Epistolary Machinations: the Role of Letters in the Construction of Identity in J

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Epistolary Machinations: the Role of Letters in the Construction of Identity in J Document generated on 09/28/2021 6:24 a.m. Lumen Selected Proceedings from the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Travaux choisis de la Société canadienne d'étude du dix-huitième siècle Epistolary Machinations: The Role of Letters in the Construction of Identity in J. M. R. Lenz's Der Waldbruder (The Hermit) Edward T. Potter Volume 29, 2010 URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/1012032ar DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/1012032ar See table of contents Publisher(s) Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies / Société canadienne d'étude du dix-huitième siècle ISSN 1209-3696 (print) 1927-8284 (digital) Explore this journal Cite this article Potter, E. T. (2010). Epistolary Machinations: The Role of Letters in the Construction of Identity in J. M. R. Lenz's Der Waldbruder (The Hermit). Lumen, 29, 143–159. https://doi.org/10.7202/1012032ar Copyright © Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies / Société This document is protected by copyright law. Use of the services of Érudit canadienne d'étude du dix-huitième siècle, 2010 (including reproduction) is subject to its terms and conditions, which can be viewed online. https://apropos.erudit.org/en/users/policy-on-use/ This article is disseminated and preserved by Érudit. Érudit is a non-profit inter-university consortium of the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, and the Université du Québec à Montréal. Its mission is to promote and disseminate research. https://www.erudit.org/en/ 10. Epistolary Machinations: The Role of Letters in the Construction of Identity in J. M. R. Lenz's Der Waldbruder (The Hermit) In 1797, Friedrich Schiller requested that Johann Wolfgang von Goethe hand over a manuscript that Goethe's former friend Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz (1751-92) had once given to him, for Schiller wanted to publish it in his literary journal The Horae (Die Horen, 1^^-97)} The text in question was Lenz's fragmentary epistolary novel Der Waldbruder: Ein Pendant zu Werthers Leiden (The Hermit: A Counterpart to Werther's Sufferings), a text which was written in 1776 and which engages with a variety of issues and texts from the 1770s. This text marks itself pro- grammatically in its subtitle as a companion piece to Goethe's success• ful and influential epistolary novel, The Sufferings of Young Werther (Die Leiden des jungen Werther, 1774,2nd ed. 1787). Lenz has at times been seen as a marginalized literary figure or an epigonic reflection of Goethe, an impression that was already being propagated by Goethe himself in the fourteenth book of his work of autobiographical "faction," Poetry and Truth (Dichtung und Wahrheit, 1811-14).3 My essay, however, focuses on 1 See Sigrid Damm's comments in Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, Werke und Briefe in drei Banden, ed. Sigrid Damm, vol. 2, (Munich: Hanser, 1987), 871-72. 2 Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz, Der Waldbruder: Ein Pendant zu Werthers Leiden, Werke und Briefe in drei Banden, ed. Sigrid Damm, vol. 2, (Munich: Hanser, 1987), 380-412. All citations are from this edition. All translations from the German throughout this article are my own. 3 See Johann Wolfgang [von] Goethe, Aus meinem Leben: Dichtung und Wahrheit, Goe- thes Werke: Hamburger Ausgabe in 14 Banden, ed. Lieselotte Blumenthal, Waltraud Loos, and Erich Trunz., 4th ed., vol. 10 (Hamburg: Wegner, 1966), 7-12. Scholars LUMEN XXIX / 2010 1209-3696 / 2010 / 2900-0143 $18.00 / © CSECS / SCEDHS 144 Edward T. Potter the innovative way in which Lenz's text uses "letters'' — to be under• stood both as written messages and as literature — to stake out a criti• cal stance on sentimental literature and its role in the construction of identity, since Der Waldbruder depicts the transformation of the reader or consumer of sentimental literary and epistolary texts, represented in the novel by the character Herz (in English, "Heart"), into the sentimen• tal protagonist of a real-life novel. Lenz's critical stance on sentimental literature, both on the plot level and on the level of narrative perspec• tive in Der Waldbruder, presents us not only with a radical réévaluation of the sentimental epistolary novel as represented by Goethe's Werther, but also with a revision of Lenz's own stance on the aesthetics of senti• mental literature, to which he gave voice in his treatise "Letters on the Morality of the Sufferings of Young Werther" ("Briefe uber die Moral- itât der Leiden des jungen Werthers"), also known as the "Werther Let• ters" (written 1774-75, published 1918). Der Waldbruder has generated a fair amount of interest among Lenz scholars. Furst points out the grotesque distortion of the epistolary form in Der Waldbruder.4 Heine draws attention to the structure of Lenz's novel and to the great levels of deception by most of the characters; he interprets the text as a criticism of contemporary society.5 Stockhammer sees Der Waldbruder as a criticism of "politics" or tactical rationality in matters of the heart.6 Graf explores the construction of a literary closet in Der Waldbruder.7 Meinzer examines the psychoanalytic connections trace the marginalization of Lenz both to Goethe's depiction of him and his work in Poetry and Truth as well as to Georg Buchner's pathological depiction of the writer in his novella Lenz (1839); see Andreas Huyssen, "1778, February: The Con• fusions of Genre/' A New History of German Literature, ed. David E. Wellbery, Judith Ryan, Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht, Anton Kaes, Joseph Leo Koerner, and Dorothea E. von Miicke (Cambridge, MA: Belknap-Harvard UP, 2004) 399-404; esp. 399. 4 Lilian R. Furst, "The Dual Face of the Grotesque in Sterne's Tristram Shandy and Lenz's Der Waldbruder/' Comparative Literature Studies 13 (1976): 15-21. 5 Thomas Heine, "Lenz's Waldbruder: Inauthentic Narration as Social Criticism," German Life and Letters 33 (1979-80): 183-89. 6 Robert Stockhammer, "Zur Politik des Herz(ens): J. M. R. Lenz' 'misreadings' von Goethes Werther," Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz: Studien zum Gesamtwerk, ed. David Hill (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1994) 129-39, esp. 137. 7 Roman Graf, "The Homosexual, the Prostitute, and the Castrato: Closet Perfor• mances by J. M. R. Lenz," Outing Goethe & His Age, ed. Alice A. Kuzniar (Stanford: Stanford UP, 1996), 77-93. Epistolary Machinations 145 between the text and the life of the author.8 Kaminski reads Der Wald• bruder against Georg Buchner's novella Lenz (1839) and Lenz's biogra• phy9 Wurst points out the internal contradictions in the text regarding setting, chronology, plot, and narrative.10 Stephan examines the con• cepts of love and friendship in the novel, concluding that the text splits the paradigm //friend,/ into its positive (Herz) and negative (Rothe) elements as well as the paradigm "lover" into its positive (Countess Stella) and negative (Widow Hohl) components.11 For Lenz-Michaud, Der Waldbruder is both a satirical critique of Goethe's pathologization of Werther and a poetological call for protagonists that are freer and more tragic than Werther, whom, in her reading, Lenz viewed as determined by pathology.12 Martin reads the story of Herz as a pathography based on contemporary theories of nervous diseases.13 For Disselkamp, Lenz's text thematizes the Utopian desires of the Enlightenment for transpar• ency of character and for social cohesiveness, only to deny their fulfill• ment in the fictional universe of Der Waldbruder.14 Wurst, in a second article, reads Der Waldbruder against the background of Werther and the "Werther Letters," finding continuity in Lenz's criticism and fictional output; she ascertains a "poetics of conditional relations" ("Poetik der Bedingungsverhaltnisse") that demands critical reflection from the 8 Elke Meinzer, "Die Irrgârten des J. M. R. Lenz: Zur psychoanalytischen Interpre• tation der Werke Tantalus, Der Waldbruder und Myrsa Polagi," Deutsche Vierteljahrs- schriftfur Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 68 (1994): 695-716. 9 Nicola Kaminski, "Herzbruder? 'Lenzens Verriickung' iiber die Jahrhundert- schwelle/' Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert 28 (2004): 46-64. 10 Karin Wurst, "Ùberlegungen zur àsthetischen Struktur von J. M. R. Lenz' Der Waldbruder ein Pendant zu Werthers Leiden/' Neophilologus 74 (1990): 70-86. 11 Inge Stephan, "Das Scheitern einer heroischen Konzeption: Der Freundschafts- und Liebesdiskurs im Waldbruder," "Unaufhôrlich Lenzgelesen ...": Studien zu Leben und Werk von J. M. R. Lenz, ed. Inge Stephan and Hans-Gerd Winter (Stuttgart: Metzler, 1994) 273-93. 12 Susanne Lenz-Michaud, "'Venus Urania allein kann dich retten mein Lieblings- dichter': Zur àsthetischen und anthropologischen Kritik an Goethes Werther im Werk von J. M. R. Lenz," Recherches germaniques 35 (2005): 1-21. 13 Ariane Martin, Die kranke Jugend: J. M. R. Lenz und Goethes "Werther" in der Rezep- tion des Sturm und Drang bis zum Naturalismus (Wùrzburg: Kônigshausen & Neu• mann, 2002) 44-45. 14 Martin Disselkamp, "Ein 'Narr auf Charaktere': Literarische Charakterkonstitu- tion zwischen moralischer Norm und anthropologischer Empirie in Lenz' 'Wald• bruder,'" Lessing Yearbook 36 (2004-05): 161-83. 146 Edward T. Potter reader. In this article, Wurst reads the "Werther Letters" against the grain, maintaining that Lenz's aesthetics demand both identification and critical reflection from the reader; for her, Lenz's poetological trea• tise explores various positions without favoring one authorized posi• tion in particular, and she sees Der Waldbruder as neither an affirming continuation of Werther nor as a criticism or refutation of rationalist, enlightened criticism of Werther, but rather as a "problematization" ("Problematisierung") of this complex of poetological issues.16 The following essay, however, reads Lenz's valorization of identifi- catory reading in the "Werther Letters" as a seriously espoused poet• ological position, and using this as its point of departure, this essay emphasizes the disjunction between Lenz's Werther criticism and his own experiment in the epistolary novel. In the "Werther Letters," Lenz does, to be sure, valorize identificatory reading in the face of Enlight• ened criticism, and he is, in fact, dissatisfied with what Goethe had accomplished with the epistolary form, as Lenz's own novel Der Wald• bruder demonstrates.
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