Species Checklist Species Checklist National Park Service U.S. Department of the interior Color Species Habit Season Color Species Habit Season

S H Erigeron breweri var. covillei (Coville's fleabane) P C, H w Atriplex canescens (fourwing saltbush) Joshua National Park w Chaenactis stevioides (Esteve's pincushion) A C Salvia columbariae (chia) A Salvia dorrii (desert sage) S w Cryptantha drcumsdssa (western forget-me-not) A C mexicana (paper-bag bush) S w Cryptantha dedpiens (gravelbar forget-me-not) A C Stephanomeria exigua (small wirelettuce) w Datura wrightii (jimson weed) P C, H f/ymus e/ymo/c/es (squirreltail) PG H w Eriogonum fasdculatum ( buckwheat) S C, H Hilaria rigida (big galleta grass) PG C, I- w Euphorbia albomarginata (rattlesnake weed) A C. H Section 3 Melica imperfecta (smallflower melicgrass) PG C w Lepidium lasiocarpum (white pepperweed) A C Muhlenbergia ported (bush muhly) PG H w Lydum andersonii (Anderson's boxthorn) S C Stipa hymenoides (Indian ricegrass) PG C w Lydum cooped (Cooper's boxthorn) S C Section 1 • Stipa spedosa (desert needlegrass) PG C, I- w Pectocarya heterocarpa (mixed-nut comb-bur) A C Ephedra nevadensis ( jointfir) S C w Prunus fasdculata (desert almond) S C Juniperus californica (California juniper) S, T 500 Feet w brevifolia (Joshua tree) T c Section 2 KEY 150 Meters w Yucca schidigera (Mojave yucca) S c Color ( color) Y Acamptopappus sphaerocephalus (goldenhead) SS c W (white); Y (yellow); O (orange); R (red); P (pink to See inside of guide for found in each section of this map. purple); V (violet to blue); F (Fern); G (green/brown); Y Adenophyllum cooped (Cooper's dyssodia) p c C (cone) The Flora of Joshua Tree National Park Y Ambrosia salsola (cheesebush) SS c Habit(general growth shape) Three distinct biogeographic regions converge in Joshua Tree Y Amsinckia tessellata (desert fiddleneck) A c A (annual); P (perennial); PG (perennial grass); National Park, creating a rich flora: nearly 730 vascular SS (subshrub); C (cactus); S (); T (tree) Y Baileya pieniradiata (woolly marigold) A c species have been documented here. Season Y BrickeHia californica (California brickellia) S H H: responds to hot season precipitation (generally blooms The to the south and east, at elevations Y Camissonia campestds (Mojave suncup) A c June-Oct); C: responds to cool season precipitation less than 3000 ft (914 m), contributes a unique set of plants (generally blooms Feb-June) that are adapted to a bi-seasonal precipitation pattern (winter Y Camissoniopsis pallida (pale yellow suncup) A c and summer rainfall), as well as a low frequency of freezing Y Coieogyne ramosissima (blackbrush) S c Trail Information This trail is a 0.4 mile (0.6 km) loop with minimal conditions. The higher elevations of the park are dominated by Y Cylindropuntia echinocarpa (silver cholla) c c the Little San Bernardino Mountains, an eastern extension of elevation change. It winds through Joshua tree Ericameria cooped (Cooper's goldenbush) S c California's . Although this desert upland Y woodland and between spectacular monzogranite rock area represents the southwestern corner of the Mojave Y Ericameria cuneata (rock goldenbush) S H formations, where you will find excellent examples of Desert, it also serves as a conduit for many plants to reach Y Ericameria lineadfolia (linear-ieaved goldenbush) S c species capitalizing on microhabitats such as shady their easternmost distribution, thus providing for an interesting boulder crevices. Juniper woodlands are represented mix of , montane, and desert species. Y Eriophyllum wallacei (Wallace's woolly daisy) A C here, as well as a spectacular diversity of desert . Y Gutierrezia microcephala (matchweed) SS H

It is the intermingling of species from all three of these Y Ivesia saxosa (rock cinquefoil) P C,H Rock goldenbush biogeographic regions that lends the Park its incredible (Ericameria Y aureus (golden linanthus) A C diversity: shrub assemblages here, for example, are among the cuneata) has a most diverse vegetation types in . To appreciate Y Malacothdx glabrata (desert dandelion) A C characteristic habit: it grows the full floristic richness of this area, try to catch the fleeting Y Rhus aromatica (skunk bush) S C bloom of annual plants, which represent half the species found right out of rocks! in the park. Many of these annuals will only flower after hot 0 Sphaeralcea ambigua (apricot mallow) p C Here, an individual is thriving in monsoonal rain events, at a time of year when many people P Amaranthus fimbriatus (fringed amaranth) A H a crevice in a assume the desert is completely dormant. Looking at plants is a P Cirsium neomexicanum (New thistle) A c monzogranite rock year-long activity in Joshua Tree. Pair the list in this guide with a face. botanical field guidebook and see how many you can identify. P Krameria erecta (littleleaf ratany) S C Happy hiking! P/W Mirabilis laevis (wishbone bush) P c p Opuntia basilaris (beavertail cactus) C c