GOALDEN TIMES March 0 vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqwe GOALDEN TIMES Declaration: The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors of the respective articles and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Goalden Times. All the logos and symbols of teams are the respective trademarks of the teams and national federations. The images are the sole property of the owners. However none of the materials published here can fully or partially be used without prior written permission from Goalden Times. If anyone finds any of the contents objectionable for any reasons, do reach out to us at
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[email protected] Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goaldentimes Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/goaldentimes March 1 GOALDEN TIMES Goalden Times | Edition VIII | Starting Line Up First Whistle…………4 Goalden Times warms you up for busy weeks of football ahead. The ‘GOALden’ Handshakes…………5 To shake ‘after’ the act is universal among men. But to shake ‘before’ the match….well, that doesn’t seem so universal. Indranath Mukherjee tries his hand at this shake If André Villas-Boas was a Soufflé……………7 A unique take on the André Villas-Boas sacking where Gino de Blasio shows his culinary expertise while dissecting the reasons behind AVB’s rise and fall Scouting Network…………10 Goalden Times profiles Ravel Morrison and says his tweets talk as much as his feet Maximus Tacticus…………12 Debojyoti Chakraborty goes tactical and analyses EPL clubs and their styles. This month – Tottenham Hotspurs comes under his gaze World Cup 1966 – The Triumph of ‘The Wingless Wonders’…………17 Kinshuk Biswas continues his retrospective into the World Cup History and highlights the GOALden year for English football.