USAID-KAVES POTATO VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS August 2015 This publication was prepared by Fintrac Inc. for review by the United States Agency for International Development. USAID-KAVES Potato Value Chain Analysis Fintrac Inc.
[email protected] US Virgin Islands 3077 Kronprindsens Gade 72 St. Thomas, USVI 00802 Tel: (340) 776-7600 Fax: (340) 776-7601 Washington, DC 1400 16th Street, NW Suite 400 Washington DC 20036 Tel: (202) 462-8475 Fax: (202) 462-8478 USAID-KAVES Karen Office Park 3rd Floor Baobob, Suite H Langata, Road, Karen, Nairobi Prepared by Fintrac Inc. ii USAID-KAVES Potato Value Chain Analysis FORWARD The goal of the Kenya Agricultural Value Chain Enterprises (USAID-KAVES) project is to increase the productivity and incomes of smallholders and other actors along targeted agriculture value chains, thereby enhancing food security and improving nutrition. This report is one of a series of detailed analyses covering five value chains (maize, dairy, mango, potato, and French beans) conducted by USAID-KAVES to identify critical constraints/gaps and prioritize high-return program interventions that will contribute to the program’s core objectives of: Increasing the competitiveness of selected agricultural value chains to mitigate food insecurity, improve nutrition, and increase the incomes of the rural poor; Fostering innovation and adaptive technologies and techniques that improve nutritional outcomes for rural households, sustainably reduce chronic under-nutrition, and increase household consumption of nutrition- dense foods; and Increasing the capacity of local organizations to sustainably undertake value chain work. While drawing upon the extensive body of existing research on targeted Kenyan valued chains, USAID-KAVES analyses further builds on and updates those findings with primary data obtained through field surveys and interviews with value chain participants.