Mental Health Services

Current Service Provision Relative Utilisation Projected SCHHS Resident Demand The Mental Health Service (MHS) provides assessment, diagnosis, In 09/10 the RU was low for all acute psychiatry ESRGs: monitoring and management for people with mental illness in a range of acute and community settings.  Other psychiatry (RU 58) An acute inpatient facility is located at NGH with community and outreach  Major affective disorders (71) services at , Gympie, , Mountain Creek and  Schizophrenia (75) . SCHHS has statistically higher mortality rates for mental health and behavioural Nambour General Hospital disorders (with correspondingly very low hospitalisation rates for the same  2 inpatient units (45 beds in total) at level 5 including a 4 bed PICU. causes) and higher mortality and hospitalisation rates for intentional self harm compared to the population.  Consultation liaison psychiatry to inpatients in other wards.

 Emergency services level 5 – for eg mental health hospital assessment team (MHHAT) based in NGH ED. Self Sufficiency  Older persons mental health (OPMH) team – inpatient assessments, SCHHS was 84% self-sufficient for acute psychiatry inpatient separations in level 4. 09/10.

 Glenbrook – extended care older persons – 13 beds level 4. Historical Activity GHS - onsite community MH services. Patients requiring acute mental health In 10/11, there were 1,110 inpatient separations. This volume has changed little services are transferred / referred to NGH or Maryborough Hospital. since 06/07.This is largely a reflection capacity rather than demand. 82% of separations were from NGH with a further 11% from GHS. CHS and MSMH – services provided on an in reach basis either in person or via telehealth. Community mental health teams cared for 3,380 consumers in 10/11 and undertook 67,427 service contacts. Source: AIMS Basecase 2009/10 with Flow Reversals to SCHHS v3, Ages > 14 years Community services (GHS, Maroochydore, Mountain Creek, Mooloolaba) A range of mental health services for adult and children at Maroochydore, Demand for acute psychiatry inpatient services is projected to grow to 2,252 in Based on the QH mental health inpatient service planning benchmarks (beds 26/27; an increase of 101% between 09/10 and 26/27. Mooloolaba, Nambour and Mountain Creek. This includes a 20 bed per 100,000 population), SCCHS requires an additional 31 MH beds. Based on community care unit at Mountain Creek. population projections 86 beds are required by 2016/17 and 97 beds by SCHHS self-sufficiency is planned to increase to 88% from 16/17. 2021/22.

Service Transition Priorities 2012 - 2016 Future Service Configurations Clinical Service Capability Framework 2016 - 2027 2012-2014 2012-2016 CSCF CSCF CSCF Facility level level level  Work with NGOs increase levels of non-clinical support in community. GHS – will continue to operate at a level 5 in adult ambulatory services. 16/17 21/22 26/27  Reconfigure community MH teams and enhance hinterland service NGH – will continue to operate mainly level 5 services. SCUH Child and youth - ambulatory 5 5 5 provision through increased use of telehealth and possible collocation with Community services – will continue to operate HS wide at level 5. GPs, with GHS MHHAT as the priority. Child and youth - acute inpatients 4 5 5 Child and youth non-acute inpatient - - -  Increase MH inpatient beds at NGH from (45 to 49 beds) to meet current 2016/17 Adult - ambulatory 6 6 6 demand pressures and move towards QH population based benchmarks. GHS – will continue to operate level 5 ambulatory services and cater for 15% of Adult - acute inpatients 5 5 5  Commence planning for the introduction of Child and Youth day services SCHHS mental health separations in 2016/17. This is projected to increase to Adult - non-acute inpatient 4 4 4 at SCUH in 2016. 19% by 26/27. Older persons - ambulatory 6 6 6 2014-2016 NGH – will operate a level 4 adult service with 35 beds. Older persons - acute inpatient 5 5 5  Finalise service model for child and youth day services +/- overnight SCUH - will provide a level 5/6 Mental Health Service with 42 beds including STATEWIDE SERVICES services for opening at SCUH. child and youth services at level 4/5. This will be an increase in service Perinatal and infant (Mooloolaba) 4 4 4/5  Expand MH consultation and liaison psychiatry services to cover CHS and capability related to management of high risk and complex adult patients but Emergency services (SCUH and NGH) 5 5 5 Maleny inpatient areas. more significantly the introduction of day only childrens services. Evolve Therapeutic Services (Community Health) 5 5 5 Community services – will continue to operate HHS wide at level 5. Homeless Health Outreach (Community Health) 5 5 5  Expand GHS mental health services to provide consultation and liaison for NGH inpatient services (may involve training of staff at GHS). Beyond 2021/22 Inpatient (Ward LGE) 5 5 5  Plan for transfer of some services to SCUH and develop operational SCUH - will increase to 54 beds and increase child and youth services to level Mental Health Inpatient (Ward GE) 4 4 4 policies for management of MH patients across facilities. 5/6. This may include overnight care for children. GHS Adult ambulatory service- a District wide service 5 5 5 Child and Youth- a HHS wide service 5 5 5