Hate Crime Summit An event for service providers, educators, researchers, students, community groups, law enforcement, policy-makers, and others who can play a role in addressing hate crimes in the Chicagoland area and beyond. October 25, 2017

How to Have Hard Conversations Breakout Session II Cardinal Room 12:45pm to 1:45pm

Description: In our current social climate, we have been forced to recognize many difficult and painful realities. These realities affect us all differently, as we all come from our own unique pasts. When the conversation relates back to tangible occurrences, such as the recent events in Charlottesville, or to hate crimes, broaching these topics includes a level of built-in tension. To respect differences and still have productive communication about high-tension events like hate crimes, we must be able to engage in difficult conversations where we confront our own biases, recognize the biases in others, and figure out the best way to problem solve and create a path to move forward. This discussion of difficult conversations will include points on: privilege, bias, - isms, and the ways we can choose to engage people beyond them.

CLE Credits for Attorneys: The program is eligible for professional responsibility CLE credit in Illinois. A certificate of attendance will be sent to participants after the program.


Kim L. Hunt is currently executive director of Pride Action Tank (PAT). Her career spans the public, private, and nonprofit sectors with a focus on collaborative approaches, advocacy and project management. PAT, a program of the AIDS Foundation of , is a social justice lab devoted to improving outcomes and opportunities for LGBTQ and other marginalized communities. Kim is a co-host of

OUTSpoken, a monthly LGBTQ storytelling event, the political columnist for FOP Magazine and serves on several boards and advisory groups. Kim is also the recipient of numerous awards and honors including the Cook County State’s Attorney Vernita Gray Lifetime Achievement Award and induction into the Chicago LGBT Hall of Fame.