ENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES SAY NO MORE TO www.tdtimes.com.au | Phone (08) 8962 1040 | Email [email protected] FAMILY VIOLENCE Vol. 45 No. 29 FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 FREE Nyinkka Nyunyu hosts NAIDOC Week finale o By CATHERINE GRIMLEY ’s NAIDOC festivities ended on a high note on Saturday with a community gathering at Nyinkka Nyunyu. Tjupi Band played their hearts out for the crowd, even being joined on stage by Mayor Jeffrey McLaughlin, who got a reminder of how long it has been since he played hand drums, and what muscles he needs to use to play them. The bacon and egg sandwiches and coffee were popular, but café workers and volunteers kept the lines moving quickly. With the jumping castle, face painting and even a visit from Donald Duck the kids were able to have a barrel of fun while the adults enjoyed the live music. A great finale to a week of activities that the NAIDOC Committee should be proud of. Turn to pages 10-11 for more photo coverage. Show 2.0 is coming to Tennant MAYOR Jeffrey McLaughlin said he’s proud to announce “Show 2.0” and District Show Society. is coming to Tennant Creek next weekend. “After COVID-19 reached and the restrictions hit causing The Show with a difference will include a Sideshow Alley next Friday 6 us to miss out on the annual show, there was a team working to bring it back August. to the Barkly,” he said. Barkly Regional Arts’ annual Desert Harmony Festival, which kicked off “It shows the resilience of the town that was crying out for something to yesterday, will hold the Barkly Area Music Festival (BAMFest) on Saturday celebrate in these troubled times. 7 August – with Sideshow Alley incorporated in the big event. “Once again the community has pulled together collaboratively to put on a The Music Festival will include all local acts including Rayella, Lester Pe- big night for the town that we have all needed.” terson, Winjjakari All Stars, Last Resort, the Mayor’s alter ego Dr Flouride, Entry to both events will be a gold coin donation and a COVID-19 check-in Jamieson Casson, Warren H. Williams and the Barkly Big Band. will be held at the gate. Mayor McLaughlin said the combination of events was a collaboration be- Funds from gold coin donation will be donated to the Tennant Creek Girl tween Barkly Regional Arts, Barkly Regional Council and the Tennant Creek Guides. news CONSTRUCTING YOUR VISION Local students set to star in Opera Australia production OPERA Australia’s Carmen will be coming to Tennant Creek tomor- row night as part of the Desert Harmony Festival. Described as a vibrant and full production, the show will be held at the Civic Centre from 7pm. This will be a rare chance to see opera for a fraction of what you’d pay to see the same production at the Sydney Opera House. Carmen will include a children’s chorus with students from the Ten- nant Creek Primary School – a special highlight of the night. Tickets are $57.68 and available to purchase by visiting https://www. eventbrite.com.au/e/opera-austral- ia-tickets-164797695343

Letters to the Editor Limited alcohol

CIVIL CONSTRUCTION BULK HAULAGE takeaway hours don’t MINE CONTRACTING T+618 8962 2056 phillipsearthmoving.com.au EARTHMOVING PLANT HIRE work, says resident IT’S terrifying to think our lives are endangered by a gaggle of otherwise unem- ployable politicians and bureaucrats that live hundreds of kilometres away who have decided our takeaway liquor sales are limited to 4pm to 7pm, six days a week. The congestion on the main street as people rush the bottle shops is dangerous for both pedestrians and road traffic especially at this time of year with peak numbers of vehicles passing through town. COVID-19 social distancing policies are impossible to manage. Limiting takeaway hours has created binge drinking and has absolutely no effect on reducing consumption or spending. We don’t have the concentration of brothels, boozers and bottle shops as Darwin does Published weekly on Fridays so there is no reason why extending our takeaway hours would lead to the same degen- Website: www.tdtimes.com.au eration of social behaviour that occurs daily in Darwin. – G.D.Egan, 2 Brown Street, Tennant Creek, NT 0860. Editor: Tash Adams Main office phone: (08) 8962 1040 ELECTION COMMENT: Following the issuing of election writs for the Local Government Elections 2021, all advertisements must contain an authorisation and a valid street address. Letters to the Editor containing election Mobile: 0447 186 636 comment must bear a name and valid street address for publication. Responsibility for all other election comment in Email: [email protected] this publication is accepted by Tash Adams, Editor, Tennant and District Times. News Reporter: Catherine Grimley l Email letters to [email protected]. Deadline is 4pm each Wednesday. Mobile: 0409 281 390 Email: [email protected] The views expressed in TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES are not necessarily the views held by the Editor. All content is copyright and may not be reproduced without permission. Buy Fresh Buy Local A LOCAL PAPER IS ONLY POSSIBLE BY THE CONTINUING SUPPORT OF LOCAL ADVERTISERS. Tennant & Beyond is a new local business that can purchase and supply fresh fruit and vegetables. As a small community newspaper we rely on YOU – the readers, the businesses and the organisations – to keep us to date and provide HOW TO ORDER Send your email address to us and every Monday evening we will send a product us with the latest information and news breaking in the . and price list for you to complete and return. All orders need to be in to us by 4pm Thursday and products will be available for collection on Tuesdays. Any size order can be placed. Order by the carton or by the kilogram. DEADLINE: Midday each Thursday. Orders will come pre-packaged in boxes marked with your name on it. EDITORIAL: [email protected] All accounts are 7 days from delivery, payable into our account. FREIGHT IS COVERED BY US! ADVERTISING: [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 0411 842 597 Contact: Pennie Cowin P2 TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 news Julalikari awarded $46k for bush tucker culinary project BRC social media ups its punny steaks JULALIKARI Council Aboriginal Corporation has been THE Barkly Regional Council’s social media call to BRC: “Churning through those puns, butter reckon you awarded just over $46,000 to hold a Dinner Under the close the cemetery gates in a bid to stop cattle visting can’t keep up.” Stars project to highlight the region’s bush tucker cu- the guests at all hours of the night and eating the floral : “Wouldn’t want to be put out to pasture.” linary experience. tributes turned into a very punny exchange. BRC: “Calf your luck.” It was all started by the Council’s public relations officer, The grant was part of the first round of the Federal Gov- Chansey Paech: “Udderly brilliant. I’ll pay that last one.” ernment’s Indigenous Tourism Fund, and Julalikari was one Kim Lenoble who warned the “steaks were high”. of 11 Territory businesses successful in the round, totalling Minister for Local Government Chansey Paech chimed It was our colourful Mayor Jeff McLaughlin who had the almost half a million dollars to boost tourism. in: “Moove over, Barkly Regional Council is bringing the last laugh, reassuring everyone in Facebook Land that LOL’s today,” with the rest of the convo playing out like he had personally been out to the cemetery to “moove” Senator for the Dr Sam McMahon said the cattle out. the grants are designed to help Indigenous-owned tourism this: businesses and community organisations increase the num- BRC: “We got no beef with that.” Keep it up please everyone, we all love a laugh because ber of Indigenous tourism products available and support Chansey Paech: “Milk it for all it’s worth I reckon.” it gives us a nice break from all the regular bulls#%*! the start-up, stabilisation or growth of operators in the sector. “We’re extremely proud of the rich history and Indigenous cultures we have in the region and want to showcase this to as many people as we can,” Dr McMahon said. Department of “These organisations are well-placed to provide a profes- ENVIRONMENT, PARKS sional and memorable experience that will leave people AND WATER SECURITY wanting to come back again and tell their friends about the wonderful things we have on offer.” CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Minister for Indigenous Australians Ken Wyatt said that the Indigenous Tourism Fund is helping Indigenous-owned busi- Western Davenport/Ti Tree Water Advisory Committee nesses and community organisations employ more people, expand their offerings and attract more visitors, which has The Minister for Environment, the Hon is seeking nominations to establish the Western Davenport/ Ti Tree Water Advisory Committee. positive flow-on effects for all parts of our local economy. The Committee will review the current Western Davenport Water Allocation plan 2018-2021 and provide recommendations to guide the development of the new 10 year Plan. “These grants are part of the Morrison Government’s $40 million Indigenous Tourism Fund, with grants on offer for the It will also oversee the implementation of the Ti Tree Water Allocation Plan 2020-2030 and its five year review due 2025. next three years to grow Indigenous tourism businesses, The committee will meet periodically over a five year period. improve their products and attract more visitors to regional Nominations close on COB 16 August 2021 and remote Australia,” he said. The terms of reference and selection criteria can be found: nt.gov.au/water/water-management/water-allocation-plans/western-davenport-water- “I encourage everyone to take the opportunity and enjoy allocation-plan the enriching experiences that our local Indigenous tourism For more information contact: operators have to share.” Water Planner 8999 4613 or email: [email protected]

the oldest Club in the Territory










COMING SOON! WATCH THIS SPACE RETURNING SOON! WATCH THIS SPACE RESTAURANT OPENING HOURS Monday - Sunday Lunch: 12pm – 2pm Dinner: 6pm – 9pm Reservations: Phone 8962 2688

Members & bonafide guests only. IMPORTANT BE HERE TONIGHT, FRIDAY 30 JULY WEDNESDAY 4 AUGUST NOTICE: Members and guests are reminded that intoxicated and anti-social behaviour will not be TO WIN BIG Members’Members’ tolerated on the premises. The Memorial Club fully $1,000 $1,700 supports the Licensees’ Accord and stiff penalties BadgeBadge DrawsDraws apply to drinkers who infringe these rules. @tcmemoclub @tennantmemoclub COURTESY BUS RUNS FROM 4PM - PHONE 8962 2474 TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 P3             







      news Happy 80th Birthday Beth Staunton! IT’S not often these days that you see birthday shout outs in the Tennant Times, but when it is a milestone birthday and you are a Tennant Creek institution it is something that is not only news- worthy, but just has to be done. That is quite definitely the case in this instance, you only turn 80 once, so you may as well make a big deal of it. Today is Beth Staunton’s 80th birthday, and the Ten- nant Times would like to join in the chorus of Happy Birthday for this wonderful lady and long-time resident of Tennant Creek, who came here as a teenager and stayed to marry and raise a family here, not to mention become involved with many community activities such as the Golf Club and the Show Society Beth originally came to the Territory at age 16 to join her parents, her father being a teacher and Aboriginal Welfare worker, in (then Warrabri). She met Denis Staunton, who was to become her husband, as she got off the plane. She raised five children who are now scattered across the country, but who returned to Tennant Creek for her birthday today. She also now has 10 grandchildren and six great grandchildren, and continues to live in her home in Tennant Creek. Let’s all raise a glass to toast this amazing great grandmother and wish her an absolutely wonderful 80th birthday.


DIDThe partners YOU and staff take KNOW? pride in providing excellent personal service to clients. The firm provides services to indigenous organisations, mining services, community services, sporting organisations, and other groups.

LODGE YOUR TAX RETURN ELECTRONICALLY and have your refund back usually within 10 working days! Support your local accountants, the people who live here. To arrange an appointment with GREG or NORMA Ph: 8962 2322 [email protected]

Authorised by Jeffrey McLaughlin, Caroline Street, Tennant Creek NT 0860. www.marlowcanete.com.au TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 P5 DECLARATION OF RATES AND CHARGES FOR 2021/22 Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Sections 237, 239 and 241 of the Local Government Act (“the Act”), that the following Rates and Charges were declared by the Barkly Regional Council (the Council) at its General Council Meeting held on 24th June 2021 in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2022.

BASIS OF ASSESSED VALUE Pursuant to section 227(1) of the Act , Council adopts, as the basis of determining the assessed value of all allotments in the Council area, the unimproved capital value as it appears on the valuation roll prepared by the Valuer-General under the Valuation of Land Act.

BASIS OF RATES Pursuant to Section 226 of the Act, Council adopts, as the basis of rates, a combination of fixed charge and a valuation based charge within the Council area. Basis of Rates: • for allotments in the towns of Tennant Creek and Elliot is a valuation-based charge where the basis of assessed value is the unimproved capital value (UCV); • for land held under pastoral lease and land occupied under a mining tenement is a valuation based charge subject to a specified minimum charge where the basis of assessed value is unimproved capital value (UCV); and • for other parts of the Council area, a fixed charge Pursuant to Section 226(3) of the Act, Council adopts: • differential valuation-based rates for the township of Tennant Creek fixed for different zones; • differential valuation-based rates for the township of Elliot fixed for different classes of allotments; and • differential fixed charge for other allotments within the Council area fixed for different classes of allotments.

CLASSES OF ALLOTMENTS Council adopts the followings classes of allotments in the Council area: 1. Allotments used principally for commercial or business purposes; and 2. All other allotments i.e. the allotments not principally used for commercial or business purposes.

CONDITIONALLY RATEABLE LAND Pursuant to section 219 of the Act, Land held under the pastoral lease and land occupied under a mining tenement is rated as per the proposal approved by the Minister for Local Government. DIFFERENTIAL RATES SCHEDULE:

Allotments in the Town of Tennant Creek Allotments in the Town of Elliott Percentage Zone Percentage Description 0.9667 Allotments used principally for commercial or business purposes 2.8392 SD (Single Dwelling) 0.5684 All other allotments not included above 0.9262 RL (Rural Living)

3.6630 MD (Multiple Dwelling) Allotments in the Town of

8.3538 CL (Community Living) Fixed Description 1.8849 MR (Medium Density Residential) Charge 6.7437 C (Commercial) $1,018.2 Allotments used principally for commercial or business purposes 7.2390 TC (Tourist Commercial) $225.239 All other allotments not included above 6.2118 SC (Service Commercial)

4.6058 CP (Community Purpose) Allotments in Community & surrounding Living Areas of Ali Curung, Alpurrurulam, 3.1366 OR (Organised Recreation) Ampilatwatja, Imangara & Wutunugurra 8.8947 LI (Light Industrial) Fixed Description 8.1918 GI (General Industry) Charge 0.7111 UF (Urban Farm Land) $1,212.85 Allotments used principally for commercial or business purposes $1,023.58 All other allotments not included above

Allotments in Council area (Excluding those comprised in other parts of this schedule) Conditionally Rateable Land Fixed (Approved rating proposal 2020/21 pursuant to sec 142 Local Government Act 2008) Description Charge Percentage Description Min Rate $1,189.07 Allotments used principally for commercial or business purposes 0.0306 Land held under pastoral lease $376.45 $ 1,003.51 All other allotments not included above 0.3475 Land occupied under a mining tenement $890.96

GENERAL RATE DECLARATION Pursuant to section 237 of the Act, Council hereby declares that in respect of the financial year ending 30 June 2021 Council intends to raise $2,824,054 as rates for general purposes. CHARGES A. That pursuant to section 239 of the Act, Council declared the following charges in respect of the garbage collection service for Tennant Creek, Elliott, Newcastle Waters, and allotments in the communities and surrounding living areas of Ali Curung, Alpurrurulam, Ampilatwatja, Imangara and Wutungurra. (a) Each allotment in Tennant Creek, Elliott and Newcastle Waters: Where a waste collection service is provided using a 240 litre capacity receptacle, or where Council is willing and able to provide: • each weekly kerbside service $397.80 per annum • each additional weekly kerbside service $397.80 per annum (b) Each allotment in the communities and surrounding living areas of Ali Curung, Alpurrurulam, Ampilawatja, Imangara and Wutunugurra: Where a waste collection service is provided using a 240 litre capacity receptacle, or where Council is willing and able to provide: • each weekly kerbside service $1,151.68 per annum • each additional weekly kerbside service $516.47 per annum (c) On request, a pickup on each day of the week (other than Sundays and Public Holidays) will incur a charge of $1,151.68 per 240 litre receptacle. This charge will replace the collection charge described in (a) above. Council intends to raise $998,477 from the abovementioned charges. PAYMENTS OF RATES AND CHARGES Rates and charges declared under this declaration may be paid by four (4) approximately equal installments on the following dates, namely: • First Instalment 30th September 2021 • Second Instalment 30th November 2021 • Third Instalment 31st January 2022 • Fourth Instalment 31st March 2022 (a) Details of due dates and specified amounts are listed on the relevant Rates Notice. (b) That recovery action may be instituted in respect of all the rates outstanding after the due date. PENALTY FOR LATE PAYMENT The relevant interest rate for the late payment of rates and charges is fixed in accordance with Section 245 of the Act at the rate of 10% per annum and is to be calculated on a daily basis.

Steven Moore Chief Executive Officer


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      news World War II vehicle show to hit the Barkly o By DOUGLAS DRAEGER IN 2021 Spirits are high for those who made it across the Fame, one of ’ most popular tourist attractions. borders in to the Northern Territory. Vehicles and participants have the option to camp here and in More than 140 genuine World War II vehicles and over 15 return volunteer their time working on the museum’s extension Overnight stops post war support vehicles would normally be making their way project. to Alice Springs from all over Australia for the official start of It will not all be hard work as there are many tours planned to in the Barkly Back to the Track on 1 August. explore the history and heritage of Alice Springs and surrounds This commemorative wartime journey follows the “Track” now before the journey begins up the “Track” to Darwin over two known as the from Alice Springs to Darwin weeks. Day 1 Sunday 1 August re-acting the journey taken by military supply convoys heading Vehicles depart from ANZAC Oval with an official send-off Depart Alice Springs North towards fortress Darwin in 1943. at 8.30am, Sunday travelling the 194 kms for the first night at ANZAC Oval for Ti Tree Whilst the number of participating vehicles has reduced, Ti-Tree. participants are in high spirits and enjoying the many activities There are 12 overnight stays in destinations that include Ten- Day 2 Mon 2 August planned for 2021. nant Creek, Daly Waters and Katherine. Depart Ti Tree Oval for This overland supply route was the vital link in Australia’s de- Travellers will participate in various community and commem- Devils Marbles Hotel fence strategy and a remarkable feat of engineering and sheer orative events including nightly searchlights at dusk, school determination to turn a dusty track that followed the overland visits and cricket matches on WWII airstrips. telegraph line, into a sealed road which became the critical Day 3 Tuesday 3 August link to the top end and saw an extraordinary amount of activity Tours of RAAF Tindall Base and Robertson Barracks Base Depart Devils Marbles Hotel taking men and supplies north and brought back the wounded. along with a Dawn Service at the Adelaide River War cemetery cricket ground for Tennant Creek will no doubt be popular activities. Postponed in 2020 due to COIVD, this historic gathering of restored WWII allied military vehicles builds on the hugely After 1600kms the road trip ends in Darwin with VJ Day Day 4 Wednesday 4 August successful Back To The Track 1995, held to commemorate the Commemorations and Remembrance Services followed by the Depart Tennant Creek Show 50th anniversary of the end of WWII. Military Muster Family Day on the 14 August. Grounds for In 2021 participants will travel along this same track to Darwin The last event day will see a display of WWII vehicles under the to commemorate the Battle for Australia, the 76th anniversary wings of WWII aircrafts on the Darwin Aviation Museum tarmac. Day 5 Thursday 5 August of VJ Day and the end of the Second World War in the Pacific. This epic journey will end with a Kangaroo court and charity Depart Renner Springs Evidence of the many hours of blood, sweat, tears and dollars fund raising auction at the Darwin Aviation Museum raising Roadhouse for Daly Waters that have been spent preserving these WWII Military Vehicles funds for the Australian Red Cross and Mates4Mates. by collectors and restorers will be proudly on display. Back to the Track wishes to acknowledge event sponsors, Day 6 Friday 6 August Over 50 1942-1945 Jeeps, a 1944 Studebaker US6 G.S Military Vehicles Spares, NT Airports, Shannon’s Insurance Depart Daly Waters Rodeo Truck, motorcycles, a 1943 Diamond T 969 Tank Transporter and Northline Transport for their support. Grounds for Larrimah and Dodge Weapons Carriers are just some of the official WWII Drop in and have a yarn at any of the community events vehicles joining this year’s convoy. planned for this commemorative event saluting the service of BTTT HQ is based at The National Road Transport Hall of all who served in the NT in Australia’s defence during WWII.

PAPULU APPARR–KARI ABORIGINAL CORPORATION “Leaving Language Footprints across the Barkly Region.” A great NAIDOC day at Canteen Creek School!

THE RSAS and PaCE teams traveled to Canteen Creek to celebrate NAIDOC Week with the community and have a lot of great fun with the children at the school. The activities undertaken were lots of fun playing target ball and the painting of various artwork and the finished products were admired by all. A wonderful lunch was provided consisting of a nutritious bar-b-que and salad with fresh fruit to end off the meal. All the great attenders that attend school regularly received a great NAIDOC shirt to re- member the day. The smiles on everyone’s face were a pleasure to see and the knowledge that all had a great day of activities, and the involvement of all community members is what makes Canteen Creek a great community. We will be traveling to other communities across the Barkly Region to celebrate NAIDOC Week in partnership with Barkly Regional Council staff over the next few weeks and we will be bringing you the great events in future news articles or on our Facebook page. So, check them out when they are posted and see what your family and friends have been up to.

If you need help to get your children to school please ring the office on (08) 8962 3270 for assistance or drop in and see the team.

P8 TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 nal Ar Regio ts Pres rkly ent Ba 2021 s


FEATURING: 29/07 Opera Australia with Barkly Children’s Choir, with Frankie White 31/07 Opera Australia / Bizet’s “Carmen” 02/08 Acoustic music in the Park 05/08 Alice Springs World Chamber Orchestra 07/08 Barkly Artists Music Festival

For enquiries or to volunteer, please call Barkly Arts on 8962 2799


Nyinkka Nyunyu hosts NAIDOC Week finale


TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 P11 Times Classifieds Phone (08) 8962 1040 Email: [email protected] Deadline: 4pm every Tuesday PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES

- REQUEST FOR QUOTATION - VEHICLE SUPPLY HARD RUBBISH COLLECTION Barkly Regional Council requires a Supplier to supply Five (5) Ford Rangers Monday 2 August - Monday 9 August 2021 with manual transmission and delivered to the Tennant Creek Depot located at Barkly Regional Council will collect unwanted household items that are too big for wheelie 1 Maloney Street, Tennant Creek, Northern Territory 0860. bins as part of Council’s hard rubbish collection this month. The motor vehicle shall be of current manufacture as being sold, serviced and used in the Place acceptable materials for collection – white goods, furniture & electronic waste - on the Northern Territory. It shall comply with all relevant Acts, Regulations, associated Australian kerbside in front of your home on the Saturday or Sunday before collection starts on Monday, Design Rules (ADRs) and Technical Specifications. 2 August 2021. Where any part of this specification contradicts the before-mentioned legislative frameworks, Residents please note it may take all week – until 9 August - for collection to be completed the legislative frameworks will take precedence and the Respondent shall also notify Barkly around town. Regional Council of discrepancies and/or contradictions so identified. Quotations must be in accordance with the Technical Specifications and Criteria. When putting out items for collection remember: The Request for Quotation BRC 2021-RFQ-004 closes at COB Time, Monday, 2 August 2021. l NO green waste, tyres, oils or car wrecks; Quotations are to be received in full by the time and date for closing of the RFQ. l Keep piles tidy on the kerb so the footpath or roadway is kept clear; l Doors must be removed from refrigerators and cupboards; and Notice of the successful tenderer will be published l Do not put out sharp or dangerous objects. on Council’s website at www.barkly.nt.gov.au










NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2021 Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Tennant Creek Memorial Club Inc. will be held on Sunday 29 August 2021 at 2pm. BUSINESS TO BE CONSIDERED: 1. President’s Report 2. Financial Reports 3. Election of Officers Copies of the Club’s financial statements will be available from the office, or may be emailed. To obtain an emailed copy please email the club at: [email protected] Copies will be available from Friday 30 July 2021. NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING - CHANGE TO CONSTITUTION Notice is hereby given for a General Meeting, for the discussion and approval of a New Constitution for the Tennant Creek Memorial Club Inc on Sunday 29 August 2021 at 3pm or immediately after the AGM. Copies of the proposed new Constitution will be available from the office of the Club, or may be sent by email. To get an emailed copy please email the Club at: [email protected]. * Members and bona fide guests only. Copies will be available from Friday 30 July 2021. Phone (08) 8962 2474 Email: [email protected] P12 TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 Times Classifieds Phone (08) 8962 1040 Email: [email protected] Deadline: 4pm every Tuesday PUBLIC NOTICES POSITIONS VACANT

REDUCED RUBBISH TIP Looking for a career that makes a difference in people’s lives? OPENING HOURS Join our NT Team! As of Sunday 1 August, 2021 the new reduced hours are: APS 5 Remote Planner • APS 5 Planner Monday to Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm • Ongoing / Non-Ongoing Positions Saturday 9:00am – 2:00pm • Tennant Creek Sunday 8:00am – 12:00pm The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the most significant economic and social reform designed to support the choice and control of people with disability, their families Call 8962 0000 for more information and carers. We have new opportunities for highly motivated candidates to POSITIONS VACANT join the National Disability Insurance Agency as Planners. In these rewarding roles as a Planner, you will work with participants and planning partners to determine supports for

EK MEM RE O C R people with disability to achieve their goals and aspirations. You T IA








E B T TENNANT CREEK MEMORIAL CLUB Inc will have planning conversations with participants and gathering appropriate information to determine funded supports in accordance with the NDIS Act 2013. VARIOUS POSITIONS AVAILABLE If these roles sound like the opportunity you are looking for, we The Tennant Creek Memorial Club is the leading hospitality venue in the Barkly region. want to hear from you! The Club is looking to fill various positions including: For more information about working for the National Disability Insurance Agency and to apply visit www.ndis.gov.au/careers- BAR & GAMING STAFF ndia or contact DFP Recruitment on 1300 138 337 or email l The Club is willing to assist training in Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) and [email protected] Responsible Service of Gambling (RSG) as part of employment. Closing Date: Monday 9 August 2021 GAMING MANAGERS National Disability Insurance Agency welcomes and encourages l Permanent positions (2) Immediate start. applications from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, To apply or for more information, please email [email protected] or call (08) 8962 2474 people with diverse culture and linguistic backgrounds and

people with disability. 0803LC_2085




• Passenger Vehicles • 4 Wheel Drives • Light Trucks • Services • Repairs NO WORRIES • Rego inspections Call Adam Carroll GARDENING Phone: 08 8962 1881 A/H: 0418 865 206 We supply... Fax: 08 8962 1882 Lot 1030 Brown Street

TENNANT CREEK l Stihl Agent l Pool Maintenance l Tools & Machinery l Landscaping l Tree Lopping l Self Storage l Yard Maintenance WE FIT VEHICLE l Variety of Plants l Outdoor Furniture ACCESSORIES l Garden Ornaments l Reticulation Goods l Gardening Goods need CAR PARTS? l TC Auto Pro owners Brian Daniel and Cherr Weller. Ph: 0419 863 567 WE GOT YOU COVERED! 3 26 Brown St, Tennant Creek Stereo3 Systems Tennant Creek Autopro 3 UHF Radios TENNANT Creek’s Autopro is a dreamland for car enthusiasts, a saviour for tourists PLUMBING Driving Lights in trouble and the one-stop shop for anything auto. 3 Situated on Paterson Street owners Brian Daniel and Cherr Weller both have 3 Batteries extensive knowledge in the automotive industry. Wiper Blades The shop has all things auto including spare parts, accessories, batteries, tools, 3 filters, brass fittings and car care products. Many More Brian also offers fitment services such as installing car stereos and spotlights. 27 Paterson St, Tennant Creek. Ph 8962 2066 Long-time TC Autopro employee Kieran Riles’ mechanical knowledge enhances Email [email protected] the team. You can contact TC Autopro by emailing [email protected] or calling FREIGHT 8962 2066. PLUMBERS, DRAINERS, GASFITTERS ELECTRICAL DOMESTIC, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL Ph: 08 8962 2502 Mob: 0419 718 039 Fax: 08 8962 2506 Lot 1022 Brown St, Tennant Creek NT 0860 PO Box 684, Tennant Creek NT 0861 Email: [email protected] Website: www.barklyplumbing.com.au FUNERAL SERVICES Advertise here! Mike Nash Tennant Creek & District Phone 8962 1040 or email FREIGHT FROM ALICE [email protected] ELECTRIC Funeral SPRINGS TO TENNANT CREEK - Domestic - Dry, Refrigerated & General Freight - Commercial - Bush orders once a week from Coles - Industrial - Services and IGA Northside Alice Springs. Ph: 08 8962 3377 Electrical Installations, PHONE 0473 174 234 Repairs and Maintenance. Mob: 0428 686 707 OR 0497 115 263 Address: 25 Maloney St, Tennant Creek 0417 804 169 [email protected] P14 TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 social scene

l Chamber of Commerce’s Nicole Walsh chats l Ruth Hillier, Sarah Curran l Nicole Civitarese and Carol Hermans. with Memo Club General Manager Dave Geaney. and Stephanie Butterworth. Chamber of Commerce in town to promote business CHIEF Operating Officer, Nicole Walsh and Membership Engagement Officer, Tracey Bainbridge of the Chamber of Commerce visited town this week to host a couple of gatherings to promote business in the region. Monday afternoon was an informal information session at the Memorial Club for business people to come along and see what the Chamber ohas to offer and ask any questions they may have. On Tuesday evening, local businesswoman Stephanie Butterworth from Little Ripper Lifestyles, gave a presentation on the ups and downs of being a woman in business, a subject she understands extremely well, and was very well received by those who attended. The Chamber is hoping to have more Women in Business sessions in Tennant Creek in the future, and is also planning a Meet the Candidates session before the Council Elections at the end of August. Dates will be announced as soon as they are determined.

l Grant Butler and the Chamber of Commerce’s Tracey Bainbridge.

l Nicci Edgington, Mandy Brown, Carol Hermans and Barkly MLA Steve Edgington. l Ben Campion, Tom Cavanagh and Greg Marlow. TENNANT & DISTRICT TIMES FRIDAY 30 JULY 2021 P15 Local Sports



Department of INDUSTRY, TOURISM AND TRADE Brunette Downs Gravity Survey Tennis program a hit in the Barkly June to September 2021 COACHES from Tennis Australia visited Tennant Creek, Canteen Creek The Northern Territory Government will be doing a Gravity Survey and Elliott schools this week to introduce them to the Tennis Hot Shots within the Barkly region starting in June 2021. The survey will involve program which is a modified version of tennis aimed at giving the basic a helicopter landing approximately every 2kms and taking a reading skills of the game. with a gravity meter. Each reading takes approximately five minutes. Played on a smaller court with smaller racquets and softer balls, it is faster and easier for kids to learn to play. There will be NO ground disturbance. The final session on Thursday, about 60 students from years 4,5 and 6 played a light hearted tournament – the Barkly Cup, to show off the new This is a no impact program that will require helicopter access to some skills they had learned. pastoral stations and Aboriginal land trusts. For further information, Around 35 students from the region, 16 of whom are from Tennant Creek, please contact Peter Campbell on 8999 5202 or 0427 270 801. will be travelling to Darwin in August to participate in the national Indigenous Tennis Carnival, which will include not just tennis, but cultural activities as well. A wonderful opportunity for the lucky students. nt.gov.au Pictured: Two of the finalists Jackson Hillier and Harry Green.