Leumittg M^Ralb FBI Combs for Missing Youths
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-V T U E S D A Y , J U N E 28, 1 8 M ; litefi StSTEBIt lEtmtfng H^raUi B loodm ahH e Tem ple Beth Sholam ^Tomorrow, 1:45 to *■ *iM ^ ■”* 'iJi'' ’ ' ifr' Dii^ N«i Pnai a «i MM W a * au m is . 1*M 1 -r. ■' 13,995 .V* Kanbw of tte Audit lEumittg M^ralb BoTMu of CSreulstkm Is Wo. MaHeh»$tar""A City of ViUago Chmrm 5» >. m 'r TOL. LXXXra, NO. 226 (THIRTY-TWO PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1964 OS v s t* m PRIC!R flIVHN iiiK a i l * FBI Combs X— MAS MWrw 5 1 ; -g For Missing Youths % ^ i • « ^ < £ H k , ! M k LBJ Nam es Allen DuJles Probe Chief PHILADELPHIA, Miss. __m % ^ (A P )— Federal and state agents resumed a door-to- 4 ^ door and gully-to-gully search at daybreak here to day for three missing civil rights workers. A posse combed the swampy Resignation of Henry Cabot Lodge, left, as am state, becomes deputy ambassador, creating a mili area In this east-central Missis bassador to South Viet Nam set off a chain of ap- tary-diplomatic team in the Southeast Asia nation. sippi section. Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, right, present Army chief of Allen W. Dulles, former chief ointments by President Johnscm. Gen. Maxwell D. of the Central Intelligence ?aylor, second from left, replaces Lodge. U. Alexis staff, replaces Taylor as chairman of the Joint Agency, expects to leave today Johnson, second from rig!ht, assistant secretary of Chiefs of Staff. (AP Photofax.) for Mississippi on a White '.m -..... - ■■■ ' ■' < House mis.slon to look into the mysterious disappearance of the young trio. o The charted hulk of the sta Events Lodgers Help tion wagon used by the trio was Lodge Quits Viet; found by FBI agents late Tues Is Welcomed day at the edge of a swamp off In State a lonely road northea.st of this central Mis.sissippl town. Gen. Taylor Envoy By Scranton Philadelphia is the seat of jus tice for Neshoba County, called Insurance Unit "Bloody Ne.shoba" by Mississip- WASHINGTON (AP) — plaps for Its past history of Keeps Kelly Co. WASHINGTON (A P )— Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, who Henry Cabot Lodge’s re settling feuds by gunfire. haa never known defeat, flies to war-torn South Viet turn from South Viet Nam The FBI clamped a lid on Nam soon to take over a^ U.S. Ambassador. He’s ex might offer Republicans a most of its investigation. Agent for State A Mississippi highway patrol pected to provide a single tight and unified command choice of candidates to op man told a newsman; “ The FBI over U.S. civilian and military efforts. pose Sen, Barry Goldwater HARTFORD (AP)—The haa taken over entirely." Tbs soldldr - dipkiinst was# for the GOP presidential Highway patrol units conduct state government is stick .'T'* named to tbs Beigcn post yes eT^at Lodge’s decision and add- nomination. ed a house-to-house search late Burned station wagon of three missing civil rights workers was located ye6^ ing with the John P. Kelly terday Iw Praaldent J«4msoa ad “This is another big boMt for into the night. More patrolmen Lodge announced in Saigon terday in a swampy area near Philadelphia, Miss: The tires, windows, interior Co. of Hartford as its agent following fca Bgjdgnntlon of Am this rapidly expanding cam were expected today. , basaador. Hsmjr^'Oabot Lodge. paign. He said he b^ed to Tuesday he was quitting his and exterior were burned. (AP Photfrfax.) ambassadorial post and com Missing are Andy Goodman, of record in insurance pur- tayler pigBs to leav4'4oc.«acJhU ___ hava Lodge “go around and teK ing home because he felt it was 20, and Michael Schwemer, 24, ^ a s e s . now pom In W days MtF(^:p9qpla .why they should be for both of New York City, and his "duty to do everything that S3 **riie . •omcMuty’s iMiue li%S wetks. mar James Cheney, 22, Negro from I can to help Gov. Scranton' to iMen dragged through the mud Lodge eald ha was oomii«. Mmao^iTwMapllcn of Taylor nearby ktoridtoBtoM- and ehoiud he oleared,’* argued home to balp Paaaa]4v«nla Gov. lor M hot a j y j^ g n m iwt won win for presideaL" f Later, ha said^*fliar^ara na They w e rg ^ B tle e *. Sunday Health Warning Ordered WtUism Fiaher, a member of William W. goranton tiy to w ^' night in PHBigilrttla after Che the State Insurance Commis lha GOP presidential nomina Damocrats and RapabUcans hi4den nuanings’’ In his deci- ney paid a tJ l’flne for Bpeed- sion. tion. In Saigon last night, Lodga jolnad in predicting evetwhelm- sloii'^to-.^retum to the United The oommiaeion, created by daclared; Ina Senate confirmation. States an^'ha.ia “not a candi White House announced the General Assembly last year “I am not a candidate at all In. Sputh Viet Nam, Taylor, date at all.’’ 'added, " I am that President Johnson had On A ll Cigarette Labels to cut the political strings at and I am not going back at all will MVe under him two old not going back at all'ka. order ordered DuIMv'to,^# aUte to tached to the state’s insurance in order to connive at anything friends in key spots —Lt. Gen. to connive at anything for tny- coordinate the self. I cannot be drafted.” buying system, voted 6-3 yes for myeelf. I cannot be drafted wnUam C. Westmoreland as DulMs will qg|||er^)rlth Gov. WASHINGTON (AP) —f in a l6S-page etatemant ttaatMbefore the House Commerce terday to name the Kelly agen- and Ihere are no hidden mean- U A military commander and Lodge’s decision to jump Into aoeompanied the ruling, the Paul B. Johnadpiiother tm state T ^ J | ^ e ra I Trade Commis- Committee, which 1s conducting ey as its agent of nycord. presidential poltfici was widely officials and the I 'lR ’W the commission aaid H was leaving a broad investigation into anok- The agency, half owned by cranton saM ha was deNglit- e (Mee Page TmsMj-Three) heralded by the backers of progress of the fov^ptHon. si^Btfed a rule today the Individual cigarette compa Ing and healtta. two children of State and Na Pennsylvania Gov. William W. Gov. Johnson, w M ^ rlie r had reflB ^g that by next year nies and advertisers “free to ^ e tobacco industry strongly Scranton as a major develop tional Democratic Chairman co^erencs the bight' ^ c^arette labels and ad formulate the required disclo opposes any such action, and John M. Bailey, had been acting ment In bis efforts to w way patrol would search unre the head of the Public Health vertising inform the public sure in any manner that Intel as agent of record on a tempo gates away from Goldwi lentingly for the missing youths, ligently conveys the aense of the Service questioned on Tuesday rary basis since the commission Scranton sa(d be was said he would welcome Dulles. "that cigarette smoking is required diecloaure in a fully whether the FTC now has suf State Jaycees Rebuff ed by Lodge’s decision was formed. "So long as Mr. Dulles is ob dangerous to health and conspicuous fashion.” ficient authority to act. OD turn and amedr “This is anoth The commission deadlocked jective, I have no doubt that he may cause death from can The announcement of the FTC In testimony before the com er big boost for this rapidly ex will find Uiat law and order pre mittee, Surgeon General Lidher 4-4 last December on the ques cer and other diseases." rule came during the testimony tion of whether the 'agency panding campaign." He said he vail,” the governor said. of Chairman Paul Rand Dixon L. Terry told tiie committee^ Wallace Keynote TalL hoped to have Lodge “go around The commission rule ^says should be given a more perma The station wagon was found that the Department of Health,' that it is an unfair deceptive nent appointment. Consequent and tell the people why they about 100 feet from State 2i, 16 or Education and Welfare believes practice for a manufacturer “to ly its temporary status contin- should be for me.’’ miles northeast of Philadelphia, In the Middle that more legislation would ba DAUJUI, Tax. (AP) — Dde-^day morning and decided on Supporters of Gfoldwater, who where Owl Creek backs away fail to disclose, clearly and required before any federal nta unUl y e « t e ^ . „Tes from* ComecUcut ‘'w d the walkout. has more than enough publlcy prominently, In all advertising Commission Oiainman Oiarios, Euwachueetts rebuffed Ala- to form a backwater slough. KANSAS om r, Mo. (AP) rules could be issued. Wallace criticized the U.S. committed convention votes to There was speculation that and on every pack, box, carton Haugh and retired Chief Justice i ctoy, CMorgee C. Wallace — Two different ambufautM The FTC recently completed Supreme Court--in a prepared win the nomination if his dele the bodies of the three civil or other container in which cig Raymond Baldwin were the m he delivered the keynote ad eompanlea were called after a series of hearings started last speech that whs often inter gates stand pat, generally dis rights workers were somewhere arettes are sord” that amoking March on its proposal to Issua dress Tuesday to the national la a health hazard. a man ooUapaed Tneaday in rupted by loud cheers. One man counted Lodge’a move.