Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} New Legs New Year by Sean Michael New Legs New Year by Sean Michael. Assign to Google Classroom. The 600-pound English Charolais calf was hot and tired. It had traveled three hours inside a trailer behind a pickup truck. The calf was content to lie on the grass behind a building. A team of technicians worked on its hind legs. When the calf known as Hero heard its name called, the 15-month-old gingerly got up. Unsteadily, it waddled away. It headed across a patch of concrete toward an snack of green shrubbery. Hero became what may be the nation's only double-amputee calf with prosthetics. It was fitted for a new pair of high-tech devices attached to its back legs. "I'm so proud," Hero's caretaker, Kitty Martin, exclaimed. "Look at you!" It's the latest step in an effort that has taken Martin and the animal from Virginia. That's where she rescued it last year from an Augusta County farm where it succumbed to frostbite that claimed its hooves, to Texas. Animal surgeons at Texas A&M University treated Hero for several months and affixed the initial prosthetics that the calf now had outgrown. Erin O'Brien is an orthotist and prosthetist for Hanger Inc., a firm that makes prosthetic limbs. She was among a team of about eight people working on the project for about two weeks. "We did a lot of study of photos and video of cows just regular walking to see what it looks like and see if we can mimic that biomechanically," O'Brien said. "It's unusual, yes, but an opportunity." Surgeons at Texas A&M removed about two inches of bone to enable them to create a pad of tissue that would allow for prosthetics. "Until I worked on him, I hadn't ever done it before. And I'd not heard of (prosthetics) before in a bovine," said Ashlee Watts, an equine orthopedic surgeon. Martin figures she has spent nearly $40,000 to save the calf. "I don't know how to explain it," she said. "I'm an animal rescuer. And he had everything against him." Hero's hooves are custom made of urethane and titanium, the connecting components are titanium and carbon fiber and the sockets that attach to his legs are carbon fiber and acrylic resin. Martin and O'Brien declined to discuss the cost, but estimated that similar devices for humans go for between $4,000 and $8,000 apiece. Hero's sockets are painted with black and white cow spots. "Holstein legs," O'Brien laughed. "We like to customize legs to the person's personality," she said. Martin, 53, a former veterinary technician and retired truck driver, hopes Hero will grow to 1,500 pounds. Hero can be a therapy animal for wounded veterans and special needs children. "He's got a very bright future right now," Martin said. Critical thinking challenge: The benefit to Hero is obvious, but what is the benefit to the people who performed this procedure? New Legs New Year by Sean Michael. Assign to Google Classroom. Hot and tired from a three-hour drive inside a trailer behind a pickup truck, the 600-pound English Charolais calf was content to lay on the grass behind a south Houston building while a team of technicians worked on its hind legs. When the calf known as Hero heard its name called, the 15-month-old gingerly got up, unsteadily rocked a bit, then waddled away, tail wagging, eyes wide and tongue licking. It headed across a patch of concrete toward an appetizing snack of green shrubbery a few yards away. Hero became what may be the nation's only double-amputee calf with prosthetics on Wednesday when fitted for a new pair of high-tech devices attached to its back legs. "I'm so proud," Hero's caretaker, Kitty Martin, exclaimed. "Look at you!" It's the latest step in a year-long effort that has taken Martin and the animal from Virginia, where she rescued it last year from an Augusta County farm where it succumbed to frostbite that claimed its hooves, to Texas. Animal surgeons at Texas A&M University treated Hero for several months and affixed the initial prosthetics that the calf now had outgrown. "This is our first cow," Erin O'Brien, an orthotist and prosthetist for Hanger Inc., an Austin-based national firm that makes prosthetic limbs. She was among a team of about eight people working on the project for about two weeks. "We did a lot of study of photos and video of cows just regular walking to see what it looks like and see if we can mimic that biomechanically," O'Brien said. "It's unusual, yes, but an opportunity." Surgeons at Texas A&M accepted Martin's initial pleas for help, removing about two inches of bone to enable them to create a pad of tissue that would allow for prosthetics. "Until I worked on him, I hadn't ever done it before. And I'd not heard of (prosthetics) before in a bovine," said Ashlee Watts, an equine orthopedic surgeon at the school. Martin figures she has spent nearly $40,000 to save the calf. "I don't know how to explain it," she said. "I'm an animal rescuer. And he had everything against him." Hero's hooves are custom made of urethane and titanium, the connecting components are titanium and carbon fiber and the sockets that attach to his legs are carbon fiber and acrylic resin. Martin and O'Brien declined to discuss the cost, but estimated that similar devices for humans go for between $4,000 and $8,000 apiece. Hero's sockets are painted with black and white cow spots. "Holstein legs," O'Brien laughed. "We like to customize legs to the person's personality," she said. Martin, 53, a former veterinary technician and retired truck driver originally from Dalhart, in the Texas Panhandle, is moving with her husband from Greenville, Virginia, to Cameron in Central Texas. She's hoping Hero, who could grow to 1,500 pounds, can be a therapy animal for wounded veterans and special needs children. "It makes my day," Martin said. "He's got a very bright future right now." New Year, New Legs. Bulging, unsightly veins in your legs are something no one wants to experience – but more than just being embarrassing, varicose veins can signal a more serious health condition. For the 50% of Americans over 50 suffering from varicose veins, new treatment therapies are available. Understanding Varicose Veins. Common in teachers, nurses, hairdressers, and especially people with a family history who spend the majority of their day standing, varicose veins often result in pain, itching, discomfort and are unsightly. Caused by weak or damaged valves, varicose veins typically appear enlarged and twisted, and can be red, blue, or flesh colored. In healthy veins, valves serve as one-way flaps to deliver blood from the extremities to the heart. If the valve becomes weak, blood can seep backward and collect in the veins, which causes varicose veins and swelling. "If left untreated, varicose veins can progress to CVI (chronic venous insufficiency), which can cause pain, swelling and fatigue of the legs, as well as skin damage and ulcers in more severe cases," says Michael Greer, MD, vascular surgeon at the Vein Center at University Surgical Associates. "With varicose veins, the valves that push blood from the legs back to the heart no longer function, causing blood to pool in the legs." New Solutions. Weakened or damaged valves can't be repaired, so the only alternative is to reroute blood to healthy veins. Fortunately, advancements in medicine have made it possible to treat varicose veins using non-surgical techniques and the Vein Center at USA offers a variety of treatment options. Standard treatment involves radio waves and laser with vein removal through tiny incisions. Some patients can benefit from newer treatment options as well. Dr. Michael Greer Vascular Surgeon, University Surgical Associates. One new treatment option uses a "vein superglue," known as VenaSeal, to completely close and harden damaged veins so the blood can reroute. This procedure tends to work better for more straightforward cases that don't involve large and difficult-to-manage veins. Another approach, called foam sclerotherapy, involves injecting a foam solution into the damaged vein to encourage clotting and redirect the blood. Eventually, the treated vein will be absorbed into the surrounding tissue. This therapy typically is performed on patients with more advanced vein issues. A Comfortable, Confident Experience. At the Vein Center at USA, procedures are performed by highly trained and experienced vascular specialists. "I chose the Vein Center at USA to treat my varicose veins because of their in-depth experience and knowledge of vascular issues," says patient Jessica M. "Knowing I had trained surgeons taking care of me made me feel more confident." Most vein procedures take 60 minutes or less and are generally offered with the option of conscious sedation, designed to help patients relax and sleep through the procedure without later feeling groggy. Many patients experience a quick return to normal activities following a vein procedure, typically within a few days. Benefits to Patients. Varicose veins can be more than just painful – they can affect an individual's quality of life. Vein therapies offered at the Vein Center help restore function and appearance and allow patients to return to the joys of life with less inactive time. We know that every person is unique, and so is every treatment plan. Your USA vascular surgeon will tailor your treatment to your specific needs and condition. Call today to schedule a consultation at (423) 267-0466. An Expert Weighs In. "These new procedures benefit patients because they are less invasive and require less inactive time. That means individuals can return to work and other activities more quickly. Beyond that, patients will see the same results they would with a more invasive procedure, so they are not sacrificing success for an easier procedure. That's the beauty of these advancements." Dr. Michael Greer Vascular Surgeon, University Surgical Associates. Michael Jackson Molested Sean Lennon. At other times, James DeBarge would say, Michael would tap softly on the door and say, "Is it all right if I come in?" before unloading once more on his sympathetic sister and her frustrated new husband. Michael's complaint that he didn't "have anyone" was not altogether accurate, according to DeBarge. Michael was spending more and more time with little Sean Lennon—sometimes days at a time in his room,watching television, playing games, roughhousing on the floor. In a taped conversation with a police informant in 1993 as reported in the British papers, DeBarge revealed that one morning he peeked into Michael's room and saw him in bed with Sean. Asked if he saw Michael and Sean together in a sexual way, DeBarge reportedly replied, "Yes." DeBarge went on, "My room was next door. I saw them when I was snooping. Michael knew it, too. But he didn't care. I guess he figured I was no threat. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 65 05/06/2020. Michael now kept volumes of photographs of child actors and models in his room, and he pored through them in search of children—usually boys aged nine to thirteen—to "audition" for future projects. Over the next several years Michael's bodyguards were instructed, according to court papers filed in Los Angeles in 1993, to smuggle many of these boys into the house at all hours of the day or night. In some instances Michael telephoned in advance to find out if either Katherine or Joewas home or away. If they were home, he asked if they had gone to bed. "If the parents were gone or had retired for the night," the guards recalled, "he would then arrive alone with a young boy typically appearing to be between nine and fourteen years of age. Upon arrival at the grounds, he would drive to an area near his suite in the compound."They would then enter by a spiral staircase that led directly to Michael's room. From that point, the bodyguards continued, Michael would "disappear with the young boy into his suite sometimes for several hours, sometimes for the entire night." Or longer, in some cases. "All the boys would sleep in bed with him," DeBarge said—a fact later confirmed not only by Michael's own lawyers, but by the boys themselves. At least once, according to the bodyguards, Michael had them hide"a young Asian boy believed to be somewhere between nine and four-teen years of age in the guard shack until Michael called to say his parents had left the estate." by Anonymous reply 1 07/19/2019. Because his drug problem made him a virtual pariah within the family, DeBarge said that Michael did nothing to conceal his playmates from him. On one night when DeBarge admitted he "wasn't sup-posed to be there," he saw Michael "running around naked with a boy."As for those auditions: "He had all the boys over to the house for his videos," DeBarge said, "more than he needed. If you went near his room when he was with them, he'd say, 'We're practicing.' He didn't want anyone watching." But around DeBarge he made little effort to conceal his activities. "He got away with it so many times,he became comfortable," DeBarge said. "After doing it so many times,you feel you don't have to hide anymore. He did it right in front of me.He knew I saw him and that I knew he was doing it, but he just kept right on doing it. He trusted me." Michael was right. For nearly a decade—until one of Michael's special friends ignited the biggest show business scandal in history—De-Barge, like so many others, said nothing. by Anonymous reply 2 07/19/2019. By the time he stumbled upon Michael in bed with Sean Lennon, DeBarge claimed to be "unshockable. "Katherine was well aware of her son's visits with Lennon. When the bodyguards claimed in a 1993 lawsuit that one of the children they secreted at the guardhouse had Asian features, Michael's mother inadvertently aggravated her son's situation by confirming that the mystery boy was Sean Lennon. "Sean would come and visit," she said, "and stay about a week." Did Katherine believe that her son might have been molesting these children? "She knows," DeBarge claimed. "Living at that house is a nightmare." Elliot Mintz, Yoko Ono's spokesman and along time Lennon family friend, often escorted Sean to Hayvenhurst and claimed the boy was never dropped off at the guardhouse. Mintz described DeBarge's recollections as "nonsense. Sean is a very hip and sophisticated kid," said Mintz. "He had to grow up real fast after his father's death. If anything wrong was going on between him and Michael, he would have reacted appropriately and said something. Henever did." Sean Lennon and Michael remain close friends. by Anonymous reply 3 07/19/2019. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 4 07/19/2019. Do you think Sean will ever speak the truth oneday! Probably after Yoko Ono dies. by Anonymous reply 5 07/19/2019. Of course he did it. He also did Macaulay Culkin too. by Anonymous reply 6 07/19/2019. R6 I don't think Macaulay will ever speak out either. by Anonymous reply 7 07/19/2019. I think Sean's video at R4 sort of says it all. by Anonymous reply 8 07/19/2019. R8 Sean made this obvious video and then denying MJ was a pedophile. WTF?! by Anonymous reply 9 07/20/2019. I love Sean Lennon. I hope it's not true. by Anonymous reply 10 07/20/2019. by Anonymous reply 11 07/20/2019. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 12 07/20/2019. by Anonymous reply 13 07/20/2019. Here’s what Sean Lennon said to Rolling Stone. Coy. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 14 07/20/2019. R14 poor thing, it’s all he has to talk about. That and his father. No one is interested in anything else he does. by Anonymous reply 15 07/21/2019. The videos at R4 and R12. oh my. by Anonymous reply 16 07/22/2019. R15, you should listen to his music. He's an incredibly talented musician. by Anonymous reply 17 07/22/2019. One poster talking to themselves. by Anonymous reply 18 07/22/2019. Check this out, r16! Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 19 07/22/2019. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 20 07/22/2019. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 21 07/22/2019. Why did Michael Jackson run down to K-Mart? He heard that boys' pants were half off. by Anonymous reply 22 07/22/2019. A child who grew up without a father and only a crazy, absent mother? That was almost too easy of a target for a predator like Michael Jackson. by Anonymous reply 23 07/22/2019. Why won't McCaulay speak up about MJ? I would think now is the time to do it, especially after that documentary came out. MJ is guilty as sin. McCaulay has many of the hallmarks of his other victims. If it's true about Sean, where was Yoko? by Anonymous reply 24 07/22/2019. Have to wonder why Lennon would write "We didn’t understand / Dancing with Peter Pan / What would be the result when we / Turned into young adults" and have a video like that produced, then claim it was all harmless fun that didn't mean anything. by Anonymous reply 25 07/22/2019. This can't be true. Why, if Debarge knew about it then Janet would have too and there's no way Janet would have kept silent and stood by her all these years, right. by Anonymous reply 26 07/22/2019. R26 you're joking, Right. Janet and the rest of her family Knew MJ was a pedo, especially Janet, She's a No body fool (don't buy the soft innocent facade). Also, Janet along with LaToya witnessed the sick sleepovers MJ repeatedly had with young boys in Encino. by Anonymous reply 27 07/22/2019. Yet none of this or anything ever came out at any trial? I think he probably did do the things said, but don't believe all the things said. Why not say it when you could've done some help? This just shows that if these people are telling the truth they are just as bad for doing nothing to help or stop him. by Anonymous reply 28 07/22/2019. R27, I'm pretty sure that was a joke. by Anonymous reply 29 07/22/2019. by Anonymous reply 30 07/22/2019. Families stick together. Especially when the big breadwinner is a creep and perv. 's own reputation would be shot if it was known that a) she had such a creep in her close family and b) kept silent and covered for him for years and years. Sean Lennon and Macaulay Culkin chose to deal with the trauma on their own instead of sharing it with the public (out of shame?). And that's their right. by Anonymous reply 31 07/22/2019. That video at R4 is the creepiest thing I've ever seen. It's literally a deposition. by Anonymous reply 32 07/22/2019. Here's what Sean Lennon looks like now. This molesting fucked him up. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 33 07/22/2019. I still don't get why Ono didnt ho for his balls, his behavior was serially consistent. She'd have had unlimited press. something she's always been a fan of but something is off. Especially given that hauntingly disturbing video. by Anonymous reply 34 07/22/2019. by Anonymous reply 35 07/22/2019. [quote] "[M]y intention is very sincere and harmless, and I’m just making a song,” Lennon said. “I’m not trying to take him [Michael Jackson] out or anything, or put him down." [quote] “I just thought it was an interesting metaphor for what happened to a lot of Michael’s friends who were my age. It felt like there was something odd going on, and I still don’t know what it was,” Lennon said of the lyrics. “Nothing ever happened with me in an illegal way, but the whole place just felt like I was in some Peter Pan fantasy land." Those are quotes from the Rolling Stone article. It sounds like, at the very least, Sean Lennon witnessed some evidence of other children getting sexually molested. He may be a victim himself and I hate to criticize him if he is a victim, but I really hate when people say shit like: "I'm just making a song." R33, that's Paul McCartney's son, James McCartney. That's not Sean Lennon. The pics below are Sean on the left and James McCartney on the right. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 36 07/22/2019. I think Sean will talk after Yoko Ono dies. by Anonymous reply 37 07/22/2019. Likely right r37 Sean is well aware that the pain for Yoko living with her horrible public image doesn't need neglectful mother added to it. by Anonymous reply 38 07/23/2019. I feel so bad for Sean. by Anonymous reply 39 11/15/2019. I feel bad for McCartney's son. So fugly. Who would have thought? by Anonymous reply 40 11/15/2019. R40 I used to be horrified that Paul's son would be such a troll but then I read that he's on the spectrum so that explains a lot. Plus he does have Linda genes. No escaping that. by Anonymous reply 41 11/15/2019. Paul McCartney hates Michael Jackson with a passion for buying the rights to The Beatles music. At one point they were friends and when that happened, MJ responded with "this is just business" in his trademark man-child voice. He stabbed McCartney in the back. He wasn't the innocent victim he portrayed himself as. by Anonymous reply 42 11/15/2019. R42, Paul McCartney's story just proves that the narrative of Jackson having the heart and mind of a child is bollocks. His fans like to claim that he shared his bed with little boys because he was too sheltered and naive to understand how creepy it was. But if he was savvy enough to rip off a Beatle, he was savvy enough to realise that sleeping with children is the behaviour of a paedo. by Anonymous reply 43 11/15/2019. There's a reason why MC was a heroin addict for years and it has everything to do with Michael Jackson. He's still quite obviously on mood stabilizers as well. He looks extremely unhealthy. by Anonymous reply 44 11/15/2019. I think the video says it all despite Sean's trying to minimize it. Agree, he's waiting for Yoko to pass. She's an awful witch isn't she? Killed the Beatles and now this. by Anonymous reply 45 11/15/2019. R43, he knew exactly what he was doing. This is the same guy who talked in a man-child voice in public while harassing homeless people with his friends. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 46 11/15/2019. Notice his fans are defending him all over the comments btw. They are saying he "only did it one time" and he "gave homeless people hundreds of dollars". They would probably wouldn't believe their own kids if they told them he molested them. by Anonymous reply 47 11/15/2019. I never could understand why Paul McCartney was so angry with M. Jackson for buying the Beatles' publishing rights. If MJ could buy them, PM could have bought the rights, too. Was PM strapped for cash & couldn't afford to buy the rights at the time? How can you be that angry? by Anonymous reply 48 11/15/2019. R48, this article outlines everything about what happened. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 49 11/15/2019. [quote] "It seems Paul's people once told one of the ATV officers that their client was interested in buying the copyrights, but that he didn't want to go through lengthy negotiations," a source told the Los Angeles Times. "They said, in effect, 'You go out and get your best offer and we'll pay 10 percent more.' Thanks, R49. Maybe I'm tired now, but I still don't understand. It looks like PM was willing to pay 10% more than the seller's highest bidder. But then, it looks like PM wasn't given the opportunity to do that? Sounds like MJ's negotiating agent was more active. Sorry, but I still don't feel that sorry for PM. If he had really wanted those publishing rights, he should have gone in there and negotiated, even if he had to be a silent "partner." Also don't understand how it's a revelation, business-wise, that publishing rights to very popular songs are a gold mine. PM & MJ are writers. Maybe you get burned very early on, but it seems obvious that you want to own publishing rights. Dolly Parton seems very savvy, from a long time ago. by Anonymous reply 50 11/15/2019. I hung out with Sean one night through mutual friends. He was dating one of the chicks from Cibo Matto at the time. He and I really hit off and talked all night. He's straight but I was falling in love with him. One of the kindest, most thoughtful guys I've ever met. At one point we were talking about our moms and I was thinking "yer mom is Yoko Fucking Ono!". Never saw him again but it was a great night and I think about it all these years later. by Anonymous reply 51 11/15/2019. I've met Yoko AND Katherine Jackson. Katherine Jackson is a bitch. Yoko is alright. I can see why Sean would deny it to protect Yoko. I think Katherine Jackson fucked up Michael Jackson by calling him a faggot and being into that Jehovah Witness shit. Honestly she is probably gay herself. by Anonymous reply 52 11/15/2019. Why won't Macaulay ever admit it? Do you think Michael left him alone because he was so famous? Or embarrassment? No one wants to be the kid raped by Michael. I respect the ones that came forward and wish them much healing. It's not their fault at all! by Anonymous reply 53 11/15/2019. Sean Lennon is cute and worth 200 million. I dont think MJ got his hands on him like he did other kids,but I do think Sean smelled a rat nonetheless. That video at R4 speaks volumes. As an aside , is Yoko EVER going to die ? by Anonymous reply 54 11/15/2019. Jesus that whole entire family is one huge traveling freak show. by Anonymous reply 55 11/15/2019. If we think Sean is waiting for his mom to die before he comes out about being molested by MJ then it makes sense many of the other victims are also witing for their own prents to die. Not only dead parents, but dead Joe and Katherine Jackson, more time to pass for MJ's music to become even MORE outdated than it already is. And when the victims get to be middle aged with their own kids and more life experience and maturity under their belts, they won't require as much courage that Wade and James obviously have. I expect to see many, many Jacko victims come forward in the next 15-20 years. MJ and his estate will not win at the long game. He I'll remembered for the despicable person he was. by Anonymous reply 56 05/06/2020. I don't know if MJ molested Sean or Macaulay but I can almost understand why they wouldn't want to speak out: They are unhinged. I wouldn't want to deal with them. Just reading their posts is terrifying. All the caps. The exclamation points. The weird pictures they use of Michael for their avatars. Literally terrifying. by Anonymous reply 57 05/06/2020. Paul's son would be such a troll but then I read that he's on the spectrum. He's always looked "off", so being on the spectrum makes sense. Plus, Linda & Paul were big potheads, so he probably has whatever the pot equivalent is of fetal alcohol syndrome (fetal pot syndrome?) by Anonymous reply 58 05/06/2020. R56, Joe Jackson has been dead for two years already. Offsite Link by Anonymous reply 59 05/06/2020. I never cared about the Sony rights thing because I find both MJ and Paul vile human beings. by Anonymous reply 60 05/06/2020. OP is a pedophile who salivates over stories of child molestation. She can’t get enough of it. by Anonymous reply 61 05/06/2020. I was sexually molested by a older girl when I was small. I can’t remember what happened but I do know it sexualized me at a very young age. I will never tell my mom because it would upset her that she left me alone with this kid at such a young age.. Plus I don’t have enough details so I just prefer to leave it alone, especially since it is just fodder for people to assume it explains my being gay. It had nothing to do with it.. by Anonymous reply 62 05/06/2020. by Anonymous reply 63 05/06/2020. MJ was such a disgusting monster. Culkin is Paris's godfather and will lie to protect her. He adores her. Big Sean Body Measurements Height Weight Shoe Size Facts Ethnicity Bio. Sean Michael Leonard Anderson, better known as Bog Sean, is an American rapper born on 25th March 1988. Sean began his professional career in 2007 by releasing his first official mixtape called Finally Famous: The Mixtape. The hit single “Get’cha Some” from the mixtape received great media attention and led to articles in the Detroit Metro Times and The Source. Later on, Big Sean released his second mixtape “UKNOWBIGSEAN” which was consisted of 30 tracks including Million Dollars and Supa Dupa. His third mixtape Finally Famous Vol. 3: BIG released in 2010, which features several major artists like Drake, Asher Roth, and Bun B. Following that, Sean released his debut studio album named Finally Famous in 2011 which received critical acclaim and spawned numerous hit singles including My Last and Marvin & Chardonnay. Upcoming years brought more success in his career and Big Sean released numerous albums such as Hall of Fame, Dark Sky Paradise and I Decided. Throughout his career, he was honored with several accolades and nominations including BET Hip Hop Awards, Billboard Music Award, and Grammy Awards. as for his personal life, Big Sean dated several female celebrities including Ashley Marie, Naya Rivera, and Ariana Grande. Big Sean Personal Details: Complete Name: Sean Michael Leonard Anderson Nicknames: Big Sean Date of Birth: March 25, 1988 Birthplace: Santa Monica, California, U.S. Nationality: American Occupation: Rapper Zodiac Sign: Aries Eye Color: Dark Brown Hair Color: Dark Brown. Big Sean Body Measurements Height Weight Shoe Size. Big Sean Family Details: Father: James Anderson Mother: Myra Anderson (School Teacher) Siblings: Chris Jinkins and Gregg Pluta () Spouse Name: Unmarried Children Name: None. Big Sean Relationships History: Ashley Marie (2006-2013) (2013-2014) (2014-2015) Big Sean Career Highlights: Debut Album: Finally Famous (2011) First TV Show: Funk Flex Full Throttle (2011) Big Sean Body Measurements: The rapper Big Sean body measurements complete information is listed below including his height, weight, shoe, chest, waist and biceps size details.