The Bulletin Phillip Island and San Remo District 9820 Week 3 : May 2015

A $10 Bowelscan Bowel Cancer District Governor: Test Kit Could Save Your Life. Charlie Speirs

Visit your local President: Dianne Barlow pharmacy to 5952 1021 Secretary: Phil Dressing collect your kit 5952 5443 today. Service Meeting every MONDAY at 6.30pm. Visitors Welcome. RSL, Thompson Avenue, Cowes.

Rotary Breakfast introduced themselves and a little “Sergeant”. of their background. We then Our guests asked and were given The objective of the meeting was asked our guests to do the same good answers to questions. All in all a to provide an overview of Rotary themselves. This provided a good session which was well received by to our seven guests from an backdrop to show that Rotary our guests in an enjoyable and fun- International to Club level. This welcomes people from different filled manner. was achieved with great support backgrounds and experience.

from all of the 12 Rotarians We went on to provide details Our guests were then advised about attending who spoke with clarity about our Avenues of Service. the process of joining Rotary and and experience about what they Specifically Phil provided a run- were formally invited to attend knew and enjoyed about being a down on the organisation of further meetings. This will be Rotary member. Rotary, what it costs to be in a followed up by Rotarians.

club and the International Avenue We commenced the meeting with I believe we achieved our objectives of Service. our invocation and loyal toast and set for the meeting in both an this was explained to our guests as Sally the covered Community informal and where necessary a the traditional way we commence Services and where and how we formal manner. We, as well, enjoyed all of our meetings. We then spoke make our income for projects. and were grateful for a hearty about attendance at meetings and breakfast provided by the RSL at the Bill outlined the Objects of Rotary. Gary followed with Vocation and Golf Club. This was followed by Gary with our then John T with Youth and took Report by Keith Gregory Four Way Test and what this the opportunity of presenting a means in our interactions both community Award to Brian within and without The Rotary Witkowski who was responsible Rotary vision: To world. for painting ROBART. harness the great Rotarians attending then Ian also spoke about the role of power of friendship NEXT MEETING: Monday 25th May – Partners Welcome to help do the world’s Speaker: Don Cullen reporting on his work with the work. Tibetan Village Project Australia (TVPA). 1910-12 Paul P. Harris (Founder of Rotary)

Taken From “100 Outstanding Quotes from Rotary Guest and Apologies: John Tennant ph. 0418 919 009 by 3 p.m. Presidents” Page 2 Tibetan Project Newhaven Primary School Breakfast Roster

Date Volunteer Volunteer Tibetan Village Project Australia 26-May Tony Cistillo Kirsty Mawer Inc., (TVPA) is a not for profit, 2-Jun Vicki Dingley Kirsty Mawer non political, non religious 9-Jun Peter Kelly Lyn Greene organisation established almost 16-Jun Tony Cistillo Vicki Dingley a decade ago by Don Cullen 23-Jun Bill Pewtress Kirsty Mawer after he had travelled to Tibet enjoying high altitude trekking If you are unable to complete your commitment please find a replacement and working with local Tibetans. or contact Kirsty 0459 494 666. Volunteers need to be there at 0800-0915

Don felt he could help the local SHUT UP AND LET ME BREATH people regain their dignity and under the banner of TVPA set out SHUT UP AND LET ME BREATH in support of VIOLENCE FREE FAMILIES, a helping to establish medical clinics, ROTARY initiative. an orphanage, educational facilities and green houses. Colleen Hewett, one of Australia’s favourite entertainers and personalities, today releases a new single in support of Rotary’s Violence It soon became apparent that by Free Families Initiative. The song SHUT UP AND LET ME BREATH is a call helping the Tibetans help to arms for all Australians to stop the violence, take action and take themselves, a number of these positive steps to prevent the continued rise of domestic violence in projects, in a very short time Australian homes. became self sufficient. “Rotary have such great initiatives and this one is close to my heart The Rotary Club of Phillip Island because I am a survivor of domestic violence on several occasions. and San Remo have been strong Looking back, I know I should have done something, but now I am. It is supporters over the past 4 years. never too late to raise awareness,” says Colleen of Shut Up And Let Me Breathe.

During that time, we have provided The film clip for ‘Breathe’ is as stirring as the words to the song. This stark a solar powered shower block video brings together people from all walks of life – some very well and arranged art training program known personalities, others completely unknown. Familiar faces include at the orphanage in Tagong. We Ian ‘Molly’ Meldrum (who produced her massive hit of the 70s Day By have also provided for 2 years, Day), Stephen Curry (who played Colleen’s son, Damien Oliver, in the film the stipends for teachers in The Cup). Eddie McGuire, Alan Jones, Neil Mitchell, AFL legends, Kevin Suhurong. Our Club has also Bartlett and Ron Barassi, Australian of The Year Rosie Batty, Peter Helliar, helped with financing two greenhouses in order to provide Derryn Hinch and many more. The video can be seen on YouTube.

fresh fruit and vegetables for the The Prime Minister, Tony Abbott MP, offers his own personal support of children's orphanage. this campaign and features in the video clip at the very end with a special

message: “If there is one place in the world women and children should Don will be full of news about how feel safe it’s in their own homes. But for far too many Australians the all these established projects are family home is not a refuge. As a husband, as a brother of 3 sisters, as a faring and be very happy to father of 3 daughters, I find violence against women and children discuss the new plans he is absolutely abhorrent. I commend Rotary, Colleen Hewett and everyone implementing to help the people of else involved in producing this campaign.” Tibet. Shut Up and Let Me Breath was written by Please make an effort to attend Darwin writer Tracey by Australian Tracey Bunn. this meeting and bring along It is the first the single to be released from friends, family and guests. Don is Colleen’s forthcoming album BLACK AND WHITE, travelling to attend Ð so can we. released 22nd May. Page 3

Rotary Invocation: For good food and good fellowship and the Volunteers Wanted opportunity of service through Rotary, we give thanks. Please Help – the Op Shop needs you. Please call the shop manager: The Toast: “To Australia, Rotary and Pauline 0407 699 278 the Queen” Or “To Australia and


Looking Ahead…

More ~ May 2015 ~ ◄ April June ► Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 24 25 BISTRO Speaker Don 26 27 28 29 RYPEN 30 Cullen Update on Tibetan Weekend Village Projects.


~ June 2015 ~ ◄ May July ► Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 ANZAC ROOM 2 3 4 5 6 Disaster Aid Presentation

7 8 QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY – NO 9 10 11 Board 12 13 ROTARY RSL not available meeting

14 15 MUNA/RYPEN 16 17 18 19 20


21 Our 22 CHANGEOVER WEEK 23 24 25 26 27

Changeover No Rotary Lunch

28 District 29 RSL not available 30 FELLOWSHIP MONTH Changeover

Contributions Needed and Welcomed. Please think about contributing to the Bulletin even if it is to share a joke, tell a tale, or of more value share something you know about our Rotary history. What have you been doing in the name of Rotary this week…. Please share.