
T U E S D A Y , J U N E 28, 1 8 M ; litefi StSTEBIt lEtmtfng H^raUi B loodm ahH e Tem ple Beth Sholam ^Tomorrow, 1:45 to

*■ *iM ^ ■”* 'iJi'' ’ ' ifr' Dii^ N«i Pnai a «i MM W a * au m is . 1*M 1 -r. ■' 13,995 .V* Kanbw of tte Audit lEumittg M^ralb BoTMu of CSreulstkm Is Wo. MaHeh»$tar""A City of ViUago Chmrm 5» >. m 'r TOL. LXXXra, NO. 226 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1964 OS v s t* m PRIC!R flIVHN

iiiK a i l * FBI Combs X— MAS MWrw

5 1 ; -g For Missing Youths % ^ i • « ^ < £ H k , ! M k LBJ Nam es Allen DuJles Probe Chief

PHILADELPHIA, Miss. __m % ^ (A P )— Federal and state agents resumed a door-to- 4 ^ door and gully-to-gully search at daybreak here to­ day for three missing civil rights workers. A posse combed the swampy Resignation of Henry Cabot Lodge, left, as am­ state, becomes deputy ambassador, creating a mili­ area In this east-central Missis­ bassador to South Viet Nam set off a chain of ap- tary-diplomatic team in the Southeast Asia nation. sippi section. Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, right, present Army chief of Allen W. Dulles, former chief ointments by President Johnscm. Gen. Maxwell D. of the Central Intelligence ?aylor, second from left, replaces Lodge. U. Alexis staff, replaces Taylor as chairman of the Joint Agency, expects to leave today Johnson, second from rig!ht, assistant secretary of Chiefs of Staff. (AP Photofax.) for Mississippi on a White '.m -..... - ■■■ ' ■' < House mis.slon to look into the mysterious disappearance of the young trio. o The charted hulk of the sta­ Events Lodgers Help tion wagon used by the trio was Lodge Quits Viet; found by FBI agents late Tues­ Is Welcomed day at the edge of a swamp off In State a lonely road northea.st of this central Mis.sissippl town. Gen. Taylor Envoy By Scranton Philadelphia is the seat of jus­ tice for Neshoba County, called Insurance Unit "Bloody Ne.shoba" by Mississip- WASHINGTON (AP) — plaps for Its past history of Keeps Kelly Co. WASHINGTON (A P )— Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, who Henry Cabot Lodge’s re­ settling feuds by gunfire. haa never known defeat, flies to war-torn South Viet turn from South Viet Nam The FBI clamped a lid on Nam soon to take over a^ U.S. Ambassador. He’s ex­ might offer Republicans a most of its investigation. Agent for State A Mississippi highway patrol­ pected to provide a single tight and unified command choice of candidates to op­ man told a newsman; “ The FBI over U.S. civilian and military efforts. pose Sen, Barry Goldwater HARTFORD (AP)—The haa taken over entirely." Tbs soldldr - dipkiinst was# for the GOP presidential Highway patrol units conduct­ state government is stick­ .'T'* named to tbs Beigcn post yes­ eT^at Lodge’s decision and add- nomination. ed a house-to-house search late Burned station wagon of three missing civil rights workers was located ye6^ ing with the John P. Kelly terday Iw Praaldent J«4msoa ad “This is another big boMt for into the night. More patrolmen Lodge announced in Saigon terday in a swampy area near Philadelphia, Miss: The tires, windows, interior Co. of Hartford as its agent following fca Bgjdgnntlon of Am this rapidly expanding cam­ were expected today. , basaador. Hsmjr^'Oabot Lodge. paign. He said he b^ed to Tuesday he was quitting his and exterior were burned. (AP Photfrfax.) ambassadorial post and com­ Missing are Andy Goodman, of record in insurance pur- tayler pigBs to leav4'4oc.«acJhU ___ hava Lodge “go around and teK ing home because he felt it was 20, and Michael Schwemer, 24, ^ a s e s . now pom In W days MtF(^:p9qpla .why they should be for both of New York City, and his "duty to do everything that S3 **riie . •omcMuty’s iMiue li%S wetks. mar James Cheney, 22, Negro from I can to help Gov. Scranton' to iMen dragged through the mud Lodge eald ha was oomii«. Mmao^iTwMapllcn of Taylor nearby ktoridtoBtoM- and ehoiud he oleared,’* argued home to balp Paaaa]4v«nla Gov. lor M hot a j y j^ g n m iwt won win for presideaL" f Later, ha said^*fliar^ara na They w e rg ^ B tle e *. Sunday Health Warning Ordered WtUism Fiaher, a member of William W. goranton tiy to w ^' night in PHBigilrttla after Che­ the State Insurance Commis­ lha GOP presidential nomina­ Damocrats and RapabUcans hi4den nuanings’’ In his deci- ney paid a tJ l’flne for Bpeed- sion. tion. In Saigon last night, Lodga jolnad in predicting evetwhelm- sloii'^to-.^retum to the United The oommiaeion, created by daclared; Ina Senate confirmation. States an^'ha.ia “not a candi­ White House announced the General Assembly last year “I am not a candidate at all In. Sputh Viet Nam, Taylor, date at all.’’ 'added, " I am that President Johnson had On A ll Cigarette Labels to cut the political strings at­ and I am not going back at all will MVe under him two old not going back at all'ka. order ordered DuIMv'to,^# aUte to tached to the state’s insurance in order to connive at anything friends in key spots —Lt. Gen. to connive at anything for tny- coordinate the self. I cannot be drafted.” buying system, voted 6-3 yes­ for myeelf. I cannot be drafted wnUam C. Westmoreland as DulMs will qg|||er^)rlth Gov. WASHINGTON (AP) —f in a l6S-page etatemant ttaatMbefore the House Commerce terday to name the Kelly agen- and Ihere are no hidden mean- U A military commander and Lodge’s decision to jump Into aoeompanied the ruling, the Paul B. Johnadpiiother tm state T ^ J | ^ e ra I Trade Commis- Committee, which 1s conducting ey as its agent of nycord. presidential poltfici was widely officials and the I 'lR ’W the commission aaid H was leaving a broad investigation into anok- The agency, half owned by cranton saM ha was deNglit- e (Mee Page TmsMj-Three) heralded by the backers of progress of the fov^ptHon. si^Btfed a rule today the Individual cigarette compa­ Ing and healtta. two children of State and Na­ Pennsylvania Gov. William W. Gov. Johnson, w M ^ rlie r had reflB ^g that by next year nies and advertisers “free to ^ e tobacco industry strongly Scranton as a major develop­ tional Democratic Chairman co^erencs the bight' ^ c^arette labels and ad formulate the required disclo­ opposes any such action, and John M. Bailey, had been acting ment In bis efforts to w way patrol would search unre­ vertising inform the public sure in any manner that Intel­ the head of the Public Health as agent of record on a tempo­ gates away from Goldwi lentingly for the missing youths, ligently conveys the aense of the Service questioned on Tuesday rary basis since the commission Scranton sa(d be was said he would welcome Dulles. "that cigarette smoking is required diecloaure in a fully whether the FTC now has suf­ State Jaycees Rebuff ed by Lodge’s decision was formed. "So long as Mr. Dulles is ob­ dangerous to health and conspicuous fashion.” ficient authority to act. OD turn and amedr “This is anoth­ The commission deadlocked jective, I have no doubt that he may cause death from can­ The announcement of the FTC In testimony before the com­ er big boost for this rapidly ex­ will find Uiat law and order pre­ mittee, Surgeon General Lidher 4-4 last December on the ques­ cer and other diseases." rule came during the testimony tion of whether the 'agency panding campaign." He said he vail,” the governor said. of Chairman Paul Rand Dixon L. Terry told tiie committee^ Wallace Keynote TalL hoped to have Lodge “go around The commission rule ^says should be given a more perma­ The station wagon was found that the Department of Health,' that it is an unfair deceptive nent appointment. Consequent­ and tell the people why they about 100 feet from State 2i, 16 or Education and Welfare believes practice for a manufacturer “to ly its temporary status contin- should be for me.’’ miles northeast of Philadelphia, In the Middle that more legislation would ba DAUJUI, Tax. (AP) — Dde-^day morning and decided on Supporters of Gfoldwater, who where Owl Creek backs away fail to disclose, clearly and required before any federal nta unUl y e « t e ^ . „Tes from* ComecUcut ‘'w d the walkout. has more than enough publlcy prominently, In all advertising Commission Oiainman Oiarios, Euwachueetts rebuffed Ala- to form a backwater slough. KANSAS om r, Mo. (AP) rules could be issued. Wallace criticized the U.S. committed convention votes to There was speculation that and on every pack, box, carton Haugh and retired Chief Justice i ctoy, CMorgee C. Wallace — Two different ambufautM The FTC recently completed Supreme Court--in a prepared win the nomination if his dele­ the bodies of the three civil or other container in which cig­ Raymond Baldwin were the m he delivered the keynote ad­ eompanlea were called after a series of hearings started last speech that whs often inter­ gates stand pat, generally dis­ rights workers were somewhere arettes are sord” that amoking March on its proposal to Issua dress Tuesday to the national la a health hazard. a man ooUapaed Tneaday in rupted by loud cheers. One man counted Lodge’a move. imder the dark, cold waters. a auburbaa store. Police said rules on labeling and advertis­ (Mee Page Twenty-Three) Juipor Oumber of Commerce The commiasion ruled that ths convantien. two ambolaaoea arrived sl- ing of cigarettes. (Mee Page Tweatgr-Two) (Mes Page Twenty-Tlires) (Mss Page Twelve) cigarette package labels should multaneoItaly and each driv­ “Tha commission haa souif ■xpreaaing ’‘shock and disbe­ have this warning by Jan. 1, er grabbed aa arm of tbe lief’' that Wallace would key­ -41- 196S and that advsrtising riunild note the convention, ' the 75- patient while they argued Page stg-rs«s) include the warning by July 1, about who was haoT member CkmnecUcut delegation 1965. going to News Tidbits stayed away from the Dallas him away. Then a physletan Memorial Auditorium. The commiasion, howsvar, did arrived. He told the drivers Nation’s Top Math Student liot 'State the exact language ’The Massachusetts delegation that aeither was aeeded, be- remained seated aa some 7,600 that cigarette manufacturers eanae the man didn’t have to would have to uae in their ad­ Bulletins other delegates gave Wallace a By SEYMOUR M. HERSH go to a hoepltal. Mrs. Ngo Dlnh Nhu, former etanding ovation. vertising and labeling wamlnga, grst lady of South Viet Nam, CHICAGO »AP)— Richard C. CnUed from AP WiroM The Connecticut group iesued appeals to Preeldent Johnson to Bchroeppel, 16, likes mathemat­ a formal statement saving Wal­ •verrule gate Department and ics, bowling, tennis, parties, the lace la a "known racial serra- Beatles and girls. , RIOKTM P A B H EM ) allow her to enter UAi. as visi­ gatlonlit.’’ tor...Ihree Washington, D.O., Liking math more than the California Lone Follower MOMM Po i n t , miss. (A P ) “The ConnecUcut delegaUon — JatoMcn Oauiitgr OonsSabM youths found guilty ef mur­ feels that Gov. Wallact’e ac­ Beatles Isn't out of the ordinary dering and robbing 37-year-old In Schroeppel’s case; he's the Mohert W. Alford said today tions and opinions are contrary Of New Hampshire Lottery toro civil righto workers were Yale University graduate stu­ to the United States Constitu­ best high school math student dent aa he w ^ c d his dog... In the United States. arrested for vagrancy and for tion and tha Jaycee creed," the Mvcsilgatlon. Alford said A third U A Navy riiip arrives ■tatemant said. Bchroeppel, who is being la Bangkok with equlpmei^ for ■ CHICAGO (AP) — The stat^Those drawn will be aasigned Ronald Ktdeoour, 34, of Veo- CG Robert E. Joyce of West graduated -today from Lane to the SS2 horaee nominated for Utary atockpUea in Tbal- lottery, which Is producing big los, Oellf., and Howard Kirch, V.B. military atockpf Havan, Conn., said tha Con- Technical High School, learned A3 Bweepstakes race Atlantlc City hotal and response and bigger Income for snhaimi, 16, of Long Bsadik land...Atlantic City nactlcut dalagatlon did not ob- last week that he had acored at Rockingham Park race track. motel owners 1,006 roema aheet New Hampahire,' generally haa L. L, New York, am held hi Jact to Rfallaca’a addressing the first among the more than drawn a legislative ho - Rum Subsequent drawings will be af the 14,000 cMNnmittod to convention as such. But he said 225,000 students taking tl)e na­ tola Gulf Coast osnaty ssaU O elsewhere In the nation. held for each additional $1 toil- Alford said too two, drsasrd Demooratle National Conven- they were oppoead to his nwk- tional high school mathematics Only California is taking steps lion in tickets sold. la white T-aUrto, duvarsea Mcn. Ing the keynote addreas. test. Backers aay the New Hamp­ y ** to follow New Hampshire’s and teanls shoes, were picked in in ID 10 IA Tha Sanata Armed Servlees ‘‘The function of tha keynote “I was sort of hoping to win, lead. shire plan will swell state cof­ Committee anprovea a bill aa- speaker ta to aat the tone of the fers and mollify taxpayers. “A X ln toe Jackson Pnrk enbdl. but I didn’t expect to," said the The first drawing for the 1964 on, a Negre sett lenient 91 91 A s 0> % thoMalag |l,sn,083,000 ta mlU- convention,’’ tha statement unassuming, dark-haired youth Granite State Sweepstakes in man would rather lay a bet MWy eenaMnetion in tha year said. In an Interview. than pay a tax,’’ the lotoc goes. Jiiet Bouto ef toe Meee Point New Hampahire will be next city Hnslto. Alford enld K ln ^ 5 baglonlng July 1 . . . A poll Oonnactleut Jaycae Praaldent Thus 'tat only CalUomlane Bchroeppel, who learned to month. Buyers’ names will be ewbnuin wne nrrented ftos^ at 1,611 madloal dootora aa to Joaapb McOulnnasa of Hartford add, subtract and multiply when drawn from a drum containing have seen the logiq. Ip Novem­ z l nnd Ridenenr nfter a short Miair praaldontlal prefarenea mat with tha dalagatlon ’Tuaa- he WPS 4, is an old hand at tak­ |1 mjlUon worth of tlckete. ber, they’ll vote oh a referen­ Oiu 0 ) i n <3> 0 > d o 0 > d o PQ givsa Mm. B a in Ooldwatar a ing—,|uid winning math teats. dum to eatabUeh a stato-fran- chase. They told hkn. Atfotd M»g*4 adge aver Praaldent John- while in- sixth grade, he won chleSd, privately operated lot­ eald, they were among Hen (6 otvU righto workers whs have aon. Women Protest top honors in a high school con­ Kennedy Rejects tery. The Initiative would write test sponsored by the FHiture a 10-year monopoly on the lot­ been In tra area eiace Mon. M Bovlat Preralar Khruahohav day. Alford quoted Ihens M 00 ID Engineers of America and, aa tery into the state constitution r-*-t**~ eatbaetaetirally wttk that they were "eanvaealu Cosmetic's Tax a 14-year-old aophomore, placed N.Y, Senate Race in behalf of American Sweep­ t f) iwSlah aMmrd weaken and hemee he toe Negro meiieSL" tfi)e them OMT Ruaalan ooun- 12th In the natlpnwide high stakes Oorp. The firm would sell 2 OTON (AP) — Wo- echool competition.: WASHINOTON (AP) — Atty. ts tickets, keeping 36 cents and tecparts are oonoentratlng new ■BRAIN kjpuiA y o u m . 1 a a M g b t e n m i fWUag b ^ bsan “swarmliR “This fellow ia a genlua,” an- Gen. Robert F. Kennedy begtos turning in 11.74 to the state for A halls buRanhoUng thuaed Dr. Arthur p. O’Mara, a senUmMital mlaBiaa to Ger­ prises, operating expenses and WEST BAanVORD (APy i & , . . N4fiw Madera hi Prtaea — A teen aged bey wan UBad ■dwacd Obuaty, Vg.. iMawHi|- ewnplato Mhoot sx- principal at Lane Tech. “Prob- many Mnght on the heels of hie public school aupport. .fi sias taidto OB oogRMtlca oth- lema that bother the ordinary announcement diat he will not Gov. Edmund G. Brown’s today when etmek by a Nmr Bad with the amount at faadi Haven Ballrend tmln. Peltos annroprlated for roopanlng pub- sr loflEllwhOBly itoms, Bsb. kid he works almdst instantane- seek the Democratic aenatorial Democratic administration op. ■vsrstt H. DlrksoB rOpoiigd to­ oualy.” nomination in New York. poses the measure, as do moto IdnaW Itid toe vletonr^ 16- 11b achools, aay they Rill aaak a day aa bs prsparod to aak Mfaln churi:h groups and both Houses year-old Joooph Borilert sC .s j M e n l eonrt order ts gat man Bchroeppel, who reluctantly Kennedy's brief statelnent >- S i for rspsal of tha Isvist. ^ "i confided that hla IQ la “over Tues((ay on the Senate race shed of the l^elature. To defeat the Weot Hartford. They eald ha N It's ths sxctsss on aad a cotnpanlsn anparontly 200,” doesn't let hla intellect in­ no further light on hla future. scheme, California lawmakers ec f Premier Nguyen Khanh of and handbagi/ which woro walklag along too tmehs lU •^1 M terfere with hla fun. Bpsldea his But it left open the door to any placed their own measure on ^ ---■■-- ■ ■euth VMt Nam tolls hM people, tha Mdlaa, Dirkasn other actlvlUes, he belongs to a invitation from' Preaidant John- the ballot. If successful, it would WVm 06lfWT| wao hH by ■5| .2 1 to i l i .to * N sTha hree world e u y W e ^ a n though ths taxss i awbiging teen-age group known, aon' to join him as vlc« preat- make It illegal to write consti­ narthbonnd luZ V fun and jawahry. naturally, as The Group, which dentlal nominee eo toe Detno- tutional amsndmsnts naming H n^il^^tookM the prebMmtf Ihay not UnoM lam about meeta regularly for weekend omtic ticket. any firm—profit making sr not 1 - 1 anmMimla- right at tto reoto.’* IMO mllHcB a year. partlee. Hiua ended long w e ^ of —to perform a atate job. MADRID. (RP)-« i i V t i , . . M a d i ^ Murray, the Dlikaap, tha Kmato RapubU- No Ix^kwom, Bchroeppel ex­ toeculatlan whether Kennedy In NSW York lottery bills an­ o= S t t Mkryland athalM who took her can laadar, trlpd aarUar thla plained that he didn’t finiidi would accede to the uiginga of nually meet with no success. dont of Ul y i J ^ F ** iSmUy and hastily Mft BalU- i aaoiOB to knock out tha axclsaa, first in hla class of 700—ho was New York frlands and Damo- Sponsors of practically all such today hoM i ’ e e w —*Tm eonvuoad thayYa but loat by 6 HMrrow margin. 33nd—becauaa “I didn’t want to oratle laaders, move to the Em- msasurss have bssn Nsw York Oeage >

*'n: f ■1 i . T , ■ . y . ' ; ! , • ^ ' 'yy-MfS (p -i P A Q B TW O ' JONCHESTBB EVENXNO SERALD. ICANCHESTBR, 0QMK„ aWKDNESDAT, it , lt < 4 MANOHMBTBR IVMNlNq HBgALD, MAWCHliiCTB, OQIOt„. WDW1M>AT, m E K MM ...... •...... ahd It’s Just getting by. A pawa% NOW HAYMI broker eould do a gUt-edgeff Barry Restates PjBwnbrokers business on Park Avenue, if he S t a mthm p s ^ Sheinwotd on Bridge It SecradLook could afford the high rentals. Newt Foreign Policy irttNAT "to ^ r MV AM TNAT*lfMVriMI OPEN DAYS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE... “ Our customers come from BANKER WON’T At Old Days h Set to Show all segments of the* economic To Italian Press GUARANTEE RVOOEM OF Noimi ! usm(MioiDWYN-M«i»tS PUT H f i i h ' s ladder with most of them in the RIGHT P L A T MONDAY fhni SATURDAY 9:00 fa S:30—THURSDAYS TNi. 9 PAA middl^incomc bracket,’’ he By ALFRED SHEINWOU) $ K1S7A ELVIS PRESLEY & New ‘Image’ said. But even though the aver­ ROME ,(AP) — Sen. Barry Natioaal Men’s K 7S4 Is Diffo^nt age loan is IM^ukually for Goldwater has written an Ital­ Team Ohamptoo _____ i WI32 ANN-MARGRET — Our Store. Is Completely Air-Conditioned For Your Comfort LOO HBW YORK (AP) — Jewelry or a watch—it takes ian magazine that much of the You can’t go to your banker W io r B A IT N B W Tonx (AP) - Those $100,000 to (.pen a modem pawn­ and get a guarantee that the QUMtSWOS-OSDBOlilOWDWOOUOTlOR rid days. Oh, tbess food krokliif, ptrhaps the eecond European press seems to mis­ 4 AQ7S 4 753 . shop. proper defense will work on a 9 S4 ^ ASS old datoi (M eet prefemlon. Ic hocking its Did that mean one had to understand his foreign policy particular hand. You must make G i 1093 G Q I2 Old-fimars 80 yaars of ags or UNHNISHED loOUBLB Image. go into hock In order to hock? views. He said his was sub­ the right play and Uke your 4 ^ 9 4 ' 4I97S Viva IPS Vegas mors like to drop a tear in thsir At TheM SPECIALS For soinH Mspartna as thsy recall how LEG BRACES ■nie feiree gold halle, vidiich Oohen shrugged. stantially the . Dwight D. Elsen­ chances. PANAVI8lON*4 MOTROODLOfl Did the term hock shop of­ 4 K10SS2 much bettor and mors romantic are to pawnbmking what the hower - John Foster Dulles South dealer leM e Shake AP Newsfeatures Both sides vulnerabit plus Hilarious Oompanloa Fsaura Ufa was ta tliatr youth than R Btriped pole la to barberlng, fend him? policy. leM e Ouiver have to go. This i» the verdict “ Some of the boys might say By 8YD KRONI8H Opening lead—Four of Hearts THE WHEELER DEALERS" to new. The Arizona senator, now 4 AK But was R really? CHESTS I# Mo W aver ‘how’s, things at your hock Wsst shrewdly opened a o f New Y ork '! 100 pawn shop .To commemorate the 00th an­ seeking the Republican nomina­ James Gamer — Lee Bssniok shop?, to some one in the trade trump, hut East let him down. Ufa to America before World "FUNSUN DAYS” pnprietora, who have become niversary of its first air mall tion for th^ U.S. presidency, >aaaaaaaaaa*«oGW*< but I won’t u.se the term pub­ East took the first trick with the War I still hsd somsthlng of a aoncemed over their image. flight, Au.stralia will issue two wrote to L o Specchlo. a conserv­ Similar To RANOUET, OAMG licly, It does carry old fash­ ace ' of hearts and returned a plonoar quality, and hardship Like anyone concerned over new air mail stamps on July 1. ative weekly. It published the A1 Dlnstratton ...THIS THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY... trump to dummy’s king. snd discomfort wore pretty hie image, the paVn-now, pay- ioned connotations.” Both stamps are of the large letter in its current issue. — V 4 W E R TARLl much taken tor giantod. later Itasineea haa called in So the pawnshoppers retained commemorative size and depict "Because so many of the Eu­ Declarer retomed dummy’s the public relations firm, had an singleton spade, losing ths ten Wsathsr and worii hold peo- AH wood oonatructkxL 46 taohea over­ Madiaon Avenue. The pawnbrok- a Bleriot plane of the type in ropean press seem to misunder­ all width. Oanto, ri>ii>s and artist design a new sign—three ^hich Maurice Guillaux carried to West’s Jack. Unable to lead a pto ta thrall far more than tasy Neceitory Items For Lake and Cottage e n have hired public relationa stand completely my foreign which defender to allowed to REAL QUIET SLEEPING banquet coivar board M O M flhM counsel and Tuesday they held interconnected spirals and I official air mall from policy position,” Goldwater third trump. West returned the do now; lotoure was mors for have opened an office where win the next defensive trioK. tadhided. ^ A 7 e 7 0 a news conference to burst the Melbourne to Sydney in July wrote, “ I am enclosing With Jack of diamonds to South’s tbs doad than the Uviiig. any one with questions about . Daily QMallon Homez, PLUS Green Stamps! chains they say have fettered 1914. this letter a copy of an article acs. Whan old-tlmars ramlntoco, hock shops can call. fa ito e r apena wMh ana haait, FOR THE FINEST IN Van Get S9S 4GC Green Btaaipot the indiutry since the-, days of The 6 pence is . sage green I did for Life magazine which I South ruffed a spade in dum­ thsy don’t dwell on such points The new sign printed on paper and .the nest playar passes. T oo Charles Dickens. and the 9 shilling 8 pence Is believe European editors will my, got back with a club to ACCOMMODATIONS O T as: and designed to hang in the held: Spades. 4; Hearts, K-19- “ In the public's mind," an red. 1 ' find acceptable in that it is sub­ ruff another spade, and got Probably not half the homos window, preserves the motif of back again with a club to dnw 7-1; Dtamends, K -t-M ; Qhibs, nouneed David F. Cohen, presi' Australian Postmaster Gener­ stantially the Eisenhower-Dulles 19-S-S-S. to Am erica had Indoor plumb- the three balls — globuses as al Hulme also announced that Btost’s last trump. Then he gave dent of the New York Pawn­ policy. What da yon sayt Setof CINN NBUNKET$ they're known in the trade, a hew air mail sticker will be up one spade trick and claimed S-RRAWER 4 0 brokers Association, "the pawn " t ifoot c homos wars heatad by which dates to the Medici “I want to lay particular Answsr: Bid two haarts. You broker is a Dickensian old man issued on the same date. It will the rest with dummy’s king of pot-bellied stovaa or balky coal family of Renaissance days, stress on the importance I at­ haws maximum value for this with a skull cap, sitting behind be larger than the present stick­ tach to the North Atlantic Treaty diamonds, his own trump and Willie's Motel furnaces, tho ashes from which while clearly showing pawn­ raise, so if pattnsr mskss sny an iron cage in a dusty shop er and will feature the Southern ths last spade. had to ba lu g ^ out wKh nso- 4-DRAWER CHEST broking has planted its feet Organisation and the necessity try for gams;y«w will aecspt ths 10 Houkrson Rd., Msnchestdr with a magnifying glass in his Cross constellation of stars as Might Have Been notonous regularity. On/y $ 9 A .98 for sH < Uaskslt firmly in the 20th century. for the United States to provide Invitation. used on the Australian flag. Now let’s see what might hava (Behind Willie’s Steak Roma) People woikad a 80- to 80- S-DRAWER ' ■■$ Too Get 160 Jtpr aye.” “There’s another factor fai that organization with modem 3 Tior Sfool CHEST This, said Mr. OohMi, Is iw- been if East let dummy’s ten of hour weak. Green Stamps! getting rid of the old sign,” one weapons and with a continuing Fu* Shainwold’s 36-paga book­ Oempleta wMit a tMevtoloa a Air do 27” W ide X 42Vi* lortunate. The Yemen Arab Republic has hearts win the first trick. South CHEST pawnbroker confided. “ It costa eonfldence in their purposes.” let, “A Pocket Guide to Bridfe,” Whan a rug had to ba cleaned Today’s pawnshop, he said, la Joined the many natims i^llatel- would lead the spade from dum­ a IsdlvMhial Thermoatats 27” W ide X 24^,” High x 18^" Deep me |4S to have a paintef gild In his article in Life, Gold- send 80,cents to Bridgs BMk, M.was hung on a Una to the 27" Wide X 2S!4” a bri{^t, cheerful establishment, ically honoring the late Presi­ my, losing the ten to West’s a Ampla Parking a PrlmtaBaMiF High X IS'/," Deep These fluffy beauties are a blend of 94% rayon and 6% each globus. And I gotta pay a water said America's allies Manchester Eve. Hewd, Box backyard and dust was spanked UTILITY TABLE High X IS;^" Deep as often as not run by a college- dent John F. Kennedy. Yemen Jack. Back would eome West’s Acrylan(R ) acrylic fiber. In petal pink, green mist, guy to take ’em down and put were right to suspect U.S. bi­ SSIB, Grand Central Station New out with a beater. educated proprietor, where any overprinted a set of three trian­ lateral talks with the Soviet other trump. nS L. S48-S04S You didn’t rids on power buttercup yellow and Caribbean blue. 4" nylon binding. ’em up again.’’ gular airmails which paid hom­ Y « * 17, N.Y. lady would be most happy to Union. He cited the limited nu­ Now East would take Us ace Copyright. 19M, mowers; you out the grass with " WITH lUCTRIC OUTUT age to the world's as^ohauts. Oomplete Teiephona Barvlee Inetnlled 72" X 90” size. shop as well as hock. clear test ban treaty and said fo hearts and lead a third General Feature# Oorp. a sickls. •17.98 •21.50 •24.98 “ Most of our members stock A photo of Kennedy flanked by it was obtained at the expense trump. This would limit dummy I f you wars wealthy enough Finished in attmctlvs ysUow on sasy a large variety of new merchan­ Rights Workers’ the dates 1917-1963 in English of France. to one ruff, and South would to afford a oar, you had to hand roll esstsrs. ^ dise which is available at dis­ and Arabic appear beneath the Mora AUant in Frmnea He also said all NATO forces lose three spade tricks. omnk it to get the motor start­ SPECIAL PURCHASE count prices,” he said. A r r e 81 Reported original illustration. of all nationalities should have East was unfepentaiit zriien ed. The roads were so bad you You Receive Valuable ZyfC And don’t think pawnsIwqiM nuclear weapons. toe hand was over. “ How eould PARIS-Now Uving to Franca wars lucky if you went 100 Green Stamps With Each are ttie last refuge pf the down Austria has issued an addi- I tell you had the ace of ara 1,180,700. foraignars, an to- miles without a flat tlra; If you Chest Purchaiwdl and out, said Ooheh. There’s JACKSON, Mias. (A P ),— A tional value to its series of mon. spades?’’ he asked his partner. eraaaa of 388,000 to ttia past did get a flat tire, you had to only one on the Boweryr'h* aald spokesman for a civil r lg ^ or­ umental buildings. The 80 gro “I didn’t know about three eif^t yaars. Italians, totdlng fix It yourself. ganisation aaid early today two schen coil stamp fai blue-black rounds of trumps. I Just made 644,700, are the roost numerous Pensions were unheard of to Ton Get 590 Green Stainpe! is the same design as the exist' followed by 430,000 Spaniards, GLOBE sure of two rounds." civil rights volunteer workers toost Industries. Ing 80 g except that it comes in The fact is that East lost his 388,000 Algerians, 178,000 Polss, There were no electric wnsh- bad been arrested at Moss Point rolls of 3,000. The stamp was nerve. There’s very little chance and 83,000 AmaricaiM and Cana- tog machines. Wives hnd to WOOL BRAIDED RUGS m in southern Misslaslppl. designed by Prof. Hans Stroh- to defeat four hearts U South dlens. souse the tamUy’s ; grim y duds UNIQUELY OESIRNCD hofar. Also issued by Austria is COLONIAL l l i e spokesman, Bob Byers of has the ace of spades so East In tubs, and launder them tw a new l.M schllltng stamp com­ TRAVEL SERVICE WHAT QUALITY! WHAT VALUE! REED’S the Ckmncil of Federated Orga- must just play on the assump­ hnnd or with a scrubbing brush nisationa, s*id sheriffs deputioa memorating the Second Parlia­ tion that his partner will turn up an a ridged washboard. PLANTER ROCKING mentary and Scientific Confer­ with strong spades topped by the TAURANT at Moss Point refused to give Winters wars long and oold; ence held in Vienna and spon­ ace. Travel Is Our RESERVATIONS FOR the charges over the telephone. summers long snd hot. W E G IV E sored by the president of the When one of the defenders AND STAND A fear doors from Ths kitchen held no gleaming CHAIR The Jackson Opunty sheriffs Austrian Federal Republic. The This Is the last column until holds A-x-x of trumps and the AIR ^ STEAMSHIP — RAIL ^ HOTEL A Business refrigerator. The pan under the 1 oe and city pblice at Moss stamp shows the figure of Pahas fall. But there is always ex­ other defender holds x-x, it is P^ntand nearby Pascagoula Icebox had to emptied dally. VliOIAI> POR 1WDSA. Athena supeimposed over the often necessary for ths defend­ ling a trip citing news in any department H you are •aa the "Grand Tour." eolor Mm of a Bnropsan tour, Wood-bumlng stoves were m - lowL said 1fiby-.b!^ "o knowledge of Austrian Parliament. ers to play low trumps from er Just thin aboat ana. TURKEY any arrests. of a library. used In rural areas, and some­ ar'U M o both hands on the first trick. Thuraday, at the State ’HMater see ne for body in the household had to SANDWICH Byers aald the pair, identified Reports received from Post “The Group,” M a r y Me- Then they ean draw two more chop the wood. Pet. Veg. as Ronald Ridenour, 34, of Office Headquarters in London, Carth/a much diacuaasd novel, rounds of trumps no matter F or Meaa and fun, aea the 443-2145 — 905 MAIN STREET After a bard day spent at Oedfee, Psaaert. T T % Vm ice, Calif., and Howard. England, show that the recently la iwaohlng the end of the re­ D m! latpe 10^" pbMie Kirchenbaum, of Long Reach, liiBuetl Shakespeare Festival "Grand Tour" Hinndny a* other (dimres, mothers had to bowl come* in eMorled serve Hst and ahould be avail­ L.I., N.IT., had been arrested by stam^~1tavaL proved so popular Iba State Ihaater. MANCHESTER. CONN. dam, often by lamplight, the - N O N -FAD IN G -eolen COLD menfolks’ socks. Ton Get 199 ih e tiffs deputies. that the demand for them has able on our one week Botion ■ad tela in a 20" lefi, Bhelf. In addition to all their other HAM PUTE Byers, whose organisation oo- been greater than fo F a iq t^ e v l- Vlcter J. DgIbN iw .nalqaely deiigned Green Stam|Ni! ous special issue of ^ D ltM i. ’T h e 480," a novel of poliUcs woes, women had to lace them­ Gale 81a w. ordinates activities of all major 4 4 9 ^ 2 8 BLACK WROUGHT stamps. For the first time in its hy-'Bugene Burdick, has azrivsd. selves into corsets so tightly Potato Salad, A A m civil rights groups in the state, IRON Maad. Ideal an postal history the BrltiEi Post The oouRt^._is divided in 4S0 they couldn’t swallow a grape Ooftee, Pessert. T T v said three atbnmeys were an lea bnekal for partial. route to Moss Point to represent Office had to order a reprint of diatricts, and iTyouQg engineer, without feeing uncomfortable. Rock and relax for better health. Well con­ die pair. stamps. working somerwhere between In­ It took almoet aa many days structed of sturdy hardwood In choies sf SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY On the first day of issue, April dia and Pakistan, is oatapuItotK Marlon Brando to travel across the continent finishes. Ridenour and Kirchenbaum 33, there were long lines of into fame. President of compu­ Shirley Jonee ^ train as it now does hours LORSTER SALAD were among some 178 summer people waiting to purchase the ter is a real conversation piece. David Niven plane. In a small F J . P o t, C- HUGH ADO m Mannes Is not a dlatrllM on M - WHEN IN ROME—WALK ■TRUOTURAL GUARANTEE—TWIN OR BULL ter of Mr. and Mrs. Brland vertislng. Violence is the theme By RUTH MILLETT Johnson. M 'S u m m er St.; and of many of the speeches deliv­ ABOUT NOTHINd Mewapaper Enterprise Assn. JWt-im. a t. totoM , to it. W E G IV E You Get 700 Green StanipsI Erik Johnson, son o f Mr. and ered by the author-violence on tpiTi. to ivotriMT mt. 3, u, A new Item from Rome states Mrs. Roy C. Johnaon, 76 Pleas­ television, the type of mobs we to t o b TH tMIt. 4,1, It, to It. that due to new p o k in g rules ant St. read about as we drink our some 70,000 more Roman wives WATINEES-WED 2 30-SAT -5 OO morning coffee, that may end liOtc’ n M i w ill get to use the fam ily car the life of a skid row bum, a aU day, since their husbands ■ sa w a to • to w,r%:wrJSk.‘A » * * ■ RTomc Care Works RICHARD m MT sir.ew. tor. n 7S-J n.> n-ris. CMN smm M « brilliant Korean student or the Nm m t . 3 ,4 .1, M ill, I M A t o tan no longer leave a car isolated loner who killed the N. MTA lA a . V . m il tm . 4,1, parked on the street during CHICAGO — Schizophrenic President of the United States. ^ t o 17. t o t o to MtlA 1. to It. See the "Grand Tour” at Hie State Theater tomorrow, working hours. patients can often be treated a t ' In a series of Imaginary letters then see us for all your tm vel taggage needa. The ladles are delighted and home rather than In hospitals, she bares the viewpoint of three TlcluU thsjnt yssr.lscil FHwel are enrolling tor driving lessons provided they have no homi- generations about a fracas fol­ tsriesi ss4 Ikes msmMIss w lUst- and lining up to get drivers' fwiiMomM. mtmifMtOT ' cidal or suicidal tendencies, a lowing a house party. Children "Rvtoythlng Sinea ItU ” licenses. "But they’ll be sor­ Enjoy "dining out" in the fresh air and study shows. Care at home in­ need parents of ths “ handsome’’ Mato S t. M ancheetar ry.” * volves regular and special med- heart, a firm hut loving disci­ AlARLOWk They'll find out In shori^rder I ical and psychiatric services. pline and an ability to cultivate Just what it means to havsHfie sunshine w ilh this rugged 4 ft, rei a taste in their offspring for family car all day. It meani some of the finer things In life. MERCURY they'll soon turn Into chauf­ Marya Mannes had that type feurs: driving their husbands to w ood table of parents and she raises her TRAVa AGENCY work In the morning, and {rick­ First Comedy Hit O f The Shows At voice in protest of the vulgarity ing them up at n l^ t, running Summer! Official l/nited States 7:00 of our era in time. WhuMvsr, whursTsr. howsTtr yuii the fam ily errands—instead of “The Tomorrow-Tamer’ is a ‘**‘^ • * 7 good-kioklng with its -parqueT top. Every Inch ot q-i"; de{>endlng on their husbands to Entry At Cannes Film Festivai! collection of short short storiss go, tnYri witti Mtrcwr ss yov this’^ set Ml'full, 2* thick redwood that's seal-stained for smoothness and guide. do all such chorea. about West Africa — quiet on ONE DAY ONLY And it won’t take their chil­ the surface but seething with TO M O R R O W WMther resistance.'^QlM and bracad at evary strain point for yaars of rugged dren—iued to walking or riding duty. the adjustment both races must COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE — 2 PERFORMANCES — Miitr2 F.M., EVE. 8:15 bikes to schools—long to catch make in the emerging nations. ------^ on to ths ids# that If ■ aver so Margaret Laurence was bom AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE TO YOU much saaiar to be driven to in Manitoba but lived in Soma­ AIR LIMBS — STEAMSHIPS — 0BUI8BS — ^OTBLS aohool. liland and Ghana with her en­ And consider'how the wom­ gineer husband. Having trans­ • RESORTS en’s olubs will flourish when all lated folk tales from Somali After you aea the "Grand Ttur” at the State Theater ta- those women have a way of STARTS may have given Mias Laurence Bserrow, aaa na far help to arranging yaur awn grand tour. getting around to maetlnge. In the rare zbiUty to tell a ztory without ever ztriklng one false O PEN t AJM. ta S PJd. no ttma at all the woman of NNUK Roma, used to a lalstuwly pace, I TONIGHT! note. When the boM la avail­ EVENINGS RY APPOINTMS2NT able later In the summer, please will ba running thamsatvea rag- The ONLY kitchen units designed with a woman in mlndl MARYON S. GAFFNEY, Mgr. U t - V m gad Just Uks Amsriosn womsn make a note to read it. AH boM eablnete Every unit is separate, yet they combine in endless ways to AIR ( ONOIJIONED Many of ths titles listed In Rockville eustomers aall aoUaet havs been doing aver sinos PGMt SqlERS thsy first took ovsr the family 20” deep, 36” high insulated give you a built-in effect with a custom look. Install them the New York Times’ "100 Out­ S37 MAIN BTREET MAM0HE4IISR ear, or decided a second oar yourself— it’s EASY! Take them with you if you move! standing Books for Summer wall cabinets MUPANnSfrAlWEBINiai^ i B T n m T T r was a family necessity. 1. 15” W„ 1 door, Features exclusive Utilidors* to give 20% extra hanging A . 1 ' M A I,' 11 i, I.' R eading" are In your library. —-to— *»nui>iaua Ths automobile treed the 1 drawer $19.99 WIDTH HEIGHT F M C t . storage. Insulated steel with chrome handles, lifetime hinges 5?H Check the author or title in the American woman from the and gold flitter permanent plastic tops b a n d ^ with lifetime card catalog or ask a staff home, all rlgfat. But since she 1. 24” W., 2 doors, A 30 in. 30 in. $24.99 member for'help In locating the got behind the wheel she baa 2 drawers $37.99 fluted aluminum. Buy onbf what you n ee d -a dd more laterl book you want. navar bean atria to figure out 8.30 in. 18 in. $19.99 Compare the cost and the qualify with any other cghinets— Mr. Jackson and the people It's ,^Nosiiffs for tho pro^ a way to free barsMf from tlw A 24” W., 2 doors, C. 24in.30 in. ^ 2 . 9 9 anywhere! who have assisted in the oom- Job of chauf- Sdrawwa $39.99 TONITE plUng of this feature during the fauringi hauling and errand D. 24in. 18 in. $18 .9 9 current year exprees ther ain- Gssin^ of YOUR Irovol pichirof 4. Comer Cabinet TOP Hm "A m ining- - / E.15in. 30 m. ’ You Got Voluabit 4J.1 i/ DISTANT cere an>reclation to all who Ths' woman who takes over $49 .9 9 $ 1 X M have read it We hope the an­ tbe family auto soon UVas by f . 30” W., 2 doors, F.24in. 30 in. $22 .9 9 TRUMPET' notated Uets o f Reference Books — color and block ond whHo. the clock. Her days, Instead of 3 drawers $44.99 COLOR at 8:45 and non-fiction titles plus ths being divided into morning, at- A 18 in. 30 in. $ 1 5 .9 9 Green Stamps With Every reviews of current novels and tariKwa and evening, ara cut A 36” Wv2doors,. 1 books for children and young •ujoy Gm up into little {riecee measured Sdrawort $59.99 ELU KAZAN'S PKOOUCTION OF people have helped you in . re­ to Joumeylags. Tliey’ll be eor- Wall or Base Cabinet You Buy! search and book selection. at Iks •y, tboae women of Roma wtoi are lining up so happily to get RHOUROMMOnON PICTURE Hielr drivers' Uoensae. Tbey 0 FRK MAIN STREET PARKING OR IN LOT NEXT TO STORE • s e iiM D d ie 9,000 Eqoks Printed tost don't know what thay'ra 6IM 4N i O f i W u V i i9 O O lC R lafilag tbtnsslvsa to for, do MADRID—The Spanish Rook Salem Nqssiff OH oirJw M ty GIANT 8CRI9SN KEITH'S OIYES YOU Tnstltuto reports that about AU rights leaamrad YOU HAVE A CHOICB agWSSiVWIUIAMINQE 9,000 titles wars published laM Mewspapsr Batoeprias Ann. Shown above: 6’ parquet 8 pc. genuine OF 4 CREDIT PLANS... year. LlUraturs ranked first, im FRAM CE 4^ t ^ Green with mors than 8,000 tltlea CAMERA & PHOTO SHOP California redwood aet full 2” thick! Ideal (1) SO-pajr Ragular Oharga a JD j Eno%«(irssaM alGRRPiM HMI Jt,4O0 Cul^mnt Schooled # / f f "V f n t it u r 4 followed by the social scisnceA tor ipaide or .out. . . (Matching End (2 ) se-aS-SO-Day i-ragtoM it dr:8ir,|4H4^ Stamps * rsllfton, and ths applisd arU. 991 MAIN Baachea $2.99 aafch). ODuu-ge Plan Translations of forslgn works ADM. ELiS — BarUDEWTR SSe — WOW ON SAIJB ^ WASHlNCnON — About 1.400 (S) Up To Two Yoaro To Peg Aoilulif ■ totaled 1,898, Cuban rafugass are attsndlng I I I > M y\ I N ST. M A NC HESTER i with StogUah CONN. (4) Ya 80NOaiQt*«iMERaitt ■ originals Isad V trttk dSi niDB "GUN HAWK" sIm at liSI - SiSI . Sltf eoUsge ta the Unitad Statsa this DIMR YOU SPINPl r o o A X nM ETM priipIqpr htsosGSisi^ jam t. Tbey a r t at MS eoUsf ee

% ( ' f

' ■ w NANGH18TEB EVENING HSBALD, MANGHBSTD, 0QNH« WEDNESDAY, JUNE H 1M4 .A lONGHESTBS KVBNINO BSRALD, lUNGBBBISR, CONK, WEDNESDAr, JUNE K H'* acid, *Rlc!ard and 1 thought It hi a period of two months the by maana o f the absantae hal> PrmidsnUol.Showman: was beet not to purii fh ^ y.' board will maet In tha place ot 1^ aooonUng to ordinary ah- WUh all his family around him, Voter - The Elecrion the appileant’e confinement. aentee balUt procednraa. naBe Preeldaat Kaanedy. iharad." The eecretary of the etate da- abaentee ball^ will be avail­ Adler,. who la weeklne on a flned a permanent idiyalcal dia-i able from town clarke* offloea He Keeps Lyndon’s Lights Mrical vento * ot ’ Itom aa llm ll m « r aot » panon ia dalng their electofal privUagaa,” ability, aa deecrlbed in tha atat- throughout the etate heglinilng Holiday’’ for ^Mfeadway next ■!«• to («t to lira. Orasao atatad, “Oonnecti- ute, aa an incapacitation which 6 e p t M. Burning Late into Night season, has now praduced hie M b ' oa alootton day doea not cut’a election lawa make apecial ’’preventa and wiD oontinua to 4 iesm fmkkm its st Mat "praeldsiitlcal.” S ^ flM feet liwt ha h*a the proviaions for these paraona" prevent the pereon from appear­ ’Tm hot to do any 4 its m jmkim its At Mflid toaoto. Mra. Graaao pointed out that ing in pereon at any aeadoo held 160‘16S For AduU§ ora," he aayi. "Not unless I Don^t Miss MONTREAL — Mbaa deter­ f U not my taste," ha laughs), Saorkaiy of the State Hla dtiaena unable to attend see- by the Board for the Admleelmi says no rules of protocol or ta­ Join Proaldont Johnson’s poverty Save on 9 . Oraaeo iaeuad thia atatement si ona o f the board for admla* program ." of Blectora in hie town of reei- mining the takeoff weight o i m M O W TORE — (NBA) — boos luivs bean set down. hi an effort to anodurafe all aiona because of permanent die- denee.” 'She explained that thia BThaa R eom ie to one-upem ui- “The only criterion Is good These ouallflad citiaene to exerdae ability, may apply to the town privilege is given to any per­ airliner, the alrllnaa use an average of 165 pounds par aduH Odp la the asme-dropping de- entertainment ve. bad entertain­ Wair privilege aa votera In the clerk for a form requesting a manently physically dleahlod ment. WThat la good w« do, and Two Get Grants Vacation anming 2>re«idential Election. special session of the board.

In 2 lovely ehsdee so pleasing for if its h fmtiom its At for summer weeur. Sizes are ) fi 9 to 11. VduM to $15. Vahies to $4. . A?4 *- Popular colors and priiits in sleeveless and roll-up sleeves. So cool — So right You can afford dozens at this Left— ' KODEL RLEND So easy care... low price. All ^zes. Bed coat wHh reneh mink eol- SMILINa SKIWICK MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER AN NEW StylesI SLEEPWEAR SFiCIAL GROUP lur. THE EVER POPULAR ALL FAMOUS IRANDS Qreen eoat with autumn halt S p lto h k o n Many styles, many fabrics includ­ STRETCH DENIM mink eoUar. ^ ing Whipped Cream, Amel Jeraeya, Seersuckers, Spun Linena, Cottons. filRDLES^nd Short or long rieevas and eleeve- SLACKS leae, full, ideated or sheath eklrte, Regulariy $4.00 in Stripes, Plaids, Prints and Every gal must have several VANITY PAM hm bra...... $2.9B PANnOIRDLES S

VANimr FAM g iiM a...... $5.99 VahMS$4lo$4. Regularly 59c eocli Values to $7. Ragularly $7.95 All easy care cotton sateen Of acetate tricot with elastic Perfectly tailored shorts in : ' - V*,, - and pique in a wide variety of FRRMA UR loHg ...... $7.49 leg in white and assorted pas- solid colors and smart prints. colorful prints. Sizes 12 to 18. tM colors. Sizes 6 to 10. Big assortment of fabrics. V.'IT Ragularly $8.95

MAKMNFORM CoMar^iiio flrdla or pooty $4.49 HAND WOVEN ALMOST ¥i PRICE FAMOUS CALIFORNIA Ragularly $ 7 .9 5 ^ CO RN HUSK Revlon’s Ladies K 'V W' MAIMNFORM bog h q pooty...... $8.95 ITALIAN SHIFTS 1 1 ;% ’ Ragularly $ 10.95 R ig h t- HANDBAGS Black eoat with raneh mink tJ NEW SANDALS VANITY FAM doable glrdk...... $9.95 .9 4 ri; • collar. * 4 . 9 4 ; a s s M Ragularly $ 12.50 Sable color eoat with autumn s '* haze minlc collar. ' Reguloriy $12. VANITY FAIR douMa toRp leog log pemty $12.50 refillable Marine blue coat with silver In natural color amartly trim­ Values to $13. Ragularly $15.00 mink collar. med with light or dark gen­ uine leather. Inside zippers. For home, beach and down­ Cienuine leather handles and Assorted edors and sizes hi tan, white, beige. tV o ityles right comfort. Many styles to M ’ fancy brass locks. Many choose from. styles. thong and 8tl*ep. eau de toilette M i ' S K im E S BRAS GIRLS' 7 to 14 TOWN A COUNTRY'S GIRLS' 7 to ^14 Long 1*8 pantie. Ly. SPRAY $2*^® JAMAICA Regako’ $15. ALL FAVORITE STYLES ora power net with 2-FIECE 2 O ZS. CHAMPAGNE Fotor I nylon Inee front SHORTS panel. Dduetered k v « T ItauHed efftr) SHORT SETS VYcvoar satin elastic side PUMPS panels and natural Talk about cldver! And junctical! The new "Intimate" Spray is an ingenious delight! back. .90 Lets you spray on cherished ’Intimate” 1.90 $ i .9 9 EUtiT de ToUette— or splash it on! (Just take o tt the U ^). It’s unleakable. Unspill- aUe. Packable. Bv«i peekaUe— so yeu eaa Now e very fine value. Real Reguloriy $4. taU irim yeu’ie r e a ^ te rsflUl MarvilsEs Analine kid, fuH leather lined tor you greet forgtftliigB. in the year’s outataniRng eolor In leereucker and eotton, Rogolorty $SJM Of deeien and eotion with ad­ '"Fopas’* Champame imr all Jamaica shorts ^ t h boxer justable wnistband. Aieorted year round wear, Sizee 4 ^ to back and en ^ tops. In solids Regularly $7.95 i r OPEN THURSDAY TILL I PJI. solid colors. , " "10, AAAA to B. and prints.

■ i- ■■ t t / 4,‘(i ■> S’! ' - ‘ 1

• p / I MAMCU^’i'lUl CVh;NiNa iiJURAliO, MANCUliSiTUB, CONNi WSDNESDAY, JUNB 24, 1M4 r4 - : ^ 1 •samosiESTEB EVENING HERALD, MANG^BBTEB* OONN« WEDNESDAY, fUNE U, 19M tee Index [olds Steady m M M DAWSON ^oalMW News Awijrst YOAK (AP) —itabUltT JaMl* prlcM ■*- a nura darlnE buslnesa axpan- —i»Mh*«n a mark of tlia ^ apawtns. But new praa- may ba touUdinc up to tip balanca. wOy thare hava baen con* ible fluctuations in aoma lodltiaa. Some prices have particularly tor industrial Is, because demand has „ up with supply. Others bean raised as a result of amya 'contracts. And J ' such negotiations are In afflng. so far, waatnass in otbar oditiaa baa kept the ovw- lea index almost level, cost of Uvln* —or con- E price index —hasn't bean EUPER I icmnmodating. It has held fairly steady if slow tflp- course, due mainly to ad* .itf charges tor settees, ice the present business up* started estfly in 1961 the LU of Labor SUtisUcs ala price index — based c o L o m 1967*89 average as 100 — moved between 99.8 and I 1. It now is right in between, slightly above 100. The con- lar• price index in April was train the same base. i.ari-i Ividual commodity price have been marked dur* flic last three years, how- M l { ranged from gains of ~ cant for lumber and _ ncodoeU and 4.9 per oent Famous McGraw-Edison Ftobaeeo and beverages to da* wfHERMDs. ■aa of 9.6 per cent for ehem* DouUo Arm and 4A per cent fue fuels FUU SIZE — PORTAEU I power. pusno jui ore recent price increases 4 f I been listed for various met- h a ir ^d r y e r Ooal prices haye risen at mines after tbe latest 6 WCB . taieraase. 1.97 most previous periods of Big gallon eiqmclty. Folding Chaise. ,, expulsion price chang* Shoulder epout Jug. Fiber* 3.94 gpbava been much quicker and glas ineulation. Keepe hot This was particularly and eold. MEN’S SHORT SLEEVE ] in the 1955-87 boom, Warm-cool air control, tort than, however, capacity ! i f storage. Hood has become so large ger-tlp aelector. DaUXE It acted as a damper on 5ulet. carry caae styling. 9 U A L IT Y I 9 7 |i1tsa*T price fluctuattons. was true during the last BIG 4 QT. aiqianslon period, 1968* SPORT [although industrial wholesale ICE BUCKET I did rise 9 per cant in that This was oflset by a s I of IB per cent in the bdox ^ 4 : ['farm products. the current expansion, Adiustt to Perf SHIRTS ndant capacity to produce Holds ice up to 34 houra acted'as a brake on Basy to clean. Doublee as Hty ^ces. This wrplua ssrver for hot rolls and f g & l G O B H AT rt— has kept competition bread. •IRLS' CO nO N OR KNIT AND I 9b many commodity mark* MATCHING BAG I proUem today la to what g vertical and* 18 korU ROYS' 10 OZ. t surplus capacity has now sontal Firestone webe. SWIM SUITS „ reduced, to what degree Full length, full folding. COARSE WEAVE I effects of recent advances m n 1 4 x 2 2 " Heavy n a g e 1" alumi­ tlvlty have already been CHARKETS num tubing. Oreen and whlta , ___s and to how much hl|^- Sins 3 to 4x Dungarees Perfect for street, sun and ■industrial demand may rise, TV LOUNGE fun or beach wear. White ine broadcloths n In hand­ (the atabllaing forces of the BRIQUETS with colorful appliques. some neat, splash, plaid, few years hava now lost KING New oee-piece styles In prints, stripes and stripes or check print pat­ punch, me pressure for PILLOWS novelty patterns. Adorable colors, trlnu, ds- terns. One pocket. Sizes S* ... rises may send eommodi' SIZE talls in groups. M*U upward once more. 1.00 nss. 16B Wear grandmother or some MATS Heavy vinyl in relative nalght enjoy a vie* CASUALS two-tone ool- 1^ kh the ehildrea. They are SLEEPWEAR » ora. getting Into mischief as .77 8klft Gowns 88 by await their toms to talk. 1.96 Walla Gowns 2 tor 9 9 ' “LT 1.22 Baby Dolls Back aipper cloainB. Ifock atripea, chocks, Jacquards and Genuine raffls straw. Neat turtle neckline. Pink, blue, solids tai red, navy, powder. >BAR PfMLLT -C u t a circle Fits, moet ears. wedge heel. Natural aolor. 4V9 beige, malM, white or black. of a plastic gallon Jug hot* C9io|lee ef colors. to 10. Sizes 84 to 40. Use “ doughnut" for' a I guara around small plants, SHVIONIS. nire to tap it into Ui4 WAX PRODUCTS —C. B. C ■ayan Mooh Cotton Bib 311AR POLLY — A colorful WOMEN'S SUMMER Beys’ Girls' 2 Piece Child le eloth, 54 X 94 inches, is ALUMINUM investment. It is easily PANTIES Blmonla Fleer Wax, g t rise . . C sttsi LADIES' , drlpq dry and is ready & rls' CROP TOP nuuiy u ^ . ' When ironing Bfananla Floor Wax, ^ gaL . . ■ i BRISP QOnON AND M w t Bo thligs like table cloths or 23e KNIT I put it on the floor uni 30" CAR BRUSH Sfmonta Floor Wax. G ailon... the ironing board. Use it Hydroseal eoupling boat attach­ PUP^D BCnolto nafl bnnfl lag atyka. I aa. To m Bpray PoM oh.... i DUSTERS SSOSTSER ' oany extra wraps, and aup- ment with water shut-off. -Also WhMo anfl peelale. Btoee 9 to 10 qU A R T tLEfVUESS llOaSB BMEFS Aecompmied a bike or picnic. Put VAMP T 9^ B to lA -V S oa. Ftomitnre PoMsh...... I articles in the center and tie wash home wtodowa. eOOLER OHESTS eomers together. When you 13 aa. Phonito Dyahi daanor. • P R IN H your destination' use the SLIPPERS CHIUIBKNI 2 for ^3 J B y as a picnic table cover or 14 OB. Vhr Floor W ax...... 53 ' [rit on. It folds into a small DRESSES • SOUDS ' PrUta, aoUda, ohooka, aovolty 3B aa. VIv Floor W a x .,...,... 88 BroadoloUi printad frimt, knit. back. patLarna. Tatar Pan, club, cardi­ Printa, atrlpaa fuid novelty pat- and there are no extra Batiato UUx. Parfaot itoun Bhw - JUMBOJUBBLES - Blow aiMs • to Bx anfl T to M. gan Btylaa. Pratty trima. Blaaa toma. Wanhabla ootten. Waaa 3 Peronfs to carry home. Train the a OB. rtw Floor W ax...... 1.00 ocntniL Whito or Mack. Mnaa SanlroH aettaa msd aiUur Bm 6 ■Untie svaiat Doubla knit onoAea. Uridad carrying handle and to Bx and 7 to 14. to Mread thie cloth Up T» 2 TMt LMf I ^ 0 ^ ' B-M-LrXL. White imd paatohs. BtaMa T to Id* aUaaB to3B. IB to 3R. Pint Vtola Flaar CBaanor...... aoU-aaaUng ltd, with moldad- Tlayl nppon, foam nibhari 1.00 ..i 2.00 In qtoca divldor. 17” x IB” x Black or blua. B to IB. II". i \ \ ' f

MSI ^Sam tUXrCBBSTEtt EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. JUNE S4. 19M M A N tH SBtlR EVENINO HEBAU), lCANCHB8T|EB«f OONN,. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 24, 1964 ‘-Kii n wmgm thelf freedom to taimt the Johnson ad­ Innde . 4lattrJ|fBtFr ministration with not being tough THURSDAY Sponsored By enough in Southeast Asia. &Bttitt9 ifrrald Another of Ambaaaador Lodge’s “par- Report ■mn.famiin M MANCI mo. ronaT’ reasons may prove to be of more FRIDAY value to dila perty and Me coimtry. Ha 8 t s m SOW baa obviously determined to taka BoNrbmd E Jr. SATURDAY CHAMBER OF COI PuMWim whatever public sentiment moved to­ Robert D. Norak VtoMMd Oetobn- 1. Ud ward him during the recent RepubHcan LOUISVILLB, Ky. — “Oow. prealdentlal primaries and try to cash it water might can y Kantucky withdrew from tha project after the Church Council’s CoenmU- train’s wheals had amputated in for aome touch of influence on the de­ ntart Novambtr. No othar Ra- Qagses Continue bearing Um news,” sEd a sion on REIaton and Raca, who I Boy Loses Limbs, trie arms and legs. liberations of the Republican National pubUcan could.” Barry8 Campaign Corps spokesman tor the NationE told them the churchee muE Then attendants detected a ■DB8C1UPT10N BATES Convention at San Francisco. Thia Judgmant bgr a Mading Oounctl E Churches, which op­ n E relax in their part ia tha Fell Under Train epuk E Ufa. Walter, 18, was muutmmim PiijraM* tn Adnuie* Req^bUcan h en ftm baaed on For Righto Grou]^ hospltallaad. Five surgecos bat­ Ambassador Lodge waa, in 1052, the erates the training courses to­ civil righto etruggle. . Tcat ***••••••••••••••••• ’« stiqfla factor—tba whlta back- Mostly Fellow Arizonans gether with the Cmincit E Fed­ tled kem him aihre. In a cor­ imamm Mytha •••••••••••••••••• organizatiemE leader of the forces which OXFORD, Ohio (AP)-«ever- LOS ANGBLBS (AP) — Two ridorto outolda, hie mother. Ana laEi vote. It waa a Judgment erated Organisationa. M n jjm b T U O BTinM e MvUiMk B id V iJ women watched Tuesday os a McGnider, 42, watted. “My boy VootA ••»•••••«•«••••••• l.w brought Dwight D. Elsenhower and the reftactad by aona otnara who E huntfred vEuntoer Evil rights The spokesman said 888 per­ LH5XINOTON, Ky, (A P )-”It cama bare last Friday to hew By W ALnn B . MBABS <' Richard O. Klaindlanat, a teenage boy leaped from car to is strong,” she said. “He’a vary MEMBER o r party's nomination together. Ambassa­ lawyar from Phoanlx, and worhore trainii^ to go to Mle- sona, including staff members, is as strange as anything I ’va The Board of IKrselsis 1m THE ASSOCIATED P R ^ . Gov. William Scranton o( Pann- WASHmOTON (AP) -W hat car on a Eow-moving train husky. I'm sure if anyone can declared the toSomi«dBvi. dor Lodge was, in 1960, his party’s makae a political prEeasianal? White, who was operating cU E sieelppl this summer still intend a rt taking p ^ Ih the second ever seen,” eald Coroner Chea­ ^ 1 through this, he can. He’a n * AMOcUUd Praa la asclualvEy aylvanla pitch hia poUtlcE woo. piiase of the program. ter Hager as he ruled J . T. -then slipped and plunged to dmds an psyaUe AegHt ^ la Uia oaa of rapabliaatlMi of El nawa choice for the nomination for vice presl- Scranton got a raapectfE Don’t aw Denloon KltchE, the of the draft organization, have to proceed with their plans de- a reE boy.” __ j craditc--Itad — fo --It — bm otberwlaa cradit* handled state conventioas and splto the disappearance E three “This triigedy has had no E - Marshall Jr., 6, was electrocut­ the tracks. 1964 to stockholders of In ula papar and alaoI tba local nawa pab- dWit In both Instancea, he was a cham­ hearing. In a cloaad-door m ak­ gray-haired Phoenix attorney who le headmaster E Sen. Bar­ negotiations with convention of their cE lea^ es in that South­ fect E all on the project,” the ed by lighting Tuesday while “I shouted to him, real loud, meerd at the close ot boih« bed bare. pion for a modem, moderate kind of Re­ ing with NationE Oonvantion opokesman aEd. “‘The curricu­ answering a telephone. to lie Eill and not move,” sEd rtsMs of rapubUoatlon of apeclal diE dEegates, he buUlnad Ms dif­ ry Ooldwatar'a staff E cam­ deregates for the eenator. ern state, a spokaoman says. M M July 10,1964.. yatchaa Mrabi are alao teaerrad. ______publican party. paign strategists, most of them KlelnEenst, says KitchE "is Observers on the campw E lum will cnoUnuc as planned.” He. said the handaE E the Mrs. Lois Walsh. Police Arrests ferences with Nie Rmbllcan He aaid-tlfe students were told phone disintegrated but the The boy apparently heard. 0 Ctmmtn Slaei The Herald PiMUas Comwjny. Inc., lua Now the old, recurrent party struggle frontrunner and warned against fellow Arlaonans. a poIltlcE animal. Ha certainly the Western College for Women rtrVtbu$i2J0< anmea no financial icaponEblllt; for Qrpo- woEd rate as a'profoeslonE in said the second class of volun­ repeatedly to conEder whether cord leading to it waa intact. He ducked his head. giaptalcal arrora appaarinf *" adverUaer^tt is on.once again. Ambassador Lodge San. Barry Goldwatar’a ^‘snap “How do you name the pros?” Police laE night charged 45 cents Kltchel asks. ‘Tm not at El the sense that he knows the teers tor the Misslasippi Sum­ they still -wanted to go through The wEl nearby and other parts Then, said Mrs. Walsh "some- a ^ other leadinK mEter In The MancbaEer finds It personally impossible for him Judgmenta,” which, aEd Scran­ Norman Gaby, 60, E no certain RJ0% Pr^tmiStkk Beerdnc Herald. sure I know what a poltttcE pro pecmie.’’ mer Project appeared shaken with the project. E the tEephone appeared un­ thlng beneath one of the cars ton, might lead the country into damaged. caught him and turned him over address, with intoodcetlon. 5 6 \i ctaM to stay out of it. He now feels it per­ ta." ideindlenst is reaigEng soon. but undaunted by the news that Bayard Rustln, organizer of r>ill aerrlca ellant E N. B. E S^ lce. Inc. dangaroua predlcamaiita. last summer’s inarch on Wash­ The lightning preceded a and over beneath the wheels.” Gaby waa picked up on a 'RSfifo fn/m ti Sink sonally necessary for him to get into the But avan if ha arera Abraham Branded amateurs when they He hae announced himself a Andy Goodman, 20, E New FabUabara Ranreaentatleea — otk ington, was to speak to the vol­ thunderstorm, but Hager sEd When ambulance attendants complaint that someone was 62ceatt Mattawa Special Acency — New Tork On- struggle and use what chance he haa of Lincoln, it’a doubtfE th E Scran­ came to Washington to run the candidate tor governor E Art Y City, a member of the zona, to succeed Gov. Paul no other vlstble marks were reached the scene, they called wandering about in front E aimowd a aaco. Demilt and Boaton...... ton could change tha mind of a Goldwater show, Kltchel and his first claea, end two fellow civil unteers today . B . 6nir Frtdw - 1 P-m. Tburaday. party and hir nation. convention, starting July It. White, 46, is a public affairs . Saturday — 1 p.m. Friday. Scranton haa between > and 6. MUSIC STORES* 241 ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD (522-7201) - 17 OAK ST., MANCHESTER niied“doadllne:’' 10:80 A m. eachesc day e( “We got the breaks, maybe," consultant from New York who Tha bEanca of tha 94 dele­ served as director of Republi­ giaiicatioitlon axcept Saturday — 9 Am. gatee aren’t talking. says Kltchel. And the biggest WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 EAST CENTER STREET - TOL. 649-7196 GEdwatar dEagEes one, he says, was the formation can volunteer organisations The during the 1960 presidential Wednesday, June 24 Sparing Watch Hfll woEd be for Goldwatar wllrltii or ( a year ago oil an organisation to without the smEderinr issue E drEt GEdwater for the nomina­ campaign. True to the first Instinct of all modem the white backlash, what our tion. He has served as New York Inquiries disclosed is that some “That’s whet gave (his cam­ City GOP chairman, county That Sommer Begins project planners, the original suggestion E the non-GEdwater delegates paign its impetus,” he says. chairman and a member, E the for that proposed bridge to connect are beginning to sense the pEl- “I'd say It gave us a four-or state executive committee. Long Island with Rhode Island headed tical pEency E tha-wMfe back­ five-month leg up on the cam- Others in the Goldwater hier­ The lint typical and almost IneviUble pialgn when the senator de­ straight toward the despoliation of tha lash. They know that with Gold- archy include: demonstration of what kind of "long hot water, .one of only six Republi­ clared." —Karl Hess, who signed on pummer” this nation is about to have for fanciest and moat valuable real eatato it can SelAitors who vEed a ^ n s t GEdwater formEly entered late in March as an Ede to ftaelf has Eready arrived down in Mls- could poaEbly find. the civil rights MU, tha issue the race on Jan. 3. Kltchel. He’s been at GEdwa- M^ppi, the state young Idealists and It wanted to bring the bridge ariiorf WlE be aEomatlcEIy exploit­ Kltchel praises F. Clifton ter’s side during most E his at Watch HlU. able. With any Eher Republi­ White—now -the Goldwater or­ campaign travels since, and jctlvlata from the North have choaen can, and that includes Scran­ ganization’s political veteran— does most of the speech writing.' fo Invade this summer In an effort to And that is the automatic rule with ton, it woEd be far less so. and Peter O’Donnell, the Texas A former iieweman, Hess, 41, //// 9 ! i . tfi. Stomota wider exercise of their dvll all present day highway planning. M d one non-GoIdwater dele­ OOP chairman, for the work of got to know Goldwater during Sights by the Negro population thera You head for the quietest neighbor­ gate: "It the white backlash is the draft outfit. the Senate’s consideration of MANCHESTER hood,' the finest end biggest houses, the bEIt up, and it will ba built He saya they picked sUte the nuclear teat ban treaty. He i At the moment, three of these crusad- up, Johnson might lose Ken­ directors who bad the approvE THURSDAYS area where there are some big green may have the campaign’s long­ |n from the North have disappeared, tucky.”' of official OOP organizations— est title: "Special assistant to n e automobile they were driving has lawns left to tear up, the section whera WhUe only a few parts E and this paid off when Republl the general director for issues been found, however, burned. the honky-tonk jointa haven’t penetrat­ Kentucky are raEIy Southern, cans started choosing their con anEysis.” FRIDAYS ed ^ t , and that is where you propose to the raciE issue has been very ventlon delegates. —Edward A. McCabe, 46, ' Whether the native resistance to their much a part E the poUtical Goldwater, Kltchel says crusading stopped there, with what was have your new route. once an administrative as piEure here since the 1963 made clear to the drEt organl ant to former President Dwight intenddd to be a scare, or proceeded to But, in thia instance, that of the pro­ GubematoriE election. Outgoing zatlon that if he entered the D. Elsenhower. He is director ■lore serious violence, has not been de> posed bridge across the Soimd, the good Democratic Gov. Bert Coombs race, he would name his own E research. Egned an executive order be­ cam pal^ men. He Ed, and termined at this writing. news is that the second thoughts, which —DaEel C. Gainey, finance fore the election banning dis­ Kltchel concedes there was frlc chairmen, was treasurer E the But almost Instantly it has had to be­ sometimes never appear at all on some crimination in reriaurants, ho­ tion at the outset when the Ari' Pre-Summer projects, have prevailed rather quickly Republican National Committee come the reaponsibUity and function of tels. and the like. The Repub­ zona crew moved in to take from 1967 until 1960. The " the whole federal government at Wash­ on this one. licans quickly made this the over. year-old kusinesaman from chief issue E the campaign. ington to move into this situation, to At a joint meeting the other day, tha "We incorporated the parts Owatonna, Minn., was active in And the results were startling. and people of the draft organi­ the draft moyeniant. fbid the facts, to protect the lives if pos­ Rhode Island and the N ^ York com­ Intsead of winning by at least zation that were most effective” sible, to shut off the violence if possible,, mittees specially appointed to survey 100,000, Democrat Edward T. —Frank J . Kovao, 44, top he says. money man tor the drEt organ­ ibb try to establish some guarantee that this project made a tentative agreement Breathitt Eched into the Gov­ Kltchel was well-versed tn the ernor’s office by a scant 18,000. isation, is finance director o t all the other crusading that is supposed that the bridge needn’t come ashore pre­ draft — he’d spent nearly five the Goldwater campaign. He For example, in the rock-ribbed months, nvorking out of a hotel to be on the WRy in Mississippi this sum- cisely at Watch Hill after all. Democratic meclnct of West formerly was executive direc­ Photoarephed By Sylvian Oflara headquarters, coordinating that tor of the Republican NationE mbr can be conducted safely. Thia tentative agreement created siich Main, in Fayette County, organization’s efforts with other Breathitt lost by 10 votaa, the Finance Committee and assist­ But that is, of course, just i t This a pleasant and sensible mood all around THE STATE FLOWER: Mountain Laurel, Wlnsted moves for GEdwater. ant treasurer E the nationE that bolh state groups promised to co­ first time in anyone’s memory "The reason we are Where we kind of crusading cannot be conducted that West Main had gone Re­ committee. •afely. I t has probably been selected not operate poEtively with one another in are todaiy is Barry Goldwater —Mrs. Emery C. Johnson, publican. But less than two himself and the groundwork only because it seems needed, but also surveying the feasibility of the project, months later, the Republicans another Arizonan, le director E Broadlooms, Remnants, Stair Carpet thel^e pebple did,” says Kltchel. gambled on a poor hunch and the women’s division tor the .-?i because it does promise to Involve dan­ and things look really bright, for tha A Thought for Today Kltchel Is a trimsplanted New (loldwater foreba. She was a first time in more than 30 years of dli^ Sponsored by the Manoheator ran a Negro E Fayette County Yorker who haa been a close ger and sacrlflce. There Is, undoubtedly, Jimmy to fill a vacancy in the state- Republican nationE committee- a a crusading theory that the long hot cusslon, for something that would cer­ Council of Churches friend of Goldwater for 26 years. woman for 10 yeatfl. A Tough Day legislature. This time, with the He took the campaign Job—with cummer la going to need its quota of tainly find the touring public willing to backlash working against them, —W. Lee Edwards, a Wash­ the title of general director^ ington public relations man, is flood, diaappearing into that Southern pay the toll charges needed to finance it. Who’s Kidding Who? the Republicans lost WeE Main without salary. by a vote of 140 to S. director E public information. dust Breslin What this world needs Is men At 66, he is a seEor psutoer —Edward K. Nellor, a former Carpet your home with beauty at sale savings and women who have yielded up Republican leaders here can in one of Arizona's biggest law Maybe so. cite statistics like these off the newsman who later worked ter the empty pursuits of selfishness firms. His first book — "Too the National Association E And certainly we cannot withhold ad­ NEW YORK — The air was lot of money when people have 49 words long. These 49 words for the dynamic of lives really top of their heads to show the Brightest Song, Purest Bloom heavy enough to push your head accidents.” do more to you than Holiday Grave a Risk”—was published Manufacturers, is GEdwater’e miration and sympathy for the young bespeaking Jesus ChrlE. We are potency E the white backlash. laE spring. It deEs with the down. ’The cigarettes, even the There was a lot of noise now, does with its 134 pages. ’The And the more they ponder campaign press secretary. people who are, this summer, choosing ones in the morning with coffee, with everybody trying to E l gElty of being so oriented in (jonnaUy amendment, limiting If the birds sing more brightly and Holiday article on newspapers self that it is improbable that Goldwater’s civil rights vote, this way of trying to serve their convlc- tasted lousy. And the Irritation answer, and the noise gave you was written by a man named World Court jurisdiction over FALLS FROM B6t beautifully than usuE, if the rosea bloom true splrltuEity will have a the more they like the prospect U.S. affairs. tiona and their dviUsatioh. stuck to you the same as the a chance to lean over to this kid Ludwig who, ct- course, has of GEdwater at the top of the LEWISVILLB, Tex. (AP)—An more valiantly, that is the way birds and Wet sMrt did. who wanted to be a lawyer and never worked on a newspaper. chance to show us the benefits He doesn't stand on poUticE Tet there is, always, one nagging con­ of selfless living. ticket. Air Fewee navlitotof sucked Broadloom Closeouts roses have of showing their heart and ceremony. "If he kisses a baby, Broadloom Remnants say something to him without It always is a little sad to see a It started with the kids. They When Gov. Scranton arrived I qtot,” Kltchel qEpped as out E hie B63 when a hatch sideration. It is that the element of in­ colors when more mortal gardeners won­ were in a fourth grade class­ the teacher hearing It. non-newspaper man start pick­ Our churches today abound door blew off Tuesday. He waa with tE k about God; but our at the Erport here, his first GEdwater shook hands on a vasion, the dement of outside interfer- der If they should despair. room In one of the semi-subur­ “Go home and tell your fa­ ing on this business. words to a couple of hundred not wearing a parachute and You see, working on a news­ real need Is the Spirit of God. New Hampshire street during Sava up fo $4.50 a square on these one-of-a-kind rolls of Mce, probably doubles the passion and To despair and make things easy by ban Long Island towns and at ther that I sEd he was raising Scranton fans who went out to the primary campaign there. fell six miles to his death. first they seemed natural you to be a thief ambulance- paper is a special thing. And It is not popEar to talk of play­ meet him were on Evil rights. The body of Capt. Richard (Puality Broadloom. Choose fran for aeaaon. any straight Sfairs of 12 ar 13 staps using rubbarixad carpdt *4m of Ambassador Lodge’s “personal'' urgency of the appeal We urge all area Oeneinl Managar Itkhard cushions, with' all labor includad, tor only $59.50. But hiury. 9nssnna to give his party and lU cam- Martin pigna oontraot with W E- members of the GenerE Assembly to Thare ara only a limitad number of stairs in aach roll, and na InotmHng • brpttasr who ia a add their support to the plea made by ter Crabtree Jr., oonunlarioning Crabtree to draw new phut* for 12 o r 13 Repraaentatlve FenneU. Conoeetlcut wlU 883 m a in STREET—MANCHESTER mora availabla until tha and of tha yaar. 27 ftiimais I for the.Ssnnle in Oonnsctlcut, ■ava Uvea. —8TAMFORD AOVOCATB oowtructlon E K soimv S t ‘/w u/> M m —fim v OR n o r i* . strai^t steps also availabla. iiliiliilili:0102000202010200535348232353532353484823532353482323...... fi. PJ-, '-v^'i^ ' , , i K A N C ^ T E R EVENING HERALD/ MANCHESTtBR. OONN« WEDNESDAY. JUNE H 1M4 '\ IIANCHE8TEB KVKNINO HERAU), IIANCHBBTEI, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1M4 Sgt Alvin York b o d y •N PBMMBi Good Opener REPAIBB -Kanehl Fatal Accident IStf by Maey*e depurtment t h ^Do : Franoisee, 40, of Opar* Park Ave. and | M It...w a in of Keonedy, tt-yeariold Maaaa- aeoretary said he wfll be kept On Critical. List e Expertly poM e ■tardl klU, N .Y. two floora above me exploelon Kenney Better, chusetta Democrat and brother In tMa apparatus unto about ef the late Prem ent Jehn F . July 6. TWo other bntrgee, whoee Fsur othar seen on tha barge and Heard only a dull tMid. The MomnyL — At Playhouse WEST SIDE MOTORS Mars Fireworks were reecued by ■the tug which blaat elMok the fU d ln g and Almost Lott Him, Kennedy. . Mrs. Lyndon B . Johnaoa, wife mm NA8HVILLB, Turn. (AP) - erewi apparenUy were unaware wee towbw It. One Oi wee treated knocked bricks trom the n ot, A S p.m. hospital report Tiiee- of the Pnieident, telephoned the Jet transport ptaaed It i* Set. 'Alvin gg4 MAIN STMUET By ^HIN nsKE World War I hero Telephone M W l I l IHsplay on River of the fetal aeddant continued at a'hoepital tor buma and re- eight atoriea above the street One Aide Reports day said KSnnody'a "general hoepital Tuesday hmilriiig •ible to fly the A tU H a wUMM York has bwh placedcea on the condition is veiy aatiaCaetory." about the two Mnatora and Mrs. Manchester residents need firing rooketa into the alqr. Ceuae ef the blaat which dver seeing the oeenn. 1Mtf6 criUcalTiat at Veterans Hospital At the finale, 20 mlnutea later, Leea than an hour aarller, an IDa brother, U .l. Atty. CMn. Bayh. not go far afield to enjoy en­ here as the result of pneumonia NEW T(Ml k(Al>) —K fire- knocked out heavy concrete NORTHAMPTON, Maas. (AP) beceuae they fly at about 9 J 9 0 apectatore aoma dlatance from •xploelon deatroyed an amfnunl- walla and Mew off the steel Robert F . KmuMOr, vlsHad the In Ms right lung. workDladi banr* exploded In —An aide to Sen. '■dward M. feet—above a good daaJ ef Bid tertaining summer theater. The RANG!. the blaat, Nth Street, etUI tion room In the aub-baaement doore to the room, hna not been hospital again aeld: "H e Madrid Cantor Plannad weather iiad nigh ahovo lha Nutmeg Playhouse of UConn's "He has developed pneumonia • fury or raekeU, llaree and were cheering. A bush faU on at a Manhattan armory w hen determined. Kennedy said tlieeday might looks a iM betM^than he did M hours a g o ." cloude. Department of ThMter raised and his blood pressure has fall­ 'beiifBi ear the ilodaaa River thousanda of othere aa newa of about 8SS National Guard re- that Kennedy had no pules and MADRID — The tlnlveratty ef en,’’ said a hospital spokesman. the blaat epraed. •ervlate were attending a week­ hie blood preoMire "w as almost Sen. Kennedy’s adminiatra- OalUomla, In roeponso to stu­ the curtain last night on the FUEL OIL TueeOay nigftt. kuiij« two DEAD OfFAMT FU U i» "This may be due ip a blood clot John Serpioo, praeident of In* ly drUI. Bacon Cantrmliaad non - axlatant" whan ha was tive aide, Edward 8. Moss, and dent defhand, wilt set im a cen­ first of a series of comedies men. Thaoeende of epecUtors the pilot, Edwin T. 2!lmny, were NORWICH (AP) -r- An 09- in the lung, which He has had be­ GASOLINE temetlonel Flreworka Oo. of Nineteen were Injured. All brought into Oooley Dicklnaon ter at the University of Madrid which will run through the sum­ fore, or a blood etream Infec­ eheered. They thought it wee North Bergen, N J ., aeld “ a low but four were releeeed after DUBLIN Ireland hea eon- Hbeptal early Saturday aftel’ a killed in the eraah. Sen. Birch largo enough to accommodate tatmj waa performed Ibiay an mer, with performances Tuesday tion. He is a sick man." pert of the enow. buret that apparenUy Ignited hoepital treatment. Two of the trallaed the buying end selling plane crash. Beyh, D-Ind., end the letter’s 60 students during the 1964-66 the body of a dead infant that through Saturday evenings and Until pneumonia developed Half a million pereone lined •hells on the deck of the barge" four were In serious conllUon. of domestically produced bacon. "W e almoM lost h im ." press wife, Mervelle, were Injured. ecbolaatic year. Participants was found In the toilet at a - new play each week. The open Tuesday, Tork’a doctors were BANTir OIL • the riverbanke in Manhattan caused the explosion. Most of the reeervlata In the A government conuniaelon le to secretary Edward Martin said. Kennedy is immobilised in an wlH follow a program worked roadside rest area la Salem yea* a new play each week. The beginning to hint that he might and New Jereey for the Are- Killed were Anthony Amato, 17 InfentryRegimentArmor ety, aell exported bacon in BrlUsh Martin credited Vri Thomas orthopedic bed to permit hie in­ out by the Institute of SptuiMh terday. State police *eald the opener—"Take Her. She's Mine" soon return to his home in tiny (OMI’ W'l . I\( . wdgfu qpeotaele, produced elnee •0, of leeaucua, N .J., and An- 71st Infantry Regiment Armory, merketa. P. Corriden with aavlng the life jured back to heal. Hie press CSultun. I baby was one day oM. -is well worth the drive to Pall Mall, Tenn., about 140 Stores. i; \ i \ i i 'l i i miles northeast of here. The 76- • r ' a departure from earlier year-old medal of honor winner 'i i:i.. Mil. Ill II '.I I .'I. suhnmer seasons, the playhouse was rushed here June 1# after this j^ar is building its shows suffering a recurrence of in­ h'nrk\ llli IK • i.' . I around a half dozen profession­ ternal bleeding. al actors and actresses. Instead This is the tenth time in less of relying .solely on theater than two years that York has students arid summer stockers. been hospitalized. He has been SAop D&L, ManchBsfBt Parkad% La.st night’s ^yonaistently com­ bedridden since suffering a petent performance is the proof stroke several years ago. HarriioR’i of the theater’.s dew poliev. York etched his name In Am Your The play, currently popular erican hlatory In 1918 when h e , killed 85 German aoldlera and DOWNTOWN WBdhBtdpy, Thursday and Friday on the show tent ciwuit, is a captured 132 others during the kind of Everyman play about battle of the Argonne Forest In S f o t i o n o n fathers’ difficulties with their France. daughters and vice verkg^ — when daughters go away ^o BIGGEST CENTRIFUGE OPEN Nighfs—10 a.m. fo 9 Eastern colleges. It’s the kind DOWNEY, Calif. (API—Scien­ of show that can be awful; this tists here are building what one, as It turns out, is good — they call the world’s largest MONDAYS funny dialogue, crisp direction centrifuge—a machine so big it YEAR 'ROUND and a smooth delivery ali add | can take four men on 30-day Monday, Tuesday and Saturday up. I simulated space flights. The father of the story is Two capsules mounted at any e Rubber Stamps . played by James Duncan, the point O n the 160-foot rotating mother by Mary Bozeman, two arm each will carry two men, e Legal Forms of the company’s pros, while the equipment and provisions suffi­ e Filing Suppilea 10 o.m. fo € p.m. college bound daughter is Su­ cient for a month’e spin, scien­ MANCHESTER san Dorian, a 1961 UConn Big-Hearted Display tists say. theater graduate. Researchers hope that study­ This giant heart op display at Civic Auditorium for the American Medical Association’s CoU The father is the play's nar­ ing human reactions to the pro­ PARKADE MANY UNADVIRT1SED SPECIALS.. .SHOP EVERY D9T. AT DAL meeting in San Frrhcisco. a t t r -c '" ' t'’ r p)‘ ''-'''on of the younger generation. One boy with longed rotation will give them *49.5341 rator, leaning relaxed against a straw explores the air-current possibilities of a vein and another young man gives it a the procenium arch while clues on how man can live and friendly touch. (AP Photofax.)’ ^ work In space. scenes are being changed, then wprklng up a head of steam on stage over his daughter’s do­ MRS. RICHARD JOHN BERGGREN ings. Mother is the stable .yne, botfer handbags seeing through daughter’s Misa Kathleen Jane Kanehl^sheath. The brideamaida gowns ‘phases’ and calming down the and Richard John Berggren, were trimmed with embroidery, household. Both performers fit 3 0 % o ff both ot Manchester, were united and they carried bouquets of themselves well to their parts. The sign that puts money to work for people In marriage last Friday evening yellow mums. All the attend­ MLss Dorlen is Just right as reg. 5.98-24.98 at Emanuel Lutheran Church. ants wore headbows and face the college girl from California The bride is the daughter of veils in colom to match their getting her first ta.ste of an (!^lf leathers, cut velvets, tap­ Mm. Doris Tomm Kanehl of 58 gowns. eastern coilege (for the Rad- estries, Seton leathers, nov­ Oxford St. The bridegroom is Susan Whitcher of Hartford cliffe-Welleslcy ilk), succumb­ elty fabrics . . . mostly one- the son of Mr. and Mm. Rich* was flower girl. She wore an ing first to a bad case of s6- ard Berggren, 38 Cornell St. aqua chiffon dress with lace nhistication, then to a bout with of-a-kind bags. The Rev. C. Henry Anderson, trim, and carried a bouquet of her social conscience, and wind­ pastor of Emanuel Church, per­ yellow mums. ing up—well, go see it yourself formed the double ring cere­ John McKenna of Manchester if you want to see how she mony. Frederic E. Werner was served as best man. Ushers winds up. M erry Lee organist, and Miss Sherri Mey- were Vincent Morlarty of Hart­ Other standouts In the east arhoff soloist. Bouquets of ford, and Edwin Carlson and are Richard Klepac as one of White gladioli and mums decor­ Herbert Lillibridge, both of Miss Dorlen’.^ gawky young nylon hosiery ated the altar. Manchester. suitors, and Jack Bell as a neg­ Given in marriage by Joseph Mrs. Kanehl wore a yellow ative college student with an Van Haverbeke of Manchestw, lace sheath with matching ac­ engagingly off-hand manner. 79c grandfather of the bridegroom, cessories, and a corsage of yel­ Tickets for the current and the bride wore a full-length low mums and roses. The bride­ the coming shows— which will Our own Merry Lee seamless white lace gown trimmed with groom's mother wore a blue knit include Herb Gardner’s "A stockings . . . micro-mesh or Thousand Clowns’’ —• are avail­ net, a matching veil, and carried Jacket dress with white acces­ plain knit. Sy^-ll, proportion­ a bouquet of white mums and sories, and a corsage of yellow able at the' door or may be or­ roses. roses and baby’s breath. dered from the Harriet S. Jor­ ed lengths. Mm. Benford Hillicker of A reception lor 125 was held gensen Theater through the Warwick, R. I., was matron of in Luther Hall. For a motor trip UConn switchboard. Incidental­ honor. She wore a floor-length to Cape Cod, Mass., Mrs. Berg­ ly, unlike most stock houses fuchsia sheath, and carried a gren wore a white and" navy that sprout up this time of women's nylon & bouquet of white mums. Brides- suit, and a corsage of a garde- year, the Jorgensen theater is m affl were Mrs. Robert Haun nia and red roses. The couple air-conditioned. of Norwich, who wore a pink, will live at 38 Cornell St. cotton gloves ! floor-length sheath; Miss Bar-i Mr. and Mrs. Berggren are b*n. Doherty of Middletown both graduates of Manchester reg.' 2.98 who wore a blue sheath, and High School and seniors at le74 Mrs. Herbert Lillibridge of Southern Connecticut State Col- R. E. Wabdell Manchester who wore a green j lege, New Haven. Choose from double woven ( Building eotton or n.vlon gloves in white where he was a member Mid dark colors. o f. the vamity golf team and Confraefor girls' Jamaica sets famous maker Weddings Sigma Alpha Epsilon frater­ Residen tial-Commerdal nity. He is a student at Har- and tennis dresses . girls' swimwoor ■vard Business School. Alterations-Remodeling entire stock Remklewicz-L«« **6118111686 Built On '2-6x, 7-14, reg. 2.98 2.39 Mr. and Mns. Lonni Ray of 1/3 o ff , Tanganyika Aided Customer Satisfaction” of housecootf 174 W. Middle. Tpke, announce originally 4.98-6.98 the marriage of tbeir daughter, DAR BS s a l a a m — A 814 Full Insurance Coverage Miss Brenda D^l Lee, to Ed­ million credit has been extend­ 4.90 *.9 0 3.33 Save one-third on top maker swimsuits . . . ed to Tanganyika by the Inter­ Tel. 644-0450 win V. Repikiewicz Jr., son of national Development Associa­ Our entire stock of girls’ 2 pc. Jamaica short a special group from regular stock. All this Mr. and Mrs. Edwin V. R«m- After 5:i00 P.M. were 5.98 to 12.98 tion to finance 734 miles of sets . . . and tennis dresses reduced for quick yoar’i itylM, sizes 8-6x, 7-14. kiewicz Sr. of 16 Main St., road construction or improve­ Choose from duster robes, Talcottville. ment. 82 BALDWIN ROAD savings in our Summer Sale I The wedding took place J’une shifts and fitted princess style 13 at Sacred Heart Church, . . , cottons, batistes, plaids, Vernon, after which a wedding solids, prints. reception was held at the Amer- loan Legion Hall, Rockville. Mr. and Mm. Remkiewicz will reside in Manchester, misses' slips Se«lert-Perry . Miss Sarah Leone Perry of and petticoats ! Manchester became the bride of Robert Louis Seelert of Bast reg. 14 ea. Hartford Saturday morning at 2.79 ■t. Bridget's Church. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nylon tricots or dacron blends . Dwight E. Perry, 78 Tanner 8t. from top makers. Tailored and • The bridegroom is the .son of lacy styles, sizes 82-44, S, Mrs. Melvin Minor of East Hart- '■lUid and the late Otto L. Seelert. M, L. The Rev. Dennis R. Hussey performed the double ring cere- • mony. Mrs. Raymond Murphy , was organist. Bouquets of white famous maker . gladioli were on the altar. • The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white girls' robes I crocheted, street-length dress, a ^ wide-brimmed-^white hat and reg. 14-16 ^ ^ . brown accessories. She carried • a bouquet of white roses and ; atephanotis. Our entire stock of girls’ ’ Mm. John J. Hagan of Stam- robes, housecoats, shifts with misses' cotton knit t-shirts , , ford, a sister’of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a yel­ Hartford National’s “Education Payment Plan’’ can put your youngster original price tag and label. low shantung two-piece dress We invite every bride-to-be to see our Sizes 4-14, regular 84-15 1.99 matching headband, and ear- ^ lied a colonial nosegay. through college... pay for tuition, board, books, clothing. And you Lowell E. Chapman of Wil BRIDESMAIDS* y / Cool, colorful cotton knit shirta by famous sportswear makers. Assorted f mington, Maas., brother-in-law boys' summor stripes, solids and patterns . . . boat necks, cowl necks, club cellars . . . of the bridegroom, served as G I F T S iy best man. can take as long as eight years to repay. Monthly payments fit Into . short and sleeves. Sizes S, M, L. ‘ Mm. Perry wore a brown silk Moat charming jewelry gifti especially created for the pajam as I print dreas and matching ac- bnde u gifts to her .attendants. All in exquisite, snow ' C'-asoriea. T h e bridegroom’s whrte gift boxes which actually my “Thank You" in the reg. 2.50-2.98 ^ mother wore a pink silk sheath nicest manner. Sterling silver or 12- karat gold filled — your budget, and you’re protected with life insurance at no extra misfes' BeraiiKki and Jamaica shorts I and ntatching accessories. Both ^ e with cultured p earls-from $3.50 to $ 8 .5 0 -f in e \ wore orchid corsages. jw eliy your attendants will wear with greatest pride. Short sl«eve pajamas with I A neception for the immedi- Sm them today. cost Find out about easing the high cost of higher education... this short or long leg, coat or mid­ ”"“ '*’•3.99 I a t* family was held at Cavey’a \ dy style, assorted patterns. MRBUBt Come hi ior pour ‘'Wedding T<^ maker Bermudas and Jamaicas in assorted solid colon and unique I Baataurant. Eor a motor trip to MemofiM" a bMudAil bodlW tm All with DAL label. 8-18. most famous summor shirts boys' summor shirts » Canada, Mm. Seelert wore a sensible Hartford National way. printa. Lined and uklined’cottons and woven fabrics, belted and unbelted. { wMte and black, two-piece and Bormuda shorts • Breaa and black patent aeoes- Sisea 10-18. . f * \ aoriee. They will live In Oam- ifion's Bermucki 3.39 3 .,*10 sport and dress ahirts, > bridge, Maas., after Juhe 28. 2.98 values ■ ' ' ' ' ...... ! ■ { Mm. Seelert is a graduate of v a h M i to I I sack • Mancheeter High School and a walk.shorts entire stock of summer skirts ! 1964 graduate of the Unlver- HARTFORD NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST Short aleovo dress shirts from our most fa­ 1.90 { alty of Connecticut, whem she 1.96 values Bermadas, reg. 8.98 waa a member of Kappa Kappa SHOOR 3.99 WMMf MOAUFK OOfS TO WOMT K O eig mous maker, all with his label! Wash and " ^ »*••»“ 1/3 off Oamma aorority. She wUl be a •It MAIN CtntEET MANOHESmt f tMebar of etanentary grades. New plaids and ch e^ s in da­ wear blends, batiates, oxfordi . . . spread, 2.59 2 .,*5 All famous make lununer skirts reduced oine-third I A-lihes, alims, idMts, Mr. Saelert M a Manchester Claoed Mondaiw during duty Md A iyw 4 cron-cotton , Bermudas. Ivy .Famoua makers' short sleeve sport and dress I• IM b Mwol gaaduite and a gorqs, golf akirta . t . cottons, dscron-cotton, lintns, solids, plaids, checks. model, sizes 29-42 . . . belt- tab, button-downa. 14Vji-17. shirts . . , s ^ dacron-cotton solid and plaid I IW ipMneSa Mmmd Ool. Isfi model, eizee 80-42. Bemudas. AH with DAL Brand labels. 8-18. 10-18. ^

0 - J <**- jt... w. . rx"' ivifBSTEB EVENING HEHALD, MANCUBSTEB. CONN, WEDNE3DAY^ JUNE 14, 19 ' town, Cheryl, 5, Donna, 10 and visions, land conservation. Juve­ helanca swim suits 2 *9 9 C ^ d e 9 are 90 books of which brother, Charles St. pierre of Mrs. Katherine Bourn and utiliUee Inetalled. The Army mal fat deposits, waterlogging, tion. Academ y Junior O g h School • tie oxfords, straps and dressy styles Sandra, 12, accompanied by nile delinquency, sales of next year. the library has ft6, for Grade 10, Vernon; two sisters, Marie School Superintendent William su ited both water and sewage pimples, growth of hair on the The President' said at a news • not all sizes in every style Ann Simmons; Patti Jean How- surplus food abroad rad water Usted are 81 books, of which Rocheleau of Swampscott, Curtis; Town Planning Oonn- treatmmt on the sita face, d i^ e s s of the skin, thin­ VUlllVIconference eilUC Tuesday AUWOVWjr SSV-he wantswme.w | ------— Lyons is married to the for­ • and expertly fitted, o f course lett, 8, o f Windham and the the Ubrary has 59, Grade 11, Mass., and Mrs. Herbert Voisine mission chairman Martin AI- Both Powell and 'I'aylor em­ ning of the hair on the scalp, Congress to work longer and resources research. mer Anne Grover of Itorttord. group: orig. 2.98, girls' 3 to 6x Suffolk Trio of Manchester, of Manchester. • DISCONTINUED STYLES ONLY orig. 3.98, 4.98, sizes 7 to 15 listed 67 books with 58 avail­ w rd and town planner Joaeph phasised today that the town’s poor resistance to infection and Dick Fegy, 14 with Marty The funeral will be held able at the library, and for Tamaky; members of the Town h o p ., of attracting RPl to the delayed wound healing. I ’m sure Fegy, 18 and Dave Goodstine, Thursday at 8:15 a.m. from the tion, but the effect Is not lasting Grade 12, listed 194 book.s I'th Detoitopmant OommlMlon; and Keeney S t location are not far your doctor would not give this H ie oondition Is congenital ' I William H. Yost Funeral Home, and no permanent cure Is known. tennis G shift sets 1 * 9 9 90 available for circulation. 13. advanoad. Taylor has contact- drug to a 2-year-old for long and, like color-blindness, may Astronomers jamaicas 2.99 W. Main St., Stafford Springs, Oomm^ty OoHege Advisory "Die library has 15 books on The Three-Fourths of Coven­ Council chairman Matthew ad R Pl Dean Warren C Stoker periods without good reason. He be transmitted by file mother, try, Michael Costello, Cosmo with a Mass of requiem at St would probably keep the dose but is seen only In boys. Be­ Q—Is It safe for a mother with erdM* on the sugrgested Grade Moriarty ahd odlage dean Fred­ (a Hanriieater resident) and Edward’s Church, Stafford to the smallest amount that cause gamma globulin helps asthma to breast feed her baby? dacron and cottons, gabs, hemespun, solids, 18 levd, as well as about 15 Sosirpello Jr. and Jeffry St. erick Lowe. has datsrminsd that the school’s Not Familiar group: orig. to 2.98, girls' 7 to 14 more on order for the other four Martin, all 10; the Trim Tees of Springs, at 9. Burial will be in would give the needed effect us to fliiit Infections, children A—It Is not only safe, but pref­ plaids, prints. administration is accepting pro­ erable. When babies develop grade levels. Mansfield including Chris St. Edward’s Cemetery. The town has been discusaing Discontinuance of the drug, with this deficiency get re­ clearance! posals fo r new sites, but that asthma and other allergies, they In making the special effort TVacy, 4, with Kathy Tracy, 8, Friends may call at the funer­ purchaae of the site with the when it is done, must be gradu­ peated Infections and have a In This World U.S. General Servlcee Adminis­ is as far as the effort has gone. usually get them from early In­ jamaicas, polos or shirts to make available more books Peter Tracy, 10 and Michael al honte tonight from 7 to 9. al. hard time to get rid of them. tration ((]rSA) since la«t No­ W ith a better Idea o f the na­ fections or cow's milk. fo r youths in school with its Q—My son has agammaglo­ ..Victim s are especially sus­ 'Tracy, 12, and Doris Costello, 9. vember, but has not mkde a ture o f the land Involved, the LOS ANGELES (AP) — You orig. 3.98, 4.98, sizes 7 to 15 Umltsd budget, the library com­ Mra. Edith Strickinnd bulinemia. B'hat is it and what ceptible to infections Involving of Coventry accompanied by Infielder Charley Smith of tha have probaUy never met one. mittee agreed with Mrs. Leon HEBRON — Mrs. Edith definite proposal for the pur­ town's dirsetora hope te be able Is the treatment? their Joints. Injections of gam­ BOYS' SHOES Michael Coatello. chase of the property. « Labile, librarian, to select those Strickland, 76, of Hebron, wid­ to aet their aitea on a definite A —H iIb Is a deflotenoy of ma globulin are given to help Mets has played with the Dodg­ They're nocturnal, mostly, 1.59 2 for 3. The Millers or Coventry, Interest fai the tract was re­ books she M t would be o f gen­ ow of Harold Strickland, died Use fo r the old N IK E site. gamma gtobulfai la the blood. the rtetim overcome an Infec­ ers, Phillies rad White Sox. and dwbll on mountain tope in shirts, blouses 2 .9 9 Glenn, 7, Heidi, 10, Marilee, 11 Sunday at the Norwlchtown eral and continuing interest. and David, IS; and the Hitch- ■Uvery domes that open only at orIg. 9.98 to 11.98 Most of the books av&llafale Convalescent Home, after a 1 ikera of Coventry including night. group: orig to 1.98, girls' 4 to 12 sleeveless, long o r roll-ups, {Mints, solids, for okculatiQn af the Ubrary long illness. But they do come down into Bemie Costello and Charles checks. may be taken out for two Mrs. Strickland was bom In the oltlea occasionally, to greet Ookl, both 16; Dennis Philbrlck weeks and may be renewed M Hebron, a daughter o f Mr. and their wives, kiss their kids rad Bot in demand. and George Crandle, both 16, Mrs. Ferdinand Coates, and was pick up fresh supplies. 6 . 9 9 - 7 . 9 9 play shorts or jamaicas Urn newest boohs saw on ren- and I>aniel DePlante, age 17. a long time rmident of Hebron, You could, conceivably, hump 9il abstvee and may be taken Prlaas wHl be awarded dur­ Marlborough and. In her later Into one. Ckxnbed cottons, knits, solids orig. to 5.98, sizes 7 to 15 eat at a dm ige of three cents ing dancing which wiU have years, Colchester. n 3TOU do rad his clothes look Sizes 12Vi to S, SU to 6, 6i/s to 10. Dis­ (M* plaids. a day. Other newer books may mus4o fumdahed by the Rltch- Survivors include a daugh­ a little rumpled. It’s probably continued styles of fine qu^ity famous .99 5 be tahSB ant for seven daya at hllters of Oovwitry. ter, Mra. Irene Johnson o f Co­ because he’s been on him all make shoes fr(»n regular stock. Not ev­ i BO ofaaage. Square Dancing Fkiday lumbia; two brothers, Paul C. night, neglected while he gazed cotton slacks 2 .9 9 c niare la a 1km of two eaate The Whirlaways Square Coates of Amston and Clyde E. at sights in time rad space that ery size in every style. * a day for overdue books, Dance Club wlU have its first of Coates of East Haven: a sister, only his kind can see. entire stock of girls' 3 to 6x, 7 to 14 e Any fucther infonnaUan Is six outdoor square dance pro­ Mrs. Nicholas Johnson o f Old If you talk to him and his M avaihHe hem Kbcaiian Mrs. grams at club level from 8 p.m. Saybrook; 10 grandchildren words have little meaning to you . Labrte, or MTs. Herbert E. to 11 p.m. Friday at Coventry and 24 great-g;randchlldren. It’s because he thinks in a poly- spring & summer dresses orig. 2.98 to 12.98 Roae, asstatant Mbrarian. Mrs. High School on Ripley Hill Rd. Funeral services were held ot Jargon of technical terms ' M m J. Onmmtsk Is oftmi at John Hendron wUl be the guest yesterday in the Marlborough a n raa^Uskg vented to convey Ideas beyond ttw desk OB a part-thne basts, S caller. Congregational Church. Burial the ken of ordinary mortals. orig. 4.98 aaShftag Mrs. tadafe. Ibe H- handbags Refreshments will be served waa in Marlborough Cemetery. If he seems like he’s from an­ hours are: Tuesdays and to 16.98 by Mr. and Mrs. Russell Storrs, other world —■ it’s because that 2.99 to 5.99 Mwawdsya, M :M p.m. to S p.m. tiris paper clearance! Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fortin Is what he deale with most of straws, laathers OFF and T.pjB. to 9 p.m.; Fridays, and Mr. and Mrs. ESlsworth Hie time: Other words. 13:90 p m . to B p.m.; Satur- Orsenleaf. "Door” duty will be Hospital Notes But tretunire the meeting — diys, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ a t y a n r Arpeggios School Committee Meets Fou’ve Just met a new kind of entire stock of girls' 3 to 14, toddlers' ert Martin and Mr. and Mrs. The Coventry Grammar Vlaitliig houre are 3 to 8 p.m. aatloftal hero. James Toomey. The public is In­ Bciiool AddMon BuHiUng Com­ in all areaa excepting matern­ He’s an astronomer. group o f vited to watch the dancers. ity where they are 2 ^to 4 p.m. o w n p aea The blazing dawn of the space mittee wfU meet at 7 :N p.m. mid-heel shoes spring coats & suits junior, petite, preteen F rite y at Coventry IBgh Srtmol Mrs. Herbert Cunningham is and 6:80 to 8 p.m. aad private age has thrown a sudden light the new rtialrmcui the Pine rooms where they are 10 a.m. of public recognition on this sav­ Supt. of Schools W17ilson L. in women's sizes 5 to 9 TlUey sjod COS Principal Clar­ Hills Homemaker Club with to 8 p.m .Visitors are requested ant of the night. 1 / 3 O F F ence Edmondson. The meeting Mrs. William Kaminsky as vice not to smoke In patlente’ rooms Once he wore black robM and summer dresses wM dlseuas the fUmtture for the (dudrman. Mrs. Richard Sher­ No more than two vlsltora at peaked c^>, and ordinary folk man will serve as secretary and V z V i aefaool addMloD. one time per patient. thought he oould tell the future orig. 9.98 - 10.98 orig. 7.98 to 24.98 There are openings *tn the publicity rtutirman. B om the stars. 6 . 9 0 Coventry R eoiW fon Commit' Mn. Alice Call of Bradenton, PATIENTS TODAY: 267. When It became a national tee-apoemorsd summer program Fla., Is visiting with her broth­ ADMITTED YESTERDAY: goal to rocket humans Into the Smartly styled shoes in white, bone, for girls of Grade 7, 8 and 9 er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bertha Hart, 161 St. John hostile environment of the moon at the Coventry 1 9 ^ School Mrs. Lk B. fittierman of Rich­ St.; Mrs. Gladyee Bissell, ISO rad p^ets, mily the astron- beige, black, calf or patents. Discon­ group: Infants', toddlers' entire stock of grounds eondi|cted Mondays, mond Rd. for two weeks. Ludlow Rd.; Merle Jones, 126 mer oould plot the trajectories tinued styles. Not every size in every junior, petite, preteen wethieedaya and Fiiada3rs Parker St.; Anthony Tofil, Hart- aad guess what the explorers style. «mii«h Ji^ 34. To date 16 Maaoiieeter Evening Herald ford; Lynn Ellis, North Coven­ would encounter wi their arrival. play sets, eton suits l / j » 1 / 2 O F F airis ss« enroUed in a program Ooveatry oorreapondent, F. try; Elizabeth Smith, 24 Bige-| Before the space age opened of soAbaU, touch football and Panllne LMtIa, telkpkone low St.; Mrs. Pearl 061e, 9 Dem- with the launching of man-made spring coats, suits Mrs. Dtana IBcks 7«l-6281. ing St.; Carmen Leemar, 126 aatellltea in 1967, the biggest sin­ short sets i q q Deepwood Dr.; Mrs. Gladys gle sum of money astronomers GambolaU, 16 W. Center St.; had ever been given to spend orig. to 3.98 Mrs. Glorence Carlson, South was $6 million In private funds FBI Combs Swamp Windsor; Gilman Glardin, 147 —the cost of the 200-lnch tele­ orig. to 4.98, entire stock Brookfield St.; Mrs. Clara Pri­ scope on Palomar Mountain In clearance! mus, 66 Harlan St.; Mrs. Chris- Southern Califomia. group: orig. to 1.69 O O tie Banks, East Hartford; Et- Since 1967, some $60 million In Raccagnl, 74 Woodbridge government money has been spring, summer hats L99 For Rights Workers St. granted by the National Science famous Sandler's toddler polo shirts ♦OO ADMITTED TODAY: Patricia Foundation to Kltt Peak Nation­ to keep an eye on the M issis-! Bamowski, 126 Glenwood St.; al Observatory at Tucson, Arts., stppi situation. Robert Kanekl, 86 Porter St.; and the National Radio Astrono casual women's shoes Tbe slatioii wagon ws«f,lowed —The 2,000 delegates to the' Sue Ellen Ck>te, 44 Pine St.; my Observatory at Green Bank, group: orig. to 2.29, toddlers' g orig. to 8.98, junior 7 to 13 W.Va. "w g\ Is a garage here end h e| A under Washington convention of the Mrs. Josephine Monaco, U Scott orig. 8.99 to 10.99 National’Association for the Ad­ Even greater expendlturw giierd. Two FBI leboratory Dr.; Mrs. Loretta Motola, Wap- vancement of' Colored People plng; George Heasman, 60 Dud­ are planned for a new astro­ polos or crawlers shifts niadras or danim Beehnlelaiie were to etudy H to- voted to demonstrate at the ley St.; Mrs. Charlotte Cote, nomical center being devel­ 5 . 9 9 Justice Department today. An East Hartford; Mrs. Norma oped by five European nations 3 for 4.00 gchwemer, who had been NAACP resolution spoke of a Plus, 24 Goslee Dr.; Mrs. Ba- and this country on the peaks working in die Meridian area “ hate-infested atmosphere’ ’ in bette Davis, South Windsor; Mi­ o f northern Caiile.. 5 , 9 9 - 6 . 9 9 A few years ago discovery tor several months, Cheney and Mississippi and said the disap­ chael WasyUik, 64 Hillside St.; Sizes 5 to 9, btme, beige, white or black Goodman were last seen about pearance of the three men in-; Frank Naumac. 8 Walnut St that the atmosphere of Mars group: orig. to 3.98 orig. to 7.98, juniors' 7 to 13 was even thinner than suppoeed calf, black patents .... casual Italian 10:80 p.m. Sunday, leaving Phil­ dicated" foul play and possibly | BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A girls' chuboy sizes adelphia ki a southerly direc­ another lynching.” daughter to. Mr. and Mrs. Lee would have rated attention only styled loaf^. Not every size in every to sclentlflc Journals. Today It tion. —The Commission on Religion Putnam, 202 Autumn St.; a s ty le . cotton skirts wins headlines In newspapers all An FBI agent said the sta­ and Race of the Unitarian-Un- daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred­ jamaicas, slacks 4 . 9 9 iversalist Association announced erick Bentley, Hartford. over the world — because It tion wagon apparently was means more millions than 1.99 slims, wraps, hip stitch tnimed Sunday night or before in Washington a reward of i BIRTHS TODAY: A son to blue chambray, navy, black. $1,000 to help find or solve the planned must be spent learning dawn Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Allan now to eoft-land Instruments the mysterious disappearance. Jr., East Hartford. Goodnian was one of 176 out rad man safely on that most James Farmer, national dl- D ISCHARGED YBUBTBR- I of the Congress of Racial earth-like of planets. to M lsa lssl^ over the weekend I ^ Meridian to DAY ; Denice Levmque, Glas­ When the huge telescope on tonbury; George Levay, Tol­ Palomar . Mountain 160 miles land; Mrs. Evelyn LaRoee, 399 clearance! Chancy are members of aouth o f Los Angeles was opened after training at Oxford. Ohio. *.t ______i.. Parker St.; Raymond Arnold, to public view In 1948, nonpro- c l o t h i r sizes 3 to 7, 6 to 12, 14 to 20 Another group of volunteers,! ^ ^ East Hartford;'Leslie Hunter, fassional vlsltora were rare. Biostly college Students, paused ^elp-and Iwpe, ’ Farmer tol^l women's kedettes, 243 E Onter St.; Mrs. Kathleen Last vear more than 16,000 had In Washington Tuesday en route newsmen. Meridian police gave Wheeler, North Coventry; Mrs. Farmer a protective guard. a glimpse through the giant to Mississippi from Oxford, Linda Lyon, Columbia. eye of light from objects gteve Bingham, a spokesman, leather sandals^ boys' short or long slegye DISCHARGED TODAY: nmllUons of miles away. boys' collared polos b o y s ' 1:- ■aid file 28-member group was John Welch, 103 Greenwood In 1067, the nation’s unlversl- BpprsiMiisive that soma may be Dr.; Mrs. Marion Gowdy, Cov­ About Town tlas counted 168 graduates in as­ orig. 2.50 to 3.98 Bilalreatsd. entry; Mra. Lois Fogg, 19S tronomy. by last year the numr canvas sneakers 6 to 2 0 sport shirts "W a go afraid, yat dadlcat- Parker St.; Joan and Patrida ber bad risen to 634 and hun- ivy cotton slacks ad,” he aaid. The educational and line arts Ann FounUln, 467 N. Main St; committees of the Junior Cen­ drads mora Wera rejected for Schwemer’t wife was flying Barry Smith. 82 S. Main St.; lack of fadUtlea. 4 to 20 to Missisalppi from Ohio to | tury Club will have a combined Mrs L oretU McOuill, Ellington. 1.99*0 3.29 sizes S to 7, orig. 2.98 L 9 9 meeting tonight at 8 at the No one ft hurrying you along. Or, If they ara, you can always mm Tha star-gaser’s formal train­ orig. 3.98 - 4.98 2 . 9 9 await word of her husbqnd. I ing lasts as long as a phy- orig. 2.59, 2.98 —In Waahington, Rep.Arthur | home of Mrs. Norman Hohen- the paper and return to it later ih peaae. You're reading axactly 1.99 thal, 146 Florence St. alcian’s. Twenty years or more sizes 6 to 12, orig. 3.98 Winstead, D-MiSb., whose home of study pass before he wins hla Sizes W/% to 9, discontinued styles and 2 , 9 9 is Phlladrtidiia, said "a ll self- what interests)^ , in the order in whicn each Kem islmportant crew neck polos RED SMITH WINS 1963 TOTAL AO DOLIARS doctorate. colors only. sizes 14 to 20, ' respecting people down there to you. Which conies first with you? Men and women approach a paper The astronomer today must be orig. 4.98 ’ 3 . 9 9 famous make, ivy styled shirts in fine are worried, /or we dbn’t want WETHERSFIELD (A P I- News Tidbits Young Don Parsonjof Mill a master of mathematics and ^ group: orig. 1.79 any violence.’' from the AP Wires somewhat dHferantly, according, to Carl J. Nelson Research. piursles. famous makers, from regular River staged a trameiidoiia cottons, plaids, stri{)es, prints or Wlnstaad said the "profes- Bs must also know geology oomelmok Hits momhig In the Haro’s the order th ^ obsarvs, on the aasraga; stock synthetic blends included, ■lonal poUUcians and so-callad and ehemlstry, so ha era imder- sisee 8 to 16 ^ 9 9 all colors. solids. While ({uantlties lest. church leaders” who back ofvll State Amateur Gotf Cham- American Legion poet obap- ■tand the make-up o f other plan- lights workers, come from pioneblp, eomlng from way tqr in Texas-.rdnaea to admit ato; Uology and botany; elec­ places “ with tan times more back to register a stunning 2 eatnut in tbelr aanual bathtog n & “ tronics rad engbiM iing; the and 1 victory over Jim Grant Clime than Mississippi and beauty review who wanted to new science of nuclear energy, the Wethreafleld Country should try to solve their own wear topleM bathing^suit. . . . because the sun rad other clearance! H e’ll oppose Staorehav- problems at home.” Movte ft a r Leslie Caron aaaurea stars are hydrogen bombs in J en y CourvlUe who ount- —'Ilia parents of two of the divorce court ahe will aot re­ endless explMion; four to six sum m er veteran Dr. Ted Lenazyk, boy s' pajamas Blseiiig men called on President move her two ebUdrea from foreign languages; and public women's slippers boys' swim trunks Johnson Tuesday and were as- (4 and 2. Upoots aloo marked affairs, beoatow today he boys' Bermudas Britato wtobout oonaesit o i her MONEY IS INVEiTED aured the government is doing Htonda a great deal o f pubUe eptraogad toiahanrt. Peter Ball, averjrtUag in tia power to lo- N«8PM>ER8 aonsar and oonaaqtMuQy Is to- or witboat aourt order. S io S O tiaat 8 te 20 groups •at to aata tbam. WhRo Bouse pracc HM N IN ANY OTHER BBlrsa hi poMtloa. and travtl flippers 10 aecretary Qeoige Reedy said ______e( HrclMrood, Maina moonwetebera o rig . 2.98 2.39 eaceaeat vtew at toalgbtfB • m Prealdent gave Mr. and 3 and 1, while Faiwitogton'e i^i tStal n M Mmrhkd WkU sclg.lJKL8M Mrs. Robert Goodman and BIH Whedou tamed ont young nsosa ecllpae from Oadlllae Ifathan Schwarnar, all of New Del Khmey e< Ttmxla Plaa- Mountain on Mt. Desert Island. oonbed eottqns orig. 2.59. 2.98 TKKaBURO, Mlaa.- bone, gold, bhie. fins plisses, eotton knits, sombtd eoi> aooi^ kaits ia solids or aordKlia, McM to tliw thy O u ilhtidt., U L, to iis r. markers, monumsolA m tu m . toaa, soat sr middy, solids or prlnta. A' r - • ^ 1 ■■i 1 <

‘ -if"


sought by Oov. Paul Johnson, Columbia Canoe Club mem­ few Method added 300 men to the Mississip­ 12th Circuit Sukarno Reports bers came through with flying DE MAIO BROTHERS pi Highway Patrol and gave the paddles St the first annual T*I. 643-7691—Vfn Carry Jennite Ssslar to rm er. traffic control agency Court Gases More Aid Coming Nathan Hale Canoe Jamboree £ u t8 Violence police powers to be used only by DRIVE COOL TPWORRDW held at Mansfield Hollow Dam proclamation in the event of Sunday. JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)— racial disorders. The event, attended by over ROCKVILU; SESSION President -Sukarno said today m a r k IV MONITOR _ In Ole Miss Another new statute, now faC' 800 persona, was held to stimu­ ing a court test, prohibits {rick- Edward M. Parsain, 19, 8 Indonesia wiU get outside help for its campaign to crush M a­ late Interest in paddling and etingng near entrances to govern-1 Cherry Lane, yesterday was The Wthnete hi ANo Mr CondHIonlni w as open to anyone who want­ JACKSON, Kiss. (AP)-W hlle ment buildings. Several demon-' sentenced to 60 days for oper- laysia. He threatened the use of ed to enter. white citixens wait nervously for strators were arrested under ating a motor vehicle while his "combined forces" againat 'the Arnold Demus, a member of an Increase in civil rights activ­ this law In Hattiesburg during 1 license was under suspension, British-defended federation. ity this summer, Missssppi o(- a recent "Freedom D ay” mass fined 825 for operating an im- Indonesia's campaign against the 1960 U . S. Olympic team, fciala have armed themselves voter registration drive. registered motor vehicle and 825 Malaysia is being o^xwed bY and Billy Oates, 16-yeariold na­ combined forces, Sukarno said tional champion, were among with new laws and techniques Johnson signed a law permit­ for improper use of registration with Soviet First Deputy Pre­ those attending. aimed at averting violence. ting cities to enter into mutual plates, ’^ e jail sentence was mier Anastas Mlkoyan beside Up until a few months ago, assistance pacts in times of suspended and Parsain was Two Boston clubs, Cochituate demonstrators usually were ar­ ihcial duress in order for law placed on probation ifor one him, and "obviously we will Oanoe Club and Samoset Canoe rested the minute they appeared face them also with combined enforcement agencies to m ar­ year. dub, oompeted with the looal Marilyn Court Apartments Rising at Olcott and S. Adams Sts. AMERICA’S LAReEST FAMILY CLOTHINS CHAIM on the streets. In Jackson alone Ossia D. Proof, 31, and Patri­ forces.” ehib. shal forces. • AMERICA’S TOP-SELLING CUSTOM INSTALLED A mld-Septembsr conmlatlon data is the goal for what is to be the largest dining room, ceramic tile bath, and electric kitchen. A sloaed circuit TV last summer more than 1,000 ar­ cia C. Wood, 35, both of 44 Elm Sukarno, speaking at the ded­ Some cities have entered into Lee German and Robert single i^iartment building in Manchester — A thrse-story 102-room building system is planned from each i^iartinant to tha main lobby. Tlw building will rests were made. .St, both charged with lascivious ication of a monument given In­ such pacts with Jackson bC' Fletcher, CXX, won the mixed St Olcott and S. Adams Sts. to bo called Marilyn Court The structure was be the flnt large residential structure in Manchester with elevators and But a new ^proach appeared cause of lU big police force and carriage, pleaded guilty and had donesia by the Soviet Union, I • RTSW^MOST ANY CAR... INSTALLS IN HOURS tendem event with Sally Lou designed by Msnchsster Architect Arnold Lawrence, AIA, and has as its with electric room heating. (Rradering by Arnold Lawrenoe, AIA, archi­ this winter, inaugurated in Hat' riot control techniques and their cases continued to July 7. said the Indonesian revolution is • 24-MONTH OR 24,000-MILE WARRANTY Hasset and Richard King of focus a Uu*ee-story, glass fronted entrance facing Olcott St. Each of the tect.) tieeburg — let the demonstra­ equipment. j Sheldon D. Haas, 28, Valley "now entering a new stage in Cochituate second, and B arbara apartm e^, whether one or two bedroom, will Include a foyer, living room. tors have policed freedom of crushing Malaysia." Other new laws permit eities 1 Falls Rd., was given a 30-day • NATIONWIDE SERVICE Newfaall and Guy NewhaH, Co- movement. to restrain movements of | sentence, suspended, for breach "In this respect we are • EASY BUDGET TERMS ehltuate, third. Oatea; Don and Sterling Bright­ Ehrangelism and spiritual life; Ih e lack of attention, police groups, set up curfews, ban the ^ of peace. A n intoxication charge also combining anti-imperialist was valedictorian at graduation Memorial Hospital in New Lon­ cf the Dolphinettee, a synchron­ Ca\hy Oosline and Janet Le­ Mrs. Hayden Allen, Christian theorized, would wear thin the circulation of boycott literature ; was nolled. forces. We are not standing PricM Start At man and Richard Gates and exercises held last week for don last wsek. ised swlRuning club, the Can­ vesque, ^ E A r ] dent John F. Kennedy and A m ­ tion, 825. "for the elimination of all forms bassador Henry Cabot Lodge for Bill Eward, 11, of Indianapolis, Ind., found the spray from a of domination and oppression. ^S A L E Walter G. Secore, 31, 87 Tal- DAYS tropical the coup in which her husband Antara gave no details as to the oott Ave., pleaded innocent to a street departnhent truck offered some relief from swelter­ ONLY 'and her brother-in-law. Presi­ amount of aid or the form It THE LARGEST BUYER dent Ngo Dinh Diem, were as­ charge of non-support and ■will ing 90-degree heat yesterday. (A P Photofax,) might take. PKG. OF 100 sassinated. receive a court trial next THies- BEACH Bob PAINTING AND In The Country Can Offer You These Buys ARTHUR'S 7 4 ' ' MOTOR SALES DECORATING CARNIVAL OF BARGAINS 6 6 reduced! S D A Y B O N L Y 0 1 B fA IN ST. 648-1591 Palmolive Rapid P H O N E 648-2804 e D A Y S O N L Y sve. Large Size P A T IO L IT E TEXAS-WARE 12^ OM. Open Nights • Easy Terms Call Evenings — 6 to 9 INSECT REPELLENT SWIM-KLEEN BEVERAGE GE—2 Wash Cycles—3 Wash Temperatures GE PORTABLE T.V. WITH STAND CANDLE ADJUSTABLE BOX OF 4 \r $1.49 Value. TUMBLERS 99c Value. Pint Size. •1.09 39c Value. Each SCREENS POPSICLE SklM i ilk ftMSSSMSMk • CHANHaS Protects your children from '2 Rinse Temperatures — Soak Cycle READ THIS BEFORE YOU REPAINT YOUR HOUSE ALL SIZES IN STOCK Clip and redeem this coupon contaminated w ater . . . • MONOPOLE ANTINNA makes the w ater in your MOLDS at our store TODAY! These Break . resistant, scratch- FROM • 12 U . CAPACITY ^ candles help repel mosqui­ kiddie pool clear, pure and resistant and shatterproof. IN THE PlttCE. LIFETIME GUARANTEE germ free. here’s proof that new Lucite* house paint outlasts ordinary toes, files and gnats. Bum s Safe In dishwasher. Choice • ON CIRCUIT 'o r over 24 hours. Pleasantly of assorted colors. FV>r fam ­ • SAFiTY 8RAKE IN SPIN CYCL8 outside paints. scented; In reuseable cock­ EVEREADY ily or entertaining. • DAYLIGHT KUE SCREEN tail glass. Soft candle light ' creates pleasant atmosphere. 3 7 • FRIIDIRICT FACTORY LANTERN PREVENT DOG DAMAGE ' • FRONT TUNING CONTROLS WITH 8 8 PLUS $2.95 Rand- McNally Make Your Own Treat* CAMPING ATLAS SCRVICE ON PARTS A LAROR • TRUE TEMPER, S-PIECB K-9-KOP $10.95 Value. CAMPER’S KIT *7.88 $1.80 Value. STYROFOAM PKG. OF 100 • A U FORCiLAIN TUR. TOP A UD 14 oz. can. *1.29 i $12.95 Value. 0 3 Get this special sale offer PAPER TODAY while they last! A dog repellent aerosol that ICE keeps dogs, rabbits, cats i from destroying garden. Will Consists of .shovel, ax and CUPS MORTELL not wash or wear off... BUCKET bow saw, double-strapped, lasts for weeks. i for easy carrying or stor­ age. NO-DRIP TAPE 139 STOPS WATER PIPE EDWARDS 2-GAUA>N i in pktsfB CONDENSATION WITH STAND GAS C A N VANISH *1.69 6 6 ' 185 $2.10 Value. 3 7 ' TOILET BOWL CLEANER FIto Home RMlIla Stops cold w ater pipe *1.39 While They Last ’’ 98c Value. "sweating" that causes dam­ GE Stereo Phonograph age to floors, appliances, Clip and redeem this cou­ 46 oz. size. . pon at our store TODAY! tools. Self-adhering. . . easy GE 11.8 Cu. R . Refrigerator to apply to valves, tees, Hgs fllp-vent, neoprene spout STYRO <■ Has exclusive QK 100-15 and dust cap for lasting DRI-ICE formula that kills 100% of joints. Needs no overwraps. 16 f t roll. service. Extra ci^>aclty for * Tono Control This Du Pont test house was painted in 1 9 5 7 ... common household germs on fuel additivea A wtmderful SURF OR • TWO ADJUSTARLE SHELVES contact. Gives a fragrant sale value! • • « This side painted with ordinary This side with NEW DU PONT odor. So easy to use! oH-base wHiite point Now long oeer- EAGLE 21/, GALLON CHARGOLITER • RETAINS PARTIAL REFRIGERA­ *.Rdlanco Control "LUCITE’ ’ HOUSE PAINT. Still white. B O N ID E ' BOARDS OM lor npamang> ^ iM tight and going strong.* BASOLINE GAN YOUR CHOICE TION WHEN DEFROSTING TRUE TEMPER GRASS-N-WEED * Styh^ Stfloetor G O L F B A L L $8.27 Value. ^ 2 . 2 9 • FREEZER HOLDS 6S LIS. I H C m E " haseasytOBseasItis d u r a b le i LAWN SPRINKLER KILLER * Dtomond Centridgo Made of heavy guage gal­ 95c Value. ' vanized steel. Complete with 7 7 • ONLY 28 INCHES WIDE $4.95 Value, f J ' • teotedi Nha a piKtIc tbMd vent cap and rubber spout Pint Size. 2 8 with removable brass strain­ others 01.22 er. A soil sterilizer that kills wood, bncli. • R*aiats bliataring, cracking, peeling, Rotating globe swirls gentle all grass and weeds on abalkiwg, mMew ’’rsin'air' in a spiral moUon walks, driveways, paths, up to 40 ft. diameter. Has JOHNSON’S RAID . tennis courts, etc. for periods STYRO • Eaor daan-up . . . bniahaa, nHara coma aluminum runner for easy up to 5 years or longer. BATHING rtoiMitawiMlw* moving. FLYING INSECT Non-staining, non-corrosive, non-flsmmable. 42.5% sodi­ um srsenate with AA2, ICE M M o H M I s i a i • Laata . . . with atubbon wacthcr raalat KILLER CAPS WONDER PACK OF which doubles killing ef- anea, taat paowan durabiNMr fleienoy. $1.29 Value. CHESTS CHILD A ADUlJr CLEANING COMPLETE ALTERATIONS INCLUDED HEW DU PONT “LUCTTE** HOUSE PAINT 8.S.S. POLYETHYLENE WITH HANDLE SPONGES Clip and redeem this Amney- * Lowaiy aaw ceiom and intae For ali axtarior trim, wood or aaving coupon at our store CLOTHES LINE NOW! Get this pressuriaed SIZES FOR REGULARS, SHORTS, LONGS matai —• tough, faiterasistant 95c Value. $ 1 .6 6 OULUXBTMm AShuttarEnamai can... .be free of flying in- «2.3« Vilue. FREE DIRECT aeoth all sununer. It’a a faat- 100 Foot. *1.69 ' Reg. T.M DuPont's polyv,h'i ftbi-r acting kiUar. yet it now ■i6 6 FACTORY SERVICE DElilVERY AND I Various eiaea for haaut ahd amelia b o good, too! N o Here’s a strong, aU-mirposa oar cleaning jobs. Always more unpleasant odor Ungw- utility cord in nuihogany » 2 “ soft, wet or dry. Odorless, ON ALL PARTS end LABOR ing about the house, w b a a and white color. Completely INCTALUTION I t h u r I: m 9 P.M. HtR6 WHY • i •.I h .,..' V riQ resistant—r t i ^ clear. you redeem this coupon aee mildew and rot proof. Hag K handy re-uaabM plastic the many other sale values GREEN mNIPS! YOU SAVl extra heavy, thick oover for • E • draw-strhig bag. , throughout our atore! extra wnar. ia n JOHHSON PAINT Co. SHOP—COMPARi—THEN SEE US AT ROtJtRT HAU • FAIRWAY ^TW O LOCA’nONS— InOOfh VI/tR GOOD>*VEAIll t w i n MANCHESTER GOODA i AR SERVICE ! LARSEN’S HARDWARE Inc. IS * MMMte Tpka. E. 71S MAIN STRin G MANCHRSTH A 64 ROUTE S - SOUTH WMBSOR, 14 OVOT SQUAU MANCHKTML Nedrt 8* ris iila i —— 1 FliN T Y OF PREI • i ■ l / .f. 5 v< •it

^ - ft ■ MANCHESTER E Y E IN G HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY. JfCNB K IfM -- X'. MooHom Two WHmUBDAT, JUNE M. 1964 UtanrljirBtrr Evnttos lIrntUi ffW RSDAY Sponsorod By Rotail Division Sponsored hy The Hoftdi ‘ FRIDAY MANCHESTER ^ Several Showers Contracts Awatrded For Miss Smith SATURDAY S 0 ]M» CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Miss Bonnie M. Bmlth of Pipe Band Plays For TTiree Schools Maacbeeter waa recently the ...... " ' ■ ' " "-j ...... guest of honor at several bridal once. The total of Idle produc­ The board of direeton Imt night unanimously author­ Miowera. A miscellaneous shower was At. World’s Faicnr Purope by Car tion daya may be greater. But ised the award of contracti totaling 6var |1.8 millira - - ■ ■■ — - rr ’64 Summer because of the bustatM upswing givan by Mrs. Timothy Oiravd, some companies are trying for additional alterationa to three achoola, Ke«i«y Stv, mother of the brldegrroom-sleet, By HOWIE HOLCOMB 5 Topic of Film Robmtson and Highland Park. Mrs. Usine Girard and Mrs. \ t \ _____ divided vacations — a week In It may not b« racordad on any official prodamatkiL Prosperous July, another at Christmas, or A $846,000 eoa raet Michael Flattery, who will be j "Yli# Onnd Tour—Europe in bridesmaids in the wedding but Wednesday, July 8, will be Manchester Day at th§ at some date when the backlog Keeney Bt., and a $680,700 eon- Itm was adjusted en paper to Tour Our" will be preeented to­ By SAM DAWSON party. It was held at the home New York World’s Fair. On that day, at 8 ]>.m. to te of unfilled orders is less impres­ tract tor Rcbertaon wdbe voted read $86,600. morrow at 2 and 8:16 pjn. at AP Bosiaeas Newa Analyat sive. for Jack Hunter Ihe. of Man- of Buns. Henry Tlechert of BSm- exact, Manchester’s famed Kiltie Pipe Band wiil preeaiM Uie State Theater with Andre Before an^rovtag the $680,700 NEW YORK (AP) — Stock The auto changeovers this Miaatcr with the approval of aU wood, aunt of Miss Smith’s a one-hour program at the...... Pe la Varre Jr. personally nar- town offioiala and afeaotea in­ contract for oonstruotlon at fiaaosj and was attended by 26 United States PavUion. ratiniT* Aim was made last market chartists ars tying ev­ summer are compUcatsd by re­ Robertson Debool, Martin said w*l psrform, tafokiding ports that models revisions will volved. relatives and friends. The appearance of the Man- Deep RiverRiv Ancients, who Mummer on the continent by the ery price flurry 'for signs ’of the However, the eiward of a that ha has asked the low bid­ Mr. and Mrs. Elaine H. Gir­ ohestm- Pipe Band ia being spon­ be more extensive than ia many der to bold hia bid open formed st the Texas State senior De la Varre who has been traditional summer rally. $468,400 contract to the Amo- ard of Deerfield Dr., Vernon, sored liy The Herald, and is one travel photographer for Warner years. But even more unsettling for 80 daya or mors, last fall, and the Mat! Steel production ia sliding fast is the labor negotiations soon to ciateid Oenstruotion Co. of Hart­ brother and sister-in-law of of a woek-kxiig list of special Drum Band of WatsriMiry, ona Bros., unttad Artists, Columbia iiii! until $60,000 worth of adjoining Miss Smith’s fiance, were hosts Connecticut attraotione at the and iCetro-Goldwyn-Mayer film toward Oie stIU'more traditional start. Becauss of tUs, pro^- ford tor additiona and altera- of the oldest aurii groups H Uon right now ia probably high­ 11 tiona to the Highland Fark proparty is acqulrsd by the of a Jack and JiU shower. Fair. They will culndnate Sat­ America. In addition, membejl Studios, and has won many July doldrums. KUuiehester Renewal Agency Mrs. Dennis Klotser, cousin urday, July 11, when Connecti­ Academy Awards for his travel er than It would otiierwlae be, Bohoot waa made over the ob- of the Putnam Phalanx of Many factories are preparing and the chances of a strike Jeetiona of General i|anager (MRA). ^ of the bride, and Mrs. George cut Day ■ wlH be observed—of­ ford will serve as a eotor eonH samera-work. for the newer but g^'owtng tra­ Although the sum had been Hickey, aunt of the bride, were Foe two hours through the cloud the late summer pros-, Richard Martin. ficially. pany for the day. dition of a vacation shutdown of pecta. allooated by the board In Jan­ oo-hosteeses at a mlsoellaneous Plans havs not yet been eom- Additional details of th« Malh a ra of the father’s camera and one, two or three weeks. Martin urged rejeotlon of aU at The summer tourist pattern uary for early land acquisition, shower held at the>)iome of Mrs. Idetod. but a tentative itinerary cheater Pipe Band's appeapt the vdoe the son, himself a *1110 auto Industry is prepar Highland Park Bohool b id a no ateps, other than appraisala, anoe will be announced bjf eameraman, who has traveled also Is different this time. The beoauM tho loweat oame hi at Klotser, 14 Union St. calls for the pipe band to leave Ing for the summer model have yet been made. MIm Smith, daughter of Mr. MancheetSr by bus about 7:80 Lange and Woodrow WUsog, aoctenstvdy throughout the changeover. World’s Fair Is adding to the eloae to $80,000 over the eetl- The board membMs expressed and Mrs. Daroy Smith of 206 a.m. Band members will be con­ band president. WmM, the spectator will experi­ Hot weather sport and rsersa' onslaught on New York hotel mated ooat. He recommended ence the splendors of Europe. rooms. It also adds some un* 90S MAIN STREET thplr dissatlafactioa with the de­ Oakland St., will become the ducted on special tours at the tional items are selling fast. that the plana be amended end bride of Ronald L. Girard, son Tlie “oM worid” will be shown certainty to the outlook for sum­ ii that new blda be eoughL lay, and unanimously approved Fair prior is getting ready tor Public Records UConn Graduate Tourists jam New York mer busluess In resorts, If many 648-2478 a motion which instructed the of Mr. and Mrs. ’Timothy Gir­ their formal appearance. la fun color on wide screen with The general manager, in Moenos of the BXirope of yester­ David T. Lyons received a streets and scramble for hotel tourists spend all thetp money general manager to provide ard of West Hartford, on Sat­ John Lange, executive secre­ rooms. Summer camps shore huckiag the board of eduoation’a them with a written report of urday at St. Bridget’s Church. tary of the Governor’s World’s Wairaatee Deeds day and today. bachelor’s degree in commence­ seeing the fair and nearinr •THE MARVEL OF MAIN STREET" themselves up for the annual sights. ::::: approval tor the oontraot, aakL the steps taken by the MRA F slr Advisory Committee, is in Vernon EL Smith to Patridit ment exercises at the Univer­ rush of school-free youngsters )H!i ”1110 people concerned with since January, in implementing charge of arrangements for J . Orakoweky and EMna R. Gnk* ^ Export* $5,6 Billion Highways to beaches and moun­ The money situation iteelf Is fisj: echodl projeeta are eonoemed kowsky, property at 19 Penn Rd. sity of Connecticut June 14. different this summer. There iJil the $60,000 tor eiu’ly land aomiT week-long prog;ram. tains are even more jammed ^WASH-'N-WEAR only with aohooi projeota and attlon. Porpoises Hula, "We hope to make Connecti- Jam es D. Pike and Betty Q, WAiBHINClTON — About 10 Lyons, the son of Mr. and Mrs. than eyer. are these .factors: record per­ FAMOUS NAME Pike to Home Traders Ehcchanga Bernard F. Lyons of 60 Laurel sonal ineomsB, which can mean not in caving 826,000 or moN, The manager was also au­ eut Week, particularly Connec­ percent of Uhited States farm JSummer is coming in Just like which oould go for atdewaMai, or Spin Like Tops ticut Day, one of the most out­ Inc., property at 875 Center Bt. o n ^ t Is Mcported. *111000 ex- St., majored in biology. He is more money in more pockets of thorised to apply for and to ac­ Executors’ Deeds a 1960 graduate^of hbuudiester always — almost. ’There are more vacationers; the 'federal ■treets, or aewera.’* cept a state nant for Robert­ standing events in the World's a last year reached a new some differences this time. Henry R. Skiff, exeeutor s6Ha. ieut Bank and ’Trust Co. as perform a Samoan slap dance, Republican Director Harold bad, the performance will be Glastonbury, and Ruth Aag A a B o a Lnstra some 6.5 per cent from its changes here and there In the agents for the bond sale, and the A. Turkington, In pinpointing moved under a roof—an over­ Gardner, South Glastonbury. — flhampooec tat $1 traditional patterns. Director Har(4d A. IHirking- and do aerial flips in perfect year’s high of late May—seems Hartford National Bank and formation.,to Hawaiian music. Delays Naming Members the time element, said, “It is hanging area attached to the BuUdtog PermMa ” a day viiiaB yon bqy Dnnoaa Bins sure to go on into July. But this ton toao cautioned agalnat de­ ’lYust Co. as bond counsel. evident that the new CRC will U.S. Pavillion To gtylarama for Ketmeei Jjeitea Bhanvook summer the steelmen think the lay, saying, “A poeaible saving 0ale of the bonds was de- rubber-stamp the old proposals, Poi^le, swimming pool at 91 If. a*--- n S - a«n j ARm ------a.-___ Although the board of dtrec-OcouId he appointed by either Beginniiw Monday, July 8 , BKfV W m dip, however steep It seems In oonatnietkMi cost Is not im­ ferred until such time as the Arretted in Detroit and will in one month, attempt ram St„ $2,80(y: portant enough to delay the tors last night unanimously sp -' party. ' to accomplish what took them special (jonneoUcut perform­ •W>*yompAf* sqatpraen*. Yball now, may prove to be com­ board votes a date of Issue. ances wiH be staged at the U.S. To Conyers Construction Oh paratively sMilow and short­ sohool’s oompletion.'* In addition, the board author­ DBTROI T(AP) — *1116 FBI proved the appointment of a ’The motion which was passed a whole year, the last time for Roy C. Conyers, altaratksA tn aBMMd ■! Ra aar look cf aroac at new Charter Revisloh Commis­ PaviUon. The ftrst one (Mon­ lived. Optimism, bom of a good Spring The board of directors’ unan- ised the general manager, the today hrid two men accused last night specifies that the new around,’* to dwelling at 106 Concord R ^ a $8,188 bank robbery in Con­ sion (CRC), a stoning tactic by (jRC will be instructed to con­ day) will feature the Washing­ cushion of orders, Is strong for hnous approval of the contract town treasurer and the mayor Turkington -suggested that ton Park Drum Corps of Meri­ $4,000. ■ a big fall upturn. necticut. the Republican minority post­ sider only the questions put be­ ■cANcmscnnB WAPFIHa award followed with no more to Issue the same amount of the new CRC eliminate a pro­ den, coinciding with Meriden To Robert Wolvarton, asw Cleaning? notes, in anticipation of sale of Alan V. CUnscales, 23, of De­ poned the naming of its mem­ fore the voters at last month's posal for a mandatory review dwelling at 566 Taylor St., $14p Oleott Stores ’The factory shutdowns for thacuesion. Day at the New England Pa­ (oonTd) Westbrook vacations is taking a neW look bonds. troit, was arraigned yesterday bers unUl at least next Tuesday. referendum. of the general manager, because 000. *■ e n o n to ra t In order to aooept the bid and and LitUe A. ’Tucker, 20, of While the Democrats were vilion. Tuesday, the Bmerald 8harwln-WR- Hardware also. ’Ilte trend toward longer Don't forgot yoor Thq action was necegpary be- Democratic Director Ted "iMt week’s review showed that Dancers, Irish step dancers To Bert Labbe tor Jbaapk Paul’s Paint A 298 Oakland vacations continues, and so does atw remain within the $540,000 oause no provision has been New London, Conn., surren­ ready to name the same five Powell, in making the motion, there is no necessity for it," Hahn, garage at 886 HghlaM Uams Co. WoE-to-Wol Carpot! tHn bond Iseue, approved for the dered to authorities several men they had appointed to last, from throughout the state, will 981 Main the practice of .closing down so madt in ths 1964-66 budget for said, "There is a consensus in Democrat Robert Stone dis­ perform. 8t„ $1,660. that everyone takes them all at project at last November’s ref- payment of principal on new hours later, agents said. Tucker year’s CRC, the Republicans re­ town for most of the questions. agreed, saying, "I think that To John gpoaito, altoratlons ta WASH-'N-WEAR was scheduled for arraignment fused to name their nominees. Thursday’s program wUI fea- For tho most totMlod arendum, a $48,000 oontingenoy bonds. Only a $26,(X)0 Item for With proper review and revis­ last week’s review session was turs eight sets of square danc­ porch at 1 Avon St., $100. new interest payments had been today. Republican Director Harlan ion, they can be put to another very beneficial, and pointed up To Charles Olesen for Robert \ Bond for CUnscales was set Taylor made their intent evi­ ers along with some guest c r i ­ doonlng |ob.. .CoR: budgeted. test in October, when a full vote the need for a two-year, manda­ ers, wMls on Friday a Hooten­ Sullivan, garage at 50 WoodsUft Hew To Hold at $50,000 and U.8. District dent when he asked Town CJoup- would give us a legal expression tory review.” 8t„ $1,488. BERMUDA Judge Wade H. McCree ordered sel Irving Aronson .whether a anny, Connecticut style, will be FRANK FINDLAY Lieenac Your Dog? of approval.’’ .The Republican minority was presented, To R. K. WandeF for AUrad a removal hearing for July 7. new CRC would be a legal agen­ X. Scbinunel, ramodel dwelUng 643-5747 SPORT FALSE TEETH Detroit police arrested Clin- cy if It were composed of rep­ The new ORC will have to adamant In its refusal to name ’the theme of the Conneeticut at 26 Phelps Rd., $874. FRID A Y, JU LY 3 1964 M om R rm ly In Pkien ’The town clerk’s office in the scales yesterday as he vvas get- resentatives from only one par- complete its work in approxi­ its nominees to the new CRC, Day program Saturday erill W O A RN IB’D 8 OftawoM B t mately one month, since state and the meeting was adjourned "Connectlcut'e Heritage from To Add-A-Levsl Dorm CorgC Do your falao teeth annoy aad en>- Municipal Building will be open ting out of his car. Officers said ty. for Edmund H. Perry, altarsp Saturday morning, from 9 to they recognized him from a tele- statutes require that the ques­ until next ^^le8day night, when the American Revolution.” Sev­ feariBM by aUpplnc, ditxiplna or wob- Atty. Aronson answered en of the leading ancient life tions to dwelling at 86 B . MMK bHag whan you eat, lauah H ■ 2 for $9.00. I i ! { ( f I «.| ARE Y o u IN 11 I INSULATED COLD PACK I m a m a Hundrgds of shoM on m Io Ita f. n - M . : I I n ■ . 1/ or oui o f — many jtia than half prical ICE CHEST CANNERS maiLOW Prfea HOT W ATER? I Hold T Quart Jars CHAISES Mod# ly POLORON Complete With Rack Just 9lie* a day for fnsl MEN'S DRESS said Rag. Frica $2.98 $7.88 can get yon out of Rag. Frica $2.59 SPORT SHIRTS - trouble! ' 2 for S15.G0 m arl^W .. Priee R 1 marLOW Priee Ikg. II.M. OO* If' you Uve ia a tyi^oal Best Slack Values! imrLOW PriM TTC house, you oould easily rua ii out of hot water aevaral 4 Umeo a week. X ELECTRIC FANS and C omo Sot Now you oaa have aU tbs FAMOUS MAKE hot water you used at ooa WASH-NrWEAR O w Many time for aaly B^o* a day. Thlak of It—only 9He* a - BREEZE BOXES LUGGAGE Unadvortisod dayt F Yea, tbaaka to Uobllheat OPT —and aa oU-ared hot water FINEST SELECTION — LOWEST PRICES heatar of oorroet oaaaelty^ ""“ ••as 1/3 your family oaa t u e eare Portable of all tbeir waMUag aeeda CHINOS M0EN1S FIRST QUALITY MBN^ KNIT Grilla at ooa tima SHOES Mora can do the family L.. wash, ais caa do the «w«h— I ■! T-SHIRTS NYLONS gROWINO GIRLS’ SPORT gad at the aaBM Urns Jmtlor takea his bath, aad you en­ BRIEFS AND BCISSKS’ QUALITY BEACH UMBRELLA joy, a shower. Reg. 4ae SUMMER FLATS AND POLO SHIRTS Made By Macon Don’t delay—phone us to- ' HEBL'STYLBS dsy. Find out how sssy It Is Ladies! AtliUtk Shorts marLOW PRIOB 5V4Ft. Mullti-Colora. * /##/ SOCK SPECUL! ^▼aloea to $8Ja to swttoh to a Mobnhsst- fire tpnilHf, Raw. aac • 9*0 Yalaea to $18 Ft Bred waisr h sat nagLOW Friaa *ATong« fsmlly of lonv. DRESS SUCKS : o m s MNifsaa nylon hethry RRgrjLOW priea M ' whhe aoHsa rib m eh 2 *10 Pair marLOW priea. •2e99 PICNIC SET 2 79c / i BUY NOW Heavy Plank Redwood. MORIMTY 'FT. BXQUISITE AND o o n o N LADIES’ 6 Foot Table Plus 2 Benches. *24.88 WASH-N-WEAR Oof llig ggeond pair for AND SAVBI (Umbrella Extra) BROTHERS PUYTEX BRAS HOUSEDRESSES DRESSES marLOW FRIOB ▼alnaa to $$M , Innorsprlna CholM on Wbools ADJUSTAME lACX REST 6434135 " Rag. $aJ8 Reg. $6.9# aad $6.9$ .Very emnfbrtoble. Water For The'Beach BE HERE WHEN THE DOORS OPENI OFF rmtLOW PrUa $J.M HMwLOWPfiaa ; Floral Mattiiiss. 921J8 SOT-SIB Cmrtir St. 50% bmoLOW Prias FBOBINBUVBBY! • KART TnUIBt DACRON DIENDS l i l St CiMrQO It wMu W I W V I ^ n m if MAIN or. and f c r n b u . pakkino! '*UNI.CARir •RON STAMPS J ENDICOTT-iOHNSON SHOE STORES DOWNTOWN MAM MAIN OnUEMI’ fHE FAAAtiy IHOl STORES MANCHESTER AAARLiO M o b U h M t i C s MANCHESTOI SH O FF^ FA(li(ADI. 3M W. MfDDU TURNFIKE. MANCHIITIR. CONN. PURNITURE DEPARTMENT MANLOW V THe. 4494021 649-S221 FREE ALTERATIONS ti AJA |R * Fell-e Wm L - Hn^ - FvL. ia AM . to f F.M. FOR IVIRYTHING lINCK 1911! Ai^pRM IIlMM ii . r

V- .


chslrmanship after a long per­ Oommlssion, and the erection Andover iod of service covering over ten of a three-bay brick structure years. He guided the commis­ valued at $12,000. Also- issued THURSDAY Sponsorod By Bofail Divklon . sion through the steps of be­ was a permit for a swimming TV-Radio Tonight ALPOA-Rim coming a combined unit with a pool to James Fol^,‘ Bunker planning arm in April 1955. the Rill Rd.. valued at $l.iM)0. FRIDAY MANCHESTER adoption of a building code in Replace Culverts Swim Class June of that same year, saw the During the last #eek or so SATURDAY adoption of subdivtsion regula­ town road crews have been Television MEMOWN sow n CHAMBER OF COMMERCE tions in 19.56, and worked for a working on the replacement of 9:00 Rig I Thsaur (|-30-«0)Osaie « BarrM town plan which wras completed three culverts on O der Mill Rd. ) Newt (9-13) (jM Reports ^ 1218Va SILVER LANE, EAST HARTFORD ^ To Register (10) Bye-Dcnufy 1:09 (M) At ^ s I and became effective in 1961. with the installation of side and (13-18-30) Movie (9-9O40) P m y rubble drains. Selectman Cook (M) Wbat'e New (IS) inbscrtpuon TV use ef their new Soviet equip­ Outlaw has also been on the (40) Loramir 1:90 ( » Car B4. Where Are TMi* •Bie Andover Lake Property commission for some years and stated that the culverts, old and I “ALL MEATS FRESH CUT—NONE PRE-PACKAGED!" ment. in bad shape because of rusting (30) Early Show (8-RMO) Parmer's Daughter Soviet Bloc Owners Association (ALPOA) has served as Secretary for (33) Movie at S (13) Suspenac Events in World Some of this was displayed at Events in Nation '*A Beautiful end Exciting ^Shou>pimea snd tree root damage, had been 8:10 I 3) News Sporta. WaaUiar (34) Jaas (^ssual the Mg May Day parade, “ but said today It had obUined the most of these years, Flinch- S;16 33) Club Rouee ):00 (10-MW) Bspionase Of Famou9 Ruga and Carpett^ providing poor drainage. In one STORE HOURS: TUES..WED. V-A; THURS.-FRI. 9-9 you didn't see all of it,’’ says servlesa ot Red Cross swim- bsugh was elected to serve his unit flowing had occurred in (30) Newa WeathMt (34) Pacs of Sweden TOKYO (AP) — Prinf* lOn-fitoil, tha IS-mamiMr ruUiw body Works Hard initial term in the May 1963 <:tU < H) K7UI Precinct (84040) Ban Caaey MaJ. All Mahfoud, the army's WA8HINOTON (AP)—In the^expaad Junior ROTC from 354 homes at the com er of Hebron Isttr Hsyato Ikida today woo of thi O m k Orthodox Cnurcta, V in f Instructors for the water election. Other members are | (34) Travel Time (1-13) Baverly Hll'bUlles SATURDAY • to A— (^LOSID ALL DAY MONDAY) Havana-indoctrinated second in news from Washington; :h achools to a maximum of and Oder Mill Rds. ( 3) Waltar Oonktte l:;80(M> (Aam^onahlp Debate iraday safety program this summer. Paul jurovaty and Raymond Um firit non • confldinci vote commend. BEATEN: It has been Rep. 3,000; continue the four - year . Democrats Postpone Meeting (13) Nawsbeat (S-13) Dick Van Dyke aider the patriarch's caU for tha In Zanzibar Otto E. Passman’e boast that Stoner, also serving as acting (4u) Tht Lone Ranger ):00 (3 0 « ) Swiaat Btnp brougbt sgainat him Unco b« meeting in September on tha is­ The army largely is officered ROTC program in colleges but RsclBtrstlon starts today. The regular meeting of the (1043-30) B n n tle y S i^ley hie appropriations subcommit­ allow a two - year program in soning agent. (104340) Bteventh Hour took oittlci In July ISOO. land of Rhodes. by Zensibaris of Arab origin and AUEOA announced last week Democratic Town Committee, f;48 ( 30) Ron Cochran (843) Danny Kaye Wk>w ZANZIBA R (A P )—Tha Soviet tee baa slashed more than $$ those colleges that want one, that Hw association itself will Surplus Food Program sc for ton'^ht, has been 7:00 (33^) News. Sporta. Weather (II). . SubscriptionSubscrlpi* TV By a TOU of STO-164, Ikoda’a The Greek Church boycotted small groups have been sent be­ bUUon from foreign aid In the (34) Room Down Under Union, Communist China and and set up a scholarship pro- First Selectman Percy B. postponed. Notices of the new (34) What's New r ___ Compore Our Low Everyday LdbonI - DomoenUe party da- the second Pan-Orthodox Cbn- hind the Iron Curtain for further nine years he has been chair­ sponsor the program instead of (SQ) Interpole c-alllns :00 fS4-10-1340-IS-40) News. Bast Germany are pumpingJ training. Other Zansibarl troops grai.m for ROTC etudents in col- Cook has announced that nego­ meeting will be sent out by the Weather faatod the emsuro motion uitro- gress last September. man. the Columbia chapter of the (18) In The Public biterest reportedly are being sent to In< I0K«ages that would go up to $860 a tiations are now under way secretary to members In about ( 8) Littlast Hobo -.18 (( O) Steve Alien dueed by thi SoofaUsta and men, money and machines into Tuesday, the Louisiana Dem­ year for tulUcm and books and Red Cross. AUPOA said the ex­ (101 Manhunt (30) Tonight (C) Discount Prices donesla. through the State Health De­ two weeks. Oommunliti. Ilii raiult wai a LONDON (AP) — Roger Gor­ Zansibar., ocrat waa beaten in bis own $600 a year.in monthly retainer ecutive board ot the Columbia T:1B (33) Square Set (13) Chris CUit don Smellle, 8$, had been called partment office in Willlmantic, (30) Sports Camera _ (3) Movie (O foragona concluilon iln ci tha As a result of Nyerere's influ­ subcommittee. It refused to go pay. . chapter refused to run the ro- stinker for a i long as he could President Julius Nyerere ot I) for Andover to participate in Manchester Eveniil H<>nild 7:30 (10-23-30) Vlrsintan (O :30 (13) Movie tibaral - DemooraU contml 390 ence, Zanslberl troops have die- along with Passman’s demand gram the same way it had done (1(0 Life of Riley .80 (10-33) Tonight Diow (O remember. When playmates be­ the new Republic ot Tangan­ the federal stirplus food pro­ correspondent, lAwn e Moe, of tha aar lea u in thi lodrar carded their Cuban-etyle caps for a $514 million cut in the FLIGHTS: The State Depart hi prevtous years. (34) Religion ana Arts (8) Movie Soo Hio bifNIott ond frothosf display of Wostom Stoor Boof, Pork, j gan applying the nickname to yika and Zanxibar Js trying to gram. telephone 7U-6796. houai. *- and uniforms and now wear the $8.6-MlUon foreign aid MU. ment has turned aside a Soviet The lake association did not SEE SATimDAK'S TV WEEK FOE COMPLETE LlSTlMCI his three young som, he decid­ assert his autbortw in the Is­ People eligible to receive sur­ 'Ria RooiaUab eallid for- tha land 28 miles off the Best Afri­ standard green berets and uni­ Passman stalked out of the protest against Pan American specify what changes the Red plus foods such as butter, lard, I Poultry and ProvMons In tlib port of ConnocHcut! WE GUARANTEE vota after thi eonsirvatlvi gov- ed a bad Joke had gone on long forms of the Tanganyika forces. closed meeting, teUlng reporters Cross idiapter Asd wanted to enough. can mainland. Airways’ new flights between com meal, flour, rice, would be Cutthroat Fight ornmmt party ihelvia bUla pir- Zanalbar’a own president, Ab- Communist literature is every­ he would temporarily step down New York and West Berlin. make. One source, however, those with low incomes. Appli­ I TO SAVE YOU MONEY and GIVE YOU FINE QUALITY IN DOING SOI | mlttlng ratUlcatlaa of an Inter­ Hia Roger Gordon Smellle where. The Soviet EmMusy as chairman so he could i^poae said the chapter had asked for family now la the Roger Ctordon eld Kartime, 09, a Moslem, prob­ The Soviet Union protested MANCHESin cations may be made to Cook national Labor Organiiatlon ably has no deep love of com- hands It out to school children. the MU on the floor. full oontrol of the activity to For Sales Hit Hurst famUy, accorcUng to no­ The works of Meo Txe-tung that the direct flights were un­ during his Tuesday and Thurs­ Radio aonvintioa concimingr fm dom munlmn. But the island leader, Prealdent Johnson had argued lawful because the East Ger­ prevent interference from af aaaoeiatiMi. tice of a court order published crowd bookshops against any cuts in the aid bUl day evening office hotirs from (This Hsilng Inehidea only thoae aews a seaman for 23 years, eeems man^ Communist government A lfO A . 7 to 10 or at the town clerk's ATHENS — ‘ - in the official London Oaxette The United States embassy saying he had asked tor a rock- CARPET CENTER minute iMgth. Some etattoas earry other ehert ARMOUR'S WESTERN STEER BEEF today. I unversed In the ways ot Com- did not aiqirove them and cau­ Registration for the ALPOA- office. The program should be Embassy aides here have warn­ DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — munlat infiltration. has also been permitted to re­ bottom flguie. tioned that the Soviet Union W A L L -TO -W J^ SPECIALISTS run program is scheduled for in operation within three weeks ed Americ. .1 WDBO—U88 a 7:46 Sing Along OU-ri(di Kuwait ia landing Al­ U m London telephone dlrec- open its reading room since “ It ia ridiculous for a presi­ could not guarantee their safe­ today at the Red Barn from and Include refrigeration facili­ Greece against cutthroat com­ 8;U0 Long John Wade 8:10 Pope Cpneert geria 931 million tor conatruc- toiw lists three other SmelUes Karume Is the idol of the Zan­ Zanxibar and Tanganyika dent of the United States to play 311 MAIN S T ,^ P P . STATE ARMORY 9:00 Red Sox vs. Whits Bek OUR BEST sibar Africans and the Island’s ty. i 6:90 to 9 pjn. Fees will be tlie ties St the town office building. petition with other Americans. 8:IW Dick Robinson 11:00 News non of a BOO-mila oU pipeOni —B.R.; Dr. H.C. and Sheena. agreed to unite. poUtics to the extent that he haa TEL. ^3-5103 or 643-5104 , In some past cases U.S. busi­ V.Cfi Nows Sign o n 11:16 8 p < ^ Pliud from tha . Sahara to tha S4dd B.R. Smeliie: “ No, I've most powerful single peraonali- with this MU,” said Passman. A State Department spokes­ same as last year. Classes be­ Building Pemrita W H Af-eiS Karume has not been to Zan- man, press officer Richard I. nessmen have charged ^ that 11:80 Art Johnson Show Meditorraiiian, Kuwait radio got no plans to change mine. It ty- “He has worked tricks you gin Monday at 9 a.m. Building permits Issued re­ 8.UU Easy Ed snow ^ _____ WVOP tSM [TOP ROUND xibar’s twin island of Pemba PhUUps said Tuesday, “ These ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING their U.S. competitors wereim- t:3n News Weather and BportS 6:UU Lou Terri announoad. suite me all right and if any­ Aeked this month about Com­ couldn't even see in the oir- Zoning Slate Elected cently by Building Official Per­ munists in poeltione ot authori­ since he became president aft­ flights are continuiing on a worthy of trust, incompetent, 7:0U Edward P Morgan 7:00 Ken Orltfla v Produettoo fnnn Algaria’a Sa­ one’s called me stinker 1 can’t cue.’ ’ The following officers of the cy B. Cook include one to the 7:16 Ed Hynes Show 10:00 Msd Daddy Eiow \ ty in Zanribar, he replied: er the January revolution over­ normal basis. The U.S. govern­ and were offering inferior 10:30 Tonight A» Mv Place STEAKS hara oUflalda now reachia the remember it.’’ Apparently referring to any Planning and Zoning Commis­ Republic Oil Co. of Willlmantic WIMP—1339 ond CUBE threw an Arab-dominated gov­ ment wlU hold the Soviet gov­ 6:00 News aia throuipi plpiIlnM to thi Al- ‘‘What are one or two men? I ; >resldentlal blandishments, sion were elected at a meeting for a new tilling station on Rt. goods and services. 4:30 Sim 0(1 ernment. Area Commissioner ernment responsible for the w n o —1888 6:30 Radio Greater Hartford VALLBTTA, Malta (AP) — have the power and I have my Passman said; “ I can give up held June 17: Chairman, David 6 on the site of the presently The Ehnbaasy says such tac- {Irian piiri of Bougie and the Diria Hassan is ruling the island itl 8:00 News. Weather. Sports 1:46 Lowell Thomaa nmialan port of Skhlra. Hie toidees swimsuit would not own eyea and ears." postmastershlpe and airplane safety of all American aircraft Flinchbau^; Raymond Houle, closed Texaco station. Plans call tlOB have resulted in the place­ 6:30 Financial Report 7:00 News Karume cites generous Com­ like a little Stalin. in the Berlin air corridors." ment of orders with European 6:36 Music 7:30 Public Anairs stand a chance on Malta. A po­ rides and sniffing in the rose vice chairman, and Quy Outlaw, for raxing the present station 8:00 Yankees ve. Drloles lice decency drive hga banned munist aid as an indication of Reports from Pemba have garden.” suppliers rather than Amer­ 6:46 Three Star Extra TOKYO (AP) — A JapaniM secretary. and Snack Bar, with amroval 7:06 Conversation Pleca 10:30 Music to Relax By bikinis and other two - piece the bloc’s friendship and says mentioned mass beatings follow­ DROWNS IN POOL icana. 13:16 Sign Off port w ileom id a ship bulU by FUN IN THE SUN Houle stepped down from the already granted by the Zoning 7:30 News m e Chlneie Oommuniite for the bathing eulte m i Malm beaches. anyone who helps Zanslber Is ing a refusal by the pop^ce ROTC: The House climaxed CLINTON (AP)— The body Orat time today. ' Police Commiasiimer Vivian wdcom e. • to take part in vok m ti^ proj- long fight with Secretary of of a two and one-half year old The 4,a00-ton freighter Liao- Degray, also told his force: Some IM technicians and ex­ ecte and or to attend m e^ gs. Defense Robert S. McNamara Clinton boy . Was found In a Co//s*For These Timely Items yuan arrived in Tokyo with 6,- "klMlng and cuddling in public perts from- the Communist bloc When Hassan and his aides Tuesday. It passed a MU to ex- three - foot plastic swimming Bipiarea and other placea where are believed to be working in drive past, all must stand IMuid the Reserve officer tnrin- 000 tone of com ihlpped from and salute. pool in 'a neighbor's yard yes­ Telngtao under a private trade they constitute a scandal are not Zanxibar. ng program In high schools Deputations have seen Ka­ terday. He was a drowmlng Vic- BAIN BE SOLIEL . . . h j n WANT MORE FOR YOUR MONEY? KEEP YOUR EYE ON GRANTS agreement. to be tolerated.' Britlah civil aervante have and coUeges. thfi. II Tha crewmen ware given been replaced. Bait Germans rume to complain of conditions It waa a personal victory tor He waa John Rilllp Iselin, A SUN TAN CREME temporary landing permits to have taken over the Finance on Pemba and he says he plans Rep. F. Edward Hebert, ^ L a ., $342- Spani$h Average to remedy the situation. who Introduced the measufe aft­ son of Mr. and Mrs. (%arles aigmaee m Tokyo under police Ministry and are helping run the Iselin. guard. radio station, information min­ Western diplomats v jf hope­ er becoming Irked by McNama­ . . . It J S MADRID—Spain’s nattbnal In- istry, schools and medical serv­ ful Kerume’e African naUonaJ- ra's proposal last year to elim­ Police said he s^iparently TARTAN CREAM LOTION wandered into the neighbor's BONN, Germany (AP)—Oom- caihe last year totalled $10,690,< ices. They are doing preliminary ism may come out on top and inate hi(^ school IK>TC and cur­ yard and feU into the pool. The muniet China and West Ger­ 000,000 compared wMh $9,640,- work on projects to rehouse that Western preeenca may tail the college program. The GOPPERTONE many are exchanging newimen. 000,000 In 1962. On a per capita thousands of Africans huddled slowly be re-established. MU now goes to the Senate. body waa discovered by another A government ipokeaman an­ basil 1968 Inocine averaged In squalid shanties outside Zan­ Among other things it would n el^ bor. $843; in 1968 M was $911. AU rises. Dorothy Gray Hot Weather nounced that the two govem- xibar town. A«KS HEU, RINOING Cologne In 6 fragraneee. $1.00 mente eoncluded an agreement The Red Chinese are firmly HARTFORD (AP) — Gov. Monday i»t>vided for the New LOSS LOSES ensconced In the agriculture de­ John Dempsey’s Independence China News Agency to open an SAN BERNARDINO , Calif. partment and are planning rice Day proclamation calls for office in Bonn and for DPA, the (AP)—Richard Lose received a rice growing and other ringing of bells throughout Con­ West Germany news agency, to telegram from Seattle, Wash., farm senemes to reduce the le- necticut at 2 p.m. on the 4th Open For Business PICNIC THERMOS, pts., qts.. gd. $2.25 open an office in Peki^. aidring for $100. It was signed land’x dependence cn coves. of July. The recotnmendation ¥2 up by his son, Richard Loss Jr. China has granted Zsinsibar was in accordance with a reso­ ATHBN8, Greece (AP) — Pa­ Loss wired the money. Then an Intereat-free loan $14 mil­ lution adopted by the General MENNEN'S SPEED STICK Doodoront.... 89c triarch Athenagorai, the spirit­ he realised something waa lion, much of which will be in Assembly last year. Dempsey COLONIAL ual leader of world orthodoxy, wrong. Hie eon lives In Prince­ the form of equipment and serv­ also sent letters to heaiiB of mu­ ZIVNOX POISON IVY LOTION ...... $1.25 FRESH GROUND— ALL BEEF has summoned heads of the ton, N.J. ices. nicipal governments through­ Orthodox Oiurchei for a third Loss checked with Loss Jr. Soviet technicians have taken out the state asking their so- GIFT SHOPPE POLAROID SUN GLASSES ...... $1.98 np Pan-Orthodox Congreu to be- and found he hadn’t been ' to over running of the harbor and operation In the bell ringing ob­ gbi preparliM a “ dialogue with Seattle. providing offlcerB for Zai^- servance. His proclamatiMi not­ StTMt RoekviliB, Conn. SPECIAL SUN GLASSES...... M e me Roman Catholic Church,” a Loss lost no timo in contact­ bar's two coastal passenger ed that four ot the 56 men who M BroYt memb4)r of the Greek Holy Sy­ ing authorities. It was a phony shipe. Soviet instructors are signed the Declaration of Inde- nod repMts. wire, they said. TIm $100.7 A training about 400 rScrulte in the pendenoe 188 years ago we SELECT CUPS AN D HAMBURG The aourea said toe Holy Sg- total loss to Lose. people's, hberatloii army in the from Connection MHJC GLASS SAUCERS AHIC TREASURES QUINN’S 10 lbs. REMNANTS "CA U R r' Flowor G IFTS FOR ^ PHARMACY Arranfomonls THE JOHN JOHNSON-«LEN RIVARD. Props. E ^ W V o w Q QT Iwele ENTIRE FAMILY FARM PRiSH— GRADE A SMALL ^ World's Fair) 878 MAIN STREET—PHONE 643-4136 PORTRAITS by CAMILLE CHILDREN and ANIMALS A SPECIALTY SD02. PASTEL PORTRAITS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS CARTON IKLEPHONE 875-0651 'Duoach His oseiEi^ HOUIM: Monday through Wednesday 12-8 PJH. EGGS Thursday and Friday 13-9 P.M. of Saturday 9 A M . - 6 PJK. COME IN AND BROWSE ABOUND O N E ID J L * 20" DELUXE PORTABLE VALUES Be fikire To Regteter For Drawing of FTee Door Prises IN BREBE BOX FAN FANCY, SUGAR CURED V* 4 Beat sisding Lest. Be cool and cemfortable ia just a nittev of minutes. Bradford, high speed fans, draw the hot air-out, a l\fw«rfi4 2-tpeed BMor Idk 7 0 B n g it e s Sale circulate die cool air. See our complete line o f portable, win* BACON . Ae deaiwd air Omt dow or combination .fans . . . budget priced to save you inore, m Oodi ly to 5 syiaBge abc WopB Ib- Buoiftea • Long-laMing M ood anancl fkifcii A ll MOTORS GUARANTEED, FUN SLICED FORTREIe, A • 4|a87 to UMTj, v S b i^ ^ 1 J B w M k ly FOR S FWl YEARS ITOF QUAUTT SKINLESS POLYESTER XHARGE-IT’...NO MONEY DOWN...I.25 WEEKLY "tha Fiber that keeps Its promise” IN THE SUN WASH 'N WEAR — READY-CUFFED Now you oan havs the wrinkle-resistance, coolness and body of FortrM-Blsiid slacks In Just the style, pattern or Bor-B-Q Grills *5.95 'IMPERIAL' FRANKS oolor'you prefer. Cihooae bIk Ucs In solid ahades, irideecente and muted lUaide to keep you risht in step with the latest fariiians. Choose from a wide variety of colon , STAINLESS STEEL 20" PORTABLE FAN inbludliig charcoals, triivee, blues, browns, grsys, and blacks, ^ e n is no waiting for altefatfona, because these 3 a . BAG alaelu are avaUable ready-euffed. Bor-B-QTools *1.39

PERMANENT CBEJISE GOLF CARTS rn.. *18.95 RAZOR-SHARP CREAK THAT STAYS M SPUT FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR SLACKS GOLF BAGS *7.98 * FORTRa<»> IS A TRADE MARK OF FIBER INDUStRIES. INC. G O LF BALLS From' • Etojr poA4>ai|tai DELUXE 20" ooDtrola • Poweifid 2-Kp8s4 BROILERS INDOW FAN km C h tfH , Ricnic Jugs, id(*Mr ii aiecMidalhr a fl sIm whdiW8 2fVi !• 17” wMo ------« ’ XVTVnKM 7.88 tredlWDael bmaty eq Importaat Croquet Sets, Tennis Balls, todsif, yM IPb aenHfM stninlnnQi • OiNnpktaiy aianuMfei difwwIiMRUic son- only UOUVOWf 4BWPH1M / BWYBT nMOi poUoMnil At Me i$p 8o S f s l lias nRBD8 low priCD yOM MMIlId biQf Nms$ eowt^B^ ptoee h m hrigM • iVmraifol 2-ipeed revenibleiBoloc .• HikidsaBBMl Aaah fw iw ssHfc 4awaar W indow Fans « OotA Bp to S4uii duH raoBM 4ilteK#iA Fill fir OiUiir FOR • XtolyBiK-inBMB8d,*qid8t, vfcwtioB fios i M t o N h f l ' f. 'CMAaetdr NO MONIY DOWN...M DAYS W.T. G R A N T CO I'A t il. MINIMUM W BW r ^m IM al hMlAi OtMONTHITOFAr Cndit Ptam . NNB SUPPLY Avaiinblo MEN'S SHOP ERNEST LARSEN. Prop. GIFT PRICES EFFECTIVE thru SATUROAY •77 MAIN ST^-MANCUESTER wn nnsEBvn THE nioirr xo LOOT QiTAimTii* HAIRISOirS PARKADE, MANCHESTER MANCHESTERI VERNON CIRCLE, VERNON w i o i Y i o m a m d t a m p i GLENNEY’S •4 9 MAM M. 1 !- *: - -S* j \

EAKCHESTEB fT E N W G RERA1J>, MANCSBBIKR, OONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE S4, 1964 K4IPBBBB1SB VFDfflPi SBKALD* HANURRSADIL OCXIIlf« WVDNRDAT, 2fRfB t4,19M Judge Sues Hotel After Room Wait THURSDAY Meeting Set Spoitjforod By Rotail Diviiioii DSTROrr (AP) -A Joi%e nbot ataged a alMA with Ua FRIDAY MANCHESTER T o Explain temily at a Haw York hotal laat woak has braught a It mil­ lion adit against the Hilton Ho­ SATURDAY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Nurse Plan tel Oorp. Municipal Judge John J. Ktr A w elli^ to b* MA T ^ a - dela of autaurban Dearborn, his CHOOSE! wife and their four children had 4ky oriM n c ^ the Hobeoki town to atay In a private dining room Rockville-Vernon Three Injured "PUN FOR YOUR SON IN THE SUN" eCriM buUdiiiff at A WUI oxplaln at the StaUar . Rllton Hotel for ’ the oonnprehenatv* public health St boura until a room was found In ChaiwCrasJti OPENING JUNE 29 » 4tli SEASON for them. 3 types of M in in g program to resklenta. Harding Bows Out Town otflclalB and nuning pcr- Hotel roema in Now Toth Qty Three people received minor aonnel have recetvad penonal have boon difficult to obtain be­ cause of the Influx of World’s injurias In a three-car accident G L E N H A V E N taivtUitiona but the m e«U ^ ia on K. Center 4 t last night, po­ open to all Intareated. Fair vlattora. The Kadelas were defrosting...from among the Fair-bound tourists. Of District Primary Prom prevloua noticea oC Miia lice said. - DAY CAM. FOIt BOYS In Us Circuit Court suit died The injured were Mrs. Rita now health program reeidenta yesterday, Kadala asked that the AGES: 0 to 1, 0 to 9, 10 $0 11 and 12 $e 14 havo not been able to under- IS million bo put In trust tor There will be no primary for* >and various groups and indivl- OranviUe of Hartford, neck and atand whether It ia a demon* all the minor children of Michi­ the nomination of Democratic duals throughout the county and back injuries; George Flavell, atratioB only, which moat be gan who might receive similar have taken their advice into con- .Coventry, facial laceliations; State Senator from the 38th eideratlon.’’ approved and supported by the treatment from the hotel flrm.« dlatriot, Tolland Attorney Pree- and David Ladahouche, 21, of town to nuUce It oontinuoua, or He ariied that he be named He aald. that the recent eu- ton Harding announced today. preme court decision regarding 846 K. Middle Tpke., alao with wbethor it ie already a going their guardian. facial lacerations. All three Kadela aMed |1 In damagoo Harding. 31, was defeated 33 apportionment of bicameral le­ eoncam. Iliia meeting will clear to 13 in a bid for the Mnatorlal gislatures and "my own survey were treated in toe emergency up all miaunderatandtnga. for Umself. ward at Manchester Memorial He asserted in his suit that nomination at a convention held of the tremendous education l>ouglaa Library has two earlier thU month in Stafford needs of Tolland (Jounty in the Hospital and releaaed, hospital Us minor cUldren were *‘aub- officials said. •opiee of the IWM pamphlet jected to the insecurity and ha­ Springe. next biennium” have caused called "Campen’ Guide to New rassment occasioned” by the ho- Winner at the convention wae him to reach the firm conclu­ Police reported that a car Xngland and New York State.” tel’a failure to provide a room. Bd Cormier, 38, o f Stafford sion that "at no time in the past driven by Richard Granville, 38, which may be borrowed for The Judge asked that Hilton Springe, owner of a chemical has Tolland County so needed a in which his wife was a passen­ Mmrt perioda, alao a OonnecU- Hotels be enjoined from issuing Democratic senator to reprefeent ger, slowed to stop for a red apraylng bueinaea, Cormier ran us in the General Assembly than cut bocriclet called “Historic any "confirmed reservation con- for the senatorial seat, whidi light on E. Center St. The car Houses of Oonneotlcut Open to traota wUcb are in tect false’* G et th o ty(De d e fro s tin g now." behind, driven by Flavell, also repreeenU all of Tolland Coun­ Mayor Flaherty replied to slowed for toe stop. The third the Public.” and be ordered to notify reser­ ty hi 1442. Ho loot to Republi­ This givee route numbers, vation holders with minor child­ you want in your new refrigerator. H ardy’s statement and said ear driven by Ladahouche did can Franklin G. Wellee of Ver­ today that he supported Atty. not stop in time, police said, and days open and price of athnis- ren if there la a eancallation. non by allghtly more than 1,000 alon. Frigidaire has all three! Harding because "I felt he struck the rear o t Flavell’a ear votes. would make the best candi­ which in turn hit toe Granville Harding said today that he date.” car. a t Fbter’a l^daoopal Church Women in Racial Scuffle I Humphrey Cited is pledging hie ftili support to ”I reallde he had to make Only toe Ladahouche car was wom n hare a buagr aummar of A white woman Utegratlonist falls to the beach after tee was attacked by other woman .Oonnter. *’l know ha will run a his own decision. Backers can­ driveable; toe other two had to wntli, wotfc. Mofh, hi get- while attempting to wado-U with several Negro and white demonatratora at St Augustina At VFW Parley strong campaign throughout not made a decision for a can­ be towed. ttag thinffi made for ttM an- Baach, Fla., yesterday. (AP Pfaotofax.) the ocunty, the type of cam- didate,” Mayor Flaherty said. Ladahouche was charged with ■nal CtaManaa Fair, aoiiedul«i Patrick J. Humphrey of 18 pnign that Democrats can be The mayor reiterated hie following too close, and will ap­ dor Nor. imn 10 am. to S proud of and one that will re­ feelings that Harding should pear in court July 13. bum, praaldant; Hanry Grabber, amount imiat be paid In Rill I Birch ML Rd. roooived ono of OPENINGS AVAILABLE p m . Mm . lioniae Paitdngtoa $1,700 for FurnUhing |tho hl^Mst hwards in tbo De- h*’L0W-PRICED sult in victory for the party in have run in a primary against A minor accident early this may be ooataetad Jor informa- vice president; Ray .fBoisvert, July 1. Cormier. seere^] , and M n . WilUam lartmont of Connecticut of the TtoUand County in November,” morning, police said, resulted in FOR ALL PERIODS Mcn. 7 Reoldsnte are requested to Harding said, no injuries and little damage to HiDs, treasurer. bring or send tax bill received NEW YORK — Hie average teterana of Foreign W an a^ the And haap hi mind ttmt tiia United States family I annual state convantion held last Haixteg announced hfo candi­ the vehicles. atannoh Blila vnoatton aobool Mrs. D. Kverett Stone was with payment aa no other bill Manual Defrost Francis Meakem, 36, Willi- Limited Enrolkneni i4>polnted vfoe-chakm aa o f tha wtil be iasued. new home mends |l,700'toa weekend in Hartford. \ dacy for the aenatorlal nomina­ VFW Unit Cited • pans Jnty 6 tor a isro* mantle, was driving east on W. Conneettcut School Health Ad­ year to furnish ft. Industry The George PVench Tkophy la tion about two weeks before iraafc patted, Anm t:16 tonoon. sourcas aetimate. After that, ra- given to a miartermaater on the the Democratic convention. Center St. when he observed an­ CAMP PERIODS Located OB Spriag-Fbd Aar «*dld of e to IS ramn oU visory Oounen. Hveoiag HecaM At State Parley other car driven by Jane C. paira and Iraprovementa mot doMs of offidMcy, proaaptaooo Oomtier had been lining iq> Isdce (Sperry's Glen) la aHgteia, hmludhig thoaa r reperiy Iteua Dos Hobroa eorreepondent Miss Su­ about |U0 a year. and Inoroasod momboralup for Keefe of East Hartford begin to san B. Peadletoa, telephone SIS- delegate votea for several le t Period June 29 - July 10 who wtB attend hfaw NolteM hatra baan s te t to raa- tho yaar. Bunmhmy ia quarter- 1st S m dM to Dtfrasi” for Montiie. Mrs. Ruth McGinn, past presi­ pull out from Hartford Rd. po- 100% Trained Staff :r htonti by tax-coSaotor Miu. da tell to ttMM who CROW STARTS S1RR Imaster of Andoraan-Shaa Foot Aooonhag to some party of- dent of the VFW Auxiliary, lost Hee aald. 2nd Period July 12 . July 24 Manlea Ifost, that Itea f in t te- [of Manehooter. night was presented with Meakam slowed to give the Oeunselor TYahiiag PMfed « l RIFLB8 STfHJEN UBBRAL. Kan. (AP) -^Ttara Hiflwvi difroit witif r sm r Wb Sfoials, H aidlng entered the 2rd Period July 21 . Ang. 1 and a l atatenwi on paynaot ad prop- broke out above the ceiling of a opnvantlon with the knowledge awards and citations won by the other ear the right o t wa|y, aald be w «l «by ten— la dua ami payaMa COLLINS, MIm . (AP) —Law STATS organisation during tho Depart­ police, but struck the Keefe ve­ Bad Oroae authorttiea have been alerted to porch at Mn. J. M. Regtaud • 6S-tb. FratMr aheti that he prould be dof dMiFerlod Ai^;. M> . AW|. 21 80 OMte par chM. wMoh JW|y I. A tha flnat biat— mwt rooming bouin. HABTTORO (AP) — Tha •var, Vernon Danioorats. who ment of Connecticut’s annual Clearing Site for Day Camp hicle. ha^ datenr ooat of bookn the theft of 41 rifles and 1,000 State Stedlarteip Coanmfoalon • PsstlaawbafPMiing. PoHee made no arreat la not paid on or before Anguat Blacky, a big new that ia a feel they are conJii..ju...„ convantion held last weekend Biasing a trail In the wilderneea to help cloar a portkm of the town’e Olobo Hollow traot roam da o f ammunition from a reported yeoteiday that It had in Hartford. 1, tetarast will be ehaigiad at National Guard armory here. nelghboriiood pet, perched on • PfMtwnaateMNdnwar. acred by Tolland County Demo- for the Kennedy Day Gamp ia a bulldoMr donated for the Job by Frank Damato -A Sons. temllr wM be aKpeetod rata of one-half of one par eaiit distributed 188,100 ia aobolar- erat oMciala, looked forward to The cancer program pursued The doeer, operated by Hudson Hollister, 82 W. Center St, is clearing away stumps and DBOBIES HOfHHAnWS The armory, tai Covington the roof and watchiad fireman ahlpo thla month, bringing the • Vseetable Hydralor. Address all laquiriee tot . «oore than |1A0. U mio fo r pach month from tha dua put out the blase. a primary for the post so they by the auxiliary took first place building a road into the site from Dartmouth Rd. The Town Highway Department went In NEW YORK (AP)—Roy 1H1- ateo ha a anaB da% of- County In the aoutbeaat portion total nuntear of state seholar- GLEN HAVEN BOYS’ DAY CAMP date. of Maalaalppi, was brUcen into • Ohoiea of 4 aoton or eould demonstrate their and the nation^ home program to the campsite earUer in the week to take down a few obstruothig trees, and is doing the Une, executive secretary of the Firemen could find no rea­ Niips awarded to 183. Thirteen atrangth. detail clean-up woric. The eanq> is set for dedication Sunday. (Herald photo by Flake.) National Aasoolation for the Tba ateond inataUmant is das late Saturday. Chiardamen re­ sonable cause of the fire, so second place. "Oirortunlty P.O. BOX IS — MANCm0TBB, CONN, seholtfsH^ worth 4 total of Friendship,’’ the national presi­ Advancement of Colored People Jan. 1 adth Interest cheigfad ported the tiieft to the teerlfTs the arrived at this gueaa: Vernon oontains about 25 per For pecaoaal appointment, eaU Gamp Seosetasy ana hi tea past and ara m gad to Iter M daya. 10,400 have yet to be awarded. aant of the registered Demo- dent’s special program, alao Bays teen-age Negro hoodlums office. Blacky had plUied up a Uglit- Ia Older to roootvf a state Hartford 6*8-092* or George MtehelL Hartford 2S8-70M Mdw otneaaa alaetad at the All propwrty taxea under |M Federal agenta were alao U- crats in Tollan won second place for the Man­ Rt. 6. Tho variance asked for at Wright Field. At Anderson "are undercutting gains made laat hMotiag of tha Rham Bdn- ad cigantte or cigar and sebokuah^, a studanf must at­ CO Andover is to permit use of the land by hundreds of Negro and white are due hi Jidy 1. AS mo­ fonuod since the theft Uvolved dit^ped it Into a araek of the chester group's efforts. Field on Long Hill Rd. tha wo­ Free bnKdMiree available at NaasM Amne Ckmqwag and nl aatlon Aana nam Olydo Waah- tend ons of tbs 14 ooIlogM sad Harding waa supported in hie for a fruit and vegetable stand. men’s softball league will meet. youngsters who went to Jail for tor vuMcde taxM ragmrdlaM ad federal property. porch ro o t unlwan ltles la Canaeetfont. A certificate of merit for pub­ Kranae Greenhouse. bl. . . . .Jimocrats licity and citations on Amer­ The area of the i^ot and set­ Last Wednesday youth was human rights." and their six votes, largest icanism and community service, Open Space back lines are lees than the served when toe teenage girls Writing in toa Amsterdam block of votes in the county. minimum called for in toe son- trounced the women’s team 21- News, a Negro we^y news­ from the Newington and West Ing regulations. Rockville Mayor Leo B. Flaher­ Haven Veterans Hospitals and 6. Registration is still open for paper, WllMns aald Negro ty Jr., who is chftlrman of the from the Connecticut Valley Plan Taken Two Gantee Tonight this activity sponsored by the youths involved in recent out­ Baseball enthiulasU havo a \<)U ( ;iii ( Oiiiil oil I . .(^ii;i I i (> N o M o i - < ‘ ;il S<*ili->% * 5 ^ It w.T. Demooratic Town Committee, Hospital were received. A spe­ recreation eeunmiseloa. breaks of vlolenca in New York B^Uely supported Harding for cial award was presented by toe choice of two games to watch City are "punka,” "foul- Ihe nomination. department's Past PresidentB By 14 Towns tola evening at 6:30. Andover Eveolag HeraM mouthed smart alaoa,” and A FRttlMKE NEEK U fO R I Mhyor Flaherty was rqmrted- Club for toe auxlliaty’s work on Sand and Gravel Co. team plays Andover eorreepondent, Inw- "Harlem and Brookhm mo- ly "disappointed” at Harding’s tho American Thread Oo. team toe scholarship fund. The Capitol Region Planning reuM Mee,' telejtooM 142-6796. rtms.” withdrawal from the race. Mrs. Bernice Hagenow, preri- Harding singled out the Rock­ dent, appointed chairmen of toe Agency, composed of 96 towns ville mayor for his aid. “I wish various committees for toe 1964- including Andover, recently an­ to thank those who suported 66 aeaaon. Mre. Harriet Cleaver nounced that 14 of the towns me,” Harding aald, "eapeolally wiU head toe memberahlp com­ i*^"«ITOIII»TIC, Leo Flaherty, who gave me hie adopted a memorandum of mittee; Miee Loulae Copping, agreement on toe piamUng and endoreanMnt.** national home; Mre. Augusta "If that endorsement has now EXTRA SPECIAL BUYS Boulet, hospital; Mrs. Florence preservation of open qpace in CirhlM ic IhtesliM, iaused him any embarrasement toe Capitol Region. These towns putt, rehabUltation; Mre. Marie POR vrlth those persona he asked to Hale, community service; Mrs. cover 60 per cent of the total of bUdM loHi knM nrator support me,’’ Harding added, Harry Mahoney, legislative. land area of 766.6 square milea. *T’m sorry. I take full respon- The agreement will become sstSoR. FM jH t‘^dhap^* Also, Mrs. Lillian Dupont, ■(billty for my decision.’’ Americanism; Mrs. Oliva Ray, effective when 60 per cent of COMPARE bftwMR #Nh tytl*. Defrost Haiding was the only chance toe land area is covered. Towns youth activities; Mrs. Florence sf dissident Democrats to hold in too region wUl then be eligi­ FUN and SUN SALE open your ustsr UMporstis Streeter, cancer aid and re­ a primary. The only persons ble to receive $0 per cent federal ^Q uality f^Features v^Values Ni PM Id mpl)L lipirali HR) search program; Mrs. John JUNE 28 - 24 - 27 ONLY eligible to call for a primary Vinca, pubUclty; Mrs. Ruth Mc­ aid toward the acquisition ooat m fruEMT MfdioE is dsfropM are thoee who have received at Ginn, civil defense; Mrs. Jane of open space land instead of least 20 per cent of delegate EMRSSlijL SsffM t WEtSr Is H*. Fortin, service officer and re­ toe present 30 per cent. J4”— 4 «.P.' STANLEY t AMP. votes at a convention. Deamine Andover anoroved toe agree­ ALLSTATE Cross Country M W d HMH%L tor filing papers for a primary freshment hostess; Mrs. Mary charge account LeDuc and Mrs. George Bca- ment at this year’s May budget • Big, 100-lb. aero sons ie tomorrow. meeting. Bolton and Hebron, RIDING ROTARY V a ” e l e c t r ic d r il l Harding's withdrawal has bert, co-chairmen, ways and ttuarantsoft A 9ainst AN FaHsras means; Mrs. Harry Mahoney, also member towns, have not as I hM xar hat Hsown door. Mattered the poseibillty of the yet voted approval. Raymond first county wide primary In trioUc Instructor; and Mrs. MOWER with Cleared Chndc PLUS 27 Monfti Cuarantaa Against Waarout ^ • TWo Quidftibt lea t n ^ Ilian Dupont, assistant guard. Houle and Theodore Moberg are Tolland County. Andoverla representatives to the — fMt fraaiine. - While there have been sev­ a Rog. $14J0 0 ^ at Grand-Way 4.00x11 Capitol Reslon group. • Vigttabla Hydiators. eral town primaries, no full Loan Firms Advance ZBA Hearing Sot **.* * " * “ *188.00 blown county split has ever gone A public hearing of toe Zon­ ^ Ohoiet of 4 aolon or to the polls. OnCAQO — Total assets of ing ward of Appeals has been In his statement, Harding, the nation’s savinge-and-loan as­ set for June $0 at 8 p.m. in the DIAL TYPE town chairman of Tolland, said, sociations at toe start of tots town hall to hear a request RBD FLASHER now and get *T’ve spent the last 10 days year were $107,440,000,000 com- from Alfred _ R. Tarbox „Sr., and Plus Tax ecMulting with my town com- pared with $91,606,000,000 a year toe Andover Septic Thnk Co., OUTDOOR And (Nd Tha jiilttae, other town chairmen, beafore, | owher of toe lud Involved on ELECTRIC LANTERN S j U a l l THERMOMETER Fine for enr not. $ 1 MM an Extra 10% 8.70x15/7.50x14 Tsbeiess Black walla ...... 1 7 .9 S * A FRKIMiRE WEEK SPECIAL! Reg. I2.S9. 1 a O O Rog. $8.80 Q | ^ 0 7.10x15/ 8.00x14 TnbcIaM Blackwall ...... 1 9 .M* FUN IN THE SUN SPECIALS 7.60x16/8.50x14 Trtwieas Blackwall ...... 8 1 .S 8 * Discount *PloiTsxandOldTlM Pl a c t ic h o s e CAST ALUMINUM 100% Rsff.H W 88.95. B Y J u n A t G L E N N E Y S W’ M LD. WEATHERVANES Now ...... on all your ATTENTlOllt-STATION WA80N OWNERS Frost Proof! Rsg. $4.98. SPORT SHIRTS An oxcoptionnl nduo. $ f O O 6 stylos. m m m m Aa ALLSTATE Nylon Tire Specially Deeigaed Now ...... M . 1 9 Reg. 82.79. l a P O Reg. 89.76. / a O O FmtMwrfcrmktlliiriw- One Group far Tow TSTM at Driving friiMvIor or friNsr iMlin. Ytt Yslucs to $6.00 mm, erar h m Id dtbsit or STRAW HATS Charge 8 PLY RATED 20” 2-SPEED •mpty dofrNt wrisr. Forfot 20 GALLON 8J0xl8 TabeloM Rog. $2.98. 2 *5.00 frMtoompItMy!’ Now ...... •1.89 W INDOW FAN Nykm Bbtdiwalls Ploftic Trash Cons 2 3 ’*. »«• • Zero zone, 1004b. JACKETS aai OH T m freezer has own door. purchases! Rgg. $14.95. Only 10 to be sold. S i ^ O O With cover. mm m m • Extra fast ice freailng. Reg. 124.95. 1 / a O O Rog. 98.95. ^ a T T /I Now ...... •9.99 [ • No frost on jiaekaggg or Rof. $1.50. freezer walie. Rog. $9.95. Now ...... Now ...... •7.39 offer good • VagetableHydfriore. STYROFOAM 2 Potolkm HIBACHI ALLSTATE C owipuRluu NylMi deep-shelf door storage, Rog. $8.96. • Choice of 4 colors or CHINOS Now ...... •4.39 PICNIC CHEST CHARCOAL GRIU white. ^ 5 0 Continontal Stylos Lsrge %ie from thursday, Portable, Hghtwoight. O O Rsff. 84.98. SWIM TRUNKS A very special ndne. S o 1 0 €iat Our .Law, $8.95 wdno. ■ la O O m t-M H Now ...... •3.19 Boxer Styles Reg. $3.89. ' A a lY NLI1M.C Law Frigidaira SS .... •3.39 Week Priee. june 25th A FRKiDAIRE WEEK SPECIAt! LOAHRS Reg. $8.95. EUCTRIC THE NEW, THE UNUSUAL Now' ...... INSIST ON PRECISION Rog. $10.95. •2.99 WHEEL BALANCme Now ...... •7.99 GRASS Tr im m e r POP-RIVET SET Far Laager Tread Wm t SWIM TRUNKS to friday, Knitted Stylos Hi-spoed rotary typo. $ 1 0 O O Only $ 0 ^ 0 An ideal gtf t CASUAL SHOES ROg. $26.96. l O a O Q j ♦ 1 3 0 TahMS to $4.98 i WiigkiB BW.SU.H. & D . PEARL N oor I . . i ... APPLIANCE . in. mi •7.99 *"• 2 .7 9 AMrtl M K PARKma AT MAR july 3rd! at Sears and Save Manchaatcr Shopping Parkade MANCHESTER'S FRICIDAIRE HEADQUARTERS West Midde Tinipaa-r44».1881 S A U S AND SERVICS ar Yowr H oEwy Bask O sH i 9x80 A i L t a 9 P J I. K E i r S S H O P BLISH HARDWARE CO. (ftM.aBii M . • PJL) VKL 44B 4171 MANCHUm PAMUHL MiOOU TURNNU WRY 7 f l M A M Glertnev^s •PM MOM. 1MSM U t MDAAL YD toUM. ‘ -If'-*'-'-- ■■■• ?* -1^ * ir h J I / , -t >. ' ,7 • !> J ' V . * ■ • ♦ . f*'. ' f’ i. •

J T 7 f ^ MiOICHBSm FV ^^G HimLU>rMAKC^^ CONM, WEl)Kl!SbA't, irt^ U, 1964 i^^wcm nat avnnyo m o u l d , lulifcm M iTiB. c» n n „ w i d n i n d a t . m t n , t t i FAOI TWVMTY-mai ■■■I ■ i 1*1 i ...... ■ ...... I ...... 1 ■■ RockviRe«Vcntcm \d€ktf&le*Vernoii Sherrill Cited MANCHISTIR Lodgers Help Only California For SSD Work Planning 'Lottery Lodge Quits Viet; Study Suggests Partitioning Playgrounds in City Open, h Welcomed eVaj. William H. iherrlll of Gm ) Lee Angelea, Calif., husband of TAILOR SHOP Offer Supervised Activities ^ RamsdeD’s Crowded Office ■/ By Scranton world. Repubileans, In eontrol Gen. Taylor Envo)f the former Mies Lena Peperltie 121 SPRUCE STREET of the legislature and the gov­ of SS Ruasell St., was among ernor’s office, said lotteries ’.A wminlttM^el tba VernonABcott Duell, CryiUl Lftks; Ken Pypresently holding______firM place___ (Ceattaue4 ‘'f r w Page One) thoee receiving epeclal recogni­ Expert tailoring noE **®«>*ville opened ■pot, spot, willwUl meetmee\ the MarieMaids woveGrove „ — ^— would compound social and eco­ (Clnottauui from Pago Ooo) KV.. '•oertf «( Dducfttlon, appointed neth Niemann, Ellington; Fran­ tion this week from United today for the summer. They are nomic problems among low-in­ risk et war with Red OWtta In etf'r.J> a lte rin g on m m % ' team, now in iMond inace. Ooldwater, in a statement Is- te tnveaUfate the overcrowded cis Zhiker, Bllinfton^ Marcel SUtea Air Force Secretary .Eu­ locattd at Henry Park, South come fiqnlllee. veteran diplomat -V.. Alexle on effort tp prevent a Oom- Soucler, ’Tolland; Leslie Delisle, women'aABd ekUdreali ' The compeunon co m p e ti^ betweenOGlwGGn *• UIGth e' Tuesday, Elvuluvuavoided »nyany ref-rei* munlat takeover ta SouHieAt ‘ condlttone in the euperlnten* gene M. Zuokert, aa part of the TAILORING St., anb Bury Field on West St. two teams Is fierce, end spec-: •r*nce to Lodge’s declaration In Rhode Island, a eonatltu- Johnson a« his political deputy. Rockville. • oheSrvance of the lOth anniver­ clothing. tlonal amendment failed by one *Aent'a office, hae mat and will Admitted yesterday: A'Ugust AND Supervised play is free to tators are promieed an evening i “*** he would cempelgn tor They ore expected to work sary of the Air Force mia- ohildren six years old and older of enterteinment. The legion-! »«rmnton. vote In the State Senate earlier Senate Democratic lead a r . sa k e aoveral recommendations Hoppe, 4 Park St.; James John­ Mle and apace program. this year. The current outright closely with Taylor in a unified Mike Moiufiald of Montana son, Broad Brook; Paul Tanke, We try to keep aw who reside in Rockville. Regis­ olree won a gem# with the M a * the Arlsonan said. to the board. Thu major la a communlca- tration la held at each play, pie Grovers~ two weeks ago, and Ambeaeador Lodge ia to be ban would have continued ex­ effort to oust the Red guerrillaa. called Taylor a “ great statiw- According to WUliam R. Hahn, Kingsbury Ave.; George Schuls, tfamt-electronios staff officer at ALTERATIONS oustomere well-dreesei ground. ^ngratulated for bearing up Wash Tbbbs end (Captain cept insofar as state-condoeted mon-aMdier” who ta tolly awdie 200 Union St. ths Grovers will attempt to even Westmoreland, on# of the • a member of the ccenmittee, re> headquarters of the Syetema aad ptaasei. the score. thi^ long under such adverse Easy aeem lost. You might lotteries were concerned. But "of the situation as it sxists^ ^ commendationa will include par- Births Monday; A daughter to The playgrounds ara open ev4n If K hat) paased, a separ­ most pronging of the Army’s Vist Nam. Gen, Taylor ta tlw Oommand’t Space Systems Dlvl- Monday through Friday with Swim Team Tryouts conditions. The Johnson-McNa- feel a little that way, too, Ititionlng the office of Dr. Ray­ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hellstrom, aion (SSD) which recently oc­ mara program of Inaecislon and ate General Assembly would younger geMfola, has been con­ best possible men to serve at ’Tolland. Oprei dally except Sun. games and tournaments con­ Donald Berger, the city’s rec- without your favorite com­ have had to endorse It before mond E. RamMell, Superinten­ cupied new facilities at Xos An­ reation director, announced to-1 vjscinatlonvacillation hashaa rmade » 6«n. John J. Williams nearly every other kind of gam­ tary of State for Political Af­ tion, calling Taylor on able mil­ There are three girls in the Discharged yesterday: George may go home for lunch. Young- girls 17 years old and younger. bling is legal in Nevada, lot­ Hersog, Franklin Park; Craig Berger said that even six- a sincerity of Lodge’s commitment 11®*" Ih# first ballot. New Jersey fairs, haa been close to Taylor itary man. He said Taylor’s ap­ 'Superintendent’s office, a fourth ■urs at Henry Park may bring to back Scranton, some party delegatee dectde the very fast Centtal Cwnectl. ‘® unpredIcUble developments. Trenton Monday, terview "We have no magic proach.” pears to be the most efficient Special events will be held at cut Swimming -I^ ru e would be true particular-' Scranton met privately with Today in History answers but we are determined and least costly. Suggestions to The Presbyterian Church of Minding Henry Park at 6:30 p.m. ’hies- Jersey delegates be- to do our best.” Sen. Allen J. Bllender, D-La., Vernon news in handled by During ^lSt*^our veers 'y- theroW s'e ro- th« New Jersey delegates be- said the choice of Taylor tor relieve the overcrowded office ’The Herald’s Rockville Bureaii, Manchester announced today‘an daya and 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays the teantoompe ^ed in the Sub^ ■>»•»«"« Lodge’s popularity addressing a SlOO-a-plate By The Associated Press The 62-year-old Taylor will cut conditions made a t the last advance in the hours of Sunday where children's movies will be Today ia Wednesday, June 24, the Saigon post "means action f W. Main St, telephone 8TS- urbaiv League now dlsbandsd PoH"- These listed Republican fund ^ sin g dinner. abort his term aa chairman of —this means war." ' /board meeting ranged from SISS or S48-S711. School and Mornliig Worship featured. Archery is slated for an )«• 4* a aiiSa best team -we could TpoaOmy l k fhal a m^Maa haa will be another Taylor "disci­ ailltiea, and eonstructlng a new at 10 and diemiss at 11. The fioftball Game Scheduled compete with in the new lea^ e P®"* »*''« h>rh ' jj!*" »*''• "*• » ®' West Germany in a dispute over plaoe in Viet Nam.” "dface area on the Ecker prop- Cosmetics Tax "Retail store tales ara running een- currency. The next day Amer­ ------.»> »W lfflheSkifftr.anhiiaii hr ple,” Gan. Earle G. Wheeler, Cheering Note nursery will he maintained toni7^0 softball teams, will will meet meet Berlin* ^*"'*"81®". Meriden and Scranton, whose name was on i Asked about possible support • a Nakaod aOi ■aaac Watk Ooankatt. Bnr who now is Army chief of staff. Sen. Barry Goldwater of > erty, site of two schools soon to Midget clown in circus brings cheering note as he works close up to one of the patients throuf^out the summer. ican and British planea began A-rizona, front-runner tor tbs (Continued from Page One) sidarably stronger than a yaar a g o ." -l"»f ®‘c®^>y contested Billy Field and Dick Tinslev °*'*S®" 8®‘ ®"'y 2 i fr®®/®""®'' President Dwight to supply the city in a gigantic aaagr af Oa IS kaaa at raaaaaaaM a*aI|aaW Wheeler’s successor haa not yet be erected. at Cook County Hospital, Chicago, today. Paifomianee by circus in children’s ward area is The evening sendee' will be game at Henry Park at 6:16.; will direct the swimming tfsm P«r cent of the vote. His meager Bl®enhower. Scranton re- been named. GOP presidential nomination, Additional recommendations an annual.affair. (AP Photofax.) eonducted as an adult Bible The American Legion team. I this v*«r E .team rating ! Phed: "There is a possibility he airlift which lasted 321 days. made no comment on the politi­ '■'Will include installation of air Fla., a member of the Finance school, and will mset at 7 p.m. Til* above excerpt it frpm an In> In 1798, the first French re­ «ie msse Congressional reaction to Tay­ ** ------— 1^ in the national polls were may come out for me.” cal implications of Lodge’a re­ aondltloning in the oOlces. Committee to which Dirksen The theme will be *Bdarks of the taresting and enlightening report The governor said he knew publican constitution was adopt­ hWeetoa aaaaa# UHUMe lor’s appointment was enthusi­ term. And his hande will be fun viewed by his friends as the na­ haa* kHoaia MaaoM# kpNe astic in some instances. turn. But he said "Ambassador If Dr. Ramsdell’s offllee is planned to offer the repealer, True Christian,” and anyone in­ tural result of his position then Eisenhower was uncommitted ed. split, board of education mem- conceded in an interview that Kennedy Rejects of civil lights diores. Mahoney Attends terested is welcome to attend. {list completed by our Research D e­ In 1940, Marshal Petoln’s toep* ssaaioasia aaoia same However, Sen. Wayne Morse, Lodge is to be congratulated ’The second factor is hie broth­ No Change Recommended that he was not a candidate and but "in politics almost anything for bearing up tills long under biers wUl h*ye to flnd^ another j *ver, he thought the group | j ^ Y S e n a t e R a C e Under the skilled direction of that he would only accept a can happen." French government signed an D.-Ore., criled Johnson's deci­ place to hold their meetings, would reject Dirksen's proposal er, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D- Mayors Meif^ting Richard Trexler, Christian edu­ partment, on Retail Trade and Ra- In his address Scranton aaid armistice with Italy. NATIONAL SAFE/JUNE 28 sion to nominate a military man such adverse conditions?' Mase., whose benk was broken nomination tendered him as the In 1941, President Franklin Hahn said that meeUngs could again. ^ cation director, the church result of a genuine draft he did Republicans must offer a cam­ "a calamitous mistake.” Morse be held in the school’s library i -it will be close.” He said, bow­ (Continued from Page One) in a plane crash last week. nursery has been completely re­ tail Stocks. A copy of this report is In Honor Roll System D. Roosevelt pledged that mil BOATINQ WEEK/JULY 4 served notice he will fight Tay­ Tuesday’s decision threw into Mayor Francis J. Mahoney I not think would come about; paign "that apeaka for all Re­ possible aid would be granted er cafeteria. | gen. Eugene J. McCarthy, D- will attend a meeting of New modeled and modernized. Dou­ yours for the asking at our naarast Subsequently Scranton an publicans who favor a new start lor's confirmation in the Senate Crosse* Recall Hahn reported that Dr. Minn., another member, said he "I deeply appreciate the loy­ sharper focus Robert Kennedy’s ble decker cribs have been in- to Russia. Coast Guard Flotilla 17-9 of Foreign Relations Committee role ss head of the Kennedy England mayors st the SUitler- ' -“"J • com ■■c TTw, Bii Bciive can- on the problems of present-day In 1946, Adolf Hitler’s personal Ramsdell is obtaining estimates felt the administration ’’has got alty and friendship of those who Hllton Hotel, Hartford, Monday ■talled, and formica topped cab­ office! - ^ High School faculty which re­ « Level n and no Level in didst* against Goldwater and America.” Manchester will sponsor a free and on the Senate floor. for the proposed alterations. the votes lined up” to,defeat it. family since the assesaljisticn inets run the ontire Ien$;th of the cently completed a flve-weeka’ flog was dragged in the dust course Monday at the Ameri­ Cov^tiy Attack New Apartment Planned have urged me to run and who last November of his brotiier. ritght. students ranked in the top lO ®>®st of Lodge’a backers amid He proposed the initials M the feature of a victory But most other members at When a bill which would ex­ The conference, to be hoeted outer wall. Sound-proof remov­ Mudy of the MHS marking and ^ r cent; about one fourta of they would support the Pennsyi- "L.B.J.” — Let’s Beat John­ can Legion HonM on "Safe the com m ittee, including Newington developer Frank tend for another year $1.9 bil­ believe 1 could perform a aerv- President John F. Kennedy. His able partitions have also been honor roll system has found parade in Moscow. COVENTRY, England w by Hartford Mayor William E. y o ir u m o a p a ie n d a t .,. toe Level n and 2.7 per cent, vania governor, son — os a Republican rallying Boating” bi c/ tempted to obtain an overview mStlL’*" * * ®®"’';c®n*ven]!fon agreed with me.” ness leaders. dow Country Club, scene of the the Ways and Means Commit­ or a pos.sible opponent.” lected on a statewide basis. ily when you “feather your nest" with savingB. IS-hole qualifying round and tary opMvltiona in South Viet the altar built of atones from the The street has been straight­ tee has launched a comprehen­ William H. McKeon, New From Germany he will travel (2) Greatly increased pay­ of the MHS marking proiedures Schroeppel is looking forward Today’s Birthday Nam will be intensified at the ruined cathedral for 24 years. to Poland, next to.Ionrton. be­ and compare them to the sys­ to beginning his college studies Former world heavyweight next week's five-day tourna­ ened and widened In several sive study of the subject. York State Democratic chair­ ments by the state from taxes When building plans call for financing—you’ll tems used by other high schools nouncing the honor rolls for dif- rother thM Scr.ninn*^ ment. Mrs. Patton won in 1948 •reaa. Land required for the Hie administration opposes man, said, "Mr. Kennedy’s an- fore returning during the first levied on the same basis this fall at the Massachusetts champion Jack Dempsey is 69. week In July. be better off with a “Savings & Loan” Home ta the area. Institute of Technology at Cam­ Band leader Phil Harris is 68. and has been the runner-up six fcvroveraent was purchased by the repeal of the fbur categor­ nounceifient will undoubtedly throughout the state, for the to create a greater cleavage i times. A new champion will be ♦errigao who tunvtd it over to ies now chiefly because of the help the thinking of some Dem­ s u i^ r t of town schools. Mortgage. In its report the committee gJYxip and the non-c<^ege bound a question to be answered at the bridge, Mass., where he will revenue kws. | ocrats throughmt New York. •tated. "A comparison of the group and the nonlcoGlege bound convention. study math. I^EGRO ON COUNCIL crowned inasmuch aa Patricia (3) Provision whereby, groups NEWARK, N.J. (AP)—Gov. ”I want a doctorate bi some Petersburg ,va. (AP) —Pet­ O’Sullivan of Race Brook, ,ttre GROSSMAN HOMES I^^Tlie Rockville Traffic Au- Secretary of the Treasury We' hope to achieve a consen­ Firemen Quell of employes under the' State- systems of 12 other high schools group.” Douglas DiUon told the Finance sus on a candidate as aoon as ta the state seemed to show that Reiterating iU findings that William W. Scranton of Penn­ variety of math, but I’m not ersburg voters have elected a 1963 winner and nine-lime ■ p wirltgr, kianieeting earlier this Municipal Pension System can the systems ta use here at MHS sylvania flew to Charleston. sure which,” he said. "Right Negro, John H. Owens, to the champion, will not defend her SPECIAL BONUS OFFER! week, benned perkii^ along the Oommittee Tuesday that if any feasible." withdraw their state and per- 'it 'Ct "tk "It is not true lhat those in the excise cuts ara voted in the next ’There was little elaboration Blaze in Van were similar to and aa good as lower levels attain the honor W.Va., today to bid for Southern now I'm particularly Interested City Council for the first time title. Another former winner, of Regan s£ near aonal oontributions so that they w ^ttie beat and superior to most." Republican support in his drive in numbers theory.” ta nearly 100 years. Mrs. Grace Lenezyk Cronin of two years, H will delay the on Kennedy’s statement from can join Municipal Pension Sys­ roll more ea.sily, . . . a change #elkTue Ave.. for a amoother achievement of a balanced bud­ the Jvudice Department. But two Town firemen, at 1:10 yeeter- .SAVINGS ■ The oommittee maintained, for the presidential nomination. Schroeppel gives most of the Owens received 1,724 votes Indian Hill, also will be missing. pow eg tiMfle. tems wtien they so desire. here would also have other so­ get the adminlstratioa axpects key factors emerged as. mo.st In­ day afternoon, extinguished a “In spite of the often heard cial and personal ImpUcatSms,” As Scranton's plane took off credit for his success in math Tuesday for one of the three I 2 kbnfino said that donatiuc- in fiscal 1967. fire in a van which was loaded (4) Pilt Rt. 6 from the Oon- "Manoheater’s at,,/ L O A N erltlcisfn that some pupils seek from Newark,evwvT*»**a, sourcesaVUrGOO closeCIO0( to10 to his teacherst-a:a<.iicin cbliviand "a n 11friend IVIIU Ell of seats open on the council in a To fulfill its function, a sleep­ fluential. necUout River to WiUlmantic at Oldest Financial A S S O < I A I I O V the committee charged. Son of the new units on Regan One lathe civil riijita picture. with matresses on Forest St. in lower level courses m order to In conclusion, It noUd. “A the governor said that the entry ' who tutored me. runoff election. ing bag must be kept dry. Body NO K ^ wfll begin in July, Pinal passage of the rights bill, front of Norman’s warehouse, least on the Federal Aid Pro-' Institaflon*’ get better grades, their rank In of Henry Cabot Lodge into the "What I’m really proudest of, uthersOthers elected were Lester I.I moisture will dampen a bag; soso. gram, whereby it . will be en­ lAA/SI/Af^SA VtA/mS . great many pupils (and a-few political ft Tettag BHglbUlty wlth 'aK of Its enforcement prob­ ’The extent of the damage is’ class does not indicate any va­ teachers) are unnw>»'nS Vh'i P®]*^‘‘=®' ®n Scranton's admitted, ‘‘was go- Bowman, with 3,179, and Vice on alternate days if possible, Jaycees Rebuff lems, is imminent.’ 'The begrin- not yet known, said fire offi­ titled to 90 per cent contrUm-. Current Annual lidity to this criticism.” fact that ai. „ . 1.“ ? "®‘ «llminate SouthlUlll ‘"8 *» throi^h---- -vao.. three-fourths of Mayor Arils G. Andrews, with i unrip it and hang it where air ** A ^r pannanwiUy physically tion from the federal govern­ fact that an Information sheet "iVt Nam AMm Mn . t fami* flreOTTlDtrV ITI OTIA nlffht. ' I 1 Oftft i eo*.* "swsd person who Is not a nlngs of the "long, hot .sum­ cials. Dividend On To back up its findings, the giving a description of our high ** “ the K«o*n®lry In one night.” 11,938. oan circulate. W^lace Speech mer” In race relations already ' The Town Fire Department ment. Insured Savlnga committee cited a study of the PAYMENTS ^oter gf Weraon but otherwise e l i ^ to become are evident. ’The attorney gen­ answered a false alarm at 10:23 BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTltx Cisss of 1964 low ing the rank feve”S 'eto r.7nT'to*elch‘eo,’’ , ThrTurce.. who decline! to v a U r may peUtioa the board (Ooattaued fran Paga One) eral Is the nation’s top civil last night from box 1031 at East Barnacles cannot catch up ta class by levels, vriilch indi­ *BkniooB for a w»tcial rights strateitist. He has com­ Catholic High School. with fast-moving ships or with cated the best students en­ ... - M S Henry F. Butler, shouted "Go, George, go!” and mitted himself to staying on the Firemen said the alarm was any surface that moves faster roll in most difficult subjects job through Johnson’s present accidently set off.by a youth. than two knots. F y tr # l H a IIT C open till 5 P.M. m o n ..t u e s ..f r i. (Honors and Level I), with the JAN. '65 elmCf haa announced, several Oonfederata flags wart poorer students taking the less o n to to qualify to vote in waved In ths audience. ILA U Cl I III III W Thur»4tey % 8 Wed. Cloeed At Noo* officers are made aware of our asalnat th* Tnhnarm OWN AND LIVE IN YOUR OWN HOME presiden- N. demanding (Level II and HI) levels ayatem and that an A or t ‘ n ^ J®»^»®" *Moser tile top 10 per cent of the grad-1 Nuvci before has Grossman Homes mode such n tremendous Bonus t>y Ike town eleik no 1st- cent dedsions of the high court uating class, sjid all ranked As“ «.ch*" h^ Offer! Theie is no ncH d to pay double rent when you buy a Gross- ^ toaa August i. and other federal courts have ‘is celebratinR its man Hsm e! Make your application N O W ! See your local repre^en* ApfMoatlans and Author in- resulted in a "judicial oligar­ chy." ------Iguidance sTm department H S -rs™ ; licana onY. policy in that area totive and find out how you con live rent FREE in your Grossman is furnace Home until Jon 1. 196S! Don t delay, act today' (Your application •* " " He was highly critical of the The "46-year-old governor, •Wlying tor home new civil rights bill and rs- FIRST ANNIVERSARY Sensational Offer N w Haven HoqtHal yostorday *®®Wng to overtake the front- must be in before July 31, 1964 to bo eliqiblc.) f*t*®™ion may ___ submit ab- ferrsd to the measure as "fte afterftftwr aA KH briefji/ illness. running mnntefl' Sen.flton Barry Goldwater__a_ ballots cites IhdV reg-' ^*<****’ P®**’ ‘ for 1 big days: ' on Famous Events Goodyear served in Japan os of Arizona, set his sights today e**'**«*> la ccmpCetsd, Butler airport press oonfsrence oouneelor tor political affairs on West Virginia’s 14 conven- «aid“ earUer in ths day, Wallace said THURSDAY, FRIDAY ft SATURDAY. JUNE 24. 25. 24 until tile end of May. He was . ft®® delegates and the 34-vote ^ ReM tat Acddent it was "Ironic and tragic that i on leave at the time of his Woe of Florida. In State death. -A n accident in a Union St. our national laadars have to beg BUY ONE Vj-GALLON DELICIOUS lAHLER ICE CREAM FOR 99e I In West Virginia, the Arizona lot yesterday resulted people to consent to the civil He also heM posts in Canada. I *®®ator has four delegates, That it why ewNn rights bill." GET THE SECOND FOR 49e SAFETY CHAMPION (Oonttbtied from Page Ono) Guatemala, Panama, Switaer-' “ fanton has two and eight are ** U"**® 8 t She was land, MaT.aya, Turkey and Por- *®c®nimltted. In Florida Gold- operating a motor HURRICANE NAMES FREE 26 Extra Stamps WHh Every y, Gal. Farm Fresh Milk ones who voted against the ^ tugal. During World War n, he has 22; 11 are uncommlt- rapertupte ^ without a liceuM by WASHINGTON (AP) —Ths NYLON TIRES Kelly agency’s appointment. I served in Senegal and Morocco. ^®d, and one stands opposed to She poet- Weather Bureau has rslaased iU "We haven’t done our job un­ Goodyear attended St. Mark’s Goldwater. **V; eppearance hi annual list of hurrlcsns names FREE Milk Glass Creamers and Sugar Bowk (While They Last) liny first tire nt /trice listed less we remove this thing from School, and Yale UniversityUniversity, Scranton was . ®nU»usiasticenthusiastic 25% Mviag ai oil rcult Court 12, RockvUIa July —from Abby to Wlnny. below...get the second tire for 1 la .i .. which he was graduated about the results of hie delegate ^ „ , The names are the same as political eonaideratlons, Bald- in 1935. He studied for a year hunt in Delaware and New Jer- Douglas R. those used in I960 with one ex- FREE Ivanhoe Style Glass With Every Q t Of Soft lee Ckeam one-futlf that price wln said. I at the Foreign Service School •*y- ’ ^ West Mid- ceptlon—Dora replaces Donna, Hsugh argued for continuing W Washington, D.C., before He claimed “far more than a e., Manchester, was in- which caused considerable til* agency’s teriiporary status • diplomatic career in majority" of the 12-vote Dela- ■»_tlie accident damage four years ago. BONUS — BCTRA STAMPS WITH AU. S.S. PIERCE PRODUCTS MM agent at record, but Flaher, 'vereware delegation. Sen. Cliffordaifford ^ ■oapital Notes Hie names: a______University of ______Connecticut ad- He 'vaswas born in Buffalo, N.T,N.T. I'**• P- Case of New Jersey told -Adrattted Monday; Joseph Mc- Abby, Brands, C9so, Dora, 1 BLACKWALLS mlnletcator,mlnletrator, saidsold this would be , R® H® •^JJ^ve*r®ave« Ms widow, Mr*. | newsmen Scranton could expect •JUl. « Hlllcreet Dr.; Joseph Ethel, Florence, Gladys, Hilda, s 1 WHITEWALLS 1 "taking the ea*y way out.” |Ju6a ■ “ Owsley- Goodyear,- • and a "big mljority” of the 40-vote 18 High R i^« R« bedrooms, large living room, ■UCTID ON YOUR U)T 8.00-14 TThatcher, pqychlatriat Francis K.9S 12.97 — •I®» 29.45 14.72 Lm J. Bracelond, the Rt. Rev. Msgr, .ihaped kitchen. B.50-14 28.45 14.22 — Mis' 15.97 — —e Joseph R. Lacy, inauronce exec­ FRIGIDAIRE "600Q” 6.70-15 22*65 ii.» 119.058 9.52 26.11 13.078»-M utive John McOurkin, and Oliv- BEAT the HEAT! 8UJ7 ar Ellaworth, a financial expert 7.10-15 2IJ5 12.97 24.20 12.10 29,«i 14.72 27.70 ISAS T E N T S A LE liMtoH-K-yGursGlf In minutes I A storm broke over the John 2145 14.22 29.40 UJO 3UI 13.97 29J0 P. Kelly Co. during the 1968 ^ npGvWi wOW WITH FRIGIDAIRE u.7d IMI — — tSJ9 17J0 32.10 lUO Ii^ la tlv e eeasion when it was PACTS PROVI IT Buiied. tide panels extend. Ift eaayl — -T. — T- 35.30 17.IS dficloaed that the agency was /■ doubling as a dispenaer of polit­ Ofl h igniled la dw flame ring aroand the entw THE NORWOOD RANCH • Takes 115 volts, draws enV 7V4 ampsl •All lir c s PLUS TAX NO IHADf IN Nf[ 01 ical patronage In the form of in- Grossman’s 3 bedroom ranch ouronee oommlsalons on state edge e f tlio haarUi, teodmg a curtain o f flame features large liVing room- • Adjustable airflow— pollolee. np the flnboK walL H ie heat ie aotually genetw » 9 ,7 8 9 open end dining area and Air Conditioner AU VMI» lAT 256 eomblnationsi aled right agetnet the principal beat-abcorbing kitchen with ample Soldier Arrested IMCnD ON TOM LOT ... ,ioi and ..inter area. •nrfaee of your fbrnacc from where k ie ‘ GROSSMAN’S PRICK WCLUDKS • Delivers a big, 6,000 CROMWELL (AP) - An 18- BTU/hr (NEMAL vear-old soldier, who police sold ehenneled ieto your borne. e PULL POUNDATION e CA8INCT KITCHiNS OtLUS ALL OTHiX MA­ • Listen to the still,^ bad fled detention at Ft. Dev- N o wonder it eavea ftwll • COMPLETE PIUMIING one, Mass., was arrested here The flret Slant Automatie ownert learned (te I ’ euHId* tame) TERIALS TO COMtllTI wnall voice ef A Low, Low aoriy today. YOUR HOME IN ADDI­ this fact over 30 yean ago—And auny of e COMPLETE HEATING QUIET COMFORT. State police identified the TION TO MOST OP THE uth aa John Pares! of Ivory- AND ELECTRICAL SYS­ Aoae original burners are atill in service. Of TEMS INSTALLED CONSTRUCTION AS! IT oourae tbare have been great improwemants A tip led polico to tbs horn* X 9’ Family Tent With Exterior e TILE lATH WILL (PreqreM 2) Aluminum Frame, Complete with A ^ A ewwb making the Silent Automatie of a mond of Pares! in Cram- VISIT YOUK NIAMST ftROflSMAN mpmilNTATW f lASY TttMS — UNITS l>Q8 AU 800M SOU sroll. When police appeared, Pa- Awning Polee. $69.95 Vahm. ^ W a Y r rosi fled ta his bore feet. He Q ^n Daily 9 A.M. to 6:80 P.M.—Thurs. aad Fri. later tutnod himself Into a troop- < bake prineiple h stA flMes. and k atfl flv till 9 P.M.—Sat. aad Sun. All Dm or In a cruiser. MB. MICHAEL CHAVIS Grosamaa Medel Home BOS MAIN ST. Church St. (Off Rt. •) Foreal was hald in tbs state VAI^EriMLOTE-’oN ALL You aaa ______WnXIMANTIC police barracks in Hartford Adtomatic PaopocM Tolesvllle (WaUtagforS) ponding arrival of military ou- CAMPING EI^IPMENT yfiur.baating pfeMm whm you autalt Akat HA 8 ^ 1 008-1821 uiorltiot. PoUoo aaid ho hod i WRITE STAG SLEBPING BAGS Automatie oil beet For jnat a lew extra doUan boon mlooing from Ft. Doveno new jem get'kk eevkpr Jkmn now mu , oinco Juno H. MANCNHYM SURPLUS SAUS CO. i,’ 1HURSDAY Diplomat Dias U e N. Mata M. AS Depot |«aoi« PEARL . AND HAVEN (API ’ to t it e TM., 7M. e« e-7 iii THE WHITING CORP. FRIGIDAIRE SALES and SERVICE MANCHItm 81, o oarooi QUALITY NOMBS PtfDAY i ,« o 4 ta M4 MOAD friHr PHONI 444-1144 TJ ’ J'l, - ' f r|

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN« WfcDlfBSDAT, JUNE 24, 19M MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1964 TWBNtJr-rOUB CaptivfesSay ttave More Strickland 23rd Bolton Let BAHLBR - M O M A mih Windsor ^ DAIRY STORE help you with In Fiddler Test 2 Amerirans summer meal plaanliig and tonight throuj^ Finance Unit summer entertetoln(< Here It’s you'll find w r y ^Middle School’ Proposed ^ headquartere for "8. S. ductions on Although Manchaster's Dead in Viet PIERCJE” PRODUCTS. Keep fit eounters Raymond Strickland wound and trim as you rafrosh your­ WCBULO.a XJL b> Names Qerk P. To Board in New Report up to 38rd spot among self with low-calorto bovaragas. CREWEL more than 100 of the coun­ 8UOI DA, South Vlrt Serve often the vltemto-C en­ and STAMPED OOOD8 •T. try’s best fiddlers last At Meeting (AP) — Captured VUt Cong riched NECTARS AND JU1CB8 tegged 1599 OFF. TZko 'Ji t * » CItJatM CJcwnmltte* o n t At the present time there are week, he considers his en­ ieiTiUas have told totwroga- in dellcloua flavor combinations "plCk-up” work with jrou on vn> about 160 children enrolled in try to the Welaer, Idaho, Srs that a U.B. Bpeclal Forew and priced two quarts for 77c. cation and surprise yourself ft <4MiooI Organisation submitted the cooperative kindergarten In The board of finance last officer and enlisted man mtse- Old-Time Fiddlers' Contest During the SALE toOMirrow, accomplishments. For your suffi- fts report to the board of educa- town which Is 35 per cent of the night named Malcolm lAinbert tog since their unit was am­ Tri City *r— Vernon (Circle Area Friday and Saturday, get EX­ msT sewing, do see tbe RATON eligible children. The committee gratifying and sueceasfuL bushed last Friday are d e ^ Main Street Stores ;!jiioB last Blctat Strickland, who survived of Old Town Rd. aa Its n e w TRA BONUS "B k H” GREEN JERSEY now. 79c a yard. AJl f?' estimated that an tocreqse of The body of a third American Vacathm Apparel oa Sale ^ other by-the-yard fabric is 1699 •» fli* committee recommended the first play-off, missed Yea Oaa Kat aai Rua ^ What ShaU We Do With STAMPB with every purchaM about |6 per year to taxes to the clerk.^ caught to the Viet Cong ambush Shop ROTH'S CLOTHIBR, Tri Summer? OFF during thla sale. KNIT'- only one note while playing During these activity-packed of "8. 8. PIBRCE” products South Windsor include an average homeowiifr would be The" board voted to eend a five miles from this forward They go togethert Shop WIL­ City Shopping Plasa, and save. Have tun with it. Drees up for Take advantage of the TOP ■nNO BAQ8 and TARN KlTB summer days, IPs good to know 'Jltatermodiate step” between the required to support a public a waits number in the sec­ lattor to H. U Alexander Co., Special Forces camp was found TON’S GIFT SHOP, 964 Mato ROTH’S offers suits, sport coats it. Relax with it. Shop KAYE’I SHELF SraCLALa bffered at 29% OFF make wonderfbl sSlementaty schools and the high kindergarten housed in public ond round, and was elimi­ near the battle scene Monday. that you oan serve up a m^k Street for the eummer bridal and slacks plus shirts, Bermuda SPORTSWEAR, the Sp«elalty dally at BAHLER - MOBBSt gifts. It's not too anriy to thb& nated from the finals. awtttora, requeettag a quotation meal with minimum toll. nC - couple you are oongratutotiiig. ■ isdiooL PubUc kindergarten school buildings. All three Americans were on shorts and swim wear at 30 per Shop at Vernon Circle. Whether d a i r y STCBUB. of starting that autumn swenl- should also be Incorporated into The two primary reasons for HU picture appeared to for the annual audit. petrol with a Montegnard strike COLO PIZ2A PALACB on Shop WILTON’S for aU the em t OFF. Stock up now. on your you own a boat or noL come er. "Fleischer” SPICE TAMJ, the system, the committee said.' supporting public kindergartens the Boise, Idaho, Dalljr Norman J. Preuss, chairman, force of 100 men. teeting Viet Main Street north of the Poet happy mllaatonea that msrit a vacation needs. Buy now for for the fashionable "on board'‘ You’re Se Right reg. 81.09 U now 88c and the • The report suggested that given were: that they prepare Statesman, with the cap­ nuUiorized to proceed with Cong etrengOi to the a r » after Office prepares excellent PES- material axpresaion of your clothes that take a man right palamas, the SLEEPBfflS AND In summer apparel from W. NUBBT FLEIICB, reg. 98c te .Jtindergartens should be taclud- children for reading and teach­ tion, "He Fiddler Purth- the prapaiitlon and printing of arriving to eetebllsh a base at ZA8, GRlNDBiRS, plus the good wtohas. Ito Me the dovered Into autumn with distinction and DOZERS. If you’re heading for T. GRANT COMPANY. Tro on now 86c. KNITTER'S W O R ll) ed in ths public school system in es them fundamentals of get­ erest From Home.” the town report BC Graduate 8uoi Da. popular Italian foods (spaglst- Crystal STAt^-BNACK DISH, aplomb. Shop R O T H ’ S the Worlds Pair, come tlrat to the PLATWEAR, the SWIM offers many, many unaOvertisdd ting along with others. ^ lasagne, ravioli). No need 89.95, a 8-p(6ca aarvlng ehow- September 1965. The committee Strickland, who has been An investigation to determine Kevin B. Reardon received ^ A Viet Cong hattellon hit the (XOTHIBRS. KAYE’S for the outfiU that pack TOGS and CASUAL OUTFITS apeclala during their BALE eoh- The work ,pf the first grade to spend hours and hours in the pteM that atoree away compact- tinulng through Saturday. fai» that adequate space should playing the fiddle for oVer he success of the computer rec­ bachelor of science degree dur­ unit from enfrenched poeltions, well, keep you looking band-box for camping or outdoor living be available with the opening of teacher is also greatly reduced 35 years, entered the an­ ording system to the tax col­ killing 47 Montagnarde and kitchen when you oan fsed your ly. The 40-plece CRYffTAL , Remove eheeta and pillowcas­ fresh. Include enough fresh all summer long. You get fault- by the .attendance of the child­ ing commencement exerclsea at the lai Terry School but, if not, nual contest for the first lector's office and to the board ■cattertog other patrol mem­ guests Bumptuoualy on testy BAR W ARE set IS-96, to a es from your automatic dryer LINOERIB AND SLEEVELESS leae fit and p^ect comfort so T o get tomatoea in your gar­ ren to kindergarten because she Boston College June 8. hospitality ensemble (coektetl, the town should lease space to time, and was unsure of the of nnsresnr'n office will he car­ bers. foods they vdll thoroimMy en­ while still damp. Fold smooth BLOUSES. There to color and necessary in summer SPORTS­ den imtil frost, keep down all can concentrate on the acade­ Reardon, the son of Mr. and joy. PICCOLO PIZZA PALACB highball, mack Mrvers) to tnclude this program. rules. ried out by the board o f ft However, Americans hare and place on top of the dryer. comfort for the choosing at WEAR. Lure for yourself a eum­ weeds and grass and apply iB- mic lessons rather than on how Mrs. MicluCel Reardon of 47 to at your eervlee. OPBN TO ise a bertButng or an aateb- I,, H ie committee said that the He said thU mocnlng nance. said today the etrlke force ap­ The alight warmth will finish KAYE’S SPORTSWEAR. mer tan with clothes that ex­ trogen fertilizer. * ■resent two-phase elementary to tie shoes and how to hang Eva Dr., majored to business m i d n i g h t on Tuos., Wed., Ced household. drying them and they will look pose you fashionably to the clothes, the committee indicat­ that he Intends to enter The board is mailing fund re­ parently put up a strong fight and high school plan should be quest forms for 1964-1965 to administration. - before dispersing. Counter oper­ Thurs. OPBN TO 3 A.M. on as though they had been Ironed. Cabbage should be harvested caresses of sun-and-sea. You’ll E v « T Tneedajr and Wednesday ed. again next year and, be­ Friday and Saturday. OPBN Chill pie crust dough before when the beads are solid, but G A E T A N O ’8 BEAUTY disiiged ‘to a three-phase ele- cause of the experience he the various town bocuds. ations were launched Immedi­ look cool confident and care­ ,Sientary, intermediate and sen­ At present the first grade is SUNDAY 3 p.m. to 10 pjn. rolling to prevent atretchtog. Fit ' Keep a Pretty Head before they have split . free In FASHIONS from W. T. SHOP offers a PERMANENT gained thU year, expects to Girl Scout Banquet the town hall. Everyone is to ately against the guerrillas to ior high school plan beginning actually conducting a condensed Closed Monday. TeL- 649-8009. the dough loosely over the pie Above Water GRANT COMPANY. On two W AVE SPECIAL 88.60 (rei;. kindergarten diirii^ the first ftoUh nearer the top. Cadet girl scout Troop 669 bring either a hot or cold dish an attemrt to RDEai, 813.90, that lets you Complaints Unit ed man's body was taken to the casions: Shower, wedd*nB> HOUR DRY CLEANING esteb- Rust The good old summertime is nett, The Mancheeter Evening a small or large group for a cdl- . yeconunendatlons on oiroUment high school wUJ be required to parents should encourage this Violet O'Rlelly and Marcha Wil­ nlversary, birthday. Pricoa be­ Itohments at MAIN AND saving coverlet! Each piece is record and play It back. "Take nprojectlons said to be conserva­ Health W arning Inspection, ” Trapp said. same place. JOHNSON PAINT CO.. 723 dotted with occasions that Just Herald, 1150 AVE. OF A M 3 »I- down” baby’a first words, busi­ lective function, tell FIANO'S the fall of 1969 to accoirunodate liams. To End July 1 gin at 89.96 here. BIRCH Street also 290 West Mid­ completed and attached as you CA8, NEW YORK, N. Y. 10086. tive. Hie committee stressed the upper four grades. ' Special Forces units operating go! Main Street, has "DE-RUSTO” pop right at you. YOUR GIFT ness meetings, family reunions, your needs and they’ll try to Also hostess badges, Eliza­ dle Turnpike help you preserve that you can spray^or brush on .'that any delay in ffils program (Conttoned from Pag* One) RockvUle-V ernon undder to Tay Nlnh Province GALLEIRY on the main floor of For let-claas mailing add 10c rehearse speeches. On the spot please you with good food, Two other alternatives offer­ beth Gorton, Jene Peace, Mary­ General Manager Richard surrounded a Viet Cong village. To keep pitch pockets from your neat appearance. Your Pattern No. 5421-N haa pat­ to prevent rust or’ stop rust generous portions, attentive "WlB result in an overcrowded 10-Pound Quiz summer clothes deserve “MAR- Watkins carries a host of in­ for each pattern. Print Name, pictures are youra with a PO­ ed to order to have public kin­ Jo Nichols, and Noreen Nichols; killing 19 guerrillaa and cap­ showing through paint, seal tern piece; complete directions. when it has begun. Spray or LAROID CAMERA, 8129, also eervice, pleaaing pricee.. A ftfr . Modition. dergartens in town were for the pleted Its consideration of the Martin has Informed all munici­ TUnZININO'’ care so you will teresting items that are decor­ Address with Zone, Style No. record to this proceeding, and good gromnlng badges, Violet tured 11, Tuesday. The prison­ them with resin sealer or brush on "DE-RUSTO.” The polaroid-packed film- Here it's a eizzling day, take the family •'< By Changing frmn the present pal department heads that, com­ get full eatisfaction and value ative and useful, priced from and Size. board of education lease has determined that the public Rotary Joins Seeks Gas Data O'Rlelly, Kathleen O'Rlelly, ers said they had been Involved thinned shellac. Brush on a thin To order, send 35c In coins to; finish dries In minutes, and is headquarters for black and to dinner at FIANO’S RES­ ‘'twoHPhase system to a three- space from local churches or &om your clothing investment. $1. Even If you are Just looking interest requires the promulga­ Dale Carnell, Karen Hills and mencing with July 1, all com­ to the ambush last Friday. coat and let it dry thoroughly Anne Cabot, The Manchester available in several colors. If Don't mils the new spring white, also color FILMS OF TAURANT. Let the cool flret -jdiase system the committee run a summer program of six The "MARTDOZmG” service Eivening Herald. 1150 AVE. OF a.id Just browsing for a apeclal tion of a trade regulation 'rule WASHINGTON — The Federal Paula Toner. Elizabeth Gorton plaint calls and requests for The U.S. Special Forces men before applytog finishing coats. you are having rust-damaging and summer '64 Issue of our ALL TYPES for movies, slides. courae delight your eyee and bald potential advantages would weeks. Police for gives your clothes a lift, helps AMERICAS, NBW YORK, N.Y. something, come to TTOUR for the prevention of unfair or. Power Commission had a few received camp craft badge, hik­ service will be taken and proC' who operate out of primitive deterioration on your tools, rail­ fashion magazine Basic Fash­ Capture your vacation fun on qulckan your appetite for tile ^be offered which are not avail- with 400 Khmer and preserve them, keeps clothes loose. GIFT g a l l e r y first. Each Full state aid for general ex­ deceptive advertising or label­ questions it wanted to ask the er, life saver, small craft and Camping Needs ings, your boat or drain pipes, ion. Send'50 cents today. film and relive it at will. With chef.prepared food to follow. ^^le now under the elementary penses and transportation 31, W ImfuUr. Md looking brighter and freaher and use “DE-RUSTO” from JOHN­ piece haa beCn carefully select­ Call FIANO’S and discuss your ing of cigarettes to relation to Bike Check nation's 114 producers of natural swimmer. Holly Hemingway re­ As you prepare the young- For Ist-class mailing add 10c a "(Jhannel Master” TRANSIS­ ‘ •high sdwol system. would be paid if the town de­ lasting longer. The longer a spot SON PAINT CO. It’s the prod­ ed with skill and artistry. Each get-together,:from a wedding to the health hsiards of smoking,” gas. ceived a chef badge. aters for their camping vaca­ for each pattern. Print Name, Why Envy Others TOR RADIO from LENOX > The ocmmlttoe listed six ad- cided to have kindergartens un­ Dixon told the committee. So It sent them a 10-pound remalna to a fabric, tha more uct that provides protection item must meet rigid standards PHARMACY the world and be*^ a conference, The entire troop was given I ■” t tiL/dv rissa K'.ss.frss' a«’: s s tion, remember that BOTH Address with zone and Pattern You, too', can enjoy the eatis­ wmtages to the intermediate der the leased space plan. “The commission's report The Rockv...... ollce Depart­ questionnaire. The gas Industry difficult It to to remove. "MAR- from rust that you can truat of good design, unquestionable yond Is at your fingertips. HJx- the challenge of social depend­ sS” lce l i d Complidnt Dl.d.lo«, ‘ “ V £ 1 FAIRWAYS have CAMPING TINIZING" uses the most efti- Number. faction of expert shoe repair at bohoot aystem: The summihr program is a would, I believe, be of great as­ ment and the Rockville Rotary figures It will take 17,000 man­ One coat does everything. It good taste, vdiich is 'why you’ll pand your horizons. The SUM­ IH: ability insignia and attendance ESSEN'IIALS. Iron-on name Keep a flat top on your com­ 1. More effective and eoon- substitute for full year public sistance to the committee and hours on the part of experienced dent methods to remove spots Only 50c—'64 Spring-Summer primes, protects and beautifies. be proud to include the gift HOUSE A HALE SHOE MER COLOGNES from LENOX Club have joined forces to pro­ departmenU. However, no pro- tepee prevent expensive loss of and stains. Even WA8H->^D. post heap except for a depres­ pmlcal student grouping when ktodergartens and would cost the Congress to determining accountants to fill to the pins. The troop also received a Album! New — Custom Collec­ "DE-RUSTO” is a good de­ card enclosure to tudt In with SEIRVICJE. Here, "Nick” can keep you feeling fresh and cool. apparel. Stock up on a supply WEAR clothing responds beau­ sion in the center to catch raip. ' several hundred students in one 16,000 for personnel and |1,500 what, if any, additional legUla- vide bicyclists within the Rock­ answers. certificate of merit from the tion — special deaign patterns; pendable product to have each purchase at YOUR GIFT make every pair of shoea In "Max Factor” helps you feel W . ‘?Si.‘S"du'"dSl S r S l -d ll O' of thrifty wash clotha and tow­ tifully to "MARTD4IZINING,” This will hasten decompositiati. 'class are tqget|ier rather Gian for transportation of 300 child­ Uon U needed on this subject.” ville area an opportunity to The federal agency needs the Connecticut Society of CJrippled our 13-man team was knocked regular features; directions In around. GALLERY. Take a souvenir your v'ardrobe look years "LIGHT ’N GAY,” the title of continuation of a central com­ els. A flashlight and insect re­ by restoring the crispness to the in aeparate stdiools. ren. There would be no state aid Dixon urged the committee have their bicycles safety information to help regulate na­ Children and Adults for Us per­ out to one blow last Friday book for 4 patterns! CXJNNECnCUT PLATE. |2.50, younger. The “vitamins” are cologne. 81.25, also “ Floral A level, loose, moist layer of plaint department. pellent provide security and fabric and aarti)g you the trou for this program. to withhold actiim on all bills checked. tural-gas prices. formance to the Easter Seal does not lessen our resolve to You can save time while sew­ TRAY, $1.25, MUG. |1 to your here to pep up old, tired shoee. Dawn.” The magic of "Dorothy fine soil over a firm seed b4d 2. Better use of teachers in The town highway depart- hold on here and fight hack,” com fort ble of laundei^, drying and ispedallned talent and training The principals and superin­ before It until the FTC report Cooperating with the Hart­ campaign. ing when you want to open a hostess when you vacation. In­ You owe It to youfself to see Gray” "White Lilac” COLOGNE Is important for a good garden. can be studied. ford Chapter of the Automobile The field trip, canceled yes­ ment has been designated the Bernard1 C . Benaon, pressing. Your garments come Planning to Invest? the QUALITY WORKMAN- U no white lie. "Prince Matcha- ;-and, therfoTe, cloaer coordlna- tendents are paid on an annual Top Shad Season back p ^ e c tly finished, with the DEMP8EY-TEGLER A CO. short seam if you just press it troduce your own summer visi­ Club of America, the police de­ terday will be held if 10 or agency for taking all calls rel- port Bragg, N.C. SHIP accomplished hbre. It’s an belU’ SUMMER SHOWER CO­ Everybody Likes Ice Cream


'a - WSLL.SiR/ YOU WILL BE p? t u m T e u . y o u WHAT ItU D O ^ TH6 TWiRO PORTRAIT MlNTSft p Worici of Horns TO (Vr/W/FEATURES ON Red Smith Paired with Sider 6NK you A SPECIAL R«T6 OP ,M 4 3 r l POR YOOR nORTRAlT IH c a n v a s POR POSTERlxyZ-tL. 'i OIL/ NH usual »»RiCB is HAB-R’UMPiV/-^MV OTHER 1A-— Sabwr TWO flOKTRAlTS WERE OONB Jiefom *IO O . SUT TOO HAVE A i ------B N v” a Small tabor 0I6TING(3*SHE0 LOOKING JV iORN AND SARSENT/— l*W h y Mr. B Malay fransy Local Man FAC B -— MUCH Bo t h p a in t in g s a r e No w OocM----- P 10 Ore depoRt AKNnSTnBOW Britain Plans Ml J t iL CMARACT6K/X CAN HANGINIG i n E U R O P E A N UH& llWkiri^ BUGUS BUNNY PAINT '*JU IN VOOB , /MU6EUMG -HAK-RAFF* » B « hi d M MFtndal Advances PoBitiOB lBa*t aravy* HOME. AT VOUI? 14 Amoiis Wanton (ab.) iLEISURB U"Bro(lMr 50 CoMtallation thinf in baaaban, as To Revive Net C kn h e OH, DEAR! IT S J. lUbM n d SSIiOngad OffACC •TARTINO TO RAIN-' Um--- " Strattmlta hair In Amateur IT Tie Stava B6T6B pr«v6i 6CHN006LEI\MC L WHAT'LL WMA WE PO? SBOc m d route dBHaaaa WIMBLEDON, England (AP)—Britain will make a ISHinda SBDMtact pert tiOTNie into in thU Mt 6( (BBt r U " M i« ------SB Approeeb cuftody MAinarieia • QuRrtorflnRlitti in th« determined move next month to bring the great names T A L K A » o rr HURRV! WE BtaamT 41 Amphitbeateri edneator SBEet into 1964 8Ut6 AmAtsur Golf aetkm. Stopplnf a of professional tennis back to Wimbledcm’s green gad CAN CHAT^ SI Egjrptiu make SOUncloaed 44Exiit n P r m a ltlM i rain-washed turf. CNER S3 Cmcmdiui 51 Origin • 45 Redact BSSeatiw Championship at tha Wath- 34ie«iili nontk SB Stray hard grounder, the As the organlxara of the 78th THERE! aa>— Stay” 46 AdditionM araftald Country Qub in- allowed to go it alone 'with the STHaUftorm STHaN 47 Shield BdBy war «( CinelaBSti third I all-England champtonahipa sur­ experiment during ttm two-yeas (S « o r ^ duda Ronnia (Rad) Smith veyed the niine of Tueeday’s period. « “M r.------1“ r ~ r * r r ~ r r n r of Manrheatar. Tha Unlvar- rain wrecked* eeielon, they en- S4Mlai Bay® 1 baaamaii was loreed Tuesday’s Watery Wimbledod Blty of Houston standout waa thueed over their recall the 3S Hawaiian «Md 1! IS 14 lasted Just long enough to dom« stare scheme whiobwiU be pre­ asTriiw (tana) T_ matched with former amateur into thla knaelinf o n a tr ^ again the rising ataad« 37Peo|de (praflz) 17 sented July 8 to.theTnternation- r ~ I t king Diek Slderowf of Birch- aftl^of Soviet tertnle. SB Dawn goddaa wood thla morning. pofition, from which el Lewn Tennis Federation SB Slowed down ; ^n na Dmitrieva, as-yaar-old n r Medalist - Jerry Oourville of meeting In Vienna. f A bout- dllnaecU he fired tha baU to ^Russian girl, took the first sat 4S Egyptian fod Shorehaven, -ivho had to go 31 If approved, it could mean th^ TINIE i l 6-4 In her first round match SSLag holoc to beat his second round second', ferclnf the return to major tournamei^ of dSbaoa opponent, meets perennial con­ against Karen Hantze Busman JANO-mEfC U F such past maatars aa Ija y r Hoad', of San Antonio, Tex., winner of J- dsm iida— ^ tender Ted Lenesyk of Indian runner. Ken Rosewall, Tony Tpabert and fPORTI^lf B Venatian the 1962 Wimbledon title. The JT Hill today in the querterfinel Alex Olmedo. All arcr now In the ALLY OOP m a g ifln tt round. match was called off with the BY V. T. HAMLIN B4Gboat ranks of the paid '^layers. Russian leading 2-1 In the sec­ 57 nowar ST Oourville, whose qualifying to­ , . BEHir HIT BY UGHTNWs>S Said Basil RCay, secretary of ond set after the alipper}’ court SSOyiiay hoiaa tal of 1S4 Monday was the best the British Lawn Tennla Aaao- PROBIYW^OUTHIS UKM - OW TH* SB B«ere (prods) in tournament history, overtook surface had spilled Mrs. Busman MEM0RV_6 A WDNPGR 60 Biamlnatiaa , elation: five times. j l l e d ; Pete Zaccegniho of the host CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER BlBri^ jooBHf Wstherefleld club on the 17th I "W p will make a hard effort Only a dozen contests wera of aeeount to get the Britiih plan through, completed—less than one sixth •S W intry t t t t w N a hole Tuesday afternoon and j ^ will be a terrific disappoint- piwcipnsiipB went on to win pn the Slat. of the program. But there waa 5T" i ment for Britain If we can’t time enough for 'the two top DOWN Lencayk. the 1B61 champion, ■* *..i disposed of former Slate Junior get an open Wimbledon next seeds, Margaret Smith and IB a a r II year though I hasten to add it SEaropean champion Jeff Afpert of Wood- ^ a ria Buana. to romp through bridge 4 and 8 in the second la not the end of the world." . their opening aaaignments. alael region n ssnkw Qm m round. The British plan proposea Mias Smith, from Australia, dUiial t . E PON 7 ’A m y ’ The other quarterfinal that tennis countries should be crushed Annette Van Zyl of eVFA/ PPOV/£>£S The 12-gauge and the 20- TUESDAY’S PIOHT T / fU U matches were between young given sanction to atage experi­ South Africa, 6-2, 6-1. BnuiTa THiB/R OWA/ P Don Parson of Mill River and gauge have the seme, killing Honolulu — Eddie Pace, 153 mental open tournaments dur­ Miss Buend produced the full Fa/p r-MM f>lT

THE hiUies Nearly Matches Biinning" Performance Mays Near Unanimous Pitcher Now Hittetf ■ r •/Allows Only O ne-H it e a r l YOST Curt Flood ■s Sparks Angel Streak Tom Kelld^ ^And But Two Runners Willie Maya Changed Man Of Car d 8 Takes Loss 1 - - 1 — NEW YORK (A P )—Ray Culp has . pitched his way NEW YORK (AP)— When Hollywood made the tJT'wIiiX.TtJf Z "'•s*" Gets Vote With Elmirh bade into the Philadelphia Phillies’ starting rotation. All movie, “ Angels in the Outfield,” they weren t talking chjjkri man. S i iiaiS; (un-lo^ sI^,h S ^ << th l about Willie Smith. All of the Angels, however, are Ulk- NEW YORK (AP)~Will It todc was a near replica of teammate Jim Running’s — ^ng about hlih now. 1 9 8 0 s t e a confident, matilrere elder atates-states­ OHUBCn UCAOUE ■UCRA H. T., (AP)vi—, perfect game. t The movie waa a story of the man of the 60e. The W llie JMaye of th^ Polo Grounds the culprit—beg pardon, Staodtoge Frank Bsrtatoia shWed thega* A ftrat Inning ban* on balU heavenly kind of Angsto to the ball player—who did not W< U Pc*. dlons who was ehtof. Len Qabrielaon's sixth in- S?p25e^”“® ^ CandlesttVPar?.™ Bt. Mary’ s ...... 4 2 . .267 Although the fUst-balltog'm* outfield of the Ptttaburgh Pi-, Mays, aiislly Me most exciting vote for Willie Mays please '"olng single oame bet-A-een Culp rates. But Smith, a Loa Angalsa' Center Congo .....4^3 JI71 mlrm htuier saw hto F and perfection, attained two player to Me game today, to also stand up? Travel Servlbe ...)4 3 JJ7I L««gas soorslesa struok Angel, has been a devil at bat. one of Me essiest to interview, Or to he too buay cutting out at 28 Intags, hs retained i___ days earlier by Banning, as the The pitcher turned outfielder Baptists ...... , 4 8 .671 ' 92-year-old right-hander blanked despite hto success and over­ paper doUeT M ayb^he haa sud- o f hto orttotry to tetiji lashed two elnglee rad a two- demy gone blind. Or could it be Mai Tool No. 2 ....2 4 ".SST Chicago 9-0 in the second game whelming popularity.- Liberty Mutual ,,,.2 2 y O t Pioneers to s 5-2 win ovar] run homer Tuesday night, The Giant stor centerfielder he Just can't speU bk-A-Y-8. Charleston Indlsiw TueMy t i a doubleheader Tuesday AMERICAN LEAOl'E aparking Loa Angeloa to a 2-0 How ray major league bmi always seems to play hto best] Scoring In every toning but Two first inning runs were all triumito over Waahlnstoh* The to Ms big games or when Mere player, sound of mind, devoid 40 other Cub reached base Me fourth, Manchester TVavel ’**^>rk dsfsatod Ms WmkuSs- that Police A Fire could score vlotory waa the seventh atralght are big crowds. "WUlie era rise of prejudice, either over or im- port Meta, lS-6, to stay aiBsS& ' against Culp, whose early sea- der 21, could pick ray center Service outolugged Community ■bn troubles cost him a fTont- last night but they were enough for tha Angfto, equaling Me to the occasion better than any game in front of the 1 to give the ieague leaders a 2-1 longest winning streak to Me player to bosebaU," M o^er fielder to the United States—or Baptist, 17-10, at Robertaon In Mair battle for fourth '•"Bne Job on Gene Mauch’s leaded NATIONAL LEAGUE in the world for that matter- Field last night to move into a pitching staff. decision over Sears at Waddell major* Mis season. Al Dork told me lost year. Thoae ware the only Field, W , L. Pet. G.B. over Mays to almost impossible three-way tie for eecond place 'Culp, a $100,000 bonus baby PhiladelphU SO 24 .610 It also marked the second Dark’# approtoal of his stand­ seheduIeA One of the runs was a long oonseoutive night Smith won out received Me stomp of ap­ to imagine. to the standings. Elmira took the eeriee, th ^ '' five years ago, won 14 games in San Fiiuiotoou SO 27 .691 IV, Yet one did Just Mat to the '"IMS, his rookie season, and led homer by Barry London. Lee games wlM hto- bat. Hto ptooh- proval from fellow members of Don Dubay and Skip Mlko- l^ e a to two from flo Pearl went the route for the Pittsburgh ^ . .84 29 .640 6 All-Star ballotlM conducted by lelt each hod a homer for the Philadelphia pitchers with 178 6 hlt eingle Me night before Ms managing profession. ^arleeton, lost year's winners, allowing three hits and CInolniiatl ....S 6 SO JISS On Me field WUUe takes Commissioner Ford Frick’s of­ winners but the batting toider atrikeouts. He reported with a St. Louie ...... 88 SS .500 drove In the tie-breaking run in winner. ■] two walks while fanning 10. Los­ 7'/i .charge of Me outfield, subtly fice rad announced Tueaday. was W alt Ward wlM three hlta. It was an Bertalna laatnlrat. abre arm this s]^ g , dropped Chicago ...... SI SI .600 a 5-3 victory ovar tha Sena­ Actually, SO players did not ''five of six decisions and found er Bud Ristnu allowed only two posltTontog his fellow picket-men Stu Roes and Don Palmer play­ He scattered eeven hits wanted Loe Angelee ..S2 24 .486 m tors. vote for Mays os Me Nationm ' lilinself in the bullpen. hits but three errors bothered s The 26-year-old lefty was a according to Me dictates of ed well for the losers. four and fanned 11 to eop hto him as did London’s homer. Houston ...... S2 36 .478 game atrategy. It wasn’t always League starting center fielder '.•ravel ----- 332 038 8— 17-46-2 seventh straight win after tpo But three victories — Includ- Milwaukee __ 31 26 .476 2 '/, pitcher until Manager BUI but 29 hod a legitimate excuse. ' Ing tlie one-bitter —and two Police ft Fire 200 OOx 2-2-1 RIgney decided SmIM nsorved thus, but over the years. Mays Baptist . . . 012 230 2—10-14-7 setbacks. Sears 000 001 1-3-4 New York __ 20 48 .294 t i v , hap had to contend with a series They were Willie’s teammates complete games in his last three Ray Cuip Displays Form in One«Hittfir A|^nst Chicago a trial as a hitter. RIgney now rad the rule says you cannot Morrell and Gtbbtos; Burgess, Jim Rouse had three baaa t|j|ta 'aiipearnnrm have vaulted the Pearl and Tedford; Rlstau and Tneeday*B Reeulte of inept or inexperienced out­ Hughes (6) and BJorkmsn. and Jerry OObarC eldppad].^ Ourske. Saa Fraaeteoe 4-4, dncln- believes there’s never Seen any* fielders. It was omy natural, vote for a member of your young Texan bade into the Phils' one more deserving. team. wlM tw o to lead the EtaMrar gt* aatl 0-6. therefore that he slowly occe]^ took. ^ pennant plan. SmlM reached Me majors PORTEB BLINN But what excuee did Me other BEO LEAGUE INTBRNATTONAL LEAODi: Chloago 2-0, FhUadelphla 0-9. the reins of leadership. The defeat was pinned„M’ Ibe second game victory gave tost year wlM Detroit. Ha pltoh- non-Majrs voter have? Cloee gome at Charter Oak Me Phils a split of the twi- Scoreless in the regulation MUwukee 6, Loe Angelee 2. Now even the infielders are Maying, walked In, dtoptayed a Tom Kelley, Me first of M v Pittsburgh 6, New York 1. ad in 11 gamea, gaining a 1-0 helped rad often directed by This guy voted for Curt Flood Park saw Tetoo come up with a oighter .Chicago took the open- time, each team scored three NATIONAL LEAGUE Finley Runs A % Not Manager fake badge and sold: “Hetoeolm. of Me St. Louis Cordtooto. Chorlastoo pitebsra. « ‘ er 2-0 on Dick BJllsworth’s flve- runs in the eighth to preserve St. Louie 6, Houston i. record and a 4.60 aarnad run WUUe. Young Chuck Hiller, a pair of rune in the fifth to edga At York, the White R« Covington (7), Phillies; Ho­ average. The Angsto acquired You oome. Bring passport. Un­ Now Flood to a capable cen­ hittw. the tie hut the Oilers finally Today’s Oamee far - ranging eecond baseman, Ous’a Team 1, 6-4, lost i^ht. pushed Me Meta deeper Into i ward (16), Dodgers; Mathews him April 30 in a trada fo r der airreet. QuesUoni.’’ Ttie pro ter fielder but it’s useless to Dick Sauer and Pat Donlan Second place San Francisco pushed over a run in the ninth Chicago (Bardette 2-1) at had the artnoying habit of drift­ eager proitested as he was .led even try to compare him with cellar wlM a 17-hlt attack divided with Cincinnati, win­ and edged the Lawyers, 4-8, at (6) , Braves; Schofield (2), PhUadaiphla (Mahaffey 7-2). JuUo Navarro. ing back Into people’s way on set the pace for the wtonen toclu(tod Mike Stoneruds fburfh IHrateej Bateman (S), Ooite; And Situation Seems Hopeless SmlM's performanoe 'D m s- down the hoU. Ifte "police” took Mays. Or compare ray other ning 4-0 before bowing 5-4 in 11 Verplanck Field last night. Saa nanetoeo (Herbol 4-2) Texas League popupe. A patient center fielder with Mays. WlM two hits each but It was home nm of the aeason. ^ Boyer (10), Gardlnale; Hart 2 day night rocketed hto average Hetosohn to a nearby reetou- Innings. Pittsburgh defeated Although held to three hits, at Ctoctaaatl (OToole S-S), N. Willie took HlUer aside rad rrat, soi him down rad left. WUlie to simply Incomparable. Al Plefka’B triiSe that high­ An Me York starters hit sds* (8), Giants; Keougfa (6), Rede. 40 points to .810. Hs has two taught him to moke quick Judg­ |4ew York 6-1; Milwaukee beat the Oilers took advantage of HILLSDALE, N. J. — Pittsburgh (Friend 5-0) at Heinsoim didn’t move, exc(f>t to He’s a league mi to himself. lighted a Mree-run thiid. Boo ly wlM Howie BetMl featuq^ XoB Angeles 5-S and St. Louis costly errors to score their runs. AMERICAN LEAGUE out $360,000 for four pros­ home nms and 10 runs batted ments on popups rad to clear Ronzoni hod half (two) of Oua’a (NEA) — Charles Finley pects. New York (deco S-8). smoke a few dgarettea, before Whenever rlvm playera or man­ a four-for-five night that,Jn> •fiipped Houston 5-4. John Downham accounted for Killebrew (23). Hall (14), Loe Angelee (Dryedale 2-S) In for 47 times at bat. the area If Mey weren’t hto. hits off Sauer. BUI Sheekey chitted s double, three singlaa * • • "I had the pitching bare­ lie looked out the window end agers begin comparing stars, as two of the safeties. Mike Sun- Twins; Ward (8), White Sox; made Mel McGaha Me at Milwaukee (doalngbr 6-0). Hto pinch hitting rsoord to Off the field, too, the Giant they often do," Mey invariably and Don MoUey got tke otheis. and u RBI. The Meta qpad PHIL8-CCB8— ly respectable last season, even more afnaalng. He has image to shaped by Mays. When saw Red Auerbech, Bob Oousy tava singled twice for the losers. Powell (2), Orioles; Howard fourM Kansas City mana­ Houston (Nottebart 2-7) at and other memhere of the squad place Mays to a category of hto '’ >!«> ...... OlS 020 X—6-10-6 five pttchera. . - Culp wasn’t ecstatic about his Oilers 000 000 031 4-3-6 but Finley decided that the seven hits in 14 chracee, with Dork was criticized by Me press (7) , Manrie (14), Maris (12), ger in as many years, and club needed home runs to do St. Louis (Sadeeki 7-6), N. doubled over wMh torahter. own. Then Mey begin evaluattosr Gus's No. 1 .021 010 0 -4- 4-3 Quackery on the GoU Course - performance. "We’re on top and Lawyers 000 000 030 3-6-6 Yankee#; SnilM (2), Angelo; Eddie Lopat was out of Hiimday’s Games five of the hits oomtog to hla fbr keeping hto pitchers to check * * « the others. Sauer and Mehar; Midfin and Itonlriiroent a t a dog after - toM- thuslaatlo booster for Mori- M e other. with Carrier. Ran^y Bonham Me reason. "Jim has worked Detroit ..>.90 Ing a four-hitter for his fifth "Frsskly, Me best guide 1 can The leagues wiU i^ y at Oior- Darling rad J. FarreH ;Conn « • • had tTo hits’for the k>een. told of having to do it Fin­ sisted that I play Tommy M .420 10 tMnk of for our players to Willie arty's In Me Hartford Twilight ter Oak Pork with a Jimlor with me almost every day — Reynolds, who had one sea­ Loe Angelee SI 17- .462 10^ victory against three defeats. Baseball League to none oMer and Adams. RIlDBdMANTfi— Nasaiflf Arms 140 »7x—21-02-2 especiaHy when we go into oM- ley’s way or not at all, and Mqyf,’* affirmed the Giant big­ League game beginning at 8 o’­ Me ohib being managed by son In a D league, for the Wsehtogton 99 41 .414 ISU The shutout reduced his BRA to than sponsor Matt Moriarty. Marty Keough’s lead-off Green Manor .400 012— 7- 8-3 er American League parks, 42 .694 14U 1.91. wig. "When Willie Mays first clock followed by a Senior ALUMNI LEAGUE long distance telephone first three weeks. That’ put Kanera City 92 cams to Me Giants, everyone For the first time since a team gom e. homer ^ Me 11th Inning earned G. lundberg and Riocio, showing me Me caroms- and two first year men and Nel­ Thesdayto Resnlto • • • was placed to Me Hartford cir­ Starting off wlM a Mree-run Onoinnati a ^>llt with San Gliha; Rugania, Ck>ughlin (8) ealU at all hours of the day ORIOLBB-YANKfl— looked attar him. Now everyone Players may enter with their first toning. Me Elks and J(ton Mings of that type,’’ Kirkpat­ or night. son Mathews, who batted d ty 9-9, Detroit 1-9. looks up to him." cuit the Gas House Gang to own teams or Individuals may Ftanoisoo and kept the Giants and Hdwroyd. ' rick said. .157 for the Cube last sea­ Balttmore 9, New York 8. The Yankees appeared well am showing Its heels to Ms rest of Hughes defeated Police ft Fire games behind niUadelphia. Surely Me bonecleatious s e e retoster and be placed on teams. 8-0, last night at Me Weet Side WAYNE CAUSEY son, In Me regular batting dileago 9, Boston 9. Meir way to an easy victory the pack. Only two.local play- Oaptatos or managers of any Ihn Hart’s eighth inning homer, Lopat must have some tall when Me Orioles struck for sev­ Oval. tales, too, but when we order. The setup remained Loa Angolea 9, Waahliigton 9. Amerieflu-Mad# era ore WiM the squad, first team interested to tm program bis second of the game, had en runs after two w m o out In Hughes limited Me loeera to dropped In on him at his years o t an eight-year con­ the same when George Alu- Minnesota 2, Ctoveland 9. While making a lour behind baseman Jimmy Morlsrty and should contact Wally Fortin, pulled Me Giants svan. sik was called up from the Today's llhimra the eighM. Pinch hitter Charley third baseman Gene JohnsMi. two hits, walked five rad fanned BasehalTs Biggest Bonus home in suburban Hillsdale tract. Lopat has another ■ m Iron Curtain reoently on a program director, at the East 10. Juan Marlehal scattsred Sev­ year to go on his contract. minors. With the pitriier, New York (Ford 10-1) at Bal­ Lau ignited the comeback with The latter to hitttng wall over he was reluctant at first to goodwU basketball tslp,' mem- Side Center aa soon os possible. Gary SmlM bad a pair of hits an stogies in Me opener and ran It was obvious why he this amounted to four outs timore (Boberte 6-4), 8 pj«. a^ single and climaxed It wtth a .400;—„ and couldVT— stUl hold hto own At ill leastimsi lourfour teamsimma toin eacneach his rsoord to S-S. The Giants Beckons Wisconsin Player talk about Kansas City. In a hurry. Detroit (Bakow 2-2) at Kaa- run-acoring double. ben c f the United Btoine team to pace the Elks, wtenars for Me "Just say Mat I’m happy didn’t care to discuss the qf pra. were amazed in Alex- In CIm a If he so desired age group are needed to moke first time this. season. Wayne soorad all Meir runs in Me third situation furMer. But Mere "With Finley, Me mana­ aaa dty (Segul 2-2), N. Brooks Robinson and WlUl* . . ^ Deltole, veteran stock the leagues poeslKe. hming, Duke Snider and Joee to be home wiM my wife ger to little more than a ro­ develaad (Donovan 9-4 and Kirkland each singled home two Wbch they oow Russian ear driveriver ftomfrom SUffonl, now ______Anderson’s donUe ^wna tee NEW YORK (NEA) — TJio and two kids,” said Lopat had to be more to Me , ., IT KhruofMav,,. riding game's only extra basoihit. Pagan singling home two eaM. story; Me sore spot came bot. He ordered me to pitch John 9-0) at Mtoaeaota (Roland runs in the Inning. 'When It was raaiding to TalcoUvUto, oon- • * • American Dream 1s not really who talks as easily as hs 9-6 and Oraat 9-4), 9, ’Twi-N. all over, Baltimore was in first dpwA. a atraat Ih^an .AaMriora- Elks ,*01 SU) 6 2-6-1 something vitriolic concocted by o u t Lew Krausse one day whMi tlnues to head tha driven to Legion on Road FIBAnS-METS— itched for Me Yankees In that was Me last thing on Boston (Connolly 1-6) at CM- pises one-half game ahead bf ow ls OoMlIac... .Tommy Heln- point Btandlnas at tba. Water­ Police ft Fire 000 000 0 0 ^ Dick Schofield drove In four Edward Albee. It’a Frederic ive W orld Series. ’T m tak­ "Finley criticized me for eago (Petera 7-t), 9 p.m. New York. Elston Howard, aofan o f tbs .Booton Oelttoa who (Rick) Reichardt, a nub-nosed not bringing the young my mind. ford fipeed Bowl . . Adam With Danielson MUM, three on a homw, and ing Mem to Me World’s "We were hurt furMer Washington (Osteen 6-4) at Mickey Mantle rad Roger Marls mode the Journey for .the Btate Tworldns, who waa a better ALUBINl JttNIORS Tam Law ptttiied Ms fourM mid • American from Stevens Fair tomorrow.” pitchers alcmg rapidly Los Angeles (MoMrIde 9-10), N. homered for the kwera Deptrtnient wBl not forget one Scoring as many runs to the Point, Wls., going shopping for enough,” said Lopat, plain­ wfien (Jim) Gentile was than avenge pitcher to Me straight victory as the Piratsa But two-thirds of the spiked. Thurediw'e flames ' • • • Incident. WliUo to Poland, mem­ local TSvlll^t League follow­ Anxlous to get back on the final inning aa Mey did to Me handsd Me Meta Meir 11th loss $200,000. And never quite sure aeason remains, and flkldis ly hurt. "Now if Mere is bers of tha VJS, oonttog^ de- winning track, Coach Dick first six. Me Red Box routed the he’d take R. "The Athletics have pos­ Knaoaa d ty at Loe Aagelea, WHITE SOX-RED SOX— ing. W orld W ar n , to (me o f M 12 games. to still ambitious for a ca­ anything Tm noted for, it sibilities and could be teilt N. . Fred Tblbot scattered eight flded.to have a Mttls.fun. Two the SouM Windsor Legion’s Cobb's Manchester American Indians, 18-8, lost night at Char­ • * • Reichardt could conceivaUy reer. to Me development and into a first division club if Cleveland at HOnnsaota. hits for the White Sox. Pete m sm ben o f the POltoh team numerous assistant coaches. Legion baseball team treks to ter Oak Pork. Dal Ostrout had a BBAVU-IMMIOBBS— get that much for playing base­ "Finley has a perfect handling of pitchers. Finley would only give a New York at Baltimore, N. Ward homered, rad J. C. Mar­ flomwd trench ooata, knocked on Adam’s son catches for Me Danielson tonight. Game time homer rad a single rad scored bOlwaukee snapped a seven- ball. right tef do aa hs pleases "Finley to trying to run a practical baseball man hla Only flames Scheduled. tin knocked in Chicago’s second ,2be; iloor where Helnaofan was 2.W . team. to 6 o’clock. five runs rad Joel Antonio game losing string, rallying for June to a month of decision with hla own club,” said big lekgue club all by him­ head. There are some real run with a double In the sixth Righthander Gary Gallagher pounded out four , stogies to Mree runs in the sevenM on traditionally for young Ameri­ Lopat. "One thing I didn’t self and look after his in­ pros on Me club, starting inning. to expected to pitch for Me lo­ sparit the winners. Harry Jen­ doubles by Hank Aaron and cana, and theae were the like about it was Mat Fin­ surance business at the with Wayne Causey, a real­ • • e cals. Mraohestar won its first kins allowed Me Indians 'but Felipe Alou mid aingles by Lee courses open to one 21-year-old ley didn’t have Me guts to same time.” Eddie wanned ly outstanding shortstop Helen Reynolds TWIN8-INDIAN8— Problems for Grid Squads two starts but bowed to South three hlta, two by Lou Cherrone. Maye and Joe Torre, to over­ citizen: fire me himself. He had up to Me task of defending and hitter." Harmon Killebrew smashed Windsor last Monday night here. He fanned 11. take Me Dodgers. Frank How- To be a major league outfield­ Pat Friday do it. himself. Because no one knew for One-Day Winner hto 2Srd homer in the Twins’ ' ard hit his 16th homer for Los er, paid the largest bonus of Ml ”1 asked Friday if he be­ "BTnley, who gets more sure where the Athletics triumph. Jim Kaat hurled a five- BUFFALO, N.Y, (AP)—The Aiufeles and Kd MaMews his times. lieved the move would help publicity Man all of his were going to play until hitter, kjelng a shutout in the East and West teams to Satur­ To be M All-American foot­ SIMSBURY, (AP) — A one- stxM for Me Bravea. Me club. His reply was. players wrapped together shortly before the season day tournament sponsored by ninth on Bob Chance's two-run day’s All-America f(x>tball game FIfE N M III 9 MOMFT KLIfEIT tEEflCE « • • ball player. That’s the way Charley and Ukea it that way, kept opened, the advance seat single. Kaat alngled home one To be a No. 1 draft choice In Me Oonnectleut Women’s Golf each have a problem that can OAHDS-OOLTS— wants it.’ Which I knew in telling me he was having sale was only 1,800. Let Lo­ Aesoeiatlon was won Tuesday of Minnesota’s Mree run# to Me STORfS AND MACHINE SHOPS OPEN MONDAY thru SATURDAY profeaalonal football and Me Me first place. I told him trouble meeting Me pay­ pat agrees with other base­ second. , be bummed «q;> to one word: Of­ Raaty Staub'a aeoond error of | money that means. by Helen Reynolds of Manches­ < 4 Me aevenM inning allowed Tim that a steam hoist wouldn’t roll. Yet he throws money ball men that Kansas City ter. • fense. To bo, pardon the prosaic, a Jack up Me club Me way it McOarver to score St Louis’ | doctor, around signing kids. to a wonderful framfiitoe. Miss Reynolda carded an 82 TTOBRS-A’S— The East’ s pasB-receivara winning run after John Bate-1 is now." "Finley operates on gim­ "If Finley would sell to­ havan’$ bean aUa to hang on to Rick and his father. Dr. Fred at Me Hop Meadow Country The Tigers salvaged a spilt Maa’a homer had lifted Me' Frank Lane, Me deposed micks. The club isn’t going morrow Me Athletics would Club to top a field of 40 to Me of their doubleheader wlM the Ms low, bullet passes of Ml- Reichardt, Just made one of the general manager, suing anysriisre, so again he at­ draw k million paid admis­ OoUs into a 4-4 tie in Me top of most unique coaat-to-coast, sev­ Class A oompetltlon. Mrs. Tod AMletica behind the hitting of ami’s George Mira. If's Winkler Me hming. Finley for what he has tracts attention by firing sions this year,” concluded Zaiko of Inman Hill rad Mrs. Dick McAultffe and Al Kallne. The West, armed with new en-city tours since Baedekers coming on Me remaining Me manager and shelling Lopat. D an o ei became de rigueur. They saw William Legrow of Wampa- McAullffe connected for a grand plays, appeiuad to be slow to For The Finest Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Louis, noag tied for second wlM Ms. atom homer In the eighth while making teem work. Redman Named Boston, New York, Philadelphia Kaline batted In three rune, two . Despite those problems, 67 of and Los Angelee — all from the Drop Sixth Straight to ChUox WlM * single In the second. 60 of the nation's top coUaglate In Fr^cision inside of a major league ball Rocky ^lavito’s two-run sin­ l^ysr of 1963 ohoM to per­ Briftol Coach park. And they paid their own gle In Me fifth Inning won the form to Me fourth-annual gam* w ^ . first game for Kansaa City. Hto mve their all Tuesday to 1- BMSTOL (AP) — Foemor Now with the aid of an. ac­ hit was only the second off Joe Bour, 46-mtowts workouts under CUSTOM Mgh school football star George countant and a lawyer (for these | Red Sox Stub ToesI Sparma, who was making hto a broiling sun that sent Me tern- Redman to ootntog back to Bris­ are the appurtenances of the first major league appearanee. peratura soaring to 92 degress. tol — ss bead football ooach at modern athlete), Rick has to { None was affected by Me heat. ENGINE B risM Oentnd High. decide if It’s worth it for him to Coach Pete Elliott of nitoois I RaMnan, who has been m - become a professional outfield­ KICK REICHARDT In Comisky Park I decided to work on Mo Bost’a tostant ooach at Pittsfield er. The bidding could reach Leading Tennis Tourneys aerial game. He had Mira roll­ REBUILDING (Mara.)(iMaM.) WKHgh gh SotMSahool, was togn- $200,000, and Jack White ean general manager of*' Me Yan­ ing out for posoea to Ms alde- \i;v\ cni i,i;('T()K\s ai.iuim i ^ Thssdag to suoimooeed Norman tell you why. kees. They weren’t dlscuaetng llnaa. M in, named as Me ten­ CoHunfreial, Industrial, Agricultural, Marina, CHICAGO ('AP) — The Red Sqx esn’t seem to make tative starting quartsrbaek for ■ether. Gerber has ! gone to White Is the director of eOouts orthopedics. Not Ready for Topless Dress American and Foreign Enginas. ilM t OsMolto lEght hi Manefaes- for the New York Yankeeb, who Rick, a pre-med student wlM it past Chicago. In sevoi games this season against the Ma Bast, oraatsif a proUsm for 18 STBLRING SONGS have made a habit over the good grades, vyent to (dlege to ------. ) bts receivers wlM 1m low, fast ieaiiiiiiig 0 White Sox, Boston has lost six. Boetmi won* the first tosses. 9 CRANKSHAFT GRINDING on or off 9or years of never being wrong play foottol and has another WIMBLBIDON (A P ) — TedOahlps for wearing ahockinc oink 10 OUTSTANDING CO c o o d A e a r i about baseball talent. Jack saw game in Fenway Park April 17, but after that Chicago Oornsll’s Gary Wood, a dan­ 9 OVERHEAD VALVE WORK season of eliodhility. That’s one won five straight, Including a0> Ttollng, arbiter of Wimbledon'—praUes •-beneath----- ’ •her ^ ""teSn'to ARTISTS of oar TIMEl Reichardt play nine gamef this reason he financed hto own fashion, decreed today that Me dreea. gerous rurmsr, hurled a much DONE COMPLETE IN OUR SHOP flooovKMi MgnoiilaMM *iio um r* fHiiniiiiK spring for the University of Wis­ three-game eeriee In Oomtokey FASEBALL HEROES travels to inspect Mven major Pete Ward amashed a 425-foot, world’s greatest tennis tourna­ Ttollng has HUed out Miss softer pass that was gathered He toeM ON sMtohe • No Nsifi ea etoee • No Bab oa la seoC consin baseball team, and this Park late in April. In more often. 9 WRIST PIN SETTING by league faclUtiee. home run into Me center field ment to not yet ready for Me Perlcoli with a rajah suit — Tobin Arp Diamond Bore Method bout ae to tpoed • MMIw eeUie Ms of 2w bead. ■ 2 a MWI is his dossier; Last night's 2-0 loss w u a buHpen to aooount fo r the first topless dress. * trousers rad long shlrt-and a Meanwhile, Mo East’s third $100 PUcUag — Ray Culp, Phlla- "H e’e the best prom>ect I ’ ve "This kid,” said graeral man­ series of frustration. The 'Red quartsrbaek, Boston College’s HEA2 AUTO2NE fllMIMNnECO aoeinst dslecM to WM pitched a era-hitter ager John Quinn o f the iPhllUee, run. "But you era’t discount U aa dross with a skirt compiled of e FLYWHEEL and CYLINDER HEAD A’SSI stop aed Biitorieb aad eonael feed heaNto. euMpt sspi seen lii 20 years- SoK had chances, they outhit a loiur range prospect,’’ said Me ostrich feaMsra. Jack Oonoannon, sat out. Ms •ad aBewed enly two base raa- "He can nm aa fast as any "to very, y*ry cautious.' Me winners eight to six, but the The second Chicago marker practice wtM a pulled left ham­ RESURFAaNG peectowe. B r A eOOimBW 1WH FAMLS MNDOl R eg 1 ftere aa the PhRUes clobbered In this mass of muscular tal­ stemmed from a fly ball hit la gaiwung (MEner. Miss Perlcoli to sxpsetsd to be eey el aw e toes 2(k000 flootheer deems to toe Wdtoi man in the majors. He does 1.9 difference was a boms run by "It’s not so long sines my seen to Me plumage Wednesday string arasela. Hs Is a doubtful 9 SPSaA LiZED MACHINE SHOP WORK fbe Chicago Ctobe 2-0 to Me eee- from home plate to first base, ent there to supposed to be one front of Mo plate by Stephena starter. NOTHING ELSE TO BUY Ceasds «M owto ■Aomonoo ea a oasr dee based on o •) of a twi-Bight doifUo- Pots Ward and a serios of hits grandmoMer thought that un- traditionally ladles itay of Mo FOR FLEET OWNERS amazing for a rtghthand batter. flaw. Some scouts say he’s mus­ which scored Gene Stephens. rad misjudged by Bob,Tillman. KoUs 480 Triple On another ot the University dipto MOMtoing aod cssra "He has. the fastest bat I ever Btsphsne was cradltsd wiM a cloMed table legs wars todscor- two-week champtonahlps lev- cle-bound and can't Mrow. ouB and look how ttmea have enty-five groups of four ostrich of ,Blflfaio’s flelda, where the BattUg — WiiUe Smith, Loe saw. I saw him miss only one "Hto arm to good enough,” The game ended with Oil- two-base hit. Ron Hansen mov­ .wist drillsd, Ooaeh Bob De- POPULAR MAKE Angelee, a pitcher cxwverted to­ cego meklng a comeback from ed Stephens to Mird wlM a changed,’’ he said. feathers have gone into Mo gar­ pitch completely in the nine said Quinn, who saw him {day Saving his best bowl­ On Me first day of Ms Wim­ ment. • vraey of Illtoola passed out new OMNKSHAFT te M outfielder, hit a two-raa games. three games. And 'White con­ four straight losses to the Yen- alngle rad Btephens scored on plays and Men perspired as his homer and added two singles "He made a move In .Colum­ kees and Me Red Boa losing a two-base hit down the right- ing for the ofT-geaBon, bledon champlonahips. Me top­ Tlnltog doesn’t think tt will EN8INE curred. Reichardt would be a less dress waa nowhere lo be catch on. but said "The novelty playera souj^ to oarry out Meir GpOBYEAR SERVICE STORE NICHOLS-MINCHESTER TIRE to the Angele’ eeveath straight bus against Ohio State that only leftfielder. another la Oomtokey Park. field line by J. C. Martin. 16-year-old John Orto- asidgnmants. They finally began eteOery 2-0 over Waahtngtoa. seen among Me female specta­ to Me thing, if you had 18 EXCHANSES Mantle can make, when he was Wii^nsin has been a tiappy Until Me slxM Inning It Boetoa had two more hits In lani raised quite a to ouek, but not until near the EXCHANBES caught off first Mse and dove tors or competitors. A few have women running around Mesa 711 MAIN'STRRffr — 44f-9S23 JStofi bunting grounds for baiehall a pitcher’s duel between Bos­ Me eevanM, two In Me eighM few eyebrows recently appeared to Lotidoa store win­ courts dressed identieaUy. Me Sttd of Me workout 39S IROAD flM ir— A4t-im back safely under the tag.” ton’s Jack Lesnahe and Ctoi- rad one la Me Blath, but could dows, but so far Ms bosom rs- iBoludad were ptays featuring Moohy Leader White is also a talent scout talent. Ooach- Art (Dyne) when he ' rolled a 480 place would be dead to five Ma aariala of Baylor's Don MansfieM has hatched catcher oago rookie Frod Talbot. In this not score. vaaltog fad to batog tnatsd aa yearn time.’’ • CLEVELAND (AP) — The for Me San Francisco 49ers (he triple. Ortolan! put to­ TYull, rated the top obnegtato Red Wilson, inftelder-outflelder inning Me Red Sox had a The final game of Me road a Mt of transatlantic adiimsy, *• .r"®” >»oprtul fbr the big money golf tourlsU ara bo- tried to tell them eight years gether strings ol 165, rajan auir. .pasoor In tbs last two seasons, ago Mey should draft Jimmy Harvey Kuenn and pitcher Jim chance but Ohlcsgo won Me trip for Boetim tonight will find "Let’s face It,’’ said Ttollng.’’ and Nebraska’s Dennis Clarw HOUYWOOD SERVICE CENTER COOK'S SERVICE STATION glnnlng to bunch up, but youth- game. two souMpawa facing each oth­ 177 and 168 for his to­ The great British public to not "'raore has always been a 242 B. CENTER ST.—64B-8I87 665 MIDDLE TPKE. EAST—646-5621 m i Jack Nicklaus to taiHng Brown) and says, "He's a first O’Toole for the majors in Me Idge. BoM have been named as draft pick In the National Foot- last dosen yean. er. Ed (k^olly will pitch for tal at the Holiday yet ready for It. But Just wait number of girls who like play- steps to stay on top. The 24- Dalton Jones singled to right rad see. posrible starters for Me West, hall Lraguc, as a flanker.- He’s So when word got around had fly Boston against Chicago’s Gary Jjy I" Mies Perlcoli ora although Trun eeems to have jrauxild Columbus star who Tony OonlgHaro hit a Lanes. He averaged "The topleaa drees to here bo my trail btaser,’’ he said JACK'S ATLANTIC 0-8 and weights 216 pounds. alKMit Reichardt, a doaan seouto hall Into Mort oenter Mat ap- Petwra. ' Me edge. RUHRER'S SHELL SERVICE haoas Me p a c k ' wiM 161,426 160 per string. nowow lor plvate parties, Timing la dresstag n siriy 60 792 MAIN ST.—249-2222 , 266 CENTER ST,«-A42-2192 Lrat faU, Rtok led Me B ig OioundvHse. WUlto Crenshaw 6 pfekstoT up only 2400 to ware in Me stands to see him neorad to be a base tot. But "I thiiu; Mere ara future pos- toi* wssrs National Opm, has Tha to pass reoeiving as Junior. put a 17-gaaM hitting straak Dtotoo, afraid Me ban would be af Kansas Mats, a taUbac^ atbOtttas to Ms field o f Ms ____ Ms sight |ooka2 asoot kapsuariva wIM kla ■a are oa tha 120,000 top mtos TWe w riiw . he hit .442, 4MM on fha line against PiMthia oaugtat, WM waiUi« hetwiM traaqiaraiit top." ■ A N A rS S8RVICI CW TIR RHPmrS PLYMR A M |VI0I to tiis 9110,000 Cleveto^ <^en, eight booiera, to 26 gaaora tor lUok was blankad. But w cm ■rat aeoond and w u fioreod 922 HUUW «r,^-222 4 62 6 NEW TO«K (NBA) — Ttogitaff, a #osM War n Brtt- " T ^ yaw', tiMra w a w o n *'ft^aaas4v«M who atonogad 1 1 2 OENTE H n . m m m whleh starts tis four-day, 72- Me Badgers. And thsre was one to in a hurry t o laava the out at aooond. Oarl TaotraeaH MaraMoa ruamr Buddy Edotoa toh tanaUiianos oCflcsr, baa baan memoraMe tohieau . at Guy rraAOA, N. T. —(MBA— to soara Ma boll repsatadly la> boto modal-play grind Tliuro- grounds overlooking Lake Men- ski ainglod through tho middle, was Ms firat aMlote to wto a Tday DeLaurentto, a aenlor stirring up fashion controversy day. White runwr-up Arnold Loranan Field in Madteon, Wto., dota. aludad tba Haatto Paul Woiflsld DON WILLIS RARAM Oonigitoro movk^ to aeoond. plaoe oa Me UJI. .track and abortstop oa- Me Oonisll baaa- at Wimbledon over litect) he wtabtaaS' SSi of Ohio Stats and Sharauui Lew­ ozars SHILL h a t io n Pataisr (249,661) and fourth- when Dr. Frits oame down from And on the second dax.^Rlok Dick Btuart atruek out J— he launched Ouasla Moran’s lacs ooVw, I must find something for other Stores In; 12 MAIN ST.—248-4581 278 BfAIN ST.—248-1279 field team which wiu compete ball taam, b u woa Me Cbarita is of M lchl^ State and tee WEST HARTFORD plaos Tony Lama (240,661) Stevens Point to era kto kid hit Mree home runs agalut H* went hltlees to Me game — and panties 19 years ago. * peopls to look at." WEST MIDDLE^ TPKE.. N «or M OAD to the 1224 Olyuiplc gamea. Blair Bat award for Me top West’s Mel Profit of UCLA. BAST HARTFORD passad up praetics rounds T’uas- play. On one aide of him sat linoie, two to left flrid, one to OonlgUaro'wM douUed a p u he The retnsinder o f the team will Hto moat daring departures ited to attract doy svar fiis 2,821-yard par-71 batting average to the Haatern The game, ex HARTFORD MANCHESTER ILUW ORTH m d LASSOW Milt Briiha, Me fooMaU ooach right. tr^tojdael Mird. be stoceted to BMato to New this year have been reserved for Tha T biowftah U a ■higftoh 9I* worowd w u o*sf 26,«p,wv to War Ma* M. A M. SHEU SUVICE layout. ■Whililara totorooHagiato Baeaiwll LaagUk Uatar’9 lovaly aad Masoaso Laa HtlSTOCi 222 OAKLAND BT..—246-6166 ROUTE A ANDOVER-642-9H2 uksB Ml eki Lee ftw toe Ibto ewM. Ms alas aurlaL itadHiin. win ba tal^ ar tt. ■toraa^toaaett rStotoiiJbi Ut JOO Mto aaat ------...------|gg;2| f i M M i M M 1 M ikis ......

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: I t : I : ft.- ^ . \ ■ '.A y ' - - w -■ ' r .7 - T ttm T Y IIANCHESTEB EV&NING in»ALD, MA^GHES'fER, CONN.. WIfiDNESDAY, 24, 1964 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24. 1964 Wsmring Appflril— F « » J 7 Auto Dtlvliif School 7-A THERE OU6HTA BE A LAW By FAGALT utd SHORTEN A rtides For Sak 46 Apfirtm«it»>.Ffait»-. Hoosta For Sok 72 Far aiUx ^ 72 For SBl8 72 Hoimm Fbt 72 H o FarSate ^ TWO BLUB aatga man’s Tentments 63 Ho0 Mg For a«l» 72 Waatod—Rgfll LEARN TO DRIVE - Special LAWNlfOWm - Lawn 'i o f , Toro, Bolens Orbit 40 short. $19 ewJh; wpuMn's ROOM oUar heoM, 4 MANCHEBITOV-Daiuxe 8 room 0 9 T BAST CENTER IT. —'8 BMEb DciRMBR — Laige, Im- BOt/PON—lininacalata t room m attentlan to nervoua and alder- * Tit MfwsMfERf snD Mf/(r 4% ROOMS, 16 F o n llt r a e k fur­ hj^^wnu, 9 1 ^ lot TSKin. 0 . PROfCBTOH lT R S B T -14 PLAlfNmO Vo Air, end sMlagmosrsr*. I^eel- Xse 16 wlntor oont, 9m. 848- ranch, 9 baths, t-car garaga, rooms, 2-car garage, good taiaci£ate 9 room Cape, partial ranch. Apprtarimatrty % a cre. ra m Oape, 8 finished, one par- proparty? OaK J< CLASSIFIED Dr. Ctaanroom for teen-arera. fiO-U. BUNDLES -MPARATl nace, automatic hot water and Rokrtron, Raalter. fomily room, % acre suburbaa Pickiq) aervloe. Day or era- horse aad jMens 4-inieel 0148 or 648-3680. rteve. Phone 446-4761. oondltlon, priced in the |l8e racreation room, pado, Mautt- Baeamant nraga, i»t water ttally fbiiahad, rae room, B nkar, 848-OOP. TiN CANE FROM OTHtR lo t Hayee A gency, 848-4808. for Immediate aale. Wesley R. ninr leaawii Reaaonable lataa. ^ S to ta . Parts and swvloa. fully landscaped, aohool, bus, oil heat, plaater walls, flra- 0At8AaE’» n n ’ (iRAw Smith Agency, 84S48<7. rtibpping. Oanton W. Rutehins, plaee. Non-davelopinant, good Mancheatar Orirlnc Academy, Oapitol Equipment Company, ROCKVILLB—Blx rooma, wanly MANCHESTER — Big ^xitleae m b ^ to aH sehoola. Owner, 88 Main K., Maochsatar. WfiRted—IB INqr W 948-6183. aelghbortiood, very nierty land- 741-734$. CLIPfiNGS NTD tO X f t~ daconated, combination win­ Colonial with breezearay...aad Wuitod—Sgfll ADVERTISING OpsB dally T-B, Thursdsy 7-8, dow s. ^ u i r e 106 High Street, BOLTON scsq>ed with many sveigraans. WANTED TO BUT------rage. lU batha. Formal dln- iCANGHBSTER Channlnt • Aluminum oombinaUoa screens ■aturday ^-4. M nj. Jackaon. OaK between Coventry HAVE BUYERS walttSglW CILAflSIFIBD ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS sdod good used ftu ultura. ; room. Large working kitch­ room ram bling Capa In ex cel­ and storms throughout. As­ Motorcycleo—Bicycles 11 . 8:80-7, 8tt-7367. S Two duplaxea 84. e«e«Kent homes In Manchester area. L4rt WELL KEPT oanMts show llw ;aga Psddltr Auetkm Boosa, WeU preaarvad early A m er­ en. 98 foot living room with lent condition, IH bathe, sumable 414 % VA mortgage. 8 AM. to 6 PM. ican IH rtory home that center fireplace. 8 bedrooma. NATURE’S WONDERS condiUon. cne aonad for yours now. Char-Bon Rafl iS IMS Ducatl motorcycle, rbar. at- BARROWS k WALLACE Wdlverton Agency, Realtor, amct laaertfMK. The Herald la reapooalble for only ONE liioor- more All woiit Guaranteed. te r I p.m . teebed 2-car saraga. garaga, laige Manchester Paritade, Call 648-4018. BOY’S surra, coat. Venetian thta hong the warmtti of 849-3818. J. D. REALTY raet or emitted l^afrtlna for aay advertlaeineBt aad then only bUnda, pressure cooker, can- CASH IMMEDIATELY—Wa huy ow eariySAmerioan era. wooded lot for maximum pri- M anchester 849-5806 FOUR FAMILY MEMBER MULTIPLE^ ta the oKteat o( a ‘‘make rood” taiaerthw. Errora do aot ner, headboards, suitcase, anything from a pin to batUe- TWO ROOM apartment, excel­ Must be aeeir^ be appre­ vaoy, $96,900. PhKbrick Agen­ MANCHESTER — Owners sell­ «8 Center SL 8M4129 LiAWNMOWER aharpenlnr; i lent condition, refrigerator, cy, $494484. LISTING laaaea the ralae of the advertlaemeet win not be odWected by pairs, sales, rotor blades quUt, baby scale, ditfies.-SiO- shlp. Uaed fumltura and ap­ ciated. Shown ha appoint­ INVESTMENT ing. Newly painted 4 bedroom pliances. Ask for Mr. Read. mlddCa aged wom an. 649-9810. ment only, $36,70K‘'. WAPPING—Split Level, excel Colonial, fireplace, paneled diarpened; bicycle sales, serv­ 7744. / $18,000 — A T T R A C n V E 8 bed­ ice. Manchester Cycle Shop, 649-8264, 949-4794. ‘X, lent condition, with rec room, famKy room. 1% batha, rtiade CEDAR CLOTHESLINE Polee, EEBRON—4 room apartment, room ranch, fireplace, alumin­ brick patio, nice landscaping. tree. 277-2111 days, 649-6001 BOT HOm I i . land. lam% 149 W. M iddle Turnpike, 648- second floor, heat and hot B xclueive with . . . Spacious hMma, range, re­ many sises, installed; also, um rtornia, anefoeed carport, P rin cipals only. 944-1679. •va. lots. «. the price le right, yon *^%B^SSMCIATia> DIAL 643-2711 2098. water included. AdulU only. Robert D. Murdock, 848-84^^ baaement, lane lot. nice view. frigerator, dieposal, air con­ Lots For Sale 73 get instant action' and aO IN SUBURBIA good International dump truck, Rooms l^thont Bogrd 59 CaU 8484)948. I W. I^chlns, Realtor, ditioner 1% each apartment. cash. CaU Jack ChapUn, 648> LAWN MOWERS, dtarpened SEADIN6 T«NEW0M»ME reasonable. 640-1858. BOLTON—$28,500. Split, tI s^ SLATER ST. — $17,900—4 bed­ TWO BUODING lots, prime and iapalred. aalea and serv­ COLLECTION flUlES - f u r n i s h e d ROOMS, eomplata rooms, IVi baths, garage, an Convenient to Main Street. room, 3 bath ranch, big lot, location, city utilities PMl- 9443, Samuel M. Lavkt A g e » ice, rental equipment. L S M LAWN DECORATIONS Close light housekeeping faolUtlee. acre lot plus. On WKHame Financing available. no basement. Just over Town brick A gency, 848-8464. cy, MLB Realtors at Vamott u * B “ eai-ty CO., me. SCHOOL — 7 room Cxrcle, 643-2168, 875-097. Equipment O o ^ ., Route 81, out. ETamlngoe $1.76 pr.. ^trally located. Mrs. Dor­ 848-8617. R oad, Just o ff Rt. 6. T . J. line, opposite new golf eourse. Tnwble RtailiiRS Oir Aivtiifsir? tX iu / u , l y ^ R G m LtKHS sey, 14 Arch Street, Manohee- 8M-2693 ^ p e .t n ilL rte d dorm er, 4 bed­ C rockett, R ealtor, 648-1677. T. J. Cknekett, R ealtor, 648- Vernon, 876-7800, M ancbeater Gnom e $1.60; Sundial $4.08; room s, (UMm room, living PAUL J. OORHaam Agency- eaccbaaco, Enterpriae 1946. ‘TOa LtW/§ S(da BaU $7.79. Porterfields’, ter. V. WESLEY R. SMITH 1877. iL W YLLYS STREET — 140 toot WALLA m u A , m i d F IV E ROOM flat. 142 8. M ain room with ftaeplace,», breeze- RANCH — BIGHT rooms. South frontage, 648-7444. wants your home. You want k fl-HoMr kntmnug StnriN Chapd Road, South Windsor, Street, available now, heat fur j j y - attaohedTSijagB , $15,900. AGENCY sold—wa will sell It. oidl iig. 538-8891. THE THOMPSON Houee,. Cot­ CUSTOM RANCH—8 bedrooms, Windsor, one full and two half WAPPING—Large custom L- tage Street, centrally looeted, ntehed, adulU onCy. 648-8672. Phllbrick AgencyT4^4464. baths, modem kitchen with shaped ranch, better than new, MANCHBSTERr-2 A-oone wood­ 536$. FLOOR CONSULTANT- 2 baths, laige living room, ed lota,' city water. Hayes Roonns—^ d l n f 16 1063 FAIRLAN riding lawn- large pleasantly furnished ... built-ins, dining room, 4 bed- 8 bedrooma, Hotpolnt built-lna, Business Opportunities 32 Help Wanted— Male 36 THREE ROOM apartment, in- Preplace, dining room, rec 643-1567 A gency, 643-4808. Free 1i HtraM R«a4«ri m oerer, soM new $400, will room s, parking., Oag 648-9888 ohidlng heat, hot water, etove rooms, family room, 2-car ga­ paneled recreatton room, alu­ NO FEE room, attached 2-car garage, Vernon ^ BTDWHLL HOME Rnprovemeot PART-TIME furniture refinlah- eell fo r beet o ffe r. 944-1400. for overnight end pennanent and refrigerator, $76 monthly. beautiful view , $81,000. H ill- rage, lot 100x205, owner wants minum siding, one-half acre Lagal Notica Waat hrfonnatlon on one of oar nlaaalfled advertlaaiMBtaf Mo quick sale because of Illness, ROCKLEDGE — Lovely wooded (On Vacation Until July 0) Company — Roofing, aiding; at er and mechanic. Apply in per­ guest rates. 848-8948 after,, 4:60. brick A gency, ReaCtora, 649- lot. Priced low 20,s. Call Oates- lot 100x170, tai AA sane, all laiirnr at n son M arlow ’s, 867 M ain Street. * M6ie utKltiee, term s available. 649- AT A COURT OF FHOKATE ImM Sanding, finishing, refinish­ modellng of aU— typaa. ExBxcal OPPORTUNITY Diamonds—Wateho ROOM FOR :ady or gentleman, JUST OFT E. CENTER Street— STEPHENS ST, — Low 29’a. 8176. EDWARDS ing treatments for all type quiet. Inquire 226 Charter Oak Brick ranch on corner of Par­ 1439. at Mancbeater. wltlHii and tor tha lent w o n moan ditp. 849 8196. jew elry 48 6 room flat, excellent condi­ CONCORD RD - Beautiful within driving range of this liiatiict of Hancbeeter, on tha 16fii floors old or new. Wood, EXPERIENCED ca ip en it ., 643-8368, 346-4788. tion throughout, more room nuioh, larga Hvlnf room, fonn- conveniently located 6 room OFf '^ i^ T B R . ST.—4 bedroom ker It Stephens. Practically va­ WOODBRIDGE ST. — $14,600— day of June. 1964. ANSWERING SERVICE cant. 8 bedrooms, fireplace, ’TREEiD LOT, 180 foot frontage. Present. Hon. Joim 1 . W allett. resilient, terrazso, oCay, ce­ i ter. Forbes Inc. CaU 84941892. available. $100 monthly. Hayes al (Unbig room, cabinat kltchaB, Ranch, with city features OolonlRl,- 2-car garage, 2'i plus another B sone lot for WATCH AND JEWELRY re- ROOM FOR RENT, genfleman carpeting, garage. Ideal re­ R esidential zone. $2,700. WoC- Judxe. X ramic, cement. Our Ultra- BId W wi J* SIDING and monttg FO R A U T O A gen cy, 649-0687. 9 badrooma, recraatian room, In suburban surroundingni. batha, fanilly room. Need we $8,000. 7-room hom e. Big Batate of Daniel C. MHIsr. k p 4 4 9 ^ 0 0 — 875-2SI9 thane treatment a “con­ 648-6379. 875-9109. p^rliig. Prom^ eervice. Up to preferred, centrally looatad. 0 say more? ^s'.ey R. Smith tirement home. T. J. Croekatt, verton A gency, R ealtor, 649- MECHANIC, experienced, own $90 on your old watch In trade. iaadaeapad yard. Marion B. City water, gas, built-lns, rooms, porch, garage, plenty 2618. of Mancheeter, In sa44 Dletlfot, versation piece’’—the most toeds, referen ces. OaU 648-6449 Hazefi St., 649-2170. THREE ROOM apartment, 97 Agency, 648-166L,. R ealtor, 648-1677. of treea. Vacant. T. J. Orock- oeoeed ■ 1 leave year meecafa Yoall hear f t taJiC R. DION—Roofing, siding, al- Cloeed Mondays. F. B. Bray. RobartoOB. Realtor, ttt-6968. oil heat, $16,860. 8. O a rk On motion of Oraoe L. PSHcid rt a wlthont apeadlar all eventer at abrasive resistant material or 648-0278. WeUa Street, newly redecorat­ 649-5306, 875-2800. att. R ealtor, 648-1677. ■eid Monebeetor, ezaeolrix. ^ avallabCa. Harold J. Leese. teratlona.'ceilings, and guttera. 717 Main Street, State Theater ROOM, kitchen privllegea, park­ SEVEN ROOM Cape. 6 bed MANCHEISTER — Modani, Im­ MECHANIC Bulldtog. ed, $76. Call 648-7264. $8,000 - WELL KEPT 6^ room ORDERED: That .six mootlM 640-7627. , * F ree'ea tim a tea . 648-4882. ing, 341 Charter Oak St., 948- ranch, 8 bedroomB, attraotlve room posalbility, beat of maculate 3-bedroom Ranch, ga­ CXJVBNTRY — Oozy 4 room from the 16th day o f JOBt. 1864. 1M EXPERIENCED painter and 6800. BARROWS & WALLACE condition, treed lot. Bowers rage, 90x160 lot,- basement, and the seme ore limMed and al­ Sun Oil Company has for CONVENIENTLY located, 4 dining area, suburban. Owner Manchester Parkade, dwelling, gas heat, combina­ U.S. Frontage Lost ind Found AntfMnobiles For Sale 4 h6ft>er, oaU 648-1490.______School, only $16,900. W esley R . near all schools. Vtai Boggtail, tion storm windows. and 6 lowed for the crediteie within lease a 2-bay aervice sta­ Garden—Farm— Dairy ROOM for genfieman, quiat. In­ room apartment. Heat, hot wa anxious. Oarltoo W. HutcMna, M anchester 649-5306 which to brta* In their oiolma Roofing and Chimneys 16-A ter, washer, dryer, stove, re R ealtor, 840-8182. Smith A gency, 643-1667. B el A ir R eal Eatata. 648-0333. acreens. artesian w ell, fuK oxolnat said eetate. and said ex­ REPAIRS on all makes of re­ tion in Manchester, mini­ quire 324 W a rie r O ^ St., 846- tO ST —Man’ s black leattjor Vral- 1062 PHUOBXyr 404, tURiuoise, frigerators, washers, ranges, Products 50 frigerstor, cHaposal. Paridng price $6,800. A lice Clam pet, ecutrix Is directed to rive publie whitewall tires, excellent con- ROOFING — SpeotaUxliw re- Salesmen Wanted 36-A 8368, 246-4738. MANCHESTER — House pinch­ Bolton notice to the etedltore » brfae la . let' Sunday, with oredeidlalB. and dryers. All oil burners mum investment required, Inehided $140.00. 649-0806. $81,000—RED HOT. Jiist on the R ealtor, 649-4648. their elotnu within aoU ttroe al­ Reward. Call O. Donahue, 648- dlUan. 640-2820. palrlng roofs of ah Ufidt. new PICK YOUR OWN strawberries, market, big 4-bedroom co­ $28,90O-JUST LISTED, a three ing you? Here’s,an ideal fam­ cleaned and serviced. All work experience not necessary, ROOM FUR RENT located on lowed by pubUshing a copy of thts roofs, gutter work, cblmneya AMBmdUS SALESMAN oppor­ ^6 p.m. till dark, 28c quart, THREE ROOM apartments, aU lonial with all the extras. Rec family. Two three-roomera on ily hom e, i bedrooms, 3 baths, Just east of Munson’s Candy order In oome neweiiapor having a m e . guaranteed. 640-0066. Pine Street between two bus ANDOVER H ebron STATION WAGONS. 1067 Chev­ cleaned, repidred. Aluminum full 7 week training course tunity to affiliate with top na­ 'bring your own baskets. 400 utUMea and air conditioning. room, breezeway, 2-car ga­ ^6 flow, a five-roomer on large Hvlng room with fire­ Kitchen . . . approxim atrty olfculation In said prob^ riMrirt rolet. Nomad, 1BB6 Chevrolet sldlag. 90 years’ experience. tional concern in local vicinity. lines, cloee to Main Street and p lace, fo r m a l-. dtaitaig room , wHhIn ten daye from the drte rt L 09T —Passbook No. 18806. No­ 'TYPEWRITERS — Standard available with pay, finan­ Keeney Street, Manchester. For appointment call Mr. rage, porch, awnings, carpet­ second. Good income. Excel­ 660 feet o f wooded frontage. thie order and ratum moke to this Free estimates. ObU BOwley, Can exp ect to earn $128 to $900 (fioi^ng area, restaurant with­ Lovely 6 room Ranch, I bed­ modern kitchen, eacellent con­ FOLKSY RANCH tice is hereby riven that automatic, 10S6 Chevrolet and electric. Repaired, over­ cial _ assistance available. P etem ian , 648-2468, or Mr. ing. Suburban, but In Tovm. lent financing avaKable. T. J, Suitable tor two residential eaoK of the notice riven. PaadbotA No. 18806 iaaued by Standard. Dourlas Motors, 838 8464081. 6484)T8k weekly after training with an STRAWBERRIES — Pick your in walking distance. CAH 648- C rockett, R ealtor, 648-1677. rooma, spacious living room, diUon, all convenlencae. Call lots. Sold as one lot or two JOHN J. WAliJBTT, Jwtea hauled, rented. Adding ma­ For further Information P onttcelll, 640-9644. T. J. Crockett, R ealtor, 648- 6 room neat as a pin, on the First Manchester Office, Main. chines rented and repaired. opportunity for advancement own, 26c quart. Aldo Peace, 0166 evenings. 1677. central fireplace, kitchen 649-7702. separate lots easy terms Hartford National Bank A RAT’S R0O6TNO CO.—Shingle tail or write based on own m erits. $110 Hebron Road, Bolton. MANCHESTER—First time of­ with built-lns, large dining large ?4 acre lot. aty wa­ Pickup and delivery eervice. ter, built-in oven t n u ^ , -price and information Trust Oo., has been lost and I860 CHEVROLET Impale Oon- roofs, gutters, built-up roofs, guaranteed to start, if quali­ fered. 9 room stucco and frame or family room, also fin­ BOLTON—$16,300. Three bed­ • • a Y ale T ypew riter S e rv lca 649- DUPLEIX, 6 rooma, redecorat­ BOWERS SCHOOL—7 room full paneled Uvlng room, min­ Record Speeding Ca$e$ appHoatton has been made to verUUe, black, white top, roof and chimney repeirs, Ray fied—eocperience not necessary. PICK YOUR own etrawberries, Apartmenta— Flatfl— English Colonial,’ 2% baths, ex­ ished recreation room, Uled room modern ranch, garage, ed. 640-6961. rtied dormer Cape, 4 or 6 bed­ utes to Manchester. Excel­ saM bar* for payment and la- very clean. T el. 040-6768 or Jackaon, 648-8896, R ay B ags F or Interview ca ll 644-0202 be­ $26 quart. Som a, B irch Moun­ Tenements 63 tensive formal gardens and bath, situated on a one acre, 160x160 lot, assum able m ort­ now , 649-2214. rooms, IH baths, garage, $ie.- lent iMsumable mortgage. CLIN TON, (A P ) — Waa oil nuance of new book. 380-8088. 8TEPS, STDEWALKS. atone tween 6 and 8 p.m. tain Road, BoKon, off Route FOUR ROOM duplex, central 900. PhU bridi .^ e n c y , 649- beautiful lawns, two acres of high, dry lot In a good lo­ gage. quiet neighborhood. Vin The Silk City walls, fireplaces, flagatane tar- SUN OIL CO. 86. LOOKINO for anything In zl looatlon, steam heat, garage. complete privacy. Hayes Agen­ cation. Priced at only, $19,- Bogglni, Bel Air Real Estate, Only 616,600. J . Gordon 949- radar by state polioa la raport- 648-9832. 6800. sd accountable for ttia record lOUND—One beerle female. races, hatchways, dry wella Heating and Plumbing 17 estate rentals — apartmante, 648-7904. cy , 643-4808. 600. Call BcM»n Dor Warden, S40- P.O. Box H, East Hartford Situations Wanted— homes, multiple dwellings, eaX number of speeding eases ap­ All ecncrete reptdrs. Rrasoo- WILLIAMS STREET—(Mder 2 Corporation Tew. SPECIALS able. 6464)661. Female 38 Houseludd Goods il J . D . R ealty, 648-8130. THREE ROOM apartment, heat BO I/rO N —440 foot frontage, ap­ pearing In court bare tha post Mias Dondi—288-0^1 and utlllfiea included. 106 SUMMER VALUES proximately 8 acres, brook. 6 fam ily 4-4, In excellent condi­ BARROWS k WALLACE tw o w eeks. NEW IN8TALLATTON8 and re­ E xclusive with . . . Manchester Parkade, LOST—8maB, tan leather note­ VACUUM CXEAMBR8, toaatera, EXPERIENCED!) woman, with GAS TANK and stove with B irch Street. Call 643-0368. room house. Asking $14,000. tion, automatic heat, alumi­ 648-5440 649-6938 A total of 353 cases ware 00 FVwd Oonvt., V-8, radio, p a ir w ork. Call 648-1774. TWO ROOM apartm ent, 149 E. J. Carpenter, Realtor, 649- R obert D. M urdock, 648-6473 num storms, garage, handy lo­ M anchester 648-6306 pad fcUer containlar diamond Irens, iamps, drills repaired. country home, ideal for chil­ regidator suitable for camp, $16,800 Neat as a pin 5 room handled in Circuit Court 9 Tuea­ heater, auto., black with red Oakland S t„ $60.'649-6328, 9-6. FUUR ROOM apartment. 2 8061. cation, only $17,900. R obert .• and wedtSnr Rnr. Reward. FTee eetlinatee. FTee pickup dren, would ;ike babysitting $16; rocMng (diairs; eheat of Cape, convenient loca­ WOODHILL HEIGHTS, Schaller day by Judge Kenneth ZarrilH, .sSte-teos. Interior and black top. Very and deUvery. B20-8S6D. during day. Call 940-9041. drawers; card table; pair of bedrooma upstaire, Wert Side. Anderson, R ealtor, 638-0188, 191 of them for speeding. Ac­ Radio-TT Repair THREE ROOM apartment, heat tion, garage, nice back SO. WINDSOR—$600 down buys WAPPING—Clean and cozy de- Rd.—Near Shopping Parkade, n lc« y 11,806 Help Wanted— ^Female 35 living room lamps; oars; C a l 649-1826 anytim e. U * R REALTY CO., INC, 628-1776. acribea 8 bedroom ranch built cording to asaiatant clerk Max YOU A R B A -1! Truck is A-11 Services 18 SITTING JOB, 9th grade ghi, and hot water, $66 monthly. yard with fireplace. a 8 bedroom 5V4 room ranch, 90’ frontage, $4,300. city water, g ilt’s oCoihes, size 10-12, good VERNON — Ideal custom bultt by owners, over one acre land, sidew alks, sew ers. 643-6406. Kay, it was a record for the lo­ AnnooiieeBMats 2 ~ Uara, attics, trash, ssnaii Manchester Green area, ex­ condition. 88 HlUtop D rive, 648- Adults only. No pets.- 649-8106. oil hot water heat, 100x200 lot. 648-3602 00 Chev. Impale 8-dr. Hardtop, CONNIE’S TV and Radio Sarv- Time on Your Hands? Fumished Apartments 63>A 16,300 Attractive 6 room Co­ Phllbrick A gency. 649-8464. 7*4 room ranch, lovely wooded m ore available. Below $18,000. cal court and perhaps for any icUng dene A-1 ri|^t! CWl lee, available aU houra. Satia- perienced, has referenoee. 649- 0738.. lonial, 1% baths, fire­ G otes-H anley A gency, 648-0030, court in tha etate. juDCntOLTJX aalea end tfandard trans., V-8, radio, start ticking! Earn generous 1837. WE HAVE customers'' waiting lot. Attached garage, aluml- heater, d e a n . 11,106 t-2928, Trem ano T rucking fa ctioa gnaraiiteeA. C an 649- place. tree shaded lot. 6494176. Last week, a *Yery large ioe, bonded regreaentatlva Al­ Servloa. commissioni near home selling for the rental of your apart­ THREE ROOM furnished apart­ LAKEWOOD CIRCLE—OolonlaS- mun storm s, screens, $17,800. ISIS. Excellent location. Ciq>e with center hall, • large Resort Property For Sale 74 docket was handled, again fred A m ell, 906 H em y S t , RELIABLE WOMAN ' .would ASSORTMENT of food need ment or home. J. D. Readty, ment, Porter Street area, sec­ $14,400—PLEASANT 6^4 room OaK 876-7861. AVON 648-6129. ond floor, $$110 per month. In- rooms, redecorated living room ROCKVILLE—8 room older Co­ close to 200'cases reported. MaiMAester, MS-OifiO. 60 diev. Bel Ah- 4-dr. aedan, 0 HAROLD A SONS Rubbish Re­ like housewoik days. Oafi 840- ran gea 848-8688. 17,586 New 8 bedroom L- ranch on the outskirts, taste­ lonial, needs work. Ideal for FOUR ROOM cottage, Coven­ moval—Cellars, attics, yards. 6628 a fter 6 p.m . eludea all utilities, Ca'.l 643- with paneled fireplace, formal SIX ROOM Oolonial, 2-car ga­ On Tuesday, 93 motorists for* oyl., mandard trans., radio, Millinery, Dressmaking 19 Ooemetlci. No experience re­ THREE ROOM apartment, heat, ahaped ranch, attached fully decorated, rec room. large family. Tongren Agency, try Lake, wooded lot 100x176. Weekly or monthly pickup. UNIVfilRSAL 40’’ double oven 6940 for appointment. Avail­ dining room, paneled family rage, fireplace, on wooded cor­ Immediate occupancy. Call felted bonds totaling $8,441 for heater, blue. Very tfuup. quired. A ot now. Phone 980- hot water, parking, Immacu­ breezeway and garage, room which can be used as We.sley R . Smith A gency, 648- ner lot, $16,900. N ear all 648-8831, 875-6379. Personals H arold H oar, 649-4084. DRESSIMAKINO, alterattons, HIGH SCHOOL graduate de­ electric range, good woiWng able July 1, 1064. 1667. John H. Lappen, Inc., Real­ non-appearance and six drivers $796. 4922. late condition, a^ ts. Phone 20 toot living room with third bedroom, 1% baths, nat­ schools. Char-Bon ReaH Estate, paid finee totaling $91 in the repairing, socks darned, rip­ sires baby sitting, dayttms or condition, $80. Call 848-078R fireplace, family sized MANCHESTER, 6 room eape, tors, 6494261, 649-7446, 648- RXDB WANTED from vtclntty FUIX. LAWN CARE—Lime and nights. 840-2438. 648-2171. ANDOVER — Two room fur- ural* woodwork, large one-car 648-0683. vlolaUQiie bureau In Men of pers replaced, patches ap­ kitchen with dining area, TWO-FAMILY—Excellent cen, good condition, all oonven- 6219. 'Michaels. Jewelers, Main fertillaer applications, crab APPUCA'nONS are being tak- TAKE OVER PAYMENTS nlahed apartment for rent, re­ garage, on a lovely treed lot, eourt aiqiearanoe. plied, sUrts Aortened, cater­ BOLTON—Brandy St. Beautiful $780 down FHA. tral location, excellent aondi, lencea. Walking diatance to *'Street, bo Coventry, 5:80 p.m. WEST SIDE MOTORS muss control, idl season main­ Ml fo r o ffice w oik , tyx>ing es­ OCXLBXIB FRESHMAN desires FROM OUR BANK frigerator, stove. C. H. Stiene, $36,900. P hllbrick A gency, Forty-five eases weta son- Tueeday-Saturday. OaCl 648- ing to expectants, little cher­ sential, five days including Sat­ 4 room apartment, modern R oute 6, 742-7273. tion, high mortgage assump­ shopping area, Waddell School, 064 Center St. tenance. Reasonable rates. ubs and sm all fry . 643-6602. office work for summer. Ex­ FOR UNPAID BALANCE 19,780 New Dutch C olonial. 4 R eidtors, 649-8464 tion. Wesley R. Smith Agency PORTER STREET AREA ASHFORD LAKE—Laiga wa- tinned. Most of 41m speeding 9T41, ask fo r M rs. OoM e^. P. A G. Lawn Maintenance, urday. Apply in person. W. T. perienced. CaH 849-7026. conveniences, second floor, and bua. On treed lot. Call 641-6(161 1, 3 OR 8 YEARS TO PAYI TWO ROOM furnished apart­ bedroom s, 1% baths, 643-1567. 649-8863. terftxmt lot. 640 0644. fines amounted to about $85. 640-6067. Grant’s, Parkade. START PAYING near new high school, suit­ NO. OO'VENTRY *— Custom RIDE WANTED from ExH 64, ment, heated, bedroom set, re­ laundry area, . form al Local police said the High num­ - < Moving—^Tmddng— EXPERIENCE® High School IN AUGUST able fo r teachers. Call 949-0771 miilt L-colonlal ranch, paneled MANCHESTER—7 room Colon­ 6-room Oape, fireplace 4 near Howard Johnsons, bo SEAkiSTRESS——Apply in per­ after 6 p.m. frigerator, gas range. Free gas, dining room, entry foy­ SIX ROOM RANCH—With ga­ ber of eourt eases was due CHAIN SAW work, trees re­ graduate desires housework 8 ROdMS FURNITURE 24 foot living room, many au­ ial. 4 or 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, bedrooms, excellent condi­ - Proepect Street, Hartford, moved, lots and roads cleared, Storage 20 son, Marlow's, 867 Main St., electricity. Adults. Low rent. er and center hallway, rage, beautifully maintained, mostly to arrsets mads by state days. R eferen ces. OAU 649- $9.86 MONTHLY thentic detaUe, 6 picturesque 3-car garage, shade trees, tion. beautifully treed 200’ ..Jdanday-Friday’, hours S-S. HARD TOPS, 1968 M ercury, also bulldosed. Free estimates. Manchester. 2948. A pply 10 Depot Square, Apt. 4. 94 toot Hvlng room wifli acres. H ayes A gen cy, 643-4803. wall-to-waK carpet living and Read Herald Ads. police using radar ta the area. I960 F ord O alaxie, 1968 Chev- MANCHESTER DaUvary. Light Bedroom, Living Room, Dinette, $16,900 full price. Phllbrick yard. A Better Buy at only dining room , m ahogany pem- - 044-1400. 742-8096. fireplace, large family $14,400. Bxrturtva with . . . n det 6 cylinder, standard. trucking and package telivery. LET US START you in business Rugs, Lamps, Tables and Other TWO ROOM apartment, bed­ aired kitchen. FHA min- KENSINGTON ST.—You must A gen cy, 649-8464. eled fireplaca wall with book- 8HARPEN1HO Service — Saws, Refrigermton, waahere and at no cost to you as a Lau- Accessories COLONIAL HEIGHTS room and kitchen with all tan- casaa, diahwartier and disposal, Douglas M otors, 383 Main. IRONING done in nfy home. hmnn down. see this delightful 6 room Cape AUTUMN ST.—$21,600. A swim AEtMnobDM For Sale 4 knives, axes, aheara. skates, stove moving specialty. Folding rene party demonstrator. Our Phone 640-0762. EVERYTH ING $228.78 provem ents. 186 B issell St. located in one of Manchester’s 8 .bedrooms, colored tile bath, rotary Uades. Qulok aervloe. ch airs fo r re n t 649-0782. toy and gift lines for Christ­ 8 ROOMS FURNITURE APARTMENTS 97,600 Luxury 4 bedroom eon- ming pool goes with this neat Bcroened porch with drop awn­ BEAUPRE MOTOR nicest residential areas. At­ colonial. 3 bedrooms, big porch WESLEY R. SMITH iU U u eSART T our cred it tom - SALES Capitol Equipment Oq„ 68 mas are here. Managers need­ $10.16 MONTHLY tem porary ranch In tached garage. Large lot. Only AGENCY ings, custom tool .4ied. Com­ ed down! Short on down pey- Main St., Manchester. Hours ed in your area. Call collect Situations Wanted— Weittinghouse Refrigerator, Liv­ Business Locations prime location, 2 baths. excellent condition. T. J plete privacy in back yard. M60 F>ord G alaxie 4 D oor H’TOp Painting—Papering 21 $16,000. c a n Jarvla R ealty Co., C rockett, R ealtor, 643-1677. ■uatT Bankrapt? Repoewa daUy 7-6. Thursday f-9. Satur­ 203 HU9-4101 or write Laurene ing Room, Bedroom, Dinette, Steps off East Center St. For .Rent 64 2-car garage, beautlfuC R ealtors. 64S-J121, E ves., Call Close to (Arches, sixi^ing 1 Man? Don’t deepalr! See Hon- Yellow A White, Tinted Male 39 day 7-4. 648-7968. PAlNTTNa, EXTERIOR and in­ Company, Goshen, Conn. Rugs, Lamps, Tables and Other acre lot. A must to see. Carl Zinaaer, 643-0088. 643-1567 areas, and schools. Shown by eat Douglas. ltaT^< about low- Glass, Factory Air Ocxidi- FOR LEASE—Excellent loca­ $18,600—7 ROOM Colonial. Llv rOllR HOME TOWN NEWS tlon. Power Steering, Pow­ terior, paperhanging, wall­ TWO HIGH SCHOOL boys de- Acceseoriee Ing room, fireplace, formal appointment. Exclusive with > eat down, an^eat payments RAPID RUBBISH removal—At­ EXPBHUENCED N.C.R. Model rire outdoor odd Jobs. Call 940- EVERYTH IN G $297.84 4% ztxnns — Inrtudee heat, tion for doctor’s office or BOLTON—Modem, immaculate, Keanor F. Scranton, Broker, ^ eaywhera. No small loan or 8- er Brakes, Power Windows tics, cellars, and yards. Handy paper removed,- dry wall work. hot water, range, refrig­ dining room, S bedrooms, sun Reaaonable rates. Bank financ­ 30 bookkeeping machine op­ 0488 a fter 6 p.m . 8 ROOMS FURNITURE beauty parlor. 416 Main Street. full baaement ranch, S bed­ Phone 649-0066. - nanoe company plan. Douglas A Seat. Also Radio A man service. < ^ I 649-0218, erator, dryer, disposal, and Completely renovated and am­ J. D. REALTY porch, natural woodworii, ga MANCHESTER Vicinity- ing arranged. Fully Insured. erator. full-tim e only. Call 643- $14.74 MONTHLY rooms and den, 2-car garage, 8 miles out. Beautiful Cape Mbten. 8 » Main. Heater, White WaK Tires. 648-7479. 4161 between 8-6. master T\t antenna, cera­ ple lik in g. J. D. Realty, 648 rage, shade trees, centrtttly FVee estim ates. 649-9668,’ Jo­ Westinghouse Washing Machine, 918 Center St. M anchester 100x200 lot. B el A ir R eal E s­ located in Manchester. Phll­ with full shed dormer, 6 yeare 21395.00 Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 mic bath, private cellar and 8 1 2 9 / tate. 648-9382. MANCHESTER—2 family house 1060 PLYMOUTH Station W ag­ HAVE SMALL pickup truck— seph P. Lewis. WestingtMuse Refrigerator, Bed­ brick A gen cy, 649-8464. old. Birch cabinets, Imtchway, M68 Mercury WSgon 4 Door, room, '.iving Room, Dinette, patio, parking, soundproof 648-8129 6 4 fo r sale by owner. 389-4619. on, new whitewalls, radio and will do odd Jotw. .A ttics and GROOMING and boarding, wUl and fireproof. Rent $146. MODERN, air-conditioned office many extras. Nearly one-half Black, Radio, Heater, P ^ - IHSIDB AND OU’j’^ B paint­ Diriies, Rugs, Lamps, Tables, MANCHESTER RANCH - 2 MANCHESTER—7 room ranc^, heater, 36,000 m iles, standard cellars cleaned. Rubbish re­ SEWING MACHINE collect and deUver. H. C. auitea available. Will sub­ yehra old, exertient locatlmi, acre, high elevation. Large as­ er Steering A Power ing. You name your own price. Blankets and Other Accessories 8 bedrooms, living room, fire­ jfailt, $886. 10 Ooteman Road, m oved. R easonable. Call 649- Chase, Harmony HIU Kennels, divide t o suit tenant. Reason­ sum able O .I. m ortgage. FMll Brakes. \ 649-7868, 87B-840L BVBRTTH IN O $898.22 CENTHIR h a t Jj* Obtotilal—St. 21 foot living room, firtqdace, Mancheeter. 1048. BoUoa,^. 848-6427. 649-4436 649-6544 649^244 a ble. Call 649-5820, 648-5986. place, dining room, large pine p rice $14,900. E llsw orth Mitten HOME 2650.00 Price Includes Delivery,. Setup, Jameanea Pariah.ranan. Porterroner Streetaireet kitchen with built-taw, ruitural paneled family room, attached EXTERIOR and Interior paint­ OPERATORS woodwork, aluminum windows, A gency, R ealtors, 648-8980. 1061 LJNOOLN Continental, ex- 1967 F\>rd 4 D oor Sedan, Blue LAND CLEARING, g^ding,' WANTED—Good home for cute Service. Guarantee immediate area.a. S$ vean old. 6 large garage, $17,500. PhKbrick A White, Radio A Heater, foundations dug, sand, gravel ing. Wallpaper books raper- Delivery or F ree Storage Until roomms, s bathe, Inwe recrea- doors, and awninga, attached JENSEN STREET—New 8 room eeUent nmnlag oondltian, all black and white kitten. CaU Houses For Rent 65 garage, $22,200. P hllbrick A gen cy, 649-8464. powered, phis air conditioning, Auto-Tranamission with V8 and loam . 742-6712. hangiiw. Ceilings. Floors. Fully Experienced operators and Needed. ttoniTopm with fireplace, built- Ranch, 8 bedrooma. living Large 6 loom raised ranch, Insured. Workmanship guar­ trainees need^ Excellent 649-6480 a fter 6 p.m . FOUR ROOM apartment, in­ A gency, 649-8464. v e r y reasonable. 648-0006. Engine. Phone for appointment L a r g e 4 room ranch, knotty Ins, b'reeseway aid attached MARSHALL RD. — For better room, formal dining room, plus paneled recreation anteed. L eo P elletier, 649-6828. cluding heat, hot water and gas $495.00 LAWNS mowed and edged opportunity for qualified GERMAN SHEPHERD puppiea, SAMUEL ALBERT pine walle, furnished or unfur­ 2-car garage. $96,900 Phil- taving try this 6 room Cape kitchen, basement garage, all room , over 1600 sq. ft. of 1980 CHEVROLET Im pale 3- through summer by reliable If no answ er, 648-9043. trainees to learn sewing. for cooking. Electric refrigera­ CONCORD ROAD — $26,000. T on for aize. This is a fine home well designed living area. 1967 Plymouth 4 Door Wagon, male, AKC registered, 6 weeks H artford 347-0858 nished, pleasant location, work­ brick A gm cy , 849-8484. room ranch. Finished base­ uUlittes, oonvenient location, d oor Hardtop, 348 engine, auto­ young man. Reaaonable rates. old. 87S-4861. tor and gas stove furnished. in a good neighboriiood. Priced Cloae to all facKlties. Quick Green A White V8 with INTERIOR and exterior paint­ See It Day or Night Call 649-7834, 649-6779, 5-7 p.m . ing adults., 643-6889. ment, l’/4 baths, real deep Irt. FHA financed, will consider matic traruimission, power Call 643-7977. A pply If you. have no means of trans- PICTURBSQDB setting—7 room to aell at $16,800. Jarvis R eal­ trade. Call Charles PonUcelli, occupancy. The details will Auto-Transmlaaion, R a ^ ing, wallpaper removed, fully brick ranch, family room, with picnic area, etc. Terrific Meering. power hn^es, air- MINIATURE Poodles, silver portatloh. I’ll send my auto for FIVE ROOMS and bath, n - SEVEN ROOM house. Country ty C o., R ealtors, 648-1121, 649-9644, or Barney Peterm an, please you. Call ua now. A Heater. insured. R ra e B elanger. 648- gray, male, pedigreed cham­ batha, doubts garage, wooded buy. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, eondltloning, •'exceClent condi­ 0612 or 644-0804. you. No obligation. rage, aluminum storm vra- Club location, 1% baths, dish­ Eves., Call Carl Zinsser, 643- 649-9404. tion. 649-20M after 6 p.m . $695.00 pion stock, 8 weeks trfd. 049- I lot, Manchester. Cariton W. 648-1677. « Household Services MANCHESTER dows, excellent location, avail­ washer, stove. wsLsher-dryer, 8 0038. M64 Ford % T oo 860 Truck, 9174. A—L—B—E—R—T’—S bedroom s. Call after 5, 648- I Hutchins, R ealtor. 648-6182. MANCHESTER — Fine T room 9008 VOLKSWAGEN Sedan, ex-, Custom Cab, Radio A Offered 13-A PAINTING—Exterior and in­ 43-46 ALLTN ST.. HARTFORD able July 1st. T el. 648-9087. EXCBPnONALLY One Capb, 6 WARREN E. HOWLAND terior, reasonable rates. FVw MODES, Inc. 7746. Cape. Fireplace. Fu41 base­ eeilent condiUon. 17,000 m llee, Heater. No Doiwn Payment, DACHSHUND, AKC rostered, OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. MANCHESTER — $14,900. Six rooma, picture window, at­ REW BAVINO at kmna. moth free estim ates ca ll 649-6892. tached garage, lovely grounds, Bsist Hartford ^ ment. Good location. Conven­ MLS Realtor going abroad. 7^-8428. F>ill amount can be fi­ holea Zlj^ia repaired^ Win­ puppies, champion sired, room brick Cape, fireplace, ient schools and bus. Price nanced. Pine St.. Manchester blacks and reds. 648-0482. Do u b l e BHID hoxsprlng and garage, excellent condition, $16,900. E . J . . Carpenter, Real­ dow Shades made to measure; mattress, $28; also. Easy man­ Resort Property t o r ,- 649-6061. BELIEVE IT OR NOT $15,800. M adeline Smith. R eal­ 160 Main St., M anchester BEAUPRE MOTOR aU alMs Venetian bUnds Keye Electrical Services 22 NOTICE For Rent 67 trees, near bus, shopping, tor, 649-1642, or evenings and BLUE BELTON EngClsh setter, gle Ironer, $36. A ll good condi­ school. Carlton W. Rutenina, 948-1106 \ EXCELLENT USED SALES, INC. made while you wait. Tape Re- DECISION SUBURBAN Manchester—Beau­ weekends, Mabla Sheridan, f r e e BSmCATBS. PtmapC female, for tfiow or breeding, tion. 648-6800. R ealtor, 649-6182. Just listed 6H room Ranch, 844 B road St. oordere for re n t M arlow’ e 897 W ANTED—B ocAkeeper who Is Special Exception—Granted G a r d n e r l a k e — M odem . tifully tailored 8 room ranch. 6484139. eervice on all type* of elec­ also able to do payroll, part- fou r years old, $800. Cail 640- heated rec room, full bsmt. CADILLACS Open OH 9 P.M . •46-8498 8971. RUGS, never used, 9x12 gold Charles Gill, group dwellings, Laicefront. $53-$90 weekly. Free Space for a variety of room trical wiring. Licensed and in­ tim e. Call 649-0344 W ednesday MAHOGANY ponrted 18xS6 walk to bus, scliool and EAST WINDSOR—$17,OOO’B—Va­ broadloom, $80; 9x]5 ivory south of No. 96 McKee St. brochure. Arrowhead Grove heated recreatton room, patio, puipoeea Including 6 bedrooms. CONCORDIA Church is selling sured. WUeoo Electrical Co., or Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Cottages, Colchester 4M, Conn church. Only 117,900. Call cant ranch, must • sell, des­ PRICES REDUCED 1969 RAMBLEH Custom 4-door MALE PE®IORBED beagle oriental, $36; 9x12 g6ld ma­ JThe above will be effective garoce, 6H room ranch, excel­ It's New. It’s Modern. So ttieir pannage at 64 Parker sedan, automatic transmission, Building—Contracting 14 M anchester, 640-4817, 648-1888. N b t^ c h 887-4696, H artford 242- there will be no fuss with Ann Hunter 649-6306, 649- perate. M ortgage Is $16,400 or GIRL WANTIDD, ■ mothers hel]^' puppy with papers, |86. S l l haraja. 299-8966. June 25, 1964. lent oondltlon, only $16,990. St. This Ts an 8 room hom e. SAVE 2200 to 2600 power brakes, wfaHewaCl fires, 9278. fix-ups. It’s a new area and 3686. so, paym ents $127. Trem endous ■ ADDITIONS — Retsdnlng walle, er and some evening babysit­ a fter 6:80, 742-8431. Filed in office of Town Cleric, Carlton W. Butchlns, Realtor, 4-4, with 1*4 baths, 1-car g a ­ new brakes, excellent condition Floor Finishing 24 you’ll have nice new neigh­ assumption here. Let's hear cement floore, garages, bath­ ting. 640-0630. June 23, 1964. 'COLUMBIA Lakefront cottage, H9-5182. rage. Lot is 61x140, vacant. An throughout. 843-4936 evenings. bors In the future. Wolverfon your offer. T. J. Crockett, offer In the $16,000 range w ill 1002 Oadritoc Convertible $8-006 rooms tiled, remodeling. Roof­ SANDING and reflnirijkjng— Zoning Board of Appaall.^ 8 rooma, available month of BARROWS k WALLACE R ealtor, •48-1677. - ing. Call 649-4291. Spring Special—average 0x19 Articles For Sale 45 NOTICE SPACIOUS 6 room older Co­ A gency, Rear.tor, 649-2813. Manchester Parkade, buy it. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, TWO 1966 PONTIAC 4-door se­ John F. Clifford, Chalnpui- JlCy. Call 649-9857. lonial, modern kitchen, IH Mae OadUlac H a r d t o'p room , $27.60, two coats. Call James F. Halloran, - M ancherter 649-6806 648-1677. Ooupe (one green, dans. automatic transmission, HOME IMPROVEMENTS— Help Wanted— Male 36 SCRZSENED loam for the bast TOWN OF COVENTRY batha, 8 bedrooms, 3-car g^ $12,300 DELIOHTFTIL Ranch $100 for both. Call 649-2798. 649-3240 now fo r tree estim ate. In lawns, delivered from our Acting Secreta^, one m aroon) 8,406 General carpentry. Reasonable ZONING BOARD V' Wanted To Rent 68 rage, aluminum combinatlona, home with detached garage ex­ Manchester Area HILLIARD ST. — $18.900—plus PLUMBING and heating men, screening plant. Andover Co­ cellent condition, wooded set­ 1968 PLYMOUTH B elvedere 2- rates. Guarantee workman­ FLOOR SANDING and'reflnleh- OF APPEATS 100x140 wooded k lot. $17,900. another $8^000 for a B aone lot. lOet OadUac OonverttUs 8,196 ship. For tree estimates, call ing (epecialixing In older experienced, for new installa­ lumbia. George H. Orifflng. COUPLE with one child desire PhlljUick A gency, 649-8484. ting, retirement neceasitatea VERNON—Custom built 7 room door Hardtop, fully equipped, In c., 743-7888. 'There will be a public hearing Neat home, 6 large rooma, 649-6892. floora). Waxing floore. Fklnt- tions. CaE A ndover 742-6290 a f­ reasonable 4-6 room r e ^ 643- aalea. Wealey R. Smith, Agen­ Colonial, non - development, HOME AND KENNEL a e « Oa^ lli c Ckaipe de reasonable. 649-0886. July 6, 1964 at 8 p.m. in the porchea, tHed bath, garage. ing. Ceilings. Papethanglng. ter 6 p.m . INVITATION 4604 after 6 p.m. WAPPING—8 bedroom ranch. cy , 643-1567. high wooded lot, 3-car garage. v « e 6,006 (XEANINOEET oarpet cleanar 'Town Office Building, Main R em arkable at $32,900. Hajras Worth taivaetigating, T. J. 1969 CHRYSLER W indsor Sta- QUALITY c a r p e n t r y — No Job too analL John ver- Fireplace, screened porch, car BUSINESS Rooms, dormdra, porchea, you ever used, so assy too. Get Street, to take up the following port, heavKy wooded lot, GARRISON COLONIAL - Man­ A gen cy, 643-4808. O tockett, R ealtor, 648-1677. Mat Oedtllec Hardtop tton Wagon. automaUc tram- taUle, 649-6760. TO BID WANTED — Oarage vicinity basements reflniabed, cab­ Blue Lustre. Rent electric appeal: Manchester High School, E. 100x200. $17,600. P hllbrick chester Green, 6 rooms, IH Sedan >,966 ^ miaaion, power steering, PART-TIME sham pooer $1, The Sherwin- Sealed bide will be received at SO. WINDSOR ranch—8 bed: Lauga aorner tot on two inets, bullt-ins, formica, tile. Orris D. Pratt, Swamp Roadi M iddle Tpke. 648-0004 a fter ■ A gency, 649-8464. baths, new exterior paint, fire­ Ellington brakes. ExceClent * condition, No Job too amall. William WKllams Co. Coventry, wishes permission'to the Office of the General Mana­ roonM, 2 batha, fireplace, mod rtraats, health reasons 9800 OadUlac OonverUtate 8.406 $1,200. 649-0098 after 5 p.m . Private Instructions 28 p .m . place, owner tranaferrad. Must Robbins carpentry eervice. put a house trailer on land ad­ ger, 41 Center Street, Manchea- LAKEWOOD CIRCLB — $86. sell. Wesley R. Bmith Agency, arn kitchen with Urch cab­ foroas sales price of $30,000. MANICURED SETTING BATON twirling, students want­ HARDINGE CHUCKER SUPER-CEDED Toro rotary inets. attached gariitge, cen­ Included are all the equip­ 9080 Cadillac Hardtep 1 1966 PONTIAC 4-door sedan for 649-8446. jacent to his home for the occu­ ter. ConnecUcut, until July 6, WANTED — t or 4 room fur- OOO’a. • Gorgeous qilit level. 8 648-18$7. ed to start immediately. Call m ow ers, 19” , $79.96. Self-pro­ pancy of his mother. 1964 at 11:00 A.M, for One (1) Birtted apartment, adults. 648- roomi, 2-car garage, 2H baths. tral alF'conditioning, aluminum ment and Inventory (rune, Profaaaionally landscaped Ooupe * 8,986 j sale, turquoise and cream . 648- p p e d from $99.96. M artow’ s, CARPENTRY WORK—S3 years’ Mias Kathy G iorgio, 649-0616 OPERATOR Wanted. IndiMtrlal Type Tractor for 1810 or 633-9496. T. J. Crockett. ReaStor, 643- com binatlona. $18,000. Phil- etc.) animals not included. grounds surround tiiis for­ 8929. 8rt Mala Street. All Inteseato^parsons are In The hcHne, a large 4-room 9866 OadUlac Hardtop 1 experience, ceilings, floors ^ information. vltad to attm . Highway Department 1677. briek A gency, 649-8464. tress built 8 room Oolonial. Sedan i,oo6l filed, porches, rae rooms, ga- Top wages. BOLTON ranch with full baaamant, A t plaster construction, 1*4 1968 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, t r e a t r u g s RIGHT, thay’H -Orant E. Toothaker 8r„ Bid forma and epeolfloattona Mandard. Clean. Call 649-6768 ragaa, additlona. atfics fin­ Bonds—Stodu— Biudnem Propartir b e a u t i f u l paneled heated BOLTON — $21.600—L ovely co ­ easily enlarged, 8x30 heat­ baths, braeseway A at­ 2Sm t alber makes and models ^ a drtight If clsaned wlOi Chairman. !^»''rtIaW s at the OontroUar’a lonial. Only 3 yeare old, three ed braeieway, 34x24 Insulat­ No matftr whoro you go...no moHor o r 989-6928 after 6 p.m . ished. Lake and shore cottage A n d y COTce, 66 Center B t r e ^ ICan- For Sale 70 family room ofi kitchen, t bed­ six room Ranch, I bed­ tached garage. Just over f work. No Job too small. Un Mortgages 31 Blue Lniire. Rant electric room ranch, aluminum storma, bedrooma, 1% baths, basement, ed, heated and alrcondl- cheeter, Connecticut rooms, living room, dining R ockville Him , J. Gordon how long you plan to stay...kaop up m ediate asfim atoa. 848-9638 Aampooer $1. Oloott Variety cellar, 168x246 lot, only $16,• garage, 2% wooded acres. Poe- ttoned buKdlng, easily con­ A BBTTXK ARRAMOBUBNT K.F. k D. MFG. Store. Jow n of Manchester, SugnrtMS ZONE m - Bigiit room and kitchen, also a 649-5806. With what's going on at horn# by having SCRANTON MOTORS Trad»->'rractors of your flnaneea will ’ rooms with two otfloee, sep­ 800. Carlton W. Butohtaia. 449- ftntahed recreation room, 2 sesaion Immediately. T. J, verted for other profeerton- 884 Charter Oak fit NOTICE Connecticut arate entrance, suitable for 6182. C rockett, R ealtor, 843-1677. al uaae, aluminum aiding, "Tha Harald*' tant to you avary day* INC. DRY WALLS, pAtios, flagstone. move of your income available PICNIC T ables, several styCas, RICHARD MARTIN, baths, laiga stone fireplace, 1968 %, TON FORD pick-up, tw personal use. Lump debt A public hearing will be held buslneee or profeortonal uae. baaement garage, one acre hot and cold w ater, $16,900. BARROWS k WALLACE excellent con^U on, wUl aacri- T el. 648-0607. extra sturdy .construetton, 8 General Manager, COLE STREET—6 room oape, M6 vifiott St RorinrSto into one monthly payment of foot. $12.60 up; $ foot. $16.60 on Tueaday, July 7, 1964 at 8:00 PhUbriok Agency, 640-8^. wooded lot, convenient loca­ W EST SIDE)—30 Seaman C ir­ without equipment and In­ Manchester Parkade, I flee, $1,828.1. Q ill flreiSace, 3 car garage, nice­ 649-8422. $92 JB for each thmi—twi doUara up; delivered. W. Zinker, Pln- p.m. at Bolton Community Hall tion. Asking $20,500. Owner cle. 3 bedroom OnloAial. Own­ ventory. Additional land Manchester 6494306. 641-9686 HIGH SCHOOL or coKega stu­ 44,000 SQ. FT. P L A ^ 38 miles ly rtiaded premlsea with ex­ er. 643-2889 after 6. available, seller is anxious. FOR SALE—1966 P ickup truck. Special Services 15 Inoludlng repayment over flve Bsy Street, E llington. 878-714$. Fireplace Room to hear the re­ anxious, dents—earn money for your east of Hartford, 5 miles off tra lot. Priced riijht. Phone 8. Blaslly financed. Good condition. Reasonable. J $ m . fnali B u ^ 9484887. quest of Robert W. PhlUipa for A. B e e ch le r,. R ealtor 648-6949, UL APPROVED Ufhtidiw nfta, OnnnenUent Mortgage E x- educaSkaa Outstdo aalea, oom- DARK. RICH, stena-lkaa a varianee to build a two-car Wilbur Cross. Good labor area. SO. WINDSOR—Colonial Ranch. COVENTRY—Oose to lake. 4 CaU 849-498«. , BxoCurtva with . . . ^n>AN B, M6T d iavR S at, 1866 awnings, roofing, Mdlnc. gut- jtonga. U UwlB It. Haitfom. miseioB. d a g 848 8488. Also, «E. grarel. aand and garaga aiooer to the lot aidellne 18 aorea phulake, free, water AA. zone. 6 large rooma oq room liuaKated ranch, hot air CALL CIRCULATION DEPT. . flUSIBS and power, low texae. Plant BAST HAR’IFORD - Oaixtean Hobart D. Murdock, 84844Tf acre lot. Ooa-balt milt from ' '4iaat, full baasmsnt, eoppar Fo*d, 1968 PonUac, 1967.F on- ■ tors, combination wlndowi. In- •tone. 84Mi04. than pnaant aonlng ragulationa LaFR AN CE Ooionlal. 8 iir LAWRENCE T. ITANO ;H acs, 1966 Cbavroists. D ouglas TraOers— wred warranty. Free esti­ EXPERIENCED pointon waat- TUa lot la looatoA on ^ Hia new. W ll aall or lease. BOW aohool. Wooded area la phaabtiig, large rooma, aocert- ODOOMD MtEtTOAGODg - OX- BALE IIDVER antanlen. M 11,000 down. Owbm: T4MB|0. ' bathe, flre|4M 4^% lt-S rear a Joy to ehlldran! Made- Raalter 848-808 [M otors. 888 Main. mates, budget accounts. Bea­ •d- eXQ Olaatontaary NS-TTH PMrtar Road and bounded on lent buy, $10,600. C bam bera Mobile Homes / 6-A con Lightning Protection, 643- itmitod fmda avaUalde for aao- after 8 p.m. Jrot, n iay^ type, m . lo. ADDITIONS • ra . T4fr«09O. breeaewM, ottaoliad _gatage, U A E REALTY CO.. INC. Une flmltti. Realtor, 649-16tt, R ea lty, 948-2B26. 643-2711 6816. ond moUgagos, payments to W indsor Equipm ent Ob., 288- the Northatly aids by the prop­ wooded lot, $10,800. Phllbrick or evmliiga f48-U89. Obarlaa &INVBRTTBLE, 1969 ~ F m ^ 1$ FOOT RI-LO aluminum erty of H. Gowdy and the Weat- Agency, Realtora 848-8484. ‘1966 Ford. Both excellent oOn- suit your boitost. Expedtant experienced T-V techni­ 8406. r e m o d e l i n g WEST SIDH)—Capa, 8 rootno, camper, used 7 days, com­ arty Bida by Wm. Parkihaon and ' Land For Sale 71 SPLIT LEVEL—6 rooms, mod- iditton throughout. Baitost pletely equipped. McBride’s aervloe. J. D. Roatty. fUtSUS. cian, knowledge of color help­ dining room, 8 bedrooma, USED CLOTHES dryer, $26; the Eaatwly side by Bet Gor­ MANCHESTER Ranob—M’ IIW ani kitchen with bullt-lne, $ DEffJGR^UL oountiy Mvlng, ooraanad pon^, rac room, la ‘toms. Doughu Motors, m Sport Spot, $89 Canter St. 949- Rooting— Sidinfr 16 ful but not essential. Bw DD. don Tuttle. CUSTOM HOMES B (X /rO N — 100 beauttful aorea used Ty. 21” , new picture tube, Ing room, fireplace, 8 large MANOBBSTBR CMUDBN - Be­ large bedrooma, dtailng rooni, mlnut^a from Manchester. 1 ^ baaamant. n ils la a odaea t747. Bnrinefis Opportunities 82 Herald. with stream on U.S. 6, gravel bedrooms, 1% batha, natural A. A. DHW. Die. Roofliw $78; two reel lawmnowen, $H. Bolton Znnl^ Board of give yon on eatiinate low FHA apprgfoal. 8 room hugt family room 31x31 with room ranch, tarteftUly decorat­ house and very tartsfuUy dec- EfifiO' 8BRVICS stotta and 146- 1418489. en property. Excellent invert- woodwork, acreenad porch, Itaaoh, Oraplace, formal din- ttieplact, 2 full batha, 3-car ga­ ed, baautlfuKy landacm>ad, 4lanrl|RBtRr Ettmitts IfR riU tietaato V8, MAXJH 1 NlgT—All around •4 yon r — r t a l n i a s m opportunity, $18,000. . orated. $$,$00 down aaeumea ifiu Mto floor. New toMtfait BottoB Motdi. fltwny, Chaiman. fliC baaement, inunacuMe, taig room, kitchan buUt-ins, ga- rage, excallent neighboriiood, laiga lot. Reasonably priced. raorigige. Handy to oohools, ■gA JwkmanAlp guanx-l w«ors 8 and 44A. Oontoot TWO BHAMD HBR ______V e rn a 6 m m Til MH. eva g l j W . PhUbrtoh ABW tol, 848- R. In i^ Afanqy. $S$.800b PMlbiiok Agewsy, 848- OeU owner T4M8M for OBDotat- NsiBL'Read Herald Ads. ' . mattreaa aovw, and quHt, all ■OVOi WEMHBOH ^ and rtnpidBf. lll.OOO. D. Lothrop, 897-4188. isscharter.ss 848-9886.r .f Dated at Bolton, OonJu***"*^’ fo r double bed, $25. 649-011$ June 23. 1964. T d . 52I- 537S - r • f f : 4 ‘ iiif . u

WEDNESDAY, JUNE H 1964 ittanrlr^Btrr Sit^ttfno Utrald

Sponsored By Rafail. Division MANCHESTER sanwB CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mandiutta r’ A Ciiy of yUlago Chmrm J f L . LXXXm, MO. m (TWSMtY-FOUR PA6E8-TW0 8ICTION8) M ANCHE^R. CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1904 ■■ Page m Massive Security Curtain Events ■ t Dpteoopsl Guild wlU hav* a picnic Hiunday SUMMER BUMMER noon at Uib horn* a t M n. Claude In State Porter, pacoeident, M Hyde 8 t LBJ Adds Marines M eoiben are reraliMled to bring Nettles Nikita in Sweden table MtUnga. bn the event of ------tain the picnic win be held at R T O n K H O U f HwaHanostruck down tha arm and gnvafsnnda of ambittarad ratugaai Dancer Arrested at the Pariah Rouae at St him a Mack look. from behind the lla i7 *a Ctaurdi. (AP) — PwhiiIOr Khrush- Mo. unautborlssd parson is al­ livs in Sweden. In Topless Suit ^ev ia getting restless and lowed anywhere near the man At a banquet for Kbrusbctasv ______J. Chokaa, aon from ttaa Kremlin, and even ac­ in Stockholm ’Tuesday night, 14 annoyed over the coloesal HARTFORD (AP) ~ H r. and ICra. John Chokaa, NOTHING HELD BACK! aecnrity wall the Swedish credited officials are somatlmaa detectlvsa ate with tbs guests at To Trio Searchers THame Dr., haa been prcmioted turned away. Five thousand po­ stratogtcally placed tables. An­ Miss Leona Bonaccolta of lb damage control petty offi- police have put around him. licemen and two companies of other 100 poUce surrounded the New York City waded ■ri ear tfaM cUuh in the u.S. Navy With thousands of patrolmsn l : army commandos are svsry- building and a doMn more pa­ ashore at Batterson Park & la awThig aboard the USS ENTIRE STOCK OF FAMOUS TROPICAL fristllng with sabsrs and pis­ wbe|:e—holding up traffic, block- trolled the wine cellars. WaiJralrai, atationed in New- tols, and hundrads of datactivaa ing sldewalkB, peering from Waitresses had to go through at 10:16 this morning— h eft, R. I. Itie ahip will leave In avary gulaa from cook to rooftops, searching paasersby, two police checks. looking more than some­ Fears M ount charwoman, Stockholm haa Jdigr S tor a aix-month tour of fussing through kitchens. Swiss chef Werner Voegeli, what like a South Seas duty In the Mediterranean. Cho baan Uks an armad camp alnoa Expressen, Scandinavia’s big­ who prepared the menu for a tbs Sovlat laadar arrivad thrae maiden seeking refuge on a kaa la a 1A01 graduate of Man- FINMT gest newspaper, complained on luncheon at the royal palace, Youths Dead; ohaatar High School, where he d iys aga Khrushchev’s behalf: "We are reported with some IndlgnaUon friendly shore. waa a member o f the track and or A Sovlat sourca said Khiu- Miss Bonaccolta — who ia Gets 2nd Award astonished at all these pallce, that he and eight waitresses awim teama. He recoitly com­ ahehav la beginning to raaant also known as an exotic dancer A id es Confer Miss Bonnie Minton, a 1964 OUALIIY and ao must Khrushchsv be. In were subjected to medical tests peted with the Flrat Naval Die the nuuaiva sacurlty curtain the united States he traveled in to insure that they had no com ­ by the name of Hope Diamond W et In Boaton, Mass., and re- honor graduats of Manchester uU kaeplng him from eontact with an open eSr, as he did in — was greeted with aome awe municable disease. WASHINGTON (AP)— eetved a trophy in the Javelin High School, was awarded her ttaa Swedlah paopla. France and also in Egypt.” by a crowd of pmhape 76. event She was also met by un­ President Johnson ordeind second $800 scholarship In leas ...a most important eltaranee of man'$ lummar $u7t$. I8a Impatlanea was dsmon- Another paper called Khru­ OXEL08UND, Sweden (AP) 200 Marines to Join the than a month on Sunday at atratod aurlng a visit to the shchev a "p r im e r of the Swed­ —Soviet Premier Khrushchev friendly, forces, represented by The Past Mistreaa Club, shipbuilding cantor a t Gotsborg ish security police.” told Swedish steelmen today the Hartford Police Depart­ search today for three civil Daughters of Liberty, No. 126, Vasa Park, Meriden. Thara't pUnty of sixzling waathor $till ahaad, $o hurry in. ment, who promptly charged One of ten similar scholar- Wednesday. Wban a poUesman But the Swedish government that if they lower the prices of rights workers miseinff in will tove a meeting and social thrust out an arm to guide him is taking no chance of any barm her with indecent exposure. Mississippi. tonight at 6 at the home of ahlpe given by Grand Lodge, Mias Bonaccolta was wear­ Vasa Order of America, Huga savings on cool, crisp suits to waar from now till Fail along Ms routs, Khruahetasv coming to Khrushchey. Thou- (See Page Huree) ’The President’s order was an* Mrs. Jamas Hasen, Tumble- ing one of the new topless throughout the U.S. and Can­ nounced by George B< Reedy, brook D r, Vernon. ada, Miss Minton’s prize was . . .and for many a long, hot summar to coma! (well, there are straps) bath­ White House press secretary, the result of a contest In which ing suits. who said the MarinM were be* Members of the Lampliters entrants were required to write Barry Seen Her appearance at Hartford’s ing moved into the search surea Chapter of Uie Questers are research papers related to some Batteraon Park was the first near Philadelphia, Miss., from reminded to meet tomorrow at aspect of Swedish culture. Wracked Congo instance of someone showing tto Meridian, where hs said they 6:16 pjn. at Mott’s Supermar­ Mias Minton , was presented Sure Loser at a,public beach clothed (if had been baaed. ket. ‘The group will go to the her (dieck and a certificate by that’s the word) with one of the Asked how long the troopa Log Cabin, for dinner. Maurltz Gunneson; Vasa Grand GROUP I . . . Brand Names! Brand Nafhes! . , . topless suits. had been at Meridian, and Lodge deputy; and Mrs. Elvira Michael Stem, Clipper Craft, Cricketeef . . . entire stock Awaits Tshombe By Scranton Her appearance ia regarded whether they had been broufbt The Xipeer d u b wUl hold a Anderson, chairman of Scandla o f tropical suits. Beautifully cut in 55% dacron, 45% wool as a test case, to determine there on a standby baals, Reedy family picnic Sunday beginning Lodge 38, presented her with a — the best blend tor a tropical suit. Deluxe quality, good whether or not the unclad fe­ referred all inquirlM to the De­ at 11 am. at Chaves Acres, ooniage.. assortment of cool summer shades. Come in early while By ROBIN MANNOOK MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—Nomina­ male bosom constitutes indecent fense Department. Andover. To reach Chaves Barller this month, she was our stock is complete and make your selection! 34-46. LEOPOLDVILLE, the Congo tion of Sen. Barry Goldwater for exposure or not. In ad^tion to the 300 Ma­ Acnree, follow Rt. 44 past the ven'a $300 scholarrtiip by the Regular, shorts, longs. Reg. 65.00 to 69.95. NOW (AP)—Exiled Congolese leeders president would spell defesf for There was no doubt that when rines, Reedy said, eight mili­ blinker Hght then turn left at w e d i ■ h Junior Women’s 46 the Republican psurty this fall, tary helicopters will Join aa r may soon come flocking beck to she emerged from the water River Rd. and continue until League. UK^ldviUe as the Congo’s ma- says his chief rival. Gov. Wil­ (Miss Bonaccolta was nude in augmented force of FBI agents, the ptonle area la reached. The niece o f Mr. and kibe. r political facUons look for liam W. Scranton. that area. She made her appear­ federal marshals and atats pa- Jay Frank of 56 Conway Rd., £lip to and rahelllons wracking “ It is sound Judgment'that his ance swimrnmg toward shore trobnen. Itanbem of Bknanuel Choir of Miss Minton has enrolled at the country. candidacy would set up our shortly after the park (q>ened at The three youtha vanished party for a defeat of major Kmanuel Lutheran Ohuihh are Madison College, Harrisonburg, Molse Tshombe, former presi­ 10. At this time a small swarm Sunday night. ’Ibelr fire-gutted Va., where she ^^ll prepare for dent end secessionist leader of proportions,” the Pennsylvania reminded to meet in the church . . A really select group a t tropical of early-birdB had entered the station wagon was found ’Tues­ a career in library sdence. GROUP II Katanga Province, ended,more ivemor told a news conference paridng lot at 6:30 today before worsted suits. The luxury look of fine tailoring in a light­ park gates. Some were mothers day on the edge of a swamp teavlag for a picnic to be held then a year of self-imposed ednesday. near Philadelphia, Miss. weight suit for city sununsrs. Retains .its trim appear­ “ But if Sen. Goldwater Is with small children. Others at the Anderson-Johneon cot­ ance. Refreshing summer shades. Compare at 49.96. Sizes exile fai Spain Wednesday and were teen-age boys or older Reedy said tha Marinas warn tage at Lake Amaton. In ease flkw to Brussels, en route ,to nominated, I will work for him ordered to make a complete 37-46. Short, regular, long. NOW and support him no matter visitors who seemed to be pres­ of ratat it will be held in Luther 27 DwpoldviUe. ent as sort of a welcoming so­ James Fanner, right, national director of CORE, chews on hamburger while and intensive a w a y and Ran. The picnic scheduled for Local Stocks Tshombe, who kept the U.N. whatever long odds there are search. sialBst his being elected,” ciety when the new-fangled talking to Mrs. Michael Schwemer of Binghamton, N. Y., whose husband is one tt|e Chapel Choir tomorrow haa Congo force at bay for months, i bathing suit waa tested. ' ' Asked whether Haa dnoam b M postponed until S^tember. said hs was rsturnlng “ to hslp Scranton said. of three integrationists hvissing in Philadelphia, Miss., area. Farmer and were armed, Ready said, Quotatloiis Furnished by He made the statements en Hie scheduled appearance of Mrs. I^hwemer held a news ctmference in Meridian, Miss. (AP Photofax.) Dmpsey-Tegaler Oo„ Inc. ths fovem m snt to Uberata my “Tbey’re there solely for aounny from ths misary and route from Charleston, W. Vi eone who would test the searching.” Ben Bara Chapter and C9iar- Members o f New Vorfc to Miami. In both IHorida ing suit at Batteraon Park ter Oak Lodge of B’nal B'rith Stock Exchange GROUP III . . Waah 'a wear Chromspun Cord anarchy it now suffers.” He Before Mdering military imito suits. Uncommonly comfortable to round out your warm ■aid hs was rasponding to “ the West 9^rginla he sought been publicized. However, into the search, Johnson con­ will bL BogU of 38 Hartford Gas Co. 44^ 47^ bert Kelonjl, and for Antoine was identified as Toni Rose, a of the NaUonal Association for University of Houston stu­ adelphia because they were Southern New Eng­ U.S. Suffers Setback Blvenlde Dr„ baa been accept­ Gizenga, leader of the 1961 pro- sometimes ocotlo dancer. Miss the Advancement of Colored Medicare Action dent, won four of the last "the nearest convenient people” ed as a oadet by the Oonnectl- land Telephona . 56 80 Oomraunlst separatist .regime in Rose was wearing a blouse over People, in a recent column in nine holes, while the best to the search scene. aut National Guard IQIitary Manufacturing Companies Stanleyville and political heir of her bathing suit on top and Lt. New York’s Negro weekly, the Hinges on Senate Courville could do was to Although he suggested that Academy, and win b e ^ his Allied Thermal . . . 48 53 the late Patrice Lumumba. In Hof fa Fraud Trial Roach warned that, if she was AmstefUam News, wrote that win the par-four 11th hole. the troop^ had been in Meridi­ Clipper C faff.. .Brookfield.. .Criekefeer.. .Sfuarf wearing Just straps underneath trainhig July U at Camp Demp­ Arrow, Hart, Heg. 66^4 60H Kalonji, who has lived in Lon­ "the Negro punka have smeared WASHINGTON (AP)—Presi­ Both blitzed the front an for at least several days, ha sey Nlantlo. Upon sucoeseful Barden ...... 1 H 4 i 2 \ don since he fled from a Congo the blouse, she would be arrest­ nine in medal scores of 84 referred all deitailed inqulriea Douglas.. . Excellent quality, easy-care fabric$ er CHICAGO (AP)—The soveni-#sult, le Judge said ki the their race, but good.” dent Johnson’s chances of get­ oompletten of the oourse he will Bristol Brass .... 894 994 Jail, vanished from his apart- ed. He charged they were “ under- ting his medical care program to be all even at the mid­ on that subject to the Pentagon. courtKxmi. "Everything sMms Meanwhile, already in the wa­ be oonunlealonad a second lieu­ Coleco ...... 8>,4 994 ment two days ago. He may be ment’s fraud and conspiracy cutUng gains made by hundreds now hinge on the Senate—and way point. Wethersfield’S Johnson, Reedy reported, has wool blends. All in the latest summer patterns. to be oft color a little bit, but ter and swimming slowly to­ tenant. Dunham-Bush ... 394 4% on his way back to the Congo, case against James R. Hoffa of Negro d a d white youngsters perhape on his ability to per­ par is 85-86^71. Hiey spoken h y telephone several that does not make it a crime ward shore was Miss Bonac- N. B. Machine . . . 26 39 Oisen^ liM been imprison^ ^ nosedive Wednesday who went to Jail for human suade key House members la­ matched par for the first times in the past day or so to Checks, solids and plaids. Cool color combinations, as charged in the Indictment. oolta. She had entered the wa­ ■unset Council, Degree df Po- North and Judd .. 17 19 on an island in the mouth of the rights.” ter. four holes before Courville the parents of two New .York Peter Paul ...... 81 34 when the presiding Judge told The diversion of money in Itself ter from a tiny peninsula Jutting eabontas. wUl hold a epeolal an exqellent selection. Congo River since February, Wilkins also criticized Ne­ ’The President lost round one meeting at 7:80 pm. tomorrow Plastic Wire Cable 12 1394 1962. the prosecution it hiu yet to is not evidence of a seheme to out in the lake near the public (lee Page Six) (ItoePageYHx) prove there haa been any crime. defmud.” beach. groes who “ offer the same old Wednesday when the House at the hmne of Mre. Roy Far­ Standard Screw . 3594 3794 The Congolese army has been threadbare excuses to cover, up The blow to the government At another point in the testi­ She emerged dripping onto Ways and Means Committee its, 9 Durkin S t Stanley Works ... 22 34 unable to crush the revolts. pure, unadulterated, vicious shelved the Social Security Veeder-Root ...... 6494 5894 Usually the troops run away at came after Jx and a hall WMks mony the Judge said he had the beach and there was no of prosecution testimony and the been made aware of “how ten­ doubt she was wearing a top­ crime.” health program. The above quotations arc not the approach of the rebels or Richard Henry, president of AdvertlacnMnb— to be oonetrued as actual mar- Join them. introduction of more than 10,000 uous is tbs web regarding de­ less suit. Miss Bonaccolta ’The committee, however, did documehta as evidence. fendant Hoffa.” crossed her arms demurely in Detroit’s Group on Advanced vote for a 5 per cent increase Hubert W ...... m FVic any worthwhBe putpoas, keta Qroup I Rfsular Now Pierre Mulele, former educa­ Leadership, referred Wednes­ 16“ Judge Richard B. Austin of The ei|bt defendants are ac- front of her. She waa thus in cash payments to Social Se­ you can get a Psmonal Loan tion minister and a Peking - day to Wilkins’ remarks as "in­ U.S. District Court, who msde GUsOd of fradulently arranging posed when Lt. Rose)) told her curity retirees. for any worthy pwpoas firam trained rebel, controls an area temperate, ignorant and unfor­ half as large as Belgium in the statement in court, also said more than $20 million in real he was arresting her for inde­ If Congress acts promptly, Likes to Be, Uni(]ue Conneettout Bank and Tnist he would' killed. Nine, ■oldlem en the greued were> 7 8 8 Regular 14.99 m onars. trial lawyers, lawyers are the two likely obetaclee to Geneva a three-point inspection and sewing a costume for her­ have to sign the book before M various specialties and patent Implementatton of a new Fed­ plan tor “ veriflcatlon without self. casting your ballot and ” I Injured. The onaae ef the* m R efvlgr 10.95. to 18.99. « i| 0 0 Intruslan” If the nuclear pow- could . hold ‘ up toe whole crash waa aot immediately ea. 2 ^ 1 5 “ Now ...... lawyers. eral Tvada Oomnqiasion rule re­ Three of the Wilson children 8 .8 8 Now .... I L O O , In addition, be said, security quiring the tobasM industry to ers agree on a cut eff la the were bom on the road. parade.” knowa. None a t the dead la ■ts and ascurlty tradars on label clg a re tta b ^ health iias- prodnetlen a t fiseloneble nw- "W e gathered them up from Hubert said in aq interview from ConaoeUent. fsw York Stock Bxchanga arda. terlal ta t weapoas . „ . Former all over toe place—St. Helens, that the Army used a qllppqd ani oomparad. The extent of tho delay n a y Preeident Dwtoht D. IHsen- Ore., to W aco, Texas,” Dime and Anglicized version of his 6AY PLANE DOWNED Faraons who aald they never be datattod when ropre- bower throws ms support be­ ■aid. monicker when he waa drafted MEN'S BLEEPING MADRAS BOYS' FAMOUS NAME hind Prestdent Johnson’s re­ in 1942. ’They Just wouldn’t go LONDON (A P ) >. — Imd smoked showed eignlflcant- ■sntatlvas o f n a tobaeeo indua- You’d never convince this cir­ American T38 flghUF-r AUTHENTIC WATER REPELLENT quest for a' $l.i-ml]|ifln foreign cus family that their life isn’t for his full name, which he Ir bIglMr 9oe«Mury heart diaeaee W t o a ^ jM foro tho Houos waa shot down Wi URMUDAS SPORY SHRTS ■ataatbaa those who Mopped Oommereo twnmtttoo. aid program. aa fine as any roota-down exist­ says is: MADRAS PARKAS ^dolph Blaine Charles David Rob Roy, Doanioor, flat knit a ct- _ _ smoking before their attack or Paul Raai Dbcoo, obalman Mora than 2,500 civil riihts ence. territory eoetroUed by arorkara in Washington boM • "Circus kids don’t have time Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert len eau a asw ooUarisss model *®®0ad atyla, with Jppar front. Mav ba betoi* m time of the queation- of tbs FTC, told ttao oommtttoa Communist • Fully Uasd. ^ sss 30-48. Autoeatis ■alre if there was no attack, hs hofMs tho industry will oom- memorial servtee at the grave to get into trouble," e a ^ Dime. Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Mar eolors and patterns. Rag. SJO, with placket ghert sleevea Mg ' tne in Lass, M i'lfsw Dr. B ui— *~ raportod at ths an­ ply vohmtartly, but bs added: a t their alato hare, M algar " ’They’rs making costumps. o r tin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy obeteo a t eoloca 8lnss 6-80. Rag. ’ 4 K | Randolph Sherman Thoeoas U»- News, 3.80. i l ^ aonvantlon of the Ameii- ^*Thsy can take this rula to ttaa W. Bvaia, after paying ailaiit waahing clotoea, riding horse­ cas Victor William XsnMs Yaa BowoM ama% m 4 ask for a ra- triboto at the grave a t John back, working on their acts — r m s e B ie d m U t fU a n ra M H a u ^ . . . A thsrs’s something going all the oy Zeus WctfescMagrteteinhsns- ■QbsrgsrdorttwsIcbsvQnX- ■ iB ri Migkiaartaa Arm hglptnK time.” XotSy clown .Connie Wilson prepares for her act Linda.and Donna So,a aolUng OPIM MONDAY — SATUROAy fiM • |i|0 — W^URIDAY W U | PM. u G h8-888. J|«L %. i y 8 ’ t8 togitBaai Ogkaa parts Mgg 'IB life. She also hag Buooeiirful aareer as a (8aa M b* '8 « f4|. B ^ er. (AP Fbotofax.) (8aa * ifs)