for altruistic ones. We suggest that, in order to make more progress in understanding altruism, it will be necessary to shift from the selectionist practice of categorizing individual current behaviours as selfish or altruistic to the adaptationist project of investigating the logic of the organization of altruistic machinery, and analysing what problem each element is solving. Finally, we think that an adaptationist perspective on altruism and aggression makes it clear why, in the biological world, aggression is so much more common a form of social instrumentality than altruism. Because organisms are improbably well-organized collections of matter, entropy ensures that these intricate machines, with so many interdependent parts, will be easy to disrupt. There are only a minuscule number of ways that an organism's parts will fit together so that they function correctly, while there are a vast number of pathways that will 'break' a complexly organized system. Introducing even minute changes into the organization of a single component can result in death (consider the effects of a drop of curare or a tiny puncture to the heart). Unfortunately, the corollary to being organized is that the set of acts that are capable of enhancing the functioning of a complex system is an infinitesimally small subset of the set of all possible acts. Because there are many more ways to damage an organism than to THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 125 enhance its functioning, evolving designs for delivering damage is easy and hence common, while evolving designs that can deliver narrowly targetted benefits is hard and hence rare. Because the task of correctly identifying and successfully enacting beneficial operations will often be very difficult, we think that such adaptations will frequently require complex computations, and suspect that at least some adaptations for altruism may turn out to rival the complexity of the eye. From this engineering perspective, the existence of cognitive machinery that is functionally organized to deliver benefits to others is a highly improbable state of affairs.


So, what new insights might an adaptationist approach to altruism provide? First, it makes clear that there potentially may be, in a species, many distinct and separable sets of adaptations for altruism, designed to deliver benefits to different targets for quite independent reasons. We believe that reciprocal altruism and kin-selected altruism are only two pathways out of a larger set (Tooby & Cosmides 1984, 1989a). If there are a number of independent pathways that cause the evolution of adaptations for altruism, then each type of selection pressure can shape its own distinct set of adaptive devices to serve different ends according to its own independent functional logic. Second, it allows researchers to consider a far broader variety of definitions of benefit and hence of altruism than they would under the classical definition, which requires an increase in the target's direct (or even inclusive) fitness. Delivery of some alternative kinds of 'benefits', such as increasing the target's longevity, or increasing the target's ability to act, deserve independent treatment, regardless of whether they would have increased the target's inclusive fitness as a by-product (see below). Since the phenomenon to be explained is functional organization in whatever form it appears, then organization designed to increase the survival of targeted individuals, for example, requires as much explanation as organization designed to increase the target's reproduction. Acting to insure someone's survival or to increase their energy budget fits naturally into the more encompassing common-sense definition of altruism as the conferral of benefits, even if there is no impact on the recipient's reproduction. People want to understand altruism in this broader sense, and its role in social life-not just altruism in the narrow sense. Third, the abandonment of a cost-centered definition of altruism allows one to see how the evolution of non-kin based altruism might be easier than it is usually considered to be. Many researchers, such as Boorman & Levitt 126 John Tooby & Leda Cosmides

(1980) and Axelrod & Hamilton (1981), have pointed out that while reciprocation or tit for tat are evolutionarily stable against invasion by defectors, they are selected against when they appear at low frequencies, creating a barrier to the evolution of co-operation (see also Boyd & Lorberbaum 1987). The lone mutant is initially altruistic to each new potential partner, but because its acts are never reciprocated by the surrounding population of defectors, its fitness is lower than theirs. For the mutation to take off, it must appear initially in sufficiently high concentrations that it meets its design-replicas often enough to compensate for its encounter with and exploitation by defectors. If one ceases to model altruistic acts as necessarily and definitionally costly, however, another pathway to the evolution of machinery designed to provide benefits becomes straightforward (Tooby & Cosmides 1984, 1989a). If one imagines, as a thought experiment, a world in which organisms act without regard to their consequences on others, each organism will be selected to engage in behaviours because of their probable favourable fitness consequences on relevant gene sets it carries. Furthermore, each of its actions can be naturally partitioned into one of three categories, on the basis of its consequences for other organisms: (1) actions that have a beneficial effect on another organism, (2) actions that have an injurious effect on another organism, and (3) actions that have no net effect on another organism. As the animal goes about its affairs, it will continuously, and at no cost to itself, be dispensing collateral benefits and injuries on others. Given this initial state, other organisms will certainly be selected to deploy themselves so as to avoid harm and capture benefits. But they will also be selected to engage in actions that have the net effect of increasing the probability that the actor will 'emit' benefits and of decreasing the probability that it will produce harm. How might this influence take place? Leaving aside the important topic of manipulation, X could increase the frequency with which Y emits zero- cost behaviours that incidentally benefit X by providing contingent rewards: i.e., by providing benefits to X whenever it engages in a behaviour with side- effects that happen to benefit oneself. Under natural conditions, X may commonly have available many courses of action that benefit itself about equally, but whose collateral consequences on Y might be sharply different. The same is true for Y. For example, if X knows the way back to the camp, but Y is lost, X experiences little cost by allowing Y to follow her home. In such a case, Y needs to create only minor changes in payoffs to change the course of action that X will take. By attaching new payoff contingencies to alternative courses of action, and successfully making these contingencies detectable to the actor, one individual may influence the behaviour of another to its benefit. What one would see emerging in such a world would THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 127 be the mutual provisioning of benefits between social interactors. In such a scenario, the low initial frequency of the mutant type constitutes no barrier to the evolution of altruistic behaviour, nor is cost intrinsically a barrier either . What, then, is the mutation and what is the background of pre-existing adaptations that this model requires? The new mutant design is one that contingently responds to the actions of decision-making agents when they are beneficial in nature, by conditionally providing that agent with a detectable corresponding benefit. The model assumes that the mutant is born into a world in which the members of the population have the computational ability to (I) compute and compare the rates of return for alternative courses of action, and (2) use this information in deciding what course of action to pursue on subsequent occasions. Many species have evolved such competences for other purposes (such as foraging). For example, Gallistel (1990) has shown that classical and operant conditioning are produced by computational processes that are formally equivalent to multivariate time series analysis: by analysing correlations, the animal computes the rate of delivery of an unconditioned stimulus when a conditioning event is present and absent. Of course, Garcia & Koelling's work (1966) on learned food aversions in rats was the first in a long line of studies showing that conditioning will not occur unless the animal has 'prior hypotheses' about what causes what (e.g., that food can cause nausea, but not electric shocks), so it is far from inevitable that animals will be able to connect a conditionally delivered social reward to an action they took for other reasons. Nonetheless, it is only necessary that there be a rudimentary, slightly better than random ability to detect social contingency to get the system started. Once started, one would predict that such forces would increasingly shape specialized computational devices so that they could effectively track social agency and social contingency. This general line of reasoning has motivated our own experimental investigations of how humans interpret and reason about conditional social actions. Human cognitive machinery does, as expected, sharply distinguish inanimate causal conditionals from social conditionals such as social exchanges and threats. More importantly, humans appear to have an independent specialized computational system that is well-designed for reasoning adaptively about the conditional relationships involved in social exchange (Cosmides 1989; Cosmides & Tooby 1992; Gigerenzer & Hug 1992), and another one for conditional social threats (Tooby & Cosmides 1989b, forthcoming). Of these, the experimental investigation of adaptations for reasoning about social exchange has proceeded the farthest, and we have been able to find evidence that the machinery involved has many design features that are specialized for this function (see Table 1). 128 John Tooby & Leda Cosmides

Table 1. Computational machinery that governs reasoning about social contracts (based on evidence reviewed in Cosmides & Tooby 1992)

Design features: 1. It includes inference procedures specialized for detecting cheaters. 2. The cheater detection procedures cannot detect violations that do not correspond to cheating (e.g., mistakes where no one profits from the violation). 3. The machinery operates even in situations that are unfamiliar and culturally alien. 4. The definition of cheating it embodies varies lawfully as a function of one's perspective. 5. The machinery is just as good at computing the cost-benefit representation of a social contract from the perspective of one party as from the perspective of another. 6. It cannot detect cheaters unless the rule has been assigned the cost-benefit representation of a social contract. 7. It translates the surface content of situations involving the contingent provision of benefits into representational primitives such as 'benefit', 'cost', 'obligation', 'entitlement', 'intentional' and 'agent'. 8. It imports these conceptual primitives, even when they are absent from the surface content. 9. It derives the implications specified by the computational theory, even when these are not valid inferences of the propositional calculus (e.g., 'If you take the benefit, then you are obligated to pay the cost' implies 'If you paid the cost, then you are entitled to take the benefit'). 10. It does not include procedures specialized for detecting altruists (individuals who have paid costs but refused to accept the benefits to which they are therefore entitled). 11. It cannot solve problems drawn from other domains; e.g., it will not allow one to detect bluffs and double crosses in situations of threat. 12. It appears to be neurologically isolable from more general reasoning abilities (e.g., it is unimpaired in schizophrenic patients who show other reasoning deficits; Maljkovic 1987). 13. It appears to operate across a wide variety of cultures (including an indigenous population of hunter-horticulturalists in the Ecuadorian Amazon; Sugiyama, Tooby & Cosmides 1995). Alternative hypotheses eliminated: 1. That familiarity can explain the social contract effect. 2. That social contract content merely activates the rules of inference of the propositional calculus. 3. That social contract content merely promotes (for whatever reason) 'clear thinking'. 4. That permission schema theory can explain the social contract effect. 5. That any problem involving payoffs will elicit the detection of violations. 6. That a content-independent deontic logic can explain the effect.

A parallel and growing body of evidence from cognitive development is showing that human infants have cognitive machinery that makes sharp distinctions between animate and inanimate causation (Leslie 1988, 1994; Gelman 1990; Premack & Premack 1994), and that toddlers have a well- developed 'mind-reading' system, which uses eye direction and movement to infer what other people want, know, and believe (Baron-Cohen 1995; Leslie & Thaiss 1992). These inference systems provide 'privileged hypotheses' about social causation that vastly expand the time frames across which humans can that compute socially contingent changes in rates of return. THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 129

In any case, what is critical to this evolutionary pathway is that the organism whose actions are to be influenced be capable of categorizing its actions in terms of their consequences for others, rather than just in terms of their consequences for itself. If the animal cannot do this, then it cannot reliably be induced to repeat, out of the sets of actions it considers equivalent, the specific type of action that delivered the collateral benefit to the animal prepared to reward it. In such cases, mutant individuals equipped with the adaptation to respond to benefits by providing contingent rewards will be selected against, because these rewards will be ineffectual: they will not increase the probability that the target individual will repeat the beneficial action in the future. For such species, this pathway to the evolution of social exchange is closed. The ability to compute the effects of actions on others, and to categorize such acts in terms of their value to others, is a nontrivial requirement. It may be the rarity of this set of prerequisite adaptations, and not the cost problem, that is a real impediment to the frequent evolution of social exchange (e.g., the 'mind-reading' abilities of other primates appear to be far more limited than our own; Cheney & Seyfarth 1990; Whiten 1991). However, kin-selected machinery for altruism would select for these same prerequisite adaptations, and so the evolution of social exchange may be commonly facilitated by the prior evolution of kin-selected altruistic adaptations. In any case, once adaptations for social exchange have begun to emerge, they will select for increasingly sophisticated computa- tional abilities to model other organisms' values, intentions, principles of categorization and social representation, and responsiveness to social contingency (Cosmides 1985; Cosmides & Tooby 1989; Humphrey 1984; Whiten 1991). For example, one would expect that humans would have a specialized computational device-an implicit 'theory of human nature'- that models what motivations and mental representations others would develop when placed in various evolutionarily recurrent situations. This would function in tandem with the increasingly well-documented 'theory of mind' module (Baron-Cohen et al. 1985; Baron-Cohen 1995; Leslie & Thaiss 1992), and other widely discussed mechanisms such as empathy and emotion recognition. The ability to understand the nature of actions in terms of their meaning and impact on others is a two-edged sword, however. Not only does it facilitate the growth of co-operation, but it also lengthens the reach of extortive threat and makes revenge possible. This is because the argument about collateral benefits applies symmetrically to collateral injury (Tooby & Cosmides 1984, 1989). Organisms can be expected to evolve systems of contingent injury that force other animals to take their interests into account when choosing their courses of action. The evolution of threats and revenge 130 John Tooby & Leda Cosmides similarly depends on the nature of the interpretive machinery a species has. If another animal lacks the capacity to categorize acts based on the injury they cause, then punishing it is ineffective, and vindictive designs will not evolve. This may be why most species are limited to proximate deterrence and immediate threat, rather than to more complex intercontingent strategies such as revenge. In any case, once adaptations for delivering contingent rewards and adaptations for detecting contingent rewards become present in the same population, the population can evolve without impediment towards full social exchange. The increasing ability of the members of a species to detect and produce social contingency and to represent what is valuable and injurious to others frees the altruistic dynamics from an initial context in which actions with beneficial side-effects for others are undertaken for other purposes. Once contingency can be detected, contingent reward can become the sole reason an action is taken. As the evolutionary process continues, the adaptations involved can be increasingly accurately described as serving the function of delivering benefits to others. The costs of actions may not be relevant to an adaptationist definition of altruism, but they are relevant to understanding some of the design features of adaptations for delivering benefits. To influence each other in a well- calibrated way, animals must be able to accurately estimate the costs and benefits of an action to self and others, and to predict what actions others will take in the absence of a contingently provided benefit (see, e.g., Cosmides & Tooby 1989, on baselines). The size of a contingently delivered benefit will change the landscape of payoffs: X may engage in actions that it formerly avoided because the costs outweighed the benefits, because a contingently delivered benefit now makes them worthwhile. Y should be designed to deliver an optimal reward level: one that yields the greatest average net benefit to itself in terms of prospectively altered dispositions to act in the other animal. If inducements are too weak, the benefit may not be delivered. If inducements are 'too strong'-that is, if X would have delivered the same benefits in response to smaller inducements, then the reward might be wasteful. A key computational component is the ability to map the world of costs and benefits according to the psychology of a potential exchange partner (or antagonist), and to judge whether its beneficial (or harmful) acts were 'intentional'-i.e., generated because of the impact they could be expected to have on one's own behaviour. The latter would allow one to determine when a social contingency has appeared or been withdrawn; to distinguish exchanges explicitly arrived at from noisier, more probabilistic sequences; to monitor others for cues of valuation, and SO on. THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM


The Banker's paradox

If thou wouldst get a friend, prove him first, and be not hasty to credit him. For some man is a friend for his own occasion, and will not abide in the day of thy trouble.. .Again, some friend is a companion at the table, and will not continue in the day of thy affliction.. . If thou be brought low, he will be against thee, and will hide himself from thy face. . . A faithful friend is a strong defence: and he that hath found such a one hath found himself a treasure. Nothing doth countervail a faithful friend . . . From Ecclesiastes 6

Many people become angry when they first hear the evolutionary claim that the phenomenon of friendship is solely based on the reciprocal exchange of favours, and deny that their friendships are founded on such a basis. Similarly, many people report experiencing a spontaneous pleasure when they can help others without any expectation or anticipation of reward. Their memory of the pleasure is not diminished by not ever having received a reward in return. Indeed, explicit linkage between favours or insistence by a recipient that she be allowed to immediately 'repay' are generally taken as signs of a lack of friendship. What is going on? One widely accepted interpretation is that these denials are simply the deceptive surface of human social manipulation. We think, however, that narrow exchange contingency does not capture the phenomenology or indeed the phenomenon of friendship. We propose that the altruistic adaptations that underlie friend- ship do not map onto the structure of tit for tat or any other standard model of reciprocal altruism based on alternating sequences of contingent favours. One dimension of difference is illustrated by what we will call the Banker's Paradox. Bankers have a limited amount of money, and must choose who to invest it in. Each choice is a gamble: taken together, they must ultimately yield a net profit, or the banker will go out of business. This set of incentives leads to a common complaint about the banking system: that bankers will only loan money to individuals who do not need it. The harsh irony of the Banker's Paradox is this: just when individuals need money most desperately, they are also the poorest credit risks and, therefore, the least likely to be selected to receive a loan. This situation is analogous to a serious adaptive problem faced by our hominid ancestors: exactly when an ancestral hunter-gatherer is in most dire need of assistance, she becomes a bad 'credit risk' and, for this reason, is less attractive as a potential recipient of assistance. If we conceptualize contingent benefit-benefit interactions as social exchange (rather than more narrowly as reciprocation), then individuals rendering assistance can be seen as facing a series of choices about when to extend credit and to whom. 132 John Tooby & Leda Cosmides

Assisting one individual may take time, resources, or be dangerous to oneself-it therefore precludes other worthwhile activities, including assisting others. From this perspective, exchange relationships are analo- gous to economic investments. Individuals need to decide who they will invest in, and how much they will invest. Just as some economic investments are more attractive than others, some people should be more attractive as objects of investment than others. Computational adaptations designed to regulate such decisions should certainly take into account whether an individual will be willing to repay in the future (i.e., are they a cheater?). But they should also assess whether the person will be in a position to repay (i.e., are they a good credit risk?), and whether the terms of exchange will be favourable (will this exchange partnership ultimately prove more profitable than the alternatives it will preclude?). If the object of investment dies, becomes permanently disabled, leaves the social group, or experiences a permanent and debilitating social reversal, then the investment will be lost. If the trouble an individual is in increases the probability of such outcomes when compared to the prospective fortunes of other potential exchange partners, then selection might be expected to lead to the hardhearted abandonment of those in certain types of need. In contrast, if a person's trouble is temporary or they can easily be returned to a position of full benefit-dispensing competence by feasible amounts of assistance (e.g., extending a branch to a drowning person), then personal troubles should not make someone a less attractive object of assistance. Indeed, a person who is in this kind of trouble might be a more attractive object of investment than one who is currently safe, because the same delivered investment will be valued more by the person in dire need. The attractiveness of extending the branch can be compared to nursing someone with a life-threatening disease for months: the cost is high, and the outcome is uncertain. For hunter-gatherers, illness, injury, bad luck in foraging, or the inability to resist an attack by social antagonists would all have been frequent reversals of fortune with a major selective impact. The ability to attract assistance during such threatening reversals in welfare, where the absence of help might be deadly, may well have had far more significant selective consequences than the ability to cultivate social exchange relationships that promote marginal increases in returns during times when one is healthy, safe, and well-fed. Yet selection would seem to favour decision rules that caused others to desert you exactly when your need for help was greatest. This recurrent predicament constituted a grave adaptive problem for our ancestors-a problem whose solution would be strongly favoured if one could be found. What design features might contribute to the solution of this problem? THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 133

Becoming irreplaceable: The appetite for individuality

One key factor is replaceability or substitutability. Consider X's choice between two potential objects of investment, Y and 2. Each helps X in different ways; the magnitude of the benefits Z delivers are higher than the magnitude of the benefits that Y delivers, but the types of benefits that Y supplies can be supplied by no one else locally. Consider the alternative payoffs when one or the other enters a crisis and requires help. Extending 'credit' to a person in crisis may easily have a negative payoff if the kind of benefits that she customarily delivers could be easily supplied by others. To the extent an individual is in social relationships in which the assistance she delivers to her partners could easily be supplied in her absence by others, then there would be no necessary selection for her partners to help her out of difficulty. A 'replaceable' person would have been extremely vulnerable to desertion. In contrast, extending credit has a higher payoff if the person who is currently in trouble customarily delivers types of benefits (or has some other value) that would be difficult to obtain in her absence. Selection should favour decision rules that cause X to exhibit loyalty to Y to the extent that Y is irreplaceably valuable to X. In other words, Y's associates will invest far more in rescuing her than they would if she lacked these unique distinguishing properties (Tooby & Cosmides 1984, 1989a). Y may be helped, and Z abandoned even though the benefits Z delivers are greater. If Banker's Paradox dilemmas had been a selection pressure, then one would expect to see adaptations that caused humans to: 1 have an appetite to be recognized and valued for their individuality or exceptional attributes; 2 be motivated to notice what attributes they have that others value but cannot obtain as easily elsewhere; 3 be motivated to cultivate specialized skills, attributes, and habitual activities that increase their relative irreplaceability; 4 be motivated to lead others to believe that they have such attributes; 5 preferentially seek, cultivate, or maintain social associations and participate in social groups where their package of valued attributes is most indispensable, because what they can differentially offer is what others differentially lack; 6 preferentially avoid social circles in which what they can offer is not valued or is easily supplied by others; and, 7 be jealous or rivalrous when someone within their social circle develops abilities to confer similar types of benefits, or when someone with similarly valued attributes enters their social circle. Such jealousy would motivate and organize actions that drive off attribute-rivals and that inhibit 134 John Tooby & Leda Cosmides individuals who value the actor from developing potential relationships with others who could supply the same type of assistance. Although we are unaware of any experimental studies specifically of these traits, we think many aspects of human social and mental life show clear evidence of them. Much of social life seems to consist of a continual movement to find and occupy individualized niches that are unusually other-benefitting but hard to imitate, accompanied by a shuffling of social associations in search of configurations where the parties are most highly mutually valued. Indeed, the cross-culturally general motivation for status (as opposed to dominance) is arguably a product, in some measure, of this kind of selection pressure. Calling someone irreplaceable, or stressing how they will be (or have been) missed is a ubiquitous form of praise. Many other phenomena seem to be obvious expressions of a psychology organized to deal with the threat of social replaceability. These include everything from complaints about feeling anonymous in modern mass societies to the incessant fissioning off of smaller social groups whose members cultivate a mutual sense of belonging and discourage transactions with outgroup members. More significantly, the growth of irreplaceability as a feature of hominid life would have had powerful secondary impacts on hominid evolution. For example, individuals could pursue more productive, but more injury producing subsistence practices, such as large game hunting. The motivation to discover and occupy unique niches of valued individuality is facilitated by the many forces that act to spontaneously locate individuals in unique 'starting positions' (Tooby & Cosmides 1988). These include, obviously, the fact that each individual's talents and shortcomings will be somewhat different due to random genetic variation, the accidents of ontogeny, and the different kinship, demographic and social circumstances they are born into. One might expect selection for adaptations that guide an individual not only to hone those skills that she can do well in an absolute sense, but to put special effort into those skills that she does relatively well, so that she 'product-differentiates' herself. Indeed, the most common and basic meaning humans apply to the issue of ability-acquisition is a social meaning-ability relative to others-rather than an absolute standard. Competences that everyone shares are not even noticed. In any case, Plomin & Daniels' work (1987) on the effects of nonshared environment provides strong evidence that individuals do product- differentiate themselves, even among their siblings, as does Sulloway's pioneering work on birth order (forthcoming). Fair weather friends and deep engagement The archetypal concept of the fair weather friend implies that there is also another kind of friend, a close or true friend-someone who is deeply THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 135 engaged in your continued survival and in your physical and social welfare (but not necessarily in promoting the propagation of the genes you carry). It is this kind of friend that the fair weather friend is the counterfeit of. If you are a hunter-gatherer with few or no individuals who are deeply engaged in your welfare, then you are extremely vulnerable to the volatility of events-a hostage to fortune. Indeed, the higher the variance or volatility of the environment inhabited, the more individuals ought to care about friend- ships. But if you wait until you are in trouble to determine whether anyone cares, it may be too late, if the answer is 'no'. When times are good, close friends who are deeply committed to you and casual exchange partners for whom you are replaceable may behave very similarly to each other. Moreover, since it is advantageous for anyone to be categorized as a close friend by someone who is not in difficulty, humans face the adaptive problem of friendship mimicry. The adaptive problem of discriminating true friends from fair weather friends would have been a formidable signal detection problem for our ancestors. One would expect the human psychological architecture to contain subsystems designed to sift social events for cues that would reduce uncertainty about the relative engagement different individuals have in one's welfare, i.e., assess the genuineness of friendship. Of course, the most ecologically valid evidence is what people actually do when you are genuinely in trouble. One would expect that assistance received in such times would be far more computationally meaningful, and cause a far greater change in attitude toward the giver than assistance rendered at other times. Phenomenologically, individuals seem to be deeply moved at such times, find such acts deeply memorable, and often subsequently feel compelled to communicate that they will never forget who helped them. Given these facts and hypotheses, modern life creates a paradox. For the purposes of friendship assessment, different events and time periods will vary substantially in their informativeness, and certain types of events such as a period of personal trouble will be particularly clarifying. Yet, the human psychological architecture will obviously have been selected to avoid genuine and unnecessary personal difficulties. Safer, more stable modern environments may, therefore, be leaving people in genuine and uncharacteristically protracted doubt as to the nature of their relationships, and whether anyone is deeply engaged in their welfare. Because of the lack of clarifying events, an individual may have many apparently warm social contacts, and yet feel lonely, uneasy, and hungry for the confident sensation of deep social connectedness that people who live in environments that force deep mutual dependence routinely enjoy. 136 John Tooby & Leda Cosmides

Although there are other kinds of cues, the basic structure of the clarifying event our minds are designed to monitor is one in which a particular individual has the opportunity to help, and that help would be of great value to the recipient. If they fail to help you when such help would be a deliverance, and the cost to them would not have been prohibitive, then it is a mistake to waste one of your scarce friendship niches on them (see below). Their level of commitment is revealed by the magnitude of the cost they are willing to incur per unit of benefit they are willing to deliver. Although there are many other variables that are important-such as how alert they are for opportunities to help, and how effective they can be at helping-the presence of deep engagement is a key variable.


Human hunter-gatherers, along with all other prisoners of space and time, have finite time and energy budgets, and cannot be in more than one place at a time. The decision to spend time with some individuals is, therefore, the decision not to spend time with others. Close spatial association is the prime factor that produces opportunities to help and be helped. For a hunter- gatherer, who one chooses to associate with will facilitate or preclude, over time, the development of computational states in others that are beneficial over the long run. From this perspective, each individual can be thought of as having a restricted number of friendship or association niches, and faces the computational problem of filling these slots with individuals from whom they will reap the best long-term outcomes. If an individual has a limited number of association niches, then the logic of the adaptations underlying friendship may be considerably different than that suggested by the standard model of reciprocation. What factors would a well-designed computational device take into account in deciding how these niches should be filled? 1 Number of slots already filled. Adaptations should be designed to compute how many individuals in one's social world are deeply engaged in one's welfare, and how much uncertainty there is in this computation. If the number is high, then other factors, such as efficiency in exchange relationships or short run return to investment, might be weighted more heavily. If the number is low, or the individual is uncertain about the commitment of her friends, then adaptations should motivate counter- measures: activities that increase the likelihood of friend recruitment or consolidation should become more appealing. 2 Who emits positive externalities? The ongoing rewards of interacting with a person can take many forms other than specific acts of altruism. THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 137

Behaviours that are not undertaken as intentional acts of altruism often have side-effects that are beneficial to others-what economists call positive externalities. Some potential associates exude more positive externalities than others. For a knowledge-generating and knowledge intensive species such as ours, such situations abound. Someone who is a better wayfinder, game locator, tool-maker, or who speaks neighbouring dialects is a better associate, independent of the intentional altruistic acts she might direct toward you. Similarly, there are an entire array of joint returns that come about through co-ordinated action, such as group hunting or joint problem- solving. Individuals may vary in their value as friends and associates because they contribute to the general success, or because their attributes mesh especially well with yours or with other members of your cooperative unit. 3 Who is good at reading your mind? Dyads who are able to communicate well with each other, and who intuitively can understand each other's thoughts and intentions will derive considerably more from co- operative relationships than those who lack such rapport. 4 Who considers you irreplaceable? All else equal, it is better to fill a friendship niche with a person who considers you difficult to replace. This person has a bigger stake in your continued health and well-being than an individual who can acquire the kind of benefits you provide elsewhere. 5 Who wants the same things you want? A person who values the same things you do will continually be acting to transform the local world into a form that benefits you, as a by-product of their acting to make the world suitable for themselves. Trivial modern cases are easy to see: e.g., a roommate who likes the same music or who doesn't keep setting the thermostat to a temperature you dislike. Ancestrally, associates who shared affinities would have manifested many important mutual positive external- ities, such as those who share enemies; those who have the same stake in the status of a coalition; spouses or affines who share a joint stake in the welfare of a set of children, and so on. There are likely to have been recurrent disputes and stable social divisions, and an individual is automatically benefitted by the existence of others who shared the same interest in the outcome. A person who your enemies fear, or a person who attracts more suitors than she can handle, may be a more valuable associate than a reliable reciprocator whose tastes differ widely from your own. These and many other factors should be processed by the computational machinery that generates what we phenomenally experience as spontaneous liking. Many of them are attributes rather than act-histories, which offers an explanation for why we often experience a spontaneous and deep liking for someone on first exposure. In other words, not only do individual humans have different reproductive values that can be estimated based on various cues they 138 John Tooby & Leda Cosn~ides manifest, but they also have different association values. One dimension of this value is the partner-independent component, while the other component will vary specifically with respect to the individual attributes of each other potential partner. Adaptations that evolved to regulate association should be designed to fill niches with partners whose association delivers the most net rewards, and who value the individual highly and specifically. The tendency to dispense benefits contingent upon specific reciprocation is not the logic that defines association-value. Although the disposition to make alternating exchanges may not be completely irrelevant to an individual's value as an associate, it is neither a necessary nor a sufficient attribute. It can be trumped by other factors. Of course, who you can associate with depends not only on who you like, but on who likes you, as well as larger scale structures of friend and family clustering. The computational architecture should be designed to deploy one's choices, acts, and attributes so as to make one's own association value high, and to attract the best distribution of friends into one's limited set of association niches. When this deployment is not effective enough to recruit a worthwhile set of friends, then the architecture should initiate other measures. Increasing the delivery of beneficial acts to others is one possibility, but the analysis above suggests other operations that might be effective: moving into new social worlds, initiating mateships (which have the potential to be a specialized kind of deep engagement association), conceiving children, increasing one's aggressive skills, searching for new positive externalities to exploit, moderating one's negative externalities, ending unfavourable relationships, chasing off association rivals, cultivating irreplaceability, resorting to extortion, and so on--each of which could lead to favourable reconfigurations of one's social world. The dynamics of this kind of world are considerably different from what the co-operator-defector models, in isolation, suggest. In a world of limited friendship niches, the issue is not necessarily cheating per se, but the relative returns of different, mutually exclusive associations. Losing a valued friend, being able to spend less time with the friend, becoming less valued by that friend, or at the extreme, social isolation, may be more costly than being cheated. (This is not to say, however, that one cannot be cheated by a friend.) One way of modelling such a situation is as a Hobbesian bidding war of all against all, waged with the benefits of association, gated by the effectively limited number of friendship niches an individual has. The possibility that a friend will switch between friendships (or rather between mutually exclusive time-association budgets) on the basis of the relative rewards generated by each is the force that keeps the stream of benefits flowing and calibrated. In such a world, the adaptations will be designed to monitor all returns from a relationship, not just those from concrete acts of material assistance, reciprocally exchanged. It will be advantageous to be a high quality associate, and SO individuals should feel a spontaneous pleasure in discovering effective ways of helping their friends, without looking for any contingent return. Instead of being cheated, the primary risk is experiencing a world increasingly devoid of deeply engaged social partners, or sufficiently beneficial social partners, or both. Adaptations should be designed to respond to signs of waning affection by increasing the desire to be liked, and mobilizing changes that will bring it about.

Friendship versus exchange Accordingly, the phenomenology of friendship un~urprisingl~reflects the pleasure you experience in someone's company, the pleasure you feel knowing they enjoy your company, the affection generated by an ease of mutual understanding, the desire to be thoughtful and considerate, the satisfaction in shared interests and tastes, how deeply you were moved by those who helped you when you were in deep trouble, how much pleasure it gave you to be able to help friends when they were in trouble, the trust you have in your friends, and so on. Explicit contingent exchange and turn- taking reciprocation are the forms of altruism that exist when trust is low and friendship is weak or absent, and treating others in such a fashion is commonly interpreted as a communication to that effect. The injection of explicit contingent exchange into existing friendships (e.g., buying a friend's car) is experienced as awkward. It seems to be a pervasive expression of human psychology that people in repeated contact feel the need to rapidly transform relationships that began in commercial transactions into some- thing 'more'-with signs that indicate the relationship is no longer one simply of contingent exchange, but of friendship. Those of us who live in modern market economies engage in explicit contingent exchanges-often with strangers-at an evolutionarily unprecedented rate. We would argue that the widespread alienation many feel with modern commercial society is the result of an evolved psychological architecture that experiences this level of explicit contingent exchange in our lives as a message about how deeply (or rather, how shallowly) we are engaged with others.

Runaway friendship The issues of irreplaceability and association value have a variety of implications about the functional organization of human social psychology. One of the most interesting implications of this model is how the detection of strong valuation should select for design features that construct a strong reflected valuation: a mirroring effect. By the argument of the Banker's 140 John Tooby & Leda Cosmides

Paradox, if you are unusually or uniquely valuable to someone else-for whatever reason-then that person has an uncommonly strong interest in your survival during times of difficulty. The interest they have in your survival makes them, therefore, highly valuable to you. The fact that they have a stake in you means (to the extent their support is not redundant to you) that you have a stake in them. Moreover, to the extent they recognize this, the initial stake they have in you may be augmented. Our psychological adaptations should have evolved in response to these dynamics. For example, because you may be the only route through which your maiden aunt can propagate the genes she bears, her psychological architecture may recognize you as being uniquely valuable to her. Because she would sacrifice everything for you (let us assume), that makes her in turn an unusual or perhaps uniquely valuable person in your social universe. Because she values you, you have a corresponding stake in her survival and in the maintenance of her ability to act on your behalf. A risky action to save her life would not be a case of reciprocal altruism, but of altruism through cyclic valuation. In the same way that the initial impetus in Fisherian runaway sexual selection may have been minor, the initial stake that one person has in the welfare of another might be minor. But the fact that this gives you a stake in them, which gives them a greater stake in you, and so on, can under the right conditions set up a runaway process that produces deep engagements. The recursive nature of these cyclic valuations can reinforce and magnify each person's association value to the other, far beyond the initial valuations. Friendships may become extremely powerful, despite weak initial condi- tions. Of course, this requires mutual communication and the ability to detect when someone truly values you (in which deception is certainly possible). But against a background of impoverished social options, it might not take much of an initial asymmetric valuation to get such a mirror relationship running and mutually reinforcing. Indeed, under the right conditions, a simple arbitrary decision may be enough (as in oaths of friendship that are found in many cultures), provided it is in the form of an emotional 'commitment' in the sense meant by Hirschleifer (1987) or Frank (1988). When applied to mate choice, these and many of the other arguments made above may help to illuminate the functional design of the adaptations that regulate romantic love (see also Nozick 1989: Ch. 8). Finally, we want to emphasize that the benefits that certain of the adaptations for altruism described above are designed to deliver are not necessarily benefits at all in the classical sense of increases in direct reproduction or inclusive fitness. The benefits delivered may sometimes have such effects on the recipient's fitness, but this will be as an incidental by- product of the design of the adaptation. It is not the functional product of the adaptation-that is, what the adaptation was designed to do. For THE EVOLUTION OF ADAPTATIONS FOR ALTRUISM 141 example, in some of these cases, the function of the altruistic act was to extend the recipient's lifespan or otherwise preserve whatever properties make the recipient willing and able to continue supplying benefits to you. If the recipient's fitness increases as a result, this is a side-effect of the com- putational design and, therefore, irrelevant to the selection pressure that shaped it. Meaningful alternative models of the evolution of altruism might be developed by looking at the delivery of energy, or survival through high- risk episodes, or what might be called agency altruism-increasing the ability of other agents to take effective action. By moving beyond the classical definition of altruism, which requires a fitness cost to the deliverer and a fit- ness benefit to the recipient, evolutionarily oriented researchers can con- struct a much richer family of models of altruism which may better account for the diverse array of altruistic adaptations in humans and other species.

Note. We would like to warmly acknowledge Irven DeVore, at whose Simian Seminar the first version of this paper was presented, for his input. He is particularly thanked for the intellectually stimulating effect that his frequent remark 'Tooby, you can be replaced!' had on the central ideas of this paper. We would also like to thank Daphne Bugental, David Buss, Steve Pinker and Don Symons who, as always, provided enlightening insights, and Betsj Jackson, Rob Kurzban, and Melissa Rutherford for their help on manuscript preparation. We are also deeply indebted to the many members of the Center for Evolutionary Psychology's regular seminar, and the seminar on the evolutionary psychology of coalitions, with whom many of these ideas were discussed. The preparation of this paper was supported, in part, by generous grants from the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and the National Science Foundation (#BNS9157-449 to John Tooby).


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