Present: Cllr David Price (Chair) Cllr Bill Brown Cllr John Busby Cllr Michael Eld Cllr Peter Eveson Cllr Alison Vaughan Cllr Jean Wetton

In attendance: Cllr Mark Winnington - County Council Cllr Ray Sutherland - Borough Council (from 8.10pm) John Charleton - Clerk + 2 members of the public

Minute Actions 17/8/01: TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES, RECORD ABSENCES Apologies were received and accepted from the following: Cllr Mark Hodgkins, Borough Cllr Steve Leighton and County Cllr Jeremy Pert 17/8/02: DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Cllr Eld declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 13 with reference to planning application 18/27784/MDPO at Church View House, Seighford

Cllr Busby declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 13 with reference to planning application 17/27543/FUL at Billington Farm.

There were no requests for dispensations

At this point the Chairman noted that agenda item 4, a presentation on Community Fundraising for Katherine House Hospice, had been deferred and would take place as part of the Annual Parish Meeting in April. 17/8/03: PUBLIC OPEN FORUM The Chairman opened the Public Open Forum. A resident highlighted problems with the operation of the defibrillator box at Great Bridgeford Village Hall which had resulted in additional costs being paid by the Village Hall to renew the electrical points.

The Chairman thanked the resident for his update and it was agreed that the costs of maintenance of the boxes in the parish be kept under review.

As no further issues were raised by members of the public, the Chairman adjourned the Public Open Forum and started the meeting at 7.35pm 17/8/04: MEETING OF THE COUNCIL HELD ON 20 NOVEMBER 2017 Councillors considered the previously circulated draft minutes of the meeting held on 20 November 2017 for approval a correct record.

An amendment suggested by Cllr Vaughan to correct information regarding the removal of graffiti in Derrington was agreed. Following a proposal by Cllr Eveson which was seconded by Cllr Eld: It was RESOLVED: subject to the inclusion of the agreed amendment, the minutes of the meeting held on 20 November 2017 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.


Minute Actions 17/8/05: MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MEETING ON 20 NOVEMBER 2017 Minute 17/7/06 Public Open Forum The Chairman gave an update on discussions with Staffordshire Safer Roads Partnership regarding the establishment of a community speed watch scheme in Derrington. A representative of the Safer Roads Partnership had agreed to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council to support this development and to consider options to support traffic speed awareness including the possible installation of slow down signs.

Minute 17/7/06 (iii) The Chairman reported that he had still not received a reply from County Highways in response to his letter regarding the state of gullies on the A5013.

At the suggestion of Cllr Winnington, the Chairman agreed to forward a copy of Chairman his letter to another named officer in the Highways department.

In response to a query from the Chairman, Cllr Winnington confirmed that the County’s programme to empty gullies was scheduled to begin in January.

Minute 17/07/15: Graffiti in Derrington Cllr Vaughan confirmed that graffiti on the railway bridge had still not been removed despite being reported again to County Highways.

17/8/06: COUNTY COUNCILLOR UPDATE Cllr Winnington reported that roads in the county had been badly affected by poor weather over the Christmas period leading to further issues with potholes.

17/8/07: PARISH FINANCES The Clerk presented a Financial Statement on income/ expenditure to 8 December 2017. Approval was requested for payment of the following invoices. Payee Details Total (£) Autela Group Ltd Payroll services 33.60 SPCA Councillor training 20.00 Gt Bridgeford Village Hall Hall booking 19.00 Seighford Settled Estate Rent for kick-about patch 100.00 Mr Print It Logo design/ printing 192.00 Millennium Green Trust Grant 3000.00

Following a proposal by Cllr Eld which was seconded by Cllr Brown:

It was RESOLVED: Clerk to • Payment of invoices be approved, and the cheques signed. post cheques • The bank statement to 8 December 2017 be signed by the Chairman • The Financial Statement to 8 December 2017 be received and noted 17/8/08: DRAFT BUDGET 2018/19 The Chairman presented the draft budget for 2018/19 which included the Parish Council’s agreed priorities for expenditure for the financial year ahead.

A key priority for the Parish Council was to upgrade the play equipment at Great Bridgeford and consequently a reserve of £15K had been included in the draft budget towards the funding of this project.


Minute Actions Councillors noted that a long-term lease for the kick-about patch at Seighford at a peppercorn rent would be needed before the play area in Seighford could be upgraded.

Councillors agreed that the budget needed to include provision for the purchase of dog waste gloves that fitted the dispensers provided by the Parish Council.

The Chairman highlighted Stafford Borough Council’s calculations regarding the Parish Council’s tax base for 2018/19 based on Band D equivalents. Approval of the same level of precept as in the current year will result in a reduction of 0.9% for local taxpayers.

Following a proposal by Cllr Price which was seconded by Cllr Eld, Councillors voted by a show of hands: It was unanimously RESOLVED: • The draft budget for 2018/19 including a provision to upgrade the play equipment in Gt Bridgeford be approved Clerk • A project plan be prepared for the upgrade of the play area • The Borough Council be advised that the Parish Council will require a Clerk precept of £12,032 for 2018/19 at the same level as in 2017/18

Cllr Sutherland joined the meeting during discussion on the next item of business 17/8/09: CHAIRMAN’S REPORT (a) (a) SCC Collaboration Meeting, 30 November 2017 The Chairman reported on the outcome of the Stafford West Collaboration Group meeting held on 30 November 2017 at Bradley Village Hall.

While the meeting had confirmed a general lack of enthusiasm for the County’s devolution agenda, it had been agreed to submit a joint letter to the County Council regarding the action needed to address the state of gullies in the county. Although the future direction of the Collaboration Group is unclear further meetings are expected later in the year.

Cllr Winnington expressed the view that given the significant reduction in the county’s funding settlement from government, some measure of devolution to parishes was essential to protect the quality of local services.

Following discussion on the devolution agenda, Cllr Eld noted that the Parish Council may need to consider the adoption of a Neighbourhood Plan to benefit from the inclusion of community facilities in future developments.

(b) (b) Staffs Parish Councils’ Association Annual General Meeting The Chairman reported on his attendance at the AGM of the SPCA on 4 December 2017. An interesting key note speech by the new Chief Constable of Staffordshire on the work of the police in the county had been followed by discussion on a range of issues including the new data protection legislation.

(c) Staffs Road Safety Grant Fund The Chairman confirmed that the Parish Council’s application to the Road Safety Fund had been successful with a grant of £2,270 awarded to support the purchase of a vehicle activated sign on the A5013 in Great Bridgeford.


Minute Actions Discussions with Cllr Pert had confirmed that in line with Highway regulations, the installation of 30mph repeater signs was not permitted.

(d) Rights of Way Consultation The Chairman reminded Councillors of the County Council’s consultation on proposals for maintaining the rights of way network and prioritising resources. Since the period of consultation had been extended to the end of January 2018, Councillors were asked to submit comments to the Clerk as soon as possible.

It was RESOLVED: Councillors to submit comments on the consultation Councillors as soon as possible to meet the deadline for responses

17/08/10 CLERK’S REPORT (a) Civic Amenity Visits The Clerk reported that Stafford Borough Council had confirmed the costs of civic amenity visits for 2018/19 based on £95 for a 1-hour session.

Following a proposal by Cllr Vaughan which was seconded by Cllr Brown: It was RESOLVED: The Borough Council be requested to provide Civic Clerk Amenity visits in 2018/19 in line with arrangements in the current year

(b) Transparency Fund: The Clerk gave an update on the Parish Council’s bid for support from the Transparency Fund. While a decision had not yet been confirmed informal indications were that the Parish Council’s bid would be successful.

It was RESOLVED: SPCA be requested to confirm the outcome of the Clerk Parish Council’s bid to the Transparency Fund

(c) Data Protection The Clerk reported on the implications of the new Data Protection regulations which would take effect on 25 May 2018. Details were provided of view of SPCA and NALC on whether the new required role of Data Protection Officer for the Parish Council can be undertaken by the Clerk.

Councillors agreed that the Parish Council needed to have access to an external Data Protection service with expertise in parish council law/ procedures. Clerk to It was RESOLVED: an external Data Protection service be appointed after obtain consideration of quotes as required by Financial Regulations quotes

17/8/09: PARISH COUNCILLORS’ REPORT No ward issues were reported by councillors.

17/8/11: PLANNING MATTERS Councillors considered the following planning applications:

(a) Ref 17/27529/HOU: at the Timbers, Main Road, Seighford This development is a detached dwelling on the footprint of an existing building.

It was RESOLVED: The Borough Council be notified that the Parish Clerk Council has no objection to this application


Minute Actions

(b) Ref 17/27564/HOU at Marta, Road, Great Bridgeford, This development is the demolition of an existing conservatory and the building of a conservatory to the rear of the property.

It was RESOLVED: The Borough Council be notified that the Parish Clerk Council has no objection to this application

(c) Ref 17/27542/FUL at Billington Farm, Billington Bank This application relates to a proposal to produce soft fruit under polytunnels.

At this point, at the request of the Chairman, Cllr Busby explained the background to the above planning application and took questions from Councillors and members of the public. Cllr Busby noted actions by Billington Farm taken to minimise the risk of flooding of adjacent properties due to run-offs from the polytunnels.

Cllr Busby left the meeting at this point

Cllr Sutherland confirmed that in the light of concerns raised by residents especially regarding the risk of flooding on adjoining properties, this application had been called in for consideration by a special meeting of the Borough Council’s Planning Committee. It was noted that two residents would be attending this meeting to voice their objections.

Councillors agreed that the Borough Council must ensure that adequate provisions are made to protect the properties of residents. Clerk to The Chairman noted that the Parish Council had been asked for comments as liaise with an adjacent parish with the primary response requested from Hyde Lea Parish Clerk at Council. Councillors stressed the importance of good communication between Hyde Lea the Clerks of the neighbouring parishes for planning applications of this nature. PC

It was RESOLVED: The Borough Council be notified of the Parish Clerk Council’s objections to this application

Cllr Busby re-joined the meeting at this point

Cllr Eld left the meeting at this point

(d) Ref: 18/27784/MDPO at Church View House, Millian Brook Road, Seighford This application relates to the modification of a planning obligation for application 15/22133/FUL at the Access Drive at Seighford Green.

The Chairman reported that following concerns raised by residents this application had been called in by the ward Councillor for consideration by the Planning Committee.

Councillors expressed serious concern on this applications regarding the potential risk of the loss of recreational land for residents.


Minute Actions At the request of Councillors, the Chairman agreed to attend the Planning Committee to represent the Parish Council and to confirm the strong objections of the Parish Council to this application.

It was RESOLVED: The Borough Council be notified of the Parish Council’s strong objections to this application

Cllr Eld re-joined the meeting at this point

(e) Ref 17/27703/HOU at 31 Lilac Close, Great Bridgeford, Stafford This proposal relates to a rear and side extension plus internal alterations.

It was RESOLVED: The Borough Council be notified that the Council has no objection to this application

(f) Ref: 18/27816/HOU at the Cottage, Eccleshall Road, Great Bridgeford – This application relates to the proposed conversion/ extension of existing outbuilding for an aged person.

It was RESOLVED: The Borough Council be notified that the Council has no objection to this application

(g) Ref: 17/27776/PDEM at Land At, Long Lane, Derrington This application is the Prior Notification for the demolition of garage buildings.

It was RESOLVED: The Borough Council be notified that the Council has no objection to this application 17/8/12: HIGHWAYS, FOOTPATH AND PLAYING FIELDS (a) Playing fields inspection report 2017 The Chairman reported that he and the Clerk had met with Mr Brent Moseley, a local tradesman, on the sites of each of the playing areas to confirm the remedial actions required to address recommendations in the

inspector’s report.

Following this site meeting the Clerk had received an estimate of £250.00 + Clerk to VAT from Mr Moseley to complete the necessary work to address the issues follow up raised in the inspector's report. with playing The Clerk reported that he had requested the playing field inspector to fields quote to conduct quarterly checks of the play areas in the parish but had not inspector yet received any response to date. Following a resolution by Cllr Eveson which was seconded by Cllr Brown: It was RESOLVED: Clerk to The estimate provided by Mr Moseley of £250 plus VAT to complete provide remedial work in the play areas be approved instructions (b) Hedge-cutting: to Mr The Clerk reported that he was in the process of obtaining quotes for hedge Moseley to cutting services for 2018. carry out It was RESOLVED: Hedge-cutting arrangements for 2018 be confirmed the work at the next meeting on 19 March Clerk 17/8/13: NEXT MEETING Cllrs agreed to inform the Clerk of any agenda items at least 10 days before the Councillors next meeting on 19 March 2018 at Seighford Village Hall As there was no further business, the Chair declared the meeting closed at 9.18pm